How is a college different from a technical school? And what is the difference between secondary vocational education and technical education? Which is higher: college or technical school.

A school graduate and his parents are faced with a difficult task: where to go to study after receiving a general education? To college or university?

Today when higher education has ceased to be the lot of the most capable and talented, it is considered "indecent" not to have a diploma of graduation from a university or institute. But is it really important to have a higher education in the process of applying for a job and in a professional career? Do all university graduates easily get a job and then work in their specialty?

Consider the pros and cons of college and university options.

Going to college is much easier. Not taken into account when enrolling USE results, entrance exams are not passed, with the exception of specialties that require applicants to have certain creativity, physical and psychological qualities. College admission is based on grade 9 or 11 grade point average. If you can find data on the average passing grade at your chosen college for previous years, you can easily calculate your chances of admission.

In college, student learning and progress is supervised by faculty members. And expulsion will not come as a surprise to parents, as is often the case when studying at the university. This argument will be decisive for parents whose children are not devoid of talents, but not yet overly responsible.

Getting a specialty in college takes place in a shorter period of time. Graduates of 9th grade study 3-4 years, 11th grade - 2-3 years.

If you plan on getting a fee-paying education, then college is naturally the cheaper option.

College study at to a greater extent based on getting professional experience, industrial practice is required. As a result, the college graduate is better prepared for the job.

It is easier for college graduates to find work, since blue-collar specialties are always in demand. This is especially true at the present time, since there is an acute shortage of qualified workers in the labor market.

In college, you can get part-time or evening education, distance learning is possible. Simultaneously with the training, the student can get a job.

College can be a stepping stone to higher education. If your chosen college has entered into a cooperation agreement with the university, then the graduate can be enrolled in 3-4 courses. In this case, the results of final exams are taken into account, and not the results of the exam.

The disadvantages of studying in college include, firstly, the lack of military departments, therefore, after graduating from an educational institution, a graduate will certainly serve in the army.

Secondly, there is a possibility that after receiving a profession and starting to work, a college graduate will never think about continuing his education at a university.

Thirdly, the undoubted disadvantage is the biased public opinion in relation to graduates of secondary educational institutions.

Fourth, the size of the scholarship, which is half the amount of the university one.

Fifth, college students tend to come from completely different social groups, including disadvantaged ones. A student from a good family may be influenced by them.

The following can be said about the advantages of higher education.

In the process of training, students of higher educational institutions get acquainted with a wide range general education disciplines. All specialties, including natural science and technical, provide courses in history, political science, social studies, foreign language, taught by highly qualified teachers. This helps to broaden the horizons.

Higher education is undoubtedly highly regarded by employers, all other things being equal.

With a higher education diploma and young man there will be an opportunity to continue studying or even do science. He can continue his studies in the magistracy, graduate school, get additional qualifications, study in business education programs.

If there is a military department at the university, the graduate is released from the obligation to do military service.

But at the same time, studying at a university is accompanied by many problems.

It is difficult to enter a university, it is necessary to pass several subjects on a single state exam, which requires a lot of effort from the school graduate and his parents and in itself is a great stress. In addition, when choosing a paid education, the cost of education will be significantly higher than in a college.

In particular, graduates tend to lack professional skills and find it more difficult to adapt to the workplace. It is often said that a university graduate has an education, but no profession.

The only way for parents to monitor a child's learning is through the results of the session. Students in universities are given a lot of freedom and irresponsible young people can take advantage of this.

University graduates often face the problem of finding a job, as the market is oversaturated with specialists with higher education. In addition, the lack of professional experience affects. A lot of graduates do not work in their specialty, and thus the time of study at the university is simply wasted.

In any case, the choice remains with the applicant and his parents. But it is important to note that in all respects, a college graduate is better prepared for real life... He has a better chance of finding a job in his specialty. In addition, it is never too late to get a higher education, because there are correspondence and evening forms of study, which can be easily combined with professional activities.

Education, as always, remains valuable - every employer needs qualified personnel to work. However, in order to successfully get a job, it is not at all necessary to go to university and receive a diploma. Today, graduates of colleges, technical schools and colleges have every chance to succeed in their careers. As a rule, after the 9th grade, they have the opportunity to study in good and respectable colleges in Moscow. Entering colleges and technical schools after the 9th grade, finishing them, after starting work, they quickly replenish their baggage of theoretical and practical knowledge, many of the graduates have great opportunity study at the university by correspondence.

It is known that colleges abroad are considered to be something prestigious and expensive. Today, even in our country, along with the usual technical schools and colleges, such educational institutions are opening more and more often. Are there such significant differences between them?

Let's note a few common parameters for these educational institutions.
1. Both colleges and technical schools can be attributed to the 1-2 stages of accreditation, which means that upon graduation, students are given the opportunity get the title of associate specialist and bachelor.

2. The conditions for admission of applicants can be approximately the same: after graduation, applicants take exams, in which for admission to the school it is necessary to type the right amount points. Education, which is carried out by a student after grade 9, as a rule, should be free of charge. If a person graduated from grade 11 and could not score the required number of points, then he can be transferred to a school or technical school for a paid department.

3. It is believed that college after grade 9 provides more high level education, because there is a fundamental and intensive training of students. and other cities of the country have an expanded range of opportunities: after the 9th grade, after graduating from college, students can get several professions at once, and the efforts of the teaching staff are working on retraining specialists, as well as research work.

Today, highly skilled labor is considered to be in high demand all over the world. The former vocational schools of vocational schools are given new names: some acquire the name of a vocational lyceum, while others become vocational schools.

Many vocational schools are currently reorganizing into higher vocational schools. After that, the graduate of the vocational school received secondary vocational education, as well as a working qualification.

How valuable are college, secondary and college diplomas after grade 9? Everything can depend on the needs of the employer. However, for graduates of schools, colleges in Moscow, professional lyceums, regardless of the profile of education, there is an invariable requirement for high professionalism.

And so, to summarize:

College and technical school

Colleges and technical schools are one and the same. With one "but": in technical school you will receive basic training, and in college more in-depth.

V Russian system education college is an educational institution of secondary vocational education and is actually synonymous with the word "technical school". The difference in the concepts of "college" and "technical school" is defined in the Model Regulations on educational institution secondary vocational education.

In college, you will be able to master the specialty of a technician, manager, lawyer, accountant, etc. You can be admitted to college after finishing 9 or 11 grades of school, after graduating from college or receiving secondary vocational education. The duration of college studies lasts 2-4 years, depending on the chosen profession. When you study in college, you get student status, student ID and a record book. Then you will be given a diploma of secondary specialized education in your chosen profession. After that you will be able to enter higher education educational institution and just as calmly get a job, but you will not rise high in the career ladder, since you will already need a higher education.

Schools (vocational schools)

In schools, you can get the specialty of a locksmith, assembler, hairdresser, electrician and others. These professions will be in demand at any time. Schools provide a basic level of knowledge, and in some of them it is not at all difficult to enter after the 9th grade of school. There is no need to pass entrance exams at the school - it is enough to write an application, so it is very easy to enter there. But there are also such schools in which from 2 to 3 people apply for one place, and you will have to pass an exam in order to pass the competitive selection. After graduating from college, you can go to work in your specialty and, like in colleges and technical schools, you are unlikely to rise high on the career ladder.

After graduating from vocational school, you receive a certificate of completed secondary education and a certificate of profession. This will not give you any benefits when entering a university, however, if you have sufficient experience in your specialty or have received a red diploma, the university will provide you with benefits.

To become a competent manufacturing or mid-level specialist, you need to get an education in a technical school or college. How do these educational institutions differ from each other?

Technical schools and colleges are secondary specialized educational institutions that provide secondary or primary vocational education. Admission to a secondary school is the shortest and the simplest way master the profession. Many 9th and 11th grade graduates choose between college and technical school, asking questions:

  1. How is a college different from a technical school?
  2. Technical school or college - which is better?
  3. Which is higher: college or college?
  4. What is the main difference between a college and a technical school? What is the difference between a college and a school? What is the difference between a technical school and a college?
  5. Is college a vocational school or a technical school?

Technical schools

These are colleges that implement the basic programs of secondary specialized education of the first, that is, the basic level. Training is aimed at the parallel development of knowledge and practical skills - they are given to Special attention... They study in technical schools for an average of three years. Educational process organized by the type of school, but the programs are deeper and focused on the development of a particular profession.

Technical schools train narrow-profile specialists and teach their students, as a rule, working specialties. Most of the graduates of technical schools are highly skilled workers with the category of "technicians". The rest are representatives of mental labor: accountants, managers, operators. A technical school diploma testifies to the availability of secondary vocational education.


These are colleges that conduct training in programs of secondary specialized education, not only of the basic, but also of the advanced level. In the educational plans of colleges, more time is allocated for the development of theoretical knowledge than for the acquisition of practical skills. The training lasts about four years. Typically, colleges are structural divisions of universities focused on preparing for successful admission to the second year of a higher educational institution in a specialty. Classes are organized according to the university scheme, which includes semesters, sessions, lectures, seminars, workshops.

To get a basic secondary vocational education, it is enough to graduate from college for three years. It will take a fourth year to complete advanced training. After graduation, diplomas of secondary vocational education are issued, and, depending on the training program, the qualification "senior technician" or "technician" is awarded.

College graduates have formal but more often tacit benefits and incentives for admission to universities that are assigned to their colleges.

Differences between technical schools and colleges

  1. Training period in colleges it is from 3 to 4 years, and in technical schools - 2-3 years.
  2. Implementation of educational programs in technical schools it is built according to the school model, in colleges - according to the university system.
  3. Level of training and qualifications awarded... Technical schools provide only basic, graduates acquire the qualification "technician"; colleges - basic and advanced, and graduates can obtain a qualification "senior technician" or another, higher than in technical schools.
  4. Orientation of training and choice of professions. In technical schools, the practical aspect of teaching predominates, since students master mainly working specialties. College education programs emphasize theoretical training, and the list of professions available to graduates contains many creative ones.

What's better

In colleges and schools, the range of training programs being implemented is the widest. Students can receive both primary vocational education (VET) and secondary vocational (SVE) basic or advanced level.

In technical schools, students acquire either basic vocational education or an NGO. In vocational schools, students master only primary vocational education. In lyceums, in addition to NGOs, they take a course of general (school) education. Thus, the level of education in colleges is higher than in technical schools, and the training programs are of better quality.

But there is no reason to say that college is definitely preferable. Basic CVE and vocational education programs in colleges and technical schools are designed according to general standards.

If, after studying in a secondary school, you intend to enter an institute, university or academy, it is best for you to study at a college at the university you have chosen to continue your education.

If, having received a diploma, you are going to start working, then a technical school is preferable for you. It’s faster and cheaper than going through college. In addition, vocational training programs for technical schools do not contain an excess of academic knowledge, which in practical work most likely will not be needed.

You can get a second education for various reasons. Someone wants to improve their qualifications and is studying areas related to their specialty. Someone is chasing prestige and a beautiful resume. And someone realizes that they made a mistake in their choice after school, and decides to turn in a completely different direction.

In any case, before you run to the admissions office, look at a different level. There are 3,500 secondary specialized educational institutions in Russia, the vast majority of which are state-owned. There are about the same number of colleges and technical schools among them.

Many, like universities and academies, offer the chance to receive education remotely. Almost every college or technical school has an evening department.

Why secondary specialized education can be better than higher education?


The time it takes you to complete your college degree is 3-4 years. In a technical school - 2-3 years. At the university - 4-6 years. When you are no longer 16, it makes no sense to spend another couple of years studying subjects that are not useful.

Specific specialty

If you decide to change your profession, secondary vocational education gives you more chances to get ready-made professional skills. The university gives more general knowledge, college and technical school are specific.


If you went to university after high school, you can go to college for free.

V Russian Federation guaranteed to be universally available and free of charge in accordance with federal state educational standards preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, secondary vocational education, as well as on a competitive basis free higher education if a citizen receives education of this level for the first time.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Even budget options you are not satisfied (for example, there are very few evening and part-time free departments), the cost of training will be lower than at a university.

Universities will cost 40–300 thousand rubles a year. Colleges - at 30-150. The specific price depends on the region, and on the specialty, and on the rating of the educational institution. But the price tag of the best college is about the same as the average college. But the choice of colleges, ready to teach you for 30-50 thousand, is many times greater.


The conditions of enrollment for obtaining a second education are different for each university and secondary school. But entrance tests in many colleges, especially evening classes, are effortless. Even the number of exams is less than that for a university.

According to statistics, last year only one out of ten applicants entered universities. In colleges, the rate is five to one.


After work, you pick up the child from kindergarten, stuck in traffic, heading to the store, running to the gym or second job. But now you are learning! You need to cancel everything and rush to the lecture. In history, if you study in the specialty "banking". Or physical education (and this subject is in almost all federal education programs). It's not even funny.

So, in the secondary school, the general subjects program is much simpler. Most of you do not even need to attend, just bring your first diploma and write the appropriate application. Moreover, special subjects are taught at a high level.

Accelerated Learning

After college, you have a new profession in your hands. And the opportunity to grow in it, to get at least a third or even a fourth higher, mastering accelerated programs of universities (in bachelor's degree) in parallel with a new job.


Colleges "train" students to work. Quantity practical training will go off scale, after the college you will come to workplace and calmly start to work.

Of course, we are talking about a good college. But you won't go bad, will you?


I already foresee a wave of comments: "All employers demand a higher education!" In fact, the employer is more willing to hire a person with work experience, albeit in a different field, and a college diploma, than a graduate of an eminent university who has seen work only in rare practices. And well-known colleges are listed no worse than many universities.

And now, for objectivity, let's talk about the cons.


Decide what you are looking for. If you want scientific work and in-depth study of a particular area, go to university. If you want a certificate, go to courses. If you need management skills, read books. You need to expect very concrete results from college and technical school, and not the ability to do everything at once. Secondary specialized education is still narrowly focused.


It's not about qualifications, experienced and knowledgeable people... But they were used to dealing with children who often came after ninth grade. It is more difficult for them to switch to adults, and this often leads to distortions. Evening students are sometimes expected to have 200% of attendance, or they are forced to draw posters and wall newspapers, or they threaten to give a grade lower, not realizing that no one will scold you at home for a C or C. Sometimes it is annoying, but it helps to remember childhood.

Is secondary vocational education right for you as a second?

After graduating from grade 9 or school, many graduates are faced with a choice: what to do next? Go to work or continue your education? And if you continue your education, then where: at a university, technical school or college? When choosing between a technical school and a college, which is better to choose? And in general, what is the difference between a college and a technical school?

After graduating from grade 9 or school, many graduates are faced with a choice: what to do next? Go to work or continue your education? And if you continue your education, then where: at a university, technical school or college? When choosing between a technical school and a college, which is better to choose? And generally speaking, how does college differ from a technical school?

What is the difference between college and technical school

In the Model Regulations on a secondary specialized educational institution (educational institution of secondary vocational education), a clear definition of such concepts as "college" and "technical school" is given:

  • college- secondary specialized educational institution that implements professional educational programs basic and advanced training;
  • - a specialized secondary educational institution that implements professional educational programs of basic training.

In other words, and technical school and college give basic knowledge in the chosen specialty. The only difference is that in college there is a mandatory emphasis on in-depth training in the specialty and therefore the learning process can last up to 4 years, while in technical school it can take up to 3 years.

It is also necessary to note one more imperceptible to the uninitiated, but a very significant difference between college and technical school. College graduates wishing to continue their education in a higher educational institution are more prepared than college graduates. This is explained not only by in-depth training in the specialty, but also by the fact that many colleges are based on the basis of universities. That is, in colleges very often lectures are given by university teachers, and final exams are equated with entrance exams to a higher educational institution. If the college is not based on a university, then it, as a rule, has a contractual relationship with a certain university, thanks to which college graduates are provided with benefits upon admission.

Which is better, technical school or college

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that technical schools are mainly engaged in training specialists of a professional basic level, that is, professional skilled workers. At the same time, colleges are engaged in the preparation of higher-class specialists, while the choice of specialties in the college is much wider than in technical schools.

Therefore, if you or your child cannot decide which is better technical school or college, you must first decide what you want. If your plans are limited to obtaining, albeit in demand, but a working specialty, then you can opt for a suitable technical school. If you plan not only to get a specialty, but also to continue further education, then it is best to choose a college.

In addition, when choosing between college and technical school, it is necessary to take into account the fact that colleges offer a greater variety of specializations, not only technical, but also creative or highly specialized (for example, designer, lawyer, etc.).

Where is it better to continue your education, at a university or college / technical school

When choosing between higher education, it is necessary to clearly understand that universities provide education based on theory, while colleges and technical schools focus on practice. In other words, after graduation, you will be a certified specialist, but without work experience, therefore, you will have to start your career in any company practically from scratch. But graduates of colleges and technical schools can apply for wages the appropriate level, since they will already have work experience and a sufficient level of knowledge behind them.