How to make an anatomical chair. Plastic Bottle Chair

You can buy in modern stores any things. A little fantasy, mouse and keyboard with internet access, how to get on your computer great amount Proposals from social networks and online stores. It also happens that the financial situation is not the most prosperous, and buying in online stores belong to elements of luxury. And sometimes just want to do something own hands, they are squeezed. Here and it turned out small selection Examples of how can you make some furniture.

Chair bag do it yourself

In the first example, we will see the manufacture of frameless furniture, the most popular today in the stores is the chair bag. The photo of the chair is presented below.

The costs of materials for one chairs are 40 US dollars. This includes: polystyrene balls (filler), internal case, outdoor case.

First, the inner case is sewn and filled with foam balls, then external. Then simply insert the inner case in the external and it turns out the finished chair bag.

The most difficult to collect balls into the bag, they are trying to jump out of it, had to use the vacuum cleaner. it brief instructions How to make an armchair bag with your own hands.

Home chair do it yourself

Now consider the manufacture with your own hands of an ordinary home chair. Photos, unfortunately, it turned out quite a little, there was no time to take pictures. The main stages managed to fix in a timely manner, switching from the tedious workflow.

I wanted to get the usual chair, and not just some kind of incomprehensible fry. So that it is strong and stable, like store options. I had to look at the internet views and drawings of the chairs to properly collect your design. You also suggest to immediately see the photos of the process of assembling the chair.

At the first stage, the framework of the framework for the future armchair in the form of a semicircle is manufactured. Used chipboard with a timber. The base of the chair entered the thickness of 10 centimeters. This will just be enough for mounting the walls. And the vertical racks have the same end function.

For the back, organic was perfectly approached, and for the front wall - plywood. All the bends and the outlines of the future armchair discharged from the remaining wallpaper. For the foundation used children's wooden cubes.

At the next stage, I began to glue a cardboard to fill inner space. In the process of work I had to change even the glue, initially the selected PVA did not come up. The walls were swelling and became like a wafer, the glue was replaced with ordinary carpentry glue. It turned out to be most the best choice Of the suggested. There was even the idea of \u200b\u200bthe rocking chairs with their own hands, but I am implemented a little later.

Looking at the photo, you can immediately understand how the finished walls were obtained. For alignment, we used a conventional knife, the material easily cuts out and led deformation.

At the next stage, working with glue with torque and foam rubber, we put the entire surface with a layer of foam rubber, do not leave any propellers and unlocked places. On the monotonous surface it is necessary to sew a case.

Well, we reached the final stage when we stretch the cover and get a beautiful finished chair. The product was very difficult, but the children will be completely safe, can be attributed to the pros. As for the tissue used, it was not bought anywhere else. The existing houses of Loskutka and residues from sewing were used.

We wanted to get temporary furniture, no one planned to make a chair for a century. Sitter on the armrests, despite the good tack with glue, will get off with time. If you say a little about the design of the chair, it turned out simply unnecessary.

Plastic Bottle Chair

That just do not make people from plastic bottles. And rafts in their youth, and bird feeders in children's garden. This material has excellent maks for creativity.

Plastic bottles are a real find, in the usual life of them, tramples, scoops, curtains and buckets are made. They are used for the design of the flower, lay them out instead of pipes, make a suspension chair.

We wanted to try to make a chair from the bottles, why not? At first, it all started with a huge enthusiasm to collect bottles, and then everyone understood everyone together that they simply nowhere to store in such quantities on a small home area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

At the initial storage stage immediately it became clear that the necks were not needed at the bottles, more precisely half of the bottles. We decided to lay their blocks of two bottles, cutting off neatly throat and bonding 2 pieces with each other. One cut off the neck, turned over and inserted into the second bottle. Of course, a tree chair looks much more attractive and solid.

To complete the manufacture of the chair, it was necessary to collect about 90 bottles, fastened them between themselves on the tape, and from above covered with a stretch film. To tell about the entire process of assembling the chair will not work, at the time of writing the article, the chair was in the finished form.

You can briefly say that you should not regret the attachment of the scotch bottles, because When assembling, they can simply disperse, you will have to spend a lot of time to convert the design. In this regard, I had to resort to the stretch film and modify the chair to the final stage.

Photo seats do it yourself

Joiner's lovers always go to upholstered furniture with caution, and prefer to buy finished sets sofas and armchairs, complementing them in style with tables and cabinets own manufacture. There is a reason for this: firstly, for this it is necessary to master the adjacent disciplines, such as cutting and sewing or knitting, secondly, take care not only about the strength and appearance of the product, but also about the convenience of seating or lying on it.

But, an attempt is not torture, for samples you can make a modest joineryusing simple method Faulo upholstery or finished furniture pillows. Making Chairs can become an exciting team hobby, friends or family members who have different applied skills will be able to combine their talents and connect at different stages of creation soft furniture. It will open a large scope for design solutions and material selection.

Classic chair

The manufacture of this small size of the chair consists of two main stages.

Preparation of details and assembly of the frame

Especially thoroughly needed to work on the rear legs, to obtain the curved form of which it is necessary to use the finished pattern and the jigsaw. The vertical part of the back and the rear support for seating is attached to the back legs.

The front legs have a square cross section and can be made of glued rectangular bars. Their ends should also be narrowed by electric jigsika. Mounts are made by self-drawers, for which it is necessary to drill in advance holes with a diameter of less than one third.

A carbon black is applied to the surface of the compounds. The seating crossbars are fixed in the corners due to additional parts, with edges cut under 45 degrees. For seating, you can use Fane or Furniture tapes.

On the last stage The assemblies are mounted armrests and curly ears of the back. Dimensions of parts can be taken from the finished drawings, or remove the pattern from old disassembled chairs.


The back and the inner part of the armrests are glued to the textile furniture ribbon. The seat is covered with foam rubber layers, syntheps and cloth, which in size should be more than 4-5 cm, due to which they will bend in front of the front and secure at the bottom of the seating.

Then the upholstery of armrests and backs are being done. To obtain a rounded form, special plots are made, after fixing the extra pieces of foam rubber and the synthet board are neatly trimmed. For mastering the furniture upholstery skills, you have to show patience, and use the video lessons.

Grid seat with inclined seat

For the manufacture of the lattice design, the bar is needed with a cross section 2.8, which is cut to the planks of the same length 50-60 cm depending on the selected product dimensions.

Billets should have a perfectly smooth surface, you must also try to accurately accumulate places for their mounting on the rack.

For the manufacture of carrier design - sidewall, a plywood is used with a thickness of 3 cm, from which the chair is cut on the lecture. Then these two sanded parts are connected to each other bases, which are called the kings: downstairs, at the top and at the level of support for seats.

Then, on this design, they need to consolidate the harvested bars with a 2.5 cm interval. Edges rounded. The photo shows a few different models Chairs from bars made independently using this technology.

Country chairs

Such wood chairs are more simplified classic option. Assembly scheme wooden carcass fundamentally the same but wooden details The simplest armrests and smooth legs on the principle of the children's designer are made from bars.

Special attention requires the processing of the end parts of the furniture, which will be on open air. After careful surface grinding, it is processed by a hot oil and covered with 3 layers of varnish. Softness dual chair Removable pillows give.

Suspended chair hammock

For the manufacture of this required attribute Recreation by modern Dacha You need to know how to knit in the technique of Macrame.

Main materials:

  • two hoops, small for seating with a diameter of 70 cm, and large for the back - 110 cm, which can be made of water supply metal pipes. To secure the connection, you can use plastics or wooden inserts which are placed inside the pipe and are attached screws;
  • cord for weaving, can be made of polyamide with a polypropropylene core, nodes of which are easily fixed, not stretched and do not slide.
  • fasteners, wooden rods.

In the first stage, the entire circle of the hoop is covered with uniform turns of the cord, then the inner space of the seating is tested with a mesh of a double cord made in one of their technician Macrame.

The seat and the back are fixed with two wooden rods, which are fixed using propyl, in front of the seat and sketch backs are connected by winding and two thick cords.

Another convenient option for giving can be a suspended chair, which can be made with your own tissue hands. For the base, you need one hoop with a diameter of 90 cm.

For the cover, a 3-meter cut of a tissue is taken, which is divided into two identical square with a side of one and a half meters. Then the circles are cut and sews a double case with an allowance. The groove for the hoop is strengthened with a ribbon of syntheps, then holes are cut to fastening the stamp.

The following ideas are suitable for sewing and knitting lovers who want to apply their skills in the manufacture of furniture.

Chair pillow

The first such chair is better to sew with your own hands, taking advantage of ready patterns In the form of pears or ball, strictly adhering to the specified sizes, and only then you can improvise with silhouette and dimensions. You will need - a bag of foam balls, cloth and zipper zippers for internal and external covers and sewing machine.

Sews for strength are made double, when filled, a plastic or cardboard tube is used, which helps not scatter from the electrical crumb of foam.

You can improvise and with forms, and with color of such chairs. With this technology, if you bring work to the end, it cannot be marriage. Failed specimens can become original pillows For children's games.

Chair from bottles

This is the simplest know-how, which does not require any special skills, quite desire to do something with their own hands.

For collecting need quantity Material need a certain time. It will be necessary to collect the same two-liter plastic bottles, clean them and make the blanks, cutting off the upper part and inserting pairs to each other. Then the blocks are prepared different sizes For seating, armrests and backs, bonded by scotch.

The chair is going to B. classic style, rectangular blocks of various dimensions for seating, backrest and two armrests. After the assembly, it is necessary to wind all the product with plastic stretch film, and then arrange it with styled pillows or sew a case.

Frameless chair-bed of foam rubber

In order to make such a chair with their own hands, you need to be inserted into the instruction especially in the part, where it is explained how to fix ready-made blocks.

It is worth it to catch the essence, and it consists in a special method of sewing covers on the edges of each other, you can easily collect soft folding designs - corners, chairs and sofas of any size. Will need to learn also right calculations When cutting the foam rubber and pattern of covers.

Photo of the chair do it yourself

Frameless furniture on russian markets It appeared quite recently. But thanks to numerous advantages, she quickly became popular. But the price of such a novelty is often too high.

In the meantime, make a soft chair with your own hands is completely simple. Such work will not take you a lot of time. And to sewing and decorating such original decoration Your room can be attracted to children.

Preparatory stages

Before you start doing, prepare detailed drawing. If you carefully not calculate all the necessary sizes, then you can get at all the result that was calculated.

The easiest way to make a soft armchair in the form of a pear or ordinary bag.

Figure 1. Example drawing of a simple shape chair.

But it is possible to give it the shape of a pyramid or, for example, a cube. Often for children's rooms make dumps in the form of a drop or a funny animal, for example, a dragon.

An example of the drawing of the chair is quite simple form is shown in Fig. 1. Naturally, you can change the size of your sizes in your own.

Next, you should choose a cloth. You will need two types of matter. For the inner case, acquire a fairly thick tissue with a thick weaving. Otherwise, filler balls can over time to get out of the bag. Satin is well suited for this purpose, a coarse calico, a fabric designed to tailor on black people.

But the external cover can be sewed from any material. In any interior will look good denim tissue, artificial leather, Fur or furniture velor. The color of the material depends only on your taste, preferences and appearance of the room.

In order to be needed to buy a special filler. Usually, frameless furniture is stuffed with polystyrene foam. It can be purchased in stores selling products for repairing furniture.

Be careful when buying this product remotely (for example, by directory or via the Internet). This filler is very light and volumetric. For the carriage of 10 kg of "balls" you will need a cargo Gazelle, because in the usual a car He does not fit. Buying a filler, pay attention not for weight, but on the volume of packaging. For sewing soft chairs Need a bag of 200-250 liters.

If desired, polystyrene can be replaced foam crumb. It can be obtained if you turn out, for example, decorative tileused to finish the ceiling.

Some experts advise to fill the frameless furniture with a hay or buckwheat husk. But using natural materialsRemember that they should be changed approximately 1 time in 5-6 months. Fillers of plant origin are well absorbed by moisture, because of which mold mushrooms can start. In addition, such materials are quickly pressed, and the soft chair will lose its volume and elasticity.

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Tailoring of the frameless option

In order to make a soft chair indicated on the drawing of the sizes, you will need the following materials:

  • fabric for the inner case (with a width of 150 cm) - 3 m;
  • fabric for an external cover (with a width of 150 cm) - 3 m;
  • zipper, long 22 cm;
  • sewing threads;
  • materials for decorating (Kant, Tips, Ribbons, Beaks).

Start working with the cutting of all necessary parts. Do not forget to leave the allowances for the seams! They must be 1.5-3 cm.

First you need to prepare pant for all elements of a soft chair. They are usually made of paper or polyethylene film (If you want to make patterns intended for reusable). When creating global allowances not need to be considered.

The finished patterns are imposed on pour park Fabrics and drive around the contector with chalk or a piece of soap. Between the parts of the patterns leave space equal to allowances. If you provide the same allowance for all parts, then items can not be placed separately. It is enough to fold the fabric into several layers and circle the pattern 1 time.

Tailoring should be started with the manufacture of an internal cover. "Petals" in turn are sewn. Then the sidewalls of long details are sewn. In one seam, it is necessary to leave a hole for packing. The last detail is sewn.

Next make a case. It is done in the same way, only in one of the seams insert zipper. For this, the seams are shot at the bottom, for a length of 3-5 cm. Then they make a pass equal to the length of the zipper, and drain to the end. Details stitched in this way turn on the front side, and the allowances under the clasp bend and start. Lightning is leaning under the blank from the inside and rushes into the allowances of the pins. First pave a line on the one hand, trying to arrange it as close as possible to the toads (usually special foots are used for sewing machines), then on the other. Finish the processing of fasteners with double seams at the beginning and end of the lightning.

An additional decor will make the chair in a unique detail of your room. It can be decorated with embroidery, appliqués, decorative braid. This finish depends only on your personal taste.

Get comfortable. On a cult chair. And contemplate the beauty of nature. The Ariardak chair is a symbol of luxurious and comfortable country Life. You don't even have to buy it - now you can do it wooden chair For giving and house with your own hands!

Furniture as a cult: the legendary chair "Adirondak"

Sitting on the "Adirondak" chair slowly fish from the Hudson River American fishermen, sitting on it, drink cool cocktails on Haiti tired of the bustle of businessmen, spreading in this chair, enjoy the sunset on the azure coast of Europeans. And so for more than 110 years.

Today, this comfortable chair is used throughout the world, but with a special trepid, the tree of his wide armrests stroke and admire the thoughtful design of only those who know His story.

Once in the distant 1903, Sompona Tomas Lee went on vacation in a beautiful place in the Adirondak Mountains, which is in New York. Enjoying life B. summer house, surrounded by nature, he once understood that he was lacking for a comfortable chair. So, to make the river, or just sit near the house. So that there was a cup of coffee or a glass to put, to get a job in it with a pillow one could be more comfortable and for a long time. And he made such a chair ... Of the 11 coarse boards found in Saraj.

When his friend, a local carpenter, saw this unaccompanic furniture, he appreciated her to dignity. And even in 1905, the twich received a patent yes I put a chair for production, and the next 20 years sold comfortable dark brown and green chairs throughout the country. Gradually, Adirondak began to copy around the world.

Jokes jokes, but interior designers and today do not stop admiring this chair. Recognized design models are known for the same "adirondak" from Gino Levi-Montalcini, Gerrita Rutveld and many other designers.

And today we will try to make a chair "Adirondak" with their own hands!

To make the designer chair for giving, will need

Prepare materials and tools:

  • boards 6 meters: thickness 25 mm, width 14 or 15 cm - 2-3 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws 40 mm - packaging;
  • self-tapping screws 70 mm (for perpendicular to the connection of boards) - packaging;
  • drill;
  • drill ∅ 3 mm;
  • screwdriver;
  • carpentry clamps (preferably);
  • corolnic;
  • roulette;
  • meter line.

Excellent if at home you have an electroltrol bike, circular, and electrourub, but if you rarely do with carpentry work, just order cutting in the workshop (often such workshops work in construction supermarkets).

As for the boards, everything is very conditional: you can do everything out of the same, and you can take a piece of 1.5-2 cm with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm for the back and seats, but for legs and lower crossing you can take boards to 7 cm thick. You can generally take boards from Old pallets.

With the street sometimes you have to cut a lot of bitch - in this case, the tree will need a little more. In short, just show the drawing in the workshop below and tell about your wishes to the ultimate mind. And of course, if the boards are not planed, ask to shoot them and remove the chamfer: you must pick up home smooth beautiful details.

Wooden chair: Cut and mounting

Variations on the theme "Adirondak" chairs are now many. We chose the simplest basic model.

On the drawing, the lower bending crossbars are made with a bend, but for simplicity you can cut them with solid parts.

We start assembling. So that the boards do not crack, before screwing the screws, you need to drill the holes for the holes: 3 mm drill. We screw the screws, you can also miss the universal germ-glue - very convenient. At the stage of assembly, it is better to use clamps or call someone to assistants.

In order not to confuse you with long descriptions, which item to what to fasten, give the video:

It shows in detail the installation of a slightly more complex model with an expedited seat and a rounded back, but the assembly principle is the same. Scroll down the video several times and repeat the sequence.

It remains to polish the tree and paint it.

Chairs, as well as other furniture that can be used in the house, and on the street, very convenient. So that it serves as long as possible, follow 3 rules:

  1. If the furniture is used by the water or in a humid climate (for example, you have a cottage at sea) choose fine wood wood: larch, oak, as well as persistent core areas of coniferous wood (). In a dry climate, other wood breeds can be used or even take beech and robber parts of transport pallets and drawers.
  2. If you want to put a tree into the street, then sit in it in the house, I will ideally cover it with a zurray for external and internal work Belinka Tophybrid is quite suitable and Toplasur. If you want to completely paint the structure of the tree and give bright colorUse Email Universal paint.
  3. Remember that if moisture will affect the tree (Street, wet room) It is necessary to cover it with a soil-antiseptic. If the furniture always stands in the living room, children's or bedroom, the primer is not needed.


That's all: Put a couple of small pillows on the chair, pour into a glass of lemonade and enjoy nature with comfort!

Several photo ideas design of furniture in the style of Adirondak

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Everyone wants to make the situation of her house or the apartment as cozy and comfortable, but at the same time unlike any other.

It is possible to achieve the uniqueness of the interior with the help of suspended chairs. They can be purchased in furniture stores Or make yourself.

Today on the Internet and in specialized magazines you can find the drawings of the chairs different design and forms.

In our article we will look at how to make such a chair do it yourself.

Varieties of suspended chairs

Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of suspended chairs, among them there are those that can be made with their own hands.

Such objects of the situation can be an unusual emphasis in the design of the room. Below will look at several options for chairs that can be created independently.

Swing chair

In the manufacture of original hanging swing-chairs use the most different materials. Such models are characterized by elegant external species, fairly simple design, rigid or soft frame. They will love the cottage perfectly.

You can also use them as the original part of the bedroom or children's room, terraces.

Cocoon Chair

This is one of the most common models of suspended chairs. The difference of such a chair is the presence of hiding interior Chairs walls.

This product is designed to enjoy loneliness, it also likes the children very much, as the hanging lodge is like. For the manufacture of a cocoon only natural materials are used.

Chair in the form of a socket with a frame of hoop

Such chairs are most popular. They can be equipped large quantity decor and perfectly complement modern interiors. For such models, we use a variety of weaving techniques.

What makes the chair make?

When choosing materials for the chair, it is necessary to take into account its specifics.

If you stopped on the version of the chairs, then you will need a dense fabric, different types Artificial ropes and tree bars.

For the manufacture of a chair in the form of a cocoon, rattans will need a rattan, scorching rods, liko, cherry branches or rockets.

For an armchair in the form of a nest, a hoop of plastic or steel is suitable, durable fabric, resistant to wear, synthetic filler, special cords for weaving, a variety of wood bars.

For the seats itself, the following techniques are applied:

  • Macrame;
  • Patchwork technique;
  • Knitting;
  • Frivitis.

Do not forget about the compliance of the selected materials and fasteners of the planned load.


Master class on the creation of a chair

This is the easiest view of the pendant chairs from all that it is possible to do. To make it, you will need:

  • dense material - 2 m;
  • wooden timber - length 1 m, radius 3 cm;
  • several carbines (0.11 m), desiccable for weight up to 0.16 tons;
  • cable with a diameter of 1-1.15 cm with a load on the gap to 3200 kgf;
  • paints, brushes, kapron threads.

From the tools you will need a drill, a sewing machine, iron, scissors, a ruler.

Step by step Create miracles

Step 1. We fold the material in half, measuring from above 0.18 m and cut off the resulting triangle.

Step 2. Conduct the edges of the canvas approximately 1 - 1.5 cm and gently heat them.

Step 3. Making pockets for cable. To do this, it is necessary to get the edges on a long part for 4 cm and strain them on the typewriter.


Step 4. On each side wooden bar We make 2 holes. Between the two adjacent holes should be a gap of 5 cm, and between the pairs of the holes - approximately 0.8m.

Step 5. In the central holes, send a rope and fix it with nodes. Pre-in the middle of the rope we make a node for the carbine.

Step 6. The ends of the cable skip through the prepared fabric, bring them into the loose holes and fix the nodes.

Step 7. To the hook pre-attached to the ceiling, a pair of carbines, which are connected to each other. This will give reliability of the design. In the last carbine, I wake the rope.

Decorate a swing chair can be bright pillows.


Suspended chairs are a rather popular piece of furniture. They can easily become a highlight of your interior.

We hope that this article convinced you that she sew a stylish chair-bag or a fashionable chair-hammock with their own hands is quite simple.

Such products made independently have a unique charm. They will definitely affect your unusual guests.

Photo of the chair do it yourself