How to stick wallpaper on the ceiling. Tips, how to beat paper wallpapers on ceiling ceiling ceiling with wallpaper Wallpaper Blooming Wallpaper

Kirill Sysoev

Cornish hands do not know boredom!


Most recently, a few decades ago, when repairing the ceilings were fine with chalk. It was almost the only way to decorate ceiling floors. Currently, the plane above the heads is not obliged to be white: bright, elegant materials are used at the top as actively as on the walls. It is important to know how to punish the wallpaper on the ceiling correctly so that the paper, vinyl or flieslinic canvas lay exactly, formed the surface without flaws.

Wallpaper glued on the ceiling

The ceiling space finish is complex and tedious process. For some species (mounting a suspended plane, installation stretch canvas, sticking the wallpaper cloth) you need a brigade in two or three people, not to cope alone. Will it glue on the ceiling of the owners in new buildings? Often this type of finish is replaced with modern color. Nevertheless, possessing undoubted advantages, rolled material Long stay long. Here are five reasons for his demand:

  1. This is not the most expensive finish type. The material is represented in constructionarkets in a wide price range.
  2. You will easily pick the finish to your liking. There are wallpaper rolls of any color, drawing, textures on sale.
  3. Wallpaper canvas, especially ceiling, are perfectly combined with each other. Your design will be unique.
  4. For this type finishing work No expensive equipment.
  5. Professional skills in pasting are also not mandatory. If necessary, you can easily handle repairs yourself, making work neatly and on the started order.

What wallpaper is better

Walking wallpapers on the ceiling with their own hands begins with the choice of rolls. What wallpaper is better to glue on the ceiling in your room - the question is important. So that the result of repair pleases you for a long time, think over what the material is, drawing, the color of the wallpaper canvase. It is good if the color of the upper plane is in the same color scheme as the walls, but a little lighter. It is better to choose bright rolls with a small pattern or without it without it. Such painting does not need complex lines, hides the surface flaws.

Used for pasting residential premises of the cloth from different materials. Fliseline, vinyl, paper wallpaper canvas often buy. Each material has its own characteristics, pros and cons, you need to learn about them before walking the wallpaper on your own. If you will be engaged in pasting for the first time, and your ceiling is well prepared for repair (smooth, without flaws) - choose vinyl rolls. The paper goes well even on a bug art surface, it can hide ceiling defects. Flizelin looks spectacular and stylish, but skills need to work with it.

How much wallpaper is needed

To calculate the flow rate of wallpaper rolls, decide in which direction you will stick them. According to the rules, the sheets are located above the head perpendicular to the flow sunlightThat is, parallel to the window (in most cases it is the width of the room). Measuring the width of the room, learn the length of each panel. Make measurements and calculate how much strips you need. Determining how much the wallpaper on the ceiling is needed, consider standards. Rolls are 10 and 15 meters long. Their width is 0.5 or 1 meter.

Is it possible to glue on the ceiling tile

Before you break the wallpaper on the ceiling correctly, do the preparation of the foundation from which it depends whether your finish will serve for a long time. The surface should be solid, smooth, monolithic. This is achieved by the distribution on the plane of the putty mixture and primer deep penetration. Think about it is possible to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling tile? The result of the experiment will be disappointing. The canvases will not be skipped exactly, over time they will cover, crack down on the joints, the places will be departed. Ceiling tiles Dismount to solid layer before pasting.

You can glue wallpaper on the wallpaper

Sometimes the previous finishing layer keeps so firmly that there is a desire not to overtake it, stick new bands from above. Sometimes it is possible to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling wallpaper, but it is rather an exception than the rule. How to determine if it is possible in your case? Qualitatively moisten the old paper wet brush on the square of at least square meter, let me be soaked in moisture. If the cloth begins to bubble - it will depart under the severity of glue and finishing material. It needs to be removed completely to the base. The quality of the adhesive of new wall-mounted strips is always low.

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling

Prepare necessary materials and work tools. You will need:

  • roulette;
  • construction or stationery knife for lateral sections and cutting panels;
  • markup pencil;
  • special roller for smoothing wallpaper or plastic spatula;
  • rag or sponge for wiping excess glue;
  • maclithic brush and small brush for glue;
  • wobbly rolls;
  • quality glue (preferably instant).

Before glue wallpaper, make sure that the base is prepared qualitatively. The ceiling surface should not have traces of chalk, cracks, chosen. Defects need to be carefully handled, sharpen. A good primer will make a strong and monolithic plane, which should dry by the beginning. It will ensure the uniform clutch of the material with the covered surface, the bands will be held securely.

Measure the panels of a given length, if necessary - take into account the matching places of the drawing. Cut the blanks, noting the beginning of the strip every time. The edge with marks should always be on the same side, it is important, even if there are no pronounced drawing on the strips. On the ceiling you need to make a marker - the level of the first strip, line, parallel wall, along which the first sheet is stacked. Start work from the window.

Wash the blending zone (part of the ceiling) with glue solution according to the instructions. It should be not so thick as the main adhesive mass. Apply a neat, thin glue layer with a wide scroll. Slide the lane by movements from the center to the edge, do not allow excess glue along the smeared canvase. Especially carefully treat edges and angles. Screw the wallpaper sheet with glue inwards, leave to twice for a couple of minutes.

At the next stage you will need an assistant. Expand the cloth, lean it to the ceiling at once along the entire length. Correct the position of the strip, aligning it along the marker line, you need quickly. Smoothed wallpaper with a roller or plastic spatula, removing the blown, formed by air bubbles and excess glue. Do not allow wrinkles and folds around the canvas, some of them will be noticeable after drying. Repeat the action, glue the strip of the jack, one by one until the finish of the entire surface of the ceiling is terminated.


This type of wallpaper requires a master of skills and some experience. The fact is that the fliesline wallpaper on the ceiling is glued, happing only the foundation. If the wallpaper is high-quality, they are perfectly smoothed by a special spatula. The coating dries at exactly, the bubbles or beggars remain. This technique may allow you to stick blanks alone. Just apply the strip twisted into the roll, to the mesh part of the ceiling plane and spin as it is glued.


Durable, dense material with vinyl finishing layer masks irregularities and ceiling defects in visual perception. Pocking vinyl wallpaper - the case is simple. It is important to pay attention to the quality of the joints, a well-missing surface. Connection locations covered with vinyl, very neat and invisible. If necessary, the edge of the sheet hanging along the wall is cut off with a knife using a metal spatula as a ruler.


For non-ideal ceilings, a remarkable finish option can be a paper cloth. Glue thin paper wallpaper on the ceiling is needed quickly, not giving them a lot to spill. They fit on the surface of any degree of irregularity and, in contrast to vinyl, tightly hold after drying. However, paper with an embossed pattern, more dense and massive, the properties are more reminded by vinyl.

How to punish wallpaper one

You can adapt to any circumstances. So from the range you can choose phlizelin rolls that are glued dry. But the team of two people will cope with work at times faster and better. Therefore, before one picker wallpaper on the ceiling, try to find a person for help.


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Along with the pasting ceiling panels, the most beloved in the people's way to repair the ceiling is the ceiling pasting with ceiling wallpaper. The use of wallpaper for cladding ceiling is the cheapest way to repair. Although an important difference here is the fact that to cope with the pasting of the ceiling with wallpaper alone - the task is not necessarily, at least one helper is necessary.

SAME best Wallpaper For ceiling pasting, wallpaper with bulk embosses are considered, most often used heavy vinyl or flieslinic wallpaper. For cuisine ceilings, a bathroom has a sense to apply washable wallpapers, withstanding the sink with cheek using chemical detergents.

When choosing wallpaper, carefully read their technological and operational characteristics. The medium width wallpaper (50-60cm) is lighter than the wide (1 meter or more), but the inter-systemic seams will be larger when they are not very good when the monolithic effect is reached.

The surface of the ceiling before blowing wallpaper and should be prepared: the ceiling is cleansed, cracks and defects are putty and grind, also the ceiling needs to be braced well. The more thin and smooth wallpaper for the ceiling you intend to use, the more thoroughly prepares the ceiling surface.

The embossed volumetric wallpaper with a geometric or abstract pattern is best masked the defects of the ceiling surface, we mentioned earlier. More volumetric wallpapers should be chosen if the ceiling after sticking with wallpaper will be painted. Two or three layers of waterproof paint can noticeably smooth the too small ornament of wallpaper.

Carefully rectify to the choice of wallpaper glue. All modern wallpaper manufacturers indicate the type of wallpaper and the recommended type of glue. This is usually glue for heavy or vinyl wallpaper. In the preparation of the adhesive mass, it makes sense to make it somewhat thicker than recommended the calculation standards.

Before you begin to stick wallpaper, be sure to mark the ceiling. this is very important momenthelps stick the wallpaper canvas smoothly parallel to the walls.

The glue should be applied to the wallpaper, and on the ceiling, after which it gently attach a piece of wallpaper to the planned line on the ceiling and thoroughly disperse with a soft roller. When the ceiling pasting, the air and the excess adhesive should be removed even more carefully than when pasting wallpaper walls, since the top lighting chandelier will subsequently emphasize even the slightest defects and flaws of the surface.

Wallpaper on the ceiling is joined by a joint-b-joint, with a possible lagging for wallpaper around the edges, these places need to immediately observe glue and press well.

The ceiling, hoveed by wallpaper, will look over, if you apply the ceiling plinth to its finish, which is used and when sticking the ceiling with ceiling panels. If there is a low ceiling in the room, then it is best to apply a wide ceiling plinth, that you visually increase the height of the room, add the size of the room.

How to beat the wallpaper for painting

Every year, the so-called wallpaper is increasingly popular. Wallpapers designed for staining with water dispersive, water-emulsion or acrylic paints have whole line Advisions compared to traditional paper wallpaper with a finished pattern applied to them.

First, wallpapers intended under further painting, have a texture that gives the surface of the walls a unique appearance, expressiveness and character. In addition, the embossed structure of wallpaper under painting perfectly masks the irregularities and other surface defects of the walls.

Secondly, the wallpaper can be reproited several times, and not necessarily in one color. Thus, with each new cosmetic repair of the apartment, you can easily change the boning color gamut His housing.

Video on the topic:How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling, all nuances (repairs in the apartment).

Thirdly, properly chosen and high-quality battered wallpapers are attached to the walls of a holistic and monolithic appearance, the wallpaper bands are practically invisible.

In our stores, supermarkets and building materials markets Wallpapers for painting are represented by three main categories (species), characterized by materials for their manufacture:

  • wallpaper under painting on paper based (the most budgetary, inexpensive option wallpaper)
  • wallpaper on a fliesline basis (phliseline wallpaper),
  • wallpaper on a fiberglass basis.

The first two types of wallpapers for painting have an external decorative structural layer from a special foamed vinyl, which is why such wallpapers are called "vinyl". The outer layer of fiberglass wallpapers under painting consists of quartz sand bonded by special binding additives.

Wallpaper on a paper basis is kept for the entire period of their operation 5-7 of redhouses, and more expensive and high-quality phlizelin and fiberglass - up to 15!

All wallpapers are classified as heavy wallpapers, so their sticking has several features.

  1. For sticking apply special adhesives For heavy (vinyl, phlizelinov) wallpaper.
  2. Powing wallpaper for painting is necessarily made by the "joint in the joint" method.
  3. Painting wallpapers are made after their complete drying.

Before buying a wallpaper glue, be sure to read the instructions of the wallpaper manufacturer on their blending and exploitation, pay attention to the recommended types of wallpaper glue. Wallpaper under painting glued in the same way as any other wallpapers and still specialists advise to be guided by several special important rules.

How to glue the wallpaper for painting on a paper basis?The wallpaper-coated wallpaper-cut-out-length lines is spread on the floor and thoroughly wet a small layer of special adhesive for heavy wallpaper. For reliability, experts recommend breeding a slightly more concentrated consistency than indicated in the instructions for its use. When cutting the wallpaper, it is better to leave a small amount of length.

The blurred wallpapers fold across glue parts inside and allow no more than 5 minutes to be soaked. Meanwhile, the same looping glue Processing the surface of the wall, thin, but the uniform layer will be quite enough for this.

After the end of the wall of the walls of the wall glue, the prepared wallpaper canvases are glued onto the wall.

When sticking wallpapers under painting on a paper basis, it is necessary to exhibit special accuracy, because due to its fragile paper base, when the glue is superfluous, they have a deform property, stretch and even rush. And the "disturbed", unnecessarily swollen from glue wallpaper, especially cheap, are able to almost completely lose their decorative embossing.

That this does not happen, the glue should be labeled them quickly, evenly and thin layer, and also try not to overeat in moored. All these precautions are practically not concerned with strong flizelin-based wallpapers. After all, this synthetic material does not stretch, it is not deformed and sufficiently durable. But the phlizelin wallpaper under painting has their own, unique features of sticking.

Unlike paper-based wallpapers, the flieslinic wallpaper is not needed to be lubricated with glue. When they are putty, the wallpaper glue of the wall of the wall is widthly larger than the wallpaper cloth.

Then they simply take a roll and carefully smoothing, stick the wallpaper from the ceiling to the floor. Flizelin base with excellent adhesive properties allows you to glue the wallpaper without much effort. All that remains is a sharp knife exactly under the plinth cut off the excess part of the wallpaper canvas.

Specialists note not only the simplicity and ease of stickers of fliesline wallpaper under painting. but also their other, not less important advantage. Flizelin base of such wallpapers is an excellent binding and fastening material. The wallpaper glued on the walls significantly strengthened, reinforce its surface, prevent small cracks.

It will be useful to know that Flizelin is well glued not only on the walls, but also on any other surfaces - ceilings, door and window slopes.


What wallpaper is better to choose a ceiling

To start the selection, it is necessary to determine the assortment of types and characteristics. Someone claims that the use of heavy wallpaper types is unacceptable, we will try to refute it from the point of view of practicality and aesthetics, but still we define what material is used in the ceiling finish:

  • vinyl on the phlizelin basis,
  • paper on a fliesline basis.

Each of these materials may be in various color solutions, Have textures, reliefs and various decorative spraying. But for the ceiling is preferable yet white color or wallpaper for painting.

Let's go back to the issue of using heavy canvases. For some reason, there is an opinion that too heavy canvas simply will lead under its own weight due to the fact that the mass of wallpaper with glue is much higher. This is all quite acceptable, but:

  • If the surface is well prepared if the ceiling is smooth enough and high-quality glue is used, you can not think about this nuance.
  • In addition, the more dense wallpaper, the more irregularities in the surface they will hide. And there is invaluable dignity.

Choice of wallpaper

Now take a look at the features of the choice of each type of wallpaper. For this we will analyze the premises of the main types.

The choice of wallpapers in the living room means in the hall, to the bedroom, in the living room, in the shopping room - in the kitchen, corridor, bathroom. The type of wallpaper directly depends on the type of room. For example, a kitchen or bathroom - rooms with enough high levels humidity. In the kitchen due to the difference in temperature and lack of drawing, the condensate can easily be easily located, which after can turn into molds of the walls.

That is why it is best to take dense vinyl wallpapers on a flieslinic basis. The less paper content, the better in such cases. In addition, vinyl wallpapers can be easily soaked. This is another moment, important for sticking in the kitchen.

Very often, different evaporation leave traces on the ceiling. With paper wallpapers, the removal of stains is a whole art. But the use of vinyl or phlizelinov will solve this problem simply. In case of serious contamination, it can simply be washed off with ordinary soapy water, without difficulty. Naturally, if there is no decorative spraying on the canvases.

In the bedroom or in the hall it is quite possible to use paper canvases. Especially if the rooms are dry and warm, with smooth ceilings. In addition, paper wallpaper is much easier and cost cheaper. As for liquid wallpapers, their choice is universal. They can approach both in the kitchen or in the bathroom and in the hall with the bedroom.

Liquid wallpapers, in fact, plaster with various decorative additives. But for proper use And applying liquid wallpapers can even get rid of the mirror in the bathroom, as the air is perfectly skipped. Moreover, a lot of decorative variants of liquid wallpapers. It is enough to look at the photo catalog of manufacturers.

Width Rulona

Why should pay attention at the moment? Everything is simple: There are several sizes of rolls. The most common width indicators: 50, 55, 100 cm, in length: 5, 10 meters. There are more, but it is rather an exception than the rule.

Roll width for the ceiling is important. The wider roll, the harder it is to glue the strip. However, the surface will be more uniform and aesthetic. Although the narrow wallpaper is no worse. Simply, if the surface is quite large, for example, the size of the rooms is 5 to 4 meters, it is better to use wide wallpapers.

Selection of glue

Not only is the selection of the right wallpaper, but also the choice of a mixture for mounting. Glue today is not just a starch solution that will not always take one or another view. These are professional polymer compositions, which are prepared under a specific type of wallpaper. Therefore, it is important to know which wallpaper is bought to choose the right glue.

For all types of wallpapers with the addition of polymer particles (vinyl, phliseline, paper on a fliesline basis, etc.) It is best to choose adhesive for heavy cloths, even if the main composition of wallpaper paper. This is just preventing a canvas sagging under your own severity.


Stowing wallpaper on the ceiling: work order

The ceiling, decorated with wallpaper, has a rich set of visual effects. It will not only make the room more comfortable, but also will delimit the room to the zone. This is especially true in one-bedroom apartments, where the only room serves as a bedroom, a working office, a living room and a dining area. In addition, the porous structure of the material provides additional sound insulation.

What types of wallpaper are suitable for the ceiling?

In composition, wallpapers for ceiling are different. These are paper, phlizelin, vinyl, liquid and glass. Best of all, embossed textile or flieslinic wallpaper are suitable for pasting. They hide the defects of the surface and provide noise and heat insulation.

Often the wallpaper is glued to the ceiling to give them the desired color or draw some drawing. In rooms with high humidity good waterproof film. It is easily pasted and protects the surface from water.

Video on the topic:

Preparation for pasting: cleaning and primer

So, you decided what wallpaper to choose for the ceiling, you can now go to the main case. But do not rush. First, the surface must be prepared. For this, the ceiling must be cleaned with a spatula from plaster and primed. Special attention You should turn to the joints of the ceiling plates.

The primer must be selected according to the selected wallpaper type. Most often use acrylic primers of deep penetration. This operation may take not one day, because The primer is applied in several layers, giving each of them to dry. The dried primer needs to be treated with a skin to align the surface. Before processing, cracks must be covered, if any.

The treated ceiling must be placed so that the wallpaper adhesive is perpendicular to one of the walls. The place where the chandelier will hang, it is better to stick with a painting scotch, and turn off the electricity before the pasting.

Getting Staged

Ceiling pasting with wallpaper - lesson for two. So, before taking a cutter and roller in your hands, stir glue and smear it on the ceiling, find a partner. Now you can start.

Video on the topic:Ceiling wallpaper sticking your own hands

The glue must be done very thick so that it does not drip on top and kept heavy ceiling wallpaper. To avoid problems with the wet stripe, it is necessary to apply glue to the ceiling. The pasting should be started from the wall and keep the strip so that it is directed strictly on the markup. After that, it is necessary to press the paper to the ceiling and align it with a roller.

The following stripes are glued. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the lumens are not formed between them. Having completed pasting, you can relax: wallpapers will dry about a day. If you used a painting coating, the next step will be staining the surface. For this, the wallpaper must be painted with a roller several times, and then bring the surface to the surface to perfection.

Often, uneven edges are formed after pasting. This is not trouble. They can be carefully cut to the cutter, and then hide ceiling plinth. The variety of forms and colors of the eaves makes them relevant in any interior. If you glue the wallpaper under the color - after completion of the main stage, we proceed to painting work.

How to care for ceiling wallpaper?

To wallpaper served longer, they can be covered with varnish. Many painting wallpapers are able to withstand not one staining, so that such a ceiling finish is very economical. If the wallpaper began to spare, you need to wash the edges with glue and press them to the ceiling with roller.

Relief wallpapers are inclined to absorb unpleasant odors and dust. Therefore, they must be cleaned periodically. Cleaning is made with a brush, vacuum cleaner or dry cloth. And moisture-resistant materials can even wipe with a damp cloth.


How to choose and punish the wallpaper on the ceiling

When the issue of the ceiling finishes rise, only three options come to mind: painting, suspended or tensioning design. It seems that the choice is not great, but there is another option - finishing the ceiling with wallpaper. This method of finishing has always been original. He opened great opportunities before the designer. Using the wallpaper on the ceiling, it was possible to create an incredibly beautiful and exclusive interior. In addition to a beautiful appearance, the option of finishing the ceiling with wallpaper, has some more advantages:

Video on the topic:how to glue phlizelin wallpaper under painting on the ceiling

  • There is no need to often paint the ceiling, if suddenly he felt from poor-quality paint.
  • No need to spend big money on the construction of a suspended or stretch design.

Like any repair process, the sticker of the ceiling wallpapers is divided into several stages. Right sequence Performance of work plays an important role, so be careful.

Preparation of the ceiling.

The first thing you need to do is get rid of the old finish. If it is whitewashed, it must be simply washed with warm water. If the ceiling is painted water-emulsion paint, I will have to work with a spatula with a spatula.

Second - alignment of the ceiling surface. When dismantling the old finish, small defects may appear, so the ceiling must first be treated with primer deep penetration. This material will not only increase the adhesion indicator, but also strengthen the top layer.

If there is a small differential plane, then it can be removed, applying a thin layer of finishing putty on the ceiling, which is grossly grained after drying emery paper or special painting synthetic grid. Grinding is made with circular motions without a strong pressure.

And the last operation at this stage is another layer of primer, after the drying of which can be processed to the process itself.

Decide which wallpaper you will use for finishing. There are no special restrictions on the choice, you can use everything that is presented today in the market. Photos-wallpapers are very popular, such as blue sky and white clouds or starry sky.

Wallpaper on the ceiling under painting is particularly popular. The peculiarity of such wallpapers is that they can be repainted. If you are tired of some color, then no need to shoot old finish, You can simply apply a new paint.

Prepare the tools that you need to finish:

  • Roller and brush,
  • Special rubber roller or plastic spatula,
  • Scissors and knife,
  • Pure rag,
  • Ladder,
  • Paint bath.

In order not to experience difficulties in the process of sticker wallpaper on the ceiling, take care of the presence of a partner that will work below.

Video on the topic:Stowing wallpaper on the ceiling.
It is possible to glue the wallpaper without helper. In this case, the wallpaper canvas adds to the accordion, but this method requires greater experience, so it is not for the newcomer. And one more important point to which special attention should be paid is a durable and wide pedestal, from which the likelihood of falling is minimized. To do this, it is better to use the table or install goats.

Sticker wallpaper.The sticker process depends on what wallpaper you have chosen. For example, if it is paper or vinyl wallpaper, then the glue should be applied to the material itself. If it is a fliesline wallpaper, the glue is applied to the ceiling. The glue applied to the vinyl wallpaper need to withstand a couple of minutes, but it cannot be done with the paper to do it - the adhesive composition and immediately lay the material on the ceiling surface.

Laying the material strips is made in parallel to the window. In the natural light, the joints between the stripes will be invisidious. Therefore, the wallpaper trimming is based on the calculation of the longitudinal size of the room.

  1. We apply glue to the first strip from the center of the strip to the edges. Note that the glue does not hit the front side of the wallpaper.
  2. One man rises to goats, carrying one of the edges of the wallpaper. The edge must be glued to the corner of the room, pulling it along the ceiling and leveling across the area.
  3. Locking the band remove the remnants of air and excess glue from under it. To do this, you will need a pure roller.

Air bubbles and joints need to be swedowed with a rubber roller.

This procedure must be repeated with the rest of the strips. The only moment that can be difficult is to glue the next strip to the already pasted. The sticker is made by the B-joint, if the wallpaper you selected have a picture or pattern, you will have to withstand the alignment of two adjacent bands, so it is necessary to pay special attention to this at the trigger stage.

Surplus are cut off even before drying the adhesive using a knife and a long spatula. The junction between the walls and the ceiling can be closed with a ceiling plinth.

Source: Remboo.Ru

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling

The most common type of wallpaper for sticking on the ceiling is wallpaper for painting. This type of wallpaper is produced on a paper basis and on phlizelin.

Wallpaper on the ceiling on a paper basis.For paper wallpapers you need to carefully prepare the surface. Such wallpapers almost do not hide even small defects and can be torn in careless paste. This option is quite economical, but only provided that the surface of your ceiling is perfectly smooth.

Fliseline wallpaper.If the surface is very uneven, then more embossed and structural wallpapers are selected. So you can visually align the uneven surface.

Important: The weight of wallpapers on the ceiling should not be more than 110 g / m². Before describing the process of blending wallpaper on the ceiling, we define what tools and adaptations to us will be needed.

Tools for work

Wide and narrow painting brushes. You will also need a square, roulette, pencil and container for glue breeding.

How to beat the wallpaper on the ceiling

Measure and cut wallpaper on the stripes.When calculating the length of the bands, it is necessary to take into account the window in the room, or rather, their location. So that the seams between adjacent stripes were less noticeable, it is necessary to glue the wallpaper in the direction to the window, that is, in the light of sunlight.

Another nuance is to create a stock, that is, the bands should be cut into a greater length so that when sticking to the ceiling, the strips came to the walls by 2-3 cm, they will later need to cut off.

Preparation of glue.Before applying glue, make sure that it is designed for the type of wallpaper that you use. Carefully read the glue preparation instructions on the package. Remember that there are wallpapers with an adhesive layer already applied, which must be immersed for the beginning.

We apply glue to wallpaper.The glue should be applied not to all bands immediately, but 2-3 pcs. Moreover, the wallpaper does not twice. Put the wallpaper strip face down. Wide brush apply glue composition from the center to the edges. The thickness of the glue should be 0.3 - 0.8 mm. To begin with, wake about 2/3 of the cut band, and then fold this part (glue on glue).

Let's do the wallpaper to be soaked.After that, it is necessary that the wallpaper is impregnated with glue.

Marking ceiling.Note on the ceiling line equal strip width (at least 50 cm from the edge of the wall). On the placed line, cover the paper painting tape (under the seam).

Powing the first wallpaper strip on the placed area.On the placed section of the ceiling roller apply glue. Lane wallpaper fold in half so that it painted side It was inside.

For the convenience of sticking one person, standing on the floor should transmit a folded strip to another, which stands on the stepladder. The end of the wallpaper canvases align with a marking feature and press it tightly to the ceiling. Wallpaper, at the same time, should be a little "find" on the wall.

With the help of a rubber roller or plastic spatula, walk along the outer strip of the wallpaper from the center to the edges, smoothing them. So you get rid of air bubbles or folds that are formed when sticking. The longitudinal part, which enters the wall, tightly press the corner.

Sticker the rest of the walls of the wallpaper.Start the second strip on the ceiling next to the first (jack). The second canvas is necessary to glue from the transverse wall, pressing the end of the wallpaper of the wallpaper in the horizontal laying line. Then exactly stuck all the other wallpapers.

The second wallpaper band and all subsequent must also be smoothed by roller from the center to the edges.

Sticking wallpaper in the corners.In the corners, the Wallpapers should be carefully pressing with a clean brush and put a pencil label - it will determine the exact position of the angle. After that, a small section of wallpapers in the corner will again separated from the ceiling and, focusing on the label, carefully cut out the "extra" piece of wallpaper from the corner.

Remember that cut off the extra piece of wallpapers in the corner should be quickly so that it does not have time to stick to the wall: otherwise the unnecessary part of the wallpaper will be very difficult to remove. Read more about sticking wallpapers in the corners.

Wallpaper sticking on the ceiling around the lamp.To glue the wallpaper under the chandelier, it must be removed from the ceiling and stick around its box with a wallpaper band, after making an incision for the wire. Then cut the wallpaper so that the lamp mounted box is completely hidden the carved portion. After that, you can connect the wiring and install the lamp.

Do not connect the electricity while the glued wallpaper is not completely dry.

If you do not remove the lamp before sticking, the seam will be noticeable opposite the wallpaper band. When all the walls are stuck, they should give time to dry, and it is necessary to create good conditions (the absence of drafts and direct exposure to the light of the Sun). When repairing an apartment at this stage, it is important that the room will be closed, and inside the room was warm and wet. Only in this case, the wallpaper on the ceiling is well dried.


How to glue ceiling wallpapers and wallpapers for the ceiling under painting?

When you start a large-scale renovation in the apartment, people simply do not know where to start. Personally, I would recommend first to choose the wallpaper for the ceiling, and specifically - their appearance. You can choose import or domestic, vinyl, phlizelin or paper, convex or flat, usual or under painting.

Video on the topic:Wallpaper on the ceiling, stupidity or designer stroke

Pros and cons ceiling finish with wallpaper

Why do I recommend to use exactly the wallpaper, and not whitewash or paint? If you leave the aesthetic beauty overboard, which can be achieved and using the same painting, then the wallpaper can boast the purity of the process of their sticking. Of course, the purity is relative, although in comparison with paint and plaster, it will seem perfect.

The surface under the wallpaper is also not easier to prepare. Well, as for the shortcomings of pasting with wallpaper, it is worth saying about the inconvenience of the process. Unlikely, you can do everything alone, and even together, most likely suffer.

What stages of the process can be allocated?

  • selection of wallpaper you need,
  • preparation of the ceiling,
  • stowing wallpaper.

Choose wallpaper under the ceiling

Wallpaper selection is, first of all, selecting the coating of the finishing material. Wallpapers can be paper, vinyl, phliselin, liquid, textile. The material determines not only their appearance, but also the strength of the coating. If possible, wallpaper should be moisture-resistant, otherwise, after applying glue, it will be very difficult for you to glue without breaking them. As for the design (color, 3d effect, the starry sky, the clouds), then we pay attention to the second place, although it is an appearance that determines the interior.

Pay attention to such a parameter as light-resistance. The fact is that the overwhelming majority of the walls in the house at one time or another moment of time is illuminated by the Sun, capable of exposing the material burnout. A burnout is not only a color change, but also a sharp decrease in the durability of the wallpaper coating.

The structure of the wallpaper should also do not care. Multilayer coatings will serve you longer, plus disguise all the small flaws of the wall surface. In addition, the thicker will be the material, the more heat-shielding and sound-proof properties in it. The price of multilayer wallpapers is higher than usual, but all of the above characteristics are quite justified.

Make sure that your wallpaper is safe and environmentally friendly. If there are toxic substances in their composition, which under certain conditions will be released into the atmosphere, then this is a low level of environmental protection, and we do not glue such wallpaper in residential premises.

As I said, the preparation of the ceiling under the wallpaper will not require serious effort. You will need only to be rebounding the problem areas of the surface and the entire ceiling in general, in order to paint the ceiling wallpaper better on it. At the same time, the primer provides a good air exchange, as a result of which the room will not be in front of the air.

It is necessary to remove the old paint and remove the whitewash, although some experts do not particularly insist. The primer needs to be brushing. She dries quickly, so you can begin to stick on the same day. Large irregularities and ceiling slots are processed with putty.

How to glue the ceiling wallpaper?

Forest tools. We will need a wide brush, roller for seams, scissors, wallpaper brush. As you understand, to break the liquid wallpaper on the ceiling you will need completely different tools.

We measure the side wall in length. This indicator will determine the length of the length of the canvase. We make control serifs on the ceiling, which will determine the width of the canvas. Next, cut the web on a certain amount of previously sizes, making a small stock. We fold the chopped with a pile, "face" down.

Apply a thick glue with a wide brush on the middle of the web, gently distributing it over the entire surface of the material.

We fold the finished sheet "accordion". The depth of each fold is 30 centimeters. We are waiting for a few minutes while glue and paper will become a pillable paper. Do not stand up because the paper wallpaper can be broken under the painting on the ceiling.

We take a stepladder, the table, chair or what you want. Keep in direct proximity to the bulk brush, roller for seams and scissors. Next, holding the wallpaper with one hand, we apply the last plot of "accordion" to the ceiling. Click it, smooth the brush to the edges from the middle. This operation is done in all the folds of the "accordion", with the orientation on the control line that we did earlier.

The second canvas must be laid around the edge of the first. Make sure that all the seams are clean and tightly fit to each other.

Even before the wallpaper is dried, you need to align the wallpaper joint, after which it is necessary to prepare a place under the chandelier, having done a cross-shaped incision in the right place. This will help to avoid the effect of wrinkle.

If you want to achieve a neat interface with a wall, spend between the wall and a stupid side of the scissors between the wall and the ceiling, then remove the web slightly and cut through the resolution.

Potting ceiling wallpaper is one of the most difficult stages of repair in any room. This will require special preparation, effort and material. After all normal wallpapers For the ceiling will not fit.

They simply dug. But the process of applying ceiling wallpapers itself has many features that need to disassemble more detail. All nuances read in our current article.

It is better to refrain from this operation if you live in an old house. After all, in Soviet times, the ceilings were laid out of the plates, respectively, every one and a half meters the surface will have a junction that cannot be blocked.

In addition, the plates are often lying under different angle And have an unequal height. This can be seen only after removing the previous coating. If such a situation is familiar to you, much safer and thoughtful will install stretch ceilingthat these shortcomings will be effectively hidden.

You should also not use the wallpaper on the ceiling in the kitchen and bathroom. After all, in these rooms, hot steam climbs up, and due to the moisture, the material begins to spare.

Thus, wallpaper on the ceiling in these rooms will not last long. Most likely, they will dial in a few weeks of use. Maximum - in a month.

What wallpaper fit for the ceiling?

Do not take wide rolls, because it is not easy to work with them. No need to try to look for ceiling wallpapers from foreign manufacturers. Basically, they produce only domestic.

It is not recommended to acquire wallpaper too bright flowers. They look inappropriate in any design. The best option It is considered white or any approximate pastel shadesDepending on the designer idea of \u200b\u200ba particular room or an apartment as a whole.

It is also impossible to choose too thick wallpapers. After all, they are very heavy for the ceiling. Only specialized materials intended for this surface are needed.

In small rooms from sticking wallpapers with large drawings worth refrain. After all, this visually reduces the space. If you correctly choose the ceiling wallpaper, it is, on the contrary, will create a feeling of comfort and will expand the room.

What difficulties occur when sticking on the ceiling?

Do not forget that wallpaper on the ceiling will always be lit, and you will not be able to disguise the disadvantages to the object of furniture or, for example, the picture. Here each nuance will be noticeable immediately.

It must be remembered that the ceiling is the warmest place in the room. Consequently, the glue there will dry out at times faster. This gives an extremely limited time to the correction of any errors in the process of working with the material.

It should not be forgotten that you will not be able to avoid seams on the wallpaper. Consequently, it is necessary to come up with a way to disguise the joints of the seams or make them as less visible as possible.

Types of wallpaper

There are several types that differ in their destination and appearance. Among them:

  • Paper wallpaper. This is the cheapest category. However, the price here fully justifies quality. Paper wallpapers will not last long, so soon you will have to repeat.
  • Fliseline. They are considered ceiling wallpaper and fit perfectly under painting. Thus, they can act as an independent material. Moisture resistant, and this is a big plus.
  • Vinyl wallpapers. May not lose their original color for a long time, allow wet cleaning, as well as unpretentious in operation. This species can imitate a variety of surface structures.
  • Fiberglass. Not subjected to mold, as well as resistant to abrasion and do not combustible.
  • Liquid wallpaper. This is an alternative to plaster. They are evenly applied to the entire ceiling surface with a spatula.

Is it possible to glue the ceiling wallpaper on the wallpaper previous?

This question refers to the category "You can, but not need." Ceiling wallpaper can be applied. However, this is mostly excessive spending time.

The fact is that new wallpapers should be attached to something, and most often the glue uses for these purposes.

However, it absorbs into the previous layer, leaving traces on it. Also in order for glue frozen, oxygen is needed. Because of this, there are bubbles on the coating, or the surface is moving at all in some places.

This is explained by the fact that the number of layers causes too much load due to massiveness. Consequently, wallpapers are too heavy for the ceiling and begin to move away.

You can aggravate the situation if you try to paint the resulting composition. Wallpaper color is mixed with a column of paint. Both layers are impregnated with moisture, and most likely, the whole design will fall down.

However, it is only in best case. At worst, it will have to ripple them in layers long and hard. And this occupation is not pleasant and requires tremendous patience.

Additional stages of training

First of all, you need to make sure that there are no multiple layers on the ceiling. If they are, it is advisable to get rid of them. After all, it is not known how they can lead themselves under glue or under the overalls in general.

You should also not forget that to cover the ceiling it will be necessary to turn off the electricity. Accordingly, it is best to start shook wallpapers in the morning to have time to complete all the work before the onset of darkness.

How to glue the ceiling wallpaper?

By producing this operation, you need to remember that it requires specialized glue, preferably high quality. It does not need to save. It is from this composition that the success of the work done will depend.

Step 1. Preparation of the surface of the ceiling

The first step is the most important, because all the further fate of the wallpaper is depends on it:

  • First you need to make sure that the ceiling is absolutely clean, does not contain extra paint or bliss. Some paint covers can be left, but they must be previously checked. It is enough just to join the sticky ribbon, and then with the power of it to tear. If the tape remains clean, this coating can be left and not worried about the wallpaper.
  • We must not forget that all cracks and potholes should be carefully sharpened. Otherwise, they will be noticeable on your wallpaper. Before putty, you need to clean the ceiling well. Then close all the flaws and only after that they sharpen everything from above.
  • If any paint or other coating remained on the surface of the ceiling, it must be thoroughly wash with soap, wait for complete drying and only after that you can begin to stick wallpaper. The reason is that due to glue, any of the surface of the surface will manifest on the wallpaper.


How to cope with the problem of visible seams? Before glue the ceiling wallpaper, you need to cut the material.

It all depends on the number of windows in the room and their placement. How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling? Ceiling wallpaper must always be applied towards the window.

If in one room is more than one window, it is recommended to cut the material along the length of the walls. This will help to avoid a large number of seams and junctions. In the process of cutting wallpaper for the ceiling, items should not strictly correspond to measurements.

Make them a little longer. There will be enough stock in three centimeters on each side so that the wallpaper is slightly visited by the wall. If this size is too much, you can cut it at any time.

If you chose the wallpaper with a pattern, you must first measure the length of the first strip, and all subsequent cut down strictly in the same place. Thus, you can achieve a successful matching of the drawing or texture. Excellent practice during sticking is not only the application of glue on the wallpaper, but the treatment of the ceiling.

How to cover wallpaper glue?

For this it will be necessary to turn the piece of material so that the front side is lower. The band must necessarily be located on a flat and clean surface.

Stages of sticking first stripes:

  1. Kneading glue. The composition should be made as thick as possible, depending on the length of the wallpaper. While he swells, go to the next step.
  2. It should be noted the middle of the ceiling from two different parts Rooms. To do this, you can use a chalk cord, it will need to be delayed and click on the ceiling. Thus, it turns out a flat line, which can be used in the future.
  3. The light from the window should go along the junctions, if you doubted how to glue the ceiling wallpaper correctly. In this case, defects will be less noticeable. As mentioned earlier, the wallpaper need to be glued along the length of the room in the direction of windows.
  4. In the process of blending wallpapers, turn off the electricity just the switch is not enough. It must be turned off on the shield or unscrew the plugs. Only so you can be sure that the wiring will not be closed and you will be safe.
  5. To learn how to bleach the ceiling wallpaper, or rather, how to smear the first strip, it is enough to use the instructions from the manufacturer. Do not forget that the instructions differ depending on the type of material and the manufacturer. General tips can only lead to useless web spending.

Subsequent stages of blending wallpaper

For efficient work It is best if at least 2 people will work on sticking. In this case, one can stand on a stepladder under the ceiling, and the second to feed the wallpaper canvases, holds them as high as possible to the ceiling for convenience. This will significantly speed up and facilitates the workflow.

We must not forget about the reserve on each side of the wallpaper canvas. There will be enough three centimeters, but you can take up to five. If the cloth is too long, it must be trimmed.

To avoid negligence and glue the ceiling wallpaper as in the photo, you need to use a spatula for neat removal of excess. For these purposes, scissors are not suitable or even a sharp knife. After all, they can leave torn edges.

To organize a continuous blowing process, it would be nice to acquire also a third partner who could prepare the next piece of the canvas. The process must be made as fast as possible, because then the wallpaper will dry evenly and will not arise extra difficulties.

If there are small air bubbles when connecting a piece of ceiling wallpaper, it is necessary to immediately align them with a spatula.

Later it is not possible to fix such a mistake. This procedure must be repeated with each piece of wallpaper. All the following (after the first) band must be glued to join.

As for how to properly glue the ceiling wallpaper so that the seams are not visible, it is necessary to slowly attract one strip to the other. It is done in such a way that in the end the data of the bands in contact with each other.

It should be remembered that all excess glue needs to be removed immediately.

For these purposes, white rags will fit better. Preferably stock large amounts. It is important that the vehicle is dry and clean.

Then it does not printed on new ceiling wallpaper and help gently remove the remnants of the glue applied earlier. The stripes that glue the last or are applied along the edges of the room, it is necessary to cut off even below. Thus, it will be possible to save and strength and time spent on the installation.

General conclusions

The methods of how to glue the ceiling wallpaper, there is an infinite set.

However, the above tips are the most efficient and common. They will help even a newcomer to cope with this difficult task. True, to simplify the work still will require the help of one or two acquaintances.

Beautifully separated ceiling is able to create an unique atmosphere in the room. Good results You can achieve using wallpapers.

They will help add comfort in the room, distinguish between space on the zones and even hide some defects. Working with wallpaper is easy, and everything can be done on your own. The main thing before glue the wallpaper on the ceiling, prepare everything you need and deal with some nuances.

Without a well-prepared foundation, it is impossible to produce high-quality shots of wallpaper.

Diverse world of wallpaper

The modern building market offers a large selection of various wallpapers: vinyl, paper, phlizelin, photo wallpaper, material under painting and other species. Choosing the material, you should be guided not only by your preferences, but also the interior of the room. Wallpaper should harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the finishes.

For the ceiling it is better to choose special wallpapers.

They differ in that they have two dense layers with applied over embossed, but at the same time less weight than coating for walls. Due to the embossed surface with their help you can hide small irregularities and defects on the basis. In its composition, wallpaper on the ceiling can be divided into paper, flieslinic, glass and liquid, which are in the root differ in the technology of applying to the surface.

Types of wallpapers for the ceiling.

Recently, wallpapers have become popular. For them, special water dispersion paint is used. The surface can be painted in one color or apply the selected pattern.

Back to the category

Before sticking wallpaper, you need to find out which amount you need. For this, the surface area is measured. Holding the number of bands, do not forget about the reserve.

The band must be 2-3 cm longer on each side and when sticking to enter the walls. After completion of the work, you can delete all too much. Remembering that rolls are 10.5 m long, it is easy to find out how much it is necessary.

The ceiling primer provides better adhesion of the base with glue.

The end result depends on how qualitatively preparation was carried out. So that in the future the room pleased with its appearance before glue the wallpaper on the ceiling, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface.

From the ceiling you need to remove all old coatings.

If it is planned to stick the wallpaper on the plastered ceiling, the plaster must be removed, and the surface is primed. All cracks and chips should be shaded. Special attention should be paid to the shakes of ceiling plates.

The primer is best to use acrylic deep penetration. Apply it in several layers.

Each new layer is applied only after the previous one dries. Then the surface is processed by sandpaper. This is done so that the surface is smooth and smooth.

From the room, if possible, you need to remove furniture and household appliances so that nothing bothered to work. The windows indoors are better to close, avoiding drafts.

If the apartment is on the sunny side, you will have to curtain the windows. The sun rays that will fall on the wallpaper will not let them dry uniformly. It is still very important that the air in the room is too dry.

Otherwise, the wallpaper will start to unwind. Moisten it is quite simple. It is enough to put several tanks with water in the room.

Before sticking the wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to cook tools. For work will be needed:

The control line is necessary only for sticking the first wallpaper strip.

  • roulette;
  • ruler and pencil;
  • brush;
  • glue and container for its dilution;
  • paper painting tape under the seam;
  • rags.

And one more very important thing, without which it will simply be impossible to do anything - it is a flooring.

IN small room In this role can be an ordinary table. But for larger rooms, 2 stepladers and wide thick boards will be needed. The boards fit between the stepladers, and on them you can move freely and glue the wallpaper.

As for glue, it is better to use special composition. It consists of strong binding elements that are rapidly collapsing, and the drying process takes less time.

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Ceiling Wallpapers Wallpaper: Step-by-step instructions

Before sticking the wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to ensure your safety. To do this, remove the chandelier and turn off the power to the shield.

The next step is the markup of the ceiling.

Thanks to this reception, the salary will be easier, and the stripes will be skipped smoothly. To do this, you will need a cord with two shipboards at the ends and chalk. Marking can be applied both in the center of the ceiling and on the site of the first strip.

The direction of the bands depends on whether the window is in the room.

If there is, the strips are glued perpendicular to it, in the absence of a window - along the length of the ceiling. You should start from the corner opposite to the input. So, the seams between the closers will be less noticeable.

The required number of bands should be cut in advance so that in the process of work is not distracted.

Also in advance you need to prepare the adhesive composition. The prepared strip is then stacked on a flat surface "face" down, and with the help of a brush it is applied with glue. Special attention is paid to the edges.

The ceiling global technology is no different from similar work on the walls.

More qualitative result can be achieved if working together with the assistant.

When working with paper wallpaper, the glue is applied first on the cloth. Working with phlizelinov does not require applying glue on the product. The adhesive composition, which is made by 10-15%, which is specified in the instructions, covered only the ceiling.

Elimination of defects when sticking wallpaper.

The canvas folds with the harmonica in such a way that the front side remains all the time inside and did not dirty. A paper painter strip under the seam is pasted on the ceiling markup.

Wallpapers are applied to the ceiling, focusing on the markup. A plastic spatula or an ordinary cloth is aligned, and aircases accelerate. Several times you should walk along the cloth in one and the other side, especially on the edge, so as not to leave a single flaw.

After that, you can proceed to gluing next strip. It is applied to the edge of the first and also thoroughly align.

After all aircases are removed, it is necessary to "pull" the seam between the strips. The edges should fit tightly to each other, but not overlapping one to another. For greater reliability and seal seal, it should be risted with a rubber roller.

In the process of work, all the time control the result. Each strip must be carefully examined, and if disadvantages are noticed, they need to be removed before the glue is completely dry.

Ceiling pasting with wallpaper applied in spacious rooms for visual distinction functional zones Or to create a visual relief. This version of the ceiling surface is suitable for those who do not accept fashion for stretch ceilings, but wants to give her an original appearance, because it believes that the painted water-colored ceiling is boring. On how to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling with your own hands, you can learn from the video and information presented below.

Before you begin to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to consider that not all kinds are suitable for this application. There are special species, so-called ceiling wallpapers. They differ from the walls with a more dense structure and heavy weight. Like wall mounted, ceiling canvases are paper, vinyl, phlizelin, as well as textiles, under painting. To create a beautiful relief on the ceiling, textile or flieslinic canvas are used.

Surface preparation

Before sticking the wallpaper, the ceiling surface must be carefully prepared. The preparation process is as follows:

  • Clean the ceiling with a spatula from dust, dirt, old coating - wobbly canvas, paints, plaster.
  • Protect the surface. The primer must be selected in accordance with the type of wallpaper used. Usually the primer of deep penetration is used, which is applied by several layers as each of them dry out, so this process can take more than one day.
  • After drying the primer, the ceiling is treated with a skin, preparing it to alignment.
  • All cracks and pits are closed with putty.
  • If there are noticeable defects and irregularities, the surface must be aligned.
  • The place under the chandelier is rushed with scotch, electricity is better disconnected.
  • The ceiling is placed by sticking zones in such a way that the canvas are perpendicular to one of the walls.

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling, video

  1. Glue the ceiling wallpaper alone is quite difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to attract an assistant.
  2. The wallpaper glue should have a very thick consistency in order to firmly hold heavy and dense canvas.
  3. The glue is applied to the ceiling surface.
  4. Glowing should begin from the wall, but in the same side where the light is directed from the window, and continue strictly on the markup. After that, the strip is pressed against the ceiling and lines with roller.
  5. After sticking the place of the joints with the ceiling is cut and closed with ceiling plinths.
  6. Powing should be carried out in a closed room, the air temperature inside which is not less than 23 degrees. Air must be wet.
  7. Direct sunlight on the ceiling is not allowed, so as not to disturb the wallpaper to dry.
  8. It is necessary to act quickly, without waiting for the drying of the glue.
  9. The wallpaper band should be pasted with all length immediately, so it is necessary to prepare a long surface at which you can easily and quickly move.
  10. Bubbles and irregularities after applying the canvas on the surface are aligned with a dry rag or rubber roller, moving from the center to the edges.
  11. The canvas need to cut off 8 cm more than the length of the room.
  12. In order to make joints invisible, you can walk with a corrugated roller.

When sticking the bands with the pattern, only the first strip follows, and all the others are measured at the place of the pattern and cut off the required length.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper on the ceiling

Before glueing phlizelin wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to pay attention to the condition of the ceiling surface: if it is very uneven, it is worth choosing a web with a more embossed pattern and structure.

The weight of fliesline canvases should not exceed 110 g / m2, otherwise they will be badly kept. Adhesive compositions need to choose special, intended for this type of coating. Before applying glue, it is necessary to cover the ceiling by primer, give it to dry. First you need to do ceiling markup In the direction from the window so that the seams are less noticeable.

The glue is applied by 2-3 bands so that the thick base is a little soaked them, but not splashed. The adhesive composition is applied from the center to edges with a thickness of up to 0.8 mm on 2/3 of the strip, then the edges of the band are folded towards the center. After that, they must be so impregnated with glue, because if you begin to glue them immediately after applying glue, they will pester badly. Time for impregnation of fliesline wallpaper is 7-8 minutes.

On the placed ceiling line for wallpaper bands should be glued with a paper painting tape under the seam. Glue is applied to the ceiling markup for the first strip. The first lane of the wallpaper is applied to the end to the marking feature and tightly pressed, slightly entering the walls. The band is smoothed from the center to the edges of the rubber roller. The second strip is glued with the first. Excess parts of wallpapers in the corners are neatly removed by the stationery knife. When the strip reached the place under the luminaire, it needs to make several cuts around the ceiling outlet.

How to glue liquid wallpaper on the ceiling

Before glueing liquid wallpapers on the ceiling, the surface must be prepared so that it is solid, smooth, without any wet areas and peeking metal elements with corrosion. The ceiling is aligned, it is ground, putty or placed until the rough surface is reached.

The material is divorced by water in accordance with the recommendations specified in the instructions. After careful mixing, they need to be left for 12 hours, then mix again. Liquid wallpaper is applied with a plexiglass or stainless steel spatula under a slight tilt so that the composition lay more evenly. Adjust the spatula can not be a relief structure. The thickness of the applied layer should be up to 4 mm, the coating is applied without stopping throughout the ceiling area. The boundaries between the plots are aligned with a smooth grater. For drying, the coating will be required from 1 to 2 days.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling

Before glue vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to brand the surface with liquid glue, as well as a special primer for deep penetration. If we stick the coating in a room with high humidity, the ceiling is additionally processed by a fungicidal composition.

There are no features when sticking vinyl cloths, the ceiling markup and the application of glue are produced similarly to the blending of paper wallpaper. If the ceiling is well blocked with glue, it can not be applied to the canvas. The canvas turns into the harmonica, applying the ceiling. Further, all actions are similar to the sticking of ordinary wallpapers.

How to glue wallpaper under painting on the ceiling

Before glueing the wallpaper under painting, the ceiling should be prepared similarly to the previously described work on pasting, then apply a latex primer of a neutral shade. Wallpapers for painting are distinguished by durability and durability, their composition is different - these are paper, phlizelin, glass. They can be repainted many times, changing the shade if desired. The basis itself is usually white.

Glue the canvas under painting is easiest all together, inflicting glue in the middle of the canvas and distributing around. Then we fold the lane with the harmonica and glue to the ceiling, moving along the intended lines. Running bands follows a wobbly brush or rubber roller. After the adhesive composition gets free, you can start staining the wallpapers of water-dispersion paint. In the process of operation, wallpaper can be washed.

The video shows instructions that will help with the ceiling with wallpaper of different types.

The ceiling decoration implies the use of several options. It can be a tension or suspended installation. ceiling construction, painting or sticking wallpaper. Last option always enjoyed popularity, but with the arrival of new modern technologies gradually forgotten. The fact is that the process of sticking the wallpaper on the ceiling is characterized by difficulty and inconvenience. However, with the help of wallpaper, you can create a unique interior that will not meet in any apartment. Despite the decline in popularity, to tell about the technique of sticking wallpapers on the ceiling is still necessary, at least for beginner masters.

Sticking wallpaper on the ceiling has several advantages, among them you can select the following:

  • Minor material costs compared to the installation of stretch and suspended ceilings.
  • The initial color of the wallpaper is preserved longer than the white or painted surface. Consequently, there is no need for frequent repairs.
  • Porous wallpapers have good noise insulating properties.

With a disadvantage of the ceiling of the ceiling with wallpaper, you can call the extreme inconvenience of the process, since all work must be performed above your head. Therefore, it is important to know how to punish the wallpaper on the ceiling to one person.

Choosing the sticking of wallpapers as a method of finishing the ceiling, it is important to take into account the following nuances:

  • Experiment with the texture of wallpaper is preferably in large rooms. Here, the disadvantages of the finishes will be less noticeable than in small rooms.
  • Relief ceilings visually make room less, so they are also used in large rooms.
  • With the help of wallpaper, you can divide the room into the zones and increase the level of comfort. Thanks to this, sticking the wallpaper on the ceiling one-bedroom apartment It becomes almost the only way to finish.

It is very important to accommodately approach the choice of wallpaper, all the factors and features of the room should be taken into account, where repair work is planned.

Types of material and its features

There are several types of wallpaper, each of which is peculiar to their own characteristics. This should be remembered when choosing a material for a specific type of room:

  • Paper wallpapers are the most common and cheap, but are suitable only for cosmetic repairs.
  • Liquid wallpapers are a liquid mixture. As a result of the ceiling finishes, it turns out a seamless and perfectly smooth surface.
  • Vinyl wallpapers are greatly popular due to strength, durability and high resistance to moisture.
  • Fliselin wallpaper is distinguished by strength, elasticity and resistance to abrasion.
  • Textile wallpapers are a textile canvas on a paper or fliesline basis.

In addition, there are wallpapers for painting, modern models This type can be painted more than 10 times. At the same time remove the wallpaper from the ceiling is completely optional.

In general, the choice of wallpaper depends on the owner's preferences, any type of wallpaper can be used if it allows operating conditions. However, it is worth considering that in the premises with low ceilings It is better to stick light tones, it is better to give preference to a shallow and non-market pattern. For visual decrease in the height of the ceiling, it is better to glue the wallpaper dark tones.

Preparation of materials and tools

To independently solve the task, how to punish the wallpaper on the ceiling, you will need the following:

  • A stepladder or other adaptation to work at height.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil or marker.
  • Bucket.
  • Brush and roller. It is advisable to use tools with a length handle.
  • Bath with a special roller platform.
  • Soft dry rag.
  • Adaptation for glue stirring.

The process of pasting ceiling with wallpaper is characterized by a large inconvenience, so it is recommended to invite friends or relatives to help. IN otherwise It will take the study of materials, how to stick wallpaper on the ceiling one.

Preparation of the surface to work

For high-quality execution of any finishing work, it is necessary to carefully prepare a working surface. Sticking wallpaper on the ceiling in this regard is no exception. In particular, we are talking about:

  • Old wallpaper is subject to removal with the subsequent cleaning of the surface from traces of glue.
  • The whitewashed ceiling needs to be washed and apply several layers of putty.
  • Defects in the form of irregularities or slopes are aligned with putty, with a substantial difference in height, it is recommended to use plasterboard sheets.
  • Sticking the wallpaper on the shapatless ceiling is performed after pre-priming. You can apply primer using a conventional brush. After drying, the primer layer is carried out with the surface treatment with a skin and proceed to sticking wallpaper on the ceiling. It should be noted that the grain of the ceiling is not mandatory procedure. However, this process makes the clutch of the working surface with the finishing material more durable.
  • Before salaling the ceiling with wallpaper, you must perform the markup of the ceiling. It is important that the wallpaper cannons are perpendicular to one of the walls.
  • Before you break the wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to turn off the power supply, and the location of the lighting devices should be sealed with painting tape.

Rules for cutting walls of wallpaper

A beautiful ceiling with a minimum amount of flaws can be obtained only with proper cutting of wallpaper. It is possible to achieve such a result if you follow a specific instruction:

  • The wallpaper of the wallpaper is placed face up and roll over to the maximum possible length.
  • With the help of the roulette, the distance on the ceiling between the opposite walls is measured and put it on the wallpaper strip. In this place they make an appropriate pencil label or marker.

  • By marking the strip, they align the ends and smooth the resulting fold.
  • Next, the stationery knife cut the strip along the fold line.

Marking ceiling

After performing the preparatory measures and cutting the bands of the desired length, it is necessary to make the appropriate marks on the ceiling. In particular, we are talking about the line on which the first lane of the wallpaper will be placed. Receive smooth line You can with the help of a rope, grated chalk. To do this, you need to score into opposite walls on one nail. These nails ties the rope, pre-grated chalk, and stretch it as much as possible. Next, the rope needs to be pulled out and let go sharply. The result of these actions will be a smooth track from the chalk.

Direct stagnation of wallpaper

The process of performing work at this stage is determined by the type of selected wallpaper for the ceiling. For example, when using paper or vinyl wallpapers, the adhesive composition is applied to the material, and in the case of flieslinic wallpaper, glue is applied directly to the ceiling. In addition, when applying glue on flieslinic wallpapers should be waited for a while, at the same time, paper walls are important to stick immediately after the coating adhesive composition.

As for the location of the bands, there is one rule here, according to which the direction of the bands must be strictly parallel wall with the window opening. In this case, the joints are virtually invisible.

The task how to properly glue the wallpaper on the ceiling must be solved in accordance with a specific instruction.

- Preparation of adhesive composition

In most cases, construction stores offer ready-made glue compositions for each wallpaper type. The mixture may be in a dry or liquid form. Create glue for wallpaper can be prepared by the instructions that the manufacturer attaches to its products.

In any case, adhesive should be mixed well before use. At the same time, the composition must have a good density so that the fixation of the wallpaper on the ceiling was maximum.

- applying adhesive composition on wallpaper

To qualitatively glue the wallpaper to the surface of the ceiling, it is necessary to properly apply the glue composition on the cutting strips. For this purpose, you should take one strip and carefully disseminate it on a flat surface. Clay can be applied with a brush, making strokes from the central part of the strip to its edges. All actions should be as neat as possible, only in this case can avoid glue on the front side of the wallpaper.

- sticking the first strip

At this stage, solving the issue, how to punish the wallpaper on the ceiling yourself, are guided by several instructions depending on the number of people participating in the process of sticking wallpaper. If one person performs the work, then the strip rolls the harmonica, apply the edge to the intended line and gradually spread the wallpaper.

In this case, the material must be smoothed by a soft cloth, roller or using a special brush-ironing. Wallpaper sticking with the fate of two people is performed as follows: one participant of the process takes the strip over the edge and rises to a stepladder or another device for working at height, the second participant at that time gently sticks the strip and gradually strolls it.

- pressing stripes

In order for the wallpaper strip firmly cluttered with the working surface, it is necessary to remove the excess glue and air bubbles from under the pasted wallpaper. To do this, you can use a clean roller, rolling it away from the middle of the strip to its edges. Excess glue is immediately cleaned with a clean rag or sponge.

- sticking the rest of the strips

The remaining wallpaper bands are glued according to a similar scheme, so special difficulties in solving the problem, how to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling does not occur. However, the difficulty can be found when fitting a new strip to the already glued material. It is very important at the same time to dock stripes tightly and prevent the allen. When using wallpapers with a pattern or pattern, the alignment of the bands is recommended to be performed in the process of cutting the material to certain sections.

In order to qualitatively solve the question of how to choose wallpaper on the ceiling correctly, it is very important to check the absence of drafts. In addition, at the end of the door process and windows, you should not open a few more days.

The ceiling of the ceiling by wallpaper can be facilitated by one person, if you make a device with your own hands in the form of the letter "T". It is possible to make it from a plasterboard profile.

Consequences of improper gluing wallpaper on the ceiling

Low quality and non-compliance with the instructions may cause unpleasant consequences, such as the lag of the wallpaper wallpaper from the working surface.

This defect is observed very often, its cause is most often the following points:

  • Sticking on old, peeling plaster. You can avoid the appearance of such a defect only with a thorough cleaning of the surface from the old layer of plaster and paint. Sticking Wallpaper over lime or chalk peeling leads to a similar result. therefore experienced masters It is strongly recommended before switching the ceiling wallpaper to remove the old coating and process the working surface by the fixture.

  • Improper application of adhesive composition. In most cases, sticking wallpapers on the ceiling with their own hands is accompanied by applying adhesive composition or on the working surface or on the wallpaper strips. But some types of finishing material require glue applying, both on the surface of the ceiling, and directly on the wallpaper canvas. The glue must be seamless in accordance with the type of wallpaper, as there are adhesive compositions specifically for heavy types of this material. The composition is recommended to use more thick than indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer. The working surface must be pre-processed and thoroughly aligned. For thinner wallpaper sheets, the most flat surface is necessary. Thick textured wallpapers can mask minor defects, so no thorough alignment is required. For a good clutch of the working surface with a finishing material, it is necessary to priming the ceiling and eye treatment.
  • The presence of air bubbles. This defect appears with a poor rolling of the canvas with a special roller. Included lighting makes bubbles under the pasted wallpaper especially noticeable.
  • The stains on the wallpaper may appear with a debt of impregnation of wallpaper cloths or with too thick applying adhesive composition on the material.

Rules of operation of wallpaper pasted on the ceiling

Each owner wants to repair in an apartment or house as possible. To do this, you need to know the better to break the ceiling, and select the material in accordance with the purpose of the room and the feature of its use. In addition, to properly use and care for the finishing material.

First, extend the life of the wallpaper pasted on the ceiling, helps the coating of varnish.

Secondly, the use of wallpaper for painting allows not only to change the design of the room, but also save on finishing materials. In the case of dugout any parts or edges of the wallpaper, it is enough to miss these parts with adhesive composition and press the ceiling with a clean roller.

The advantage of embossed wallpaper is their ability to absorb dust and unpleasant odors. Consequently, during operation, such material requires periodic cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, a dry cloth or brush. Wallpaper on the ceiling resistant high humidity, You can wipe with a cloth moistened in clean water.

Thus, the question is how to glue the wallpaper properly on the ceiling, you can be called quite complicated. However, subject to all recommendations, this work is quite accessible to independent execution. The main condition when the ceiling is covered with wallpaper - strictly observe the sequence of actions. Only in this case, difficulties and trouble can be avoided with the further operation of the ceiling.