Moving to a new home on the lunar calendar. Favorable days for moving according to the lunar calendar

Signs to consider when moving.

For a long time, people have planned all the most important events in life in accordance with the lunar calendar. It is believed that such a calendar is even older than the solar one. And the satellite of the Earth strongly influences the events taking place with us. Moving is a very important matter, so you need to approach it with all responsibility.

Lucky favorable days for moving: lunar calendar

There are often cases when, after changing the place of residence, a person begins to have difficulties in different areas life. It is likely that the trouble happened because of the wrong day for the move.

According to astrologers, auspicious days for such an important event are periods when the moon in its growing phase or at lunar day: 5, 8, 10, 21 and 25. It is this time that is considered the most successful for new achievements of a different nature.

In addition, it is necessary to consider where exactly you are moving: to a temporary or permanent home.
Experts say that in permanent home or apartment it is better to enter on days when the moon is in the constellations:

  • Aquarius
  • Taurus

And for temporary home plan the move for the period when the heavenly body is in the signs:

  • Gemini
  • Libra
  • Streltsov

Do not rush to pack your things and plan a housewarming if the Moon passes into the following zodiacs:

  • Scorpion
  • Capricorn

Also, avoid periods:

  • eclipses
  • Mercury in retrograde

Astrologers say that the coming 2017 is not rich in good days for moving to permanent housing. So, in some months there are no favorable days for such an event at all:

  • January
  • February
  • April
  • August

A Happiness in a new place will bring you moving on such days:

  • May 17
  • June 14 and 20
  • July 11 and 18
  • 10 September
  • October 1, 7 and 29
  • 24 november
  • December 1

For a temporary apartment, departure to next year plan:

  • January 9, 18 and 23
  • 19 march
  • April 1,7 and 8
  • May 7th
  • June 28 and 29
  • 6, 14 and 26 July
  • October 16, 23, 30 and 31
  • November 12 and 20
  • December 24

Follow the recommendations of the Lunar calendar, and this will help you avoid everyday troubles. More detailed information You can find out from this article.

What day of the week is it better to move?

In the century modern technologies we are turning less and less to popular beliefs. But when changing your home, heed the advice of our ancestors. They firmly believed that moving on the “wrong” days of the week could bring grief to the family in a new home, but on other, “faithful” ones, peace and prosperity.

For many years, people believed that:

  • Monday- an unfavorable day for all new beginnings, including for moving to another home. Refrain from entering new house otherwise you may be in for misfortune in it.
  • Tuesday- the most successful day for everything new - travel, accomplishments, changes. You can safely plan a move - prosperity and well-being will not leave you.
  • Wednesday- completely inappropriate day to change your home. According to folklore, having moved to a new house on this day, the owners will not stay there for a long time, and good people will not come to visit.
  • Thursday- has always been considered a neutral day for changing housing. On the other hand, this is a favorable time for solving difficult problems. Therefore, if the upcoming move is expected with any obstacles, you can safely plan it for this day. You can easily deal with all the problems.
  • Friday- a very bad day for a new road. If possible, postpone the move for another time, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided.
  • Saturday- a good day to move. You can safely plan this event, luck in business will accompany you.
  • Sunday- a time suitable for both work and leisure. But we advise you to relax and gain strength.

And there is also a day in the year that is considered the most favorable for moving, no matter what day of the week it falls on. it September 14 - Semyonov day.

Moving to a new place will bring happiness and prosperity to the family, as higher power on this day they will be helped. And don't forget that it is advisable to move in the morning, before noon.

Moving to the new moon and full moon: signs

The new moon and full moon are very important periods of time that have a huge impact on many areas of human life. Moving to a new location is no exception.

According to astrologers, the new moon is the phase of origin and renewal. This is the most favorable time for changes of various kinds. It is better to plan all important important events for the period of the birth of a new moon. Moving on this day will make life in a new home full of prosperity, you will never need anything.

Full moon night - mysterious and full magical power... It is believed that at this time, you can perform various rituals to attract money or love.

But it's better not to plan a move for this day. Choose a period before the full moon for this event so that difficulties do not become a constant companion of your life in your new home.

Moving to a leap year: signs

Leap year always scares superstitious people. Many people believe that this year you cannot play weddings, give birth, start a business and move to new housing. And this applies not only to the move, but also to any construction - a house, a barn, a bath.

According to old beliefs, such troubles can happen:

  • the new building will definitely burn out soon.
  • the walls of the old dwelling more reliably shelter from evil forces, which manifest their strength in a leap year.
  • the owners will not stay in the new housing for a long time, since they will not take root there for any reason.

Do I have to believe this? And what to do for those who have inevitable moving to a new place of residence at such an “unfortunate” time?

Many clergy believe that such beliefs are prejudices, and for humanity every year is blissful. If you still have doubts, Bring a new towel to the church. Thus, you will protect your home from various misfortunes.

A ban on moving into a high year is prejudice

Specialists in the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui also assure that there is no need to be afraid of leap year changes regarding the place of residence. Nothing bad will happen to you. Most importantly, observe the necessary precautions:

  • When packing things in boxes, take your time, carefully examine each one and fold it neatly.
  • before leaving, carefully clean the old house, wash the floor.
  • leave a few coins in the dwelling, then prosperity will await you in the new place.
  • leave your old home in good location spirit, with joyful memories of the time you spent in it.

Don't treat leap years as bad or threatening. Believe in the good, and moving to a new home will bring you only positive emotions.

Moving into the rain, thunderstorm: signs

In times past, rains and thunderstorms were treated with special respect. It was believed that through natural phenomena, higher forces warn us about something. Our ancestors did not ignore such an important event as moving to a new place in wet weather:

  • rain is a very auspicious sign. Any undertaking in this weather bodes well. For a long time, people were convinced that rain washes away all the bad things that were in the recent past. All negative energy is washed off under streams of water. Life begins with a new leaf. The streams of water will bring prosperity and material well-being into the house.
  • Rainbow- this natural phenomenon has always been associated with a bright future. You will be happy and prosperous in your new home. Nature itself suggests that you are on the right track.
  • thunder with lightning- not really auspicious omen... In the new home, quarrels and squabbles will become frequent guests, and equipment and furniture will constantly fall into disrepair. Or maybe heaven through a thunderstorm warns of the mistake you are making.

When moving, you should only be afraid of thunder with lightning - this is a bad omen

However, you should not blindly believe in such signs. Many magicians and psychics believe that you need to listen to your inner feelings and pay attention to what events usually happen to you during a thunderstorm. There are often cases when this natural phenomenon is a good sign for a person.

Signs when moving to a new home: how to enter a new home?

Moving and housewarming in a new building is a joyful long-awaited event for the whole family. But also a little scary: how will life turn out in a new home, what awaits new settlers in it? To make your home a truly cozy nest and a protective fortress, heed the advice of the folk sages:

  • say goodbye to the old home right
    Don't leave your belongings. If you do not plan to take something, give it to others or throw it away. Clean up well. In your thoughts, say goodbye to your old home and thank it.
  • take a good look at things. V new apartment do not carry torn linen or broken dishes, it brings misfortune. Be sure to buy something new to the house.
  • clean the room with salt. Pour salt into a glass vessel and go around all the rooms with it. Imagine how all the emotions that you experienced here are absorbed into the salt. Bury it at sunset and leave this place without looking back.
  • bake a pie in the old house. The pie should be salty if life was not easy here. And if you lived happily - sweet. Eat it with the whole family just before leaving.
  • let the cat in first. Newly rebuilt dwellings may require sacrifice. As a rule, it becomes the one who first crosses the threshold. And the cat has long been considered a mystical creature capable of resisting evil forces. Therefore, she will not be harmed.
  • throw coins. Without crossing the threshold, throw silver coins inside the room. Thus, you will attract wealth to the house.
  • enter the room first. The main rule is that the owners of the dwelling come in first. In this way, you get to know your new home.
  • do not enter empty-handed. Every family member needs to bring something into the house, even toddlers.
  • hang a horseshoe. This is a famous amulet and a symbol of happiness. Place it above the entrance to a house or apartment indoors.
  • hang bunches of St. John's wort. St. John's wort is considered a magical herb that reliably protects from the evil eye and damage.
  • celebrate the housewarming. Not everyone knows that housewarming should be celebrated twice: with loved ones - the next weekend after arrival, and in a wider circle - when order is put in order, and all things are finally laid out in their places. At the same time, tell the guests not to give money, only household items.

Signs when moving to an old house

In our country, people are more likely to buy secondary housing. Or they move into a house that they inherited from their relatives. A dwelling that belonged to other people always has the energy of the previous owners and keeps the memory of the events that took place in it. Therefore, it is very important to correctly move to the “new old house»:

  • be sure to take an interest in the history of this dwelling in advance: what kind of family lived here, whether they were friendly, in abundance, why they moved.
  • do a general cleaning of the house. Wash everything thoroughly, even the tightest corners.
  • mop the floors with water and salt. It is believed that salt cleanses the room from unkind energy.
  • open all the windows, turn on the lights in all rooms, turn on the taps for a while. So you will let positive energy into the house and free it from evil forces.
    go around with a lit church candles all rooms.
  • it is advisable to say a prayer at the same time
    you can light a branch of St. John's wort and fumigate the room with it
    replace old doors and windows. If you do not have this opportunity yet, repair them. In general, everything should be in good order in new housing.
  • it is noteworthy that it is not necessary to let the cat into such housing first.

And always keep a positive attitude. Signs are just helpers, and your future in a new home depends on you.

Sign about slippers in a new apartment

Such familiar and cozy home slippers can also influence living in a new place. It is believed that you need to enter a future home with old slippers, because:

  • They can be chosen by a brownie and climb inside to move with you.
  • new sneakers in new housing - old relationships will come to an end.

When you have already settled in a new home, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • do not keep torn, tattered slippers in your home - this is how you attract poverty and disease.
  • it is impossible to put house shoes crosswise - you will bring troubles on your head.
  • do not put indoor shoes with socks to the door - this may lead to the fact that you leave your house.
  • in a leap year, old sneakers should be thrown away and all households should buy new ones.
  • put the slippers in the space provided for them. Scattered around the house, they will attract quarrels and squabbles.

Is it possible to pick up icons when moving?

Often believers have the question of what to do with the icons when you move: leave them in the old place or take them with you. Signs on this score, at times, contradict each other.

According to parapsychologists and psychics, it all depends on how you feel about each specific icon:

  • a family name that is significant to you, which you consider to be a family guardian, definitely take it to your new home.
  • the one that is perceived as a talisman at home, leave in the same place.

The priests believe that it is not necessary to leave the icons in the old house, since it is not known what the new tenants will do with them. If you cannot take them, then donate to the temple or give to people.

What to do when moving if there is no cat?

Letting the cat into the house first is an ancient omen, proven for centuries. But not everyone keeps this animal. How to be in this case? Folk wisdom offers several options:

  • if you have a dog, bring it into the house. This animal is devoted to its owners, therefore it will serve as a protective amulet against impure energy, just like a cat.
  • an ancient custom is to bring a rooster into a new home and leave it there overnight. In the morning, when he cries out, the evil forces will leave the house. Jellied meat is then boiled from this bird and served on the table when housewarming is celebrated.
  • throw a ball of thread over the threshold, grab the end of the thread with the whole family and enter by seniority.
  • in the case when it is not possible to bring livestock, simply consecrate the new dwelling by inviting a priest.

Can I leave a mirror when moving?

The mirror has always been attributed to magical properties, as well as the ability to serve as a guide to the other world. It is believed that this item absorbs the energy of those living in the house.

Therefore, when leaving your home forever, do not leave your mirrors there, as through them you can damage your family. In the event that you are unable to take this item with you, delete your information:

Do I need to pick up a broom when moving?

When moving to a new home, do not forget to pick up a broom from your old home. In the old days, leaving him was a bad omen, capable of causing trouble for the whole family.

Throwing away was also not allowed. It is believed that during the move it is necessary to carry out such an ancient rite:

  • after you have taken out all the things, take a broom and thoroughly sweep the area.
  • burn trash and develop ash. In this way, you will prevent possible damage to households and yourself.
    Bring a new broom into the house and sweep the floors in it.
  • then burn the broom and buy a new one.

How to pick up a brownie from an old apartment to a new one?

Do you know who in the old days was considered the real master of the house? Brownie. For many, this statement brings a smile. But, who knows, is it a superstition or in every house, indeed, a "keeper" lives.

Past generations were convinced that the brownie must be taken with him to a new place, otherwise, abandoned and forgotten, he would suffer. And this, in turn, will bring misfortune to its forgetful owners.

However, picking up the little watchman from old apartment it is necessary, observing the following rules:

  • call the brownie with you. Aloud or silently invite the keeper to move into the new home. The invitation must come from a pure heart
    collect all trash in the corners, wrap in cloth white and invite the keeper to follow your belongings.
  • prepare "transport" on the eve of departure:
  • a box in which something soft is laid.
  • old slippers.
  • broom (some brownies like to ride it).
  • empty bag
  • a white towel (you need to put it on the doorstep, and then fold it in four).
  • give the opportunity to get into the prepared "transport":
  • leave the room for 20-30 minutes.
  • close the box (tie the bag).
  • equip in a new place.
  • after moving, leave the "vehicle" in the middle of the room.
  • open it.
  • put a saucer of milk next to it.
  • put the bundle of "belongings" in the corner.
  • leave the room for a while.

Having done these manipulations, you can be sure that your brownie will definitely move to a new apartment, and will protect household members from trouble.

Video: Signs when moving

Today it has become very popular to determine favorable dates or days for. Basically, people use the lunar calendar, or are guided by the rules of Feng Shui. Moving to a new apartment is a serious undertaking, and this issue worth approaching thoroughly. No one knows, maybe, having figured out a favorable day, moving to an apartment on lunar calendar will pass perfectly, without a hitch, however, this is only if you completely trust the omens. It should be noted that in this case you cannot do without a specialist.

Therefore, if you have started a move to a new apartment, we will try to help you in this matter.

Astrologers assure that the move will be favorable if you turn your attention to the small heavenly body. They believe that identifying the best day to move to a new apartment will help them find success in a new location. If you have a long journey, days when the waxing moon is near the constellations Aquarius and Taurus are perfect. This criterion includes the 3rd and 4th phase of the cycle.

Not all days for moving to a new apartment are favorable. This is especially true of the period when the moon is near the constellations Leo, Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. So it is undesirable to change your place of residence during this period.

By listening to the opinion of astrologers, you can choose the best time for you to order

When is it better to arrange the move: on Saturday, or another day? ...

Let's try to study and understand together, based on popular wisdom, when is the best time to organize a move. What a good day to move into an apartment, what a bad day, and why.

  • Monday. Regarding this day, I would like to immediately add a continuation - "a difficult day." Monday is not the best time to move to an apartment, folk wisdom gives advice not to rush and wait for another day.
  • Tuesday. This day has always been considered a day favorable for new discoveries and travel. The people believe that it is Tuesday - good time moving to a new apartment.
  • Wednesday. Popular wisdom says that this is not a very favorable day for moving to a new apartment. You don't have to stay for a long time in a new place, and then you won't be able to reach the guests at all.
  • Thursday. This day is neutral. Nothing bad will happen if you decide to arrange a move on Thursday.
  • Friday. We can say that this Friday is Monday's sister. You should not move on this day and start business related to the road. It is best to postpone this event, for example, until Saturday. Friday is auspicious for other junk too.
  • Saturday. This day is similar to Tuesday - everything should go perfectly, successfully and favorably.
  • Sunday. On this day, it is best to devote yourself to relaxation. And we will try to solve all your moving problems ourselves!

If you've looked at all lunar days to move to a new apartment, and have not decided when to arrange the move, it remains to resort to Eastern philosophy. Believing the rules of Feng Shui, when you choose a home for yourself, you choose your path, your destiny. By changing your house, you can easily change your destiny.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, you must choose the right day. You can look at a special Feng Shui calendar; today there is no problem finding it on sale. However, it should be noted that the date of birth of the owner of the apartment will always be considered the most favorable day.

According to the rules of moving according to Feng Shui, it is undesirable to change your place of residence in the evening and at night. Ideally, if your move to a new apartment will be carried out in one day. We will be happy to help you with this!

When moving in Feng Shui, one should not enter a new home empty-handed. All family members should bring something with them. It is best to add your most valuable items first, as this will contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the family.

The lunar calendar is based on the movements of the moon, this is one of the most ancient calendars, which our ancestors were guided by. The moon revolves around the earth and creates a rhythm - moon month, the basis of the calendar.

Why does the moon affect a person? It affects all liquids that are on the Earth, and therefore on you and me, because we are 80% composed of "water". Moreover, the impact is felt not only and not so much at the physiological level as at the psychological level.

- a complex and stressful process, it takes away a large number of effort, time, nerves. It is better to start moving when you are cheerful, confident and calm. And the lunar calendar will tell you about the days favorable for moving.

Let's figure out which days are favorable for moving in 2018.

Astrologers say when is the best time to move

Astrologers say that the best time to move is the waxing moon, and a couple more days in its third and fourth phases. If you are moving to temporary accommodation, such as a hostel or hotel, choose the days when the Moon is in Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra or Gemini. And if you are moving completely, then the Moon in Scorpio, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn will suit you.

What days are unfavorable for moving? Eclipses, Mercury retrograde, when the Moon has no course, as well as the so-called "satanic" days, days of deception - 9, 19, 23 and 29. Astrologers generally recommend skepticism about everything that is told to you on a "satanic" day, and do not plan any serious decisions on it.

Mercury retrograde in 2018 falls on:

  • from 23.03 to 15.04;
  • from 26.07 to 19.08;
  • from 17.11 to 6.12.

Eclipses in 2018:

  • Full lunar: January 31.
  • Partial sunny: February 16.
  • Partial sun: 13 July.
  • Full lunar: July 28.
  • Partially sunny: 11 August.

Calendar: what days are favorable for moving in 2018

And now - a table with all the favorable and unfavorable days a year ahead. You can immediately plan trips and removals - both temporary and permanent.

When is the best time to move:

January 2 5 7 8 14 21 22 24 25 26
February 1 5 8 10 14 15 16 17 18 21 27
March 1 2 5 8 11 12 13 14 21 22 26
April 2 4 8 12 13 14 20 21 28
May 3 6 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 28 30
June 3 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 21
July 3 7 10 11 12 13 21 22 26
August 5 13 16 21 22 23 24 25 30
September 3 6 13 14 17 18 26
October 1 5 12 13 14 21 23 30
November 3 5 12 13 14 15 18 22 23 28
December 6 10 11 12 17 18 19 23 24 30

Pay attention to the days of eclipses and Mercury retrograde!

What days are favorable for moving according to folk signs

What about folk signs? Our ancestors believed that the happiest move would be on Tuesday - on this day nothing will obstruct you, and any undertakings related to changes in life will work out.

And it is logically reasonable: during the day on weekdays there are fewer traffic jams and fewer orders from moving companies. Taking a day off from work and moving on Tuesday is a well-considered decision.

Our ancestors considered Semyonov's day, September 14, to be especially favorable for the move. As you can see, according to the lunar calendar, it is also considered successful. Therefore, if you are in no hurry and can start planning a lot in advance, schedule a move on September 14, 2018.

And don't forget to let the cat into the house first!

Moving is an exciting event. For everything to go smoothly, you need to know which days you should move into your new home.

Expert answer:

Hello Nikolay! I will be happy to answer this question!

What day is it better to move to a new apartment?

The best days for any move, and indeed for any undertaking, are the periods when the moon is in the growth phase. If you move into an apartment for permanent residence, The moon should be in the sign of Aquarius and Taurus. Avoid days when the moon is in Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio and Leo. For those who plan to move to rented housing, the Moon in Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Libra is favorable.

The day of the week should be chosen for women, it is Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. The best day to move is September 14, Semyonov day. On this day, the new settlers are guarded by higher powers. As for the favorable time, it is better to check in early in the morning - from 9 to 11 o'clock.

When should you not move?

Any move will fail on the days of eclipses, when Mercury is in retrograde, during periods of the Moon without a course and Satanic days.

Satanic days:

  • 9th (Bat);
  • 15th (Serpent);
  • 23rd (Crocodile);
  • 29th (Octopus).

Retrograde mercury

Retrograde (reverse) motion of a planet means that the planet is slowing down. To an observer from Earth during this period it will seem that Mercury is going backwards. This phenomenon is observed on average three times a year. On the calendar, an event is indicated by an R icon.

Moon without course (idle moon)

The moon without a course is a period when the satellite of our planet, moving along zodiacal circle, for a while, stops interacting with the rest of the planets, being in a void, out of contact with the outside world. Be guided by the astrological calendar.

Eclipse days

Solar calendar and lunar eclipses you can look at astrological sites.

Signs associated with the move

Since ancient times, in Russia they believed that the first one who settled in a dwelling would soon die. That is why our ancestors were the first to let an old man or a cat into their homes. Until now, many believe in this and let the cat on the doorstep first, and not every animal is suitable for such an important mission.

So, the cat should not be brought from the street or borrowed from friends. This should be your cat personally. It is generally accepted that animals feel places with negative energy.

You can use a dog instead of a cat. She perfectly knows how to choose places favorable for a person. The place where the animal lies will be the best for the bed. But the cat, on the contrary, when moving to a new apartment will choose one of the "bad" places and will lie there for a long time. Not worth organizing there sleeping place otherwise the dream will be bad. In general, this place should be left free, since it belongs to the housekeeper.

By the way, about brownies. When moving to a new place of residence, signs recommend calling your brownie with you to help you manage another house. It is simple to do this: tell the housekeeper that you intend to change housing and invite him to follow you. Now put an empty bag for the brownie and take it with you on the day of the move. It is necessary to pick up a broom from the old apartment - this is a kind of means of transportation for the brownie.

How to celebrate housewarming?

Housewarming should be celebrated twice. The first time - with loved ones, as soon as we arrived at a new place of residence. The second time - in a noisy one, fun company, some time after check-in.

Moving to a leap year

Don't be afraid of moving to a new home during a leap year. Despite the fact that he is notorious, and many are afraid of new beginnings, housewarming at this time does not bode well.

Moving in feng shui

According to Feng Shui, moving to a new apartment should be thought over and planned in advance and carefully, things should be collected thoughtfully. Do not throw things into boxes thoughtlessly, it should be done slowly, indulging in pleasant memories... In this case, things will be saturated with good emotions and in the future they will bring you a lot of joy in a new place.

Leaving the old apartment, the premises should be left to new tenants in perfect order... We need to fix the current taps, change the light bulbs, do the last cleaning. You need to leave a few coins in the old apartment - this will give wealth to both you and the new owners. You should leave the house in a good mood, remember better days held in it.

Feng Shui experts advise to make repairs before moving. This is not always possible, so you can arrange at least a general cleaning. All surfaces should be cleaned with slightly salted water, which has magical properties and effectively cleans the space. Repair any broken items.

As soon as you have transported things to your new apartment, be sure to spend the night there. If you can't do this, leave your pajamas instead.

Let only good omens accompany you before moving, which will bring happiness and good luck to your home!

Moving to a new place of residence sometimes becomes a real stress for the family. The need to abandon the "home" place, collect the acquired over many years and move all this to a new apartment is not an easy task. To make the move bring only positive emotions, find out where you need to move. Younger family members usually suffer from the fact that they have to part with old courtyards and school friends. The elders are concerned that the move will go as smoothly as possible, and the new home will make the family's life better and more comfortable.

All these worries and worries saturate the event negative energy... It can have a bad effect on the move: "pull" the negative for a new apartment and create corners in it for the penetration of unhappiness into the life of the family. The correct organization of the process helps to avoid this. It includes agreeing on the date of moving according to the lunar calendar, horoscope, Feng Shui, as well as carrying out some purification rituals.

Favorable and unfavorable days for moving

First important point- when to move to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar. The moon is the closest space body to the Earth. It has the maximum effect on all processes occurring on the surface of our planet. It causes ebb and flow, changes in the psyche of people and perturbations in the energy shell of the Earth.

When our space satellite is in an active phase, it has a stronger effect on people. The waning moon is less aggressive. In this regard, the question arises whether it is possible to move to the waning moon or is it not desirable. Experienced astrologers believe: the move should be planned for a waxing, not a waning moon. In the first phases of growth, the satellite does not yet carry negative energy.

Don't plan on moving on a full moon! In this phase, the companion is as aggressive as possible. It accumulates all negative processes, contributes to confusion of consciousness and the release of the dark side of human nature. Moving into the full moon, the family will take with them all that bad that tormented and did not allow them to live happily in the old house.

If moving to the waning moon is inevitable, the family needs to try to prepare for it as efficiently as possible: observe a number of traditions, invite a brownie, clean a new home, and arrange furniture correctly. It is equally important to choose the best day for all these activities.

The first violin in planning important events playing numerology. The following dates are considered good days for resettlement: 2, 7, 11, 16, 21, 25. The 5th, 13th, 19th, 26th and 29th are considered undesirable.

Changing housing by horoscope

They choose favorable days for moving to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar and horoscope. The sign of the head of the family matters. Astrologers consider good for changing housing:

  • for rams, crayfish and bulls - the year of the snake, rooster, dog, bull, tiger;
  • for scorpions, scales and twins - the year of the rooster, pig, rat, dragon, horse and sheep (goat);
  • for archers, lions and ibex - the year of the tiger, dragon, sheep (goat), dog and monkey;
  • for fish, aquarius and virgins - the year of the horse, rooster, dragon, pig and rat.

Moving according to the rules of feng shui

Having determined favorable days for moving to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar and horoscope, it is also important to observe the rules for the harmonious organization of living space (in Eastern practices - "feng shui"). Eastern sages say: "Choosing a new home, a person chooses his own destiny." For this reason, you need to look for housing in a "good" place:

  • away from large enterprises, factories and factories;
  • closer to nature (but not next to the forest!);
  • in an energetically clean corner (find out if there was a cemetery on the site of the building).

The second important point is the duration of the move itself. It is highly desirable that all things be transported to a new apartment in 1 day. Do not stretch the move for several days! This will create a time gap that will become a tunnel for negative energy.

Leaving the old house, it is important to leave order in it: remove trash, unwanted wrapping paper, boxes, throw out old things. This symbolizes the cleansing of everything unnecessary in life. When a person frees himself from the trash that was present in his dwelling space, he opens the door to new achievements and events. Throws out the bad, makes room for the good.

Upon arrival, you also need to behave correctly. It is categorically impossible to cross the threshold of a new house for the first time empty-handed. Each family member should bring something valuable and dear to him. This action creates a good aura, and subsequently attracts wealth and all kinds of well-being to the house.

In the first days in a new place, you need to try not to quarrel. The home should be filled with positive energy. It is important to plan in advance where the furniture will stand. So, according to the rules of feng shui, the bed should not be directly opposite the door, but slightly to the side. Also do not hang in front of entrance doors mirror. It will repel positive energy flows and drive wealth out of the house.

Moving on the moon in 2019

For anyone who wants to plan a move according to the lunar calendar, astrologers offer a little hint on next year... All auspicious moments and signs celestial bodies they have collected auspicious dates in a single set. So, in 2019, the lunar calendar for moving to a new apartment recommends choosing the following days:

  1. January: 7, 12, 23, 29.
  2. February: 1, 2, 26, 27.
  3. March: 1, 3, 12, 23, 31.
  4. April: 13, 19, 22, 27, 29.
  5. May: 2, 5, 8.
  6. June: 4, 7, 9, 21, 28, 30.
  7. July: 15, 17, 24.
  8. August: 2, 5, 7, 19, 25.
  9. September: 3, 12, 16, 18.
  10. October: 4, 9, 26.
  11. November: 6, 8, 19, 20, 24.
  12. December: 1, 6, 18, 22.

Preparing to move to a new home

We determined the day when it would be better to move to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar, and coordinated it with our plans. Where to start the move so that it brings the family the maximum of good changes in fate?

First of all, you need to get rid of old things that littered the space of the past home. Boots damp in the closet, cracked dishes, torn linen - feel free to send all this to a landfill! Carefully pack the necessary and good things in boxes, write down so as not to confuse where the warm sweaters are, and where the dishes are, and put them against the wall closer to the exit.

Then clean up the apartment you are leaving. Take out the trash, wash the floors. It is worth cleaning not only the apartment, but also staircase... Such spring-cleaning will become a symbolic farewell to old housing. It will help to get rid of the "anchors" tying to this place, and prepare for a new life.

Brownie invitation rite

In past centuries, a brownie was considered the main protector and guardian of order in the house. He looked after the cattle, and kept a record of supplies. They tried to please the domovoi in every possible way. The contented "owner" always helped the household. When the family moved to another place, the brownie was always taken with them.

What is needed for the ceremony

To transport a brownie, you need the following things:

  • broom, which was usually used to clean the apartment;
  • basket (in the absence of one, you can use any clean box);
  • a small pillow or feather bed to cover the bottom of the basket;
  • saucer;
  • milk.

How is the ritual of inviting a brownie

The ceremony is very simple. First, a broom is taken from the old house. The brownie loves to hide in the twigs of this working tool. So the hostess, who has taken her old broom into her new home, will almost certainly transport a little secretive "owner" who protects the comfort in the house.

The second way to invite a brownie is connected with a basket. Its bottom needs to be covered with something soft - a small pillow, a feather bed - so that you end up with something that looks like a sleeping place for a cat. While the family is getting together, the basket needs to be taken outside the threshold of the old apartment for 10 minutes. During this time, the brownie will climb on this carefully prepared couch and, in this form, will move to a new house.

Upon arrival, the basket must be placed in any free room. While no one sees, the brownie will get out of it and begin to get used to the apartment. To immediately arrange the capricious "owner", in a saucer he needs to pour a little milk. The brownie must be tired and hungry during the journey.

Which days are good for moving

They plan to move to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar, horoscope and the right day weeks. Some days are conducive to success in big things. Others are considered not very successful. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are considered bad. Sunday is traditionally dedicated to God, so neither the gathering nor the resettlement itself can be planned. But Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are considered successful. Plan your move for these days!

Signs that will help in housewarming

Some signs and rituals also help to create a good atmosphere in the home. It's great if, after arriving, the family was able to immediately meet and communicate on a positive note with new neighbors. It is also good if it snows on the street on the day of relocation. This is wealth. The cat is always the first to enter the dwelling. The animal brings with it a good energy of peace and wealth.

If you used to live in an apartment, you must open all the taps and let the water flow. Together with it, the energy of the past tenants, all their troubles and misfortunes will go away. The dwelling can also be cleaned with wormwood. The plant has the ability to drive away dark essences. Burn a twig of wormwood and fumigate the rooms with this smoke.

When it is necessary to carry out rituals of purification and protection of the house

Perform cleansing rituals immediately after moving (no later than the first 3 days).

A simple rite of cleansing the home with holy water

One of the most powerful means of getting rid of negativity is considered to be water consecrated in the church. With its help, you can also clean your home. The cleansing ritual is very simple. It will only take a couple of minutes, so it can be done immediately after the move.

What is needed for the ritual

You only need a little water consecrated in the church. Nothing more.

How to perform the ritual

All corners of the apartment are sprinkled with holy water crosswise 3 times. Do the same with windows and doors.

Cleaning the apartment with salt

Salt is considered a beneficial substance for cleansing procedures, both physical and energetic. Salt kills bacteria, which is why it is used to preserve food. This substance also affects subtle matters in the same way: it cleans the energy field, expels evil.

What is needed for the ritual

To carry out the ceremony, you will need a small pack of salt (preferably sea salt) and several saucers.

How to perform the ritual

Sprinkle the salt in small handfuls on saucers, and then arrange them around the house for 7 days. At the end, the used salt is poured into one bag and buried away from home. She carries away all the negative to the ground.

The power of fire to cleanse housing from negativity

Fire also possesses powerful energy. This element, like no other, is capable of incinerating evil entities, damage, evil eye, ill will of envious people.

What is needed for the ritual

Requires 12 new candles.

How to perform the ritual

We offer the oldest pagan ritual performed alone. The hostess lights the candles and arranges them in a circle, reciting the spell:

“Great Father Svarog, separate reality from Navi, day from night! The fire will cleanse everything between earth and heaven. The spell will burn in him and what was said will come true. Truly. "

The candles should burn out completely. The fire will clear the energy field. After that, you can live in the house without fear of any negative influences.