Manufacturing a knife with their own hands. Homemade knives

Make a high-quality hunting knife. As a material, we use the workpiece of steel 1080. It is pretty durable steel, well yields and handling. The knife is made simple common tools, the main works are carried out with the help of a grinder with a good margin of circles.

Materials and tools that used
- Billet steel 1080 ();
- Bulgarian with grinding and cutting circles;
- different sandpaper;
- drill with drills ();
- rods under the pins;
- epoxy adhesive;
- wood for finishing the handles;
- paper, pencil and so on (for the manufacture of template);
- marker;
- sharpened;
- heat source for hardening;
- pliers, hammer, etc.;
- household oven;
- clamps or vice;
- Metal and wood files;
- Preferably ribbon grinding machine ().

The process of manufacturing a knife with their own hands:

Step one. We make and transfer the template
First of all, you need to make a template. We find on the Internet ready and printed, or draw yourself. Next you need to cut it, then attach to the workpiece and circle with a marker. By the way, if you cut the template from the cardboard, you can hold it in my hands to make sure that the future knife will be comfortable.

Step second. Rough work with profile
Next, armed with a grinder and slowly cut out the gross form of profile, while always remember that steel is quickly heated, and this is bad for her. When working with a grinder, be sure to cool the workpiece with water and slowly cut out manually.

Step Three. We refine a profile of a knife
After a rough cutting on the profile, not carved places will remain, these are different rounders and so on. To cut all these sites, the author used sharpened. You can also work with a grinder with grinding circles. As for the case when there is no such tool, you can use the files of various shapes and so on. In addition, working hand tool, again, less chances to overheat metal.

You also have to form squeezes on the knife. Some make it with a grinder, but it is best to use a ribbon grinding machine. All the cutting characteristics of the knife will depend on the bevels. The thinner the blade, the better the knife cuts and the easier it turns it. First place the squeezes on the knife and be sure to apply the central line on the future blade. It will allow you to make squeaks at one angle. To split the blade into two halves, you can use the drill of the same diameter as your workpiece.

Step fourth. Drill holes for pins
If you plan to handle the knife, always complete all the main work on metalworking before hardening. Otherwise, the metal will work very hard, or you cannot fulfill some work at all. For example, it is imperative to drill holes for pins. At a minimum, there must be two pieces, this is quite enough for reliable fixation of the lining. Make more, but it is rather for beauty.

Pitch fifth. Quenching
The hardening includes two stages, first steel make the most durable, and then soften it slightly so that it is not fragile, this procedure is called vacation. It will take a furnace or a good bonfire. The temperature should be obtained a lot, the workpiece must be warm up to bright red luminescence, and then cool the engine or vegetable in oil. To understand that you accurately reach the desired temperature, bring the magnet to the workpiece if it does not attract, steel is ready for cooling.

After hardening the metal will be very fragile, the knife easily splits into pieces if you drop it. To make it more elastic, you need to make a vacation steel. There is a household oven for the rescue, heat it to a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius and put the knife for an hour and a half. After that, the oven must cool together with the knife, do not open it. That's all, vacation is made, you have a very durable, high-quality metal.
Before further work Collect the surface to shine.
Step six. Cut the lining on the handles
Now we need to make lining on the handles. We select need materialThis may be a tree, animal bones, horns, plastic and much more. Cut the rough billets in size, and drill holes for pins.

Step seventh. Printed lining
At this step you will need epoxy and clamp, well, or vice. You must also prepare two pins. Pins can be made from brass, copper, and so on, if there is nothing at hand, you can use even ordinary nails. We divorce the resin with the harness and glue the halves. Then it is pretty clamping the cutting knob and leave until complete drying. Usually epoxy dries about 24-EX hours.

Step eighth. Processing the handle
When the glue is completely dried, you can form a handle. At first, ask her the desired profile, you can work with rashpils. Bulgarian will also go or sharpened, but in this case be careful and do not strive too much. Slowly remove the main profile, and then we grind the handle with sandpaper. Gradually reduce the grain of the sandwich to make the handle perfectly smooth.

Step ninth. Completion
Another important step is the impregnation of the handle, since the tree actively absorbs moisture, and for hunting knife This is generally unacceptable. The planting moisture of wood after drying can crack, however, and wet it is quite expanding, which is also bad. Handle must be impregnated linen OilEspecially good if it is boiled (natural olifa). After the impregnation, let oil dry, and then polish the handle to the brilliance. If you plan a knife for a long time to store, smear the oil and metal.


In order to make a knife, you need a steel plate. This role is perfectly suitable for automotive springs steel grade 5160. The main thing is not to use the used material. Decide to take the refrigera - take it. Length of the plate depends on the length of the desired length of the blade for the future knife. A comfortable length is 10 centimeters, but everyone will decide for himself. It is important to remember that the length of the handle must peel at least ¾ of the length of the blade.
Based on this, make calculations. Blade, plus ¾ on the handle - it turns out the length of the plate for the knife and do not forget the "snub on the seam".

In addition, you will need wood bar. The best candidate for this role is Oak. It will be worth buying this part in a joinery store. So you will be confident that the tree does not fall apart in the hand, and will not give unexpected cracks.

You will also need a copper rod with a diameter of up to 0.5 centimeters. He will mount the antisle to the blade. Therefore, the task of its selection is so responsibly.
As for the tools, in order to make a knife, an electric drill will be needed, hacksaws, primitive rack, saw and epoxy resin.

The manufacturing process is not complicated, but painstaking. But you decided to make a knife, so forward. On the plate with a marker draw a knife contour. Draw wider than desired, as the sniff will take its own. Then the electric drill make as many holes as possible on this contour. Do not forget to drill and several holes in the future handle. The width of these holes should not significantly exceed the width of the copper rod, consider this when the drill is selected. With the help of a saw "free" a knife from the plate. This workpiece must be treated with a hacksaw and a file, remove all irregularities and smooth the shape.

Next, screw the knife to the shelving for handle and start slowly blade for the blade. The blade is best to become the best file. This is the main, the longest and most responsible part. Labor over the blade can take a lot of time, but it is impossible to hurry. When the blade is ready, the knife quenching starts. The knife must be brought in fire to a purple color. A sufficiently split metal, should not be attracted with a magnet and this is an indicator for you. After the knife "reached" it needs to be dipped into the oil and keep it in it until the fire is woined and the smoke will not disappear. Then you can cool with water.

After the blade is ready to start a handle. Need to do out wooden bar Two overlays

Knives firmly entered the use of not only the household, but also people engaged in extreme leisure activities and active recreation types: fishing, tourism, hunting, etc. Of course, today you can buy knives of the highest quality with the most diverse shape of the blade and handles, but they all will not replace the knife made by their own hands. What kind of knives are and how to make them personally, let's talk in our article.

Types of knife

There is a whole branched classification table of knives based on their functional orientation.

Among them are distinguished:

Requirements for knives

A good knife should not only have an attractive appearance, but also to meet certain requirements. First, the knife must maintain its sharpening over a long period of use for its intended purpose.
Secondly, the blade should be tough.

Thirdly, the knife in the hands should lie comfortably and tightly so as not to provoke the appearance of corns and not slip out of the hands during use.
Fourthly, the flanque length of the knife must match or slightly exceed the cutting zone, which will use the use of such a knife safe.
Fifth, the knife is best kept in a case or sheath. Knife sheaths, as, however, can also be made of knife.

Hardening metal at home

Let us dwell on how to make a knife with your own hands. There are several options for the manufacture of knives, the main of which are the manufacture of cold and hot forging.

The traditional is the second way, but technically it is more difficult to execute, so we will focus on the first.
The material for the manufacture of a knife can serve as an old garden tool, springs, a file, etc. The knife from the springs is made by the same technology as a knife from a file, and a knife from the old garden toolTherefore, we will look at the algorithm for the manufacture of a knife from one material. Let it be a file.

Before you start making a knife, make sure that you have everything you need for this. You will need a direct file, (or scissors), a hammer, a drill with a metal drill, a machine for sharpening knives (can be used). Stopped with everything necessary, then proceed to work.
First of all, it is necessary to produce hardening the metal from which the knife will be made. To do this, you need to heat the oven (or flood the stove) to a temperature of 500 ... 650 degrees and put the metal there for 5-6 hours. After that, without removing the billets from the oven (furnaces), let it cool with it.

Hardening produced, it is necessary to give a vacation metal so that it is not fragile. To do this, the same oven is adjusted to a temperature of about 200 degrees and placed there weathered metal for 1 ... 1.5 hours. Cool the blank should be there.

Production of a knife from a file

Hard the metal? Getting to make a knife. Everything is simple here:

As you can see, the process of manufacturing a knife is not so complicated and accessible to everyone.

The knife is a mandatory tool that is needed in any farm. Correctly select this product so that it serves a long time and efficiently, not very simple. However, you have the opportunity to make knives homemade, which will not be able to give up the store. Consider this issue more.

Advantages of homemade knives

Among the advantages of self-made products can be allocated:

1. Free choice of knife type.

2. Use of primary materials, which makes the cost of the finished element below.

3. The ability to independently design a knife handle.

4. Satisfying creative potential.

In principle, self-herded knives, if you followed the manufacturer's technique, practically do not give way to the quality of industrial products. Naturally, all stages of production at home should be strictly observed. Also note that in the factory instead of people, almost all actions are performed by machines. For independent manufacture You will have to work hard enough.

Varieties of products

Before you make self-made knives, you need to decide what they need for you. So, it is possible to distinguish such types of products:

  • hunting;
  • combat;
  • household household.

A feature of such products is that the first and second type is required to have permission, if, naturally, you buy them in the store. Also, self-made knives differ in the form and length of the blade, according to the material used for the manufacture. The production process for all the same. Sometimes there are some nuances.

How to choose the necessary materials?

Homemade knives are not very difficult to build. However, this is painstaking work that requires a lot of patience and time. Before starting work, you need to find the materials that will be useful to you in the process. So, you should cook:

1. Steel, the thickness of which reaches 2 mm and more. Instead, a file or cable can be applied.

2. A tree or other material from which the handle can be made.

3. Varnish (if it was still chosen by wood).

4. Rivets for fixing the handle.

5. Emery paper small.

Need in additional materialOf course, it may arise. It all depends on what type of product you want to make.

Very interesting is the knife from the cable. For example, you have the opportunity to get a very original handle from the shank. However, the most difficult stage is the welding of scattered wires, of which, actually, consists of a cable. In this case, this process for a beginner without experience will be very complex. You can't make such a product from the first time.

More preferred is an option for blacksmithing welding. That is, the cable should be administered, sprinkled with a drone, roll again, and then begin to hit heavy hammer material. The procedure is difficult physically.

What tool will need?

Now let's talk about what exactly you will work. In order to make knives homemade, you will need such a tool:

  • Vice. Thanks to them, you can fix the workpiece for further polishing and sharpening.
  • Scissors for metal or jigsaw with the appropriate web.
  • Hammer (if you use a cable or file).
  • Gas burner or other equipment for hardening metal.
  • Drill and relevant drill. It is necessary to secure the handle with a rivet.
  • Grinding machine with different nozzles. Naturally, you can apply both sandpaper, but it will not be so effective, and work will be time consuming.

And you still need sketches of knives that you can draw yourself. Wherein special attention Pay all parameters if you are going to build a combat weapon. In addition, you can now find a ready drawing that will meet your requirements.

Step-by-step manual instructions

Before making a knife, you need to prepare thoroughly. If the drawing and all necessary materials There are tools, you can start work. And you can do everything in the apartment or in the garage. However, note that the work is noisy and dusty.

Naturally, the metal should be handled before work. So, the manufacturing process itself consists of such steps:

1. Cutting the workpiece. Its length is 20-25 cm, and the width is 2-3 mm. You will need vice for work. First, the rectangle of the specified sizes is cut on steel. Further, the contour of the future knife is drawn.

2. Processing the workpiece on the sharpening machine. Moreover, it is necessary to work with the edges. As a result of the procedure, you must get the division of the future knife into two parts: the handle and the blade.

3. Black oven for plane. Naturally, to start, choose the type of sharpening. It is clink (used in the manufacture of hunting knives) and razor (for the production of household goods).

4. How to make a knife, its workpiece, you have already figured out. Now proceed to the manufacture of the handle. You can use a tree, plexiglass or other material that can be easily processed. To begin with, it should be placed and cut. Next is done under the rivet. Now the handle can be treated with a sharpening machine to give it the appropriate form.

5. With aid emery paper The product should be polished. Naturally, polishing will also be required.

6. Sharpening and grinding blades. This action is made using machine and sandpaper.

7. The final stage is polishing the product. For this, felt is taken and a special pasta.

In this way, combat knives and ordinary household goods are made.

Features of manufacturing a product from a file

Now it is necessary to consider the production process using other materials. For example, you will learn how to make a knife from a file. In principle, this process is practically no difference from the instructions already given here. However, he has its own characteristics.

First of all, know that the knife from the file will be quite strong and high-quality, if everything is right. For example, it is necessary to harden the workpiece so that it can not break and disgraced.

It is very important not to forget to make a metal vacation. Thus, you will remove the internal stress in the workpiece, which can lead to its damage. In order for the future knife to be smooth and beautiful, the etching procedure is also needed. Pre-sharpening the product can be performed using the machine. But finish treatment Must be made by the usual emery.

How to harden the workpiece?

What to make a knife, you already know. Now you should consider the sequence of the hardening procedure. So, first is required to warm the workpiece at a temperature of 600-700 degrees. Hardening time - 4-6 hours. Heated the product you can in the oven, in the stove or even on gas stove. but last option Requires the construction of a special design over the burner, with which the temperature will be maintained.

Cooling the future knife should be together with the oven. Periodically, during hardening, you can sprinkle with a product with salt. After cooling, you need to make a metal leave. This procedure is very simple. It is necessary to put the workpiece into the oven, heated to 200 degrees and leave there for an hour and a half. To cool the knife should also be there. After that, the hardening process will be completed.

As you can see, building a knife at home is not so difficult.

Features of etching

To implement the procedure, you will need:

  • Blank knife.
  • The container in which the liquid will be poured. At the same time, the workpiece should be placed in this vessel.
  • Normal dining salt.
  • Nail polish (color does not matter completely).
  • The means with which women remove manicure with nails. It will be necessary in order to subsequently treat the knife.
  • Charger for mobile phone.

In principle, all this can be found at home. So the procedure will not be difficult and long. Note that the process itself passes quite violently. Therefore, choose a deep container.

It should be noted that this procedure Be sure to be held if you want to get a beautiful drawing on the knob.

Features of sharpening finished products

This process is very important and requires a certain skill. Otherwise, you just can spoil the workpiece or contribute to its breakdown, the appearance of irregularities on the blade. Black grinding should be done using the machine. It will save your time. However, do not overdo it.

Finishing should be made carefully. It is best for this to apply the usual grinding stone and carry out the entire procedure manually. After sharpening the blade is polished with special paste and felt.

What to make a knife, we looked at. But the procedure has a number of nuances that should be considered. Data below Tips will help you make a quality product that will really be used.

1. If small irregularities or burrs remained on the workpiece, then process it with the nap.

2. In order not to hurt during the installation of the handle, the blade should be wrapped.

3. During the selection of the material, try to pay attention to its evenness and the presence of microcracks. This can strongly affect the quality of the future product.

4. Blades descents need to withdraw very carefully.

5. If you decide to choose a tree for the handle, you can use a conventional parquet board.

6. Work on the manufacture of this product is quite noisy. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct it in the garage, and not in the apartment. In addition, it is necessary to wear work clothes.

Now you know how to make good knife At home. Good luck!

For each hunter, fisherman or tourist, a hunting knife is a tool of the first need, which will help to cope with any difficult task or the situation that grinds. Of course, you can easily buy it in the store, on the market or order at the local master. But it is unlikely to satisfy the requests of an experienced user. Yes, and the dubious quality of the serial product, most likely, will not allow to reveal and tin can, not to mention the solution of more serious tasks. Hunter knives handmade They are distinguished by high quality and look great, if you seriously approach the issue of their manufacture. However, both the product produced and developed by the personnel, the hunting knife can be a reason for pride.

Production of hunting knife

So, the only right solution in order to acquire a really high-quality accessory, it remains to make it with your own hands, which adapting it as much as possible to your requests. Hunting knives with their own hands to make not only a professional, but also a simple fan. To do this, it is enough to have a minimum set of tools. Moreover, it will not be much difficult to get detailed drawings of hunting knives. If necessary, they can be made independently, for this you do not need to have some kind of supernatural skills.

Making blades

How to make a hunting knife durable and at the same time beautiful? The first step in the manufacture of this cutting accessory is the search for the blade. It is not necessary to look for special steel for a hunting knife for this, especially since it is not so easy to get it. It is enough to find the finished blade, old or broken, and modify it. Refinement can be conclusted in changing its shape, pulling the handle, as adapted as possible, and the manufacture of the sheath. But still, if the steel for the hunting knife is found, then this blade will be the most durable and high-quality with a beautiful metal glitter.

Manufacturing of the handle

In the manufacture of handles can be used various materials. For example, a wooden or ebonite handle can be very comfortable, but very vulnerable to impact or other physical effects. There is such a knife to drop on a solid surface, as the handle that hour will split into pieces. The most durable knife handle may turn out if you pour it out of metal. Such a hunting knife will not be afraid of blows and falls, but even on a small frost, he simply says to his hand, not to mention big negative temperatures. Thus, accessories with very fragile or metal handles are not suitable for intensive use due to their impracticality.

Very often good hunting knives handmade from horns of some animals, but most often it is a deer horns or roe. Thanks uneven surface Horn, knife is well in hand, which makes it as convenient as possible in use. In addition, such material is very durable and, despite this, it is easy to succumb decorative processingThanks to which you can give a handle for some sophistication.

To get really durable hunting knives, the manufacture of handles should be started with the preparation of fiberglass, soaking it epoxy resin. For strength, this material is not inferior to the metal, but, unlike it, does not freeze and is very easy. Also for the manufacture of this element, the knife is suitable for textolit. This material is not subject to rotting, not a fuel and very durable. But when it is used to make a knife handle, it is necessary to use a solid piece. Gluing various elements or grinding of the handle from several component parts will lead to the loss of its strength and, as a result, the shortwand. In order not to rewor the knives of hunting with their own hands, you need to think over all the stages of the manufacture of the handle.

Knife handle manufacturer

Having a finished blade, you can begin to make handles on it. To do this, the plate must be sharpened on the sandpaper or file to give it the outlines of the future handle. Then, using pre-prepared thin bars from durable wood, it is necessary to fix them on the handle using epoxy resin or glue. Next, you can wind the glued bars with a cord, impregnated with epoxy resin, or use a colored cloth tape for this. Washing should be made with a maximum force so that air bubbles and epoxy bubbles come out.

To create an end of the fingers on the hunting knife, the same material should be used, but to wind up it in several layers. After the epoxy resin dry out a bit, its excess can be cut or removed with a file, giving the final outlines of the handle.

Smooth or embossed handle

If it is worth the task to make an absolutely smooth surface of the handle, then it should be tightly wrapped in the final stage. polyethylene film Or, well polish unevenness, and then polish them. If, on the contrary, the final version should be relief or rough, then the surface must be applied to the epoxy resin. river sand or another abrasive and leave the product to complete drying. When the resin completely freezes, the remains of excess abrasive should be removed from the surface.

If the knife plate of the knife is much less than the estimated handle, then it can be placed in a pre-prepared metal tube or a hollow handle. An existing cavity can be used to store the various necessary things, thus increasing the functionality of the product. For example, there you can put threads and needles or matches, but provided that the cavity is completely protected from moisture. It is impossible to know what situation you will suppose in the future.

Manufacture of Scabble

Sheaths like one of important elementswhich are equipped with good hunting knives, must meet certain functional requirements. The knife of them should not fall out, and being firmly fixed and at the same time easily and freely reach if necessary. The sheath must necessarily be collapsible, which makes them thoroughly clean. With intensive use of the knife, the residues of food will settle in the sheath, creating a medium for the development of microorganisms and harmful bacteria. Insecifications are allowed for collectors and connoisseurs of aesthetic beauty, and not for practitioners that use a hunting knife almost every day. After all, this is, first of all, a tool, a means for cutting, planing and performing other important functions.

Stages of the manufacture of scabbers

To proceed to the manufacture of the sheath, it is necessary to initially prepare a wooden cover for a knife. For this, the billet should be drilled and polished the cavity, strictly suitable for blades. From the same material, cut and the cover corresponding to the size of the first element should be cut. When comparing two parts, they must form a solid cover. In order for the sheaths did not differ in the stylistics from the hunting knife, they must be separated in exactly the same coating. After the finish is completed, in several places, it is best to bore the components between themselves with screws, best decorative.

Making a tripler

Sheaths hang on the belt using a special loop - a triple. For its manufacture, you can use leather flaps, thick lace or trimming a solid rope. The size of the triple must correspond to the width of the belt and freely be located on it. He is attached to inner side Scabble It can be glued with glue, epoxy resin or a screw is fixed. It does not matter much important, it is important that the sheaths are firmly fixed and not lost while driving. You should not make a triple very long, since the knife stands too low will create inconvenience. And too short tripler makes it difficult to remove the guns from the sheath.

Additional devices

For the greatest convenience and functionality on the sheath, sharpened sharpened for the knife. It is necessary with long-term use of the tool. You can also make small countersunk pockets for storing various trifles. You never know what can wait away away from home and civilization. You can still fix the signaling mirror on the sheath, pre-processing the cutting edges. Options for modifications depend on the characteristics and conditions of use of the hunting knife made with their own hands. But it is not necessary to dilute too much, since some devices can be at all useless.

In the manufacture of a knife for the first time, even using competently composed drawings and instructions, most likely, it will not be possible to avoid any shortcomings and disadvantages. But you should not stop there. Each next independently manufactured cutting helper will be better than the previous one in the functional plan and, taking into account all past flaws, will not be able to compare with the analogue of factory production. Hunting knives, the manufacture of which is extremely thought out and is not carried out in a hurry, must be qualitative and respond to all the requirements necessary to use these products.