How to make floors in an extension. Projects and sketches for houses for house

Over time, owners of private cottages and cottages with year-round residence regime are faced with the need to increase useful Square His housing. For example, one of the reasons may be the birth of a child or just the desire of the space, since the area has at its disposal too small. Frame extension in this case sees one of the best solutions. The features of the construction of such a structure, the procedure for its legalization and will be speaking in this small article.

Features of the extension

The greater advantage of the frame extension is the possibility of its pairing with a house built from any material, be it logs, bricks, blocks or bars.

Features of the design B. general They are presented in the diagram below, however, they are almost completely identical to the nuances of the construction of a full-fledged frame house.

How to make a frame extension to a brick or wooden house?

For construction, you will need some kind of tools. Below in the figure is represented typical option Such a set.

It is also desirable the presence of at least one assistant, as a number of work cannot be made alone, and it is always more fun with someone.

Coupling with the main home

Regardless of the quality of the foundation due to the difference in the magnitude of the load, which the cottage and an extension is on the ground, the likelihood remains that over time there will be placed relative to each other. For this reason, experts extremely do not recommend the hard type of adjustment of an extension to the old house, it is more expedient to use adjoining, similar on the principle of a compound type "groove-comb". For its device on the wall of the capital structure, you need to consolidate two vehicles, and to establish between them vertical Bar., which is an element of the frame wall of an extension. This type of adjustment will ensure the leveling of mutual movements. Of course, a metal frame instead of wood can be used, then all mortgage elements will also be metallic. Either it is necessary to use a hinge bolt on bolts.

However, the conjunction of an extension is not limited to the walls alone, two roofs are also important to connect correctly. To this end, it is necessary to docile with one end to docile with the upper strapping of the frame, and the other is to bore with the rafter roofing system of the old house. Dooming the same under the roof is mounted in such a way that the joke is old and new roof It turned out between the elements of the root.

As a roofing material, it is necessary to use only one that has some degree of flexibility, for example, soft tile or professional flooring with a wave height of not more than 10 mm. But slate or ceramic tile For these purposes, it is no longer suitable.

Step-by-step instruction

1. Installation of foundation

The first stage of construction is foundation. Usually suitable for extension separate foundationTo make a special mortgage reinforcement with the base of the old house using a special mortgage fittings.

Of course, the most preferred option is common reason, laid back at the construction stage of the first house, however, so far from our compatriots, few people look at, which, however, is quite understandable and explained. When booking a new foundation, it is necessary to ensure maximum identity not only in form, but also in the depth of the occurrence of both structures.

If it is impossible to achieve a full monolithic, then between the two foundations you need to leave the so-called deformation seam, so that there are no cracks on the walls in the spring on the walls of the extension.

The strapping is the second stage of the construction of an extension. The thickness of the carcass walls is usually equal to 20 cm. In the extensions, residential rooms rarely place, which reduces the wall thickness to 10 cm. Therefore, the diameter of the strapping of the strapping and the section of vertical racks will also be 10 cm.

Below in the figure presented possible installation scheme lower strapping Extensions:

When assembling a carcass, you need to pay the most attention to the racks. The figure below explains its features.

The mounting of the upper strapping is made by the same principle as the bottom. Side view is shown in the figure below.

5. Ceiling trimming and insulation

The ceiling, like the walls inside, it is best to lifting with a clapboard. This is the most favorable option from the price and aesthetic points of view. Pine eurogrammer will serve at least 30 years, and with proper care and more. To insulate the ceiling for savings, it is possible to use clamzit, pouring it from the top of a layer of 10-12 cm.

Possible variant Installation of the rafter system is shown in the figure below:

The process of fastening the roofing material does not differ in any nuances, except for one: the upper part of the sheets should be under roofing material of the main building. To do this, you may need to remove part of the mounts. The approximate roofing "cake" scheme is presented in the figure below.

The ultimate goal of any construction work is the creation of a durable structure, living in which will be comfortable and cozy. The quality of the wall "cake" has the most direct and decisive effect on achieving this goal. During the insulation of the walls of a frame house or an extension, it is necessary to remember that correctly laid pair and wind insulation - pledge long Service without loss performance characteristics Any type of insulation. If you forget about this, then the insulation very quickly absorbs moisture from ambient And it will become unsuitable.

If we consider the layers of the wall "cake" from within a frame extension, then they must go in that order:

1. Internal sheathing,

2. Air gap (10-20 mm),

3. Parosolation,

4. layer of insulation,

5. Wind insulation,

6. External finish.

As a wind protection, you can use traditional runneroid or pergamine.

The second option is more preferable, since it is not deformed when exposed high temperatures Environment. When installing vaporizolation membrane materials, it is necessary to place them with a smooth surface toward the layer of thermal insulation, and a durable to the room. Vile does not make condensate on them, which prevents excessive wetting of the insulation.

Inssert insulation - one of the most important factors of a comfortable stay in it in the future. In essence, all the nuances concerning the insulation of a frame attachment completely coincide with the features of the insulation of full houses built using frame technology. For insulation, you can apply the most different materials Both traditional and more modern: eco-art, wood sawdust, basalt mineral plates, extruded polystyrene foam and much more. From the point of view of speed and simplicity of installation work, optimal performs, perhaps, the mineral slab insulation.
Such a heater should be tightly stacked between frame racks in several layers, but without inflection and transfers, which over time can lead to the formation of "cold bridges". An important feature During the work, the need to shift the joints between the plates relative to each other in the neighboring layers. This principle must be observed not only when the walls are insulation, but also the ceiling and gender.

Possible mistakes

It is always more complicated to redeem the existing structure that is always more difficult to build "from scratch", therefore it is worth paying attention to possible errors during the construction of a frame extension.

The first and main thing is that many inexperienced builders hope for the factory processing of all lumber. However, it is incorrectly, all the elements of the frame before assembly need to dry well and treat flame-proof impregnations. Window Rama And the doors must be installed strictly in terms of the level and fix them on the already installed vertical racks, that is, the dimensions of all openings must be calculated at the planning stage.

How to legalize an extension to the house?

When all construction work on the construction of a frame extension is completed, many of our compatriots begin to think about the need to legitimize the entertainment architecture. However, it is better to think about it better before the start of work, since the process of the legalization of unauthorized structures is a little more difficult, you will have to go to court, moreover, it may not be in favor of the plaintiff and then you will have to demolish all the opportunities, and at your own expense. Of course, you can not pass the circles of bureaucratic hell and leave everything as it is, but it will entail the impossibility of selling, renting, testament or giving the whole house, and not just an extension.

When applying for judicial instances, you will need a whole set of all kinds of documents, among which the most important are the following:

  • Certificate of ownership of land plot;
  • Certificate of ownership of the residential building (cottage);
  • Help from BTI;
  • Permission from housing and communal services;
  • Extract from the housebook on the number of registered citizens in a residential building;
  • Frame of frame extension;
  • House project;
  • Control shooting of an extension on a scale of 1: 500;
  • The consent of the neighbors if the extension borders with their site;
  • Act of the epidemiological service.

In some cases, you may need a photo of a plot, residential premises and an extension to it.

The compilation of the claim should be considered with all the responsibility, since the process can be lost due to mistakes allowed in it. Most vessels will provide an appeal form and help it fill.

After filing the claim, you need to wait for a response that you must be sent by mail. To make sure that the application is accepted, after 10 business days you can call back and refine information. It should be borne in mind that judges have only 2 legitimate reasons in the rejection of the application of claim: the presence of a court decision regarding the legalization of this construction or an incorrectly compiled claim document. In the second option, it is necessary to submit a re-statement.

The respondent will be the municipality during the court session, and the owner of the house to which the attorney is made, respectively, will be the plaintiff. When adopting a decision in favor of the plaintiff, it will be necessary to obtain a payment receipt in the Roshystria to pay the state duty and make payment, after which all the necessary documents will be issued to the owner, refucing the unauthorized construction.

As for other cash flows, approximately 10,000 rubles will go to the collection of all the necessary information (counseling in lawyers, etc.), the price of state duty is currently 500 rubles, 20,000 rubles is a record in the town-planning cadastre, about 60,000 RUBLES will require specialists for judicial construction and technical expertise. Thus, in addition to direct expenses for construction, about 100,000 rubles will need on all bureaucratic wires.


Look at the video about how construction work was conducted on frame extension To home.

Sooner or later, every homeowner begins to think about expanding the living space. And here there are many questions, the main of which is how to do it? Nowadays, the assortment of materials in the construction markets is rather impressive, which means that both options, how to increase housing, abound. Today we will look at some of them. We find out what an extension can be (projects and photo examples will help), as well as try to understand how difficult such construction can be. It will not hurt to learn and independently perform a similar work.

On the Internet you can find various projects for attachments to the house. And before the start of such construction, it is worth familiar with them. This will allow any decisions, and after adding your own. Only then may be a unique structure that will not only be, but also increase your living area.

Many may say that such construction is too laborious and practically impossible with their own hands, but this is a delusion. For proper approach And the study of all the nuances is not so difficult, although they will have to face some difficulties. But, as they say, the eyes are afraid, and their hands do. But in the award you can get not only with your own hands an extension to wooden house, but also satisfaction from the work done. In addition, the funds saved for the remuneration of experts will not be superfluous.

Consider various options for attachments in general terms, as well as examples of such work performed by our hands with ordinary domestic masters without any experience.

Solutions for an extension of the veranda to the wooden house in photo examples

Such a building is quite relevant for summer residents who love to sit in the evenings over a cup of tea in a circle of family or friends. After all, on fresh air much more pleasant to communicate than in a closed room. In addition, the option is possible that the veranda will be thought out in such a way as to be able to install. This will save it from snow, as well as add warmth in the house itself.

Another plus of such a building is that during the winter period you can spend there. In this case, it can be used at all as an extra room. But this is no longer suited by dacnis, but owners in a private residential sector who live in the room for a whole year.

Material for such buildings is most often a tree. Sometimes, if there is such an opportunity, it is done on those parties that do not adjoin the house. We offer to see several photos of a veranda of wood attached to the house:

Looking at these photos wooden verandaAt the house, it seems that they are built by professionals, but it is not. Today we will definitely consider how you can make a similar one with your own hands.

Options for terraces attached to the house - what they differ from the veranda

Start follows from the fact that many are confused. But the differences here are principled. The fact is that the veranda is always attached to the house, but the terrace is opposed, and does not adjoin the house. In addition, terraces are often without roofs and walls. In essence, they represent the open. Hence the consequence - they are built more often from a more durable material that transfers atmospheric precipitation.

Of course, there are options for an extension of the terraces to wooden, but it is rather an exception. At the same time, if you return just a few decades ago, at this time the terrace was considered exactly an open (without roof) the playground of natural or artificial origin.

Now many confuse these two concepts, calling the terraces on piles adjacent to the house of the veranda, but still historically it is not true. Although the time does not stand still, a person is trying to make his life more comfortable. Probably, therefore, they called the terrace platform with a roof adjacent to the house. After all, it stands on piles, while the veranda must necessarily have a foundation.

Here are some examples of the terraces in photo fiction:

How to attach a garage to the house and why it is necessary

An extension to the house is a very successful solution. Indeed, in this case, in the cold season, there will be no need to go to the frost to walk to it. However, there are our pitfalls here. In the garage you need an ideal that will not allow carbon monoxide penetrate the dwelling. And the fact that the car will start in the garage probably, no one has any doubt. Here are some photos of garages attached to the house:

An extension to the house of the garage is not easy, but quite feasible. It is only necessary to understand how capital will be. Whether the foundation is needed, which will be the floor and walls. Most often, material for such buildings serves foam block. But many as a garage attached to the house, use several racks from the bar, which is based on. Thus, the car is although not protected from snow and rain during wind, but the roof will save him from the sun.

Examples of residential attachments to a wooden house

A trolley to a wooden house as a residential premises or is perhaps the most common view of all listed. It is not surprising, because not everyone has the opportunity to buy land, build a new big and spacious. And the construction of an additional room is possible even for relatively little plot. But here the situation is a bit more complicated than the construction of the veranda or carport for the car. Do not forget that the construction not only should be overhaul, but it is enough for it to live with comfort.

Important! When erecting such an attachment, it is necessary to carefully examine the soil, calculate the foundation that will be able to keep the weight of the structure, as well as make a detailed project. Do not forget that such a capital structure needs to be registered in the cadastral ward. Otherwise, you can not only lose money on fines, but also get a notice of demolition of the illegal construction.

And yet an extension to cottage house are a good solution. After all, no one bothers in time to collect all the necessary papers. And the additional residential premises never interfered with anyone. In addition, too large means it will not require.

An extension to the wooden house: projects, materials and photos of possible planning

Make an extension to the house with your own hands although it is difficult, but it is quite possible. But for this you will need some knowledge. The main thing is to decide, before taking the execution of such a work - this is what material will be the structure. The material can be the following:

  • Boards on a frame of timber. Such a construction requires a minimum foundation;
  • Rounded Bar or Breed - Such a building will also not require too durable foundation. The fact is that the bottom of his crown will already play the role of support. In addition, such a structure will be warmer and durable, but at the same time more expensive;
  • . Here you will need a very durable foundation that will be able to keep the weight of the building. Otherwise, the an extension will begin to collapse in a year or two, and may not sleep and 3 months. It all depends on the soil;
  • - It also requires a solid foundation, perhaps even stronger than for foam block. As a result, such an extension is very expensive.

Important! Regardless of which material, it is decided to build a living extension in the country, a solid fixation is needed to the house itself. Otherwise, the desired strength of the construction will not be. In this case, the risk of collapse arises, and this is already dangerous for life.

Let's try to deal with each of these materials.

An extension to the house of the frame: nuances of construction, design and photo examples

It is convenient to the house that requires the smallest costs and is easily done with their own hands. And there is no need to work with a large number of people - enough two people. But it is still necessary a foundation device.

It is also convenient to make exactly the frame extension to the house due to the lack of need to hire a designer, which would allegedly calculated. This is another budget saving article. Of course, the extension will need to warm very well, but with a huge assortment on the shelves in our days it will be pretty simple.

The most difficult stage with such construction will be the foundation device. Well, to assemble the frame, consolidate it to the wall of the house and see it much easier. Today there are more simple ways. There is a special material on sale. This is oriented chip plates. Moreover, with their help, the so-called is still manufactured at the factory, the two sides of which is an OSP, and between them a layer of foam. Such material is rather durable and durable, besides, it has another important advantage - it is a beautiful insulation. Thus, the home master remains only to assemble a durable frame and to strip it with such material.

It is important in such cases and external finish, because the durability of the frame extension to the wooden house depends on it. About such work can be found in other articles. And now we offer a respected reader to look at several photo examples of such attacks made by domestic masters:

An extension to the house from the bar - some nuances of installation

When planning, an attachment should be understood that on how it will be designed depends on its foundation, and the service life. After all, no one will raise the construction with the calculation that in a couple of years the living room will need to be demolished. It is also not necessary to think that with the design of such buildings, you can not "bother". It is not a barn or chungy, which means that everyone should take care in advance.

Let's start with the fact that the best option (of course with a small weight) will be pile-screw. It will be cheaper and not too labor-proof selection. Yes, and drive piles into the ground to the necessary depth can be independently using special equipment or even manually. The main task here is to calculate the load on each pile to choose their quantity and diameter.

Important information! In the device of the pile-screw foundation, it should be understood that the supports should pass under each wall. If the room runs the partition, then they are also required under it.

You should pay attention to the lower crown. It must be performed from the more durable. Ideally, if he is from logs. It is not necessary to think that for mounting an extension from a bar to a log house you need only 3 walls - this is a delusion. 4 walls are built, because the joint here is necessary. Special attention It makes sense to turn to the mount between common walls. It depends on this, will not appear with the crack of the gap in this place.

Here are some photos of examples of such solutions:

An extension to the house of foam blocks - advantages and disadvantages

This is probably the most common option. After all, the foam block has a relatively low cost, can provide quite good insulation (in comparison with the brick), and the speed of installation of the uncle. But if you compare with a bar, foam block has a big drawback - it requires a rather strong foundation. And there is no longer a pile-screw.

The foundation for an extension of foam block to a wooden house is necessary. The best option here will be woodwork pile base. This means that the cost of the foundation automatically increases at times.

Installation of attachments to houses from gas silicate blocks is also quite common. But some homemade masters do not understand the difference between them and foam blocks. Everything is quite simple. A little harder and more expensive than foam concrete, but the strength of it is significantly higher. In addition, it does not require a concrete solution (a special adhesive is used). As a result, the seams are practically absent, which contributes to greater thermal insulation, and therefore less heating expenses in the future.

Important! No matter what chosen building material, Communication systems should be thought out in the future residential room. After all, in case it is not done, you will have to hammer the holes under heating, stick the walls under the wiring. Without this, no living, the more comfortable, there can be no speech.

We offer a respected reader a few examples of such buildings:

An extension to the brick house - differences from previous options

The main difference here is something that the fourth wall is not required. This means that there are quite three common. The foundation can be both tape and column. Yes, and material for the construction can be chosen any - everything depends on the wishes and capabilities of the home master.

Coupling S. carrier wall Houses happens with the help. When erecting an extension to a house of brick or concrete, a reinforcement coupling is often used. The carrier wall is deplorable using a perforator, while the bee must be a bit of smaller diameter than the rod, for a more rigid hitch. After that, the segment of the reinforcement (it should not be smooth) clogs into the ride opening to half, and its second part is paired into the junction of foam blocks or bricks.

Important information! Do not register construction if the house is quite old. This is irrational, because the brick is softened with time, which will not affect the coupling with a new structure. In addition, drilling wall, as well as new building Create additional load on it.

Perhaps a respected reader will be interesting to look at some homemaster solutions:

Foundation device for an extension to the house and its types

The foundation is the basis that keeps the whole design. So, should be taken to its device with great responsibility. Most simple decision With a small weight, the construction will be a pile-screw base. To do this, at a certain distance from each other, piles are screwed into the ground, which will carry the bulk.

If the construction will be more severe, you will have to fill a ribbon foundation. At the same time, piles will also not interfere, they will give extra strength. But the most durable of all types of grounds can be called the pile-painting foundation. For its device, you need to jump trench around the perimeter of future walls. After, already on this trench, screw piles are driven or drilled wells in which the reinforcement frame is lowered and poured concrete. It is done in such a way that their upper edge is slightly higher than the level of the soil. AND last stage Fitting is installed and poured concrete. More specia about how to make a foundation for an extension to home or for a bath, tells in one of our articles.

Before pouring the foundation for an extension to the house should be solved whether the finished solution will be ordered and joined in the finished form or to be manufactured independently. In the latter case, accurate calculations of the components are necessary for its required strength.

What to make a roof for an extension

The easiest option will be the device single Roof For an extension to the house. This option will be easily performed and requires the least costs. However, such work also has its own nuances. If it is compared with duplex, then the simpler is not so well kept warm.

When the veranda device is quite often used by the three-page option for an extension to the house, but this work is quite complex. If there are some skills and knowledge of joinery, then the home master it will be quite bye.

Important! The roof must be thought out so that snow is easily rolling with it, but it is not necessary to forget about security. After all, the accumulated snowdrift may fall on a person. That is why the skate is trying to make more abruptly. In this case, the snow accumulation will be small, and its gathering is displaced.

If house master Not sure what he knows how to make a roof on an extension to the house, and will be able to fulfill it, it is better to seek help from specialists.

Instructions for mounting an extension to the house do it yourself

Let's try in general terms to explain all the stages of the construction of the veranda on a plot adjacent to the house. More detailed instructions For each type of buildings, we will analyze in the following reviews. Here's how to make an extension to the house:

Illustration Actions performed

First of all begin with the foundation. In our case, this is a well. It is lowered with a metal tube that is filled with concrete. Blowing about 1.7 m.

The distance between the pile of need to be calculated. In our case, the weight of the veranda will be small enough, and therefore the distance can be done more.

At the piles we collect a frame from metal beamswhich will play the role of the first crown on behalf of the main burden.

Shawliers are welded. At the same time, the seam should be very durable.

We also took care of the communications. Drain of water from the sink in the house was at this place. Well, we will cope with it.

The holes in the channel are needed for fasteners of a bar on which the whole design will be built.

Bar put along the perimeter and fasteners. You can proceed to the construction of the main supports and roofs.

Having gathered from the bar the main frame intensifying it transverse beams. In their role, with us, a thickness of 50 mm.

Supporting the roof boards put in pairs and tighten each other.

It should look like this. It should be noted that the boards that support the roof also give the strength of the frame. They are fixed to the main beams just with the help of spills.

The roof can be closed by a professional flooring. It is quite resistant to any weather conditions.

A diagonal board plays a rather important role - it does not build the construction of the beams at the expense of the carcass carrier beam. In our case, ordinary railing was made, but it is fashionable to sew or delablightened the construction.

Here are diagonally decorative, and therefore made of thinner boards.

In general, the answer to the question how to attach an extension to the house looks like this.

The cost of services for specialists in such construction

Build an extension to the house inexpensive when contacting specialists is unlikely to succeed. But for general Information It will not prevent prices for such services on the example of various veranda:

Types of veranda Cost of work, rub. For 1M 2.
Open extensionfrom 8,000
An extension frame with insulation 50mmfrom 9,000
An extension frame with insulation 100mmfrom 10 500
Extension frame with insulation 150mmfrom 11 500
An extension from the profiled bar of 90x140mmfrom 10 500
An extension from the profiled bar 140x140mmfrom 12 500

Photos of a veranda and terraces attached to the house: works of professionals and not only

For those who still doubt that without special knowledge and skills you can make a pretty beautiful extension to the house - the photo examples of the veranda and terraces made by the usual domestic masters. Perhaps the dear reader will find some solutions for its work. If not, you can simply admire. It's really beautiful.

Surely the photo of the veranda, attached to the house with their own hands, had to many of the souls.


It is unlikely that someone can refuse an extra room attached to the house. But one thing, when this work was performed by other people, and completely different if everything was done with their own hands. In addition, as it turned out, this is although it is difficult, but quite feasible. Is it worth paying money to "Alien Uncle" then? And after all, it is not a fact that the building will turn out to be high-quality and beautiful (halshchikov in our time is enough). On the veranda, which was stated in a step-by-step instruction, together with the painting, went about 10 days. This means that the maximum for 15-20 can be made and perfect. Specialists promise to make all the work for 30-60. It is worth thinking ...

We hope that the information submitted by us today was useful to the reader. All questions (if you have left) can be asked in discussions to the article. Write, share your experience, because it can help someone.

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Build a new residential building - the event is expensive and to some extent risky. Another question is the expansion of an existing building in order to increase the useful area. Attach an extra room to cottage house Or the cottage will cost much cheaper than to erect everything from scratch. But this does not mean to design and mount a new premises - a simple thing, the mass of pitfalls will meet on your way. In order to prevent errors, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the recommendations, how to make an extension to your own hands and with minimal cost.

What to do an extension

To answer this question, you will have to do the design from which any construction begins. Sketch the plan of an old building with a scale of scale, determine the location of the additive premises and apply it to the drawing. Thinking hole internal planning A new part, you can accurately determine its dimensions. Draw a side view to understand how much space you have in altitude taking into account the bias of the roof.

Important moment. Careful drawing and reconciliation with real sizes on the spot will avoid unpleasant errors associated with the size of the elevated part, its height and especially with the roof slope. The minimum corner of the roof of the roof is 8 °, it is impossible to do less, otherwise the leaks will appear after showers and snowfalls.

A full-fledged project should include material for the construction of an extension. Its selection depends on the appointment of a new room:

  1. A full-fledged room with access to the hallway, equipped with heating and other communications - a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom or a bathroom. This is a capital structure that is erected from brick, aerated concrete, foam block and combinations thereof. It is also well suited toolsteries - a bar and a log.
  2. Light extensions - a veranda, an outdoor terrace, a tambour or porch with a canopy of polycarbonate. Similar rooms are better to build on a frame of wood or metal structures, trimmed plates of OSB followed by finishes. Greenhouse and winter garden are made in glass.
  3. Shopping extension to home - shed, garage, boiler room. These facilities are both overhaul and light, the choice of material depends on your desire and opportunities. Common options - slag block, shell and wood. A more progressive solution is a sandwich panel with insulation on a frame of a metal rolling.
  4. A separate question - what to make an extension to the balcony apartment house on the first floor. The answer is simple: the same partition should be adjacent to the brick wall so that the structure does not fall out of the exterior of the building. Near the panel house you can use any stone blocks, but then they will have to be separated by the color of the surrounding walls.

Note. Regarding the construction materials used are not listed, but recommendations. You are free to make an extension at your discretion, for example, build a brick structure around breed house. But such solutions are more difficult to implement, and most importantly, it is more expensive.

How to make a foundation for an extension

For attached premises, 4 types of bases are used depending on the weight of the structure and quality of soils:

  • column - for lightweight structures on a wooden frame;
  • the pile-screw foundation is used on sedentary soils for installation of wood and metal structures with a small mass;
  • tape - for heavy stone buildings;
  • reinforced concrete monolithic plate Fills over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe attached part, erected from brick or blocks on unstable soils.

Example of concrete base

Council. Modern frame houses increasingly put on screw piles. If this is your case, then the choice of the base is obvious - the pile-screw foundation, the other type to use is meaningless.

Solid concrete plate Used quite rarely due to high cost, and twist screw piles It is better to entrust professionals in this area. To independently attach a light veranda or summer arborIt is recommended a column base device. For brick masonry Or the walls of the gasoblocks is better to pour concrete tape, these 2 ways we will look further.

Traditional belt foundation

Basic base

Properly made foundation this type It is cheaper with ribbons and well suited for light buildings. Its device begins with the markup of the site and the notation of the points of installation of future vertical frame racks. Stills, which means, the soles for them should be placed in a step of 1.5 m, as shown in the diagram.

Further procedure for action:

  1. Drop a 50 x 50 cm square pits in the planned points, deepening by 70-80 cm. The task is to put the support on a dense stable soil, so the bottom of the bottom is needed to be tamped.
  2. Pour 15 cm of sand or small gravel and compact again. Fill from concrete M150 at the bottom of the site, and after frozen, cover the rubberoid in 2 layers (waterproofing).
  3. Lay out square pillars 38 x 38 cm from red ceramic brick to the necessary height.
  4. On the walls of the columns, apply a bitumen primer or stir up waterproofing. Place the rubberoid on top of the support.
  5. Picks around the foundation fall asleep the earth and lose weight slightly.

Reference. The foundation pillars under the frame extension can be cast from concrete M200, but then you have to put a formwork and knit reinforcement grids.

Device of tape fundament

Under the basis of this type, you need to pull out the trench along the contour of the future room, which is shown below in the photo. The width of the ditches should be made by 15 cm more of the wall thickness of the brick or foam block. The depth depends on the location of the stable layer of soil and fluctuates in the range of 50-100 cm. The walls of the pit must be expelled, and the bottom - to the ramp and pour sand pillow 100 mm thick.

Council. Shooting trench, focus on the depth of the foundation of the private house (if it is reinforced or block). Booth bases of very old housing can be minced smaller, so they should not be equal to them.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Seal the fused sand and install a wooden panel formwork with outdoor supports and internal stretch marks (can be made of nuts with nuts) that do not allow boards to move under the weight of concrete. The height of the formwork is not lower than the level of the base of the existing building.
  2. Tie or weld the frames from the reifeed reinforcement with a diameter of 8-12 mm so that cells are 10 x 15 cm. Install them in the trench on the stands with a height of 50 mm.
  3. Prepare the M150 concrete mix in such proportions: M400 cement - 1 part, dry sand - 3 parts, crushed stone fraction to 40 mm - 5 volumes.
  4. Perform a layer-by-layer fill of the tape base to the base height of the house. It is very desirable to compact concrete with special vibrators (take for rent).
  5. Remove the formwork after 7 days, and work work after 3 weeks when concrete mix Cleans.

Council. So that concrete when pouring did not lose milk and subsequently did not absorb moisture, before installing reinforcement carcasov Stop trench with formwork polyethylene film.

If you want to make an extension warm initially, then after frozen the foundation, you will warm it outside by foam, and better - the penplex. On the bottom of the dance, we will route drainage and pour the sinuses with the soil, after which they will fly the scene with insulation, as shown in the diagram. For the unheated extension, processe the base of the bitumen or cover the waterproofing (for example, from famous brand TechnoNIKOL). From above on the base, put a rubberoid in 2 layers and proceed to the formation of floors. All stages of work you will learn by reviewing the video:

Installation of floors

The first stage of the construction of an extension to the house with their own hands is the device of floors that are 2 species:

  • flooring on wooden lags;
  • cement strainer.

Note. On the Star foundation, the floors can only be built on lags, and on the belt - any to choose from.

Wooden fields of extensions are made according to this technology:

  1. Place on brick columns Wooden jumpers - bars with a minimum cross section of 10 x 15 cm and secure them with anchors. On the corner supports, connect them downwards (how to do it, shown in the photo). Broadbell bars with steel corners on self-drawing.
  2. In the same way, install lags.
  3. If insulation is not required, then the black floor of the boards with a thickness of 40 mm.
  4. For thermal insulation of floors, it is detached to the bottom of the lag cranial bars, put on them boards and the insulation with vapor barrier. Then lay the draft floors.

An example of the connection of BRUSEV in drapery

For the device, the space inside the ribbon foundation is covered with earth, tamped with watering water. From above, fill in the deepening with a clamzite to a height of 20-30 cm and fill the screed. Give her to frozen within 2-3 days and go to the construction of walls.

Construction of the walls of the extension

The order of the construction of an open veranda or the porch depends on the project and the design of the structure. But in any case, the installation begins with the installation of vertical racks and ligaments between themselves horizontal jumpers. Here is most often used wooden bar. 10 x 15 cm or steel profile tubes with a cross section of 80 x 60 mm or 60 x 60 mm.

Reference. Builders frame houses Another technology is practiced: wall sections are collected entirely on Earth, and then rise and attached to the foundation and together.

The docking of the bars is better to perform inwards or in the groove with fixation with steel corners on self-drawing, as shown in the diagram. From above, the poles are combined with a horizontal beam, where the roofing rafters will subsequently fall. The ends of this jumper are securely attached to the wall of your home. Cold extension can be immediately lined with OSB (OSB) plates, which will allow to tighten the framework. The heated premises will need to be insulated with a mineral wool with a thickness of 100 mm. More about construction frameless walls Look at the video:

Capital walls of the extension are erected from bricks or blocks for all masonry rules - with hanging seams and verification of vertical. The first row is stacked throughout the perimeter, and then you need to form corners by lifting them by 4-5 rows. The wall is built on the same height, after which the action is repeated.

Council. Tie a brick or block laying with the walls of the house, drilling through 2-3 rows of the hole and inserting the valve in them with a diameter of 6-8 mm.

Installation of roof

As a rule, the roof of the extension is done on wooden beams based on the existing wall of the house and the new partition. An algorithm of actions such:

  1. Attach the anchors to the wall of the building a horizontal board with a thickness of at least 50 mm for supporting rafters. In the stone extension, put the same boards over the walls and secure them.
  2. Set the rafters from the board of 15 x 5 cm (minimum section) in a step of 600 mm per size slab insulation. Screw them to supports with steel corners and screws.
  3. Spread on the beams waterproofing - a diffusion membrane with an adhesive of 10 cm and adjust it to the rafters of the planks.
  4. Savette roofing - Slate, metal tile or professional flooring. So that the water flows correctly from the roof, the slate should be started under the roofing sink of your home.

Simple slinge system Wooden extension

If necessary, make insulation roofing an extension, inserting the plates mineral wool between the beams of the Musphere. From the bottom to pick up the insulation vaporizolation film and squeeze the facing material. Read more about mounting the roof of the extension is told on the video:


All work on the construction of an extension to the house is better to produce with the assistant, many operations alone are inconvenient. With one-story building you will handle without any problems, you only need to highlight the time. Do not forget to make wood processing with antiseptic composition and paint well so that the frame of the veranda or the porch serves for many years.

Designer engineer with experience in construction for more than 8 years ..
He graduated from the Eastern Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dalya in the specialty "Equipment of the Electronic Industry" in 2011.

Related records:

To increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house due to such a supplement as a frame extension (or several attachments), you can use two options: frame-panel construction or frame-frame assembly. The difference between them is clearly visible on various photos describing the installation technology and the construction of the attachment.

In the first case, the finished panels with door and windows are collected in place in a single design. Previously need to agree with the manufacturer of projects, make the foundation exactly in size, and then make the roof. The log house is such a supplement of beauty will not add, and a stone or brick is quite suitable.

The second option is often chosen for the veranda or small attacks to the house, planning most of the work with your own hands. Frame extensions of this type leave the owner of complete freedom in choosing sizes, materials, timing, etc.

The frame box is easier to attach to the main house, brick or log, it is easier to correct its dimensions so that the design is exactly taken to the foundation. The ability to independently make the necessary projects, and then build a small frame house Economically and with your own hands gives the idea additional advantage.

Step-by-step instruction helps to take into account all important moments Future construction and distribute work in stages, as well as control the correctness of the performance of work - preparatory, construction and finishing.

Tools and materials

  • Electrical: electric saw, electric drill, bulgaria, electric screwdriver.
  • Other tools: shovel, ax, hammer, sledgehammer, construction level.

Prepare the necessary materials, check their number and buy the necessary:

  1. Wood: Cropped Boards (for stuffing), rails (for the roof design on the roof of the roof of the roof), shields of wood (you can buy ready-made or make it yourself), wedges wooden.
  2. Foundation: Gravel (crushed stone), broken brick, concrete mix, hot bitumen.
  3. Other: steel corner, nails, screws, cord, dry panel (jute), gypsum solution.

Plan a plot

Prepare K. construction work The platform selected for the extension. Take enough time to make measurements and calculations, draw up projects for each stage of work (foundation, frame design Extensions, roof) or one common, as well as carry out the markup of the Earth. Make a photo in memory of the house even without an extension and proceed to work.

Build Fundam

To build a ribbon foundation with your own hands, dig up the plans of the planned depth and width on the marked marks. Push up and evenly distribute the sandy pillow on the bottom and put the reinforcement frame from above.

Install in the trench formwork. Prepare a concrete solution of granite rubble (5 parts), sand (3 parts) and cement (part 1) and fill in it formwork.

The solutions time of the solution determines the manufacturer's instruction to the selected cement adjusted to the temperature and weather conditions. Wait until the foundation is driving. Bulk or clay soils Under the frame extension will require additional time on the shrinkage.

Different projects provide for various methodsallowing to combine the foundation on which the house is worth and the new, adjacent the foundation to him carrying frame building. Therefore, having arrange a formwork for a ribbon foundation, be sure to pride the deformation seam at the place of attachment of the extension to the house. In this way, protect the base and walls of the veranda from the formation of cracks during seasonal soil moves.

The construction of the foundation may include the installation of supports under the floor lags. Mark the distance of 1.3-1.5 m to make the markup to the pits for the supports. Between lags, it is enough to leave the gap of 0.9 m. Drop the pits and pour the bottom of the sand layer (at least 0.1 m).

For waterproofing, all the base surfaces wrap in front of the rubberoid (ruble) in two layers. After that, it is necessary to make a solution and fill the pits with concrete with supports installed in them. The foundation will freeze and reliably secure supports.

Mount the strapping bar

Place the strapping bar throughout the perimeter. The construction of the veranda provides for the thickness of the timber used at least 0.15 m for sufficient heat insulation, although according to the standard it is allowed 0.1-0.2m. Treat the lower bar suitable antiseptic. When carrying out work with your own hands, you can use even spent automotive oil, which in terms of its properties is often not inferior to many special tools. Mounting the corners Make treaters (another term - "in the paw") and align the strapping in terms of the level.

Choose floor material: wood or concrete

Think and decide how the floor for the veranda give preference - wooden or concrete, projects can be the most different. Start construction from the floor of a rough floor. On the sides of the floor lag, put the cranial bar of 5.0x5.0 cm, and the edged boards are installed on it. Cover the boards with two layers of pergamine, having rubbed between them the insulation. Completing the construction of the floor, put on top of the draft floor clean.

For wooden floors A good option will be a milled board, convenient for ventilation and circulation of air, as well as t-shown folded boards, which are stacked with the volume of annual rings on wood.
Concrete floor is placed in layers: insulation, insulation and concrete screed.

If an extension is planned as a residential premises, install the "Warm floors" system - electrical or water. Linoleum, laminate, tile, shield, will suit the outdoor coating for an extension parquet board or parquet.

Collect the framework

Well, dry all the details and process each flame prescription impregnation from the burning and biomotype of insects. Collect the frame with your own hands follows and neatly. Install the angular racks using the timing of 0.15x0.15m as the most suitable.

With the help of a plumb or level, make sure that they are correctly vertical and with the help of the girlfriend will temporarily secure the stands with process disconse. Racks adjacent to the house must be made below the coating of the roof. Exterior racks must have even less heights to ensure a sufficient bias of the roof of the veranda.

All over the frame perimeter of the extension, install additional racks at a distance of 0.9-1.0 m apart. Injecting colts strengthen the angular racks (standard angle 45˚), and technological disclosures dismantle. At the top of the racks throw a ceiling strapping crown made of cutting board 150x50.

In order for the frame structure to be strong and stable, a sufficient step for vertical racks will be 0.6 m (if you plan to use a mineral insulation), and for horizontal jumpers 1.0 m. Methybal fasteners will give wooden box Veranda Additional strength.

We note the boards for doors and windows. Using the level and plumb, make sure that the horizontal and vertical surfaces are accuracy.

Install the walls

Collecting the frame, insulation the walls so that the extension was comfortable for living. Even for the veranda should not ignore the question of hydro and vaporizolation. Insulation of Pergamine or a foam-sir of the mirror side towards the intended appearance of moisture and secure long self-draws. To insulate the ceiling, the veranda can be clay, pouring over the layer 10-12 cm.

Mineral plates, polystyrene foam, liquid insulation Equata and even wood sawdust are also successfully used as thermostators, and the use of a traditional runneroid or the same pergamine is allowed to protect against wind.

Perform draft walls of walls using CSP sheets, OSB or CML. Such a shield gasket has the advantages of a solid coating. Eco-virus for outdoor sheaving The verandas can serve as a cutting board "25", and from the inside the house is better to separate the car Koy, which will serve several decades.

Walls veranda must be "pie" with alternation internal trim, air gap in 1-2 cm, vaporizolation, layer of insulation, wind insulation and exterior decoration. Special attention is paid to places where the edges of frame walls are adjacent to the house.

Use Jute (hemp or linen places, but without felt, so as not to start mole) or liquid insulation in the form of frozen foam.
Install the doors, windows, window sills, plinth, platbands, etc., glazing windows, cover wooden surfaces varnish or paint.

Assembling a rafter system

To the upper strapping crown put the rafter boards. Plaques set on the edge with the release of the crown of 0.3 m and cut them with a 5.5-3.5 cm boards. To ensure wooden base Protection against moisture, one layer of pergamine is installed, laying it mandatory with inclination 5-7cm. Such precaution will keep the roof in the event of an external roofing.


The roof on the frame extension can be started under the overall roof with the main house, and can be made separate. By choosing the material for the roof, calculate the required amount with a small margin (up to 5%), be sure to consider the necessary flystone.

An apron bent at an angle corresponding to the inclination of the roof. One sides of the apron enters the roof stems and is fixed, and the second fit on the roof of the extension and is also attached. Spend enough time to view photos and videos describing this important mounting step.

Sometimes there is a need to modify your home. Goals are different - expand the kitchen, attach the veranda, to equip utility room or an extra living room. Then the question arises for the home owner. What to do? Frequent option Expansion of the area is an extension to the house with their own hands. It is cheaper than building a whole house. Allows you to avoid credit loans for years that are not for all. In general, it may not be very expensive. It is in mind only the construction itself. The house that prohibits correctly made by the extensions becomes more comfortable and beautiful.

Organizational moments

See also: Terrace ADDED TO HOME: 150+ The best photos of 2018 ideas

Veranda with glazing

With any construction begin with preparatory work.It is carefully cleared by a plot from garbage and is prepared everything necessary for construction.

In mandatory, under construction, we need a system of drainage.Earth is tamped for this, and there is a bias on this place for water flow.


The basis for the construction of the construction is tape and column. Everyone has its own qualities. To select the most suitable, you must first explore each.

Ribbon foundation

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Ribbon foundation

This basis is performed in the following order:

  • The rope is marked and the place of construction is traced. It is stretched and fixed. At this point there is a trench on the depth of the foundation of the main building and wider the walls by 10-15 cm
  • The bottom of the trench falls asleep by the layer of sand by 10-12 cm. All this is thoroughly tamped. Next goes crushed stone, which also needs to be sealing. It is allowed to use broken bricks
  • The next step in the trench is laid waterproofing film. It comes out over the ground by 40-50 cm. Closes the foundation from the inside, and formwork over the ground. Then the fittings are fixed. Its design in shape should be repetition of the foundation for the entire height
  • Concrete solution should consist of cement with gravel. They poured 1/3 of the height of the trench. This layer must completely frozen. Next is another layer of concrete. It will fill half from the remaining height
  • By installing the formwork, form the base. Waterproofing remains in the formwork, painted along its walls and fixed on top. The film should not slip into the concrete. The formwork is completely poured with concrete. The solution must be shovel so that there are no air cavities inside. Another formwork is slightly tapping so that the breeding vibration constructed a concrete solution.
  • Upon completion of the fill, the concrete is recomposed and left until complete drying. Every day it is sprayed with water. It makes it more durable. When it freezes, the formwork is removed
  • It is recommended to additionally cover the composition of waterproofing or materials in rolls. It is liquid rubber, tar, bituminous mastic and rubberoid. After that, begin to build the walls
  • The internal space of this foundation is equipped with various options. For example, using concrete screed or flooring from the beams of overlapping and lag, with the installation in the future of the wooden floor

Foundation columnal

See also:

Foundation columnal

This type of foundation is erected from brick or concrete. Perhaps from both materials. This basis is used to build a veranda and residential rooms, with planning in the further installation of the board of the board.

The foundation is performed at the following order:

  • Initially, the markup of the selected section for construction is also applied.
  • Poles must be located 1.5 m from each other. For them, reclocked 50x50 cm - 60-60 cm deep and a depth of 50-60 cm. The sizes of the pits are expanded by approximately 10 cm with each of the sides.
  • Further, the bottoms are strengthened with sand and crushed stone. Waterproofing is laid
  • Under brick supports poured a layer of cement solution. He must completely frost. After that, brickwork is done
  • For concrete pillars, fittings and formwork are installed in the pit to the height of the future pillar. The waterproofing film is laid inside the formwork and fasten from above
  • Formwork is filled concrete solution layers, each of which is given to seek
  • The top of the pillar is aligned and splashed every day with water until concrete completely freezes
  • After that, remove the formwork. With the help of warm bitumen mastic, the pillars are punctured
  • The emptiness around the pillars falls asleep earth with a crushed stone. Every 10-15 cm must be sealing it
  • Ruberoids in several layers are laid on the poles. It will be a waterproofing protection of wooden bars. They will be installed on top

Floor bases

Floors from wood and concrete are stacked on the ribbon foundation. The tree is also stacked for foundation without jumpers.

Concrete basis

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Concrete basis

For reliability and heat outdoor screed on ribbon foundation Works are carried out by stages according to a specific technology:

  • In the beginning of the foundation, the Earth is removed. It is broken and removed. The depth of the pit must be approximately 25-35 cm
  • The bottom is filled with sand at 10 cm. He is talked. Further the crushed stone or ceramzite at 15-20 cm. The second material makes the screed of warm
  • Everyone is spilled and fill the reinforcement grille. It establishes a system of beacons along a horizontal level. Some premises require a slope of the surface. For example, in the bathroom or on open terrace, the water from the floor should do without obstacles to drain to the catchment system
  • The next step is poured cement and aligns. After a day it is recommended to cover with a plastic film. It will make it more uniform, durable
  • When the construction is ready, the basis of concrete can be laid outdoor coating or wooden floor

The base of wooden beams

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The base of wooden beams

  • So that the floors are durable, choose high-quality crossbars.
  • Wooden bars, a thickness of 15x10 cm in a section, placed on the foundation, to the substrate from the rubberoid.
  • To concrete, they are attached with through connections or corners.
  • Even the beams fasten with each other with powerful corners. All this will be reliably held.

Materials for walls

Materials for the construction of an additional attachment are used any. The walls are brick, frame, from foam blocks.The main thing is that all this has a good combination with the main home.

Repeat the exterior decoration of the house will not be much labor. A tree, for example, perfectly combined with all the materials and looks good without additional processing.

Frame walls

See also: Fence: basic views, wood, brick, proflist, plastic, chain, concrete. Instructions for erection with your own hands (105+ photos & video) + reviews

The construction of a frame structure is a good option:

  • construction Fast, in few months
  • because of the ease of construction, the capital foundation is not required
  • you can do alone
  • at the price of inexpensive

The foundations of the house and self-container are made on the same level. Attachment should not be capital, because An extension will seek after a while. Deformational seam is done. Frame structures do not give shrinkage vertically than very attractive.

The framework for the walls is made from the bar and is attached to the pre-assembled Crown crossbar.Brussia can be attached by separateness. But it will be easier to collect all parts together with special fasteners, and then set them assembly.

To attach the frame to the main building, vertical marking is performed. It is necessary to observe accuracy. After installation, to make the frame tight, it is immediately frown.

The upper beam along the house is attached to the overhaul of anchor bolts. Warm walls after installing the roof.

Brick walls

For brick walls An ideal smooth surface of the foundation is required. Everything is checked. If there are some irregularities, they need to be corrected. Otherwise, this will lead to cracking between bricks during the shrinkage of the samostroy.

Mostly brick structures Adjust to the house from the same material. Bind it with a metal frame, which is placed in the prepared holes. They are made in the main wall on 2/3 depths. Repeat every 2-3 rows. The reinforcements should perform from the wall at least half the meter and to be in the seams of masonry. IMPORTANT, Take the rods are lamb. Otherwise, the seams in this place will be very wide. Or will have to make a deepening in bricks for reinforcement.

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To the tree an extension of bricks is also fastened with a frame. It is placed in the drilled holes. Cross stoppers are made on the reinforcement. They will keep them in the wall.

To follow the ranks horizontally, along the future wall you need to pull the cord. A plunder is checked vertically.

The wall thickness will depend on the functionality of the attached structure. For the residential room, brick is laid in 1-2 layers. There will be a half of the brick onto the terrace or compensation.

Upon completion, brick walls from above are concoated on top. To do this, establish the form in which the valve is placed. All this is concreted. When the solution solids, the form is cleaned and start to install roof.

The walls of the brick lay out not just as it may seem. For this you need experience. The best option will entrust work to a professional. Or make walls from another material.

An extension of foam blocks

Foam concrete has its own distinctive qualities, among building materials:

  • It does not require any special skills. Construction is possible on a complicated soil
  • Due to the fact that blocks large sizes And the lungs, the assembly takes less time and effort, compared with the masonry of brick or bar
  • The material is durable, eco-friendly, not igniting and runs through all fire safety standards. And it has low heat resistance and well "breathes", which creates the best climate in the room
  • Inexpensive, easy to assemble and supportable to drilling
  • An extension of foam blocks practically does not give a shrinkage and has a long time for exploitation.
  • Additional protection requires, because The material will soon lose heat isolation Because of its high hygroscopicity
  • Almost finished extension from benoblocks

    Construction of foam concrete obliges the strict sequence of stages:

    • Start laying need from angular points
    • Bottom blocks moisturize to increase the hitch. The initial range is covered by several layers of protection against capillary moisture.
    • The quality of assembly affects the horizontal and verticality of the first row. Therefore, it takes strict adherence to all rules. Horizontal irregularities are corrected using a solution
    • Between masonry use glue composition. Compounds are obtained no more than 1 mm, which minimizes their space, in other words "cold bridges"
    • The composition is prepared, strictly observing the rules. It is applied from above and on the sides of the blocks. Each brick is aligned horizontally and vertically.
    • Grinding grater Align the horizontality of each row. Garbage that is formed, should be thickened thoroughly
    • Corners and every 5 rows are strengthened by rods that will bind the construction and prevent the appearance of cracking. For what circular saw The propuls of 3 cm wide and 5 cm in depth are selected. Then the hammer and chisel is dyed down. They need to be cleaned. Cooked rods are laid in the middle of the recesses and filled with adhesive composition

    For window, I. door openings Install the jumpers with a width of no more than 1.75 m. They make them using formwork - removable or non-removable. For large openings, foam concrete strength is not designed. Better then choose a slagoblock or silicate brick. This is a more reliable basis. The height of the jumper will depend on the thickness of the future floor.

    For a removable form, first weld metal constructions The desired size. On the sides of the opening nail bars for support, they set the form. Parts are attached shields. Foam blocks are split into narrow blocks. They are equipped with a form from the inside. As a result, it turns out the likeness of the trough.

    The frame of the reinforcement is placed in such a way to be the side with a large number of rods.All this is attached to the struts. The blocks are then moisturized, filled with a solution of concrete around the perimeter of the walls and compact. The flooded concrete is aligned by the level of blocks in the formwork and well align.

    With non-unable form useU.--shaped blocks. Installation of the form itself is not required. Time to work is less.

    To lay such blocks required:

    • Install a block with an exhaled support on the sides of the opening. Next check the horizontal support of the hose level. All irregularities are corrected by a grinding grater
    • A U-block hole is installed on the glue. After the construction of the reinforcement is placed to below a large number of rod. It is attached to the struts
    • The block is moisturized. On top lay concrete layers. They are carefully compacted by Kelma

    It is very important to establish a reinforced belt to build.This will make it sustainable different types Deformation, wind loads, increase the carrier power. Reinforced belt Madly heavy. Make it right on the walls.

    Overlap and roofing

    When the walls are already erected, they begin to engage the ceiling.For this use crossbars. They are installed on the walls by 60-70 cm from each other. They are attached with special corners.

    When installing the crossbar on the brick extension, they are witched to the concrete belt. The side of the crossbar turns into the rubberoid. Then all this is fed by boards or thick plywood. Material for insulation is laid between the hem and crossbars.