Old Soviet chair. Restoration of old furniture at home (63 photos): options for returning to the life of a tree and soft coatings

The chair is an essential interior attribute that is found in almost every home. A person uses this furniture almost every day, which leads to the deterioration of its condition. Will help to restore technical specifications Designs such an operation as repair of chairs.

Features of furniture restoration

Repair of furniture is a complex operation that depends on the type of product and the breakdown itself. Today, such operations are rarely implemented independently. To trust the solution to such tasks is preferably experienced specialists who will be significantly faster and better.

Restoration of furniture is the restoration of not only its functional, but also appearance.Feature soft furniture It is that it uses tissue upholstery. To repair the internal structure, you will need to dismantle or replace the fabric. This operation also requires certain skills and efforts.

What can be done with your own hands?

The breakdown of the chair is not always a problem, as you can try to restore its condition yourself. There are several types of operations that are easily performed at home:

  1. Tregging. This process involves the replacement of old fabric to a new one. This can also be attributed to the change of filler (porolon, etc.) and restoring the internal structure of the chair. If necessary, the wooden surface itself can be restored.
  2. Upholstery. This approach involves rich in the cloth on the surface of the chair in order to update its appearance. Often, such operations with old rigid structures are performed, the surface of which is not so easy to restore with paint.
  3. Repairs. it general conceptwhich includes previously reviewed operations. But often under this word understand all the repair work related to the restoration of the condition of the chairs frame. This includes strengthening the design with metal corners, replacement of legs or seats, as well as the surface restoration of the material with paint and grinding.

To carry out all previously described operations, it should not only have experience, but also stock special tools.


Modern armchairs are made from different materials. The design of such modifications consists of a plurality of elements that can be replaced if necessary. Often to such chairs include office models that are equipped with a gas lift mechanism. For the restoration of such products, there may be needed several types of components:

  1. Videos. This mechanism is made from different species plastic. When this product is selected, it is important to take into account its purpose, the type of connector and the method of fixing.
  2. Gazlift.Almost all office chairs are equipped with this element that allows you to hold the chair at a certain height. Today there are several types of these designs on the market. It is important to pay attention to the type of mechanism that was previously used in a damaged chair.
  3. Cross.Plays the role of the reference element. Perform in the form of a 5 radius star to which rollers are attached. When buying it is important to pay attention to the quality of the material and the method of connecting parts.

There are many other components that will be needed when repairing such furniture. This includes everything from small handles and bolts to specialized fabrics.

How to drag: step by step guide

One way to restore the old leather chair is his hauling. This process is quite long and time-consuming. First of all, a new fabric is bought.The drawing can be done like leather, and other popular materials. Some experts also recommend purchasing substances for packing (foam rubber, batting). To simplify the operation of the game, you also need to have a stapler, nails, hammer, etc.

The solution algorithm for this task can be described by several sequential steps:

  1. At the first stage, dismantling the fabric from the bottom of the chair. IN simple models This part is fixed only below. But there are complex models, therefore it is important to initially free this part, and then begin to other operations.
  2. After that, the fabric is completely removed from the surface of the structure. It is important to carry out this sequentially to exclude any damage to the elements. Please note that each element of the chair will be covered with one piece of fabric. Therefore, it is necessary to free it consistently, layer behind the layer. You should not tear these elements, as they will then need to be used as blanks for cutting.
  3. The next step is to dismantle the old foam upholstery. To remove it, it should be carefully dispersed and get all the metal brackets that it has been fixed. Try not to tear the material that will later be used as blanks when replacing the foam rubber.
  4. Cutting material. This operation involves the formation of new upholstery elements. To do this, use old pieces of fabrics that were attached on armrests, back and seat. The size of new elements should be slightly larger than the old one. This is due to the fact that it is not always possible to predict how exactly the fabric will fall. Therefore, it is better to take it with a margin.
  5. This step implies foam rubber fixation. Previously harvested pieces are sequentially placed on a specific part of the chair. If the foam is pronounced in certain places, then it should be cut off. Thus formed appearance Each element. Then on top of the foam on top of the foam. After that, both substances are fixed on the frame with a stapler. It is important to drain them so that they repeat the contours of the individual parts of the structure.
  6. The process is completed with the fastening of the tissue.This operation is very similar to the previous one. But it is important to correctly arrange pieces on the surface. Before fixing, you should thoroughly align the fabric and pull it out. Initially, the brackets are nailed by the middle part of the workpiece. It is necessary in order to avoid distortion. Then, each of the corners is tensioning and is attached using a stapler.

How to seize yourself?

The process of covering the chair is slightly different from the tug, although in many respects it is very similar to it. This operation involves the coating of the chair to the cloth. For such purposes only furniture, which was originally not equipped with fabric upholstery.

Upholstery technology involves the execution of several consecutive operations:

  1. Before crushing the chair at home, you should stock up with some tools and materials. To perform such operations need fabric. Products from bamboo, cotton and other products can be used as this substance. natural materials. It is important that the fabric can withstand continuous loads and retained its properties for a long time. You will also need a building stapler, scissors, etc.
  2. At this stage, you need to disassemble the chair into separate parts. This will significantly speed up the process of the trim. At the same time, try to remember, in what order disassembly of the elements were made so that in the future it is easy to assemble the design back.
  3. After that, fabric blanks are manufactured. Cut them in accordance with the dimensions separate element Chairs. Try to use substances with a slight margin in order to be able to correct the location of the material on the surface. If you plan to do soft chairInside it is placed foam rubber. This substance It also occupies a certain amount to be considered when forming a tissue blank.
  4. The final stage is the trim. Start her S. small details, such as armrest. The clamping algorithm is quite simple. Initially, the tissue is put on the surface of the product and stretch a bit so that it is leveled. It is advisable to do this with an assistant, which will significantly speed up the process. When everything is in its places, the material is naked to a frame with inner. It is important to constantly control the tension to eliminate the occurrence of the skewer.

All other elements are trimmed by the same principle. If necessary, the material can trim.

How to update old furniture: ideas

Old chairs are often very strong and durable. But after long time Operation they lose their attractive appearance. Do not hurry to throw out such furniture, as it can easily renovate it.

The technology of updating the chair depends primarily on its design. You can do this using several approaches:

  1. Products of the 60s can be restored by simply changing the upholstery.This process is relatively simple. The main thing is to choose the fabric style correctly. Some designers recommend using several color shades that will fit into the overall interior.
  2. Restoration of external coating.This approach implies a shift of the paint-layer on wooden or metal surfaces. It is used for the chairs of rattan, wood, vines and other natural products. Also here can be attributed to the restoration of natural or artificial leather (Painting, cleaning, etc.).
  3. Replacing certain elements. The old armchair will look original if it is changed in it the armrest on the product of another form. Similarly, you can do with legs or backs. It all depends only on your imagination and opportunities.

How to repair yourself?

Chairs today have various designfrom which the algorithm depends repair work. If this is usual wooden product, then it is quite simple to fix it. It is necessary to identify a problem that often stands for poor-quality fasteners or violation of the material structure. Fix it can be replaced wooden element (The elements of the back, the base of the frame, etc.) to a new or simply pursing the bolt.

It is more difficult to fix the seashell chairs that often have an external fabric upholstery. To get to breakage, it is originally necessary to dismantle the fabric. The process of repairing such chairs is much more complicated, therefore it is not always possible at home.

Office chairs are mechanisms that consist of several details. There are many reasons why this design loses its characteristics:

  1. Loss of rollers. Often, it is possible to fix it only with the replacement of crossmen or these moving elements. It is important to pre-check, what is the cause of the breakage (broken hole, the absence of a locking ring on the roller, etc.).
  2. Violation of the gas lift. There are also several reasons here, among which the improper fastening of the pianst or disruption of the control lever mechanism. Therefore, first of all, these attributes should be checked.
  3. Cross breaks. It is possible to restore the performance of this element, only replacing it new.
  4. The back does not spring. The main reason for this problem is the violation of the integrity of metal parts inside. Sometimes the spring mechanism also fails. You can restore work only by replacing parts for new ones.

Perhaps everyone in the house or in the country and today old furniture is stored - and threw it sorry, and looks in the modern interior of the slaughter. But this problem is very easy to decide, there is a fantasy. In this review, excellent and easily realized ideas that will help become a real furniture wizard.

1. Sofa in the hallway

Small homemade mattress or soft furniture pad and couple sofa pillows Let turn the old tube in a convenient and functional sofa with a place to store shoes, which perfectly fit into the interior of the hallway.

2. Fastened sofa

Hauling the pillows of the old sofa and painting its elements will allow you to breathe life into an old shabby piece of furniture and turn it into a stylish detail of the living room.

3. Table

Transform desk Soviet times will help white paint, Several decorative moldings and new fittings. First of all, the table must be disassembled, clean its parts from the lacquer coating or paint, glue Moldings to retractable lockers, after which all items should be carefully painted in white color And fasten the handles.

4. Bright Tumba

Minor alteration and neat painting of an old wooden bedside table will not only refresh its appearance, but also turn it into a spectacular detail of the interior.

5. Mini-kitchen

The above-mentioned TMBUs under the TV can be turned into a children's cuisine, which, for sure, you will enjoy the younger hostess and perfectly fit into the interior of the game room.

6. Buffet

Do not rush to get rid of cumbersome and absolutely no appropriate, at first glance, buffet. New color and sticker stickers on the doors will turn it into a stylish and modern piece of furniture, which perfectly fit into the interior modern kitchen.

7. Bright chairs

Neat painting and a new bright upholstery will be able to transform the old loss chairs beyond recognition, which previously did not want to even watch.

8. Pencil for toys

Boring narrow penalty is a beautiful base for creating a bright spacious rack for children's toys. For its transfiguration, it will take the paint white and bright color, as well as a wide decorative molding.

9. Book Regiment

Awesome transformation of absolutely useless vintage radiol in bright book regimentwhich managed to implement with a roll of colorful self-adhesive paper.

10. Banquet

Old Tumba, painted in a light shade, which refreshed its appearance, supplemented with a soft segment, will become a stylish and functional detail of a modern hallway.

11. SERVANT for a new way

White paint and replacement wooden sash on the bright curtains Allowed to breathe life into the old servant, which I've wanted to send to the garbage.

12. Elegant sofa

White paint I. new upholstery allowed to inhale new life In an interesting, but lost a sofa sofa.

13. Stellags

Old wooden doors You can use to create creative racks for books and decor items.

14. Fireplace

Fantastic transformation of the Soviet locker in decorative fireplacewhich will become a unique detail of a city apartment or a living country house.

15. Decoupage Tombi

Transform the old non-splashing tube will help white paint and simple pictures in the decoupage technique. The renewed cabinet will perfectly fit into the interior of modern cuisine and will become its unique detail.

Video Bonus:

16. Table

Painting legs and a new glass countertop allowed to turn the stand of an old sewing machine In a very original table.

17. Patchwork Chairs

The new upholstery in the popular Patchwork style and painting some elements have not just allowed to update the old chairs, but also to turn them into trendy interior items.

18. Decreased dresser

A little effort, fantasy and bright colors They will turn the vintage grandmother's chest in a bright object of the situation, which will become a spectacular detail of the interior and the subject for starting all guests.

Video Bonus:

One of the most simple and unexpected ways to update the old armchair is repainting its upholstery. This option will help if the upholstery is not damaged, but, for example, you need to hide stains or just want to change its color. You can repaint the upholstery using the paint from the canister or from the can. Choose a universal paint or acrylic for fabric, and before starting painting, you can put a layer of special primer. You can find paint and primer in construction, artistic and handwritten stores. The bonus of such a rework is that the processed paint covers not only a new color, but also water-repellent properties, and the stains with it most often can be simply removed with a damp cloth.

You will need:

Fabric paint;

A large brush for coating wide surfaces and a small brush that is more convenient to cross the edges;

- Capacity for paint stirring;

Water pulverizer;

If desired, the paint tape, which can be protected by wooden parts of the chair from getting paints to them, and the primer can do without it).

1. First, remove the pillows from the chair. Sleep all the dust, wipe the upholstery with a damp cloth, if there are significant fat stains, it is better to treat them with a stain remover so that they do not interfere with the paint to lie down exactly.

2. If you want, cover the surface of the chair of the primer. You can do without it. In this case, first impregnate the upholstery with water, sprinkling on it from the sprayer. Do not forget about the pillow (pillows) of the chair. While the upholstery is not dried, spread some paint with water in the ratio of 1: 1 and impregnate this mixture upholstery. This stage is especially important if the upholstery of your chair is made of thick fabric. Before painting, you can protect wooden details Chairs painting scotch.

3. When the first layer is completely driving, you can start the second. This time, cover the chair of undiluted paint. Carefully walk through the brush at all corners, building all the necessary upholstery areas.

5. If you wish, you can decorate the finished chair with a decor, putting it on the glue. Ready!

More ideas of seats with repainted upholstery:

2. How to drag the chair: master class

This method, of course, more complicated than repainting. However, having pulled the upholstery, you can almost completely update the old armchair, getting rid of holes and sweetes and having received practically new subject For your interior.

You will need:

Tapping fabric (choose a durable dense tissue);


Sewing machine and thread;

Furniture stapler and brackets to it;

Glue pistol;

Tape for decoration;

Turning to remove the brackets from the upholstery of the old chair.

1. Taking advantage of scolding, carefully remove the brackets that are fixing the upholstery details to the chair. The details will serve you as chosen for the new upholstery details. You can not remove all the upholstery or, if you wish, do not remove it at all. Then you have to remove the measurements from the chair and build patterns of new upholstery details.

Photo: awesomesauceasshattery.com.

2. Cap new feedback details from the fabric, without forgetting about the allowances for at least 2 cm. Start shooting them to the chair furniture staplerAs shown in the photo.

Photo: awesomesauceasshattery.com.

3. The detail for the back of the back of the chair may need to be designed from several parts so that it fits well with the chair. Sticking it, attach the detail of the stapler to the back, flexing the edges of the fabric.

Photo: awesomesauceasshattery.com.

4. Hide the place of fastening the back of the back of the back will help braid and adhesive gun.

Photo: awesomesauceasshattery.com.

5. Finally, Save a new cover for the airbag.

Photo: awesomesauceasshattery.com.

More ideas of responded chairs:

Photo: FourgenerationSoneRoof.com

Photo: LovelyLittleLife-hannah.blogspot.com.

3. How to restore the old "Babushkino" chair: master class

Such chairs were several decades ago were almost every Soviet apartment, and in some houses they lived to the present day. By the way, today there are similar "grandmothers" chairs, like other subjects of Soviet design, again in fashion. Not surprising: the design of such an armchair is simple and durable, it is convenient, elegantly and concise. To make an old piece of furniture to decorate your interior, the chair must be renovated.

Work technology:

1. Remove the wooden details of the legs and armrests, clean them from the old varnish, if necessary, tide and cover with several layers of new varnish.

2. Carefully remove the old upholstery fabric. If necessary, replace the foam rubber, attaching it with a furniture stapler.

3. For old upholstery details, take the new and attach them to the chair with a furniture stapler.

4. Screw the details of the legs and armrests.

Ideas on the alteration of the grandmother's chair:

Good day, hardwood!
So I decided to finally lay out something for everyone to review :)
In general, repairs with me flows for a long time and painfully, all oooooooo is done slowly, so before boasting is still far away. So I will start boasting from the restoration of the old Soviet chair.)

It fell to me immediately after the new year. At that time, I got the repair finally, it was decidedly nothing to do, and my hands from a sudden excess of free time were screamed to something. This breakdown was given to the announcement for pickup and thanks, so ... why not?

In general, it was Tresh and Ugar. Honestly, in the photo in the ad, it looked much better, and in fact it turned out to be a pile of rotten foam, rusty nails, decomposed in the dust of an incomprehensible thing and a more or less demolition frame with through holes in armrests (someone did not bother me with repair) . Part of the details were somewhere lost, which, in general, did not surprise - the poor fellow of a small 50 years.
First of all, naturally, grooming.

I naively believed, worse digging in the rotten of the Porolan, nothing will be :) But no. The most joined part is the restoration of the frame. Wash, sand, scraper, sand, wash, scream, sand, wash, wash ... and so indefinitely. Not yet tired. And at the end - to paint :) Acrylic paint in the cylinder, the color of "espresso satin".

With a mild place it turned out easier. A lot of brackets for construction stapler And some patience - and everything is ready.
The upholstery scheme left the same as it was in the original: on the frame of the slings, tarpaulin on the ribs, for a tarpaulin, foam, to the foam-rone Singry procession, to the synthesis sufficient. Poropolon on the back - 50 mm., On the seat - 100 mm. The back of the back was made from a piece of some plywood and was rather dead for this moment, which was alive, so I went to the garbage, and a piece of PVC plastic came to his place. thick.
And cat. Well, as without it.) Without a cat in this house, nothing happens at all - it's amazing that she only got into one photo, because he participated absolutely in everything.

In general, this is all complicated and ended. It remains only to collect everything back and put the marafet - to fix the goals, to strip the hitch of the corners, paint the fasteners on the legs in the color of the legs. Inserts on armrests reached me not in complete set, Therefore, they were replaced with nuts.

Well, something like this:)

As Soviet interiors. Maybe you don't know about it - but now a lot of people continues to live in apartments with quite, let's say, in a kind of interiors. Some of these interiors remained since the time of the USSR, and the other part (worse) is already new "works of art", made today in the style of "A la Scoop".

My friends periodically discard me the pictures of such interiors - I always carefully keep them for memory and periodically, pulling courage, looking through. All photos new, taken from Ukrainian housing rental sites - but I will say right away as in Belarus, and in Russia such a tin can be found no less (and in places and more).

02. So let's start. In the modern interior, a la scoop will be attended by the "Classic Attributes of the USSR" - the carpet on the wall either on the floor, capes on the sofa and chairs, the mesh dust curtains and the "section" in the entire wall. By the way, in the photo below it is clear that the section is not left since the time of the USSR, but was acquired relatively recently - for which it was necessary to do, I would not have done.

03. That's pretty modern interior, which, however, copies the "Best Soviet Traditions" - "Section" along the wall, a terrible carpet on the floor, dust-blooded curtains on the window, wallpaper with a pattern. Why do they do that? BUT?

04. In general, the "Section" is a mandatory attribute of the apartment A la USssr, albeit modern. "Section", as a rule, is monstrously irrational - in panel house it takes about a quarter useful Square Rooms (already narrow "Penal") and Nabea ABE than the Mountains of the dishes, which for years from there is not taken out, baubles, books of the Brezhnev epoch, a stack of Soviet pillowcases, "Kerch-1981" postcards and magazines "Science and Life" for 1986 89 years. I'm not kidding - you will be visiting someone in the house with such a "section" - look at the furtively in lockers, find it there that is.

05. Here is also an excellent example of a room with a "section" and stored things there:

06. Or here. See, the section is clearly not Soviet, bought in the 2000s. Why did they buy it? A huge array of furniture makes a room less than a third, does not give normally go around the bed and it costs absolutely empty. "Soviet gloss" adds a terrible five-growing chandelier and the omnipresent of the mesh curtains-dust collectors.

07. Another modern living room in Soviet style. The second prevalence of the Soviet attribute of furniture (after the "wall") is a polished servant, in the photo below their integer two, different caliber. In terms of its uselessness, the servant can move with the "wall" - in it they hold a bunch of useless trash, old books that no one reads decades, some soft toys, empty vials from perfumery and so on.

08. Also from the "Beautiful" series. Why in a servant so many dishes, Karl? What company soldiers did they get feed?

09. Sometimes I come across the options of living rooms, the style of which can be designated as "Soviet minimalism". This means that the owner of the apartment has already got rid of most rubbish, but left in the apartment some necessary minimum of furniture. Here is a classic example of such a style - there is neither "walls" nor a servant, only a couple of some dresses, a wall-mounted bookshelf and a sofa. Please note how visually in the apartment is easier to breathe without a huge dark "wall" to the pubescent and without nasty mesh curtains on the window.

10. Another example of "Soviet minimalism" is only a table for dwarfs, a sofa and a wardrobe.

11. It's time to look at the Sovdeopian bedrooms, this is the typical room of A la USssr - is decorated in an unclear than half of the furniture can be safely thrown out, especially huge armchairs.

12. The biggest trouble is a bedroom in Soviet style - this is what people continue to sleep incomprehensible on what - instead of beds you can see some sofas, chairs and other rubbing. Please note that the Krasolo and the sofa in the photo are no longer Soviet, bought after the USSR "on the old habit." Why instead folding sofa It was impossible to just buy a normal bed with a mattress - for me a mystery.

13. However, the old Soviet sofas and beds are also massively used - such as, for example, on this photo. Here, by the way, other attributes of the Soviet bedroom are collected - a huge wardrobe, a mandatory huge chair with a motley cape and a mandatory wall carpet in eastern style. With the carpet on this photo there is something strange - he moved away from the wall half the meter and, I'm afraid, it is preparing to capture the world.

14. More bedroom - a unnecessary servant from the living room, stuffed with the same junk. Somewhere under the ceiling hangs the picture, and the clock is nailed above the door.

15. Another trouble bedroom "A la Scoop" is some kind of office and hotel style. Apparently, the owner of such an apartment "the highest pilot" The interior of the bedroom considers the provincial Soviet hotel. Rods, bedside tables, slippers, hardly - the tram moved the detachment of October.

16. That's fine too:

17. And now let's look at the kitchen and bathrooms. Classic kitchen "A la Scoop" looks like something - some kind of old buffet, a wardrobe, plugged into the angle to the window gas stove. Please note that the apartment lives not quite nishchebrudes - new windows are inserted, barathery is also quite modern. Why could not buy new furniture?

18. Here is the same kitchen from another angle. Cut products for cooking are offered, apparently, on the green tabletop of a shaky buffet, and wash the dishes - squeezing into the angle for the wardrobe.

19. also kitchen. From the series "I was blinded from what was."

20. Distinctive feature Sovdeopovsky cuisine is inability to handle the fridge - it is never a normal place, and it does not depend on the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen. Here is a relatively ratable kitchen, most of the useful area of \u200b\u200bwhich occupies a huge useless countertop, and the refrigerator will be knocked down to the window, lighting up the light.

21. The players are placed at the door - apparently so that everything is stumbled upon it.

22. And it happens that the refrigerator and moves at all to the hallway. Why does it happen? The hosts of many similar apartments grew up in publications, where the refrigerator was either an unattainable luxury, or stood where it fell - most often, in a room of a family or another (so that no one cradle products). Because of this, a simple idea that the refrigerator is in a general integral and integral part kitchen equipment, there are no such people.

23. But this is what the bath is A la USssr:

24. Toilet. Many still retained a Soviet locker for any rusty trash. Mysteriously and wildly looks like the location of the paper attachment.

25. Here is also a very typical photo:

26. Sometimes the owners of such apartments earn a lot of money and make repairs, but in the end it turns out anyway all the same scoop - the servants become striking and Vitiyev, the curtains-dust collectors acquire complicated form, Wallpaper in flowers are becoming more "better."

Do you know that this is the most interesting thing? All these photographs were made not in apartments of some poor grandmothers (which can be understood), and relatively non-resident people - all this rental accommodation, which means that the owners of this property have at least one apartment + source of additional income from rent. And at the same time, they carefully continue to store and multiply this is the style of A la.

Why is this happening?