Scenario of the competitive gaming program dedicated to the Day of Mother. Competitive Mother's Day

Scenario competitive entertainment program at school,

dedicated to the Day of Mother

"You are one such - the only and native!"

(Leading one comes to the scene.)


Good afternoon dear friends! We are very nice to see you all in this room! It is especially nice to see here moms, because it is in your honor we organized this event! Today we celebrate Mother's Day!

2 Host:

Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday grandmothers and mothers,
This kindest holiday,
In the fall comes to us.
This is a holiday of obedient,
Congratulations and colors
Pruthet, Obahan -
The holiday of the best words!

1 Presenter:

There are the word eternal in our world,

Short but the most heartfelt.

It is beautiful and kind,

It is simple and comfortable,

It is spiritual, favorite,

Not comparable to anything:


Song "Song about Mom"

Mom - the first word
Main word
In every destiny.
Mom life gave
The world gave
I and you.

It happens at night
Mom slowly
Refract up
How is your daughter
How is her son,
Only in the morning
Mom will sleep.
Mom - the first word
Main word
In every destiny.
Mom life gave
The world gave
I and you.
Mom Earth and Sun,
Life gave
I and you.

It happens,
If suddenly happens,
In the house of your grief-misfortune,
Mom, the best
Trusted friend,
Will be with you
Always always.

Mom - the first word
Main word
In every destiny.
Mom life gave
The world gave
I and you.
Mom Earth and Sun,
Life gave
I and you.

It happens,
You will become an adult
And as a bird,
I will fly away.
Whoever, know,
What's for mom you
As before,
Cute baby.

Mom - the first word
Main word
In every destiny.
Mom life gave
The world gave
I and you.

2 Host: Mother's Day celebration began in Ancient RomeWhen people are poring the goddess of land and fertility. In Christianity, this holiday is associated with honoring the coverage of the Mother of God.
Since 1998, in Russia on the last Sunday day of November, the day of the mother, the custodian of the focus is celebrated. This is a kind of thanksgiving, expressions of love and respect for mothers. They gave us life, affection and care, warmed love. . The words "Mom", "Mother" - one of the most ancient on earth and almost the same in languages of different nations. This suggests that all people worship and love mothers. In many countries markedMothers Day . People congratulate their mothers come to visit them, give gifts, arrange a holiday for them.

1 master

Mom - it means tenderness,

It is caressing, kindness,
Mom is serenity,

This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a fairy tale at night,

This morning dawn,

Mom - in a difficult hour Tip,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is a summer greens,
This is snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light,
Mom - this means life!

2 master : To participate in contests, we need to create 2 teams and choose members of the jury.

1 master Task to participants to come upname, motto His team and choose Captain.

2 master : While the teams come up with the name, listen to the song performed by girls of the third grade"Mine smile"

1 master : Now the captains of the teams must submit their team

2 Host:

Mommy is our native,

These gentle lines are you!
The most pretty and most beautiful
The best thing on this earth is.

1 Windowed Our first competition is called

"Mother's name".

Children should come to participate in the competition for helping Mama.

Task to children: by letters to the name of the mother, list the quality of its character. For example, charming, loving, clear - Olya; Delightful, intriguing, communicable, demanding, charming, decisive, sparkling humor, bright - Victoria

2 Host: And now listenchastushki. Performance of students of 2Klass

1) Dear our moms,

We drink to you!

Happy holiday you congratulate

And hello to you a big one!

2) We are funny girlfriends.
We dance and sing,
And now we will tell you,
How we are having fun.

3) so that mom is surprised
Dad made us dinner.
For some reason even a cat
Turned away from the kitlet.

4) dad floor fill to shine,
Prepared Vinaigrette

And, I will tell you a secret,

Having made a lot of troubles:

5) he boils milk,

Departed not far.

It came to him again:

Milk does not see!

6) burned soup and porridge,

Salted it in compote,

How our mother returned,

There was a lot of hassle.

7) Galya washed the floors,
Katya helped
Only pity, mom again
Everything was jumped.

8) dad decided to me the task
In mathematics helped.
We were then solved with my mother,
What he could not solve is.

9) wrapped saucepan
Lena cleaned sand,
Two hours in the trough Lena
Soap mommy then.

10) we sang you as they managed to
We are only children,
Just know our mothers
Best in light.

1 presenter.

All women are excellent owners, they spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And our mothers are the best mistresses in the world. In our next competition"Hostess"

it is necessary to determine with the blindfolded eyes to determine what is on a sowing.

(On a sauker saucer, salt, millet, buckwheat, rice, barley. The participants of the competition are guessing, what kind of cereals in front of them.)


And so, endedanother contest.

While the jury consults,
Holiday dance continues!

1 presenter. See dance performed 7 and 9th grade

2Worth. And you know that during the year moms wash 18,000 knives, forks and spoons, 13,000 plates, 8,000 cups.

1 video. The total weight of the dishes that our mothers are transferred from the kitchen cabinet to dining table. And back, per year reaches 5 tons.

2Worth. During the year, our mothers go shopping more than 2,000 km.

1 video.

Next contest of our program


There are 5 items in the bag (mug, grater, kettle, grater, meat grinder). Participants in the competition should not look into the bag, determine what the dishes are lying there, and write on the leaflet.

2 presenter. One more contest ended. The jury summarizes the results, and we continue: Listen to the song performed by third-class boys

"You are not afraid of mom"

1 video. The word is provided to our dirty jury.

2 presenter.

All time to go on the run, on the fly,
Sew, iron, cook and clean the stove,
Wash, clean, learning lessons -
Try you to live in this pace!
1 video. Yes, you have to have a special talent!

After all, the whole house holds on my mother!

2Worth. Listen to the poem performed by a student of grade 8 Kulaev Nikita

"The person who keeps the house"

1 video. But the hands of mommies

It's just a treasure

Be without a mouse

Hands do not blame

2Worth. Without toys, the child can not. Yes, and with your own hands toys are much more expensive than a child than purchased in the store. Here and our mothers have to show your talent of needlework and make it a toy from those materials that we will offer them.

Competition "Toy"

Moms from healthy materials for limited time must make a toy for a child. Possible list of materials for the contest: Colored paper, Loskutka, Shells, match boxes, balls, markers, scissors, glue, stapler, wool, threads, postcards, paper, etc.

1 presenter. While moms are crawling
Our children will entertain!
We bring to your attention the scene in the execution of 5 Klass

"Three Moms"


The role is performed by an adult:


Roles are executed by children:




(In the center of the hall or on stage the table, three stools. On one of the chairs sits a doll. On the table dish with four chests).
Our children are so stubborn!
Everyone knows himself.
They tell them often moms,
But they do not hear moms.
Tanya under the evening
From the walk came

And the doll asked:
This includes Tanya, comes to the table and sitting on a chair, a doll takes on his hands.
Tanya .
How, daughter, affairs?
Again, did you climb under the table, fidget?
Again promoted all day without lunch?
With these daughters just trouble,

Go for dining, turntable!
Today I will dinner Vatrushka!
Mom's Tanyushina came from work
And Tanya asked:
Mom enters, sits on a chair near Tanya.
Mum .
How, daughter, affairs?
Spent again, probably in the garden?
Again managed to forget about food?
Dining screamed Baby more than once

And you answered: "Now yes now."
With these daughters just trouble,
Soon you will be like a match, Hud.
Go, dinner, turntable!
Today I will dinner Vatrushka!
Here grandmother - Mother Mama - came
And mom asked:
Granted grandmother with a stick, comes to the table and sits on the third chair
How, daughter, affairs?
Probably in the hospital for the whole day
Again for food did not find a moment,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
It is impossible to sit without lunch all day.
I became a doctor, but all fidget.
With these daughters just trouble.
Soon you will be like a match, Hud.
Go for dining, turntable!
Today I will dinner Vatrushka! (
All eat cheesecakes.)
Leading .
Three moms in the dining room are sitting,
Three moms on her daughters look.
What do your daughters do stubborn?
All three. Oh, how not to be moms!

2 presenter. That ended another contest. The jury is again for work.

1 presenter. We give Mama Song,

She rings and pour,

Let mom be fun

Let mom smile!


Listen to the song performed by 5 Klass songs"Mamina Eyes" on the words M. Pleakovsky and the music of E. Martynov,

The rain will fall to the ground as a tear,
And the distance to the morning the road in the morning.

We will see affectionately and strictly.

Everything in life can be and joy, and thunderstorm,
Fate does not complain of us.
And mother's eyes, and mother's eyes
Always follow with excitement for us.

We are looking for dreams change addresses,
We are rarely forgiveness for us to good.
And mother's eyes, and mother's eyes
We are in childhood a habit of returning.

1 presenter. What did our jury solve?

Word jury

2 presenter. And now we will play a little

Competition "Venicobol".

Each team is issued a broom, and each player, balloon. At the distance before each team puts a basket. The victory is counted by a team that will notice the balls in the basket more and faster.

1 master Listen to the song in the execution of the 7th 8 CL. "Mom and daughter"

Where spring, there are flowers and gifts,
Good songs familiar lines ...
A clear day stroll through the park
Mom and daughter gather.
Sun ray, spring thin,
Forgot about frost and blizzards.
Admire in the Girls Class:
"You are just like a girlfriend with my mother!"

Mom and daughter - they are so similar!
Mom and daughter - two droplets of the sun.
Childhood leaves, leaves - and yet
In the heart of love remains forever!

The daughter is sad, the daughter of the answer does not know
The soul is hard and anxious.
Mom will say with hope: "Native!
To return everything, it is possible to fix everything! "
Mom's voice, and gentle, and strict,
It sounds through wind and loss.
Mom and daughter go on the road -
On the way of love and trust.


2 master Guys, do you read fairy tale moms in childhood? And we will check now, do not forget the mothers fairy tales, because the children have grown

1 presenter. Competition "Find Fairy Tales"

3 fairy tales are prepared. The captain of the Mom team pulls at random leafle with text and expressively reads. Each team tries to understand what fairy tales are involved, and moms write the names. The whole team participates in the gay.

1. Little to Baba with grandfather bun. He was lying on the window. And then the mouse fled, the tail waved. Kolobok fell and crashed. Seven kids came running and eat everything, and the crumbs left. They ran home, and the crumbs scattered along the path. Goose-swans flew, crumbs began to peck, yes from the puddles to drink. Then the cat is a scientist and says: "Do not drink, and then you will become kids!"

(Answer: 7 Fairy tales: "Kolobok", "Ryaba chicken", "Wolf and Seven Goat", "Hansel and Gretel", "Gus-Swans", "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Ruslan and Lyudmila")

2. There were three bear. And they had a lubyana hut, and was still ice. That fled past the mouse-norushka and frog-cuckoo, they saw a hut and say: "Hut, hut, turn to the forest with the back, and to us before!". It is a hut, not moving. They decided to enter, came to the door, pulled the handle. Tent-pulled, and can't pull out. It can be seen, lies there Sleeping beauty and waits when Emel kisses her.
(answer: 7 Fairy Targets: "Three Bear", "Zayushkina Hut", "Teremok", "Baba Yaga", "Repka", "Sleeping Beauty", "Picky Public")

3. In some kingdom, in some state there was a princess frog. Somehow she sat down on a gray wolf and went to look for a feather's feather a nasal falcon. Tired of the wolf, wants to stay, and she says to him: "Do not sit on a penalty, do not eat a piddle!". And the wolf was angry and says: "How to around me, how to emphasize the shoes on the Zakolem"! The frog was frightened, lashed out and turned into a pumpkin at midnight. She saw her Black Seaner and dragged to his castle.
answer: 7 Fairy tales: "Tsarevna-Frog", "Finist Clear Sokol", "Ivan Tsarevich and Grey Wolf"," Masha and the Bear "," Hanging History "," Cinderella "," Ruslan and Lyudmila ")

2 designed . Listen to the song performed by 9kl "Mum"

1 video. And one more mobile

competition "Relay"

The first member of the team comers to the chair puts on the apron, tests the handkerchief on his head, circling a chair, comes to the team, removing the apron and handkerchief, transmits the second participant, etc. until the last participant.The last participant of the relay runs to the chair, on which the cards with the names of the products for cereals are laid out, takes a card with the desired ingredient, puts it in a saucepan. (Cards with ingredients names must be diverse: water, peas, salt, sugar, semolina, carrots, etc., but the same for both teams.) Award is awarded that the first right completed the relay

2Worth. One more contest ended. The jury summarizes theand we look at the scene in the performance of students grade 9

1 Windowed Love mom, little children,
After all, without it so hard to live in the world,
Her attention and, affection and care,
You will not replace foreign one.
Love mom, young teenagers
She is your trunk, and you are its processes,
One she, only loving mom,
Always understand you - Chad Her Stubborn.
2Worth. And children adults, always love mom,
On tender words, she does not bother
The road to her is akin to the road to the temple,
And in the house, entering her legs to bow.

Love mom, adults and children,
Rodney her - there is no one in the world!

2 master To sum up the results of the competition, the word jury

1 Windowed And now the award winners

2 master That's our holiday approached the end! But I want to wish you, dear moms that the holiday has never ended in your life and in your soul! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and hands - from flowers bouquets. Let your children be obedient, and the husbands are attentive! Let yours home Always decorate comfort, wealth, love, happiness!

Festive playing entertainment program for the day of the mother


- Hello! Today we gathered in this room to congratulate our wonderful mothers. This is the most tender and most touching holiday for everyone.

Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday grandmothers and mothers,
This kindest holiday,
In the fall comes to us.
This is a holiday of obedient,
Congratulations and colors
Pruthet, Obahan -
The holiday of the best words!


There are the word eternal in our world,

Short but the most heartfelt.
It is beautiful and kind,
It is simple and comfortable,
It is spiritual, favorite,
Not comparable to anything:


Mom - it means tenderness,
It is caressing, kindness,
Mom is serenity,
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a fairy tale at night,
This morning dawn,

Mom - in a difficult hour Tip,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is a summer greens,
It is snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light,
Mom - this means life!


- We are all someone's children, for everyone sitting in this room, the word mom, the most important and most beautiful. So let's warm our mothers with your love with your love.

- Favorite mom, congratulations on you,
In the day of the mother of happiness, I wish you health.
You in my heart, even if in the separation,
I always remember your gentle hands.

- Let every day be filled with light,
Love relatives be as the sun, Sogret.
Sorry, at times you grieved,
Believe that unwittingly ... I scold myself.

- We give your love your love
For them, we sing a song today.

1. Just "Mom - My Sun"

And our holiday is unusual today. As you know, moms are not born, Mama becomes. Once our moms were restless cheerful girls who loved to play different games.

Therefore, we also offer Mama to remember your childhood and feel like young girls again and participate in our competitive game program.

Today we will celebrate a festive contest

3 mothers with their children are invited to participate in the competition.

And so we meet ............ Lakaeva Svetlana Alekseevna with Son Nikita

Glazerina Olga Anatolyevna with daughter Anna

Bobleva Sofia Yurevna and son Egor

For the competition, we need members of the jury. We present you the jury.

1 Windowed Our first competition is called

"Mother's name"

Task to children: by letters to the name of the mother, list the quality of its character. For example, charming, loving, clear - Olya; Delightful, intriguing, communicable, demanding, charming, decisive, sparkling humor, bright - Victoria
While the jury has a musical gift for mothers.

1 presenter. You as a gift dance
Executed dance

Leading. And you know that during the year moms wash 18,000 knives, forks and spoons, 13,000 plates, 8,000 cups.

leading. The total weight of the dishes, which our mothers are transferred from the kitchen cabinet to the dining table and back, per year reaches 5 tons.

leading. During the year, our mothers go shopping more than 2,000 km.
Next contest of our program
In our next competition
it is necessary to determine with the blindfolded eyes to determine what is on a sowing.
(On a sauker saucer, salt, millet, buckwheat, rice, barley. The participants of the competition are guessing, what kind of cereals in front of them.)


There are 5 items in the bag (mug, grater, kettle, meat grinder). Participants in the competition should not look into the bag, determine what the dishes are lying there, and write on the leaflet.
All women are excellent owners, they spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And our mothers are the best mistresses in the world.
And so, ended
another contest.
While the jury consults,
Holiday dance continues!
Executed dance 1 video. The word is provided to our diverse jury. Thank you.

leading. Guys, do you read fairy tale moms in childhood? And now we will check if your fairy tale moms have not forgotten, because the children have grown.

"Fabulous Competition"

So, you need to guess a fairy tale. For example, a fairy tale about the first victim of the unsuccessful investment of money? The answer is the fairy tale of the Golden Key, and the victim is Pinocchio. You are ready?

I presenter. The fairy tale about how love turns the beast in a person ("scarlet flower").
II presenter. Tale of the farm for the cultivation of vegetables ("Rack").
I presenter. The fairy tale about the advantage of stone buildings before the straw ("three piglets").
II presenter. A fairy tale of a girl who has almost joined an unequal marriage, but then still found his prince ("Thumbelina").
I presenter. The tale of overpopulation of living space, which led to the destruction of the structure ("Teremok").
II presenter. A fairy tale about how a large animal used child labor in household ("Masha and Bear").

Well done, mommy! Well remember fairy tales.

1 presenter. Competition "Find out fairy tales"

3 fairy tales are prepared. The captain of the Mom team pulls at random leafle with text and expressively reads. Each team tries to understand what fairy tales are involved, and moms write the names. The whole team participates in the gay.

1. Little to Baba with grandfather bun. He was lying on the window. And then the mouse fled, the tail waved. Kolobok fell and crashed. Seven kids came running and eat everything, and the crumbs left. They ran home, and the crumbs scattered along the path. Goose-swans flew, crumbs began to peck, yes from the puddles to drink. Then the cat is a scientist and says: "Do not drink, and then you will become kids!"

( answer : 7 fairy tales: "Kolobok", "Ryaba chicken", "Wolf and seven kids", "Hansel and Gretel", "Gusi-Swans", "Sister of Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Ruslan and Lyudmila")

2. There were three bear. And they had a lubyana hut, and was still ice. That fled past the mouse-norushka and frog-cuckoo, they saw a hut and say: "Hut, hut, turn to the forest with the back, and to us before!". It is a hut, not moving. They decided to enter, came to the door, pulled the handle. Tent-pulled, and can't pull out. It can be seen, lies there Sleeping beauty and waits when Emel kisses her.
( answer : 7 Fairy Targets: "Three Bear", "Zayushkina Hut", "Teremok", "Baba Yaga", "Repka", "Sleeping Beauty", "Picky Ven")

3. In some kingdom, in some state there was a princess frog. Somehow she sat down on a gray wolf and went to look for a feather's feather a nasal falcon. Tired of the wolf, wants to stay, and she says to him: "Do not sit on a penalty, do not eat a piddle!". And the wolf was angry and says: "How to around me, how to emphasize the shoes on the Zakolem"! The frog was frightened, lashed out and turned into a pumpkin at midnight. She saw her Black Seaner and dragged to his castle.
answer : 7 Fairy tales: "Tsarevna-Frog", "Fullist Clear Sokol", "Ivan Tsarevich and Gray Wolf", "Masha and Bear", "Sayushin Hut", "Cinderella", "Ruslan and Lyudmila")

Executed dance

Word jury

The household is the farm, but also for themselves should not forget. A woman should be beautiful, mysterious, charming.

Competition "Ah, what I am beautiful!" Props and children are prompted to dress in mom for the holiday. Children go along with moms to prepare (3 minutes) Return, moms represent their outfit with the words "Ah, what I am beautiful!"

Host: Now I will ask you the mysteries about moms. Who first rents - raises her hand! Ready? Go.

Examples of riddles:
1. These balls on the thread
Do you try not want?
On any of your tastes
In the mother's box ...
(Yusub - read right left)

2. In the ears of moms sparkle,
The color of the rainbow is playing.
Silver drop-crumb
Decorations ...

3. The edge of her name is fields,
The top is decorated with all the colors.
Headdress-Riddle -
I have our mom ...

4. Name-ka utensils:
The handle clung to a circle.
Damn bake her - nonsense

5. He has water in the belly
Boiled from heat.
As an angry chief
Quickly boils ...

6. This is a kushan for everyone
Mom cooks for lunch.
And the midst here is like here -
Fold in plates ...

7. Dust will find and swallow -
Clean the cleanliness for us.
Long hose like a trunk nose
The rug cleans ...

8. Stroking dresses and shirts,
It will reveal our pockets.
He is a true friend in the farm -
His name ...

9. Here is a cap on the light bulb
Parts light and darkness.
At the edges of his openwork -
This is a wonderful ... (Rujab)

10. Striped Beast at Mom
The saucer will score sour cream.
And, sowing it a little,
Calculate our ...

And now together greet our beautiful mothers, ready to demonstrate their outfits. Representation of mother's outfits

Moms come in. We climb them together.

I will ask my moms to sit down. And the last contest
Competition number 9. "Guess the melody"

Teacher: You have not forgotten children's songs. A few seconds a fragment of a song sounds, you need to guess the name of the song. You can go a little.

Thanks to moms.

The word is provided with the jury (awarding, presentation of gifts, literacy)


1. Full brighter for me -mum!

2.Mire and happiness for me -mum!

3.Shum branches, field flowers -mum!

4. For flying cranes -mum!

5. In the spring of Chista water -mum!

6. In the sky, a bright star -mum!

7. Let it be ringing throughout the songs

About your loved ones.

We are for all for all native

Speak"Thank you! Finish the song "Mom"

That's our holiday approached the end! But I want to wish you, dear moms that the holiday has never ended in your life and in your soul! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and hands - from flowers bouquets. Let your children be obedient, and the husbands are attentive! Let your homely focus always adorn comfort, prosperity, love, happiness!

Lyudmila Postnikov
Competitive game program, didnote Mother "The most active mother" (senior preschool age)

Competitive and game program dedicated to the Day of Mother

"The most active mother"

Purpose.Expanding the positive field of interaction of children, parents, teachers.


1. Expand the presentation of children about the International Festival of Mother's Day.

2. Develop creative skills, imagination, horizons, exposure, endurance.

3. To educate love and respect for the mother, a feeling of gratitude for her care and love.

4. Provide the rapprochement of children and parents, the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance.

Equipment: 4 rolls toilet paper, 4 plates, 20 dryers, 4 tubes,

pasta with a wide hole, colored threads with a needle (for mothers, toy steering wheels, markings, 4 kinks, autumn leaves with questions

Event flow

Mom's music go to the group.

Leading: Good evening, dear moms, dear guests! We did not accidentally gathered today in our small, but cozy group. After all, it is in November, the last Sunday of the Autumn we celebrate such a holiday as a mother's day. And this evening we want to devote to the most kind, most sensitive, most tender, caring, hardworking, and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.

To the music of "Mom's Prayer" Children enter the hall and execute dance with hearts.

Leading:Dear guests! We want the holiday to give everyone a good mood and a smile appeared on the faces so that moms felt themselves with the most kind, most beautiful, most loved ones. But there will be fun today, depends on you, dear friends. Today we are not just a holiday, but a competitive-game program "The most active mother!" Participants in contests can be all the Moms present. Throughout the event, Moms together with children are actively involved in competitions, games, earn hearts and at the end of the holiday summarize "The most active mother."

1st baby

Holiday in moms, our mothers are wonderful.

Good, beautiful and charming.

We promise to always help you

Wash the floors, clean your toys,

From mosquitoes you and flies to protect

Do not whistled on trifles, do not squeak.

Smart to be, strong and healthy,

You will delight you with new ones.

And deliver you only joy

And you are for these gifts and sweets.

2nd baby

Poems read and sing today kids.

Who will wake us up in the morning, who porridge cooks us?

There are no more pleasant hugs of gentle moms.

Who will argue with us, but will you smile immediately?

Whose heart for his children is stronger than birds beats.

We congratulate the mammies from all soul -

"Thank you mom!" - They say kids today.

Song "Mommy"(Music Karpenko, cl. Ogurtsova)

Leading: Mom is the first person who takes his baby, who cares for him, helps him grow, teaches the mind.

And now we suggest you to remember the time when these children just just appeared on the light. It was the most pleasant time! Diaper, porridge, porridge and no free time. Well, what, remembered? Then I invite here 3 moms. You need to drain these babies. Three children are called to the help of mothers - babies. It is necessary to drain them with the help of a roll of toilet paper. Piece from the throat and to the heels.

That's so hard to be moms! And maybe someone wants to change the place with mom?

Boys come out

Just without unnecessary words -

Change the place with mom

I have long been ready

Well, think, care -

Washing, ironing, shop,

Powers on the pants, compotes ...

Here you do not need a lot of strength.

Does it live easily?

After all, care is neatness!

Learn poems

Songs, Dance, Horovod ...

What I'm tired,

It would be better if I became my mother!

2. Mom made a cake,

I helped her a little

In the dough put cinnamon,

Poured a jar of mustard,

Poured in the bank of lentils,

In general, I did everything that could

To be tasty Pie!

Leading: Yes, when so much affairs and so many worries can be many things that confuse. But guys, your moms trying to never forget anything, never confuse anything, and most importantly, never, never for one minute you never cease to love you. That's how not to be moms.

Go to the next contest: "Skewer of dryers"

Drying, ten pieces, lie on the plates. The task of children to hang or put all the ten dryers on their wand. At the same time, drying can not be touched by hands, hold only a wand. Complicated? Call for help your moms!

Leading: Next ours Competition - "Needlewomen"

3 moms participate in the game. Children are built into three teams. To music, children make Mama Makarona, of which moms collect beads.

Leading: And now for you, our expensive participants and guests, chastushki:

Cleaned the whole house.

Brought around the order

Sit together, we are waiting for the holiday.

2. I, this morning I got up

And toys removed himself

In the morning I brewed tea.

I drank mom.

3. I wanted to wash the saucepan

Says Sister Julia

Put in the washer to mom.

4. broom in hand, I took

And everything in the house died.

Paul proteu to shine.

Toys, everything is in place!

5. Vanya thinks how to be?

Paul would have to - wash.

Vacuum cleaner will go on

All before the brilliance I am Natru.

6. I found flour on the shelf

Sugar, salt and milk.

I knew the test so much

From the pan climbs everything!

7. With dad we are a cake pastry,

With berry Malinka.

Dad in the dough i'm in flour

And cake, with filling.

8. The kettle on the table is worth

In cups tea is already poured

Mom treat.

Pies, with tea.

9. Dad, grandfather and me.

Flowers buy

Bucked whole belt

Red Scarlet, White Roses

Mom congratulations.

10. Eh, Top, Foot

Yes, the truth is different

Mom will congratulate

Holiday we will celebrate.


Dear moms

Congratulations on the festive

Cute, beautiful

The most beloved!

Leading: Every person has a desire, a dream. Now we will learn about three girlfriends. Scene "Three girlfriends"


Three girlfriends per day autumn

Were in a nice mood.

On the bench stolen

And about the future dreamed.

1 Tooth:

Who would I like to become?

I will fly in the sky,

I want to be a stewardess

On the plane I will fly.

Husband choose like dad,

So that I met a ladder.

And your kids, Masha,

I will not bother porridge.

I will drive them into the movies,


2 Girl:

I want to become an artist

And on stage to perform

So that I was filmed in the movie

The roles were given.

3 Girl:

I will learn at school

I will try not to be lazy

To become president to

And the law is so accept:

Moms are not worried

Don't get tired

From worries and excitement

Always protect them!

Leading: It is no secret that our children dream of becoming adults as soon as possible, and we are adults we dream at least a little more children.

So, the next competition "Caution, behind the wheel" (Comic Competition)

We invite two teams of children (put on the floor. . Also we give them handles, and ... we remove all the obstacles! And when adults are trying to steer and cross out obstacles, then children can shout in a joke - left steering! Right power! Full forward)

Host: Guys, your grandmothers are also a holiday today! Let us not forget about them. After all, your grandmothers are also moms! Moms of your moms and dads!

For you. Dear grandmothers, children will perform a song "Our grandmother".

Leading. Our moms are not only the most beautiful, the most kind, but they are the smartest. And I, I think that it is time to check how mothers carefully read the books of books

Competition: "Book in the family" (Three moms are invited, take leaves with questions and respond to them)


1. To visit the grandmother went,

Pies she suffered

Gray wolf followed her

Deceived and swallowed.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

2. ran away from dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

Looking for them she calls

And on the road tears pour.

3. And the bunny, and the Wolf -

All run to him to be treated.


4. Waited to mom with milk

And let the wolf in the house

Who were these

Small children?

(Seven kids)

5. Like Baba at Yaga

There is no one legs,

But there is wonderful

Flying machine.

What? (Mortar)

6. knows a duck, knows the bird,

Where blasphemy death lures.

What is this subject?

7. At what transport went to Emelya (on the sleigh, in the carriage, on the furnace, by car?

8. Where can I sit down a bear (on a bench, on a log, on a stone, on Perenok?

9. What did you say, Cat Leopold Mice (stop Salit, come to visit, you are my friends, let's live together?

Leading: I did not doubt that your moms are the most. You are not tired?

Then our mothers continue to take greetings:

1st baby

In the fall of a golden leaf

Better my mom in the whole world is not

2nd baby

Frequent smiles, joyful things.

So that I caught the trouble.

Everything for you my mother is native

Song "List Falls"(Muses M. Amirkhanyan, Sl. E. Kuzminy, perform two girls

And now for all the common dance

Leading: We have the most delicious competition

Competition "Best Host"

Master Classroom Cooking for Children (Homework)

Leading: While moms are prepared for the competition, for all guests

it sounds song "Baby Baby"(execute a girl and boy)

Leading: So our holiday approached the end! And now we will summarize our competitive game program (we calculate earned hearts, we define the winner, handing prizes, diplomas, medals and hearts, children give their crafts and grandmothers).

Leading: We thank all the participants, for the pleasure and festive mood. Thank you for your good heart, for the desire to stay next to the children, give them peace of mind. We were very nice to see good and tender smiles of moms, happy eyes of children. Thank you for participating in our holiday and for the fact that you are always with us. You are the best in the world.

And now we are together with the children we want to boil the samovar and invite you to tea.

Song "Samovar"

Tea drinking in the group along with parents.



1. I will say, friends, right!

Just without unnecessary words -

Change the place with mom

I have long been ready

Well, think, care -

Washing, ironing, shop,

Powers on the pants, compotes ...

Here you do not need a lot of strength.

Does it live easily?

After all, care is neatness!

Learn poems

Songs, Dance, Horovod ...

What I'm tired,

It would be better if I became my mother!

2. Mom made a cake,

I helped her a little

In the dough put cinnamon,

Poured a jar of mustard,

Poured in the bank of lentils,

In general, I did everything that could

To be tasty Pie!

Mommy, native, I love you.

I'm blinding a snowman in winter.

Bring a snowdrop for you in the spring

In the fall of a golden leaf

Summer I will collect a bouquet for you.

Better my mom in the whole world is not

With the holiday mommy I congratulate

Happiness, fun just wish.

Frequent smiles, joyful things.

So that the nightinga of you sang a song

The sun shone, the leaf rustled,

So that the New Year's carnival circled.

So that I caught the trouble.

Everything for you my mother is native


1. We are today, with dad, with grandfather

Cleaned the whole house.

Brought around the order

Sit together, we are waiting for the holiday.

2. I, this morning I got up

And toys removed himself

In the morning I brewed tea.

I drank mom.

3. I wanted to wash the saucepan

Says Sister Julia

Well, why wash under the crane?

Put in the washer to mom.

4. broom in hand, I took

And everything in the house died.

Paul proteu to shine.

Toys, everything is in place!

5. Vanya thinks how to be?

Paul would have to - wash.

Vacuum cleaner will go on

All before the brilliance I am Natru.

6. I found flour on the shelf

Sugar, salt and milk.

I knew the test so much

From the pan climbs everything!

7. With dad we are a cake pastry,

With berry Malinka.

Dad in the dough i'm in flour

And cake, with filling.

8. The kettle on the table is worth

In cups tea is already poured

Mom treat.

Pies, with tea.

9. Dad, grandfather and me.

Flowers buy

Bucked whole belt

Red Scarlet, White Roses

Mom congratulations.

10. Eh, Top, Foot

Yes, the truth is different

Mom will congratulate

Holiday we will celebrate.

Dear moms

Congratulations on the festive

Cute, beautiful

The most beloved!

Scene "Three girlfriends"


Three girlfriends per day autumn

Were in a nice mood.

On the bench stolen

And about the future dreamed.

1 Tooth:

Who would I like to become?

I will fly in the sky,

I want to be a stewardess

On the plane I will fly.

Husband choose like dad,

So that I met a ladder.

And your kids, Masha,

I will not bother porridge.

I will drive them into the movies,


2 Girl:

I want to become an artist

And on stage to perform

So that I was filmed in the movie

The roles were given.

3 Girl:

I will learn at school

I will try not to be lazy

To become president to

And the law is so accept:

Moms are not worried

Don't get tired

From worries and excitement

Always protect them!


Mommy Muses. Karpenko, sl. Ogurtsova

"Our grandmother"

"List Falls" MUZ. M. Amirkhanyan, cl. E. Kuzminina


"Crazy - Baby"

Dance "Mom's Prayer", Common Dance


1. "Baby's dug" "

2. "Skewers of drying"

3. "Needlewomen"

4. "Caution, behind the wheel"

5. "Find a child by palm"

6. "Book in the family"

7. "Merry Smiley"

7. "Best Hostess"

Extracurricular event - Mother's Day,

competitive game program "Daughters- Mother"


1) upbringing love and sense of gratitude to the mother;

2) the creation of friendly relations between mothers and students;

3) moral and aesthetic education of students.


1) upbringing respect for mothers, desire

To help them;

2) help children through the game to enter into real life,

And Mama to distract at the time from her;

3) the creation of a warm moral climate between mothers and children.

Equipment:1) the newspaper "My mom is best!"

(with photos of mothers)

2) Portraits "Our Moms" - Pictures of Children

3) posters with words:

  • "The heart of the mother is the abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness" (O. Balzak);
  • "Everything is beautiful in man from the rays of the Sun and from Mother's Milk" (A.M. Gorky);
  • "Love for the Motherland begins with love for the mother. And man begins with his relationship to the mother. And all the best that in man is given to him from the mother "(Yu.A. Yakovlev);
  • "We will always glorify the woman whose mother's name" (Musa Jalil).

4) multimedia projector

The course of the event.

Song sounds from the movie "Mom"

Teacher:-Good day! For 4 years now, on the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates the new holiday - the day of the mother.

In many countries of the world, Mother's Day is celebrated, however, in different time. At the same time, in contrast to the International Women's Day on March 8, only mother and pregnant women are honored on the mother's day, and not all representatives of weak gender

Lead 1:The finest word on earth is mum. This is the first word that says man. In all languages \u200b\u200bof the world, it sounds equally gentle.

Lead 2: Today we are gathered to tell our mothers: Thank you very much! Thanks for your work! For the sleepless nights of our cots! For patience during our learning!

Lead 1: On behalf of all children we say: Low Bow you, dear our moms!

Lead 2:

You, lovely women, good, real, today want to congratulate your children. We provide the word to them.

-Students of the 9th grade of Ter-Sogomonov Alexander and Aksenov Ilya. They will read the poem about Mom.

You know mom only at home,

Native hands protect

Home, gentle comfort,

Such a familiar and familiar.

And you don't always see mom

In her concerns of labor ...

You are not going with a telegram with her

Do not heal with her patients.

Do not rush to her on the steam locomotive,

I do not see her at the machine,

And nice things to work

Do not share you while.

But if mom sometimes

Will come tired with work-

Sogray her with his concern

In all her help then.

Make on

We can, we can,

In the depths of marine and cosmic, too.

Affairs and roads

There will be a lot of life ...

Ask yourself:

Well, where are they their beginning?

Here he is the answer to us

The right thing is:

All we live

Begins ...

With mom!

Lead 1:

Children are the most expensive for the mother.

The happiness of the mother - in the happiness of her children. There is nothing in the world unselfish her love. Mom is the first teacher and friend, and the closest. She will always understand, comforted, will help in a difficult moment, protects from trouble. There is no man in the world relative and closer mom.

Teacher : Mom's hands swathe children in the cradle when they were small.

This mother warmed them with his breath and Ubaukivala

His song.

Lead 1:

It is a student of grade 9 Cherkasov Nikolay. He will read the poem about mom.

Morning begins,

Mom wakes up.

And my mother's smile

Morning begins.

Warm palms

Mom will warm us

Good words

Sadness-sadness dispel.

Leading 1 and 2 (in turn):

Our moms, caring for two children and husband, during the year:

Wash 18,000 knives, forks and spoons,

13000 plates,

8000 cups.

The total weight of the dish, which our mothers are transferred from the kitchen cabinet to the dining table and back, per year reaches 5 tons.

And they still erase the mountains of the lingerie, if you fold all theated underwear, you will get a mountain of Elbrus height;

During the year, our moms are purchased 2000km.

And if moms work?

And if moms work, we must help them!

It seems that after such work, Mom does not remain forces. Yes, moms are very tired. All the same, they have time for us. Mom for us is the closest person.

Lead 1:
Yes, really, for each of us, be it small child Or already saddened - Mom - the most native, the most expensive man in the world. And today we once again congratulate our moms with the holiday and wish them health, youth, peace of mind and a caring relationship from loved ones and relatives. But as you know, moms are not born, Mama becomes. Once our moms were restless cheerful girls who loved to play different games.

Therefore, we also offer moms today to remember your childhood and again feel like young girls and participate in our competitive gaming program "Mother's daughter".
So, Meet - the team "Mommy".

Party "Talk to me, Mom" \u200b\u200bV. Tolkunova

Lead 2: The second team is their daughters, girls who have to become mothers in the future and deal with all the works and worries that will be slandered on their shoulders. Meet the team "Daughters".

Included under the song "Daughter" A. Pugacheva

Presenter1: Well, we met with teams, let's get acquainted with the jury that will evaluate the performance of our participants.
Today as part of the jury:

- Siluyanova M.V. - head teacher

Kurbatskaya T.V. - Deputy Director for Educational Work

Zakharova MA - Deputy. Security Directors

Trubin P.V. - Pedagogue - organizer for sports work.

Teacher: And now the competition number 1 "Acquaintance".

Homework, which prepared teams, is baking. And now the teams needed to prepare a story about themselves, about their team.

Leading number 1:

Competition №2 "Workout" .

Participants need to answer comic questions. The team that gave more answers per minute is considered the winner of the competition.

Questions for the competition number 2: Workout

  • How to write five letters to "Mousetrap"? (Cat)
  • Who is with a head plunge into work? (Diver)
  • What is "adhesive case"? (Fishing)
  • By what fields do neither pass, nor go through? (On the hats)
  • What has the head, but does not have brains? (Onion garlic)
  • How to write "dry grass" with four letters? (Hay)
  • Who sits to the king back? (Coachman)
  • Who is enough for the straw? (One who drinks a cocktail)

Teacher: And now it's time to spend the next contest.

Competition number 3: Determine the cruster.

With tied eyes to determine the cereals (flour, beans, rice, buckwheat, peas, noodles, Hercules, millet).

Leading No. 2: Competition No. 4: Understand without words.

Moms and daughters participate in the competition. "Mum" should with the help of facial expressions, gestures to tell the phrase, and "Daughter" understand it and vice versa.

Approximate phrases:

  • wash the floor,
  • read the book
  • go to the store for products (for moms),
  • Walking in the diary, I got a two,
  • today we have a disco school (daughters).

Teacher: The time came the next competition.

Competition №5: "Revolutionary" game (television names).

You can write on leaves, quickly discuss and answer.

1. "Bad Night" ("Good afternoon")

2. "Allegor" ("completely secret")

3. "Bar of sad and confused" ("KVN")

4. "Looking for you" ("Wait for me")

5. "Cold Twenty" ("Hot Ten")

6. "Good night, peace" ("Good morning, country")

7. "Your Garden" ("Our Garden")

8. "Town" ("town")

9. "Evening Banderol" ("Morning Mail")

10. "wear then then" ("Remove it immediately")

11. "Hi! One on the street! " ("While all at home")

12. "From the war of people" ("in the world of animals")

13. "Good morning, old woman" ("Good night, kids")

14. "Dissolt 03" ("Salvation 911")

Teacher: And now we will spend the next competition.

Competition №6 "Dance".

You need to dance "Gypsy" and "Lambada". During the dances, music is included, not at all corresponding to the dance. The task of participants is not to be knocked out.

Lead 1: Go to the next competition.

Competition No. 7 "Culinary".

Before each team on the table is a certain list of products. This: boiled potatoes, boiled egg, carrots, beets, white bread, mayonnaise, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers.
From these products in 7 minutes it is necessary to prepare one or more dishes that could be fed an unexpected guest. In the cooking process, the whole team participates. Originality, quantity and decoration of dishes will be evaluated.
(Competition is held, summarized).

Teacher: Guys, you gradually grew up and have already been learning the first children's poems with mothers. And when you confused lines, moms tried to tell you. How did they do it?

Competition №8 "Pantomimim"

So, the teams receive a note with the beginning of the poem and the hint-pantomime, show the movements of the characters of the poem, you need to guess and tell the poem to the end.


  • "There is a bull, swinging ..."
  • "Floor a bear on the floor ..."
  • "The hare threw the mistress ..."
  • "Our Tanya cries loudly ..."
  • "Bear whites ..."
  • "I love my horse ..."

Teacher: Competition number 9. "Guess the melody"

Teacher: You have not forgotten baby songs from cartoons yet? A few seconds a fragment of a song sounds, you need to guess the name of a song or a cartoon. You can go a little.

He is a choir of students 3--6 classes with a song about mom.

Lead No. 2: Competition number 10 "in the world of musical works"

Teacher: In the title of famous musical works, all the words were replaced with opposite them in meaning. Restore

"Encrypted" thus true names.

2. "Santa Claus" ("Snow Maiden", Opera N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov)

3. "Witched horror" ("Sleeping Beauty", Ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky)

4. "Sad Bride" ("Merry Widow", Operetta F.Legar)

5. "Bubn King" ("Pica Lady", Opera P.I. Tchaikovsky)

6. "Bully about iron chicken" ("Tale of the Golden Petushka", Opera N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov)

The jury sums up the competition

Teacher: And now the guys, we will praise our mother (the word "mother" is pronounced together)


1. Full brighter for me - mum!

2.Mire and happiness for me - mum!

3.Shum branches, field flowers - mum!

4. For flying cranes - mum!

5. In the spring of Chista water - mum!

6. In the sky, a bright star - mum!

7. Let it be ringing throughout the songs

About your loved ones.

We are for all for all native

Speak "Thank you!

Teacher :

Dear women! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and hands from flowers bouquets. Let your children be obedient, and the husbands are attentive! Let your homely focus always adorn comfort, prosperity, love, happiness!

Lead 1:

Among the numerous holidays celebrated in our country, the mother's day occupies a special place. This holiday leaves no one indifferent. That is why we want to say today the words of gratitude to all mothers who give love, good, tenderness and caress to children. Thank you!

Lead 2:

- Be always beautiful and loved! Let your children give you strength and happiness! Life continues, because you have!

Lead 1: On this, our competitive game program "Daughter-Mother" is completed. All participants, fans, thank you very much. Let this charge of cheerfulness and good mood will be with you for a whole week. And we say goodbye to you. Bye!

Lead 2:

To new meetings!

Song "Mom" (from the movie "Mom").

Game program for mother's day for younger students "Mother's daughter"

Scenario of the entertainment program dedicated to the Day of Mother

Z. al colorfully decorated. In the corner there is a huge box where the doll is hidden.
Music sounds, leading.

Leading: Hello guys!
I am very glad to our meeting!
And the reason for the meeting is beautiful -
Let's talk about the holidays of different.
You can talk about them infinitely
After all, their great set!
Every day - some kind of date.
We will understand them with you guys.
I'll show you a sign,
And from you I am waiting for -
Need date to guess
Name holiday to say!
Game "Nazis Holiday"
The leading shows a sign with the inscription, and the children call the holiday:
January 1 - New Year
January 7 - Christmas
February 23 - Day of Defenders of the Fatherland
March 8 - International Women's Day
May 9 - Victory Day
June 12 - Russian Day
November 4 - Day of People's Unity
The master shows a sign with the inscription "November 29"
And what holiday we will celebrate November 29 (children answer)
November 29 we will celebrate the Mother's Day. This holiday in our country has been celebrated since 1998 on the last Sunday of November. This year it falls on November 29th.
Among numerous holidays. Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can stay indifferent. On this day, I would like to say the words of gratitude to all mothers who give the children love, good, tenderness and affection.
Guys, how do you think you can celebrate this day?
What will be the proposals? (children answer)
Give a gift to mom,
Which is made with your own hands.
It's not a secret to anybody -
Give mom a beautiful bouquet!
This day your mom will remember,
If home help!
A knock is heard.
Leading: Guys, who of you pounded?
The knock is repeated.
The knock comes from this box ...
I wonder what's there?
Opens the box. Music sounds, out of the box comes out doll, dancing
Doll: Hello, hello, hello!
What are you celebrating here?
So many guys! I like this place!
Leading: Hello! Who you are? Do not want to introduce yourself?
Doll:I am a doll!
Leading: What is your name?
Doll: I just got out of the store.
I probably call Zina,
Maybe Masha, or Dasha,
And possibly Natasha.
Ksyusha, Light, Veronica,
Tanya, Lena, or Vika.
I will open you a secret -
Name Which is not!
Leading: We will solve your problem -
There will be a name certainly!
Now the guys call names -
You choose your name yourself!
Auction "Names"

Doll:Beautifully sounds the word "marina" -
It will be my name!
So, I am Marina! What is your name?
We will put out in five minutes:
How I say the number "three",
Each loud, very loud
Your name is name! One two Three!
(children shout)
Oh, how quietly! Not already
Did you eat little today?
Another time: one, two, three -
Your name is name!
(children shout)
Well done! Here is a class!
That's so strongly with you!
Although you shouted in vain,
Something I understood
Get acquainted nice -
Now I know your names!
I also want to know
What holiday you decided to celebrate here today?
Leading: Today we are talking about the feast of the Mother's Day, who our
The country will celebrate on Sunday - November 29!
Here we argue that to give Mama for a holiday ...
Doll: Understand the essence of this question
Very just just:
I suggest all to you
Put yourself in place mom!
Leading:Tell me, Marina, is it like?
Doll: This needs to be done like this:
There is one game entertaining
Called "mother's daughter"!
Leading: What kind of game is?
Doll: Listen to all - I explain!
Mother's daughters - Children's game, imitating adult family
a life. Not only girls play in her, but also boys.
For the game, as a rule, dolls and all kinds of
Children's "Inventory" - Toyableware, Lingerie, Interiors
Furniture, household items.
I have two wonderful girlfriends -
Doll Masha and Dasha doll (shows)
They will be daughters
And all the guys are their parents, girls - Moms, boys - Pope!
Leading: Well, how to play in this game:
Many parents, and daughters are only two?
Doll: We, by the way,
We will play in turn!
The first to play
Who gagging riddles.
When a child is born,
He needs many things.
These things will be riddles.
You guess them, guys!
Puzzles(Select 8 people)
1. Facial fabric,
Mom is very necessary.
They will be Mother
Baby swaded ............. Decoil.
2. These children's pants
The smallest is needed ... .. Cleaning.
3. This shirt can not be fastened,
It can be opened.
All boys and girls
In childhood we wear ............ .. scratch.
4.This the object is useful,
While the pot will not start to ask ........ Pampers.
5. Powes small legs,
They will not wear sandals, boots.
The first shoes of a little baby
Called .................. ..pinin.
6. So as not crying the baby,
She is given a nipple under the name ..........
7.There - rattling,
Baby fun.
This is the first toy,
And it is called ................ Permanent.
8.Close another question remains:
How is the first baby's hat called? .......... cap.

You need to get up in 2 teams -
We will explain the game!

Props: Tables - 2pcs., Doll - 2 pcs., Shock - 2 pcs., Pelleka - 2 pcs., Cover - 2 pcs., Tape - 2 pcs.

This is a faded table,
On it babies and special items:
Kosyanka, Pellinka, bedspread and tape -
We use all this for the game.
The first must take away -
Slashing baby tie.
The second - a baby's shoe
In the pelleon.
Third Task -
The baby wraps in the bedspread.
The fourth completes the relay -
Tapes tape!
The task is understandable for you,
Or repeat again?
One two Three -
To the relay start!
Relay "Piece of Baby" background Music

Doll: Well we played -
The kid washed away!
And now it's time to feed.
Who will do this?
Leading: I have one game!
You will have to you guys try.
Best food for baby - porridge.
That children feed will go,
Who will call me a cereal.
Auction "Kashi"
(children call porridge, take 10 people)
You need to get up in 2 teams -
We will explain the game! (Lower children in the 2nd teams)
The doll puts props and shows what to do.
Props: Tables where dolls lie and cost plates,
Before teams, a box, in which doubt: vegetables, fruits.
Each team has a spoon.

Here in the box are products.
You feed the baby with vegetables,
You are fruit.
The first puts the product on a spoon
And in the path-track.
To the table success
The product in the plate is placed
And in the team from all legs
So that the next to start the task was able.
Whose command will quickly fulfill the task and will not be mistaken -
TA best mothers Rechange!
One two Three -
Toddler feed!
Relay "Feed kid" background Music

Leading: We feed the baby
And now it's time to walk.
Who will perform this task?
Doll: The first transport of kids is a baby stroller,
Leading: With her street walk, alas, not safe!
Doll: Who is the rules of street traffic observes
That in trouble will not fall.
Walking with a child he will go out of you
Who will give the right answers to my questions.
Questions by road rules:
(choose 10 people)
1. What light of the traffic light allows moving the street? .............. Green;
2. What do you use when moving across the street? ......................................... ............ a pedestrian crossing;
3. What organization monitors compliance ........................ .. +Bedd;
4. What is the name of the place in the middle of the street, where the pedestrian feels safe? ................................... ........ security island;
5. How should the bus standing at the bus stop? ................... Rear;
6. Where do you need to stand in anticipation of the bus? ...................... at the bus stop;
7. Which side you need to go on the sidewalk? ........................ on the right.

Doll: You need to get up in 2 teams -
We will explain the game! (Lower children in the 2nd teams)
The presenter puts the props and shows what to do.
Props: Keheli -8 pcs., Baby strollers - 2 pcs.

Walking parents will go,
Put children in strollers.
The presenter puts dolls in the stroller.
And how will you walk?
Obstacles you need to travel -
Complete this.
Initially, the first performs the relay,
Then the second, third, fourth, fifth ...
A task is understandable?
One two Three -
Go to walk!
Relay "Walk" background Music

We walked just a class!
There is another game for you.
You, friends, I give a hint -
We will now go about fairy tales.
Ask children their mother
For the night there is a fairy tale.
And all moms should, dads are a lot of fairy tales to know.
I'll tell you fairy tales
Should you be attentive
If something is not so I say -
Top diligently!
Game "Find a mistake in a fairy tale"
1. Combored Dr. Aibolit
Under birch sits (Children are hoping)
What is the right way then?
(children answer) Good doctor Aibolit,
He sits under the tree.
2.Muha-fly cloak
Silver plated belly (Children are hoping)
What is the right way then?
(children answer) Mug-fly
Gold plated belly
3.Muha on the field went
Fly Boots found (Children are hoping)
What is the right way then?
(children answer) Fly on the field went
Fly Falls found!
4. The fly on the bazaar
And bought a sandwich. (Children are hoping)
What is the right way then?
(children answer) Went fly to the bazaar
And I bought a samovar!
5.I were grandfather and bab
And they had a red hat ( children are hoping)
What is the right way then?
(children answer) lived - were grandfather and bab
And they had a rockey rush.
6. Grandfather crying, Baba cries, and the chicken laughs ...
What is the right way then?
(children answer) Grandfather crying Baba, crying, and chicken tuck
7. The grandmother in the box was dyed, screeching
Scored flour and baked pies!
What is the right way then?
(children answer) the grandmother in the box Gomatla, on Suskem the screech,
Scored flour and baked a bun.
8. The grandmother answers: "Jerny for the rope, my child is a door and fall off" (Children are hoping)
What is the right way then?
(children answer)"Jerny for the rope, my child - the door and opens"
9. A red hat asks: "Grandma, Grandma, why do you have such big hands?"
And the wolf responds to her: "So that more money to get tolerance!" children are trees
What is the right way then?
(children answer) And the wolf responds to her: "To stronger hug you, my child is my!"
Doll: Dear Pope, Moms, you are all day today
Fed the child, walked, played,
His swaded you were not too lazy.
But the evening came, everything is very tired,
It's time to sleep peacefully all nights!
Leading: And let's all together
Singing for a baby's lullaby song.
Song "Sleep Tired Toys"
Tired toys are sleeping,
Books sleep
Blankets and pillows
Waiting for the guys
Even the fairy tale goes to sleep,
To dream night,
Eye close,
Bay - Bai ...

In the fairy tale you can ride
On the moon,
And the rainbow to rush
On horseback
Make friends with an elephant
And catch the feather of the heat - birds,
You wish her -
Bai - Bai.

Bai - Bai, must all people
Sleep at night
Bai - Bai, the next day will
Day again
For the day we are tired very,

Sleep - fall asleep,
Bai - Bai.

For the day we are tired very,
Let's just say good night,
Sleep - fall asleep,
Bai - Bai.

Everyone knows that
At this hour
Quietly walks diver
Near us.
Behind the window is all darker
Morning Night is a great ...
Eye close,
Doll: The children fell asleep, the game ended,
Leading: It turned out very good.
Doll: Mom and you congratulate you do not forget!
Leading: BUT best gift - obedient be!
Doll: They raised you from the cradle
Leading:Love them to prove your in fact:
Learn to "five"!
Doll: Help the house!
Leading: Will mommy is glad to give such a gift!
Doll: You wish you happiness forever!
Leading: Happy mom, if happy kids!
Doll: In the "mother's daughter" will play more with you necessarily!
And now I invite everyone to the dance of the incendiary!