How to choose and install a live tree? Installing the street tree - work, without which the holiday will not take place.

Need to create. And the real forest beauty will help in this. It is very important not only as it will be, but also as installed. Of course, many people in storerooms and cabinets are stored artificial Christmas trees, which can be quickly collected before the celebration and disassemble after it. But these plastic analogs will never compare with the real smell of needles, with fluffy "spruce legs" and with the beauty of wildlife.

Those people who prefer to decorate their house with Christmas trees who came from snow edges, know perfectly well what to install forest beauty quite not easy. It is an easy and made at the plant artificial Christmas tree attached the same plastic stand, but natural tree requires a special approach.

How to install a Christmas tree at home without a stand?

Acquire stand It is easy, they are sold not only in stores, but also at points where the trees are traded. This method should not even mention, but you can collect a stand and independently. Wooden crosses It is easily done and simply from two bars that are squeezed and bonded with each other. Christmas tree is attached using long SamorzaWhich is screwed into the cross, and then into the trunk of the tree.

How to install the Christmas tree at home in a bucket?

The easiest waywho enjoyed many people before, is normal bucket. It was filled until the middle sand or gravelThen the Tree was put in the center, and the side was sealing the selected material until the tree acquired stability. But this method has several minuses. For example, sand to receive In December, the city is not so simple (if you do not go to the construction store). In addition, to avoid getting this very sand on the carpet and laminate you will most likely not be able to. What to do in such a situation? The most ordinary challenges will solve the problem plastic bottles Capacity and a half liters. Such "Upgraded" way It involves the use of water filled bottles instead of sand. They are placed around the perimeter Inside the bucket, and in the middle put a Christmas tree. If the tree is unstable, then small pieces of fabric should be blocked between it and bottles.

How to install the Christmas tree to stand for a long time?

Having bought a living tree, I want to see him green and fresh Long weeks, and not a few days. But very often the tree begins to lose the needles immediately. What is the reason? If you purchase a tree that was stored in the cold, then do not rush right away to bring it into warm apartment. Let the fir stand a little in the storeroom or on staircase, adapted to the new temperature. Only after that you can bring it to the house.

All hostesses know that the flowers need to trim. So they actively absorb water and live longer. But the trunk of a tree also requires similar care. Neatly spire thin wood plateTo provide a tree a more active influx of the useful fluid.

Water in which the tree will stand should contain antiseptic. Take advantage of the most common aspirinwhich prevents the development of bacteria. To focus a forest beauty, dissolve in water pinch of salt and table spoon sahara. Such a "cocktail" will retain her life for long weeks.

How to put a Christmas tree on Feng Shui?

Ancient teaching about the correct placement of objects in the house allows you to distribute the energy of Qi in a true way and activate the desired side of life. Someone dreams of love, and someone is more important to health, someone has a career problem, and someone with finance. To succeed in the new year, put christmas tree in the center of the room, then you can equally strengthen all parties. And those who know exactly in which area you need special assistance, it will be useful. Position christmas tree in the desired zone And wait for changes in the new year.

Since a long time, the Christmas tree is considered an essential attribute of the new year. By bringing it to the house, we introduce a piece of fabulous sacrament into it, which will unfold in our eyes for two weeks. Therefore, the labor-intensive processes of installation and decoration of forest beauty do not burden, but are pleasant pre-Christmas happiness.

Of course, each of us wants the New Year guest to please us with their presence as long as possible. You can achieve this by using some small tricks.

An important role is played by the correctness of the christmas tree. Give your preference to a tree with elastic and well-rugged branches. Do not be afraid to lose precious time, bend a few sprigs. If they break, then, most likely, this beauty "took from the forest" for a long time, and this, in turn, can noticeably spoil the atmosphere of the holiday in your home. The crackling of the branch of the branch should be per capita. Such a spruce is not suitable for you.

Choosing and buying a Christmas tree, carry her home with top. In such a position, it is not rareling its lower branches and does not lose large number needles. But to enter the Christmas tree into the house, you need a top forward, to inadvertently not to damage and do not break it.

In no case cannot be allowed sharp drop Temperatures. Your guest needs to be adapted to a new place of residence. Hold it for some time in a cool room, for example, on the balcony. And only then invite to the room.

And now it's time to take care of the support for the Christmas tree. As it, you can use a bucket filled with wet sand or water. And you can also give up such fillers and wrap the trunk of the tree with a piece of fabric, which will have to be periodically saved. But it is preferable to use a special coach for the Christmas tree with a water tank. This simple device reliably fix the tree and will give the opportunity to optimally enter moisture to the trunk.

Very important and choosing a place for the Christmas tree. Take care that there is no heat source near. Neighborhood with a fireplace, a heater or radiator will adversely affect the needles, which will spoil the New Year's atmosphere in the house.

Before installing the Christmas tree, remove the branches at the base of the trunk. Do not forget to update the tree log cabin. This will enable moisture faster to penetrate the stem of the New Year's beauty.

Now is the time to consolidate your green guest on the stand and fill the reservoir with water. Make sure that the church of the Christmas tree is constantly in the water. After all, the firing tree loves to drink. And the process of evaporation will make its job.

To extend life new Year's beauties, You can use the traditional tips that have been checking time. So, the water you will pour into the tank, you need to defend the chlorine to evaporate it. By updating the cutting of the tree, it will not be superfluous from the bottom of its trunk of the bark at a distance of 10 centimeters, the same cut should be made at an angle of 45 degrees. The bare part of the trunk must be completely in the water.

These simple rules will extend your neighborhood with forest beauty up to the old new year.

Having bought a fired Christmas tree on the market, each of us wants it to look fresh and attractive for all holidays. We offer several simple Sovietshelping to save live christmas tree Homes longer. For this you will not need some special means, only a girlfriend knowledge of the choice, installation of the Christmas tree and care for it.

From the article you will learn:

  • 1 How to save new Year treeso that it does not appear?
    • 1.1 Choose a high-quality tree
  • 2 Proper installation Live christmas tree
    • 2.1 Montage Christmas tree
    • 2.2 Several nutrient recipes for the extension of the life of the Christmas tree
  • 3 Christmas tree installed. What to do next
    • 3.1 Even recommend to read:

How to save the New Year tree so that it does not creep?

Choose high-quality tree

Let's start with the choice of Christmas tree. If you buy a tree that broke out from the month from the seller, believe me that you wouldn't do with him, trying to save appearance, Long the Christmas tree does not like. The needles will shout simply from time to time.

church Church

Buying spruce or pine before the New Year, check the seller's time of the cut, asking the documents for the goods.

If they are not, first of all, pay attention to the color of the needles. The yellow shade will indicate that the tree is far away and will soon begin to crumble. Also, experts advise with effort to spend palm on the branch: if the needles will remain in his hand - the tree cut off a long time and it is better not to take it. When holding a hand along the branch, the needles should be flexible and staying on the tree.

To save the Christmas tree as long as possible, pay attention to the trunk and tree branches. Twigs must be elastic and harmful. The surface of the trunk should be covered with needles, there should be no wide dark border on the cut.

About the freshness of the Christmas tree shows the elasticity of its branches and bright, rich-green needles. If you lose some needles in your fingers, a strong spruce smell must appear, and the skin surface will become oily.

Correct installation of a live tree

Having decided to save the living Christmas tree at home longer, do not hurry to install it in the room immediately after purchase. Give the tree slightly accommodate. From a sharp drop temperature, the tree can be confused all the needles. For successful accomplement, put a tree into a cold garage or a balcony.

installation of live tree

While the Christmas tree gets used to changing the temperature, prepare a place to install it. First, the tree should be kept away from open fire or heat sources that can prematurely dry it. Secondly, install the Christmas tree beyond the reach of domestic animals.

If you are planning to use garlands to decorate your Christmas tree, place the tree closer to the outlet. If it is not possible, you need to use the extension. Make sure that the extension is running along the wall, does not contact with moisture and does not create the hazard of the electrical wiring.

If you want to keep the live Christmas tree with a fresh long time, forget about metal and plastic coasters, in which the tree is fixed with nails or screws. Buy a special stand in which you can pour water or pick up a deep container where it is possible to pour water, pour wet sand or put pebbles. It should be deep enough so that the tree does not fall and do not stick to the side.

Keep in mind that in order to save wood, you need water in one form or another. So that she does not harm you outdoor coating Furniture, shook the tree installation site with cloth or light paper. You can cover with something and the container in which the Christmas tree is installed. With Mishura, rain and others christmas decorations Everything can be organized as an excellent Christmas decor.

Montage christmas

When installing a tree, remove the lower branches (they are perfect for the New Year Wreath or Bouquet for Decoration festive table.). Clean the barrel for 10-20 cm. Be sure to update the space of the spike. It is necessary that the trunk can absorb moisture.

Note! On some sites you can meet the recommendation before installing in the water to drill a few holes in the barrel. It is assumed that so the tree will better absorb moisture. However, experts do not recommend this - no particular benefit from this not noticed, but the stability of the tree such experiments may damage.

Install the village in the tank

Install the village into the container filled with wet sand or water. You can dial small pebbles instead of sand, install the Christmas tree in them and pour them with water. You can also wrap the purified part of the trunk with any loose tissue and regularly watered with water or specially prepared solution.

In any case, whatever a way to keep a living tree at home you have not selected - in water, among pebbles or in the sand, make the tree stood steadily. Special supports are sold in stores, in which water tank is provided. If there is no such stand, take the ordinary bucket only make the tree rests on the edges by lower branches or fix it with rope stretch marks. They are easy to hide under the New Year decor.

Several nutrient recipes for the extension of the Christmas tree

To extend the life of the New Year's tree, make water for it more nutritious and take measures to prevent the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Here are several simple recipesthat will help you with this:

  • The easiest option is hot water and acetic acid. Boiling water will open the pores of wood, and vinegar will protect from pests that live under the crust. In addition, the essence will fulfill the function of a preservative, extending the life of the Christmas tree.
  • The second variant is a solution of water and 2-3 tablespoons of liquid glycerol. This solution will protect the barrel from rotting.
  • Third method - solution from cold water, sugar (2 tbsp) and aspirin (2 pcs.). Sugar feeds a tree, and the assperine will become a preservative for water. It does not bloom, it will not smell badly and the Christmas tree will take longer.

Note: as folk remedy Cutting a Christmas tree can be found the Council to pour an accuma or lemonade into the water. This product of the chemical and food industry according to folk chemists should extend the life of the Christmas tree. I do not know how effective it is, but if you decide to try this tool. Watch not to fill with a sweet water christmas tree, furniture and floors. In addition, it is not worth using this tool if the house has a small dog or other animals loving sweet. They will definitely want to know what it smells so tasty and you suffer to drive them away from the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree installed. What to do next

So, you have taken all the necessary measures to keep the living tree at home longer. Now you can only monitor the water level in the container with the tree, if it is installed in the water or humidity of the sand, if the tree is installed in the sand tank. To do this, look at the container and tighten the water. The sand should be wet, and the water level should not fall below the root of the Christmas tree.

In addition to feeding the tree from the stem side, it is preferably from time to time to spray the branches of the christmas tree from the pulvelizer. It must be done a few hours before the inclusion of electrical New Year's decorations.

Important! Choosing garlands on the New Year tree, buy a new sample equipped with LED bulbs. They will not dry the Christmas tree while working and she just longer.

"Holiday comes to us", and with him come and New Year's troubles.
Take care of the purchase of a Christmas tree in advance.

1. Stem. Having come to the bazaar and stretching out of a heap of branches, cones and needles what I liked, you need to knock on a commander (the lower part of the barrel, which was once a single whole with the stump left) on the ground.
If needless needles were sprinkled on the Earth, then you can safely put this "miracle" in place.
If the test passed successfully, pickyly inspect the trunk on it on it mold, fungi and other sewage.
As a rule, trees for sale beaten on a long time, upon reaching the eight-year-old age, and in this case, at the height of the village, five kilograms are considered a normal weight at a time and a half meters, and it is better all seven.
Very subtle trunk is a sign of the disease. A healthy tree trunk in the girth should be at least 6 centimeters, if it branches it - nothing terrible, so the tree even looks like fluffy.

2. Needle. Fresh ate she is bright green. Longly spend the needles between your fingers: if the village is fresh, then you can feel easy oil and fragrant smell of needles. If there is no smell, and the needles are dry to the touch - it means that something is wrong with the Christmas tree, most likely, she frowned.

3. Branches. The tree must be fresh, dry after two or three days will begin to crumble. In the fresh christmas tree, the branches are elastic, it is not easy for breaking them, while dry they are easily clouded with a characteristic crackle. Branches should be drawn up.

4. Transportation of the tree. In order not to break the branches on the way home, the Christmas tree is best wrap burlap and tied up with a rope. Purchased Christmas tree is home to the top back so that the ends of the lower branches do not hoister. When you enter the Christmas tree into the house, her painting, on the contrary, should be ahead.

5. Setting the tree. If the Christmas tree is purchased in advance, then before the coming of the holiday, keep it better in the cold: hanging outside the window or putting it on the balcony. However, even if the Christmas tree was bought directly on December 31, then immediately make it in a warm room, install and decorate in no case: from such a drop temperature chill may get sick and die. If the frost is on the street below -10 ° C, do not carry the Christmas tree immediately in the apartment. Give her to stand up in the entrance of 20 minutes so that she excited.

Before installing the Christmas tree, you need to overtake the trunk from the bark at 8-10 cm. You can still cut the top of the erahl, and the fresh cut out of the ointment of Vishnevsky.

Set the Christmas tree in different ways:

Bucket with sand. The ideal option It is a bucket with pure wet sand. A liter of water is added to the sand bucket, in which a small amount of glycerol or gelatin is pre-dissolved. One more option - how for garden flowers - Tablet aspirin plus 2 tablespoons sugar sugar. Some advise with water to add a small amount of suitable liquid fertilizer. Set the Christmas tree in the sand in such a way that the lower part of the trunk is closed at least than 20 centimeters. Sand must be watered after 1-2 days.

Water container. Water at the time of installation should be hot and contain acid - acetic or lemon. An acidic medium can be replaced with pills of hip aspirin. Another recipe: add half a teaspoon to the water citric acid, spoonful gelatin and a little crowded chalk.

Turning the trunk. The easiest option is not the perfect: wrap the barrel in a cut-off area with a damp cloth, which you need to be allowed to periodically. Then strengthen the tree in the cross, on the stand or in some other way.

Spries of fir can be sprayed from the spray from the pulverizer - thereby the elder will retain freshness.

We are all looking forward to the New Year holidays, a special atmosphere, sparkling shop windows, warm winter evenings with the aroma of Mandarin and, of course, real wonders in which adults and children believe. Everything around is transformed and dressed in anticipation of the holiday.

But the most important decoration is the huge New Year tree, installed on the main square of the city, near the shopping and entertainment centers and in the parks. The institution, at the entrance of which the green beauty is located, attracts more visitors to himself, creates a positive image. After all, near the Christmas tree, children's laughter is always heard, she fascinates with its beauty and inspires.

Few, who thinks, but the appearance of such a giant beauty is a kind of miracle, which creates a team of specialists responsible for the steady installation of wood, security and its luxurious design. Installation of street trees is a difficult and painstaking work that can be trusted only by professionals.

Installation of street trees - a responsible process in compliance with each little thing

Usually the fir assembly occurs at night. This immediately shows professionalism and responsible attitude to the work of the company on installing firing. After all, there is nothing less festive than left half-faced frame in a crowded place. That is why the installation is seriously prepared, use special technique, optimize the process as possible to cope in one night.

Service Installation of street trees includes:

    delivery of the Christmas tree details to installation site

    installation of metal carcass

    tree assembly, including high-altitude work using special equipment

    christmas decoration

    dismantling design at the end of the holidays

Artificial Christmas tree has a number of advantages over a living tree. It can be used by several seasons in a row, and this significantly saves the budget of the organization or city. Unhetable wood can be given perfect formWhile the Christmas trees created by nature often have some errors in appearance. Using artificial New Year trees, we break the forests from cutting down, this is perhaps one of the main advantages.

Despite all the advantages, the installation of street trees has a number of features that must be considered. When transporting the structure, it is important to be as accurate as possible, not damage the parts and do not spoil their appearance. It is necessary to install the design correctly, considering all the nuances, because if it falls, it is an emergency not to avoid. Reliability and security in this case above all!

Do not forget that in all its beauty, the tree will take 2-3 months on the street. When it is installed, it is worth considering different weather conditions that may affect the appearance and strength of the structure.

Street Christmas tree decoration - the most pleasant stage of installation

Still S. kindergarten We remember the festive call: "Once, two, three Christmas trees burn." So that the street tree burned, sparkling and overflowing different colorsExperts use illumination, mostly garlands, which decorate the tree in the first place. IN evening timeWhen lights turn on, the tree looks amazing.

And so that the green beauty looked perfectly and during the day, the installation of street trees ends with decoration by classic New Year's toys large sizes. Such a decor is made of special materials that maintain temperature differences are resistant to moisture and others. unfavorable factors. Toys, like a Christmas tree, can be stored for several years.

Dismantling the Christmas tree is carried out carefully and neatly

After any holiday, beautiful outfits are hiding back into the closet, and expensive jewelry are located in the box. This happens with the Christmas tree, and it is no less difficult to disassemble it than to establish. Do not believe it, but to hide the Christmas tree to next year It takes the same time as its installation.

If you approach the dismantling of the Christmas tree, irresponsible is unlikely to please you with your perfection. All design details must be carefully disassembled, package, transport and highlight it for storage. Garlands, decorations and toys are packaged in separate boxes to keep them in perfect condition.