What is the aspiration system? Calculation of aspirational installation Estimated coefficient for stripping aspiration networks.

The air aspiration system cleans from industrial pollution inner space assembly paints and production workshops. Simply put: the system of aspiration is one of the varieties of an "industrial" filter focused on the disposal of welding Gary, paints and varnishes, oil suspensions and other production waste.

And if you follow safety technician or common sensethen without aspiration in production room It is simply impossible to be.

Construction of air aspiration system

Any aspiration system consists of three main nodes:

  • Fan, which generates exhaust effort.
  • Filter systems that collect industrial waste,
  • The block of containers, where "is stored" the entire dirt selected from the air.

As a fan in aspiration systems, a special installation of type "cyclone" is used, which generates and exhaust and centrifugal force. At the same time, the force of the air provides the same force, and the centrifugal force produces the primary, "rough" cleaning, pressing the "dirt" particles to the inner walls of the "cyclone" housing.

As filtration units in such installations, external cassettes are used - roof filters, and internal sleeve filters. Moreover, the sleeves are equipped with a pulse cleaning system that provides "dragging" accumulated "dirt" into bunkers.

In addition, air ducts for the aspiration systems of woodworking enterprises are also equipped with chip capeners - by special filters, "collecting" large industrial waste. After all, the sleeve filters are used only for fine cleaning - they capture particles by a caliber of more than one micrometer.

Such equipment involving cyclone equipment and air ducts with cassettes and primary cleaning systems and fine-peel filters, it guarantees the collection of about 99.9 percent of industrial emissions even on the most ecologically unfavorable enterprise.

However, each production "generates" its type of industrial waste, whose particles have a certain density, mass and aggregate state. Therefore, for the successful operation of the installation in each case, an individual design of aspiration is needed, based on physical and chemical characteristics "Waste".

Model air aspiration systems

Despite the solely individual performance featureswhich are literally all aspiration schemes, the design of this kind, nevertheless, can be classified by type of layout. And this sorting method allows you to highlight the following types of aspirators:

In addition, all aspiration systems can also be classified according to the principle of removal of the filtered stream. And according to this principle of sorting, all installations are divided into:

  • Directionful aspirators throwing out the exhaust flow beyond the served room, workshop or structure.
  • Recycling aspirators that only filter exhaust streams, after which it is supplied to the ventilation network of the workshop ventilation.

In terms of safety optimal option Designs is a direct-flow unit that removes waste outside the workshop. And from the position energy efficiency The most attractive design option is the recirculation aspirator - it returns the filtered and warm airhelping to save on heating or air conditioning space.

Calculation of aspiration systems

When drawing up a project for the installation of aspiration, the settlement works are carried out according to the following scheme:

  • First, the reference rates of air flow rate are determined. Moreover, reference standards need to be promoted to the volume of concrete room, taking into account the pressure loss at each point of aspiration.
  • At the next step, the speed of air exchange is determined sufficient to aspirate the particles of industrial waste of a certain type. Moreover, all the same directories are used to determine the speed.
  • Further, according to the intended concentration of waste, the performance of filtering systems, making an amendment for peak emissions. To do this, it suffices to increase the reference numbers by 5-10 percent.
  • The finals determine the diameters of the air ducts, the pressure strength of the fans, the location of the channels and other equipment.

At the same time, during the calculations, not only reference characteristics, but also individual parameters, such as temperature and air humidity, the duration of the shift and so on should be taken into account.

As a result, the estimated work carried out with regard to the individual needs of the customer are complicated almost an order of magnitude. Therefore, only the most experienced design bureaus are taken for such work.

At the same time, it is not worth trusted with novice or non-profescionals in this case - you can lose not only equipment, but also workers, after which the company can close by the court decision, and responsible persons who have decided to commission dubious equipment, are waiting for even greater trouble.

Aspiration systems are used in various industries, where the air is contaminated with garbage, dust and harmful substances. Modern woodworking, food, chemical production is impossible to imagine without such equipment as effective, modern and reliable system Aspiration.

It is also a mandatory element in metalworking, metallurgy, mining industry. The requirements for the environmental state of production are constantly increasing, therefore, more advanced aspiration systems are required. Without the use of this equipment it would be impossible not only to be inside the production premises, but also on the street near many industrial enterprises.

Types of systems

Currently, enterprises make calculation and installation of aspiration systems of a monoblock or modular type.

  1. Monoblock design. The monoblock system is absolutely autonomous and mobile. It is installed next to the equipment that needs waste. Composite parts of the monoblock system - fan, filter, waste container.
  2. Modular design. Modular aspiration systems - complex structuresmanufactured by A. individual order For specific customer requirements. They may include air ducts for aspiration systems, fans low pressure, separators. Such structures can work both within one workshop and designed for the large plant.

Also, aspiration systems are divided into direct flow and recycling. The difference is that the first after the capture of dirty air is cleaned and thrown into the atmosphere, and the second after cleaning is returned to the air back to the workshop.

Before installing aspiration complexes, their development is carried out, which necessarily includes the compilation of a plane scheme based on the required power. With the right calculation, the system can not only clear the workshop from dust and harmful substancesBut also to return warm and clean air into it, thereby reducing the cost of heating.

Basic components of the system

  • Cyclone. Use centrifugal power to remove solid dust particles from the air. Particles are pressed against the walls, then settled in the unloading hole.
  • Roof filters. Represent a block of filters and a receiving chamber. Clean air, then returned to the inside of the room. These nozzles put on the outer bins and use instead of street cyclones.
  • Dust and shavings. Apply in enterprises that are engaged in woodworking.
  • Filtered sleeves. Inside these sleeves, a solid component of air-dusty mass is distinguished, the air is separated in other words from pollution.

The use of sleeve filters is very effective method Cleaning, due to which is captured up to 99.9% of particles, the size of which is more than 1 μm. And due to the use of pulsed filter cleaning, it works as efficiently as possible, which saves electricity.

Installation of setting aspiration does not require change technological processes. Since the clearing structures are placed on order, they adapt to existing process and fit into existing technological equipment used, for example, during woodworking. It is thanks to the exact calculation and reference to specific conditions, a high efficiency of work is achieved.

Waste is removed from special bunkers using containers, bags or pneumatic transport.

Many companies are engaged in the development and installation of cleaning complexes. When choosing a company, carefully examine the sentences, based not only on promotional materials. Only a detailed conversation about the characteristics of the equipment with experts can help conclude about the good faith of the supplier.

System calculation

In order for the work of the aspiration system to be effective, it is necessary to make its correct calculation. Because it is not easy, then specialists with extensive experience should do this.

If the calculations are made incorrectly, the system will not work normally, and a lot of money will go to the alteration. Therefore, in order not to risk time and money, it is better to entrust this business to those specialists for whom the design of aspiration and pneumatic transport systems is the main job.

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the mass of factors. Consider only some of them.

  • Determine the air flow and pressure loss at each point of aspiration. All this can be found in the reference book. After determining all expenses, the calculation is calculated - you need to summarize and divide into the size of the room.
  • Of reference book You need to take information about air velocity in the aspiration system for different materials.
  • The type of dust collector is determined. This can be done, having data on the throughput performance of a particular dust device. To calculate performance, you need to fold the air flow at all points of aspiration and increase the value obtained by 5 percent.
  • Calculate the diameters of the air ducts. This is done with the help of a table, taking into account the speed of air movement and its consumption. The diameter is determined individually for each site.

Even this small list of factors speaks of the complexity of calculating the aspiration system. There are more complex indicators, with the calculation of which only a person with a specialized higher education and experience.

Aspiration is simply necessary in conditions modern production. It allows you to meet environmental requirements and maintain personnel health.

Many programs have been created to help engineers engaged in the design and calculation of ventilation. The computer will not only calculate all the required parameters, but also make ventilation drawings. About the most convenient and simple solutions, as well as about what is based on the algorithm of their work, read further.

Vent-Calc ventilation program

The program for designing Vent-Calc is one of the most functional and affordable. The algorithm of its work is based on Altshul formulas. Hydraulic calculations The air ducts are made according to the methodology taken from the "Designer Director" edited by Strubov. Equally well copes with the calculation of natural and forced ventilation.

Functions of the program for ventilationVent-Calc.:

  • Calculation of air ducts, taking into account the temperature and speed of movement of streams, air flow;
  • Calculation of hydraulic air ducts;
  • Calculation of local resistances (narrowings, taps, expansion and development) of canals of premises. Resistance factors are calculated at different parts of the system, pressure loss in Pascal, the program selects ventilation equipment. To make sure the settings are attached to the Tables of EAS 353-86. During operation, the ventilation program sends the user to the required formulas and tables;
  • Suitable for calculation natural ventilation premises. The optimal venerement section is determined, providing the prevailing of thrust over the air resistance at a given air flow;
  • Calculates the heating power by the calorifer or any other type of air heater.

This program for calculating ventilation systems is very good for students, only undergoing ventilation course at the university. Another advantage is its free distribution.

The latest revision of the Vent-Calc ventilation program allows for as soon as possible Calculate the aerodynamic resistance of the system and other indicators required for the preliminary selection of equipment. This requires the following indicators:

  • length of the main air duct;
  • air flow at the beginning of the system;
  • air flow at the end of the system.

Manually, such a calculation is quite laborious and is carried out in stages. Therefore, the Vent-Calc calculation program will facilitate and speed up the work of designers, specialists in the sale of climate machinery and qualified installers.

Magicad Engineering System Design Program

This is a program for designing ventilation, heating, water supply and sewage systems, power grids. Magicad calculates and makes the necessary drawings.

It will be useful to builders, designers, drawers and managers selling equipment.

Magicad functions:

  • all types of calculations for ventilation systems(supply and exhaust);
  • image in 2D;
  • image in 3D;
  • the widest database of equipment of European manufacturers;
  • creating all the necessary project documentation, including specifications;
  • the ability to exchange data with other programs for drawing ventilation;
  • compatibility with ADT and AutoCAD.

Magicad graphics are based on AutoCAD and is actually its addition. The program was created by Finnish developers who simplified its use as much as possible. Therefore, an engineer familiar with AutoCAD can easily figure out with a subsidiary for the calculation of ventilation and other engineering systems Magicad. Ease of use is achieved by the division of the kernel on the modules: ventilation, pipelines, electricity and room.

The specialist does not need to fake complex air distribution networks, fittings and turns. Already ready-made elements are drawn up like a constructor. Do not even need a ruler. The main work of the designer is to comply with the existing nodes to obtain the optimal result. All data on the project is present immediately. Looking into an electronic drawing, you can get the necessary information about the work of future ventilation, for example, the cross section of the air ducts and the air flow rate in them.

The program for calculating the Magicad ventilation systems is enjoyed dozens of large project bureaus of the Scandinavian countries and many design organizations of the CIS countries.

The program for calculating the natural ventilation and aspiration GIDRV 3.093

The GIDRV 3.093 program is designed to calculate ventilation systems with forced and natural. It is a multitasking form with a set of bookmarks: "Scheme characteristics", "floors", "plots", "local resistance", "Calculated Table".

Functions of the program for calculating the natural ventilation GIDRV 3.093:

  • control calculation of the parameters of the exhaust duct of natural ventilation;
  • calculation of the new and control calculation of air channels for aspiration;
  • calculation of new and control calculations of supply and exhaust air ducts for systems with a forced product.

Having obtained results, you can change the initial parameters on any areas of air ducts and make a new scheme. With this program, you can select any combinations to calculate natural ventilation, achieving optimal performance.

Schemes with explanations (channel characteristics, system resistance, calculation results) are stored in a single file. Switching and working with various options Calculations are very comfortable and simple.

Automatically detected areas with redundant pressure and options for solving the problem (narrow cross section, use diaphragms, chirate, chokes).

The program of calculating natural ventilation is equipped with the function of calculating the throttling mechanisms issuing several better options And denoting the most suitable.

In the process of calculations of natural ventilation, the most overloaded areas of the system detects. Shows pressure on each site, losses and their causes (pipe resistance, friction).

All calculations can be printed, including tables.

Paid, but the demo version is available.

FANS 400 Ventilation Calculation Program

The FANS 400 program is designed to calculate the air ventilation of the premises. With it, you can determine the indicators of the smoke removal system from hols, corridors and lobby. The program for calculating the air ventilation helps to choose the power of the fans and other special equipment.

Fans 400 is designed for designer engineers, fire inspectors and student profile specialties.

The use for the calculations of the air ventilation will not cause difficulties from the user of any level of preparation. It applies for free. To work correctly, the printer must be connected to the computer.

DUCTER 2.5 air ducts

This program of the selection of ventilation equipment calculates the diameters of the cross sections of the air ducts. The user introduces the maximum flow rate values \u200b\u200bin air ducts, height differences in the calculations of natural ventilation or CCM segment. Based on these information, the program selects the ventilation equipment of the standard diameter according to VN 353-86 linearly. Thus, the final decision on the diameter remains behind the specialist.

If the duct of non-standard parameters is needed, the program will also help: one parameter is introduced, the rest are selected. The selection step is installed in the settings.

Pressure indicators and air temperature are set if the air conditioning system is calculated. It is possible to obtain data on pressure on each site, introducing its length and the total resistance coefficient. The material of the future duct is taken into account.

You can specify one of several options for displaying the size of each site.

The version of the program from DUCTER 3 and higher to select the equipment will help fully calculate the entire ventilation system.

SVENT ventilation program

The SVENT program is designed to draw ventilation of premises on Windows computers.

SVENT functions:

  • aerodynamic calculation of forced and exhaust ventilation systems;
  • the program for ventilation drawings in axonometry uses AutoCAD elements;
  • makes up specifications.

Produces 2 types of calculations:

  • Automatically suggests a cross section of a rectangular or round form based on the entered speeds of speeds near the fans and at the ends of the air ducts;
  • Calculation of the system with entered data on sections and pressure losses.

The calculation program works with any type of air ducts (round, rectangular and non-standard form). You can complement the database of the air ducts with the necessary samples.

The base of the nodes operates in the schemes for calculating the coefficients of local resistances from the VS 353-86, the reference book edited by I.G. and several other sources. It can also be complemented.

Cadvent ventilation program

This program for drawing ventilation is based on a powerful and complex AutoCAD. Together with the development of AutoCAD, Cadvent is modified and improved, new features are added. These are professional ventilation programs, calculations and presentations created for engineers working in the field of design and development of ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems.

Cadvent functions:

  • calculation of the cross section of the air ducts;
  • calculation of pressure loss;
  • acoustic calculation;
  • creating a 2D drawing with the necessary notation;
  • 3D modeling;
  • specification by items that can be transferred to MS Excel;
  • creating presentations.

Cadvent Provides the ability to change any changes in already ready project, change the calculated parameters, add new items. It can be combined with the DimSilence program (a program for selecting the noisemaker in the ventilation system) and Dimcomfort (selecting air distributors, given the speed of flow and noise in the locations of people).

Users note the convenience of use, but not enough Russification, as well as the ability to create aksonometric projection.

Another program called Comfort-in watch video.

2. Estimated part 6

2.1. Method of calculation 6.

2.1.1. Calculation sequence 6.

2.1.2. Determination of pressure loss in air duct 7

2.1.3. Determination of pressure loss in the manifold 8

2.1.4. Payment dust collecting apparatus 9

2.1.5. Calculation of the material balance of the dust collection process 11

2.1.6. Selection of fan and electric motor 12

2.2. Example of calculation 13.

2.2.1. Aerodynamic calculation of the network of aspiration (from local suction to the collector inclusive) 13

2.2.2. Linkage of resistance plots 19

2.2.3. Calculation of pressure loss in the manifold 22

2.2.4. Calculation of the dust collecting apparatus 23

2.2.5. Calculation of sections 7 and 8 to fan installation 25

2.2.6. Selection of fan and electric motor 28

2.2.7. Clarification of the resistance of the plots 7 and 8 29

2.2.8. Material balance of the process of dusting 31

Bibliographic list 32.

Appendix 1 33.

Appendix 2 34.

Appendix 3 35.

Appendix 4 36.

Appendix 5 37.

Appendix 6 38.

Appendix 7 39.

Appendix 8 40.

Appendix 9 41.

Appendix 10 42.

Appendix 11 43.

Appendix 12 44.

Appendix 13 46.

Appendix 14 48.

1. General Provisions

In the processing processes of wood on woodworking machines formed a large number of both large particles - production waste (chips, chips, bark), and smaller (sawdust, dust). A feature of this technological process is a significant velocity, reported by the resulting particles when exposed to a cutting tool on the material being processed, as well as a large intensity of dust formation. Therefore, almost all woodworking machines are equipped with exhaust devices that are called local suction.

The system combining local suction, air ducts, collector (collection to which air ducts are connected - branch), dust collecting device and fan, called aspiration system.

The combination of air ducts - branches connected to the collector is called node.

At the woodworking areas equipped with machines, collectors of various structures are used (Fig. 1). The characteristics of some types of collectors are shown in Table. one.

To move the resulting waste (for example, from waste storage bins to fuel bunkers of the boiler room) uses a system of pneumatic transport, its difference from the aspiration system is that the functions of the local suction performs a boot funnel.

The most important characteristic used in the calculations of the aspiration and pneumatic transport systems is the mass concentration of dusty air (m, kg / kg). Mass concentration is the ratio of the amount of moved material to the amount of transporting air transporting it:

Fig. 1. Types of collectors:

a) Vertical manifold with lower tap (drum)

b) vertical collector with top tap (chandelier) c) horizontal collector

Table 1

Collector characteristics

Minimum amount of removable air, m³ / h

Entrance nozzles

Output pipe



diameter (section size), mm

coefficient local resistance ζ out

horizontal collectors

DE \u003d 339 (300x300)

DE \u003d 339 (300x300)

DE \u003d 391 (400x300)

vertical collectors

a) with the upper input (with lower tap)

b) with the lower entry (with top tap)

kg / kg, (1)

where G. Σ n. - the total mass flow rate of the material being moved, kg / h;

L. Σ - the total air required to move the material (volume flow), m 3 / h;

ρ in - air density, kg / m 3. At 20 ° C and atmospheric pressure B \u003d 101.3 kPa, ρ in \u003d 1.21 kg / m 3.

When designing aspiration systems, an important place occupies an aerodynamic calculation, which consists in choosing the diameters of the air ducts, the selection of the collector, determining the speeds in the sections, calculation and subsequent linkage of pressure losses in the areas, determining the total resistance of the system.

Currently, aspiration systems are quite common, since every day the development of the industry is only enhanced.


Filter installations with - it general systemswhich are most common. They are intended to filter the air, in which solid particles are contained, the size of which reaches 5 μm. The degree of cleaning in such aspiration systems is 99.9%. It is also worth noting that the design of this filter installation having a cumulative bunker allows you to apply it for mounting in traditional systems Air purification that have an extensive air duct system, as well as high power exhaust fan.

The central drive in such systems is used to store, as well as dispense and produce crushed woodworking waste. Production of this bunker is carried out with a volume from 30 to 150 m 3. In addition, the aspiration system is equipped with such details such as gateway overloaders or augers, an explosion-fire protection system, a system that controls the bunker filling level.

Modular systems

There is also a modular air aspiration system, which is intended for the following purposes:

  • Provide full and reliable dedustation of air in a production room at the level of levels that are prescribed by regulatory provisions.
  • The most important task is to protect the atmospheric air from its pollution from the enterprise.
  • Also, this system is intended to remove woodworking waste from the technological equipment in the form of a mixture of air and dust, as well as the subsequent supply of this mixture into dust collecting devices.
  • The modular system is also intended to organize emissions from the air purification site to the place of its disposal. It can function in fully automatic mode.
  • The last feature that this system performs is a dosage supply of sawdust to the fuel bunker. This operation can also function in fully automatic mode, but manual is also present.

Equipment for calculation

In order to carry out the calculation of the aspiration system, you must first combine it into the general network. In such networks include:

  1. Equipment that functions simultaneously.
  2. The equipment that is located close to each other.
  3. Equipment with the same dust or close in quality, as well as properties.
  4. The last thing you need to consider is equipment with a close or the same air temperature.

It is also worth noting that the optimal number of suction points for one aspiration system is six. However, more possibly is possible. It is important to know that in the presence of equipment that works with a constantly changing stream of air, it is necessary to design a separate system of aspiration for this device or add a small number of "associated" suction points (one or two with low consumption).

Calculation of air

For importantly spent accurate calculations. The first thing that is determined in such calculations is air flow consumption, as well as pressure loss. Such calculations are carried out for each machine, tank or point. The data most often can be taken from the passport documentation for the object. However, it is allowed to use AI and from similar calculations with the same equipment, if any. Also, air flow is completely possible to determine the diameter of the nozzle, which sucks it or on the hole in the case of the aspiration machine.

It is important to add that it is possible to ejection by air entering the product. It happens if, for example, the air moves along a self-e-pipe at high speed. In this case, additional costs arise, which must also be taken into account. In addition, in some aspiration systems, it also happens that a certain amount of air goes together with the discharged products after cleaning. This amount should also be added to the consumable.

Calculation of expense

After carrying out all the work on the determination of air flow and possible ejection, it is necessary to add all the numbers obtained, and then divide the amount on the size of the room. It is worth considering that the normal exchange of air for each enterprise is its own, but most often this indicator is ranging from 1 to 3 aspiration cycles per hour. Large quantity Most often it is used to calculate the installation of systems in premises with a general branch This type Air exchange is used in enterprises to remove harmful evaporation from the room, to remove impurities or unpleasant odors.

When installing an aspiration system, an increased vacuum can be created due to a constant air suction from the room. For this reason, it is necessary to provide an installation of an outdoor air intake.

Fire aspiration

Currently aspiration fire system Consider best tool Premises protection. In an effective way Alerts in this case is considered aspiration with ultra-sensitive laser Perfect place Applications of such systems are archives, museums, server, switting rooms, control centers, hospital premises with high-tech equipment, "clean" industrial zones, etc.

In other words, aspiration system fire alarm This type is used in rooms, which are of particular value in which material values \u200b\u200bare stored or, within which a large number of expensive equipment is installed.

Closed aspiration system

The purpose of it is as follows: conducting the rehabilitation of the tracheobronchial tree under conditions artificial ventilation Lungs and while maintaining aseps. In other words, they are applied by doctors for complicated operations. This system Includes the following:

  • The design of the device is made entirely of polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene. The latex content in it is zero.
  • The device contains a swivel angular connector, the size of which is fully standardized, and also has a movable inner ring. The presence of this part provides a reliable connection to the connector.
  • The system is supplied with a protective cover for a sanitation catheter, which is designed to keep this part in hermetic conditions.
  • The size of the catheter is encoded using color marking.

Types of Systems

Currently, there is a fairly wide classification of filtering systems. Some companies, such as Folter, are engaged in the production of aspiration systems of almost any kind.

The first separation of systems is carried out by the nature of air circulation. Under this feature of all, they can be divided into two types: recycling and direct-flow. The first class of systems has such an essential difference as the return of selected air from the room back, after passing the full purification process. That is, no emissions in the atmosphere does not produce. From this advantage it follows another - high savings on heating, as the heated air does not leave the room.

If we talk about the second type of systems, their principle is completely different. This filter unit completely takes the air out of the room, after which it performs its complete cleaning, in particular from such substances as dust and gas, after which the entire rougher air is thrown into the atmosphere.

Installation of aspiration systems

In order to start the stage of installation of the filtering system, first carry out design work. This process is very important, and therefore he is given special attention. It is immediately important to say that the incorrectly conducted stage of design and calculation will not be able to ensure the necessary cleaning and circulation of air, which will lead to poor consequences. To successfully draw up a project and subsequent installation of the system, you must consider several points:

  1. It is important to determine the amount of air consumed by one aspiration cycle, as well as pressure loss in each place of its fence.
  2. It is important to correctly define the type of dust collector. To do this, it is necessary to choose it in its own parameters.

Calculation and project preparation is not full list What needs to be done before starting the installation process of the system. In other words, it can be said that the installation of filters is the simplest and most recent thing for which professionals are taken.