Download schemes for operational quality control of construction, repair and construction and installation work. Schemes of input and operational quality control of construction and installation work Scheme of input and operational quality control of construction work

11.9.1 In the course of the implementation of production processes and operations, operating control is carried out in order to identify defects that can be hidden when a process or operation can also take measures to prevent and eliminate these defects.

11.9.2 Operational control of a construction person checks:

Compliance of the sequence and composition of the executed technological operations technological and regulatory documentation that extends to these technological operations;

Compliance with technological regimes established by technological maps and regulations;

Compliance with the quality of the performance of operations and their results with the requirements of project and technological documentation, as well as the propagating technological operations of regulatory documentation.

11.9.2 In the construction process, an assessment of the work performed, the results of which affect security objectbut in accordance with the adopted technology become inaccessible to control after the start of subsequent work, as well as performed building structures and plots engineering networksThe elimination of the defects of which identified by the control is impossible without disassembling or damage to the subsequent designs and sections of engineering networks. Representatives of the relevant state supervisory authorities, author's supervisory, as well as, if necessary, independent experts can participate in these control procedures. The executor of work is no later than three working days amends other participants about the timing of the specified procedures.

11.9.3 The results of acceptance of work hidden by subsequent works, in accordance with the requirements of the project and regulatory documentation, are issued by acts of examination of hidden work ( appendix M. ). The developer (customer) may require a re-examination after eliminating the identified defects.

11.9.4 to the assessment procedure separate designs, tiers of structures (floors) The artist must submit acts of examination of all hidden works that are part of these designs, geodesic executive schemes, as well as the protocols of tests of structures in cases provided for by project documentation and (or) a construction contract. The developer (customer) can perform the control of executive geodesic schemes represented by the performer. To this end, the artist must maintain before the acceptance of the acceptance, enshrined in nature the centering axles and assembly benchmarks.

The results of acceptance of individual structures should be issued by acts of acceptance of responsible structures ( appendix N. ).

11.9.5 Tests of sections of engineering networks and mounted engineering equipment Performed according to the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents and are issued as an act of acceptance of responsible structures (Appendix N).

11.9.6 When detecting as a result of a phased acceptance of work defects, structures, sections of engineering networks, relevant acts should be issued only after eliminating the identified defects.

In cases where subsequent work should begin after a break in more than 6 months from the date of completion of the phased acceptance, these procedures should be renewed before renewing the work again with the design of relevant acts.

11.9.7 Places of performing control operations, their frequency, performers, methods and measurement tools, form of recording results, the procedure for making decisions when identifying, non-compliance with established requirements must comply with the requirements of project, technological and regulatory documentation.

11.9.8 CONSTRUCTION CONTROL, appoints responsible performers for executing operational control, Documenting its results and eliminating defect controls.

The results of operational control must be documented in special work logs.

Circuits of input and operational quality control mounting work. Part I, Issue 2. Mounting reinforced concrete structures residential buildings, installation of light enclosing structures. Trust "Orgtekhstroy-11" 2001
Schemes of input and operational control of the quality of SMR are compiled in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85 * "Organization building production».
The schemes of entrance and operational control are designed for linear engineering and technical workers, brigadiers and workers, workers in the quality control department of the SMR, workers of laboratory, geodesic and welding services that carry out self-control, input, operational and acceptance control of the quality of SMR.
Schemes can be used:
- employees of services for the preparation of construction production as standard to include them in projects for the production of SMR or developing on their basis schemes reflecting the specifics of specific projects of buildings and structures;
- employees of personnel training as tutorial in the preparation, retraining and advanced training of workers and IER;
- the teaching staff of higher and secondary technical educational institutions in the preparation of engineering and technical workers of the construction profile;
- heads of divisions, basic functional departments and services, as well as leadership construction organizations When checking knowledge knowledge and regulatory requirements on the quality of the implementation of the SMR of the linear personnel, as well as in the implementation of inspection control of the quality of SMR;
- employees of the author's supervision of design organizations;
- Customer's technical supervision workers who accept the work performed, employees of architectural supervision services, federal and regional construction licensing centers and other organizations supervising the construction.

The schemes of the input and operational quality control of the SMR are compiled on the basis of the requirements of construction standards and rules, state standards, technical conditions, typical project documentation and contain:
- Basic requirements for the quality of the materials, structures and parts used;
- a list of technological operations to be controlled in the process of carrying out construction and installation work;
- a list of technical requirements to be observed when performing construction and installation work;
- schemes of main mounting nodes;
- Basic quality requirements for the acceptance of completed stages and types of work.
Building construction, products, materials and engineering equipment entering the construction site must pass input control. Manufacturers of work (wizards) are required to check by external inspection and performing the necessary measurements compliance with the quality of incoming structures, products, materials and engineering equipment requirements of work drawings, state standards, technical conditions.
When performing input monitoring on the component bases of the foreman (master), documents (passports, certificates, acts, etc.) must be presented, confirming the quality of the supplied materials and products. In case of doubt, the foreman for the materials supplied materials (master) is obliged to require the control check of the materials received materials.
Input control should prevent launch in the production of materials, structures and products that do not meet the requirements of project and regulatory and technical documentation. On the construction site Input control should be carried out by a pro-worker or a master involving in the necessary cases of laboratory and other services.
Operational control should be carried out in the process of carrying out construction and installation work and ensure timely identification of defects and the causes of their occurrence, as well as timely acceptance of measures to eliminate and prevent.
When carrying out operational controls should be checked:
- compliance with the work of work and technological maps given in the projects of work and technological maps;
- Compliance of the quality of work performed by the project requirements and regulatory and technical documentation.
Operational control should be carried out by the manufacturer of the work (master), engineer (laboratory director) of the construction laboratory, a geodesist, an employee of a welding service or a welding laboratory. The participation of a service in the implementation of operational control should be regulated by a technological card to a specific technological process.
Reception must be carried out upon completion of the steps or separate species works, as well as responsible structures. Acceptance is issued by acts of examination of hidden works, acts of acceptance separate stages or types of work, as well as responsible structures.
Acceptance must be carried out by the foreman, employees of the SMR quality control department with the involvement of workers of laboratory, geodesic or welding services in the necessary cases, and representatives of the technical supervision of the customer.
When carrying out production control to use measuring instrument and instruments that have passed the metrological calibration within the time limit.
References to regulatory literature are given as of 25.12.2000. Data on new regulatory documentation and changes in the current are given in the information signs of the State Standard and the State Sustainment of Russia.

Explanatory note.
Installation of reinforced concrete structures of residential buildings.
Expressive and intracrequious preparatory work.
Building a geodesic center base for construction.
The device of terrestrial rail crane paths.
- general technical requirements.
- Geodesic work when device of ground rail crane paths.
- Requirements for operation.
Input quality control of prefab concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures.
- GOST 13015.0-83 * Construction and products concrete and reinforced concrete teams. General technical requirements.
- GOST 13015.2-81 * Constructs and products concrete and reinforced concrete teams. Marking.
- GOST 13015.3-81 * Constructs and products concrete and reinforced concrete teams. Document on quality.
- GOST 13015.4-84 Constructions and products concrete and reinforced concrete teams. Transport and storage rules.
- GOST 11024-84 * Wall panels Outdoor concrete and reinforced concrete for residential and public buildings. Technical conditions.
- GOST 12504-80 * Panels wall internal concrete and reinforced concrete for residential and public buildings. General specifications.
- GOST 26434-85 ** Plates of floors of reinforced concrete for residential buildings. Types and basic parameters.
- GOST 9561-91 Plates of floors of reinforced concrete multi-consist for buildings and structures. Technical conditions.
- GOST 12767-94 Plates of overlapping reinforced concrete solid for large-pointed buildings. General specifications.
- GOST 9574-90 Gypsum concrete panels for partitions. Technical conditions.
- GOST 25098-87 panels of partitions are reinforced concrete for buildings of industrial and agricultural enterprises. Technical conditions.
- GOST 17079-88 Blocks ventilation reinforced concrete. Technical conditions.
- GOST 17538-82 * Constructions and products are reinforced concrete for mines of residential buildings. Technical conditions.
- GOST 18048-80 * Sanitary-technical reinforced concrete cabins. Technical conditions.
- GOST 9818-85 * marches and stairs are reinforced concrete. Technical conditions.
Geodesic works on the source horizon.
Geodesic work on the mounting horizon.
Installation of outdoor wall panels.
Installation of inner wall panels.
Installing floor slabs.
Nodes of exterior walls from single-layer light concrete panels in series 2.130-1 Issue 26.
Installing ventilation blocks.
Installations on the installation of bulk blocks of elevator mines from the 1.189.1-11 series of constructions of reinforced concrete for the mines of passenger lifts of residential buildings with a height of the floor 3.0 m (Issue 1 and 2)
Installation of volumetric blocks of elevators.
Installation of sanitary and technical cabins.
Installation staircases and marches.
Installation of partition panels.
Mounting assemblies of gypsum concrete partitions according to series 2.130-1 Issue 27.
Installation nodes of reinforced concrete partitions according to the 2.130-1 series of release 27.
Measurement of joints and seams.
Sealing joints of large-pointed residential buildings.
Isolation of junctions between window blocks and walls in series1.132.1-17.
Anticorrosive protection of mortgage and connecting products.
Installation of partitions plasterboard sheets and panels.
Series 1.131.9-24 "Partitions from plasterboard sheets for residential buildings", Issue 3 "Partitions of the element assembly on metallic frame Soundproofing from mineral wool plates, mineral wool firmware with the details of the laying of electrical communications. "
Knots plasterboard partitions According to the series 1.131.9-24. 3.

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The manual is intended for customers (developers), construction and installation organizations, specialists of state construction supervision, as well as engineering and technical workers directly employed on the construction of buildings and structures

  • Replaces the schemes of operational quality control of construction, repair and construction and installation work


Regulatory documents regulating the quality of construction and installation work, building materials, products and structures

Test methods and quality control of building materials, products and structures when performing construction and installation work

Part 1. Construction work

A. Earthworks

1. Development of recesses (tranches) under construction

2. Development of catlovanov excavators

3. Development of trenches under pipelines in unknown soils

4. Backside

5. Vertical layout

6. Device of embezzlement

B. Foundation Device

7. Installation of belts of tape foundations

8. Installation of blocks of walls underground buildings

9. Installation of blocks of a glass type

10. The device of pile foundations

11. Device of teams

12. Device of monolithic scratch

13. The device of horizontal waterproofing foundations from cement solutions

B. Concrete work

14. Installation of inventory formwork

15. Revenue work

16. Laying concrete mixes

17. Device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete walls

18. Device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete columns

19. Device of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete foundations

Mr. Stone Work

20. Laying of walls

21. Laying partition

22. Laying Pillars

D. Mounting work

23. Installation of reinforced concrete columns of single-storey buildings

24. Installation of precast concrete columns of multi-storey buildings

25. Installation of reinforced concrete rheel, beams, farms

26. Installation of slabs of floors and coatings

27. Montage staircase marches and platforms

28. Mounting balcony plates and jumpers

29. Installation of outdoor wall panels of frame buildings

30. Installation of panels, blocks carriers Buildings

31. Installation of bulk blocks of elevator mines

32. Installation of precast concrete ventilation blocks

33. Installation of bulk blocks

34. Installation of sanitary cabins

35. Installation of gypsum concrete partitions

36. Installation of asbestos-cement extrusion panels and plates

37. Installation of frame-and-wing partitions

38. Installation of walls from the Sandwich panels and polystic assembly

39. Weld mounting connections reinforced concrete structures

40. Anticorrosive protection of steel mortgage products

41. Sealing joints

42. Measurement of joints and seams

43. Device of the garbage industry

E. Roofing and insulating work

44. Preparation of bases and underlying elements of insulation and roofing

45. The heat insulation device from bulk materials

46. \u200b\u200bHeat insulation device from plates

47. Device of isolation from rolled materials

48. The insulation device of polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions

49. Roofing device from roll materials

50. Roofing device from piece materials

51. The roofing device from polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions

52. Device of the roof of metal

J. Joiner's work

53. Installing window blocks

54. Installation of door blocks

55. Device of antlesole, cabinets

Z. Flooring device

56. Preparation of soil bases under the floors

57. Device of a concrete underlying layer, screeds

58. Floor sound insulation device

59. Device of the floating waterproofing floor

60. Device bituminous waterproofing floor

61. Device of monolithic coatings

62. Flooring device from ceramic tile

63. Device of mosaic floors

64. The device of floors from polymeric materials

65. Laying of lags in floors floors

66. Laying of Lag on the Pilthies on the Soil Base

67. Device of board floors

68. Flooring device from piece parquet

69. The device of floors from the shield parquet

I. Finishing works

70. Plastering (Simple plaster)

71. Plastering (improved stucco)

72. Plastering (high-quality plaster)

73. Plastering (coatings made of dry plaster plaster)

74. Painting works (painting with water compositions)

75. Painting works (painting anhydrous compositions)

76. Facing work

77. Wallpaper work

78. Glass work (glazing of the binding)

79. Glass work (installation of glass blocks and fiberglass)

80. Device of fencing of fiberglass

81. Finishing (facing) walls panels, sheets with factory finishing

82. Mounting suspended ceilings In the interiors of buildings

K. Improvement

83. Drainage device

84. Device of a cabinet from concrete and asphalt concrete

85. The device of sidewalks and tracks from the plates

86. The device of a rubber base and asphalt concrete coating

Part 2. Repair and construction work

1. Repair and strengthening of old foundations

2. laying of nationals reinforced concrete plates overlaps with reconstruction of brick buildings

3. Device monolithic plots in overlaps

4. Installation of slabs of floor beams

5. Strengthening brick pillars and stenubs

6. Installation of metal jumpers

7. Installation of stairs on metal cosos

8. Device rafter system From wooden elements

9. Repair of plaster

10. Repair of plaster facades of buildings

11. Coloring facades

12. Installation of stucco parts of facades

13. Installation of drain pipes

Part 3. Mounting work

1. Device of holes and furrows for laying pipelines

2. Installation of cast iron pressure pipelines

3. Installation of pressure pipes from asbestos-cement pipes

4. Installation of indoor cold and hot water pipelines

5. Installation of reinforced concrete and concrete non-pressure pipelines

6. Montage sewer pipelines from ceramic pipes

7. Installation of the system internal sewage and drain

8. Installation of waterborne reinforcement

9. Installation of the bath and washbasin

10. Installation of sanitary devices

11. Installation of the internal heating system

12. Installation of metal air ducts

13. Electrical displacement device

14. Device of round reinforced concrete wells

15. Installation of heating chambers

16. Installation of disadvantaged channels

17. Isolation of pipelines of heat