Bath interior design: useful tips for interior design in different rooms. Bath interior: modern and beautiful design (52 photos) Design of a steam room in a Russian bath

For modern man a bathhouse is a place for rest, communication with friends, relaxation, and only then, although it is no less important, it is a place for hygiene procedures. A bath is a great way of psychological relief, it improves sleep, normalizes blood pressure, and removes toxins. Neither combined shower cabins nor jacuzzi and other plumbing delights with all the technical progress are unable to shake the wide popularity of the bath.

Interior design options in the bath

The classic version of the bath is only three rooms: a dressing room (dressing room), a shower room (washing room) and a steam room, although a washing room and a steam room can be combined in a traditional Russian bath. Everything else - a pool (hot tub), a relaxation room, toilet, game rooms(billiards), smoking room, kitchen - this is a matter of personal preferences and financial capabilities of the owners. The interior of a modern bath is a flight of the designer's imagination, adjusted for the specifics and features of the bath.

But still the most demanded is the decoration in the traditional Russian style - laconic, restrained, without pomp, even a little puritanical, semi-antique utensils, a massive table, couches and benches. A little bit of modernity will add television or billiards.

When decorating a "semi-antique" bath, in the dressing room (rest room) you can make accents on embroidery, forged elements, wooden objects decorate household items and utensils with carvings, decorate the walls with various brooms - birch, oak, bunches of fragrant herbs.

When finishing the bath with your own hands, you can consider an option such as bath house... More precisely, the use of the bath as a guest house, when the rest room (dressing room) turns into a bedroom. At the same time, guests receive their own, albeit temporary, living space, without embarrassing the owners and at the same time feeling more relaxed and comfortable. And the owners do not have to sacrifice their own habits and comfortable accommodation. For this, it is worthwhile to provide for the installation of a sofa, which can be transformed into a full-fledged sleeping place.

Bath interior decoration: select materials

For interior decoration, materials must meet the following conditions:

  • resistance to temperature extremes, immunity to high temperatures, high humidity and water ingress
  • safety - does not cause allergies and burns in contact with human skin, no toxins released from materials during heat
  • hygiene - the material should be easy to wash without reacting with household chemicals
  • durability and strength
  • aesthetics and decorativeness, the finish should be non-irritating, pleasing to the eye.

In this regard, a tree that meets all the specified requirements is almost ideal (especially for a Russian bath), an absolutely environmentally friendly plus has the properties of aromatherapy. The main thing is to choose the right type of wood for each room.

Steam room

Only deciduous wood is suitable for finishing the steam room. Such wood does not heat up (you cannot get burned), does not emit resins, and also, which is very important, even with a little ventilation, it dries quickly, preventing the fungus from developing:

  • linden is attractive in appearance, does not darken over time, it is characterized by low heat capacity and density: it quickly warms up, but you cannot burn yourself when touched. When heated, it emits an unobtrusive delicate pleasant aroma. It is quite common, therefore it has an affordable price, especially in the southern regions.
  • aspen - traditional material for a steam room in the northern regions. Solid wood, difficult to split or split, has bactericidal properties
  • alder - aesthetically pleasing, pleasant to the touch, resistant to hot and cold water, steam and condensation, cleaning solutions (acidic, alkaline), easy to handle
  • abash - just beginning to gain popularity, a tree native to the African tropics. Such wood is especially good for the manufacture of shelves - even in very high heat, it practically does not heat up, keeping the temperature close to the temperature of the human body. Does not darken when exposed to steam, water and temperatures

Wood cannot be painted or varnished, no matter how high quality they are - when heated, they will give an unpleasant chemical odor. During installation, self-tapping screws (nails) must be deeply recessed and closed from above - in otherwise they can cause burns when heated. The lining should be filled vertically - the drops of water formed during condensation will drain faster. To protect the joint sex and the walls are fitted with high skirting boards made of waterproof material.

Wood, as a material, is beautiful in itself, which puts it number one in the list for the decoration of the steam room.

The furnishings and interiors of the baths must be conducive to tranquility, comfort and tranquility. All interior details, from the door to the lighting, must be in harmony.

The design of a Russian bath begins with a steam room. When arranging the interior, it is advisable to adhere to simple lines, calm shades that emphasize the comfort and convenience in the steam room. The simpler the better.

For finishing the ceiling, you can use wood in light shades, and for the walls, darker. Although traditionally the walls and ceiling are sheathed with clapboard of the same shade. Better to avoid in the bath sharp corners, protruding rough elements, pretentious and carved products, both on the ceiling and on the walls, they have no place in the bath, they can lead to injury.

The floor in the steam room can be finished with boards or tiles. Choose a special tile, not slippery.

For the manufacture of shelves, it is necessary to use narrow boards, with a small gap between them, 1.5 - 3 cm. This rule must be followed for better air circulation in the room. The shelves on the sides are not sewn up.

The doors to the steam room can be installed in wood and glass. If the choice is for glass, then the glass should be tempered tinted glass with a thickness of 8 mm. Doors must not open inward.

The lighting in the steam room should be soft and uniform. The luminaires can be positioned under the top shelf in different places. For a small steam room, two small lamps of 40 - 60 W are enough.

A shower tray or a full shower cabin can be installed in the sink. Or make a conclusion for 1-2 shower heads and additionally install a douche bucket (a tilting wooden container with water).

Cozy and well made bath interior decoration- this is the dream of almost any Russian person who knows a lot about this business. And for such a pleasure, one does not feel sorry for either the means or the time. To interior decoration The baths were made with high quality, before starting work, it is important to know the basic rules of finishing, because a bath is being built not for beauty, but primarily for health, in order to fully experience the effect of a hot broom on the human body.

If we are talking about a Russian bath, then the material from which the structure itself is built does not matter - the steam room must be made exclusively of wood. This is demanded by traditions, behests and, so to speak, the "Russian spirit". It is possible to substantiate the given by the following scientific facts:

    Wood is one of the most environmentally friendly materials, for humans it is the most pleasant and useful;

    Wood has a low thermal conductivity, as a result of which the probability of getting burned is extremely small;

    However, the tree is characterized by the ability to evenly distribute heat over its full volume, which affects the heating rate of the steam room;

    If the wood, for interior decoration, was processed correctly, there is a continuous air exchange - and then the bath does not require additional ventilation if it is built entirely of wood;

    When the temperature rises, the tree releases substances that affect the healing and relaxation of a person;

    And in general, the very texture of the tree is already an ornament, and its additional coloring is not required.

Bath interior inside photo:

The choice of materials for the interior decoration of the bath.

One of the main stages internal works the choice of finishing material can rightfully be considered. Its quality must meet the following criteria:

    Be resistant to hot air, water ingress and increased air humidity.

    Be hygienic.

    Completely free from toxins that could be released during heat.

    Must not cause allergies or burns by contact with human skin!

    Be strong and durable.

    Be decorative and pleasing to the eye with your flowers.

It is believed that both to build a Russian bathhouse and to decorate it entirely from wood: the smell of fresh wood, together with the scent of birch brooms, merge and give an atmosphere of comfort and bliss.

Important! Special attention worth paying when finishing washing.

Since coniferous materials are absolutely not suitable for decorating a steam room, besides, as you know, pine is very hot, and it may not be very pleasant to touch it during procedures, they are completely suitable for a rest room and a dressing room. The temperature in them is not so high that the needles begin to release resin, but its aroma will not only delight your soul, but also bring a healing effect to the body. In principle, a wide variety of products can be used in the washroom. different materials: drywall, river pebbles, PVC, moisture resistant fiberboard. But it would be more expedient to use tiles. Considering the fact that the tile becomes very slippery when water gets on it, it is recommended to cover the floor with a wooden grate, which at any time after taking water treatments, could be dried.

Steam room decoration

If we are talking about a real Russian steam bath, with its heat and steam, then by tradition, its interior decoration is made only of hardwood (birch, aspen, poplar, linden, etc.).

Attention! Ash has a very beautiful decorative effect - a beautiful core. Bath attendants love this material for its beauty, strength, durability and durability. You can also note exotic, but very expensive material, like the African abashi oak. Many connoisseurs of paired traditions, in order to maintain their reputation, are willing to pay even less money.

The original breed that we are accustomed to is linden. Its honey scent adds even more coziness to the steam room. Nevertheless, aspen is resistant to high humidity and thanks to this it does not rot.

Deciduous trees have main feature- they are slightly susceptible to splits and decay, do not heat up to a state in which you can burn yourself. The use of pine, despite the cheapness of this material, is excluded due to its ability to release resin at high temperatures. Also, do not consider oak - when heated, it becomes very slippery, which can lead to unwanted injuries, and we came for pleasure. If in the dressing room, to perform finishing works, it is allowed to work with unnatural materials, then the steam room must be made only of wood, as well as handles and doors.

The floor of the steam bath is made both with the use of sanded boards and covered with tiles... The finishing of the place where the stove will be installed must be made of non-combustible materials - brick, tile.

Important! In order to keep the hot air well inside, the floor in the steam room should be about 10 - 20 cm. above the pre-bath floor. Laying the boards on the logs, I do it as tightly as possible to each other, and are fastened with self-tapping screws on wood. In the steam room, it is recommended to use tiles for finishing the floor. Because over time, moisture spoils the boards. In the same way as in the washing room, a wooden grate or shield should be placed on the floor in the steam room to prevent injuries on the wet floor.

Shelves and benches

An obligatory advantage of a good steam room is its comfortable, well-reinforced, non-creaky and non-wobbly shelves and sun loungers. The shelves can be mounted in two or even three tiers.

Important: for a comfortable seating, the location of the upper shelf under the ceiling should not be less than one meter.

Shelves are required to be carried out different sizes:

    Lower - up to about 30cm;

    Average - 60cm;

    The upper one is in the area of ​​1m.

Important: An important part of finishing bathroom furniture is the impregnation of sanded wood with protection from decay special means... These impregnations are carried out exclusively on the basis of organic components. Such means include wax or oil, as well as aqualak, which has recently become more and more popular. It was created with a specific task - impregnation of wood for finishing work in saunas, baths and similar premises. Penetrating deep into the material, these impregnations provide protection against moisture, high temperatures, all kinds of microorganisms and all that stuff. Naturally, the use of protection of such a plan, for its advantages, such as increasing the durability of the bath interior and furniture, steadily pulls and the disadvantages - a drop in the useful effect of wood. Be that as it may, benches (shelves) in any case need to be treated with such means to ensure maximum comfort when exposed parts of the body come into contact with wood. Well, ceilings and walls do not need to be impregnated.

In addition, the edges of the benches should be rounded and the screws and nails deeply embedded in the wood. Also, an effective moment for airing and long service shelves is a way of making them in a lattice form.

We decorate the dressing room

Pine panels are the recommended material for finishing work in the dressing room. They heat up weakly, and do not emit any harmful resins. Under the influence of low temperatures on the panels, in the dressing room, there will be a pleasant, slightly perceptible pine smell. Before doing installation work with slabs, the wall needs to be insulated. For this, it is recommended to use foam or mineral wool (as you know, these materials retain heat very well). The ceiling of the dressing room can also be finished with pine slabs, and the floor - well-fixed on the logs with polished boards.


But the decoration of the bath inside does not end there. After all, we still need somewhere to rest, after such significant, albeit pleasant, stress on the body. During the planning of the bath, we, of course, did not forget about the relaxation room. In principle, it can be finished with any desired materials, but it looks more aesthetically pleasing when its decoration is maintained in the general style of the entire interior of the bath.

Decorating a wooden bath inside

There are a number of rules for ensuring the right microclimate and durability of your wooden bath:

    The inside cladding should be done using vertical arrangement of boards, being very close to each other;

    No need to paint them to exclude the release of harmful substances;

The bathhouse is the main constituent element of Russian culture. Bath procedures served hygienic purposes. Various diseases were treated in the steam room. To this day, hot steam helps to cope with various ailments, balances nervous system, restores strength. Long frosty winters taught our ancestors to keep warm indoors: high thresholds, small windows, low doors.

Bathhouses were built outside the yard, better on the shore of a reservoir, so that a steamed person could plunge into the water, because there was no running water in those days. We washed on certain days, sometimes the whole street used one bath. Today, knowing the benefits of this procedure, many are building private baths on personal plot or equip a sauna in a city apartment. Your own bath has become a symbol healthy way life, this type of construction has become almost mandatory on the site.


The traditional country sauna consists of three rooms:

  • dressing room;
  • washing room;
  • steam room.

They are usually arranged in the same order. First, the visitor enters the dressing room - a dry warm room for changing clothes and relaxing between bath procedures. Then it enters the washing department, from where, after rinsing and getting used to the elevated temperature, it goes into the steam room.

The steam room is the main branch of the bath, for the sake of which it is being built. The temperature here reaches 60-70 degrees, with high humidity up to 90 percent, this heat penetrates into the deep layers of the muscles, relaxes and warms up all organs. The use of a birch, oak, juniper broom acts as a massage. After the steam room, a rinsing or dousing procedure is needed cold water then rest. Design features baths provide for a comfortable carrying out of all the listed procedures.

Modern baths are not taken out of the boundaries of a private plot, small comfortable log cabins or two-story brick structures are erected in the yard for frequent and convenient use. The set of premises includes open terrace or a balcony on the second floor. Here you can lie on fresh air or have a cup of tea after the steam room. The washroom is equipped with a regular shower or a massage shower. For those who like to lie down in the bathroom, the necessary equipment is installed.

The dressing room receives additional space, is furnished with a sofa, armchairs, a table with a samovar. This room is often used for temporary accommodation of guests, therefore, great importance is attached to the design of the recreation room: it is equipped with devices for a comfortable pastime - a TV, a refrigerator. Many decor and household items for own bath the owners create with their own hands. Inside or outside, walls are lovingly adorned with hunting trophies or carvings.

In addition to the traditional Russian steam room with wet steam, a sauna with dry hot air is popular with many northern peoples. Manufacturers produce a whole line of equipment for country or apartment saunas. Saunas can have a large area, or they can fit into the size of a shower stall. Heating units of various modifications effectively create the required temperature and humidity in rooms of any area.

The bath complex can be arranged in the attic. To do this, take measures to insulate the roof, mount a comfortable staircase with railings. This detail is necessary, since the effect of hot temperatures on a person causes a loss of attention and concentration, the steps should be as comfortable and non-slip as possible. If the bath has bevels of the ceiling, then in the lower parts shelves are installed for storing bath accessories and woodpiles so that unused dead zones do not form in the lower parts of the room. To avoid injuries, the active area for vaping and washing is located at the highest part, its height should not be less than 2.3 meters.

Sauna stoves are used in various modifications. Solid fuel units have proven themselves well: firewood, pellets, coal. Latest ergonomic models long burning with a water circuit allow you to heat adjacent rooms and another floor. Temperature regime maintained throughout the entire time of the furnace. If the bath is connected to main gas pipeline, apply cheap gas for the operation of the stove. Electrical analogs less convenient due to the high cost of electricity. When choosing the volume of the firebox, you need to calculate the volume of the steam room and adjacent rooms and select the stove of the required power.

Compliance with fire safety rules is essential. Continuous use of the furnace for many hours can cause ignition of the surrounding structures. All heated parts of the stove and chimney must be reliably insulated from wooden parts. The chimney at the junction with the ceiling and the roof is made of "sandwich" pipes and is additionally protected with a layer of expanded clay. Chimney height as required safe operation taken at least 50 centimeters above the level of the roof ridge.

The walls around the stove are trimmed with plasterboard, porcelain stoneware tiles, minerite, stainless steel with a layer of mineral wool or brick and natural stone. Superizol can withstand heating up to 1000 degrees, lightweight and non-flammable - new insulating material for high-temperature furnace units. The height of the insulating layer should be 15-20 centimeters above the level of the stove and by the same amount wider. When decorating interior walls and structures, steam rooms are used non-combustible and environmentally friendly clean materials that do not emit harmful substances when heated. They try to keep the design in the same style.

Finishing materials

The microclimate with high temperature and high humidity dictates the use of natural materials. The bathhouse, built from solid linden, aspen, cedar logs, does not require additional wall cladding. These materials, when heated, lighten the air to release healing oils. This material is flexible when temperature and humidity conditions change, and is durable. The beautiful interweaving of the wood grain creates a pleasing visual experience.

A steam room made of bricks or blocks artificial stone, sheathed from the inside with clapboard from the same wood species. It is undesirable to use pine, because of the high temperature in the room, it can release resin, which creates unaesthetic streaks on the surface. Pine is not resistant to moisture and deforms strongly from moisture. Although it is affordable and inexpensive material with good decorative qualities, they can decorate the rest room and the entrance area.

The lining has various trim profiles, rectangular or cylindrical, which imitates log cabin... For cladding, you can use a sanded edged board. It is better to take the thickness of 2-4 centimeters. This will allow the wood to resist deformation longer and retain heat well. Sheathing from unedged boards looks original. This gives a rustic touch to the interior.

The interior looks beautiful, completely decorated both on the walls and on the ceiling with the same material of the same type of wood. It is better to choose light wood tones. A small steam room will look more spacious. The wood paneling is treated with oil or wax in natural tones. Do not use varnish or paint in the steam room.

In a brick or block building, the wall is sheathed with a rail and insulated with a vapor barrier material. Then another rack frame is made, on which the front finish is recruited. The ceiling of the slab is finished in the same way. The floor in the steam room is also sewn up with a wooden edged board. Between cement screed and a layer of waterproofing is laid with a clean floor.

For the stove body, the best choice would be refractory brick, it gives a beautiful slender pattern, has good performance. Gives the interior warmth and coziness. Heated brick retains heat for a long time and contributes to long-term maintenance optimal temperature in room. Cast iron or steel models are convenient to use and easy to install. Boxes are specially provided for natural stone: basalt, jadeite, quartzite. These stones heat up quickly, do not crack from high temperatures, and do not contain harmful secretions.

The washing department is traditionally tiled. For the floor, use porcelain stoneware or tongue-and-groove boards. The main requirement is a non-slip surface. The ceiling is sewn up with the same clapboard as in the steam room. In some cases, plastic is mounted ceiling panels the color of the tiles or lining.

The doors in the bath rooms are made capital, with good thermal insulation qualities. Natural wood possesses such qualities. Door leaf decorated with carved panels or glass inserts for visual expansion space. Modern designs doors can be made entirely of special glass. These models are equipped with insulating pads.

Decoration inside

Huge selection of finishing material options and modern equipment for a bath allows you to create stylish modern interiors... A sauna in an apartment in a multi-storey building is becoming a valuable component of comfort. Manufacturers offer full set turnkey of different sizes and modifications of the steam room. Outwardly, these steam rooms look like an ordinary room, but the interior decoration with a block house or clapboard immerses you in the atmosphere of a real steam room.

Home saunas range from traditional sizes to miniatures, the size of a shower stall. But all the details of the traditional steam room are made on high level... The shelves are of standard size, conveniently configured to accommodate two or more people. The shelf of the upper tier is made wider and installed at a height of no higher than 1.5 meters from the ceiling. The door design assumes a glass component. Glass does not enclose a small space, but serves as a unifying element of loft-style interiors.

The sauna is installed in the bathroom, or a special room is allocated for it. In studio apartments, saunas have become fashionable, included in the interior of the room. Fully glass partitions create the illusion of a single space. Colored LED illumination creates a sense of serenity and relaxation. A functional shower room completes the full cycle of the bath procedure. Smooth surfaces, lack of details, monochrome composition of minimalism makes it possible to relax in the fast pace of modern life.

Older generations remember the times when baths were built on the shore of a reservoir. Today it is not always appropriate to dive into a pond after a steam room, or not everyone was lucky enough to have one on their site. Owners own baths can equip them with pools. The pool can be located on outdoors next to the entrance to the bathhouse. Another option is to build a pool in the washroom.

The pool occupies the center of the shower room. Beautifully designed bumpers and flooring around the pool create additional decorative effect... An unusual shape will also become a design element. It is better to lay out the bottom and walls with blue or colored tiles so that the color of the water has a pleasant color. For aesthetic purposes, a small steam room is separated by a glass partition.

The interior of a bathhouse with an outdoor swimming pool can be decorated in a fashionable single space. The pool is a way of dividing into a steam room and a relaxation area, at the same time separating the closed steam room and the gazebo under open air... Combined terrace designs create a barrier from prying eyes. The original glazing of the roof will allow you to admire the starry sky during the bath procedures.

Two-storey bath expands the possibilities for arranging additional premises. Such a structure can combine both the functions of a bath and the functions of a dwelling. The first floor is reserved for a steam room, a washroom, a changing room and a kitchen. The second is given for rest rooms, a living room or bedroom, rooms for massage or a gym.

An exquisite interior solution can be the design of a steam room in the Turkish style. Traditional oriental bath - hamam is heated by a stone bed located in the center of the room. The hammam is often complemented by a stylized waterfall on one of the walls, in which you can rinse after hot treatments. Air in Turkish bath not scalding, but has a comfortable temperature. Such structural arrangement heating is perfect for spa treatments and massages. The room is finished with mosaics or tiles with oriental ornaments. Neon lights and hamam benches bring Eastern and European cultures together.

Adherents of Japanese philosophy will surely like to decorate the bathhouse in the Japanese style. To do this, it is enough to equip the washing compartment with a round wooden font. This furaco font is divided into two parts: in one there is a bench for sitting, in the other - heating element... An excellent relaxation procedure takes place in the open air in the fresh air. Another option is ofuro - rectangular containers human growth with heated cedar or lime sawdust. Immersion in them for 20-30 minutes cleanses the body of toxins. This beautiful piece of equipment can be placed in a city apartment.

The traditional dressing room has evolved from an ordinary dressing room into a full-fledged living room or relaxation room. This room is finished in the appropriate style, furnished with sets of wood furniture that match the style of the entire complex. The firebox of the fireplace stove is often taken out into this front room, here they communicate with friends or family members gather for tea on the veranda. Unexpected guests can spend the night in the recreation room, for this one or two berths are provided. It is better to choose furniture stylized for the Russian style.

Russian bath interior

A classic Russian bath is an unsurpassed and favorite option for decorating a bathhouse in a village. Live fire, crackling of burning logs, heat and humid steam are the best cleansing procedure for residents of the cold regions of our country. The steam room is often combined with the washroom into one room. In summer, swimming in an ice hole replaces a wooden bucket of cold water that is hung from the ceiling. Interior interior decorate with fairy-tale characters from Russian epics.

Finishing unedged boardthe best choice for such a bath. Comic statements on the topic of bath procedures are carved into the panels that decorate the walls. Carved wooden furniture, small windows with platbands in the log house are decorated with flowered curtains. Rural charm does not interfere with equipping such a bathhouse with modern stove equipment.

A stone stove is an indispensable attribute of a Russian bath. It can be faced with tiled tiles, which will add noble antiquity. You can make such a bath with your own hands. Main condition: good insulation to keep warm. The height of the room is visually reduced by underestimation window openings... Logs and decoration are made deliberately rude to preserve the Russian style.

Bath is a place where you can relax and unwind, throw off the burden of working days. With the help of bath procedures, you can remove toxins from the body, improve sleep. At the present time, many different plumbing innovations have appeared, but the bath is still one of the leaders in popularity. Consider the features of the interior design of the bath, finishing options in various rooms.


When deciding what the design of the bath will be, one should think not only about the aesthetics of the premises. Baths must meet certain requirements to ensure the safety of visitors. The most important rules can be highlighted.

  • Make sure all wood surfaces are smooth and free from burrs and ridges.
  • The steam room should only be used wooden crafts so you can avoid scalding from very hot surfaces.
  • The corners of benches and shelves must be rounded, otherwise the bath visitors may be injured.
  • Hang signs on the doors that will indicate the purpose of the premises. So it will be much more convenient to navigate in the bath.
  • Bath interior elements should not cause irritation or other negative effects. One should strive to create an atmosphere conducive to peace and relaxation.

  • Nothing should impede movement around the premises in the bath.
  • Materials that are environmentally friendly and safe for human health should be used.
  • For use in the bath, you should choose materials that are easy to wash.
  • When deciding on the design, consider the size of the bath. If it is small (for example, 3x4 m), it is better to do without unnecessary items - they will only interfere, hinder movement. Arranging rather large baths (6x6, 5x4 m, and so on), you can already think less about saving space.


It is not recommended to apply to ceilings in paired plaster, paint. Due to the temperature and high humidity, such coatings very quickly cease to be aesthetic. You can use wood or Termocork cork, specially designed for baths.

There are no strict requirements for recreation rooms, but it is better to make such a room consistent with the general design concept. For this reason, many people opt for wood. You can paint the walls, but you should choose a paint for this that is highly resistant to temperature and humidity.

Interior design options

By picking up suitable option design for a bath, you need to take into account the characteristics of specific premises (humidity level, temperature). For washing rooms, for example, only certain materials are suitable, which are characterized by increased resistance to liquid (many choose standard tiles). When decorating a rest room, you can already show your imagination. Consider the recommendations that you need to be guided by when making out certain premises.


The washroom can be made adjacent to the steam room or set up as a separate room. A shower tray or sink can be installed. If, for example, the bathhouse is not located near a private house, but is public, and therefore there will be a lot of visitors, it is better to make several showers (usually two or three are quite enough).

The washroom isn't just about the shower. To make visitors feel as comfortable as possible, shelves, mirrors, and comfortable benches should be purchased for such a room. The washroom may contain small pool(if it is not very small). You can install a cast-iron or acrylic bathtub with a bucket in such a room.

Most suitable material for the washroom - ceramic tile materials. If the washroom is rather small, you should opt for plain tiles, and in a large room you can experiment with different color combinations.

Dressing room

A dressing room is a hallway, which can also be a dressing room (however, in some cases, the dressing room is located separately). Since the dressing room is the place from which the bath begins, it must be equipped so that guests are greeted with comfort and warmth.

If such a room is quite large, you can equip a recreation room in it. To make the atmosphere comparable to home, you need to consider various little things. You can put big table, music center, TV, refrigerator, hang pictures.

If you make a dressing room not an ordinary hallway, but a multifunctional room, you will need to insulate it. Some people prefer to make the dressing room in the form of a veranda, combined with a bath. The veranda can also be equipped as a wonderful relaxation room, ideal for use in summer time of the year.

If we are talking about a simple sauna chopped from a log, it will be possible to do without any frills. The dressing room itself will look very interesting. It will only be necessary to treat wood surfaces with special protective compounds. If the building is, for example, brick, you will need to take care of decorative design surfaces.

The design can be made both classic and modern. It is possible to beautifully decorate a room with the help of contrasts, or, conversely, choose such color combinations so that they look as harmonious as possible.

Perfect option- a simple "home" setting that immediately evokes associations with comfort.

Steam room

The steam room is usually entered from the dressing room or washing room. Such a room is most often equipped on the first floor. It is recommended to choose a door made of wood or tempered glass for a steam room. There should be no metal elements on it, otherwise they will become very hot, and people will start to burn about them. Only door hinges can be metal.

For one visitor to the steam room, one or two will be enough square meters in room. A place for the oven should also be provided. Optimal height steam room ceilings - about 2.5 m.

You should not make such a room too large, otherwise it will take a long time to warm up, and the air will become dry when the oven is very hot.

It is recommended to create shelves from deciduous trees however it is best not to use oak. When such wood is very hot, it becomes very slippery. You can combine different types, but the wood in any case must be of high quality: without mold, rotten areas, resin pockets, knots. To control the humidity, the degree of heating, it is recommended to use a steam hygrometer, a thermometer.

The stove in baths is most often installed next to the door. It is very important to insulate the surfaces next to the oven. You can isolate surfaces using of stainless steel, ceramic tiles, bricks, asbestos cardboard.

Do not choose panel coverings for the steam room, PVC tiles, linoleum, rubber, plastic. It is customary to create the ceiling in the bath from a board, lining, timber: it is the tree that contributes to the creation of a pleasant aroma in the steam room.


Such a room is most often the most spacious in the bath, because many equip a guest rest room there. There are usually a lot of wood products in the kitchen. Wood contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the room. However, such surfaces should be coated with compounds that make the tree more resistant to high humidity, which is typical for a Russian bath. The kitchen floor also needs to be liquid-resistant and non-slip.

In the kitchen room in the bath, it is recommended to use wide benches, which should be as comfortable as possible, and a large wooden table, at which all guests can easily accommodate. You should take care of the availability of a samovar or kettle, shelves for all the necessary things, and purchase a sufficient amount of dishes. You can place video and audio equipment in the kitchen.

Dressing room

It is recommended to place the changing room separately from all other rooms in the bath, so that all visitors can feel as comfortable as possible. When arranging a locker room, you need to take into account the recommendations of specialists.

  • Make sure ceilings are high. A person should be able to stretch his arms above his head without interference, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable in such a room. The best option for a changing room is about 2.5 m.
  • Adequate space for visitors should be provided in the changing room.
  • For the floor, choose a material that is non-slip, warm. You can use a carpet, a suitable option is the arrangement of a warm floor.
  • It is recommended to hang or put a mirror in the dressing room.
  • Should provide electrical outlets(several or one).


You can combine the toilet with a washroom, or allocate a separate room for it. In the second case, it is recommended to install not only a toilet, but also a paper holder, a sink with a mirror, a shelf or even a small cabinet. For decoration in the toilet, you can use a variety of materials: linoleum, cork, plastic elements, classic tile coverings, and so on. You can also experiment with combinations of several materials.

It is recommended to pay great attention to the ventilation in the bathroom. Can be used in such a room heating device to make it more comfortable in winter time of the year. If you do not want to spoil the interior in the washroom, you can also place a boiler in the toilet.

You should not place a toilet near the room where people are resting. Otherwise, the bathroom will irritate the vacationers, they will smell unpleasant.

If you combine a toilet with a sink, it is better to arrange such rooms in the same style. You can separate the toilet with a curtain, partition. In combined rooms, it is better to use standard tile materials.

Various styles

The interior of the bathhouse in the country can be decorated in any particular style. So you will not only have a good rest, relax, but also get aesthetic pleasure. The bathhouse can be made "German", decorated in antique style, decorated in high-tech style - there are a variety of options. Let's take a look at the styles that work best for these types of environments.


The Russian style is ideal when it comes to a bathhouse in the village. For the construction of such buildings, a rounded log, a bar is often used. Wooden walls the village bath does not have to be decorated or trimmed with anything. Interior design turns out to be interesting in itself.

In such a bath, you can install rough benches, large tables, sideboards, a stove-heater. To create the necessary atmosphere, one should not forget about the little things: wooden ladles, embroidered tablecloths, old samovars, and so on. The rooms in the Russian bath can be decorated using brooms.


This style is well suited not only for the elite, but also for quite simple baths... It is a bit like the Russian style, but country music has certain features borrowed from foreign traditions. Wooden products are also usually used, but this style is characterized by the use of beams, variegated linen and cotton materials, bright dishes.