Parent Saturday in August. What is the parent after Easter

In Christianity there are certain days to commemorate the departed, they are called parent Saturdays. For what reason these days were so called, no one knows exactly. There are several versions of the origin of the title, the first one states that the day when they remember the deceased people, the person first remembers the most relatives.

If the parents are no longer alive, then naturally remember them first. The second theory says that when a Christian goes into a different world, that is, he dies, he returns to his forefans. In other words, after death on Earth, meets with his deceased father and mother, grandparents and grandmothers. Saturday's day was noticeable, he was always considered the most unloaded among the rest of the week.

Parent Day in 2018 What Number, 5 Parent Saturdays

In the Orthodox Church there are 5 parent Saturdays. Meat's universal parent Saturday, on this day Orthodox believers ask God for mercy to all the departed Christians. Trinity Ecumenical Parent Saturday - Before the Day of the Holy Trinity, on the 49th day after Easter.

Private parental day, this Saturday in the Christian tradition commemorates the departed parents in the Russian, Bulgarian and Serbian Orthodox churches. Similar days include Mikhailovskaya, Dmitrievskaya and Pokrovskaya Saturday.

The parents' 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays during the Great Post exist in order to not deprive the deceased prayers about their resting throughout the great post, since in this period the usual commemoration of the deceased are canceled on the Christian regulations.

Parental day in 2018 what date, accurate dates

According to the Christian customs, the graves of the deceased relatives must be kept in order and clean. This is a manifestation of respect. But to leave on the graves food and alcoholic beverages are not allowed. In Orthodoxy, such actions are considered to be the desecration of the shower of the deceased Christians. Food is recommended to give the poor or distribute to the commemoration of a certain person who is no longer alive.

Dates of the parent Saturday in 2018:

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to take care of the souls of deceased close people. This I am a phenomenon is an integral part of Christianity as a whole, since this religion is one of the spiritual teachings of preaching life after death and in general, spiritual immortality.

It is also known that in Christianity there is a ban on the mercy of the deceased suicides. This means that they do not appear as the dead not in their will, as well as servants of the Church do not have the right to commit memorial prayers for them. With the blessing of the clergy, relatives of suicides may pray for them on their own.

Parent Saturdays in 2018 - special days in the church calendar, in which Orthodox Christians commemorate the dead relatives. Mom to the departed church - a special ritual. These days are held a memorial service on which the names of the people who left this world mention. On the eve of prayers, believers carry notes to the church with the names of the well-hearing relatives. In remembered Sabbaths, it is customary to remember not only the deceased relatives, but also acquaintances.

These Saturdays are named after these Sabbaths, then often parents leave this world before their children.

IN Great post During the week service is not held. Therefore, Saturdays are discharged to commemorate the departed. On this day, believers go to church, and after her visits go to the cemetery.

In the temples are read prayers for cleansing from sins of all Orthodox Christians. People who came to church pray not only for their loved ones, but also for other people who have completed their existence on Earth. Reading the general prayer to the parent Saturday helps to let go of all sins and get souls in the kingdom of heaven. Many missing, as well as those who died under different circumstances, people gain peace of mind and may be ascended to heaven.

Video: Parent Saturdays - Special Metting Days

Parent Saturdays Purpose of Ice in 2018

Parent Saturdays in 2018 are carried out traditionally. These days in churches are the divine liturgy and commemorate the dead. People who visited the temple bring notes with the names of the dead relatives, and transmit them to the priest so that he mentioned close during the service.

In addition to the usual parent Saturday, there are still universal (meat and Troitskaya).

Memorial dates in 2018 on the Orthodox calendar:

February 10Meat SaturdaySaturday a week before the Great Post. One of the main memories of the year. At this time, they remember all innocently tortured and killed Orthodox, who died for faith in Christ.
3.10 and March 172nd, 3rd and 4th SaturdayFor the great post, few days in which you can perform full liturgy and read the main church prayer for the deceased. Therefore, the church was established three special days of commemoration.
April 17. (ninth day after)From this day, after a long break on a great post and easter days, the charter of the Church is allowed to single-terroric commemoration of the dead.
9th MayMemorial Day of the Died WarriorsAfter the liturgy, thanksgiving prayer is carried out. The church is worshiped warriors who performed the sacred duty to the people and subtraction.
26 of MayTrinity Saturday (falls before the holiday)In Russia and in the south-east of Belarus, this is the largest and most memorable memorial day. On this day, everyone ever is remembered Christians.
the 3rd of November Day of universal commemoration of the departed. Performed annually before (November 8).

There are sayings related to parent Saturdays:

Video: Orthodox calendar for 2018: Days of fasting and parent Saturdays

Orthodox Christians, 7 times during the year, commemorate those who moved into another world. These days are called memorial or parent Saturdays. Measure those who have long been not near you, you can and on any other days. However, it is these seven days that are considered in particular time when you can help our souls to cleanse, praying for them sincerely and with love. Orthodox parent Saturdays In 2016, it is advantageously in February-March, and only one of them is celebrated in November.

Parent days are called because all the departed are considered to be gone to their parents, ancestors. Therefore, they remember everyone who have been presumptable, but first of all are the closest.

Separately there are two "universal" Saturdays, when all Christians who left this world are coming, and in Orthodox churches there are memorials. Most dates for parent Saturdays vary from year to year and are associated with large holidays, this will be said further. Three Saturdays fall on spring periodMore precisely - on the Easter post. In these measuring days Be sure to pray for those who are not alive to alleviate their sins and chubby God to be merciful to their souls.

Parental Saturday Calendar for 2016

March 5 - meat suite. This day is preceded by the beginning of the carnival walking.
March 26 - the second week of fasting.
April 2 - the third week of the post.
April 9 - the fourth week of fasting.
May 9 - commemoration of warriors (unchanged date).
May 10 - Radonitsa. 9th day after Easter. It falls on Tuesday, and not on Saturday, but in meaning applies to the general cycle of remembered days.
June 18 - Trinity Saturday - the eve of the holiday.
November 5 - Dimitrievskaya Saturday preceding the Day of Martyr Dmitry Solonsky.

Each of the parent Saturdays in the Church make a memorialist, i.e. Services for the rest, on which parishioners pray, so that the souls are stubborn, and the Lord was to them merciful, letting the sins. For this, special prayer texts are read. It is especially trying to remember those who left this world unexpectedly and remained without proper burial according to Christian traditions.

Trinity and Parent Saturday

One of the memorial days falls on Saturday on the eve of the Orthodox Trinity. As you can see, most parent Saturdays are associated with large Christian holidays. From others, this memo is different from the fact that it is possible to pray even for sinners - criminals, suicides, etc. The Trinity Holiday symbolizes the descent of the Holy Spirit to the Earth in order to be saved by all the souls without exception. It is believed that the Cathedral prayer on this day for the deceased has an excessive force. During the service, they read the 17th cafia, asking for reproaching prayers for shower and merciful forgiveness to the deceased family.

Radonitsa and Parental Saturday

Radonitsa is called the day falling on Tuesday (after the Fomina Sadmitsa). People remember this holiday about the descent of Christ to hell, resurrection and his victory over death. Radonitz bind directly with the celebration of life over death. It is customary to visit the cemeteries, the Moils are given to the Resurrection of Christ.

Dimitrievskaya memorial Saturday is referred to in honor of the martyr Dimitria Solunsky and falls on Saturday preceding November 8. Initially, the Dimitriev Saturday was remembered only by those killed in the culish battle, but over the years the tradition changed and began to remember everyone who was pressed.

On the eve of the commemorative Saturday, the evening of Fridays in churches are the great memories, referred to as "Parastas". Saturday morning commemorate liturgies are coming, after them - common memories. On the clock, you can apply notes with the names of the deceased relatives or other close people, about their rest. It is also customary to bring food to the temples "on the canon" (Eve). This is a lean food, and from the wines is allowed Cahors.

What can and what can not be done in the Orthodox Parent Saturday

In any of the parent Saturdays 2016 it is recommended to go to orthodox church, pray sincere about the custody of the souls of the departed, as they say, for God are all alive! Also good in harmony with the ancient tradition to bring products to the temple for commemoration. Previously, the parishioners did the table, followed together and remembered everyone - and their strangers. Now they simply bring products, and the servants distribute products to remember in needing people. Also, the church advises to submit notes, which indicate the names of the dead close to the church mention in prayers.

Even if you visit the church in the Orthodox commemorative Saturday, we pray with an open heart at home. This will clean up your heart from the bad and facilitates the fate of the departed, because they are no longer able to join themselves, but you can help them gain peace and grace. If you do not know what to read, open the 17 caffemic (or 118 psalm), the prayer is a funeral about relatives, close, all Orthodox.

It is believed that the parent Saturdays should not be cleaning, wash, work in the gardens to wash. In most cases, this is a superstition, not confirmed by the Church: If things do not interfere with you to visit the temple and pray, then you can do them. For example, a warning about washing these days has long since a long time. When to carry out a simple procedure, as it seems to us now, it was necessary to bother all day: to distort the firewood, the bath to escape, the water to apply, so it turned out that time on prayers and visiting the temple did not remain.

You can visit the graves, remove on them. First of all, the responsibility for the state of the tombstones lies on the children whose parents went away from life. They are simply obliged to take care of parental days Did the daily troubles unnoticed in the whirlpool. When the memorial days occur for the period of post, it should not be remembered by rapid products, breaking the post. Wire dishes from those products that are allowed to have these days.

It is impossible to mourn over the measure these days: remember - does not mean to be sad. After all, according to the Christian beliefs of the soul is immortal, and therefore she just moved to the world unknown to us. If a person led the life of the righteous, then his soul arrives in the eternal state of love, harmony, joy, so-called paradise. If a person, on the contrary, made sinful acts, his soul languishes in the worst world and is experiencing endless torment.

A person can affect this fate only during his lifetime, after death, only prayer readable with the extraordinary faith and love can save him from torment. Who, how are not close people can make this prayer? That is why it is necessary to devote each of the parent Saturday to prayer words, uttering with a pure heart. Many are mistaken, treating commemoration, as the need to drink a stack of hot on the cemetery - such an act you will not alleviate the fate of the past.

Do not forget to remember parents on the Christian tradition so that their souls become lighter!

During the parent days, the Orthodox world recalls the departed people, close relatives (because of the name - "Parental"), as well as the fallen on the battlefield. Parental Saturdays in 2018 (Orthodox calendar) also include dates that are famous for the martyrs of faith. There are no accurate dates for the memory of the dead, because they all depend on the time when Easter passes in every year. On Saturday, we gain peace of mind from the work week, and we can remember our loved ones, distant relatives, and everyone who was dear to us.

The Orthodox Parental Saturday Calendar in 2018 to commemorate the departed.

The first memorial day. It is a Saturday meat, or universal. Remember relatives, close people, usually sustainingly dead. Meets shortly before the carnival, so Universal Saturday Also bake pancakes. One pancake is brought to the grave, it is intended for a relative. The next pancake is given as a small gift to children and poor people.

Three Parent Saturdays In March 2018, the Orthodox world recalls those people who died, observing self-limiting. At this time, the reading of the forty stores is not allowed. Parent Saturdays 2018 before Easter are days during the post, when you can remember your relatives.

This day wears the name of Radonitsa. It is the main memorial Saturday. Great Parent Saturday in 2018 what date is April 17.

Remember not only about family members, but also about those killed during the war.

Saturday is a semit. A semit is not an Orthodox day of mind of the departed, but his roots go from a folk tradition. Purge suicides and naked children.

Called Trinity Saturday. It is noted before the Holy Holiday Trinity. Prayers are read about relatives, with the purpose of their souls to be calm on that light, as well as about the eternal life of the departed dear people.

The day of memory of Orthodox warriors - originates from the period of war with Turkey. Memorial Day of John the Forerunner, who died, defending his faith.

Dimitrievskaya Saturday is a day, when, in addition to the departed family members, they indulge in the memory of the warriors who died during the Kulikov battle.

Why are the memorial Saturdays called "parents"?

There are two explanations:

  • The first - by the meaning of the name. At this time, they remember their parents, senior relatives that are not with us.
  • The second - according to Christian beliefs, after death, a person goes to his ancestors, i.e. parents (according to folk legends).

What is the main memorial day?

The main memorial day is the 9th day after Easter. At this time, a number of Orthodox countries remember the dead, traditional ceremonies are also held, which have a connection with these events. These are mostly Russian memorial days, since the dates of memory in the Orthodox calendar also contain the names of Russian saints, victorious warriors.

In many cities and regions of Russia, the main memorial Saturday is called, namely:

  • Radan man;
  • Easter dead;
  • Graves.

In general, in every place of Russia, Radonitsa may be called differently - but the essence of this day remains the same, reverence and memory of the heavenly glory.

Orthodox parent Saturdays are devoted to the commemoration of the departed.

Radonitsa - Great Parent Saturday

Why is Radonitsa called this way? The main idea is to congratulate the departed with the Easter holiday, which, according to beliefs, also applies to them. On one day, all the dead will be resurrected, and the kingdom of Christ will come, and everyone will come true - so officially explains the soul of the meaning of the name "Radonitsa" or "Radunitsa".

The main memorial day is associated with a number of rites, or traditions. So, with the dead accepted "Christ" easter eggs "After all, it is believed that the deceased will also hear and understand the holiday, they wish him to celebrate. Eggs are painted in red. In a number of cities and villages of Russia, it is customary to leave Easter treats - the testicles, as well as kits in the cemetery, or to dig them at the house where the deceased once lived.

What you need to cook

We mentioned that the Radonitsa eat Bute - this is a cereal dish, which is complemented by various dried fruits, raisins, nuts or poppies, consists of wheat and rice cereals. First of all, it is precisely to this treat, if we are talking about a memorial meal.

  • In other areas of Russia, the pancakes are accepted, including Radonitz, to treat a satisfying dish of relatives;
  • It is not so important whether pancakes from a thin dough will be abundantly decorated and saturated with stuffing - it is only important how well they are oily;
  • According to believers, the dead understand that they are remembered by the number of oil on the pancakes. Such a pancake must be put in the basket and attributed to the cemetery.
  • Considered treats are served with special respect.

Commemoration on Saturday Days are held at home. If in the course of Radonitsy people drink alcohol, then this is not choking - ancient times is considered at least bad admission To do so. It is not allowed to use knives and forks. All that was not eaten, in no case is not cleaned, does not throw out - because the remains of food can be fed to birds, which can symbolize gratitude, respect, universal communication with the world.

How to remember the deceased correctly

  • Check the rogle relative, repair, if necessary, or paint, plant flowers;
  • When a person comes to the grave, you need to light the candle and read the words of prayer;
  • Relatives remember from the best side, in a respectful tone;
  • At the end of the holiday, you need to be treated with a traditional Easter treat, and congratulate all expensive crashes with the Easter holiday.

Of course, in addition to small rites and traditions, the semantic center of Radonitsy becomes a visit to the departed. Relatives are going together, or attend the graves of the dead aimed one (depending on the connections that the living and deceased people supported). So, the wife can visit her husband separately, or go to the grave with the whole family. The main thing is to show due attention and respect for the person you remember.

Radonitsa is a bright day, so you need to make it so that at the end of the commemoration everyone has a good mood.


The history of the parent Saturday as a holiday is not the simplest. Until Soviet times (namely, the revolution of the 17th year) was considered an absolutely normal visit to the cemetery as a tribute to the mind of the departed. In the Soviet period, of course, the attitude towards the memorial dates has changed. However, and then citizens managed to remember the deceased, observing the main Orthodox traditions, and simply to once again recall the parents and simply expensive people who were not with them.

Remember when orthodox Church In each temple, he holds memoirs to all the departed Christians, are referred to as parental Saturdays. They really (with the exception of Radonitsa and the days of remembering warriors) are held on Saturday. Saturday - the day of rest is still from biblical times, as it is impossible to suitable for prayers for the souls of the rest. In addition to these common days of memory church calendar, at the date of the death, birthday and name of our dead relatives and loved ones, as a tribute to them, we arrange memorial dinners, visit the cemetery and temple. These days are individual for each person. Parental Saturdays or the days of the mercy of the departed in 2018 on the Orthodox tradition begin a week before the Great Post from the Universal Meat Saturday February 10, 2018. The universal or common to all this Saturday is called because in the temples there is a common memorial service, on which everyone prayed for God's mercy to the departed Christians on the eve of a week about the terrible court. So, the parent Saturdays of 2018 and the memorial days of 2018 further.

Ecumenical Parent Saturday (meatshut) 2018

In 2018, it falls on February 10 on this day it is customary to read prayers not only about the dried relatives, but also of all the departed, ranging from Adam and Eve. This is the most global Saturday, it is designed to remind everyone about a terrible court and call people to prudence and mercy. As for the name, each word implies its meaning. Universal - this day pray for all the departed without exception, in the church special attention Pay prayers for people who have not died by their death, because all the souls should be rest. She is called parental from the fact that we pray for the forgiveness of all sins of our ancestors - "parents" who gave us life. And the very word "meat" suggests that on this day you need to exclude meat food at all. With regard to this Saturday, there is a whole list of rituals. The main thing is to come to the temple and on a special leaflet "For the rest" write the names of those whom you want to remember and make a fee for this to a person responsible for collecting sheets. Of course, it is better to defend the whole service, but not necessarily. It is also desirable on the way home to distribute alms asking. It is believed that these act you remember those for whom you can not pray. These are unprecedented, suicides who are dead from abortion. At home at the table should be remembered, everyone who left life. And also to cook a bun, or it is also called "Colova", here this dish reminds that the deceased will rise when a terrible court comes.

Parental days of Orthodox in 2018

In a Christian religious schedule, there are all data regarding significant celebrations. What is the number of parental Saturdays in 2018?

  1. The 10th day in February is occurring sacred meat support (universal) Saturday;
  2. 3 numbers in March - Saturday period 2nd weeks of a great strict post;
  3. 10 numbers in March - Saturday period 3rd weeks of strict post;
  4. 17 numbers in March - Saturday period of the 4th week of strict post;
  5. The 17th in April is the Orthodox Radonitsa;
  6. May 9, the reference date of the memories of all the departed warriors is found;
  7. 26 numbers in May - the date of the celebration of the Sacred Trinity Saturday;
  8. Three numbers in November - the memorial Christian Dmitrievskaya Saturday. The girl prays for rest.

All listed parental days in 2018 according to orthodox calendar Always fall on Saturday period of the week. This moment is marked not at all in vain. In religion, it is Saturday that is associated with the state of peace, so it is most suitable in order to recall the souls of the deceased people. In Orthodoxy, there are several versions regarding why the memorial days are named precisely parent. The main (first) version states that the name "Parent Day" appeared not in vain. Remembering the expensive and beloved people, the man first of all thinks about his parents. If the next relatives have already died, then in the memorial day they also remember in the first phase. The second version points out that in religion a person who is devoted to the Earth is recognized as deposited to the forefacials, that is, parents. And the Sabbath day of the week is chosen as a sign that this period in the week is calmer.

Saturday 2 Sedmians of the Great Post 2018

Fits on March 03 in 2018. Due to the fact that the Great Post in the Church does not carry out daily liturgia, the deceased remain without commemoration. To fix it and not to leave the departed, the church decided to allocate three days to remember - the universal intricate Saturdays 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of the Great Post. In such a Saturday, it is possible not to just order a fortyst and give a note "about rest", but will personally pray for the already reverent. If it is not possible to visit Liturgy, it is better not to ask for anyone about it, the priests do not welcome such actions.

Saturday 3 weeks of the Great Post 2018

Falls on March 10 in 2018. It is this that Saturday that it is worth praying for their dead. This day is perfect to put a candle for restoring, serve a memorial service, serve alms to let go of sins, go to the cemetery. This manifests true love for neighbor people not in words, but in practice. This is one of the main rules of the post.

Saturday 4 semits of the Great Post 2018

Fits on March 17 in 2018. This day is designed to help the dead do not in the word, but the case. After all, by going to the afterlife, they cannot ask for the forgiveness of their sins, because of what, even the little sinning is circumspending the deceased for eternal flour. Praying about the dead loved ones, we help to get it rest. This is proved true love To your ancestors.

The main memorial day in 2018

The main memorial day of the Orthodox is Radonitsa. In different parts of Russia, it is celebrated in different time. According to church canons, the main parental memorial day falls on the ninth day after Easter, namely on Tuesday. In 2018 it will be 04/17/18. It should be noted that this day is different in different regions Russia. Somewhere he is called graves, somewhere Easter the dead, and somewhere Radannik. However, the essence of this holiday is unchanged. This is a special day to commemorate the deceased parents and the closest people. It is believed that the name "Radonitsa" appeared from the verb to "rejoice", because on this day we not only remember the deceased close, but congratulations to them with Easter, believing that the kingdom of heaven will come and all the dead will be resurrected. The main feature This day is the preparation of a special treat, which is intended for both people living now and for the dead. On Radonitz, the eggs are painted again and prepare a bun. It should be noted that most of the eggs are painted in red. In some regions of Russia, the tradition "Christ's deceased" has been preserved. For this, red eggs are buried in the ground.

In some villages, they are taken to put them in the ground directly in the cemetery, in others it is enough to go to the field or at home where the deceased lived. In such a terrain, as a rule, it is believed that "the dead move under the ground." Another unchanged dish on Radonitsa is Casca. So call tan porridge from wheat or rice, mixed with raisins, nuts, poppies and dried fruits. Before proceeding with the meal behind the memorial table, you must taste the bun. Some Slavic peoples also kept the tradition of the stove on this day pancakes. Some hostesses bake thin translucent treats, others prefer magnificent delicacies. In no dependence on this it is believed that pancakes are fully prepared by rite, if they are well placed. It is the amount of oil indicative of how relatives remember the dead. The first pancakes according to tradition are placed in a nodule or a basket and carry in the cemetery. Until now, all relatives come to Radonitsa to the graves of the departed, so that everyone together remember the loved ones and taste pancakes. In the old days, on this meal, the cemetery ended. People went home and for festive table continued to remember the dead.

If the commemoration of the house passed with the use of alcohol, it was forbidden to be blocked. Also unacceptable was the use of knives and forks. Remains with a commemorating table forbidden to throw out. It was accepted to feed them "Ptah Heaven." It is worth noting that during the Soviet power some traditions have undergone changes. If, before the October Revolution of 1917, Radonitsa was considered a holiday, and everyone could see the cemetery without any problems, then in the Soviet period it became problematic. Despite this, people still came to their departed relatives, but not on Tuesday, but on Sunday. Another change was, the fact that there were lush meals with alcohol next to the graves. Moreover, after them, eggs, glasses with vodka, bread and other food left on the burial places. The church considers it unacceptable. Minding of loved ones, it is necessary to pray for their souls and hope that we are waiting for the resurrection. The ministers of the Church believe that cakes, eggs, etc., which are left after commemoration are a sign of pagan traditions - "sweep the deceased." If you consider yourself an Orthodox person, then you should not do this. It is unacceptable and watering the graves of alcohol.

Radonitsa in 2018

Saturday Troitskaya 2018

Fits on May 26 in 2018. This saturday marks the entrance to the post. People go to church to pray for all the dead, even those who fell into the hell. After the service, usually go to the cemetery, where they decorate the grave of their native greens and spend a memorial meal. The remaining food is customary to leave on the grave so that passers-by could treat and remember close people, it was a kind of alms. On this day, it is impossible to refuse asking and need help. There is I. whole line folk traditionsnot related to commemoration. On this day, it was forbidden to work and walk alone in the forest, because it was possible to stumble upon mermaid. It was believed that this day is activated devilryWhat was afraid of the mouth of cattle near the forests and water bodies. In no case could not be done by water related to water: washing, washing the dishes, bathing, so as not to disturb the abode of the mermaids. Better to drop them. And if it rains on this day, then it will be excellent yield berries and mushrooms.

Saturday Dmitrievskaya in 2018

Fits on November 3 in 2018. This is the last memorial day of the year. Dmitrievskaya Saturday is preceded by the Day of Memory of the Great Martyr Dimitria Solunsky. This Saturday is customary to go to the graves of relatives, where to pray for their rest and cry, after which it is possible to arrange memorial meals. Also, the cemeteries served memorially, for which the priests received generous gifts. As in other memorial days, it is worth paying special attention to helping the poor. Dmitrievskaya Saturday also marks the fall of autumn in the winter. It was very important to finish preparation for the cold for this day. The hostess diligently removed the dwelling and baked oblong memorial pies with all sorts of fillings. It is advisable to visit the bath on the eve of Saturday, and leave the broom and water to leave for the deceased relatives. It is important to remember that if we really love your deceased relatives, you need to pray more often for their rest and ask for the forgiveness of their sins. Dying, a person loses the opportunity to turn to the Lord. It is for helping the departed and have been created memorial days. Of course, it is better to do everything, observing the rules and foundations, but if it is not possible to visit the temple or go to the cemetery, even simple prayer at home will help.