Installing soap dispensers. Choosing a dispenser for liquid soap in the bathroom

Nowadays, experienced housewives are increasingly choosing dispensers for liquid soap instead of ordinary soap dishes. And this is not surprising. The convenience and hygiene of this device will be discussed in this article.


You may have noticed that water is constantly retained in a regular soap dish after using soap, and stagnant moisture is an excellent medium for the appearance and growth of fungal bacteria. Therefore, it is imperative to keep the soap dish clean and dry, but there is not always time to focus on this. Therefore, convenient dispensers have replaced conventional soap dishes. They are extremely easy to use and maintain cleanliness, in addition, they have a very beautiful and stylish appearance. There are a huge variety of different dispenser models on the market, so choosing a device according to your criteria is not difficult.

Unlike regular bar soaps, liquid soaps in dispensers are hygienic. It has a rich aroma and is more economical to use. Therefore, more and more often you can find them in public places and places with a large crowd of people. And rightly so, hardly anyone wants to wash their hands with an incomprehensible bar of soap, which hundreds of people had washed their hands with before, or maybe he still managed to lie somewhere. A fragrant, beautifully colored liquid soap in a dispenser is another matter.

Despite the fact that the purpose of such a device as a dispenser (dispenser) is simple and clear, manufacturers are trying to surprise their customers with all new types and models of equipment. So be sure to read before buying possible options dispensers. The selection of them on the market is quite large, and they all have a broad classification in several areas.


As mentioned above, there are many types of dispensers. The choice depends on your budget, as well as the functionality you need. To do this, you need to understand the advantages and differences of some models from others.

Briefly, the entire range of dispensers can be divided into:

  • mechanical;
  • elbow;
  • sensory.

Mechanical liquid soap dispensers are the most popular dispensers in household... They act on the principle of pressing a button. In this case, dosing occurs the required amount soap. If it was not enough, you can repeat the process. This is a necessary accessory for a bathroom or kitchen, which has a pleasant cost and a huge variety. different designs and execution options. You can easily find what is right for you.

Elbow dispensers are actuated by elbow pressure. These are highly hygienic devices, because they avoid manual contact with its elements. The dosage of soap is also determined by pressing the dispenser lever with your elbow. Often these types of dispensers can be found in medical institutions or in catering kitchens where absolute hygiene is essential. The cost of such mechanisms is low, but most likely they will not suit for the house in their own way. outward appearance... Too simple and unremarkable.

Touch dispensers can also be called automatic or non-contact. These are the most advanced models that allow you to completely avoid physical contact with the device, ensuring one hundred percent hygiene. In order to use soap, you just need to bring your hands to the dispenser, and it will automatically give you a dosed volume of liquid. Typically, these devices operate on type C or D batteries. Such batteries have a fairly long term service, so they will be enough for a large number of positives. You don't have to change them often. Dispensers installed in public places can be powered by mains or can be powered by batteries or electricity. In terms of cost, these are the most expensive devices; it is not always advisable to use them at home.

By the type of attachment, there are wall-mounted, table-top and built-in dispensers. Wall mounted dispensers are convenient for use in public spaces or small home bathrooms to save space. They usually have a convenient button to press, a reliable pump and a sight glass that allows you to control the level of soap in the device. The floor-standing double dispenser can be opened with a key.

Tabletop dispensers are popular for use in the kitchen or bathroom. They have a huge range of designs to suit the requirements of any interior. The built-in mechanism dispenses soap, thereby saving its consumption. Such dispensers do not cause any inconvenience when leaving them, they are quite easy to unwind and wash inside and out if necessary. Such dispensers are made of moisture-resistant and wear-resistant materials, they can be different forms, colors and have an affordable price.

Embedded devices are distinguished by their stylish look. The mortise soap container is hidden under the countertop, thanks to which a free space is formed on top. You don't have to go under the sink to refill the tank. As a rule, you can add soap to the device from the top. The dispenser is easy to install and easy to use. The body and the delivery tube are made of high-strength plastic, which eliminates the appearance of corrosion by water and chemical detergents... The disadvantages of this device include its high cost.

For a room where food is prepared, it is advisable to choose a kitchen hinged or hanging appliance.

Materials (edit)

By making right choice soap dispenser, you will not only protect yourself from unpleasant and harmful bacteria, but also transform your kitchen or bathroom interior. And in order for the selected dispenser to serve you faithfully for a long time, you should pay attention to the material from which its body is made, as well as to the pump mechanism.

The standard material from which dispensers are made is stainless steel, glass or plastic. Each of them has both pros and cons. Next, we will consider the characteristics of these materials.

The main advantage of plastic is its cheapness. Despite this, you can find plastic dispensers of quite high and decent quality. For the convenience of buyers, designers have developed a huge variety of various designs, shapes and colors of plastic dispensers. It is best to choose a dispenser from this material if a portable type of device is required.

Glass dispensers are best for wall mounting. This will prevent the device from overturning. Such models on the wall, filled with fragrant and pleasant in color liquid soap, look very stylish, neat and expensive. The disadvantage of this type of device is its high price.

Product from of stainless steel Is a versatile, convenient, practical and beautiful device that will easily fit into different styles bathroom or kitchen decoration. It can be wall-mounted, shelf-mounted, or mounted on a sink. The dispenser made of steel is a reliable and safe device in operation.

When choosing a dispenser, be sure to pay attention to whether the chosen model suits the style of your bathroom or kitchen. To achieve the best effect, use not only the dispenser, but also try to choose a set of accessories from the same series. For example, a toothbrush dispenser and glass in the same style and color.

The above are the main materials from which the dispensers are made, but today on the market you can also find dispensers made of materials such as ceramics, stone, wood, bronze, brass and others.

Dosing mechanisms

A dispenser is a container that is filled with liquid and a mechanism by which the liquid is dispensed and dispensed to the consumer. In another way, this mechanism can be called a pump. Dispensers are also distinguished by the type of the dispensing mechanism and the form of liquid dispensing. There are three forms of fluid delivery:


When pressed, the liquid is discharged in a stream. Typically, this shape is particularly suitable for liquid soap dispensers. The soap has a thick consistency, so the outlet should be quite large. Also such the view will do when using a gel antiseptic, because their consistencies are similar.


The dosing mechanism is equipped with a special foamer. Thanks to him, foam is immediately formed from the soap.


This type of dispensing mechanism is used in antiseptic dispensers. When pressed, the liquid is sprayed. The outlet of the mechanism is very small, thanks to which the antiseptic is sprayed onto the hands evenly.

The volume of a dose of liquid per actuation varies depending on the shape of the mechanism. There is no generally accepted norm, so each manufacturer sets its own.

The approximate average data are presented below.

  • liquid soap is dispensed in approximately 1 ml per 1 press;
  • foam soap - about 0.6 ml at a time;
  • skin antiseptic - 1.5 ml for 1 actuation.

Some manufacturers reserve the right for the user to change the volume of fluid dispensed per actuation. There are few such devices, but sometimes they are necessary and in demand.

The pump, according to its design, can be either built into the dispenser body or removable. When choosing a dispenser, remember that the removable mechanism has clear advantages. First, the detachable pump can be easily removed and rinsed as needed. Secondly, in the event of a breakdown, it can also be easily taken out and replaced with a new one. And in the case of a built-in mechanism, you will have to dismantle and change the dispenser completely.

Before choosing the correct dispenser, decide on the type of liquid you will be using. Because if you use the dispensing mechanism for other purposes, it may soon appear Negative consequences that will damage the equipment.


From an aesthetic point of view, the use of dispensers looks very impressive and stylish. Thanks to their design, they can bring to the interior bright accent and decorate any room. You can come across a huge selection of stylish, unusual and colorful dispensers for every taste. For example, the square version is quite popular.

Many devices are equipped with a special window that allows you to control the level of liquid soap and replenish it in a timely manner. The existing touch panel allows you to wash your hands with soap and water without touching the accessory itself.

Original and practical design at the dispenser with a cleaning sponge. It has a fixed base for a washcloth or sponge. This version is very convenient to use, it can be installed directly in the shower or bath.

Among the most popular colors of these products:

  • Brown;
  • Red;
  • lilac;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • gold;
  • transparent;
  • Orange.

Liquid soap is very popular these days. It is used in offices, in many establishments and even at home. This soap has whole line advantages, including hygiene and ease of use. However, liquid soap needs a special reservoir from which it must be dispensed. Such a tank is called a dispenser and is sold in almost any supermarket. However, we would not have coped with our task if we had not offered you a way to make a dispenser for liquid soap at home.

First of all, as always, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the process of making a homemade dispenser in the author's video.

So, what do we need:
- stationery knife;
- an empty bottle of detergent;
- stationery clip;
- scissors.

The author of the video uses a bottle of detergent for windows. Let's start making a homemade dispenser.

First, we need to remove the pistol from the bottle.

The pistol has a tube through which the detergent is supplied. It is this tube that we need to cut off in the next step.

Next, we need to make a slot at the bottom of the bottle to insert the mount there. In our case, an ordinary clerical clip is used as a fastener, more precisely, one of two metal springs, which we also remove.

We will fasten the clamp so that we can hang our dispenser, so the slot should not be very wide, otherwise the ears of the spring will not have something to cling to.

After we have made a slot with a clerical knife, we insert our clip into it. As for the process of cutting the bottom itself, it is advised to do this with a hot knife, since the bottom of the bottles from detergents is usually thick.

The bathroom soap dispenser is a modern trending accessory that can be found in almost any bathroom. And if relatively recently it could be found only in public places, such as hotels or restaurants, today a dispenser for liquid soap is a familiar inhabitant of our apartments. The range of dispensers offered by manufacturers is simply huge, so we decided to make it easier for you by making a small virtual review.

What are the dispensers

Sensor dispensers

The automatic dispenser, as the dispenser is also called, is very convenient. It is not tedious to press any buttons or levers to get the required single dose of soap. The touch-sensitive soap dispenser works automatically, you just have to bring your hand to the hole through which the liquid soap is supplied. This is possible thanks to design features device.

Completely non-contact, it is equipped with a special infrared sensor that reacts to gestures and gives the command to issue a dose of detergent. Then the next one is automatically dialed. The only thing that is required of you is to adjust the dosage after installation. Subsequently, the required portion will be served without your participation.

Such models are equipped with fairly quiet pumps, so the sensor dispensers do not create much noise. The devices are powered by an electric current.

Wall-mounted dispensers

The wall-mounted version not only looks strong, but also does not require allocating space for it on the shelf, since the device is mounted directly to the wall. The device is very easy to operate. In order to receive a portion of the detergent, you just need to press the upper valve. The button, which also acts as a piston, will push the soap into the palms of your hands.

You can install this type of dispenser yourself. To do this, you will need:

  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • a special drill if the bathroom walls are covered with ceramic tiles;
  • pencil;
  • self-tapping screws.

And here is the installation process itself:

  1. Select the place where the device will be attached. Choose the optimal location from the floor so that if there is a child in the house, it is convenient for him to use it.
  2. Mark the places where you want to drill holes.
  3. Insert the dowels into the prepared holes.
  4. Place the dispenser against the wall and secure it with self-tapping screws.

Tabletop dispensers

Visually, they look like beautiful bottles. Most often sold as a single set with a soap dish and a toothbrush cup, creating a single stylish ensemble. The tabletop dispenser does not differ at all from the previous version in terms of the method of soap dispensing.

But such devices have several valuable advantages:

  1. Relatively low cost. For example, the elegant accessories from BXG look very stylish and are quite budget-friendly for the price.
  2. Mobility. Compared to any wall options, which are no longer possible to move, the tabletop device can be rearranged to any place. And if it looks bright and unusual, then it may well become a stylish detail that enlivens the interior.
  3. Unlike the classic soap dish, these dispensers always look neat.

Built-in dispensers

The built-in dispenser is convenient in that it allows you to remove the very tube of liquid soap from a prominent place. After all, someone prefers minimalism in style, and such accessories simply do not fit into the overall interior design. And then the ability to place the dispenser itself under the sink, bringing only the valve up, will be an excellent solution. Only a stylish chrome-plated button and the same tap of the soap-dispensing device will be visible.

The installation process is pretty straightforward, so you'll be fine with it yourself. It looks like this:

  1. The dispenser attaches directly to the sink itself, so you need a set of tools to cut your earthenware.
  2. Cut a hole of the required size (focusing on the nose of the flask where the detergent will be stored).
  3. Insert the flask from the bottom of the sink and screw the feeder on top.

Elbow dispensers

The elbow dispenser differs from push-button counterparts only in that the button of the dispenser can also be activated using the elbow. Positive moment in this case, it consists in the fact that you do not touch the body of the object with dirty hands. And the transmission of pathogenic bacteria is completely excluded.

Dispenser functions

The only purpose of such devices is to dispense a certain portion of the detergent necessary for high-quality hand washing. It would seem that it is completely correct, but at the same time an erroneous opinion.

Modern models of dispensing devices have such an elegant appearance that they are able to fulfill the role of unusual detail bathroom interior.

The stylish gold dispenser will match or

Manufacturers have really tried over the look of this banal accessory: windows through which the filler is visible, mirrors installed on the front panel, lighting, various decorations, engraving and drawings - all this is done by an ordinary dispenser stylish decoration interior.

Materials (edit)

The most common material used in the manufacture of dispensers is metal. More specifically, stainless steel or aluminum. Manufacturers, seeking to attract the consumer, use tempered glass or plastic. Quite often there are combined models that harmoniously combine several materials.

For more expensive exclusive models are used decorative rock, natural veneer, rhinestones, mother of pearl, crystals. Imagination of designers as an inexhaustible source!

Filling and detergent dispensing options

In addition to the material used for the manufacture of the device, as well as the method of dispensing liquid soap, the choice of dispenser is also influenced by the method of filling the product. The most common liquid models are equipped with special flasks, which act as storage for gel or soap. When the product is completely consumed, it is enough to simply replace it with any other. It is not at all necessary to acquire a similar composition.

Such dispensers are suitable for the bathroom interior.

In cartridge dispensers, the containers themselves are simply replaced. This is a somewhat simpler option than filling the filling devices. But for some models it is necessary to purchase exactly "native" cartridges, that is, from the original manufacturer. The cost of cartridge dispensers is slightly higher than filling devices.

There are also several ways to dispense soap. Both the mechanical version and the electronic soap dispenser can dispense both liquid and gel fillers.

Some devices with a slightly different design convert the media to foam when dispensed, in particular Tork dispensers.

As you can see, modern dispensers are not only easy to use, but also truly beautiful. We hope that our article will help you make a rather difficult choice.


Liquid soap dispensers

Dear customer!

Thank you for choosing a product manufactured by the Spanish company JOFEL Ind. S.A.

Hofel products developed professional designers, taking into account the requirements of ergonomics, made from the highest quality raw materials,

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The modern design of Jofel products, their attractiveness and ergonomics allow them to easily fit into the interior of any bathroom, if necessary, easily combine with products from other brands and provide the user with special convenience and comfort.

The consumer has the opportunity to select a product line of one lineup, including an electric dryer, a liquid soap dispenser, a dispenser for toilet paper, napkins and towels. Selection of products of the same model range is possible by the name of the series.

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The high quality of products is guaranteed by the conclusions of the prestigious TÜV-laboratory in Hannover on compliance with the VDE700 standard and is confirmed by a certificate of compliance and a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion issued by the relevant certification bodies of the Russian Federation.


This coupon entitles you to free elimination of defects and replacement of defective parts during the entire warranty period. Make sure that this coupon is filled out correctly: it has the date of sale and the stamp of the trade organization. Keep your coupon and receipt for the purchased product. For warranty and post-warranty repairs, please contact:

Russia, St. Petersburg, Ligovsky prospect, 50/6, tel. +11,

tel / fax. +72

Eliseev & Companions is the exclusive supplier of Jofel Ind. Products to Russia. S. A.

The product: Liquid soap dispenser

Model: _____________________________

Warranty period: 12 months

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The product was checked in my presence, I have no complaints about its appearance and completeness,

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"______" _________________ 200 ___

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Application Guide


Liquid soap dispensers are designed for batch supply of liquid soap for hands, are easy to use and maintain, have sufficient capacity (from 0.4 to 1.5 liters) and can be used to equip any sanitary and hygienic rooms.

Liquid soap dispensers are a reservoir with a lid, a dispenser button, a viewing window, a pump and a locking device with a key.

The dispensers are easy to use and maintain, have a sufficient capacity (from 0.4 to 1.5 liters), and are equipped with a reliable pumping device that excludes the occurrence of blockages and leaks.

For the convenience of monitoring the liquid level, the dispensers have a transparent front part of the body or a small viewing window.

Liquid soap dispensers are strong, durable, reliable and resistant to external influences, since they are made of special flame retardant impact-resistant ABS plastic (AITANA, AZUR, PLASTILUX series), polypropylene (POPULAR), transparent SF plastic (VISION) or stainless steel (ACEROLUX, INOX series).). The vandal-proof dispensers are made of stainless steel.


The versatility of liquid soap dispensers is that it is possible to use any types of liquid soap, which, on the one hand, allows you to save on consumables, and, on the other hand, to meet the requirements of the most demanding consumers.

You can use any kind of liquid hand soap, including those with an antibacterial effect.


Spontaneous dilution of soap with water is not recommended. The use of liquid soap, arbitrarily diluted with water, is accompanied by an increase in the rate of flow of the liquid and, accordingly, an increase in its consumption, as well as a decrease in the washing and disinfecting effect.

It is recommended to fill the dispensers installed in unheated washrooms during the cold season with liquid soap of the STERIZOL type, which has a sufficient disinfecting effect and low viscosity.



Complete liquid soap dispenser - 1 piece

Warranty card 1 piece

Packing box 1 pc

A set of fasteners (dowels, screws) - 1 set

Key - 1 piece

2.2. dispensers series FITTED MODEL АС62000 / АС63000

Nut 25 mm 1 pc

Washer 25 mm - 1 piece

Spacer 25 mm - 2 pcs

Capacity 1 l, lid with a hole (only for АС63000) 1 piece

Application manual 1 piece

Warranty card 1 piece

Packing box 1 pc


3.1. AITANA series liquid soap dispensers

3.2. Liquid soap dispensers AZUR series



Body material

ABS plastic, gray

ABS plastic, white color

ABS plastic, white color

ABS plastic, gray

ABS plastic, white color

ABS plastic, gray

Transparent polycarbonate

Transparent polycarbonate

Transparent polycarbonate

Transparent polycarbonate

ABS plastic, white color

Transparent polycarbonate


Leakage protection

Leakage protection

Leakage protection

Leakage protection

3.3. Liquid soap dispensers POPULAR, VISION, FITTED MODEL series

Body material

SF plastic, transparent

SF plastic, transparent

St. shining steel

St. shining steel

Front body material

PP - plastic, transparent, white color

Transparent polycarbonate

Transparent polycarbonate

Dimension. dimensions H x W x D, mm


cover - chrome. steel

cover - stainless steel steel

cover - stainless steel steel

embedded model

embedded model

3.4. AСEROLUX and INOX series liquid soap dispensers

The AITANA dispenser consists of 3 parts: a mounting plate (back of the housing), a transparent reservoir and a front housing element.

1. The dispenser is delivered assembled and before installing it, disassemble the dispenser into the 3 above-mentioned elements, for which place the dispenser on the table in front of you. face side towards you, insert a coin (5 rubles) into the rectangular slot of the back plate, and the key into the keyhole of the front element (do not turn the key). Holding the back plate in an upright position with a coin, pull the face piece towards you on the key, which will detach the face piece from the other 2 body parts of the dispenser and provide access to the screw connecting the reservoir to the mounting plate. Remove this screw with a screwdriver, then close the dispenser by returning the face piece to its original position. In the next step, while holding the reservoir and facepiece together, use a coin to remove the mounting plate.

2. Attach the installation plate to the wall and mark the future holes on the wall through the fixing holes. It is recommended to place dispensers over a sink or sinks and, in order to avoid liquid soap getting into the clothing sleeve, at a height of not less than 100 cm and not more than 110 cm from the floor level.

5. Keeping the tank and face piece connected together, attach to the wall-mounted mounting plate, to do this, insert the tongue of the bottom of the tank into the corresponding slot on the mounting plate and bring these 2 body parts to a vertical position (in other words, close the dispenser).

6. In order to fix the reservoir on the mounting plate with a screw, it is necessary to flip only the front element and screw the screw in the upper part of the reservoir. ...

7. Pour hand soap into the reservoir.

8. Close the face piece with a key by turning the latter clockwise.

9. The need to replenish the supply of liquid soap in the dispenser can be determined by the filling level transparent window on the front of the case.

10. The product is recommended to be washed by hand using any detergent intended for washing dishes and glass. The use of abrasive cleaning agents is not recommended, as it can lead to scratches on the surface of the product and, accordingly, to a deterioration in its appearance.

11. At the end of its service life, the product unusable for further use must be disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation. It is recommended that this work be entrusted to a company specialized in recycling. Don't pollute the environment.

The dispenser consists of 3 parts: a mounting plate, a transparent reservoir and a lid.

1. The AZUR dispenser is delivered assembled and before its installation it should be disassembled into its components by means of 2 sequential operations: removing the top cover and disconnecting the reservoir from the mounting plate.

To remove the top cover, insert the U-shaped key into the corresponding keyhole on the top cover of the dispenser and press lightly. Remove the cover.

To detach the reservoir from the mounting plate, push down on the latch tab where the bottom of the reservoir meets the mounting plate

3. Using a drill with a diameter of 8 mm, drill 3 holes, insert a dowel into each of them.

4. Fix the mounting plate to the wall with the screws provided.

5. Bring the upper part of the tank into contact with the 2 stops on the mounting plate and only then snap the lower part of it.

7. Insert the top cover and push gently until the latch engages. You will need a key to reopen the cover.

The POPULAR dispenser consists of 2 parts: a mounting plate and a reservoir with a hinged lid.

2. Attach the installation plate to the wall and mark the future holes on the wall through the fixing holes. It is recommended to place dispensers over a sink or sinks and to avoid liquid soap getting into the sleeves of clothes at a height of at least 100 cm and no more than 110 cm from the floor level.

3. Using a drill with a diameter of 8 mm, drill 3 holes, insert a dowel into each of them.

4. Fix the mounting plate to the wall with the screws provided.

Your dispenser is now ready to use.

6. Pour hand soap into the reservoir.

7. To avoid unauthorized access to consumables close the dispenser cover with a key.

8. The need to replenish the supply of liquid soap in the dispenser can be determined by the filling level of the transparent reservoir.

9. The product is recommended to be washed by hand using any detergent intended for washing dishes and glass. The use of abrasive cleaning agents is not recommended, as it can lead to scratches on the surface of the product and, accordingly, to a deterioration in its appearance.

10. At the end of its service life, the product unusable for further use must be disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation. It is recommended that this work be entrusted to a company specialized in recycling. Don't pollute the environment.

The dispenser consists of an L-shaped base plate, a reservoir and a lid.

1. The dispenser is supplied fully assembled and must be disassembled into its component parts prior to installation. Using a wrench, remove the lid from the reservoir, pushing on the latch, remove the reservoir.

2. Attach the L-shaped support plate to the wall and mark the future holes on the wall through the fixing holes.

4. Fix the mounting plate to the wall with the screws provided.

5.Installing the reservoir begin by engaging the 2 lower retainers of the base plate and only then snap the upper one.

6. Pour liquid soap into the reservoir.

7. Begin installing the cover by aligning it with the latch on front surface tank and then - with the wall part of the tank.

8. The need to replenish the supply of liquid soap in the dispenser can be determined by the filling level of the transparent reservoir.

9. The product is recommended to be washed by hand using any detergent intended for washing dishes and glass. The use of abrasive cleaning agents is not recommended, as it can lead to scratches on the surface of the product and, accordingly, to a deterioration in its appearance.

10. At the end of its service life, the product unusable for further use must be disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation. It is recommended that this work be entrusted to a company specialized in recycling. Don't pollute the environment.

The INOX dispenser consists of 2 parts: a triangular mounting plate and a reservoir.

1. The dispenser is delivered assembled and before installing it, disassemble the dispenser into its components.

2. Attach the installation plate to the wall and mark the future holes on the wall through the fixing holes. It is recommended to place dispensers over a sink or sinks and to avoid liquid soap getting into the sleeves of clothes at a height of at least 100 cm and no more than 110 cm from the floor level.

3. Using a drill with a diameter of 8 mm, drill 3 holes, insert a dowel into each of them.

4. Fix the mounting plate to the wall with the screws provided.

5. Slide the mounting plate and corresponding guides on the back of the tank.

Your dispenser is now ready to use.

6. Pour hand soap into the reservoir.

7. To avoid unauthorized access, the dispenser can be closed with a key. Unlocking and locking of the lock occurs with the forward movement of the key left-right.

Do not turn the key clockwise or counterclockwise.

8. The need to replenish the supply of liquid soap in the dispenser can be determined by the filling level of the transparent window on the front of the case

9. The product is recommended to be washed by hand using any detergent intended for washing dishes and glass. The use of abrasive cleaning agents is not recommended, as it can lead to scratches on the surface of the product and, accordingly, to a deterioration in its appearance.

10. At the end of its service life, the product unusable for further use must be disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation. It is recommended that this work be entrusted to a company specialized in recycling. Don't pollute the environment.

The dispenser consists of a housing with a hinged front panel and an internal reservoir.

1. The dispenser is supplied fully assembled and must be disassembled into its parts before installing it. Use the key to open the front panel, take out the soap reservoir.

2. Open the front panel of the dispenser body, attach it to the wall and mark the future holes on the wall through the fixing holes. It is recommended to place dispensers over a sink or sinks and to avoid liquid soap getting into the sleeves of clothes at a height of at least 100 cm and no more than 110 cm from the floor level.

3. With a drill with a diameter of 8 mm, drill 4 holes, insert a dowel into each of them.

4. Fix the mounting plate to the wall with the screws provided.

5. Insert the inner reservoir into the dispenser body.

6. Pour hand soap into the reservoir.

7. Close the front panel of the case with the key.

8. The need to replenish the supply of liquid soap in the dispenser can be determined by the filling level of the tank sight glass.

9. The product is recommended to be washed by hand using any detergent intended for washing dishes and glass. The use of abrasive cleaning agents is not recommended, as it can lead to scratches on the surface of the product and, accordingly, to a deterioration in its appearance.

10. At the end of its service life, the product unusable for further use must be disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation. It is recommended that this work be entrusted to a company specialized in recycling. Don't pollute the environment.

Completeness of delivery

Cylindrical pumping device - 1 piece

Nut 25 mm 1 pc

Washer 25 mm - 1 piece

Rubber gasket 25 mm - 2 pcs.

Nut with hose (only for АС62000) - 1 piece

Capacity 1 l, lid with a hole (only for АС63000) - 1 piece

The dispenser model built into the sink (sink) is a cylindrical pumping device with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 178 mm, consisting of 2 parts.

Lower threaded part cylinder, made of ABS plastic and mounted inside the sink, is invisible to the user. A reservoir lid (AC63000) or a hose lowered into a liquid soap canister (AC62000) is screwed onto the threaded part. Upper visible part located above the sink tabletop, made of stainless steel and is a pumping device for the dispenser.

The supplied set of nut, washer and 2 spacers, 25 mm in diameter, is intended for fixing a cylindrical pumping device in the sink countertop.

1. The dispenser model built into the sink (sink) is supplied assembled with a washer on the threaded part of the cylinder, 2 rubber gaskets and a screwed nut, and before installing it, remove the nut, washer and gaskets.

2. Drill a hole with a diameter of 25 mm in the countertop of the sink (sink) and put one of the rubber gaskets on top of it.

3. Insert into drilled hole cylindrical pumping device with the threaded part down.

4. On the threaded part of the cylindrical pumping device, which at the moment is already inside the sink, put on a second rubber gasket, a metal washer and tighten the nut tightly.

5. For AC62000 model. Using a nut, connect the supply hose to the threaded part, which is inserted into the soap canister (the liquid soap canister is not included in the delivery set).

For model АС63000... Screw the cap from the container onto the threaded part of the cylindrical pumping device, and then the container with soap itself (liquid soap is not included in the delivery set).

6. Soap is supplied by pressing the pump head once.

7. The need to replenish the supply of liquid soap in the dispenser can be determined visually

8. The product is recommended to be washed by hand using any detergent intended for washing dishes and glass. The use of abrasive cleaning agents is not recommended, as it can lead to scratches on the surface of the product and, accordingly, to a deterioration in its appearance.

9. At the end of its service life, the product unusable for further use must be disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation. It is recommended that this work be entrusted to a company specialized in recycling. Don't pollute the environment.