In a dream keep chicken eggs. What dreams of chicken raw eggs

As he throws the rotten eggs someone - this is a sign of refutation and protest against someone who put rumors about him. Dreamed the golden testicle - it means that some kind of ingenious thought will soon arise.

What dreams egg chicken women's dream book? To strange alarms in the house. They dreamed of fresh broken eggs - it means you should expect from the fate of a nice gift. If a person finds a nest in a dream, and in him - eggs, then wealth will fall on it. Or, as an option - inheritance. If such a dream was a woman - it means her frequent hobbies. The question of what the egg chicken is dreaming in the basket is also quite common. The basket with the testicles means that a person will take part in business operations that will benefit.

It is also worth considering the interpretations that contains in themselves if many eggs have dreamed - this means that it is soon worth expecting success. If a person in a dream beats them, then it is a loss in real life. One or two interpretation has dreamed of the following - to guests. Fresh and clean eggs are prediction of good news. White - soon making desires. A red egg means annoying circumstances that will cause a person any harm.

It happens that a man dreams chicken. If he eats her - then you should expect news. See this bird with chickens - fast family troubles. If there was an eggs with eggs in a dream - this is a sign of great happiness and profits. Sometimes such a dream is a precursor of good luck or large win. If in a dream, a man heard kudzhtanny - then you should expect travels and fees on the road to which they do not want to prepare. When a person feeds a chicken in a dream - this is a good vision, for predicts new pleasant dating. But if the chicken dreamed together with a rooster - it is bad, since the family discord foreshadows, the reason for which the frivolous behavior of someone from the family will be. The chicken coop is a consent in his family. However, if the chickens in such a dream will satisfy, then the plows will be at home. It is in the smokehouse means in life a person will be in a noisy company. Did one beautiful chicken dreamed? So family life will gain happiness. A chopped chicken head will dream of news and news.

What dreams the egg chicken according to he argued that the egg is somewise connected with the female genitals. And it dreams, respectively, to pregnancy. Or to the fact that a person who dreams it really wants to have a child. If a similar dream dreamed unmarried girl - That soon she will find their soul mate. However, a rotten egg - to problems that will manifest during pregnancy. Broken egg - some concerns concerning the conception of the child.

To fertility and to the fact that the period will soon come, happy for creation, and everyone will be able to succeed. Perhaps some new business will appear - business, profitable work. There are eggs in a dream (fresh, raw, or boiled - no matter), - will soon have to do some things that they bring troubles.

If in a dream you happened to see broken chicken eggsThis is an indication that you are trying to find some sense. Dream interpretation will solve in detail what this ambiguous image is dreaming.

Hold out the statements!

Did you dream of broken chicken eggs? Without carelessly or in a word, you risk offended by a person as a compacon and modest. Dream Interpretation advises to keep an opinion with him, even if there is a good reason to speak out.

According to Miller

Mr. Miller claims that broken eggs In the nest - to disappointments and failures. Sometimes it is a sign of forced separation.


What else to dream broken chicken eggs? If in a dream it happened to randomly crush the testicle, then there will be trouble. Sometimes the dream book considers it a sign natural cataclysms And all sorts of trouble you cannot influence.

It is unintended to split it literally means that the damage will bring its own impossibility and negligence.

Carelessly broken egg foreshadows news about the deceased, unexpected illness and other sorrows. See how the egg broke another character to deceive and monetary losses.

You love you!

If in a dream you had to break the raw foods for cooking, then fate will give a generous reward for other merits.

Accidentally cut raw eggs - to respect and recognition in society. If the girl by negligence split is a raw egg, then someone like her so much like a kind and duplicate temper.

Specific decryptions

  • Clean and fresh - to kind news, lucky.
  • Ruffle - to monetary losses, disappointment.
  • Black - to her own anger, trouble.
  • Any dark inclusions indicate negative energy, damage.
  • Two yolks - to a dual situation.
  • No yolk - to failure in a well-thought-out business.

Do not miss the chance ...

If in a dream, a live chicken fell out of a broken shell, the dream book warns that it is necessary to use a chance.

Did you dreamed that you were dirty in the egg mixture? The enemies will deliver unpleasant troubles.

To see a man is smeared by the egg mass means that you have fallen in an extremely complex and possibly hopeless situation.

Profit or scandal?

What dreams of a lot of broken eggs? If in a dream you beat them specifically for the preparation of any dish, then the dream book foreshadows the profit, which will come without much effort on your part.

He dreamed that you were unintentionally scared a egg tray, and a lot of pieces broke, a large home scandal comes.

Dream interpretation broken eggs

Egg, is a symbol of a new life, its origin. A wonderful product is used in cooking thousands of dishes. The product that is in the kitchen is almost everyone. It is not surprising that at times they will shoot. But why see chicken eggs in a dream, and what if they are broken? Is it bad bad sign? Do not break your head, it is easier to look into the dream book.

Number and color

If dreamed of broken eggs

The first thing is to pay attention to this color of eggs and their number:

  • See a lot in a dream - you will be accompanied by good luck in all your business;
  • One or two - wait for the arrival of the guests;
  • Black - unpleasant news, gossip;
  • White - Good luck, good news;
  • Dirty chicken - you will not get a conceived or started business;
  • Beige - to surprises;
  • Pierce - promise loss of work;
  • Large - you have the opportunity to influence your future.

Cooking method

If they broke to cook

In a dream, we can see eggs of varying degrees of readiness, as well as cooked different ways. Fried - symbolize losses. Perhaps it will concern the material benefits, perhaps - people. From your life can disappear best friend or a good friend.

What a dream, where you boil chicken eggs - to the gossip in which you will be involved.

In a dream, cooking soup with eggs - the subconscious flames you - stop and think well about your life. Most likely, you do something wrong.

See in a dream on the table a dish with eggs - to changes in personal life. If you are alone, I'll soon meet your soul mate. Perhaps you are confessed in love.

See in a dream process of cooking eggs - always bad sign, Soon the problems will begin. But, if the dish turned out to be delicious, then you have every chance to overcome them.

Broken egg

To see an egg in a dream - a symbol of integrity, well-being, peace. Accordingly, broken - no way can be a good sign.

Boyed chicken eggs will dream, as a sign of restlessness and harmony in your soul and life.

Beat chicken eggs - crash your dreams, abandoning their goals, the collapse of hopes. You yourself will beat them - all the fault for trouble on you. Boyed and touched - all problems because of your friends, a traitor hid among them.

If the eggshell dreamed

To see an empty shell in a dream, it may mean that a certain stage of your life is finished, you go to a new level.

Young girls, especially future mothers, broken chicken eggs will dream, as a warning about health problems, may be a threat of miscarriage or interrupting pregnancy for other reasons.

If the broken chicken eggs are shot on the eve of the wedding - set aside the wedding for a while. There is also a danger that your second half changes you.

Egg is broken what to do

What would such a dream be dreamed, should be fulfillment. Complete medical examination, avoid quarrels, review your budget, try not to bring bad emotions to the house and "make sorry from hut." If you take the necessary measures in time, then the trouble, if it does not bypass you, then it will not hurt so much.

Some interpretations are presented by a broken chicken egg, as a simple solution to the problem that seemed to you unreserved. If it dreams, it means to cope with difficulties, it will also be easy to smash a fragile shell.

Why do we dream egg

Dream dreams where chicken eggs appear? Be sure to remember the nuances: where did they come from: you bought them or found, they are broken or not broken, what color, size where they are that you are doing with them. See broken, look at what yolk and protein.

When I managed to remember, collect together everything that dreams can be started to study the dream book.

Dream Nostradamusa

If the chick was born

Beat - become a criminal. Someone does it - you will put an attack or murder.

What dreams of the appearance of a chick - will witness the emergence of a living being. For pregnant women, lungs and successful childbirth are promulit.

The egg is dreaming of an unusual form - you will find something similar to Java, some kind of unique thing.

Dream Miller

Miller believed that such dreams were being shot - to material well-being, remuneration. Bied chicken eggs were also not considered a bad omen.

See full nest - House "Full Bowl", symbol homemade focus and mutual love.

To the question of what the eggs found in the woods are shot, Miller gives an encouraging answer - to the ambiguity.

Skouring luck is the broken raw eggs. Eat them for failure in matters. Shot rotten - Lose property.

Esoteric dream book

If the nest has dreamed

Seeing a dream - a symbol of a fullness. There are broken eggs, to failures absolutely in all spheres of life: love, finance, well-being.

As a rule, broken eggs will dream of infertility. Whole to concerns about children.

Female dream book

Crave - you are gifted by fate. Eat it, bring alarm.

Becoming them to beat them - you have a unique mind, a sense of justice has been developed, respect for respect.

What dreams nest? For girls - good marriage. Married ladies are numerous novels.

Basket with eggs dreams of a successful business deal. But, if they are rotten, all predictions come true up to the opposite.

Velezov Sonnik

In this source, everything is decomposed on the shelves. What dreams of:

  • Whole - to luck;
  • Several integers - to major profits, remuneration;
  • With a nest - trouble;
  • Painted - squabbles with close people;
  • Break - the cum of relative, failure, loss;
  • Already broken is a serious illness.

Dream Ezopa

If it turned out two yolks

Beating eggs - warning over the possibility of making reckless actions. The shell signals health problems. See prepared - to new acquaintances who will greatly affect your destiny.

Two yolks indicate that very soon you will find yourself in a double situation, try to find the right way out.

Dream Vangu

The blind provincial saw the universe in the egg, so she connected such dreams not with the fate of a separate person, but with a whole world. The fierce, in her opinion, means that the Earth threatens the destruction, the use of nuclear weapons.

Beat them - a threat from space. Cook chicken eggs - to a strong drought on earth. To eat - the order of things in life, when one species survives by eating another, never change. Vangu advises, after such a dream, God prayed, thank him for food.

Gypsy dream book

It is believed to eat egg - good sign. So, soon you will get some benefit for yourself, moral or material. Crushing - to a quarrel with households, dissatisfaction with their current position. To be stained with a yolk or protein - you are pursued by the enemies, which are just waiting for the misses on your part, be careful.

French dream book

This source makes emphasis on eggs. If they are white - a person will be fulfilled by the most cepete desires. Beige, prophesy to annoy. Clean and fresh - good news. But beat the egg in a dream - you will be deeply saddened.


At the end, we can safely say that the eggs themselves are a good sign and nothing bad is shot. But if in a dream to beat them, or they already rubbed - get ready for blows of fate. Such a dream signals us - beware, be prepared, the enemies do not sleep.

If you still dreamed of broken - do not worry, just be careful.

Eggs in real life symbolizes newborns and profits. They have the same reflection and in the dreams almost in all its manifestations, but not always. Revealing the essence of chicken eggs, which have a manifestation in dreams, consider some of their characteristics.

What does chicken eggs dream? In the general context of such sleep, it is possible to reveal that they will take off to lead about whose pregnancy. However, if a person dreamed that he eats chicken eggs, then such a dream would mean some unusual alarms in the house. If there are fresh chicken eggs, but broken, then such a dream foreshadows a generous award from the hands of the Fortune itself. In addition to such a generous gift, a person in the very near future will become a real favorite of his people around him, he will be respected for justice and the sublime mind, as well as for an adequate appeal to the people around him, friends and loved ones. If a person in a dream finds a nest with eggs, then such a dream predicts wealth and happy marital. But besides such benefits, it is also possible to obtain an inheritance from some distant relatives, but for women such a dream foreshadows very frequent hobbies. If in a dream a man sees a basket with eggs, then such a dream will be interpreted as participating in advantageous business operations and success in them. but merched eggs will lead to the loss of property and decline in all matters. It is worth being in business matters more prudent and, maybe it is most likely to make some kind of pause.

Chicken eggs will take off for profits, guests and good harvest. Such dreams are very attracted by the village, who care that their harvest is always on top. Therefore, when they see in a dream of eggs, they are always confident in the yield and begin to make reserves for winter.

Many chicken eggs in a dream always says that the man to whom they dreamed, is waiting for an incredible success in all endeavors. But painted eggs are not very good to see in a dream, since such a dream foreshadows a quarrel in the house. However, dream interputes say that in a dream, red eggs foreshadow pleasant news and the same pleasant troubles. In addition, if in a dream swallow eggs, then such a dream also foreshadows good news, good harvest, big profit and a certain amount of money. It is worth noting, such a moment that, due to the fact that eggs characterize life and birth, the broken eggs chicken see in a dream will mean death or severe disease of the relative. All that may be associated with broken eggs, such dreams do not carry positive emotions in their context. The same characteristics can be given to dreams in which a person eats eggs. Such dreams will mean the disease, and eating eggs without measure in real life will bring serious illness. In general, it is harmful to eat without a measure, and the dreams increase this value several times. To see in a dream, an egg yolk is treated for annoyance on someone from loved ones.

In addition, such a dream can be dreaming, in which the eggs crush if such pictures drawn a dream, then it will bring a quarrel in the family, displeasure with homemade dear, relatives and annoying people. If the eggs in a dream were crushed and the person was dying with them, then such a dream will be interpreted as the persecution of real-life troubles. How often the troubles will be pursued to say hard, but it is necessary to prepare for such an outcome. It is not necessary to emphasize too much, but it is still worth paying my attention. If in a dream a man collects white eggs, then such a dream can also be interpreted as profit. Moderate consumption of chicken eggs in a dream means that there will be calm and complete contentment in a person. If a man in a dream sees the hatched chick, then a new and quite calm period will begin in his life, in which there will be a place for everyone, since the most important thing in life is not to worry without measure. However, to see just an egg shell in a dream can be interpreted as unfulfilled hopes. If you see one or two eggs in a dream, then you can expect guests, but many eggs are already symbolizing success.

Of all the above, you can make one conclusion that, in general, to see eggs in a dream always guarantees some profit, success, joy and happiness. But such characteristics refer only to whole chicken eggs, which are in a dream a large number of.

Positive emotions that people experience from positive dreams cannot be fully conveyed by words, however, despite the ephemerality, the interpretation of dreams occur every day, and each person believes in them at a certain stage.

What does chicken eggs dream?

Dream interpretation for women interprets what they dream chicken eggs, as a sign of unusual concern in the house. Sleep, in which chicken eggs are broken, predicts receipt soon generous gifts from fate. It will be possible to become a favorite of some people.

All this will be achieved due to the high mind and feeling of universal justice.

To see the basket filled with chicken eggs, means emergency participation in profitable affairs and events. However, if the eggs are stuhli, then there will be a loss of any property and a decline in affairs.

Veles in the dream interpretation interprets chicken eggs as receiving good profits or the arrival of guests. In addition, for rural residents, such a dream predicts a great harvest.

On the other hand, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of the disease, shame and tears. In addition, chicken eggs in a dream stuffed trouble, troubles and even the death of loved ones.

Whole chicken eggs will take off to good, and their large amount predicts success.

A dream in which a man sees painted easter eggs, foreshadows the discord in the family, however, if they are red, it will be waiting for pleasant news.

When sleeping in a dream rolling eggs, then in real life it expects a good profit from a profitable case, but if at least one of them breaks down, then the death of one of the relatives or other misfortune is possible (theft, discord, scandal, disappointment or betrayal).

According to another dream, chicken eggs in dream foreshadow profit or good benefits. If sleeping in a dream displays an egg, then I will expect a quarrel in a family, an annoying position or a complete dissatisfaction with my own life.

Sleep, in which a person eats chicken eggs, predicts calm and complete relaxation, but their excessive consumption of the disease.

Medea treats chicken eggs as a symbol of the birth of a new idea, which is about to hatch. Many eggs in a dream foreshadow a restless position and some uncertain situation in reality.

In the event that a person breaks the egg, it is necessary to prepare for misfortune. Pay attention to a large amount of shell means that many hopes are not destined to come true.

Flowers in the dream book describes chicken eggs in a dream, as a sign of the emergence of guests or the appearance of a new person in the family.

Another dream interpretation of eggs as a symbol of creation or the great potential of a person he could not implement. If, in a dream, he throws eggs in other people, then there is a defeat and exposure. A broken chicken egg sometimes predicts a miscarrout or abortion.

According to the French dream book, white chicken eggs in a dream predict the implementation of all cherished desires, while the red stuffed an unexpected annoying situation capable of hard to harm sleeping.

Clean chicken eggs predict getting good news. If a large egg basket dreams, then it will have to take part in an unsuccessful business. Broken eggs almost always foreshadow sadness and longing.

Miller gives a little other interpretation similar dream. If a person finds a lot of eggs in a dream, then in real life it is waiting for wealth and happy marriage. For women, such a dream means the appearance of frequent novels. When sleeping eats chicken eggs, then an unusual anxiety is curable in his soul.

According to the culinary dream book, such a dream predicts success and good luck in each start. Eggs used in food show strong health.

According to the erotic interpreter of dreams, the basket with chicken eggs testifies that the person has finally realized all the rawlessness of his sex life and at the subconscious level he seeks to create a family and is already thinking about the appearance of heirs.

Freud interprets such a dream as a possible acquaintance soon with an interesting manwhich is also able to hit the huge size of his own male dignity.

In the Italian dream book, chicken eggs are negative symbols, since it is something that is hidden under the shell. There may be anything: alien and separate for sleeping, some other life capable of affecting the future.

Thus, chicken eggs in a dream usually mean the appearance of something or someone new. However, you need to be more careful with them, because the broken egg does not promise anything good. In any case, you should not perceive such a dream too serious. Perhaps a person just wants to eat.


Numerological dream book

To dream egg and break it, clearly distinguishes three of its components, shell, protein and yolk - Means that you are currently engaged in search of the meaning of life, but philosophizing does not bring you soothery.

Sonniest Medea

Egg - symbolizes the origin of the idea that will soon hatch.

See already hatching chick - foreshadows a new calm period of life.

Many eggs - Anxiety, the uncertainty of the situation.

Break an egg - misfortune.

See shell - Unfulfilled hopes.

Dream of Freud.

See chicken eggs - You are waiting for acquaintance with a male representative who will surprise you with the volume of your male dignity.

If you have seen such a dream "A man, you should not be afraid of some homosexual claims: it is quite possible that the surprise, about which we just told you in a public bath or, let's say, the detox.

If you are shot broken eggs - So you can some kind of careless look or a word to offend some kind of compact person. Even if you really want to express everything "boiled", better silent.

Eat in a dream - To close relations with someone from your surrounding, whom you still knew only from the formal side, for example, as a colleague.

Painting Easter eggs - You need to refer to your intimate life in a new way. Every time you only repeat what was before, without making any changes, and the feeling of the "raisin" leaves your sex. It's not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, create something unusual. Include romantic music, lower the curtains so that no one can take you away from each other, from your world for two; Arrange the marriage bed on the floor, on the balcony or, say, in a foam bath.

Egg - It is a symbol of female genital organs. Most often, such dreams are associated with the desire to have a child.

Many eggs - symbolizes your dream of a big and friendly family (if only such a dream is not caused by a sense of strong hunger).

Rotten egg - symbolizes health problems or complications during pregnancy.

Boiled egg - Says about your frivolousness in the continuation of the kind.

Broken egg or scrambled eggs - symbolize your concerns about the child's institution. Often these fears concern sex restrictions on pregnancy.

Dream Vangu

Egg in a snow - It personifies the world, the planet, all living things that surrounds you.

The fierce egg in a dream - foreshadows the threat of life on earth due to the fact that all the more advanced types of weapons are invented, the means of destroying the living, which there is no salvation and who are in the hands of unworthy people who can destroy all the living and destroy human civilization.

If in a dream you break the egg - This means that the planet threatens the danger from space. Perhaps, in a very distant future, a meteorite degrees will fall on Earth, which will split the planet on the part, and all living victims will die.

Eating egg "Such a dream says that all living things exist, devouring the living, and it was, and so it will be." But a person must thank God for the fact that he sends him a lot as food, and not to forget that he is obliged to everything.

Boil egg "Such a dream says that the time comes when it is very hot on Earth, and will begin to dry the rivers and the sea, and the plants and animals will die, and the person will begin to change to survive in an unbearable Pakele.

Dream Ezopa

It is well known that egg - It is a symbol of the birth of life, has the strength of revival and update. In dreams, this symbol may have several values \u200b\u200band interpretations. According to the ancient legends of the sorcerers and magicians whose actions were associated with unclean power They eaten an egg in the shell to double their strength. Probably, you remember that the fabulous villain of Koschey-Immortal kept his life in the egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, infinity.

Custom paint and eat eggs - It is still very popular. Folk wisdom stores many sayings and proverbs associated with this symbol. About the empty and insignificant case said: "There is no needed egg." In another case, the egg was considered a symbol of infancy. About the liberated and spoiled child said: "The egg is always a bolt." It was believed that such a person should not wait for any serious actions.

If in a dream you eat an egg - It means that in reality you pay too much attention to your empty and unnecessary cause.

Sleep in which you dropped and broke the egg - means that you can destroy your own happiness with your careless actions.

See broken egg shells in a dream - A sign that you need to do your health.

See in a dream how you collect eggs in nests - means that there will be significant changes in your life for the better.

If you saw in a dream, how do you go eggs yourself - So someone from people close to you will need your attention and help.

Sleep in which you treat someone with eggs - Indicates that a person will appear in your life who will turn all your life.

See in a dream rotten eggs - bad mark.

See in a dream two eggs - Means the dual situation.

If in a dream you are trying to cook the scrambled eggs, and the living chicken gets out of the broken egg - This is a sign that you are unreasonable using your chance.

See in a dream huge mountain eggs - To well-being.

Sleep in which you saw the snake devour egg - Means evil and illness.

See in a dream how pike raises eggs - A sign that you are too passionate about your fantasies that replace you with real life.

Sleep, in which you wait for the chick finally from eggs - Means that you are too passionate about what has long been in the past. This is said to: "This is the raped eggs."

If in a dream you are trying to break and clean the egg shell - I will have to be careful. You will try to deceive and introduce into significant cash spending. The people say: "Blowing like an egg."

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Eggs in sleep - Usually call you to caution.

See in your dream chicken eggs - A sign that your affairs will go well if you show proper care and you will not take risky steps.

Good dream in which you see that the chicken demolished the egg - This dream foreshadows you.

If the egg in your dream demolished the rooster - Such a dream promises profit from victory in some controversial business.

Merched eggs - Disappointment sign. After such sleep, you should not blindly trust seductive offers - they can turn into large losses.

Boiled or fried eggs - foreshadow some difficulties and disputes in your home.

Broken eggs - Meaning that your incessant can cause damage to you.

Find in a dream eggs forest birds - Sign of unexpected profits. But if these eggs are spotted, you will be overcome some doubts.

Jewish dream book

Eggs - New man in the family or an unexpected guest

Female dream book

Egg - Ancient symbol that means the beginning, source, the basis.

Sleep in which the egg appears - Means that in your life a period of quest and acquisitions began. Try to make sure that the success does not turn your head, and the material would not damage the spiritual one.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Eggs - Addition in the family.

There are eggs - Anxiety, anxiety.

Break the eggs "You're loved, happy, surrounding treat you with honor and respect for high moral qualities, kindness and justice."

Gather eggs to the basket - Very profitable and profitable business are ready to offer your companions.

Quail eggs - A little inheritance or a gift from relatives.

New family dream book

Glue in a dream nest with eggs - foreshadows wealth and happy marital marriage. Woman after such sleep often behaves too frivolous.

If in a dream you ate an egg - In your home can live anxiety associated with something unusual.

Seeing broken fresh eggs - Know that fate is ready to generously award you. You will love and respect for the extraordinary mind and a high sense of justice.

Merched eggs - Shot to loss of property and decline in affairs.

Greeted basket with eggs - Preservation of what you will participate in profitable business operations.

Founded in the forest of bird eggs - Removing the inheritance from distant relatives.

Modern combined dream book

Find in a dream nest with eggs - Prediction of family happiness, wealth and many children.

Women this Son. - promises numerous love hobbies.

There are eggs - Expect unusual concerns in the house.

See fresh broken eggs - The head of the fact that fate will be favorable to you and give you generous gifts. You will love and respect for the exalted soul and the commitment of justice.

See the fierce eggs - the foresight of the loss of property and moral fall.

See basket with eggs - sign of profitable commercial deals.

Sleep in which you see bird eggs - promises you getting an inheritance from distant relatives or high profits from successful commercial affairs.

Eastern female dream book

Eggs - Shot to the arrival of guests.

Dream Nostradamusa

Egg - symbolizes the birth of a new life, revival.

Watch in a dream by how any creature hatching out of the egg - A sign that soon you will witness the emergence of a living being on Earth.

Young pregnant woman such a dream - It prophesies successful childbirth.

Find a big unusual egg - means that in the future there will be a big extraordinary animal egg. Perhaps it will be an egg for long dinosaurs.

If you dreamed that you broke the egg - This dream will proper that you commit a crime. Perhaps deprive the life of any living being.

If the egg breaks someone - In the future you will become an involuntary witness to the cruel murder.

Newest dream book G.Ivanova

See several eggs - the presence of pronounced extrasensory abilities (prophetic dream).

There is an egg skeyku - some important thing will not bring to the end, for which they suffer; Disease until the end does not cure.

Gold egg - on awakening to think about the desire - will be fulfilled.

Full dream of a new era

Egg - Reflection began at all. Reflection of the beginning of a new life.

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

See a small testicle - To the unexpected coming of your child to visit you.


Eggs - Before you will come about someone's pregnancy.

Testicle - To a small income.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

Eggs - A new person in the family will appear or an unexpected guest will come.

Testicle - To the news from which everyone will pay.

Dream Khasse

Eggs - Profit, growth in the family, contentment and joy.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Sleep with a broken egg - foreshadows a sad event, which, however, will be wrapped in an unexpectedly positive side.

Cook eggs - By visiting guests.

Boiled eggs - Alignificant success, not justifying attached funds and efforts spent.

See sleep with bird eggs in the nest - predicts an unexpected find or a large purchase.

Egg with two and more yolks - Symbol of well-being, consistency and vitality.

Many eggshells - K. sighless marriage or adding in the family.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Eggs - Someone will appear, profit, joy

Female dream book

There are eggs in a dream - To unusual anxieties in your home.

If the broken fresh eggs are shot - This is a sign that fate will soon generously give you. You will become a favorite of many people thanks to the elevated mind and the high sense of justice.

Find in a dream nest with eggs - To wealth and happy marriage. It is possible to get an inheritance from distant relatives.

Women such a dream - foreshadow frequent hobbies.

Basket with eggs - Means you will participate in profitable business operations.

Merched eggs - foreshadow the loss of property and decline in affairs.

Total dream book

See in a dream chicken egg - To great losses.

If you dreamed that you broke a chicken egg - You will have trouble, but you will not suffer large losses.

There is a chicken egg - To the loss of all his savings.

If you dreamed that you were roasted fried eggs from chicken eggs or used an egg for cooking some dishes - know, a secret enemy is ready to strike your back at any moment.

You dreamed that you cooked a chicken egg - Know, you have a secret enemy, and this is a woman.

If you dreamed that someone from your relatives or acquaintances presented to you a chicken egg as a gift - Know that soon on this person will be collapsed by the misfortune, which the edge of his wing will take you.

Buy chicken egg - To misfortunes for your fault.

You lost or gave someone egg - The troubles that should have fallen on you will overtake this person.

If you dreamed that you were stolen egg - Beware, you can bite a dog.

Dance Deniz Lynn

Egg - Very weighty sign, symbolizing new life and new potential. In many ancient traditions, the egg is associated with immortality.

In Egyptian hieroglyphs egg - Means the Great Potential and even the provision of secrets of life. On one of the Egyptian papyrus you can see an image of an egg soaring over the mummy. It is believed that this is a symbol of eternal life in the future. If this sign appears, then you are on the verge of entering your full potential. This is the time of new undertakings.

English Dream

Dinking eggs - Mean speeding successes in trade and love.

If there are a lot of eggs - Dream foreshadows a happy marital, good children and well-being for many years. You can safely hope for receiving better place By service, it will soon be yours.

If the eggs are rotten - Sleep foreshadows to you treacherous friends or hypocrishes of incorrect beloved.

If in a dream you are glad to eat eggs - So you are waiting for pleasure and considerable joy ahead.

Medieval dream book Daniel

Prepare chicken eggs - To wealth.

See eggs or spread them - To empty words.

White eggs to see - To wealth.

Italian dream book

Egg - The symbol is rather negative, since the egg is "something" in the shell. The secret, unknown, an unexpected being, which is hidden from direct perception. The floor of the shell may be anything: something alien for a person, separate from him, a certain other life, which can affect the life of the subject, his behavior, development, self-adequation or a threatening hazard. In addition to this interpretation, the sexual interpretation of this image is allowed, since the egg symbolizes the male genitals due to its form.

Dream lovers

If you are shot chicken eggs - This means that your new partner will surprise you the size of your male dignity.

Broken eggs - Shot to the fact that you can offend a man with your careless word. It is better to keep silent in such a situation.

Islamic dream book

Dishes made from eggs and meat - talk about the profit obtained without special efforts. Solutions are always a sorry sign and trouble, and eating them in a dream should expect their appearance. The same one who sees them without taking into eating, he will lose his capital by putting it into some reason.

Dream Dashka

In some cases, an egg - symbolizes immortality. In the usual interpretation, it means prosperity, profit or something empty.

Eat in a dream - So, in reality you pay a lot of attention to empty and unnecessary.

Break an egg - It means that with their careless actions, you can harm yourself.

Sleep in which you are waiting for when, finally, chickens will hatch from eggs - Means you are too passionate about the case, which is not relevant for you.

You are trying to break and clean the egg shell - You impose a case in which you will try to deceive and introduce into cash.

Dream Interpretation Martyn Zadaee

Eggs are - loss; put them under the zeal - profit; and to remove them - trouble.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Egg - Symbol of men's genital organs. Potential life, which should be initially fertilized from the outside; Dark substance (matter), which should be permeated with the light conscious before the birth of the new. Easter and Sunday. Archetype of the likely individual. The secret essence in which it is inseparable, good and evil.

Dream interpretation of dreams

Eggs see - there is a profit and benefit sign; crush eggs - means a quarrel with someone from home, annoyance and displeasure; eggs crushed to go - means pursuit of enemies; white eggs collect - means profit; eggs are moderately - marks calm and contentment; there are them without measure - foreshadows and illness.

Dream Stranger

Eggs - symbol of creation, occurrence, unrealized human potential. From it, the chick hatches, which means birth, implementation, incarnation creative idea, plan, idea.

Throw eggs - Crash, expose. Lot - care; broken - loss, collapse of all plans; abortion.

Culinary dream book

Eggs in sleep - The success in any new business is foreshadowed.

Eggs that you eat in a dream - They say that you have good health.

Modern universal dream book

If in a dream you see the egg, the most obvious value that is having a dream - fertility. We all left the egg, fertilized with sperm. The symbol of fertility and resurrection is the Easter egg.

If in a dream you are sitting on the eggs and wait, when someone gets out of them - So you have to do a great job to achieve the goal.

If in a dream you go to egg shell - So you should be more sensitive.

In a dream you or someone else breaks the shell - It symbolizes the formation of personality and independence. Perhaps also, such a dream says that you will incite you to do something that you do not want to do, or go somewhere where you do not want to go.

Egg in your dream is welded screwed or sick? In the first case in a dream - Your desire is expressed to be more resistant and unequivocally defined its position. Also such a dream - It can say that you have passed literally fire and water and harden your character.

If the egg is liquid inside - So, you lack softness in life. Perhaps you yourself want to be softer or waiting for this from other people.

If in a dream your face or face of another person is izmazano in the egg - So, in real life you are in a difficult situation.

Dream of Gypsy

Eggs - Happiness in family love.

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Egg or eggs - not yet realized, but already independent of your will of the investigation of your actions or thoughts.

See them - Wealth, profit.

Buy - misfortune.

Cook - Gossip.

Hand out - Danger for life, especially for pregnant women.

Break - Crime, murder.

there is - sadness.

There is a lot there or comb - worsening health, great harm.

Black, frightening type of egg - Evil fruits.

Motley, dirty eggs - Consciousness that the results of your actions are unlikely to be so good as I would like.

Huge, monstrous, size with house - The future does not depend on your will.

See a lot of big - Go to the footsteps of other people's work.

Many empty shells - Some completion / end of a certain period of life.

Collect bird eggs - Your desire to return to the beginning of life, do everything in a new way.

Slow egg - Become a dependent, fucking, to issue thoughts for your other people's thoughts.

Fire - Suddenly, for you significant consequences of your actions.

Falling from the sky or floating eggs - pangs of conscience.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Eggs - Profit, guests will rate, harvest, / illness, shame, flames, tears, troubles, grief, the death of loved ones, loss, the farm will disappear something or spoil, quarrel, troubles, fight, quarrel, experiences; whole - good; lot - Success; in the nest - Loose, quarrel, trouble; painted - thieves, quarrel in the family; red - pleasant news; ride - good, harvest, profit, money / head break; smash - death (relative), loss, quarrel, annoyance, misfortune; broken - to the dead man, illness, loss, trouble, do not marry a full maternity; there is - to fever; eating without a measure - disease, harm; yolk - annoyance.

Erotic dream book Danilova

See in a dream basket with eggs - You came to the conclusion that your sexual life is too messy. Subconsciously, you are striving for the creation of a family, think about the continuation of the kind.

Esoteric dream book

Egg see - By the birth of children.

Many eggs - Children associated with children.

Easter eggs - Joy of children, respect and help.

Broken - To infertility, unsuccessful pregnancy.

Ukrainian dream book

Eggs how to dream - Some guests will be.

Eggs beating - misfortune.

If there are many eggs in nests - Quarrel, trouble.

Dream of flowers

Egg one, two - Waiting for guests; lot - Success; beat or see broken - a loss.

Collection of Sonnikov

Eggs - Integrity. New life and new potential.

Eggs see - to special sadness; egg poses - to profits.

Fry or boil eggs - to losses; lot - to guests or gifts; smash - misfortune of a loved one; in the nest - love adventures; proud - Monetary loss.

Eggs to profit, there are them - To calm.

Broken egg - gossip, bad luck; red Egg - abundance; whole egg - Good news;

Eggs - Most likely, you fear for your past, you are afraid that some of your non-residential deeds will be revealed (it will be visible what is hidden under a smooth white shell - your immaculate appearance).

Egg - All the totality of affairs and intentions.

The egg randomly break, or it is pierced - badly.

Fry scrambled eggs or cook egg - All things are allowed well.

Easter egg - recognition in love; eat egg - Happiness and profit.

Give egg - Find a faithful friend.

See in a dream White eggs - Means that your cherished desires will be implemented.

Red Egg - Means an unexpected annoying circumstance that hurts you strongly.

Clean, Fresh Eggs - foreshadow good news.

See in a dream whole basket eggs - To participate in an unsuccessful enterprise.

Broken eggs - Always dreams of sadness.

Eggs can symbolize as the beginning of a new life (and it is not necessarily in a literal sense, it is not excluded that in the portable), and not yet realized, but already existing dreams, desires, ideas. Therefore, to collect eggs in a dream can mean the desire to change something in your life, return to the beginning.

If you collect rotten eggs - it means, among your friends there is a man "with Gnitza", from which you can expect betrayal and treachery. When it dreams that eggs you collect right out of the nest, you will find a happy family life and material well-being, Success and achievement of goals.

What is the dreams of eggs (chicken)))?



The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life, revival. Watch in a dream by how from the egg is hatching any creature - a sign that soon you will witness the appearance of a living being on Earth. Young pregnant woman such a dream prophesies successful childbirth. Find a large unusual egg in a dream - means that a large extraordinary animal egg will be found in the future. Perhaps it will be an egg for long dinosaurs. If you dreamed that you broke the egg, then this dream would proper that you commit a crime. Perhaps deprive the life of any living being. If an egg breaks someone, then in the future you will become an invalid witness to the cruel murder.


Why did you sign "(chicken)"?


If in a dream you found a nest with eggs, then fate will give you a big offspring, family happiness and well-being. For a woman, such a dream can also foreshadow lovers
See the basket with eggs means the possibility of a profitable deal.
If you have dreamed of birds of birds, you will get an unexpected major inheritance from a distant rhodst venik or a different big gain.
Watch in a dream on the bird nest - means that you will be interested in successful entitled. Young woman this dream foreshadows dwelling.

ellochka Petrov

Eggs will take off to the fact that it will come to you.

Vasta Mavel

to the welcome guests

Elena Prokhorov

To a new person in the family


Eggs \u003d New man in the family or an unexpected guest.

G @ lin @

indeed, eggs in a dream symbolize someone's appearance. The number of eggs is the number of meetings and conversations.

Eggs - a symbol of the beginning of a new life, white, pleasant to the touch, inside with a golden bright yolk, this product cannot bear negative emotions. Dream Interpretation: What does the eggs dream and how do I treat this dream dreams? We learn which dreams have a positive interpretation, and which are negative.

  • What does the eggs dream?
  • Interpretation of sleep in detail
    • What does chicken eggs dream?
    • What dreams a lot of eggs?
    • What does broken eggs dream?
    • What dreams of raw eggs?
    • What to dream boiled eggs?
    • What dreams of rotten eggs?
    • What dream of breaking eggs?
    • What dreams to collect eggs?
  • Conclusion

What does the eggs dream?

Egg is, first of all, a symbol of a new life. And seen in a dream, it means that you will soon find something new, will reveal yourself again, your potential. You are standing on the threshold of important discoveries.

If you eat any dish cooked from eggs, you will be waiting for some kind of event that has great importance For the whole of your family. Something is very good and important.

Another interpretation of sleep, where you eat eggs, - you can soon conquer whose heart, even if you do not want it yourself.

An interesting dream in which you paint eggs - you are disappointed in your lifestyle, you want to decorate your life. But one desire to embellish what is undesirable. You need to look at the root of the problem, change something, and not hide it for a beautiful picture.

Interpretation of sleep in detail

What does chicken eggs dream?

If in a dream you are preparing chicken eggs, before that you clearly see how you break them, - you can wait for losses. Something will break. It remains to believe that it will be just dishes.

  • If you see a lot of eggs, in the lattice, in the store - expect guests with gifts.

  • If you broke the eggs, dropping, not for cooking, it means that you are waiting for trouble and greed on the part of your partner. Do not wait for it to be material or mental generosity.
  • Chicken eggs lie in the nest that the chicken raises, or you understand that the nest is in the chicken coop - the dream foreshadows you pleasant romantic dating.
  • If you understand that the eggs spoiled or rubbed, then material losses are waiting for you. Be careful to spends, do not plan large purchases and investments.
  • A broken egg that broke not you, dream of a big gift for fate. Something just falls to your feet. Perhaps you will achieve the goal, which has long sought and which has not been given to you.

What dreams a lot of eggs?

If you see in a dream a lot of eggs, it means a new life, a new beginning, new beginnings. This is provided that the eggs are fresh.

And if you see a lot of rotten eggs, trying to find eggs to cook them, but they all spoiled - this means failures in real life. Do not try to start new affairs, do not plan large purchases, do not trust people with whom you just get to know.

When you see a lot of chicken eggs in the incubator, you see that the chickens will soon get out of them, "you will find a big luck in all matters that you begin. For pregnant women, this dream has a very positive interpretation - it means easy childbirth!

What does broken eggs dream?

If you bought or collected fresh eggs in an incubator or chicken coop and smashed them - it means that there will be some kind of a gift for fate soon. New prospects will open before you, you can take on new ideas and not be afraid that you will not be able to achieve goals. Others will help you in all matters due to your feeling own dignity, justice and mind.

But not all dreams are so favorable to dreams with broken eggs. For example, esoteric dream book Trucks such a dream negatively. Impress disappointment in love, you will not be able to achieve goals in important matters. All transactions will be disadvantageous, dating disappoint. Possible health problems.

What dreams of raw eggs?

Raw eggs mean that sleeping in of real life Waiting for a great success in those affairs, about which a person could have forgotten for a long time. It was spent a lot of effort, but there was no result. And now it's time to reap the fruits of your works.

If you broke raw eggs and yolk saved your integrity, and not broken, - this means the appearance of new perspective plans And ideas. Do not be afraid to embody, it would seem most amazing.

What does boiled eggs dream?

If in a dream you boil eggs or see already purified, then there is a place for gossip and intrigues in the real life that you get behind your back. If you eat them, you like the taste, then you will succeed in solving all questions, overcome adversity and get the winner of the situation.

If you boil eggs, in real life you are too easy to treat many issues. Some aspects require a more serious relationship.

If you have found or bought a lot of eggs, then you dream of finding the second half and creating a large and strong family with it.

If in a dream you sell boiled eggs, then you want to have a child. If you do not yet have a second half, then you choose her or it precisely from the point of view of the continuation of the kind.

If you ripped boiled eggs, expect anxiety or experience small problems. Think whether it is also important in a year? If not, these problems do not stand your experiences.

What dreams of rotten eggs?

If in a dream you bought a whole lattice of rotten chicken eggs, then you are waiting for trouble. But if only a few or a couple of eggs from all bought from all bought, or one or two eggs were fed in the refrigerator, it means you are waiting for luck in affairs, everything will turn out.

When a woman is shot rotten or spoiled eggs, in real life it can wait for some losses, but not in family lifeRather, in work or affairs. They can sharply go down.

Dreams where rotten eggs are present are usually a warning to something. They sign up for trouble, which can soon happen, warn about the need to behave very carefully. Carefully learn all the documents and not make any serious solutions.

If you have thrown rotten eggs, you can wait for problems in the family. Before swearing with children, you need to try to talk and find out the essence of the problem, rather than immediately chop off the shoulder.

Did you split a rotten egg in a dream? So you need to be a little restrained in real life in your words and actions. You can hurt your loved ones that do not deserve much. All wines your impulsiveness!

If you collect eggs, realizing that they are rotten, be prepared for small health problems. Visit your doctor in time to not rearranged in big!

What dream of breaking eggs?

If in a dream you broke a rotten egg, then disappointment awaits you. Even the most profitable suggestions and prospects as a result will be empty and nicchon. Do not count on them strongly not to disappoint.

If you specifically break the egg, then relationships with the second half are in life. It is time to talk seriously, you need to let go of another person for a long time, he can be happy with someone else. Sometimes you need to break the relationship to make both happy.

If you break up the egg to prepare the scrambled eggs or omelet, and it will be rotten, it means that you may be committed to you. Be ready for this, not so much to worry about this. Although it will still have to worry.

What dreams to collect eggs?

If you dream that you are in the chickentellite and see a lot of eggs in chicken masonry, you will be waiting for an improvement in the material situation, and very unexpected. Say to dispose of them correctly. If the eggs in the chicken coop lie not only in the nests, but simply scattered everywhere, then you still can not use wealth correctly. Try to make a list of priority areas for which you need to spend money.

Collect broken eggs means that you need to show caution and be more vigilant to prevent dubious situations.

If you folded all the broken eggs in the basket or in one container and thrown them into the garbage, in real life you are a wasteful person, a transcription, which can also spend its own means and strength.

If you have just gathered eggs to the basket or a bowl and dropped it, breaking all the eggs, then failures and obstacles to the goals are waiting for it.


As in ordinary life, the egg is good symbol, new life sign and new perspectives. That's just rotten eggs cause negative, as well as broken. It's simple, remember the details and break the dreams to find out what the future will bring you.

If you have any questions or you need help in the current life situationYou can consult with our experts.