Ahmad name meaning. Courageous and strong Ahmed - what kind of temperament he will have

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to be proactive in everything and do not like routine.

NS- striving by all means to gain authority in society. Despite this, they are of high moral character. They react violently to what people say about them. They are responsible and responsive. Such people have a lot of friends and acquaintances.

M- if you look at people who have the letter "M" in their names, we can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality everything is not so. Everything they need they will never forget. They prefer to do their job well. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, notoriousness and limitation. These people, before doing something, will think it over several times. All actions are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in a difficult situation. They are distinguished by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, very rarely listen to other people's opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

The meaning and mystery of the name Akhmet

Synonyms for the name Akhmet. Ahmed, Akhmat, Ahmad.

The name Akhmet is of Arabic origin. WITH Arabic Akhmet means "most glorious", "worthy of praise." There is also another meaning of the name Akhmet - "one who constantly thanks God."

The name Akhmet has different options spelling and pronunciation - Akhmat, Ahmad, Ahmed are all the same name. The name Ahmet can also be a modified name of Muhammad.

The name Ahmet is a form, a variant of the pronunciation of the name Muhammad, as well as the names Mamed and Mahmud (Mehmet). The name Muhammad is the most common name among Muslims.

In the family, he is a loving father and a caring son. He is not overwhelmed with ambition. For Akhmet, work is not a way to take a certain position in society, but a means of independence and finding peace.

Akhmet cannot realize himself and his talents for a long time. For those around him, he always remains a mysterious, unknown personality.

What does the name Ahmed mean
What does the name Ahmed mean. The name Akhmet is of Arabic origin.

Source: xn--80aapf4aea4apbg.name

The meaning of the name Akhmet

The name Akhmet is of Arabic origin. Translated from the Arabic language, Ahmet means "most glorious", "worthy of praise." There is also another meaning of the name Akhmet - "one who constantly thanks God."

The name Akhmet has different spellings and pronunciation - Akhmat, Akhmad, Akhmed, Amet are all the same name. The name Ahmet is a form, a variant of the pronunciation of the name Muhammad, as well as the names Mamed and Mahmud (Mehmet). The name Muhammad is the most common name among Muslims.

The name Ahmad (Akhmat) is widespread in all Muslim countries, mainly in the Middle East. Recently, this name has become popular with African Americans living in the United States. Among the Tatars and Turkic peoples, the variant of the name Akhmed, Akhmet is often used.

A sharp disposition and independence are the main character traits of the young Akhmet. As he matures, he becomes softer and more responsive. At any age, Akhmet does not allow himself to be controlled, to dictate conditions. Akhmet appreciates sincerity in those around him. Only such people can win his trust and make friends.

This man is always hardworking, striving for success. Often, to achieve the set task, he lacks balance and the ability to think through everything to the smallest detail. He often commits rash acts, is prone to unjustified risks.

There are many contradictory features in Akhmet's character. In life, he is restrained and calm, but if the situation has taken him out of balance, then it is better not to catch his eye. Usually he is docile, then completely unexpectedly unlimited stubbornness can appear. Akhmet loves to look at other women, but at the same time, he is usually faithful to his only one.

In the family, he is a loving father and a caring son. He is not overwhelmed with ambition. For Akhmet, work is not a way to take a certain position in society, but a means of independence and finding peace. Akhmet cannot realize himself and his talents for a long time. For those around him, he always remains a mysterious, unknown personality.

The meaning of the name Akhmet
The meaning of the name Ahmet The name Ahmet is of Arabic origin. Translated from the Arabic language, Ahmet means "most glorious", "worthy of praise." There is also another meaning of the name Akhmet - “the one who

Source: kakzovut.ru

The origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Ahmed

Origin and meaning

The Arabic name Ahmed in translation means "deserving of praise", "most glorious", as well as "one who constantly thanks God." The name is common in the Middle East and in all Muslim countries.


The secret of the name Ahmed hides a physically strong, independent, hardworking, proud and very peculiar person. Such people are called difficult people. Since childhood, he strives for leadership, trying to conquer her with a physical advantage among his peers. Entrepreneurial from birth, already in adolescence tries to create his own system of earning money, gaining personal advantages. However, such a young man, and later a man, lacks ingenuity, analytical skills, the ability to create a logical chain of events and results. However, he is respected for his exceptional hard work and absolute lack of ambition.

Ahmed is the name of what nationality

The meaning of the name Ahmad

The male name Ahmad translated from Arabic means "the one who thanks God." The bearers of this name give the impression of independent and freedom-loving people with a difficult character. But in fact, this is not entirely true, and a kind and sympathetic person is hiding under the external severity. Ahmad does not tolerate any pressure and is a little wary of people. His trust can only be won by gentleness and sincerity.

A distinctive feature of Ahmad is hard work and perseverance in achieving his goals. But to be successful, he lacks the ability to focus on details. This often leads to unnecessary risks and rash decisions.

There are many contradictions in the character of Ahmad. He is restrained in expressing feelings, but sometimes he starts with half a turn. He is docile, but at some moments his stubbornness knows no bounds. Ahmad can pay attention to beautiful women, but at the same time he will remain faithful to his only chosen one.

The bearers of this name respect their parents and become impeccable fathers themselves. Ambition and the desire to shine in society are alien to Ahmad. He is ready to work tirelessly to ensure a rich and independent life for himself and his loved ones.

Ahmad name meaning

Ahmad, Ahmed, Ahmet, Akhmat(ar. أحمد) - Arabic name, translated into Russian means "the one who constantly thanks God", "more worthy of approval."

Word Ahmad is one of the simplest names to transliterate. Used in all Muslim countries. Also recently, there has been an increase in the number of speakers of the name in the United States due to the use of the popularity of the name among African Americans. Name variant Ahmed used in the Ottoman language during the Ottoman Empire. Modern Turkish mainly uses the variant Akhmet... It can also be used as a surname for Muslim peoples.

Notable carriers

  • Ahmad Sanjar is the Sultan of the Seljuk Empire.
  • Ahmed I - Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, built the Blue Mosque - a masterpiece of Muslim architecture.
  • Ahmad Jibril is the leader of the liberation of Palestine.
  • Ahmad Shah Massoud is a former Minister of Defense of Afghanistan.
  • Akhmet Baitursynov - Kazakh politician of the early 20th century, repressed by the Soviet regime in the 30s

Akhmet name meaning, character and destiny | What does the name Akhmet mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Akhmet, its origin, history, learn about the options for interpreting the name.

  • Zodiac of Ahmet - Leo
  • Planet - Jupiter
  • The color of the name Akhmet - Crimson, blue
  • Auspicious tree - oak, pear
  • Akhmet's treasured plant - Basil, lavender
  • Patron of the name Akhmet - elephant, sheep, swallow
  • Akhmet's talisman stone - Sapphire

What does the name Akhmet mean: the most glorious (name Akhmet of Tatar origin). Translated from the Arabic language, the meaning of the name Akhmet is interpreted as "the most glorious", "most glorious", "a person worthy of praise." Also, the name of Akhmet is often translated as "the one who constantly thanks God." V different countries Akhmet's name can sound differently: Akhmed, Akhmat, etc. The name Akhmat is widespread in Muslim states, especially in the Middle East. Also recently, the name Akhmet began to call the children of African Americans who live in the United States. The variants Ahmed and Akhmet are used among the Turkic peoples and Tatars.

The nature of the name Akhmet: Perhaps the most important features by which the meaning of the name Akhmet can be determined are independence and a sharp disposition. Of course, having matured, the name Akhmet becomes more responsive and gentle. However, he will never allow anyone to dictate conditions, and even more so, to control them. In those around him, Akhmet invariably appreciates sincerity, and it is such people who can become his friends. In general, Akhmet does not have many friends - he is inclined to carefully study each person.

Health and talents named after Akhmet: One of Akhmet's qualities is striving for success. But I must say that very often he simply lacks the ability to analyze the situation. He can commit rash acts, take unjustified risks. There are a lot of contradictions in it, and one can even say that for those around him a man named Akhmet will always remain a mysterious, unknown person.

Proud, independent, self-centered people with a difficult character. With age, this external harshness and intolerance soften and it becomes obvious that, in fact, Akhmet is a kind, sympathetic person. He does not tolerate any pressure, and only sincerity and gentleness can win his trust.

He is the type of businesslike and unusually hardworking man, but lacks the ability to think carefully about details to achieve success. The name Akhmet can be hacked off the shoulder, without the need to take risks, when it is enough to calmly think about everything and as a result get great benefits.

There are many contradictions in the nature of the name Akhmet: he is restrained in expressing feelings, but under hot hand it is better for him not to get caught, agreeable, but capable, as they say, "to rest on his horns." Looks at beautiful women, but remains faithful to the one and only.

Akhmet is a devoted son and a caring father. He is not ambitious, does not strive to shine in society, he is ready to work day and night in order to find a calm life, independent and secured. In such men there is always something hidden, unknown, which still awaits its solution and realization.

The fate of the name Akhmet in history:

  1. Akhmet Khashegulgov - Major General of the Russian Army
  2. Ahmet Yalcinkaya - poet of Turkish origin
  3. Akhmet Baitursynov - Turkologist, literary critic, linguist, educator, public figure, translator
  4. Ahmet Koch - Turkish composer, musician, performer playing the saz (Turkic folk instrument)
  5. Ahmet Dursun - footballer of Turkish origin
  6. Ahmet Necdet Sezer - 10th Turkish President
  7. Ahmet Davutoglu - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey since 2009, statesman
  8. Akhmet Akhmerov - Hero of Socialist Labor, worker correspondent, tire assembler at the Yaroslavl tire plant
  9. Akhmed Akhundov-Gurgenli - Turkmen writer, literary man, poet
  10. Ahmet Rasim - Turkish historian, writer, journalist
  11. Akhmet Bokov - Ingush playwright, prose writer, author of scientific novels, playwright
  12. Akhmet Yarlykapov - Senior Researcher at the Center for Ethnopolitical Research of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian scientist in Caucasus
  13. Akhmet Zhubanov - Soviet composer, musicologist, conductor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR
  14. Ahmet Kaya - Turkish singer, poet, public figure
  15. Akhmet Zakirov - Hero Soviet Union, platoon commander of the 7th rifle company of the 239th guards rifle regiment of the 76th guards rifle division of the 61st army of the Central Front, junior lieutenant
  16. Ahmed Jafaroglu - Professor of Istanbul University, Turkologist, Honorary Doctor of the Independent Ukrainian University, Corresponding Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR
  17. Akhmed Iskenderov - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1979, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Questions of History"
  18. Ahmed Ismail - 2006 Pan African Games champion and 2004 Olympic medalist, Egyptian amateur boxer
  19. Ahmed Hasan Zewail - American-Egyptian physicist, laureate Nobel Prize and the Wolf Prize in Chemistry.
  • Ahmad- title military rank v Armed Forces Mongolian People's Republic, roughly corresponds to the military unit "captain" in Russia.
  • Ahmad Tea is a brand of tea.
  • Ahmad, Ahmed, Ahmet, Akhmat(Arabic أحمد) - Arabic name, translated into Russian means "the one who constantly thanks God", "more worthy of approval."
  • Ahmad, Qadi Hussein (1938-2013) - a prominent religious figure, Islamic theologian.

The name Ahmed is very popular in the East. You will learn about what traits it can endow a person with from this article.


The owner of the name Ahmed should be physically strong, independent, hardworking, proud and rather peculiar. The meaning of the name gives its bearer a difficult character. He is with early years strives to be the first in everything. It is especially important for him to be known as a physically strong person.

Besides, Ahmed is very adventurous. He can come up with and implement his own scheme for making money as a teenager. However, he sometimes lacks analytical skills and ingenuity. Nevertheless, he enjoys well-deserved respect among friends and colleagues, thanks to his great hard work and lack of ambition. The owner of this name is completely incapable of weaving intrigues.

Surprisingly, Ahmed combines the desire for success and prosperity with modesty. Even when he becomes arrogant and intolerant, others treat this with understanding, because without a good reason, such behavior is impossible for him. Besides, Ahmed knows how to please women. Moreover, in personal relationships, he can show not only nobility, but also deceit, cunning, vindictiveness. This contradiction leads his lovers to a standstill.

Possible hobbies

Rarely appears free time from a man named Ahmed. The meaning of the name gives him extreme hard work. This means that rest for him is In his youth, the owner of this name dreams of long journeys, but quickly realizes that he will never have money for them. However, the constant engagement in commerce will broaden his horizons, get rid of stereotypes and instill internal discipline. Over time, Ahmed will know himself, will become wiser and calmer.

Professional quality

Choosing a future profession, Ahmed pays attention to income and workplace comfort. The meaning of the name endows him with remarkable caution. He pays attention to work hours, stress levels, and other nuances. He prefers to work as a guide, travel agent, sales representative, merchant, translator, manager, hotel porter, waiter. However, working specialties are more profitable for him. He will make a wonderful electrician, locksmith, mechanic, bricklayer, winemaker. So the hardworking Ahmed will never be left without work.


What kind of health does the name Ahmed give to its owner? As a rule, good health and excellent physical condition without special efforts... However, a person with that name is prone to nervous diseases that arise from a busy work schedule. But Ahmed is recovering quickly thanks to secrets traditional medicine... He generously shares with friends, acquaintances and just good people proven recipes passed down from generation to generation in his family.

Personal life

The name Ahmed makes its bearer a true connoisseur of female beauty. He begins to fall in love as a child, but there is no real depth in his feelings. Mental anguish and fiery passion are unfamiliar to him. He is truly devoted to work and family, so frivolous relationships are not interesting to him. Any romance on the side will be fleeting. Moreover, the initiator of the parting will always be Ahmed himself. For a life together, he seeks to find an ideal that combines beauty, intelligence, a rational mindset and thrift. The gap love relationship will force him to go deep into work and remain silent for a long time.

All his life Ahmed will dream of a spectacular woman. However, most likely, he will marry a simple and homely girl who will create for him home comfort and will give you peace of mind. The owner of this name trusts fate and tries not to resist it. Therefore, the marriage bond will be respected and appreciated. In addition, he loves children very much and will do everything possible to ensure that they receive a decent upbringing and education.

Name in history

The most famous bearer of the name we are describing was, of course, the Sultan. He was a reasonable and strong-willed ruler. He cared about the welfare of his people, took his hopes and aspirations to heart. For example, he personally helped put out fires in Istanbul in 1606 and was injured. In addition, he was a well-known connoisseur of beauty. During his reign, the most magnificent building in the Turkish capital, the Blue Mosque, was built. Unfortunately, he died very early - at the age of 28. But he left a good memory of himself among the people.

Now you know what the name Ahmed means. Its owner will lead a dignified life devoted to family and work.

Praiseworthy, praiseworthy. Male Muslim names. Dictionary of meanings ... Dictionary of personal names

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- احمد شاه دراني Portrait of Ahmad Shah Durrani ... Wikipedia

Persian. احمد دانش, taj. Aҳmadi Donish ... Wikipedia

Ahmad Shah ... Wikipedia

- (971/1563 1024/1615) an outstanding Muslim reformer, who was called the renovator of the faith of the second millennium (mujaddid alf as sani). The real name is Abu al Barakat Ahmad ibn Abd al Ahad ibn Zayn al Abidin. He is also called Imam Rabbani ... Islam. Encyclopedic Dictionary.

To tie? Ahmad Burgani Faragani ... Wikipedia

Ahmad Jibril Ahmad Jibril (Arabic: أحمد جبريل, born 1935, Ramla) leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command. He is on the "black list" of the most dangerous terrorists wanted by the Israeli special services ... Wikipedia


  • Clinical dialysis. Handbook, Ahmad S .. The publication is a concise, well-illustrated guide to all aspects of dialysis. The second edition is completely revised and includes full overview techniques, processes and ...
  • Islam answers modern questions, Ahmad H. Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad is the former Supreme Head of the World Ahmadiyya Movement for the Revival of Islam. During his life, he wrote many books, read many lectures on religious ...
The artistry of your nature implies a certain pretentiousness in clothes. You like decorating yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, conspicuous accessories, all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, that fits well with your friendly, open nature. It is only important to observe the measure, not to go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is rather ephemeral.

Akhmat name compatibility, manifestation in love

Love for you is a vital, daily necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, in your attitude towards your partner, tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive obsequiousness, prevail. However, you remain in the unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and require an adequate, from your point of view, response to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Akhmat, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often get into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. With a long absence of a partner "within reach" you are visited by a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will like both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long-lasting and harmonious.


You are attracted by beauty and harmony in all forms. Therefore, the primary basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Therefore, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you will not "fight" with someone who is trying to create such an imbalance. A "thin world" for you is always "better than a good quarrel", which means that the enemy should be turned into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have a lot of friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to "awaken the best feelings" in a person who has a negative attitude towards you.

However, just knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinion must be supported by action. And here you are often let down by your indecision. It is not shyness or fear of consequences. Just hesitation in the search best option... Life experience will help get rid of them.