How to increase IQ with regular meditation. How to increase IQ at home

It is, of course, . Gnawing holes in the “facade of science”, you arrange an excellent workout for your own brain. To improve your memory, start learning by heart the poems of your favorite Russian poets, as well as memorize the words of a foreign one. When reading a book, do not just get carried away by the plot, but also pay attention to the author's idea, the drawing of characters and the use of speech means. Having met an unfamiliar word, do not be too lazy to look it up in the dictionary, expanding your vocabulary.

Try to perform the usual actions of the second, not working hand. If you are right-handed, then hold a spoon, fasten and unfasten clothes, draw, if you are left-handed, then vice versa. Gradually complicate the task. This exercise helps to activate the work of both hemispheres.

Give up. While watching numerous talk shows, serials and just aimlessly “clicking” channels, brain resources are absolutely not involved. In addition, screen flickering, fast changing pictures and sounds do not give you a rest. nervous system. That is why a couple of hours spent in front of the TV lead to a feeling of emptiness.

Read the classics. If your acquaintance with the masterpieces of the world was limited school curriculum then it's time to catch up. Good books teach you how to correctly express your thoughts, build logical chains and, in addition, help expand your vocabulary. Experiencing together with the heroes of works of art, you will develop not only, but also emotionality.

Get enough sleep. Sleep is a kind of "reboot" of the brain. Therefore, for its good work, you need to spend at least 8 hours a day in bed. If possible, then after-dinner rest should be added to a night's sleep. After taking a nap for an hour, you will allow the brain to better absorb the information received in the morning hours, as well as prepare to receive new knowledge. And then the clarity of mind will be preserved until the evening.

In order to maintain the ability to perceive and study information, you need to follow a special diet. First of all, it is worth providing the brain with unsaturated fatty acids, which means you will have to fall in love with sea fish: mackerel, halibut, salmon. Wholemeal bread, cauliflower, egg yolk are sources of B vitamins necessary for the full development of the intellect. Vitamin "C" increases speed, "A" - helps to improve. Therefore, the menu must contain citrus fruits, green apples, carrots and dairy products.

If you believe the statistics, the iq of the average Russian is 96, while for the inhabitants of Japan this figure is 105, and for the indigenous inhabitant of Equatorial Guinea - 66. Scientists have long come to the conclusion that between the well-being of any country and the average level of intelligence of its inhabitants there is a clear direct relationship.

With regard to a single person, the same thing can be said - the more developed his mental abilities, the more likely he is to achieve success in life and realize his potential. People with iq>110 tend to have higher education, occupy leadership positions and become true professionals in their field. Therefore, many are interested in how to increase iq, and how realistic it is.

You can use the program with which you can increase your IQ by about 17 points in 7 days. Print this sign and hang it on the wall somewhere in a conspicuous place, or simply keep it on the table at hand so that you do not accidentally miss the next class. After all, the most important thing in any training is the constancy of classes. These recommendations are not difficult to follow, the main thing is to set a goal and clearly follow the plan. However, you should not take the advice too literally - it's all just a general guide to action.

How to increase iq? Action plan

Day of the week

What to do?

Time (in minutes)


IQ gain (in points)


Play short term memory games like Dual N-Back on or eat some grapes

The development of short-term memory allows you to stir up the mind and make it more mobile, and the use of grapes or grape juice, so rich in various antioxidants, can improve our ability to remember.

Take creatine or eat beef

Creatine is used as a sports supplement to increase body muscles. It is also abundant in beef dishes. Studies have shown that taking 5 g of creatine daily can increase iq by 15 points in 6 weeks. This substance increases the supply of energy in the brain, which is necessary for counting operations.

Play Erudite ( or

Activation and enhancement vocabulary - great advice those who want to know how to increase iq. You can compete in the formation of words from a given number of letters both on the Internet with other players, and on the phone or with a computer.

Play your favorite video game (it's Call of Duty's turn)

Video games can improve our visual perception of the world around us, which, in turn, is one of the main factors in improving iq.

Stop slouching at the table - march on the treadmill!

Scientists from the Swedish Institute of Psychology and Neurology have confirmed that a healthy and toned cardiovascular system can increase mental capacity by 50%.

Practice solving IQ tests

Our intelligence in terms of training is similar to bears - the more often we give it various tasks, the stronger it becomes.


Time to be vegan

A number of studies have found a pattern between vegetarian food and high IQ. Therefore, be sure to include some vegetables in your diet.

196 minutes or about 3.5 hours

17 points

Well, now you know how to increase your iq, it remains only to start practicing. You can train your mind on the way to school or work, sitting on the bus or on a walk. We recommend that you first use tests to determine those areas in which the lowest results, and then select the appropriate exercises. For example, if you want to improve your counting ability, you can mentally sum up the numbers of cars passing by, etc. Practice more often - and it will definitely give its result.

The brain controls all the processes in our body, constantly maintains a highly complex psychophysical system in working condition. It works without breaks and weekends, no matter what you do: breathe, watch a movie, fantasize or sleep. It is logical to assume that the quality of our life directly depends on the development of the brain. Therefore, the demand for its development was, is and will be at all times.

There are many methods and approaches to brain development, but, as I have seen from my own experience, few focus specifically on the brain. This is an omission. Therefore, we offer a fairly simple approach to develop a brain that can be used in Everyday life without going into details and details; without specific knowledge, exercises and training.

The main role in the development of the brain is not played by genes, natural abilities and potential, as many believe. Learning plays a key role in brain development. And this is the most natural way to develop the brain. The rest of the models and techniques are just a nice addition.

How to increase IQ: develop the brain with training

From the moment of birth, the number of neurons in the human brain reaches 86 billion. This number is constantly decreasing, and alcohol, stress, infectious diseases and other products of our vital activity accelerate this process. According to the latest scientific data, dementia, limited mobility and other manifestations of degradation occur when the human brain has lost more than 90% of neurons. From this we can conclude that the main role in the development of the brain is played by neural connections that make up the neural network in our heads. Accordingly, the larger the network, the smarter the person and the more intellectually developed his brain. By the way, neural connections are responsible not only for the “amount of knowledge” that we have, but also for how high-quality and creative our thinking is. New neural connections are formed whenever we see, learn, or do something new. However, the largest number of them is formed when we are learning.

How to increase IQ: making learning effective for the brain

  1. For a good brain condition, it must be constantly trained. various types new activity. It can be: dancing, martial arts, foreign languages, a new sport, music, creativity, reading, travel or psychotechnics.
  2. Any training should take place over a long period of time - from a month to a year, in otherwise learning effect will be minimal.
  3. Learning should take place in the “right” conditions for your brain: proper nutrition, the right environment, the right sleep.

How to increase IQ: develop the brain with food

The brain consumes up to 30% of the total energy of the body. It needs to be constantly recharged.

  1. Food should be distributed evenly throughout the day. If you eat a lot and in one gulp, then the brain will work with significant interruptions, because. will not receive energy when needed. At the same time, instead of solving problems, you will walk like a sleepy fly with inhibited thinking. Try to keep food flowing evenly, constantly fueling your brain.
  2. Nutrition must necessarily contain proteins, complex carbohydrates, water, omega-three fats. Plus water: 2-3 liters daily.
  3. While eating, concentrate on eating and do not engage in extraneous things. If you want to become better - stop eating at the computer! For the full assimilation of food, it is necessary to perceive food with all the senses and concentrate, focusing the brain on this process. As the Chinese say, we are what we eat. Therefore, before each meal, tune in to the fact that food will make you stronger. Feel it.

Continuous learning and self-improvement will not only develop your brain, but will also set you apart from the masses, allowing you to become successful.

How to increase IQ: develop the brain with the help of the environment

  1. Fresh air: the brain needs oxygen. Ventilate the room more often, walk more in the fresh air, sleep with windows open if possible, and occasionally do breathing exercises.
  2. Order: our brain has about seven channels of information perception, with which it can more or less work simultaneously. Often these channels of ours are filled with all sorts of heresy. All this wastes your thinking potential and concentration, at a time when it could be used to solve really worthwhile issues. To free your channels from "operational matters" and develop your brain, keep your workplace and living space is ok. This will free your head from unnecessary thoughts and streamline the incoming information. Each piece of paper is an unfinished business! Remember: new knowledge that is not implemented within 48 hours has a 95% chance of being forgotten and never implemented! If you have read the previous paragraph and are wondering what computer desk It's time to clean up - start now! Don't delay - start now!
  3. Comfort: your environment should be comfortable for work and for life. Without noise, vibrations, bright lights, uncomfortable chairs - everything that irritates you and your brain, interfering with concentration. Therefore, strive to create an environment that promotes your productivity and does not interfere with concentration.

How to increase IQ: develop the brain in a dream

  1. Your brain needs 6-9 hours of sleep to function. This is a good time for your brain to develop optimally, because during sleep the brain continues to work and, more importantly, learns what you did the day before.
  2. Going to bed should be such that 15 minutes after you went to bed, you pass out. Your task is to identify the time when you go to bed on a decline in mental activity. So you fall asleep pretty quickly.
  3. Calm environment: Fresh air, silence, darkness.



V modern world it was not the strength that mattered, but the intellect of man. A high level of intelligence allows you to succeed in most areas of activity. How to increase your level of intelligence, become smarter and more successful than others?

Your IQ, that is, intelligence quotient, is a scientific assessment of mental development using tests that measure your problem-solving abilities, mental imagery abilities, memory, general knowledge and other abilities. While there are some limitations to innate intelligence, recent research has shown that intelligence can be improved. We will present you with several ways to do this.

1. Play mind games

1.1 Train your brain. Were you an ace in the Scrabble game and could score 40 points even when the combinations of letters were like ARRTERNA? What congratulations! Now we suggest you learn how to solve Sudoku. And when you learn, move on - become an expert at chess or other strategy games.

When you master a certain skill, your brain stops working with the same effort. He does not waste resources, does not produce dopamine as actively. So don't stop your Scrabble competition, but look for new brain games as well.

1.2 Play logic/strategy games. In 2008, scientists Susan Jaggi and Martin Buschkül invented a method that improves test scores on "fluid intelligence" - the ability to make connections, solve problems and adapt to new situations. Based on the results of research, scientists have made a significant contribution to the study of mental abilities, paying attention, and then showing that there are two different streams of information.

1.3 Play video games. Games can be a great way to stimulate the brain. Try to play a game that is not usually on your "list of favorites". This will help you think differently. Pay Special attention games that force you to solve problems or make quick decisions.

Scientific studies have shown that the familiar game of Tetris leads to more efficient brain activity; the more skillfully you play the game, the less glucose your brain consumes (and glucose is the main "fuel" for the body). Conclusion of this scientific research is that glucose intake decreases when you study. This means that the more experienced a person becomes in any activity, the less effort he needs to make.

When you first play, for example, "shooters", try to plunge into the atmosphere of the game, pay attention to the details, think over every movement as if it were real. Thus, you will not end the game pointlessly, but will stimulate the brain to think more than just act reflexively.

1.4 Challenge your brain in new ways. Try studying cryptology, for example. The point is to unravel the message encrypted in the code. For some, this is a difficult task, but after a while it can even be fun. After all, all logic puzzles are interesting.

Solve logic puzzles and puzzles. This will help open up new horizons and allow you to solve problems in a different way.

Solve crosswords and sudoku. This kind of activity stimulates the mind and the process of thinking. Not everyone, perhaps, considers it developing thinking, but in combination with others mind games it can be quite efficient and easy.

2. Train your body, train your mind

2.1 Give in to physical activity, train your body. Keeping the body and mind in good shape - lovely way increase the level of intelligence, which is proven by science.

2.2 Expand your horizons. Just as sitting at a desk all day is bad for your physical condition, "sitting" at the same mental level is bad for your mind. To get out of this state, set yourself a goal for life - to constantly study, learn something new.

Immerse yourself in the study of art and architecture to see the visual representation of the mind in action.

Take a different route to work, or try something new, like bungee jumping, or learn to draw well. It doesn't matter what you do, it's the process that matters.

A new experience releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, which increases the number of neurons and causes a feeling of satisfaction.
The more you study, the more you know and, accordingly, the higher the level of your intellectual development.

2.3 Try to do the old in a new way. If you commute to work on the same road day after day, it becomes a chore, even if it's an hour's drive. After all, you know by heart every turn, every pothole, where there will be a traffic jam, where the radar is. Everything becomes so unremarkable that you stop paying attention to everything. And stop thinking. Everything you do "automatically" cuts off your thought process. Quit this habit.

For example, take a different route to work. It can be 5 minutes longer or, conversely, shorter. If you are afraid of being late, do it on your way home.

If you love to write, try sketching first and then putting everything into the computer. Do it every day. You can learn more about your writing skills or about the character you unknowingly created.

Anything that "excites" your mechanical approach to something can be a wonderful opportunity to escape the routine.

2.4 Persistence pays off. Do not pay attention to stereotypes that only limit, for example: "To teach the old is what to heal the dead." Imagine the satisfaction you would feel if you raised your IQ level by as much as 10 points! Like everything else, the brain works best when it is used. Active mental activity has even been linked to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

2.5 Write on every occasion. Send a note instead of an email, or make a freehand sketch instead of typing it on a computer. This stimulates visual and kinetic perception.

Try writing with your non-dominant hand. This can actually stimulate the opposite hemisphere of the brain from the hand. And maybe a left-hander can become right-handed and learn to think more logically, and a right-hander can try to write with his left hand and develop creativity. Please note that this is only a guess, but worth testing.

2.6 Be the best at school - get better career. There is a wealth of evidence supporting the relationship between good grades and high level intellect. Good grades are the road to a good career and a better lifestyle.

Scientific studies show that the brains of true professionals are automatically larger, healthier and more convoluted, while manual workers have a thinner new cortex, which means a level of intelligence below average. All this is because such workers do not often use the brain.

The intensive training required by an often promising professional career certainly initiates the development of nerve cells and stimulates the cognitive abilities of the brain.

3. Enjoy your surroundings and culture

3.1 Express yourself. Be active in society, in the social environment and interact with the outside world. The more you are interested in other people and other points of view, the more you will learn. You may not always agree with what you learn or discover, but by challenging your preconceived notions, you will either strengthen your beliefs or adapt, grow, and embrace new perspectives.

3.2 Be observant. An integral part of the image of a "smart person" is awareness of various issues at a high level, and understanding (or developing understanding) the relationship between disparate or random events.

For example, you see two cars colliding moving in the opposite direction. Without hesitation, some say: "well, sometimes it happens" and leave everything as it is. And if you are more observant, you may notice the factors that caused the accident: perhaps one car lost stability on a slippery road; or maybe the cars were driving towards each other on a one-way road. Or, and it could be, there was a dog in one of the cars, which, seeing another dog on the side of the road, joyfully jumped into the hands of the driver, who as a result lost control and crashed into another car.

Intensive observations can also be useful in more productive areas such as architecture, art or astronomy, etc.

3.3 Listen to classical music. The Mozart effect showed that if you listen to music even for 10 minutes, you can achieve a short-term increase in IQ by 8-9 points. You can, of course, achieve a long-term effect, but you need to take someone with a higher IQ level to prove it!

3.4 Read a lot. Reading enhances the brain's ability to think and develops the ability to make quick decisions. Reading a book that you have not read before broadens your horizons, and therefore increases your IQ level.

Make sure the book is appropriate for your level. Reading a book that is too easy for you will only entertain you and nothing more, and vice versa, if you read a book that you do not reach and constantly refer to the dictionary, this will not bring any pleasure.

4. Don't stop learning

4.1 Keep track of your progress. Take an IQ test every week and record your results. If you want to see your progress - get a document in Excel or any other program convenient for you. (There are many sites where you can take an online IQ test for free).

Keep in mind that many online tests unlicensed and request SMS confirmation to receive results. Don't give in - it's spam. Choose the test you are about to take carefully. In the US, for example, the only licensed IQ test is the Stanford-Binet test.


Play checkers or solve crossword puzzles. They make you think and entertain at the same time.

Learn a foreign language. If you have learned one, take on the other. Study other cultures - it will predispose your brain to different forms logic and you can look at things differently.

Read more books and look for educational material on the Internet.

Turn off the TV and set your brain to work! The same applies to mindless reading for show. Take a topic and study it carefully so that you understand everything from beginning to end.

Get busy. This increases blood flow to the brain, which increases mental abilities and improves memory.

When you think, breathe evenly, deeply.

Replace sugary drinks with water and eat fruits and vegetables regularly.

Get enough sleep. In order for the received information to pass into long-term memory from short-term, you need to get enough sleep. Studies show that, on average, teenagers do better on tests if they study for a couple of weeks more, and if they sleep more than eight hours, there is a jump in results. But remember, these are averages. It all depends on the student himself - whether his level of intelligence will increase or remain at the same level. Just remember, it's a proven fact that if you sleep more, more information is stored in long-term memory.

Do exercises that stimulate the cardiovascular system, and give up fatty foods so that the blood circulates normally to the brain.

Eat brain-healthy foods like fish. However, avoid eating tuna - this fish often contains a large number of mercury. Incorporate omega 3 or fish oil into your diet. It will also be good for your health.

Spin the Rubik's Cube, solve puzzles or use another similar toy to pass the time instead of watching TV.

Many are convinced that intellectual abilities are inherent in us by nature from birth, and doubt that it is possible to develop intelligence as an adult. They are wrong: it is quite possible to improve your cognitive abilities. CTD has compiled several recommendations and exercises.

“No amount of training will help every person become a genius on the level of Mozart or Einstein,” writes Adam Wilson in How to Develop Intelligence. Psychology of a nerd "- since a unique combination of genetic prerequisites is important for genius, right upbringing suitable social conditions and the necessary development of natural abilities.

Scientists have managed to prove that intelligence is not a constant value: IQ can be significantly improved.

If you do not aim at genius, you can increase the intellectual level by your own efforts at any age. Recent studies have proven that the human brain is able to create new neurons even at 60-70 years old.

Intelligence is a complex concept that includes such elements as memory, attention and logic. Therefore, if you want to improve your intellectual abilities, you need to take care of proper development all components.

“Intellect requires harmonious and full development! Wilson insists. - An unbalanced development of the mind is somewhat reminiscent of uneven muscle training. Working on just one ability is like joining a gym and developing only the muscles in your arms.”

Include daily exercises for memory, attention and logic in your training program, and in a couple of weeks you will notice the first changes. The main thing is that the loads are not only complex, but also constant. For the constant development of the intellect, they must become a habit, become a way of life. You can draw a parallel with the process of losing weight: you can go on a diet from time to time, and then break loose and gain weight back, or constantly eat right and maintain a normal figure.

Whatever program for the development of intelligence you choose, it should not be boring and monotonous, otherwise you will quickly get tired of doing the exercises and you will not achieve anything. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to spend a lot of time on classes. As Roger Sipe notes, "Stress is the biggest killer of your brainpower." Therefore, choose for yourself the type of training that is closest to you and suits your character. In addition to direct exercises for the development of intelligence, some quite everyday and familiar activities are also effective.

Methods for the development of intellectual abilities

1. Write down all your ideas on paper

When scanning the brain of a writing person, it turned out that several departments are involved in writing at once, even more than when typing on a keyboard. When you write a text by hand, and then reread it, the information is perceived by you visually, so the parts of the brain that are responsible for vision are also involved in the work. In addition, when writing, you analyze information much deeper, think more intensively.

2. Play mind games

The game is the best way learning and at the same time the most enjoyable. Both crosswords, sudoku, puzzles or chess contribute to the development of intelligence, as well as computer games. Even if you are playing a simple arcade game where you have to shoot monsters, you still load your RAM and train it.

3. Continue education

The educational process helps people become smarter and teaches them how to handle information, helps to broaden their horizons and develop intellect.

Most useful for the intellect:

    Exact sciences - after all, in order to solve mathematical problems, we need to use logical and abstract thinking, critical, analytical and deductive abilities, and also have a good memory.

    Foreign languages ​​- when they are studied, the anterior cortex of the brain, which is responsible for decision-making and emotions, works.

    Needlework - it helps to improve fine motor skills hands, which in turn helps to develop the ability to know and learn, has a positive effect on the work of speech centers.

    Music - game on musical instruments something like meditation. It teaches you to concentrate and disconnect from the rest of the world.

By the way, the music itself plays important role in the development of intellectual abilities, says researcher Francis Rauscher. His experiment involved 36 students who were randomly divided into three groups. For ten minutes, one of them listened to silence, the second to relaxation recordings, and the third to Mozart's sonata in D major for two pianos. Immediately after that, all participants took an intelligence test. It turned out that the average score after listening to silence is 110, after recording for relaxation - 111, but after playing a Mozart sonata - 119.

4. Don't live by a pattern

When we perform a task we are used to on autopilot, the brain turns off. The action algorithm has long been built, so there is nothing to think about. But if you do the usual action in a new way or change the order of your own rituals, the brain will be forced to work actively.

5. Laugh more often

As you know, laughter promotes the release of endorphins - hormones of joy, and therefore is the most fast way relieving tension and stress. In addition, laughter helps break stereotypes and interrupt protracted and unproductive reflections. In this sense, it can serve as an operational "charge" for your intellect.

6. Give up bad habits

In addition to the obvious benefits for the body, this will help the development of intelligence. It was found that the memory of smokers works 15% worse than those who quit the bad habit, and 21% weaker than those who have never smoked. Alcohol abuse also negatively affects memory.

7. Get more sleep

Get at least eight hours of sleep a night and go to bed during the day if possible. Sleep helps activate the processes in the brain. Moreover, any knowledge that a person receives before falling asleep is better absorbed. Finally, during sleep, the short-term memory area is freed, so after waking up, you will be better able to perceive new data.

8. Eat right

Try to drink as much water as possible throughout the day. Dehydration leads to a decrease in concentration.

At the same time, it is important to drink water, and not any other drinks. In particular, caffeine contributes to dehydration in more that quenches thirst. Matcha tea is also extremely useful: it has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain centers. Eat foods rich in vitamins D (shrimp, shellfish) and B12 (seafood), fatty acids ( sea ​​fish), iodine (seaweed).

8 simple exercises for the development of intelligence

    Count backwards from one hundred to one and try to do it as quickly as possible.

    Speak the whole alphabet in your head and for each letter come up with a word in which it is the first (A - watermelon, B - long loaf, and so on). Try to increase your speed.

    Quickly say 20 male and 20 female names, calling the number of each of them (1 - Anna, 2 - Victoria, 3 - Maria, and so on).

    Repeat the last exercise, but instead of names, use any category of objects - fruits, clothes, furniture ...

    Choose any letter of the alphabet and quickly name 20 words that begin with it. Number them in the same way as in the previous assignments.

    Count to 50 and back with your eyes closed.

    Open the book and choose any word from there. Set a timer for five minutes and during this time try to write as many sentences on paper as possible with this word. Phrases can be completely absurd; reaction speed is important in this exercise.

    Take a newspaper or book, turn it upside down and read the text aloud.

We train memory, attention and logic

As already mentioned, memory, attention and logic are integral part intelligence, so their training is also important.

Attention: concentration, conditional commands and straight lines

    Attention is inextricably linked with the process of concentration. How better man focused on something, the more efficient is his brain activity. Attention helps a person notice new information and gather information that will help them make sense of it.

    Wash dishes carefully. Break the process into several cycles (washing cups, plates, forks) and focus on each of them. After completing one, say out loud "Done" and move on to the next.

    Place several small objects in front of you and focus on each one in turn.

    Take a sheet of paper and draw a straight line on it, focus all your attention on the lead. Every time you get distracted, draw momentum. Write down how many impulses you got.

    Observe the world around you and note what you see. Give yourself conditional commands. When your attention wanders, tell yourself "Attention!"

Logic: chains, forecasts, incorrect conclusions and a look through the eyes of others

It is easiest to develop logic from childhood, but anyone can easily improve their data at any age.

    Come up with logical chains. The first concept can be any object. First you need to come up with three concepts, and then arrange them in order from specific to general. For example, "a rose - a flower with thorns - a flower - a plant."

    Come up with the wrong conclusion. Take one statement and come up with a conclusion that is not true. Explain to yourself why it is false. For example: “At night, all cats are gray. So all gray animals are cats.”

    Imagine how a medieval resident would explain what a subway is. Try to find the answer to any question from the other person's point of view.

    Come up with a new name for a famous thing. It should be such that there is no need to explain its meaning.

    Make predictions. Imagine what might happen next and explain to yourself why you think so.

Memory: repetition, association, play and chewing

Everyone who complains about bad memory tends to fixate on traditional ways its development, reduced to cramming facts. In fact, such methods are ineffective, because over time it becomes more and more difficult to remember information.

It turned out to be false and the opinion that the cognitive abilities of a person decline after 60 years. As a recent study showed, without regular practice, memory, for example, weakens after 45 years.

The ideal moment to repeat information is when it has almost been forgotten. Each time it takes less and less time to update the data. It is also useful to repeat information a few seconds after assimilation, then an hour later, a few hours later, a day, a few days, and so on. This is how spaced repetition works.

Test your knowledge instead of just repeating it. For example, ask yourself "Name the capital of Spain" instead of repeating "Madrid is the capital of Spain". It is known that our brain does not store words, but their meaning. The more images, associations and emotions you put into information, the longer it is stored in memory.

Helps pronounce important information aloud. So, if you keep losing your keys in your bag, say to yourself, "I put my keys in my inside pocket." As a result, mental memory will work together with auditory memory. There are even more interesting way- you can not say, but sing.

Exists effective technique remembering numbers with words. Make up a phrase from words, each of which has as many letters as numbers in a number. For example: "He sleeps a lot" is 254.

If the number is long, you can break it down into several short ones that have something to do with it. For example: 1312 is 13 (an unlucky number) and 12 (the number of months in a year).

Ask yourself or others easy but unexpected questions: how many floors are in the next house? What color are the curtains in the kitchen? Explain things to the other person more often. With such communication, the meaning of what you said will remain in your memory.

Studies have proven that chewing movements of the jaw help to remember information better and reproduce information faster. Scientists have not yet been able to explain what it is connected with. However, according to one theory, the reason is that the rhythmic movement of the jaws increases the heart rate and improves the blood supply to the head. Therefore, if you want to remember something, chew gum.