Dandelion has medicinal properties.

Dandelion - a description of the plant.

Dandelion officinalis - herbaceous perennial 10-30 cm high. It belongs to the Asteraceae family. Dandelion root is powerful, upright, brownish, white in cross-section. Its leaves form a rosette, deeply dissected. Dandelion flowers are collected in inflorescences-baskets, yellow. The fruit of the plant is an achene with a tuft. It blooms in April-May, and its seeds ripen in June-July.

Where the plant is common.

The weed plant dandelion is common throughout Russia. It grows in meadows, gardens, wastelands, lawns, along roads. This is one of the most common plants in agriculture -.

Dandelion - preparation for future use.

For medicinal purposes, the roots and aerial parts of the dandelion are harvested.
The roots are stored in early spring or in the fall. Dig them out with shovels, shake them off the ground, cut off the aboveground part, wash cold water... It is dried in air for several days, and then dried in dryers at a temperature of 40 to 50 ° C or in ventilated rooms. The shelf life of dandelion blanks is 5 years. The herb of the plant is stored during flowering. It is dried in the shade in the air or in ventilated rooms, spreading out in one layer and stirring often.

Chemical composition medicinal plant.

Dandelion leaves contain choline, carotenoids, vitamins B2, C, P, iron, asparagine, phosphorus, calcium.

Pharmacological properties.

Dandelion roots are used to improve digestion, as a choleretic and to stimulate appetite. Dandelion also has laxative, antispasmodic and diuretic properties.

Dandelion - application in folk medicine.

Dandelion medicinal plant preparations are used for anacid gastritis, chronic constipation and cholecystitis.

Dandelion roots are used to stimulate appetite, improve the secretory and motor activity of the stomach and intestines, increase bile secretion and secretion of the digestive glands. Dandelion roots are a powerful diuretic.

Decoction of roots relieve spasms and renal colic, convulsive contractions of smooth muscles. A decoction and tincture of dandelion flowers is used to relieve intestinal and hepatic colic.

Outwardly, the infusion of dandelion roots is advised for various skin diseases: dermatitis, boils, acne.

Preparations from dandelion leaves stimulate the excretion of stones from the gallbladder and kidneys. They are advised for cellulite, obesity and kidney failure, as well as for vitamin deficiency, anemia and skin diseases.

Dandelion flower infusion is used to remove freckles and age spots. A decoction of flowers is drunk for insomnia and high blood pressure.

The fresh sap of the plant is used as cosmetic product for removing age spots, freckles and blackheads and for removing calluses. During trachoma, dandelion milky juice is instilled one drop into the eyes.

Dandelion - folk recipes for treatment.

Infusion for diseases of the biliary tract, gallbladder.

Brew 2 teaspoons of medicinal dandelion roots with a glass of boiled water and insist for 8 hours, filter. Drink 3 - 4 times a day for a quarter of a glass half an hour before meals.

Infusion for diabetes.

Brew 1 teaspoon of medicinal dandelion roots with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for a third of an hour, filter. Drink 3-4 times a day for a quarter of a glass half an hour before meals.

Infusion for exudative diathesis.

Boil 1 teaspoon of dandelion roots with a glass of boiling water, wrap it up, leave for 1-2 hours, filter. Drink half an hour before meals three times a day for a quarter of a glass.

Decoction for pulmonary tuberculosis.

3 tbsp. pour 1/2 liter of the roots of the medicinal dandelion plant. boiling water, boil for 1/4 hour, cool, filter. Drink 0.5 hours before meals, a glass 2 times a day.

Decoction for furunculosis and skin rashes.

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dandelion roots with a glass of boiled hot water, simmer for 1/4 hour over low heat. Cool the decoction of the plant for 45 minutes, filter through cheesecloth. Drink 1/4 hour before meals three times a day, 1/3 cup.

Decoction for arthritis.

Pour 6 g of herbs and roots of medicinal dandelion with a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, insist for 1/2 hour, filter, squeeze the raw material. Drink three times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Decoction for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

2 tbsp. spoon dandelion roots pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, then boil for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for 2 hours, filter. Drink 0.5 hours before meals, 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

Infusion for external use.

Pour a handful of medicinal dandelion flowers with 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 1-2 hours, then filter, and squeeze the raw material. Wipe the skin from age spots and freckles.

Pharmaceutical preparations from a medicinal plant.

Dandelion roots - use for the preparation of decoctions and infusions.

Dandelion extract is thick.

Dandelion - contraindications for use.

Stomach ulcer, hyperacid gastritis, predisposition to diarrhea, duodenal ulcer with increased acidity of juice in the stomach.

Think and guess!

It's not for nothing that the dandelion has such a bright yellow color. At all times, people have found the connection of this plant with the Sun. Therefore, it is believed that this flower has a light energy. Since ancient times, shamans and sorceresses have used dandelion flowers for their magical rituals, added to potions and made herbal talismans from them. It was believed that they help to achieve success in business, fulfill desires and help in overcoming obstacles. Dandelion is in particular demand among lovers. It is believed that if you put the root of this plant under the bed, then the marriage will be successful, and the offspring will not be long in coming. Love jam is also made from flowers, and the leaves have an aphrodisiac property. Girls love to guess on wreaths woven from dandelions and launched along the river. Whose wreath does not sink, the wedding awaits in the near future. Children also love to blow on a fluffy dandelion, making a wish and throwing white parachutes into the wind. But with what elements is this plant associated?

Have you guessed it? The first option is correct, because the element of Air is yellow, and for the same reason dandelion is closely related to the planets Sun and Jupiter.

Every spring, in April-May, depending on climatic conditions, bright yellow flowers are pleasing to the eye, filling all meadows, glades, urban and suburban green areas, parks and gardens. In just a few days, whole fields of dandelions appear around us. They look very beautiful - juicy, bright green and yellow colors give an extraordinary fresh combination and good mood. But these plants cannot be collected in a bouquet, as they wither very quickly. Though bright flowers often attract the attention of babies who collect them with pleasure. It is on the flowers of dandelions that girls learn to weave wreaths.


What is this amazing plant - dandelion? It is a perennial. It belongs to or Compositae. There are a lot of dandelions in the world, and they differ in variety.

More than 1000 species grow in the world. Some of them are very small in number and are listed in the Red Book, as they are threatened with extinction.

Where does the flower grow?

In the European part, the common dandelion mainly grows, which, unlike others, is widespread. This species in Russia alone has about a hundred varieties. The places where dandelions grow can be found almost all over the planet. Due to their unpretentiousness, they grow both in moderately cold climatic conditions and in the subtropical. That is why they are found in different hemispheres of the earth. But there are especially many such flowers in the Eurasian part of the planet. It is here that you can see whole fields of dandelions.

In Russia and the CIS countries, a wild-growing dandelion is growing, with which they try to fight like a weed. Although in the USA, Italy, Great Britain, China and some other countries it is specially grown. These countries have huge fields where dandelions grow. There, they are carefully looked after as a healthy, edible plant.

What is the root system of a dandelion? Why are they fighting this plant in Russia?

Dandelion leaves appear in the first year in the form of a rosette, while a very developed, branched one is formed. It can reach 50 centimeters in length.

It is for this reason that if this happens on summer cottage, then the gardener gets more work. Since the plant interferes with the growth of cultural plantings. Where dandelions grow, if you don't get rid of them completely, horticultural crops will perish. Even if the weed is cut or dug up, it can reappear. This is due to the fact that even when mown and dug up, seeds can ripen and spread by the wind. In addition, the shoots from the root are also capable of giving new shoots.

Gardeners, gardeners and field growers have developed a whole system and other weeds. Some field growers fight them with stubble cultivation. Others use the early fall plowing method. Still others turn to the early pure vapor method. Perennial forage grasses such as clover are sometimes specially planted.

Gardeners are advised to weed in a timely manner and cut the roots deeply, immediately throwing out the remains away from the garden plot.

Urban planters must cut roots or reseed the entire lawn in a timely manner. In some places, the grass is simply cut regularly. In cities, dandelions are constantly mowed because some people have fluffy seeds that cause allergic reactions.


In the second year, dandelion stems appear. The dandelion stem is long, hollow inside. Subsequently, a bright yellow flower appears on it, which is then inseminated. Some dandelion species have a purple or purple flower and white inflorescences with a yellow center.

The seeds are arranged in rounded baskets, so that the achenes take the form of a fluffy ball, which easily lends itself to the breath of the wind and spreads the seeds. Dandelion is one of the few plants that can bloom for a very long time, from May to late autumn.

Why is it called medicinal? Dandelion properties

Despite the fact that this plant is considered a weed, it also has some benefits. No wonder the common dandelion is also called medicinal. For a long time it has been used as folk remedy from many ailments. But only when collecting them, you need to carefully select the place where the dandelions grow. Do not pluck the plant along the roads, in the city, near industrial facilities. It is better to do this in ecologically clean areas.

Dandelions are used for the prevention and treatment of blood diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, as a diuretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, sedative, hypnotic, and Dandelion is used as a choleretic. Also, the plant is recommended as a remedy for the treatment of chronic liver diseases.

Dandelion roots and young leaves, as well as flowers, are used for treatment. All this is collected in May-June. The roots can be dug up both in the spring and in the fall. Accepted in medicinal purposes plant in the form of decoctions and infusions. Dandelion juice is used to treat skin conditions and get rid of warts. In addition, there is a very interesting recipe, which is called the "Elixir of the Sun". To do this, dandelion flowers and sugar are stacked in a jar in layers, gently squeeze, squeezing out the juice. Then this juice is drunk in a teaspoon or added to tea. In some European countries, fresh dandelion flowers are simply chewed to treat disease.

Dandelion tea: indications and contraindications

Health-conscious people often consume dandelion as a tea. For this, finely crushed roots and finely chopped leaves are poured with boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes. Drinking this tea is recommended in the morning and evening for four to six weeks. Only in the case of long-term use can the healing effect be felt. Dandelion tea is an excellent diuretic, detoxifying agent. It is believed that it helps to remove stones and sand from the gallbladder, but not in the acute stage.

And of course, people who have gallstones can only drink dandelion tea under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise there may be complications. Therefore, do not forget that when using dandelion inside, there are some contraindications. Do not eat or use dandelion as a medicine for people prone to diarrhea. In addition, it is contraindicated to be taken internally by those suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers.


Dandelions are used not only in folk, but also in official medicine... Extracts of this extraordinary plant are included in medicinal preparations with diuretic, choleretic properties.


As mentioned above, dandelions are very popular in some countries. In China, they are added to completely different dishes... In France, Italy, America, dandelions are a delicacy from which salads are made, and in Great Britain they even make wine. During the years of military shortages in European countries, a substitute resembling coffee was made from the roots of the plant. In some countries, syrups and even preserves are made from dandelions.

In Russia, dandelion salad is used occasionally, only for medicinal and prophylactic purposes. When preparing dandelion salad, the main thing is to follow a few rules. Leaves are eaten. The salad should be prepared in May or June, when the plants are still young and fresh. The dandelion leaves are finely chopped and soaked in salted water for thirty minutes to remove the bitterness. Then seasonings are added to the dandelion greens, you can combine it with boiled eggs or grated carrots. An old plant is not good for food.

Some dandelion species contain rubber in the roots. In the United States, the plant is cultivated precisely for the purpose of extracting it and making cheap rubber. How much is this possible and how much raw material is needed for this? These questions are still only at the stage of study.

Taraxacum officinale
Taxon: family Asteraceae or Compositae
Popular names: kulbaba, spurge, hollow, Jewish hat, tooth root, Russian chicory, cotton grass, fluff, baldhead.
English: Common dandelion

Medicinal dandelion is a perennial herb up to 50 cm in height, with a thick taproot (up to 2 cm in diameter, up to 60 cm long). The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, ply-pinnate, with lobes facing down, narrowed towards the base into a winged petiole. Flowering arrow cylindrical, leafless, hollow inside, erect, ends with a single flower basket. The flowers are golden yellow, all ligulate, sitting on a flat receptacle, the inflorescence is surrounded by a double wrapper, the inner leaves of which are turned upward, and the outer ones are bent downward. Roots, stems and leaves usually contain a white, very bitter milky sap. Fruits are spindle-shaped achenes with a tuft of white fine hairs. Up to 200 achenes are formed on one inflorescence. Mass bloom in May, separately flowering plants meet until autumn. The fruits ripen in June - August. Repeated flowering and fruiting is often observed throughout the summer. Medicinal dandelion propagates by seeds and vegetatively. The productivity of one plant ranges from 200 to 7000 seeds.

Distributed throughout the CIS. Dandelion grows on fresh and moist sandy loam, loamy and clay soils in meadows, clearings, forest edges, clearings, along roadsides, in gardens and vegetable gardens, crops. Dandelion easily adapts to a wide variety of conditions, is resistant to trampling and eating by animals.

Collection and procurement:
Dandelion roots (Radix Taraxaci) are used as medicinal raw materials. They are harvested in early spring, at the beginning of plant regrowth (April - early May), or in autumn (September - October). The roots are dug out with shovels or plowed with a plow to a depth of 15-25 cm. Repeated harvesting in the same place should be carried out at intervals of 2-3 years. The dug roots are shaken off the ground, the aerial parts, rhizomes ("necks"), thin lateral roots are cut with a knife, and washed in cold water. It is recommended to grind large roots. The washed roots, spread out on fabrics, are dried in air for several days (until the release of milky juice during incision ceases), and then dried in dry, well-ventilated rooms, spreading out in a layer of 3-5 cm and stirring occasionally. In good weather, the raw material dries up in 10-15 days. You can dry the roots in ovens or dryers at a temperature of 40-50 ° C. It must be remembered that if the dandelion is harvested too early, when the stock has not yet been deposited in the roots nutrients, the raw material after drying is flabby, lightweight, with easily peeled bark and cork. In this case, the raw material is discarded. The shelf life of raw materials is 5 years. The raw material has no smell, the taste is bittersweet. Dandelion roots are exported.

Chemical composition:
Dandelion roots contain tri-terpene compounds: taraxerol, taraxol, taraxasterol, pseudotaraxasterol, sitosterol and stigmasterol sterols, inulin (up to 40%), choline, carotenoids, the bitter substance lactucopicrin, vitamins A, B1, B2y, ascorbic acid ( %), asparagine, mucus, resins, protein (up to 5%) and a little fatty oil; in the fall, up to 18% of sugar accumulates in the roots.
The roots contain: ash - 10.58%; macroelements (mg / g): K - 12.90, Ca - 6.40, Mn - 1.40, Fe - 0.90; trace elements (CBN): Mg - 0.14, Cu - 0.61, Zn - 0.74, Co - 0.11, Mo - 0.60, Cr - 0.35, Al - 0.65, Ba - 0 , 12, V - 0.34, Se - 1.50, Ni - 0.39, Sr - 0.45, Pb - 0.01, I - 0.06, Br - 0.90. B - 39.20 μg / g. He found Cd, Li, Au, Ag. Concentrates Zn, Cu, Se. In inflorescences and leaves, ascorbic acid (up to 50 mg%), vitamins B1, B2, E, carotenoids, resins, wax, rubber, alcohols, proteins, salts of Fe, Ca, Mn, R. Dandelion pollen contains salts B, Mg, Cu, Mo, Co, Ni, Sr.

Pharmacological properties:
Dandelion is a plant that contains bitterness. It is used to stimulate appetite and improve digestion. The reflex action of dandelion preparations is carried out by irritating the taste buds of the tongue and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, which leads to excitation of the food center, and then to an increase in the secretion of gastric juice and the secretion of other digestive glands. It also improves general condition, normalizes metabolism, improves blood composition in case of anemia.
Biologically active substances of medicinal dandelion also have choleretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, laxative, expectorant, sedative, hypnotic, diuretic, diaphoretic properties. In addition, in the process of studying the activity of dandelion, antiviral, anti-tuberculosis, fungicidal, anthelmintic and anticarcinogenic properties were also established.

Application in medicine:
Already doctors Ancient Greece used dandelion as a medicinal plant. Theophrastus recommended it for the reduction of freckles and icteric spots on the skin. In Germany in the 16th century, it was used as a sedative and hypnotic. In Russian folk medicine, dandelion has long been considered a "life elixir" and is used for a variety of diseases.
Roots. In practical medicine, infusion is like bitterness to stimulate appetite, improve the activity of the digestive tract with constipation; as a choleretic agent for liver diseases; with diseases of the kidneys, spleen. In folk medicine, tincture - for abdominal pain, eczema, venereal diseases; decoction - for hypacid gastritis, chronic constipation, pulmonary tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, skin diseases; outwardly (lotions) - for eye diseases; infusion - for atherosclerosis, gastritis, anemia, liver and gall bladder, kidney and bladder diseases, gout, allergies, skin rashes, to stimulate milk secretion in lactating women; powder (inside) - with atherosclerosis; externally - for burns, frostbite, ulcers, bedsores, festering wounds. Dandelion roots are included in mouth-watering, diuretic and choleretic preparations. In Germany, they are used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, kidney stone disease.
Roots, leaves. In folk medicine, infusion - for atherosclerosis, hypo- and avitaminosis, anemia, metabolic disorders, gastritis, colitis, liver, kidney, pancreas, spastic abdominal pain, headaches, poor appetite, constipation, gout, allergies; decoction - with furunculosis and other skin rashes, vitamin deficiencies, general weakness (as a tonic), with gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice; ointment - for burns and bedsores. Juice - for stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, for stimulating appetite, for diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder, for constipation, diabetes mellitus, furunculosis (as a means of normalizing blood composition), rashes, rheumatism, gout, anemia, pneumonia, bronchitis , for snake bites [as antitoxic (with sour milk)], as well as for some diseases of the thyroid gland. Fresh juice - for atherosclerosis, C-hypovitaminosis, eye inflammation, scabies, tumors, purulent wounds.
Leaves. Young (fresh) in the form of a salad - with hypovitaminosis, scurvy, anemia, rheumatism, gout. Juice - as a blood-purifying and metabolism-normalizing agent. Outwardly - for removing corns, warts, freckles, age spots; with eczema and blepharitis; to reduce pain and swelling from bee stings. In Bulgaria - in the treatment of atherosclerosis, anemia, diseases of the skin, liver, gallbladder, jaundice, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the stomach and intestines. In Germany - for vitamin deficiencies, anemia, rheumatism, gout. In France, juice is used for gout, jaundice, skin diseases, as well as for improving blood composition and as a tonic and remedy.
Flowers, leaves. In folk medicine, infusion, decoction - for diseases of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, hypertension, hemorrhoids, insomnia.
Flowers. Broth - for insomnia, hypertension, constipation, as an anthelmintic.

Infusion for diseases of the biliary tract, gallbladder.
Brew 2 teaspoons of medicinal dandelion roots with a glass of boiled water and insist for 8 hours, filter. Drink 3 - 4 times a day for a quarter of a glass half an hour before meals.

Infusion for diabetes.
Brew 1 teaspoon of medicinal dandelion roots with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for a third of an hour, filter. Drink 3-4 times a day for a quarter of a glass half an hour before meals.

Infusion for exudative diathesis.
Boil 1 teaspoon of dandelion roots with a glass of boiling water, wrap it up, leave for 1-2 hours, filter. Drink half an hour before meals three times a day for a quarter of a glass.

Decoction for pulmonary tuberculosis.
3 tbsp. pour 1/2 liter of the roots of the medicinal dandelion plant. boiling water, boil for 1/4 hour, cool, filter. Drink 0.5 hours before meals, a glass 2 times a day.

Decoction for furunculosis and skin rashes.
1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dandelion roots with a glass of boiled hot water, boil for 1/4 hour over low heat. Cool the decoction of the plant for 45 minutes, filter through cheesecloth. Drink 1/4 hour before meals three times a day, 1/3 cup.

Decoction for arthritis.
Pour 6 g of herbs and roots of medicinal dandelion with a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, insist for 1/2 hour, filter, squeeze the raw material. Drink three times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Decoction for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.
2 tbsp. spoon dandelion roots pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, then boil for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for 2 hours, filter. Drink 0.5 hours before meals, 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

Infusion for external use.
Pour a handful of medicinal dandelion flowers with 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 1-2 hours, then filter, and squeeze the raw material. Wipe the skin from age spots and freckles.

Pharmaceutical preparations from a medicinal plant:
Dandelion root infusion(Infusum radicis Taraxaci): 10 g (1 tablespoon) of raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, 200 ml of hot boiled water is poured, covered with a lid and heated in boiling water (in a water bath) with frequent stirring for 15 minutes, cooled for 45 minutes at room temperature, the remaining raw materials are squeezed out. The volume of the resulting infusion is brought up to 200 ml with boiled water. It is taken warm in 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals as a bitterness and choleretic agent.
Bulgarian experts suggest pouring 200 ml of 2 teaspoons of crushed dried dandelion roots cold water and insist for 8 hours, then cook for 5-8 minutes, strain and drink in sips in several steps.
Aristochol(Aristohol) - drug made in Germany. 10 ml of the preparation contains alcoholic extracts from 5 g of celandine herb, 5 g of yarrow herb, 5 g of dandelion roots, 2 g of cat's feet, 2 g of thistle fruit, 1 g of wormwood flowers. Aristachol normalizes bile formation, causes contraction of the gallbladder and, consequently, its emptying and secretion of bile into the intestines. Promotes the restoration of impaired liver function, stimulates gastric secretion, has an antispasmodic, disinfectant and laxative effect. It is used for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the liver and biliary tract, jaundice, condition after operations on the gallbladder and biliary tract, initial stages cirrhosis of the liver. During the period of taking the drug in a number of patients, you can expand the diet. Take 20-25 drops in a little water 2-3 times a day after meals. It is produced in the form of an alcoholic extract in 20 ml vials.
Cooking recipes:
A decoction of dandelion roots: 30 g of raw materials are poured into 400 ml of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes, infused at room temperature, then filtered. Take 1 glass 2 times a day (morning and evening) 20-30 minutes before meals.
Powder from dandelion roots is taken 1.5-2.0 g 3 times a day.
Infusion of dandelion roots and herbs: 10 g of crushed dandelion roots and herbs are infused in 400 ml of chilled boiled water for 10-12 hours, then filtered. Take 1/4 cup 4-6 times a day before meals.
Decoction of dandelion roots and herbs: boil 30 g of chopped dandelion roots and herbs in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, then filter. Take 1/2 glass 3 times a day.
Dandelion root and herb ointment: 5-10 g of crushed dandelion roots and herbs are infused in 50 ml of vegetable oil for 10 tsp.
Decoction of dandelion flowers and herbs: 20 g each
dandelion flowers and herbs are boiled for 10 minutes in 400 ml of water, infused for 30 minutes, then filtered.
Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day after meals.
A decoction of dandelion flowers: 10 g of raw materials are boiled in 200 ml of water for 15 minutes, infused for 20-30 minutes, then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
Dandelion juice is obtained from the whole plant (in May - June) by grinding it and extracting it with a little water. The plant is pre-soaked in cold salted water (for 30 minutes) in order to reduce the bitter taste. Take 1/4 - 1 glass daily for a long time (you can use rice or oatmeal broth, with a tablespoon of honey). Dandelion juice can be preserved with alcohol or vodka.

Stomach ulcer, hyperacid gastritis, predisposition to diarrhea, duodenal ulcer with increased acidity of juice in the stomach.

Photos and illustrations:

Dandelion is a herbal perennial plant, reaching a height of no more than half a meter and belonging to the Asteraceae family.
Its root is vertical, branched, about 0.6 m long, thickened to 2 cm in diameter. The surface color is brown, and the inside is white.

Dandelion leaves are naked, pinnately dissected, oblong-toothed, and also whole, which, in turn, are collected in a basal rosette.

The dandelion has a cylindrical arrow-peduncle, the core of which is hollow, and the walls are juicy. The end of the peduncle is a 20-50 mm single rounded basket. Flowers are rich yellow, ligulate, collected in inflorescences.

The fruit of the dandelion is the pubescent seeds, which scatter on a kind of umbrellas from the slightest breath of wind. Dandelion contains thick milk juice, which is found in every part of it.
This plant has a flowering period in the second half of spring - April-May. And fruiting is quite long, from early summer to mid-autumn.


Dandelion grows in subtropical, temperate and cold zones. Mountainous areas in Eurasia are most favored by this herb. On the territory of Russia, it is found everywhere, especially in the European part of the country, as well as in Siberia and Central Asia, in the Caucasus and the Far East.

Also, this plant can be found in the tundra zone, but the dandelion did not pass by the forest either. They grow with incredible persistence in vegetable gardens, on roadsides, fields, meadows and lawns.

Collection and procurement

Dandelion roots are harvested for future use in autumn or spring. Large roots are cleaned from the ground and small branches of the roots are separated from them, then washed thoroughly. Cut into 10 cm pieces and dry until the milk disappears.

Drying should be done indoors in a draft or in special dryers. It is necessary to store medicinal raw materials in canvas bags, paper bags, or in wooden or cardboard boxes. The shelf life of dry roots at proper storage can be up to 5 years.


Dandelion medicinal has use due to the contained useful substances that have a therapeutic effect. The root of this herb is most popular as a medicine, because its composition is rich in such components as:

  • Polysaccharide (<20%)
  • Inulin (<40%)
  • Glycoside - taraxacin (<15%)
  • Rubber (≈2.5%)
  • Malic acid (≈0.25%)
  • Organic acids
  • Protein substances
  • Carotene
  • Mineral salts
  • Fatty oil
  • Bitterness
  • Slime
  • Tannins
  • Resin
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamins of group B
  • Sterols

But dandelion has no less useful leaves, the content of micro- and macroelements in which is also worthy of attention, which is why they are also effectively used as a medicine.

The following components are distinguished in the leaves:

  • Retinol
  • Vitamin C
  • Asparagine
  • Tocopherol
  • Riboflavin
  • Rutin
  • Choline
  • Protein (<5%)
  • Minerals: Fe, P, K, Ca, Cu, Mo, Ni, Ti, B, Mn


Dandelion is used in various fields of medicine. Its roots and herb are used as bitterness to increase the secretion of gastric juice, and, accordingly, to stimulate digestion and stimulate appetite. In addition, the decoction from the roots relieves spasms, cramps and colic.

Dandelion is also irreplaceable in dermatology, because many skin lesions are healed through the roots. Dandelion medicinal can help remove stones from the gallbladder and kidneys. Dandelion also helps in losing weight due to the fact that its components perfectly "break down" cellulite and obesity.

This plant is used in the treatment of many diseases, because it is known that the properties of dandelion have a very extensive range:

  • Antiviral
  • Anti-tuberculosis
  • Diuretic
  • Choleretic
  • Antispasmodic
  • Antiseptic
  • Vitamin
  • Expectorant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antitoxic
  • Normalizing pressure
  • Anthelmintic
  • Wound healing
  • Antiradiation
  • Laxative
  • Lactation
  • Sedative (sleeping pill)

Dandelion medicinal is used for gastric cataracts, and this plant can significantly speed up the treatment of liver and kidney diseases.

Along with this, dandelion copes well with inflammatory diseases and such ailments as atherosclerosis.

With such a common misfortune today as anorexia, dandelion will also help, because the bitterness contained in it is an excellent appetite stimulant.

It is possible to use this herb as a medicine for poisoning and intoxication, as well as for the following diseases:

  • Cholecystitis
  • Edema
  • Potassium deficiency
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Low acid gastritis
  • Diseases of the joints

Thanks to its medicinal components, medicinal dandelion is a wonderful drug for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. After all, this plant is able to stimulate the production of insulin.

Due to its urinary and choleretic effect, dandelion helps to get rid of kidney stones, gallstones and bladder stones. As a complementary agent, it can be involved in the treatment of anemia and anemia.

With its antitoxic properties, dandelion has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system. Moreover, this herb is very useful in the treatment of arthritis.

Dandelion is also used for skin manifestations such as:

  • Acne
  • Warts
  • Eczema
  • Dermatitis
  • Furunculosis

Another extremely important property that dandelion has is the ability to block the bites of poisonous insects. And for nursing mothers, dandelion will help increase milk production.
Dandelion has so many medicinal properties that this plant is very popular in medicine.

The juice, which contains a dandelion, belongs to the list of the most healing remedies, with a tonic and firming effect, because this milk juice has such qualities as:

  • Normalization of high acidity
  • Normalization of alkaline balance in the body
  • Help with treatment: spine and bones
  • Strengthening teeth
  • Periodontal disease treatment

Among other things, dandelion is also used for cosmetic purposes to get rid of age spots and freckles.

Folk recipes

1. After severe hypothermia, as well as at the first signs of colds and flu, you must take 40 grams of dandelion tincture twice a day, which is done as follows. The whole dandelion must be poured with vodka and infused for 3 weeks in a dark place, then the plant should be squeezed out and the resulting tincture should be taken according to the dosage.

2. With no appetite you should drink a glass of dandelion root infusion in 4 doses throughout the day, which should be prepared according to the following recipe. Two tsp. dry raw materials from dandelion root need to be poured with 250 ml of cooled boiled water. The composition should be infused for 8 hours, then strain and can be taken.

3. With vitamin deficiency and anemia the dandelion will come to the rescue again. Chop the roots and leaves, take 1 tsp. Received raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water and stand for an hour in a thermos. Then strain the infusion and drink 80 ml three times a day, half an hour before meals.

4. Improves metabolism, and will also help to cope with blood diseases an infusion prepared according to the following recipe: 1 tbsp. dandelion roots must be added to a glass of freshly boiled water and insisted in a thermos for two hours. After that, the infusion must be filtered and taken half an hour before meals, 60 ml four times a day.

5. For constipation dandelion medicinal will help again. As an effective laxative, you need dried dandelion root powder (you can grind them with a coffee grinder). Reception is carried out three times a day, half a teaspoon.

6. With an insect bite fresh dandelion is easy to handle. At the site of the bite, you need to apply a compress from a dandelion leaf, rubbed into a gruel. Soak the compress for about two hours.

7. Dandelion juice is capable of reduce warts... It is necessary to regularly rub the lesion site with plant milk.

8. For the treatment of periodontal disease dandelion juice with carrot and turnip juice will help. Dandelion juice can be prepared as follows. Before making juice, dandelion should be soaked in cool salted water for half an hour. Further, the whole plant should be strongly crushed and extracted in a small amount of water. This drug should be taken every day for several weeks, a quarter of a glass.

9. For the treatment of diabetes you need to prepare an infusion: dandelion - leaves, nettles, walnuts, chicory. To do this, you need to take all these ingredients in equal proportions, grind, mix them and pour 450 ml of water over one tablespoon of such a mixture.

Then you need to put the dishes with the mixture diluted in water on the stove, bring to a boil, stand for another 2 minutes and remove from heat. Leave the herbs in boiling water for 10 minutes, then strain and take 3 tablespoons each. 15 minutes before consuming food three times throughout the day.

10. Skin problems can be solved with an infusion of dandelion herb root. With this infusion, diseases such as furunculosis, rashes, acne and so on can be cured. To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of dry raw materials from the root and cook for 10 minutes in 250 ml of water. Then you need to let the broth settle for an hour, strain and consume the whole broth in three doses per day, 20 minutes before meals.

11. With gastritis and hepatitis, as well as for constipation and colitis, a decoction prepared according to the following technology will be salvation: one spoon of dandelion root is cooked over low heat for 15 minutes in half a liter of water, then leave for a couple of hours, strain and 125 ml three times during the day to drink the root decoction.

12. Fight insomnia, vitamin deficiencies and neuroses dandelion is capable, or rather dandelion juice, which should be consumed twice a day in a volume of 50 ml half an hour before meals for a half month.

13. An excellent method in the fight against allergies- This is an infusion of dandelion roots and rose hips, taken in equal parts. A mixture of ingredients in the amount of one tablespoon is brewed in a thermos with one glass of boiling water and kept overnight. After straining, you can start taking the medicine in a dosage: 1/3 of a glass before meals three times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 2 months.

14. Juice made from crushed dandelion flowers, mixed one-to-one with sugar and refrigerated for 10 days is an excellent medicine. from rheumatism... This syrup should be taken one tablespoon before meals.


Despite all the advantages of dandelion, this plant has some contraindications, namely:

  • Stomach ulcer
  • Duodenal ulcer
  • Hyperacid gastritis
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice

This is a perennial herb of the Astrov family, widespread in the CIS countries. Its name in Latin is Taraxacum- presumably goes back to Arabic borrowing " taruhshakun" ("dandelion"). The people also call him milkweed, bald head, cow flower, Jewish hat, puff, milkweed, parachutes... In Russian speech, the name of the flower is associated with the verbs " blow», « blow off". It is noteworthy that in a number of European languages, representatives of the Romano-Germanic group, "dandelion" is literally translated as " lion's tooth»: Löwenzahn(German), dandelion(English), diente de león(Spanish), dente de leão(Portuguese), dente di leone(Italian).

Dandelion species

The genus of dandelion numbers more than 2000 species, of which about 70 varieties are the most known and studied.

  1. 1 Dandelion(field, pharmacy, medicinal) - the most famous and widespread species. Grows in the forest-steppe zone (meadows, glades, near roads and near dwellings). Distributed in the European part of Russia, in Belarus, in the Caucasus, Ukraine, in Central Asia.
  2. 2 Dandelion white-tongued- this species is included in the Red Book of Russia. The area of ​​growth is the Kola Peninsula. A distinctive feature is the white petals of the flowers at the edge of the inflorescence and yellow ones in the middle.
  3. 3 Dandelion whitish- grows in the Kamchatka Territory. This Far Eastern species has proven itself as a popular and unassuming decorative flower.
  4. 4 Dandelion autumn- distributed on the Crimean Peninsula, the Balkans, in southern European countries. In the past, this species has been used extensively in the rubber and coffee industries.
  5. 5 Dandelion flat leaf- found in Japan, China, Korea, in the Russian Federation - in the Primorsky Territory.

The height of a dandelion ranges from 10 to 50 cm. The leaves are formed into a rosette, with cut, coarse-toothed edges. Flowers of sunny color form a basket inflorescence. The root system is pivotal, long, strong roots reach a length of 20 cm. The stem is hollow, smooth. The fruit is an achene with a fluffy fly.

This plant can be found almost everywhere: on the roadsides, in squares or parks, in fields and meadows, in the forest, in wastelands.

Conditions for growing a dandelion

The best way to propagate a plant is by seed. Seeds should be planted with row spacing of 25 to 30 cm. Caring for a dandelion is simple and involves plowing the soil three times and weeding during the growing season.

The dandelion bloom period begins in mid-spring and ends in late autumn.

Collecting the parts of the plant used includes harvesting leaves and roots. The roots are harvested before the beginning of the flowering period, or in late autumn. Dandelion leaf it is more expedient to store at the beginning of flowering. The roots are dug up, cleaned with cool water, dried for several days under the influx of fresh air, and dried in a dark, dry room, in a dryer at a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees. Properly prepared dandelion roots do not lose their healing properties for more than 4 years.

When collecting dandelions, it is important to remember that it is strongly not recommended to pick plants near the roadway, roads or within the city, since dandelions easily assimilate and accumulate lead and other carcinogenic substances.

Dried up dandelion roots brown or dark brown, wrinkled, oblong, often twisted in a spiral. On the cut, white, or grayish-white with a brownish core, odorless. When bent, they should break easily, with a crack, their taste is bitter, with a sweet aftertaste. At the exit, 33-35% of the root is obtained from the mass of the prepared raw material.

Power circuit

Dandelion seeds serve as food for small birds, readily eat pigs and goats. Dandelion is also a valuable food for rabbits.

Dandelion health benefits

Chemical composition and presence of nutrients

100 grams of raw dandelion greens contains:
Basic substances: G Minerals: mg Vitamins: mg
Water 85,6 Potassium 397 Vitamin C 35,0
Squirrels 2,7 Calcium 187 Vitamin E 3,44
Fats 0,7 Sodium 76 Vitamin PP 0,806
Carbohydrates 9,2 Phosphorus 66 Vitamin K 0,7784
Alimentary fiber 3,5 Magnesium 36 Vitamin A 0,508
Iron 3,1 Vitamin B2 0,260
Calorie content 45 kcal Selenium 0,5 Vitamin B6 0,251
Zinc 0,41 Vitamin B1 0,190
Manganese 0,34 Vitamin B9 0,027
Copper 0,17
100 grams of boiled dandelion without salt and dried contains:
Basic substances: G Minerals: mg Vitamins: mg
Water 89,8 Potassium 232 Vitamin C 18,0
Squirrels 2 Calcium 140 Vitamin E 2,44
Fats 0,6 Sodium 44 Vitamin K 0,551
Carbohydrates 6,4 Phosphorus 42 Vitamin PP 0,514
Alimentary fiber 2,9 Magnesium 24 Vitamin A 0,342
Iron 1,8 Vitamin B2 0,175
Calorie content 33 kcal Zinc 0,28 Vitamin B6 0,160
Vitamin B1 0,130
Vitamin B9 0,013

Dandelion flowers contain carotenoids (bitterness taraxanthin, lutein, flavonxanthiin), volatile oils, triterpene alcohols (arnidol, faradiol), inulin, tannins, mucus, rubber, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, mineral salts.

Dandelion root it contains about 25% of inulin, triterpene compounds (amirin, taraxerol), tannins and resins, mineral salts (a lot of potassium), inositol, steroids, mucus, choline, vitamins A, B1, C, D, fats, 3% rubber, a small amount of volatile oils and flavonoids, organic acids.

What exactly is used and in what form?

  • Dried Dandelion Roots are part of a variety of herbal teas, on their basis, medicinal decoctions and tinctures are prepared, and toasted roots are used in the preparation of dandelion coffee.
  • Dandelion leaf it is recommended to soak it in salted water before use to eliminate the bitterness taste.
  • Fresh dandelion flowers pickled, used to form tinctures and lotions.
  • Dandelion milk juice used externally as an effective cosmetic product.

Dandelion's medicinal properties

For a long time, dandelion has been used as a means of reviving the human body. It contributes to the good functioning of the digestive tract, activates the excretory function of the stomach, increases appetite, has a positive effect on metabolism, for example, eliminates the manifestations of high blood sugar, reduces sexual dysfunction. Various parts of the plant are used in the treatment of coughs, constipation, with stagnant bile, to get rid of worms. Dandelion improves the tone of the human body, its immune capabilities.

The use of dandelion covers the fields of both formal and alternative medicine, in herbal medicine in particular. Written evidence for medicinal uses of dandelion geographically correlates this beneficial herb with Asia, Europe and North America. Dandelion root it was originally regarded as a gastrointestinal agent to improve digestion and maintain liver function, and the leaves of the plant were used to achieve a diuretic effect. It has been proven that preparations based on dandelion root cleanse the blood of excess cholesterol, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help with sleep disorders.

Specially prepared dandelion juice has a stimulating effect on the liver, while being a general tonic. Dandelion juice is effective for stones and sand in the gallbladder.

Dandelion Root Powder heals well skin lesions: wounds, deep abrasions, burnt places, bedsores. The root drink will be appreciated by diabetics: dandelion root powder is useful for high sugar levels.

Oculists recommend consuming at least 12 mg of combined lutein and zeaxanthin daily to reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related visual impairment. Dandelions contain both of these nutrients.

Fresh dandelion leaves popular in cooking. Dandelion flowers occupied their niche in winemaking: the famous dandelion wine and dandelion jam are made from them. Dandelion root decoction prescribed for liver damage, and as a diuretic.

Peter Gale, author of Health Benefits of Dandelions"I saw in this plant almost a panacea. According to his convictions, “ if you are looking for a wonderful medicine that, as part of your daily diet (in the form of food or drink), depending on the characteristics of your body, can: prevent or cure hepatitis or jaundice, act as a mild diuretic, cleanse your body of toxins and toxins , dissolve kidney stones, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, improve skin and bowel function, lower blood pressure, relieve you of anemia, lower blood cholesterol, reduce dyspepsia, prevent or cure various forms of cancer, regulate blood sugar and help diabetics, and at the same time not have any side effects and selectively affect only what worries you .... then dandelion is for you» .

The range of medicinal properties of dandelion is so wide that one can safely secure the status of one of the most famous healers in the world for this plant.

In Costa Rica, dandelions are marketed as a pharmaceutical remedy for diabetes.

There are two different types of dandelions used in Guatemala. A narrow-leaved variety called diente de leon is used as a tonic to improve overall health, while another variety called amargon, is used in cooking as salad leaves, and in medicine it is used in the complex treatment of anemia.

In Brazil, dandelion is a popular remedy for liver problems, scurvy and urinary tract diseases.

The use of dandelion in mainstream medicine

Pharmaceutical names of dandelion available to the consumer: cut roots of Taraxacum (Radix), packaged in one-hundred-gram packages; condensed extract from the Taraxacum plant (Extractum spissum). Dandelion extract is used in the production of pills.

The healing ability of the active ingredients of dandelion associated with the restoration of cartilage tissue has been successfully implemented by specialists in the preparation "Anavita +". Tablets belong to dietary supplements, their action has a beneficial effect on the joints, their mobility and structure.

Dandelion uses in traditional medicine

  • Dandelion root decoction: a tablespoon of finely chopped root is added to 2 glasses of water, allowed to boil over low heat for 10 minutes, insisted for 2 hours. They drink 0.5 glasses several times a day for liver diseases with insufficient bile secretion, as a diuretic for renal failure with edema, mild forms of diabetes mellitus, as well as for liver damage provoked by large doses of antibiotics and synthetic drugs. The broth does not induce enzymes in the liver, so it can be taken for a long time. When mixed with other plants, it acts as an antiviral, mobilizes the body's defenses, increases appetite.
  • Dandelion flower tea: a tablespoon of inflorescences is brewed with a glass of boiling water. They drink 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day.
  • Dandelion Root Potion: squeeze out 100 g. liquids from chopped roots. Combine the juice with alcohol, glycerin and an aqueous component (take 15 grams in total). The filtered mixture should be taken 1-2 tablespoons per day. This mixture purifies the blood, acts as a tonic, diuretic, is used in the complex treatment of gout, with yellowness, inflammation of the skin.
  • Dandelion leaf infusion to increase appetite: Pour 2 cups of boiled water over one tablespoon of chopped fresh leaves, leave warm for 12 hours. Take 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Dandelion root infusion for eczema: two tablespoons of dandelion and burdock roots connected in equal parts, pour cold water for 12 hours, boil, let it brew and use half a glass 3 times a day.
  • Dandelion root salad useful for malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, with male sexual dysfunction and disorders of the female reproductive system.
  • Dandelion juice treat rheumatism. Grind one part of the dandelion flowers with one part of the sugar. Let it brew for a week. Squeeze out the juice and store in the refrigerator. Drink one teaspoon before meals.
  • Dandelion for lowering cholesterol: Insist one small root in a glass of water for 3 days. Drink in portions, up to 400 ml. in a day.
  • With hepatitis a mixture of lettuce leaves with the addition of dandelion is useful.

  • Dandelion topical use: wash your face with a decoction of dandelion roots to get rid of freckles. Prepare the broth as follows: pour 2 tablespoons of chopped roots with boiling water (300 ml), boil for 15 minutes, then cool.
  • Dandelion to improve vision... Take dandelion roots, common onion and honey in proportions of 3: 2: 4. Mix together dandelion root juice, onion juice and fresh honey. Insist for a couple of hours in a dark place. Apply the mass with lotions on the eyelids in case of deterioration of vision and prevention of the development of cataracts.
  • Dandelion as a remedy to fight cellulite: Rub an infusion of dandelion and nettle leaves into the skin, taken in equal proportions.
  • Dandelion as a cure for herpes: Mix a tablespoon of ground dandelion roots with 200 ml of water. Boil for 5 minutes. Consume shortly before meals.
  • Dandelion dermatitis: Apply directly to the damaged skin two or three leaves of the plant in the form of a poultice, several times a day.

The use of dandelion in oriental medicine

The Chinese have used dandelions over a thousand years ago as a diuretic, sugar reducing, antispasmodic, anticancer, antibacterial and antifungal agent. In China, the plant has been used for conditions such as abscesses, appendicitis, boils, caries, dermatitis, fever, inflammation, liver disease, mastitis, scrofula, abdominal pain and even snake bites.

In Central Asian countries, juice from young dandelion leaves is used to treat anemia, with general depletion of the body, as a means of enhancing intestinal motility, with painful sensations in the thoracic region. The juice squeezed from the roots is used to treat warts.

Dandelion in scientific research

Various dandelion species have been used in official Chinese medicine and in Ayurvedic medicine for over 2000 years. Therefore, modern medical research is especially relevant, creating a scientific basis for unlocking the medicinal potential of dandelion.

S. Klymer characterizes the plant as follows: “ Dandelion is indispensable for the productive activity of the liver and gallbladder. It stimulates the functions of these organs, eliminates bile stagnation. It is also useful for the spleen. It is important to choose an exclusively green and fresh herb intended for potion or tincture» .

Diuretic (diuretic) effect of dandelion leaf extract medicinal is described in scientific articles by B. Clare, R. Conroy and K. Spelman.

Alternative medicine is investigating the possible use of dandelion root extract in the treatment of melanoma. Foreign researchers (S. Scutty) see dandelion as a natural remedy in the fight against skin cancer, pointing to a powerful source of triterpenes and steroids, which is dandelion roots. What is the basis for the statement “ Dandelion against cancer"? Dandelion is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and luteolin, which reduce the number of free radicals (the main causative agents of cancer), thereby reducing the risk of its occurrence. Dandelion removes toxins from the body, which prevents the further formation of tumors and the development of various types of cancer.

Luteolin actually poisons the major components of cancer cells, binding with them, rendering them ineffective and unable to reproduce. This feature has been demonstrated most prominently in prostate cancer, although other studies are underway.

In domestic science, the chemical components of the vegetative system of medicinal dandelion were analyzed by Evstafiev S.N., Tiguntseva N.P. Scientists investigated the biological activity of the constituent substances of dandelion, including essential oils, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, etc.

The monographic study by Bridgette Mars is devoted to the healing properties of dandelion “ Dandelion Medicine: Remedies and Recipes to Detoxify, Nourish, Stimulate» (« Dandelion in medicine: means and recipes for cleansing, fortification and regeneration"). The author points out the underestimated potential of the herb, calling it one of the safest and most effective remedies known to modern medicine.

Dandelion Applications in Cooking and Dietetics

The most popular dandelion-based recipe is dandelion wine... Such popularity is associated with the work of the world famous science fiction writer Ray Bradbury. His novel " Dandelion Wine”Glorified not only the writer himself, but also the wine-making masterpiece of the same name. Dandelion Wine Recipe pretty simple. To make wine from dandelions, you will need: petals of fully blooming dandelions (in an amount equal to fill a 4.5 liter container). The rest of the ingredients: water - 4.5 liters, sugar - one and a half kilograms, zest and juice of four lemons, 500 grams of raisins, chopped and pounded in a mortar (or 200 ml of concentrated white grape juice), one bag of wine yeast and one bag used in winemaking nutritional supplement for wine yeast (10 g sachets, respectively).

Boil water and pour over the petals. Leave the covered container with petals for a couple of days, stirring occasionally. After two days, pour the infused dandelions into a large saucepan, add the zest of the lemons, bring to a boil and stir in the sugar until completely dissolved. Boil for another 5 minutes. Remove from the stove, pour in lemon juice, combine the mass with grated raisins or concentrated grape juice.

Pour the boiled dandelion mass into a carefully sterilized fermentation tank. Cool, add wine yeast, nutritional supplement and cover. Let it ferment for three to four days, then pour into a glass bottle using a sterilized sieve and watering can. Insist for two months. After that, you can safely enjoy the wine, poetically named by Sir Bradbury " corked in the summer in a bottle» .

Dandelion Coffee: Wash and peel the roots, dry them and place them on a baking sheet. Fry the roots at low temperature until they darken and become brittle. Grind the roots in a blender. Brew one teaspoon in a glass of water and simmer for about 3 minutes. Strain, add cream, milk, sugar to taste. Store dandelion coffee in a tightly closed jar.

Dandelion jam: you need flowers in quantity to fill a 1 liter container, 2 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 10 gr. fruit pectin powder, 5 cups sugar. Separate the flowers from the stem and sepals, rinse thoroughly. Pour the flower mass with water, boil for 3 minutes. Cool and squeeze. Measure 3 cups from the resulting liquid, add lemon juice and pectin. Bring the mixture to a boil, add sugar, stir. Simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes. Cool and pour into jars.

Dandelion for weight loss: Dandelions, being diuretic in nature, promote increased urination and thus help to flush excess water from the body without causing any side effects. In addition, dandelions are low in calories, as are most leafy greens. Dandelions are sometimes used as sweeteners, increasing their nutritional value.

The use of dandelion in cosmetology

In cosmetology, a pair of dandelion flowers is widely popular. They heal skin formations, remove age spots. With its help, get rid of freckles. Dandelion is an ingredient in acne lotion. Bitter milk juice is used to treat bee stings and blisters. On the basis of dandelion, cosmetic masks for multifunctional purposes (rejuvenating, nourishing, whitening) are created. Dandelion is an ingredient in a variety of organic massage oils.

Other uses of dandelion (industry)

In the industry, dandelion is prized for its root, which is a natural source of rubber. The dandelion-based rubber industry is in development; It is important that dandelion rubber, unlike other species, is not dangerous for allergy sufferers.

Unconventional Uses for Dandelion

A simple dandelion flower has nothing to do with the complex mechanisms of a clock or barometer, but this plant can accurately indicate the time and predict changes in the weather.

Dandelion inflorescences open at exactly 6, and close at 10 o'clock. This feature of the plant was used by the Swedish botanist Karl Linnaeus, when creating the so-called flower clock.

Dandelion also has barometric properties: at the first rolls of thunder and an approaching thunderstorm, its flowers close.

If you put dandelion leaves and flowers in a paper bag with unripe fruit, the plant will release ethylene gas and allow the fruit to ripen quickly.

A deep red dye is produced from dandelion root.

Delicate and weightless dandelion has been honored to be praised not only in reference books of medicinal plants. One of the "loudest" voices of the Silver Age, Constantin Balmont dedicated to him a graceful poem "Dandelion".

The painters also did not escape the spell of the golden flower: Claude Monet, Isaac Levitan captured the elusive beauty of this representative of the flora on their canvases.

Dandelion symbolism is fascinating: it is the only flower that embodies the three heavenly bodies (sun, moon and stars). The yellow flower symbolizes the sun, a fluffy and silvery soft ball - the moon, flying seeds - stars.

Dangerous properties of dandelion and contraindications

Medicines that can interact with dandelion:

  • Antacid (anti-acid) agents... Dandelion promotes more stomach acid secretion, so antacids may not be helpful.
  • Blood thinners... Concomitant use of such drugs (such as aspirin) and dandelion medications may be associated with a risk of bleeding.
  • Diuretics... Dandelion is capable of acting as a diuretic, so the simultaneous use of this plant and drugs with a diuretic effect is not recommended in order to avoid electrolyte imbalance in the body.
  • Lithium, which is used in the treatment of bipolar disorders (psychosis). Studies have shown that dandelion can weaken the effects of lithium.
  • Ciprofloxacin... One type of dandelion, Dandelion Chinese, prevents the full assimilation of the named antibiotic.
  • Drugs for diabetics... Combining them with dandelion, which lowers blood sugar levels, can lead to critical levels and hypoglycemia.
  • Dandelion milk juice is known to cause itching, irritation or allergic reactions in the skin. Finally, there is a rare type of fiber in dandelions called inulin, and some people have a predisposed sensitivity or allergy to this element, which can turn into a serious problem.

Care should be taken to add dandelion greens to your diet, start with small doses, and carefully monitor your body's response.

If you strictly adhere to the indicated therapeutic doses for drinking dandelion juice and tea, no side effects will threaten a person.