Acoustic pollution of the environment - impact, prevention and protection. Measures to protect a residential area from industrial noise

Noise pollution- excess natural level background noise or abnormal changes in sound characteristics: frequency, sound intensity, etc. Noise pollution leads to increased fatigue of humans and animals, a decrease in labor productivity, physical and nervous diseases.

Thus, noise pollution is an annoying noise of anthropogenic origin that disrupts the vital activity of living organisms and humans. The main source of noise pollution is vehicles - cars, railway trains and airplanes.

From the State Report "On the state environment in Moscow in 2010 "

The main sources of noise in the city are:

  • traffic flows of the city's road network;
  • railway transport;
  • overground metro lines;
  • air transport of airports (Vnukovo, Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, to a lesser extent Ostafyevo) of the Moscow air hub;
  • industrial enterprises;
  • communal storage facilities;
  • objects of electric and heat power engineering;
  • construction equipment (especially in the case of work at night);
  • engineering equipment of buildings, structures, residential buildings;
  • noises of "household origin";
  • loudspeaker noise, etc.

According to expert estimates, up to 70% of the territory of the city of Moscow is subject to excessive noise from various sources. Standard noise levels are achieved in the depths of residential areas and forest park zones.

The magnitude of the excess reaches the following values:

  • 20-25 dBA in areas near highways16:
  • up to 30-35 dBA for apartments in residential buildings facing large highways (without soundproof glazing);
  • up to 10-20 dBA near railways when trains are moving;
  • up to 8-10 dBA in areas subject to periodic exposure to aircraft noise17;
  • up to 30 dBA in case of non-compliance with the established requirements when conducting construction works at night.

In connection with the objective development of the city, the growth in the volume and pace of construction, the development of the transport complex, new sources of noise will appear, the noise characteristics of existing noise sources will increase. For example, trends recent years is to reduce the differences between noise levels during the day and at night on the territory of the city adjacent to highways. Noise characteristics of most highways of urban significance change slightly during the day (with the exception of the period from 3 to 5 am) due to the fact that at night the decrease in the number of vehicles is compensated by an increase in the speed of traffic flow.

The situation observed in the city requires the use of adequate measures of a "compensatory" nature and the development of special noise protection measures in areas with excess normative indicators by noise.

To reduce excess noise and preserve the existing acoustically safe areas of the city, it is necessary to introduce large-scale noise-reducing technologies in all areas of the city economy and industry, develop special measures to reduce noise, toughen penalties for violations associated with the creation of excess noise, while simplifying the procedure for bringing to justice ...

To implement a unified approach to solving the city-wide problem of increased noise, the Moscow Government adopted a resolution of 16.10.2077 No. 896-PP, approving the Concept of reducing noise and vibration levels in the city of Moscow, the main objectives of which were:

  • prevention of deterioration of living and recreation conditions on the territory of the city of Moscow in terms of noise level;
  • preservation and development of acoustically safe areas of the city;
  • provision of conditions for recreation of residents of the city of Moscow at night;
  • preservation of habitats of animals included in the Red Data Book of the city of Moscow, sensitive to the impact elevated levels noise and vibration;
  • ensuring the availability of information to the public on the problems of noise, vibration and measures taken to reduce them.

There are two approaches to achieving standard noise levels in the city and in rooms for various functional purposes:

  • implementation of technical measures to reduce the noise characteristics of noise sources (while reducing the noise characteristics is due to the improvement of the design of equipment and the use of advanced technologies);
  • protection of territories and premises through the use of noise-reducing technologies and materials.

To protect residential premises from excessive noise levels in the city of Moscow during the construction and reconstruction of the street and road network and overhaul of apartment buildings (within the framework of the Law of the City of Moscow dated December 19, 2007 No. 52 "On the city target program for overhaul apartment buildings for 2008-2014 ") soundproof windows are installed. According to the prefectures of administrative districts, in 2007-2010, 410,526 soundproof windows were installed in Moscow, of which 356,442 were installed within the framework of overhaul apartment buildings, 54084 - during the reconstruction / construction of highways.

In December 2010, in accordance with the Concept of Reducing Noise and Vibration Levels in the City of Moscow, the Research and Development Institute of the General Plan of Moscow, at the request of the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Construction, began work on the formation of an address list of residential buildings located in the zone of noise discomfort, but not requiring major repairs (completion date - February 2012 .). This list will include residential buildings near the façades of which, within the framework of environmental monitoring, exceeding the established standards for noise levels were identified, as well as an address list of residential buildings prepared by the Moscow Committee for Architecture in 2008 that fall into the zone of excessive noise exposure from railway transport.

In 2010, the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow completed the formation of an address list of social facilities in the city that are in city ownership, for which noise protection measures are required (Decree of the Moscow Government dated October 14, 2008 No. 946-PP "On updating the activities of the Target medium-term environmental program of the city of Moscow for 2006-2008 with the development of measures until 2010 "). Based on the results of field measurements of noise levels, 470 social objects (preschool, educational and medical institutions) exposed to excessive noise exposure were identified. For these objects, the issue of financing the noise protection measures is being resolved.

To protect residential areas from excessive noise impact of vehicles in Moscow, more than 25 km of roadside noise protection screens have been installed (data from the Research and Development Institute of the General Plan of Moscow). Noise protection measures are included in projects for the reconstruction and construction of new sections of the road network.

In 2010, the practice of aircraft overflights over the territories of the city of Moscow continued (40 districts located in the Western, South-Western, Southern, South-Eastern and Zelenograd administrative districts), including at night.

The forbidden zone over Moscow is limited by the Moscow ring road (MKAD). At the same time, within the boundaries of the forbidden zone (with the permission of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation24), aircraft flights over the Yasenevo and Teply Stan microdistricts at a distance of no more than 3.5 km from the MKAD ( height not lower than 400 m), in the Chertanovo, Biryulevo and Orekhovo-Borisovo districts at a distance of not more than 2.5 km from the Moscow Ring Road (height - not less than 1200 m). Flights over Moscow areas outside the Moscow Ring Road are not limited.

To exclude excess noise of air transport in the EU countries, night flights are prohibited / limited. Meanwhile, according to the information of the branch "Moscow Center for Automated Air Traffic Control" of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State ATM Corporation" night time is impossible due to the high density of the route network.

In connection with the above, a realistic goal in the field of reducing the noise load from air transport today is to exclude aircraft flights over residential areas in violation of established flight routes. For this, it is planned to create a network of automatic air noise control stations, which will carry out measurements around the clock with the allocation of an excess of the standard component of aircraft. At present, the first one has already been installed on the territory of Zelenograd. automatic station aircraft noise control, which is currently in test mode.

In order to reduce the negative impact of noise from construction work, in world practice, methods such as the prohibition of construction work from 19:00 to 7:00, on weekends and holidays, video surveillance of construction work, limiting the duration of the production of noisy work in the daytime and requirements for the use of low-noise technology. In Moscow, at present, construction work at night (from 23:00 to 07:00) is permitted (Resolution of the Moscow Government dated 07.12.2004 No. 857-PP "On Approval of the Rules for Preparation and Production earthworks, arrangement and maintenance of construction sites in the city of Moscow "). At the same time, restrictions on the noise level of work have been established, including the requirements for the use of low-noise equipment:

  • ensure engine muffling of vehicles during the period of being on the site;
  • exclude loudspeaker communication;
  • do not produce welding works without installing protective screens;
  • exclude the driving of foundation piles and the performance of other work, accompanied by noise in excess of the permissible norm;
  • do not allow illumination of the facades of residential buildings adjacent to the construction site with floodlights;
  • exclude the operation of equipment with noise and vibration levels exceeding permissible standards.

In world practice, attention is also paid to household noise and different types equipment used outdoors (including trimmers and blowers), noise during sporting events. In Moscow, Article 3.13 of the Moscow City Code of Administrative Violations provides for administrative liability for violation of peace and quiet at night for all such sources.

Monitoring of noise levels on the territory of the city of Moscow from various sources of noise exposure, including control over the observation of the acoustic regime construction sites at night, is carried out by the round-the-clock acoustic service of the GPU "Mosecomonitoring".

Information about the studies carried out by the acoustic service of the State Budgetary Institution “Mosecomonitoring” on complaints from residents with complaints about noise exposure in 2010 is presented in the section “Results of the mobile laboratory work”.

Noise pollution in big cities is constantly growing every year. The main sources of noise are automobiles, air and rail transport, and industrial enterprises. 80% of the total noise is accounted for by motor vehicles.

Sounds of twenty to thirty decibels are considered to be a normal background noise. A sound background of about 80 decibels is considered acceptable for human perception. Noises of 140 decibels cause in humans pain... And when the sound is over 190 decibels, metal structures begin to collapse.

Effects of noise on health

It is difficult to overestimate the impact of noise on human health. Noises depress the nervous system, interfere with concentration, tire, and cause irritability. Constant presence in the area of ​​noise pollution leads to sleep disturbances and hearing impairment. Noise influences can even cause mental disorders.

The magnitude of the noise exposure is different for each person. At the highest risk group are children, the elderly, people suffering from chronic diseases, residents of the city's busy areas around the clock, living in buildings without sound insulation.

During a long stay on busy avenues, where the noise level is about 60 dB, for example, standing in a traffic jam, a person's cardiovascular activity may be impaired.

Noise protection

To protect the public from noise pollution, WHO recommends a number of measures. Among them is a ban on construction work at night. Another prohibition according to the WHO version should apply to the loud operation of any acoustic devices, both at home and in cars and public institutions located not far from residential buildings.
It is necessary and possible to fight against noise!

Acoustic screens are among the methods of resisting noise pollution, which have recently been widely used near highways, especially in the territory of Moscow and the region. Soft asphalt and electric vehicles, unfortunately not yet widespread, are also among the ways to combat acoustic pollution in cities. Soundproof insulation of apartment buildings and greening of city squares can be added to this list.

Noise control legislation

In Russia, from time to time, interesting studies of the problem of noise in urban-type settlements appear, but at the federal, regional and municipal levels there are still no adopted special-purpose regulatory legal acts to combat noise pollution. Today, the legislation of the Russian Federation contains only separate provisions on the protection of the environment from noise and the protection of humans from its harmful effects.

In many European countries. America and Asia have special laws. It's time for our turn to come. In the Russian Federation, it is necessary to adopt a special law and by-laws on noise and economic instruments to combat it.

It is possible to resist the noise even now

If the residents of the house understand that the background noise and vibrations exceed the maximum permissible level (MPL), they can contact Rospotrebnadzor with a claim and a request to conduct a sanitary and epidemiological examination of the place of residence. If, based on the results of the check, an increase in the remote control is established, the offender will be asked to ensure the work technical equipment(if it was he who caused the excess) in accordance with the standards.

There is an opportunity to apply to the regional and local administrations of settlements with the requirement of a soundproof reconstruction of the building. The tasks of combating sound pollution of the environment can be solved at the level of individual enterprises. So antiacoustic systems are built next to railway lines, close to industrial facilities(for example, power plants) and protect residential and park areas of the city.

Noise (acoustic) pollution is an annoying noise of anthropogenic origin that disrupts the vital activity of living organisms and humans. Irritating noises also exist in nature (abiotic and biotic), but it is incorrect to consider them as pollution, since living organisms have adapted to them in the process of evolution.

The main source of noise pollution is vehicles - cars, railway trains and airplanes.

In cities, the level of noise pollution in residential areas can be greatly increased due to improper urban planning (for example, the location of the airport within the city).

In addition to transport (60 ÷ 80% of noise pollution) by other important sources noise pollution in cities are industrial enterprises, construction and renovation work, car alarms, barking dogs, noisy people, etc. Household and office equipment is a source of noise.

Noise pollution quickly disrupts the natural balance in ecosystems. Noise pollution can lead to disorientation in space, communication, food search, etc. In this regard, some animals begin to emit louder sounds, which is why they themselves will become secondary sound pollutants, further disturbing the balance in ecosystem.

One of the most famous cases of damage caused by noise pollution to nature is the numerous cases when dolphins and whales were thrown ashore, losing orientation due to the loud sounds of military sonars (sonars).

With prolonged exposure to intense noise, a disorder of the nervous and endocrine systems, vascular tone, gastrointestinal tract occurs, hearing loss develops, and the function of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted.

Measures to protect the environment from noise pollution.

The World Health Organization, given the global nature of environmental noise pollution, has developed a long-term program to reduce noise in cities and towns around the world. In Russia, protection against noise exposure is regulated by the Law Russian Federation"On Environmental Protection" (2002) (Art. 55), as well as government decrees on measures to reduce noise at industrial enterprises, in cities and other settlements. Noise protection - very difficult problem and its solution requires a set of measures: legislative, technical and technological, urban planning, architectural and planning, organizational, etc. To protect the population from the harmful effects of noise, regulatory and legislative acts regulate its intensity, duration and other parameters. The state standard established uniform sanitary and hygienic norms and rules for limiting noise at enterprises, in cities and other settlements. The standards are based on such levels of noise exposure, the action of which does not cause adverse changes in the human body for a long time, namely: 40 dB during the day and 30 at night. The admissible levels of traffic noise are set in the range of 84-92 dB and will decrease over time.

Technical and technological measures are reduced to noise protection, which is understood as complex technical measures to reduce noise in production (installation of sound-insulating covers for machine tools, sound absorption, etc.), in transport (exhaust mufflers, replacement of shoe brakes with disc brakes, noise-absorbing asphalt, etc.).

At the urban planning level, protection against noise exposure can be achieved by the following measures:

Zoning with the removal of noise sources outside the building;

Organization of a transport network, excluding the passage of noisy highways through residential areas;

Removal of noise sources and the establishment of protective zones around and along the sources of noise exposure and the organization of green spaces;

Laying of highways in tunnels, installation of soundproof embankments and other noise-absorbing obstacles along the paths of noise propagation (screens, excavations);

A certain contribution to the protection of the environment from noise exposure is made by the prohibition of sound signals of vehicles, air flights over the city, limitation (or prohibition) of takeoffs and landings of aircraft at night and other organizational measures.

However, these measures are unlikely to give the desired environmental effect if the main thing is not understood: protection from noise exposure is not only a technical problem, but also a social one.

Industrial emissions classification.

Due to the diversity of the spectrum of protection of the atmosphere, there is no single, especially the official classification of volatile industrial emissions.

From the point of view of the role and significance of emissions in the cleaning process, the following classification has been adopted; emissions can be divided into 2 types:


A mixture of vapors or gases that does not contain solid or liquid suspended particles. This group is divided into 2 subgroups.

1a) Emissions that cannot be treated, either because of their harmlessness, or for reasons of economic feasibility, dispersal through pipes, or because of the complete lack of technical feasibility of cleaning in a given period of time, the latter can only be allowed temporarily.

1b) Emissions to be treated. Gaseous, vaporous substances contained in industrial gas exhaust are much more numerous than aerosols, it includes acids, halogens and halogen derivatives, gaseous oxides, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, hydrocarbons, amines, nitro compounds, metal vapors, peridines, mercoptans, etc. many other components of gaseous industrial emissions.


A mixture of gases or vapors carrying solid or liquid suspended particles, such as smoke, fog, dust or smog. The following subgroups can be distinguished in this group.

2a) Aerosols in which the dispersed phase is to be captured, and the vapor-gas, i.e. dispersed belongs to subgroup 1a and does not affect the operation of the gas cleaning plant, i.e. is neutral in the cleaning process.

2b) Aerosols in which the dispersed phase is subject to capture, and the vapor-gas phase, belonging to subgroup 1a, at the same time influences the cleaning process. For example, the negligible content of sulfur dioxide in the gas does not require its capture, but acidic condensate causing corrosion can form inside the gas cleaning path.

2c) Aerosols in which the dispersed phase is subject to capture, and the vapor-gas phase belongs to subgroup 1b. In this case, either combined cleaning in one apparatus is required, or a combination of successively arranged apparatus for selectively trapping the dispersed phase and harmful impurities of the dispersion medium.

2d) Aerosols in which the dispersion medium belongs to subgroup 1b, and the dispersed phase cannot be captured, for example, due to low concentration, and at the same time does not affect the cleaning process.

2e) Aerosols in which the dispersion medium belongs to subgroup 1b, and the dispersed phase is not subject to capture, however, it is not the cleaning process that may have an effect, for example, gradually contaminating the liquid or solid sorbent, the absorber.

2f) Aerosols in which the dispersion medium belongs to subgroup 1a, and the dispersion phase belongs to 2e or 2d. This aerosol does not need to be cleaned.

Along with the development of scientific and technological progress, man began not only to interfere with nature more intensively and aggressively. He "invented" new type- noise pollution of the environment. Until recently, unprecedented, which primarily affects the health of the person himself, that is, the creator of the sources of such pollution. Noises were previously present in nature: the lapping of waves, the singing of birds, the sound of a woodpecker, the roar of a predator, a roll of thunder, a volcanic eruption and much more. But this has existed in nature for more than one thousand or a million years. Of course, they have an impact on the corresponding organs of living beings, cause them emotions. The animal world has adapted to them. Frequencies in the 3,000 to 5,000 Hz range are most irritating, and a constant frequency of more than 90 dB can cause hearing loss. A sound of 110 dB causes intoxication, similar to alcoholic or narcotic, and at 145 dB, a person's eardrums will not withstand and burst.

Noise fighting history

It is no coincidence that since ancient and even ancient times, various prohibitions have been established on actions that generate loud or annoying sounds. The history of mankind knows times when they were an instrument of torture, a means of execution. V Old Testament The Bible has a story about how the impregnable walls of the city were destroyed with the help of the sounds made by the trumpets. Once upon a time, people suffered from the steps of the night watch, the driving of carriages on the pavements, from shouts in taverns, taverns, and family quarrels and blows of weapons in duels. It is possible that the noise caused rubber tires to be put on the wheel of carts and carriages. From 1954 to the present by the rules road traffic the sound signals of vehicles are prohibited in cities. Nevertheless, complete silence can also negatively affect a person's well-being and cause stress. While sounds of a certain amplitude, will cause a surge of performance and mental activity... It is believed that the impact of unnatural sounds on animals leads to their loss of orientation in space. For example, whales and dolphins. But this is only a version.

Types and characteristics

In the Russian Federation, there are GOSTs and sanitary standards that regulate the maximum acceptable levels(Remote control) noise for different locations. So the remote control for urban highways is 40 dB, and for highways - 70 dB. Here are some well-known sources: rustle of leaves - 10 dB, street noise - 55 dB, a car- 77 dB, lathe- 90 dB, metallurgical plant - 99 dB, railway and air transport - 100 dB, compressor station - 100 dB, Circular Saw- 105 dB, jet engine- 120 dB, riveting and cutting of steel, as well as a pain threshold - 130 dB. Is it possible to say that a person adapts to man-made noise. He ceases to notice them and therefore they do not so much affect his health. It is unpleasant for each person individually, but there are sounds that affect the body as a whole. They cause dizziness, numbness of the limbs, vascular and joint disease. Its sources can be the work of mechanisms, impacts, aerodynamic phenomena and explosions. Its intensity is measured in decibels (dB). The sensitivity, normal, of the ear is 0dB, and the intensity of 130dB will cause pain. A person perceives sound by an auditory nerve apparatus located in the inner ear, according to two characteristics - height or frequency and volume or intensity. The lower frequency is perceived at 16 Hz, the upper one is from 6 Hz to 20 Hz. Noise can interfere with, excite the central and autonomic nervous systems, interfere with performance and cause disease. They are divided into low-frequency - up to 350 Hz, mid-frequency - up to 800 Hz and high-frequency above 800 Hz. High frequencies have more Negative influence aurally. In addition, the human hearing organs perceive infra- and ultrasonic vibrations. So what is it, and what does the pollution have to do with it?

Sound and noise, the consequences of their exposure

Sound is a physical phenomenon and represents the propagation of mechanical vibrations. It is perceived by the senses of living organisms. Noise is a set of sound vibrations, different in time, amplitude, power and source of origin. It is believed that these fluctuations are random, and the changes in them are random. And if they are ordered and regulated? Will it not be a noise anymore? And what? Noise or acoustic pollution is considered to be such a type of pollution that disrupts the vital activity of organisms, by impacting vibrations of different frequencies and power on the sensory organs and the nervous system and causing harm to health. Sound vibrations arising as by-effect from the functioning of human-made devices and assemblies, are short-lived, disappear after the end of the existence of the source, which does not cause any consequences for the environment and affects only living organisms, primarily on humans, is called noise ... What? Contamination? Pollution is an increase in the concentration of existing, introduction or emergence of new physical, chemical, biological and other elements in the environment. The consequences of which may be changes in its composition or properties, including negative ones. Noise pollution of the environment, like radioactive and radiation, is classified as physical. But is it pollution? What kind of environment does it pollute? Can sound vibrations change the composition, structure, or properties of earth, water or air? Existing noise sources cannot cause such consequences. Doesn't this remind us of another well-known definition? Namely, a device or object designed to destroy manpower and other purposes, that is, to harm health and deprive a person of life.

This is the definition of a weapon

So, to what more can noise be attributed, taking into account its sources, direction and type of impact, its consequences and the object of harm? In this aspect, noise cannot be the subject of environmental research and cannot be regulated by environmental legislation. But all this is about a person who is to blame for him. Itself creates noise and itself suffers from it.

Video - "Lifestyle": noise

Noise is one of the forms of physical (wave) pollution of the environment. Noise is understood as all unpleasant and unwanted sounds or their combination, which interfere with normal work, perceive information sound signals, and rest. It occurs due to the compression and rarefaction of air masses, that is, fluctuating changes in air pressure. Distinguish between constant, intermittent, fluctuating, intermittent, impulsive noise. In general, noise is a chaotic jumble of sounds of different frequencies, strengths, heights, durations that go beyond the limits of sound comfort. It is now well known that noises have a harmful effect on people's health, reduce their working capacity, and cause diseases of the hearing organs (deafness), endocrine, nervous, and cardiovascular systems (hypertension). Physiological and biological adaptation of a person to noise is practically impossible, therefore regulation and limitation of noise pollution of the environment is an important and obligatory measure.

The corresponding sound landscape has always existed on Earth, and man has always used the properties of the environment as a conductor, a carrier of sounds. Human life in absolute silence is impossible.

The unit of measurement of noise is Bel - the ratio of the effective value of the sound pressure to minimum value, which is perceived by the human ear. In practice, a tenth of this physical unit is used - the decibel (dB).

The noise level of the environment is 30 -60 dBA. To this natural background in modern conditions industrial and traffic noise is added, the level of which often exceeds 100 dBA. / Sources of noise are all types of transport, industrial facilities, loudspeakers, elevators, televisions, radios, musical instruments, crowds of people and individuals (Table 2.8).

The beneficial effect on the human body of environmental noises (the noise of foliage, rain, rivers, etc.) has long been known. Statistics show that people who work in the forest, by the river, at sea, less often than city dwellers, suffer from nervous and cardiovascular diseases. It has been proven that the rustle of leaves, the singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, the sound of rain

Table 2.8. Intensity of noise from various sources

health-improving effect on the nervous system. Muscle work is enhanced under the influence of the sound waves of the waterfall.

The positive influence of harmonious calm music has been known for a long time. These are lullabies that are widespread all over the world - quiet, gentle monotonous melodies, and the healing of nervous diseases with the soothing murmur of stream water, the soft sound of sea waves or singing. It is also known for a long time negative impact sound. One of the medieval punishments was the brutal murder of the victim with the sounds of a powerful bell, when the doomed dies in terrible agony from unbearable ear pain.

A hundred years ago, the noise level on the central highways of large cities did not exceed 60 dBA. Right now in large cities there are areas where it exceeds 70 dBA ( sanitary norm for night time - 40 dBA). 60-80% of city noise is generated by vehicles.

To adapt to strong noise, the human body spends a large number of energy, the nervous system is overstrained, fatigue, nervous and mental disorders occur.

Sudden, sharp high-frequency sounds are especially difficult to tolerate. At a noise level of more than 80 dBA, hearing is weakened, neuropsychiatric diseases, stomach ulcers, hypertension occur, and aggressiveness increases. A very strong noise (more than 110 dBA) leads to the so-called noise intoxication, and then to the destruction of body tissues, primarily the hearing aid. Women are more sensitive to the action of strong noise, and signs of neurasthenia appear in them in conditions of sound discomfort.

Noise is harmful not only to humans. It has been established that plants grow more slowly under the influence of noise, they exhibit excessive (even complete, which leads to death) release of moisture through the leaves, and cell disturbances are possible. Leaves and flowers of plants located at the loudspeaker perish.

Noise acts on animals in a similar way. Bee larvae die from the noise of a jet plane, they themselves lose the ability to navigate, and eggshells crack in bird nests. Noise reduces milk yield, weight gain of pigs, egg production of chickens. The noise of the fish is painful, especially during the spawning period.

In modern conditions, the fight against noise is technically difficult, complex, expensive. It is important to reduce noise at its source, create silent or low-noise machines and technological processes, transport and industrial equipment starting from the design stage.

At the same time, the expected noise level is calculated, measures are developed to reduce noise to an acceptable level.

Hygienists consider the upper noise limit for hospitals and sanatoriums to be 35 dBA, for apartments and classrooms - 40 dBA, stadiums and train stations - 60 dBA.

There are two types of industrial noise regulation: sanitary and hygienic and technical. The first regulates the level of noise taking into account its effect on the human body. Household noise standard - 40 dBA during the day, C dBA - at night. Technical regulation standardizes the existing or expected noise performance of a facility's equipment. The second should meet the requirements of the first. The human ear perceives sound waves with a frequency below 16 Hz not as sound, but as vibration. Vibrations are tremors or shaking of the whole body or its individual parts during various works(concrete paving, not in my lectrope in crushing rocks or road surfaces, working in mines with jackhammer, sawing materials, etc.). Long-term vibrations cause great harm to health - from severe fatigue and not very significant changes in many functions of the body to concussion, tissue rupture, heart failure, nervous system, deformation of muscles and cells, impaired sensitivity of the skin, blood circulation, etc.

Maximum permissible vibration values ​​have been established. They are determined on the basis that, acting systematically during an 8-hour working day, vibration does not cause illness or health abnormalities in the worker during the entire period of his production activity.

The social nature of the problem of environmental pollution by noise determines that the fight against it is not only a technical task, but also a social one. In the problem of interaction between human society and nature, a conscious and active fight against noise pollution of the environment takes place.