We are involved in a man by photo without consequences. How easy to be permanent on menstruation

Love magic has long been applied to connect the fate. Many women, regardless of age, tried to shit a man at a distance, read conspiracy independently, binary blood, candles or wine. Some rituals are permissible without fear at home without the help of professional goddes, without fear of consequences. But there are such magic ritesTo which you need to carefully prepare and strictly adhere to the rules of their holding, so that the price of the witchcraft is not too high.

The spell rarely passes without consequences for the one who imposed it, because it is violence against the person of the awesome. The stronger the rite contradicts the desires and the will of man, the greater the rollback expects an inexperienced godge.

Therefore, choosing one or another ritual, it is important to be ready for the consequences of both for its object, and for the one who decided to resort to the conspiracy. Do not count that dark forces will help free.

In order to reduce negative influence Rite, you will have to prepare a spill. It is attributed to the intersection of ground roads. There are 13 coins that throw through the left shoulder, they say "paid" and go without looking around. For more powerful sentences as a sputter, except coins, use vodka with a verdict: "You drink yes to walk, and to whom and win."

Strong love spells require preparation. Before the ride is cleaned the soul and body. The day before it is refused to have noisy entertainment, television, radio, and time is carried out in silence. It is necessary to try to free consciousness from negative thoughts. It is better to dream about beloved or pray. Mandatory condition is a diet. It is necessary to exclude rough, heavy food from the diet, so that the body becomes ease and cleaned from the inside. It is worth abandoning alcohol and tobacco.

Before the ritual you need to swim. Current water helps get rid of negative energy, tune in to the desired way. There should be a feeling of relaxation, but not drowsiness. After that, they put clean clothes. During the ritual on the body there should be no decorations, belts, zippers. Hair must be loose.

The house needs to be alone, freeing it at the time of the rite from people and animals. It is important to disable everything electrical devicesIn order not to create an additional energy field that can affect the magic process. The selected room needs to be cleaned from negative energy. To do this, pass around the perimeter of the room clockwise with burning candles. In places where the fire will show activity, you need to stand longer.

Such rituals have a big magic powerIf held at midnight, during the growing moon. Read the conspiracy is better near the window.

How to read the text of the love spell

Soul at a distance excludes or limits the direct impact on the object. Great importance Not only the words of the conspiracy are acquired, but also what emotions and thoughts of the busty puts in them as much energy and will.

Experienced magicians believe that the sounds of the human name and other magical words are able to have a strong impact on the consciousness and body of the ritual object. In order not to disturb its course and read the conspiracy with the correct intonation and the energy promise, the words are better to learn by heart. If the rite does not provide for learned words, we will have to independently formulate a mental message. It should be clear and maximally concise.

The words of the magic formula are better to learn more and because in this case the eyes can be closed and present the face of the beloved, and this increases the chances of success. To enhance the status of the conspiracy, read the odd number of times. Read at home Magic formulas from words can be loud or whisper, there is a chance. The main thing is hardness and confidence.

How to shock a married man at a distance

Sostly sufficiently attract your own wrong spouse. It is impossible to bind someone else's husband without consequences. If in family couple There is a strong spiritual connection, even in case of temporary difficulties, the lifetime of her husband may not work.

A powerful black rite will be required or strong inherent. And even this does not guarantee that the man will finally leave the family and children to the woman. The initiator of the rite will have to put up with the role of the mistress. Big magic rollback expects an inexperienced bodies in case the man is Veden with his wife.

The most effective spell at a distance without a photo to attract married man - Blood ritual, which is added to his food or drink. For other rituals, the photo will need not only a man, but also his wife. On video one of the visual options:

How to shock your favorite guy

To bind to yourself a chosen one, you can apply a white or black spell. White spell is the least dangerous, rarely requires the pronunciation of persistent magical dictionary formulas, does not roll back and looks more like a request or prayer. And the black conspiracy requires high energy costs of the ritual initiator and is not effective without attracting dark forces, which always require fee for their services.

Blood from Petts

Self simple conspiracies Associated with the mixing of their blood in food or a chosen one. But there is a spell at a distance belonging to black magic. It is believed that the rollback is strong in this case and it is impossible to pay off him. In addition, there is a risk that the chosen one will live after this impact no more than 12 years.

For the rite you will need a picture of your favorite in full growth and a candle acquired in the church on Tuesday. Distance between objects magic impact And the stage of the moon to the ritual does not affect. After the sunset, the candle is lit, the photo is placed in front of them, pierce any needle finger and put 3 blood droplets on the picture.

One must fall on the face. Then the snapshot ignites, saying:

"My blood and ashes burned in one flame, we are with (name) together."

The ashes pour out the window. The candle must burn the duck, and the flashes throw out.

On menstrual blood

Binding on menstrual blood - the strongest witchcraft printing. This is a ritual who belongs to black magic and often turns around strong Slaughter For a conspiracy object and rollback for inexperienced goddes. Some magicians argue that the spell on the menstrual blood has the power of generic curse on the men's line. Nevertheless, this is the most fashionable rite. love magic.

As a result of the actual actions, a man is tied to the hostess of blood, experiencing passion and lust. Negative consequences can be avoided only if the future steam is fully compatible and affection does not contradict the will of a man. Traditionally, menstrual blood should get into the human body with food or drinks.

A snack for menstruation is done so. Blood collected before the ritual at night. On the table is placed a photo of the beloved, arrange 5 candles around it. Finger, moistened menstrual blood, write their name and say:

"(Selected Name), I spell your heart and soul. Love me and live together forever. Spell my such force has that even my death will not cancel it! ".

After that, the candles are quenched with your fingers. The snapshot is folded in half and put under your bed. If everything went well, the same night will dream of a sexual sleep with your favorite guy.

On candlelight

There are several options for rituals using candles. Most often use church, red, black, wedding, Jerusalem and callers. The candlestick is better to choose wooden or glass. These are simple but beautiful and efficient rites. They spend them at night, in the absence of any other light sources in the room.

The safest love witchcraft impact is produced on red or pink colour. Before the start of the bottom of the candles, crossed the cross. On one needle scratch full name Beloved, and on the other - its own. Fitil lubricate Pink essential oil. Ignite candles with one match from match boxnot used.

If the first match does not light up, the rite needs to be postponed. A plot of burning candles are pronounced 9 times:

"Fire candles blame, they are with you (the name of the man) forever join. Red candles are burning-flared, and our souls are filled with love. Like these candle with candles, and you (the name of the man) will always be there. "

Simultaneously with reading a conspiracy, the candles warm each other with flames, softening wax. On the final words, the candles are quenched and compressed with each other, bonding among themselves. The better the candles glued, the more reliably there will be a binding. When the spell starts to lose strength, blind candles will need to hold over the fire of two other red candles.

Soul on church candles can be made at home or in the temple. Take as many candles as a beloved man, but there are tens and units. For example, if a man is 32 years old, you need to take 5 candles. They should be small, because you have to wait until they fight, and think about your loved one.

They burn them from already burning candles, pronouncing the name of the chosen man. Put only before icons. Before crucifying this can not be done. It is important that no one hovers them. While the candles are burning, you can voicate your dreams and desires associated with the chosen one.

You can prove the formula:

"Along, the candles are saints, church, flame fire bright. And you are my beloved, the slave of God (name) by passionate love for the servant of God (his name) is Zaplaigh. Dreaming about it from sunset and dawn. Candles will keep up, and no one will cancel my word. Amen".

Then, how all the candles are ruined, to the chosen icon are treated with a love prayer.

On wine

The love spell at the distance is almost impossible. After all, the ritual object must have a conspiracy wine.

But there is a simple binding at a distance of red wine from white love magic. Late in the evening, a girl pours wine into a glass and reads a conspiracy over him:

"Heavenly forces! Deliver me with charms that will help the servant of God (your name) to tie my beloved slave of God (the guy's name). Let this wine faster his blood and in the soul his love! ".

Then the girl should have a wine and lie down in bed. Then you need to mentally imagine your favorite guy as significantly.

To help remembered and called

Love spell on your favorite guy at a distance can make him call. You need to light a small candle, a glass of 2/3 is filled with natural red grape wine. Simple Ring without decorative elements From any material they put on a red thread or tape, forming a pendulum.

He is kept above the glass so that the elbow rests on the table. You need to call your full name and allow the pendulum to hit the wall of the glade as many times as letters in the name. The other hand the pendulum stop and repeat the action with the name of the man. After that, the ring is lowered into a glass and keep until the candle does not burn. During waiting, you need to present in detail the desired phone call. When the candle is a knot, wine needs to drink.

Using dolls

For communication dolls with a chosen one, it will take its thing, an organic particle (hair, nail, blood, etc.) or a photo. A love spell with a doll can be directed to love, sex, psychological dependence and suitable for binding an object of any sex.

It will take a black bread loaf (if the object is a man) or white (if a woman), 3 unused needles, a little water, a red candle, matches, a thing for communication with the object. They light the candle, pour water into the bowl, the bread is cleaned into 2 parts. The mistakes are dipping into the water and pursue a doll by placing a thing in it for binding.

During the modeling, you need to imagine the chosen as much as possible and reliably. The finished doll is put on the table and take turns sticking the needles in the heart, genitals, head, every time you send our feelings to the puncture point and presenting the response to them. Then the doll is wrapped in a napkin and hide. When it dries, the inherent will come into full force.

On the full moon

When the moon is in the full moon phase, hold a rite with one candles. A woman for this ritual should be barefoot and naked.

Grilled wax church candle 7 times carry around their body, pronouncing words:

"How the candle is flared up, so big love illuminates the soul of my beloved (the name of the man). Candle, how beautiful I show him, and his heart is forever tie, so that he sighed from the longing yes to his chest to press me passionately wanted. "

Then the candle is quenched, and the flashes throw a chosen man.

By photo

The spell on the photo is carried out at a distance different ways. The main condition - the snapshot should be no more than 3 months. The most popular ritual - with a mirror. In addition to him, you will need a picture of a guy, candles and a glance with a cold holy or melt water.

Two candles put from different sides from the mirror, the artist is located face to him, the pile and the photo card are placed in front of them, one candle is taken in hand. Ignite all 3 candles. The one in hand is tilted three times over the package, wax dripped into it and pronounce: "My beloved, my sick, my passion, be mine, love me, forever. Flame fire Let all the passions of yours to others. The fire of candles, I am involved, I will tell me on me, I wish, let them (the name of the man) will be mine, let him see and knows only me. May it be so". The ritual repeats 3 nights in a row.

Even for one option, there will be 3 candles, a photo of a beloved, thread, needle, chalk. At night an hour, candles placed on a triangle table, in the center of which are posted photos. Then in 3 needles you need to fill the threads and on each tie a nodule.

Chalk around the candles draw a circle, touching the vertices of the triangle from the candles. Concentrating on the image of a man, one needle is flashing the photo through the head, the second needle - in the heart, the third - in the genital zone. Needles do not take out. Through the button from his clothes, all 3 needles stretch out the threads and bind into one node. The resulting talisman must always be worn with you.

Another promotional ritual via a single photo is carried out using any thing. The conspiracy on the material object accelerates and strengthens the actual action. The necessary thing is selected from those who already belong to the chosen one or in the future will be presented to him. It can be a piece of clothing, a comb or another thing that has frequent contact with the body.

At night, there are 2 wedding candles, better - pink color, 2 photographs are put nearby - its own and the object of the ritual. In hand take the chosen thing and pronounce a plot:

"Wedding candles are bright in the night. So our love flares up, from my heart it goes into your heart. Your item will give you to you. How many times they touch her, the passion will be stronger in so many times. "

With white silk thread

White silk thread contributes to the emergence of romantic hobbies and marriage. It will takes a mix, needle, flasking fresh and undisposed bright matter. After sunset with a needle with a thread without a node, we make 3 simple lowercase stitch, saying: "As a thread behind a needle, like a stitch behind a stitch, so my beloved for my lovely. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

The needle stick into the cloth, fold, hide and go to bed. The rite is repeated, continuing to sew 3 stitches per night until a piece of thread remains, sufficient for tying 3 nodules. On this night, the needle is cleaned and tie nodules, saying:

"Tie a nodule soul of the slave (name) to the soul of slaves (name), tie the knot to the heart of the slave (name) to the heart of slaves (name), tie the nodule the body slave to the body slaves. My word is firmly, my lopo is. May it be so. Amen".

After the ritual, it is important for no one to talk until the morning.

How to shock a wife or a favorite girl

To bind a beloved woman, almost all love spells are suitable, except for those that are conducted on menstrual blood. The only feature is carrying such rites on Friday - "Venus Day" or "Women's Day".

When it works

The first signs that the spell began to act, will appear within 3 days after the ritual. What he is stronger, the faster the result will arise. Initially, there will be a vigorous object of the attitude.

Then he will begin to look for meetings with her, show interest. As a result of rituals with elements of black magic, the object will show passion, a carnal desire, a woman's agreed to actively.

What could be the consequences of the love spell

Often minimal consequences accompany the rites of white magic, as they do not deprive the object of conspiracy of the freedom of choice, but are directed only to increasing their own attractiveness in his eyes and strengthening already existing sympathy and interest.

A black spell is a magic collar that forces the object of the rite to act under coercion, and such an impact will not pass without a trace. A strong spirit man will resist pressure and hate the enslave, and the weak will try to forget in alcohol or other dope, losing his personality.

A powerful lead of men at a distance will definitely lead to problems with his health. Due to the fact that the spell overlaps his way to vital energy, he literally dries in his eyes. The man does not have the strength to maintain financial well-being, good luck turns away from it. He becomes nervous, aggressive,

There are a number of consequences for the involving. If an error is made during the ritual or the spill is not accepted, the rope awaits a rollback - the spell will turn against it itself. Rollback is felt as a splash of strong and contradictory emotions, at the same time the work of the energy centers of the body is disturbed, which leads to the disease.

Experienced magicians are able to put protection against the opposite action of their spells, it is worth learn before making an inherent on their own. In addition, the woman becomes for the object of the rite the only source of energy, so constantly feels fatigue, impotence, after which the disease comes.

Is it possible to remove the spell made at a distance

It is possible to neutralize the action of the attitude, imposed on the distance, if you find it on time - before the onset of irreversible devastating processes in the individual and the body. Trust shoot a love spell better professionalSince interference in someone else's ritual requires considerable strength, knowledge and skills. In addition, you can independently not determine whether the inherent was removed, and lose the precious time.

The action of the attitude is removed at noon. The easiest way is to use salt. It must be heated in a frying pan, reading a conspiracy to get rid of the attitude. The following days over the photo again read a plot and bury it in salt. On the fourth day, she was washed into the sewer.

Love, especially unrequited, very often can cause love of love spell. However, it is necessary to remember that any incorrectly spent ritual can bring more harm than the benefit, both the subject of the vorozhba and the leading.

Consider what kind of love spells exist and how best to do to stay with your beloved forever.

How to shock a guy at home? How to shock a former guy?

There are several best simple ways Presentation that will help to easily chase the object of lust without special efforts. These include a number of older rituals.

Method number 1.

A person who carries out a spell is needed to sit in front of the mirror at night and begin to braid a braid, visualizing the image of the beloved. At the same time, the phrase is repeated for himself: "I want to be with my beloved (name)."

Then you need to go to bed with a braided oblique. Spit can not be broken until the beloved starts to provide signs of attention.

Method number 2.

Buy church incense. On the night before the icon, he burn him, saying: "How incense is melted and burns, so let the heart (name) will burn from eternal love to me."

Method number 3.

It is necessary to take honey, water and several candles (3 pieces). The ritual is held at midnight in the forest with a full moon. Right hand tied with a white cloth, and the left is black. Before each tissue turnover, drink a sip of water with honey.

After that, in the forest with a candle, they create a triangle around him and light all the candles with one match. After that, they say: "Being far away, know how hard me. Praise, like these candles, you will be recruiting. "

During the whole ritual, it is necessary to visualize the image of the beloved. The better the image is formed, the stronger there will be a binding.

These methods are considered the most simple, but less effective. If a stronger binding is needed, it is necessary to turn to the attractions on candles and blood. In that white Magic Help will not be able. All love spells presented below are black magic objects, so you need to do everything extremely correctly, so that the one who likes, and the leading itself is not injured.

Classic love spell

From classic love spellots in black magic, you can allocate love spells in the photo, with candles, with comb, on the maps and on the playing bones.

The girl should acquire candles and decorative lamps made of natural wax. If you take black candles, then the ritual will be completely saturated with black magic. In addition, you will need a new tablecloth of pink color, foil, red slice of chalk, English pin.

Before sunset, the table is covered with a new tablecloth, and in it the heart is drawn in red chalk. Two candles are put in the center of the drawing and the words are pronounced: "The Goddess of Love, help me, come to the rescue. Light fire in two hearts and save it. Let love we only grow up. "

Candles should burn. After that, the entire molten wax you need to seal in foil, stick with a pin and write a guy and your name on the convolution. Remove the bundle in an inaccessible cache. The result can manifest after one day.

Walking a favorite guy. Strong ritual for 40 candles

The ritual uses 40 church candles. Before the rite, take in your hands every candle in turn and read the prayer "Our Father". After that, you need to collect all the candles in your hands and light them, saying words:

"How they burn the day after day, so the feeling of the slave of God (name) to me, the servant of God (name) will turn around. Amen!"

The phrase is pronounced 3 times, then all the candles steal one movement of the hand.

All of the above actions are preparing for the rite.

Then every day at the same time in the saucer puts one lit candle. Candle should burn. Wax in the saucer leave. The same thing is done for 40 days with the rest of the candles. At the end of the ritual, a wax from 40 candles should remain in the saucer. Wax is placed in white list paper and burst under the young tree. Results may appear within 3 days after the completion of the lability.

Ritual on blood

Many girls love to read books in which it is described how to shock a loved one without harm and so on. However, the description of the ritual for blood in them is rarely given due to the danger of the ritual. The ritual on blood is considered the strongest and inevitable. Such a rite should be an extreme measure that is possible only in exceptional cases.

It is worth noting that this spell is limited in time. The effect comes quickly, but it can last from 6 months to several years. With the advent of the child's family, he can fully lose its strength. After that, it needs to be updated.

The ritual is held on the growing moon at night, preferably at midnight.

For the rite you will need a needle and a glass of red wine.

You must pour a full glass of red wine. PRACOLITE unnamed finger right hand And scum the odd number of blood droplets into a glass of wine. At the same time, we need to say words: "How to drink wine (the name of a guy or a man), lights up in you. All thoughts will be about me, and during the day, and at night, and in a dream. "

The man should have a wine from the glade. Even if he does only a few sips, the spell will work.

There are love spells without the use of candles, blood and other magical attributes. These include a spell with the phone.

In order to carry out a spell using the phone, do not need physical contact that is so important in other love spells.

Despite the fact that in love magic, this spell includes sufficiently skeptical, positive sides There are still there. To one of the advantages of the love spell through the phone, the fact that the object of lust is simpler through the gadget than through physical contact.

It plays important role Then, when the beloved completely avoids you, there will be nothing to eat with you or drink. In addition, the rite does not require complex actions, you do not need to buy a lot of candles and other items for the ritual. No need for a certain place and time (forest, river, night, etc.)

If you often thought about how to quickly wander the guy, then this option is for you. The rite is based on the fact that you need to make a call and say words that have maligation.

By calling the phone number, the words of the love spell should be pronounced in the tube:

"I do that since now you will be, you will love me ...".

So that the love spells on the phone had a more stable, powerful effect, resort to the forces of the elements. To do this, draw on paper butterflies, angels, birds and aircraft and ask for help from air and wind so that they push your chosen to call you.

The drawn image of the angel is asking forces: "... my strength in the thoughts of your beloved to put, his Duma turn to me ..."

The actual action involves a serious change in human energy fields. In this regard, serious impairment of psyche may arise. After the rituals are completely calm and balanced people can behave very irritably and aggressively.

It is noteworthy that an awesome person does not feel any love, and all the tenderness and manifestation of care look very taller.

Signs of the love spell in most cases are manifested in the absence of sexual attraction. Even a man who has previously been tireless, after the impact of witchcraft, will try to avoid physical contact in every way.

Walking behaves as if it's not his guilt, he will never indicate as a reason for reducing the activity of herself, and will make it clear that the woman stopped attracting him.

Act love vorozhba You can learn from a sharply arisen for alcohol, tobacco or other intoxicating substances, including prohibited drugs. A contestant person has new harmful.

The consequences of the attitude often include suicidal behavior. If there is at least the slightest risk, the awesome behave fearlessly and without any extra oscillations are started into dangerous adventures without a chance to get any benefits from this.

However, signs of witchcraft rarely include the intentional damage to the body or imprisonment of life; By such an action, you can learn cemetery love spells or an African vorozhba.

How to shock a guy without magic?

In most cases, the burner without magic implies a suggestion at the level of energy fields. Perhaps the young man will pay attention to you simply because you liked it. However, as you know, all thoughts are material. If you think only about love for one man, it is possible that she really will arise.

Few people know that there is a truly efficient and absolutely safe way to shock a loved one - this is a love spell without consequences. If fate does not favor you, and the man does not meet you with reciprocity, you should contact white magic, to light forces, asking them for help. But it is important to remember: you will not be able to make yourself love yourself. If there is not the slightest hint of sympathy, your attempts to perpetuate a person are doomed to failure. This is the difference between white magic from black.

When conducting a rite - eliminate any doubts in your abilities, pre-give attention to thinking about the following question: Does the rite of the love spell of the man itself or should turn to a specialist. Sometimes a little experience in magic or inattention can cause failure.

Why is white magic now popular?

Calling to the help of white spirits at home, you not only increase the sympathy of your beloved man, pushing it to active actions, but also make your relationship from various adversity, such as betrayal, quarrels, family troubles, separation. That is, black magic acts destroying both partners, and white allows you to make a charm.

After some time, a person begins to think about you, he has a need for communication, meetings with you. It happens so easily and naturally that nothing can convince him that the feelings are caused by magical way. There is a special relationship between the initiator of the attitude and his beloved person, which is not destroyed by anything.

However, there is a very common misconception that whispeting a few words above the candle or at home using another ritual, you can solve all your problems, trouble, attract the success and attention of the opposite sex, without doing anything for its part.

People who think so almost always remain with anything. After all, if you set a certain goal, you need to take a step towards her, seek your own. Magic only helps, contributes to the achievement of a particular result, attracting a man, but the main role is yours.

White magic is still used to correct, establishing relations between a man and a woman, in case of their quarrel. Sometimes it is very convenient to read a conspiracy at home, make a rite, and the next day already get the result. Absolutely any situation can be resolved by magic, but guided by the main vow, which reads: First of all, it is impossible to harm your neighbor, it is impossible to succumb to Egoism and Gordin.

Photography as a tool for love

If it should be "to invest" on the Internet, familiarize yourself with information from books with conspiracies and rites, you can find great amount rites for love, which at home is absolutely easy. But the simplest, affordable method is to use the photo of the man who you are planning to excite love. It will also serve and the photo taken mobile phoneEach person has. It is desirable that the photo is new, made in the recent time.

Love spell in the photo - Effective white magic, helping to establish relationships

All you need is to read these simple words, leaning towards a photo and putting her palms on it, visualizing how energy goes from you. How your whole love is passed to the photo. It is important to submit it as bright as possible, as if you actually see this picture.

"The true owner, the slave (name) can not live without his shadow, longing for me, your servant (name) will not overcome. Go, stumble, from the longing suffocate. As the sun in the sky, so you are with me, the servant of the owner (name). "

Read magic words at home three times: in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening. Take the patience, ask the idea that you will read this conspiracy for love until the result appears.

Candle rite

Back in ancient times, women knew that he was very effectively used in the attractions of a red candle, as it had a strong energy. The procedure for holding a ritual aimed at love is:

  1. Write on a newly purchased specifically for the rite, your thoughts about how the person should do to which you are not indifferent. What are you waiting for him.
  2. After that, roll the sheet, adjust its scarlet color with a candle and keep the tag of the lover, saying not too loud and not too quiet.

"What will pass over your head - it will fall into it. As behind the back marks - the heart of the robin slave (name) will break up. "


This is pretty a complex method of attitude, accessible only to those who have no problems with imagination. It is performed non-completely due to the fact that it is necessary to relax, focus and proceed as follows:

  • it is best to spend it at night, at home, in your bedroom. Need to lie in a convenient position, good result Relaxation or meditation also contributes. You can light the aromatic candle, but in this case try not to fall asleep;
  • immediately imagine the object of your sympathy before your inner eyes. Feel its energy. You must see it also distinctly and good, as in life. Then say my desire to myself, putting all my love in it, presenting how it comes to your loved one;
  • put the photo of this person under the pillow, without saying a word.

After that, he pays attention to you, he will unwittingly appear about you. During the day after the visualization, carefully observe his behavior, if your favorite person began to look for meetings with you, began to treat you somehow differently, then the rite worked.

For someone spell - easy way To embody your desires in life, in order to attract love, in other people it is harder. It all depends on whether you have a tendency to esoteric hobbies, from how much your desire to be with the object of love.

If all the conditions are met, and you have some magic abilities, everything will be in the best way. IN otherwiseYou need to visit the professional white magician.

Girls can not always keep the object of their adoration by intelligence, natural attractiveness or material supply. Because of unfortunate love, they often turn to psychics or fortune tellers with a question, how to shock a beloved guy. But you can make a person to love and without referring to professionals. Let's figure out what kinds of love spells are, and how to stay with the guy forever, not at the negative consequences.

Is it possible to hang a guy home yourself?

Walking a guy without consequences easily on their own at home. The girls find effective love spells on the Internet, on the villages of many books about magic or simply, listening to their heart. For example, in love, you need to sit in front of the mirror in the evening, turn the braid, visualizing the image of the beloved and repeating the words: "I want to be with my beloved (name), and then go to bed with a braided oblique. The love spells of this kind are easily conducted and quickly carried out.

Effective ways to chant one who likes

If you correctly execute the techniques, then the chosen will notice you. In magic there are one an important ruleIf the girl decided to wander the guy, it should visualize the image during the rite. The better it will do, the stronger the connection between the in love. You can get the result if you think daily about the object of feelings, even without certain actions. The strength of thought sooner or later will manifest itself in reality.

Using the ancient rituals for the love spell, the main thing is to realize whether you really need this guy to subsequently do not spoil your life and him. After all, during such a process, there is a subconscious effect on the chakras of the will and sexuality not only of your beloved, but also yours. To quickly wander the guy, the classic love spells are used in magic, which are made:

  • with candles;
  • by photo;
  • on menstruation;
  • with a mirror;
  • on comb;
  • with playing bones or cards.

Love men to yourself by photos

How to shit a guy in a photo? It is light by action, but strong on the binding ritual, which may forever tie two people. The photo should be done recently, the guy in the picture you need to be one and in full growth. If, after the ritual, the girl will feel empty, it means that the love spell is made correctly, because magical actions take a lot of strength.

Take the photo chosen, burn the church candle and spend a photo of the guy around the flame of the candle with the words: "Like me, (name) for a loved one (the guy's name), so he let me whip. Let every day, with thoughts about me, the servant of God (his name), in the heart (name of the guy) is spreading the honey rugs. May it be so! Amen!" After the conspiracy is pronounced 3 times, the photo is burned, and the ashes in the wind dispel.

How easy to be permanent on menstruation

About how to wander the guy with the help of menstruation, it is known for a long time. But such a spell acts only one month, then the sense of chosen is weakened. Repeat the ritual is unsafe, because when using regular "swelling" by a guy with menstrual blood, your favorite can become aggressive, become an impotent or get serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

There are two ways to carry out such a ritual: a spell at a distance or mixing the monthly blood in drinking guy. In the first case, you do not need to make any conspiracy, only drop in blood on the photo of the chosen one, and after - burn. In the second case, the blood is added to the drink or food with the words: "I have moved blood, so I don't need. She needs her beloved, the slave of God (the name of the guy). Let me, the servant of God (his name) thanks, and only my body honors - the heat of love will defeat and completely will conquer me. Amen!"

With food: Apple, milk, candy and tea

All men love to eat delicious. Women used this weakness since antiquity, making love spells to get her husband. Consider the very effective conspiracy for food:

  1. Apple. For the attitude, the most beautiful fruit is selected without wormwort. At midnight, it is necessary to cut it into 2 parts, remove the core, on the piece of paper, write the names: your boyfriend. Then take the paper into your left hand, and the apple is right and pronounce the words: "As dried up the apple, so you will disappear for me." After putting the paper in the middle of the apple, grind the halves of the red thread, hide into a secluded place and allow you to dry. Remote core must eat.
  2. Milk. Spelling on this drink and give a drink to the object of the attitude: "As a small child, he does not leave his mother and the slave of God (the guy's name) let him (his name) does not leave. How water returns to the shores, the cows stretch to stacks, so I would need a slave of God (the guy's name). "
  3. Candy. You need to buy a box with a delicacy, put it on the windowsill, put 2 church candles. At midnight, read the following words with candles with candles: "As a mother cannot live without a child, a dove - without a pigeon, and the squorter - without a star, and the slave of God (the guy's name) will not be able to live without me. Only me, the servant of God (his name) will love, and only with me will live. Amen!". Candles should be gluable, and leave the box on the windowsill. During the week after the ritual, it is necessary that the guy ate these candies.
  4. Tea. To brew your favorite drink, over which the conspiracy has previously pronounced and give a drink: "My eyes are water, teeth - meza, forehead - forest boron. Arrange me, Lord to the courtyard - I will shout, I will call your slave (the guy's name) to call. You come to my husband, look at my wife, I will like you, fresh bread feed. Pey, eat, miss and about me, the servant of God (his name), suffer. "

With water

Walking a guy is easy with the help of conspiracy water, which you need to make a drink or pour into food or drink your chosen one. To do this, lean over the clean well water, reading the conspiracy: "Water-driver, my sister, narrowed to my (the guy's name) in the heart of love to me (your name) input." Water should be left for 3 nights on the windowsill, so that the light from the moon is, and then give a drink to a guy.

On candlelight

If you need to be perfected at a distance, then this will require a conspiracy to candles. Such love rituals are very effective and do not require expensive or rare ingredients. To attract the love of the guy, you will need a red candle and a piece of paper. It is necessary to write names: your loved one. Then, set fire from the candle, but as long as it burns, say the following words: "How the flame of the candle is burning, so let the flame of love (guy's name) will light up (his name). The leaf is burning - thoughts (guy's name) send to myself. Amen!" The ashes dispel in the wind.

On plants

To the guy fall in love, the girl can use even houseplants. For example, buy flowering plant (Hibiscus, Begonia, Calanchoe), call it the name of the beloved and care, until the plant is strengthened and does not bloom. The execution of this ritual will take a long time, but the result will be long - while the plant will live. Buy the flower follows a new moon or a growing moon, to give money without surrender, and watered with holy water from the church.

Conspiracy at a distance

How to wander a guy who loves at a distance, because most love rituals are carried out in physical contact? This problem is solved easily, since there is a way to attract love at a distance using the phone. To do this, the girl must tell a loved one by phone: "From today you are my forever. Just love me. Only with me can be! ". Calling with an unknown number so that the guy cannot identify you.

Light love spells loved without consequences - white magic

White love spells are a kind love ritualBuilt on an easy impact, which is based on prayer and visualization. Suitable looks at the author white PrivotaAs a source of positive emotions, it is gradually a psychological addiction is gradually formed. Therefore, it is impossible to say that there is no sin in white attractions.

A light love spell on the guy is done on his personal belongings: clothes, clock or other item that is constantly with it. Take a personal thing, please it with holy water, and while the beloved sleeps, tell such words: "As my tears fall on clothes, and the heart (the name of the guy) does not know the rest, languishing and worries, with me (his name) seeks to connect. Let the Holy Voddy help us connect! Amen!"

If the lover is far away and use the guy's things there is no possibility, that is, an excellent ritual on a cigarette. The girl needs to wait for the growing moon and after sunset on a cigarette handle writing a word, symbolizing relationship, for example, "Wedding" or "Love". After that, you should smoke and look at the photo of your beloved, building the desired relationship in the thoughts. After smoking a cigarette, gather ashes in hand, entee in the wind.

What could be from using black magic

Before incarnating love spells, it is important to know which consequences can lead to. The universe is harmonious, and you, intervening in its course, violate the balance. If a black spell was made, then the captured psyche begins: he misses the attorney, whitewashes, wishes intimacy. There is nothing in common here with love - this is psychological violence that can turn into irreversible consequences for the guy's psyche.

Video: Protective conspiracy and its consequences

The effect of the reverse action of any love spell is called the return when the energy of the impact returns to the one who created it. If the guy has protection or chosen one will ask for help to psychic, which will remove your impact, then you will experience all the "charms" of love spell for a fraction of a second. Aggressive and cruel energy is absorbed into your energy, making great harm to it.

Do not listen to the councils of girlfriends who say that binding a guy with a love spell - the most faithful solution. Know that the violent ritual can become a damage for the whole of your kind, because the consequences of the black rite can easily spread to close people. Check out the video in which the famous clairvoyant and professional parapsychologist Marina Sugobova talks about love spells and their consequences:

Many beautiful sex representatives are ready for much, just to get the man you like. In this case, you can use magic, but in this case it is worth knowing how to wander the guy without consequences. It is important to use rituals of only white magic that cannot be harmful, which cannot be said about black attractions, as they negatively affect both partners. If the following will be carried out with an error, they simply do not affect, and health problems will not arise.

How to wander the guy without consequences by photo with white magic?

It is believed that the photograph remains part of the human energy, therefore rituals with pictures are so popular and effective. It is important to use fresh photowhere the eyes are clearly visible. Snapshot can be made to the phone or take it in social network. Take a photo in the hands and some time imagine how a man is near, confesses to love, etc. Visualization is important to transmit the energy of love in the photo. Looking at the photo, this conspiracy should be said:

"The true owner, the slave (name) can not live without his shadow, longing for me, your servant (name) will not overcome. Go, stumble, from the longing suffocate. As the sun in the sky, so you are with me, the servant of the owner (name). "

Conspiracy must be repeated in the morning, at lunch and evening. It is best to read it every day before the conceived becomes reality.

How can the former guy be awesome?

Sometimes after parting, an understanding arises that feelings are not cooled, but ideas, how to return the guy, no, in such a situation you can spend a simple ritual. Important condition - Magia can only be used if the chosen has no new relationship, otherwise negative consequences. Bringing the rite is necessary on the third day of the growing moon. Take a red candle and burn it. After that, find the photo on which you are depicted with former beloved In the period when everyone was happy. Snapshot Place on the table and put his gift on it, which should not be big, for example, it can be a ring or any bauble. Cover the selected palm, close your eyes and tell three times three times:

"It was time, you loved, and gifts giving me! How to be with you I want, and I will get you! "

During the ritual, it is necessary to represent how relations resumed and everyone is happy. Photograph to fold and keep in a secret place.

How to quickly chase a guy on food?

This option is suitable for those girls who can contact with the object of adoration and cook for him some food will be quite normal. It is recommended to add a cilantro or parsley in the selected dish, since this greens will improve the magic effect of the conspiracy. During cooking, it is necessary to present together with the object of adoration and do it as realistic as possible. Before the start of cooking and after it, one conspiracy should be said three times:

"Like this food, I will be sweet and me. Amen".

How to wander the guy who is like using a mirror?

Mirrors for the attitude of the most likely men were used in ancient times. The ritual should be made at midnight in full solitude. Mirrors Place a friend opposite each other by creating an endless corridor. Take the church candle, burn it and sit opposite the mirrors. The room should be dark. Repeat the following conspiracy until the candle does not burn:

"(The name of the beloved) of the Cherch Moorry Schoo.

During this, mirrors may appear different images And terrible sounds to be heard, but it is important not to be distracted. After this mirror, cover the cloth and do not open them for several days.

How to wander the guy at a distance?

To spend the ritual, you must prepare a red candle. It is worth a new moon. On the sheet of paper, write the full name of the chosen one and your own. The candle will burn with matches and adjust the paper, but for while it burns, read this plot:

"Like the candle fire burns and your heart (guy's name) to me (your name) will flash, with love with red, feeling passionate. Paper zhu, waiting for you. The ashes wave, you, loved, I attract. "

The remaining ash is brewing in the wind.