Installation of mansard windows: Technology of installation work. Installation and installation of mansard windows in the roof - the sequence of work of the installation of PVC windows in the attic roof

Many owners country houses Trying to make a full-fledged residential room from the attic. One of the requirements for such premises is access fresh air, as well as the proper level of illumination. Solve both problems at once can install the window in the roof. This decision today is considerably popular and most often for this task the owners prefer to hire third-party performers, although it is possible to do it independently. So how to install a mansard window?

Device of mansard windows

The package most often includes the following components:

  • marquise or roller shutter for outdoor dimming;
  • salary to protect against negative atmospheric influences;
  • the window itself is a closed hermetic system;
  • waterproofing seal;
  • internal slopes.
IN standard set An attic window includes glass windows, salary, frame, slopes, fittings

Of course, you can find more modest kits on sale, but it is recommended to choose an option with built-in curtains. Due to the fact that the design itself will be located at an angle, then the classical means of dimming may not be effective.

Planning and calculations

Installation of the attic window to the finished roof should begin with the planning stage. First of all, you will need to calculate the required dimensions. The formula for calculation is quite simple: 1 square meter of glazing for every 10 square meters premises.

Also required to choose the right height on which the windows will be installed. Location mansard windows It should be selected in such a way that the lower part of the frame rises above the floor level by 1-1.5 meters.

The lower part of the frame should be higher than the floor level by 1-1.5 m

Choosing the installation site of the attic window to metal tile or soft roof and sizes should be done so as not to affect when installing slinge system. The dimensions should allow mounting the window box between the rafters and leave the stock of about 10 cm.

Work plan and tool

Whether it is the installation of an attic window into a soft roof or metal tile, with any version of the installation instructions here as follows:

  • preparation of the opening;
  • installation of frame;
  • heat and waterproofing;
  • preparation of the drainage system;
  • installation of salary parts;
  • installing the glass unit;
  • interior decoration, including installation of slopes and vaporizolation.

Installing mansard windows with your own hands - the task is quite sat down, but without a suitable tool, the master will not do without:

  • screwdriver and self-tapping screws;
  • reiki and timber bruises;
  • level;
  • nails;
  • materials for heat and waterproofing.

Mounting window

After the place for mounting the attic windows will be chosen, you should install the planned platform for work in advance. Following Abris in the material, several holes are made to unload the materials of the roofing pie - it will help to avoid damage in the process. Cut out the opening using circulation or ribbon saw. It is important to cut on a diagonal, and not according to the contour, after that, they cut off the resulting vertices triangles and only after that form.

The opening in the roof is formed with a circulation saw

Separately, it should be noted working with roofing material. Installation of mansard windows in metal tile is produced similarly, as well as in the case of a professional flooring or sheet iron. If we are talking about the attic windows in a folding roof or similar materials, then the trim first will need to disassemble.

Rama installation and adjustment

Important: For safety reasons, the frame is mounted without glass. It can be installed only on final stages.

Frame installation is recommended to carry out without glasses.

When mounting a frame for attic windows, it is necessary to carefully fix the lower brackets, and the top-end fastening is not worth tightening - it will then help it easier to adjust the sash. This is done using a level. If any deviations of the inserted window are found, they should be eliminated by plastic corners - these parts are included in the package. It is also recommended for a briefly insert glass in the frame to check the quality of the installation. Once the adjustment is completed, screw screws.

Insulation and drainage

After the fasteners are reliably wrapped, it will take heat and waterproofing material for greater tightness around the frame. Fixing the waterproofing apron is performed using a stapler.

Waterproofing is fixed with a stapler

The drainage chute is done at the top of the frame. In the shelter, two pieces of drainage gutter are cut out right above the opening. The same size is prepared and cut waterproofing material. The gutter is starting under the trimming of waterproofing and is attached to the crate. It is required to establish it at an angle, otherwise the sealing will suffer - rainwater can go to the window.

Today, two main types of salary are used for different folds. The first is used to work with flat roofing material, the second - with a wavy. Companies engaged in the manufacture of mansard windows, the production is applied to the package. At the same time, the principle of operation with both types is identical.

The window salary is included in the design of the structure, and the installation rules are described in the manufacturer's instructions.

The first thing to attach should be the lower part of the mallard window. It should be installed in such a way that the apron of waterproofing is in and for the frame itself, and for the roof sheets. After you go to the side components. The edges of these elements must be laid on the frame itself.

The salary of the window is attached to the crate and frame

The sealer is paired by the outer part of the frame. Most often, he, fastening and all other components go inquet, but in some cases they will have to buy later. In any case, after these actions, it is necessary to carefully check everything for accuracy and strength, because Replacing or repair of attic windows, if necessary, will deliver a lot of trouble.

Installation of the glass and interior decoration

At the next stage of the installation of mansard windows, it will take to return the glass in the frame. This is done simply enough, but the technology depends on the manufacturer, therefore the process itself is exhaustively described in the manual.

Double-glazed windows on the very last stage, finish choose an interior

Also should not cause problems and internal finishing of windows in the roof - everything depends on personal preferences. In addition, many manufacturers in the kit of mansard windows also add special lining solutions. Most often in the set enters the sealant, stubbling and pattern. Such patterns are equally well set and removed if necessary.

As alternative option You can use the usual drywall, and from mechanical mounting structures in this case should be refused.

Features of the insulation of the attic window

About work with the insulation on the roof should be said separately. Very often, the wrong insulation of mansard windows turns into a variety of problems with its operation. Many inexperienced builders prefer to use the usual mounting foam for insulation. It is not worth doing this: the expansion of the material can lead to skewers and insulation problems. Proper technology Installation recommends using materials in the form of stone wool mats with a high service life.

For thermal insulation of the attic window, it is best to use stone cotton wool

As an additional measure, it is imperative to install the heating devices under the attic window. Stream of warm air with equal success and window slopes warms and protects against condensate. Metal elements for mounting isolation should not be used - they can form cold bridges.

It's all that you want to know about the mounting of the attic window into a soft roof or tile. Despite the seeming difficulties, the process itself is quite simple and requires not so many skills as time.

Last winter became a harsh test for mansard windows. Proms of installers, the lack of finishing and omissions of the owners declared themselves in the most unpleasant way - in the form of leaks, forehead and damage. Elimination of defects requires time and money. Is it not better to do everything right from the very beginning?

Let's start with the fact that there is a huge difference between the facade (vertical) and oblique windows for the roof (attic). The first are mounted in a solid wall with the help of special fasteners - Anchor bolts. By and large, the risk zone in this case is only a small gap between the wall wall and the window box, which is filled with heat-insulating mounting foam and isolate with special materials (self-insulating vapor-permeable psunts, waterproofing tape, etc.).

Dersighted windows are embedded in stropile design scope roof (installed between the rafters, mounted on the cheek). Thus, they become an integral part of the roof. To eliminate leaks, it is necessary first of all to ensure the waterproof of the roofing coating of the roofing block. This task is allowed to solve special external salaries. Such products are manufactured for different types of roofing coatings (flat or profiled). It is important not to confuse and put that salary that is optimally suitable for specific situation. In order to prevent freezing, the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic window is thoroughly insulated with soft insulation - mineral wool from basalt fiber (Rockwool, etc.). The joint with the pitched hydro and vapor insulation of the pitched roof provide insulating salaries and special elements and products.

Another significant moment in the installation of mansard windows is the formation, insulation and decoration of slopes. Errors at this stage lead to freezing, abundant formation of condensate, and later - to damage finishing materials And even deterioration of the living conditions in the attic. First of all, you need to make it so that the lower slope is perpendicular to, and the upper - parallel floor. Under the roughing, soft thermal insulation should be laid (but in no case the mounting foam!). We have already mentioned the vapor insulation apron (salary).

Meanwhile, to properly install a mansard window, you do not need to be a narrow specialist in this area. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions of the manufacturer, which, by the way, is included in the product kit. It is only necessary to open a little book and carefully examine the installation process, and not according to written recommendations, but on the intelligent pictures. There are almost no text in the instructions, all explanations are given in understandable image.

If you wish, any neat and thoughtful roofer can cope with the roof window. However, in practice, either unrelated amateurs or frankly unsubstantiated haliters are refilled by all the work on the arrangement of the roof. In other words, the main reason for the occurrence of problems with inclined windows for the roof is poor-quality installation and a complete neglect of the manufacturer's recommendations. At the same time, unscrupulous installers cover their non-professionalism with fairy tales, as if the mansard windows in the Russian climate are doomed. Say, this is not Denmark with Germany and Poland. In fact, oblique windows for the roof have proven themselves in the most different regions Our country, including Siberia and even the extreme north.

The mansard window resembles a puff pie. And all the "cortis" and "filling" produce manufacturers window products. After all, in addition to insulation and sealing, the inclined windows for the roof need shading and darkening. From ordinary portor in attic with its inclined wall-ceiling walls There is little sense. Fortunately, to all the attic windows, you can pick up "exactly on the figure" blinds, blinds or rolling shutters. Consumers are offered a rich selection of accessories, as well as many products and devices that facilitate opening and closing the sash.

Do not forget that under the attic windows it is necessary to install heating devices, which will ensure the convection of warm air in the glass package zone, otherwise the windows will foggy and even be covered with an icy crust.

Downtown windows are permissible to embed into skates with a slope of at least 15 °. However, some home owners with almost flat roofs (or owners of apartments located on the upper floors of old five-story buildings) is not a decree. They are carelessly embedded inclined windows into a horizontal plane. reinforced concrete floors. The leaks and destruction of window structures will not wait to wait. Meanwhile, there is a technology for mounting the attic windows into flat roofs using lining elements. In addition, you can purchase specialized windows of windows.

The installers often forget to put gaps, that is, adjust the position of the box relative to the rotary flap. As a result, slots arise that cannot be eliminated during the operation of the window. And one more nuance. The well-being of mansard windows directly depends on the overall state of the pitched roof. As a result of errors made by laying coating and installation of hydro, steam and thermal insulation, in the roofing "pie" accumulates a large number of moisture. Water flows to the window designs and seeps through the separation of slopes and along the walls adjacent to them.

The hosts are reasoned: if the leaks left tracks on the slopes, the windows are to blame. And cause employees of the manufacturer's service. After dismantling the finish, it turns out that the vaporizolation is absent, the usual polyethylene is in the role of waterproofing, and the insulation is wet, at least squeeze. This situation requires urgent overhaul Roofs with subsequent reinstalling attic windows.

This window was installed with such large geometric deviations that the skew caused the formation of a huge crack in the frame, that is, in fact, destroyed the basic constructive element. We'll have to fully change the window block.
This mansard window also has a problem with geometry. Due to the skew, the gap between the sash and the frame was formed. To eliminate the defect you will have to dismantle and reinstall not only this unit, but also adjacent to it is an earthen window. What is especially offended, because repair work Learn the disassembly of high-quality and expensive finishes.

Here the installers cost without clap. Steel cut the stupid scissors to cut and so and did not even get the edge - let them rust! And the jokes carelessly smeared the sealant of unknown destination. After this installation, it is necessary to prepare for the early repair of the roof and reinstalling the attic windows (if they still save the working condition)

This window has a chance for a happy future. The product is set accurately. Around the perimeter mounted warm outline. However, builders often forget to insulate the gap between the window and the rafters. Two strips of Minvati - and the window is saved from the freezing!

Here is an example of a classic leakage. The installers were not adjusted and did not leveled the position of the window frame. They did not even bother to check if the window closes. And the owners are forced to take measures to get rid of the gap between the box and the sash.
This looks like a rope of the mounted attic window shortly after installation. Divorces appeared from the water, lacquered, the wood was silent.

The mansard window is built into the folding roof. It does not ensure the reliable and hermetic adjoining of the window block to the roofing coating. The junctions of the outer salary and sheet steel are filled with sealant and are bonded by clemmers (should be under the roof), nailed by ordinary nails (through damage to the coating).
Another example of the wrong installation of the attic windows into the folding roof. Probably, when installing used components from dismantled blocks. Salaries as if collected in parts. For example, corrugated aprons are taken, intended for the installation of mansard windows in profile roofing coatings ( natural tile, metal tile). At the same time, metal salary frames are simply started under steel sheets. So, leaks and dampness can not be avoided. According to the instructions, these frames should be sunk in a kind of folding - waterproof seam. In its tightness, not inferior to folding compounds of the main coating.
It is impossible to easily use the mounting foam, forgetting that the windows for the roof are kept on ordinary self-drawing. In the process of polymerization, foam expands and presses on the frame. The window is deformed. There are gaps, through which water is grooming.

Probably, the finishers thought they were doing a good deed, tightening the slopes with foil foam. However, in this situation, this material serves only by vaporizolation. It does not provide a full insulation. Without soft thermal insulation, which was supposed to be located under the foam, the slopes will freeze. Due to the mounting brackets, the integrity of the foil vapor barrier is violated. Tiny holes are quite enough so that the couples penetrate under the foam, they condensed there and drops of dew glasses on plasterboard trim.
The clearance around the perimeter of the window block was generously poured by mounting foam. When the expansion squeezed the frame, which led to the windows distortion. Slopes are roughly linked ordinary board. For insulation there is no place, and without it, finishing will be corrupted by condensate.
Qualitatively to perform the dumping windows will definitely fail. Board NAD window block Near almost vertically. Meanwhile, to ensure a full-fledged convection of warm air in the glass zone, the upper slope must be parallel to the floor.

There are no complaints to the assembly foam. She was applied in layers, and the returred was avoided. But without soft insulation The slopes were blocked and traces of leaks appeared on the drywall. The window remains without a vapor insulating apron, which strengthened the formation of condensate.
But the consequences of unfair installation and decoration of attic windows. Plasterboard sheathing Berly spoiled by leaks. arising from the formation of condensate in the zone of slopes. Unplanned attic repair is provided.
Sun is rude. Basic sheath is made of draft boards. About pair and thermal insulation finishers and do not think. Correctly mounted insulation, vapor insulation apron and ready finish almost impossible.

The decoration of the slopes could not withstand the operating conditions. And the problem arose not so much due to errors made by mounting the inclined windows, as due to the systemic violation of the norms and rules of the arrangement of the attic.

Because of the wrong installation of the outer salary, rain and melt water penetrated into the zone of adjoining the window block to the roof. This led to the destruction and framework of the window, and the roofing system. We are not talking about leaks.
In the spring, ice on the glass will cause stagnation of melt water, which will inevitably lead to leakage. An unpleasant development of events could be avoided. If the owners regularly purified the attic windows from snow.

In conclusion, small but visual video on the installation of mansard windows:

Very popular room. The space, formerly a dark cold attic, thanks to the alteration and insulation, becomes a full room, its lighting can provide not only windows on the front, but also on the roof rods. Installation of such a source of lighting is quite complicated, but desire to save money, homeowners who have little experience with building toolsThey strive to fulfill him on their own. The right choice and installation of mansard windows with their own hands with the observance of technological standards will provide high-quality thermal insulation and the absence of leaks.

Basic installation rules

  1. The fastener of the attic window is not performed to the roof crate, but to the rafters.
  2. The distance from the window opening to the rafter should not be less than 3 cm.
  3. The lower part of the window is preferable to place on the horizontal beam.
  4. The sash of the attic window is put on after installing its box.
  5. Window construction is required.
  6. Proper installation increases the illumination by 40%.
  7. The tightness of the window has great valueSince it accounts for high load from atmospheric precipitation.
  8. The salary of the window is selected in accordance with the type of roof.

Types of windows

A window in the attic can be placed vertically, with a mandatory device of a separate roof, and obliquely - in the roof scath. Solid wood varieties, plastic or aluminum can be used as material for window frames.

  • Rectangular windows for attic are produced with a swivel frame, a deaf design is manufactured under an individual order.
  • Design from inclined and vertical window Allows you to open both to the balcony.
  • Composite window: its upper part is movable, and the bottom is deaf, it serves to increase the area of \u200b\u200blighting.

When the roofs of the roof are very cool and through the attic windows it is impossible to overlook the neighborhood, vertical structures are installed under them.

What includes the package

The device window for the attic is more complicated than usual, its design includes:

  • Roller shutters or label used to provide external dimming.
  • Salary protecting the window design from the effects of atmospheric precipitation.
  • Frame and glass filled with inert gas.
  • Seal serving for waterproofing.
  • Internal slopes.
  • Drainage chute.

Select room for window design

The specifics of the attic window requires accounting for some nuances: the design width should be less than the span between the rafters, if you want to get more light, you need to install several windows. The installation height should provide the ability to control the sash using the handle, its average value is 80-130 cm.

Installing the window opening over the radiator will exclude the appearance of a land.

The angle of inclination of the skates also affects the placement of windows, they are located higher on the roof.


Before installing a mansard window, you need to mark the placement of the place for it. It is made from the inside of the room. From the rafter, 3 cm is retreated by 3 cm, the lower limit of the window is planned, an additional 9 cm is deposited for a roof with a high profile and 6 cm - for flat. Noting the upper border corresponding to the altitude of the model, note up another 7 cm. The waterproofing web is cut with a reserve of 20 cm and wraps inside. If the roofing is already installed, it must be cut, it is also removed.

In some cases, you can install this:

At the bottom of the opening, the bar is nailed, horizontally oriented, at the top of the plank, parallel to the crate.

Above the top plank is attached to the factory drainage chute for the precipitation drive, it is installed at a low angle. If there is no such element in the kit, its role can perform design from the waterproofing band.

In order not to damage the glass and accessories during the installation process, it is recommended to remove the sash. Next, the installation of the frame is performed according to the manufacturer's instructions. Brackets included in the kit are inserted into the drilled holes. On the top of the frame of the stapler attached the strip mineral Wat For insulation. The insulation stripe is also attached to the mounting bruster at the bottom of the design. The frame is installed in the opening and is attached to the corners by self-drawing. Tightening the upper fastener is not fully executed, it is left left for alignment.

Now the sash returns to the place and the uniform of the gap from all sides of the fit is checked. After making sure proper installation Sashes, carry out reliable fixing of the screws in the rather part, and the glass is rented again. The left parts of the waterproofing are attached to the window seal with brackets, a waterproofing apron is unfolded around the window, the top of which is started under the chute.

Setting salary

Work on the installation of parts of the salary begins with the installation under the window of the corrugated apron. After that are fixed side elementsYou need to insert into the lower part before clicking. Completes the top cover process. All parts are attached to the frame with self-draws and snugly joined each other. Then the roofing material is stacked.

It has arrived the time of the final setting of the place in place, the attic window is installed.


See the Educational Video Installation Video Velux:


The attic floor can be made from an ordinary attic, but this will require the installation of attic windows, since without them the room will not be illuminated, it will not be possible to air, and use as a residential. It is not necessary to give big money for work: you can always cope with it yourself, if you know the basic principles.

What needs to carry out calculations?

Before put the attic window, you need to correctly calculate its dimensions, choose a suitable model, otherwise you simply spend money, and the window will not work. You need to choose the design, first of all, based on what material is done by your roof. It is necessary to think about where the window will be, at what angle. Typically, the window area is calculated, based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room: for every 10 m² of the floor should have at least 1 m² of glazing.

It is worth considering that the higher the opening under the attic window, the more he will give light. Do not place the window too high: they will not be convenient to use. The exception is only the roof, the angle of inclination of which is 15-20º.

If the roof has round rads, it will be better to look and give good lighting Windows installed at 1-1.40 m from the floor. It is permissible to put the window below, for example, 80 cm from the bottom surface, but it is aesthetically not always appropriate. If it is above 1.9 m, they will be inconvenient to use. To put one large window or a few small - already a personal choice of the owner of the room, it is worth noting that the more windows and the more of their area, the more light there will be a sacrifice space.

Start of work, tools

If you want to install mansard windows, the installation with your own hands is quite possible. We will have to operate according to the instructions:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare the window opening, then install the frame.
  • Establish hydro and heat insulation.
  • Build a drainage system.
  • Install salary.
  • Insert double glazed.
  • Install vaporizolation.
  • Mount the slopes.

For work, you will need to have the following tools:

  • Screwdriver or a small drill.
  • Set of screws, nails.
  • Bar and wooden slats.
  • Building level.
  • A circular saw.
  • Insulation materials.

How to mount?

Before installing a mansard window with your own hands, you need to choose a place suitable for it, place it under preparatory work. After the area is silent, you need to do with a drill hole in the roofing material. This is done inner Roofs. The holes are needed that the material can be cut through without damaging the rest of it. The hole is done using a circular saw, the incision must be made first diagonally, cutting triangles, and they are carefully pulled out and get the opening. Cut the contour cannot be cut: you can damage the roofing material.

Distance from the bottom line of the window to the roofing line

After the opening for the attic window is formed, it is possible to go to the next stage of installation - installation of the frame. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to disassemble the roof. An exception is the folding roof, the material will have to be dismantled.

Device of the opening in the existing attic

How to put and regulate the frame?

Before inserting a mansard window , you need to pull the glass. This will not only facilitate the task, since without it the frame weighs much less, but also makes work more secure. Double-glazed windows are inserted after the end of all works. To begin with the brackets that are in the tender part of the design. They need to be secured reliably, the upper should not be delayed completely. They must keep, but be relaxed: it is necessary for the frame to be able to adjust.

You will need building level: Measure them inserted frame. If it is shing, it is aligned with plastic corners that are sold complete with a window. After you make sure the frame is exactly smoothly, the screws of all mounts can be tightened to the end.

Preparing insulation and drainage

Montage of mansard windows is a slightly more complex process than installing a regular product, as the design is in the roof, it requires reliable steam and waterproofing, in otherwise Water will fall into the room. Materials are usually fixed with a construction stapler.

In order to remove excess moisture, use a drainage chute. It is located in the upper part of the frame, for this in the facing will have to remove two pieces that will correspond to the size of the gutter. After that, it will be necessary to cut the material for waterproofing. Under the incision neatly boat gutters and fasten it to the crate. In order not to suffer a tightness, the detail is located at an angle.

Installation of waterproofing apron

How to mount salary?

The correct installation of mansard windows provide installation of a special salary. One of the three types of design can be applied, depending on what type of roof on your roof. Distinguish the following options:

  • Fold if roofing is flat.
  • Special for the roof covered with any wavy material. Most often, when ordering windows, the manufacturer's company has such a salary included. You only need to specify which roof you have.

With both types of salary, it is necessary to work in the same way, so you don't have to break your head like installing attic windows , if you do not have a flat roof. Salary is set as follows:

  • First fasten its lower part. It should be done so that the waterproofing of the apron leaves not only beyond the frame, but also roofing material.
  • Further work with side parties. The edges should be laid on the window frame.

The attitudes of mansard windows, as a rule, secure the salary to the frame crate, after that the external part of the design is closed with insulation. You can use any. Most often, the insulation and attachment does not search anywhere, as they are sold with the window, and it is necessary to simply collect and install the design.

Before installing, be sure to check each item, sometimes manufacturers are put on the details not the size or something lack. Some parts can be broken during transportation. You need to solve these problems even before installing the window. Installation of the glass package is preferably carried out after all internal work or glass is carried out. It is recommended to protect with the film.

After the salary is fixed, you can take on the installation of the glass package.

How to install glass?

After the window is set, you need to insert the glass windows, which was removed before all works. To do this, it will be necessary to insert it into the frame, fasten with the help of strokes and seals, the instruction is attached to the window. The process of installing the glass package may differ if the manufacturer has provided a different way. Mount the glass is needed last, since there is a risk of split it during the work. The presence of glasses on the frame may interfere with any action.

Installation of the glass package is preferably carried out after all internal work or glass is carried out. It is recommended to protect with the film.

Interior decoration

It is important not to simply install the attic window, but also to perform the appropriate finish. If you do not make a facing and appropriately not to insulate it from the inside, the window can be cold, condensate will begin in the room, and heat is to go outside. To combat these phenomena, use sealant, insulation and cladding; What to choose is the personal business of the owner of the room.

Quite often, the manufacturer offers plastic parts with the window. This is an inexpensive and easy way to solve the problem. Plastic curtains will close the joints, give the interior with complete view, will not allow drafts to get into the room. You can use the same goal of plasterboard, lining.

Finishing and insulation of the attic window

How to warm the window?

It is very important that the insulation of the design is made correctly. Some builders apply the mounting foam and the insulation does not use, but this approach is not quite faithful, since the material in winter time It is narrowed, and in summer expands, so the design can break.

Mineral wool will serve as the most convenient insulation for the attic window. It is easily removed and installed in its place. Do not post under the windows of the attic heating devices. Unlike the ordinary window, the attic tilt, therefore, due to the rising warm air, condensate will be formed.

Conclusion: Knowing how the attic windows are installed, you can perform this procedure Alone, significantly saving the budget. The procedure is simple and requires only a clear compliance with the instructions.

In the attic, as in any residential room, natural lighting should be organized. For this purpose, mansard windows are embedded in the roof slide. By virtue of special operating conditions, they exceed the complexity of conventional facade analogues and make higher demands on the quality of installation.

Features of mansard windows

The distinction of the attic window from the usual is as follows:

A mansard window under one or another angle is drawn up, which means that:

  • it is necessary that the presence of a fountain, by means of which flowing from the roof, water will be sent to the window bypass;
  • it requires the use of special types of glass, resistant to shock influences or at least not represent threats during cracking. Armored glass - very expensive view. The glass-triplex consists of several layers with located between them polymer filmWhich during cracking keeps fragments in place. The tempered glass with a strong impact does not split into large fragments, and crumbles on small without sharp edges;
  • it requires very reliable sealing of both the window structure (the gap between the frame and the opening sash) and the place of adjacent it to the roof. In view of this, it is recommended to purchase aprons and other elements for sealing bundled with the window, making sure that they are intended for this model. Details from another model can be externally similar, but due to insignificant deviations in size will not be able to ensure proper tightness, which will lead to leaks.

When choosing a mansard window, you need to consider the type of roofing. If it is profiled, the profile height has the value: the greater it will be, the more high there should be an outdoor window salary. Typically, manufacturers are designated by a separate index in marking, on which roofing material this model is calculated - on Ondulin, tiled, professional flooring or soft roof.

Choose a place for a mansard window

Before starting the window mount, determine optimum height its location. It depends on the following factors:

It is advisable to place the window of the well from all sorts of roofing nodes, especially endands (here there is always a lot of water here, and the snow holds longer), chimneys and ventilation outputs (moisture will be condensed on the window), places of roof adjoining to the walls (shading).

Also when choosing a place you need to remember the need to install under the attic window heating deviceOtherwise, glass will foggy.

Installation technology

Installation of the attic window is performed in the following order:

  1. From the inside on the waterproofing film indicate the marker of the border of the battle, then two cross-cutting cuts from the angle to the corner are made. The resulting triangular valves should be bent into the room and temporarily fix it, for example, scotch, so that they do not interfere with the further work.
  2. Next, the sizes are cut out the fence. From the side surface of the rafter foot, the cut line should be in 2 cm.
  3. If the installation is performed in the finished roof, the roofing is cut out the disc. In the width, it should be 3-6 cm to superb the frame of the window on each side, the upper edge of the day must defend from the frame by 6-15 cm (depends on the window design).
  4. The rafters are associated with two horizontally positioned mounting bars, which are limited to the bottom and from above. They are needed to support the attic window. As a bars, you should use the same board from which rafters are made. They must defend 8-10 cm dozers. Horizontal need to check the level. With a large steepness of the skate, only the lower mounting bar is installed, the window is mounted on top of the window.
  5. The lower and the upper valves of waterproofing are nailed with a stabber to the mounting bars (in the absence of the top film, it is nailed to the doom). Excess film is cut off. Side valves are outward.

    Side valves of waterproofing are produced outward

  6. Fragments of a mineral wool mat (thermal insulation) are targeting the mounting bars. If the top mounting bar is missing, the corresponding fragment of the insulation will need to shoot the window to the frame before it is installed.
  7. Start the installation of the frame with which you need to remove the sash and salary. The order of dismantling the sash depends on the window design - you need to act according to the instructions. It should be removed very carefully and in full compliance with the manufacturer's instruction, otherwise you can most likely damage the loops.
  8. The brackets are screwed to the frame (mounting corners).
  9. The frame is installed in place, screwing the brackets with self-draws to the mounting bars. Fully spinning screws are not immediately necessary - at first they are just naked. Fastening holes have an oval shape, which allows you to move a little design, achieving an ideally even position. Having placed the frame so that it turns out to be exactly in the middle between the rafters (the distance to the right and the left should be the same and constant along the entire length), and checking the horizontality with the level of the level, set the sash. Check whether the sash fit tightly, in the presence of distortions, they correct the frame (for the position correction can be used plastic corners), after which it is finally screwed.

    By installing the frame, the brackets are screwed up with self-assembly to the mounting bars not completely to be able to move the design

  10. The extended valves of the waterproofing film are shot to the frame on the sides, the excess is cut off.
  11. On the left and left of the frame, the mineral wool strips are filling, shooting them to the frame or rafters.
  12. Outside the window is cut out the cut, so that it turns out to be discharged to install drainage horod. If this part in the kit did not turn out, it can be made from the strip of waterproofing material, simply folding it along in half.
  13. It is installed in the place of the gulhadow, the crying of it under the waterproofing film and screwing to the trim. With the right execution, the water flowing down from the side of the skate will take the window to context.

    If the attic window is placed under the skate, the drainage gutters can not be installed

  14. Fixed a flap for condensate drainage. It is important that he is located with some bias that secure condensate in the ventilated subpowering gap.
  15. Further fitting the frame of the frame of the waterproofing apron, the planting of its top edge under the drainage god. One side of the apron is shot by a bobbivator to the frame, the other is loaded under the window and shoots to the mounting bars, rafters and a doom (if there is no upper bar).
  16. Restore roof coverage below the attic window.

    Roofing around the window is restored after full completion mounting work

  17. The roofing material is placed around the window.
  18. Getting started by setting the salary. The procedure depends on the design of the window, so universal Instructions does not exist. You need to carefully explore the one that is supplied by the manufacturer. Usually, the installation of the salary starts from the bottom lining, while all its components must be started under the elastic seal. Installing the attachment of the salary to the frame of the window and the doom is completed.
  19. All the gaps between the window and the borders of the loop are filled with sealant for outdoor work.
  20. Next transition to K. internal workwhich start with the installation of slopes. The slopes are performed not only the decorative function, but also direct the flow of warm air, so it is very important to install them correctly: the bottom is attached vertically, the upper one is horizontally. In case of inconsistencies, this rule will not be a full blowing glass warm airWhat will lead to the appearance on it condensate.

    In case of disorders of the installation of structural elements, the mansard window will be impossible to operate

In completing the slopes, insulate the mineral wool strips, on top of which a vapor insulation apron is fixed.

Video: Montage of the attic window on the example of the design of Fakro

Features of the attic installation window on the roofs with different roofing coating

Mounting technology of mansard windows depends on the type of roofing.

Soft roof

The magnitude of the technological gap, which is left between the lower edge of the windows and roofing of soft materialsshould not exceed 4 cm.

After mounting the window, the soft roofing material around it is placed as follows:

Video: Installing a window into a soft roof

Circuit coated roof

The technological gap between the lower edge of the windows and metal tile, as well as other profiled materials is:

  • at a low profile height - 10 cm;
  • at high height - 12 cm.

To mount the window to the roof with a profiled coated manufacturers supply a corrugated waterproofing apron that will make it tightly wavy lips.

  1. An apron is styled after installing the frame, but before mounting the salary.
  2. For fastening the apron under the window at 10 cm from the frame, the rails are naked, the ends of which should be over the boundaries of the day of 30 cm on each side.
  3. First, the lower part of the apron is laid, then the upper and only then the side.
  4. Then the roofing material is placed around the window, which needs to be cut so that the whole wave is on the frame.

Corrugated waterproofing apron will firmly facilitate the wavy sheets of metal tile

Do not forget that various salaries are produced for profiled and flat roofs. A profile with a height of more than 4.5 cm under the window you need to cut or climb, otherwise it will damage the lead apron. Similarly, a window is installed in the roof coated from ordinary tile, professional flooring, etc.

Video: Mounting an attic window on a roof of metal tile

Slate roof

The installation of the attic window to the slate is performed in the same way as on any other profiled coating. But there is a nuance: the instruction from the manufacturer prescribes before mounting to dismantle the slate sheets in the area of \u200b\u200bthe goof, and this makes the whole process very time consuming. There is a way to do with smaller hassle.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to choose the salary that best matches the slate profile. For example, in the FAKRO lineup (one of the most well-known manufacturers of attic windows) is such a salary of type S.
  2. Opening need to cut so that top sheet Schifer remained integer, that is, the edge of this sheet will be the border of the Owl. From the inside the slate is not visible for waterproofing film, Therefore, it is necessary to act like this: Knowing the height of the slate leaf, we approximately determine the position of the proof and then cut the hole, but with smaller than you need, sizes. Looking out, it will be easy to understand how sheists lie, in which direction and how much to expand the disc. Having made in the slapted sheet, the first propyl, the cut fragment must be attached to the wire so that it does not accidentally fall from the roof (it can damage anything or injured people). Final dimensions should be about 2 cm more sizes Windows on each side.

    Two segments of wire will not allow you to fall cut out sofher in the room

  3. Located under the opening, the cropped slate sheet should be removed and secured instead of it curved like a seift insert from galvanized steel. The liner is started under slate and fixed with self-draws. Usually under the slate there is enough space in order to make the windows salary.

    The distance between rafters and slate allows you to set the salary without removing the roofing material

  4. To get such an opportunity to hold the slate nails to weaken slightly. It is necessary to do it very carefully, since slate is a fragile material and can be used easily. It is best to use a nail-pressure with a hinge mechanism that allows you to adjust the angle of "legs".

    Adjustable nail - perfect ounceout to work with fragile slate

  5. Moving from the bottom up, we mount the salary (its elements are stacked with a falsestone). It turns out that the window is installed in the reverse sequence: first - the salary, then the frame with the sash. The frame is installed in the traditional way - on the mounting bars.

Do not think that the attic window will look at a simple slate coating ridiculous. It can be painted, so the roof will almost not differ from the "branded" metal tile.

Slate Covered Slate acquires a presentable view

Painting the roof should be a special enamel for slate. Pre-coating is cleaned by moss and lichen, then treated with an antiseptic, hydrophobizer and primer.

Typical errors when installing mansard windows

Sometimes it happens that when installing the attic windows, unscrupulous installers want to save their time or material. This can lead to deposits.

Non-quality insulation

One of the miscalculations that inexperienced installers are allowed in insufficient insulation of slopes. Instead of a thick layer of mineral wool, some use the material like "foamphol", which because of the low thickness has a much less heat insulating effect. The consequence of this approach becomes condensation of moisture at the slopes.

The mild thick foam has a high thermal conductivity. Its use will result in condensate on slopes

Equally effective should be the insulation of the gaps between the window frame and rafters. If you do not pay due attention, again you will have to face an excess of condensate.

Another common error - the aprons and other waterproof elements from another window model are applied. At first glance, it seems that the item is ideal for this window structure, but in fact, due to a minor inconsistency of the sizes during the first rain, leaks may appear. So that nothing like this happens, it is desirable to purchase a window and all related details.


We must not forget that the attic window is allowed to install when the slope is biased from 15 0. In a stronger roof window construction Even with absolutely right installation, it will very soon give to flow. On the flat roofing Anti-aircraft lights should be applied.

It is very important to properly adjust the gap between the sash and the frame. Sometimes there are no sufficient practice of the installer with this neglege, as a result closed window It becomes leakage.

Special attention requires a device adjoining the window to the roof. Many problems arise due to the fact that installers instead of the observance by the manufacturer of the manufacturer, the technology chose to go through a simpler path and perform the adjoining on their discretion. Here, for example, how an attic window was installed on the roof.

The roof must be inserted close to the window, but leave the gap to flow water

Not the best is the solution to use building nails and curvators.

For fastening the frame you can not use construction nails and curvators

Here, the frame and coating joined the curvators. It is not enough that they are located outside (curmmers need to be protected by apron or roofing material), so also for the attachment applied ordinary nails, and not self-tapping screws with elastic washers. Obviously, Klimmers quickly rust, and water will flow under nails.

Mounting Errors Roof

Not only the window, but the whole roof must be mounted correctly. Sometimes you can observe the following picture: due to errors when installing vapor barrier (it sometimes is simply forgotten to put), waterproofing (the usual polyethylene film) and coatings in roofing Piece Water accumulates, which flows into the indoor room in the area of \u200b\u200bwindow slopes.

The roof without vapor and waterproofing leads to the leaks of the attic windows

Seeing the leakage in this place, the user connects them with the wrong installation of the window, while in fact the reorganization is required or at least the overhaul of the roof.

Use of mounting foam

Another newbie trap is associated with mounting foam. Everyone knows that in the process of polymerization, this sealant adds strongly in the amount, but not everyone realize that at the same time it creates a fairly significant effort. If the gaps blow foam too generously, it will cause stack of design with subsequent leaks or even the destruction of the frame.

Excess assembly foam is able to destroy the frame structure

In order to prevent this, the mounting foam should be applied in layers in small portions, every time waiting for the complete drying of the previous layer.

There are varieties of mounting foam, which do not create during polymerization high pressure. Example: Macroflex 65 foam.

Uneven window installation

When installing, you need to ensure that the window is located smoothly. Here are some examples of what happens when installing a window with a breakdown:

Installation of the attic window can not be called a simple task. For lack of experience, it is better to turn to professional installers. But it is necessary to understand the technology - this will help to control the actions of the master, which may well be unfair.