Humat potassium Types Instructions for applying fertilizer. Liquid potassium humate to increase yields and disease-resistant cultures

Organic farming is becoming increasingly popular among farmers. Many specialists in agriculture And private gardeners and flower products are moving to growing natural crops without the use of various chemical additives and feeding. A big role in these modern technologies Gamates play, and in particular humate potassium.

About six dozen years ago, the famous Professor Lydia Khristian in practice showed the effectiveness of humate. Haming the humic acids from the soil, which were represented by sodium salts, it used them for watering plants. This solution contributed to the accelerated growth and development of cultures. Nowadays, drugs based on humate are applied and manufactured in many countries and are in great demand in agriculture. This industry is reborn every year to the production of environmentally friendly and safe products. Agrarians massively began to use humates in their activities.

What are the humats?

Gumates are a variety of drugs that are made of humic acid salts, which are easily dissolved and converted with an effective solution for use in different industries. Kalivaya and sodium salts are the basis and concentrate of humus, which directly leads the biochemical processes in the soil. Numerous groups of such drugs are used to restore exhausted and poor land plotsWhen drilling lands, in environmental practice, in crop production and animal husbandry, as well as in construction and medicine.

Advantages of Gumus

Gumus is formed in the process of decomposition of organic products and their waste. The greater the organic and less oxygen, the more efficient the accumulation process of humus. Useful biochemical processes in the soil under the influence of humate occur only at the three main components - soil, water and plants.

  • Humaths contribute to improving the composition of the soil and filling it with nutritional elements, stimulate the growth of cultures and protect them from poisonous products and heavy metals.
  • The humus contributes to heating the soil, since it paints it in a dark color with it.
  • Gumus is able to maintain the necessary moisture content of the soil, as it can hold water in large quantities.
  • With the help of humus, you can change the composition of the soil. For example, sandy crumbly sections with humus become connected, and viscous clay soils In combination with humus turn into loose.
  • When using potassium humate, accelerated absorption useful substances Plants from soil and water.

Impact of potassium humate on various cultures

Different cultures react to this fertilizer individually, so they can be approximately divided into groups on the effect and degree of impact:

  • A strong reaction occurs in vegetable crops.
  • A good reaction - in corn, alfalfa, wheat and millet.
  • Weak reaction - in legume crops.
  • Minimum impact - on sunflower and pumpkin.

Gumat Potassium reminds ground coffee. It has the same coloring and loose. It is used as feeding for indoor plants and for flowers on open soil. it universal fertilizer It is capable of changing the volume of harvest for the better, despite the various unexpected situations and unexpected weather conditions.

With the right and timely use of humate good harvest Guaranteed. In principle, fertilizer can be applied at various stages of plant development and growth. It is only necessary to take into account the difference in the application between annuals and perennials. Plant - single fertilizer is very necessary in initial stage development and before the formation of breeding bodies. Perennial cultures need fake after landing or transplanting to a new place to strengthen and maintain the root part of the plants.

Fertilizer of humates is carried out in several ways:

  • When soaking seeds before sowing or to handle another planting material.
  • With irrigation.
  • With extraordinary processing (for example, when spraying).

For each type of culture there is its own fertilization rate, which is indicated in the instructions for the drug. To violate these recommendations to a smaller or most side is categorically prohibited, as the result will be a negative result. The growth and development of plants can slow down, which will lead to a low yield. It is recommended to distribute the drug so that the small part is used to soak seeds and spraying, and most of the root for watering under the root, that is, to power the root of the plant.

To increase the yield coefficient, it is possible to apply humates in combination with other mineral components and microelements. The number of components of each separately this complex fertilizer depends on the specific culture and from the selected feeding. For example, humus can be used in combination with compost, manure and humus. Manure and compost contributes rapid growth Microorganisms, if approximately 2.5-3 months before use to be treated with a solution of humate. 10 kg of compost or manure will take 10 gr of humate. Such an integrated fertilizer is introduced into the soil when dripping or in liquid form when watering.

The drug by 80% consists of a basic substance and is a concentrated dark brown liquid with an incentive effect. In the process of processing a natural peat, a variety of useful substances that are used in the preparation were extracted. It is potassium, numerous trace elements, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus. All these are active organic substances are excellent food for plants and natural protection.

This fertilizer can be applied at all stages of plant development and contribute by any means. The liquid must be dissolved with water according to the supplied instructions (for separately taken culture) and use for soaking the planting material, spraying and entering the root, soaking seedlings.

An excellent effect gives the humate potassium peat as a means to power the soil. It contributes to an increase in organic components on the land plot. It is necessary in the form of a concentrated solution using the manufacturer's recommendations. In combination with organic, chemical and mineral fertilizers The effectiveness of the drug is increased several times. There are no prohibitions for a combination of humate with potassium and nitrogen, but it is not recommended to mix it with phosphoric drugs. The newly formed compounds will not be able to dissolve with such a mixing. Preparations, which contains phosphorus, must be made separately from other fertilizers.

Mixing organic I. chemical substances It is necessary to carry out carefully, if not sure in the final result. When mixing small doses of different elements, you can easily trace their reaction. When forming a homogeneous fluid - fertilizer can be used, and when the sediment is dedicated, it is impossible.

The method of incorrect treatment with complex fertilizers (with potassium humate, pesticides and minerals) not only is favorably affects the development of plants, but also significantly reduces the number of nitrates and poisonous substances in their composition.

Application of the drug Humat potassium "Sufler"

This universal drug is distinguished by its composition that it combines mineral and organic substances. The main advantages of the humate of potassium "Sufler" among other drugs:

  • Significantly reduces the timing of ripening crops.
  • Enhances plant immunity and increases sustainability to many diseases.
  • The energy of germination of the seed material increases at times.
  • It is an excellent conductor of nutrient elements from the soil to the plant.
  • Per short time It is capable of restoring soil fertility and improve its composition.
  • Promotes the formation of a healthy and strong root system.
  • Many times increases the resistance of plants to climatic and weather changes, to all adverse weather conditions.
  • Quality rises harvest collected And the timing of its storage by extending the focus is increasing.

Most often, this fertilizer is used to feed indoor flowers. Strictly observing recommended in the dosage manual, it is recommended to use fertilizer 2 times a month from March to October and 4 times in the period from November to February.

The use of peat potassium humate (powder)

The advantage of the drug is as follows:

  • It helps to reduce poisonous substances and nitrates 2 times.
  • Strengthens immunity and increases resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Promotes rapid growth and ripening.
  • Promotes the formation and strengthening of the root part of the plants.
  • The amount of nutrient elements, as well as vitamins increases significantly.
  • He contributes to the formation of high-quality humus due to the rapid development of microflora.
  • Restores soil fertility.
  • Increases the stability of plants to droughts and cold.

Universal organic fertilizer Potassium humate allows you to significantly improve the yield indicators grown on panstone Vegetables and fruits. Improving growth is achieved by activating biochemical processes in the soil. It is environmentally friendly and easy to use feeding, which can be applied with various garden crops, Improving taste qualities grown crop.

Description of the substance

The humate potassium contains more than 80% of humic acids that are necessary for plant development and accelerate their growth. The use of such feeding makes it possible to reduce the acidity of the soil, increase the indicators of the yield of garden fruit and vegetable crops. Also as part of the fertilizer you can find the following components:

  • amino acids;
  • enzymes;
  • trace elements;
  • antibiotics;
  • natural growth stimulants;
  • peptides.

Such feeding can be used not only to improve the soil, but also for pre-sowing seeds, feeding seedlings and healing different damage In trees and shrubs. Gudders need only to remember the restriction of such feeding with fertilizers that contain phosphorus.

With calcium spit, peat lignor forms insoluble compounds, therefore the effectiveness of the simultaneous use of such nutrients will be minimal.

Organic Humats are environmentally friendly natural fertilizers.which are made of peat-saturated minerals. Today, you can find a lot of varieties of this agrochemical in the form of a liquid concentrate and powder. Gumat, which is implemented in a liquid form, is a concentrate that requires compulsory breeding before use. Dry powder should be divorced in water immediately before entering into the ground. The use of potassium humate does not require skills, so every gardener will cope with such work.

The use of a concentrate or dry fertilizer accelerates the development of useful microflora in soil, respectively, humus is formed, which naturally increases yields by 50%. In the subsequent soil after feeding the humate, long time retains its fertility indicators, and heavy metals are derived from the soil, which can significantly worsen the ecology of the grown crop. It has been established that in the soil of 1 kg of this fertilizer replaces one ton of humus.

Preparation Suffler

This type of fertilizer is obtained from recycled humic sapropel, that is, deposits from the bottom of fresh reservoirs. A feature of this feeding is universality, which allows it to apply it when growing many gardens and vegetable cultures common today. Making a humate must be performed twice a month from March to September. Instructions for the use of humate potassium suffer does not differ in difficulty, so each of us will cope with the use of agrochemical.

Useful properties of fertilizers

The main advantage of the feeding is to stimulate growth different species Plants. Putting in fertilizer minerals They affect roots, encourage them to develop and strengthen the entire plant as a whole. Beneficial features feeding:

  • positively affects any cultures;
  • increases plant resistance to low temperatures;
  • improves rapidness rates of harvest;
  • in ripened fruits, the content of nitrites, nitrates and heavy metals reduces;
  • increases the immunity of plants and their resistance to diseases;
  • strengthens root system;
  • improves germination performance;
  • increases soil fertility;
  • accelerates crop maturation;
  • restores the characteristics of the soil;
  • these are environmentally friendly and fully safe fertilizers.

The use of humate and its varieties does not represent complexity, therefore such an organic composition can be recommended to each gardener. It is especially effective to use such feeding in areas where the crop rotation was not carried out, and earlier the land was not evilved by the introduction of organic and mineral components.

Terms of use of agrochemicals

Currently, you can find various types of this fertilizer, which will be different to their concentration, therefore it is necessary to plant this nutrient composition in water and use it for indulging soil in different ways. Gardener will need to explore the instructions for the use of potassium humate and only after that you can start making feeding. Recommendations for the use of humate:

With the cultivation of carrots, zucchini, cabbage and beets. Grokes should be treated with feeding 4 times in the season. Potatoes are recommended before planting to soak in the nutrient solution, which will significantly improve the yield indicators.

Spraying fruit and berry crops

Excellent results Shows the use of potassium in the preparation of seedlings and subsequent cultivation fruit trees and shrubs. Such feeding is performed in early spring even before the start of flowering perennial landings. You can also make fertilizer during the formation and ripening of fruits.

For pre-sowing seedling, a saturated solution should be prepared, for which about 100 ml of liquid nutritional composition should be prepared. It is necessary to withstand seedlings about 12 hours, immersing the fertilizer all the root system. Such processing is possible only in cases where seedlings are used in cassettes. But when using seedlings with a lump of land, it is necessary to process them directly during the landing.

Processing garden and room colors

Feed the garden flowers with a humate in spring and at the beginning of the vegetation. Subsequently, every two or three weeks are performed by a flower bed, which makes it possible to guarantee active growth and excellent decorative color decorative. For the preparation of the nutrient solution, it is necessary to dissolve about 50 ml of concentrate in the water liter. The prepared composition can be used both for root feeding, and for spraying plants.

W. home Plants The use of humate stimulates growth and extends blossoms. These feeders are held once a month with a break in winter. For spraying, a solution of 1 l of water and 5-10 ml of humate are prepared. Starting the feeders are necessary with weak solutions, gradually increasing the dose of applied fertilizers.

One of the main integration of the soil in nature is to provide all the necessary circumstances for the growth and development of plants. The content of humus content determines the level of fertility, yield and according to research, it is deteriorating annually on the lands of agricultural purposes, namely, the unsatisfactory degree of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, as well as significant trace elements occurs.

In order to change the situation, you need strict control for maintaining the balance of all groups of organic and inorganic connections In the ground. IN otherwiseThe soil becomes less resistant to land processing tools with screw working bodies, loses such properties such as hairiness, structurality, moisture intensity (retention of water in their pairs), water permeability (ability to pass water into lower layers), etc.

Use of humic fertilizers

Humaths are substances that contribute to encourage the actions of those microorganisms that are responsible for the mineralization of organic substances. During the decomposition of the fertilizer using microorganisms, the soil is saturated with organic (exhibiting acidic properties) and mineral compounds (magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium), carbon dioxide, and a normal set of microbial cells with the same properties is maintained.

The benefits of entered humic fertilizers increase the following soil indicators:

  • Physical (density, porosity, volumetric weight).
  • Physico-chemical (structural, hairiness, water permeability, absorbing ability).

When feeding with humic fertilizers, it is enveloped and a compound between mineral particles, which contributes to the formation of a granular, bulk soil structure, in which the retaining ability of the beneficial substances, air and water permeability is improved. This complex of processes leads to active growth and yield. Having enhanced the number of useful elements, the amount of vitamins C, E, B, RR, proteins, sugars, nucleic acids, starch increases in plants.

Application in crop production

The concentrate is obtained by processing peat, as a result of which I get the exhaust of such active substances such as nitrogen, k, p, as well as monovalent salts (from humic acids) and trace elements. It has a stimulating and antifungal effect, represented as a solution of increased concentration, which, before introducing into the soil, it is necessary to breed in a certain ratio.

How to improve yield?

We constantly write letters in which lovers of gardeners are experiencing that because of the cold summer this year, poor crops of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year, we published tips on this. But unfortunately, many were not listened, but some were still applied. Here is a report from our readers, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the harvest to 50-70%.

Read ...

The action is directed:

  • On increasing the proposalness of all agricultural plants.
  • For improved survivalability after transplanting seedlings.
  • On the process of development of the indigenous system.
  • To raise the yield of grown culture.
  • On improving soil structures.

The active substance of the suspension - the potassium salts of humic acids, which are a complex of mineral, organic substances and macroelements.

Application: 0.005-0.01% of the active substance in solution. Prepared according to the proportions to each type of plant types grown. Recommended extra cornering subcortex, positively affecting the decline in the accumulation of poisons and nitrates in finished products.

Humat potassium is perfectly combined with other fertilizer species. Thanks to them, he is still in more than affects an increase in the percentage of yield. It is also combined with various pesticians who are treated by plants during growth and development.


Work with fertilizers is done in 3 versions:

  1. Pre-sowing processing of green only potassium humate. The recommended dose of one ton of seeds is 0, 2 kg of concentrate on 9 liters of liquid.
  2. Drytention. Ensuring disease resistance with the addition of liquid fertilizer.
  3. Processing with an adhesive of any brand (a film is formed to create a good microclimate) of vanitants, fertilizers.

Preparation of the suspension in the second and third embodiment is performed in ready-made mixtures for taking and sticking with a calculation of 0.2 kg of active component by 10 liters.

During large-scale processing, special techniques for spraying, for example, MOILS-super or cyclomate are used.

The following positive changes in winter crops occur under the influence of fertilizer:

In production scale, the treatment of seedlings is carried out by special machines, and at home - a knap-type device.

Gumat potassium on vegetable crops

Bonotization of all vegetable crops is made by liquid potassium humate 0.01-0.005%, the method of impregnation of seeds in the prepared suspension from 10 to 48 hours per day before disembarking. The solution is divorced in the ratio: 5 liters of water + 1 h. Spoons of concentrate.

For elevated yield Repeated treatment of vegetative plants is also produced by a liquid solution of 0.01-0.005%. During processing, the flow rate is determined by the type of plant. For example, radish, salad, greens, onions require no less than three spraying for the period of development. And also cucumbers - 3-4 times, cabbage, coat, carrots, zucchini - 4-5 times.

Cucumber processing: real result

In the case of landing of young plants grown in greenhouse conditions, the first processing of potassium humate is recommended in 2-3 days. Subsequent contribution - no less than 2-3 weeks.

If sowing various vegetables is made, then the first processing is carried out after the plant is 2-3 leaflets, then during the formation of buds, the attachment of the flower, fruiting.

This humat is perfectly combined with various eradicates.

Important! After regular and timely processing of plants, mineral fertilizers significantly increases not only yield, but also accelerates the period of maturation.

Best growth stimulator for vegetable root system

Making on fruit and berry cultures and grapes

For uninterrupted growing plants, intensive growth, adapting grapes and fruit-berry crops Also apply the humate potassium by soaking the hollow wooden rod before the pinion (the procedure for activating the growth and formation of roots), vaccine, disembarking.

Making method: immersion by a third of the length of letters and seedlings into a solution with a concentrate of 0.008%. Holding - 24-72 hours.

After disembarking and after 2 weeks after the last boutination, it is recommended to watering with the same solution (in 10 liters of water diluted 10 gr. 8% concentrate of humate potassium).

Spraying of fruiting trees and berries is carried out with a calculation of 1.2 liters of concentrate 0.008% -0.01% per 1 square meter.

The currant bushes are treated under the root with an interval of not more than 10 days for several months (June-July).

Feeding and protection of plants using the presented fertilizer - reliable way Increase yields, protect against disease and posting, increase stability during the lack of moisture or severe heat.

And a little about the secrets of the author

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pains? And you do not care what you know what:

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ATTENTION, only today!

Humaths are potassium or sodium salts, which are obtained from humic acid.Humat and acid are the main component of the soil, its concentrate - humus. In turn, Gumus is responsible for almost all biochemical processes occurring in the soil. The formation of humus occurs as a result of the decomposition of organic substances, and humates are obtained under the influence of water, oxygen and microorganisms. One species is potassium humate is helped to increase the level of soil fertility universal organic fertilizer.

Humat potassium: description and composition

Humat potassium is a fertilizer with large quantity humic acids (above 80%),the use of it accelerates the growth and development of various types of plants. The effect of humate is directed to reduce the acidity of the soil, as well as to increase its overall indicators of effective effect on plants - vegetable, fruit crops, garden and home flowers. Potassium humate, in addition to humic acids, includes peptides, natural growth stimulants, antibiotics, enzymes, amino acids.

Humaths stimulate exchange and biochemical processes in the soil, they are components of peat, coal, yals, some types of soil. At the end of the XVIII century, the scientist Ahard Franz allocated a pure humat from peat. Gumata produce now, getting them out of soil, peat, sapropels, brown coal, lignosulfate. Appearance - Dry powder of dark-brown color, there is also a liquid concentrate.

The use of humate is to process seeds, cuttings, seedlings, and also different parts Adult plants.

Important! Humat potassium is not a "panacea" for plants, still this is a feeding. Wherein the best results It is worth waiting for its application after using the main techniques of growing plants, and it is also important that the soil is alkaline and podzolic, but not acidic.

Potassium humate is not used at one time with fertilizers, which contains phosphorus, with calcium spit, because insoluble compounds are formed. The first, approximately 3-5 days, are made to the humats well-moisturized land, after the fertilizer.

Does not raise the expected effect of humate potassium and in fertile land - Chernozem.

Types of potassium humate

Potassium humate is a natural and ecological fertilizer produced from peat-saturated minerals. Most often, gardeners and gardeners use potassium humate in liquid form, it is most convenient to use, and also received the highest ratings and reviews, for example, from famous TV presenters about agricultural work Okabrey Garichkin.

This fertilizer has a dark brown color, produced from peat by extracting nutrients and trace elements. Convenient use, popular because of its effectiveness.

Humat potassium in liquid form - this is a concentrate, it is bred in cool water depending on the purpose of use, instructions for its use as follows:

  • To improve the overall state of the soil take 0.1-0.2% of the total volume of potassium liquid humate.
  • For plant fertilizer by spraying, watering, soaking seeds you need to take 0.01% of potassium humate from the total volume.

Important! Gumat contributes to the removal of nadochymiruses and nitrates from plants and their fruits.

Liquid humate potassium can be used with organic or nitrogen fertilizers.

Humat potassium in dry form is used for general strengthening Immunity plants, accelerating their growth and ripening of fruits: powder is also divorced in water, instructions for use is always on packaging fertilizer. The positive effect of potassium humate on the development of the root system of plants, as well as the amount of chlorophyll and vitamins in different cultures.

Use for soil dry humate potassium accelerates the development of microflora in the soil, respectively, the formation of good humus, the yield grows up to 50%, and the ripening of fruits occurs before. Soil does not lose in its characteristics, but becomes more fertile, and heavy metals are derived from it.

Did you know? One kilogram of potassium humate in powder replaces one ton of humus.

Humat potassium "Sufler"

This kind of potassium humate with trace elements is obtained from humic sapropel (bottom deposits of fresh reservoirs). Humat potassium "Sufler" is universal. Supporting this complex fertilizer should be made twice a month in the period from March to September, and from October to February - once a month and a half. Preparation of the solution of this potassium humate is performed immediately before use, it is better not to store it in the future.

Useful properties of potassium humate for plants

The main property of the humate potassium can be called its stimulating growth for various types of plants. Mainly fertilizer affects the root system, encouraging it to development and thereby strengthening the entire plant as a whole.

Humat potassium has the following beneficial properties:

  • safety and environmental friendliness;
  • restoration and improvement of soil characteristics;
  • accelerating the ripening of seeds and fruits (for 1-2 weeks);
  • increase in harvest;
  • promotion;
  • strengthening the root system;
  • increasing the immunity of plants and resistance to diseases;
  • reducing the need of plants in nitrates and their quantities in the fruits;
  • increase the duration of crop storage time;
  • improving plant resistance to low temperatures;
  • positive impact on any culture.

How to breed humate potassium, instructions for use for different cultures

Depending on the purpose of using the humat potassium is divorced differently, the instructions for use varies.

For soaking, it is necessary to dissolve 0.5 g (about the third part of the teaspoon) of potassium humate by 1 liter of water. The seeds or bulbs of plants are placed in a solution for a period of 8-12 hours to 2 days, the cuttings are lowered by two thirds of length for about 14 hours.

Spraying of leaves is produced by a weaker solution - 3g potassium humate is diluted in 10 liters of water.

The preparation of fertilizer for watering occurs as follows: 1 tablespoon of potassium humate dissolves in 10 liters of water - used for seedlings, as well as appropriate application at a time when the plant blooms, or only its buds appear.

Important!Also, potassium humate is used after treatment with pesticides in order to detoxify. For this, 50 g of fertilizer in a dry powder is mixed with sand or ashes and scatter on 10 square meters.

For vegetable

Vegetable crops It is processed by the humate of potassium before sowing, as well as during the growing season - the use varies from two to six times. For watering take 50-100 ml of fertilizer on 10 liters of water and 3-10 liters spend on a square meter depending on the type of plant. Spray the same solution by half and three liters per 100 square meters.

Beets, cabbage, zucchini, carrots will require a potassium humate processing 4 times per season. Potatoes need to be soaked or spraying before planting. Potassium humate for feeding cucumbers and tomatoes is used 3-4 times.

Seeds are soaked at the rate of 100 ml of liquid humate per liter of water for 24 hours, tubers and bulbs - for 10-12 hours.

For green

These cultures need to be processed from two to six times for the entire season. The solution (50-100 ml of potassium humate by 10 liters of water) is used as watering - from three to ten liters per square meter. As a result, the saturation of taste is maintained, the rate of germination increases, the level of resistance to unfavorable factors external environment and diseases in green crops.

For fruit-berry

Potassium humate for this type of crops is used in the processing of seedlings, roots and other parts of trees, shrubs, herbatous plants (Using spraying). Fertilizer is better together with the use of pesticides and herbicides.

The fantastic humate is carried out in early spring before the flowering period, when fruits are formed, as well as during the ripening period.

Did you know?Potassium contributes to the accumulation of sugars in the fruits, so fruit, berries when using such feeding becomes more sweet.

The solution is prepared (50-100 ml of potassium humate liquid per liter of water), the use of which is to soak seeds per day, bulbs, tubers - by 10-12 hours. When watering, the same amount of humate is dissolved in 10 liters of water, and 3-10 liters per square meter is consumed. Spraying is carried out at the rate of one and a half-three liter of the specified solution per 100 square meters.

For garden flowers

Garden flowers are advised to help the humate potassium in the spring when the growing period begins perennial plants, and in annuals - in the phase of complete germs. Next, spend from three to six feeding every two or three weeks. Seeds are soaked before sowing for a day, bulbs and tubers - at half time. The solution is prepared so - take 50-100 ml of humate per liter of water.

The same number of potassium humate is used for irrigation (3-10 liters per square meter) and spraying (1.5-3 liters per 100 square meters), but at the rate of 10 liters of water.

For indoor plants

It is very important to use fertilizer of potassium humate for home plants, Because B. limited space The pot is not formed by humus. The feeding of this fertilizer stimulates growth and high-quality flowering from home plants. It is carried out in the period when plants have an active growth, which occurs in March-September: fertilize 1 time in 10-15 days. In the period of peace from October to February, the feeder is held once a month and a half. Spray with a solution at the rate of 5-100 ml of potassium humate per liter of water, watching the leaves are completely moistened. Watering produce in the same solution, well moisturizing land.

The advantages of using potassium humate to grow plants

Summing up, you can say about the humate potassium, which this is Natural fertilizer with a proven effect, As an increase in yield, an increase in plant growth, improving the characteristics of the soil.

Potassium's humate positively affects various cultures and is used for processing vegetables, grain, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, garden trees and even decorative plants. The closure in which the humate of potassium finds its use is quite wide - this is a processing of seeds and tubers, cuttings before sowing or planting, spraying already sprouted plants, support them during flowering period, feeding the root system by irrigation. In addition, fertilizer affects the soil, increasing its level of fertility.

Potassium humate improves plants resistance to various diseases and invasion of pests, contributes to adaptation to the peculiarities of the external environment, weather conditions.

In the complex using potassium humate with fertilizers containing nitrogen, it is possible to increase their efficiency and thereby reduce the amount that will lead to the economies of finance and improved harvest.

The use of potassium humate, which includes humic acids, contributes to the removal of pesticides, herbicides, radionuclides and other pollutants. AND this allows you to maintain the main quality of products, which are grown on their plot - this is safety and naturalness.

Important!The popularity of this fertilizer led to the fact that it makes it a large number of manufacturers, which complicates the choice. Novice gardeners are interested in what the humates differ from each other, for example, the humate of potassium brand B. This fertilizer is very concentrated that it is convenient if it is necessary for large number Different cultures in various stages of their growing vegetation, as well as during the billet of seeds and prepare them for landing.

Organic farming is becoming increasingly popular among farmers. Many specialists in agriculture and private gardeners and flower growers are moving to growing natural crops without the use of various chemical additives and feeding. Gumates play a big role in these modern technologies, and in particular humate potassium.

About six dozen years ago, the famous Professor Lydia Khristian in practice showed the effectiveness of humate. Haming the humic acids from the soil, which were represented by sodium salts, it used them for watering plants. This solution contributed to the accelerated growth and development of cultures. Nowadays, drugs based on humate are applied and manufactured in many countries and are in great demand in agriculture. This industry is reborn every year to the production of environmentally friendly and safe products. Agrarians massively began to use humates in their activities.

What are the humats?

Humaths are a variety of drugs that are made of humic acid salts, which are easily dissolved and converted with an effective solution for use in various industries. Kalivaya and sodium salts are the basis and concentrate of humus, which directly leads the biochemical processes in the soil. Numerous groups of such drugs are used to restore exhausted and poor land plots when drilling land, in environmental practice, in crop production and animal husbandry, as well as in construction and medicine.

Advantages of Gumus

Gumus is formed in the process of decomposition of organic products and their waste. The greater the organic and less oxygen, the more efficient the accumulation process of humus. Useful biochemical processes in the soil under the influence of humate occur only at the three main components - soil, water and plants.

  • Humaths contribute to improving the composition of the soil and filling it with nutritional elements, stimulate the growth of cultures and protect them from poisonous products and heavy metals.
  • The humus contributes to heating the soil, since it paints it in a dark color with it.
  • Gumus is able to maintain the necessary moisture content of the soil, as it can hold water in large quantities.
  • With the help of humus, you can change the composition of the soil. For example, sandy crumbly sections with humus become connected, and viscous clay soils in combination with humus turn into loose.
  • When using potassium humate, accelerated absorption of beneficial substances with plants from soil and water.

Impact of potassium humate on various cultures

Different cultures react to this fertilizer individually, so they can be approximately divided into groups on the effect and degree of impact:

  • A strong reaction occurs in vegetable crops.
  • A good reaction - in corn, alfalfa, wheat and millet.
  • Weak reaction - in legume crops.
  • Minimum impact - on sunflower and pumpkin.

Humat Potassium reminds of the form of ground coffee. It has the same coloring and loose. It is used as feeding for indoor plants and for flowers on the outdoor ground. This universal fertilizer is capable of changing the volume of harvest for the better, despite the various unforeseen situations and unexpected weather conditions.

With the right and timely use of humate, a good harvest is guaranteed. In principle, fertilizer can be applied at various stages of plant development and growth. It is only necessary to take into account the difference in the application between annuals and perennials. Plant - one-stage fertilizer is very necessary in the initial stage of development and before the formation of breeding bodies. Perennial cultures need fake after landing or transplanting to a new place to strengthen and maintain the root part of the plants.

Fertilizer of humates is carried out in several ways:

  • When soaking seeds before sowing or to process other planting material.
  • With irrigation.
  • With extraordinary processing (for example, when spraying).

For each type of culture there is its own fertilization rate, which is indicated in the instructions for the drug. To violate these recommendations to a smaller or most side is categorically prohibited, as the result will be a negative result. The growth and development of plants can slow down, which will lead to a low yield. It is recommended to distribute the drug so that the small part is used to soak seeds and spraying, and most of the root for watering under the root, that is, to power the root of the plant.

To increase the yield coefficient, it is possible to apply humates in combination with other mineral components and microelements. The number of components of each separately this complex fertilizer depends on the specific culture and from the selected feeding. For example, humus can be used in combination with compost, manure and humus. Manure and compost contributes to the rapid growth of microorganisms, if approximately 2.5-3 months before use to be treated with a solution of humate. 10 kg of compost or manure will take 10 gr of humate. Such an integrated fertilizer is introduced into the soil when dripping or in liquid form when watering.

The drug by 80% consists of a basic substance and is a concentrated dark brown liquid with an incentive effect. In the process of processing a natural peat, a variety of useful substances that are used in the preparation were extracted. It is potassium, numerous trace elements, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus. All these active organic substances are excellent powers for plants and natural protection.

This fertilizer can be applied at all stages of plant development and contribute by any means. The liquid must be dissolved with water according to the supplied instructions (for separately taken culture) and use for soaking the planting material, spraying and entering the root, soaking seedlings.

An excellent effect gives the humate potassium peat as a means to power the soil. It contributes to an increase in organic components on the land plot. It is necessary in the form of a concentrated solution using the manufacturer's recommendations. In combination with organic, chemical and mineral fertilizers, the effectiveness of the drug is increased several times. There are no prohibitions for a combination of humate with potassium and nitrogen, but it is not recommended to mix it with phosphoric drugs. The newly formed compounds will not be able to dissolve with such a mixing. Preparations, which contains phosphorus, must be made separately from other fertilizers.

Mixing organic and chemicals should be carried out carefully, if not sure in the final result. When mixing small doses of different elements, you can easily trace their reaction. When forming a homogeneous fluid - fertilizer can be used, and when the sediment is dedicated, it is impossible.

The method of incorrect treatment with complex fertilizers (with potassium humate, pesticides and minerals) not only is favorably affects the development of plants, but also significantly reduces the number of nitrates and poisonous substances in their composition.

Application of the drug Humat potassium "Sufler"

This universal drug is distinguished by its composition that it combines mineral and organic substances. The main advantages of the humate of potassium "Sufler" among other drugs:

  • Significantly reduces the timing of ripening crops.
  • Enhances plant immunity and increases sustainability to many diseases.
  • The energy of germination of the seed material increases at times.
  • It is an excellent conductor of nutrient elements from the soil to the plant.
  • In a short time it is capable of restoring soil fertility and improve its composition.
  • Promotes the formation of a healthy and strong root system.
  • Many times increases the resistance of plants to climatic and weather changes, to all adverse weather conditions.
  • The quality of the harvested harvest increases and its storage time is increasing by extending the lasting period.

Most often, this fertilizer is used to feed indoor flowers. Strictly observing recommended in the dosage manual, it is recommended to use fertilizer 2 times a month from March to October and 4 times in the period from November to February.

The use of peat potassium humate (powder)

The advantage of the drug is as follows:

  • It helps to reduce poisonous substances and nitrates 2 times.
  • Strengthens immunity and increases resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Promotes rapid growth and ripening.
  • Promotes the formation and strengthening of the root part of the plants.
  • The amount of nutrient elements, as well as vitamins increases significantly.
  • He contributes to the formation of high-quality humus due to the rapid development of microflora.
  • Restores soil fertility.
  • Increases the stability of plants to droughts and cold.

Humat potassium in the country. How to improve the structure of the saline area (video)