Tinted wood in gray. Tinting shades, tinting effects

Modern building materials are striking by their type. Morilka, although it is known for a long time, has not lost its popularity, thanks to the innovations in this group.

What is a verse?

On store shelves many construction products, which can be confused, for which some of them are intended, for example, morilka for wood or Bez.

The history of the appearance of the dye goes in the nineteenth century. The veil was called "Cologne Land". Since the humorous land, rather loose in composition was found on the territory of Cologne in Nemetchin.

She had amazing properties. If the land is dissolved in water and apply on a paper or wooden surface, it acquired a rich brown color.

The deposits of the "Cologne Land" turned out to be scarce, so they began to develop a substitute for natural veneer. Natural dye today is made on the basis of oil and coal. Wood contains substances that will be painted in brown without adding chemical components.

The uniqueness of the veil lies in the fact that it does not make a film, as in the case of oil dyes, and reveals natural pattern on the tree. The surface acquires a juicy and contrast texture. To the question what do you need a veilYou can answer simply - to give the desired tone of the natural surface.

There is a concept as an drawing staining. Some confuse it with a surface application of the veil. External similarities, of course, is, but in the first case a layer is more waterproof.

Summer and spring wood are distinguished by density. Annual rings on spring wood are stained weaker than on a dense summer wood board. Such contrast can be well seen on ate and pine. Moisturized surfaces are obtained with a uniform tone, rather than painting dry.

Views and properties of the veil

Special dyes dissolving in liquids are a sampling of different tones. It is produced in powder and in liquid state. Water, alcohol, wax acts as a liquid, so it happened to various types of division.

Water verses. The most popular water-based group. Wood can acquire light and dark tones after applying the veil. Produced on sale in two states: liquid, dry. Liquid simulators are used immediately, while powder should be pre-breed with heated water.


- does not distinguish a poisonous smell, which allows you to work without fears of poisoning indoors;
- Great color selection. It is possible to achieve more dark tones, with several layers of Baitsa, after drying each layer;
- low cost;
- Long shelf life.


- Drying takes a lot of time;
- varnish coating mandatory procedure;
- During staining, fibers of wood rise, due to this moisture resistance. So that this does not occur, before work, the surface is moisturized and grind;
- The excess of the simulation on the surface can provoke cracks. Therefore, in this form, the tampon is poorly moisturized before applying.

Alcohol verses. Morons of this species dissolve in alcohol. Aniline dyes are involved as the main components. The mixture quickly penetrates deep into wood, where the alcohol is destroyed for half an hour.

If you need to paint large areas, it is better to use the spray gun. Such application does not give the opportunity to form spots, erosions. The name of this species is the fast drying, sharp smell. The positive characteristic is not the swelling of wood, unlike water mixtures, ultraviolet rays are not terrible.

Oil veneers. Dyes of this group dissolve in linen oil.

Positive characteristics:

- Combine any dyes;
- uniform application, without raising the fibers;
- do not fade;
- retain the original color for a long period;
- drying time from 2 to 4 hours;
- Resistant mixture to moisture, temperature drops.


- Toxicity.

Nitomorili. The solvent acts as a liquid, which dries very quickly after staining. It can be compared with the alcohol group. The characteristics are similar. It is also difficult to apply, but have resistance to washing and ultraviolet rays.

Wax verse. Dyes are bred wax. After applying the mixture, a waterproof film is formed. After using the simulator of this group, it does not need to open lacquer.

Acrylic veneers. Dyes dissolve in acrylic resins. The mixture is perfectly applied to the surface, does not create stains, divorces, well reveals the pattern of wood, not toxic. The only drawback can be called a high cost.

Morli gels. The mixture is thick and designed for soft wood. The paper uses a tampon to apply a uniform layer. This group allows you to remove the maximum spot on the surface.

Varnish varnishes. Coloring components based on alkyd varnish. It does not require the finish coating of varnish. Tree gets reliable protection from external influences. The work becomes complicated with the varnish veneer in several factors:

- volatile compounds require the mandatory use of respirator and glasses;
- Fire hazard. Do not do without compliance with strict measures fire safety.

Applying the veil

When painting, you should adhere to the right technology. Wood, located vertically, is painted from below. It will warn from splashing on clean places, will not leave stains in the future.

The horizontal arrangement of the boards requires painting at the first stage along the fibers. Further, lead the brush across them and in the third stage repeat the initial movement.

In the paper, you can use the spray paint, brush or foam tampon. The first option is suitable for large areas, as well as for simmering on alcohol and nitro-based basis. Nozzle PI is not exceeded with 1.5 mm.

Brushes can be with a natural and synthetic pile. Natural fiber is good to use for beans with an oil base, synthetic fiber - water.

Before use, the tassel should be checked for strength. If, when contacting it, there is no pile in his hand, it means that products are good quality and suitable for staining. The width of the brushes should be 100 mm.

Water veil In addition to the two languages \u200b\u200bdescribed by a tampon or a rag. The material should not be poured and leave traces on wood, so you choose cotton, foam rubber.

The tree absorbs the dye smoothly as much as it needs. It is not necessary to beware that there will be a surplus, just need to remove the extra liquid with a napkin. The simulator may look at all so after drying and the color turns out an order of magnitude lighter. In order not to risk and get the desired result, you need to take a piece of the board and make a sample.

To do this, pollute it and cover the first layer - this will be the basis. The second layer after complete drying to apply onto the board. The third layer apply to the remaining part.

When the paint dries, cover the entire surface of the lacquer. Now you can define color. The actual is considered a sample for coniferous rocksSince they poorly absorb the veil and a problem can be revealed to the color. The minimum number of layers is not less than two. It is not bad to prepare a few samples with different colors.

Morida on a water basis has the properties of wood fibers. After complete drying, additionally pollute the boards with sandpaper with fine grain, but without much pressure.

Drying time from 15 to 24 hours. Alcohol Morilka acts otherwise. It will not raise the fibers, but it will dry very quickly, it forms a divorce, so it is better to work with a paintopult to operate.

If a brush is used, then pre-mix the surface warm water. This also applies to the end parts of the board. They should be wetted, as they absorb many paints, which is why it will look darker. Drying time from 5 to 25 minutes.

Work algorithm:

- the surface is grinding before painting;
- They repay from fat spots, if spruce or pine - resin. It is possible to use water (370 ml), in combination with acetone (125 ml). 2 way. On 500 ml of water add 25 g of caustic soda. 3 method. In hot water (500 ml), approximately 60 degrees of C, dissolve 25 g of sodium carbonate. One of the resulting mixtures to process the surface carefully and leave for 30 minutes. Water dry with cotton material. Now go back to clean water, preferably warmed;
- Morulka to warm up slightly;
- Tampon watering is not strong and applied on wood;
- If there are flutters, carefully stretch them along the surface along the fibers;
- the number of layers depends on the color selected on the test board;
- As soon as the board is dry, wipe the board with a cloud. It will remove the dried dye, who did not get into the pores of the object;
- The final stage is a varnish coating in several layers. After each layer, Okuring.

Wood can be painted in different colors. Trendy coloring today is the "bleached oak". In order to obtain such an effect, 2 types are used. The first layer is applied white veil, she whits the wood.

And the dye takes on a water basis. The second wax-based view goes the following layer. Only not the opposite. As after wax morlogs DubIt will not be possible to achieve the desired effect.

Color of Moralka The top layer can be any: brown, black, gray. Only annual rings will be painted, the field will remain snow-white. . In the photo of the veil different types. Here they can clearly see their contrast.

Price and Reviews

Water moriquet to buy You can at any construction store at a price of 30 p. for 500 ml. Best MorilkaJudging by the reviews, the acrylic group is considered. Price Morlogs The same capacity - 78, 5 r. Only buyers are disappointed that they do not write the composition on the jar.

Morilka (known as Beyz) - the composition by which wood can acquire absolutely different shades. Often used to change external view Tree, and not only for the purpose of staining. Applied to wooden furniture, the verse gives it a well-kept appearance. What choose is classic, acrylic, on alcohol?

What happening for wood

Liquid impregnations for wood can be divided into three groups - this is a veil on alcohol, water and oil. They differ depending on the basis, which is used for their manufacture. The newest developments appeared on the construction market - acrylic and wax versions. Thanks to the new varieties of toning material, wood is painted without spots and its fibers are not raised. What properties each of existing species?

Morid on a tree on alcohol

Alcohol veil is also known as a dye solution in denature. It is performed in two states - ready to use and powder. The shortcomings of impregnation include its rapid drying, which can lead to the appearance of spots. It is almost impossible to send the composition of manually from the spray, it is recommended to use manual or pneumatic paint.


A water-based similet is sold in the finished state or in the form of a powder dissolved in water. Popted among those who wish to radically change the color of wood - from the brighter to the dark red. The disadvantage of water impregnation is its property to raise wood fibers. This allows you to highlight the structure of the tree, but makes it less resistant to moisture. To protect the surface, it is necessary to wet it before using it, wait a bit and sand, only after that cover.


Thanks to the oil vessel for wood, it is acquired by any color from all kinds of diversity of existing shades. The desired color is obtained by mixing dyes soluble in oils. The composition of this type is divorced by solvent - White Spirit. The material is unpretentious in work - it is evenly applied, without raising the fibers of wood, and dries quickly.


Acrylic Morilka - a new type of toning material. At the opening of the tree completely penetrates the inside, evenly stains the entire surface and forms a protective film on the wood surface, thereby protecting it from moisture. For example, if you pour water into the floor, it will fly to the droplets - it serves as an excellent sign of protection. Floor on the outdoor coating is also worth secure - open lacquer, it is better to use water varnish for a tree. Acrylic simulats well distinguish the structure of the tree and paint it into any color.

How to process wood by verse

Before the burning, the external and inner surface of the tree must be carefully processed - polling, extinct and desony. Next, everything is simple:

  • Depending on the texture, the veil is applied to a tampon, brush, paintopult or roller.
  • Application must be perfectly throughout the surface, otherwise the drips will appear.
  • After drying one layer, apply another.
  • For the finish coating it is better to use a special wood varnish - it gives a finished look tree and does not give moisture to penetrate

What is good impregnation for wood

Impregnation is in demand, because it does not hide the structure of the tree itself. The paint removes the drawing from it, the lacquer coverage hides the natural look, the simulator emphasizes all the fibers, stripes and rings of a natural tree. This impregnation has reliable protective properties, making a surface resistant to scratches and other destroying natural factors. Manese tree will serve not one decade1

Color and White Tree Morish

Having understood with what a verse is, it is worth finding out how widely its color scheme is. The range is wide - from white to black. If desired, by mixing different colors, you can paint furniture even in green. White verse is used as a bleach. After its drying, you can apply the desired color. The most popular, nevertheless, is a gamma of woody shades.

Morilka for wood do it yourself

Give a new kind of wooden floor or any wooden surface easily and own hands. To do this, it is not necessary to buy expensive materials or chemically harmful substances. You can change the hue of the product with the help of natural plant components. To do this, make a steep decoction:

  • The husk from Luca will give a reddish tint of light wood.
  • The decoction of larch bark paints birch in red.
  • Shell walnut gives wood different shades. Grind a dry shell into powder, drunk it in water. Fix the resulting solution through the siete, add some soda (food) to it. To obtain a red color, it is necessary after drying to impregnate the shell with a solution of potassium bichromate. In order to get gray, we impregnate the surface with acetic acid that has already been treated with a solution diluted with water.
  • A strong decoction of alder and oak bark will give a tree ebony effect.
  • Oak, Walnut Shell, Bark Willow and Olkhovy Earrings in equal proportions will give a tree almost natural brown color. Food components cold water and bring to a boil, then add 0.5 h. Food soda and leave boiled for another 10 minutes.
  • Apple tree bark and nut shells paint furniture in brown. To obtain a more saturated shade into the solution, you can add alums.
  • Vorba bark and alder is perfect for cooking homemade wood for black tree.
  • The decoction of the unhealthy fruits will give wood golden yellow color.

Video: Water-based wood vessel in furniture production

To date, there is such a variety of impregnating wood for wood that even a profile specialist will not be able to definitely answer the question of what their principled difference. If you familiarize yourself with the instructions for drugs, it suggests that most of them protect the wood literally "from everything". So what is the need for a tree for wood? Is it only for its toning, as is customary?

  • Tinting wood with preservation of its texture.
  • Reliable protection of the material when other means are ineffective or their use from an economic point of view is inappropriate. Argumentation - Morlogs are characterized by a greater depth of penetration, while they are cheaper than paints, varnishes and a number of other drugs used to process wood (at least 2.5 times).
  • Imitation of another, more expensive breed.
  • Whitening of wood. This is often done or in the process of its restoration, or when preparing for coloring (applying color varnish).
  • Preservation of material from rotting (antiseptic function) and insect destruction by insects.
  • Combining shades, creating an effect of finishing the surface of various wood.
  • Some vertices strengthen its structure.
  • Press (partial) lumber of moisture-cycle properties.
  • Any veil, regardless of the composition, unequivocally increases the suitability of the tree.

But is it simple? Is it enough to buy any of the available vessels, and all problems with reliable wood processing are solved? A comprehensive answer can be obtained if you familiarize yourself with all the varieties of liquids of this group. By the way, the simerings are often referred to as a different - Baitsa - and they apply not only to protect and prepare for further use natural wood, but also building materials based on it (plywood, MDF, DVP, Wavy, Chipboard).

Modifications of Morok.

They are classified depending on what is manufactured. It is on sale in the form of ready-made liquids, gels or powders, but the properties of the veneer is dependent only on the components and their equity relations.

Baitsa water

  • Such versions are highlighted by a large variety of shades, so you can choose the composition for almost any wood tree and make it the required toning in relation to the interior of a particular room.
  • "Environmental Safety". For those who are worried about the "purity" of the product, water veils - optimal option. No harmful evaporation, regardless of external factors. First of all, temperatures.
  • Considering the basis, it is clear that it is easy to wash off such a veil. In some cases, this is relevant if during the work with a tree it is necessary to change the resulting shade to change.

  • Water veneers - means of deep penetration. This property has a negative component. In the process of processing, the tree is additionally saturated with liquid. What does this mean? First, it becomes more susceptible to absorbing moisture. Secondly, the deck continues longer, and often initiates twisting of the processed billet. Therefore, the use of sampling of this group requires experience, and accuracy.
  • The need to subsequent applying the protective layer on the tree. For example, varnish, which is most often practiced.

Alcohol verses

  • Impregnation quickly dries. Someone considers this disadvantage, but the ease of use is obvious. Especially in external work, when the weather is unstable, and there is a possibility of precipitation.
  • High-quality protection of the tree from ultraviolet and dampness.

  • Sharp specific smell. When organizing work in the room it is necessary to ensure its effective ventilation. Will it work in winter?
  • Fast absorption into the material structure. It somewhat complicates the treatment of wood with alcohol verses, since due to the uneven application of impregnation there is a risk of spots on a general background. Experts advise to use the paintopult, as it is almost impossible to achieve homogeneity of the tree shade manually (tassel) without proper experience.

Morlogs Oil


  • Do not fill the tree moisture.
  • Easily change the shade when adding dyes.
  • The simulators of this group fall on the tree with a thin layer, evenly, so there are no difficulties in working with them.
  • Do not fade under the influence of ultraviolet.
  • Application option protective coating (varnish, wax) is not required on wood.
  • Inert to changes in the temperature and humidity of the environment.
  • Certain toxicity.
  • Great breakdown time (depends on the conditions of application).

Wax and nitromorili (acrylic)

Their characteristics are largely similar.

  • On the wood after drying such versions, the finest protective film appears.
  • The homogeneity of the shade across the entire area is guaranteed. The presence of spots, properly excluded.
  • The structure of the tree is highlighted especially clearly.
  • The difficulty of working with these morilies. Basically, due to the rapid "grasp" of impregnation. Therefore, any further alterations are no longer possible.
  • One of the advantages of the tree is lost - the ability to "breathe". The reason is in the drawing film. Not all users say this, but nevertheless. As far as it permeates - a big question.

Morlogs Rustic

Pretty new drugs. Their main purpose is to emphasize the structure of the material, to achieve several shades in one site. The use of such compositions requires high professionalism, so the author does not focus on them. Only to inform the reader, as it is unlikely to produce independent wood processing. If, of course, to imply a qualitative result.

What to take into account when choosing a wood veil

Knowing the features of various modifications of these solutions, it is easy to understand. Therefore, the author only summarizes all the above:

  • Specific use - inside or out of construction; temperature, humidity; weather.
  • Structure (breed) of wood. The smaller the density, the more deeply penetrates the veil. For example, the use of water-based compositions will significantly increase their consumption per m2. How justified it is, appropriate and so on? There is another nuance. After processing the color of the tree will be somewhat "lighter" expected. This is due to the fact that a significant part of the veil is absorbed, and together with liquid and dye.
  • Wood condition. Does the lumber have defects that need to level, or on the contrary, is it required to emphasize all its advantages? It should also be considered by choosing a sample of a shade.
  • Personal experience and opportunities. With the first one, it is clear - not everyone will be able to qualitatively apply the required layer of veil, which quickly enhances (absorbed). It depends on practical skills. More difficult with opportunities. As a rule, most of the "home masters" work with a brush. To apply the vessels of the wax, it is recommended to use tampons. Also - nothing special. But everyone has not only paintopult, but also "source" compressed air? Before you choose the simulators on alcohol, you should think to think thoroughly.
  • General interior. It mainly concerns internal finishing works. As a rule, no one is engaged in the surface design of wooden parts of the structure or individual structural elements, one of the advantages of the sawn timber - naturalness is lost. Consequently, it is necessary to focus on the shade, which will give the woods of the veil, and how much it will emphasize its structure (or change).

  • If further processing of the tree with paint polyurethane or varnish is planned, which has an acid, then the wax medulon cannot be used as impregnation.
  • When choosing a means, it is necessary to purchase it with some reserve. Practice shows that it is not necessary to determine its consumption on m². Even the specialist will not say how much the verses will need to be needed, especially if we are talking about the processing of a large area (lumber volume). And if you re-purchase at the same store, and impregnations from the same manufacturer, it is not a fact that the shade will be identical. From the party to the batch of goods, it is partially changing - this is the costs (features) of technology.
  • Effective protection of the tree is achieved if the veil is applied at least 2 layers. Disposable processing of the desired result does not give, therefore such savings are absolutely meaningless.

Which is impressive with its diversity, allows you to supplement any interior saturation and unique appearance.

Morilka, unlike paint, does not hide the structure of the tree

Classic-style kitchen combined with living room

  • Alcoholwhich is applied using the paintopults. When working, the brush is almost impossible to achieve even application - this is its main disadvantage. In addition, the alcohol veil is not manufactured in a variety of colors and when applied quickly dries.
  • Oil. This is the material that is produced in a different color palette. In an oil basis, almost any pigment can be dissolved. It does not affect the wood, simply applied and smoothly falls, quickly dries.
  • Wax acrylic which can be bought in any color. The composition evenly falls on the wooden surface, is a first-class protector of the material, perfectly highlights the structure of the tree. Such a veil apply if there is a need.

No matter what your furniture is made - the veil helps her transform outwardly in the most expensive wood breeds

But it is worth remembering that any kind of composition is neither used after execution staining procedures It is necessary to handle a special varnish. It will help to give the work of the finished look, will become a reliable fixer of the substance and will allow him for many years to please their impeccable appearance. With the help of a unique composition, you can create a natural pattern, emphasize the advantages of wood.

Color selection rules

Thanks to a large assortment, you can choose a veil both in color and by shade

The best way to determine the color is, naturally, applying the simulatory on a small plank. The fact is that on different wood the composition is manifested in its own way.

If there is no such possibility, then when choosing, experts are recommended to be guided:

  • tone name. It is worth remembering that the manufacturer must indicate the color in accordance with international Classification, nevertheless, on different wood, the tone will have a different kind, saturation and depth;
  • a type of wood that will be prepared by processing. Natural material after staining can acquire completely new shades, absorb the composition - it is worth remembered;

Beautiful tabletop, opened by mourn, in the style of Rustic

Morilka is a tinted liquid that the wood is used to give the wood

  • quality composition. The same simulators of different manufacturers can look like their own on her natural material. Therefore, it is not necessary to give preference to dubious companies offering a low cost of a substance;
  • makeup density. With a small density of the composition, the veil is very absorbed into the tree, especially soft rocks. As a result of processing it is impossible to get.

It is worth remembering that even with one tone of the verse different manufacturers May have completely different shades. If large scales are planned, professionals are recommended to acquire the compositions from one manufacturer. Morida on a tree, the price of which is acceptable, allows you to create the most refined design. In addition, this is a classic, which is beyond the time. And even after many years, the painted wooden surface will have a beautiful and, most importantly, an actual look.

Methods for applying verses

Material of any tone can be applied using a brush, tampon or collapse. The method of applying the coloring composition depends on:

  • the values \u200b\u200bof the area that must be processed. In the event that a small surface is needed, you can safely use a tampon. For large areas, it is recommended to use the spray or brushes;
  • varieties of morilli. For example, alcohol mixtures are applied only with a sprayer. Other types of substances can be applied depending on the area.

Important! As a rule, the manufacturer's company in annotation gives a recommendation for use. Strictly adhering to tips, you can achieve unsurpassed results in

Simple councils of specialists will help to apply the composition correctly and get the desired result. So, a step-by-step instruction of applying composition looks like this:

Important! Morilka is applied only on dry wood. If this is not to withstand, in the future the composition will crack and acquire a non-accuracy view.

Tree simulator: Color range and creation of combinations

With the help of modern wood, wood can create the most incredible effects, if combining different colors. For example, the prepared surface applies the composition of the tone - a water-based simulator. It will be the first layer. After its complete drying, a darker shade is applied, but already on an oil basis. In terms of its characteristics, such a veil will make it possible to fill the pores and irregularities on the wooden surface. They will become dark color, while the rest of the surface remains light. After complete drying of the composition, the surface is processed by a special varnish.

Morilka is a unique substance using which you can achieve the most incredible results. But the most important processing requirement is to preserve the natural type of wood.

Secrets of professionals

To, you need to choose cold light shades for interior design

Naturally, that professional builders and designers have their secrets of drawing versions, thanks to which it is possible to receive unsurpassed results:

  • to apply the substance is necessary strictly by wood fibers - in this way the natural pattern of wood is emphasized;
  • the veil should have an acceptable consistency: not to be thick, nor very liquid - this will allow it evenly and without inclects;
  • the layers applied must necessarily dry - this will provide the durability of the painted layer;
  • do not put the lacquer twice in one place - this will avoid dark areas.

Spectacular wooden bar rack with carved elements

Cozy living room in ecostel

Morlogs are a requested substance that designers are very applied and often use designers when creating exquisite interiors. But for high quality results, the composition will be required to properly apply. When choosing it is necessary to remember that the quality and price must match each other. Therefore, to acquire a tool is recommended for proven manufacturers who guarantee its effectiveness and durability.

Recently, the use of white in the interior of the premises has become fashionable.

At the same time, the white color can be like surfaces (floor, ceiling, walls) and furniture. Interior with predominance white color It is really very impressive, but it's not difficult to perform it in such a style.

White verse is one of the means of imparting a white surface. You can purchase a white veil without any problems in almost any construction store. We will tell about White Morift in this article.

First of all, it is necessary to decide exactly where wood will be processed - indoors or outside. Treatment techniques for external and internal surfaces are different, so this moment is of fundamental importance. Let's talk about how you can whiten the wood.

Than whiten the wood

If the surface being processed is part of the interior, then the desired white color may not be just white, but with decor elements. For example, wood fibers you can leave with a natural tinge or any other of your choice, and make the pores of the tree white. The selection of verses and means for various effects is very large. For the above example, it is possible to tint wood with water vessel, for example, trae lyx or clou, and then treat oil, which includes the TRAE Lyx Pro Color Wit wax. Wood pores will be white, and the fibers will have the color of the selected veil.

It is necessary to take into account that the pores of the wood should have a clearly pronounced wood structure, be open and deep. However, not any wood has such a natural surface. If the required relief of wood does not have, then the surface is treated artificially using special brushes, which are removed from the surface soft fibers.

If you want to paint in white and wood plane, and the pores, you can use the TRAE LYX Parquet Means No. 2537.

Please note that when using water veils, you will need to apply the second layer. The second layer can serve as a lacquer or oil, which contains solid wax.

You can whiten the wood for the interior with white oil, which includes the Golden Wave wax. According to the manufacturer, the development of this funds is based on the Scandinavian recipes, numbering hundreds of years, due to which Golden Wave has unique characteristics. The surface should be covered with two or three layers of oil, depending on the desired result - the more layers you put, the higher the degree of white and below the viewing of the tree structure. Fixing means when using Golden Wave oil will not need, this product includes components of consolidation. However, if you wish to change the color of the wood coating before processing, then process it with aqueous veneer, for example Glou, bleaching effect is unique.

To whiten the surface, you can also use the TRAE LYX PROJECT SEALER 2K WIT soil. This is a special insulating white primer for parquet. But this primer requires applying an additional protective layer, for this purpose you can use a two-component varnish of TRAE LYX. Such a combination is extremely reliable and high quality. It not only recreates, but also complements the natural beauty of a natural parquet or a wooden staircase.

As another option of whitening natural wood, you can offer the use of white wax Golden Wave. More often they are treated with railing, beams, walls, ceilings and furniture, because these surfaces are not exposed to operation. The basis of the White Wax Golden Wave serves Turkidar, the composition includes natural portuguese wax and special pigments. This wax can be used to cover untreated wood and get a wonderful effect without much effort.

Another means for whitening wood surfaces to pay attention is calcpast. It is used in cases where they want to get the effect of deep antiquity, the kind of an ancient and dilapidated tree, whom to time. Of course, the effect will be only external, the strength of the surface being processed will remain the same. Used calcpast to treat a variety of surfaces, since it is also suitable for internal, and for external work. Parquet, stairs, furniture, windows, shutters, doors, houses, gazebos, swing - any wooden surface is suitable for calcpast treatment.

Morilka for outdoor work

In addition to the above calcpars for whitening the outer surfaces, the protective white wax medilomet of Verfijn Steigerhout beits is well suited. Its application emphasizes the natural surface structure of the surface. In addition to a wonderful aesthetic effect, this simulator for external work perfectly protects the wood surface from the synthesis and rotting on a sufficiently long term.

We have already written to protect the wood from the fungus correctly, the material is available on the link, you can familiarize yourself with it if desired.

Film-forming coatings are also used to electronize wood.

Another remedy for bleaching is a simulator for external work on an alkyd-based sigmalaife VS-X. This veil, besides its direct whitening functions, serves as a primer coating and has remarkable protective properties, it will protect the wood surface against weather and ultraviolet. For the best result, apply Sigmalayph DS acrylic as the last (finishing) layer or varnish Avis Timbercoat, which is also manufactured on an alkyd basis and is distinguished by high quality. When using the Sigmalayph VS-X, the tree will be securely protected from all environment aggression, even if the finishing layer is not immediately applied.

The methods and technologies of whitening wood coatings are many and for consideration of them all will be required, probably the whole book. This article marked the basic principle of bleaching and show funds, with the help of which it is easier to achieve not just a better result, but what would you prefer. In addition, each of the funds considered has its own special characteristics that are not characteristic of others. Knowing these features, you easier make your choice for specific use.

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Trends modern fashion In construction and design persistently send you to the thoughts to arrange a parquet or walls, furniture in white. The idea is beautiful, the goal is set, let's be able to understand the possibilities to realize the dream into reality. Immediately I want to tell you, my dear readers, that this will be a generalized article just about materials for "elevation", which can be described in one word: white Morilka.

So the first and basic separation (it will simply be absolutely different wood processing systems) whether the product being processed in the white color is in the interior or it will be a street (outer coating).

If we need to interior wood covering, in this case there is a wide choice, depending on the desired effect that we want to get from the whiteness of wood.

So, for example, it is worth the task so that in the white color to paint only the pores of the wood, and the solid wood fibers themselves have retained their natural color, or had some other color. This effect of selected pores in white color on the treated surface can be achieved when using oil with solid wax Trae Lyx Pro Color Wit.

(By reference - more articles)

Here see the photo. If the same product is applied to the wood surface, which was previously tinted, for example, TREE LYX or CLOU, then the wood will have color of the veil, and exclusively the pores of the tree will be white.

Oil with solid wax white (white verse). Ash

However, it is necessary to take into account that the treated wood must certainly have deep pores, a pronounced embossed wood structure. If the tree does not have such properties from nature, the structure can be made artificially (piece), the mechanical method, using special brushes to choose soft fibers.

Creating a white floor, various methods, you can achieve a wide variety of results, so, for example, with a nane of white oil with the wax, Tree Lyx turned out to be such a bleached floor:

The floor (ash tree) is covered with white butter with wax trae lyx wit.

White Wood Morish Water: Trae Lyx, Holland

White pasta for aging wood.

If we need a coating for outdoor wood decoration with a choices effect, then we can consider the following options.

White medilion based on liquid wax.

Wood electrojections using Verfijn Steigerhout Beits wax protective vehicle. Applying this product, you feel that go back to nature. Bates white box emphasizes the authentic view of the natural tree, in addition, the bay box is the magnificent defender of the tree from the synthesis and rotting for a long time.

White varnish for wood.

The effect of elevation of wood can also be obtained, applying and film-forming coatings. Now about it in more detail.

As a primer coating, which will simultaneously have white simulat status, the VS-X sigmalaym can be applied. This is a protective simulator on an alkyd basis. When using Sigmalayph VS-X, the wood-processed wood has been protected against weather and ultraviolet. As an finishing coating on the Sigmalayph VS-X, you can apply both an acrylic azure Sigmalayph DS acryl and varnish of unusually high quality on an alkyd-based Avis Timberco. I draw your attention to this distinctive positive Sigmalamiff VS-X. Wood treated with this product can be some long open-air, on the street in bad weather without finishing. And the wooden surface does not suffer from this.

This is not a complete list of methods, using which you can create the effect of elevation of wood. However, in your articles I use information about the materials that I personally tested and tested. If you have a task "How to select Wood", I will be glad that my tips helped you 100%.

Your consultant.

Morlogs are substances that are intended for wood processing and give it a special appearance. Most often, the veils are known as liquid substances, but today there are other species that perform similar functions.

Why do you need a veil?

The main purpose of using these substances is to reveal the inner beauty of wood, which sometimes is hidden deep in it. Color range and shades, obtained in the interaction of a particular substance with wood, are so diverse as the photo when the wood treatment is made by the verse that in any interior is almost impossible to see all these colors together.

Morilka enhances the textural pattern of wood.

There are several key varieties of veneers, which differ depending on the basis. The type of basics also predetermines the individual properties of the veil, each of which has its own particular distinctive feature.


Determine the 3 most common groups of substances for sea.
The first group includes the so-called alcohol veils. A substance based on alcohol is a characteristic aniline solution of a certain pigment in denaturate. Usually, such a simile is released in one of two types: already in liquid, which can be used immediately after the acquisition, as well as in powder form. In the second case, you need to dilute the powder. This verse has characteristic features, it dries out much faster. Thus, for its use, you should only use the sprayer, since manual application Leaves stains. A sprayer usually use spray-pneumat.

Water verses are also made as alcohol. They are the most popular species of such substances. Water vessels have the largest range of colors and natural shades of wood for sea. And although the water veil is the most common, it still has one essential drawback: from its use of wood fiber climbs up, because of what it becomes sensitive to humidity. On the other hand, there are positive moments in this effect, since due to the raised fibers, a pronounced internal structure of the tree is manifested. In order to prevent the lifting of the fibers, use one simple method: before sea, the part or surface is not soaked in water, after which it is treated with an abrasive skurt. Wood prepared in this way will not rise after a water fluid.

The properties of the simulator directly depend on the foundations on which it is made.

Oil-based simulats have the widest range of colors from all possible and affordable person. Oil is a good solvent for most dyes, thanks to which this effect is achieved. Oil compositions are diluted with White-spirit, which also helps her quickly dry up, but it does not cause negative consequences:

  1. Oil provides uniform application.
  2. Wood fibers remain in the same position.

Also, the acrylic and waxy types of vehicles are also defined by the appearance of acrylic and wax types, which are not so popular. Although they have all the advantages of oil compositions. Their key advantage is the formation of a protective film on the surface of the treated parts and wood products.

Methods for applying verses

For different types of verses, and when processing different areas and surface textures, different devices may be required. In most cases, domestic filling is enough to use brushes, and in the case of handling small surfaces, sometimes foam tampon is used.
If the alcohol is based on alcohol, then for use you can take a sprayer. In essence, the use of alcohol, as well as nitromoroks has the only exception to the nature of surface treatment and requires a sprayer. It is caused by how it has already been said, it is a high speed of drying the compositions. The foam tampone or brush does not provide for alcohol verses of uniform coating, as a result of which spots remain on any surface.

The veil can be applied with brush, foam sponge, sprayer.

General recommendations for the use of verses are to use optimal tools for large areas and for small.
When applying the composition on the surface often accounts for a long time to pay the process of achieving the desired color.

Experienced masters advise to handle the surface twice, while after the first coating it is very important to wait for complete drying and only then apply the second layer.

This can remind the principle of working with finishing wood with a varnish or tinted tree.
In the case of water compositions that dry out not as fast as alcohol, the requirements for complete drying are even more important.

Methods coloring with different colors

Crafts and experimenters for many years when using different colors and combination of colors learned to cover multi-colored layers of different types of wood, which allows you to get quite unexpected results. Often, double applying different colors allows you to get a fairly clear and expressive structure of the tree or on the contrary, all signs of long aging.

Thus, for example, the effect of "white oak" is achieved, which is also done with the help of two different types of fluid for filling with their own hands.
The first type of vehicle to obtain a "white oak" is a white woodwork for wood on aquatic fluid. After the wood surface dry completely, it is treated with the second layer of the so-called oil veil. This second composition is a colorful shaft for wood - has particles of painted wax. Due to the painted particles, individual pores acquire the desired color (usually shades of gray or black), in addition, in addition, the rest of the surface has the previous form, which remained after white water vehicle. Thus, wood receives aesthetic attractive cover, due to re-processing.

This is one of the very many ways to burn wood that allows you to get absolutely diverse effects. When using a mixed technique, the main thing is not to confuse the procedure for using liquids.

First, it is better to use aqueous or alcohol bases, and the final results are achieved with oil and wax compounds.

This is obtained because wax and oil compositions do not allow to penetrate into the wood to other substances, as this is obtained by treating alcohol and water.

It is also interesting that processing different types The tree, like most resinous breeds, are not amenable to the veil, since the woods get into the painted particles hard after that hard. But the deciduous species of trees with this processing absorb almost any veil.
In addition, the internal structure of the tree can affect the quality of the image obtained. Therefore, such bright paintings and drawings are often obtained due to the use of oak or, for example, exotic rocks.

Video: how to choose a sampling

The tree will always be popular, because it is a beautiful and environmentally friendly material. However, like all the natural elements of the decor, the boards are afraid of moisture, and are a favorite habitat of insects, fungi, mold and other microorganisms. In order to increase the service life of things made of wood species, various protective equipment and antiseptics are used. Today we will talk about such a wonderful substance as a verse, with its help you can not only solve some problems associated with the premature damage to the wooden materials, but also give our products an unusual and noble appearance.

What is a wood veil

A tree is a durable and durable material that is subject to the influence of adverse environmental factors, therefore, to protect products from it from possible damage, they must be treated with special means. In the construction market you can find great amount Various antiseptics, varnishes and other impregnations, changing the color and some properties of wood, the most popular and inexpensive goods are Morid. Some people think that simulators are used only to change the color of the subject, but this wonderful drug has other properties.

The properties of the veneer can vary depending on their composition. However, even if you make such a tint with your own hands, it will still have some protective properties.

Properties of Morilok:

  1. If you want to change not only the color of the tree, but also to highlight it with the texture, then the veil - just what you need. It does not paint completely drawing, like paint, but gives all the product a nice shade.
  2. Woodwood will protect furniture from insects and rotting, while retaining the texture and drawing of wood.
  3. The simulator is a protective agent that increases the duration of the service of wooden items and stands several times cheaper varnishes and paints. In addition, due to its water consistency, it penetrates deeper into the wood structure.
  4. With the help of the veil, it can be done so that even inexpensive pine, painted with colored beyce, will look like a noble and strong oak and an exotic red tree.
  5. Morilka toning can clarify wood. This technique is particularly often used before painting wooden products.
  6. The impregnation of the verse will strengthen the structure of the tree and give it a light moisture protection property.

Not all verses have the above qualities. To understand what kind of verse you need, you need to read its composition, and see what the instructions for use says. By the way, you can handle Beans not only one-piece wooden boards, but also chipboard, objects from plywood or parquet and other wooden crafts.

Water-based wood veil and alcoholic bents

Morlogs on a water basis are the most eco-friendly baisses. They do not have a sharp unpleasant odor and easy to use.

Such a means can be sold as dry, or a ready-made mixture. Such dyes are most popular due to the low price and the possibility of their use, both internal and external work.

The main characteristics of the aquatic vehicle:

  1. Morleeons on water-based colors are very diverse. With their help, you can create a very interesting overflowing effect.
  2. You can use water beans without fear of your health. Even at the highest temperatures, such funds do not allocate harmful evaporation.
  3. If you decide to the experiment, and you wonder: "What kind of vehicle to choose that it can be laundered?" - That Water Beyz is what you need. Such a toning agent can be easily washed with water, so it is impossible to paint the floor.
  4. Tinting a wooden surface with this means, makes it a more noticeable texture. Unfortunately, the product becomes more sensitive to moisture, so it will need to be lacquered.

Tinnate such impregnating the smallest species of trees is extremely undesirable because they can catch ugly stains. For such products it is better to use alcohol impregnation.

How much does the alcohol impregnation dry? Almost a few seconds! This property is simultaneously an advantage and disadvantage. Thanks to it, you can cover with alcoholic beyca with a sports rifle, and to use it in a few minutes, but you can only starve the paintopult, otherwise the surface of the product will cover with unpleasant divorces and stains, even lacquer will not help correct the situation. Alcohol impregnation of alcohol and dyes.

Told treatment with such impregnation will make it more resistant to ultraviolet and high humidity. However, due to the unpleasant smell of such a means, working with it is possible only in the open space.

Benefits of simulators on oil base and wax and acrylic beans

Morid on an oil base has a large range of colors and shades. It costs more than aquatic beans, but she has more useful properties. Such a drug can be used not only to change the color of the product, but also to underline its texture.

Processing wood with an oil-based material is easily and convenient, it is applied with a thin layer and does not raise the fibers of the product. Also, such a toning does not fade under the influence of sunlight, gives the resistance tree to the temperature drops and protects it from moisture. You can remove the spots of the oil baker using a solvent White Spirita, it can also be a little brightened with a painted tree. It differs from similar in the properties of the compositions in that it does not need varnish for its fixing. For disadvantages of petrolers, oil belongs: long drying of tinting and its toxicity.

It is very important to find the versa of the responsible and conscientious manufacturer. Sudi, according to reviews, the most popular firms are Vartan, Latent, Novbythim and Herlack.

Acrylic and wax vertices are very simple in applying, they fall into a homogeneous layer and do not leave spots and divorces. However, due to the rapid dryness of such beans, it is necessary to work with them very quickly.

Wax vehicle is used to protect the tree from moisture. It can handle parquet. Such Bez is unstable to mechanical damage, so to extend its service life, it is better to use varnish.

Acrylic, it is a rustic, the stool perfectly emphasizes the texture of the tree. With it, you can get a variety of shades, so this drug is so popular. The tree scratched with such Bez will still need to operate with several layers of varnish.

Colors of Morilok for Tree

Tree simulats differ not only in composition, they are of different colors and shades. The dark mixture is most often used, it gives products a more noble view. With the help of such verses, ordinary larch and maple can turn into an oak board.

Modern Beans can give the tree the most unusual shade. However, to this day, the most popular is the gamma of natural woody colors.

The most popular color gamut veils:

  • Pine;
  • Birch;
  • Bleached nut;
  • Plum; the Red tree;
  • Olive;
  • Rosewood;

There are a lot of such examples. It is noteworthy that the names of one shade in different firms can be very different. Choosing the color of Baits, first of all, pay attention not to the color palette, which is printed on the package, and samples applied to birch boilers.

It is also important to take into account that the intensity of the color of the veil depends on the tree of the tree to which it is applied. Give a dark shade of the product if the wood from which it is made light, it will be more difficult than to darken an oak object. The non-aqueous veil will not be able to clean the pine board quite well, if it is not previously desalted, but the beans on a water basis are generally unsuitable for resinous woody.

White Morishing for Tree

To give furniture white color, it is not necessary to paint it. For such work will suit And the clarifying veil, which will not only make the product lighter, but also emphasize its structure.

The wood simulator is designed not only to give the product a lighter shade, but also to protect it from the unfavorable conditions of the surrounding world. It is very important to take into account, considering different types of such a fund as what you will apply it. If there is a risk that moisture will be shedding on the surface of the elevated item, then it is best to use wax, oil and acrylic drugs, but if your handicraft is in a dry and ventilated place, the aqueous baker will fit.

With the help of white vehicle, it is possible to achieve a very interesting effect and make a compiled coating. It is first necessary to paint the white-colored vessel on a water basis, after it dries, the item must be treated with a rigid brush. In the resulting pores on wood, the wax or oil bayes of dark color is rubbed.

Bright beans do not always have a bright expressed color. There is a colorless veil, which is applied solely to protect the tree from unfavorable natural factors.

How to make a sample with your own hands

It is not necessary to buy a ready-made veil. Mixing dyes, such as coffee, a few drops of iodine or chips of black cortex, and some chemical elements, it can be done at home. The homemade veil is not only effective, it is also natural.

  1. In the glasses of water, tapping a glass of larch bark. It is possible to cover products from birch to the resulting means, it will give them a beautiful reddish tint.
  2. Split dried walnut shell into powder and tailor for ten minutes. The resulting decoction must be mixed with soda. Cover with a solution with light wood, and it will acquire a brown shade. If you want to change the color of the product, you can handle it with vinegar or potassium bichromate. In the first case, the shade will be gray, and in the second red.
  3. Custard tea or coffee can be treated with different shades. The intensity of colors depends on the fortress of welding.
  4. Magnantic solution you paint the product into a cherry color.
  5. Red shade can be achieved by showing rusty nails in vinegar for several days. The black simulator is obtained by adding oak leaves or walnut to acetic solution.

Self-simulators do quite often. They are turned on eco-friendly and harmless. Unfortunately, they all have a property to fade, so to save the color of the product, on top of the beats you need to apply a layer of varnish.

Tinting of the wood by Morilka: Step-by-step instructions

In order for the product to look neat and beautiful, it is necessary to cover it with a mourn. With poorly applying Baitsa, he can faded after a few weeks, also, without observing the technology of the sea, you risk getting the surface covered with divorces.

How to properly cover the vessels:

  1. First of all, you need to remove the layer of old paint from the surface of the product. You can do this using sandpaper.
  2. Next, the surface is dengulated with alcohol, White with spirit or gasoline. If the product is made of resinous trees, it is despicable.
  3. The veil is heated and applied with a thin layer on the surface of the product. The top of the subject is processed first. The layers are applied from above, one to another until the desired shade is reached.

After the simulator dries, the product must be covered with several layers of varnish. Before applying a new layer, dried varnish is treated with fine-grained sandpaper.

Tree simulator (video)

Morilka is a great way to replace one color of the tree to another. Such means are of different species, they can have different compositions and colors. Use the simplifier correctly, and your award will be a beautiful product.

The wood simulator is very popular and is designed to give various products from the wood of aesthetic and decorativeness, changes to their tone and underlining texture, and most importantly - to increase their service life. Antiseptic properties of veneers allow this to achieve this. There are also vehicles for wood, capable of protecting the treated surface from pest insects, mold and fungus.

This article discusses in detail not only what a verse is, but also its main species, properties, advantages, and why it is needed.

Depending on the purpose and composition, the wood simulator has the following benefits of a number of other paints and varnishes:

  • The possibility of combining shades (for example, dark flowers, walnut or pine, light gamut, black color, etc.).
  • The coating by morilies strengthens the structure of the material.
  • Increase product service life.
  • Partial giving moisture resistance to lumber.
  • Makes it possible how to give a wood a noble shade and get another color gamut (There are the most different colors of the veil).
  • Preservation of wood structure.

The main advantage of this tonary composition is deep penetration into the wood. This allows you to save wood texture. Therefore, the answers to the questions about what is better - morneling or varnishes, and for which the veil is needed, becoming obvious.

Color palette

There are various colors of wood vehicles for wood, and it is very difficult to answer the question of how to choose the most suitable. This material Allows you to give almost any shades of wood products. For example, a black veil, which allows you to give the surface to the type of black mirror. It is recommended to polish the base before applying it.

Gray Morilka makes it possible to avoid the allocation of the processed product from the overall interior. It is worth paining only if the walls and textiles in the interior will be bright. Gray is able to cause depression, besides, the products in this color will look too fad and gray.

Psychologists advise you to choose a green mill (color veil), since this shade causes positive emotions. Green color is suitable for surface treatment of various interior items.Blue veil allows you to get a very expressive view of the processed product. Choose it for a combination with yellow and white tones.

The market presents the more natural colors of the wood of wood. But there is a colorless impregnation that allows you to keep the surface in its natural color.

Main species

The impregnation for wood is different, depending on the composition. Consider the most common types of veils:

  • Water-based. The aqueous veil is powder (water-soluble) and in the form of finished compositions. It is an environmentally friendly product (regardless of external factors there are no harmful evaporation and smell), as well as her rich color scheme. If necessary, the agent can be easily flushed with water, so it is recommended to apply an additional protective layer (for example, varnish). The main disadvantage is the raising of wood fibers, as a result of which the product becomes more vulnerable to moisture (for elimination of the lack, the non-aqueous impregnation is applied). Water vehicles for wood got the biggest distribution.

  • Alcohol formulations. Available ready for use or dry (powder it is necessary to dilute). Designed to protect the tree from damp and ultraviolet. This impregnation will quickly dry, which avoids the lifting of the pile and swelling of the wood.

  • Oil compositions. The composition of the simulators are consistently soluble in olife and oils. You can apply impregnation of this group in any way and tool. They do not fill the wood with additional moisture and do not raise the fibers. A variety of colors of vehicles for the tree of this group, if desired, allows you to achieve any shade, easy to add dyes.

  • Acrylic mixtures. Acrylic-based impregnations are environmentally friendly, safe for the child and fire product. Acrylic verse is great for all types of wood and dries very quickly.

  • Wax verses. Allow to handle painted surfaces. Impregnation in a wax basis reliably protect the treated surface from moisture. It is important to know that the wax grid can not be used before the wood coating with two-component varnishes.

On video: Morleet selection rules.

Methods of application

There are four main ways to apply the veil:

  1. Painting rubbing. The composition is applied to the surface, after which it is rubbing it on the entire area. It is recommended to apply in the processing of porous trees.
  2. Spraying. When the wood is sealed, a manual or automatic sprayer is applied as a tool for applying the veil.
  3. Treatment of foam roller. The method allows to avoid formation of divorces and helps evenly distribute the mixture over the entire surface.
  4. Wood processing by painting brush. The method allows you to get a deeper and rich color of wood, however, it is not suitable for all types of impregnations.

  • Before painting the surface of the surface, it is necessary to remove old coatings from it, and after better degrease it.
  • The surface of coniferous rocks (for example, pine) should be exolsmole.
  • Painting the wood by the verse and remove the excess is necessary solely in the direction of the wood structure.
  • It is recommended to cover the surface 2-3 layers, while, for the first layer, the small volume of the mixture should be used.
  • After the first layer is driving, the surface must be opened and eliminate the rising pile, and then, if necessary, apply the following layers (each next layer is applied only after complete drying of the previous one).

An approximate time of drying impregnation on an oil base is about three days, and impregnations on a water basis and solvents - 2-3 hours (depends on how many layers were applied). Large areas of the treated surface are recommended to divide into small sections and paint them in stages. To avoid the possibility of formation of defects on the surface, the composition must be diluted. This uses a solvent.

For water impregnations, water is used for oil - solvents for paints. Also before starting work, the surface can be covered with putty LEEC L 601.

Morons for plywood performs exclusively decorative function. Therefore, if there are doubts that choose - a simile or varnish, it is recommended to use them in combination. Before covering the surface of plywood, it must be moistened, and the mixture itself is recommended to warm.

After the wood coating, the vessel should be treated with varnish (layers should be very thin to avoid the possibility of formation of inclination). As a tool, you can use a brush, roller or sponge. Wood varnish will strengthen the protective properties of impregnation. Observing these recommendations, you can easily make a filling of wood at home.

Defects and their elimination

Carry out wooden furniture It is possible to accurately carefully, otherwise the possibility of formation of defects, which are quite difficult are eliminated. But if you know how to get rid of them, there should not be problems.

The main defect is the formation of flows. They occur as a result of applying a large amount of the mixture and its subsequent rapid drying. In this case, it is necessary to remove the impregnation layer applied to the tree, after which it will apply a new layer, which softening it, and then with a rapid remove excess impregnation.

After a complete drying of the wood, it is possible to remove it with solvents for paints. Before that upper layer Removed by the emery or branches, since the solvent is not able to remove the entire pigment.

You can choose a special wash, which will remove the extra layer of the covering impregnation from the tree. You can use a hairdryer in combination with a scraper and a brush - sometimes it is better than washing.

The most complex defect is spotting the product. To remove it, the painted place is treated with a planer (this defect is not washed with a solvent). In the plywood you need to remove all the facial veneers. To avoid the formation of spotty, it is better to use a verse gel or first put a trial layer on an unnecessary piece of wood to see how the coating on the desired surface behaves. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to store impregnation in a closed place.