President Washington George: biography, activities and interesting facts. Biography George Washington

First american president George Washingtonwhose name carries the capital of the United States, Street, Lake, Canyon, Staff, Mountain, Island, is the carrier of the title "Fatherland father". Thanks to him, North America gained independence from the Metropolis of Great Britain.

short biography

George Washington was born February 22, 1732 In colony Virginia in North America. His father - Augustine Washington, Amermer and the owner of the tobacco plantation. His mother - Maria Bol Washington, housewife raising five children.

George was 2nd seniority among his brothers and sisters. His family has already lived in a colony in North America.


As such, the small George did not receive: all that he knew at that moment was achieved mainly thanks to self-education.

At the age of 11, George lost his father and was forced to their independently rising in life. At the age of 15, when his consolidated brother Lawrence married daughters owner neighboring lands lord FarfaxGeorge suddenly acquired a mentor represented by the latter.

It was Farfax that advised young Washington to master the profession of Arsember, and also personally practiced with the young history and other sciences.

From Major to Colonel

In 1752. George Washington, after the death of Lawrence, became owner manor "Mount Vernon", as well as the rank of Major's local militia organization against the English government. All this hesitated a consolidated brother after his death.

By that time, Washington was already virtuously riding and very much shot. In 1755, after several successfully completed tasks as a military commander, George Washington is captured. After that, there was a re-attack on Fort Dukeen and this time, hiking was crowned with success.

Washington after a successful campaign received the title of Colonel and continued to fight on the territory of the continent against the French and local population (Indians). In 1758. He resigns and returns to Virginia.


Upon returning to the Motherland, George Washington married widow March Dendridge Castiswho had two children from the first marriage. The spouse took the surname of her husband after marriage.

Washington got rich pitted: 17 thousand acres of land, about 300 slaves, mansion in Williamsburg and 23 thousand pounds of sterling, which lay in several English banks.

Despite the seeming calcality in marriage from George, historians write that their marriage was happy. There were no common children from spouses.

Start of political career

During from 1958 to 1774 year George Washington was constantly elected in Legislative Assembly Virginia. He was a commitment to the policy of reconciliation with the metropolis, which was not allowed in the territory of their colonies of North America to expand the landowners of their estates.

"Boston Tea Party" and "Unbearable Taxes"

Together with Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry Washington organized an union for the boycott of English goods in Virginia. However, he reflected disapprovingly to violent actions, among which was "Boston Tea Party" December 16, 1773.

First and second continental congresses

These events led to the response actions of Great Britain, known as "unbearable taxes". This led to convening First and second Continental CongressThe result of the actions of which was the beginning of the war for the independence of the United States.

By that time, Washington left all attempts to reconcile colonies with the metropolis, understood the infertility of their efforts. Instead, he came to the next meeting of the Congress in military uniform and was unanimously chosen commander-in-Chief of the Continental Armyin June 1775.

War for US independence

The first months under the leadership of Washington, the continental army passed several cities in the central part of North America. In December 1776, George were given the authority. military dictator.

Success of military campaigns

After that, the strip of failures as the army commander ended, and Washington with his troops began to win one victory after another: Trenton, Princeton, Boston, Saratoga were taken.

These victories strengthened the spirit of the army, as well as the international position of the entire state. As a result, after numerous lesions, the British army capitulated November 18, 1781 near Yorktown.

Recognition of USA independence

In November 1783 was signed "Paris Mirny Treaty"After which military actions were discontinued in North America and the United States gained independence.

George Washington left after these events left the post of commander-in-chief of the continental army and returned to his manor "Mount Vernon". Nevertheless, he continued to observe the situation in the country.

It is known that he wrote a letter to the leadership of all states in which he called strengthen central powerIn order to preserve the integrity of the country itself.

J. Washington - First US President

In 1787, Washington, as a supporter of strengthening the central government, was elected head of the Constitutional Council (Convention) Philadelphia. In the same year, the draft Constitution of the United States was prepared and approved.

The new document approved the chapters of all 13 states!

First presidential time

Merit to the country and popularity in political circles allowed George Washington April 30, 1789 Become the first president of the United States of America. Absolutely all members of the electoral collegium voted for him - this is the only case for the entire existence of the United States!

During his entire Board, George tried to instill to his compatriots respect for the Constitution, feeding in this a personal example. It was during his reign that two party systems in the USA was organized: Republicans and Democrats.

The most important achievement was the adoption in December 1791 Bill on Rightsconducted through the Madison Congress. It disarmed the critics of the Constitution, which she considered that she did not provide widespread and freedoms.

Second presidential time

Despite the fact that Washington himself was not running for a second term, his followers, among all major political movements, parties and Congress, were offered him become a US president for the second time.

This proposal was made, and in 1792 George Washington adopted the second term of the presidency.

During this period, Washington strengthens the economic and political structure within the country, without becoming indulging in the disagreements of European states. Such a course allowed America to rise economically.

The capital of the USA

Decision to place the federal columbia region Between the states of Maryland and Virginia, and build the capital on the Potomac River, should symbolize the equality of the South and the North.

Washington won from this personally, as it was one of the largest landowners Virginia. Place for presidential mansion as "White House"He chose personally. "Georgetown" became the first city in the United States, which was built on the clear plan.

"Father of the Fatherland"

Refusing to the third term as president, Washington said September 20, 1796his farewell speech and appeal to the nation. In his speech, he called on the pillars of human happiness in the USA, the principles of religion and morality.

He urged to have friendly relations with all countries, more trading and less political ties with them. The unclean rule that the US President cannot rule more than 2 deadlines, respected by all followers of Washington, until in 1945 was legalized by the 22nd amendment to the US Constitution.

last years of life

Last years of life, a great politician and commander-in-chief spent in his estate on the river bank Potomac surrounded by family and coming guests.

He was engaged in agriculture, and also built on the territory of "Mount Vernon" a liquor-breeding plant. Often visited the capital under construction.

The death of George Washington

On December 13, 1799, Washington fell under heavy shower and fell ill. His disease was rapidly turned into a complex pneumonia. Two days later, on the night of December 15, 1799 George Washington died, not underway treatment with blood consumption and processing mercury chloride.

His body was buried in Mount Vernon, in Virginia. In honor of the first US president, the monument in the US capital is erected - Monument Washingtonhaving a height of 152 meters. In the city it is forbidden to establish any construction above this mark.

The worldview and political philosophy of Washington affected the English opposition or agricultural literature of the beginning of the XVIII century. Washington admired Caton Jr., whom he considered a model of all Roman virtues. With these samples, he tried to fit in public and personal life, adhering to the classic speech style and the dignity of gesticulation and facial expressions. Composure strict control Emotions and disciplined behavior became its outstanding qualities, under which the initial spontaneity ever appeared. Conservative and judgmental on temperament, moderately religious, without a deep interest in theological issues, but at the same time, constantly ready for the perception of new ideas and thoughts, he joined the virtue with the progressive consciousness of the enlightenment.

Political career, attempts of reconciliation with the metropolis

The last years of Washington's life was held in Mount Vernon, in the circle of family and visitors. Even after leaving the head of the head of state, Washington often visited the capital under construction, which the workers called "Georgia". Washington dedicated a lot of time agriculture, built in his estate a vacation plant. July 13, 1798, during a sharp aggravation of relations with France, President John Adams, taking into account the popularity and reputation of Washington, symbolically appointed his commander-in-chief of the American army in the rank of Lieutenant General.


Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Washington family is known since the XII century, when one of the ancestors of George Washington captured the estate of Washington Old Hall, located in the County of Durham North-East England.

The coat of arms is a silver shield with two red belts and three red five-pointed stars at the chapter.

In 1938, the US Congress convened a commission to create the official flag of Columbia. The Commission announced a public competition whose winner was the Graphic Designer Charles Dann, which offered his version back in 1921. The image of the flag of his authorship was based on the name of George Washington's head. On October 15, 1938, the decree on the adoption of the flag entered into force.

Oak from the grave of j.vashington

Speech and speeches

Art films

  • series "George Washington" ( George Washington., ),
  • series "George Washington: the formation of a nation" ( George Washington: The Forging of a Nation, ),
  • "Intersection" ( The Crossing., )


  1. Family Bible Entry
  2. Image of page from Family Bible / bible.html
  3. A. V. Superanskaya, Emphasis in our own names in modern Russian. - M.: Science, 1966, p. 59
  4. George Washington's biography on the site "People"
  5. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  6. George Washington's biography on the site of the Encyclopedia "Circlevet"
  7. (eng.) Homans, Charles (2004-10-06). "Taking A New Look At George Washington". The Papers of George Washington: Washington in the news. Alderman Library, University of Virginia. RETRIEVED ON -09-28.
  8. (eng.) ROSS, JOHN F (October 2005), Unmasking George Washington, Smithsonian Magazine
  9. (eng.) "George Washington's Mount Vernon: Answers." RETRIEVED ON -06-30.
  10. John Lloyd, John Mitchinson The book of universal delusions \u003d The Book of General Ignorance. - Harmony, 2007. - P. 97. - ISBN ISBN 0-307-39491-3
  11. 9:59 A.M. Et. Washington "S False Teeth Not Wooden. MSNBC (January 27, 2005). Archived from the source 24 August 2011. Checked on August 29, 2009.
  12. Vernova N., Pashchinskaya I., Rudkova, I.TSaritsyn and Olgin Pavilions. Is a GMZ "Peterhof" .2008. ISBN 978-5-91598-009-8

George Washington Biography

George Washington, the future US President, was born on February 22, 1732 in Virginia.

He got homepage, engaged in self-education. The family had five children, George was the third on the score. From nature, he was a red-haired boy.

At 11 years old, his father Augustine died, the owner of the tobacco factory and Amermer. George raised his stepbrother Lawrence.

In 1748, sixteen years old from the genus, George Washington took part in the expedition of Lord Farfax, which conducted land workers in the Schenanda valley. Lord Fairfax was a neighbor of Washington, a very wealthy landowner of Virginia. He became a mentor George, supported him, he taught the alert, introduced him to the style of the life of the nonetitular nobility.

In 1749, George was appointed to the Calpepper County Survey.

In 1752, he inherited after a consolidated brother Mount Vernon's estate under Alexandria, on the Potomac River, where he began to grow tobacco and wheat.

In 1753-1754, Washington in the rank of Major commanded one of the districts of Virginia militia.

In 1755 he participated in the campaign against the Fort Dukeen, where he was captured.

During the re-expedition to Fort, Washington showed bravery, received the rank of colonel and was appointed commander of the Virgin provincial regiment. Washington took part in hostilities against the French and Indians, occupying defensive positions.

On January 6, 1759, Washington married the rich widow Marte Dendridge Castis and received a rich dowry: 17 thousand acres of land, 300 slaves, mansion in Williamsburg. Wife took his last name. The marriage turned out to be happy, but there were no common children from spouses. The wife had children from the first marriage, two sons.

Thanks to hard work and order, he managed to increase its estates, becoming one of Virginia's richest landowners, and by 1772 he already exported fish and flour into West India.

In 1758-1774, George Washington is elected to Virginia's Legislative Assembly.

Washington acts as a wrestler for the rights of the colonies, creates an association for the boycott of English goods, it is very disapproving about the violent action.

September 5 - October 26, 1774 The work time of the first continental Congress, which was held in Wilmsburg. Civilian Chamber Virginia gathered without the knowledge of the governor and proclaimed the convening of this first continental congress, one of the seven delegates of which was Washington. A number of protests were adopted at the Congress, but the open gap with the UK did not happen.

In June 1775, Washington was unanimously elected the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. He accepted the command of July 3, 1775 and headed by the siege of Boston. Washington managed to increase the combat capability of troops and the level of discipline of soldiers.

In 1775-1776, the military campaign against Great Britain passed with varying success.

On December 12, 1776, Congress, which fled from Philadelphia in Baltimore, provided the dictatorial authority to George Washington.

With trenton (December 26, 1776) and Princeton (January 3, 1777), Washington won. The siege of Boston also ended with the victory. In these military actions undoubtedly increased the morale of the army and contributed to further victories.

In 1777, almost all central states were released, the British were held only Philadelphia, Newport and New York.

The next row of victories of the continental army led to the fact that on November 19, 1781, Yorktown, the capitulation of the British army took place. Military actions in the United States almost stopped.

After the battle of Yorktown, the Continental Army officers were organized by the Newburgh Conspiracy. They wanted to make George Washington by a dictator or king, so that he was solely ruled by the states. In March 1783, the personal appeal to the officer corpus Washington prevented a coup and restored the discipline in the army, consolidating the principle of military leadership to civilian.

In November 1783 after the signing of the Parisian peace treaty, George Washington has comprehended the powers of the head of the army and settled in his estate "Mount Vernon".

In 1786, Massachusetts farmers rebelled against the Boston government. Washington called on his associates to action. He was a supporter of strengthening the central government. Unattended by the articles of the Confederation, Washington was elected chairman of the constitutional convention in Philadelphia.

In 1787, the Constitution of the United States of America was developed. Washington supported the Constitution, and this largely facilitated its ratification by all states.

In 1789, George Washington was nominated for the presidency of the country.

On April 30, 1789, he took the oath in New York and took the first US president. Until now, he remains the only one for which all members of the electoral collegium voted unanimously.

One of the main goals of the president as the head of state was to preserve democratic transformations, instilling respect for the people to the Constitution and create a state apparatus based on the principles conquered by the revolution. In fact, he laid the foundations of the political device of the United States. The most important achievement of the Board of Washington was the adoption of Bill on the rights carried out through the Madison Congress.

The first US president laid the beginning of the practice of presenting the Messages of the US Congress. According to the right of George Washington, I call the Founder of the United States.

In 1792 he was unanimously re-elected on new termthat was a confirmation of Washington's popularity among their fellow citizens. Washington himself did not participate in his election campaign.

The second term of stay as president was focused on stabilizing the situation in the country. The Course of Externally, Washington Policy was rather careful that the US involved in European conflicts prevented. The President was for the US non-interference in the confrontation of European powers.

In 1793, the proclamation of neutrality was published. At the same time, he recognized the French revolutionary government and confirmed the agreement on the friendship of 1778. Washington as president avoided any conflicts. The country has begun an economic rise.

The programs developed by Hamilton to stabilize the financial and industrial development of the country dismantled with the intentions of the Republicans. George Washington began to support federalists, which aggravated the domestic political situation in the country.

In relations with the indigenous population, Washington relied on military power, which forced the Indians to give way from many territories.

1789-1797 George Washington's stay as President of the USA.

George Washington was invited to run for a third term, but he refused, saying that the president should not take his post more than two consecutive terms. So the tradition was laid out without any legislative base Up to the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt. Only after the death of President Roosevelt was developed and adopted a 22nd amendment to the Constitution, where it was established that the same person could not take the presidency of more than two deadlines.

The last years of Washington's life passed in Mount Vernon, in the family circle. George Washington devoted a lot of time to agriculture, even built a vacation plant in his estate.

December 13, 1799 George Washington, inspecting his holdings to riding a horse, got under the rain with snow and through the wet. The next morning, Washington began a strong runny nose and fever. The throat infection has become acute laryngitis and pneumonia. The next day he became even worse. On the night of December 14-15, at the age of 67, Washington died.

In honor of Washington, the capital of the country, the city of Washington, Washington, Lake, Island, Mountain and Canyon, a variety of settlements, colleges and universities, squares and streets is named.

In 1888 in the capital of the United States, the monument was opened to the first American president with a height of more than 150 meters. .

Congress posthumously assigned George Washington by the title of General of the Army of the United States.

George Washington played an outstanding role in the formation of the United States and independence. He made a major contribution to the formation of a young state on a solid development path. As commander-in-chief of American troops, he headed the struggle with the UK, which ended with the victory of the colonies.

George Washington. Born on February 22, 1732 in Bridges-Creek, Virginia - died on December 14, 1799, Mount Vernon, Virginia. American statesman, First President of the United States of America (1789-1797), Founder-founder of the United States, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, Member of War for Independence, Creator of the American Presidency Institute.

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in the family, the fourth generation of which lived in Virginia. Childhood and youth he spent in modest conditions, received home education, was engaged in self-education. Was in the family of the third of five children, when he lost his father Augustine, the owner of the tobacco plantation and land surveyor, at the age of 11.

The coat of arms of the Washington family is known since the XII century, when one of the ancestors of George Washington moved to the estate Washington Old Hall, located in the County of Durha North-East England.

The coat of arms is a silver shield with two red belts and three red five-pointed stars at the chapter.

In 1938, the US Congress convened a commission to create the official flag of Columbia. The Commission announced a public competition whose winner was the Graphic Designer Charles Dann, which offered his version back in 1921. The image of the flag of his authorship was based on the name of George Washington's head. On October 15, 1938, the decree on the adoption of the flag entered into force.

From nature, Washington had red hair. He, contrary to common delusion, did not wear wigs, but powdered her hair. Washington had problems with teeth throughout his life. The first permanent (not milk) tooth was lost aged twenty-two, and by the time of the presidency had only one. John Adams said that he lost them because gnawed Brazilian nuts, but modern historians suggest that this happened due to mercury oxide, which was given to Washington as a medicine from smallpox and malaria. Washington had several dentures, four of which were made by Dentist John Greenwood (John Greenwood). Contrary to the legend spread in the US, Washington's dentures were made not from wood, but from ivory, bones of hippopotamus, gold, lead, as well as human teeth and animal teeth (including horse and donkey teeth).

In 1748, Washington participated in the expedition of Lord Fairfax, who conducted land workers in the Shanndo Valley. Since 1749 he was a Kalpepper County Amermer. George brought up a summand brother Lawrence, after whom he inherited the estate of Mount Vernon in 1752 by Alexandria, on the Potab River, in the same year he became Major of the local militia.

In his neighbor Lord Fairfax, who belonged to the most wealthy landowners Virginia, Washington found a mentor. Farfax introduced him to the style of the life of a untown nobility and supported him on the way to the career of the officer and land.

In 1753, Washington received an instruction to warn the French that they should not move to the Ohio River Valley. The trip continued for eleven weeks, Washington had to overcome 800 kilometers and survive a lot of dangerous episodes. In 1753-1754, he commanded one of the districts of Virginia militia. By 1755, Washington's participation is in the campaign against the Fort Dukeen, where he captured. During the re-expedition to the same Fort, Washington showed courage, for which he received the title of Colonel and was appointed commander of the Virgin Provincial Shelf. Washington continued to participate in hostilities against the French and Indians, taking defensive positions, but on December 31, 1758 he returned to Virginia and resigned.

On January 6, 1759, Washington married the rich widow Marte Dendridge Castis (taking his last name) and received a rich dowry: 17 thousand acres of land, 300 slaves and mansion in Williamsburg. The marriage was happy, although there were no children from spouses. Washington brought up two children of his wife from the first marriage. Thanks to hard work and strict order, he managed to increase the income of his estate and become one of Virginia's richest landowners. On his farms on the banks of the River Potomac, he grown tobacco, wheat, and by 1772 he already exported fish and flour into West India.

The worldview and political philosophy of Washington affected the English opposition or agricultural literature of the beginning of the XVIII century. Washington admired Caton Jr., whom he considered a model of all Roman virtues. With these samples, he tried to fit in public and personal life, adhering to the classic speech style and the dignity of gesticulation and facial expressions.

Self-composure, strict control of emotions and disciplined behavior became its outstanding qualities, under which the initial spontaneity ever appeared. Conservative and judgmental on temperament, moderately religious, without a deep interest in theological issues, but at the same time, constantly ready for the perception of new ideas and thoughts, he joined the virtue with the progressive consciousness of the enlightenment.

In 1758-1774, Washington was elected to Virginia's Legislative Assembly. When the contradictions began with the metropolis, Washington began to fight for the rights of colonies. In 1769, he submitted a draft resolution for consideration by the Chamber, according to which only legislative assembly of the colonies had the right to establish taxes. However, this problem has lost sharpness when customs duties were canceled.

Together with Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry Washington organized an union for the boycott of English goods in Virginia. However, he reflected disapproval to violent actions, among which was the "Boston Tea Party" on December 16, 1773. The measures taken after this, the measures of the British government, known as "unbearable laws", forced the colonies to forget about the disagreements. In Williamsburg, without the knowledge of the governor, the civilian Chamber of Virginia was gathered, which proclaimed the convening of the first continental congress (September 5-26, 1774).

Washington was elected one of the seven delegates, but accepted a minor participation in his work. Congress accepted a number of protests, but refused to open an open gap with Great Britain. In a letter, the old friend Captain R. McKenzy, who served in the English troops in Boston, was noted: "As for independence or something like that ... then I am quite satisfied that no reasonable person in North America wishes anything like that " However, soon the situation was aggravated, armed clashes of militias with the British army began. Despite the expression of the loyalty of Georgi III, the second continental congress led a colony into a state of defense. Washington gradually realized the infertility attempts to reconcile with Great Britain and after the first clashes, who showed the inevitability of the gap, had a military form and suggested the Congress of the military service.

In June 1775, Washington unanimously elected the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. He accepted the command of July 3, 1775 and headed by the siege of Boston. The army, created on the basis of the detachments of the militia of various states, was constantly experiencing difficulties with recruitment, training and supply. Its advantage was the clutch tactics, which was successfully used against the classical linear construction of the British. Washington managed to increase the combat capability of troops and the level of discipline among the soldiers.

In 1775-1776, the campaign passed with varying success. Fearing Washington's troops, March 17, 1776 Boston garrison was evacuated to Halifax. July 2, 1776 British troops (32 thousand soldiers, including 9 thousand hessian mercenaries) under the command of General William Khow landed on Stanten Island Island. Washington, which Congress was instructed at any cost to keep New York, prepared for defense. Long Island Battle followed this (August 27, 1776), the battle in the Harlem heights (September 16, 1776) and the delivery of the city of British. With the remnants of his troops, George Washington went to the south. On December 12, the Congress, which fled from Philadelphia in Baltimore, provided Washington dictatorial authority.

Washington took revenge on Trenton (December 26) and Princeton (January 3, 1777), in March of the same year, the victory of the siege of Boston was completed. The success of the commander-in-chief increased the moral spirit of the American army. On October 17, 1777, the Americans won the Saratogue, who strengthened the international position of the United States. The campaign 1777 ended with the collapse of the plans of British strategists, almost all of the central states were released, and the British were held only Philadelphia, New York and Newport.

After the continental army, a number of victories ended with the surrender of the British Army were to win on November 19, 1781 in Yorktown, after which military actions in the United States practically stopped. After the battle of Yorktown among the officers who feared non-payment by the Congress of Signs, the desire to make Washington a dictator or king ("Newburgh Conspiracy") appeared. The personal appeal to the officer corps in March 1783 Washington restored discipline and secured the principle of subordination of military leadership to civilian.

In November 1783, after the signing of the Parisian peace treaty, Washington has resigned authority. After leaving the head of the head of the Army, Washington sent a circular letter to state governments, advising to strengthen the central government to avoid the decay of the country.

Settling after the war in his estate "Mount Vernon", Washington, however, watched the political situation in the country. When in 1786, Massachusetts farmers rebelled against the Boston government, he called his supporters to action. As a supporter of strengthening the central government, unattended by the articles of the Confederation, he was unanimously elected Chairman of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, who had developed in 1787 by the Constitution of the United States of America.

The support of the Constitution Washington in many ways contributed to its ratification by all thirteen states. Washington's popularity led to his unanimous election of the electoral collegium for the presidency of the country, which he took on April 30, 1789, taking the oath in New York. In 1792, he was unanimously re-elected for a new term, although Washington himself did not participate in his election campaign. Until now, he remains the only president of the United States, which all members of the electoral collegium voted. Congress set annoyed wages President of $ 25,000. Being a secured person, Washington originally refused such remuneration, but later took the payment.

One of the main goals of Washington as the head of state was to preserve democratic transformations, to instill respect the people to the Constitution and from the very beginning to create a state apparatus based on the principles conquered by the revolution. George Washington as the first president tried to create precedents, to make the very concept of position.

Throughout his reign, he constantly demonstrated respect for the Constitution, trying to promote the development of the self-consciousness of the American people. Washington contributed to improving the mechanisms of functioning of three branches of government, laid the foundations of the US political device. Washington surrounded himself with intellectual leaders, in his first government he included Henry Knox (military affairs), Edmund Randolph (Justice) of the leaders of opposing political groups - Republican Tomas Jefferson (who became US Secret Secretary) and the federalist Alexander Hamilton (Finance). The president himself tried to hold onto the side from political conflicts, preferring to stay above the parties. Washington tried to build a collaborative relationship with Congress, very economically used the right of veto, guided by the compliance of the laws of the Constitution, and not a personal position.

The first US president laid the beginning of the practice of presenting the Messages of the US Congress. The most important achievement was the adoption of Bill on the rights carried out through the Madison Congress. It disarmed the critics of the Constitution, which she considered that she did not provide widespread and freedoms.

The president was overcome serious doubts whether to nominate his candidacy for a second term. Numerous friends of friends, the unstability of the Union and the threat of his collapse made the weakening Washington to give way. In 1792, Washington was unanimously re-elected for a second term, which confirmed his enormous popularity.

In his second inaugural speech, on March 4, 1793, Washington promised to promote the constitutional form of the Board to allow their roots "in America's virgin soil." The second stay in the post was focused on stabilization of the situation. The soberly calculated, cautious course of Washington prevented the involvement of the United States into European conflicts and stimulated the economic rise. The programs developed by the Hamiltonian program to stabilize the financial and industrial development of the country, dissected with the intentions of the Republicans, were accepted and began. Washington's transition from the grandparent position to the support of federalists aggravated the domestic political situation.

In relations with the indigenous population, Washington relied more for military power, he managed to force Indians to give way from many territories. In 1791, Congress imposed a ban on distilled alcohol, which led to protests in border areas. In Western Pennsylvania, the protests were turned into a riot, called the "Tour of whiskey". The federal army was too small to suppress the resistance and Washington convened the police police and headed by the 13-thousandth army headed for the suppression of the riot.

The uprising ended before military force was applied. The leaders were captured, sentenced to the death penalty, but pardoned by Washington. These events proved the ability of the federal government to use armed forces To preserve the state. During the presidency, Washington has repeatedly performed in Congress with the initiative to establish the National Academy of Sciences, but his proposals were left without attention.

The decision to put the Federal District of Columbia between the states of Maryland and Virginia and erect the capital on the Potomac River should symbolize the equality of the South and the North. Washington won from this personally, as it was one of the largest landowners Virginia. The President often visited the city under construction. The place for the presidential mansion, who gained fame as the "White House", he chose personally. Georgetown became the first city in the United States, which was built on the clear plan.

In the field of foreign policy, Washington initially established the advantage of the executive power before the legislative. The President acted for the US non-interference in the confrontation of European powers, publishing in 1793 the proclamation of neutrality. However, at the same time he recognized the French Revolutionary Government and confirmed the agreement on the friendship of 1778, avoiding, however, any conflicts. Jaya Treaty, signed in November 1794 by the representative of the president, eliminated the threat of war with the UK, but split the country into two camps. A more favorable attitude to the Pinkni Treaty of 1795, which established the boundaries between the United States and the Spanish possessions and the lawsuit of Mississippi shipping is the right to the Americans. Thus, Washington managed to strengthen the positions of the United States on the American continent and protect the country from a detrimental intervention in European affairs. Considerable advantage of the Foreign Policy of Washington Printed and Trade Development.

George Washington was invited to run for the third term, but he refused, explaining that the president should not take his post more than two times in a row. In farewell appeal, he confirmed that he would leave the presidency. So Washington laid the tradition, who followed without any legislative base, until the presidency of Franklin Delado Roosevelt in the XX century.

On September 20, 1796, the farewell appeal of Washington to the nation, which he prepared since the spring of this year was published. His main desire was a warning from the destructive influence of the party spirit. To reflect this danger, the president recommended observing the principles of religion and morality as "the great pillars of human happiness." Washington also bequeathed "Maintain peace and consent with all countries", to develop trade relations, but to have "as few political relationships as possible." The latter position was the basis of the policy of the MONRO doctrine and the policy of isolationism, which allowed the United States to remain aside from European conflicts, increasing its influence in America itself. In the United States, a tradition was established: a farewell appeal annually, February 22, before the opening of the US Congress session, read before the Senate and the Chamber of Representatives.

The last years of Washington's life was held in Mount Vernon, in the circle of family and visitors. Even after leaving the head of the head of state, Washington often visited the capital under construction, which the workers called "Georgia". Washington devoted a lot of time to agriculture, built in his estate a vacation plant. July 13, 1798, during a sharp aggravation of relations with France, President John Adams, taking into account the popularity and reputation of Washington, symbolically appointed his commander-in-chief of the American army in the rank of Lieutenant General.

George Washington played an outstanding role in gaining independence by the United States of America and made a major contribution to the formation of a young state to the solid path of development. As commander-in-chief of the American troops, he headed a long struggle with the UK ending with the victory of the colonies. Washington largely contributed to the beginning of the United States to the modern federal state. He took an active part in the development and adoption of the Constitution, where his signature is both a delegate from Virginia. In the post of President Washington fixed the achievement of the war of independence, implemented the Constitution, laid the first-acquisition of the American state and the Institute of Presidents, to a large extent determining their further development.

On December 13, 1799, Washington, inspecting his possessions, spent a few hours on horseback and hit the rain with snow. He went to dinner without changing wet clothes. The next morning, Washington began a strong runny nose, fever and throat infection, which turned into acute laryngitis and pneumonia. The next day he became worse. Medical remedies of that time did not help, and on the night of December 14-15, at the age of 67, Washington died. Modern doctors believe that he died to a large extent due to treatment, which included treatment with chloride mercury and bloodletting. After the death of her husband, Washington burned their correspondence. Only three letters have been preserved.

The author of the mourning resolution of Congress General G. Lee described Washington as "first in the days of the war, first in the days of the world and the first in the hearts of fellow citizens." In honor of Washington, the capital, state, lake and island, mountain and canyon, a lot of settlements, colleges and universities, streets and squares are named. In 1888, a majestic monument was opened in the US capital (over 150 m high) to the first American president. During the two hundred year old Year of the formation of the United States (1976), Congress posthumously assigned George Washington by the title of General of the Army of the United States.

George Washington is the first president of the United States, chosen by the people and considered one of the founders of the United States. He lived in the XVIII century, he was a major and wealthy slave owner. George Washington is a participant in the American Revolution, the author of the US Presidential Institute and the head of the Continental Army.

The biography of the future of the US President began on February 22, 1732 in Virginia, on Plantation Popz Creek. George became the third of five children in the family of a wealthy slave owner, Plantator and Amerlember Augustine Washington, who died when the boy was eleven years old. After this, the head of the family was his senior concrete brother Lawrence. George studied at home and attached a value to self-education.

Born in the family of slave owners and inheriting the state, Washington considered slavery with contradictory norms of morality and morality, but it believed that the release of slaves would occur only across decades.

A big role in the fate of young George Washington was played by Lord Fairfax - the richest landwoman virginia of those times. He became a kind of mentor for young manHaving lost his father in childhood, and provided him with friendly support when building a career of Ambarer and officer.

The older brother of George died when he was twenty years old, the manor of Mount Vernon went to the guy, as well as eighteen slaves. From 17, Washington worked in Calpepper county as a land, and after the death of Brother became the leader of one of the districts of Virgin militia in the status of Major.

In 1753, Major Washington received a challenging order: inform the French about the inability to move towards the valley of the Ohio River. For 11 weeks, George overcame full dangers of the path, the length of which was 800 kilometers, and as a result, carried out a commission. In 1755, he captured in the battle against Fort Dukeen. Soon, Washington was released, and during a re-campaign against this fort showed courage and was awarded the rank of colonel.

After that, the young man became the commander-in-chief of the Virgin provincial regiment. Under his leadership, the regiment continued to fight with the Indians and the French and to occupy a defensive position. However, in 1758, at the age of 26, George Washington decided to leave the officer's career and resigned.

The worldview of young Washington was under the strong influence of the English literature of the early XVIII century. A peculiar cumier George was an ancient Roman politician Caton Jr.. Like the ideal, the future President of America tried to use only classic style speeches, match the sample virtue in personal and public Life, restrain facial expressions and gesticulation at a decent level.

Mortification, Washington became a restrained, disciplined person who constantly controlled emotions and did not allow himself to lose self-control. Religion treated with respect, but without fanaticism.


Refusing a career officer, George Washington married and became a prosperous slave owner and planter. At the same time, the policy continued to play a leading role in his life, and in 1758-1774 he repeatedly made successful attempts to become a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Virginia.

Being the owner of a large plantation, George on his own experience concluded that the United Kingdom's policy does not meet the requirements of our time. The desire of the British authorities to restrain the development of industry and trade on colonial lands was tight criticism. In part, therefore, Washington formed in Virginia an union that had the goal of the boycott of English production. Patrick Henry helped him in this.

The struggle for the rights of the colonies became for George a matter of principle. In 1769, he developed a draft resolution, enshrined the right to establish taxes only for legislative assemblies of colonial settlements. However, soon the public interest in this problem decreased due to the abolition of customs duties. The UK tyranny in relation to the colonies did not leave opportunities for reconciliation, and after the first collisions of the colonists with the soldiers of this country, George Washington demonstratively began to wear a military uniform, aware of the inevitability of the gap.

War for independence

Deciding that America needs it as a warlord, the future first US president proposed the services of the continental army. In 1775 he received the status of the commander-in-chief of this army. The basis of the military forces, which headed George Washington, made up of militia detachments scored from states.

At first, American soldiers had many problems with discipline, learning and equipment. However, gradually (thanks to the efforts of the Commander-in-Chief), an effective and efficient army was formed, which successfully applied the technique of a loose building in battles with the British, which used the traditional linear construction.

George Washington was originally headed by the siege of Boston. In 1776, the troops defended New York, as a result of several battles without resisting under the pressure of opponents and passing the city of Great Britain. In the late 1776 beginning of 1777, Washington and troops took Revenge from the British in battles at Trentonne and Princeton, and in the spring of 1777 their siege of Boston ended with success. This victory is important and strategically: successful battles with the enemy increased the motivation and moral spirit of American soldiers.

Further followed: the victory of the Saratoga, the liberation of the central states, the capitulation of the UK's armed forces of Yorktown and the completion of hostilities in America. After these battles, American officers began to doubt that Congress plans to pay them a salary for the time spent in war. Trusting George Washington, which was famous for honesty and strict moral principles, they wanted to make him the head of the country.

The American revolution officially ended in 1783, when the Paris Mirny Treaty was signed. Immediately after this event, the commander-in-chief aroused the authority and sent letters to governments, in which they advised them to strengthen the central government to prevent the decay of the country.

First President of the USA

After the completion of hostilities, George Washington returned to his estate. However, the history of the native country continued to be interested in him, and he escaped the political situation in the United States. In 1786, his supporters after his call helped to reduce the uprising of massachusetts farmers.

Soon Washington was elected head of the Philadelphian constitutional convention, which in 1787 issued a new US Constitution, then elections were held. The commander-in-chief retired was so popular in society that the electors unanimously voted for him (both for the first time and during the re-election of the president).

The head of state, George Washington, sought to instill respect to the Constitution to the Americans, to preserve democratic changes. recent years, Surround yourself with representatives of the intelligentsia, able to work for the benefit of America. At the same time, Washington tried to cooperate with Congress and not interfere with political conflicts within the country. On the second term, the first President of the United States has developed a competent program of the industrial and financial development of the country, removes America from the involvement in European conflicts, forced the Indians to abandon many territories (mainly using military force), forbade distilled alcohol.

Inner I. foreign policy George Washington met resistance in some public layers, but attempts to the president and his army managed to quickly prevent. Upon completion of the two terms of the Board, he received an offer to run away and for the third term, but refused him due to the provisions of the Constitution. During the country's management, he officially abandoned slavelism, but still managed his plantation and wanted slaves that ran from it. In total, there were 390 slaves in his possession.

Personal life

In 1759, George Washington took the wife secured by the widow Marta Castis, which became his first and sole wife. In possession of Martha was mansion, 300 slaves and 17,000 acres of land. By this dowry, George ordered himself with the mind, turning it into one of the most profitable estates in Virginia. George and Martha's marriage was long and happy. In this family, the children of Castis from the first marriage were brought up, the common children of the spouse did not start.


The first American president died on December 15, 1799. Two days before that, he found himself under a torrential rain with snow, examining his estate riding a horse. Returning home, he did not remove wet clothes and decided right in it. For the next morning, Washington began fever, throat infection and a strong runny nose, which became symptoms of pneumonia and acute laryngitis. Medications The XVIII century could not help him, moreover, they aggravated his condition (doctors used bloodletting and processing chloride mercury).

In 1888, a 150-meter memorial was installed in the American capital in honor of the first president of the country. In his honor, the bridge was also named across the Hudson River (one of the longest in the USA), an atomic aircraft carrier, a university in Washington. Dollar bills decorated with a photo with his portrait. And, of course, it was in honor of the first president of the United States its name was the American capital.

In 2000, the biographical film "George Washington" was released, there is also a series of the series and other films, one way or another dedicated to politics.

  • One of the main crops that was grown on the plantation of Washington was hemp. In the XVIII century it was used for making paper, ropes and fabrics.
  • George Washington became the only American president who during both elections scored 100% of the electoral votes.
  • The first president of the United States never wore wigs, possessing a steps red hair from nature. On portraits that have come down to our time, his hair seems light, since in the fashion of the XVIII century they were very frown.
  • George Washington was an accounting specialist and wrote several books on the right financial statements. Even during the presidency, he himself monitored the income and expenses of his estate, because "it's easier to follow each penny."
  • The famous politician and the warlord was an excellent ride, but he had his own "pillow": the horse on which he had to go, should have shine perfect cleanliness. Washington attached to this rule so much great importancethat even looked into the teeth of the animal before sitting on him.


  • We should look back back only for the extraction of lessons from past errors and benefits from expensive purchased experience.
  • Most effective tool Peace maintaining - War willingness.
  • We work so that in your soul did not die those tiny sparks of the heavenly fire, which is a conscience.
  • If you appreciate your reputation, associate your life with respectable people.
  • Do not express joy at the sight of the unfortunate of another person, whether it is even your enemy.