Correspondence training abroad for Russians. Where to go to study abroad

Every year, higher education abroad is becoming popular and much more affordable for our compatriots. Russians who graduated from foreign universities, as a rule, easily find their niche in the international labor market and are successfully moving through the career ladder. Higher education abroad - in America, Europe, Canada, Australia, or even China - this is, of course, the opportunity to explore the foreign language, which is learned, and most often not one. No need to forget that often overseas universities have a much more developed educational, material and scientific base than domestic. And the proven in centuries, the honed teaching system gives fundamental knowledge and the possibility of their maximum efficient use.

22 countries for receipt higher education For your choice!

Higher education programs

Higher education system: from total to private

Higher education under the classical European system has a similar structure in different countries. The first stage - obtaining a bachelor's degree - takes 3-4 years. After another 2 years of study at the university, students receive a master's degree. The postgraduate study lasts 2-3 years and is a stage of research and writing the thesis, after which the degree of doctor (PHD) is assigned.

No less attractive for our compatriots, the second higher education abroad, which is often easier than the first, as well as additional postgraduate education, for example, MBA programs. Among the foreign universities who teach these programs with an undisputed leader remains American universities, which are the proclaims of the system of learning supervisory.

Higher education in different countries has a number of national features. So, in Germany and France, after 2-3 years, the undergraduate program can be obtained by a professional licentia diploma (Licentiate), which allows you to teach, not possessing a degree.

In France, along with the pan-European standard of study, the system of the so-called "short" and "long" university cycle is valid, at the end of which are issued, respectively, the diploma technical education and a diploma of higher specialized education (Master 2).

Each Spanish University has its own learning rules, the level assigned to graduates of qualifications and the number of steps.

Postgraduate studies abroad can also have national specifics. In Germany, after the protection of the graduation project or thesis, graduates are assigned to the Magister Artium (Magister Artium). Then students who had teaching practice can pass the qualifying exams and immediately receive a doctorate degree (Doctorate). In other countries, the "shortened" graduate school does not exist and training lasts 2-3 years.

In order to be able to objectively assess the knowledge of students received in various universities and different countries, a pan-European translation and accumulation system of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) was introduced. ECTS simplifies academic recognition when transferring from one university to another or when conducting certain graduate courses in several different universities.

To study abroad

In universities of each individual country, in addition to the diversity of training courses, programs and disciplines, there are a number of characteristic rules and requirements for the incoming. Procedures for receiving documents, interviews, exams (where they are provided), making decisions about enrollment to the university are very individual and depend on both the traditions of the education system of a country or the academic results of the attorney itself.

One of the universal requirements is a sufficient level of language proficiency in which teaching is underway. Therefore, it is logical to start a student career abroad from language courses and preparation for the surrender of international exams TOEFL, IELTS, etc.

Since school education in Russia is shorter than Western for 2-3 years, admission to the overseas university in the year of graduation for our graduates is most often problematic. Exit - to complete 1-2 courses of the domestic university or preparatory courses at the chosen university abroad.

So, for admission to the British university, it is necessary to have a diploma A-Level or finish the Foundation training program. And in Germany, for example, there are special one-year preparatory colleges Studienkolleg. During this year, future students noticeably increase the language and give the necessary qualifying exams.

Despite the fact that in European universities entrance exams are most often not held, some prestigious universities of England and higher Schools France, for example, may arrange exams and interviews. And for admission to all creative universities, applicants will necessarily need a portfolio.

The cost of learning can vary greatly depending on the country's chosen and specific university (public or private). But, in some cases, foreign students studying in the magistracy abroad may apply for scholarships and grants from the state, the government of their country or all kinds of funds.

A significant number of applicants dream of getting a good education abroad and stay there to live. However, many pushes the price, because, it is usually it turns out that guests of the country pay for training more than their native residents. Often the question is: is it possible to get high-quality education abroad for free?

Free education in Denmark

One of the countries providing free education for foreign students - These are Denmark. Only residents of the EU countries or students who have come officially for the exchange can be learning at Denmark's free universities who have come true (between universities). In all other cases it will be necessary to pay for their studies. Free training is offered universities of the most beautiful Danish cities: Copenhagen University, Olboga, University Aarhus and Odense. They all teach on world formats on english language.

Copenhagen University

Why it is worth choosing for training without paying exactly the country to Denmark:

  • Denmark is a state with one of best Systems teaching.
  • In each university big choice specializations.
  • The education process takes place in English.
  • If you are an EU citizen or arrived in exchange, then you will need to pay only for accommodation in the hostel - 300 euros per semester.
  • The university gives part-time while learning.

To take free into the Danish university, you need to have the following documents:

  1. Certificate of knowledge of English. It is possible to get it for free.
  2. A letter of recommendation in the language that is the language of teaching (from the place of previous training).
  3. Letter motivation from you in English (tell us why you should choose you that you can and what you want to learn).
  4. Mandatory visa.
  5. Certificate from the bank about the status of your account (confirmation that you will be enough for accommodation in someone else's country).

The list of other papers should be clarified by the University Administration.

Free education in India

For free knowledge in this East country, an apprentice must be received by the ITEC certificate, which confirms your passage of the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Program. Every year, the Indian government issues a decree with different professions that are suitable for this program. Most often, visiting is applying to Calcutt University, Mumbai, Deliani and State Indian University of Management. The list of documents can be found in the Embassy of India in your country, or on the university's website where you will learn. In each of your list, so you need to know it personally. One thing can be said - the visa is necessary.

Everyone can take free into university unity in India, even an ordinary tourist. This famous institution is engaged in the spiritual development of a person, teaching his moral values \u200b\u200bof the world. The university is also called the Golden City, its branches are in many cities of the world, including in Russian. Everyone can come there. Money usually goes only for accommodation and meals.

Free education in the UAE

Universities of the UAE have long been attracted to students from around the world. There are several types of them in this country: state (only for the citizens of the UAE), private (some of them are only for citizens) and international universities. That's the latter and are engaged in free teaching. They have connections with many universities of other countries, so we develop many programs for foreigners.

Although the language of the state Arabic, nevertheless, all learning takes place in English.

You can enroll and receive knowledge for free only if you have passed the entrance exams perfectly. But before that you must collect and show these documents:

  • Certificate for 11 education classes at school with a rating point not lower than 3.5.
  • Certificate of knowledge of English.
  • Training visa.
  • Certificate of Public Testing ACADEMIC IELTS or Internet Based ToeFL.

Exams for admission are determined depending on the profession.

Free education in the Baltic States

Universities of Latvia do not allow free knowledge to come to applicants even when surrender entrance tests for excellent. Free grants and places are available only for citizens of the country. Therefore, there is no sense about Latvia universities.

But universities of Lithuania and universities Estonia with open doors We will accept the free receipt of the formation of competent visitors of students. So you must show all required documents On time and pass the introductory test on perfectly. If everything succeeds, you can safely apply for participation in the competition for grant and budget places. Here are the documents you must collect:

  • Certificate of high school graduation.
  • Application for a request to enroll in Universities Lithuania and Estonia.
  • Motivational letter for institution.
  • Certificates of the TOEFL or IELTS form on the knowledge of the English language (if the material feed will be taught on it).
  • Copies of passports and photos.
  • Help from the bank about sufficient means to live in someone else's city (about 100 euros per month).

Pluses of obtaining qualifications in the Baltic States:

  • The specializations of the Russian or Kazakhstani sample are considered equal to the Baltic.
  • The teaching of items on some programs is conducted in Russian.
  • The Baltic diploma is quoted all over the world.
  • The university is obliged to send you to an internship.
  • While learning to you, the mentor will be pressed - a native resident of the city, which will help you understand the system.
  • It is not necessary to know English perfectly, with you will easily communicate in Russian.

In addition to grants, the Baltic States often finance loans for learning with further scope of the amount in distribution companies.

Free Education in Greece

Universities in Greece provide receipt of university education without paying for citizens only! All residents of the country are forced to study private institutions. That is why this place is worth choosing to future students:

  • Everything, up to nutrition and education for free for visiting students.
  • Registration at the university is carried out during the competition of certificates. At the same time in the country, you can not even be.
  • Greek knowledge is not necessary.
  • Greek diplomas are in demand all over the world.

To do this, you need to make only one payment - for the selection of the faculty and help in signing papers. The earlier the applicant will think about it, the less the amount will be. At different universities in Greece different amounts.

To get an education in Greece without payment, you must provide:

  • The certificate of secondary education with a score of at least 4. Otherwise, the applicant will not even be able to participate in the competition.
  • Help from the bank about the material status of the student family.
  • Motivation letter.

The remaining documents can be found on the website of the selected university.

Free Education in Belgium

The difficulties of obtaining knowledge at universities of Belgium is that only 2% of the visits of students take place every year. And this means that the selection is very tough. According to the rules, the number of citizens of Belgium in universities should be greater.

Of course, to get your place, a citizen of another country can make an extension fee - 2000 euros. But it is necessary to make it 10 months before the start of crediting to the course.

Foreign guests of the Belgian University, of course, give grants to gain knowledge and free places. Just after passing entrance examinations, you need to give an application for participation in the NATO Competition, WHO, UNESCO and the UN. All conditions can be found on the sites of these organizations. Each applicant must be obligatory to own state and English languages.

Obtaining communication language must at least at the initial level.

Free education in the Balkans

Serbia universities give grants to their foreign apprentices to gain knowledge. The budget place includes a scholarship, training without payment and medical insurance. But it's not easy to get such a grant. You need to collect the following papers:

  • Certificate of school graduation or certificate about the first higher.
  • Reference from the bank confirming financial security.
  • Help that you are not tried.
  • Conclusion about the healthy condition of the body.
  • Passport (copy and original).

In addition, entrance exams are undergoing, which will be determined, will be an applicant to give money for learning or not. If you failed to go to some university, you can send papers in 16 Serbian universities.

At the universities of Romania and Universities of Hungary, the same laws. But the universities of Croatia and universities in Slovenia cannot educate without paying their students from other countries. There for the year of receipt of knowledge in the usual university will need to give about 2000-2500 euros.

Free training in Portugal

If you are a citizen of the European Union or go for knowledge in the portugal on exchange from another university, then you can safely qualify for a free place. Driving from the CIS there is so easy not to break through. But there are still free places.

By visiting requirements at no less than the root. Everyone should know everything for excellent Portuguese and culture of the people, it does not matter - local you or visitors. This is also taken into account when surrendering entrance testing. Before you, you need to show a list of papers:

  • Certificate of secondary education.
  • Health insurance.
  • Certificate from the bank about financial stability.
  • Assessment for the test for the possession of Portuguese.
  • Visa.

To get an excellent assessment for possession of Portuguese, you can sign up for courses that are held with the university you have chosen. It is best to start prepare for admission in advance, and not a few weeks before applying.

Portugal universities are approved as one of the high-quality and cheap all over the world.

But there are other countries that are popular among foreign applicants. For example, Universities of Mexico, Brazil, Thailand do not provide grants for budget places for visiting coming, but it is possible to start receiving a scholarship because of great studies. Thus, at least some money returns to the hands. Start learning in universities is not difficult, everywhere requires the same documents. It is clear that the level of education is significantly lower than in Europe, but their diplomas are also valid worldwide.

Universities of Ireland and universities in Iceland are also not distinguished by free teaching. There are teaching future qualified employees, the teaching of knowledge in these states is able to compete with the teaching system, for example, in Britain. Thus, registration of admission to institutions is far from cheap. Educational institutions in Ireland very often give an option to their student.

Of course, there are many universities abroad waiting for visitors from the arrivals. Many easily give budget places, and someone trays with the help of a grant only visitors. Do not forget that it is possible to obtain a higher education abroad in the presence of a visa in action that will not end in the middle of the semester. If this happens, it will be difficult to recover in the educational institution.

Free learning for the redistributes of your country is quite real! You can study in many of the above-mentioned countries.

"To learn free somewhere in Germany or Italy, you need a lot of money," many Russians think. Fortunately, such an opinion is wrong. But then a new question arises - under what conditions can European education be available to ordinary Russians?

Countries providing the possibility of free Russianic training

Perhaps the most important thing will be finding a place of establishment that works on public programs. In Europe, universities this type Much. Education without fee can be obtained in separate regions of Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Czech Republic, Austria. Choosing the country, do not forget to estimate how much it costs it. In some of them, for example, in Norway, it is quite expensive to live. There is an interesting paradox: in some countries the European Union, young people do not seek to receive a "tower". Accordingly, the competition may not be too hard. In the east, this is exactly what happens - in the circles of young people in / o are not considered prestigious. So having universities to lure the students with preferential terms. Well, was you pleased? And now let's get to the restrictions.

Roads are open to many universities, it is important only to decide on the choice.

Requirements for applicants abroad: how to go to study after the end of any class

The most important condition is almost everywhere - a foreign language on high level. Consider the exam will be made directly at the university or (less often) in Russia. Need high points. In the prestigious universities you are still "for beautiful eyes"Will not take. It will have to fight on the exam not only with the inhabitants of the country, but also with the ubiquitous Chinese, for example, who learn all the tickets by heart. Are you ready for such competition?

Learn, learn and learn

But, on the other hand, some pets are lucky to some pets, in general, the potential ... If you are going to enter the magistracy, you should have several years of higher education in Russia. The number of semesters varies depending on the establishment. Another one principal moment. Alas, he concerns notorious money. Learning may be free, but you will not be taken to individual universities if you do not confirm that every month your account comes from 600 to 1000 dollars or euros. The check is arranged so that the university is confident in your charges for housing, books, food. If there is no money, the guarantee of a citizen of the country in which you want to learn is helping. A little bit to spend on and during admission. Usually, when enrolling in the European university, a one-time contribution is taken from a future student, from 500 to 1500 dollars or euros. From it you pay for the receipt of literature traveling for transport (public transportation abroad Nedloysh) and other goals.

In the future, if you do and you will learn well, it is possible to get a scholarship (scollyp). In some institutions, they are sufficient in order to cover many life costs. Sometimes, even by enrolling on a paid, you can completely cover the cost of study. If you already have a potential employer abroad and it is ready to finance your training, this circumstance again gives you many opportunities. However, as experience shows, it happens to be infrequently. In any case, in your way, you will help you forward desire, persistence, inflexible will and a positive attitude to life. Remember, the road is asset going!

Many graduates are interested in the question: "Is it possible to leave for study for the refuction after grade 11?". Some of them have heard that foreigners are not accepted into all universities, which have just completed school, others are not confident in their level of English or simply fear competition in the process of receipt.

In a word, there are more questions than answers. In this article we will try to figure out - is it possible to actually start learning abroad after grade 11 and, most importantly, is it worth doing this?

Much depends on the country

If you want to go to a foreign university after graduation, you probably know, in which country would like to live and learn.

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However, it is worth remembering that if you can enter the overseas university immediately after the end of the Russian school, largely depends on the country and the rules of a particular educational institution.

The fact is that not in all countries the education system involves entering the university immediately after school, especially for foreign students. There are several reasons here:

1. First, the 11th grades of the Russian school are 11 or 10 (in case the school "jumps over" grade 4) years of study. In some countries of this school experience, it is not enough to submit documents for admission to higher educational institution

2. Secondly, the system of education of some countries provides for an "intermediate link" between school and university education. It may be a study in Polytech or Mandatory courses for training for study at the university (usually applies to foreign students)

For example, in America there is an optional, but desirable system of preparatory pre-sustate courses. Such courses suggest not only training at the university, but also an improvement in the academic indicators of students, and practically guarantee successful admission to the university.

Meanwhile, in Singapore, everything wishes to enter the university are obliged to undergo preliminary training in the country. For foreign students, this is expressed in the passage of annual courses of Foundation, study in local high School (1-2 years) or in Polyteche for the selected specialty. Only after that the student has the right to file documents into one of Singapore universities.

At the same time, there are countries, which can be entered into universities and immediately after the end of the Russian school. These include, for example, ,,, the Czech Republic and Finland. In these countries, as in the United States, there is an option to pass preparatory linguistic or academic courses, however, this condition is not mandatory for submitting documents to the university.

Much depends on the student himself

Note that not all graduates of Russian schools have a real opportunity to enter the Foreign University immediately after grade 11. The highest chances of course, those who have set the goal in advance to go to study abroad. Such students for several years before the end of the school choose the country of interest and even the university, they begin to diligently study the required foreign language and bring their academic indicators before compliance with the requirements of the university.

If you did not do all this, but just wanted to learn abroad already at the end of the 11th grade, let's say directly - your chances of rapid arrival are small. Training in another country, especially in a prestigious university, usually implies a serious preparation process, without which to enter the university is very difficult.

You can enroll at the university after grade 11, if:

  1. Your knowledge of English or other requiring language is at a fairly high level.
  2. You have a certificate about the delivery of a language exam (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.) with a good pool.
  3. Your academic indicators are high enough
  4. You can count on receiving a letter of recommendation that characterizes you as a serious and purposeful student.
  5. You defined exactly with the place of study abroad
  6. You or your parents have a financial opportunity to pay for learning abroad

In case you do not meet this list, but you dream about learning abroad, do not despair! For several years of persistent classes, you can easily raise your linguistic and academic level, pass the necessary exams, find a suitable foreign university. In that case, it is possible that you can use courses for preparing for admission to the university, and scholarships and grants for foreign students can help you with financing studies.

Should I come immediately after grade 11?

Consider the main advantages and cons of departure to study abroad immediately after the end of the Russian school.


  1. You do not spend precious years and purposefully go to your dream
  2. You do not have time to get out of the hard student process and drop away from it.
  3. You will receive a bachelor's degree in age in which many others only come to university
  4. You quickly reinforce theoretical knowledge of foreign language practical skills


  1. In addition to preparing for graduation exams, in the 11th grade you will be engaged in the labor-intensive process of admission to a foreign university
  2. Due to age or psychological unpreparedness, a sharp change in the place of residence and study can cause stress
  3. You will not have time to distract and take a break from studying. For two years (grade 11 and 1 year at the university) you will be engaged in tense studies, passing a variety of exams, tests, collection and submission of documents
  4. You should be prepared for the fact that may not be able to enter the university on the first attempt, in case your language or academic indicators are not good enough

Admission to the University

If you still decided to start learning from a foreign university right after the Russian school, follow this instruction:

  1. As early as possible, choose a university in the country in which you can start studying at the university immediately after grade 11 of the Russian School
  2. It will not be superfluous to go to this country and visit the university to assure in its decision.
  3. Implement to study the requested foreign language
  4. In the period of study in the 11th grade, get the necessary certificates about the passage of international language exams
  5. Check out university requirements for foreign students and bring our indicators to these requirements.
  6. Get some good, correctly compiled recommendatory letters from their teachers
  7. Learn about the necessary documents for submitting to the university, collect them and apply for sure
  8. In advance, deal with the issue of registration of passport and the visa necessary for entry into the country of study.

Alexander Ryzhakov

With the Diploma of the Canadian University, the labor markets of the whole world open for you and at the same time, it is in Canada that one can create something and be successful. If you want to succeed, remember such a word as 'Networking'. Mastering this art, you will achieve colossal results in North America generally. Learn in Canada is interesting and useful. Humber College conducts various events and, if there is time and desire, you can participate in them and feel the true atmosphere of Canadian learning. Another advantage is the multinational composition of students. In my group were both Canadians and representatives of the United States, Portugal, Japan and other countries. Such a diversity attaches the brightness and dynamism to the knowledge gained. "

Daria Rogozhnikova

The main difference between the Netherlands Education System is a focus on self-study. It does not mean that the student is granted himself. At any time you can get help or explaining teachers. For a long time I had to struggle in myself a ban on the expression of my own opinion in the process of writing academic essays and works. In the Netherlands, the key phrase in the academic essay is "I think", and in the classes you are constantly asked "what do you think?", And this approach is seriously different from what is practicing in Russian universities.

My advice, deal with the collection and preparation necessary documents in advance! I left a couple of months to create a discipline and course literature from scratch. If you are going to request a year after the study, I advise you not to lose opportunities for internships while learning. This will significantly increase your chances of subsequent employment, because Dutch recruiters do not really trust the experience gained in their homeland.

Kristina Zaporozhets

My specialty is called Post-Secondary Business-Marketing.

The duration of this course is 4 semesters.

You can go to study 3 times a year: September, January and May.

Immediately before studying, each college student receives his personal number and password. It is necessary in order for everyone to go to his personal Area On the college website and view all the necessary information, namely:

  • a list of items that will be in the future semester;
  • homework;
  • announcements of various kinds.

What is the most convenient is that each college event is sent to each student to the post office. And no one can skip anything. As for the schedule, his every student can choose himself. The main thing is that at the end of the semester for each item rating is not below 50%.

I am now on the second semester. I have 6 items plus the mathematics of finance, which I studied remotely. This means that I have a book in stock, where after each module is tasked. I have to execute it and send an instructor to email. That, accordingly, checks and, in turn, sends an assessment and any adjustments to my mail. It is very convenient, since it is possible to perform tasks at a time when convenient.

Usually a day for 1-2 subject to 2-3 hours. Small intermittents are given during the class of 10-15 minutes. All teachers refer to understanding to each student are always ready to help, light "on the rise." There is no inequality. On the contrary, Canadians even respect foreign students for them, so to speak, a courage to go abroad, to study in another language, live without loved ones. What is interesting is that every student does not seek faster to escape home from college to relax! In Centennial there is everything for study and leisure!

For example, for study there are several libraries with a huge number of tables, computers, closed / open training rooms, printers. You can take a laptop for 4 hours for 4 hours and use it within an educational institution.

All those books that need to buy for study can be purchased at Bookstore in college. There is also a gym, basketball, football, table tennis, fitness, spacing.

That I was completely surprised, so this is a place to sleep! In fact, there is this kind of couch in the calm place of college, where you can lie down! And in the student center there is a hall with game consoles. And more of the, of course, who turned 19 years old, can drink alcoholic beverages Within a certain room, called BAR. It's like a slogan: "Better drink in college than somewhere on the street!" \u003d)

The college constantly hosts any events, meetings about immigration, work, etc. As for nutrition, that is, cafeteria where you can buy various kinds of food indian, Chinese cuisine, fast food in Subway, coffee and donuts in Tim Hortons, and you can also warm in the microwave what you brought with you. In general, the college works up to 22-00. Therefore, it is possible to work out enough, talk and find new friends from almost 100 countries of the world!

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Christina Turlakova

Training in England has become a real gift for me, which radically changed my life. I still study at the undergraduate, I came to the conclusion that I want to continue learning in the magistracy abroad. I chose training in England, as the Universities of the United Kingdom are considered one of the best in the world. It is quite difficult to enter the university directly difficult, so I decided to enroll on the Pre-Masters oncampus program based on Birkbeck University in London. The task of the preparatory course was to prepare students for learning in English, gradually including the study of complex subjects and skills of academic letters: term papers and essay. Requirements for pre-masters are significantly lower than on the magistracy, so the preparatory program can be received at low estimates and relatively weak English ownership.

After graduating from Pre-Masters, I had an advantage in admission, and in some universities they were credited to the graduate program without exams. During my training on the preparatory program, I have long chose the university in which I would like to do. I needed an educational institution in which there would be a strong business school in the specialty "Management".

I chose between Universities Queen Mary University of London and University of Westminster. I liked the Westminster Business School more and I am very pleased with my choice. Master's duration one year and it was the most intense year in my life. I believe that without the Pre-Masters program it would be much more complicated. The program was clearly aimed at the development of practical skills in the business industry. The teachers are very friendly, will always help and prompt. Very often came Guest Speakers - people working in the business industry and having a big professional experience. Graduates with diplomas of English universities are very popular in the world, the initial salary is significantly higher than that of others.

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Maya Zyuzin

1st year student Lindenwood University

I entered Lindenwood University for a scholarship program that covers 50% of my learning abroad. To participate in the program, it was necessary to pass TOEFL no less than 61 points, as well as have good grades for the last 3 years of school. I study in the specialty World History. If a student is studying on the humanitarian direction, he must take 2 scientific subjects, and if the student mainly teaches science, he must take 2 humanitarian objects. In addition to the main subjects, I can take electrical courses from different areas of knowledge. Either you can become Double Major, then it is possible to get 2 education at once.

American education is distinguished by the detail of the subject. In each half of the year you take 5-6 items, but learn these items in very detailed, which allows you to really understand the subject, its essence and purpose. The essence of American education is self-education: the student reads the textbooks at home, teaches, preparing for a lesson, and in the lesson, together with the teacher, you understand the read material. The teacher explains that it is not clear, the teacher is a consultant. There are no lectures familiar to us, and most importantly - this is the ability to analyze and assume, and not to memorize or tool, as is customary with us. Therefore, I have to retrain. It is difficult to learn, but interesting.

Another positive education thing in the United States is that if, after studying for half a year, you realized that you do not like your specialty, you can change more, or add new courses, or remove them. Teachers are beautiful, competent, try to diversify the lesson, help the student in any situation, it is clearly explained by the material, at any time you can work with them as with tutoring. You can take various sports classes. Now I am doing fitness, and in the next semester I plan to Art of Dance on which I will study different types Dancing and their history.

There are many foreign students from all countries in the university, people are very positive, responsive, smiley, at any moment ready to help you that I was very surprised. I live in a hostel, in a room with one girl, and we divide the bathroom with two other girls. Everything is clean, there are no problems. On the campus two canteens, with a large selection of food.

If you finish school and think about studying in the US, do not be afraid! But know what you have to learn all day and do a lot homework. Although learning and hard, but interesting, and you will spend the strength of the things you need.

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Nikita Maksimov, 22 years

What do I like at the university? Everything! As soon as I arrived at the university - the eyes began to scatter. Here everything is like films, pictures and books: Students lie on the grass, eat, communicate, read books. The Big Campus University is located next to the park, and the stream breaks the university buildings into two halves. Somewhere nearby guys play volleyball. Once a month, the university suits free BBQ, where all students can gather and spend time at the dinner.

I study in Australia on a psychologist. Initially there is a colossal difference in the education system of Russia and Australia. In Russia, I graduated from a bachelor's economy, although knowledge in the field of economics, to be honest, not very much left. This is not because I am stupid or lazy, but because the learning system is radically different. In Russia, you can not go to classes a whole semester, prepare for the exam, get your triple and relax. Here, in Australia, you feel that the task of the teacher give you knowledge and understanding of the subject. I am learning only 1 semester, but feelings, I am a much better psychologist here than an economist in Russia.

In our training, a lot of practice: students are divided into groups and give fascinating tasks to consolidate the knowledge gained. Each teacher has its own methodology for holding and accrualing points. For example, the lecturer to the Health Behavior object, during the semester, every week gave us a home test, consisting of ten questions, during the execution of which you can use the Internet, textbooks and other sources. For each spelled test, we gained certain "loans", which are accrued as the subject passing. Therefore, we can successfully pass the semester, you can only working hard on pairs, repeating the material of the house, and writing a good final test.

Teachers are held here professionally, setting a sample of behavior and an example for imitation. They are always ready to answer any question and help with any problem. From the first semester, we are already taught how to "be psychologists". What to do, what not to do, how to look at the client, how to keep posture, how to report time and so on. What did I go on the first semester of the economy? Theory, theory, and once again the theory .... In my opinion, it is the attitude of teachers and manners of training that are key components of the successful educational system of the university.

Initially, I chose training in the cities of Perth or Melbourne. Perth is a quiet city in the western part of the mainland. Melbourne is the cultural capital of Australia, where concerts, festivals and other events are constantly underway. In my choice played the role of the city's location. From Melbourne in a clock availability by plane, such cities like Sydney, Canberra and Gold Coast. Thanks huge amount Parks, gardens and boulevards Melbourne is very often called "Garden Garden", and Victoria Staff is known as the "State of Gardens" since the XIX century. Having lived 22 years in Russia, you understand that our cities lack sometimes green, which I find here.

At the end of the training, I plan to work or a private psychologist or children. Working with children will not let you get bored, and the work of a private psychologist promises more interesting possible to promote career.

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Sergey Zemchikhin

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