Whispering is the easiest way of conspiracy. Whispering and conspira

Whispering is used by tests for many purposes. Very often, special conspiracy in the form of whispers are used to treat ailments.

Whispering for money can save you from financial problems and establish a financial situation.

Rules and features of financial whispers

The main difference of whispers from other magical actions is its brevity. Such a conspiracy is pronounced by chance and whisper when they want to achieve some kind of purpose. All such small conspiracies, and including whisper to attract money, are made by memory and very quickly, so as not to attract someone else's attention.

The simplicity is that they can pronounce anywhere. So, whispers on a wallet can be done right at work, for this it is not necessary to create special conditions For statement and prepare the attributes of the ritual.

Such mini-rituals work no worse than long magic rituals, the main condition is your targeted thoughts and the right attitude.

Conspiracy whispering for money. Urgently need money? Conspiracy to attract money.

Whispering on the wallet to make money always

Whispering for money. Much money!

Whispering for money.

Nevertheless, when contacting such a simple statement, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules their execution.

  • Whispering for money is made in conditions of extremely need. Do not resort to such witchcraft to multiply the available wealth. Mantility is not a helper here.
  • You should not do whisper for curiosity: it will come true - it will not come true.
  • Faith in magic should be a companion for leading, otherwise the achievement of the result will be impracticable.
  • Whispering to attract money can not be aimed at harm to anyone, do not need to make someone else's success.
  • Before you choose something, you need to concentrate on your thoughts without being distracted by an outsider. There will be this meditation or just a calming attitude - no matter, the main condition is to tune in to the desired way.
  • Pay attention to the marked signs sent. They warn that at the moment there are no whisper for money.
  • The whisper made to attract money should become for all surrounding the secret.
  • Do not resort to Russian statement alcoholic intoxication. Good time - After three days after the feast.

You can not engage in whispers to pregnant women: lost forces are very hard restored.

Claims on the wallet

There is a belief that the old shabby wallet must be changed, as he will not attract any money, nor the preserving will not be able to preserve. The house for money needs to pick up carefully: coins and bills love a good and beautiful purse. Acquire a wallet for the arriving moon, it is better to schedule a purchase on the middle day of the week before the New Year holiday. Before starting them to use, you can make a whisper to make finances in the purchase. Do it, holding a purse in the left hand:

"... whether the money houses and many of them ...".

To B to new wallet The money was drawn, there are whispers for his conspiracy:

"... Conspiring and yourself, and a wallet for wealth so that the money multiplied and arrived ...".

During the whisper you need to put several silver color coins. Whisper on a new wallet three times.

You can use the philed wallet the next day.

Financial whisper for money

  1. To large amount Come to the house as an intention, span on it:

    "... I carry money, I hold hard, for your own, not for others ...".

  2. Money does not like to be spent after receiving them. Start the rule to leave the received salary for the night in the house, for what, before you go home, whisper on the threshold:

    "... a full wallet of coins, who leak, and I have no!".

  3. Large purchases will noticeably empty the wallet, but so that they are successful and have not caused the accompanying expenses, before going to the store you need to make a whisper:

    "... everything that is scheduled to buy, and it is worthwhile ...".

    Whispering on good shopping Severate, putting the desired amount in the wallet.

  4. Very often, the monetary signs are needed quickly, and sources where to take them is not planned. For such a case, there is a conspiracy on urgent money, which is done only in case of extreme necessity, when all the options are moved, and the output is not found. For such a whisper, you need to go to church and squat consecrated waterwhispered:

    "... Lord, help to get rid of the need ...".

  5. To multiply your wealth, there is a strong whisper, which is done in the new moon. In the bucket with water, they throw a coin and splash a little on the threshold of their housing:

    "... water with water, and the money to me the river ...".

  6. During the arriving moon, take a rich man in debt, but cash bills Do not waste, but save, hiding at home and pre-making whisper:

    "... They walked coins from the roads, arrived at the slave of God ... threshold."

    Debt refund must be made in accurately agreed time, but for this exchange previously removed monetary signs on the bill of other dignity.

  7. To attract wealth, pets can also help, especially cats. While your pet is tasty, you need a cat to iron your ear and chip:

    "... You, a cat, eat, Words listen, money in the house Primani."

Whispering on earnings and good work

Without good work and decent earnings to ensure permanent income of one whispers are difficult.

Conspiracy for money from work can be read at any time, only an indispensable condition - at the time when you pass the surrender after shopping. Reviews of those who resorted to such a whisper say that the purchase does not affect the result, but the store needs to choose more. Words for whispering:

"... Your wallet is your money, your income is my income ...".

If you have a new source of income, then before taking for work, we have been told three times to attract earnings:

"... I take the case and I will make it skillfully, waiting for me to the entriety."

To find a worthy job, during the arriving moon, purchase a handkerchief in the store white color, without decors and appliqués. On a purchased handkerchief, they whisper three times:

"... Slava God ... will be luck and on the road, and in work. Where to go, there it will find it ... ".

Such a philantal handkerchief is worn with you.

Cash energy, like any other type of energy, has its own laws and acts according to them. People who know them do not have a shortage of money. Always in society, some people were richer and lucky than others.

There was a long time for our ancestors, why this happens. They looked closely, compared and draw conclusions. Here are some generally binding rules that should be followed in order to have money in the house, and in the family there were wealth.

What should a new wallet be?

Some will ask why a new wallet immediately? Many get used to their wallet and enjoy them for many years. It is already becoming an old, rubbed, lightning is often not fastened, and with the wallet can not part. And in vain. Such a wallet will not attract any wealth, and what was - confusing.

It is recommended to change the wallet at least once a year. To choose a new wallet, it is necessary to approach and buy a solid, beautiful, kinder thing. After all, a cheap purse will attract poverty to you, and not good luck. It must have several branches. It is important!

It is best to purchase it before the new year on Wednesday (the first half of the day). It is necessary to trace for lunar calendar. The moon must be growing, but that the first quarter does not come yet. By paying money for it, it should be clamped him in his left hand, talk to myself to speak:

"Be my money worthy home and bring them away. The Lord will be blessed, and the guardian angel to help. Amen".

The fact that you purchased a new wallet should be silent, not to talk to anyone, quickly go home, without talking to anyone.

Whispering on a new wallet

Whispering, read on wealth, are different. Here is another conspiracy to make money in the new wallet:

"We are talking about myself and your wallet on constant cash wealth. So that in it constantly multiplied money, as in the sky of the stars. To grow their number, how arrives the moon. Who is my wallet steal, let him take with him 33 misfortune with a deaf retaileness, which I never see. Amen".

When reading this conspiracy, it is important to put a few "silver" coins in the wallet before the onset of the first quarter of the moon. Conspiracy read three times.

There is another one an important rule. It is impossible to store those money in the wallet, which have already come out of circulation, i.e. In other words "Dead Money". This also applies to paper monetary signs, and trivia. It is best to put foreign currency if there is a house.

To attract good luck to the house, read the whisper on the wallet:

"The coin to the coin is stretched, and wept wept with happiness to me. In a new wallet, money is constantly ringing and rustling. There are beautiful clothes on them, shiny rings are bought and enough. Words my key, castle, language. Amen".

After this conspiracy, the newly acquired wallet should be from the owner ("get used to" to him), and you can use it only the next day.

Cash talismans

Probably, many have noticed that some people are stored in their wallets Chinese coins, bandaged by red thread, red stripes of paper, tea bag, small root shirt or sprig of heather ... It's so-called cash talismansTo which the leaves of aspen, clover or mint can still be attributed. They are put in the wallet for attracting money. Our ancestors believed that in nature there are such things that help to get rich, "lure" luck, love and wealth. And such things were considered the grains of wheat.

After all, it was not afraid that the custom of young to sleep with grain came to us. The characteristics recommended to wear a grain in a wallet in special small bags of red or green. In addition to wheat, put on such bags and mustard seeds. And in the wallet on the attraction of money, you can put a peony spine, a leaf from an oak or a piece of the bark from the same mighty tree.

Most likely, this custom is still from those distant times when our ancestors worshiped the forces of nature, the trees were particularly read, and the oak is the "king" in the world of trees for their power, strength, fortress and endurance.

"Cash" rules that need to remember

One simple, but important rule should be remembered. In no case cannot spend all the money that is in the wallet. If you even have enough money for necessary thing, but nothing remains, it is better to postpone the purchase next time. The thing is that from the thing purchased for the last means, there will be no benefit.

With money, you should contact carefully and neatly. Covers should be decomposed on the most close-to-small, and front side Must "look" on the owner when the wallet opens. In the wallet you can not put anything outsider: it is intended only for money.

It cannot be stored:

  • payment receipts;
  • photo;
  • various notes;
  • business cards;
  • bank cards, etc.

If someone carefully watched the behavior of the elderly, he could notice their very lean attitude towards money. In their wallet always remains a trifle. And on Sundays, they distributed "Kopechki" with a beggar near the temple when they left the service. Therefore, it has been preserved for a long time another rule: distribute the whole trifle from the wallet on Sunday days or spend it with benefit.

If large monetary signs came to you, and you sent them to the wallet, then bringing it to the lips, quickly say three times the following words:

Whispering to save and multiply money

There are still such whispers for money. It is best to read when you have a rather large amount with you, and you are afraid that you can rob or deceive:

"I carry wealth, I go with money. I hold hard with your hands. I am not not for others, but for your own. Amen!".

To multiply your income, you should take a bucket to the new moon (the size does not play the roles), throw a coin there, and then quietly talk a conspiracy when you mold water to the threshold of your home:

"Water water, money - river. Amen!".

There are such moments in life when a person really needs money. To quickly correct the situation, you need to make a sip of consecrated water and read the whisper for money:

"Saint water, and I, the slave of yours, Lord, rich. Help in need, Amen! ".

There is so strong conspiraciesthat help escape from lacking fully. Here is one of them:

"The bake, a bake, rich in Herarek. The world is bread, I am a lifeless life. "

But it is pre-needed to bake a cave home itself, then cut it off and put there any advantage of the coin. This bread needs to be given to beggars, but first read the current plot.

On the day of receipt wages Do not spend money. It is recommended to make purchases only the next day. It is necessary that the money spent the houses at home, the premises have been upset by their strength, the energy of his housing was brought and settled in the apartment.

And as soon as they will be on the threshold of your home, then delay the moment and whisper:

"I carry Polon's wallet coins, they leak away, and the slaves of God (name) - no."

There is still very simple, but an effective whisper. When you give to you with any goods you buy in a large store, then you should say about yourself the following words:

"In our wallet, your money, your treasure is my treasury! Amen".

For good luck on Fridays (this is important!) You can talk about yourself, looking at the flock of birds:

"How many feathers will be born on them, so much money is not translated."

And the more bird flock will be, the better for you.

To make money in the house - they can not be held on Tuesdays, in evening time, especially on the flawed moon. You can also give debts on Tuesday. If you need to give money in the evening, then put them on the bedside table, a table (except for a dinner), even on the floor.

Will bring good luck and such a plot that is pronounced by crossing the threshold of your home:

"I am home and money for me."

Older people advise under the threshold to store a silver coin. Good luck will bring such a rule - you can not take cash bills from hand to hand, as they can damage for money. Strong words that have a magic meaning:

Money for money!

They need to be pronounced to attract funds upon receipt of the bill. This phrase, you seem to "call" them to them, inviting me. It is necessary to pronounce it firmly, confidently, but not bold.

Ritual for wealth and prosperity

Will bring good luck and such money ritual with it proper fulfillment. In small kulek, you should pour out ordinary flour, put it for the sinus, go to the temple when the service will rule. You need to defend the whole prayer, and then quickly go home. All the way you need to talk with anyone. At home, too, silently wait for sunset. As soon as the last rays disappear, go to the bath or bathroom.

There should be completely unrest and sink yourself with flour with the words:

"Bread will give birth to money, money gives bread. The Lord was born, the Lord was baptized. As the church is rich, so I will be rich. Amen".

Love money, but do not copy them just like that. You must have a goal for which you need them. Money themselves should not be a goal, but only a means to achieve your goal. They should be in circulation. After all, these are their elements!

Whispering for money is a variant of short folk conspiracy that help solve financial problems quickly with the help of the strength of thought. Shephotes used in ancient times: they were known to the signs, shamans, healers, our great-grandmothers and grandmothers.

It is important to know and understand what whisper is, and how they work before you begin to use them.

What is the difference between whispers from ordinary conspiracies and what is their feature:

  1. They are very short: if the text of the traditional conspiracy is usually a very long, full metaphor and comparisons, then whispers can be quickly leaning and pronounce literally for half a minute.
  2. To use whispers, you will not need to carry out some complex rites. It is a simple magic manipulation that does not require special attributes (rare exception) and large number time.
  3. Read the text of a short conspiracy need quickly and necessarily whisper. As if you are talking about tying, but not loud.
  4. The text must be learned by heart before you begin to use whisper in everyday life.
  5. If you read whisper in your back, but do it most carefully so that the person does not hear and not turn.
  6. It is very important not to attract attention when there are conspiracy. You may simply not understand, but the whisper will not work. Therefore, be extremely attentive and careful.

In principle, these are all the necessary rules that need to know and comply with the urgent monetary whispers you have worked and helped in a critical situation.

Urgent whisper for money

Magic fuss does not tolerate. Therefore, whispering that allows you to fulfill the desires instantly, it is better to use more thank and in truly critical situations. If you urgently needed money: pay debt, pay for credit, buy something necessary, you can apply this method.

But first try to find funds with your efforts, do our best. And only with the complete absence of success, resort to the help of magic. The whisper will only help when there are no other ways to get the desired amount.

This option is a short conspiracy for emergency attraction of money you need to read in the church:

It is important before making a rite, swelling a bit of consecrated water. Water is a wonderful keeper and conductor of information laid down in it, it enhances the conspiracy and increases the result several times.

It is very important to believe that God will find the opportunity to send you money. They can come from a completely unexpected source. Your task is not to think and not guess where you get the right amount. Just rely on Higher powerAnd the money will appear at the required moment.

How to earn a lot

If you work a lot, and the money is still not enough money, you need to use conspiracies to increase income. Then the universe will send you many possibilities: they can offer work with a higher earnings, unexpected cash sources will appear, you will win the lottery or get money as a gift.

The peculiarity of this monetary whisper is that it needs to be read at the moment when the seller gives you a delivery in the store or on the market. So try to pay not bank cards, namely in cash.

Do not forget to utter cherished words every time you buy something. And then very quickly the money will come to your life in much large quantitiesWhat it was before.

Options for monetary conspiracies

There is a lot of cash whispers, each of which has its own characteristics.

Here is the list of the most common popular conspiracies that you can use:

  1. Every time you take on the hands of bills, say: "Money for money." It doesn't matter at what point it will happen. The main thing is that when contacting with bills you read a plot constantly.
  2. At the time of returning the bill to someone (sellers in the store, in machine guns and coffee, when buying tickets, and so on), pronounce a return whisper: "Covers give you, but I am waiting for them back soon." Then all spent amounts will very quickly appear in your life.
  3. If you saw a pregnant woman on the street, it is very good signwhich sin does not take advantage. Take a look at the girls live and say quietly: "You will give birth soon, and I will bring wealth." And all monetary magic will come into force.

Check the video on the topic:

How to talk a wallet and money in it

Many people underestimate the importance of such an ordinary and usual object as a wallet. Namely, it is the center of your money energy. Therefore, that the bills in the wallet are not translated, you can speak with the help of whispers.

To "activate" a plot, you need to read the whisper immediately after you received a salary and put money in the wallet. You can also use a plot after receiving any major amount than it is more, the better. Repeat every time in any suitable case.

And to avoid risk while making large purchases, use this option of a monetary whisper:

He is reading every time you plan to buy something expensive, for which the money has been postponed. Conspiracy will save your family budget, will help make the big expenses forced much to save or put in debt.

Already after you read the whisper three times, you can get money and go to the store. The same words can be painted on the pocket money that you give children, sending them to school.

And remember that in order to folk conspiracy They acted as efficiently as possible, to use them constantly.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

In the life of every person, there are situations when money is urgently needed, but there are no more about the salary for two more weeks, but it was in such an inappropriate moment that the son broke the window in school, and classroom teacher Do not want to compromise. Whispering for money Urgent will help you correct a difficult financial situation, however, apply them only if necessary, when there are no other options at all, and hope only for experience transmitted from old people.

Make a sip with consecrated in the temple of the water and whisper:

The water is holy, and I, the slave (-A), Lord, rich. Help in need, Amen!

Sources from which money is starting to come, may be the most unexpected. Relatives can help you, assign a premium, may be able to even find bills on the street.

Whisper on good earnings

Without a good earnings there will be no constant income in the family, and everyone knows it. However, not everyone knows how to increase revenues with magic. Whispering good earnings You can read at any time, the condition is only one thing - at the time of his reading you must receive surrender in the store or on the market. The product you buy does not matter, but the larger the store will be, the better. You need to read the following:

In our wallet, your money, your treasury is my treasury! Amen.

Whether you will make purchases, monetary magic will work for your benefit. When receiving in the hands of money you can whisper and so:

Money for money!

Another option whisper upon receipt of money:

Cland the money in your pocket, there will be a whole suitcase.

Almost every day there are situations when you need to give money. Each person buys food in the store, lens small amounts to friends before salary and performs other spending. At that moment, when you give money, whisper so:

I give money, but I'm waiting back.

How much money would you not spend, they will return back. In addition, in this case, in this case, you are insurfrant of yourself from the irrevocate of debts.

Folk signs for good luck say that a meeting with a pregnant woman promises happiness in the very near future. If pregnant will be passed by you, whisper:

You give birth, and good to multiply.

If you have the opportunity to get to the house in which people live richly and happily, it is very good. However, people living in the house should be well acquainted. Despite the simplicity and availability of such magic, it can drag their trouble on you, if any. And trouble, as you know, have each person. When you go into a rich house, look at the ceiling and whisper:

How you have a way and treasure, what you will have and us. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If you have found an additional source of earnings, before you take the case, whisper the following words three times:

I take the case - I'm doing skillfully, waiting for the addition for all kinds of fun.

Monetary whisper on a wallet and salary

The wallet often becomes the main magic subject for successful money witchcraft. Money whisper On the wallet you can use at least every day. There are many such conspiracy words, you can learn exactly those that seem to you the most suitable in your situation.

When our great-grandmother managed to get a large amount of money, she was placed in a wallet, and they whisper special words on him right after they received money. You can follow their example. It does not matter how money came - they removed the salary from the card, received a large amount as a gift or debt you. Remember these words and whisper them on the wallet every time you get big money:

You need to read three times, bringing the open wallet straight to the lips. After reading, close the wallet and do your own more. Monetary signs Recommended to bring a salary home, not to spend it on the first day. It is desirable that money spent at least one night in your home. And when you go to the house, delay on the threshold and whisper:

I carry Polon's wallet coins, they leak away, and the slaves of God (name) - no.

Such a whisper is needed so that the money is longer delayed in your home, and not before it is unknown to what.

Before making large purchases, spend on the wallet of the word so that the purchase does not hit family budget, I did not have the reason for even extensive expenses and was as successful as possible. Put the money for the expensive thing you need, span on it seven times:

Everything is forgotten, everything is bought all. May it be so! May it be so! May it be so!

After that, you can leave the house and go to the store.

If your households are accustomed to spending money on different nonsense, you can talk a wallet, and then the money will only go to the things you need. Before you give your pocket money to children, span on the wallet:

Giving - do not regret, spend - be able to be necessary - buy, about empty - forget.

Whisper to find a good job

To find good workwhich will arrange absolutely for all criteria, is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. However, keep in mind that all conspiracies for job search are valid only if you make any efforts to view vacancies and make other actions in order to find a source of income. The saying about the lying stone, under which even water does not follow, works in this case.

On the growing moon, you can buy a white handkerchief without drawings. On the same day, they whisper three times on it:

Shepchu-whispered, there will be a slave of God (name) luck on the road, progress in work. Wherever I go - there is a job and find. Do not see me failures, do not hear the words "no". Amen!

The scarf is always carrying with them. Do not forget it at home, and a maximum of you will be waiting for you a desired post.

One of vintage admission Our great-grandmothers says that to those who grow early, God is especially kind. The belief is confirmed by the fact that many famous rich people get up early. Even in modern books about how to become rich and earn the first million, there is a recommendation that it should be started as early as possible. Until you find a job, get up every day at dawn and immediately after awakening whisper:

God help, Jesus Save! Allow help my problem, work to find, get money! My life to establish, the success of getting! Amen!

It is believed that this whisper will lead you to the future place of work a maximum in a month. Start reading it better on the growing moon, but if the work is needed urgently, here is no longer up to the phases of the Moon - start reading as early as possible.

Whispering on trading - to quickly sell products

If you are selling, whispering to trade to quickly sell goods, will be an excellent helper in your work. Such witchcraft often used merchants in order to quickly sell their products and go home.

When you are in the workplace, whisper more often at the time when no one hears you:

Hiking, dries, go here, here you place, food and water. I am money, you have goods. Amen.

In Starina, the merchants used special whispers that were not given to the buyer with money to leave without buying anything. When a buyer is suitable for you, look at his eyes and speak out loud:

Take cheap!

This phrase can be rephrased into a conversational appearance acceptable to your region. For example, so: "Take, I give it inexpensive!". But at this time you need to have time to say about yourself like this:

My you will give your own. Amen.

With the help of merchant magic and traded time, your sales will shock all competitors. However, it is impossible to say how you managed to achieve such success, otherwise customers will go to other sellers. Answer questions as if you don't know, why suddenly you have so well selling goods.

In general, the monetary magic, which was used by every second resident of our country another hundred years ago, can be useful to every person. It is difficult to find people who would fully satisfy their financial situation, so the monetary witchcraft is still in demand and popular among the inhabitants of our country. Whispering for money is able to help out in a difficult situation, lead to wealth and raise sales

Money have their own energy therefore, those people who know how to handle their finances correctly (earn and competently spend them), always live in a good mood.

Agree when you have enough money, then the mood is always good.
Monetary rules Anyone understands and uses differently. There is a magic of money, amulets for money, whisper, signs, and so on. Few people ever thought about how it works, but it is impossible to deny this in our life.

Love for money

Seriously, the money feel your attitude towards them. If a person is engaged in thoughts that he always lacks money, then the situation will be. These people themselves attract a lack of finance. But if you carefully contact your money, folding their bills to the bill, then you may not be suspecting, you can use money magic.
A person must understand that all the actions he performs with money will lead him to success and financial well-being. You should always think about money, as something good and positive, then you will have everything, in this regard, in order. Money must be loved, be grateful what they are in our lives.
You can never scatter money, fold them right into the wallet. Then finances will feel your positive energy and will treat you as well. "Money for money" - everyone knows this phrase. Always fold money in the same place. Try try, too, as needed, on useful things and goods.

7 whispers for money

1. It is believed that in order for you not to have a lack of money, it is necessary after a big purchase to get a face in the direction - against the wind. If you calmly on the street, then the face should be turned towards the West. At the same time, you should say words - "blowing, turns, Balamutitis, will come, will leave, will take it back back. Amen!" This will be the first monetary whisper. 2. Also, so that you accidentally do not relieve money or have not been a victim of scammers, you have to say such words - "I carry wealth, I go with money. I hold hard with your hands. I am not not for others, but for your own. Amen!" It is suitable when you need to convey a certain amount, and you are afraid that you are robbed. It is not worth paying attention to bad thoughts, do not attract a failure.
3. If you wish your income to become more, you need to hold a rite. It is done in the new moon. To do this, you take a bucket with water, put the coin there, wait for some time, and then jump water on the threshold. During this procedure, you need to say text - "Water water, money - river. Amen!"
4. In order for in your home there is always wealth, it is necessary to scatter the wheat grain around the building. If you live in a private house, make it quite simple. Even if you live in multi-storey house, raw near your entrance and under the windows, on the other side of the house. But the millet must be pre-charged with positive energy. Shephotes will be like that - "Ptashchi, fly, collect grains, bring I'll bring wealth. Amen"!
5. If you have a complete lack of money, this situation is repeated from time to times, then do not despair, the output is always there. You need to bake a loaf, make a conspiracy at him and hand out the poor. The text of the conspiracy is such - "Peace, a height, rich in himself. The world is bread, I am a lifeless life. "
6. There is another whisper for money so that they only arrived to you. Revenues should always exceed costs. The text - "I carry Polon's wallet coin, they leak, and the slaves of God (name) - no."
7. If you have a constant shortage of money, then you need to make a plot of holy water. Drink the sip and say - "Saint Water, and I, the slave of yours, Lord, rich. Help in need, Amen! "