What to do if the vinyl wallpaper is spied. Wallpaper are dug: What to do, how to put down the wicked wallpaper? For this we need

When the joints are diverged, a fragment of a fragment or a whole canvas, the first question that occurs in the head, how to put the wallpaper quickly and efficiently. We will help you choose suitable glue, tell about alternative optionsAlso discuss the main points that affect the tensile strength of the finishing material with the wall.

Why wallpaper is dug - the analysis of the main reasons

You think that during the repair you did everything right, but for incomprehensible reasons do you observe fragments of lagging wallpaper or whole rolls? So everything is perfect with your walls, let's understand.

One of the reasons is defects on the walls. Irregularities can be observed not only in old houses, but also new facilities. Before the beginning finishing work Carefully inspect the surface, check it for cracks and deep recesses. If such are available, they must be seen by cement, remove old stucco. Uneven joints are often observed and when incorrect installation plasterboard wallsthat also need to be embedded before the liner.

The common cause is allowed in a hurry or conducting cosmetic repair - Bad surface preparation under the sticking of wallpaper. Here we are seeing the poor quality cleaners from old paint., adhered pieces of wallpaper, and worse than the lack of primer, and without it, it is impossible to achieve a good clutch of surfaces. In old "Khrushchev" on the walls present a large number of blots that also interferes quality repairs. If you are the owner of such walls, we recommend thoroughly sanding the surface before carrying out finishing works. Check the quality of preparation simply. Take a piece of tape, stick it on the wall and immediately tear off. If large particles of finishes are present on the sticky part, we continue to prepare the surface until it becomes absolutely smooth. This is especially important when, where the smallest sand can spoil the drawing.

Technique for holding repair workimportant moment. Often, professionals and amateurs forget to read the instructions for the use of glue, plaster, primers, as well as adhere to the rules on sticking a certain type of wallpaper, thinking that they conducted finishing work 1000 times and read the recommendations are not necessary. Remember, each finishing material has its own features for use. Therefore, in order not to once again resort to lining, always follow the instructions.

Do not regret glue, always wipe the roll and walls evenly. Use a wide roller, not a brush. This will reduce the operation time and increase the accuracy of the adhesive composition. Pay attention to the shelf life of glue. Buying an overdue product is also reflected on the quality of the wallpaper docking. Regarding the quality of the glue, I would like to say a couple more words. Purchase only specialized composition for your wallpaper type. Cleaster from flour or starch Leave in the past for modern wallpaper It will be inffective if you do not want to observe the rolled rolls.

Stick up a few more important rules:

  • close the doors and windows to completely exclude drafts during the finishing works, and also do not open them a few days after it is completed so that the glue has time to harden and retire with the surface;
  • if the room where the repair is carried out is located on the south side, cover the windows with curtains, excluding direct sunlight;
  • spend the wallpaper unheated room At low humidity and temperature indicators, it is not recommended that the wallpaper does not spare from dampness.

Emergency measures - what to do if broken bubbles arose?

If the problems failed to avoid and the wallpapers were dug, we act according to the following scheme. We first inspect the breaks of the breaks. The easiest way to correct the situation, if the joints have moved. We take the tassel and the remaining glue after repair, make the solution, only more liquid, and thoroughly miss the spindle places. If the repair has been carried out for a long time and you have no adhesive composition for wallpaper, you can use the usual construction or stationery glue PVA. Yes, fixation with such glue is durable, however, remember that it leaves yellow traces. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply it separately. Better mix with wallpaper glue in a ratio of 1:10, then there will be no such problem.

How to put new wallpapers that dug together with plaster? The surface of the wall carefully process the moistened with a sponge, remove the remains of the plaster, remove the roll and stick a new one. This option is suitable, if a little time has passed after repair and you have an extra temporing meter of wallpaper. However, if there is no extra roll, then we recommend thoroughly clean the piece of the retarded roll and rudely wrap it with glue. Always buy a stock wallpaper for an emergency.

Large bubbles that remain after the bad interleavers of air from under wallpaper, also cause a loose fit to the surface and the appearance of breaks. Tip Cut the bubble acute blade Cross-cross - not the best way. Docked the drawing to the lover will be quite difficult, and not all professionals are under force. What to do in this case? Take a medical syringe and carefully pinched a bubble, and when the air will be released from it, fill in the space formed inside the glue. Wait 5 minutes until the glue soften the wallpaper, and put the surface with a rubber roller, dry the scenery of the hair dryer. Adhesive protrusions remove dry rags, if necessary, we rinse the crack.

Special adhesive for junctions - how effective is it effective?

Fixing joints - the problem of many repairmen. If such a confusion occurred with you, let's talk about special Clee. For joints. What is its advantage? Such glue is universal, it suits absolutely for all types of wallpaper (vinyl, phliselin, paper), fixed faster and forms a solid connection. Three foreign manufacturer are most popular in the market - Quelyd, Metylan, Kleo.

For sale glue for joints in tubes with a thin tip, which facilitates the process of applying it. It is fully ready for use, does not require the preparation of a solution or additional use of tassels. We are applied glue on the wall and a dug joint, after which we press the break place with a dry cloth. The operating temperature of the adhesive composition is from 10 to 25 ° C.

To keep the joints better, we advise pre-stick a special paper ribbonwhich is sold in construction stores. Preferably use it on thick vinyl wallpaper, but on thin flieslinic and paper surfaces The tape can stand out.

If the width of the discrepancy of the joint is 2-3 mm, use the universal pigment concentrate, pursue the corresponding color in tons of wallpaper, for example, from the Sniezka Sniezka series. Such a pigment is applied to the joint between the wallpapers, the remains are wiping with a cloth. Correction of shortcomings is successful, after drying it turns out a smooth monotonous surface.

The web was broken - a brief instruction for eliminating

After repair, completely moved the band? We observe the following important rules. Close windows and doors to completely eliminate drafts. The broken strip is completely cleansed from plaster and other particles. The same actions are done with the wall. We make the surface level, get rid of gaps.

What to put the retired wallpaper? Use the remaining glue after repair, recommend Metylan or Quelyd. Thoroughly scrolling the roller band and leave to be soaked for 5-7 minutes. We straighten the strip and apply it to the wall, you will need an assistant, otherwise the chances and bubbles cannot be avoided. Next, pass throughout the surface with a rubber roller, treat the canvas dry rag.

Remember, if you stick paper wallpaper, then additionally scroll with adhesive composition and walls for better clutch with the surface. But with the vinyl wallpaper on the phlizelin-based basis it is not necessary to do this, we apply glue only to the roll.

Ceiling wallpaper - excellent a budget option For decoration. They are only a bit more expensive than blissing, but at the same time they allow you to show your fantasy and give the place the original and stylish look. But what to do if the wallpaper on the ceiling is dug?

First of all, consider the reasons why this trouble may occur.

Like any unpleasant effects of repairs, the dumping of wallpaper is most likely due to a violation of the technology of work or with the choice of low-quality materials for work.

1. Incorrect preparation of the ceiling surface before cutting wallpaper.

Poor-quality preparation of the ceiling surface before applying glue and shook wallpaper - one of the most frequent errorswhich leads to a deplorable repairs.

If you do not want the result of all spent efforts to get the fenced canvas, remember times and forever: you can not glue the wallpaper on the whitewash! And it does not happen because the wallpaper "doesn't hold out" on the blotch. They are glued great to whitewash. The problem is that the whiskers itself, under the weight of the wallpaper, is safely falling off from the ceiling and guarantee you the very sad result.

In stores you can offer a special impregnation for blissing. Do not be done on this sentence: Impregnation in most cases will give you yellow divorces on wallpaper, because it comes with a whitewash in chemical reaction. What is worse - wallpapers left or wallpapers in divorce? You decide.

In order to avoid this, before sticking the wallpaper, the blots must be considered, the ceiling is free from the small particles of the detailed plaster and pretty progress. After drying, the primer can be glued wallpaper.

2. Enemy wallpaper - draft.

Another common cause of trouble with wallpaper - draft. When sticking and further drying, the choler cannot be allowed to be allowed, as they lead to too rapid and uneven drying of glue. As a result of this process, the clutch of the wallpaper clutch with the surface is weakening sharply, and the power of earthly attraction, as is known, remains unchanged - here is the crying result.

3. Incorrectly selected or poor-quality glue.

By purchasing everything you need for sticking wallpaper, do not be lazy to pay attention to the combination of wallpaper and glue. As a rule, the wallpaper manufacturer indicates exactly what kind of glue is best suited for each specific type of wallpaper. For example, if you chose vinyl wallpapers, do not try to use standard CCM or Economy Glue for them - it will not endure the load, and your vinyl beauty will soon begin to lag behind the ceiling. Do not also trust the "universal glue for wallpaper" - as a rule, it leads to a similar sad outcome.

Even if you are sure that the selected glue comes to this kind Wallpaper, it is also necessary to make sure that it is not overdue and is not spoiled. Be sure to check the shelf life and integrity of the purchased packaging.

4. Not all wallpaper - ceiling.

Finally, it should be remembered that for the ceiling there are special varieties Wallpaper, and use for this wallpaper that are designed for walls - it means to risk the normal result of the repair. Bright example - bamboo or "stone" wallpapers. They are not suitable in order to be on the ceiling.

5. Violation of the technology of blending wallpaper.

Finally, not the latter role is played by the adherence to the technology of blending wallpaper. Wallpaper will inevitably begin to fall off if in the process of their gluing you were careless, did not follow in order to tightly press the cloth to the ceiling and drive out all the air bubbles, as well as badly missed and pressed the edges of the trellis, did not samples, as necessary, joints.

6. Main question: what to do?

It is clear that all the above recommendations are good if you are just going to start work. If everything that could happen has already happened, and you faced the need to somehow correct the emerging unpleasant situation, you can try to save the dug-out wallpapers and return the presentable type of ceiling.

You can correct the situation in two ways: glue the lane to the place, or replace the wallpaper fragment or even a pair of stripes.

It is clear that the second decision can be implemented only if you have the wallpaper of the same coloring and quality. It will also be previously necessary to evaluate whether the glued wallpapers have not burned out - in this situation, new unbearable fragments will bring dissonance into the overall picture of the interior, it is better to cross everything. However, there is a creative yield - to diversify the ceiling by the bands of the harmonious colors.

To tear the label lagging lags is the easiest of everything using the usual warm water. Moching the strip, wait from a quarter of an hour and try to separate it. If wallpaper is not amenable, repeat wetting. When vinyl wallpaper First you need to separate them upper layer, and then wet and separate the remaining base.

After the wallpaper is removed, thoroughly clean the surface. If during the removal of wallpapers on the ceiling was formed potholes, they will have to scream. The purified level surface is necessarily ground, and only after complete drying of the primer, you can stick a new strip of the chopler.

If your plans are not included in the replacement of fragments, but there is a need to swallow the woven edges of the wallpaper, we act otherwise.

As a rule, wallpapers are dug at the joints. The departed fragments can be tried to stick back. To start the maximum separated from the surface, the piece began to spoil. Carefully pull the wallpaper, separating it from the ceiling until you feel that the remaining part keeps reliably, and it is easier to tear it out than to separate. The separated part can be carefully cleansed from garbage, glue and soil residues. It is convenient to do with a small spatula or masticine. Freed from wallpapers Fragment of the ceiling also speck off the garbage, if necessary, shapper potholes. Sprouter the surface and wait for its complete drying.

Return to the place the separated fragment of wallpaper is best with the help of PVA glue, diluted in half with primer, as a last resort - with water. If the adhesive remains sharpened at the junction, carefully get rid of it. Wait for drying, not allowing drafts indoors.

Repair completed, but sigh with relief it turns out not to everyone, since after some time the tenants begin to notice that wallpaper is dug. What if you moved away from the wall? You can simply be neatly putting the wallpapers that dug out, but the question arises - why did it happen and will the problem be happening again?

Yes, if you do not understand why wallpapers on the joints are smiled or completely departed from the walls and ceilings, so you can still be in the repair stage. Today you will learn about the most frequent reasonsWhy wallpaper moves and how reliably solve the problem has occurred.

The most common reasons why wallpaper

It would seem that all during the repair was done correctly, but it still happened trouble and moved the wallpaper from the wall. Let's deal with the reasons why wallpapers are dug away:

  • The wall defect is a frequent phenomenon in new buildings, but also in old houses the walls continue to be deformed, so we do not exclude a similar problem. Before starting finishing work, it is necessary to carefully check all the surfaces, remove weak plaster, close even the slightest cracks.
  • Plasterboard walls were mounted without adherence to technology. Special attention It is paid to how the joints were treated between sheets.
  • Walls are poorly prepared. There are remains of old wallpaper or traces of whitewash, paints. Even worse, if the walls are not pre-ground, and this is the obligatory stage of the correct installation of wallpaper. Wallpapers are splashed and in the case of a rush, when they are applied to the wet surfaces (did not dry the plaster or primer).
  • Failure to comply with technologies and instructions - the problem is rather professionals than newcomers. You think that you all know and do not read the recommendations, and after all, each manufacturer may have their own characteristics of concrete finishing materials.
  • The non-uniformity of the layer glue layer is a frequent violation, if the glue is distributed not with a roller, but a brush. So the glue skippers are formed on the canvas or it is applied very little.

Special attention should be paid to how the drying process goes after sticking. To make the wallpaper not moved, you need to follow the moisture in the room not very quickly evaporated:

  • You can not open the doors and windows for the first few days.
  • We exclude drafts, close ventilation.
  • If the windows are south, it is necessary to cover them so that there is no direct sunlight.

Attention! Frequently, wallpapers are sprung and bubbles occur at a very low temperature indoor and high humidity At the same time, therefore it is not necessary to repair under such concretections.

How to glue wallpaper so that they do not dug?

The main problem is why the wallpaper is poured into the fact that the sticking of wallpaper seems simple work and proceed to it, not knowing all the rules and nuances. Indeed, in most cases, even newcomers will be able to apply wallpaper on the walls, but only if they first got acquainted with the recommendations how to glue the wallpaper properly, so that they did not leave the walls.

You will not find out why wallpaper moves, what to do with this, if you do not repeat other errors:

  1. Do not save on finishing materials, or rather, do not buy a discount product. We do not know for what reason it was dropped, and this may be, for example, due to poor quality or improper storage conditions.
  2. Do not start working on sticking until thoroughly do not learn all the instructions on the wallpaper and glue you purchased.
  3. To repair efficiently, you must have special spatulas and rubberized rollers. Keep at hand in sufficient quantity rags.
  4. Once you glued wallpaper with diluted flour, but then there were a deficit times, why do you need it now? Be sure to buy a good wallpaper adhesive for your rolls and special glue to smoke joints.
  5. Without high-quality preparation of walls, do not even start sticking so as not to move the wallpaper. And putty, and the primer applies strictly according to the instructions.
  6. Plan a stick before heating season. It is useful for finishing materials to survive in natural conditions, without the effects of elevated temperatures.
  7. Exclude fully drafts. Refuse to ventilate for a couple of days - this advice is valid and in the event that it is necessary to put the sleeping wallpapers so that the problem is not repeated again and again.

Excellent if you learned why wallpaper is spared before the start of repair work and have been able to observe all our recommendations, but what to do when the repair has already been completed, and the errors are just beginning to manifest? If the wallpaper was spared, it is possible to correct the problem in the following ways:

  • If the edges of the wallpaper are departed, you just need to cross the joints again. This is the most simple problem And you need to act just as when repairing. It is necessary to pay attention to that there are no garbage on the edges. To put the widespread wallpaper, use only the hidden glue you are checked, but make it more liquid.

Veliko temptation to apply fast PVA glue, which is probably in your home. Yes, such a universal glue will quickly solve the problem, but yellow stains can remain after it, and during the subsequent repair, it will make difficulty with removing cloth from the walls. If it does not scare you, PVA glue helps well if the wallpaper is spacked.

  • If the wallpaper moved away from the wall and bubbles were formed, corrected the defect, without gripping the walls from the walls, actually with the help of a conventional medical syringe. At first, the needle is punctured by a problem area, so that the air is released, and then the syringe gently introduces adhesive under the cloth. We are waiting for a few minutes so that the finishing material is impregnated with glue and press it to the wall.

If bubbles have been formed on already filled wallpaper, do not try to release a cross-knife-cross-cross-tier with an accumulated air cut there. A similar idea works only in the hands of real professionals and only in the case when there is no clear picture, otherwise it will not work all the fragments to connect into a single image.

  • If the wallpaper did not just spare from the wall, but moved with plaster, then the likelihood of gaps occurs. The damaged area must be fully replaced with a new plaster and a new web, but this requires a sufficient residue of finishing materials in stock. This option is suitable if not much time has passed after repair and wallpaper on the wall under the influence of external factors has not yet changed in color.

Never buy wallpapers. Choose such a method so that after the repair work remained at least several raven meters For emergency situations. You can, of course, go to the store and find the same sample, but you need to understand that it will already be rolled from another party, which means that they will probably differ in shades.

Special glue for liner shots

If the wallpaper moved away from the wall, what to do professionals advised? To not arise similar problems, you need to use qualitative materials, and if during the repair you abandoned buying good glue In the tube for the liner of the walls of the wallpaper, now it is no longer needed to save.

What are the features of this glue? With it, it is securely fixed all the bulk joints on the walls and the ceiling and all due to the fact that:

  • Glue has special compositionwhose advantage is a very fast clutch with surfaces.
  • It does not need to be breeded: it is produced in the ready-made form, which means it does not need extra time to prepare the adhesive composition.
  • The tool is available only in tubes. It is convenient, and helps not consume adhesive over the norm, since the tube has a dispenser to apply glue in the desired quantity.
  • Many manufacturers in packing with such wallpaper glue add a comfortable brush so that it should apply glue at the walls of wallpaper in cases if the dispenser is problematic (for example, it is impossible to reach).
  • During the repair of the surplus, not yet dried glue is simply removed using a rag and water.
  • Fully dried glue for the walls of wallpaper is impossible to dissolve with water, as it is not aturning. This is His Samem main featureso that the panels will never be able to move away from high humidity in room.

The best brands of glue for the liner of the walls of the wallpaper

It is convenient that any glue for the linings of the wallpaper joints is suitable for all their types (paper, phlizelin, vinyl or tissue). Produce it many firms, but on the domestic construction market Quelyd preference is given, Metylan, Kleo.

What brand glue is better? Focus on family budgetSince when repairing everything is equally well suited, but MeteLan is used to eliminate serious defects.

What to do when wallpapers are sprung, will cease to be a problem, if absolutely accurately comply with all the recommendations specified on the packaging of a particular glue, and do everything extremely neatly. Good luck to you!

Often, after time, our no longer looks as attractive as at the very beginning. It is overwhelmed, the wallpapers are broken in place. But this is not a reason to start new renovation, you can simply correct the old and extend his life for a few more years.

Why are the wallpaper behind the wall?

Most often, the reason in the inaccurate observance of the instructions for pasting. This is especially true of severe types of wallpaper requiring special glue and additional MaterialsFor example, paper strips in the joints of the joints.

Also, the reason may be in insufficiently high-quality surface preparation or uneven application of glue. The removal of wallpaper is sometimes due to the dampness of the room. In the bathrooms and the kitchen wallpaper are often dug away and thick. And what to do if the wallpaper dug up and we do not plan to repair yet?

On time, renovated wallpaper joints can save time and money. It is important to pick up right glue and tools. So, what to put the sleeping wallpapers: you need special glue, preferably choose famous manufacturer. You will also need a small roller specifically for rolling joints.

We still prepare a sponge for removing excess glue, vacuum cleaner and household hair dryer. How to fix the wallpaper on the junction, if they dug out: first, we carefully drag the spaced sheets, a vacuum cleaner and wallpapers themselves, in order to remove dust and crumbs of putty. We are applied adhesive from a tube or with a brush (depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe died wallpaper).

Next, press the roller sheets of wallpaper in the direction of the glued part to the joint. Spanking Glue remove a wet sponge. If the pva is dried, dry the seams additionally with a hairdryer and then pass the roller again.

Before proceeding to correcting the walls of the walls, it is necessary to find out for what reasons the joints on the wallpaper are dug. It may have been violated elementary technologies of sticking walls. Correct Disadvantages on the saved walls different wayswho will differ in labor intensiveness and costs.

How to glue the wallpaper butt? Many troubles this issue. You can break the wallpaper with two options - braziness and jack. The first way is more often used to smoke wallpaper joints in hard to reach placesIn all other cases, the second method is used.

Before starting the main process, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the surface, choose the material, glue and stock tools.

The process of stacking wallpaper Job:

  1. After selecting the wallpaper, we cut them into the canvas, adding five more centimeters to the desired length.
  2. We wash the canvas with glue, carefully smearing it from the center to the edges. Next, for further impregnation, we fold the canvas in half.
  3. We begin to glue the wallpaper strictly from top to bottom, from the window on a par with a limit of a landmark. After the wallpaper is completely dried, cut the sharp knife of the linen.
  4. We smooth the cloth with a wallpaper spatula and remove the resulting excess glue with a dry cloth.
  5. In the same way, the next wallpaper canvas is glued to the previous one, in contact with the edges of each other.

Before pasting wallpaper, make sure that the room temperature is at least +20 0 C. Window and doorways must be tightly closed, to avoid drafts and sunlight.

How to remove bubbles on the wallpaper after sticking

Bubbles on the wallpaper after sticking - many familiar situation. They spoil not only general formBut can also lead to the stratification of the material and the reproduction of various insects.

That this problem does not occur, you need to prepare in advance and stock all necessary.

Required tools in work:

  1. When fliseline wallpaper is saved, you will need a rubber roller, which will greatly help remove the surplus air and glue.
  2. For vinyl materials, there is an indispensable plastic spatula or a widely wide brush with a small bristle medium hardness.
  3. FROM paper wallpaper You should work with a simple dry cloth, for example, a soft flannel.

Before removing bubbles on the wallpaper, they must still be strengthened on the walls by attaching some efforts to it. Namely, the glue smeared with a canvas must be taken by two hands for the upper edges and lift. Then attach the cloth to the top of the wall, trying to immediately start aligning it both vertically and horizontally.

How to remove bubbles on the wallpaper (video)

How to put the wallpaper joints

How to glue the joints of the wallpaper with your own hands? Believe me, this is not a difficult process, but the result will clearly surprise you.

Necessary materials for work:

  • A small brush;
  • Thick glue PVA good quality;
  • Hair dryer with hot blowing mode;
  • Pure wet rag.

Initially, you need to very carefully bend those seams where the wallpaper was separated. In the case of the presence of putty remnants on the wallpaper, it must be removed, and it is necessary to remove it, and the wall spend the wall so that another garbage cannot get under the wallpaper, which can lead to the appearance of tubercles. If the layer of putty turned out to be large in size, then the wall should be used in advance and primed. Next, we wash the wallpaper and the wall with glue.

When working with paper wallpaper, only dry rags are needed, but heavy vinyl canvas are better to straighten with a damp cloth, removing all the resulting bubbles.

Then heating the seams with a hairdryer with hot blowing and once again wipe the seam cloth, well pressing the wallpaper.

Shakes of Wallpaper: Causes (VIDEO)

Wallpapers dug up at the joints: the better to put down

Wallpapers left at the junctions in the room - this is not a reason to immediately start a new repair, because correctly lining the wallpaper, you can return the finish of its initial attractiveness.

Selection of glue for restoration of wallpaper:

  1. Special glue.Such glue is preferably acquired already famous brandTo be confident as a result. You may have to spend much more calculated, as prices of some types of glue are quite high.
  2. PVA glue. In this case, you do not have to spend money, because such glue is usually in every home. But for sticking heavy canvas, it will not suit, and in the case of paper coatings, it can leave yellow spots on the wallpaper.

The lining of the lagging wallpaper is a responsible process, since if you do not pull the junction in time, it can lead to a complete overlapping of the entire wallpaper sheet. And this is already much more difficult and more expensive.

How to glue wallpaper so that there are no joints: advice of professionals

How to glue the wallpaper so that there are no jams? Start with careful preparation of walls. The perfect surface for coatings is the key to the success of the final result.

Tips for professionals on wallpaper

  • Before pasting wallpaper, measure the height from the ceiling to the floor. Mark the resulting height on the wallpaper and add 10 cm another, but only if the wallpaper does not have a solid image.
  • The first chalter roll from the other side where there is a window starting from the corner. Apply glue on the wallpaper and fold in half, in order to have a glue. Then we rinse the wall with glue and begin to glue the wallpaper.
  • Start glue wallpaper from above, so that there is a stock, leveling stripes. It is recommended to glue half the canvas first, while smoothing it around the wall, and then play and the second half.

If there are glue residues on the edges of the wallpaper, it is necessary to remove them with dry rag. The remaining upper battery is removed using a sharp knife. Further pasting is made in the same way.

How to fit wallpaper pictures? - you ask. High-quality fitting of wallpaper lies in proper technique Sticking. Let's look at what are fit in the woven salary.

Varieties of fitting wallpaper:

  1. Figure in drawing.Having placed the first strip, you need to turn the wallpaper piece from the roll and try it next to the stroke on the wall. Moving a piece of wallpaper, achieve that patterns coincided.
  2. Direct fit.This type of pattern is usually located across the entire width of the strip. And after other pieces neatly fitted, the drawing will be repeated horizontally over the entire wall.
  3. Diagonal fit. In this case, the drawing characterizes the output beyond the boundaries of one band. To fit the wallpaper with the pattern was simpler, the specialists usually have along the edge of the strip some element of the small size pattern.

What to do if dark stripes are visible at the walls of the wallpaper

Dark stripes at the joints of the wallpaper is a serious problem that disturbs many. Let's look at what you need to do in such situations.

Instructions in order to avoid the appearance of dark stripes at the walls of the wallpaper:

  • If you work with paper materials, then avoid excessive wetting of cloths. This can lead not only to the deformation of sheets of wallpaper, but an undesirable color effect after drying the adhesive mixture.
  • After sticking wallpaper on the wall, it is necessary to carefully press them to the surface. This will help you tools such as a narrow spatula or special roller.
  • Choose correctly glue composition For sticking, because many adhesives are simply not suitable for certain varieties of wallpaper.

Claper sheets so that the layer of glue was relatively thin and at the same time so that he humiliates to stick the cloth before it starts to shrink. Then you will avoid many critical situations arising from sticking wallpaper.

How to glue the wallpaper in the junction (video)

In order for pasting the wallpaper to be successful, you just need to observe simple rules. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the room, starting from the surfaces of the walls and ending temperature regime. All described tips will help you perfectly finish the started repairs.