Compatibility on the Eastern Horoscope: Forecast of the Best Union for Love. Compatibility horoscope: find out what awaits your pair

Chinese horoscope Includes cycle of twelve animals, which are signs of the Chinese zodiac. Chinese astrology binds character traits, both positive and negative, with the fact that a person was born in the year.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the compatibility of people in love, marriage or business is determined depending on year of birth. People who believe in Chinese astrology are considering this compatibility before starting romantic or business relationships.

The twelve Chinese signs of the zodiac are located in a circle traditional: rat, bull, tiger, rabbit (cat), dragon, snake, horse, sheep (goat), monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Based on this order, the compatibility of the signs is determined.

Incompatible chinese signs

Couples of signs opposite each other in the compatibility table (see Figure below) are considered incompatible. Consequently, people who were born under these signs are not very well combined. Pair of incompatible signs: rat and horse, bull and sheep (goat), tiger and monkey, rabbit (cat) and rooster, dragon and dog, snake and pig. Neighboring signs (for example, a horse and a snake or bull and tiger) are also not very well compatible.

Compatible Chinese signs

Good compatibility is among those Chinese signs that are separated in the compatibility table with three characters. In other words, compatible signs for your those that come fourth on your account from yours, both clockwise and against it. For example, the rat and monkey are well suited for the dragon. There may be a good relationship with signs that are located through one, for example, a tiger and dragon, goat and snake.

According to the Chinese horoscope, there are four groups of three characters, which are considered the most compatible in love, marriage and business.

The first triad: rat, dragon and monkey. People of these signs are strong and passionate, they can suppress those who do not possess, like them, so strong energy. The relationship between people of these signs may be passionate and intense, but this is exactly what they need.

The second triad: bull, snake, cock. Representatives of these signs, as a rule, are patient and calm, their relationship is distinguished by stability. In relations they are faithful and reliable. They appreciate people who have similar qualities and share their values.

Third Triad: Tiger, horse, dog. People of these signs are very energetic and independent. On the other hand, they have a strong need to find their true afternoon. For them, relations with people from their triads will be harmonious.

Fourth Triad: Rabbit (cat), sheep (goat), pig. People from these signs - the identity of the giving type. They are supporters of a soft approach and do not accept rough circulation. Representatives of these signs can easily suffer from those who have a more rigid nature, so they need to be particularly pricious when choosing a partner.

Chinese astrology is fundamentally different from the Western systemSince the familiar signs of the zodiac in it are replaced by twelve animals.

In accordance with it it is believed that the peculiarities of the temperature and character of a person are determined by the one in the year of which animal it was born. Compatibility of various signs among themselves on the Chinese system is discussed in detail in the proposed article.

Compatibility of signs in Chinese astrology

In chinese astrology personality person to a certain sign Determined primarily by the year of his birth.

Below will be given years corresponding to specific animals, as well as their compatibility with representatives of other signs:

  1. Rat sign matches people born in the following dates: 02/19/1996-06.02.1997, 02.02.1984-19.02.1985, 16.01.1972-02.02.1973, January 28, 1960-14.02.1961, 10.02.1948-14.02.1949. They are very good with representatives of their own sign, while compatibility will be impressive regardless of whether it is supposed to build a close relationship or this is only business cooperation. Also promising are unions with a dragon, snake and monkey. Rat men quickly find a common language with women-tigers, such partners will perfectly complement each other. However, it should be refracted from close contacts with a rabbit or horse: These signs are the complete opposite of the rat, so the chances of mutual understanding in any questions or cases are minimal.
  2. The bull sign matches people born in the following dates: 07.02.1 1997-27. 01.1998, 20.02.1985-08.02.1986, 03.02.1973-22.01.1974, 02/15/1961-04.02.1962, 01/29/1949-16.02.1950. Bulls are very bad with representatives of their sign, and successful unions with a dragon, a tigr, horse or a dog are also very rarely obtained. Good compatibility is observed with a rooster or snakeThe monkey will become a beautiful friend for a bull, the rabbit will be an excellent business partner. A good alliance with a rat may also have a good union, if a bull, at least a little change its temperament and provide a partner with some freedom.
  3. Tiger sign matches people born in the following dates: 01/28/1998-15.02.1999, 09.01.1986-28.1987, 01.23.1974-10.02.1975, 05.02.1962-24.01.1963, 02/17/1950-05.02.1951. Many people mistakenly believe that tigers converge well with representatives of their sign: they really have a lot of similar features, but it becomes the main problem that creates rivalry. Also should not count on a durable and reliable union in any sphere with a snake, bull, pig or monkey. The dog, the sheep and the dragon will become good partners for the tiger, they can build great relations both in friendship or love and business. Build family relationships You can with a horseBut the joint business representatives of these signs is better not to do.
  4. The rabbit sign matches people born in the following dates: 02/16/1999-03.02.2000, 01/29/1987-16.02.1988, 11.02.1975-30.1976, 01/25/1963-12.02.1964, 02.02.1951-161.1952, 19.02.1939-07.02.1940. Rabbits can build a strong family or reliable business with other representatives of their sign, but they should beware of rats, roosters or dragons. With all other signs, the rabbit is fully compatible under certain conditions.
  5. The dragon sign matches people born in the following dates: 04.02.2000-22.01.2001, 02/17/1988-05.02.1989, 31.01.1976-17.02.1977, 02/13/1964-01.02.1965, 27.01.1952-13.02.1953, 08.02.1940-26.01.1941. Dragons become excellent business partners with representatives of their own sign, and in some situations they can build a strong family if they have different temperaments. Rat is another suitable signWith which business cooperation or personal life is successfully built, and a horse, a monkey or snake will be suitable for this. Dragons are encouraged to avoid building alliances with a rooster, sheep, dog or pig.
  6. Snake sign matches people born in the following dates: 01/24/2001-11.02.2002, 06.02.1989-26.01.1990, 02/18/1977-06.02.1978, 02.02.1965-20.01.1966, 02/14/1953-02.02.1954, 01/27/1941-14.02.1942. They achieve absolute mutual understanding with other snakes, so such unions are considered successful both in marriage and in business. Bull, dragon and rat are suitable only for business relationships, a strong family will not build with them; It is also worth avoided any close contacts with a tigrome, monkey, dog, pig or horse. Among the signs suitable for the snake can be distinguished the rabbit and sheep.
  7. A horses sign corresponds to people born in the following dates: 02/12/2002-31.01.2003, 01/27/1990-14.02.1991, 07.02.1978-27.1979, 21.01.1966-02.02.1967, 02/03/1954-23.01.1955, 15.01.1942-04.02.1943. Good compatibility with other horses, they can cooperate absolutely in all areas: engage in joint business, have a long-lasting novel or build a family. It also works well to build any relationship with a tigrome, sheep, dog, pig and rooster; Possible long and strong friendship with the rat. At the same time, rabbits and snakes should be watched, since their unions rarely end successfully.
  8. A sign of a sheep or goat corresponds to people born in the following dates: 01.02.2003-21.01.2004, 15.02.1991-03.02.1992, 28.01.1979-15.02.1980, 09.02.1967-28.01.1968, 24.01.1955-11.02.1956, 05.01.1943-23.01.1944. Sheep can build harmonious and good relations with other sheepIt does not matter whether they plan to create a family or the development of a joint business. With rats noted incompatibility in love or family mattersbut they can become wonderful friends or business partners; Only bull and dragon should be avoided. Stability and understanding can be found in alliances with rabbit, snake, horse or pig.
  9. Monkey sign matches people born in the following dates: 01/22/2004-08.02.2005, 04.02.1992-22.01.1993, 02.12.1980-04.02.1981, 01/30/1968-16.02.1969, 12.02.1956-30.01.1957, 01/25/1944-12.02.1945. Union with other monkeys can be promising, it concerns both the construction of the family and collaboration But for this they will need to show perseverance to get rid of possible disagreements. It is recommended to avoid any relationship with a pig or dragon, with representatives of other signs, compatibility is also not easy: the success of the Union will depend on the desire of both partners to get rid of disagreements and gain mutual understanding.
  10. The rooster sign matches people born in the following dates: 01.23.1993-09.02.1994, 05.02.1981-24.01.1982, 02/17/1969-05.02.1970, 31.01.1957-17.02.1958, 02/13/1945-01.02.1946. They are bad converge with other roosters, but at the same time can build fruitful business relationships or a strong family if they cope with emerging disagreements and learn to understand each other. Notes good compatibility with a bull, horse and pig; With a dog and a rat, you can build a family, but not a business; Contacts with a dragon is better to avoid.
  11. The dog sign matches people born in the following dates: 01/10/1994-30.01.1995, 25.01.1982-12.01.1983, 06.01.1970-26.01.1971, 01/18/1958-07.1959, 02.01.1946-21. 01.1947. Usually they achieve a good understanding with other dogs, this happens enough to successfully build any relationship. Rat, tiger and horse will also become excellent partners in any case, but it is recommended to avoid too close contacts with a bull, dragon and snake.
  12. The pig sign matches people born in the following dates: 02/18/2007-06.02.2008, 01/31/1995-18.02.1996, 02/13/1983-01.02.1984, 27.01.1971-15.01.1972, 02.02.1959-27. 01.1960, 01/22/1947-02.02.1948. The most suitable partner in the work or personal life will be another pig: there are complete mutual understanding and confidence between them, which is the guarantor of a solid and reliable union on long term. A good relationship It is also possible to build with a bull, sheep, rat, horse and rabbit, but it is better to avoid close contacts with a monkey, snake and a dragon.

Compatibility Table of Signs in Chinese Astrology


Below is a table in which all twelve animals are present from Chinese astrology. It allows you to visually assess their compatibility with each other:

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit The Dragon Snake Horse Sheep A monkey Cock Dog Pig
Rat 1 3 1 2 4 1 5 6 4 7 1 1
Bull 3 1 1 1 7 4 6 5 1 4 2 1
Tiger 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 1 5 1 4 3
Rabbit 2 1 1 1 6 1 7 4 1 5 3 4
The Dragon 4 7 1 6 2 1 1 1 4 3 5 1
Snake 1 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 4
Horse 5 6 4 7 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 1
Sheep 6 5 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 4
A monkey 4 1 5 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 6
Cock 7 4 1 5 3 4 1 1 1 2 6 1
Dog 1 2 4 3 5 1 4 2 1 6 1 1
Pig 1 1 3 4 1 5 1 4 6 1 1 2

How to use Table

In accordance with the proposed table, compatibility is estimated at a seven-bull scale. To work with it you need to know the decoding of each numerical valueTheir interpretations are below:

  • 1 - is the designation of neutral compatibility Representatives of two signs, but in most cases their relationships are positive.
  • 2 - is the more problematic unionHe will be accompanied by frequent conflicts, quarrels and disputes. Friendship or business relationships may still be formed, but it is recommended to refuse from marriage and family building.
  • 3 is the union of two opposite energiesThey complement each other well, therefore the relationship is actually always folded safely and full harmony reigns in them.
  • 4 - indicator of the absolute value of harmony, conflicts, quarrels, disagreements, treason and criticism in such respects are excluded.
  • 5 - Means the confrontationSuch people will be extremely difficult with a long joint time. Such unions are better to avoid, since they do not bring positive emotions in any field of activity.
  • 6 - is the designation of conflictPeople will not be able to build any relations with each other; With forced contacts both people will be unhappy.
  • 7 shows a union that may well exist for a long timeBut periodically there will be black stripes, so no difficulties do not do here.

When choosing a partner, wise Chinese are guided by a horoscope. Chinese calendar Very popular worldwide. The horoscope is divided into 4 triads. Within its triad, signs can show themselves in different ways, but, however, it is believed that they will become the best partners in business and personal life.

1 Triad - Rat, Dragon and Monkey

Marriages and business unions within this triangle are very effective. All signs of this triangle are energetic, active, and slightly arrogant. Perhaps, only a monkey is different in this triangle of Vidness and is able to make concessions.

2 triad - bull, rooster and snake

Representatives of these three characters are perfectly launched with each other. These are targeted intellectuals. There are no obstacles for them. The greatest wisdom in this triad is endowed, perhaps the snake.

3 Triad - Tiger, Horse and Dog

These are bold, strong and hardy people. People born under any of these signs will be able to find the best partner within this triangle.

4 Triad - Rabbit, Goat and Pig

These are artistic people who can adapt to circumstances. Marriages, friendship and business union between these signs will be very fruitful.

If you, in addition to the zodiacal (western) horoscope, pay attention to the combination of the signs of the Chinese horoscope, will most accurately be the choice of a partner in accordance with the structural horoscope. In a structural horoscope, signs are divided into the following categories:

  1. Romantic Union

The basis of the romantic union is love. The most successful period for the conclusion of such a marriage, age up to 30 years. Romantic Union, and only he is beautiful attraction of opposites. Mind here is powerless. As soon as one of the partners in the romantic union is trying to analyze the actions and actions of the other, the romance dies. And along with romance will die and love. The romantic union is very fragile, it needs to be particularly preserved.

Romantic Union arises between signs: goat - bull, goat - cock, cat - snake, cat - bull, boar - bull, boar - rooster, boar - snake, horse - monkey, horse - dragon, dog - rat, dog - monkey, Dog - Dragon, Tiger - Rat, Tiger - Monkey, Tiger - Dragon.

  1. Equal marriage

Keep in mind that enhancing an equal marriage you have to have a permanent and incessant struggle. But, this is exactly what such a union is beautiful. Truth is born in the dispute. So in equal marriage, struggle and upholding of their positions make both partners stronger and rustier. This is an union of equal competitors and like-minded people.

The most successful period for joining such an alliance is age up to 35 years.

Equal marriage is possible between signs: Horse - Cock, Horse - Snake, Horse - Bull, Tiger - Rooster, Tiger - Snake, Dog - Snake, Rat - Cat, Rat - Goat, Rat - Caban, Monkey - Cat, Monkey - Goat, Monkey - Caban, Dragon - Goat.

  1. Patriarchal marriage

Patriarchal marriage is a union in which both spouses are in the same ideological troika. For example, this is a tiger tiger - a horse. Such a tripler gives six options for patriarchal marriage (Tiger - Tiger, Tiger - Dog, Tiger - Horse, Dog - Dog, Dog - Horse, Horse - Horse). Exactly the same situation in the top three cat - Kaban - goat (also six marriages) and in the top of the snake - a bull - a rooster. A little less contribution to the patriarchal piggy bank in the top of the rat - a monkey - dragon. There are only five patriarchal unions (rat - rat, rat - dragon, dragon - dragon, dragon - monkey, monkey - monkey). The density of the rat is a monkey vector and does not obey patriarchal canons.

An ideal age for joining a patriarchal marriage is considered to be age from 30 years.

The peculiarities of the patriarchal union are children. Without them there is no point in existence in such a union. Constantly engaged in enormous economy and children, partners in such a marriage are almost always deprived of intellectual communication. The main topics of the discussion, in the Patriarchal Union will be the success of children, prices for the products and behavior of domestic animals. Patriarchal marriage is the most durable and durable union.

  1. Spiritual Soyuz

This is a union in which partners mutually complement each other. This is a cooperation of two inseparable friends, where everyone has the opportunity to build a dizzying career, to achieve success and climb the welfare stairs. The second partner will not only help in this, but, and he himself will be able to climb the career staircase. In such a union, you must be extremely interesting to each other, otherwise your union is doomed to destruction.

The most favorable age of entry into such an alliance is not younger than 35 years.

The spiritual union is a combination of signs: rat - rooster, rat - bull, rat - snake, monkey - rooster, monkey - bull, dragon - rooster, dragon - bull, dragon - snake. In this half, there is not enough one marriage, he went under the vector (monkey - snake). In another half of the rubber more. Horse - Cat, Horse - Goat, Tiger - Cat, Tiger - Caban, Dog - Cat, Dog - Caban, Dog - Goat. In this half, there is not enough two marriages (the horse is a boar and a tiger - goat), it is clear that this is vector exceptions.

  1. Vector ring

You can enter a vector marriage in great love, but you can get into it quite by chance. A feature of such a union is that it is impossible to get out of the game. It's like a one-way ticket. Such an alliance will turn you inside out, I will wait for all the forces from you. It is impossible to name this and marriage, because the Family Union is something warm, positive and helping to feel protected. In the vector ring, everything is wrong. Options and scenarios are set here, and the meaning is one - this is an absolute non-free. And if you managed to get rid of the vector union, then consider it the biggest success in life. In vector marriage, always, one partner is the owner, and another servant. Do not think that the owner is lucky more. The only privilege of the owner will be limitless power. But, having it, the owner will absolutely devoid of feelings of love and good coming from the servant. This is a rocky connection that can end very much deploy. Both partners are not comfortable in such a union, since none of them can neither break this communicationnor become truly happy.

I will list all the pairs of the vector union, where the servant is in the first place, and on the second its owner: the rat - a monkey, a monkey - snake, snake - goat, goat - Tiger, Tiger - bull, bull - dog, dog - rooster, cock - cat , Cat - dragon, dragon - boar, boar - horse, horse - rat.

Ideal is the combination of signs within its element and at the same time within its trigone eastern horoscope.

Compatibility - one of those criteria that is given special attention in modern world. For many people to meet their couple - it is not easy to find a person who will be there is something more important. After all, with such a person it should be fun and interesting, he must motivate on development and know how to support in a difficult moment. In addition, with whom you should connect all your life, it should be easily and comfortable.

Check compatibility help various systems and classification. Specialists offer data presented as a list, table or just tips on who will be the best partner for whom. And the calendar by year of birth is the most optimal systems.

Eastern system

When the division of people in the signs of the zodiac is mentioned, it is assumed that the same zodiac appears to the same period of the same period. Let's say, from September 23 and October 23 of any year, all born people There are weights by the type of zodiac. There are only twelve types of zodiac.

Eastern calendar divides all people otherwise. Born in the same year will be one type. So, let's say, all men and women born in 1972 will be rats. There are only twelve signs that are repeated every twelve years.

And types of zodiac and types of Eastern calendar There are those relations with whom will be built in the best way or people will be just too different. After examining the compatibility of signs, a person will be able to pick up the most appropriate couple - who will want to live all his life.

In this article, we will consider compatibility of signs depending on their year of birth, that is, on the eastern calendar.

Combination on the table

It is believed that mythological animals symbolize the cosmic influences that manifest themselves every year. These influences form a year itself, and the nature of people who are born. There are only twelve animals and five color elements. Depending on this data, lists and tables are drawn up, which indicates the compatibility of people by year of birth.

To learn compatibility, it is enough to take into account the year of birth of a loved one and your own.

So, let's say, the years of Petuha - 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993 and 2005. All people born at this time will be under the sign of the rooster. Rats - 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008. If your year is one of them, then your sign is rats. The years of rats and roosters are just examples, each of the signs is repeated in twelve years along the eastern calendar.

Rats Bull Tiger Rabbit The Dragon Snake Horse Sheep A monkey Cock Dog Pig
Rats 000 222 000 111 333 000 444 555 333 666 000 000
Bull 222 000 000 000 666 333 555 444 000 333 111 000
Tiger 000 000 000 000 000 555 333 000 444 000 333 222
Rabbit 111 000 000 000 555 000 666 333 000 444 222 333
The Dragon 333 666 000 555 111 000 000 000 333 222 444 000
Snake 000 333 555 000 000 000 000 000 222 333 000 444
Horse 444 555 333 666 000 000 111 222 000 000 333 000
Sheep 555 444 000 333 000 000 222 000 000 000 111 333
A monkey 333 000 444 000 333 222 000 000 000 000 000 555
Cock 666 333 000 444 222 333 000 000 000 111 555 000
Dog 000 111 333 222 444 000 333 111 000 555 000 000
Pig 000 000 222 333 000 444 000 333 555 000 000 111

In order to learn compatibility, from all the signs, select your, say, rooster, and your partner, such as rats, you need to pay attention to the numbers that are at the intersection of your signs. In this case, 666. Now you can read the designation.

Very often met, it would seem perfect partner We look into our horoscope to find out how far a further relationship is possible. Most often, women are engaged in such calculations, of course, women. This may be compatibility of the year of birth, by date of birth, by name, and so on.

Birth year compatibility: Chinese Compatibility Horoscope

The Chinese horoscope is an opportunity to learn about yourself and others on the basis of what year everyone was born. There are twelve animals that entered the eastern circle of the horoscope.

Each of them rules for a whole year. All this is determined by lunar calendarTherefore, the value of our traditional calendar may not coincide a little.

The Chinese horoscope has long been popular in Western countries. His story goes into deep antiquity, there are several legends that tell about the emergence of the Chinese horoscope.

According to one of these legends, 12 animals came to say goodbye to the Buddha when he left the Earth. The first rat came, followed by bull and tiger, behind them a rabbit (cat) and a dragon, then a snake and a horse, a goat (sheep), a monkey, a rooster, the dog and the very last pig came (exactly in that order).

As a reward, all animals got the right once at twelve years to manage the time and dispose of the fate of people.

It is very interesting to consider compatibility of signs not only on the birthday, but also by year. So you can learn more about your partner information and it is possible to adjust your or his behavior.

Born in the year rat

Such people are very elegant, but also strong. External tranquility does not mean the same inside. Close people of this sign know that inside they may have a lot of concern and tension, which sometimes goes into aggressive actions.

In the nature of many rats, accuracy, ambition, pedantry and pettyness. The business is most often successful.

If we talk about the weakness of this sign of the zodiac, then this opportunity to succumb to deception, especially if the fraudster introduced everything in an unusual light.

Rat compatibility with other signs:

  • Rat. Tenderness and love may arise between these signs, however, in this union it is not a place to rivalry and family disputes and quarrels. Friendship is possible, but in the event that there will be no dirty to each other between these signs. Business relationships are also possible.
  • Bull. Very good marriage. The calm bull is well balancing the worried rat. Friendship happens, but sluggish and uninteresting. Business relationship Very weak.
  • Tiger. Marriage will have problems because of the eternal desire of a tiger to power in the family. Very contradictory characters. In friendship, problems can be another character. The materialism of the rat is not exactly what the tiger needs. Good business relationships, for both are characterized by honesty, the desire to earn. However, in order to avoid problems, profit should be divided by half.
  • Rabbit. This sign is too dangerous for the rat, so any relationship should be saved.
  • The Dragon. The marriage union is considered prosperous. Rat, if it is loved, then it may well flatter the dragon, which is important for him. Also, the physical attraction between partners also has the latter importance in this union. It is possible between signs of friendship, which can turn into love. Business relationships are possible, subject to the unconditional leadership of the dragon and the subordination of the rat.
  • Snake. Marriage relationships may end up with disappointment. The mystery and the infidelity of the snake for the rat will be misfortune. However, marriage is possible, provided that the snake will be true. Friendship is possible on the basis of eternal love to chat. Business relationship is better to avoid.
  • Horse. Any relationship between these signs is very complex due to a bad understanding of each other.
  • Goat. These signs are as much like different. For the goat, the goat seems too closed. In the presence of money, the rat will arise peace of mind and satisfaction of the goat, but they will not be so terrible in the rat. If we talk about friendship, then in principle it is possible, however, it is necessary to restrain the rapid manifestations of the nature on both sides. A business relationship is completely possible.
  • A monkey. This is very good compatibility. These marriage relationships are not only lucky, but also happy. There is mutual love and complete mutual understanding. It is also possible to friendship, but the rat will not always obey the whims of the monkey. In business relations, the rat should not obey the blind monkey.
  • Cock. This union will be based between the relative souls, which are these two signs of the zodiac. Friendship superficial, easy and fast. Business relationship categorically can not be - nothing good will not come from it.
  • Dog. Family relationships are quite possible. They can be both interesting and calm. For a dog, it will be good sometimes to be alone, so the rat should provide it. Friendly relations are weak, and business can end out not entirely successful due to the merryness of the rat and the idealisticness of the dog.
  • Pig. A harmonious union is quite possible, there are many common features in the character. There is also some spiritual understanding. Friendship can be long and real. Business relationships are also possible and very successful, but provided that the rat will not deceive the pig.

Bull born

About people of this sign can be said one thing is a large bunch of energy and power. Bulls are always very targeted, they will always achieve the intended goal, not paying attention to small obstacles. We can say that none of the signs of the horoscope has greater power.

In the nature of bulls to make reserves and try to ensure their old age. He is famous for his practicality, the desire to earn. This is a simple workman.

But note that the zodiac sign is famous for its stubbornness. The most correct opinion is it, even if in fact it is not so. Bulls will never deceive, it is not in their character. Can stand on the protection of the offender.

Bull compatibility with other signs:

  • Bull. These are two reliable partners, have a lot in common, they are materialists. Marriage will be cheerful and with humor. Friendship between two bulls is unlikely, because There will be a struggle for power. In business relationships there may be success if the joint venture will be a farm or farm.
  • Tiger. Marriage and friendship between these signs are problematic. In the business relationship, the bull will completely push the tiger from affairs.
  • Rabbit. Marriage relations between these signs of the zodiac will be far from perfect. The degree of harmony will depend on the desire of the rabbit to adapt to the bull. Friendship is possible, more likely secular. In business relationships should be taken care to the bull, as the rabbit may subordinate the bull.
  • The Dragon. The marriage alliance between these two signs is very complex and is considered unpromising due to conflicts and disagreements. This arises due to the fact that the dragon loves the external shine very much, and the bull does not really trust the bull. Friendship also can not be durable, as the bull does not sympathize with the dragon. Business relationship is worse for bull than for a dragon, so not recommended.
  • Snake. A successful marriage in the event that the snake will not tell about his adventures before relationship with a bull. But friendly relationships are quite good, perhaps even understanding from a half-clow. Business relationships are better not to start.
  • Horse. Relationships are difficult both in marriage and in friendship. Business relationships between these signs is an extreme case. It is better not to start.
  • Goat. There is also very problematic relationships on all fronts.
  • A monkey. The relationship is complex. And love and friendly, and business. The monkey can bring a lot of suffering, so it is better to avoid such unions.
  • Cock. Love and friendly relationships are almost perfect due to the fact that partners have almost complete mutual understanding. However, business relationships are better not to start, as the rooster is somewhat lazy.
  • Dog. Complex relationships in all senses. This is due to the fact that the signs are the exact opposite of each other.
  • Pig. More useful in this union business relationship, they can bring great fruits. But the marriage should be built on compliance with some rules, and friendship is good if friends are seen infrequently.

Born in the year tiger

These people are very proud, they should always be the best. The traits of their character are inherent in initiative and perseverance. They know how to attract people to work, together with them achieving the goal.

Also, tigers are not inclined to look around for past things and correct mistakes. They always go ahead, if necessary, easily change the scope of activities.

Tiger compatibility with other signs:

  • Tiger. Unlike marriage (not recommended) friendship between signs can be good.
  • Rabbit. The Union is considered not the most successful. After some time, stretching appears in the relationship. There is also a friendship with friendship. But business relationship is quite possible.
  • The Dragon. It is considered a promising alliance, for the Tiger the dragon will be useful. Very strong friendly bonds, they seem to complement each other. Also good and business relationships. Dragon will be responsible for mental activity, and tiger - for the embodiment of ideas.
  • Snake. Very difficult relationships in all spheres. Better to avoid.
  • Horse. There may be marriage and friendly, and business relationships at quite a decent level.
  • Goat. Marriage will be very problematic, the tiger is too strong for the goat. Friendship is possible by mutual agreement.
  • A monkey. The marriage union is quite short-lived, although partners attract each other. Friendship is possible, but within the framework of decency. The prospect of business relationship will depend on the prudency of the tiger and respect for the monkey.
  • Cock. All relationships between these signs are doomed to failure.
  • Dog. The marriage union is possible if the signs pursue the same ideas. There can be no longer friendship, but business relationships can be quite prosperous.
  • Pig. The marriage union is possible by mutual agreement. Friendship can be quite durable and long. But business relationships will depend on how the tiger will be noble.

Other compatibility See above.

Born in the year Rabbit (Cat)

This sign is considered lucky. They have a deep mind, there is moderate ambition. It is easy to be in his society, it is rather modest, but also does not have the complexes.

The rabbit can show unprecedented courage in those situations where a tiger or bull will be saved. Different with sophistication and refinement.

Compatibility of rabbit with other signs:

  • Rabbit. If one of the rabbits obey the other, the Union will be very happy. Friendship between signs strong and durable. Also good and business relationships (for example, maintaining a joint office).
  • The Dragon. Good marriage relationships with this sign are possible if a compromise is reached. Friendship will be problematic, and business relationships are built in the event that the dragon will lead.
  • Snake. The marriage union will be long in certain control of feelings and emotions. Friendship and business relationship is also possible.
  • Horse. These signs will feel good in marriage. True should beware of quarrels on trifles and irritability. Friendly relationships are also durable and durable. Business relationships are useful for both.
  • Goat. Signs get along well with each other, the marriage is very successful. Friendship is built on mutual love To art, and business relationships can be successful in mutual cooperation.
  • A monkey. Marriage can be prosperous, despite the fact that they have a different worldview. Friendship is also possible. But the business relationship is better not to start.
  • Cock. Relationship between these signs will not bring anything good, it is recommended to avoid.
  • Dog. Union is favorable if loyalty to each other is observed. Good friendly relationships. If we talk about business relationships, you can call them perfect. They perfectly complement each other.
  • Pig. Subject to the fidelity of the pig, the marriage will be long and harmonious. Friendship and business relationship are promising.

Other compatibility See above.

Born in the Year of the Dragon

These people can become great, they are lucky in many matters. They can be powerful in their lives. Have a good intuition, thanks to which the brazers of the board are obtained. Always deservedly.

Dragon compatibility with other signs:

  • The Dragon. The marriage union is wonderful. They complement them very well and encourage each other. Often there are related souls. Friendship and business relationships are not recommended.
  • Snake. It will be a truly magnificent union. The dragon will admire the snake, and it will be enough wise and the cunning. Also good friendly and business relationships.
  • Horse. It can be said that the marriage is almost unpromising. Signs are too different. Friendship and business relationship will not lead to anything good.
  • Goat. It is considered an unreliable union. Friendship and business relationships are possible under certain conditions.
  • A monkey. The addition between signs is poured into a completely prosperous union. They can also be friends for a long time until it gets bother to someone. Business relationships will bring wonderful fruits.
  • Cock. Marriage is possible if there is a common language. Friendship will be based on mutual sympathy, and business relations on their mutual cooperation.
  • Dog. All kinds of relationships between signs will bring some trouble.
  • Pig. The marriage union will be good, subject to the admiration of the pig of his partner. Business relationships will bring success.

Born in the year snake

This sign is very successful in affairs and finance. They never worry about their financial position. Snake will always find a means for life, as well as to embody their dreams.

The nature of these signs is very complex. They can show themselves in different types Activities, these people are very creative personality, intellectuals and philosophers. Have good intuition.

Snake compatibility with other signs:

  • Snake. Due to the extremes of the sign of the Union can be problematic. But here is the friendship durable and strong. Business relationships are better not to start.
  • Horse. Interesting love relationship Due to the characteristics of the signs. Everyone can B. certain moment go away Friendship is most often strong. Prosperous business relationships will be the result of the ideas of the snake that the horse carries out.
  • Goat. Marriage is very unpredictable. Friendship is quite strong. Business relationships are problematic, due to the inability to lead, for both signs.
  • A monkey. Marriage will have problems if there are no common life goals. Friendship can only be secular. Business relationships are better not to start.
  • Cock. The marriage union has good prospects, there is mutual understanding and common goals. Also rich in friendship. Business relationships are better not to start.
  • Dog. Relationships from any parties will have problems, it is better to avoid.
  • Pig. Relationships will depend on the behavior of a pig that can jeopardize all the undertakings.

Other compatibility of characters see above.

Horses born

Representatives of this sign can prevent themselves. They love secular events, various entertainment. They are distinguished by cheerfulness and sometimes chatty.

Horses are very scary in anger, have hot blood. Therefore, at the arm, they are better not to come across.

Also inherent ambition and egoism of this sign. They are considered independent of the opinions of others, always come as they consider it necessary.

Horse compatibility with other signs:

  • Horse. For successful life, it is necessary to submit one other. Also possible friendship, if no one can interfere with the partner's life. Business relationships are problematic.
  • Goat. The union can be good, obscure. Also good relationship in friendship. But in business partnership everything will depend on how mutual understanding will be achieved.
  • A monkey. Any kind of relationships are problematic.
  • Cock. Fat relationships can bring suffering and gap. Surface, secular friendship - nothing deep. Business relationships are also impossible.
  • Dog. Union can be long and serious. Friendship can be very strong, it particularly contributes to consent in some issues. A business relationship is also possible, but on equal.
  • Pig. Relationships in all directions are problematic due to the incompatibility of characters.

Compatibility with other signs you can see above.

Born in the year goats (sheep)

Representatives of this sign have good intuition, they are caring and can sacrifice themselves. However, there are too many pessimism in them, which repels people from them. In addition, they are too restless and annoying.

The practicality of the goat is missing at all, but is present in large quantities laziness. It is considered a very frivolous sign, not quite independent.

Goat compatibility with other signs:

  • Goat. This marriage mark is simply great, but there will be a constant issue of money. Completely possible friendships. But the business relationship is better and not start.
  • A monkey. The marriage union of these two characters is practically impossible. But friendly relationships will be quite good. A business relationship is possible, where everyone knows each other's capabilities and uses them to achieve common goals.
  • Cock. Idyll may occur in the marriage alliance if the goat will fully obey the rooster. Friendly and business relationships are practically hopeless.
  • Dog. The marriage union is possible in one case - if the dog completely obey the goat. In another case, it is doomed. Business and friendly relations will not bring success.
  • Pig. Considered one of better options. Happy and durable marriage based on complete spiritual harmony. Friendship and business relationship are also great.

The remaining compatibility is listed above.

Born a year monkey

Those who were born this year, in their character have tricks and ingenuity. Can steal if necessary, pick up what was forgotten by someone. Prefer to live for someone else's account.

The monkey temperament is very stormy, it is cunning, grip, has a logical mindset.

In his warehouse of character - preservatives. Also can be envious and aggressive.

Monkey compatibility with other signs:

  • A monkey. It is considered a good alliance, both in love and friendship. If there is someone the third, then business relationships will be beautiful.
  • Cock. All kinds of relationship are very unprospective.
  • Dog. Also do not have a future relationship between these signs.
  • Pig. The marriage union is doubtful, but friendly and business relationships are quite possible. In the first case, due to sympathy and mutual understanding, in the second, due to the desire of a joint venture.

See other compatibility you can above.

Born in the year rooster

This zodiac sign is quite complex nature. In the nature of the roosters to be enterprising, eager to communicate, be noisy and straight, as well as internal tension and the desire to convince man.

The rooster loves to command, and also strive to power. Very often seeks to increase through active external activities. It has a wonderful intuition that uses for these purposes.

Compatibility of the rooster with other signs:

  • Cock. To live together, they are too the same. Bad ends and business, and friendly relationships.
  • Dog. The marriage union will not bring anything good. Unabled to friendship and business relationship due to personal incompatibility.
  • Pig. The relationship is catastrophic in all directions.

Other compatibility are listed above.

Born in the year of the dog

People born under this sign have many talents. Are considered solid and deep natures. Excellent philosophers and speakers.

This sign can and loves to work, but does not seek to make a career. It will be satisfied with the golden middle.

Dog gifts are not related to business. She will be more suitable to be a politician or artist, possibly a fashion designer or director.

Dogs always bring the matter to the end and make it very high quality. She is very respectful for it.

The material benefits for this sign of the zodiac are not very important. More significant are family relationships, as well as what they think about him.

Dog compatibility with other signs:

  • Dog. Many general makes it impossible to this union for happiness. Friendship can be very strong, but there should be no love relationship in it. Business relationships will not lead to good.
  • Pig. Relationships are possible in the absence of claims for life. Friendly relationships have a depth and devotion. Business relationships are not recommended.

Compatibility with other signs you can see above.

Born in the Year Pig (Kabana)

People of this sign are characteristic of their decency and honesty. They have condescension, generosity and tolerance. Also a sufficient amount of optimism.

Pigs always believe in good, everyone sees good and clean. This is not at all vengeful people.

Reputation is important for representatives of this sign and they caress her. Also show care and sensitivity to needing people.

Pig compatibility with other signs:

  • Pig. The union has every chance of success in case of subordination of one of the partners. Friendship will also have durability in relations and durability. Business relationships are very good. This two signs are considered Fortune pets, so luck will be on their side.

Compatibility with other signs on the Eastern Horoscope are described in becoming higher.

Thus, taking into account the year of birth of your partner, you can build a line of behavior from this. Knowledge of what can be expected from a person will help you avoid some errors in relation to it.

For example, whether he is reliable as a business partner or better to refrain from cooperation with him, how happy love relationships will be able to be with him, and whether there is hope for future relationships, maybe you should just stay friends.

However, from each rule there are exceptions, so consider the factors obtained from the article, but also see what a person is, other factors are also affected for compatibility, in addition to the year of birth.

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