How to assemble a mixer in the bathroom. How to install the mixer in the bathroom? Installations Mixer Mixer for Bathroom

How to install a faucet in the bathroom? Solving the problem People often entrust the plumbing, considering that they are experts with a capital letter. However, this is not always the case. Moreover, the installation of the mixer will not be difficult even a newcomer. Just follow the rules written below, and the installation of the crane does not take a lot of time and does not "shake" your necrotic system.

Where to begin?

The mixer for the bathroom is a device designed to obtain a water flow of the desired temperature and volume and consisting of the following nodes:

  1. Body with crane or cartridge and switching the direction of water flow;
  2. Nizhny Spilly or "Hussak";
  3. Shower hose;
  4. Shower canoe;
  5. Eccentric Signs to attach crane to pipe wiring;
  6. Caid nuts and screws to attach the eccentric to the mixer (as a rule, they are supplied by the manufacturer assembly with the case);
  7. Set of rubber gaskets;
  8. Decorative pads for disguise joining.

When new crane Purchased, it remains only to proceed to its installation. For work, the following tools and materials will be required:

As a rule, the mixers are supplied in a partially assembled form, and the user remains only to attach it to the existing pipe eyeliner, to attach the spawn and the shower hose with watering.

Before installing the crane, think about whether you will not be useful to you in the future flowing water heater in the bathroom. More information about how to install a water heater, read . With the installation scheme of a shower cabin can be familiarized .

Preparation for installation

Installing the crane in the bathroom can occur for two reasons: in the case of replacing the existing mixer or in the case of installing a new device in a new place. The first option from the point of view of installation is somewhat easier due to the fact that after disconnecting the old crane, old eccentrics remain in the fittings of the tube lining. If these eccentrics have a good condition, it remains only to attach a new mixer to them.

It will be much more difficult to work on the installation of a crane in a new place, because in this case we are talking about the correct leash of water pipes in the wall. It is necessary to monitor that the horizontal distance between the fittings in the wall was 150 ± 5 mm. If the installation is carried out using plastic pipes, then for compliance with the right distance, you can recommend a double fitting, called the "binoculars", in which the intercentrons is clearly constructed. True, it will take a small deepening in the wall to drown this fitting into it.

To control the correctness of the horizontal installation, you need to use the construction level. It is also necessary to pay attention to the distance from the front edge of the fittings to the wall of the wall, taking into account the subsequent finishes (wood, tile, etc.). After all geometric parameters are observed, you need to launch the surface of the wall around the fittings.

Crane installation order

So, the pipe eyeliner is performed, and everything is ready to install a new mixer. Turn off the water and proceed.

Since when installing pipe supply to the mixer, it is extremely difficult to achieve an accurate interconnect distance to the mixer, the device, as a rule, includes threaded Scrights of an eccentric type, allowing to carry out installation, regardless of the quality of the sanitary ware at the previous stage.

First of all, you must screw in the fittings of the Eccentric. To twist, it is advisable to use the hex key of the corresponding size - the hole within the eccentrics is performed specifically for this tool. At the same time, it is necessary to provide measures to protect the joint from the flow, comprising compounding a fum-ribbon or any other seal (panel, sealant, etc.).

Modern sealing materials possess good plasticity, so when using them, you need to be guided by the proverb "Porridge butter will not spoil". Do not save on seals during installation - it reliably eliminates you from trouble in the process of operationin the form of "drops" in places of compounds.

If a dual fitting is not used for the tube liner, then connecting the eccentrics must be controlled by the intercentrose distance. Make it the easiest way, applying the housing of the mixer to the eccentric. In the event that the distance is valid correctly, the housing nuts should be free and without efforting to coolas on the eccentric.

Next, it remains only to fix the housing of the mixer on the pipes. To do this, using rubber gaskets from the mixer kit, insert them into interior Caulic nuts of the body and screw the latter on the threaded part of the eccentrics. Previously need to wear decorative liningdesigned to mask fittings and eccentrics. The initial tightening of the nuts is recommended to produce an effort and, just making sure that the mixer is installed correctly and smoothly, finally tighten them using a rechargeable or gas key. It should not be made great efforts to not damage the mixer body. After tightening nuts, decorative linings should be moved so as to provide a minimum gap between them and the wall.

To avoid damaging decorative coating Cape nuts are recommended to use the key with gummated working surfaces. If there is no such tool, then you can cut out of fine sheet rubber Inserts and use them as overlays on the sponge of the usual key.

Now you need to attach the scum. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of two glands on the end of the spout, which is inserted into the mixer body. The tightening is carried out with the help of a naughty nut, twist which, you need using only the power of the hands. Application of a key with gummed sponges only B is allowedextreme case.

It remains only to connect the shower hose and watering can. Rubber gaskets for this procedure must be included. At the same time, it is not recommended to use plumbing tools - the tightening of nuts should also be made only by the efforts of the hands.

Unfortunately, in water water There are various mechanical impurities (scale, etc.), which, falling inside the mechanisms of the crane, destroy them, significantly reducing the life of the mixer. To this not happen, it is recommended to install specialized filters on the supply pipelines, which must be periodically (at least 1 time per month) under the running water stream.

This article discusses the option to install the most common type of mixer forbathroom , However, currently in stores selling plumbing equipment are presented with cranes and other species. However, using the tips and recommendations set forth above, the user under the power can independently establish a crane of any type.

There are two options for solving the installation of the mixer in the bathroom - you can pay some money and cause have a good specialist Or attend happiness and do everything yourself. In the latter case, you will have to get acquainted with some theoretical knowledge that we will provide you in this article from the site site. Of it, you will learn not only how the installation of the mixer in the bathroom is performed correctly, but also learn this job competently, taking into account all the subtleties and nuances.

How to install the mixer in the bathroom with your own hands

Installing the mixer in the bathroom: work sequence

We will not climb into the debris of complex plumbing devices for mixing water - independently install such a product as an embedded mixer is quite difficult. Our goal is to teach you to install a simple and familiar wall. To easily perceive this inefficient information, we present the entire process of installing the mixer in the form of a small instruction.

  1. So what do we have? On the wall there are two releases water pipeswhich, as a rule, end in internal thread. If for some reason they are not internal, but an outer thread, then the first thing to be done is to establish special adapters (called "connecting couplings"). They are mounted just enough - on outdoor thread The pale is wound tight, after which the coupling is screwed and tightly tightened with a confusion key.
  2. Now that our exhaust pipes are equipped with internal thread, you can start installing the mixer. Unpack the box with a product and find a small bag with two shiny cups and take out two eccentric from it. You can find them on a thread - on the one hand, they have an outer thread Ø1 / 2 ", and on the other Ø3 / 4". At this stage, we are interested in the thread of a smaller diameter (1/2 ") - tightly wrap the pass on it (holding an eccentric in the left hand for the thread larger diameter, wrap clockwise) and screw one eccentric first, and then the second. Eccentrics need to be put so that they watched the bends up.

    Installing the mixer in the bathroom photo

  3. Now we get the mixer itself - at this stage of work, the installation of the mixer in the bathroom requires fittings of the eccentrics in accordance with the intercentrous distance of the mixer itself. It's just done. To begin, it is necessary to turn one of the macs of the mixer to the eccentric - or rather not even screw, but to put on the floor of the turnover and see how the second nut to another eccentric is suitable. If there are inconsistencies, then we take the horn key on 12 and, slowly turning the eccentric, we achieve its right position. Almost in most cases, both eccentric are better to rotate at once - the fact is that it is necessary to achieve not only the alignment between the precipitated nuts and the threads of the eccentrics, but also the horizontal position of the mixer.
  4. Have achieved? Remove the mixer and screw on the eccentric decorative cups. There should be no problems at all.

    Installing the mixer in the bathroom: instruction

  5. We establish a mixer using sealing pads - no package, FUM tapes and sealing threads under threads do not need to wink. If you correctly adjusted the eccentrics under the making nuts of the mixer, then the leaks will not arise, even if you tighten the nuts manually. It should also be understood that these most nuts can not be strongly tightened by the key - after it does not turn out to pull them anymore, it is enough to hold them to the floor of the turn. The result of excessive efforts can be cutting gaskets and bursting nuts - both cases can lead to leaks. In general, after the mixer is screwed from hand, it will be possible to turn on the water supply and already on the basis of whether the leak will arise or does not occur, it is necessary to pull up nuts or not.

    How to install the mixer in the bathroom with your own hands photo

  6. Making sure that the mixer securely holds water, and there are no leaks, you can move on and install onto the nose mixer. If, of course, it is not embedded in the mixer body. Solving the issue, how to install the mixer in the bathroom, at this stage may include the so-called "moon" to it (switch from the shower on the spout). She, like spout himself, is attached enough simply - you will need to gently twist all the same cape nuts. Sealing these compounds, as in the case of the mixer itself, is performed exclusively using the gaskets.
  7. Now it remains. It is also installed not difficult. The flexible hose and to the watering can, and the mixer itself is connected with all the same capes and rubber seals.
  8. The final stage of the installation of the mixer in the bathroom is the mount on the wall of the shower holder. Here without a perforator or shock drill can not do. The walls are drilled in the wall, plastic plugs are inserted into them, in which the self-tapping screws are tightened to hold the fastening of the watering can.

Installation of the mixer for the bathroom with your own hands photo

That's basically it. This is how the instructions for installing the mixer in the bathroom looks like. It remains only to deal with some subtleties, without the knowledge of which these works will turn into a daytime nightmare.

To imagine clearly, how to install the mixer in the bathroom, see the video.

How to install a mixer in the bathroom: subtlety and nuances of mounting

What else do you need to know in order to quickly and reliably perform an independent installation of the mixer in the bathroom?

  1. You need to be able to properly use the packs. Wreaty Len, you need to stick to some rules. First, it is necessary to wind through the tightening of the thread, secondly, tight, and, thirdly, the cone, the foundation of which is directed from the front edge of the thread. It is also necessary to ensure that the package does not wind up a twisted harness - it should be flushed and go to bed only in the grooves of the thread.
  2. If the installation of the mixer is performed simultaneously with the replacement of plumbing, it will be necessary to know the height of the installation of the mixer in the bathroom - as a rule, it is 150-200mm above the upper edge.

Subtlety installation of the mixer in the bathroom

Now you know how the mixer is installed in the bathroom. Finally, I just want to give a couple of tips relating to the selection of this Santhpribor. First, pay attention to the case material - high-quality mixer You can determine by weight (he is heavy). Secondly, it will not be superfluous to determine the material of the eccentrics - if they are silicon, then it is better not to put them, because such eccentrics rot. And, thirdly, do not forget about the reputation of the manufacturer - really durable and reliable mixers produce not so many companies.

From the author: Hello dear friends! Very often, people who are trying to independently make repairs in their apartment, make banal mistakes leading to what you have to hire special workers in order to fully fulfill one or another work. A lot of failures happen in people who do not know how to install the mixer in the bathroom.

It would seem, not such a hard task, but in production errors, it leads to failure of all repair work. One day, my neighbor decided to connect his own to the communications, did not want to even listen to my advice. I just wanted to convey to him the idea that after connecting the crane you need to check whether the water runs to the bottom of the bath. After putting on my opinion, he flooded the people who lived under him, so in the end made repairs and they have in the apartment.

Now I will tell you about the features of these works and some secrets that are not all knowing.

How to choose a mixer

Very often, the stumbling block in the works is exactly the moment of choosing equipment. And if S. building materials Everything is a bit simpler, then with those objects that should not only perform their original functions, but also in some way complement the interior, the situation is much more difficult.

Plumbing departments in construction hypermarkets are filled with the most diverse things, the purpose of which is absolutely incomprehensible. In the process of choosing a mixer, it is necessary to rely only on your desires and preferences. I will explain why. The pricing policy has huge borders, and you can find both cheap and externally expensive sample. As practice shows, there is no difference in them, except the country and the manufacturer. Believe me, domestic firms do no worse than overseas.

The choice should fall at that mixer, which, in your opinion, will be perfectly complemening the interior design of your bathroom and do not get out of the overall picture. Agree if you choose a sample performed in gothic stylewhich will have a black matte color, and install it on an ordinary - it will be colossable tasteless.

Also a large dilemma is the question of whether the crane should move or not. I will immediately say that those days when it was heading and in the washbasin, and in the bath, passed. Static, elegant and minimalistic subject - the best solution.

What should be in the box

Experience and communication with people who sell plumbing equipment, suggests that the package of any box needs to be checked in the presence of a seller-consultant, and before you make a purchase. The need for this is simple, as some stores wish to sell certain details in retail, in order to gain greater profits.

They deliberately get some objects from the packaging. We can't influence this on it, but you can be ready for additional purchases before you arrive home, you need to.

So, B. standard set The mixer for the bathroom includes:

  • directly crane. Remember that if he has any separation elements in the form of valves, their presence must be checked;
  • availability need quantity Gaskets. There must be a minimum of four. For what they need, I will tell a little later;
  • hose. Make sure it is durable, has no damage and explicit cracks. If possible, test;
  • eccentrics. These are metal adapters that allow connecting water supply pipes directly with the mixer. Uneven Ensentniki must be replaced immediately;
  • watering can or rain. Detail which spray water so you can take a shower normally. It must be a whole and pass the water through each of the holes. You also need to check the thread for integrity;
  • gates of hot and cold water. In fact, they can be immediately fastened, however, if not, then check their presence. If you allow the oversight of this item, you may have to buy the entire product again. Why? Purchased before the purchased mixer may not work because of the infallible configuration, and it is not easy to pick up the valves. As a result - new costs;
  • reflectors. These are small covers that close connections and eccentrics. They are an element of the decor, so see if they are scratching or dents, and also a thread.

Also, the packaging can contain additional parts in the form of decor, inserts or spare items, so it is not necessary to worry, if suddenly, after the end of work, you will still lie in front of you.

For right mounting You will need all the above items. IN otherwise Work will need to be suspended. We do not advise you to resort to help to help, since work with plumbing requires accuracy. If it is not performed at the required level, you will have to make repairs caused by leaks or flooding not only in your apartment, but also in the one that is under yours.

To make the soul as comfortable as possible, and the hot water was mixed with the cold, providing you with the optimal temperature in the temperature plan for swimming, a mixer is needed. The installation of the mixer can be carried out using a team of specialists, but you can do it with your own hands, as it is not such a difficult procedure.

Today we will tell you what is the installation of the mixer in the bath with your own hands, how to install the mixer correctly, you will read useful advice By installing this unit with your own hands and look at the learning video.

How to choose a mixer in the bath

Installing the mixer cannot be performed without prior acquisition of a new crane. It is necessary to take it extremely seriously, since the entire subsequent operation of the mixer depends on its quality, so do not save on the purchase of a bath crane.

Installation should not be performed on, otherwise it will not be a sense of work, it will not be very soon, everything can come into disrepair.

Before you start installing a mixer, its you should choose correctly. When buying, pay attention to the following:

  • Mass design, because the quality of the model directly depends on the weight. If the material is high quality and durable, it will not be light, since the thickness of the metal is a guarantee of quality.
  • Design material. Most often applies either brass or silumin. The latter refers to cheap and light, it consists of an aluminum and silicon alloy and is not sufficiently durable, sometimes the knob of the mixer from such a material may tear away or disappear. But the brass devices are more expensive, but also the nipper of alloys on them is higher, so the device will not break.
  • Technical specifications. If you change the mixer with your own hands, carefully examine its characteristics to match the placement in your bathroom.

Bathroom mixer height

There is a recommendation that states that optimal height The mixer in relation to the bath is 20 centimeters. But this is all conditionally and the real height may differ slightly from this indicator. taking into account such advice By installing the mixer:

Sequence of installation of the mixer

Before installing a new mixer, you should first remove the old one. For this and subsequent work, you will use such tools:

  • hexagons:
  • large passatats;
  • shreddling cross and flat;
  • keys gas and horn;
  • adjustable keys;
  • Foney tape.

How to remove the old mixer with your own hands

Save the bath from the old crane yourself will not be a challenge, but before doing it, do not forget overlap water supply.

It is necessary not only to overlap the main highway, but also hot waterwhich in some apartments and houses are served by gas column or boiler. The replacement is made in the bathroom itself, where the walls are covered with tiles from the tile.

First lower the water from the crane and then from the wall unscrew itBut very carefully not to damage the carving on the fitting that are on the wall itself. If it is damaged, then you have to do overhaul Indoor with the aim of changing the fitting.

After you remove the old crane, neatly clean the fitting in the wallTo remove the residues of the paint and the old winding.

How to collect collapsible design with your own hands

Most mixers are sold in a collapsible form, so before installing, they should be collected. When purchasing a design, please note that all its details are present in the box:

  • shower Heads;
  • gander;
  • shower hose;
  • main unit;
  • plafones are decorative;
  • rubber gaskets;
  • eccentrics.

Each item must be packed separately according to small bags - fabric or cellophane. Also be sure to check the quality of fastening eccentrics, in particular, for the integrity of their threads.

To assemble the design, attach to the main unit Gusak, as well as a hose with a watering can, such a job should not cause difficulties. However, when assembling, do not apply keys and do not pull up nuts.

Stages of installation of the mixer in the bathroom

When the model is collected, you can start it. It includes such steps:

How to install a mixer to a new wall

Above, we considered the case of installing the mixer, subject to dismantling the old design, and now let's look at the installation process in a new home or other room, where such a design is installed for the first time.

So, you need to change the pipes, fade the walls with a tile, as well as install fittings. To do this, you need make simple calculations:

  1. Make the distance between the fittings centers, which is 150 mm.
  2. Centers must be on one parallel.
  3. The extreme point should be flush with the wall.
  4. Fittings are located at one level, and their height should be acceptable to install the design.

Fittings are installed Only after layout plumbing pipes And there is a plasterboard doom or lighthouses for plaster.

If you apply drywall, the fitting solder must be completed in such a way that it goes beside the root of about 25 mm, and the exit place should be toughly fixed using profiles or assembly brackets.

Subject to planning plaster on the walls, the protrusion should be calculated depending on the distance ranging from the lighthouse and to the tiled plane adjacent to the wall. As a rule, the height of the protrusion is about 17 mm.

The subsequent installation of the mixer is not different from the case with the dismantling of the old design and the use of the old fitting.

As mentioned earlier, when performing this work it is impossible to rush the eventsotherwise you risk having serious problems with finished design After running it to work.

Therefore, do not forget that the eccentrics first spinned without a seal, and only then, when you checked the correctness of your actions, they are established in the working condition.

Before proceeding with the work, do not forget to cover the bath and washbasin with washing with the help of rags, tape, film or corrugated cardboard. It is necessary then to plumbing was protected From chips, falling design and heavy accessories. Do not allow the mixer to be replaced by a bath replacement.

As you can see, put on your own mixer in the bathroom is not so difficult if you perform at the same time all requirements and recommendations. If everything is done correctly, it will last you for a long time and you will not have problems during its operation.

Overhaul of the bathroom necessarily includes the installation of a new mixer. Having understood how to install the mixer with your own hands, you can save a substantial amount on the services of Plumbing. The order will have a number of differences depending on whether to install equipment from scratch or replace the old device.

Demonstration Guide

If plumbing has already been installed in your bathroom, before, just purchased in the store, you will need to get rid of the old device. To do this, turn off the water supply by turning the corresponding valves, and then open the cranes to reset the pressure in the pipeline.

Sometimes it happens (especially often in old houses) that the input valves rust and not completely overlap the water supply (it goes with a thin jet or dripping). In this case, you will need to do as follows: if you fail to completely overlap cold water, Open any Cold Water Crane (usually open a crane that feeds water into the toilet) located below the outlets of the mixer. As a result, water will go through the bottom crane, and you can safely begin to dismantle and install the mixer in the bathroom.

If you lose the water on such a scheme, you will not have to go to the hob or other managing company And write a statement with a request to completely turn off the risers of water at the time of work. Be prepared for the fact that this service will have to pay separately.

Check out the absence of water again. If it does not flow, take the key and take turns to unscrew the nut, with which the mixer is attached to the water supply system. When unscrewed the key should be rotated counterclockwise.

Remove the old mixer and look into the supply pipes. Quite often, an additional filter is installed before entering the crane. After a certain time of operation, this filter is contaminated with rust, scale and other elements, which significantly reduces bandwidth. Carefully delete all foreign ones.

After that, you can start setting new plumbing. However, before installing the mixer, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of rules and requirements. They will help you fulfill all necessary workAnd the installed product will serve for a long time without failures and complaints.

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Theoretical knowledge

In most cases, the bathrooms already have the output of end fittings with internal thread for. In the event that you will be engaged in your own handwritten highways, consider the following important points:

  1. The axis of hot and cold water fittings must be installed at a distance of 15 cm from each other.
  2. Hot water is supplied to the left, and the cold - right.
  3. It is convenient to use the mixer installed at a height of 15-20 cm from the bath and 60-80 from the floor level. Therefore, it is best to just.
  4. Drink the entrance fittings into the wall. It must be done in such a way that when laying a tile on the wall, the ends of the fittings were flush with facial side ceramic tile. Thanks to this you can hide the locations of the plumbing device for decorative cups.

For wiring water pipes, it is best to use plastic pipes. They are cheaper and more practical than steel and cast-iron products, and even a person without experience can cope with the welding of such pipes.

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Step-by-step instruction

Prepare installation tools:

  • gas and adjustable keys;
  • Fuma tape (can be replaced by ordinary palauls or linen thread);
  • set of hex keys;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver Set;
  • horn keys.

Often when the device input fittings, it is almost impossible to withstand the distance between them, equal to 150 mm. In the event that you allowed a small error, then nothing terrible. Especially for this complete with a plumbing device are transitional eccentrics.

Take the sealing sealing material and make it on the carving of the eccentrics, and then screw them into the input fittings of the water pipeline. Rotate the eccentrics to obtain a distance equal to or as close as possible to 150 mm. Check the horizontal installation of the construction level.

Pre-screw the housing of the new mixer and make sure it is horizontal. Check how the precipitated fastening nuts are tighted. They should easily sprawl from the hand to the whole threads of the nut. If this happens quite tight, you will need to perform a subtle adjustment by small turning of the eccentric, achieving this unimpeded twisting. After that, it will be necessary to wind the decorative cups that will hide the place of connecting your new mixer to the highway.

Insert the sealing gaskets and install the body of the product in place. Take the key and pull the fastening nuts. Under the sponge of the key, be sure to put a piece of mild matter so as not to spoil the coating of nuts and general form Products.

No need to tighten the nuts too much. The connection is perfectly constructed through the gasket, and there will be no leakage.

Just in case, you can submit pressure to the highway and make sure the absence of leaks. In the event of its presence, you need to additionally tighten the nuts until the leakage is completely eliminated.

Next you will need to install the hussak. Put the nut and through a piece of fabric tighten it with the key. Insert the gasket and screw the wandel hose to the main case. Insert another gasket, only now for connecting watering can with a hose. Make the position and place of mounting the holder of the watering can.

Next you will need to drill holes for fastening elements and secure the bracket on the wall of the leak holder. After that process independent installation The mixer in the bathroom can be considered completed. Finally, you will need to open lock valves, make sure that the mixer's normal performance and check the tightness of the compounds.