In the Chinese horoscope, the fishes correspond to the hare. Year of rabbit, cat, hare: characteristics and year birth

This is a very well-safe combination, which is based on the differences in the characters of the hare and Aries.

Hare is a peaceful household, and an amium impulsive and active. These features complement each other.

Zayats-Aries does not allow excesses and does not show such excessive activity as Aries. Such people believe that any excessiveness is a heavy vice.

These hare work well with their duties, they have a quick response that they show in all areas of activity.

Hares-Aries are brave and careful, do not allow themselves to roll to conservatism and exclude hasty.

Hare and sign Taurus

This is a very controversial person who is difficult to adapt to external conditions.

Such people are too homely tied to their surrounding, this is the perfect type of family man.

For them, security is a real self-use, and to achieve it, they will make every effort.

Their wonderful businessmen and entrepreneurs who act very carefully and deftly. They experience this disappointment if they do not succeed.

Hares-Taurus love melodious music that excites them appetite.

They are very able-bodied, and, as a rule, they are glad to work overtime.

The welfare of the family is in the first place.

They are affectionate and tender spouses, fathers.

They adore the whole family to gather near the fireplace and too dramatically tolerate all sorts of shocks.

Their personality is not deprived and cunning, and in the case of aggression they can show their sharp horns.

Hare and twins sign

This is the most mobile and frivolous hare.

It is very difficult to grab and impossible to keep, he bypasses all traps.

Zayans - Gemini are too afraid and freedom-loving, they do everything that they want, and disappear when they are pleased.

They are too sociable, love to join the disputes and facing a noisy company.

But they will never allow themselves to fix themselves, they too appreciate their independence. Also, they respect the freedom of others.

These individuals do not recognize any traditions and obstacles, they only listen to their imagination and curiosity.

This is an unstable type, but it is able to easily leave any situation. Even caught on lies, he will turn into a joke.

He loves spectacular tricks.

In love they are often inconsistently, they do not attract family life, because they love the noisy society and many adoras.

They are very excitable, they are difficult to talked, but in the depths of the soul they are afraid of loneliness.

Hare and cancer sign

These are very similar characters and therefore it turns out a favorable combination.

Both love a family hearth, but in different ways refer to the concept of independence.

Zaitars-cancer are very affectionate, not particularly active, they are magnifying in their possessions and dream of distant worlds.

They will go to any compromise in order to ensure their safety and protection against the outside world.

In case of conflict, they pretend that they do not notice anything. But they should be afraid, because no one knows how they will behave in a critical situation.

In them from time to time another extreme appears. This is a work. But when the environment can estimate their true efforts, they necessarily finish the planned.

And if there are some achievements, the hares-cancer will not be silent and will definitely demonstrate them.

They love to pay attention to them and forgive the shortcomings.

And if others do not notice their advantages, then the racks are offended and closed in their narrow inner Mirka.

Hare and lion sign

These are very thoroughbred hares with a magnificent skin. They monitor, wanting to be glittering.

They love the convenience and pleasures, as well as peace.

In their surroundings, they behave like in the throne room.

They are smooth and sociable, they love to receive guests, not indifferent to beauty and luxury. Usually they surround themselves with beautiful things.

This hare from the cat breed is an extraordinary gourmet.

But this combination has both weak points, for example, they do not know how to cope with difficulties.

Although they are bold, but they are hard to transfer unexpected events.

They do not like to descend from heaven, hate the bustle, vulgarity and they always shock the puddle in the middle of the road.

During periods of shocks, they covers panic, but then they come to themselves and rapidly rush forward, overcoming all obstacles.

Hare and Virgin Sign

From this hare you can wait for prudence.

They are incredulous and prefer to stay away from unfamiliar personalities.

But they always move slowly and only forward.

They do not lose vigilance, always listening to their mind.

Zayats-Vadva will never meet with a sense danger.

They are attentive, endowed with many virtues, principled and mandatory.

Sometimes they are and irritable. In any situation, they are afraid to be mistaken and overpay.

They are often in indecision, since, having flown into the future, always look around for the past.

They are prudent and reasonable, succeed without noise and know how to make themselves respect.

True, over the years they become very dogmatically and grumpy.

Hare and Sign Scales

These are very kind and enumeration hares. They do not tolerate any frills, voltages and sharpness.

They have a confident gait, slow motion, light and graceful, not to disturb harmony and do not prevent others.

They adore sophistication and possess aesthetic feelings.

These are secular people who are loving a noisy society, elegance and decency.

In the company they are extremely charming, graceful and love to like.

Zarey-scales hate disputes and to avoid quarrels, can go for any concessions.

They do not like shy factors and hasty decisions.

These hares are much more able to other representatives of this sign, because it is better to overcome difficulties.

They succeed, slowly and diplomatically.

Of these, beautiful lawyers and talented artists are obtained, but they are not created for rough work.

Hare and Scorpio Sign

These personalities go to Mephistople, with the form they are very sociable, debris, use their charm and courtesy.

In life, they seek playing to convince the interlocutor in their independence and simpleness.

But Zayak-Scorpio can not always disguise his poisonous sting. Therefore, some of them can be either completed egoists, or chronic villains.

They are created in order to strive like such people.

In the afternoon, they feel a little fidgeted, but when the night comes, the animal instinct wakes up, they want to walk and seek adventures.

These sexiest hares have a huge charm and power of persuasion. They love to hit the surrounding eloquence and aggressiveness.

Zarets-scorpions are insightful, careful and almost clairvoyants, so do not even try to deceive them. If they feel false, they are just horrified by you.

Hare and Sagittarius Sign

This is a very interesting type of hare. They are sociable and balanced, endowed with an excellent freedom-loving character.

They combine ease and ease, which helps them harmoniously develop and maintain a good mood constantly.

Rather, they are impressionable than sensitive.

They are absolutely not selfish and always generous, but only with those who share their point of view.

Hare Sagittarius love to put themselves at the bottom, convince, enthusiastically. As soon as they appear in society, they instantly fall into the whirlpool of events to shine in it.

These hares are adventurers. They are bold, reckless, ready for any feats, but adhere to the principles of honor and independence.

They are sometimes annoyed by their dogmatism, but at the same time always fond of them.

Maybe they have vices, but they will never strike back.

Hare and Capricorn sign

Such hares are always on the side. They never fit to unfamiliar man And the first will not start the conversation. On the contrary, they will sit aside with the proud view.

If you try to establish contact with them, you will have to work hard, because they are very noncommunicable.

But if they feel the dedication of the partner, they will imbued with confidence and will be very faithful and permanent satellites.

Hare Capricorns are affectionate, do not like to reap, but protect their home better than a watchdog dog.

They are always on them and under any circumstances can be rejected.

In the case of a disaster, they will not adapt, since it is not peculiar to them. Therefore, they are always so heroically defend their place under the sun.

In life, they are persistent, and dozens of kilometers on hostile territory can pass to achieve their goal. 0.

Hare and Aquarius Sign

This combination can reduce the hare egoism, forcing him more interested in the outside world.

This hare will not live in a cage, even golden.

These are inborn travelers and travelers, love to tie a friendly relationship with everyone who will fall on the way.

They are capable of friendship, but are not capable of love, they will not be able to sacrifice themselves because they do not know what it is.

Often these people are just scattered eccentrics not from this world. They are creative natureBut poorly adapt to certain standards.

They are constantly reflecting, and therefore their brain is more developed than the body.

They do not need landmarks, they used to determine their flight at random, they are free, have a refined imagination.

They are faithful and valuable friends who do not know jealousy and artificial love.

Hares-aquatic are absolutely not demanding, for it they forgive their flaws.

Hare and fish sign

These hares are not endowed with a sense of practicality.

They can dream of anything and anywhere, not noticing what is happening around.

They always lack something.

These dreamers can adapt to the medium and suddenly turn into nihilists. But this happens to them extremely rarely, because during the rest of the time they are in the state of the half.

Before their eyes are terrible paintings of real life, they are very depleting and tires.

They are not too active and persistent, but charming and loving. They need only tenderness and true partner.

Rabbit belongs to the animal group Yin. This is the fourth sign of the Chinese horoscope, it controls from 5 to 7 am. The season, rabbit brings good luck, is spring, and the period of Apogi is March. Fixed element - tree. According to the European zodiac, he corresponds to the sign of the fish. Color, rabbit brings happiness and good luck - white. Plants favorable for the hare - Tollga and fig tree. The most favorable countries for habitat are Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Wales, Canada, Singapore.

Rabbit is happy if born in summer. Then his fate is more calm and he is experiencing less than cold frustration. Early childhood and youth at the hare pass without special bursts. Maturity is filled with expectations and knowledge of the outside world. Throughout the life of Nature, the hare is striving for one to find peace. But it does not always work, because in maturity his life is replete with exceptional situations, dramatic turnover and irresistible obstacles. The rabbit is not created for the struggle and rivalry, he is very frightened by instability, and no matter how he avoided changes, they are pursued to deep old age. And if it does not get rid of this complex, then to thirty years can go crazy or refuse to reset its principles that will discharge it to the bottom of the Company.

Special caution requires the old age of the hare: it can go alone and sadness if at a certain moment he did not make the right choice. The hare may have a calm life if wars, revolutions and cataclysms do not happen. His fate depends on external circumstances, from the era and environment.

Rabbit and character

The first and main duality characteristics of the hare in the elusive alternation of dependence and wildness. You need to live a long life with a hare in full bliss to notice that he bypasses all the traps and the enemy's sinks. His behavior is unpredictable. The courage is waiting for him, and he shies, and when you think that he will run away - he will definitely stop. The rabbit is a very sensitive being, susceptible to climate, to sensations, he listens to his intuition and does not believe convincing explanations. Therefore, with a hare useless to speak the language of logic. Even if, due to the profession, it works with numbers and concrete facts, all the same its reaction lies in the subjective area. On the first, his look is easy to tame and adapt. But in fact, he pounds his discontent in the secret depths of consciousness. Once, during the coincidence, these emotions splash. People born under this sign are restrained and moderate. They always show subtlety, diplomacy and make everything to avoid clashes in conflicts and quarrels. They are very sensitive to harmony and require the preservation of a peaceful climate and a caring environment.

Hares are endowed with a sense of constructive strict morality, natural chastity, they are prudent and always thoughtful. They love comfort, calm and security. All their lives, they work on strengthening structures.

Their world in the first, queue is the immediate environment. And only bypassing all its own possessions, completely secure yourself, they risk moving on. Hares are careful and cautious, always alert. This is an expectant position caused by internal fear, rabbit violates life equilibrium. This is absolutely not an aggressive and non-warlike sign. His representatives are not rushing for their own pleasure in difficulty if you can get around them. IN complex situations Hares feel clamped in the vice circumstances. They become dangerous only and rare cases when driven into the angle. In other cases, they avoid any discussions and flee. It is very difficult to provoke a hare, because he is a calm and sober pacifist. It is more sensitive than sentimental, but is greatly worried because of its own problems, more than from world cataclysms. Wars, catastrophe, hunger is completely indifferent if they do not touch him personally. But only what a little thing will affect him, he considers it unbearable and immediately wants to die. They are easily crying and quickly comfortable. Grief and melancholy is the main weapon of the hare. Their weak place is indecisiveness, foolishness and timidity. They do not want to act, not knowing what they expect them. Hares are not created for intense situations, so they can skip their chance. Worry about the future, they often stand still. Their mental state has paramount importance for them, and they only help others if it does not violate their life routine. They come up with a thousand excuses to motivate their refusal, but in fact it is just self-deception.

With hares, it is easy to live, because they have a peaceful and calm character. They quickly agree, rarely annoyed, always retain calm and composure. These are the most faithful, hospitable and warm people, they are very delicate and attentive to friends. They understand and patient. Hares do not endure vulgarity and easy to offend them. They are very big conservatives living with honor principles. They are silent and a little incredulous.

advised. For many issues, they are explained easily and easily. Hares, perfectly focus in everyday life and poorly adapt to unexpected situations. If they do not know the outcome of the events, they are very nervous, because their happiness depends on many circumstances.

It's hard to imagine so much positive qualities. With a negative coincidence, they become superficial people.

hares love the company, and the company loves them. As a friend, they select people from various social layers and can recognize them. Often they are gossips, intriguers, but always tactfully come out of the position. In essence, they never talk about unpleasant things. In fact, these are secular people, sometimes snobs, but without shine. They love to show their intelligence and culture, especially if she has been acquired. Often they deeply delve into necrolikore themes, but again, to shine with their knowledge of society. But at the same time, they miss very important life events.

Financially is happy sign And so the rabbit is a good businessman. The one who concludes a deal with him will not regret. A hare is lucky in trade, it can succeed in selling antiques, in rabbit good tasteHe is a good diplomat and therefore can be perfectly shown in jurisprudence. These factors allow him to live in prosperity.

Women of this sign Talented in profession, demanding, have a good taste and love shine. Politicians we can give the faithful advice to marry only a woman - hare, because they are cultivated and disciplined, beautiful mistresses and know how to strengthen the glitter of the partner.

The rabbit is attaching and responsive, bestows close to love and attention, but contrary to everything he is not created for the family. Sometimes he looks at his loved ones and children, as in other people's people, giving preference to friends. But women-hare scrupulously fulfill their duty, they are limited to maternal feelings.

Rabbit and material well-being

Because of his fear, the hare get into unpleasant stories often prefer to be on the other side of the barricades. They always choose neutral positions so that they are not too rushing into their eyes of the looks. Because of his idealism, they try to support weak side. No need to condemn them too much in weaknesses, they themselves suffer from this, on the one hand, sincerely sympathizing with the victims, but not wanting to go with them to the end.

hares are not mercenary, but they know exactly how much they need for life, however, they do not take into account unforeseen situations. They all count to the smallest detail, as stamping and always have money. Sometimes they financial position It may be shaken, because they are wasteful and unreasonable.

They are decorated with various excesses, many outfits, lush lunches and trips. Maybe therefore, hares are often medium-sized people. In his life, the rabbit should be less wasteful and more storm! In the end, the rabbit acquires an equilibrium, as it has a sense of foresight.

Rabbit and profession

The rabbit is careful, diplomatic, and is able to create harmonious relationships with others. Hares are able to perform any work and any roles other than the role of the discoverer. Perhaps why they are not found in leadership posts. And there are many reasons for it. Due to its scrupulsiness, accuracy and reliability of the hare, as a rule, magnificent employees, but they are always afraid to reach the fore. They provide this opportunity to dragon or boastful rooster, rabbitors reap the laurels of their labor, and rabbits have no complaints, they simply lack ambitions.

First of all, they are trying to arrange a personal and emotional life. In addition, they do not know how to compromise that it does not allow them to achieve social vertices. Hares do not carry out combinations and do not want to make hands, only as a last resort, they can make themselves erase dirty underwear. Never in life they will not apply repressions, everyone will make others and will consider it inevitable evil. They always try to stay soft and aside.

the hares are accustomed to "constant work, they love when they are satisfied, they appreciate them and feel very bad on low-paid work. Hares do not like innovations and start from scratch. But they easily get used to changes. They work perfectly in the field of financial research activitiesBut give preference to administrative work and do not tolerate free professions.

hares do not like controversy, shifts, gestures and are accustomed to exceptional position at their work. In the soul, they are too sensitive and do not bring critics. She takes them out of equilibrium and deprive of confidence. Hares show abilities in the field of history, they have excellent memory.

Of particular success, they are achieved in the field of philosophy, religion, diplomacy. Also, hares are wonderful mannequins, decorators, antiquary, hotel administrators, managers, publicists, actors, lawyers, notaries, exchange brokers and merchants. Of these, bureaucrats are often obtained, all majer policies other than provocateurs.

Rabbit and love

hares are designed for love and wish to love them. They perfectly know the principle that before you take, you need to give in return. Therefore, they behave perfectly with those who like them. These are gallant gentlemen endowed with extraordinary tenderness. They will never forget to give partner flowers to the day of his birth, always know the tastes of their loved ones.

When the hares fall into a soft furnishings of divided love, they bloom, planting around them with happiness. These people need only warm feelings, for them it is like a lifeful air. Hares are very true by nature and always respect the loyalty of their partner. It is hard for them to breathe in the bore passion, because they cannot constantly control the situation. If the situation becomes too conflict, they will not come into stocking, they will quickly defeat the position and delete. If they are completely disappointed in the feelings of their partner, it is very hard to worry and can even get sick,

There are also such hares, rabbit times often change their partners and cannot stop on a particular choice. But they should not be called superficially, in fact they cannot find deep attachments in their partners, they need it in Rabbitik. If they consider their relationship with others not seriously, they are trying to develop them to a possible depth and when it fails, closes in themselves. Hares hate treason and breaks. Therefore, sometimes they move between two lights, which often leads to unnecessary emotions and intrigues.

Rabbit and his family

hares love family hearth, caress and the pleasure of marriage, but do not tolerate the roles of parents. Of these, bad tutors are obtained. It is impossible to say that they neglect their children, on the contrary, they are ready to do everything for them and therefore often their choices. They adore children and their sincere upset the failures of their pets. While children at the breast and careless lie in the cradle, they do not create any problems from rabbits. They surround the children with care and caress, but like those begin to grow up and simultaneously sang, the situation in the house deteriorates significantly. Here the rabbit is just lost, he is not. He knows how to behave - punish a child or explain to him that it does not need to be done. Often such parents do not cope with the upbringing and closed in their own indifference.

The most energetic representatives of this sign are trying to inspire the need for discipline, but it is bad for them. -Women are easy to get along with children born a year of ox, hare, snake, dogs and boar. With rats and monkeys. It is difficult to find a common language, because such children are driving them crazy, they are too confused. Dragons, tigers and horses have too independent temper, which greatly upsets parents.

hares do not become a slave of the family because they give great importance public life. They try to take a lot to preserve harmony, but still more happiness are found in everyday life.

Women women pay great attention to their own home, they love to receive guests in the house and do it very exquisitely. But with the word divorce woman-rabbit becomes a real panther.

Rabbit and his inner world

hares are extremely sensitive. To the world and great importance attached their daily life. They love everything beautiful, comfortable, their apartments are well furnished, they enjoy exquisite things. Sometimes they have no good taste, but always remains an impeccable order caused by their pedanticity. Households are followed by order in the house and are painfully belonging to the slightest troubles. Hares love to arrange techniques, and friends remember their hospitality for a long time. Hares are trying to please everyone, and often their homes are becoming a permanent game for guests.

hares love fresh flowers and fireplaces in the living rooms. In any atmosphere, they love to create a warm atmosphere. Everyone feels like at home. From the furniture, they prefer old, kind, classical forms. TO modern furniture They are negative. Hares love beautiful items, romantic paintings and various baubles. Often they take the walls with memorable photos and gifts of friends.

They deeply in the soul they do not like to move and change the situation. For them change means disaster.

Rabbit and intimate relationship

Hares lead multilateral and rich intimate life. In their partners, they leave deep and unforgettable sensations. Hares conquer them, but do not allow in their inner world. There is not a single person who knew the real appearance of these people. All contacts with hares are remembered with trepidation, and their partners dream of a long time to get into their hugs, but the hares forget everyone and everyone will always be busy.

Partners of the hare must know that they never love to be deceived. They are very insightful and quickly recognize false. These are people, rabbitors know how to combine their intimate fantasy with reality, which often leads to group sex. It is possible that women of this sign can even become prostitutes, because they believe that they serve to humanity.

Sometimes they very much dramatize events, but still know how to create a pleasant liberated atmosphere. Hares early comprehend intima subtleties and their tendency to like others does not allow to respond negatively. They are very freedoming to prefer a variety of erotic games. They are easy to excite, and they can be inventive by reading some fashion magazine. Their natural tendency to theatricalization helps to strengthen the loving appetite of the partner. One day I understood the tastes and the needs of your lovers, they will be able to keep them in his hunters.

First meeting with a hare

Hares always think about the consequences, therefore it is difficult to find an approach. They will think a million times, the partner is suitable for them or not, so they often have to take storm. Hares are waiting for the first step towards. His partner should not be afraid of failure, the rabbit will help him to complete his plan. And if you hurt badly, he will sympathize and the first hand will reach out.

Rabbit is waiting from the partner to pull him out of the house. And to keep one who deserves attention, he will be patient. But sometimes he can attract. It is not necessary to especially pay attention to this, since in the depths of the soul of the hare deeply truly. But if the rabbit finds out about deception, it will not arrange stormy scenes, but will try to find out the details and only in this case will reproach the partner.

There are practically no divorces in rabbits, perhaps only if the partner is not suitable. The second case - when the partner leaves the hare, as the rabbit will never dare to do it first.

If you need to make a gift from a hare, for this it is worth choosing a beautiful bauble, he can decorate his room, do not think about the utility of this thing. Zaita can only be interested in a pleasant interior, vintage restaurants of bourgeois style, where a quiet pleasant music is playing.

Famous people born under the sign of the rabbit

Prince Albert, Harry Belafonte, Ingrid Bergman, Fidel Castro, Confucius, Carey Grant, Whitney Houston, Harry Kasparov, Rogers Meyer, Frank Sinatra, Arturo Tuscanini, Queen Victoria, Joseph Stalin, Ekaterina Medici, Martin Luther, Maria Antoinetta, Anna Boleyn, Giusehgae Garibaldi, Albert Einstein, Henri Standal, Georges Siemenon, Walt Wheatman, Henry James, Jean Martin Charot, Maria Curie, Fernandander, Nikola Fuka, Edward Grieg, Louis Xi, Queen Maria -Luiz, Jacques Offenbach, Edith Piaf, Sergey Prokofiev , Rafael Santi, Saint-Simon, Johann Friedrich Schiller, Walter Scrollik, Leo Trotsky, Matvey Blanter, Mario Del Monaco, Evgeny Dolmatovsky, Mikhail Kupriyanov, Mikhail Matusovskiy, Arthur Miller, Georgy Milyutin, Evgeny Mravinsky, Vulbey Pinochet, Julius Reyzman, Svyatoslav Richter, Mstislav Rostrapovich, Eldar Ryazanov, Mikhail Svetlov, George Sviridov, Irving Stone, Georgy Tovstonogov.

Rabbit compatibility with other signs

Rabbit and rabbit

Such partners can understand each other, as both are striving for harmony. They will not argue with each other, preserving any friction. They are fine. Probably, in this union, there are no longer enough dynamism. They will calmly live side by side, and perhaps for a very long time. But if one of them is too ambitious, then the misunderstanding. But, as a rule, in his life, this pair is like an ideal family. They have the impression in their house that you are in a cozy, peaceful corner.

Rabbit and rat.

hares do not endure tensions. They are created for peace and security and completely do not tolerate extreme situations. The rat believes that the rabbit wants to overcome it. But it is completely mistaken in this, since their forces are equal. Rather, they have deep internal contradictions. And the rabbit does not see that rat is a doubtful and unbalanced creature. This is due to the fact that the rat is a wonderful actress and in the depths of the soul laugh at the unlucky hare. Rats are designed for risk, and the hares are afraid to lose their wool. Emotionally it is very difficult for them to adapt to each other, but there are no equal in friendship.

Rabbit and Vol

This is the perfect union. A hare is needed security and harmony, only a union with the will can give him a rabbit cord. Rabbit is a potential Don Juan, but if you look deeper, then you can see the features of a family man who loving his home. Wola knows how to show the faithfulness of this type of people, but he cannot leave his suspicion. In any case, he will never spy in life. Both are afraid of life changes, so they consider their house to be a fortress. Better, if the Ox took the active side in this union, because he is more suitable for the role of a fighter. And the rabbit will show the maximum diplomacy to smooth all the sharp corners of the deceitful situations. The only thing that will not like will be the blur and vessels of the hare answers. In this case, the rabbit should be more decisive and confident. All other difficulties will solve himself. This union is beautiful for love, but not for business, because both do not like to risk and they will need a third.

Rabbit and Tiger

These two signs have a lot of similar traits. Both sign love5 to live. In all respects, these are wonderful merchants, but at the same time they want to preserve the feeling of freedom. They both love to travel, and then warm up at the family hearth. These are two independent animals, rabbitors do not need to try to protect four walls. But the rabbit does not behave as risky as a tiger, and more thinks about his own security. In this union, it is better if the rabbit will take the second position. The tiger must earn a living, and the rabbit is better to be engaged in the organization of comfort. In this case, the rabbit should be a small deterrent for his reckless partner. Tiger will certainly be annoying the caution of the hare, the rabbit will begin to control the tiger. It can give rise to quarrels, but still the last word remains at the diplomat.

Rabbit and Dragon

The hare with a dragon is possible if the head of the family is rabbit. The rabbit is a bit philosopher and is capable of self-denial. But the dragon is too tempetenten, and therefore the hare is difficult to bring a passing partner for a long time. The rabbit cannot burn like a bonfire, so after small victories it will prefer a long holiday. He patient and agrees to compromise, but he does not like when he comes to his feet, and the dragon will definitely be annoying him. The necroliko time the rabbit will be precipitated with hurricanes generated by the dragon, but then it will begin to be outraged. Once he will express all the dragon and the last word will remain behind him. Perhaps this is the only case when the rabbit will show hardness. Harmony in this union can be achieved only if the dragon will be out of time outside the house, and if each manifests the maximum of patience to each other.

Rabbit and Snake

These partners are very, love peace, reliability and aesthetics. They attach great importance to the external environment, home and beautiful things. Together they are perfectly soldered, they can have for hours to decorate their own homes and improve life. For full calm in this union, the snake is better to provide an opportunity to think about the well-being of the house, as she is used to being a lady and hostess. A more active start belongs to it, even in the field of feelings. But sometimes an indecision of the hare annoys a more flexible snake. Their union is achieved in two ways, both in friendship and love. Patient rabbit will be able to make the snake listen to the opinions of others. In turn, the snake is not afraid of dangers, and quickly adapts to the situation, it will help the hare to become another philosopher.

Rabbit and horse

The union may turn out, the rabbit fell in love with the horse, and this love will make it softer. "According to the horse, the rabbit is sentimental and romantic, and her passion and heat will seem irresistible. After all, the rabbit is often hesitated, he cannot put off his advantages, so it will provide the horse the opportunity to take the first step. The horse will charm the hare, but the further life will be complicated, because the horse is prone to change the moods and may have a sorry to say a few sharp words. In such a situation, the rabbit will feel guilty and starts to crumble in front of the horse. In this case, the Union is very useful for both, because the horse calms down and gives the dynamics of the hare. He should not hold back the rigid girlfriend when she wants to get out of freedom. Reasonable partner tips may seem just a prison.

Rabbit and sheep

This is a very good union, because both are in peace. Sheep can get used to everything under the condition that she will leave freedom and sufficient space for external actions. The rabbit is very sensitive, but not very jealous. He loves his home and can protect anyone who needs a support. The hare really likes the rich sheep imagination, it will surely help him go beyond everyday life, rabbit cubes sometimes interfere with him. The seriousness of the hare and his perseverance in the work will provide them with a joint subsistence minimum. The union can only shake out if their family suffers misfortune, loss of money, or disappear to each other will appear. As a result of these alarms, the sheep will start to dramatize the situation, and this can lead to the divorce.

Rabbit and Monkey

The monkey is smart and the cigarette, knows how to deftly manage the situation, but he loves to rest from family bonds from time to time, counting on an understanding of the hare. Sometimes to get out of the difficult position, the rabbit becomes cunning.

It is not worth a monkey to advise the hare to become more flexible and ram, he absolutely does not need it. Their union can achieve incredible harmony and intimacy, there will be no place for others in Rabbitika. These signs are very interested in each other, they do not have the desire to start a partner on the side. In business, there may be misunderstandings between them, because the rabbit does not like to violate the principles, and the monkey got used to the evil jokes and his irritability can cause a scandal. Such actions will criticize the hare, which will lead to excess misfirements.

Rabbit and rooster

This is a very strange and dangerous union, rabbit can end with a fight, be it love, friendship or work. Even the patient rabbit can not withstand the wizard rooster. At first, he will be fun to amazed by a motley partner, but then it becomes obsessive. Then the patience of the hare is coming to an end and he begins to be angry. The rooster can bring literally to white cation, then the rabbit loses control and wishes to sharpen the feathers of the rooster. The rooster absolutely does not have bad intentions and therefore considers the hare just evil. And in this case, he will be right. If a man is a rabbit, he will try to teach a female rooster to the role of an obedient mistress. But this role she will not be able to play to the end. Only he will be behind the threshold, she will definitely fly to the window. But if a man is born a year of a rooster, a woman is rabbit just squints him with his criticism.

Rabbit and dog

This union can become happy and permanent. It is necessary that these people have a little help. According to the classical traditions, this union is considered incompatible. But from the point of view of astrology and psychology they have a lot in common. They love security, deeply decent, jealously protect their property and are endowed with many virtues. They understand each other and can support in a difficult moment. Their life flows monotonously, without much shocks. In case of misunderstanding, the dog can overcome the fear and sacrifice his own ambition, because it is reasonable and knows how to see what lacks her. In turn, the rabbit hates trouble and prefer to follow the decisive partner.

Rabbit and Kaban.

This is the best union of all combinations. They respect each other, as they appreciate positive qualities, they have random rabbitors. Sometimes the boar wants to be alone, and the rabbit will not make a tragedy from this, he knows how to fit and you get used to please your partner. All free time rabbit uses home improvement. Both will try to avoid everything that can interfere with their family well-being. Rabbit will help Kabana to avoid rapid acts. They will warn them in time. But in any union, flaws are not excluded. The boar is too sensual, and the rabbit is obsessed and even in the most passionate situations does not drop off the veil of modesty, which is very laughing boar, and the rabbit may not understand the reasons for laughter.

Compatibility Horoscope: Year of the rabbit Zodiac sign Cancer Legend associated with them is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Cancer, born in the year of the rabbit, is the person of raining and the wayward, these people are very capricious and stubborn, they are fellow on representatives of the opposite sex and are spoiled by an excess of attention to their beloved. They are in captivity of their own concerns, interests and problems, the difficulties of those around them are absolutely indifferent and neutral. These are typical egocentrics, the whole world is they themselves with their personal affairs and questions. Also, egoism is characteristic of rabbits, in extreme extent.

The combination of the zodiac sign of cancer and year of birth rabbit, makes them cautious personalities who cannot tolerate difficult situations, try to avoid their occurrences. Their intuition, flair and susceptibility are at the level of thin matters, are so well developed. This undoubtedly helps them in life, business, career and affairs, and also always sends to the only true life path.

Cracks born per year rabbit

Rabbits-cancer prefer to work independently, they refer themselves to the rank of "free artists". This freedom is related to any field of activity, art, trade, pedagogy, sport, science, creativity, and so on. Manual, control and management in any form of ray-rabbits, neither mentors nor the advisers are needed by these extraordinary personalities.

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In love I. family relationship Cancer and rabbit at the same time is an obvious leader. It will not be obeyed, and play out, it is open and immediately shows his difficult temper and complex. Their marriage life is not devoid of contradictions, on the one hand, they wish to calm and silence with all their hearts, and on the other, they themselves create selflessness and incite conflicts, even "sorry from huts."

These representatives of the zodiacal combination of rabbit and cancer have an impeccable high taste, it is manifested in everything, to dress in the manner, in the setting and interior of their home, in a secular environment, in choosing food, drinks and recreation, in the car you buy and so on.

Rabbit horoscope (cat)

Year A rabbit This year that is identified immediately with two animals: a rabbit and cat. In Japan, this is the year of the rabbit, whereas in China - the year of the cat. The attitude towards these animals is not very affectionate, especially to the cat, which in distant countries (and also we also) for a long time considered the minister of Satan and the Dark World. But the qualities of people born in the year of the rabbit, not at all satanic. On the contrary, that's peace-loving, reasonable, non-conflict people. People born this year seek to live in harmony with all around the world. Not to get involved in any disputes, squabbles - distinctive trait Rabbits. Even if they feel that the conversation took not a very good tone, then tactfully replace the topic. They know how to extinguish the conflict at the very first stage of fire. Many of this consider rabbits too soft, argue that you need to be able to defend your rights. The rabbits themselves are confident that the life of the shortness is filled with all sorts of "horrors", and if there is an opportunity to save positive, it needs to take advantage. With this statement and live rabbits all your life.

Rabbits consider excellent interlocutors giving a little tips. They listened to their opinion, with their words are considered. They are painfully worried about any criticism in their address, but externally will never manifest it, remaining calm and "impenetrable".

Rabbits are watching their appearance. Dressed and look impeccable. To the decoration of their dwelling rabbits also belong to special attention. For them, it is important that in their house there was all the best for comfortable accommodation. They love order, from their relatives tactfully demand that each thing lay in the place allotted.

Rabbits are secular personalities, they like large companies that consist of noble faces. In such a society, they feel like fish in water. They do not care to support the conversation on any topic.

Male rabbit

About male rabbits say they are lucky. Indeed, in life it is often lucky, especially in the material plan. But the point here is not only in everyday luck. Just male rabbits very careful and overwhelming. They do not intend to make risky transactions and waste money. The only thing they do not spare money earned is to the interior of their home. The house for them is a kingdom, and, according to men-rabbits, it must be chic.

As for the work, the rabbit is diluted in any direction. They often occupy senior posts, but begin their career path from the lowest. They relate to the very black work with tranquility, knowing that soon they will definitely become chiefs. And it really happens quite quickly, thanks to the diligence of rabbits, their calm and exposure.

Personal life of rabbits are very stormy. Usually they have several novels immediately, providing women in the literal sense to fight for him. He is too lazy to choose, so the one who "win", that and the best in understanding of the men of this sign. However, if the rabbit is binding himself to marriage, it becomes a faithful companion of life and a wonderful father.

Woman rabbit

Charming, gentle, sexy and with beautiful manners. She knows how to present himself to fulfill all enthusiasm attention. Often a rabbit woman lives on the show. She is able to even master the highest mathematics if she needs to impress the societies in society.

A rabbit woman dresses beautifully and tastefully. She is not chasing fashion, although he knows about all changes in this direction. She is not so important that it is fashionable how much comfortable and according to her figure.

Woman rabbit not a careerist. She is more going to be a housewife. With this she copes immaculately. In her house is always clean, every thing in its place. Just like a man, a rabbit woman loves to own home She was surrounded by luxury. Woman rabbit good wife, mistress and mother.

Rabbit on the sign of the zodiac

People born in the year of rabbit, careful and educated, however, the zodiac horoscope sometimes contributes substantial adjustments to this image.


Rabbit soft and hearty, Aries adds hardness, courage, courage ... Rabbit-Aries Man with a frequently changing mood. In life, they are docked on themselves, on their own interests. They are not affected by the problems of others.

But this does not mean that in a difficult moment they will not help. When they really need their help, they help with pleasure. They subtly feel the line between the real need and the usual desire simply go to others. The sense of justice they have a great deal. They are experiencing not only for a separate person, but also for the people and humanity as a whole.

Externally, they are calm and judgment. Good workers in which you can not doubt. Rest preferred at home. And the dwelling is furnished so that it can be truly relaxing. The weakness of these people in their inability to say "no". It is easier for them, even with inland disagreements, just to not bring the case to a serious dispute.

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Rabbit Tolec

He lives here and now. Prefers the crane in his hands than the Sinitsa offered by life. Material benefits for him weighty. It is to them that he strives, climbing the career ladder. Financial stability makes the necessary links and dating.

And there is nothing wrong with that. Yes, the money and goods of earth for rabbits are of paramount importance. But this does not mean that family and native people depart into the background. On the contrary, they work and for their happy life.

Rabbits-Tales love to travel, collecting collections from bright memories.

At work workers, in relationships are honest. Minus in the nature of these people in the inability to lose. During the failure of the cat-Taurus goes into senses, shook off from the outside world. And it's better to simply cool your mistakes in order to get around the "rake" in the future, without coming on them.

Rabbit twins

By nature, calm, but are active and enterprising. They are specively hardened the necessary connections, they are not afraid of responsibility, What is originally not typical of the rabbit. Good luck collapses them, also largely due to their persistence.

Friends they are wonderful, reliable. Family for them like a paradise oasis where they return after heavy labor day. Although twin rabbits are very easy. They have a special gift: they do not come up with difficulties where they are not.

Twin rabbits calculating. Each step is well calculated in order to benefit for yourself.

Cute, kind, friendly, but very careful. In them are wisdom. Outwardly look confident, although they often lack internal confidence. Because of this there are depressed.

They have an excellent taste and a sense of style, which manifests itself not only in the appearance, but also in the inner decoration of the dwelling. Rabbits-cancer make everything to live in a quiet and relaxing atmosphere. Regardless of the floor rabbits-cancer love home and family and can cope with all their homework.

These are talented people. They will benefit the development of creative veins, as the rabbit-cancer is the cat that prefers to walk in itself without chiefs and managers.

Intellectually developed people with strong character. They like to risk, it got them from Leo. In addition, the lion's essence is noticeable in aggressiveness, which manifests itself when something violates rabbit-liv plans. It is mostly possible that the character of the representatives of this sign is soft and compliant.

These people are stubbornly moving towards their dream until it reaches it. Patientity they do not occupy. They like to be the center of attention, they like to communicate.

In personal relationships, good and attentive. Their feature is that they do not like to do half. If you relax - then with a scope, if you work - then before exhaustion, and if you love - then to the depths of the soul.

Rabbit Deva.

Non-conflict people and slightly shy. But they love to communicate. Before the gossip is not lowered.

Rabbit-Virgin has everything melted, and he tries to clearly stick to the plan. Hardworking, does not like to spend time back. It the true connoisseur in the activity that preference preferred. Rabbit Virgin is unpretentious, his desire is more than modest. But this is what he does not gram, so it is in helping his loved ones. For them, he will go on a lot. For relatives and loved ones are not a meager for gifts.

As for the second half, the rabbit-virgin has been searching for a long time and looks short. He needs constancy in relationships, the novels prefers not to waste.


Interesting people in all respects. They are attractive for the opposite sex due to their sexuality and charismaticness.

Responsibility do not like, prefer to quickly make their work, it does not hurt to experience for the overall result. But well organized. They know how to control their emotions, In conflicts, cold-blooded.

Do not like to sit idle, but also do not allow the work to dominate other areas of life. Resting rabbit-scales also loves, preferring to spend time.

The only negative is that, sometimes, calm and composure of rabbit-scales is replaced by excessive anxiety, even nervousness.

Rabbit Scorpion.

Powerful combination of two horoscopes. People born under these signs are endowed with excellent intuition, which helps and establishing relationships, and in climbing the career ladder.

Rabbit Scorpio will never do something just like that. Each of his action is supported by the benefits for himself. He is impossible to impose something, It is useless to build plans for his account, if there will be no Navar for the rabbit-scorpion.

They are busy. The maintenance of your own business is performed on perfectly. However, it should be noted that they are excellent actors and external behavior may radically differ from his inner sensations. To see the "mask" is almost impossible, the rabbit scorpion produces an indelible impression.


Funny merchants with calm, good temper. They have a lot of positive qualities. Adore your loved ones and friends. They have so much energy that they manage to combine all aspects of life, and no sphere is deprived of necessary attention.

Rabbits-Streltsy balanced personalities. Communicate with them is a pleasure, They will never start conflict or even dispute.

Rabbit-Sagittarius will find its place in any professional activity. He knows how to earn. And at least they do not have a large-scale value for him, he spends them carefully, and what is called, with the mind. But this does not apply to gifts. They love to pour seven small surprises. The family appreciate the stability of the relationship. And at least the Sagittarius is an overwhelming sign, but in combination with the cat they are no longer so you want to fight for the place of the leader. Equality in this case attracts more.

Rabbit Capricorn.

In this rabbit, because of the combination with Capricorn, outer side It seems coarse, worn, unceremonious. In fact, the rabbit-Capricorn is soft and kind. Self-sufficient personalities preferring their affairs and solve problems alone without the help of others.

Very sociable. At work, do not greet the ideas and thoughts about improving affairs. Although they are not so many real friends. Maximum two, with which the rabbit-Capricorn shares everything that in the soul. He will gladly help everyone who asks for help.

In love sincere and reliable, carefully refer to the second half. They love to surprise pleasantly. In a word, it is not necessary to miss a rabbit-Capricorn.


Good-natured romance - so you can characterize these people. They have their own oddities, which, however, are noticeable only on the background of constantly seeking to enrich others. But it's just the fact that money for rabbit-Aquarius is secondary. It it does not seek a lot to earn a lot, usually satisfied with small.

The work is somewhat slow. The diplomatic grip is not enough, although with age some of them managed to develop this quality. In love it is gentle, sensual people.

His manitis is all unknown and unknown. The dream of many rabbits-water - go around the world.

Rabbit fish

Charming, gentle, sensitive, with a quick reaction. He is a manipulator, and skillful. Not everyone can guess what is happening, how already falls under the effect of rabbit fish. It bypasses "pitfalls", masterfully eliminating the risk and creating the impression of a good-natured, non-conflict person.

They love peace. Work they need such where their mind will be involved. They are do not float against the current and are not particularly strained, to provide best life. What is happening, then okay. If someone violates their measured life, then certainly faces the stubbornness of rabbit fish.

Rabbit fish near need such a person who will provide him with comfort and strong relationships without deceiving and sly. Finding such a person, rabbit fish becomes obedient and pliable with him.

Horoscope Cancer Rabbit (cat)

According to the horoscope Cancer Rabbit (cat) very careful, but friendly personalities. They are attentive and welcoming owners who hear faithful friends.

Wise, harmonious and elegant rabbits (cats) are characterized by the refinement of manners and behavior. They are bright and charming outwardly, which attracts many people to them.

If depression has come to rabbits (cats), then friends should help them get out of this mental state. Love partners they choose themselves carefully. They are important in their chosen, so that he can support them at the right moment.

Sometimes raw rabbits (cats) are in the depressed mood. Competitions such people do not like, so they try not to enter into conflicts. They want to live a relaxing life in which they feel comfortable.

The spoiled and self-wired cats are capable of making a lot of rapid acts. They adore romantic meetings, flirting and love serenades under the beloved window.

They do not like when someone goes to their opinion and the decision. Cat-cats love to keep everything under control. Critical comments in their address they do not tolerate. They have an intuition that helps to finely feel trick in affairs, and in communication with people.

Horoscope combining cancer with other eastern signs:

Horoscope combining other zodiac signs with oriental signs:

Horoscope for January 2018

Rabbit (hare, cat) zodiac sign

Rabbit (hare) belongs to the yin group. This is the fourth sign in the Chinese horoscope, it controls the time interval from 5 to 7 in the morning. The rabbit season is spring, she brings good luck in everything, and the best month is March. His element is a tree. On the European zodiac it corresponds to the sign of fish. Color bringing good luck and happiness is white. Favorable plants for rabbit (hare) - fig tree and toll. Best countries for their stay: Belgium, Switzerland, Wales, Holland, Singapore, Canada.

Years of rabbit (hare, cat) in our century

  • 1903 January 29 - Element of the Year Water
  • 1915 February 14- Element of the year tree
  • 1927 February 2- Element of the Year Fire
  • 1939 February 19- Element of the Year Earth
  • 1951 February 6 - Element of the Year Metal
  • 1963 January 25 - Element of the Year Water
  • 1975 February 11- Element of the year tree
  • 1987 January 29 - Element of the Year Fire
  • 1999 February 16- Element of the Year Earth
  • 2011 February 3 - Element of the Year Metal

Famous people born in the year of the rabbit (hare)

Fidel Castro, Walt Whitman, Frank Sinatra, Ingrid Bergman, Harry Belafonte, Confucius, Whitney Houston, Carey Grant, Rogers Meyer, Harry Kasparov, Arturo Tuscanini, Joseph Stalin, Queen Victoria, Martin Luther, Ekaterina Medici, Anna Boleyn, Maria Antoinetta, Albert Einstein, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Georges Siemenion, Henri Standal, Henry James, Maria Curie, Jean Martin, Nicola Fuka, Fernandower, Louis Xi, Edward Grieg, Jacques Offenbach, Queen Maria, Sergey Prokofiev, Edith Piaf, Saint-Sonom, Rafael Santi, Walter Scott, Johann Friedrich, Matvey Blanter, Leo Trotsky, Monaco, Prince Albert, Georgy Tovstonogov, Mario Del, Mikhail Kupriyanov, Evgeny Dolmatovsky, Arthur Miller, Mikhail Matusovsky, Evgeny Mravinsky, Georgy Milyutin, Julius' Reizman, Irving Stone, Ugrabe Pinochet, Mstislav Rostropovich, Svyatoslav Richter, Mikhail Svetlov, Eldar Ryazanov, George Viridov.

Rabbit (hare) - belongs to the animal yin group, it symbolizes the West, the beginning of autumn and the full moon. Rabbits are two species - white and gray. But there is also a home rabbit whose coloring is very diverse. In the eastern countries, the rabbit is called hares or cat. These universal favorites, with golden or green eyes, were called sorcerers, and even built them into the rank of gods, hardly decorating jewels. So the cat wrote Stainberg: "God created a cat in the image of his own and likeness, and later, he created a man only with one goal, so that he served the cat, and was his slave at the end of his ages. Kotu God gave the sobriety of mind and indifference, and man - skill, employment enthusiasm and infidelity. The person created his civilization, only based on its inventions, in intensive consumption and production, and in fact the development of civilization was only one goal - to provide comfort to the cat.

Rabbit, this gentle fat man, at first sight it seems an incomprehensible and mysterious being. The rabbit does not cause hostility and superstition, and does not generate superstitious fear, it makes the cat. Black cats have always been accompanied by witches and were a symbol of black magic. Before the cat, the rabbit (hare) looks helpless and funny. He never exhibits aggression and always escapes. He is a small and affectionate Godbody, he does not like nightlings, it cannot be tamed or locked in a small Mirka, and on the contrary, it is easy to get into the world of fairy tales with it. This is one of the animals that is not a lesser. Have you ever seen a trained rabbit (hare) in a circus?

Rabbit Animal with soft pleasant legs, a mixture of unknown and excellent reality, cute and captivating. There were fewer rabbits than about cats, but they were not burned with witch on fires. He symbolizes a calm, wise companion, in contrast evil spirits. Rabbits cause adoration and when they do not generate hatred. Indifference people do not affect their fate. In Chinese astrology, this is one of the most difficult signs of the zodiac, because it has many different fine shades. Because of this, it is very difficult to express specific and simple words About rabbit.

Rabbit (hare) loves different trips, but so that without any risk, he will never go hiking without first aid kit. It can often be found on poor paths.

Rabbit (hare) and his life

Rabbit (hare) is very happy if born on a summer day. The summer rabbit has fate more calmly and it is experiencing much less disappointment and cold. Childhood and youth by the rabbit passes without any bursts, and maturity is filled with the knowledge of the outside world. In the process of the entire life path of the Natura Rabbit (Zaita) seeks all the time to find peace. But this turns out not always, because the rabbit in maturity is replete with dramatic events, irresistible obstacles and exceptional situations. The rabbit is not created for rivalry and the struggle, it is much frightened by instability, but no matter how he tried to avoid change, they pursue him to deep old age. If a person born under the sign of the rabbit does not save himself from this complex, then approximately thirty years it can easily go crazy or get away from their life principlesthat will lower it to the bottom of the Company.

In old age, the rabbit should be careful: he can spend his oldest years in sadness and loneliness, if he cannot make the right choice in the fateful moment of life. A rabbit may have a calm life if suddenly will not happen cataclysms, revolutions and wars. His fate often depends on external factors, from the environment and era.

Rabbit Character (Hare)

The duality of the rabbit characteristics is alternating a dual dependence and wildness. It is necessary to know the rabbit very well to see how he bypasses all the enemy traps, his behavior is often unpredictable when a bold postage is waiting for him, he shies when I am sure that the rabbit will run away - he will take and stop. Rabbit is a very sensitive creation, well susceptible to climate, he trusts his intuition and feels good when he hang noodles on the ears. It is hard to speak with a rabbit in the language of logic, even if it works with numbers, his reaction will still lie in the subjective area. It may seem that the rabbit is easy to adapt and tame, but in fact he hides his discontent in the depths of consciousness and once, under certain circumstances, all his emotions will splash out. People born under the sign of the rabbit are moderate and kept. They always show diplomacy and subtlety to avoid conflict situations and quarrels. They are sensitive to harmony and are very demanding towards the preservation of a caring environment and peaceful climate.

Rabbits are endowed with natural chastity, feeling strict morality, they are always thoughtful and prudent. They love security, calm and comfort. All their lives, they work to strengthen their structures.

Rabbits are considered to be happy peopleThey are created for well-being and harmony. It is very nice to spend time with them. Rabbits are very ambitious, restrained, sophisticated, but traders of them are nickdish. Everyone wants to be in the society of rabbits, because they are pleasant and kind companions, and always share with their surroundings.

Their world is a direct environment, and only bypassing their territorial possessions, and completely convinced of security, they can take a chance moving on. Rabbits are careful and careful and always alert. This is an expectant position, it is caused by internal fears that often violate their life equilibrium. The rabbit is absolutely not a militant and non-aggressive zodiac sign. His representatives will never get in difficulty for their own pleasure if they can be circumvented. In a complex setting and situation, rabbits feel clamped in the vice circumstances. They are dangerous in rare situations, only when they were driven into the angle. In all other other situations, they try to avoid unnecessary discussions and flee. It is difficult to provoke the rabbit because it is sober and calm - the pacifist. The rabbit is more sensitive, and not particularly sentimental, but his own problems are worried more than world cataclysms. Hunger, catastrophe, war, he is completely indifferent, if they do not touch him personally. But it is worth the little things to touch him, he immediately considers unbearable. They quickly console and easily cry. Melancholy and sorrow is the main weapon of the rabbit. Their weak place is a timidity, foolishness, indecision. They will not act if they do not know what they are waiting. Rabbits are not created for critical situations, so you can easily skip an interesting chance. Lasting about the future, they often stand still. Rabbits have a mental equilibrium has paramount and most importantly, and the help of others is provided only if their life routine is not disturbed. They can come up with a thousand different excuses to confirm their refusal, but in fact it's self-deception.

With rabbits it is very easy to live, they have a calm and peaceful character. They rarely annoyed, quickly agree, always retain composure and calm. These are warm, hospitable and the most faithful people, they are very attentive and delicate to their friends. They are patient and understand. Rabbits do not endure vulgarity, so they are easy to offend. People under the sign of the rabbit are very big conservatives they live according to the principles of honor. They are a little incredulous and silent.

Rabbits love to shine in a public environment and enjoy great respect in a narrow circle of their friends. They are through Chur careful, and even a little shy, they will not take any action until everyone calculates everything "against" and "for". For many people, these talents of rabbits are very valuable, and many are advised to them. In many matters, they are explained in ease and easily. Rabbits are perfectly focused in everyday life and do not adapt to some unexpected situations. If the rabbit does not know the outcome of the event, it is very nervous, because their happiness often depends on many circumstances.

People under the sign of the rabbit quickly lose their positive qualities, with a negative and bad circumstance, they often become superficial people.

Rabbits love their close company, and the company also loves them. In friends, they often have people from different social layers, and they know how to recognize them well. Rabbits are often intrigued, gossips, but from the situation we come out tactfully and neatly. In life, they never try not to talk about unpleasant things. Rabbits are secular people, they love to show their culture and intelligence, especially if it was quickly acquired. They deeply delve into most topics, but only in order to surprise their knowledge in society, and often do not notice important life events.

The rabbit is a good businessman, so in financially everything goes well. Those who conclude a deal with him will not regret. The rabbit is lucky in trade, it can also be successful on selling antiques, rabbits have good taste on it. They are also good diplomats and therefore can be perfectly manifested in jurisprudence, all these properties allow them to live in prosperity.

\u003e Year of Rabbit

Rabbit, as well as a cat, has the ability to land on the paws when falling. Man bornIt is distinguished by increased individuality, modesty, kindness, it is very talented, he is inherent in the exquisite taste and a sense of beauty. In society, he feels in the "plastic". Representatives of the Year of Rabbit have an increased compassion to the surrounding people. For loved ones and native people, he is a reliable and faithful companion.

Qualities that distinguish between the rabbit among other people are the following: resourcefulness, mind, rapid response to the situation and analyzing it, immediate decision making. It is well aware of those life moments that are associated with the achievement of certain purposes. The rabbit is aware that there are such things in the world that it will not always succeed. The representative of this sign has an optimistic attitude and looks at the future with hope.

For a rabbit, family and homemade life perform one of the main components of his life. He does everything possible to keep and save all the values \u200b\u200bof the family hearth. In addition to the family, the rabbit refers with positive feelings to the surrounding nature and animals. In life, he is a romantic.

A feature of the rabbit is his ability to penetrate the feelings of other people, if necessary, help them and support them. If the representative of the year rabbit occupies a leadership position, then in its work, his subordinates are very important for him, he feels its responsibility to them.

Emotions take possession of a rabbit in rare cases. As a rule, he is a quiet and peaceful person. There are life situationsWhen the inner experiences do not give rest rabbit. Depending on the situation, this representative may not consider the consequences, with hot solve the problem, without fear of risks. But at the same time, the rabbit can approach such a situation on the other point of view and express increased caution and the thoughtfulness of their actions.

If something sharply invades his peaceful life, the rabbit begins to worry much. It does not tolerate complexity in a personal life. To achieve success in work, the rabbit requires security and comfortable conditions for himself.

Most of the representatives of this year are distinguished by the skills of the skills of doing business, increased enterprise, a sense of responsibility. They are well aware of the situations when they are obliged to anyone. Rabbit is characteristic of pedanthism. It refers to every little thing with particular importance and accuracy.

These people are closely related to art. They are inherent in the extraordinary perception of the world, colorful imagination, extensive fantasy. They love a narrow circle of communication, consisting of relatives and friends. Noisy companies with unfamiliar people rabbit do not like. Thanks to their knowledge and positive traits Character, they can win their place in society and conquer their own authority. In their work, they show huge successes, however, at the same time, they may not speak knowledge in other areas.

Over time, rabbits only improve their financial condition. In any transactions, they always win and thus get a good income. They are inherent in the ability to capture everything on the fly. Therefore, the rabbit will not miss his chance and will always take from life only the best.

Beautiful sexes born in the year of the rabbit are successful in many areas where beauty and taste is present. They are very hospitable. Using its melancholic traits, they only won. Thanks to such qualities, women rabbits enchant others around their charm and attractiveness.

The rabbit must consciously leave difficulties, dramatic incidents, any obstacles in life. Only then can he be in peace and liberty. Any catastrophic situations, martial law and everything connected with it is not interesting to him and do not worry him very much. However, as soon as it invades his personal space, in his life, the rabbit begins to perceive everything to heart. The representative of this year will do everything possible in any way to protect himself and his family from such difficulties.

Those rabbits who love communication are distinguished by politeness and sincerity, able to find the right decision in any situation, can perfectly manage their feelings and emotions. And those representatives who are peculiar to closure and special shyness prefer loneliness, love to meditate. However, they are endowed with deep feelings and experiences. Sometimes such rabbits may have the ability to foresee the future, have the ability to prove.

According to the peoples of the East, rabbits are the owners of God's sparks, who inherited skills and skills from sorcerers, shamans and priests.

Rabbit compatibility with other signs

Rabbit and bull

In such a situation, the behavior of the bull is of paramount importance. In marriage is obliged to lead exclusively rabbit, and the bull should be in his submission. Friendly relationships between such signs are possible at the level of secular layers. A business relationship between the rabbit and the bull also takes place. However, the rabbit often uses the patient of the bull and is trying to use it in his own interests.

Rabbit and rat.

Marriage between these signs is not desirable. The unprincipled rat behavior is very nervous than the rabbit and he wants to eliminate him with all their might, but it tries to keep himself in his hands and do not bring his intentions to the end. And friendly relations between data representatives, as a rule, do not add up, as well as relationships in the work. There may be a situation that the rat will be in danger if a joint business with a rabbit will be held.

Rabbit and Tiger

Their relationship has many problems. But at the same time, the tiger can see a lot of positive qualities in the rabbit, namely his calm and goodwill. Also occurs on the contrary. The rabbit refers to many sides of the character of the tiger. Their relationship should not continue for a long time, over time they begin to conflict, it leads to their rupture. Friendly relations between them are not always different, because the mutual understanding of each other often the rabbit and tiger does not come out. As for relations in business sphere, then they have the place to be, due to the fact that both of these signs take a lot of necessary and useful from each other. The bold traits of the tiger character are well combined with the caution of the rabbit.

Rabbit and rabbit

Due to certain circumstances, the alliance between these signs can be happy, but when performing one point. One side must obey and obey the other party. Friendly relationships have them positively and are prolonged and strong. Also relations in business between the rabbit and the rabbit can be successful. And if these signs work in the same room, for example, both are engaged in legal practice, then success is guaranteed.

Rabbit and Snake

Marriage between these signs may be successful. They are inherent in a feeling of love at first sight. In order to keep the originary love and not start hating each other, they must constantly keep their feelings and emotions under control. In a friendly relationship, a trick is often present, they love to sharpen long and try to talk one alone. In business affairs, they can succeed if both are struggling.

Rabbit and Dragon

The fact that the rabbit can make concessions and looks at life with optimism, really like the dragon. At the same time, the rabbit does not approve the increased sense of power of the dragon. When they find mutual understanding, then success and luck will be guaranteed. Build each other friendship, the rabbit and the dragon often fails. They are better not to be friends at all. In the business sphere they can succeed, provided that the rabbit will only give necessary advice And no longer can interfere. The decisive right of voting should be only at the dragon.

Rabbit and goat

They may turn out good SoyuzSince these two signs have a lot in common: a stormy fantasy, an expanded imagination, the desire for art. Even when the goat is capricious, the rabbit is able to not pay attention to such quads. Friendly relations between them will be strong thanks to the mutual pull to the high. Also in business, both representatives of these signs will be successful, and if they esbat free professions, their success will only increase.

Rabbit and horse

Marriage relations between them can be achieved. The ambition of the rabbit is perfectly harmonized with love for a horse's life. Representatives of the Year of Rabbit always seek to understand and respect the feelings of their partner. However, if they conflict among themselves, it can negatively affect their relationships. They are destined for durable friendship. The relationship in the field of business is also developing successfully and have signs of sports competitions with mutually beneficial features.

Rabbit and rooster

The marriage between them is doomed to failure, as these two signs are the exact opposite of each other. Due to the fact that the rooster constantly plays the theatricality, it is very annoying the rabbit. Also, both friendly relationships may not be founded due to the increased activity of the rooster. In the business sphere of their relationship, they may face failure, because both sides are distinguished by secrecy and closure in work.

Rabbit and Monkey

They may be driving and they will build a solid marriage, even despite the fact that they have different views. The reason for luck family life Such signs have their mutual addition of each other. The monkey does not allow the rabbit to be bored, and he always takes care of her. Friendship will be successful, and the business will most likely fail.

Rabbit and pig

The marriage relationship between these signs may turn out, as they respect each other, do not argue on trifles. However, it is very important that in marriage they did not have to betray the pig. In a narrow circle, they can get strong friendship. In business affairs, they are also waiting for success and a lot of prospects due to the fact that the pig will be successful in the field of business, and the rabbit differs from agility. As a result, they can get rich.

Rabbit and dog

Thanks to the joint loyalty, there can be a great marriage between them. Like friendship, which will be long and strong. The dog can feel reliable support and shoulder in the face of rabbit. In the business sphere they are also waiting for fantastic success, since their desire for hard work will bring their results. These two signs are perfectly suitable for each other, because they complement one one. The rabbit shows its softness of character and balanced temper, and the dog in return gives him his devotion.

Water rabbit

Wooden rabbit

Fire rabbit

Earth rabbit

Metal rabbit

Water rabbit

Wooden rabbit

Fire rabbit

Earth rabbit

Metal rabbit

Water rabbit

Wooden rabbit

The rabbit is the female principle of Yin, the 4th triangle, the element of the tree

Rabbit (cat) embodies generosity and care for others. He is a born healer. Prefers to avoid confrontation. It is difficult to call a coward - in extreme situations He is capable of heroism and courage. The rabbit is dependent on the environment, the conditions of education and birth, its success directly depends on the environment and the relationship of others. It is characterized by sensuality, healthy natural instincts, high sexual temperament. Gentle partner, rarely ambitious. Preferably wait for a successful coincidence that often happens. Responsive and kind in close relationship, rabbit is a wonderful lover, appreciate the comfort of a family man, who hardly transfers scandals and trouble in personal life. It is rarely poor, the favorite of any society.

Positive quality signs

The rabbit is a good friend and a sensual lover, possesses good manners, loves to communicate, knows how to create a subtle relationship with another person. Externally, he is always Elegance, courtesy in communication, helps people who have fallen into the distress. Lucky and positive sign.

Negative character qualities

Surface attitude towards people and events, as well as terry egoism often spoil the character of the rabbit. Caprises and demands to the conditions of life interfere with equality in partnership. She prone to excesses, plows with its weaknesses and shows weakly accuracy where the volitional effort is required.

Per year rabbitgood travel a lot and relax. New types of recreation, training and communication will bring joy and profitable ties. Good year For rabbit, dragon, snakes, horses, sheep and monkeys. Stretched year for rats. Neutral period for bull, tiger, rooster, dogs and pigs.

Celebrities of this sign

Confucius, Queen Victoria, Elena Exeanova, Walter Scott, Edith Piaf, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Orson Wells, Maria Curie, Lewis Carroll, Harry Kasparov, Fidel Castro, George Orwell, Roger Moore, Eva Peron, Prince Albert, Vlad Leaves, Henry Miller , Mikhail Bulgakov, David Rockefeller, Albert Einstein, Elena Blavatskaya, Nikolay Zabolotsky. Actors: Ingrid Bergman, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Quentin Tarantino, Vladimir Mashkov, Mikhail Efremov, Dmitry Pevtsov, Jason Isaacs, Ingeborg Dapkunayte, Alexander Domogarov, Angelina Jolie, Braddali Cooper, Charlize Teron, Kate Winslet, Mila Yovovich, Marion Cotiyar, Drew Barrymore.

Sign Character for Elements

Black (Blue) Water Rabbit (Cat)

It is distinguished by the desire for a relaxed family life, but it is often difficult to comprehend for loved ones. Water rabbit is not too constant in his feelings and is not consistent in the actions, so it is difficult to understand and know well. He does not like difficulties, prefers to look for workarounds, quirky, when it will be needed.

Green Wooden Rabbit (Cat)

It is distinguished by devotion and desire to serve other people. A wooden rabbit is generous, cares about the good of all mankind. Marriage must share his hobbies. Full merger and unity of goals - a pledge of a long union. More practical and rational than his fellow signs.

Yellow Earth Rabbit (Cat)

Loves to help practical advice And things close to all. Beautiful lover, sensual and attentive partner with charm and developed imagination. Earth rabbit is easy to communicate, easily converges with people on the basis of common interests. It often sacrifice, disinterested by nature.

White Metal Rabbit (Cat)

Interested in the nature of all things, actively engaged in self-knowledge and is improving throughout life. He seeks well-being, most successful in his career. An excellent lover, a metal rabbit, however, needs a constant emotional response and tenderness from the partner. Good understands other people. Able to control his emotions.

Red Fire Rabbit (Cat)

It is characterized by an adequate sense of reality, soberly looks at the world and on relationship. Rarely retains the principle of monogamy, the high sexy temperament is distinguished by a fiery rabbit and makes it a good partner for any sign. It is proud of his family, achieves success in the profession, has a variety of talents and interests.