Why do bed bugs appear in the apartment. Bed bug - all about the insect: description, photo, methods of removal

Since the main source of food for the pest is the person himself, the cleanliness of the house has practically no effect on the choice of the place of residence of the bloodsucker. They are equally successful settling in fashionable hotels and in old barracks.

In order not to become a victim of these little vampires at night, it is necessary to clearly know the main ways of bedbugs entering the apartment.

Often, cleanliness owners who regularly clean the house are perplexed, "Why do bedbugs appear in the house?" In fact, there can be many ways for pests to enter the house. We will talk about the most basic ones further.

Our readers:

“I spent the night at a party. Bitten in various places. More on the shoulders and back. Bites are much more than mosquitoes, especially considering that me and mosquitoes swell more than others. I hope I didn’t bring them with me, but it’s strange that the owners don’t bite anyone. So I don't know how to tell them about it ... "

Alexander, Tula

Our readers:

“We bought a brand new mattress, brought it in, started to sleep and after a while blisters on my skin began to appear. I turned everything over and found some bugs right in the mattress! Mom said they were bed bugs! They pumped me out with ammonia! I complained to the store, the sellers say that they have nothing to do with it! Now we are tormented and thinking about how to get rid of bedbugs ourselves at home. "

Marina, Pyatigorsk

There are other reasons for the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment:

Our readers:

“I came to visit my grandmother in the village, took Musya, my beloved kitty, with me, so that she would nibble the grass. Of course Musya walked everywhere, and in the evening she came to me to get her portion of affection and what do you think! I am stroking my beloved kitty, and someone is crawling on it !!! Turned out to be a bed bug. It's good that I immediately noticed and crushed! Otherwise, neither I nor Musa would have a quiet rest! "

Elena, St. Petersburg

It should be noted that due to the peculiarities of their structure, these pests are able to crawl even where, at first glance, there is no space. The bug is so flat !!! Therefore, the migration of these insects is incredibly fast.

As a rule, at first, when there are not so many bedbugs, they do not bother their owners in any way. And only then, after some time, multiplying, they betray their presence in the dwelling.

A bit of biology: about the breeding of bedbugs

For reproduction, the female and the male mate only once in their lives, after which the female is able to lay eggs all her life.

The female is able to lay 5 to 10 eggs per day. And in their entire life up to 500. If the surrounding conditions are favorable, then in a month and a half the insects will grow up and become mature individuals, which themselves will be able to continue the population.

Female lays eggs all year round, and only in case unfavorable conditions the process may slow down. As soon as the "hard times" are over, the female will start producing offspring again.

Important: bug eggs are resistant to the same insecticides. Therefore, when choosing drugs to combat bedbugs in an apartment, they should be changed.

It often happens that after pest control insects die and at first no one and nothing bothers you. The nightmare seems to be over! While the surviving eggs ripen and larvae appear from them very soon, from which a new population develops in the future.

How to understand that there are bugs at home

If you suspect that something is amiss and ask the question "How to determine if there are bugs at home?", Then there are a number of signs by which we can fairly accurately say that uninvited guests have already thoroughly settled down at your side.

How bed bugs appear in the house

The main habitats of bed bugs

Unclean neighbors

If the neighbors have bugs, and they have not done anything with them, wait for evil spirits at home! The uncontrolled growth of the colony forces insects to look for new sources of food and conquer new territories. In this case, they need to be poisoned not only at home, but also in the next apartment. This is the only way you can destroy the main source of infection.

Disinsection in other apartments

The appearance of bedbugs can lead to their persecution in a completely different place. In this case, insects go in search of another place of residence, fleeing from imminent death.

Important! To establish a new population, one surviving and already fertilized female is enough. She will cope with the task in literally 1 month! If you become aware that pest control is being carried out in the house, be sure to accept preventive measures... Special traps can help you with this, or folk remedies (aromatic herbs, essential oils, strong-smelling mixtures).

Basements and attics

Travel and business trips

Wanting to save money on vacation or just accidentally getting into an untidy room in a hotel or sanatorium, we only complain about the inconveniences of the community and do not think at all about what unpleasant surprise we can pick up there. Meanwhile, bugs crawl into suitcases, bags and folds of clothes, calmly continue the journey and, in the end, end up in our apartment.

Advice! In order not to bring these unpleasant from vacation or business trip blood-sucking insects make it a habit to check your personal items regularly. Remember, only timely identification will save you from a long and difficult struggle. After identifying bedbugs, wash things as much as possible hot water, iron them, treat with a steam generator or dry-clean. As a last resort, just throw it away.

Unkempt guests and visitors

In crowded places, there is a danger of picking up and bringing home a larva or an adult bug


Any purchase can populate bedbugs in an apartment - from soft toys to household appliances and furniture. It all depends on the conditions in which the product was contained before you purchased it. This is especially true for second-hand shops, flea markets, spontaneous and flea markets and other similar places. However, if warehouses are in disrepair, unsanitary conditions can arise in huge stores.

Advice! Carefully inspect all items (both new and used) for blackheads. This is exactly what the traces of the life activity of bedbugs look like.

Be sure to see: how do bedbugs enter and where do they live?



Open area

This factor applies more to the owners of private houses and country houses... Bed bugs have good jumping ability, so they can easily enter the room through a window or door.

In the house, on the windows and doors there should be mosquito net to be sure that bedbugs cannot enter the room from the street

Nature trip

You can catch insects during your next picnic or walk. Under the bark of trees and in the ground is found great amount warm-blooded creatures, including bedbugs. The downside is that it is almost impossible to notice them right away - the bugs quietly crawl into the folds of outerwear and bags and do not make themselves felt for some time. Only after finding a secluded corner in the apartment, they begin to actively reproduce and make night outings. It can take a couple of weeks from the moment of resting in the bosom of nature until the first bites appear!

How do bed bugs get into your home?

Due to their small size and special body shape (flattened), bugs are able to enter living quarters in various ways:

  • on ventilation holes;
  • through the sockets;
  • along the risers of sewer and heating pipes;
  • through cracks and holes in the floor and walls of wooden houses;

  • through cable channels;
  • on the outer surfaces of the walls (during the warm season).
  • disassemble old things and throw away everything that you no longer need;
  • Wash the floors 1-2 times a week;
  • vacuum and dust regularly;
  • clean all surfaces - both hidden and those that are in plain sight;
  • ventilate the apartment daily;
  • make cosmetic repairs on time.
  • Examine mattresses and pillows carefully;
  • Look in drawers for storing linen and bedding equipment, if possible, explore other interior elements of bedroom furniture;
  • Look under rugs that have a sofa or bed;
  • Move furniture aside and examine walls and baseboards, cracks in the parquet;
  • Check back side wall accessories - paintings, carpets, clocks.

If, during the audit of the room, you managed to find skins dropped by bedbugs during molting, traces of excrement (small dark dots on surfaces), dead insects that resemble bedbugs, then this is them.

Now your task is to think over a pest control strategy. Let's take a closer look at why it is so difficult to get rid of bed bugs.

Like any other living creature, evolution took care of bedbugs, endowing them good mechanisms survival rate. If cockroaches take the first place in the ranking of the most tenacious insects, then bedbugs certainly belong to the second.

Adult insects can starve for a very long time (in some cases up to 2 years), in the absence of food or cold (down to -15 ° C) they fall into suspended animation and remain viable.

The breeding of bedbugs deserves a separate discussion. The type of reproduction is traumatic insemination, the future offspring can be stored for a long time in the special organs of the female, and in case of extreme hunger, the eggs are phagocytosed.

During her life, each female lays from 250 to 500 eggs, up to 5 eggs daily. After 30-40 days, offspring appear from them, which also craves your blood.

The lifestyle of bedbugs in an apartment also creates additional difficulties: insects hide in hard-to-reach places, so you can't destroy them mechanically.

There are difficulties with the choice chemicals to destroy them. Entomologists note that house bugs have successfully adapted to many poisons. The "younger" the insecticide, the more likely it is based on new developments in the pest control market that are effective against bedbugs.

Folk methods of dealing with bedbugs

Faced with the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment, supporters of simple and environmentally friendly methods will try to get rid of bedbugs using folk methods.

The most popular folk remedies for bedbugs:

  • Freezing insects;
  • Steam or boiling water treatment;
  • Scaring away insects with herbs (wormwood, tansy, Persian chamomile, marsh wild rosemary);
  • Using vinegar, turpentine to repel bedbugs.

Let's say right away about their shortcomings. Freezing allows you to get rid of any insects, but in the case of bedbugs low temperature(-15 °) in the room must be maintained for two days, it is almost impossible to implement this method in a residential apartment.

Steam and boiling water effectively cope with clutches of eggs, and if it gets on insects, it destroys them too, but the bugs move quickly and, sensing the approach of a person, they will try to hide well or run away.

Herbs are good as a prophylaxis, they do not destroy insects, but only scare away for a while, allowing you to get some sleep. Vinegar, turpentine also only repel insects.

Chemical preparations for bedbugs

Chemistry is still the most effective way pest control of this species. There are quite a few preparations for destroying bedbugs in an apartment, but, as mentioned above, not all of them can help you.

The drugs are produced in the form of aerosols, concentrates, solutions and powders.

Mikrofos is a versatile preparation that is suitable for fighting bedbugs and cockroaches. The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos, a microencapsulated form of release, due to which the agent acts on insects longer.

Insecticide is a concentrated remedy that is recommended for home treatment for bedbugs. Belongs to the 3rd class of hazard.

There are remedies for bedbugs from other manufacturers. It should be noted that it is better not to use aerosols in a residential area, as well as drugs that do not belong to the 4th or 5th hazard class.

How to treat an apartment from bedbugs

If you are determined to self-treat for bedbugs, we recommend that you carefully read the instructions for the drug that you have chosen. First, you will be aware of all possible negative consequences... Secondly, you will be able to qualitatively prepare for processing.

What to consider when self-processing an apartment from bedbugs:

  • Try to process only those areas with which you are not in contact (under furniture, baseboards, etc.).
  • Before processing, remove personal items, dishes and food so that the product does not accidentally get on them. You can wrap things in plastic bags and put them away in closets.
  • Use personal protective equipment, the minimum set is rubber gloves, a respirator mask, goggles.
  • Dilute the drug in the concentration recommended by the instructions, do not reduce or increase its dose.
  • After processing, in order to protect yourself and loved ones, be sure to ventilate the room and perform a wet cleaning.

These simple tips will help you complete treatment for bedbugs without dangerous consequences. Next, carefully observe whether the number of bites has changed, and, accordingly, the number and activity of insects. If a week after treatment, the bugs still annoy you, turning your life into a bad dream, and a nightmare into a nightmare, seek help from the specialists of the pest control service.

Professional treatment of an apartment from bedbugs

Specialists of the ecological center "ECO-STOLITSA" offer you their professional assistance in the destruction of bedbugs in rooms of any type. Highly qualified employees, rich experience in performing sanitization from different types pests allow us to solve problems with any insect pests, including domestic bugs, as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Other important advantages professional processing from "ECO-CAPITAL" is the safety and effectiveness of our methods.

We have turned away from traditional chemicals in favor of innovative insecticide development. We use only certified new products that have passed rigorous checks and tests.

Unique processing technologies allow you to carefully and accurately handle the room, special equipment delivers drugs to the most inaccessible areas, effectively exterminating blood-sucking insects.

Why choose us:

  • Safe extermination of insects;
  • Lack of negative consequences for health and premises;
  • Odorless preparations;
  • Long-lasting drugs;
  • One hundred percent processing result.

Our services can be used by individuals and legal entities, residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. To do this, it is enough to leave a request for the destruction of bedbugs on our website. In the near future, our operators will contact you and agree on the day and time of processing.

The insects that have made their way into the dwelling do not hesitate to divide the living space, causing discomfort and suffering to all household members. The arguments that unsanitary conditions are the cause of infection are untenable, because bed bugs feed on blood, and not food debris. The main thing for them is the presence of a warm-blooded creature, which will be their source of food, and a secluded place where you can hide.

Bug? What does he look like?

Majority modern people have no idea what a bloodsucking tormentor looks like. When hungry, the insect looks like a small coin. It is flat, 4 - 8 mm in size, with a body length equal to the width, it is very problematic to crush it.

Having a neighbor like a bug is not a pleasant feeling.

But it is not always possible to recognize it immediately, because it is often confused with other insects: fleas, cockroaches or ticks. So what is the difference from other pests?
... Cockroaches do not have wings and move much faster.
... Very often, bedbug larvae are confused with ants because of their milky transparent color. But a significant difference in ants on closer examination is the presence of a kind of "waist".
... Fleas are generally difficult to confuse with bedbugs, because they are able to jump, but bedbugs are not. And their sizes are different: the bug is much larger.
... Most often, bedbugs can be confused with ticks, which are very similar in appearance, but upon close examination, you can find that bedbugs have not 8 legs, like ticks, but only 6, and they are shorter.

Varieties of bedbugs

There are more than 30,000 species of bedbugs in nature. They live all over the world. The most common:
... A stink bug that lives in berry fields and sucks their juice. He has a rare sense of smell, and as danger approaches, he uses his weapon - a sharp bad smell.
... The horsefly bug, which does not have a peephole, has a bright color. Its varieties are not similar in color to each other. The most common of them is the familiar "soldier" from childhood. Larvae, like adults, are very harmful to young plants, drawing juices from them and poisoning them with their poison, which is injected when punctured.
... Turtle bug similar in color to a real turtle. This species is the worst pest of all cereals, destroys agricultural and ornamental plantings.
... But the most common in houses and apartments are bedding, which is also called sofa and linen. But no matter how they are called, the essence of these hemiptera is the same - they love human blood.

Where do bed bugs come from?

How do these disgusting insects, which can cause discomfort and suffering to all living inhabitants of the house, get into apartments and houses?

Their amazing adaptability, love of travel and desire to taste human blood make it possible to penetrate into the tidiest apartments.
Where do the bugs come from in the apartment:
... Insects easily travel through ventilation pipes, running from apartment to apartment.
... In the warm season, they make their way through open windows along the walls of the building.
... They are ready to arrive in their travel suitcases. Hotels, transport, old houses where they stayed for the night can reward with bloodsuckers.
... Bedbugs can be as free app in the purchased furniture. Upholstery, mattresses stored in different warehouses can be the ideal transport for uninvited guests to enter the house.
... Unscrupulous workers living in areas infested with bedbugs may bring them into the house with tools and their own clothes.
... Guests who come to the house, without knowing it themselves, can endow the owners with neighbors, from whom it will be difficult to get rid of in the future.

Bed bugs

Bed bugs are the occupants of apartments, which quite often infiltrate decent apartments. They lead a nocturnal lifestyle, attacking a person at the moment when their victim is defenseless - during sleep. Painful irritations in the form of a string of red dots are observed at the bite sites, because most often dangerous infections that cause itching and inflammation are transmitted with the saliva of insects. Pests lay eggs in hard-to-reach places, which greatly complicates the process of their destruction. Therefore, when asking the question, where do bed bugs come from in an apartment, you need to be prepared for the fact that uninvited guests have settled already thoroughly. It is necessary to determine the places of their distribution in order to understand the scale of work on their destruction.

When inspecting housing Special attention refers to the places that are most favorable for bedbugs. After all, one question is, where do domestic bugs come from, and quite another - where do they hide? Their favorite places:
... behind furniture;
... behind the paintings;
... v window frames, under the windowsill;
... in things, inside furniture, in cracks;
... in technology;
... under carpets;
... under the mattress;
... inside the bed, at the seams and joints;
... in sockets, vents;
... at the joints between the wallpaper;
... under the skirting board.
The listed places are examined with special care, because the bugs are favorable conditions multiply at lightning speed.

What should alert you when bedbugs appear in the first place?

Apart from bites, what else can tell you that there are unexpected neighbors in the house?

Having figured out where the bugs come from at home, you need to think about how to prevent their appearance.
... Dry things on the purchased dryer, which heats up to +50 degrees.
... Insulate the outlets by covering all holes around them.
... After travel, life in hotels, give things to dry cleaning.
... V summer period provide windows with mosquito nets.
... Put bunches of tansy, lavender and wormwood in the ventilation vents - this will scare away uninvited guests.
They do not tolerate temperature extremes, do not tolerate heat and die instantly at +50. A sharp change in living conditions can force them to migrate. They move quickly, and thanks to the notches on their legs, they can easily run along the walls and ceiling. Withstand temperatures up to -18 degrees: the pests remain alive and hibernate until the temperature is favorable for their life and reproduction.

Folk remedies

We figured out what bugs are, where they come from. And how to get rid of them? This question is brought to the fore.

There are many ways of dealing with them among the people, which are used with more or less efficiency.
... Washing clothes hot water(70 - 80 degrees) ironing using the steaming function. Steam treatment when the jet is directed to the infected area.
... Leave things in severe frost for several hours.
... Arrange bunches of wormwood in the sofa, under the bed, in the wardrobe.
... Dust treatment, purchase and self-application chemical substances... The method is risky, because you can poison not only bedbugs, but also households.