Wood stain: types and colors. Wood processing with wood stain: algorithms for professional finishing What colors of wood stain are on wood

Modern Construction Materials are striking in their variety. The stain, although it has been known for a long time, has not lost its popularity, thanks to innovations in this group.

What is wood stain?

There are a lot of construction products on the shelves of stores that you can get confused, for which some of them are intended, for example, wood stain or stain.

The history of the origin of the dye goes back to the nineteenth century. The stain was called "Cologne soil". Since humus soil, rather loose in composition, was found on the territory of Cologne in a non-hamlet.

She had amazing properties. If the earth is dissolved in water and applied to a paper or wood surface, it takes on a deep brown color.

The deposits of the "Cologne land" turned out to be scarce, so they began to develop a substitute for natural stain. Natural colorant today is made on the basis of oil and coal. Wood contains substances that will dye it brown without the addition of chemical components.

The uniqueness of the stain lies in the fact that it does not make a film, as is the case with oil dyes, but reveals a natural pattern on the wood. The surface acquires a rich and contrasting texture. To the question, what is the stain for, you can answer simply - to give the desired tone to the natural surface.

There is a concept like mordant staining. Some confuse it with surface staining. There are, of course, external similarities, but in the first case, the layer is more waterproof.

Summer and spring woods differ in density. Annual rings on spring wood are colored weaker than on a dense summer wood board. This contrast can be clearly seen in spruce and pine. Wet surfaces are obtained with a uniform tone, rather than paint over dry.

Types and properties of stain

Special dyes that dissolve in liquids are stains of different tones. It is produced in powder and in liquid state... Water, alcohol, wax acts as a liquid, so it was subdivided into different types.

Water stains... The most popular water-based group. Wood is able to acquire light and dark tones after staining. Available for sale in two states: liquid, dry. Liquid stains are used immediately, while powder stains should be preliminarily diluted with heated water.


- does not emit a poisonous odor, which allows you to work without fear of poisoning in a closed room;
- great possibility of color matching. To achieve darker tones, you can use several layers of stain, after drying each layer;
- low cost;
long term storage.


- drying takes a long time;
- varnishing mandatory procedure;
- during dyeing, wood fibers rise, due to this, moisture resistance is lost. To prevent this from happening, the surface is moistened and polished before work;
- excess stain on the surface can provoke cracks. Therefore, it is in this form that the tampon is slightly moistened before application.

Alcohol stains... Stains of this kind dissolve in alcohol. Aniline dyes are used as the main components. The mixture quickly penetrates deep into the wood, where the alcohol evaporates within half an hour.

If you need to paint large areas, it is better to use a spray gun. Such an application does not allow the formation of spots, erosion. The disadvantage of this type is precisely quick dry, Strong smell. A positive characteristic is that the wood does not swell, unlike water mixtures, ultraviolet rays are not terrible.

Oil stains... Dyes of this group dissolve in linseed oil.

Positive characteristics:

- any dyes are combined;
- uniform application, without lifting the fibers;
- do not fade;
- retain their original color for a long period;
- drying time from 2 to 4 hours;
- mixtures are resistant to moisture, temperature extremes.


- toxicity.

Nitro-stains... A solvent acts as a liquid, which dries very quickly after staining. It can be compared to an alcohol group. The characteristics are similar. Also difficult to apply, but resistant to washout and ultraviolet rays.

Wax stains... Dyes are diluted with wax. After applying the mixture, a waterproof film forms. After using this group of stains, it is not required to open it with varnish.

Acrylic stains ... The dyes dissolve in acrylic resins. The mixture is perfectly applied to the surface, does not create stains, streaks, well reveals the wood pattern, is not toxic. The only drawback is the high cost.

Stain gels... The mixture is thick and suitable for soft wood species. In the work, a swab is used to apply the stain in an even layer. This group allows you to remove as much as possible spotting on the surface.

Varnish stains... Coloring components based on alkyd varnish. There is no need for a top coat with varnish. The tree gets reliable protection from external influences... The work is complicated with varnish stain for several factors:

- volatile compounds, require the mandatory use of a respirator and goggles;
- fire hazardous. Strict measures cannot be dispensed with fire safety.

Stain application

When staining, you should adhere to the right technology... Wood placed vertically is painted from bottom to top. This will prevent splashing on clean places, and will not leave stains in the future.

The horizontal arrangement of the boards requires painting along the grain in the first stage. Next, brush across them and, at the third stage, repeat the original movement.

In work, you can use a spray gun, brush or foam swab. The first option is suitable for large areas, as well as for alcohol and nitro-based stains. The pi nozzle does not exceed 1.5 mm.

Brushes can be with natural and synthetic bristles. Natural fiber is good for oil-based stains, synthetic fiber is water-based.

Before use, the brush should be checked for strength. If, upon contact with it, no lint remains in the hand, then the product good quality and is suitable for coloring. The width of the brush should be 100 mm.

Water stains applied except for the two described more with a tampon or rag. The material should not crumble and leave marks on the wood, so cotton, foam rubber is worth choosing.

The wood absorbs the dye just as much as it needs. Do not be afraid that there will be an overabundance, you just need to remove the excess liquid with a napkin. The stain may not look the same after drying, and the color is an order of magnitude lighter. In order not to take risks and get the desired result, you need to take a piece of the board and make a test.

To do this, sand it and cover it with the first layer - this will be the base. After complete drying, apply the second layer to a part of the board. Apply the third layer to the remaining part.

When the paint is dry, cover the entire surface with varnish. Now you can define the color. A test for conifers is considered relevant, since they do not absorb stain well and a problem may arise with the color. The minimum number of layers is at least two. It is a good idea to prepare several samples with different colors.

Water-based stain has the ability to straighten wood fibers. After complete drying, sand the boards additionally sandpaper with fine grain, but without much pressure.

Drying time from 15 to 24 hours. Alcohol stain works differently. It will not pick up fibers, but it dries very quickly, forms streaks, so for an even coating it is better to work with a spray gun.

If a brush is used, pre-wet the surface warm water... This also applies to the end parts of the board. They should be wetted, as they absorb a lot of paint, which will make them look darker. Drying time from 5 to 25 minutes.

Algorithm of work:

- the surface is sanded before painting;
- cleaned from greasy stains, if spruce or pine - resin. You can use water (370 ml), combined with acetone (125 ml). Method 2. Add 25 g of caustic soda to 500 ml of water. Method 3. hot water(500 ml), about 60 degrees C, dissolve 25 g of sodium carbonate. Treat the surface thoroughly with one of the mixtures obtained and leave for 30 minutes. Wipe dry with cotton cloth. Now walk again clean water, preferably warmed up;
- slightly warm the stain;
- do not wet the tampon too much and apply to the wood;
- if streaks appear, gently stretch them along the surface along the fibers;
- the number of layers depends on the selected color on the test board;
- as soon as the board is dry, wipe the board well with a cloth. It will remove dried dye that did not get into the pores of the object;
the final stage is a varnish coating in several layers. Sanding after each layer.

Wood can be dyed in different colors... Today "bleached oak" is considered a fashionable color. In order to obtain this effect, 2 types are used. The first layer is applied white stain, it bleaches wood.

Moreover, the dye is taken on a water basis. The second type on a wax base is the next layer. Not the other way around. Since after the wax oak stain, you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

Stain color the top layer can be any: brown, black, gray. Only annual rings will be colored, the field will remain snow-white ... Photo stains different types... Their contrast is clearly visible here.

Price and reviews

Water buy stain it is possible in any hardware store at a price of 30 rubles. for 500 ml. The best stain, judging by the reviews, it is considered an acrylic group. Stain price of the same capacity - 78.5 rubles. Only buyers are disappointed that they do not write the composition on the jar.

Today, there is such a variety of impregnating agents for wood on sale that even a specialized specialist will not be able to unequivocally answer the question of what is their fundamental difference. If you read the instructions for the preparations, then the conclusion suggests itself that most of them protect the wood literally "from everything." So what is wood stain for? Is it only for toning it, as is commonly believed?

  • Wood toning while preserving its texture.
  • Reliable protection of the material when other means are ineffective or their use from an economic point of view is impractical. Argumentation - stains are characterized by a greater penetration depth, while they are cheaper than paints, varnishes and a number of other preparations used for wood processing (at least 2.5 times).
  • Imitation of another, more expensive breed.
  • Bleaching wood. This is often done either in the process of its restoration, or in preparation for painting (applying colored varnish).
  • Preservation of material from decay (antiseptic function) and destruction by wood-boring insects.
  • Combining shades, creating the effect of surface finishing with various woods.
  • Some stains strengthen its structure.
  • Giving (partial) moisture-repellent properties to sawn timber.
  • Any stain, regardless of its composition, will definitely increase the shelf life of the tree.

But is it that simple? Is it enough to buy any of the commercially available wood stains, and all the problems with reliable wood processing are solved? An exhaustive answer can be obtained if you familiarize yourself with all types of liquids in this group. By the way, stains are often called differently - stains - and they are used not only for protection and preparation for further use. natural wood, but also building materials based on it (plywood, MDF, fiberboard, OSV, chipboard).

Wood stain modifications

They are classified according to what they are based on. They go on sale in the form of ready-made liquids, gels or powders, but the properties of wood stains depend only on the components and their proportions.

Water stains

  • Such stains are distinguished by a wide variety of shades, so you can choose the composition for almost any type of wood and make it the required tint in relation to the interior of a particular room.
  • "Environmental Safety". For those who care about the "purity" of the product, water stains - the best option... No harmful fumes, regardless of external factors. First of all, temperatures.
  • Given the basis, it is clear that it is not difficult to wash off such a stain with water. In some cases, this is relevant if, in the process of working with wood, it is necessary to slightly change the resulting shade.

  • Water stains are deep penetrating agents. This property also has a negative component. During processing, the tree is additionally saturated with liquid. What does this mean? First, it becomes more susceptible to moisture absorption. Secondly, shrinkage lasts longer, and often initiates twisting of the processed workpiece. Therefore, the use of wood stains of this group requires both experience and accuracy.
  • The need for subsequent application of a protective layer to the tree. For example, varnish, which is most often practiced.

Alcohol stains

  • The impregnation dries quickly. Someone considers this a disadvantage, but the ease of use is obvious. Especially when working outdoors when the weather is unstable and there is a chance of precipitation.
  • High-quality protection of wood from ultraviolet radiation and dampness.

  • Pungent specific odor. When organizing work in the room, it is necessary to ensure its effective ventilation. Will it be possible to do this in winter?
  • Fast absorption into the structure of the material. This somewhat complicates the treatment of wood with alcohol stains, since due to the uneven application of the impregnation, there is a risk of stains appearing on the general background. Experts advise using a spray gun, since it is almost impossible to achieve a uniform shade of wood manually (with a brush) without proper experience.

Oil stains


  • Do not fill the wood with moisture.
  • Easily change shade when adding dyes.
  • Stains of this group lay on the wood in a thin layer, evenly, so there are no difficulties in working with them.
  • Does not fade when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Application of additional protective coating(varnish, wax) on wood is not required.
  • Inert to changes in temperature and humidity environment.
  • Certain toxicity.
  • Long drying time (depends on the conditions of use).

Wax and nitro stains (acrylic)

Their characteristics are very similar.

  • After drying of such wood stains, a thinnest protective film appears on the wood.
  • The uniformity of the shade is guaranteed over the entire treated area. The presence of spots, bald spots is excluded.
  • The structure of the tree stands out especially clearly.
  • The difficulty of working with these stains. Mainly due to the fast "setting" of the impregnation. Therefore, any further alterations are no longer possible.
  • One of the advantages of wood is lost - the ability to "breathe". The reason is the resulting film. Not all users note this, but nevertheless. How permeable it is is a big question.

Rustic stains

Quite new drugs. Their main purpose is to emphasize the structure of the material, to achieve several shades in one area. The use of such compositions requires high professionalism, so the author does not focus on them. Only to inform the reader, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to process the wood on your own. If, of course, we mean a quality result.

What to consider when choosing a wood stain

Knowing the features of various modifications of these solutions, it is easy to understand. Therefore, the author only summarizes all of the above:

  • Application specificity - inside or outside the building; temperature, humidity; weather.
  • The structure (species) of the tree. The lower the density, the more deeply the stain penetrates. For example, the use of water-based formulations will significantly increase their consumption per m2. To what extent is this justified, expedient, and so on? There is one more nuance. After processing, the color of the wood will be slightly "lighter" than expected. This is due to the fact that a significant part of the stain will be absorbed, and together with the liquid and the dye.
  • The condition of the wood. Does the lumber have defects that need to be leveled, or, on the contrary, is it necessary to emphasize all its advantages? This should also be taken into account when choosing a stain by shade.
  • Personal experience and opportunities. With the first it is clear - not everyone will be able to apply the required layer of stain with high quality, which dries quickly (is absorbed). It depends on practical skills. More difficult with possibilities. As a rule, most “home craftsmen” work with a brush. It is recommended to use tampons for applying wax stains. Also - nothing special. But does everyone have not only a spray gun, but also a "source" compressed air? Before choosing alcohol stains, you should think carefully.
  • General interior. This mainly concerns internal finishing works... As a rule, surface decoration of wooden parts of a building or individual structural elements no one is engaged, otherwise one of the advantages of lumber is lost - naturalness. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the shade that the wood stain will give the tree, and how much it will emphasize its structure (or change).

  • If you plan to further treat wood with polyurethane paint or varnish, which contains acid, then wax stain cannot be used as an impregnation.
  • When choosing a tool, you must purchase it with a certain margin. Practice shows that it will not be possible to accurately determine its consumption per m². Even a specialist will not say how much wood stain will be needed, especially when it comes to processing a large area (volume of lumber). And if you make a second purchase in the same store, and impregnation from the same manufacturer, then it is not a fact that the shade will be identical. From batch to batch of goods, it partially changes - these are the costs (features) of the technology.
  • Effective wood protection is achieved if the stain is applied in at least 2 coats. One-time processing of the required result does not give, therefore, such savings are absolutely pointless.

Stains for wood have remained in the past, allowing only to shade the natural color of wood or darken it by several tones. Modern stains are wonderful antiseptics that extend the life of wood products at times, allowing wood to be painted in a wide variety of colors. The palette of wood stains is expanding every year.

Varieties of wood stains

The classification of wood stains consists in dividing impregnations into groups depending on the quality of the base on which they are made.

Based on this, all impregnations are subdivided into:

  • aquatic;
  • oil;
  • alcohol;
  • acrylic;
  • wax.

I would like to note that when choosing the color of the stain, it is necessary to make a wood test in advance of one or another shade of your choice. This need is dictated by the fact that wood of different quality has different ratio absorbency, which determines the final color of the product being dyed.

For example, conifers, due to the fact that they are impregnated with resins and oils, they do not penetrate deeply into themselves various impregnations, and therefore they will not change color much, while deciduous trees with good absorbency will be colored more intensely.
Wood sampling will help you avoid unnecessary costs and get the desired result.
Let's consider in more detail the main types of impregnation, the color of wood stain, photos of painted products.

This type of stain can be presented in two forms: liquid, ready to use, and dry - in the form of a powder for the manufacture of the final product.

A distinctive feature of a water-based stain is that with its help a tree can be painted only in woody shades of various saturation, it will not be possible to radically change the color of the product.

Then apply a layer of water-based stain. In this case, the product will have an attractive appearance and remain protected from negative impact moisture.
Excess water-based stains that have not been absorbed into the wood should be removed from the surface by blotting them with a lint-free cloth.

This type of stain makes it possible to paint wood in a wide variety of colors and shades. Oil-based stains are dyes that are dissolved in oil. White spirit, a universal dye for oil paints, is used as solvents for this type of impregnation.

This type of impregnation is excellent antiseptic... Alcohol stain does not raise wood fibers, but it has another rather significant drawback: it dries very quickly. Someone will say that this is a virtue, but it is not. It dries so quickly that it is not recommended to apply it to the wood with a brush, because streaks will remain, and the staining will not have a decorative appearance.

Their advantages include the following:

  1. They do not lift up wood fibers, which means they protect the wood from moisture penetration into the wood sheet.
  2. They form a layer on the surface of the wood that prevents the wood from getting wet;
  3. They can be painted in a wide variety of colors and shades.
  4. Dry quickly enough.
  5. They can be applied either with a brush or with a spray.

The main advantage of wood stains is that they do not paint over the natural structure of the fibers, but only emphasize and shade it, which gives the interior a naturalness and originality.

Stain is an amazing material that will help you quickly and easily transform an interior with minimal cost funds. It will saturate the wood color and accentuate its pattern.


The peculiarity of wood stain is its versatility. Forming a special film, it protects wood from the negative effects of microorganisms, dampness, and mold. This increases the operational life of the products.

After processing, the surface acquires a different color(depending on the shade of the stain itself). You can emphasize the texture of the tree or change its color radically, bringing to life the most interesting design solutions.


Depending on the material that is the basis of the composition, several types of stain are distinguished.

One of the most common types is aquatic. Such a product on the shelves of hardware stores is presented in two versions:

  • dry;
  • liquid.

The first is a powder for reconstitution with water. Strain it before use. Otherwise, particles of undissolved pigment will interfere with the application of the product in an even layer. The second option is a ready-to-use liquid poured into various containers.

Water stain is economical, does not require special skills in the process of application, inexpensive. Its advantage is non-toxicity and absence bad smell... She is perfect for internal works... The treated surface will dry for a little over 12 hours.

It is important to take into account that water stain will not drastically change the color of the wood. It will only make it saturated. This will require application in several layers.

Be sure to take into account the peculiarity of such finishing material... Penetrating deeply, it lifts the grain of the wood. Due to this, the product acquires a spectacular natural look. However, this impact is negative and shortens the service life. wood covering... The problem can be dealt with if, before applying the composition, treat the tree with water and, after a day, clean it with an emery cloth.

Alcohol stain also sold dry or liquid. Ethyl alcohol is used to dilute the powder. The peculiarity of this composition is fast drying. Therefore, it is often used for outdoor woodworking. If you want to process the product indoors, you need good ventilation, since the stain has a specific pungent odor.

Due to the high drying speed, it is impossible to achieve an even painted surface with a brush. Therefore, the application is carried out with a spray gun.

Oil stain base usually amounts to linseed oil... White spirit is used for breeding. This composition allows you to paint wooden surfaces in a variety of shades. The stain is easy to apply, penetrating deep into the wood and protecting it from moisture. In this case, you can use a brush, since it does not leave streaks. The only drawback is that it dries for a long time.

Wax stains environmentally friendly and safe for human health. This leads to their high cost. They can be used not only for painting wooden surfaces. They can restore or correct imperfections in the wood flooring.

The thickest type of wood stains are gels. They are applied to softwood surfaces. With a brush, such a composition is difficult to distribute, so special tampons are used. Basically, gels are used for outdoor work. They will "revive" the benches and gazebos in the garden, add originality to the facade and fence.

Acrylic stains are based on resins. The tool is an emulsion. It is easy to apply. Penetrating deep enough, the composition protects the surface from the negative effects of moisture. A varied range of shades will make it possible to translate into reality all the most intimate ideas. In this case, the processed product will not burn out under sunbeams and retains color saturation for a long time. Acrylic stains are economical but expensive.

A special type of stain is stain. It is based on organic solvents, dyes and pigments. The stain dries quickly and gives an even shade that is resistant to fading.

Hydrogen peroxide or acid is the basis for bleaching stains. Such a composition is intended to make the wooden surface lighter for further processing or painting.

Color spectrum

The modern manufacturer offers an abundance of colors and shades that will make the interior unique and special.

Wenge will allow you to easily give the treated surface the color of this amazing tropical wood: dark brown with black blotches and streaks. The shade looks great in classic interior, emphasizes the luxury and chic of the environment.

Mahogany also looks expensive. It has brown and red shades. The peculiarity of the composition is that it perfectly emphasizes the structure of the wood. Finished furniture looks good in almost any style.

The black stain will become ideal solution when processing doorways and doors, floors, stairs and railings. Moreover, if you opt for an oil-based one, then the effect will delight the owner for a long time, since the material is resistant to abrasion.

White is at its peak of popularity right now. It visually expands the space, fills it with comfort. To achieve the bleached oak effect, two types of stain are used. The first layer is applied white stain water based. When it dries, it is treated with an oil composition that contains hard wax... This mixture will clog the pores of the wood and give them a gray or black color.

Colored stain will allow you to give decor and interior items unique view... The palette of shades has virtually no boundaries.

The dark stain is ideal for creating an effect ebony. To make the imitation high quality, hardwood is used. The surface must be polished before staining.

Blue and blue stains are not used very often in practice. Its main advantage is the ability to give some expressiveness to the finished product.

Stain of blue color goes well with yellow and white interior colors.

The red stain will accentuate the treated element. However, designers advise against using this color in the bedroom.

Composition gray used only in synthesis with bright colors... Otherwise, the interior will radiate despondency and depression.

Green has a calming effect. It looks good with yellow... Combine light and dark stains for amazing effects. Colorless compounds are designed not only to protect wood from negative environmental factors, but also to extend its service life.

What effects can you create?

One of the most common effects widely used in interior design is the aging effect. In this case, a dark stain is used.

At the initial stage, the surface should be treated with a water-based stain so that there are no gaps and unpainted areas. Until the layer is dry, it is processed with a soft sponge. It removes some of the applied mixture. The product is left to dry.

It so happens that when combined different types wood stains achieve a striking effect.

However, you must strictly follow the rules: first, the main background is applied, and then the texture of the wood is emphasized with a different color.

To imitate a noble wood such as pine or oak, the grinding method is used. The process is characterized by meticulousness and accuracy. Therefore, quick-drying compositions are not recommended for this type of work.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing and acquire the composition of the required color, take a tablet with you. Indeed, depending on the nature of the wood, the stain will also manifest itself in different ways. Deciduous trees absorb stain well, conifers do not.

The wood surface must be prepared prior to application. Residues of paint are removed from it with sandpaper. With the help of white spirit, degreasing is performed.

  1. What is it for
  2. Types of stain
  3. Create effects
  4. Work technology
  5. Defect handling

Wood stain combines the function of protecting the surface from dampness and microflora reproduction and gives the product saturated color... However, this is more than a varnish for furniture and interior items - with its help you can create a unique decoration of a room by updating a couple of wooden surfaces.

What is it for

Wood stain does not work miracles, but it works according to a certain principle:

  • The colored or colorless varnish of the wood stain penetrates into the structure of the wood, creating protective film not only above the surface, but also below it.
  • Naturally lifts the wood grain, the structure stands out.

Natural shades of impregnation create an imitation of noble and unusual tree species, even on the most ordinary boards, for example, ebony or oak .

Types of stain

Impregnations for wood are divided into types according to the base material for their manufacture.


Stain base water is the most common base ingredient. This is the largest group of impregnations. It is produced ready-made or in powder, which is dissolved in water at home.

Its advantages:

  • The solution is non-toxic due to its neutral base;
  • A wide range of natural shades from the lightest to the deepest dark will help emphasize the naturalness or deepen the tone, make the surface of the product more expressive and noble;
  • Easy to apply, low consumption;
  • Affordable.

A significant drawback is the ability to lift wood fibers, opening the way for moisture.

The solution is to keep the surface wet for some time, then remove the inserted fibers with sandpaper and then impregnate. Another method of preventing wetting is the subsequent coating of the painted layer with varnish.

In addition, the water base dries for a relatively long time.

Alcohol stain

Aniline dye dissolved in denatured alcohol. Wood stain is also sold dry or ready-made.

Its main advantage is the layer, like alcohol, dries quickly. We will attribute the same quality to the disadvantages: in order to obtain a uniform color, it is necessary to use a spray gun, when manual application often alcohol impregnation forms greasy stains.

Oil stain

Pigments dissolved in oil (White Spirit) allow wood surfaces to be tinted in all possible shades. Such a tool is convenient for use at home - the oil stain fits well, it can be applied with any tool, it evenly penetrates into the depths, the texture of the tree is not disturbed, a protective film is formed.

Acrylic and wax

Wood stain made of wax or acrylic belongs to a new generation of materials for treatment and protection wooden surface... The impregnation does not only form an insulating film. The colors of the wood stain are enhanced compared to other types - from natural to vibrant exotic. The effect of a bright colored finish with a natural wood structure is called stain.

This technique is used by many designers modern furnitureappearance cabinet fronts made of oak or other species with an unusual color evoke unusual sensations. The main drawback of the material is that the stain is more expensive than its counterparts.

Whitening stain

Not all types of wood need dark saturation, in some cases it is necessary to give a lighter and purer shade. For this, stains based on acids or hydrogen peroxide have been developed. With their help, a bleached timber is obtained, slightly discolored. Thus, the gray surface can be prepared for subsequent painting and processing.

Create effects

Alcohol or water stain can create an imitation of the naturalness of the coating without obvious traces of processing. When choosing a material for protection and painting, be guided by the desired effect: choose a shade of oak, pine or ebony (as in the photo) - the interior will instantly be ennobled.

Ash or oak products do not need to be tinted - leave their structure and shade open, choosing the shade of this species as close to nature as possible.

The properties of each type of wood are different. In order not to be mistaken when buying, pay attention to the flower palette: a composition is applied to the boards of different breeds, where you can see the final result.

Work technology

Staining a wood surface is not a difficult process, but it requires a responsible approach. In order for the varnish coating to be uniform, the consumption is minimal, and the smear lays down evenly, it is necessary to get acquainted with the intricacies of the work.

How best to apply stain on the surface: a master class

  1. Spraying is the most effective method... The coating lays down evenly, even gray wood will instantly acquire a new shade. Reduces the risk of smudges and oil marks.
  2. Rubbing the stain on a porous wood product with a rag will help to get the effect of oak or pine even on the most common product made from non-noble raw materials. The composition must be applied carefully, therefore, quick-drying solutions should be excluded.

  1. A paint roller or swab is useful when covering a small area of ​​wood. Thus, it will be possible to highlight and emphasize the cut pattern, the stain will evenly penetrate deep into the product, creating a protective screen.

  1. The brush is most often used for work - the tool is convenient to use, wood stains lie flat in the chosen direction. The master can play with natural ornaments and play with existing patterns by saturation of color in certain areas.

Which way is better to use and paint - the master decides, based on his skills, such as wood stain and wood surface. To determine which stain in a particular case - when choosing, pay attention to the instructions for the preparation, which describe the conditions of application and operation.

Basic rules for carrying out work

Often it doesn't matter how many layers the wood stain will be applied. The main thing is to observe the technique and take into account some of the nuances:

  • It is necessary to paint the product strictly according to the wood grain. This will reduce the consumption of the solution for smudges and emphasize the pattern.
  • The wood stain should be of a comfortable consistency. Non-aqueous is dissolved with white spirit to optimal density.
  • How many layers to apply is determined by the master, depending on the desired shade and effect. Usually 2-3 layers, each of which is carefully dried.

Make the first layer thin - here it is important to stain gradually and evenly. The layer will create a base for subsequent applications and reduce the consumption of staining solution.

  • To avoid dark areas, varnish should not be applied to the same area twice.
  • When dry, the water stain on the wood lifts the fibers. They are scraped off with a coarse cloth in the longitudinal or diagonal direction.
  • Water and alcohol solutions dry in 2-3 hours, oily - in 2-3 days.

For indoor and outdoor work, the rules are the same.

Surface tinting workshop

  1. Clean the wood from dirt and remove the protruding fibers with sandpaper;
  2. Pour the stain, previously diluted according to the instructions, into a small tray. Cooking can be done in small portions.
  3. Take a tool and, gradually picking up the solution on it, distribute the varnish over the wood.

Do not try to take a lot of paint - this will increase consumption and reduce the quality of the coating.

Defect handling

Has the stain-varnish applied incorrectly? There are several ways to fix defects. Master Class:

A leak has formed

We cover the place with varnish, which will dissolve the bottom layer. Now we clean the area with a rag. Work must be carried out immediately after a defect is found.

If the drip is dry, soften it with paint thinner. The seal can also be removed with an emery or a plane.


How many times the solution was not removed exactly, but still spots formed? The problem may be in the wood itself - the solid wood sometimes absorbs the solution unevenly. In this case, a plane will help. On plywood, you will have to remove all the veneer.

For re cover will fit non-aqueous gel impregnation. It does not penetrate into the depth of the wood, lays down evenly and dries for a long time. Its consumption is reduced due to surface distribution.