Sociological questionnaire on the topic of professional motivation of the teacher. Analysis of the experience of teachers to improve the subjects for subjects

Olesya Pereliagin
Project "Russian Birch"


A huge role of B. environmental education Children playing research in nature. Children living in the city are rarely communicated with nature, so you need to start with acquaintance with the objects of the nature of the nearest environment, with which the child faces every day. Famous words songs: "Where does the homeland begins?"

With rivers, with sandy shores, with an inconspicuous tubercle on the clearing, with a family, from a little courtyard, where we live, and maybe it starts with that berezkiwhich grows on our territory kindergarten, in the yard of our house?

In the people called birch - Beauty of Russian forests. Birch - The most revered and favorite tree of our ancestors is great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers. She was considered a happy tree that protects from evil, brings peace. Health and welcome. Birch Always planted next to the house for the well-being of the whole family, to protect against disease, for beauty, for clean air, so that the birds fly and sang their beautiful songs.

Therefore, in our time, it is very important to help the child see the unique beauty of our nature.


K. Children russian culturevia environmental education.


1. Expand the ideas about the most honored tree in Russia - Bereza, about the meaning of it in the life of a person.

2. To acquaint with stories, with verses, songs, riddles about Birch;

3. Develop cognitive interest, creative imagination, thinking. but.

4. Educating love for russian nature, careful attitude towards her.

Expected Result:

Formed representation of u. children:

About Birch, as the most revered tree in Russia, about what colors, images, melodies are embodied Birch;

On the relationships of birch with live and inanimate nature;

About the benefits of birch, about careful attitude towards nature.

Participants: Children, teachers

Forms and methods of work: Node, observation, musical leisure,

Preliminary work: Observation in nature, viewing illustrations, reading fiction, memorizing poems, conversations, didactic, moving and finger games, physical attacks.

Preparatory stage:

1. Studying the level of knowledge of children on the topic and determination of these knowledge.

2. Conversations, stories, individual work with children, musical and rhythmic classes.

4. Selection of methodical and fiction.

The main stage:

Node: "Love birches of rskov» ;

Excursion K. birch on the environmental trail;

Conversations O. bereza.

Consider illustrative material on the topic.

theme: "Love birch - Russian» .

Memorizing poems.

Reading art literature:

Selection of mysteries, proverbs, sayings, will take bereza.

Wall - printed games; didactic games; outdoor games.

Scheme of work in project:

Game activity:

Wallpaper - printed games: "Forest", "What grows in the forest?", "Fourth extra".

Didactic games: "Pick up the word" (by the way birch, "What birch (selection of adjectives, "Come up with single words", "Find a tree by description", "From seed in a tree", "Compare", "Guess the plant", "What is superfluous?", "Useful - harmful", "Tell me something" etc.

Outdoor games: "Find the same sheet", "Find a couple", "Who quickly


Explore poems:

S. Yesenin "White birch» ,

F. Tyutchev "First sheet",

A. Prokofiev "Love birches Russian» .

Viewing paintings;

Conversation: "What I know about Birch."

Heading proverbs, sayings


Selection and artistic literature bereza;

P. Voronko " Birch"- reading a poem;

S. Yesenin "White birch"- memorizing a poem;

K. POUST "GIFT" - reading a book.


"Song about the Motherland" (Sl. E. Caraseva, Muses. V. Elenek);

"In the field birch stood"- Singing without accompaniment (Rus. Nar. Melody);

"Ah yes birch"- Horovod (music. T. Popatenko).

Fine activity:

Drawing using unconventional equipment on the theme: "Love birch - Russian» .


1. Entertainment: "Love birches Russian» .

2. Competition "We read poems about birch» .

Sales project"Love birch - Russian» He taught preschoolers to compare, analyze, draw conclusions. Children acquired new experience Search and Research

Olga Vetlova (Golovinova)

Project activity« I love the birch of Russian»

Vetlova O. V., Educator SP "Kindergarten "Rouh" GBOU SOSH No. 1 G. Pokhvistnevo Samara region.

Considering trees in the park, children asked:

Why birch is called Berezoy?

What role is playing birch in man's life?

In order to find answers to these questions, we decided to acquire knowledge from various sources:

c) take advantage of internet materials

Then analyze the facts received, to express their own judgments.

The project contributed to the development of creative and intellectual thinking of preschoolers.


Nowadays, when the child communicates very little with nature, and his free time The computer, television and other achievements of technical progress, is increasing, the child accumulates a negative experience of attitudes towards nature. It acts in nature thoughtlessly, makes negative acts towards living beings, does not respond to the comments of peers and adults. Interest in the study of nature superficial, the child does not show a desire to care for plants and animals and does not know how to do it. Therefore, it is very important to help the child see the uniqueness, the integrity of nature, teach her to love her, respect, cause a desire to communicate with her.

Children who feel nature: Breathing of plants, flowers flavors, rustling of herbs, birds singing, will no longer be able to destroy this beauty. On the contrary, they have a need to help live this creation, love them, communicate with them. From the very birth, the child is a discoverer, a researcher of that world that surrounds it. And especially a child preschooler.

Chinese proverb person: "Tell me - and I will forget, show - and I will remember, let me try and I will understand". So the child absorbs everything firmly and for a long time, when hears, sees and does himself.


Insufficient knowledge of children about the most honored tree in Russia - Bereza, about her health, economic and aesthetic meaning in human life.

A type project: Cognitive-research.

Duration project: Short-term, 2 weeks

Participants project.

Children senior group, their parents, group teachers, Dow specialists.

By number of participants: Group (senior group)

Subject of study: Birch.

Essence the project isso that while walking through the territory of the kindergarten, in the forest with parents, children could learn more about berezach: to find birch near the site, follow changes in her life; discuss observable: What a mood at the tree, from which it depends, how the tree takes care of children. In the process of observations, children draw, compile fairy tales, participate in games, listen to music, dance.

Children get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat paints, images, melodies are embodied birchWhy this tree is so readable in Russia.

The purpose of the adult in work on project: Formation began ecological culture in children of senior preschool age.

The purpose of children in work on project:

Purchase knowledge about the most revered tree in Russia - Bereza, about her health, economic and aesthetic meaning in human life.

Adult tasks in work on project:

1. Expand the presentation of children about the most honored tree in Russia - Bereza, about her meaning in life man

2. To form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between birch with the environment.

3. To acquaint with verses, songs, riddles about Birch.

4. Develop in children cognitive activity.

5. Intensify and enrich the dictionary.

6. Rise love for russian nature, relationship to her.

The tasks of children in work on project:

1. Purchase knowledge of Birch, as a revered tree in Russia, about her meaning in life man: Improving, aesthetic, economic.

2. To deepen the idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationships of living and inanimate

Estimated result:

Formed representation of u. children: about Birch, as a revered tree in Russia, in which paints, images, melodies are embodied Birch; On the relationships of birch with live and inanimate nature; The benefits of trees and birch in particular.

Preparatory stage:

Prepare natural material for children's activities;

Pick up children's and pedagogical literature, paintings, gramzapsy, didactic games, etc.;

Make a screen O. medical properties birch"Healing Lukoshko".

Spend a cycle of observation cycle berezoy, discuss the observed phenomena, bring them into an album in the form of drawings, photos, stories;

Based on the observed to conduct comprehensive and generalizing activities that expand the submission of children about bereza;

Suggest parents with children to make crafts from berests., come up with a fairy tale about bereza.

Sales project

1. Education area "Cognition":

* Conversation "The beauty of nature is invaluable"

purpose: give children to understand that you can not buy for any money beautiful tree. It needs to be planted and put a lot of effort so that it does not die, but grown and grown. Educate love I. careful attitude towards nature.

Conversation "Tree relationship with live and inanimate nature".

purpose: deepen the idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationships of living and inanimate

nature and factors that affect the vital activity of birch.

Story teacher "Single tree".

purpose: to acquaint children with how simple russians People showed interest in russian birch, composed about her poems, songs, drove dance, celebrated holiday « Russian birch» . Educate love k russian Berezov, restaurant to her.

Conversation "What benefits bring trees? How did birch used in antiquity? "

purpose: Test children to understand what trees have great value In human life. To acquaint with how Berez was used in antiquity.

« I love birch Russian» .

purpose: Continue to form the interest of children to the native nature, to summarize the knowledge of Birch. Expand the presentation of children about the image of birch in poetry, music, works visual arts. Educate love k russian birch.

* D / and: "Find leaves birch» , "Finish the phrase", "PREPARY "Words- kindergarten"», "Who is friends with birch, "What first, that then"

* Choice berezki On the territory of the kindergarten.

* Observation by external signs and distinctive features birch.

* Sleeping crosswords.

* Research berests under a magnifying glass.

Educational region "Physical education"

1. Morning gymnastics "Hike B. birch grove» .

2. Moving games: "Run K. bereza» , "Who is bigger collect mushrooms Podberezovikov» , "Wreath" (of birch, "Who quickly birch kidney will gather» .

Education area "Reading fiction"::

Resection russian folk fairy tale"As a goat built a hut";

Memorizing poem A. Prokofiev « I love the bircke of Russian ...»

Reading the story E. Tymoshenko "Christmas Falls".

Educational region "Art Creativity":

Painting - « I love the birch of Russian» , « Birch Grove» ;

Applique - "Twig birch» ;

Manual labor - "White birch» ;

Horics - "In the field birch stood» , « White birch» ;

Consider the reproduction of paintings by V. N. Burtseva "Blue Spring", I. E. Grabar "February azure";

Educational Oblast "Music"

1. Hearing "Ah you, Birza" Rakhverger.

2. Singing "Song about the Motherland" Words E. Carasevoy, Music V. Elinke.

3. Horics "In Gold Berozon" Words and Music of Vikhareva, "Ay, yes Berezka" Music T. Popatenko

4. Singing without escort r. n. m. "In the field Berezona stood"

4. Cooperation with children and parents:

Cyclic observations berezoy;

Drawing up creative stories "Tale O. bereza» ,

Making albums « Berezonka»

Conversations for round table "Healing Lukoshko".

5. Outcome:

Album design « Berezonka» with children's drawings and fairy tales;

Entertainment for children "Holiday russian birch» ;

Exhibition of crafts out berests."Dad, Mom, I - Create Miracles".

Recorded by the teacher of the Vetal Olga Vladimirovna from the words of children.

Passing all the stages of the study, the children came to conclusion:

I now understand how valuable tree birch. - said Sasha E.

I know O. healing properties birch. My grandma drank tea with birch kidney from a cold. - said Dasha E.

Of birch Deli and make toys. I helped to do from birch of the train. - said Kolya O.

I viewed with a magnifying glass beresto And saw small holes (Lentichki) through which birch breathes. - said Polina E.

Following the work it was noted:

1. Enhancing the level of environmental culture in children and their parents.

2. Development in children of cognitive interest in the nature of the nearest environment, in particular, to the tree bereza.

3. Development of research, practical activities during project« I love the birch of Russian» .

4. Strengthening parental cooperation with a kindergarten.


Sales of this project He taught preschoolers to compare, analyze, draw conclusions. Children acquired a new experience of search and research. In the process of working on project Preschoolers considered fading birch, noted its role like medicinal raw materials; We studied the miraculous effect of leaves on human health. Based on the study came to conclusion: It is necessary to save and carefully refer to the symbol of Russia - birchBecause it is beautiful and curative.

The project He contributed to the development of creative and intellectual thinking of preschoolers, the ability to acquire knowledge from various sources, analyze the facts, to express their own judgments.

USED \u200b\u200bBOOKS

1. Kiseleva L. S., Danilina T. A. « Design Method in the activities of the DOU ".

2. Bogoyeva Z. A. "Wonderful crafts from paper".

3. Prokhorov L. N. Environmental education preschoolers. -M. Arcta, 2003.

4. Solomennikova O. A. Environmental education in kindergarten.

5. Ushakova O. D. Riddhas, counting and tongue Twisters: Schoolboy dictionary. -Spb. Publishing House "Lite", 2007.

6. Shoryigina T. A. Trees. What are they? Publishing Gnome and D, 2006.

7. Maslennikova O. M., Filippenko A. A. "Environmental projects in childhood

Pedagogical project for children preparatory school group

Titlebany Birch -

The symbol of my motherland.

There is no village of another

Heart of Russian mile.

N. Merkushova

White birch - Russian tree, symbol of beauty of Russian nature, symbol of Russia, it is beautiful at any time of the year. From a long time, the songs were told about her, drove round dances around it, proverbs, riddles, poems and fairy tales composed. Many artists depicted a birch on their canvases, and composers devoted their best songs to birch.

The task of the educator is to form aesthetic attitude to this wonderful tree, to expand the ideas about him, to bring up a sense of pride in nature, to cause a desire to communicate with nature, to provide all-in-law assistance in its protection.

Project type.

On dominant activity:




By the time: long-term (monthly during the school year).

By the nature of the design: MBDOU № 6 "Chamomile", families of pupils.

Participants: children preparatory group, teachers, parents.


Expansion of the head of the preschooler;

Improving the quality of spiritual and moral education;

The formation of a single educational space, including DOU and the family;

Realization of the creative abilities of the staff of the DOU and families of students.


Education of Love to Nature native region, the desire to maintain it;

Upbringing patriotic feelings;

Develop the goals of classes aimed at creating knowledge about Russian birch;

Raising parental competence.


Develop cognitive interest, thinking, creative imagination and communicative skills;

Extension affordable material;

Intensify speech, expand the dictionary;

Develop creative skills children;

Actively attract parents.

Forms of project implementation:

Cognitive-game immediate educational activities;


Target walks;


Work in the dow plot;

Production of crafts out natural material;

Fixation of observations (sketching, modeling, applique);

Manufacture of posters;

Work with parents

The specifics of working with children lies in the fact that it is carried out not only in the Dow and on its plot, in the square, park, library, etc.

To clarify the relationship of children to a specific object and verification of knowledge, didactic games, riddles, quiz, visual activities, conversations with children are used.

The role of teachers is to organize and carry out educational and educational work on project implementation, organization collaboration in this area. The analysis of the project execution.

Work with children is the following:

Identify the knowledge of children about Russian birch;

Memorizing poems, sweatshops, songs, rounds, folk adoption, mysteries;

Excursions to Square, Park, Alley;

Viewing paintings, illustrations;

Holding didactic games;

Organization of visual activities;

Organization of work;

Fixation of observations;

Collection of material to create a mini-museum.

Parents assist in the organization:

Excursions in the park, forest;

Collection of exhibits for a mini-museum;

Holiday "Holy Trinity";

Reading fiction for children.


Expands the ideas of children about nature, its meaning in a person's life;

Increases the level of pedagogical culture of parents;

Forms such moral concepts as love for the Motherland, pride for its natural wealth;

Develops in children the initiative, intelligence, the need to communicate with nature.

Organizational forms of work on the project

"Russian Birch - Symbol of Russia"

Work forms

Methods of work

Direct educational activities

1. The story of the teacher about therapeutic properties of birch, acquaintance with folk signs, proverbs, sayings.

2. Conversation about mushrooms (boomeship, chaga and others), their use. Salt dough modeling "Podberezovik".

3. Drawing watercolor "Golden Birch".

4. Reading "Birch Forest" I.Bunin.

5. Conversation on the picture "Birch Grove" A.I.Kyujji.

6. The story of the teacher "Healing Tree of Birch."

7. Exhausting by heart the poem of S.Senin "White Birch".

8. Creative told "Birch and her friends."

9. Drawing on the poem "White Birch" S. Yesenin.

10. Joint activities of the educator and children on the topic "What I know about Birch."

11. Reading "Birch Flower" M. Privine.

12. Opening of the Mini Museum "Russian Birch - Symbol of Russia".

13. Gaming activity:

    Exercises With birch chiochki.

    Verbal games "Make an offer with the word "Birch","Pick up your native word" (selection of single-damned words).

    Didactic games "Find an extra object", "pick up a couple."




during a year


in city park

1. Watching trees in the summer park.

2. Collecting leaves for herbarium.

3. Exhausting the poem "I love the birch of Russian" A. Prokofiev.

Target Walk

1. Observation of autumn birch in the square of railway workers.

2. Observation of the winter birch on the alley.



"The Holy Trinity"


    outdoor games

    reading poems

    dramatic game

Quiz "Russian Birch"

    using small folklore forms

    cognitive games

Labor on earth

    Cleaning leaves on the dow area. Collecting leaves for herbarium

    Sowing plants. Extruding seedlings of flowers.

may June

Production of crafts from birch and natural leaves

Drawing up a panel with various patterns from birch leaves and natural material.


The evening of birch mysteries using small folklore forms, dance, moving games.

Fixation of observations of birch

    Production of herbarium.

    Birch sketch, birch leaves, birch branches with earrings.

Manufacture of posters

Drawing a poster "Save the Russian Birch".

Work with parents

    Folder-mobile "All about Russian Birch".

    Parent-teacher meeting.

    Walking with children in nature.

    Collection of material for mini-museum "Russian Birch - Symbol of Russia".

    Preparation of the holiday "Holy Trinity".



Perspective project plan
"Russian Birch - Symbol of Russia"


Excursion to the city park, observation of birch.

Collecting leaves for herbarium and manual labor.

Movable game "Find your tree."

The memorization of the poem A. Prokofiev "I love the birch of Russian."


The story of the teacher about therapeutic properties of birch.

Acquaintance with Russian folklore dedicated to Russian birch (proverbs, sayings, riddles, songs).

Conversation about mushrooms, the viewing of mushrooms of stabber and chaga, repetition of mysteries about mushrooms.

Target Walk to Square, observation of autumn birch.

Drawing watercolor "Golden Birch".

Parent meeting, acquaintance with the project.


Reading: "Birch Forest" I.Bunin.

Salt dough modeling "Support".

Conversation in the picture A.I. Queenji "Birch Grove".

Work on the plot, collecting leaves.

The learning of the dance "in the field of Bereza stood."

Production of folder-mobile for parents of pupils "All about Russian birch".


The story of the teacher "Valuable Tree - Birch". Acquaintance with the objects of life from Berestov and products of processing birch wood, leaves, mushrooms.

Making crafts from birch leaves (Panel "Autumn carpet").

Using the song-dance "Ah yes, birch!"

Didactic game According to cards "Make an offer with the word" Birch ".


Winter birch observation on the dow plot.

Exploring the poem "White Birch" S. Yesenin.

Drawing "White Birch" on the poem of S. Yesenin.

The hearing of the song "Birch" performed by S. Belakova and the "Lube" ensemble.


Drawing up by children of creative stories "Birch and her friends".

Drawing posters "Save the Russian Birch".

Presentation of the didactic game "Collect a couple."


Quiz "Russian Birch" (use of small folklore forms).

Observation of the birch on the dow plot, reading the children of the poem "White Birch" S. Yesenin.

Verbal game "Pick up your native word" (selection of single-damned words to the word "birch").

Production of herbarium.


Reading: "Christmas trees" E. Tymoshenko.

Complex team work Children and educators for the design of exhibits for a mini-museum.

Didactic game on "Find an extra object" cards.


Reading: "Birch flowers" M. Svtain.

Production of a "birch grove" layout.

Collection and design of exhibits for the Mini Museum "Russian Birch - Symbol of Russia" (participants: educators, children, parents).

Labor on earth.

Observation of the spring birch.

Collection and design of materials for the mini-museum.

Drawing watercolor "May Earrings gives her ..."

Labor on earth.

Opening of the Mini Museum "Russian Birch - Symbol of Russia".


Holiday "Holy Trinity" (use of small folk forms, reading poems, dance around birch, game-dramatization).

Labor on earth.

The result of project activities

Expands the ideas about the native nature.

Forms aesthetic attitude towards Russian birch.

Develops the need to communicate with nature, provide all-in-government assistance.

The interest of parents to the project.

Organization of pedagogical search through the implementation of innovative forms.

In the old days, the Slavs began in the year not in winter, but in the spring, so he was met with a fir, but birch. Berza called the "Tree of Four Del." The first thing is to cover the world, the second case is a cry to console, the third business is to heal patients, the fourth - Chmstot to observe. The objectives of the pret - acquaintance with birch as a symbol, the national tree of Russia, the development of cognitive interests, the formation of ideas in children about the life of the plant, education of environmentally competent behavior in nature.



Project "Birch Russian My"


It is known from the ancient chronicle that during the time when Slavs believed in forest, water and heavenly spirits, they had the main goddess named Bereginy, the mother of all spirits and all wealth on earth. And they worshiped her in the image of a sacred white tree - birch. In the ancient arch of beliefs, customs, conspiracy words of Berez takes a special place. In the old days, the Slavs began in the year not in winter, but in the spring, so he was met with her fir, but birch. Berezu was called the "Tree of Four Del": "The first thing - the world is covered, the second business is a cry of screaming, the third business is to heal the patients, the fourth business is to comply with the purity."

Familiarization of children with the traditions of the Russian people and their preservation is the matter of the greatest importance.


Insufficient knowledge of children about birch, as a symbol of Russia.

Failure to comply with the rules of environmentally friendly behavior, including in families of children.

Neon understanding of the importance of the education of Russian culture in children and the preservation of ancient original Russian traditions.

Purpose: Familiarization of senior preschoolers with birch as a symbol of Russia.


Introduce a birch as a symbol of the country, a national tree;

Develop in children cognitive interest, the desire to observe, explore, receive new knowledge;

To form ideas about the life of a plant, its development and communication with other living organisms;

Educating environmentally friendly behavior, the desire to protect and take care of nature.

Forms of work:

Teacher's activities:


Cognitive teacher stories;


Reading fiction literature (fairy tales, stories, poems, proverbs, patterings);

Using an illustrative material (posters, scene pictures, cards, postcards, etc.);


Children's activities:


Speech games, descriptive stories;

Didactic games with subject pictures;

Game on the model of the structure of the tree;

Outdoor games;

Games with a ball;

Artistic and productive activities (applique, drawing, modeling, manual work)


Interaction with parents of pupils:

Practical tasks;

Joint events

Preparatory and analytical steps - September.

The main stage - October - April.

Presentation stage - May.

On the preparatory Stage Work was planned with parents and children.

Approved the plan further work, outlined and discussed upcoming events.

The analytical stage was to analyze the work carried out at the preparatory stage, the algorithm of actions was drawn up, distributed duties and instructions. Active collecting information in literature and the Internet was conducted.

The main stage of the work


Labor landing.


Topic: "Bereza is a symbol of Russia."

Excursion to the autumn park "Meeting with Russian Beauty"

Hearing "Ah, You, Birch", Russian People's Melody, Processing Raewverga.

Preparation of birch hemps and sleeps.

Give knowledge about the symbol of the Slavic Cult of Russia - Birch; become acquainted with customs and rites, rituals associated with birch; attach to Russian folk culture; expand vocabulary children; raise love for homeland.

Expand the ideas about the subjects and phenomena of nature; describe the characteristic features of familiar plants; develop cognitive interest; Educating love for nature.

Develop vocabulary to determine the nature of the musical work. Enrich the impressions of children and form a musical taste.


"Birch Rhapsodia" - the manufacture of panels on the birch cut.

Experimentation "Consider Berriesh under a magnifying glass"

Horticulture "in Gold Berezonka", words and music of Vikhareva.

Teach children to create volumetric compositions; improve the visual technique; Develop composite skills.

Give children an idea that white color The bark is Betulin. Horizontal stripes pass throughout Berrés - it is lentils through which oxygen is undergoing. Beresta consists of several layers - these are tracked cells.

Stimulate the formation of musical abilities. Promote the manifestation of activity and independence.


Meaning the poem of S. Yesenin "White Bereza"

Experimentation "Which side breathe leaves? "

Forming the ability to expressively, with natural intonations to read poems; Relieve sensitivity to artistic words.

Learn to put a search for a search task, put forward assumptions; Find out with children, from which side of the leaf into the plant penetrates the air.


Observation of birch on a walk.

Singing "Song about the Motherland" Words E. Caraseva, Music

Experimentation "The effect of light and temperature on the life of plants"

Continue to get acquainted with the tree, which became the symbol of Russia; Educating love and careful attitude towards the surrounding nature.

Expand the presentation of children about the system of needs of living organisms in optimal temperature, light, about the overall dependence of their state from compliance with the environment.



Topic: "Home Doctor"

K. POUST "GIFT" - reading a book.

Experimentation "Water in the life of plants"

Singing without the maintenance of the Russian folk song "In the field Berezonka stood."

Forming O. medicinal plants, rules of their collection, storage and use; develop cognitive activity, thinking, attention; Rail interest in nature.

Develop the interest of children to cognitive literature; To form the ability to listen carefully and interest the stories.

Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need of plants in water.

Secure the ability to sing alone, individually and collectively.


Memo "Take care of a green friend"

Album "I love Russian beauty"

P. Voronko "Bereza" - Reading a poem

Experimentation of "Life cycle of plants"

Dissemination of environmental knowledge among parents.

Deepening the ideas of children about Birch; expansion of the head of the preschooler; Education of love for nature.

Develop the ability to carefully listen to the poem; To form the ability to listen in the rhythm and the melon of the poetic text; Educating love for nature.

Expand the view of the main phases life cycle Plants.



Topic: "Symbolism of our Russia"

Observation of blooming birch on a walk.

Consultation "Berezkina Tears"

Friendship of children's drawings "White Bereza"

Horror "Ay, yes, birch! ", Music T. Potapenko.

Expand the presentation of children about features geographic location Russia, to introduce children with symbols of Russia; form the initial ideas about the origin of the modern state coat of arms, about his functional purpose; repeat knowledge about the symbolic value of the color of the Russian flag; Develop attention, thinking, speech; enrich the dictionary of children (lagging, anthem, flag, spear); Rise love to his native debris, a sense of pride in Russia.

Clarify the ideas about the growth and development of the plant; Develop interest in independent observation of familiar plant.

Expansion of environmental knowledge among parents.

Cause interest in creating an expressive image of birches; Learning to combine different image techniques characteristic features Birchi; Develop a feeling of color.

Project Product:

Mini Museum "Bereza-Bereginya" (created together with children and parents): Panel on a cut of birch, the album "I love Russian beauty", products from Berestov, literature about Birch, paintings;

Friendship of children's drawings "White Bereza".