How to create a fragrance flower leaf of spicy herbs in the country? Garden on the windowsill of the most important spicy herbs.

Perhaps no garden can do without fragrant, fragile spicy herbal. These herbs are indispensable for the preparation of summer dishes, are necessary for billets for the winter. Many of these fragrant herbs can grow not only experienced, but even novice gardeners. What could be better than such a bed with fragrant spicy herbs in the garden or garden!

I present to your attention the top of 11 spicy herbs that can be raised in your garden.

1. Dill ( Anethum Graveolens.)

Probably the most common plant in our gardens. Dill is one of the few plants on this list that is easy to grow seeds straight into the ground. Dill can be sowed throughout the summer, it prefers solar places. Dill is annolete plant But it easily spreads to self-sowing, so next year you will probably see young rags of dill where you put it last year.

2. Parsley ( PetroSelinum crispum)

Its one is very popular in our edges spicy plant. Probably there are no such dacities that would not grow on their plot parsley. Parsley can be root (edible and root and leaves) and leaf (food only leaves are used. Parsley greens are well sued or freeze for winter consumption.

3. Basil ( Ocimum SPP)

Bright, spectacular basil leaves and its fragrance are inextricably linked with summer gardens and with delicious food. Basilica has many varieties, there are varieties with very beautiful coloring leaves, and there are varieties with different taste. You can plant several different varieties of this wonderful plant. In the fall, the basil can be dried or freeze to use it and in winter. Basil is easy to grow from seeds, and you can buy a seedling of plants in a container in the garden center.

4. Timyan ( Thymus vulgaris.)

Thyme or a chabret is a fairly common spicy plant, which is also easy to grow. Thymes quickly grow up to limit its growth, thyme can be grown in the container. All he needs is the sun, good drainage and not too abundant watering and you will collect fragrant leaves of thyme over the next few years. Like Salfa, Tymyan also has edible and decorative species (Inedible). Therefore, be careful when buying seeds. .

5. Sage (Salvia Officinalis)

it useful plant With gray velvety leaves, it looks extremely impressive, being planted around the edges of the garden or flower. He needs not much moisture at all and all summer it will be wonderful to grow without much trouble in a sunny place or in a half. The collected leaves can be dried and stored for a long time. And then use as a fragrant seasoning to meat dishes. It is possible to grow sage from seeds, it is better to plant it for a permanent place with passing seedlings. When buying seeds, pay attention to the fact that you bought an edible view of Sage - sage medicinal, as there are inedible, decorative varieties. For details on the cultivation of the Medicinal Salfa.

6. Mint ( Mentha. SPP)

7. Oregano and Mayran Oregano ( OriganumsPP)

Around the names of the soul, Oghegan and Mayran often arises confusion. The question arises - is it the same plant, or different? Both of these spicy herbs are close relatives and belong to one kind Origanum. Externally, these herbs are similar, although there are taste differences. Oregano, called the "wild scented", has a sharper taste. Majorant has a thinner and gentle aroma. With the cultivation of these plants there will be no special hassle. They grow anywhere where there is enough lighting and good drainage. Food, like seasoning, used leaves that can be collected and dry. These spicy herbs in the garden are better grown by a seedler.

8. Lavender ( Lavandula. SPP)

This plant is one of the most beloved in many gardeners. Some love her for her amazingly beautiful bloom, others for fragrance. Lavender is a plant from the Mediterranean, loving warmth and sun. But in our latitudes, the lavender can be grown as an annual culture sedale. Lavender is also suitable for growing in a container. Read more about growing lavender.

9. Estragon ( Artemisia Dracunculus. 'Sativa')

This spicy grass is genital from France, where it is universally grown in the gardens. It is highly appreciated in cooking, the taste and smell it resembles a polycriches or anise. French etaragon in our latitudes are quite difficult to grow, but is the most fragrant type of Estragona. In our climate you can grow Estragon Russian or Mexican, which, although less fragrant, is grown significantly. Read more about growing Estragon.

10. Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis)

11. Lemon grass (Cymbopogon Citratus.)

This, pretty exotic for our gardens and gardens, spicy grass is used to prepare tea, and also added to soups. It has a bright lemon smell. This plant, unfortunately, does not win open soilIt can be grown on a bed of seeds as annual, or grown in containers. Lemon grass looks very impressive in pots, which can be reached in a warmer place for the winter. The lemon grass with stalling or the division of the bush is multiplied.

If you grow some more spicy herbs in the garden, then tell us about them in the comments!

Beauty, aroma and spicy herbal use make them welcome plants in the garden.

The garden of spicy herbs is apparent, pleasant for the eye and almost does not require care.

It is very important to position it correctly - near the kitchen or recreation area.

It is unwise to put it in a remote or shaded place.

Neat "beds" look especially decorative, if they turn them around the perimeter by velvets, calendula, curly parsley or bright mangold.

As a framing, low-spirited borders from a dwarf Japanese spirahy or turquish, carved foliage of conventional carrots or beets are also suitable too.

Composition circuit 2.3 x 2.3 m

  2. rosmarinus officinalis;
  3. mint pepper (mentha piperita);
  6. nasturtium (Tropaeolum x Cultorum);
  7. schitt-bow, Elvuk-Rate (Allium Schoenoprasum);
  8. basilic (Ocimum Basilicum) with purple leaves;
  9. thymian ordinary (Thymus vulgaris);
  10. basil (Ocimum Basilicum) with green leaves;
  11. estragon (Artemisia Dracunculus)

The garden of spicy herbs should be not only useful and beautiful, but also convenient for work and move. It is important to closure tracks, widths 30 cm in this case are quite enough, clinker bricks are used for paving or concrete plates. Each garden is right triangle With a cathet, equal to 1 m, it makes it easy to reach the track to each plant. It is possible to put in beds not only spicy herbs, but also your favorite annuals, some of them can be cut off and put in a vase, decorating the house. All plants planted here must be edible.

Features of cultivation

  • Spring. As soon as the snow is surrounded, perennial spicy herbs wake up: Estragon, Schitt-Bow, Owin, Timyan. Estragon can grow in one place to ten years, but the first three years is most useful. In the spring it can be divided. In May, we put in the decorative pots of mint peppers, we take a street that wintering in the house. We sow in the soil dill and, the greens of which not only improves the taste and aroma of dishes, but also decorates the table.

The varieties of dill are early, medium and late, they differ in the time of the start of the stem. Early varieties are blooming quickly, getting much greens from them throughout the season will not work, but umbrellas and seeds for pickles, blanks and seasonings will be enough. At the middle varieties formed large quantity Greens and have time to form umbrellas and seeds of waxing. Lovely varieties give the most greens. Parsushki varieties are divided into two groups: root and leaf, the latter has curly variety.

- The source of early spring greenery, which can be simply cut with scissors, it looks good in the form of a border, not only in the garden. Some in the soil pot Nasturtium.

  • Summer. In the middle of June, planted a basilica seedlings. This plant is grown due to fragrant leaves, pleases and his attractive appearanceThere are many subspecies and varieties that differ in the color and size of the leaves, as well as the aroma. Schitt-bow flowers in June-July pink-purple inflorescences. Small purple-pink shields appear in the souls in July-September, at this time they are collected. Cut and consume spicy herbs as needed.
  • Fall. In early September, we transfer a pot with rosemary to the house, you can move the pepper mint, it perfectly winter on the windowsill. We remove annual herbs with a variety, cut perennials.
  • Winter. Acquire seeds of spicy herbs.

Height 1 M.

Small fragrant leaves, umbrellas with seeds

Height up to 1 m

Leather leather leaves

Decorative for the whole season

Schitt onions, or onion (Allium Schoenoprasum)

Height 40-60 cm

Thin green leaves, pink-purple spherical inflorescences. Flowers in June-July

Height 30-40 cm.

Purple fragrant leaves.

Height 120 cm

Discarded leaves with purple edge, small pale purple brushes in the colosumoid inflorescence

Blooms from June to August

Height 30 cm

Decorative for the whole season


Height 30-50 cm.

Small matte green leaves, purple-pink flowers in chitkovid inflorescence. Flowers in July-September

Nasturtium (Tropaeolum x Cultorum)

Height 20-25 cm.

Cherry-red flowers on the background of dark green leaves.

Decorative from mid-June to frost

Thymian Common (Thymus Vulgaris)

Height 5-15 cm

Very small fragrant leaves, pale purple flowers

Decorative for the entire season, blooms in June-July

Height 30-40 cm Green Aromatic Leaves

Decorative from mid-June to frosts

Height 1 m.

Narrow fragrant leaflets.

Decorative for the whole season

In this garden put mostly perennial spicy herbs. There is such a wonderful plant - "Kanuofer" (Coluofer, Kaluofer, Canaper), with a very pleasant aroma of gray-green velvety leaves, blooming with yellow or white small chamomiles collected in shovel inflorescence. Its leaves are used in fresh and dried to aromatize dishes and drinks, as an additive in salads, add to pickles and with apple uroasion, they are put into the closet to make the lover of a pleasant smell, they scare mole. Previously, these leaves were often used as a bookmark for the Bible, hence the name of the plant "Biblical sheet".

Lovers medicinal two-meter perennial with shiny dissected leaves, publishing a strong smell, similar to the aroma of celery.

They are added B. meat dishes Beef and lamb, meat broths, vegetable dishes, marinades, young leaves are good in spring salads.

Melissa lemon is distinguished by a light pleasant aroma, it is a very useful plant, its fragrance improves mood, phytoncides purify air.

Medicine Medicine is used to prepare tea and as a fragrance when storing things in the closet.

Spicy herbs garden landing scheme

  • bordeur from a short-sized Japanese Spiraray (Spiraea Japonica), Little Princess grade, 30 cm high;
  • nasturtium (Tropaeolum x Cultorum), or marigolds, Alaska variety;
  • medicinal Medicinal (HYSSOPUS Officinalis);
  • lovers Drug (Levisticum Officinale);
  • oral (Origanum vulgare), Herrenhasen grade;
  • astragon (Artemisia Dracunculus);
  • melissa Offcinalis (Melissa OffCinalis), Variety All Gold;
  • canafer (Tanacetum Balsamita)

The best border of the gardens of spicy herbs will serve as a low border from a short-sized dwarf Japanese alcohol of Little Princess grade 30 cm high. In addition to Spirahi, you can use turquoine for this purpose, Kuril tea (Phackle) and even the male, which is good in the snow. To create such a long border, it will be necessary a large number of planting material, which is planted after 20-30 cm. You can save, if you pre-draw the right amount Plants, root them and restrain for 1-2 years.

Features of cultivation

  • Spring. Sticking a border from Spiray: to achieve perfect result It will have to do also several times during the summer. After snowing snow, perennial spicy herbs quickly awaken: loving, soul man, kanouofer, Melissa, Estragon.

Melissa medicine has two decorative varieties that retain their useful properties: Peppercut and yellow-behaft all Gold. Here is used last. On a bed with spicy herbs she will make a pleasant color variety. In this garden, spicy herbs was not a species soul, but her decorative variety of Herrenhasen, fully preserving spicy and healing qualities of the species plant. This variety is so expressive that it may well be used not only in a spicy kindergarten or garden, but also in the mixture. Already in May, you can take greens to the table with Celery and Estragona plants.

In May, sow dill, parsley, choosing depending on the culinary addiction of the family the necessary varieties, sow in a pot of nasturtium.

  • Summer. We consume spicy herbs as needed. Periodically cut off the shovel inflorescences of the canofer consisting of small daisies for bouquets in the house or recreation area. Oils, Melissa, Umbrellas of Dopop are also suitable for this purpose. Sunday leaves of the canoruer for use as a fragrance for linen in the cabinets.

If desired, at the end of the summer, you can see the souls, umbrellas of dill, Issop. It is done very simple: cutting off the desired number of stems, we associate in a bouquet and hang down the "head" in a dark ventilated place, it is quite possible to do it in the shaded part of the kitchen, this not only makes the kitchen fragrant, but also adds a special rural charm.

  • Fall. We remove annual spicy herbs, perennially rifle.
  • Winter. We think about the range of spicy herbs of the next season.

Sperea Japan (Spiraea Japonica), Little Princess variety

Height 30 cm.

Small light green leaves

Decorative for the whole season

Height 20-25 cm.

Height 1 m.

Beautiful green leaves and bright lilac flowers on purple bluers.

Decorative for the whole season


Height 30 cm

Dark green leaves with a pleasant aroma

Decorative for the whole season

Medicinal Medicinal (HYSSOPUS Officinalis)

45 cm stalks

Small blue flowers In the colossal inflorescence.

Decorative for the entire season, blooms from late June to late September

Height 1 M.

Small fragrant leaves, umbrellas with seeds.

Decorative for the whole season

Lovers Drug (Levisticum Officinale)

Height 2 M.

Decorative for the whole season

Height 1 M.

Narrow fragrant leaves

Height 60-80 cm.

Golden sawn leaves, whitish-pinkish flowers in the sinuses of the leaves

Decorative for the entire season, blooms in July-August

Height 1 m.

Gray-green pubescent fragrant leaves, very small daisy flowers are collected in big shield inflorescences

Decorative for the entire season, blooms in July-August

The garden of spicy herbs "hugs" a crucible area of \u200b\u200brecreation area. This is his location very much like the owners of the garden and causes a constant delight among the guests, not only spicy herbs, but also cherry tomatoes and a fine-flower strawberry are used. Around the perimeter spicy garden borders, or leaf beets, usually grown as an annals. If the mangold is hiding for the winter, he will penetrate, and you will have a fresh greens from early spring until June, until the flowerons are formed. Mangold leaves are pleasant to taste and very helpful and can not have not only smooth, but also curly edges.

Mangold varieties differ in color stalks - silver, yellow, purple and green, they are decorative and can decorate flower beds. The raven garden salad must certainly be in a daily diet. In the garden, it is best to sow disruptive varieties, those suitable for gradual cleaning, the outer leaves of the socket are laid out one by one, leaving central, younger, for rearing. The breakdown salads are not only a light green "salad" color, everyone is known for LOLLO-ROCCA variety with red-purple wavy bubble leaves.

Garden scheme 2.3 x 3.6 m

  1. lovers (Levisticum officinale);
  2. mint Pepper (Mentha Piperita) in the pot;
  4. tomatoes Cherry (varieties);
  5. salad green (varieties);
  6. salad red (varieties);
  7. nasturtium (Tropaeolum x Cultorum) in the pot, Alaska variety;
  8. small-shaped strawberries (Fragaria VESCA);
  9. mangold (Beta Vulgaris)

Cherry tomato varieties are lowered (up to 40 cm), medium-free (up to 80 cm) and tall (more than 1 m). With each plant, they are tested to the peg, the lowest varieties in the garter do not need. White flowers and red berries of fine-cooled repair strawberries make it very decorative. It is better to use a must-mind species, which is multiply by seeds or the division of the bush. To taste and the shape of its berries do not differ from forest strawberries, but 1.5-3 times larger. Small blur remote strawberry Fruit continuously from the middle of summer to deep autumn.

Features of cultivation

  • Spring. Early spring wakes up lovers, his delicious and very useful leaves can be used for the first spring Salads. In March in a greenhouse or in a window sill, you can sow seeded seeds of fine strawberries, then it will be fruitful this season, in March in the warm room they have tomatoes on the seedlings.

In May, Mangold, Nasturtium, Parsley, Salads, plant peppermint pot. If you want to strengthen the fruit component of therugol, it is quite possible to put in a large pot not a nasturtium, but a pretty variety of fine-free repair strawberries (Fr. Vesca var. Semperflorens Parvicarpa), it does not differ in the form and taste of berries from the cracker, but in accordance with the title forms a mustache . The abundance of thin mustache makes it difficult to care for plants, so such varieties are less common, but when growing in the container, they grow and fruitly, very beautiful also in the suspended baskets. Usatu varieties have varieties not only with red, but also with white berries.

The fine-shaped strawberry is unpretentious, drought-resistant, almost does not require care. It is less winter-hardy than usual, but under the snow cover 30 cm winter is good. Sometimes after wintering, bushes have the appearance of the dead, but do not hurry to throw them out: a little later they will grow from rhizoma and give a full-fledged harvest. The productive life of strawberries 2-3 years, later its yield drops sharply, do not forget about it. We bring it to the seeds and division of the bush. Small-shaped repairing strawberry fruit continuously from the middle of summer to deep autumn.

  • Summer. And strawberries. Cut spicy herbs and break the salad as needed. Eat tomatoes and strawberries. You can sow strawberries in the seedlings in the summer, in this case it will begin to be fron in the next season.
  • Fall. We hide the mangold, we remove annuals, including tomatoes, cut perennial herbs and strawberries. Strawberry, which grew in a container, it is necessary to take out of it and put in bed, pumped out the place of planting by leaves or close the sweetheart in case of "black" synnese frosts! It's time for.
  • Winter. We reflect on the range of next year.

Height 2 m.

Brilliant disseated leaves with a smell, similar to the aroma of celery.

Decorative for the whole season

Height 30 cm

Delicious and useful green leaves

Decorative for the whole season

Height 30 cm

Delicious and helpful red curly leaves

Decorative for the whole season

Height 120 cm.

Discarded leaves with purple edge, small pale purple flowers in the cooled inflorescence

Height 1 m small fragrant leaves, umbrellas with seeds

Decorative for the whole season


Height 30 cm

Dark green leaves with a pleasant aroma

Decorative for the whole season

Height up to 80 cm

Small red tomatoes

Decorative during fruiting

Height 20-25 cm

Leaves with white spots of wrong contours, flowers of different colors.

Decorative from June to September

Flagaria Vesca)

Height 10-30 cm

Small White Flowers, Bright Red Fruits

Flowers at the end of May - June, fruits in late June - July

Height 40 cm

Green and purple leaves with bright red veins

Decorative for the whole season

Spicy herbs can be grown in large containers, which are good ceramic vases, wicker baskets, and also wooden boxes With laid from inside the film. Modern containers can also be stone, metal made of fiberglass, the main thing is that they harmonize the style and color with the house and garden. The color of the container is very important, it does not have to be neutral, allowing to solo plants. The roomier container, the better the plants feel in it.

Scheme of composition 6 × 3m

Plants in containers need regular feeding. When landing, you can make granulated complex fertilizers or special sticks (fertilizers for room colors) or regularly, once a week, feed with liquid fertilizers. When using containers, it is possible to create something new every year. If you attach skill, effort and do not forget to include fantasy, even a small size garden from plants in containers will become a real garden masterpiece that demonstrates your good taste.

Hello, lovers of natural products! Today I, Elena, tell about spicy herbs on the windowsill, the cultivation of which will make your winter ration even more useful.

The special need for greenery is felt in spring, and it is at this time, with an increase in the daylight, grow it easier. Some plants are not so whimsical and can grow on the windowsill round year.

In childhood, we always poisoned for the winter of the land from mole holmikov. Easy and air, no extra roots and pest larvae, it is perfect for seedlings.

Mole unmistakably chooses to stay good land. It throws the ground from the depth of up to 40 cm on the surface - as a rule, it is a fertile soil, which is especially valued by the owners of clay sites. Mole land does not need to be processed, except for disinfecting phytosporin.

If it is not possible to get this nutrient ground, the soil is suitable for indoor plants. If you use the usual land from the garden, it must be pre-rolled in the oven and mix with the soil for indoor plants (in order to avoid strong acidity).

Choosing a suitable capacity

Best of all, most cultures are growing in long boxes for seedlings. Some of the herbs (for example, Cress Salad) does not require a lot of space, and any free container is suitable for them. Onions on the feather are often grown in containers from cakes, and sometimes at all plastic bottlesturning them into multi-storey houses.

We choose landing material

The best seeds, as you know, grow in our area. However, not all of them are suitable for window cultivation, because early grades are preferable to obtain room greenery. In this case, it is advisable in a specialized store or via the Internet.

What plants worth growing on the window

Onions on the feather

Onions - one of the most unpretentious crops. It can be raised not only in the ground, but also in water (so that no rotting and unpleasant odor, Water needs to be changed).

Landing: To quickly obtain the greenery of the top of the plant cut, as can be seen in the photo. Some are cleaned and husk. The feather grows well both from Luke-Sevka and from Lukovitz-Republic. And in the spring in the usual grocery store you can gain already sprouted onions - so the harvest of greenery will turn out even faster.

Care: Onions are not afraid of cold or draft. Watering he needs moderate.

Harvesting: Cutting feathers gradually (2 - 3 pieces) from each plant, as soon as they reach about 10 cm in height.

Cress Salad.

Another simple and useful culturewhich will help to charge vitamins after a couple of weeks.

Sowing: Seeds lay 1 cm deep into the waters of the loose soil. Growing in a wet napkin is also practiced, but in this case it is necessary to irrigate. Shoots appear on the third day. Collect harvest when the grass reaches 5 cm in height.

Care: The plant is well tolerating the shadow and cold. You can grow it even on the northern windows. He loves regular watering and loosening, but the feeding should not be performed, since too little time passes from landing until ripening, and the substances unnecessary to us accumulate in plants.

Harvesting: For uninterrupted greenery feeding to the table, it is better to plant 2 drawers with a difference of 10 days: a cut will be made in one of them, and in the other - the renewal of the greenery.

Sheet mustard

It is also very easy to grow it.

Sowing: For landing it takes a depth of 10 cm. In a pot, you need to provide drainage from special pebbles, and the soil is desirable to mix with coconut fiber in a ratio of 1: 2 (but it is unlikely that someone complies with this recommendation).

Care: Mustard moves well to +10 temperatures, so it easily lives on the balcony in the fall or on the cool windowsill in winter. Heat from +20, on the contrary, does not like and goes to the arrow.

To delay the booming, the maximum thickening landing. On cloudy days it is advisable to use additional lighting. The plant loves the spraying of water and moderate (especially in winter) watering. If ordinary street land is taken for sowing, then in phase 2 - 4 of the present leaves, mustard preferably feed the growth or agroxyph.

Harvesting: About 3 weeks after sowing gather greens. After cutting, the bush can give additional yields.

Leaf salad

By itself, this culture is pretty caprick: loves light and moisture, with insufficient watering Acquires bitter taste. But some varieties (Batavia, Lollo Dew, Vitamin, New Year, etc.) withstand high temperatures and short drought, so they are recommended for room garden.

Sowing: For salad, the container is selected from 10 to 30 cm deep, be sure to drive in the bottom and drainage. It is also desirable to add coconut fiber, humid, sand into the soil. Seeds are laying into a spilled soil at a depth of 0.5 cm, the grooves are made at a distance of 10 cm from each other (or the pots are used). Then the container is covered with film until the first searches appear (4 - 5 days). Put a capacity better south or southeast.

Care: Salad feels well at temperatures from 17 to 21 degrees. When cooling it, it is better to remove it from the window. The recommended duration of the light day for it is 12 - 14 hours, so in short winter days the lighting of fluorescent lamps will be required.

Salad needs thinning. The first spend a week after the appearance of germs. There are 2 cm between the plants. The second time - in the phase 2 of the present leaves - 4 - 5 cm between bushes. Since the vegetation period at the salad is short, it is not recommended to use feeding with a large content of nitrogen or iodine.

Harvesting: Greens are cut gradually, starting with extreme leaves. When arrows appear (this is approximately 4 weeks after sowing), the bush remove and plant a new one. To obtain a continuous harvest, it is recommended to sow every 10 days.


Tasty and simple in circulation seasoning will turn the kitchen into a branch pharmaceutical Tietary, especially if sowing different plants in color. It should be noted that green bushes are growing faster purple, and the champions in the atrocity are lower grades.

Sowing: Basil is growing well not only from seeds, but also from a young escape dug in the garden. However, the first way is preferable: the crop can be obtained for a long time. To speed up seedlings, seeds can be soaked in warm water For a couple of days (water should be changed every 12 hours), then to hold 2 hours in a weak solution of manganese and dried on a rag.

Requirements for containers and soil are the same as for salad. Sowing is produced in wet and loose soil. Between the seeds withstand 1 - 2 cm. From above, 1 - 2 cm of soil poured on top, covered with a film and removed into a warm spot to the first sprouts (about 2 weeks).

Care lies in regular watering in summer and moderate - in winter. In the warm season, greens can be sprayed in the morning. Also during a short light day, the plant is highlighted by 12 hours lED lampmounted 20 cm from the pot.

Bushes grow well if they are quenched in a timely manner, i.e. cut top LeavesLeaving at least 4. For the first time, this can be done after the appearance of 6 of these leaves. If you look at, in the photo it can be seen how new leaves are formed in the sinuses of the lower leaves. Over time, the side shoots of Kusty will grow.

Harvesting: Green is obtained as the plant groves.


From seeds a good harvest get difficult: the greens grow slowly. Much more convenient to stick in the pot of the root of the garden. I will tell you how to grow in two ways.

Sowing: Get greens at home is the easiest of the early grades: Babushkin Groke, beads, Gloria, Astra, ordinary sheet, etc. To accelerate seed seeds, they are soaked for several days in water, then treated with manganese.

As a container, a pot for flowers or a drawer for seedlings is suitable. It is necessarily necessary drainage, since Parsley does not like excessive moisture. Seeds are immersed in the grooves in half a hundred depth, then the earth falls asleep and slightly tamper. Cover the pots of pots are cleaned in a warm place.

Landing rhizomes: Before freezing the soil, the roots are digging up to 5 cm in length (the greens cut off for better survivities). They are planted in a pre-disinfected box with a drainage layer below and remove in a cold place before the appearance of new leaves.

Harvesting: The first greens cut off when the branches reach 10 cm in height.


This plant feels good on the garden, and at home quite demanding to lighting and temperature regime. The beginners and owners of shaded windows are better to try to dilute the sterchase grass in spring or summer.

Sowing: For room dilution It is better to choose early varieties: Grenader, Mushroom. Seeds must be soaked in water for several hours, and then hold in manganese. Suitable for growing only those seeds that sank when soaking.

Dill in pots for seedlings or peat pots followed by moving to other containers. The bottom must be drainage, then sand, and upper layer Be sure to include fertile land (Special soil or soil mixture with peat and humus). Seeds throw the earth, the pot is covered with a film and remove into bright and warm (+18 and above).

Care: Dill loves spraying with water. In the fall and winter, the plant must be highlighted in the morning. For this, a conventional lamp is consolidated, fixed by 50 cm above the pot. The duration of highlighting is up to 5 hours, if the plants live on the windowsill, and up to 15, if they are far from the window (but it is better not to do with dill).

In addition, plants must be turned to turn all bushes to reach the sun, and to clean the night in a cooler place. Twice a month dill feed mineral fertilizers. The best temperature for cultivation is approximately 16 - 20 degrees.

Harvesting: The time of sewing of greens depends on the season and care. It is recommended every 10 days to sow a new batch.

Thyme (Chabret)

Beautiful I. fragrant plant It can be grown both in warmth with rest in winter and all year - under the condition of additional lighting. Seeds and cuttings are used as a planting material.

Sowing: Timyan seeds have a good germination. For them, the container is a depth of 15 cm with a small drainage layer below. To the moistened land (the most convenient to use a pulverizer) lay a few seeds, a layer of Earth is poured from above approximately 1 cm and covered with a film. If the lighting on the window is strong, the container is recommended slightly pronounce.

Reproduction with cuttings: The leaves remove the leaves on the flooded branches of the chastard and make a slant cut, after which they are put in an opaque container with water. The roots will grow better if you add honey to water (1 teaspoon per liter of water) or epin-extra (two drops per cup). You can also plant a plant with roots with roots, the main thing is to choose the container a little wider coma, so that the bustle has a space for growing, but the soil has not covered.

Care: In nature, the chamber grows in the cracks of the rocks, and therefore it is not necessary to moisten it, but he needs to be kept from drought. You can feed it at will. 2 times per year: in early spring And after flowering - the chamber is cut, leaving ⅓ a weathered escape.

Harvesting: For the use of leaves in a fresh form, they can be cut into a shortage throughout the year. Cut before the start of flowering.


Rosemary - a multi-year culture, so in the first years will grow slowly. It breeds seeds and stalling, but you can buy a finished seedlings.

Sowing: It is best to breed on the windowsill low-grade varieties: fragrant, tenderness, seko, Veshnoyakovsky, Rosinka, Richard. It is best to sow in the spring. At first, a small container will be required. Rosemary's soil loves loose, so the soil for seedlings (or garden land) must be mixed with sand, if you forget to water, prudently add hydrogel to the mixture.

Seeds are good and long. For acceleration, you can soak them for a couple of days in a wet cloth or tissue. Then they are placed in wet land and earth do not fall asleep. Cover the capacity is removed in a dark place and waited for 2 weeks, while shooting will appear. After that, the container is moved to the bright and cool (18 - 20 degrees) place. Slightly grown landing need to be seeded. The root system in the plant is strongly branched, so the depth of the pot is 20 cm and width - 25 will be optimal.

Shining and landing: To get the cuttings, semi-hydraulic twigs are chosen. The top is cut at an altitude of 8 - 10 cm, the bottom is cleaned from the leaves and put into the water where corpering and similar substances can be added. After a couple of weeks, the roots will appear, and therefore it has come to plant in the ground. Prepared, as indicated above, the Earth is moistened, the plant is plugged at 3 cm and covered with a film in the hole. It will be possible to remove the shelter, as soon as the first leaves will grow (it will take another month), it is better gradually.

Care: In the warm season, the bustice feels good at 20 - 25 degrees, and in winter the temperature needs to be reduced to 15. But the light of the plant even at this time takes more, so it is desirable to put it on the southern, southeast or south-west side, or Set a light bulb. From time to time it must be rotated to form a uniform bush. For the summer, it is good to put the plant on the balcony or planted on the site.

Watering is required regular, but in no way excessive. It is impossible to dry the earth. Water is suitable only exhausted during the day, room temperature. Summer water is not less than 2 times a week. In winter and during flowering, it is necessary to do it less often, but at the same time follow the land to do not swam from the batteries. Young shoots that only build up a green mass, preferably spray.

At the very beginning of growth, if the soil when landing was not very fertile, the plants can be picked up with mineral fertilizers. And Rosemary loves honey - 1 teaspoon per liter of water.

Every year, in the first 5 years, Rosemary is transplanted into a larger pot. The transplant is required once every 3 years, but the upper layer of the soil must be changed.

Stagnation or excessive humidity indoors can cause martherny Dew, And too dry air contributes to the appearance of a paustic tick and aphids. I can process rosemary with phytodeterm or tobacco dust.

Harvesting: The aromatic seasoning is obtained during the pruning of the plant. Completely leave on bush at least ⅔ young shoots, otherwise the plant will weaken. Competent cropping, on the contrary, stimulates growing.


Finally, I will tell you more about one good, although not a herbaceous seasoning. This is a laurel. While the inhabitants of the Krasnodar Territory pull it out as weed, the rest of the Russians are forced to buy leaves in the store or bring from the south. Once I bought 2 rooted cuttings in Adler, and for several years in a row my parents tear the fragrant seasoning straight from the pot.

We bring laurels in three ways: cuttings, braids and seeds. The first is the most difficult. The bodies grow much easier: the branch is flexing to the ground, bury and after a while, when independent roots are formed in the hilly young plant separated from maternal. But I will not stop in detail on the vegetative reproduction of the laurels, because readers who will grow a bush on the windowsill, hardly live in southern latitudes and have access to the bushes.

Sowing: Lavrovishi seeds are best planted immediately after collecting. If you do not trust the shop, you can easily find fresh seeds in the Exchange Club planting materialwhich is organized in almost every journal in gardening. For sowing choose not too deep container. Soil can be prepared alone from a mixture of garden land and sand. Seeds are placed in wet soil on 1 cm deep, then covered with glass and kept at a temperature of 16-18 degrees. In the phase of two real leaves, plants transplanted into individual pots.

Care: Buckets love heat. Optimal temperature In the room for them - 20 - 22 degrees, but minor deviations will not damage. In the hot room it is desirable to spray indoor room temperature. Some shading of the lambist tolerates calmly, but from lack of light begins to stretch. Watering is needed regular, but not excessive. In summer and spring water is required more, and in winter it is enough to water once a half - two weeks. Excess moisture is easy to notice the fallout of the lower leaves.

If the leaflets begin to flame and pale, the plant requires feeding. To do this, you can use concentrated liquid fertilizer once a month. Also for good growth, it is necessary to periodically loose land. Once a year, better spring, Kostik need to transplant in a more spacious capacity. Upon reaching 5 years it can be done much less. Owners of household plots can be plated a plant, transplanting him for the summer into an open ground.

Harvesting: In the first year after sowing, cut leaves will not work. In the future, you will have to minimize, so it is advisable to plant several bushes at once. As soon as they grow up, it can be repeated periodically: the laurels are well tolerating trimming. To form a lush bush, it is desirable to discharge the top of a very young (first 6 leaves) plants.


I advise you to choose from this list the first 3 plants from this list, and then you already take for the rest. Beneficial features Herbs will eventually inspire you for a real garden all year round. Good harvest And to new meetings in your home!

If you like to season with fresh herbs, growing your own herbs - an excellent inexpensive option. Spicy herbs - unassuming plants that can grow indoors or in open ground, in pots or in the ground. All you need is a warm, sunny place and several major tools.


Beginning of work

    Choose herbs for growing. What spicy herbs would you like to use in cooking? Choosing, what grasses grow, think about your own preferences. Since herbs are easy and pleasant to grow, you can try to grow one or two types of grass, which usually do not buy in the grocery store. If you have already decided, what kind of grass will be planted, buy seeds in a local nursery or on the Internet.

    Choose the place of cultivation of herbs. Spicy herbs are easy to grow both in the open soil and indoors. You can also choose between landing them directly to the ground or in the container. Many herbs need a lot of direct sun raySo choose not a shady space.

    Buy soil for indoor plants. The composition of the soil is an important factor for successful growing grass. The herbs grow well in a slightly neutral soil (6.5 - 7 pH), but it should not be too fertile. In fact, if the soil is too fertile, the growth will be riveted, and the fragrance is weak. Drainage is more important than fertility. The soil should be loose and crumbly to absorb water well.

    • If you are planning to grow grasses from seeds, take pots for seeds, which is not enriched with additional nutrients, as the seeds already contain the nutrients they need to grow and root.
    • For more adult sprouts, select the soil that is not processed by pesticides.
    • You can mix purchased soil with a compost to help herbs grow strong and healthy.

Sowing seeds

  1. Start sow at the beginning of spring. Best time For sowing seeds - time when the street is still cool and the growing season has not yet begun. During this time, the seeds will germinate and root; They should be prepared for landing when the temperature begins to rise.

    Prepare seed containers. Grass seeds can be planted in any small container, such as old box From under the eggs, a cup of yoghurt, or containers that are sold in the garden in the nursery. Mark containers whatever you know that the seeds planted in them. Fill every container with a soil for indoor plants, then slightly moisten it with water. Place containers in a solar place with a constant temperature of about 21 ° C. At this early stage, seeds do not need a lot of direct sunlight, otherwise they can overheat.

    • Even if you plan to grow herbs in an open ground, it is better to start growing them in a room where it is possible to control irrigating and temperature.
    • Most herbs to germinate, a wet environment is required. If you live in a region where the air is very dry, slightly cover the pots with seeds polyethylene film. Do not close them too much - the seeds need air to germinate.
  2. Soak seeds. This step allows you to prepare seeds to germination. Spread the seeds with a smooth layer between two wet paper towels. Let them absorb moisture within 4 hours before planting.

    Sew seeds. Read on packages with seeds, as you need to plant one or another grass grade. Some varieties need to be easily scattered over the entire surface of the soil, while others will not germinate if they are not shuffled into the soil. Over the next few weeks, the seeds will sprout, sprouts and leaves will throw out. Maintain a stable temperature and sunlight and make sure that the soil is always wet.

    Comer seedlings. As soon as the seedlings grow leaves, some of them will have to remove from the pots to grow more strongly. Empt less developed seedlings and leave the rest of the plants at a distance of about 2.5 cm. From each other.

  • Some gardeners made another step forward in pursuit of perfect drainage. They raise a bed of 5 cm. Edging from bricks, logs or stones - what is needed, and in addition to everything, it clearly sets the borders of the bed. The advantage of raised beds is rapid construction. You can post edging at your discretion - right on the lawn. Pour in each section 10-15 cm. Purchased soil chosen in accordance with the requirements of grass. Under the purchase of soil, the dend dies from the lack of light and air and when it decomposes, then added organic substances. Cover the tracks 10-15 cm. Mulch and rasp the grass, which managed to survive. Combination bright Sun. And the rapid drainage of the soil contributes to strong growth and prevents fungal diseases, keeping plants healthy. Also dry heat will be collected in the leaves essential oils For better flavor.

Our grandmothers, grown with a strawberry garden, or strawberries, as we used to call it, not particularly worried about mulching. But today, this agroprium has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reduce crop losses. Someone can say that it is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off by a hundredfold. In this article, we suggest you would like to meet the nine best Materials For mulching garden strawberries.

Mint used the Egyptians for another 1.5 thousand years before our era. It is characterized by a strong aroma due to the large content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, in decorative gardening, in the confectionery industry. In this article, consider the most interesting types of mint, as well as tell about the peculiarities of growing this plant in the open soil.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to be confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardens he is sometimes confused! However, to understand the basics of the selection of varieties "for themselves" is not difficult. The main thing is in particular culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest to grow groups of tomatoes is grades and hybrids with limited growth. They always appreciated by the gardeners who do not have a lot of strength and time to care for the beds.

There are no time very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten, the coles today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain are considered the stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking for above all non-standard colors. Simple in cultivation, but not so comprehensive to approach everything, the cakes require constant control. But if you care about them, bushes from velvety unique leaves easily eclipse any competitor.

Baked salmon ridge in olive herbs - "Supplier of delicious pieces of fish pulp for light salat With fresh leafs of the abraise. Champignons slightly roasted in olive oiland then watered apple vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary marinas, and they are better suited for baked fish. The shortcut and fresh dill get along perfectly in one salad, emphasizing each other's fragrance. Garlic acuteness of the abrade is impregnated and the flesh of salmon, and pieces of mushrooms.

A coniferous tree or shrub on the plot is always great, and a lot of conifers - even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorates the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, isolated by plants, not only flavor, but also make air cleaner. As a rule, most of the zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura, most often, is associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy flowering trees It has long been an integral attribute of the Spring meeting in the country of the Rising Sun. Financial and school year here begins on April 1, when magnificent sakura bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But Sakura is growing perfectly and in the cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how tastes and addictions of people have changed to one or another food products over the centuries. The fact that was once considered delicious and was the subject of trade, over time he lost its value and, on the contrary, new fruit cultures conquered their markets. Quince has already been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century d. N. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known and then the ways of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Please make your household and make thematic curd cookies in the form of Easter eggs! Your kids will gladly take part in the process - ascend to flour, connect all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut the intricate figures. Then with admiration will be observed as the dough pieces turn into real easter eggsAnd then with the same enthusiasm will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

Among the tuber cultures of decorative-deciduous favorites are not so much. And Caladium is a true star among the volatile inhabitants of the interiors. It may not be decided to start the caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of Caladiums never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties in the cultivation of caladiums. And forgive small mistakes, the plant can almost always.

Retooth, incredibly appetizing and just elementary in the cooking dish we prepared for you today. This sublime is one hundred percent one hundred percent, as it is suitable for each side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Pouring with chicken and mushrooms will save you at moments when there is no time or I do not want to think about what to cook. Take you a favorite side dish (you can do it in advance so that everything is hot), add a gravy and dinner ready! Recine chopstick.

Among the many varieties of these popular vegetables, we will tell about three, which differ beautiful taste and relatively unpretentious cultivation conditions. Characteristics of varieties of eggplant "Almaz", "Black Handsome" and "Valentine". All eggplants have the pulp of medium density. The "diamond" she is greenish, and the other two is yellowish-white. They are combined by a good germination and excellent yield, but in different time. The color of the skin and the form of all different

Agriculture refers to such types of human activity, the successful outcome of which is not always directly proportional to the applied efforts. Unfortunately, nature does not necessarily protrude with our alliance when growing plants, and often even, on the contrary, throws all new tests. Enhanced pest reproduction, abnormal heat, late return freezes, hurricane wind, drought ... And one of the Spring presented us with another surprise - flood.

With the arrival of the season of country work, the question of growing strong and healthy seedlings of our favorite vegetables: cabbage, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant and many other cultures. At the same time, the question arises - and how to grow decent seedlings and in the future get healthy plants and a decent harvest? For example, I already grow seedlings and protect my garden from diseases with the help of biological preparations Alin-B, Gamiir, Glocladin, Trichoqin.

I will allow myself today to confess in love. In love for ... Lavender. One of the best unpretentious, evergreen and beautiful shrubs, who can be successfully grown in their garden. And if someone thinks that the lavender is a resident of Mediterranean or, at least South, then you are mistaken. Lavender is growing well in more northern regions, even in the suburbs. But to grow it, you need to know some rules and features. About them and will be discussed in this article.