Which linoleum is good in quality. What linoleum is better for the apartment: class, base, thickness

Linoleum is one of the most sought-after flooring for residential buildings and office premises. There is nothing surprising in this, because it is inexpensive, it is characterized by ease of care. At the same time, the surface that is covered with linoleum, smooth, warm, resistant to abrasion.

Luxury material design

Attention!Linoleum has an impressive amount of advantages. They determine the popularity of this outdoor coating. It is important to properly approach the issue of the choice of material for the apartment, given its class and type.

Natural coating: pros and cons of this option

In addition to the usual synthetic linoleum, both naturally produced. In its manufacture, the fabric is used to be applied to a mixture of natural resins, linseed oil, wood flour, lime powder and pigments for the purchase of color. Such a coating is environmentally friendly. Its without fear of health is used in children's rooms. From the surface of the natural linoleum, contaminants are easily removed (even fatty, coloring substances), it does not lose color when hit sun rayhas bactericidal properties.

Natural components in the composition, superbly maintaining heat, have a beneficial effect on the human body. The surface is resistant to friction and sculpture on it. The only minus of natural linoleum is a high price.

Synthetic material: what it is what its features

Synthetic coverage has its own number of advantages: it is easily bent, durable, waterproof. A minus can become poor quality and toxicity of cheap materials. Therefore, when choosing a synthetic coating, a special value is particularly valid by its component composition and the presence of a quality certificate.

The synthetic coating is divided into homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Homogenic version

This type of linoleum is durable, with a dense homogeneous structure, but it does not have a basis. The rough surface eliminates the slip, it is not visible to light pollution. The duration of operation of a homogeneous coating is approximately 5 years, but if a special protective agent is applied, then this will extend the service life for another 2-3 years. The plus can be considered an acceptable price, a variety of shades and drawings, interesting design solutions.

Linoleum with the imitation of parquet

Minus - a relatively short service life, rapid abrasion, cracks on the surface may form. Supplies such a product in rolls whose width is 2, 3 or 4 meters. Sometimes linoleum is also found in the form of tiles, which is very convenient.

Heterogeneous option

It is distinguished by a complex structure, a multi-layer and soaked in a special paste of glass cholester, which increases strength and significantly prolongs the time of use. To improve the characteristics on upper layer Apply protective composition, preventing moisture from entering.

The mechanical substrate muffles the noise and becomes an additional floor insulation. Pluses of heterogeneous linoleum: durability, strength, softness, heat, high noise insulating properties.

Attention! C.asto people strive for originality by selecting the appropriate flooring. To do this, the heterogeneous linoleum is added metallic dust or stone crumb. The result is impressive.

Read also: - Texture selection, laying rules

Varieties of linoleuma

In turn, the heterogeneous coating is divided into domestic and commercial. The latter has higher performance than domestic, it is recommended to be used in kitchens, baths, hallways, that is, in rooms with extreme conditions, where the coating requires strength.

Light tones in the interior

Please note that the thicker coating, the higher its wear resistance, in the bedrooms it is allowed to sharpen the coating of thinner, and in places where it is constantly going - thicker.

Linoleum household is an interesting option for the house. He is in demand among those people for whom durability, environmental friendliness and warmth in the house. The coating has optimal sound insulation properties. At the same time, household coatings are affected by a variety of design. To any interior will be able to choose the appropriate option.

Linoleum does not withstand high temperatures, so it is undesirable to sharpen in rooms with the radiators close to the floor, furnaces. Care is reduced to wiping the surface with a damp cloth. Contraindicated application chemicalsSince the latter can cause a change in the color of the coating and damage the upper protective layer. The question arises, which linoleum is better for own apartment: household or semi-commercial.

Semi-dimensional linoleum and its characteristics

What is semi-commercial linoleum. Professionals recommend choosing this particular option instead of the usual household. The linoleum semi-commercial is the average odds between domestic and commercial.

This marks the average cost of the product, which becomes a significant advantage. Semi-commercial material is suitable for rooms with moderately high and normal patency. Such an outdoor coating is supplied with a needle-free or foamed basis. The thickness of the protective layer is 0.3 mm and more. A product is sold in rolls whose width varies from 2 to 4 meters.

Spectacular flooring

What other types of linoleum are produced?

Other types of linoleum are distinguished. Household material can be antistatic. The task of this flooring becomes static electricity. Such a problem arises in cases where an impressive amount of equipment works in the room. At the same time, the number of dust is significantly affected on the functioning of all electrical appliances. When it is accumulated, fire may occur.

Special antistatic coating helps prevent such situations and reduces dust accumulation. The main plus of such a coating is the ability to apply in special purpose premises, where high-precision technique is. Other types of linoleum use in them is not allowed. Among other advantages of antistatic material, high strength and reliability are highlighted. The coating price is slightly higher than that of the analogs.

Another option is insulated linoleum. It is a thermoplastic version of PVC. It is based on synthetics or natural fibers. Often, polyester, jute or felt are chosen as the basis. Sometimes preferred and combined double versions, for example, foamed polyethylene or polyester. Such materials are distinguished by increased resistance to ruptures, but with elasticity and softness. Distributing such a coating on the floor is very simple and careless. Insulated flooring will become excellent option for country house, cottage or cottage.

A special sports linoleum is produced. It has increased elasticity, strength, cleanliness and injury. This coating does not slide, does not have seams and dries quickly

Linoleum for apartment

Now you know what, commercial and semi-dimensional linoleum or household, better. The difference is essential, the choice depends on the passability and other features of the room. The differences between the household from the semi-commercial linoleum are consistent with the degree of wear resistance and durability of the service. Remember this by choosing the preferred option.

It is difficult to imagine a less pleasant flooring for the floor than Linoleum, which can serve for a long time without much care. However, modern repair and building markets offer so a variety of options This flooring that choosing an outdoor coating as a linoleum for an apartment you can simply get confused. Nevertheless, every potential buyer wants to obtain the most convenient material at an affordable cost and good quality.

There is enough qualities, each of which will play a dominant role in choosing for a particular buyer. Most often it is density, color scheme, drawing, width and some specifications Linoleum. Much also depends on which room it is planned to buy flooring.

In addition, attention should be paid to the basis of the coating. It is from its presence and thickness that will depend on thermal insulation, sound insulation and the need before installing the coating itself. Some types of linoleums are so well prepared that they will not require completely no preparations.


Main types of linoleum and their applications

Speaking about the types of floor covering, it should be noted that its classification can occur depending on its purpose, class, and thickness. Regarding the destination, everything is extremely clear - it is necessary to buy it depending on what room it is necessary. Linoleum is divided into three types, namely:

  • Domestic
  • Commercial
  • Semi-commercial

The most common view is household, which is used in the residential premises. The degree of its resistance is minimal, since it is intended for operation a person not in production purposes.

The second large group of linoleum is represented by a commercial view, which is used for industrial enterprises. In essence, this is a special type of coating with high strength. It is erased unnoticed because it has a wide layer for wear. Usually used in shopping, medical, educational and other institutions, where it will be operated regularly.

The third most famous group is a semi-commercial type, which is distinguished by the middle class of strength between domestic and commercial. It can be used in rooms where the permeability is medium or slightly above the average. It is best that type of coating is suitable for an apartment in the premises as a kitchen, an entrance hall.

Share the coating may depend on the type of material manufacturing. For example, the most common linoleum from natural materials - resins, linen oil, cork flour and lime. He considers environmentally friendly, not causing allergies and at the same time not requiring too thorough care. In addition, types of synthetic linoleum are available, such as PVC, made on different bases, rubber, perfectly carrying moisture, colloxylin (without base) and alkyd.

How to choose a linoleum video

Depending on the structure, it can be divided into homogeneous, heterogeneous, unduminarious and with the basis. Homogenic type consists of a homogeneous mixture of PVC and dyes. Heterogeneous - has a few layers of PVC, as well as fiberglass. As for other two species, then they say their names for themselves. Homeless view has no substrate with invented sideWhile the main one can have a special lining, which adds the coating of thermal insulation properties.

Linoleum application classes, Digital wear resistance index

Classification of linoleum on wear resistance, denotes which mechanical loads of exposure to the material, can be transferred during operation. This indicator Depends on the thickness of the material.

It is also worth considering the abrasion of the canvas. That is, how fast the material loses the thickness at certain loads. The degree of abrasion is divided into four main groups, namely:

  1. The group "T" - it includes the most durable types of linoleum, which are practically not abrained. Their maximum abrasion thickness can reach a maximum of 0.08 mm.
  2. The group "P" - it includes very little abrasable models, the abrasion thickness of which can reach up to 0.15 mm.
  3. The group "M" is models of moderate abrasion, where indicators can reach up to 0.3 mm.
  4. Group "F" - strongly abrasable species. Usually this inexpensive models, the abrasion of which can reach up to 0.6 mm.

However, it should be borne in mind that the class of wear resistance and abrasion is not the same. For example, the canvas from the group "T" and "M" may have the same characteristics.

Worth the question of which linoleum to choose for an apartment, experts recommend to know their classes of application, as well as the index of wear resistance, which we will tell below.

First of all, it is worth noting that now in our country use the European system for determining the class of floor material - EN 685, which is an index of two numbers.

The first digit, which represents the type of room and has three options:

  • 2 - residential premises, houses, etc.
  • 3 - premises office type, hospitals, kindergartens and so on.
  • 4 - industrial premises, Airport, train stations, concert halls, workshops.

The second digit, characterizes the level of load intensity on linoleum, includes four options:

  • 1 - Low intensity.
  • 2 - average intensity.
  • 3 - high enough intensity.
  • 4 - extremely high intensity.

Keep in mind that these classes of linoleum are advisory in nature, and do not mean that you will not be able to buy a wear-resistant coating designed for the office. But you need to know that, with an increase in the class for one position, the value of the material is growing accordingly.

What is worth considering when choosing a linoleum for an apartment

Usually, during the purchase of a coating for the house draw attention to its external drawing, as well as how it will be combined with the rest of the interior design. Often it concerns linoleum. However, it is not worth doing this choice, forgetting that the material should have in addition to a beautiful appearance and other qualities, important for a comfortable stay.

It is important is the endurance class of a floor covering, in connection with this, it is necessary to initially know for which premises are required material. Suppose, hardness is needed for the kitchen higher than for the bedroom, due to the increased load. Often, the class 23 linoleum is chosen for the kitchen and hallway, which is considered high, while for the bedroom or storage room you can give preference to the class 21.

As each person takes care of his health, not in the last place is the environmental safety of a particular type of coating. Despite the fact that there are many types of linoleum on the modern building market, it is preferable to give preference to a natural view, since it is considered the most environmentally friendly and, as a result, ideal for children's rooms. However, this type of coating is considered to be very fragile, broken during bend, as well as expensive.

It is also worth paying attention directly to the surface of the coating, because on sale you can find a linoleum, which is characterized by smoothness, or is rough. Some relief at the same time adds a certain highlight in design, allowing you to imitate parquet coating with the right ornament. Sometimes manufacturers are applied to the coating a lacquer layer, which manufacturers create additional protection.

The thickness of the floor covering affects not only its insulating properties, such as the preservation of heat and limiting the penetration of excess sound. The greater the thickness of the coating, that, accordingly, any deformation will not affect it longer. Suppose it is too subtle, it is not suitable for operation in the dining room, because even the leg of the chair is imprinted on it a decent trace.

What linoleum is better for the kitchen and hallway: household or semi-commercial

As a rule, there are two rooms in the apartment that are exposed to excessive operation. It is that a coating with a maximum strength of strength is required. The simplest thing you can do on your own, going to the store, is to decide on the color of the future coverage, so as not to spend time among the rich choice of the hypermarket.

The first thing to be paid when buying a linoleum in quality for any room is its smell and appearance. High-quality flooring should not have too sharp odor, otherwise it can be dangerous to health. It is desirable that the coating for the kitchen room or hallway has at least five layers, the thickness should be about 3 mm.

Please note that it is better to choose a linoleum of class 23 or 24. However, no one forbid you to purchase a class 31 and 32, which are marked with coatings for industrial premises. Externally, they differ little, but their wear resistance is increased. Be sure to roll the roll before use, since the smooth surface and the smooth layer will speak in favor of the species.

It is believed that for the hallway it is desirable to give preference to PVC type linoleum, only it differs in high strength, and is also not subjected to rotting. Since in the hallway there are often situations with high humidity, such a feature of this coverage is a mandatory point.

For the kitchen, the use of PVC coating is also possible. However, it is suitable here and a simple household version, provided that it will have a foam basis. If there is a broader budget, you can prefer natural type, which will be more practical and high-quality. Another advantage of it - it can be washed various meansAny pollution will be easily and just leave its surface.

How to choose a linoleum for a bedroom and in the living room

Purchase of flooring for different rooms requires the right choice. Moreover, this applies not only to those premises that are subject to maximum wear, but also rooms such as a bedroom and a living room, where the permeability is quite low.

Answering the question of which linoleum is better for household or semi-commercial apartments, then most potential buyers Make a bet on the purchase of too thick option for the bedroom. This is the main error, because the thickness in this case will not have absolutely no meaning. Quite sufficient for the bedroom will be household View With a thickness of about 1.5 mm.

The base of the coating for the bedroom can be foam or polyester. The level of passability here is minimal, respectively, and too much the thickness of the protective layer also does not need. It is enough for it to have indicators from 0.15 to 0.2 mm.

A good option for the bedroom will be natural material, since it does not cause allergies and is distinguished by antimicrobial properties. In addition, it distinguishes large durability, which is an option made from PVC material. True, be prepared for the fact that the cost is much higher than the synthetic analogue.

The lifeline of the living room may be slightly higher than the bedroom. Nevertheless, it also does not need too fat option. Linoleum will be sufficient, the thickness of which is no more than two millimeters. In this case, the protective layer should be at least 0.15 mm, the foamed part can act in its role, which will make the floor softer.

What linoleum is better for children's

The highest degree of responsibility when choosing a linoleum is required if this material is planned for buying for a children's room. It is simply necessary that the material is different as safe as possible, was not harmful to the children's body and at the same time was not subject to rapid wear. It is worth considering that this room can be considered a room with sufficient patency and with an increased possibility of mechanical damage.

If you are going to choose a linoleum for a children's room, do not forget to ask the seller the quality certificate that will testify to its health care. The ideal options in this regard will be a natural type coating that does not have any negative substances in its composition, and also has an anti microbial coating.

Those who the cost of natural coating seems too high, it is better to stay on PVC type linoleum, the protective layer of which will be at least 0.3 mm. It is desirable to give preference to the foam basis, which in turn will add certain thermal insulation, which is important for children's games on the floor.

Modern producers of outdoor material offer their customers a fairly interesting coloring of coatings that will greatly harmonize with common interior Children's room. Instead of boring colors in the form of parquet or laminate, you can make a choice in favor of more interesting patterns.

Production of Linoleum Tarkett Video

Canding the question of which linoleum to choose a household or semi-commercial, many parameters should be taken into account. In particular, the main point is that the room is planned to purchase an outdoor coating.

In construction supermarkets, a huge selection of outdoor coverage is presented. The most popular and affordable is linoleum. For little money you can make the floor in the apartment or house beautiful and well maintained. In addition, this coating is not afraid of moisture and mechanical damage.

How to choose a linoleum for a quality apartment

This coating is so popular that it is used for the floor In public buildings, in private homes, in schools, hospitals and sanatoriums. It is easier to say - use everywhere. And all because the coating is not only universal, but also has many colors, so fit into any interior.

How to choose linoleum

The more the range of goods, the more difficult the choice. Criteria for the choice of each person their own, but there are basic for which you need to navigate when choosing a floor covering:

If you consider all items, you will choose the linoleum will be completely easy. For a long time you will be rejected by your purchase, which was planned in advance and for a long time, but correctly chose.

If your choice is made and you for the floor in your apartment, we decided to buy high-quality and safe linoleum, then you need to do not rush, and thoroughly study everything possible species this coating to make right choice. The material for the manufacture of the coating can be like natural components, so synthetic materials - the choice is huge. Consider all types in more detail.

Natural material

The following components are used for its production: flour wood, flax oil, limestone powder, various resins, cork flour and natural dyes. The dyes are applied to the base, which is the jute woven material.

Such a coating is used in those rooms, where allergy and asthmatics are spent the most time, as well as children, linoleum is considered antibacterial.

The merits of the material refers:

Despite the naturalness of all materials included in the composition of the linoleum, he also has some drawbacks:

  • too high price (due to the naturalness of the components);
  • weak strength;
  • fear of moisture.

Polyvinyl chloride type (PVC)

This kind of linoleum won popularity among synthetic materialshaving a different basis or at all without it.

If such a material is chosen for the apartment, then it must be on a felt basis. Due to the thick layer under such a coating, it is not necessary to sharpen the substrate, and it is not necessary to glue it to the floor.

Such a linoleum has some subtleties that you need to know when buying. First of all, it has a specific smell and over time gives shrinkage. Rumored that this synthetic material distinguishes harmful substances; And quality certificates confirm that the material is not toxic and harmless.

Linoleum glyphthala

This coating is very dense, obtained when the alkyd resin on the tissue is fixed. He has excellent sound and heat insulating properties. But there are disadvantages, the main of which is a complex styling process. If you work quickly and negligentlySquares and cracks may appear on the coating. To make this process less problematic, it is necessary that this material is in heat in the room in which it will be laid.

Colloxin type

The main raw material for the manufacture of such a coating is cellulose. The coating goes on sale without the foundation, so it is not terrible moisture. The material is not a fuel, has a decorative shine.

From its disadvantages, it is possible to single out that the coating should be laid on the perfectly level surface, which is additionally treated with a special material. In addition, the coating is very susceptible to the temperature difference and can give shrinkage.


This species is two-layer. For the bottom layer, a bitumen rubber mixture is used; And for the top, a mixture of rubber, paint and filler is made.

Of the advantages of such a coating, you can distinguish the confrontation of moisture and the elasticity of the material itself. Its negative side is the presence of volatile, toxic components, which does not allow to retain it in residential premises, offices, hospitals and kindergartens.

Classes of wear resistance

Choosing a linoleum in the apartment, you need to consider the type of room and its purpose. If this is a dining room in which the whole family is going in the evenings, and friends come on the weekend, the wear resistance of the floor coating should be high. Even above, it should be at the coating that will lie in the school corridor.

If you take into account the speed of erasing and the size of the printed protective layer, then the entire range of linoleum can be divided into three classes:

  • commercial;
  • semi-commercial;
  • domestic.

Commercial linoleum has the highest degree of wear resistance. It can be both one-layer and multi-layer. The material strength ensures the sealing of the material or the addition of special stabilizing substances into it. Such a coating is used in schools, offices, kindergartens and hospitals.

Semi-commercial is middle class of linoleumaboth in quality and price. His strength is lower than commercial, but higher than that of domestic. You can see a large color gamut on sale, from which you can choose a colors in the corridor, in the kitchen, in the living room. The quality of the material is good; The material can withstand moderate loads.

The household class of linoleum has the most colors and designs, but it is poorly opposed to abrasion. It is recommended to lay it on the floor in those rooms where the permeability is small, for example, in the bedroom. Such a coating is inexpensive, and looks high quality and effectively. In the apartment, in places with high patency, it is not recommended to sharpen, as it will quickly erase.

Group abrasion

This parameter is often used by builders and indicates the speed of wear of the coating. Group There are several groups to determine which group this or that linoleum belongs to, you need to do the following experiment.

The segment of the material must be reduced to a rotating abrasive, which should be made of 25 thousand rotations. After this experiment, the layer thickness is measured, after which the involvement of the material is determined to one or another group.

Groups are indicated by English letters, and look like this:

  • T - such a coating has no inclusions and decreases by 0.08 mm, which indicates a high wear of the material;
  • P - coating layer decreases by 0.8-0.15 mm thick, which indicates the average wear;
  • M - the coating decreases with a thickness of 0.15-0.3 mm, which indicates a low wear;
  • F - the layer decreases in thickness by 0.3-0.6 mm, which indicates that the material is continuing.

The wear resistance of the material depends on the inclusions that can be included in its composition. These are additives of a mixture of quartz sand and chalk. If so are present in the material, then its wear resistance is reduced. Pure linoleum opposes erasure well, so he has a high bundle group.

What linoleum is better to choose for an apartment

Choosing a floor covering, you need to pay attention to the label that is indicated on the roll. It has two digits and indicates class coating. The first digit indicates the type of room, and the second is an estimated permeability. For example, if you choose a linoleum for a living room or bedroom, then look for the label "21", and if the coating is needed for the kitchen or the corridor, then the class must be "23-24".

Living room. Considering this room, I would like to say that it occupies an average place for passability and on load. Linoleum is suitable for him, the thickness of which is 1.5 mm. If you make a budget option, you need to choose from a domestic PVC coverage, which has a rather pleasant value, and despite this is a large selection.

Those who are on the pocket of expensive outdoor materials, experts recommend antibacterial pVC coating on a jotty or felt basis. The material will be soft, warm and elastic, which makes it possible to walk on it at any time of the year barefoot, without feeling discomfort. Linoleum will look great: the erasure will be unlosable.

Bedroom. In this room, the load on the floor is the smallest, since every weekend friends and relatives are not going. Therefore, the linoleum of household polyester or PVC is suitable for this room, on a foam basis. Its thickness should be at least 1.2 mm. As in the case of linoleum for the living room, this type of cover also has many colors and shades that are suitable for any interior.

Kitchen. This room with high patency in which it often happens increased humidity. The presence of dirt and soot involves the use of detergents that should not be washed together with the pattern of coating. For kitchen you need to choose durable material, from the selection of semi-commercial, the thickness of which is at least 3 mm.

The coating can be with or without a pattern, it depends on the preference of the owners. But if it is fair to speak, then such a coating as linoleum, in the kitchen with high passability will not last long, it will have to change it again and again. Experts recommend spending money once to have enough for life - for this you just need instead of linoleum to seize ceramic tiles.

Children's room. The coating in this room should be natural, environmental and hypoallergenic. If it is natural, then its service life will be small, but it is not so important as the health of your own child.

Balcony. The coating here should be durable, as the sun's rays, heavy rains and other negative factors will affect it. Linoleum should be moisture-resistant and frost-resistant, in addition, its surface must be non-slip. The coating must be selected, as for office space, which have a large load.

Corridor. For the corridor, the hall or hallway you need to choose a durable, wear-resistant coating. This room is high passability and pollution, so the coating should withstand regular cleaning. Pay attention to the linoleum PVC, the option is household or semi-commercial. Its thickness should be at least 3 mm, only such a material can cope with the loads in the corridor.

How to choose a quality linoleum for an apartment? To choose the correct option Linoleum for the floor in the apartment, you need, first of all, do not rush, so as not to do nonsense, because this task will not be from the lungs. You need to stock in certain knowledge and have an idea of \u200b\u200bits classification and ranking. And also, you need to trust your intuition and adhere to the following rules:

  • if the coating does not have a sharp smell, there are no harmful substances in it;
  • the pattern on the coating should be clear, without greens;
  • necessarily there must be certificates of quality on the coating;
  • if the material has a protective layer, its appearance can remain unchanged for a long time;
  • buying coverage, you need to take it more, taking into account the pattern, thresholds, protrusions and niches;
  • in the process of measuring the coating, you need to check outdoor layerSo that it was not marriage.

It is worth knowing

Only famous manufacturers can provide the best way Outdoor material. The thing is that every new batch of goods is large firms manufacturers are sent to the study. After it, the company has a whole package of different certificates. For small manufacturerwho wants to just earn money, selling goods of unknown quality, such documents to anything.

The choice of floor coverings is currently just a huge. And when it is necessary to choose the material for the floor, the eyes are scattered from the set of samples presented on the building store showcase. And attempts to evaluate technical specifications, understand the pros and cons of one or another option are only finally introduced into a stupor of the buyer. It is lost, not knowing how to choose a linoleum.

IN last years construction market Filized new flooring and materials. But despite this, the linoleum has already become a classic is not inferior to his niche. Its value compared to other materials is significantly lower. At the same time, it is practical, serves a long time, does not require much care. This led to the great popularity of linoleum.

Why should the linoleum prefer

Linoleum is well known to everyone since Soviet Union. AND this material He proven itself simply canceled: it is rather durable and it is difficult to damage it (even having such intent), it is well tolerating moisture and does not deteriorate, provides a huge selection of colors. Linoleum plastic and does not create difficulties for mounting.

In order to lay linoleum, special training is required. This task is under the power of any man who is not afraid of physical labor.

Characteristics and differences in linoleum species

The nomenclature of the linoleum produced is very large. But all materials can be combined into groups (types) general sign. Thus, several types of linoleum are distinguished, differing in some features.

Linoleum based on natural components

The base is tissue cord. In most cases, plants are used in a certain proportion oil (linen), wood or cork flour, lime. Color is set by natural dyes.

Thanks to this composition, this material is absolutely harmless to human health and therefore can step in all rooms without exception (even in the children's room). Such a linoleum will not cause an allergic reaction and will not provoke an asthma attack.

Natural linoleum has pretty good characteristics: It is wear-resistant, does not lose and will not change the color throughout the life, it does not ignite and does not burn. It should also be said that it has bactericidal properties. Caring for such linoleum is carried out elementary.

But there is one drawback - materials of this type are not recommended to be used in rooms with high humidity.

Linoleum from PVC

Polyvinyl chloride is wide-consumable material. It is used to produce linoleum. PVC materials are good dielectrics, do not heat (possess good thermal insulation properties), safe for health. The material is not afraid of moisture and does not rot, easy to install and care.

But the linoleum PVC is extremely painful tolerates temperature differences (with a decrease in temperature, the operational properties fall sharply). Inappropriate contact with alkalis, other aggressive media and substances.

By destination

Commercial - mainly used in offices. Differs in high strength and wear resistance. Serves a long time (at least 20 years). High quality is reflected at the cost of linoleum - it is rather big.

Semi-commercial - applied both in office and in residential premises. It serves no more than 7 years. Therefore, this material is advisable to use as an outdoor coating in rooms with small patency.

Household - the thickness of the linoleum does not exceed a few millimeters. Scope of application - exclusively residential premises with a small patency. The service life is an average of 5. Sold by rolls. It has the worst complex of operational properties.

Other varieties of linoleuma

The glyfthalium linoleum consists of an alkyd resin applied to solid fabric. Such a composition complicates work on the installation on the floor of the material, but it is worth it: sound insulation and noise insulation is improved.

The colloquiline linoleum has a number of important positive properties: the material is elastic, resistant to moisture, is not flammable when opening with open fire.

Relin - two-layer composite material. The first layer is a mixture of bitumen and crushed rubber. The second layer is rubber, pigment, as well as a special filler. Such linoleum is not afraid of moisture, elastic.

Building Linoleum layers

The structure of the linoleum can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. How to choose a linoleum correctly, so that you will not regret? When making a decision, it is necessary to take into account the features, advantages and disadvantages of each type.

The thickness of the linoleum of the first group is 1.5-2 millimeters. The drawing is applied along the so-called through technology, due to which the material has a presentable appearance throughout the service life. That is why experienced professionals recommend this class of linoleum for the kitchen and hallway. These premises have the greatest permeability.

The class thickness reaches 6 mm. It is composite and consists of a PVC substrate reinforcing fiberglass tissue, a decorative PVC layer with an image applied to it, a bactericidal outer coating.

You can see on sale a mixed type linoleum. The basis of such an outdoor material is a homogeneous layer, but at the same time there is a layer of PVC, fiberglass and protective film.

But what linoleum is better? Unambiguous response to this question there is none. The choice of a specific type of coating is due to a variety of factors.

How to choose linoleum for apartments

To make the right choice, taking into account all the subtleties and requirements, you need to know the universal labeling. All premises in accordance with international standards can be divided into residential, office and industrial (production). The main criterion in which the premises belong to this or that type is the intensity of the load on the floor surface. The image of the house and the accompanying number 2 says that the linoleum is intended exclusively for residential premises. The material intended for operation in the harsh office conditions is marked with a number 3 and the image multi-storey building. The figure 4 and the schematic image of the factory indicate that the material is intended for operation in the workshops and other industrial premises.

To determine such an important characteristic as abrasion, test samples of linoleum are subject to testing. How to choose a test method? And it should not be chosen. It is strictly regulated by the European Union standards and GOST. The essence is as follows: the felt circle of a certain diameter is attached rotation, then the circle is supplied to the test sample and pressed with the necessary force, after the specified time expires, the value of wear is measured. Based on the experimentally obtained data, the linoleum sample is assigned by one or another degree of abrasion. Bukka "T" marked material with abrasion to 0.08 millimeters. "P" corresponds to wear up to 0.15 millimeters. "M" - up to 0.3 millimeters. Finally, "F" - abrasion up to 0.6 millimeters inclusive. It should be noted that sometimes the degree of abrasion is marked with pictograms of men. In this case, the more figures, the higher the degree of wear resistance of the material.

The living room or hall is usually premises with medium permeability. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a linoleum with a thickness of 1.5 millimeters in these rooms. The optimal choice is an inexpensive household linoleum PVC. It is desirable that the coating is resistant to moisture, did not absorb dirt, did not lose color as a result of the effects of sun rays. It is best that the material be reinforced or jute, or a felt mesh fiber (this will give elasticity, a certain softness, will strengthen the pleasant effect with tactile interaction).

Flooring in the children's room should not contain any harmful substances. Best use linoleum from natural materials. Yes, in this case, the coating will last much smaller, but should never risk the health of children.

The cuisine is consistently experiencing significant loads due to large passability. In addition, the kitchen is almost constantly a large humidity, the floors of the kitchen are often clean with sufficiently aggressive detergents. Perfectly suitable linoleum set by squares, no more than three millimeters thick.

The choice of material for the bedroom will depend on the pavement of the room. As a rule, the load on the floor in the bedroom is insignificant. Therefore, in most cases, linoleum is suitable for a small thickness (from 1.2 millimeter).

The hallway is the most visited room in the apartment. Therefore, the flooring is experiencing severe loads. All family members come from the street, and step onto the linoleum hallway with a solid sole, on which there are abrasive elements, stones, glass fragments, etc. It is recommended to use a semi-commercial class of linoleum with a thickness of 3 millimeters.

Design and Style Questions

How to choose a linoleum for an apartment in which a good repair has already been made? If there good taste, certain ideas about the desired result, then you can rely on your own opinion. However, there are a number general recommendations, Rules and norms that will help make the room more aesthetic and stylish:

  • cold tones visually make the room more spacious, and warm render completely reverse effect;
  • beige color Associated with warmth homemade focus, with coolest, red - voltage, aggressiveness, blue - configures on peace, gray sets up on a working way;
  • the ornament on the floor has a big impact on the perception of space, you can narrow room significantly expand visually thanks to the use of linoleum depicting parquet Board;
  • the size of the elements of the decorative tile on the linoleum should be proportional to the size of the room.

Buying linoleumum

In specialized stores, the choice of linoleum is so huge that it is possible, without exaggeration, to be confused and acquired, to put it mildly, the material with not the best characteristics.

So how to choose a coating? Based perennial experience The masters give some tips on the choice of linoleum for the apartment. However, these recommendations are also relevant when buying outdoor material for office or other premises. The main points to be paid attention to:

  • If the linoleum makes a very sharp, nasty smellMost likely, it contains harmful substances. This material is not worth it.
  • The surface should not be much glilateral, the pattern should be clear, without defects.
  • It is necessary to ask the seller-consultant if it can provide all the necessary certificates confirming the quality and safety for the health of the products sold.
  • Make sure there is an outdoor protective coating (It significantly prolongs the service life of the coating).
  • Of course, it should be done, so to speak, macroanalysis and make sure that there are significant damage, foreign inclusions, inhomogeneities in the surface of the linoleum, and so on.
  • The width of the roll must correspond to the overall width of the room in order to avoid joints that spoil the appearance and bring dissonance to the interior.
  • In advance, the method of transporting the roll and find a car with suitable cargo compartment sizes.
  • By purchasing material, you should take it with a reserve (perhaps you will have to combine the drawing, cut the thresholds and hard-to-reach places).

If you pay attention to the above-mentioned criteria for selecting linoleum, then problems with the acquisition, installation and further exploitation of the flooring can be avoided.

In no case should not be chased at a low price. As a rule, too low the price is installed on poor-quality linoleum in order to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Linoleum manufacturers

The construction materials market, in particular in the linoleum market, presented products of both domestic production and imported (mainly Europe). It is absolutely confident that the domestic manufacturer offers competitive products, which is not worse, and in some parameters even exceeds import counterparts.

The most famous domestic producer of linoleum is the Tarkett brand. From imported, the highest quality products are offered by the Hungarian brand GRABO, FORBO (Switzerland), Juteks (Slovenskaya, there is a plant in Russia) and Gerflor (France).

"Cebo" specializes in the development and production of fiberglass coatings. Such a solution gives the material incredible strength and wear resistance. Materials from this manufacturer are also distinguished by good noise and thermal insulation properties, ease of installation. In general, the material from the company "Graz" is a decent option. In addition, the cost of linoleum is rather attractive.

Linoleum brand "Forbo" - one of the best in the segment of the synthetic and natural flooring market. The manufacturer positions itself as an innovative enterprise, constantly upgrading the technological process and the material base of the equipment. Exceptionally high-quality components and raw materials are used. Linoleum has good adhesion and friction properties (not sliding), moisture resistant, is a bactericidal material.

The company "Yuteks" has Slovenian roots. Although currently in many countries have factories that produce products under this brand under license. 70 years - a considerable time. And if during this time the company not only did not go broke, but annually increases the power, it indicates the quality of products. The main "chip", or a feature, linoleum is the presence of a special protective layer. This outer dense film serves reliable protection From fat, dirt, intense mechanical impact on the material. Products are definitely certified by world quality standards.

How can I characterize linoleum from the French company "Herflor"? First of all, it is original style solutionswho will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated designer internal interior. Patterns and color gamut linoleum always meets fashion trends and trends. Well, of course, the coating is not inferior to competitors on other parameters: resistance, resistance to moisture, solar radiation, etc.

What manufacturer to trust? What linoleum is better? Universal response, alas, no. It is necessary to take into account the operating conditions, the allocated budget. One thing can be said accurate - choosing products famous brandRisk to acquire a poor-quality product is much lower. And the products of the domestic producer are not always knowingly worse than a foreign one, sometimes even better.

The hall is the part of the apartment or a house in which there are absolutely all family members. This room has the greatest patency. That is why choose the floor covering is needed most thoroughly. It should be as high quality, wear-resistant and safe.

One of the most popular options for floor covering in the hall is Linoleum.

Features and advantages

Linoleum has a whole number of advantages, thanks to which many people stop their choice in this form of floor covering:

  • Pricesthis material is low, you can purchase a good quality product at quite an affordable price;
  • Durability - The coating will serve you quite a long time;
  • Safety - Linoleum is made from eco-friendly materialsfully safe for health;
  • Beautiful appearance, wide variety of designs and colors of products;
  • Unnotic junctions - seams of modern products, made according to the newest technologies, will be completely invisible;
  • Easy laying - Linoleum to lay the linoleum is very simple - it is rolled and glued to the base, and the edges are trimmed with a special knife and fixed by the plinth.
  • It is very convenient and unpretentious in care;

It can be safely argued that linoleum has all the necessary qualities of flooring. Most importantly, it is properly picking up according to its characteristics and appearance variety of product.

Floor Requirements Living Room

The first and most important demand for linoleum for the hall is its thickness that should be at least 1.5-2 mm. The best and most reliable option will be a 3-4 mm thick coating - this option will withstand heavy loads, as well as to act as an additional heat insulation.

For such an outdoor coating, there is a concept of wear resistance.For the hall, this parameter must be higher than 21-23. In this case, you can be sure that this species Linoleum will serve you enough for a long time - about 8-10 years, and maybe more.

Of course, in the living room chances to mechanically damage the floor covering much less than, for example, in the kitchen, because there are no sharp or hot objects in the hall, and aggressive detergents. So for the hall you can choose not too dear views products.

Ideally, the linoleum in the living room must have a felt or jute base with PVC coating. This material is universal, it is quite durable, moisture-proof and at the same time soft and warm, it will be nice to walk even barefoot. It is very easy to care for this type of linoleum - just wipe it slightly damp cloth. The price of this type of coating is also the most optimal.

Some types of linoleum also have bactericidal properties that can prevent the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. It will be very relevant for the living room, especially if children live in the house, as they often love to play just on the floor.

If the apartment lives four-legged friends, then the linoleum floor covering will also become an optimal solution, since this material has antistatic properties and will not attract wool. The main thing is to choose a quality version of the product with sufficient thickness so that the floor covering does not damage the claws of domestic pets.

How to choose?

When choosing a linoleum in the living room also pay attention to the following points:

  • The product should not have a sharp smell, otherwise it may contain in its composition harmful substances;
  • The pattern of the coating should be clear, and the greasy shine must be absent;
  • The seller must have quality certificates for this material, if available, you can make sure of the security of the composition;
  • Linoleum must have a protective layer that will provide more long term operation;
  • When determining the material required for your room, do not forget to take into account a small supply to the fitting of the coating;
  • Carefully view the top layer of the product and make sure there are no damage.

Coloring options

It is very important that the selected linoleum is not only high quality, but also perfectly fit into the interior of your housing. Therefore, when it is elected, it is necessary to focus on the overall design of the living room.

Linoleum of white color and other bright shades are considered to be - beige, light gray, dairy, cream. The coverage in these colors will perfectly fit into any interior, it will look very stylish and modern.

Light coating will be harmoniously combined with absolutely any furniture. And another plus - white linoleum will visually increase the size of a small room. However, this coloring and its minus has enough money. Therefore, if you have small children and pets, it is better to abandon the bright linoleum and choose a more practical color.

The choice of linoleum colors is simply huge - from bright and rich options to muted pastel tones. Patterns and drawings also differ in a wide variety. Therefore, it is possible to choose the design of this floor covering for every taste and color.

Very nice and stylish will look at the linoleum living room under the laminate. Thanks modern technologies The production of coating visually distinguish the linoleum from the laminate will be almost impossible.

For the classic interior style, you can choose the linoleum of sandy shades. Stylishly, dark shades with beautiful patterns and curls in oriental style will also look.

In general, when choosing a coloring linoleum in the living room, you can guide the following principle: If you want to cover the floor to stand out on a general background, choose such shades that will contrast with the color of furniture and walls. Conversely - for a harmonious combination of the color of the floor with the interior of the room, pick it up into a tone with furniture and other interior items.

When choosing a linoleum for the living room, certainly consider all the nuances described above, and then you can easily choose the right product suitable for you, which will delight the whole family for many years.

Useful tips on how to choose Linoleum, you will find in the video below.