What dreams of the birth of a dead girl. Give birth to a girl in a dream: what dreams replenishment in the family

Modern dreams To the question of what it means to give birth to a girl in a dream, they answer in any way. For more accurate interpretation Such a dream should be remembered which emotions it caused from the dreams. But most often give birth to a girl in a dream - this is in a joyful event in real life.

What predicts a dream

As a rule, such a dream is promoting a favorable event. Probably, in real life, help awaits you, perhaps material. It is important to take into account that moment do you remember the dream, from whom the girl was born. If so, it is likely that this person will help. Interpretation may be as follows:

Negative meaning

Nevertheless, such a dream has negative values. But only in cases where the dream itself was negative. For example:

  • To give birth to a dead girl - this is a disease or loneliness;
  • Dream that the ugly babe was born - expect unpleasant events in life;
  • If such a dream dreamed by a very young girl - it can talk about causing behavior in reality;
  • It dreams that a tiny baby was born - it is to problems in relationships with a loved one or close relatives;
  • In the dream, give birth to a girl with black hair - to betrayal;
  • Dreamed the birth of gallowed baby - it means you need to avoid a bowing, she will attract deception.

Interpretation in the dream

To figure out in more detail, what dreams of a girl will turn out for help to popular dreams.

What is still dreaming girl's birth

What else can a dream mean in which the girl was born? Here are some values:

In most cases, such a dream is still positive. He promises good news, positive emotions, success in affairs and positive results.

All that we experience in the life of what had to see and what to hear can return to us in dreams. If a woman dreamed that she had gave birth to a girl, it was quite capable of being a reflection of real events and a fate signal to solve correctly.

Dream Interpretation: Childbirth and Baby Girls Girls

The appearance of the baby is always a small miracle and great happiness. No wonder that many dreams together interpreting similar night dreams, especially the birth of a girl like good sign. And based on several fundamental circumstances.

  1. Who are you - a married woman, a young girl or a man.
  2. What time of day was in a dream when the birth of crumbs was hardened.
  3. You gave birth or someone else.
  4. You performed by a third-party observer, or took childbirth.
  5. What condition was the newborn.
  6. The appearance of the girl.
  7. How many kids were born in a dream.
  8. What did you do with a dream girl.

And the list is not final. So, becoming a member of such events during their stay in the country of Morpheus, try to recall the slightest details and details. It will help most accurately explain what promises the night "Cinema", which is worth expecting in real life different people And what to pay attention to.

What promises a dream of a married, unmarried woman

As already mentioned, the interpretation of sleep, in which the girl is born, depends on whether his woman sees in marriage, or unmarried girl.

As for the first, the birth of the girl can say:

  • about the willingness to adopt new life circumstances, the thirst for passionate feelings and joyful moments;
  • about the soon receipt of inheritance or some good news;
  • about the end of the "black stripe" in life and happy improvement of the situation;
  • about the possible and necessarily pleasant surprise.

In addition, when such a dream comes to a married lady, which already has adult children, it should be regarded as a return to the reality of passionate, as if at the very beginning of dating, a relationship with her husband. It is also likely that this is a certificate of communication with the sacrament of the shower reincarnation, and once you lived in another body and in other dimensions. Then you should reconsider your life and think about your destination in this world.

If we talk about the moments when the birth of the girl appears in Gresses with young and still lonely girl, they are stolen:

  • non-smooth fateful acquaintance, and maybe even the proposal of hands and hearts;
  • wonderful news, which is already on the threshold, capable of changing the best for the better;
  • possible profits after you finish some important and difficult thing.

Some dream books are not as optimistic and interpreted the situation when childbirth had a young lady, as a warning: It is necessary to take care that it is not for their own fault to heat an impeccable reputation. Especially in the case of childbirth in the water.

See in a dream stillborn baby

If in a dream I had to give birth to a girl, but it was dead, you will have to listen to your body: it is probably why the subconsciousness notifies that you are unhealthy. Especially if it dreamed that the cesarean section was performed.

Another interpretation option is a risk in real life not to meet a "my" person and stay alone.

Interpretizing the birth of a girl, a dream book in such a situation can begun and complete destruction of your long-hailed plans that demanded a lot of effort and money.

Kohl a dead girl will reincarnate in the ghost, get ready for, getting ready to survive a strip of serious bad luck and failures. And regardless of the fact that you are one hundred percent sure of your right. Disappointment will cover the wave, and this will have to come to humble and wait.

Gave birth to twin girls

The birth of twins The time of the centuries was considered a special gift of the gods. Nothing amazing that dreams also regard such a situation extremely favorable. What will the night vision prophesate, in which you were lucky to give birth girls twins?

  1. I will wait for several messages about any important event for you. But they will come from different sources, and each of them will voiced its own version.
  2. Such a dream offers to prepare for something unknown, but amazing and bright. And if the girls managed to produce, also beauties, you are waiting for a flurry of unforgettable impressions and emotions.
  3. There is a chance that you will mark and praise the manual. Maybe this is not limited to this, and there is an increase in position.
  4. When miniature twins are a warning about considerable difficulties that fall out to fight when achieving the intended. But it will be possible to achieve the desired one.

Thring in a dream

Even in the Kingdom of Morpheus, such an event can turn into a real test for human psyche. Most often, similar dreams are so bright and plausible, which is firmly and for a long time get stuck in memory. Kohl is such a reduction in a dream - three girls, dream interpreters tend to interpret this sign as positive. What promises the appearance of teen girls?

  1. Waiting for news is pretty, but tolerate is long. Soon you will receive them and you will be very happy.
  2. Get ready: it is quite acceptable that real life Fucking surprise. Very significant and no less pleasant.
  3. In a dream, you know exactly what the three boys gave birth to immediately. But the staff of the maternity hospital brought girls and assures that these are your newborn babes. Such a "trick" may mean that there is a chance to change its destiny for the better.
  4. All concerns that it will not come to bring to the end of some kind of discharged, it is possible to aide.
  5. For unmarried girl Such a vision is ambiguous. It can warn about the upcoming wedding and the future of wealth, but there will be no love in this marriage.
  6. In a dream, you see how girls are born, say, your girlfriend or, even an unfamiliar woman, be sure: all controversial questions, Delivering the troubles in reality, is successfully allowed.

Which foreshadows sleep during pregnancy

Women awaiting a child, often dreams of childbirth. There is nothing surprising in this. Nevertheless, you should not write off such dreams solely on the "interesting situation". Sometimes they are not only a reflection of real expectations, but also peculiar "video communications" from subconscious and space.

When a pregnant woman dreamed that she had given birth to a girl, it could say:

  • on the upcoming lungs and prosperous for women in labor and child of childbirth, after which the mother and child will be healthy and in excellent well-being;
  • about happiness, love and welfare, which will forever settle in the family;
  • that everything intended to be fully implemented;
  • the fact that all problems will be resolved to universal satisfaction, if there is severe childbirth that ended with a successful cesarean cross section.

There is another interesting nuance. Suppose that the future mother wanted to have a newborn to be a surprise, and during an ultrasound study asked not to mention who there. Right in a dream, she also does not know who appeared. So, most likely, she will have a daughter in reality.

Male dreamed that the wife, the girl gave birth to a girl

Not only the ladies dream of the birth of a child. There is nothing to be surprised: for many representatives of the strong half of humanity, it is even an extreme, but familiar situation, if not on their own experience, then by rumors and stories of buddies. Especially since it became taken to "give birth" married couple. What can say sleep on this topic?

  1. Favorite work will soon bring great success. And the continued prestige among colleagues will come with him.
  2. The more children go in the world of men's sleep, the most relevant life success. Whether a quick career growth is that unexpected profits.
  3. Observation of childbirth in a dream - evidence of the habit of achieving the desired, whatever it cost.
  4. Perhaps you planned a new project. So, just came the right moment to embody it into reality. It will be successfully implemented, bringing the profit, recognition and respect for business partners.
  5. Neither with his man in a dream gave birth himself? "There is no smoke without fire." Its extramarital intrigues will come to the surface, and the consequences will be unpredictable.
  6. There is another interpretation - he saw a creative man, with a mass interesting ideas. The dream should listen to her intuition: the doors of large prospects are widely open before him.

Other people's birth

It often happens that the main actors in dreams where children are born, third-party people become. We are watching the process from the side, or take birth.

These night visions can:

  • promise the implementation of the most intimate desires;
  • "Show" those whom you can trust as yourself;
  • testify that a woman who helps to give birth to a girl belongs to you as a native person;
  • mean exemption from some cargo on the heart;
  • to break the bright future of your daughter, since you dreamed that she gives birth to a girl;
  • wanted that any attempts to establish relationships with close relatives will crash if one of them dies from those who have seen in a dream.

But the grandmother who dreamed of a new mother's grandmother promises that hopelessly unreal business that you started and are already going to retreat, will end with your complete victory.

Dream interpretation online give birth to a girl

The birth of a child is always significant and expected in any family. What does the girl say - fortunately or loss? In itself, the new child carries the light into this world. His soul is not yet exterminated by suffering and flour, it is not known for cunning and cunning glimpses. The realities of the cruel world are not subject to its chute, and the vices did not have time to take possession of the mind. It does not matter whether a boy or a girl has failed to produce. The birth of children is always a harbinger of fateful change. Probably, the dream is waiting for a new life stage or the arrival of an extraordinary person. It is impossible to give an unambiguous interpretation similar dreams. It is necessary to remember the details, experienced emotions and feelings. Watch and psychologists will help to figure out what a joyful event is to dream.

External conditions

Starting to analyze this interesting incident, you should pay attention to the conditions that are spent in the real world. An important criterion It is a dream floor, as well as the time of year, in which you have become a hero of such sleep.

Who you are?

Optionally, such events visited only the representatives of the fine sex. There are no cases when you bring to give birth to children and even men. Pay attention to someone who dreams of birth.

  1. Woman. The heroine of such dreams are ready for new life circumstances and with great desire are waiting for passionate love and pleasant moments.
  2. Unmarried girl. This is a harbinger of good news. If there was also a boy's image in a dream, then a strong feeling will have to be experienced.
  3. Man. An unusual event for strong sex will bring success in professional activity And unprecedented authority. Also, interpretation indicates a lack of heat from the beloved woman.
  4. For a child to see the birth of a girl - to fleeting, but dizzying joy.

When did you comprehend the birth of a child?

What dreams to produce a baby? An important detail is the season in which you had the hero of such dreams.

  1. Winter. pay attention to own health And the well-being family members. Do not start the disease, otherwise it can go into a chronic form.
  2. Spring. If you happened to give birth to twins or a single boy and a girl, wait for a dizzying novel. But it is not particularly carried away, as the relationship will be short-term.
  3. Summer. Expect bright travel and family trips to previously unprecedented places.
  4. Fall. Interpretation of dreams speaks of a stagnant in life affairs. Try another tactics in life, let it be filled with new bright colors.

Such a dream can come to life after a long seven years later, provided that he was greeted from Saturday to Sunday.

What girl was dreaming?

Often, the details of sleep may seem unreal and fabulous, and the logical chain to trace is quite difficult. But you should not be subject to doubt, in the world of dreams everything is rather symbolic.

The appearance of the child

What a child looked

What dreams Chojo, similar to Angel? Or baby in scary injuries? Remember how it looked.

Beautiful. The kid of incredible beauty is the pride of any woman. So in a dream, she symbolizes about the Good West and Big Happiness.

It happens so that you had a chance to give birth to a child, and he was already framed by hair.

  • White hair. If you have a daughter, then she needs support. In turn, expect help from there, where did not wait.
  • Brunette will bring an unexpected meanness from the side of envious and intrigued.
  • What dreams of red chado? Spouse will give you a pleasant surprise.

Blue eyes will bring a journey filled with bright moments.

An important meaning is the fact that the clothes were Chado after the appearance of the light.

  • Without clothing. Naked baby is a harbinger of considerable expenses and spending.
  • Black robe. If the boy or the girl was wrapped in black fabric, wait for news carrying negative character.
  • White. Conversely, snow-white fabric speaks of pleasant surprises.

Number of children born

If you dreamed of twins

What amount did you get to give birth to a future mother? So, if she was lucky to produce twins, you will be celebrated about an important incident from different sides. However, each of the sources will have its own version.

But twins foreshadow something amazing and colorful. Boy size in a dream pretty big? Soon the leadership will praise you and noted as a competent and responsible employee. But twins thrust the troubles and disagreements with the spouse on the soil of life.

Dream Interpretation warns that the birth of a tiny baby will lead to difficulties in achieving goals. Improvered dimensions are harmonious success.

In what form did it appear?

It would be beautiful if the heroes of such dreams performed charming and healthy children. Unfortunately, it happens not always. These circumstances also have their interpretation.

What condition was she?

It does not matter whether the boyfriend or twin girls had to observe in a dream, it is worth paying special attention on their condition.

  1. Dead. Death means the collapse of the plans to which there were a lot of effort and funds spent.
  2. The ghost of a boy or female child talks about disappointment that will comprehend you regardless of how much you are confident in your right. Your life will be headed by a dark band and you will only have to repel her.
  3. Patient. Oddly enough, this is a favorable sign, especially when Gemini girls had the opportunity. What you dedicated so much time will soon begin to give the fruit.
  4. Pregnant. The extremely unusual picture of sleep is sulitis unexpected income, which will bring dual emotions.

What did?

What dreams baby, which makes any actions? It is extreme important factorwho needs to pay special attention.

  1. Crying Miller's prediction states that in the future you will find life paths that will be useful for you.
  2. Sleep. Call for caution and observation. Pay special attention to your daughter's behavior. Perhaps she should sort out himself, otherwise there is a threat to get into a bad company.
  3. Hugs. Confirmation that the spouse serves as the best support for you. Hugging twins or at least one boy or girls talk about support from children.
  4. Laughs. The outcome of such dreams is awkward situations. But in the case when the laughter was kind, without ridicule, then life would be the most favorable way, and all the alarms are in vain.

It is the erroneous opinion that such phenomena carry exclusively to know. It is in order to avoid common mistakes, not only to perceive the overall picture, but also to pay attention to the details.

Participate in a dream

Often we have to not only be an eyewitness of any events, but also take certain actions. Why dream of taking birth? Or give birth to the baby yourself, and after giving her a name? Let's analyze these details.

Take birth

Who gave birth

The pregnancy itself promises the rapid income and an increase in material well-being. But it often happens that close people become the heroes of such dreams, and we only take part.

So, if a girlfriend was present in a dream, then you should look closely to her. The likelihood is great that it uses your trust and courtesy, and will soon apply a decisive blow. Also be prepared for all sorts of gossip and unpleasant intrigues.

Miller's predictions say that if the sister had a chance to give birth to twins, he would soon surprise you with some kind of news or act. But the grandmother in the role of a newly minted mother guarantees success in those affairs where the winner seemed to be unreal.

What did you do with a girl in a dream?

What dreams of a baby that you gave birth to yourself? Would you like to give her temporary shelter or show love? This nuance also needs to be analyzed.

  1. Hold on hand. A sign that unprecedented perspectives will open in front of you. Look at the affairs that did not pay attention before. Probably, it is waiting for success.
  2. Bathe. Carefully clean the twins from dirt? In life, there is not enough diversity, since it is all scenario and calculated. Stop keeping everything under control and let some improvisation.
  3. Feed in a dream - to the gifts of fate. You will be filled with energy and creative ideas. Perhaps the hidden talents will be shown.
  4. Take the hairstyle. The harbinger of harm that you will uninstalize yourself.
  5. Hug. You will speak a defender of the rights and freedoms of unfamiliar people.

The most faithful way will tell you your own heart. Therefore, if danger and difficulties are expected, and intuition suggests the approach of good events, trust the inner voice.

Which surprises do not occur in the world of dreams - sometimes the diva is given, which you have to endure in this mysterious, incomprehensible and non-clear ocean of symbols, signs and visions.

We cannot subordinate our own control what happens in dreams. From this, they are only more interesting, although sometimes scare or surprised at no joke.

However, the more strange or bright Son. You have been gracious - the more attention should be paid to him. After all, memorable dreams are particularly important for decoding, and carry the most weighty, significant characters.

Survive in a dream the birth of a boy or a girl, or even give birth in a dream to the light twin - the test is not out of simple, and such dreams happen extremely rarely. They are incredibly significant, and childbirth, like pregnancy, on a lot of indicate a dream.

Having a child in a dream - may be a symbol of liberation, relief, permission of something. And also symbolize new life, or Birth to the light of new ideas or projects.

Much depends on the details of sleep - and even though they are not very large variety, it is still worth being careful. For instance:

  • You were pregnant in a dream.
  • You had contractions.
  • You gave birth in a dream.
  • Gave birth to the light in the dream of the son.
  • Gave birth to a girl.
  • Divorced twins.
  • Your childbirth in a dream was painful, heavy.
  • You have survived your own birth of your birth.
  • Take birth in a dream.
  • Died during childbirth.
  • It was easy to give birth in a dream.

Such dreams can not only be women who already know on their own experience, what pregnancy and the birth of a son or daughter, but also born, and even very young girls.

It is not surprising, in dreams, childbirth is only a symbol, and he is not associated with pregnancy, but means something abstract, but important. What exactly - tells the interpreter.

Become a mom ... in a dream!

To learn reliably, what to dream to give birth to a child, daughter or son, may be not easy, and the answer is not always unequivocal.

It should be borne in mind that if the woman is pregnant in reality or wants to give birth to a boy or a girl, then such dreams are more continuing her thoughts that are invariably firing in the subconscious. In this case, the predictor prediction may not have a real chance to come true.

In other cases, such dreams can talk about many.

1. If in the Gresses you were in an interesting position and soon gathered to give birth to a boy or a girl, the profit awaits you. You do not wear a new business or a project, or, if it is not the case now, then soon the idea will visit you - and its implementation will bring you very generous and desired fruits.

So take into account the ideas that you are visited - probably they are valuable, and they cannot be ignored. Need to embody!

2. If you had contractions in the dream, be very careful and take care of your own health - you risk snap. In a dream, pain from the prenatal fights indicates a weak and vulnerable state of your body - just such a period, it should be pulled out and refer to health very carefully.

3. Hanging a boy or a girl - this could be enjoyed and innocent, young individual. If this is about you, it is a warning and advice to behave very prudently, not to exercise frivolity and behave very modestly.

4. The process of childbirth in Gresses is a symbol of some positive changes in life. If you gave birth in your dream, even if the dream did not end the birth of a daughter or a son, and you woke up before that, childbirth themselves - a sign that you are waiting for a very good change in life.

You will get the desired getting rid of extra or unagreering, from unwanted circumstances, affairs or people, and your business will change in the most positive side.

5. According to the dream book, give birth to a charming boy, the long-awaited son - this is a sign that soon I will make a decision, and not easy - decide to take up a difficult and responsible business.

You intentionally and fully consciously take a rather difficult thing for your shoulders, but you do not in vain. And if you do not lower your hands, get very big advantage and success. Be prepared to work on conscience, do not be afraid of difficulties and hard work - it is worth it.

6. And here is curious, what dreams to give birth to a girl - a daughter. This means that you will have to take interest and creative case, pleasant, easy and profitable, or just joyful and useful. You will create and not only get joy from sales, but also give the benefit and joy to other people.

7. Do not be surprised if you gave birth to white light twin on the dream. This dream indicates your tendency to take at the same time for several cases, plan chaotically and receive an incomplete result everywhere.

You should be able to place priorities, to determine the important and most importantly, focus on one key task, and bring it to the desired result.

8. If it was difficult to give birth, the process in a dream was painful, heavy, it foreshadows you difficulties in affairs, but everything will end very well - do not be afraid of the obstacles. Be patient this period, it will end soon, and everything will be very good for you.

9. Survive your own birth on white light in the dream - amazing and rare sleep, very significant and deep. This is a sign that you get from the Universe in fact a second chance, you can start absolutely new life, with a clean sheet. Think well this, you have the rarest opportunity to change all your life for the better.

10. If you yourself accepted someone's childbirth in Gres, revealing you, obviously will be involved in a very significant and important event.Consider - this event may first seem to you not so important, but after you will understand how significant it is.

11. Do not be afraid if in a dream you died during the child's birth. This is a good, successful dream, he foreshadows you a lot of happiness in life.

12. If you give birth easily in the Greetings, I will have a clear masterfully shifting a heavy and difficult matter, at least partially, on other people's shoulders. And you sigh with great relief.

Having a dream - a rare phenomenon! And we can say that the dream is lucky and lucky if this happened to it.

This dream is sign, and it is worth a well to think about its meaning to which the interpreter indicates. Know, in any case, this is a good sign, and you should wait for the best life changes! Posted by: Vasilina Serov

The birth of a child symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in life, fateful changes. The newborn child has loosening feelings and a joyful smile. What dreams to give birth to a girl in a dream? For a woman, this dream promises happiness. However, the accuracy of the interpretation will depend on the set of details. Turn to K. famous dreams for help.

To decipher a dream, you must remember the following:

  • when, in what room a child appeared;
  • the appearance of the baby in the dream;
  • whether the generation process itself occurred in a dream;
  • who held the baby in his arms.

It is also important for understanding this dream image to consider the circumstances of the life of the dream:

  • whether a significant event has a significant event - admission to the university, planning a new business, moving to another city, etc.
  • whether pregnancy is planned in the near future;
  • whether a woman dreams to get pregnant at the moment.

If a woman dreams of a baby, sleep can reflect the daily dreams about this event. In this case, the interpretation of dreams will not help. However, if the girl appears in a dream regularly, it is worth passing a pregnancy test.

Sleep for married women

If the birth of babies saw a married lady, a dream foreshadows positive events in life:

  • unexpected profit;
  • obtaining inheritance;
  • successful in all in business.

If a woman saw in a dream childbirth of their own adult daughter, it foreshadows a bright future and complete well-being.

If a sleep sees a pregnant womanThe image foreshadows safeguard. However, it is not always that the girl may appear.

A good value is a dream in which the newborn the girl is completely similar to her mother. It foreshadows great happiness.

Giving a dream girl - what does it mean? In some cases sleep may impose self-realization in social sphere, career growth, good luck in business.

Feel the generation process in a dream, testing torment - to greatly fortunately, well-being in family life. Gifts in the water are promoted in the family.

If there were no birth in a dream, and you took a newborn daughter on hand - Soon you will get an unexpected pleasant news, a gift or a desire to fulfill.

Bad value has a dream in which baby was born dead or ugly: It foreshadows a gap with her husband, shock. If the girl was born very little, it expects loneliness ahead.


See the birth of the girl in own home - To a safe solving problems, successful coincidence.

Ring baby in office space - Abandoned project is unexpectedly implemented. You will receive support, things will go uphill. For female students, sleep foreshadows good luck, getting approval from teachers or dean.

Giving a girl in the maternity hospital - To surprise. In some cases, the dream may impose a real pregnancy, especially on Friday night.

Actions in a snow

An important value has the action that you produced with the baby:

  • bathing crumb - you have too much strength to control your loved ones;
  • feed the girl - to the gifts of fate, perhaps you will have hidden talents;
  • keep on hand - to new prospects in life;
  • hugging - you have to help someone else's people.

Sleep for unmarried girls

Many dreams interpret this dream to stained reputation by own fault. Very unpleasant events can occur in life - slander former guy, promulgation of intimate relationships and betrayal of the lover, abuse of the girl's body. Very bad see this dream on the eve of your own wedding.

Birth of a dead child Expecting extremely negative circumstances in life. It may be mental pain, unexpected stress, separation with a loved one, severe illness, or even an accident.

Sleep for men

If a man dreams that wife gave birth daughterSoon he will receive a joyful news. Lime will touch the well-being of the family, the opportunity to strengthen financial position. If a dream dreams on Friday night, he reflects the subconscious desire of a man to become a father.

What does it mean to give birth to a girl for a man? This dream tells about the feminine dream qualities - care, warmth of heart and love. Sometimes sleep can foreshadow a new one, in which the dreams will pamper chosen as his own daughter.

Dream Birthday Girls

Modern dream book Explain happiness, prosperity and well-being, family comfort and peace. Such dreams are often visited by women dreaming of the birth of a child. For young girls, the dream is unfavorable: the reputation will be spoiled.

Dream Vangu It prophesies pleasant troubles, as well as possible pregnancy married women. Sleeping with painful genus foreshadows overcoming the difficult-scale situation with a favorable outcome. Easy childbirth will take off to shutting up their problems on other people's shoulders. If the dream sees an adult woman, having a daughter, this image promises the revival of the old feelings to the spouse.

Dream of Freud. It claims that the vision foreshadows profit. If you have invested for forces in some reason, soon you will enjoy the fruits of our works. For lonely women, the dream promises a meeting with a man, prosperous relationships and joy.

Universal dream book Speaks about a unique chance of changing life. If childbirth happened indefinitely, your efforts will be noticed and approved, in matters awaits success. A bad value has a dream with a stillborn child: in reality you can seriously get sick or stay in complete loneliness.

Dream of the 21st century Predicts well-being in the family, if they dreamed of childbirth in flour. Birth of a girl in water promises profit, blue-eyed child foreshadows great happiness, a beautiful baby promises success. To see other people's childbirth in a dream - to the performance of the cherished dream.