How to glue styrofoam to styrofoam - pros and cons. The choice of adhesive solutions for the installation of expanded polystyrene and foam How to properly glue expanded polystyrene on the walls

Extruded polystyrene foam, in contrast to molded (foam), has a homogeneous structure and a smooth surface. Therefore, gluing it together or mounting it to the walls causes certain problems, due to low adhesion. To solve this problem, manufacturers of construction chemicals have come up with a special polyurethane foam adhesive foam. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with it in detail, as well as consider the technology of gluing extruded polystyrene foam.

What is glue-foam and how does it differ from assembly foam?

Foam glue is a one-component formulation that is sold in cans. In consistency and method of application, it resembles the well-known polyurethane foam- applied to the surface with a special gun. After some time, the composition slightly increases in volume and solidifies.

Since both materials are similar, many beginners are interested in the possibility of using polyurethane foam instead of glue, which is cheaper. It is possible to glue extrusion polystyrene or polystyrene foam. Plates fixed in this way will even be able to withstand some pull-off load. But it is not worth using polyurethane foam instead of glue for the following reasons:

  • The adhesive contains special additives that improve adhesion. Therefore, foam glue glues the plates several times more reliably.
  • Polyurethane foam increases greatly in volume. When installing a penoplex, such a quality is unacceptable.

Therefore, you should not try to save on glue when insulating houses with extruded polystyrene foam. All attempts to use polyurethane foam for these purposes over time lead to peeling of the insulation or other problems.

Properties and characteristics - why is the composition better than a liquid solution?

Polyurethane foam is the only adhesive for the installation of foam. It reliably adheres extruded polystyrene foam to any surface. Before the appearance of this composition, it was believed that this material was not suitable for adhesive installation. Truth, craftsmen they came up with technologies for gluing penoplex to the walls, but they had to install it only at their own peril and risk. Foam adhesive is recommended for the installation of this insulation by the manufacturers themselves, for this it was developed.

The possibility of reliable adhesion of foam is associated with the ability of liquid polyurethane foam to adhere well to any surfaces, including the smoothest ones. In addition, thanks to the additives, the composition has high technical characteristics:

The table shows that the adhesive foam has not only good adhesion, but also a number of other advantages, such as:

  • Low thermal conductivity - due to this quality, the composition is used to insulate the seams. Thus, you can get rid of not only cold bridges, but also glue the expanded polystyrene together. As a result, the likelihood of cracking in the plaster is reduced.
  • High speed of solidification - already two hours after the installation of the plates, you can proceed to the next stages of work - grouting and reinforcement.
  • Possibility to perform installation at negative temperatures... But not all types of glue have this property. Therefore, before buying a composition for the winter, carefully read the instructions.

Foam glue has other advantages:

  • Increases the speed of work - in contrast to the mixture on cement base, the foam does not need to be dissolved with water and brought to a homogeneous consistency with a mixer. It is applied simply and quickly. Therefore, the process of fixing the plates to the wall is performed five times faster than in the case of using a liquid solution.
  • It is lightweight - as a result, material transportation is simplified and the load on the foundation is reduced. If the slurry increases the weight of the board by ~ 3 kg, the foam has practically no effect on this indicator.

Therefore, it makes sense to use such glue not only for penoplex, but also for ordinary foam, especially if it is necessary to perform assembly work quickly. True, its great disadvantage is its high cost.

Foam can be used as an addition to liquid glue, for thermal insulation and gluing seams.

Application technology - how to properly glue penoplex?

To carry out the installation of extruded polystyrene foam using foam glue, you will need some Additional materials and tools:

  • front primer;
  • dowel-nails;
  • facade paint roller;
  • puncher;
  • hammer.

Before proceeding with the installation of insulation, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the walls... If there are peeling and crumbling areas of the plaster, it is imperative to get rid of them. V otherwise the plates will fall off along with old finish and no glue will help.

Next, the walls need to be cleaned of dirt and dust. They can be wiped with a damp cloth or even washed with a hose. But after that, they must be dried. The surface is then primed to improve adhesion and strengthen the wall. Apply the primer in a thin, even layer using a roller or brush. After the first layer has dried, they are primed again.

Now you can start gluing. A can of glue is prepared like this - shake thoroughly and screw a gun onto it. The composition is applied to the insulation along the perimeter with a continuous strip and in the center along the slab. Within ten minutes after applying the foam, it is necessary to attach the board to the wall, lightly press down and level it in all planes.

Already two hours after gluing, you can start installing the dowels. They are necessary for additional fixation insulation. To install a nail, you need to drill a hole through the slab and hammer the fasteners into it. The dowel caps should be slightly recessed. Each slab is fixed with at least five "umbrellas".

If the insulation is carried out in two layers, the second layer of plates is glued to the first in the same way. The only thing is that the insulation of the second layer should be positioned with an offset to overlap the seams of the first.

That's all there is to know about foam adhesive when installing extruded polystyrene foam. The main thing - do not forget that you can apply any glue, including polyurethane foam, only on clean surfaces. Therefore, prepare the walls well and wipe the slabs themselves if there is dust on them. Feel free to get to work, we wish you success!

Before figuring out what kind of glue to glue the foam, let's consider its properties. Polyfoam (expanded polystyrene) is a material obtained by foaming polymers. It consists of 98% gas, enclosed in microscopic cells with the finest walls.

Material in the form of slabs of various thicknesses is used to insulate the facades of houses, as well as for preliminary finishing ceilings, walls, floors, window slopes in living quarters, basements, loggias, balconies. It can be glued to foam concrete, brick, gas silicate, concrete, metal, plywood, wood, drywall, OSB boards.

The main characteristics and advantages of foam:

  • rigidity with low weight;
  • durability;
  • high thermal insulation properties at various temperatures;
  • moisture resistance;
  • protection of premises from wind during outdoor use;
  • resistance to temperature extremes - the foam does not change in size during the entire period of operation (does not shrink, does not dry out);
  • fire safety - the material does not burn (true for expanded polystyrene with fire retardants);
  • harmless to humans - expanded polystyrene does not emit toxic substances, you can work with it without personal protective equipment,
  • environmental friendliness - after the end of its service life, the material can be disposed of without harm to environment;
  • mold resistance;
  • ease of installation - it is easy to cut and fix it using available tools;
  • low price of plates.

Using expanded polystyrene instead of the listed materials saves free space, money and time required for installation work.

The disadvantages of foam include low mechanical strength(brittleness), inability to pass air, as well as a tendency to collapse under the influence paints and varnishes based on nitro lacquer, as well as various solvents and ultraviolet rays.

Fixing methods and types of glue

Understanding how to glue the foam to the wall, you should know that there are three main ways of fixing the material:

  • with glue;
  • using dowels;
  • with the simultaneous use of glue and dowels.

The first option is practiced more often with internal works ah, the third - at the outside. The fixing of thermal insulation boards only with the help of dowels is rarely carried out, since it does not provide the proper level of reliability. When insulating the roof, the foam can simply be embedded in the crate.

For gluing the foam, it is permissible to use various means. All of them can be conditionally divided into two groups - dry compositions and ready-made adhesives.

Dry products

If you have a question, how to glue the foam to concrete during facade thermal insulation works, it is worth opting for dry mixes. They contain cement, sand and polymer fillers. Well-known means - Ceresit CT 83, "T-Avangard-K", Armierungs-Gewebekleber.

With internal finishing works dry compositions based on gypsum are used. Their main purpose is drywall installation. Popular mixes are Knauf Perlfix, Volma.

To prepare the glue, the powder must be diluted with water according to the instructions. After drying, the mixture hardens, forming a strong rigid connection of the foam with the main surface.

Benefits of powdered products:

  • high degree of adhesion (adhesion), ensuring durable fixing of the foam to different surfaces- concrete, brick, cement, plaster;
  • resistance to temperature extremes and precipitation;
  • the ability to compensate for small irregularities in the base;
  • relatively low price.


  • time spent preparing the glue - it should be properly combined with water and mixed thoroughly, achieving a homogeneous consistency;
  • the need for additional inventory and tools - mixing containers, construction mixer;
  • release of cement or gypsum dust during work.

Ready adhesives

Solving the problem of how to quickly glue polystyrene, it is recommended to pay attention to ready-made adhesives... The main option is an aerosol product based on polyurethane foam in cylinders.

This kind of foam glue is very convenient to use. One cylinder is enough for fixing about 10 m 2 of slabs. The mixture hardens in an average of 30 minutes, providing a secure hold that is resistant to moisture and temperature changes. The only negative is the relatively high price. Popular products are Penosil, Titan Styro 753, Ceresit CT 84 Express.

Foam based on polyurethane foam can be used if there is a problem, how to glue the foam to foam, concrete, brick, cellular blocks, OSB panels... It is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

Other ready-made adhesives:

  1. Silicone sealant. It is advisable to use it if you need to fix small elements from thin foam on a flat surface.
  2. Universal construction polymer glue or "liquid nails" (Dragon, "Montage Moment"). It is indispensable in solving the problem of how to glue the foam to the metal. To improve adhesion, the surface should be cleaned from rust, paint and grease. In addition, using " liquid nails»It is convenient to fix the insulation to the ceiling.

Important: For fixing the foam, you cannot use products containing acetone, toluene or alcohol. These substances can disrupt the structure of the material.

Required tools

The set of tools and aids required for bonding the foam depends on the fixing agent used. In any case, you should prepare:

  • foam of the selected thickness, its amount should be equal to the area that must be pasted over plus 10% for waste;
  • a small spatula and rags to remove excess glue mass, if they are not removed, hard lumps will form;
  • a primer for treating the main surface to which the foam will be attached;
  • wide brush for priming;
  • a knife for cutting styrofoam.

If additional fixing of the plates with dowels is planned, then you need:

  • hammer drill with a 10 mm drill;
  • hammer;
  • special dowels, shaped like umbrellas (fungi).

When using a dry mix, the following are additionally required:

  • tap water;
  • plastic mixing container;
  • construction mixer (drill attachment);
  • comb-spatula for applying the composition to the foam.

If aerosol glue is used, then a special assembly gun into which the balloon is inserted.

Stages and features of work

Let's take a look at how to glue the styrofoam to the ceiling. Main steps:

When insulating walls, the foam is glued in the same way. Usually, the sheets start from one of the corners. Press the slabs to the wall after applying the glue using building regulation, align - by level. If additional fasteners are used, then it is necessary to wait until the glue is completely dry, and then drill holes and drive in the umbrella dowels.

Polyfoam - inexpensive and high quality thermal insulation material, which is used in household construction in residential and utility rooms. To fix it, dry compounds, aerosol adhesives and "liquid nails" are used. Powdered mixtures are cheaper, but ready-made products are more convenient to use. For outdoor work, the foam plates must be additionally secured with dowels.

Today the most popular and widely used insulation is polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam. And today we will figure out how to glue expanded polystyrene and what adhesive mixtures can be used for this?

This heat insulator is often used to insulate everything. basements, foundations, facades of residential buildings and warehouses, balconies, loggias, etc. The material is very easy to mount on the wall, ceiling, but before talking about it, let's figure out what the insulation itself is and its technical characteristics.

Advantages of Extruded Polystyrene Foam

Extruded foam is an insulation material that has very good thermal insulation properties... The material is often used for packaging various goods, thermal insulation of various residential and non-residential buildings.

More than 90% of its composition is air. Roughly speaking, it consists of many thin-walled balls of air, fastened together.

Polyfoam is not afraid of moisture, it is easy to process. And also it is resistant to various microorganisms and has a very small specific gravity, that is, it is very light and, when insulating the house, will not give an additional load on the foundation.

Benefits when using expanded polystyrene:

  1. You don't need to build a powerful heating system to heat your home.
  2. A significant reduction in money when performing thermal insulation at home.
  3. Significant savings in heating in winter and cooling in summer.

Expanded polystyrene can be glued to any surface, be it concrete, brick or wood, the main thing is to choose the right glue or mastic for these materials.

The composition of the adhesive mixture should include: bitumen (modified), various plasticizers, fillers and solvents. But among the huge variety of glue mixtures on the building materials market, many still have a question, how to glue extruded polystyrene foam?

What properties should glue and mastic have?

  1. Good adhesion (adhesion) of the adhesive.
  2. Ease of use.
  3. Reliability of gluing.
  4. The ability of the glue to work at low temperatures.

For correct and reliable installation of the foam, the board to be glued must also be dowelled. In other words, in addition to glue, you must also use it, which is hammered into the slab after it is glued to the wall.

Today, mastic is increasingly used for gluing extruded polystyrene foam. It works well when:

  • The foam must be glued to any surface.
  • They insulate the foundation, basement or basement of the house.
  • It is necessary to protect against corrosion metal constructions building.

Technology for gluing foam (extruded foam) to the wall

So we figured out how to glue (glue or mastic with the above properties), but we will consider the technology itself below:

  1. As always, work will begin with the preparation of our surface. First you need to remove everything that does not hold well, it may be old plaster, dye. Then we clean it of dust, dirt, stains, etc.
  2. For work, we choose a warm season, spring, summer, autumn. And, of course, it’s hard to work in the wind and rain. Therefore, we try to choose a time with favorable weather conditions.
  3. If we insulate a wall, then we mount a starting bar to hold the first rows of insulation. For vertical and horizontal surfaces, we prepare props and loads, respectively.
  4. The cleaned surface is primed to improve adhesion with adhesive mixtures.
  5. Apply the glue mixture to the boards with a notched trowel over the entire surface or so that the glue is applied to more than 50% of the insulation surface.
  6. We glue the insulation boards evenly to the surface so that in the future, the plaster will lay in an even layer.
  7. Do not forget to additionally fix the insulation sheets with front dowels.
  8. Since expanded polystyrene is still a flammable material, air circulation is necessary when working with it in closed rooms.

One more important point lies in the fact that the foam must be protected from the effects of ultraviolet radiation (sun) and other environmental influences. It can be done different ways, the most popular is to plaster the insulated surface.

Expanded polystyrene is a material for insulating the basement, floor, roofs and walls. It does not emit harmful vapors during operation, reliably protecting the home from cold and noise - this, as well as ease of use, determines the popularity of the material.

How to glue polystyrene foam and how to choose the right glue - the answers to these questions are below.

Application area

Extruded polystyrene foam is used to insulate walls outside and inside buildings. The material is attached with glue or frame structure, the second option is rarely used, since the arrangement of the frame increases the cost of thermal insulation. Insulation with a thickness of 2-5 cm is suitable for walls, we note that with an increase in the thickness of the insulation, its sound insulation qualities also improve.

When insulating the floor expanded polystyrene plates laid on a pillow made of expanded clay or other material with a low density, and poured with concrete from above. Such insulation protects from cold (first floor) and noise (unlucky with neighbors), but requires raising the floor level, which is not always acceptable in an apartment.

When insulating foundations, the thermal insulation is fixed with glue to the plinth and additionally fixed mounting brackets... The material protects the basement from the cold and inhibits the release of the concrete basement from the external environment.

On roofs, polystyrene foam is laid in front of a layer of bitumen outside or between the ribs of the rafters inside roofing cake... This applies to a private house; in apartments, thermal insulation is often used to insulate the outside of the ceiling of the upper floor apartments. In this case, from the side of the attic, insulation is laid (with or without glue) and concreted on top or covered with a layer of fixing material (expanded clay, gravel, crumb).

The choice of adhesive for expanded polystyrene

For fixing polystyrene foam, adhesives are used that are resistant to moisture and have high adhesion properties. We advise you to pay attention to the glue:

  • - Ceresit CT 83,
  • - Tytan Styro 753 GUN (Poland),
  • - Bergauf Isofix,
  • - TechnoNIKOL No. 500.

Ceresit CT 83

Ceresit CT 83 glue is suitable for fixing expanded polystyrene boards on the facade, as it withstands sub-zero temperature and has good adhesion to concrete, brick and plaster. After drying, the composition is vapor-permeable, and it is kneaded in plastic container with the help of a mixer. On the wall glue mixture applied with a thickness of 1-2 cm around the entire perimeter of the insulation, it is advisable to use a notched trowel.

Tytan Styro 753 GUN

Tytan Styro 753 GUN glue is available in cylinders similar to polyurethane foam packaging, the capacity of a cylinder is 750 ml. The adhesive has a polyurethane base and is suitable for indoor and outdoor use. The composition is applied to inner side slabs in strips, after which the material is applied to the wall and slightly pressed with a level during parallel alignment. One cylinder is enough for 10 m2 of insulation, and the high drying rate of the glue makes it possible to strengthen the thermal insulation with anchors already after 2 hours.

The glue perfectly fixes the polystyrene foam boards on:

  1. - Plaster,
  2. - concrete,
  3. - The tree,
  4. - Mastic,
  5. - Cement base,
  6. - Cured polyurethane.

When heated, the glue does not emit isocyanates and is resistant to fungus, mold and heat up to 90 degrees.

Bergauf ISOFIX

Bergauf ISOFIX adhesive mixture consists of cement binder, mineral filler, sand and modifying additives. It is used for external and internal work, the consumption of the mixture with a layer of 3 mm is 4-5.5 kg per m2 of insulation. The ready-made composition must be used within 90 minutes, and the glue plates are adjusted up to 25 minutes. The compressive strength of the adhesive after 28 days is 7.5 MPa, and the flexural strength is 3 MPa.

The composition is suitable for almost all substrates, including drywall, bag weight 25 kg.

Balloon glue TechnoNIKOL No. 500 in its characteristics practically does not differ from Tytan Styro 753 GUN, although it costs a little less.

Use extruded polystyrene foam for the intended purpose provided by the manufacturer and do not buy unknown but cheap adhesives for fixing it - this is a road to losses, and not a path to savings.


The process of attaching polystyrene foam to glue in the balcony is shown in the video, it will come in handy if you plan to do the installation of thermal insulation yourself.

How to glue polystyrene to concrete? Nowadays, foam is often used in construction. It is excellent thermal insulation, therefore it is used as a heater in various residential buildings and utility rooms.

The scheme of insulation of a concrete wall with polystyrene foam.

For thermal insulation of walls, a crate is made using foam plastic, but it is not always possible to install it. In addition, the installation of the battens requires additional labor, so the foam can be glued directly to concrete wall.

Different adhesives can act differently on expanded polystyrene, entering with it into different chemical reactions... Some adhesives can corrode and deform the material.

Expanded polystyrene has a low degree of adhesion, which means that only certain adhesives will be able to bind it to concrete.

It is not recommended to experimentally try these or those types of glue, since the expanded polystyrene can deteriorate as a result. And work on thermal insulation will have to start from the very beginning.

How to glue the styrofoam? There are various methods for bonding Styrofoam to concrete.

Attaching foam to concrete with glue

Materials and tools:

  • Styrofoam;
  • primer;
  • special polymer glue for foam;
  • drill;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • spatula with teeth.

You can attach the foam to concrete with glue, you do not need to apply glue to the entire surface.

First of all, perform preparatory work... To do this, you need to clean the base of the wall from dirt, dust, various stains. Existing contamination can reduce the adhesion of the adhesive mixture. Further, it is necessary to remove the fragile areas on the surface of the wall, or treat them with a primer.

If the surface has deep depressions, cracks, various irregularities, they are filled with a primer. The glue, which is intended for gluing foam plastic, is produced in the form of a dry mixture. She needs to be bred warm water, in this case, you must strictly follow the instructions on the package of the mixture.

When mixing, care must be taken so that no lumps remain. Mixing can be done with a drill with special nozzle... After making the glue from the mixture, you need to wait about five hours, and then stir the glue solution again. 2 hours after the last stirring, the glue can be used. The bonding of expanded polystyrene can be done in different ways.

If the wall has various deformations and irregularities up to 5 cm, glue is applied to the foam board in strips so that there are gaps between them, while excess air will come out from under the board. If the surface deformation is up to 1.5 cm, then the glue is applied in a strip, retreating 20 mm from the edges of the foam board. Dumb glue is applied in the middle, then, as in the first case, you need to leave small gaps between the glue strips so that an air lock does not turn out in the foam.

If concrete base has a deformation of up to 3 mm, then the glue is applied to the plate with a notched trowel. After that, the foam board is pressed against the wall. If excess glue comes out from under the stove, carefully remove it with a rag.

Expanded polystyrene does not absorb water, therefore, the glue must be used one that does not contain water, otherwise the moisture in the glue will not dry out and the boards will not stick.

Bonding with dowels

Materials and tools:

The insulation is fastened to the dowels in the center and corners.

  • expanded polystyrene plates;
  • sealant;
  • dowels.

Expanded polystyrene boards can be attached to a concrete wall using dowels. For this, the sheets are attached with dowels in the center and in the corners.

The dowel, located at the corner, fixes the places where the elements adhere to each other. The joints of the sheets must be sealed with a sealant.

This is necessary in order to improve insulation. When fixing to concrete on one sheet, three dowels must be used. First, the bottom row of expanded polystyrene is glued, thus creating a so-called starting profile. The rest of the sheets are attached to it.

A gap of 3 mm is left between adjacent polystyrene sheets. This is necessary to prevent deformation of the material with changes in humidity and temperatures. Fastening to concrete with dowels is the most inexpensive and in an easy way joining polystyrene foam to concrete. The installation process is simple and time-consuming.

Bonding foam with liquid nails

Materials and tools:

Liquid nails are applied pointwise to the foam, but at the same time they give a reliable connection.

  • expanded polystyrene plates;
  • liquid Nails;
  • protective gloves.

Gluing polystyrene foam to concrete with liquid nails is a much more durable method than using glue.

Liquid nails are a heat-resistant and moisture-resistant material that hardens even at high humidity.

It is not necessary to apply liquid nails to the entire surface of the slab, only a few points need to be made. Before starting work, you should study the instructions for using liquid nails. A certain type of adhesive is suitable for a particular material, for example concrete. Liquid nails contain toxic substances, therefore it is necessary to carry out the work in protective gloves.

If expanded polystyrene will be glued to the ceiling, then the curing time of the glue must be taken into account. A certain brand of adhesive has a characteristic setting time. It usually takes about half an hour. After applying the glue, you will need to press the board against the ceiling for 30 minutes. Before starting work, the surface of the ceiling or wall is cleaned of dirt and dried. After that, several points of liquid nails are applied to the foam sheet. Glue the sheet to the surface, pressing for a while.

Bonding foam to concrete with foam

Materials and tools:

The polystyrene foam is fireproof, it can be used to glue the foam even indoors.

  • expanded polystyrene plates;
  • foam for bonding polystyrene;
  • foam gun;
  • purifier.

Foam bonding foam is a special adhesive foam for application to expanded polystyrene. Gluing sheets of insulation and concrete with foam takes a little time, while the quality of adhesion is very high. This method is inexpensive, while tile joints can be glued.

There are two types of glue-foam: for foam blocks and for foam. Glue-foam for foam blocks has increased adhesive qualities, it can be used as a solution for laying. Foam for polystyrene sticks sheets inside the room, it is fireproof.

Smooth surfaces cannot be glued with foam, since the adhesive force is not so high. Foam can be used for styrofoam and other insulation materials.

It has a low cost and low adhesion ability. Foam and expanded polystyrene foam can be glued to concrete or wood using foam. To do this, you do not need to carry out a primer, it is enough to clean the surface from dirt and wet it for better adhesion.

The foam is applied to the wall or foam in a checkerboard pattern. Then you need to wait a little and glue the panels. Wait a certain amount of time so that the foam is better absorbed and better holds the surfaces together. Work can be done at room temperature.

It is advisable to install the foam quickly, without interruption, since the foam can harden in the gun. If excess foam forms at the joints, remove them with a cleaner. Styrofoam can be glued onto regular polyurethane foam. In this case, the operating time will increase.

When dry, the polyurethane foam increases in its volume, which leads to swelling of the foam and possible discrepancies in the seams. Therefore, it is better to use a special foam adhesive designed for foam plastic.

From different methods gluing polystyrene foam to concrete, you can choose the most suitable one in terms of quality, cost, time and volume of work.

When installing foam insulation on concrete surface need to follow strict technology production of work, then the insulation will be of high quality, strong, reliable and durable.