Strong marriages on the signs of the zodiac. Astrology compatibility: the happiest zodiac signs

Starting the conversation about the representatives of which zodiacal signs are most compatible, and, therefore, happy in marriage, it is necessary to make one important reservation.

The fact is that Sinastria (Astrological science industry interpersonal relationship) Definitely believes: the degree of luckyness of each marriage, be he registered or "civil" depends not so much from the signs of the zodiac spouses, how many of them individual horoscopes And their combinations among themselves. In other words, for an unequivocal and complete answer to the question of how much a couple of people is suitable for each other as possible spouses, an astrologer must also be drawn up and analyze the horoscopes of the birth of each of them, and most importantly, by "overlay" to see points and ways of interaction between these people.

In many ways, it is for this reason that people reading popular books and articles about the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, sometimes they are surprised why they are so happy in marriage, although their signs talk about the opposite, well, on the contrary.

Nevertheless, the fact that the compatibility of various representatives of the zodiac according to their signs is indisputable - this is a certain starting point in solving the issue of the prospect of their union and, with a certain circumstance, it can give sufficient grounds for the withdrawal of whether it will be understood by, mediated Or unhappy their marriage.

Now, by understanding the foregoing, I propose to go to the question of the most "recommended" astrology of marriage and love unions on the signs of the zodiac.
These are marriages between people born under signs, the so-called "sextile", here they are:

  • Aries are suitable twins and aquarius,
  • Calves - crayfish and fish,
  • Gemini - Lions and Aries,
  • Cancer - Virgin and Tales,
  • Lions - scales and twins,
  • Devs - Scorpions and Cracks,
  • Weighs - Sagittarius and Lions,
  • Scorpions - Capricorn and Virgin
  • Strels - Aquarius and Scales,
  • Capricorn - Fish and Scorpions,
  • Aquarius - Aries and Sagittarius,
  • Fish - Tales and Capricorn.

All these signs are interconnected by amazing combinations of characters and goals: where they will complement each other, and where they will need to be so similar that it will strengthen the desired effect of interaction to the limit.

By the way, it is very symbolic and clearly demonstrates their compatibility, among other things, and that nuance that among these couples there are combinations of elements or fire-air, or "earth-water". It is not difficult to catch the entire symbolism of such a union: the fire cannot live without air, and the earth does not give rise to life without water. However, this is just one of the moments of compatibility of "sextile" signs.

Now, I suggest contacting the main features, on which each of the above unions is being held.


This pair is distinguished by its warm inner fire, kindergarts and enterprise. In each other, they see the sincerity of feelings and the willingness to go hand in hand at least to the edge of the world. And for others, these two become the embodiment of youth, excitement and restlessness.


This "classic" quiet, absolutely stable married couple, living his own life for the sake of home and children (whom they can have a lot!). The fire of their love is not too born, but he burns slowly, like a candle, fading only after the death of both spouses.


Perhaps - the brightest pair of zodiac. The brilliance of this pair is capable of blinding the surrounding, who seeing them together can only be quietly envied. But the most important thing is that behind the external image is hidden, on the one hand, honest adoration of the twin partner of his "king or princess" and, on the other hand, an understanding of a partner-lion that he will never be able without his cute talkative twins.


This typical pair of home-friendly family mans, rarely appearing in society, and more and more busy with their family affairs, apartment or a country area. Sometimes, they seem to be surrounding petty and overly closed, but in fact they simply do not need them beyond them. By the way, this pair is the best educators in the zodiac.


Also, undoubtedly, very beautiful couple. From them literally blows offering and kindness to the whole world. And usually they are the most desirable guests from their friends and relatives. It is very important that in this pair, the scales managed to find the key to the taming of their egocentric lion, which, in turn, gave such a necessary partner to their partner and confidence in own power.


Couple, sensible perceived life, ready to treat critically, and most importantly adequately perceive the shortcomings of each other, whose mutual correction they, without losing their strength, are engaged in the whole joint life. As a result, over the years, and there is an amazing, loving Union of the devotee and forgetting the jealousy of passionate scorpion.


Once having met, and linking your lives with the bonds of marriage, these people never cease to learn from each other or telling something one. Distinguishing the same, positive perception of the world, they become a reliable support of each other. And most importantly, they open unfamiliar to this desire: the Sagittarius - become more "home" and take care of their delicate scales, and the scales - forgive your own windy Square Excessive freedom, looking to wait for him as much as it takes.


A pair of unparalleled in its inner strength. These guys cost the mountain behind each other and, if some of them were offended, - able to turn into a "terminator" to keep out their half of the trouble, and the main thing to revenge. In general, those people who want to become enemies of this pair will be unhappy. Inside the same family, the world also reigns, since Capricorn extends in a timely manner, transfusions through the edge of the emotions of Scorpio, and he makes the life of his partner significantly more rich in the colors of feelings and carnal pleasures.


This couple is not so easy to catch at home: they are engaged in the implementation of joint ideas somewhere in China, they simply go to the next joint cruise. Their desire for the new and unknown carries them on the waves of living together in one boat. And the mutual desire for freedom makes them with understanding refer to possible incidence of each other, after which both spouses are definitely returning home, with understanding how much the road is to each other.

Capricorn fish

This union of realist with a romantic turns out to be surprisingly harmonious for the reason that the fish makes a serious partner a fairy tale and so necessary to him endless love, Capricorns will give the fishes with a solid material basis, protection and confidence in the future. Sometimes such unions can remind marriages by calculation, but this is not the case, because "behind the eyes" this couple demonstrates childish love. Well, if a female fish will give the heir to her male Capricorn, he will wear her on his hands until the end of his life.


A couple, which is not looking for easy ways, goes to her dear and do not care, they wanted to those who say that their family looks unusual. In this union, besides love there is rare mutual respect, which is an infrequent phenomenon for a couple of individualists. Try to say one of the spouses, something imparting about their partner - you will immediately find out about yourself a lot of "new" (from Aquarius) or get along the face (from Aries).

Fish Tel.

These are spouses, drinking by the beauty of each other, whether it is external or inner. As a rule, the Tales perform in this pair the role of the head of the family and provide its material side, fish take care of the spiritual filling of their marriage. From here and their harmony occurs. By the way, such unions are characteristic of the happy marriages of people of art or avid collectors of any items of antiquity.

Discussion of the article "Astrology compatibility: the happiest unions of zodiac signs"


Good article everything is correct written

04.12.2018 (12:37)


How are Aries and Fish Get

05.09.2018 (13:04)


Scorpio (g) - Capricorn (m): Dark! I do not carry the Capricors (m).

21.08.2018 (10:15)


Scales husband Aries, 12 years old marriage

12.07.2017 (11:26)


I would not say that truth. I never laid with lions. In general, I do not carry their proud character and their excessive pride. Scales and Sagittarius. Of course there was such a union. But, they require quite a lot from the partner, the same and scales are doing. Union, although filled with paints, but bored and rustled. Scales and Aquarius- Here good Soyuz. Both strong and throwing sign can understand each other with the floor of the word. In general, it also depends on the person.

03.02.2017 (23:36)


VTF What ??! A lion? He never had a relationship with lions in my life. This is too for me, I want to note that scales and aquarius on the contrary. And it is interesting that in life I for some reason I meet too many scorpions.

27.12.2016 (13:51)


Brad full

30.11.2016 (22:46)

Sunny Aquarius

It all depends not only on solar signs, but also from the moon, Venus and Mars in the natal map.

25.08.2016 (14:41)


Aries and twins? Are you seriously:? This is the most terrible alliance. I am Aries and never laisted with the twins never. I have a twin father so we don't get rid of it, then we fight it. In general, this is complete nonsense.

17.08.2016 (12:41)


He met with Aries would not say that there is a lot in common, they are interesting, but the Aries are usually used to dominate, and aquatic more freedom-loving and often go around, and many opposites .. But the Sagittarius + Aquarius Yes.
In fact, there are no little facts here: what energy in humans, which annual sign chinese calendarWhich sign was in the moon at the time of birth. And many other facts, sometimes there is no always certain Sagittarius for example, should be similar to Sagittarius.
is it a nonsense, time dividing the ecliptic sector to 12 all people should be divided into 12, by nature?
especially since each person is able to rely on.

To date, Synastral Astrology has become incredibly popular. It defines the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in marriage, studying the location of the sun, stars, the moon and other planets at the time of the birth of both partners. According to astrologers, thanks to such knowledge, you can create a truly harmonious relations, find an approach to any person, build a strong family.

Astrologers advise to study a marriage compatibility horoscope still at the stage of acquaintance with an alleged future spouse. He will definitely help better understand the person who is next to you, to know his strengths and weak sides, Check how much you come to each other.

As a rule, most people note that horoscopes often coincide with reality. And it would be nice to read, and even learn them before committing such an important step in life as marriage. The compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in marriage plays important role In further life together. However, it is not necessary to fully rely on the astrological forecast. It will be better if taking such an important decision in life as a choice of a spouse, you will trust your heart. Even perfect compatibility The signs of the zodiac in marriage does not give us a complete guarantee that such a union will be happy. On the other hand, the most unemployed in terms of compatibility signs of the zodiac can create an ideal family and will demonstrate best compatibility married.

Now consider in more detail ...

Aries (21.03-22.04) - fire sign. These people have rich emotions and increased activity. They are well converging with lions, weights, ramps, twins, in no case are not compatible with Capricorn and fish.

Tales (21.04-21.05) - the sign of the Earth. These people are devoted to the family, their spouse, eternal values \u200b\u200band ideals. An ideal partner for Cancer, Fish, Capricorn, Virgin. There is no mutual understanding with Aquarius, lions and scorpions.

Gemini (21.05-24.06) - air sign. These are windy and reckless people, forever living somewhere behind the clouds. They have nothing to do with Capricorn and crayfish. They feel the greatest attraction feel the signs of their native elements - scales, waterwords, twins. There will be a strong link with lions and calves. But with firing, fish and devows they have no understanding.

Cracks (22.06-20.07) - watermark. These are quiet people of conservative views. The most valuable for them is children. Cancers will be perfect partners for Scorpion, Taurus, Aries and Fish. But the alliance with Capricorn, weights and devies will be unsuccessful.

Lions (23.07-25.08) - less temperamental sign of fire, compared with other representatives of this element. Lions will be excellent half for weights, twins, Sagittarius and Aries, but the connection of Lviv with Aquarius, Tales, is unlikely.

Virgin (24.08-20.09) quite difficult personality, especially men. They will need to learn to make concessions. Virgo will be good with virgin and scorpions, but are incompatible with Aquarius, weights and crayfish.

Scales (09/23-21.10) fully justify their name. Constantly doubt, scrupulously think about everything before making a choice, because they are needed confident fellow travelers for life. Scales are compatible with firing, hairdresses, lions, twins. But the relationship with Capricorn, crayfish and vessels for weights is almost impossible.

Scorpions (24.10-20.11) - extremely excitable, dual and heavy people. Do not remove comments in your side. Two scorpions will be difficult together, will suffer from each other's bites. Scorpions are well laid with devices, fish, Capricorn and crayfish, but it is hardly possible for scorpion marriage with aquatic, oily and lion.

Sagittarius (20.11-24.12) - hot, self-adequate nature, always and in all defending their own opinion. They are ideal for crayfish, ravines, scorpions, lions and water. Hold his partner friend with an excellent sense of humor, which recognizes the freedom of Strellen.

Capricorn (24.12-23.01) - the constancy itself. Because of this, lions will not find mutual understanding with them. Capricorn stands on one step with devices, calves, scorpions and fish. But they will not be able to get in marriage with firing, scales, crayfish and Aries.

Aquarius (21.01-21.02) - Thin, for which they are in the first place they are looking for harmony in the inner ideals of the soul. Not friendly with fish and Capricorn, which are very utilitarian in family life. The impeccable union will be with crayfish, weights, ramps, twins and firing. Deeply controversial union with lions, aquarius, tales and scorpions.

Fish (20.02-21.03) - Very difficult nature. Well combined with signs of their environment, but even the similarity of the signs of one element will not give confidence in the ideal alliance. Fish fit scorpions, calves, lions, cancer and Capricorn. Not compatible with Aries, Fishes, Devs, Sagittarius and Weights.

To date, the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac marriage is an integral action during marriage. Therefore, trust the knowledge of the ancient science of astrology, and forward - to the happy future!

Someone general description The combination of the signs of the zodiac to create a family we described in the article. This is a common popular and for many well-known description of "good" and "bad" combinations.

Consider the same this issue More details, i.e. Let's see how your relationships will be in pairs: after all, from the fact that one or another sign in your future family depends a lot. We ourselves faced the fact that a man and a woman of one sign are different people And the influence of signs on their lives in general and the relationship with others in particular is different.

Below "Look for" a sign of a partner (groom / husband), and "in it" is already your sign and, as they say, "Mot on the Us".

Capricorn (22.12-20.01)

IS HE Capricorn
For Capricorn, 90% of activities occupy mental and emotional experiences in which the body only has to participate. Capricorn appreciates physical pleasure, however, it is eager for something more ....

- Aries. One of the worst unions. It is solved only in young years, after time, partners will be raised each other.
- calf. A good union of two close souls, two people who gradually gain sexuality and complement each other. In their family there will be many children and good wealth.
- Twins. Emotionally scarce and heavy union for both sides. They better stay friends, not bringing to marriage.
- Cancer. Frequently found, but unfavorable union for both sides. In the family, mutual misunderstanding, although there is sexual thrust that remains even after termination of the marriage.
- a lion. Union medium. Everyone pulls "the blanket on itself." If such a marriage takes place, it will last for many years. In general, such a marriage is similar to a long way of poorly blurred cart.
- Virgo. These partners are hard to live together. This is a meaningful union of two business people who are sexually combined with cognitive interest.
- Libra. This is the best alliance for Capricorn and for weights. They are perfectly suitable for each other in the emotional plan. Union is stable and durable.
- Scorpio. Union is heavy, marked by the unbearability of joint existence. Marriage can be stable, but not successful, despite sexual compatibility.
- Sagittarius. Union Although severe but hard. Constant. Sexually partners are well suited to each other. A terrible boredom reigns in the family ..
- Capricorn. Union medium. For marriage, Capricorns are like a savings book, considering this shape of a comfortable life and reliable, albeit not perfect.
- Aquarius. Difficult union. It is more suitable for business cooperation than marriage. It keeps on respect and harvesting each other, especially if concluded in mature years.
- Fish. Union is heavy. In sexual terms, they fit each other, but that's all that binds them. However, underwater flows in their relationships are rarely visible to others.

Aquarius (21.01-20.02)

IS HE Aquarius
People born under the sign of Aquarius, fearless, love risk, ready to defend the most fantastic ideas, are able to transform the current life. This is a sign of constant youth and physical health. It does not hurry before the dangers, difficulties ...

- Aries. Union is quite rare and in general unsuccessful. They quickly bother each other.
The union keeps on the patience of Aquarius (if it really loves) and the sexual activation of the Aries.
- calf. The union is heavy, both signs are opposite. Both would like to divorce, but both delay the gap, soothing itself: "Nothing, it happens and worse."
- Twins. The union is good and falling rarely. They often fall in love with each other at first sight. The marriage is based on friendship and frankness, although it frequent treason.
- Cancer. Union is heavy. They associate them, perhaps, only children, at the birth of which the struggle begins for the right of possessing them. Often a stormy passion reborn into disgust.
- a lion. The union of struggle and clashing forces is perfect, but soon it becomes hard and, if we tear the relationship, then often come back to the family. Children - buffer between them.
- Virgo. One of the worst unions for both partners. Only very developed spiritually people can support friendly intimacy. In the sex of both interested experiments.
- Libra. One of the best unions for Aquarius. The house of such people is peaceful, hospitable, in the family is almost no conflict, the views of similar, well "get off" to each other.
- Scorpio. Heavy, gloomy union. Such an alliance can bring partners to fierce hatred. Sexual relationships also become hostile.
- Sagittarius. Good, open alliance, especially in the first years of living together. However, even if marriage and disintegrated, these people can stay beautiful friends.
- Capricorn. Very rare union. Marriage keeps on respect. It may be long, provided that it is enclosed by an alarm after 30 years. Sexually partners are quite suitable for each other.
- Aquarius. Union is not very good. Disintegrate immediately at the end of the outbreak of feelings. Children cannot save this union, because the contradictions between parents are only increasing.
- Fish. This union may arise on a strong emotional lift and stay on very big love. In sexual terms, fish will suffer more and tolerate.

Fish (21.02-20.03)

IS HE fish
Love comfort and peace. Hidden and sometimes deceptive. Terribly sentimental, excessively concrete. Easily adapt to K. conflict situationswho quickly bring out other women. All heartfood is warmly given to children, their home. Often, the second marriage is happier the first.

- Aries. Union is heavy, fraught with trouble, insults. Only the sexual sphere is united, they are far away. Children are better to raise grandmothers.
- calf. Union is very frequent, cozy and durable. True, chick does not always like the low sexual activity of fish, and it tends to change the fish with a scorpion.
- Twins. Union is unsuccessful. They rapidly bother each other, they begin to sick, seek stronger partners. Children do not hold them. It is possible to reunite after many years when both partners have already managed to change.
- Cancer. Very frequent union. Classic Union. Their house is usually the "full bowl", both carry everything into it. This marriage is a quiet pier. Each in this family dreams of his own and does not interfere with another.
- a lion. Most often it is a fictitious marriage. Lion is needed this marriage and she "holds it", tries. In sex, misunderstanding, ultimately the Union does not bring them great joy.
- Virgo. This union keeps well, in contrast to the opposite. Virgo provides homemadeTo which the fish stretches, and believes that the child needs a father. Union nothing seriously threatens.
- Libra. Heavy alliance of each other people living in different interests. In sex, they quickly bother each other. So live - everyone has their own interests, everyone pulls into their side.
- Scorpio. Union is durable, successful compatibility in all spheres. At least over the years and feel that sometimes bored with each other, but love and constancy take the top.
- Sagittarius. Such unions are rarely successful. Psychological differences prevent them from fully understanding each other. The house is random, but children are always well maintained and attached.
- Capricorn. Union is frequent, but low-handed. In this marriage there are absolutely unlike each other. They are able to live peacefully, humble and suffer without external manifestations of accumulating in the soul. It seems that this marriage is quite respectable and is often placed as an example.
- Aquarius. Union bad. It has no mutual understanding of partners. They are united by the sincerity of feelings and subtle sensations. The marriage is destructively affect both partners.
- Fish. This marriage is fraught with boredom, "swamp" relations, longing and permanent expectation of something more. Spouses are so understandable one that interest.

Aries (21.03-20.04)

IS HE Aries
Its strong, domineering, often outstanding character is manifested in all respects, including in relations with a woman. To achieve its goal is ready to go on any conventions and tricks, creating the problems itself and difficulties where they are not ...

- Aries. Very rare union and keeps, as a rule, shortly, but children can strengthen it. The entry into marriage accompanies the stormy flash of passions, then each "pulls the blanket on itself."
- calf. In this union there is no harmony, such people only suffer each other. Aries discharge, Telchikha - recall.
- Twins. Union is possible under the condition of an atypical Aries (more passive). Marriage is often destroyed in a year, and the initiator of the gap, as a rule, the wife.
- Cancer. Dynamic Aries, aspiring to self-affirmation, is encountered on the deaf wall of countering Rakini with her jealousy and the desire to "bind him" to him. The union can only be held under the condition of nonpipicity and Aries, and cancer.
- a lion. Between them should be harmony, compatibility, shine. But alas. Constantly quarreling, the lioness will still prefer to remain. This union is stable, despite some disharmony. Onsually inferior.
- Virgo. The union is heavy for the Aries, which Virgo seeks to use in his own interests. In their relationship, alienation and coldness occur.
- Libra. Capable to live together, respecting each other, but it is not just "support" and "compatibility", but growth, dynamics of relations. In sexual terms, the scales cause an anxiety Aries.
- Scorpio. Beautiful sexuality union. But at the same time, Aries will always suffer, and Scorpion is resenting his insults on it.
- Sagittarius. Such unions often develop from friendly in sexual, marriage. They understand each other and their union does not "come out", they do not whip in stability and cannot be tired of sex.
- Capricorn. "Found a braid to stone." In sex, this union is complex. And all other areas of life and turmoil are rarely compensated for in this marriage it is sex.
- Aquarius. Such unions are rare, but, as a rule, hold well. Aquarija like honesty Aries. However, the Aries should be "grazing", and the aquail does not know.
- Fish. Rare Union. Aries may not see the subtleties of fish, which is why it suffers. Often, in the end, the fish falls into hysterics and begins to change her husband, and he does not notice her emotions and sees only the hostess at home.

Taurus (21.04-20.05)

IS HE calf
People born under the sign of Taurus, in all know how to find joy. They seem to draw innumerable forces from the ground, possess a healthy instinct and a sense of beauty and harmony ...

- Aries. Union is common, sexy, but continuing. Both are tired of such a union.
- calf. Large similarity of interests. Both are afraid to destroy their nest, both are attached to things, house, spouse.
- Twin. The Union meets often, but partners live in different interests. And although such a union keeps for many years (at the expense of it), it is mutually cool.
-Cancer. Typical and frequently found union. Partners all drag into their nest. Union is durable, with sufficiency. Family - the embodiment of patriarchal comfort.
- a lion. Union is heavy, selfish. They will try to live firmly, but it will be unsuccessful. However, they are sexually compatible.
- Virgo. The union is designed for the Taurus. Over time, the union can be terminated due to the complete mutual cooling of partners, although in general, Virgo is quite satisfied with the Taurus as a wife.
- Libra. There is no complete alienation, but there is no complete understanding. Stay together forcing children common property and respectableness of being. Sexually incompatible.
- Scorpio. Partners are mutually attractive and mutually repelled, there are sharp mutual outbreaks of passions. In their pictures there are little contradictions and it allows them to live together for a long time.
- Sagittarius. Rare Union. There is little understanding between partners. However, there is mutual interest. Most often it is a union friendship or business union, often marriage as needed.
- Capricorn. Sexually compatible. In general, the union is successful. Although for the calf and heavy: Capricorch will be petrolers and infringe upon him in rights.
- Aquarius. In marriage, these are mutually exclusive concepts. The union is very heavy, with incessant endless insults and from the other side.
- Fish. Union is very durable. Strong house. However, the fish is robing the rudeness of the Taurus. The union is strengthened by children, for which the fish may forget about the Taurus.

Gemini (21.05-21.06)

IS HE twin
All life proceeds in the fight. And fate often, as if specifically, puts obstacles to the life path, including his family can cause internal disadvantaged ....

- Aries. Initially, their relationships develop as a rapidly fascinating novel. The marriage begins fine, it is still cooling due to the big difference of interest.
- calf. Such a union can take place. But their attitude to sex is different. The chick need activity, and the twin is not very soul.
- Twins. Very rare union, possible only in the atponality of partners. IN otherwise Union or fictitious or semi-imaging.
- Cancer. Despite the seeming unthinkability of the Union, this marriage is very typical. He keeps on constant deception and self-deception. This is the union of very different souls.
- a lion. Such a union is designed for twins. In such a union, there is sexual attraction, and it is strengthened over the years, although they are friction at first due to the reproaches of the lioness.
- Virgo. One of the very bad unions. In relations between people of these signs, there are not enough emotions, and both begin to reach more sensory partners than themselves.
- Libra. Union is typical, successful. He bowed in front of her, she is for him - the standard of women. The trunk period is quite lengthy. Sexual compatibility is good, and twin adventures will not affect his relationship to the family, home and wife.
- Scorpio. The union is heavy and sometimes quite rare. This union will only hold on sex.
- Sagittarius. Unthinkable, stupid union. At such a marriage are adventurers (this happens often) or people of very high spiritual development (extremely rare). Such a marriage is usually consigned in adulthood
- Capricorn. Rare marriage. These partners live in different worlds and are very annoying each other. If such a union still takes place, then it will make everything that wants.
- Aquarius. Union is good and reliable. This is a marriage friendship, they have a lot of common interests. However, he will have to tame his desires (adherence) - it will not forgive her. The Union contributes to mutual spiritual growth.
- Fish. Union is heavy. There are few partners in common. But many deep contradictions. It is difficult for them to understand each other. They are better to stay lovers.

Cancer (22.06-22.07)

IS HE cancer
Mature does not promise big happiness. There may be repeated marriages. Relatives will always be useful, although sometimes there are quarrels, discords with brothers, sisters ...

- Aries. Although partners are gorgeous as lovers, but for the Suspendency of the Union is heavy. The marriage will fall apart from the sharpness of the sheep. In such a marriage, children suffer.
- calf. A good union for cancer, which found a "fairy animal" and can dump all the concerns and start walking. By inertia, marriage is kept for many years, but even then can fall apart.
- Twins. The union is medium, but maybe sometimes and long. As lovers, partners are more suitable for each other, there are always novelty and freshness in their relationship.
- Cancer. One of the rare unions, for two cancers in the same house get along with great difficulty. Cancer understands Rakinny from the first word, and he is not interested with her.
- a lion. Such a union is found quite a half. She takes cancer into spouses withintensive and deftly. Marriage keeps for many years, externally respectable and successful. However, on the soul of cancer is constant anxiety, and if the case he crashes into his hole.
- Virgo. Such a union is possible and keeps long, despite friction between partners. She tries, he - Mastit. However, outwardly everything is defilmed. The union keeps firmly if a lot of joint savings.
- Libra. Heavy, but quite possible union. Their love relationship is great. However, for her in the first place - the ability of a man to behave in society and his representativeness, and he cannot .. and he rejects him as a spouse.
- Scorpio. Love relationship Excellent, but the cancer is tired of them. He is afraid of her (a lot of sex), but only she sees a man in it, and he is grateful for it. However, it is difficult to live under one roof, uncomfortable, in the house a constant hard atmosphere.
- Sagittarius. Union is heavy. She will suppress him. He will suffer for a long time, but then it will go alright and eventually will remain with the "broken trough."
- Capricorn. The Union is impossible during the maturity of partners. Marriage in young couples is fascinated. Over the years, the spouses comes to understand that they are different people and live in "different planes."
- Aquarius. Union is more love than married, although it can exist for many years. For her, the union is less successful: she understands that the cancer all poured on her. Both children treat well and raise them in a free spirit.
- Fish. There is a lot of common between them. In sexual terms, they are created for each other, although there is no relation in relationships. Purely sexual alliance collapses quickly, but marriage relationships convince that they do not find a better partner.

Lion (07/23-23.08)

IS HE a lion
Among the lions, almost no bachelor, and the old maids are always passionate and in love. But due to excessive pride, they happen unsuccessful marriages ...

- Aries. Successful Union. These people understand each other. Their marriage is possible, even in mature years. Excessive emotionality often develops into scandals, but it is not scary.
- calf. Union is heavy for both. But if he is concluded, both will endure each other for a long time. Even permanent quarrels cannot spill such a marriage.
- Twins. One of the most successful unions. The heart and mind joined here. They live in different areasBut between them there is contact and mutual understanding. In sexual terms, such a union is satisfied with both. Relationships are always bright, with a shade of novelty.
- Cancer. Union is heavy for lion. Real Lion It rarely enthusiasm her, but if it happened, he disappeared: he was not enough in sex, she is good. The more he suits her, the more she plays on his nerves.
- a lion. Such a union is often. It meets bright souls. This is the union of two loving, living in interest and one strong feelings, which will remain very long. Everything is wonderful in sex for many years.
- Virgo. Initially, the relationship is perfectly. Later, the Union is collapsed or begins to remind something like "communal cuisine" with eternal scandals, disassembly. They are already nursing together, although in sex it completely suits her.
- Libra. This marriage union on statistics has the lowest percentage of divorces. Interesting to each other arises from the very first meeting. A joint life is full of joy and happiness, spiritual warmth and understanding. He is a minider, she is delight.
- Scorpio. Sexuality of the Union is very attractive for both. Marriage heavy. Everyone will live their lives, angry and recall the insults.
- Sagittarius. Union active and business. At the first stage of life impress perfect coupleBut subsequently she will be in a burden. In sex, they fully arrange each other.
- Capricorn. As a rule, it is a gloomy and heavy union. She suffers for a long time, while he loves, but then, when he stops noticeing her, takes away all his offenses. Sexually cold to each other. The basis of marriage is intellectual understanding.
- Aquarius. Union is interesting and often found. They are good together. Despite his self and its independence, this amazingly controversial union lasts long, divorces are rare for him.
- Fish. Walking (according to her permit) lion completely trusts the fish (and in vain). Her at least sometimes wounds his rudeness, but, nevertheless, the union is sometimes held for a long time and firmly.

Virgo (24.08-23.09)

IS HE Virgo
Many, born under this sign, remain bachelors and old devies, but some marry and in the second, and the third time ..

- Aries. Union, whose heavier is difficult to imagine. It may be subject to the atponality of partners. Such marriage lies with young events: the marriage lasts for a long time and collapses on its initiative, remembers the husband with monstrous disgust.
- calf. Two close natures converge in this union. It will be dissatisfied with sex, but will hide it. Her resentment will be copied, but this marriage is unlikely to destroy.
- Twins. The union is inconceivable and happens most often as an experiment in very young people. As marriage such an alliance is possible, subject to the complete atpicness of the signs.
- Cancer. The union is possible, rather steady and durable, despite the fact that it gets tired of its morals. The marriage keeps on the mystery and "game of hide and seek". He will help her in housekeeping.
- a lion. Union, possible only for aging lioness. In the Union between them a lot of conflicts and disagreements. Sexually, they are not suitable for each other.
- Virgo. Beautiful Union. This is one of the few signs whose representatives find each other and perfectly get along. This is the Commonwealth of Souls. They live with alone concerns, even thinking equally.
- Libra. Union medium. He likes she, she hoped to remake him. Both felt harmony in a sexual sense, and this is for a strong marriage an important circumstance.
- Scorpio. Good union and good marriage. She is the only woman suitable for him. She will be able to keep him without making any effort.
- Sagittarius. The marriage union is unsuccessful. The marriage falls apart because its inaccessible needs and activity meet his stubborn resistance. As a result, she ruthlessly throws him and children will not hold.
- Capricorn. Union is strange, boring, but often occurring, rarely disintegrates. Each partner looks in his direction, everyone has their own life. However, it suits them, because he and her calmly. Life in such a family is empty, but unprotected.
- Aquarius. Such marriages, fortunately, are very rare. And it is better if these signs did not associate their destinies at all. Marriage is doomed and, as a rule, disintegrates.
- Fish. The hardest for the Virgin Union. It is possible only at a high spiritual level - as an attraction to the fact that the Virgin lacks. Often mutual irritation. The only thing that can keep from the divorce is taking care of children.

Scales (09/24-23.10)

IS HE Libra
The character is as it were made up of equal parts of kindness, tenderness, justice, logic, sometimes stubbornness, reluctance to capitulate ...

- Aries. Union is quite frequent, but not very good because of the antagonism of signs. With a high level of the spiritual organization of partners, such an alliance is held for many years, with low - the incompatibility of interests quickly appears. And yet, for a man, weights are one of the most successful unions.
- calf. This union is much better than the opposite. In sexual terms, these people can create an interesting and diverse life to each other. The union will keep at the expense of mutual desire to preserve the world, peace, comfort.
- Twins. Union is favorable, but somewhat worse than the opposite. This union connects two related souls, and their love-friendship has been saved on the same note for many years. Sexuality is also favorable.
- Cancer. The union is heavy, replete with large internal disagreements. He is too balanced for it, and she for him is too liv.
- a lion. Union is good, but somewhat worse than the opposite. The union is very good sexual terms. If they break up, the friendly location will continue for many years.
- Virgo. Union is heavy for weights, although in the house it seems to be cozy, beautiful, elegant. But this is only an external expression of shine and respectability: it is too small for him, he is too nervous, hence the eternal quarrels.
- Libra. Union is complex. They understand each other too well, they receive only what they give, do not have support, in sex - cold. After the divorce - friends.
- Scorpio. Union is heavy, with protracted conflicts, disagreements. In the house, constant swelling, quarrels, disputes. He wants romance, and enjoy only sex. Marriage lasts until it is not breaking sharply.
- Sagittarius. Union is not bad, reliable, perhaps for life, but far from ideal. Sexual relationships are close. It is enhanced by a strong intelligent attraction, they are interested in each other.
- Capricorn. Union is heavy, especially for weights. These two signs are hard to understand each other and in sex they do not understand each other. Under one roof there are "two solitude".
- Aquarius. One of the best unions for scales. Partners well understand each other, appreciate freedom. "Friendship, equality. Marriage is based on common interests. The tone in it sets more dynamic. Such marriages disintegrate very rarely. Love, peace, mutual understanding, as well as sexual satisfaction reigns in this union.
- Fish. Union Although it is possible, but bad. There is no sincere love between partners, friendship is possible, they have long retain mutual respect. But this is only an episode in the life of each of the partners, they do not receive satisfaction from such a marriage.

Scorpio (24.10-22.11)

IS HE Scorpio
This is a rare type of a man who can kut in the company, laugh at rude male jokes from the heart, and in a minute turn into a gentle lover for his chosen ...

- Aries. The union is heavy for both, it is better to be lovers. She falls in love with him at first glance and he is in love, but he is a boa, she is a rabbit, as a result, full exhaustion and nervous disorders of his wife, unconditional submission to her husband
- calf. This union is more common than the opposite and, despite the complexity of such a marriage, the partners experience a huge physical attraction. He likes her home intercom and business, children are always well maintained, cheerful, are well brought up.
- Twins. Intense love union and even more intense marriage. The beginning is very pleasant, but soon she understands "she fell into whose paws." The collapse and mess reign in the house. She can become frigid and fully lose their sexuality, for she doesn't need such a partner as Scorpio.
- Cancer. Union in which sexual compatibility is almost perfect. Egoistic Scorpio will always know how to take advantage of its weak places. She, in turn, will be afraid of scorpion. In such a marriage, the spouses quietly and for a long time they gnaw each other.
- a lion. Union of almost ideal sexual compatibility between partners. Relationships are long and durable. The lioness in front of the scorpion leaves. He acts on it magnetically, but the opportunity will appear - it will take another.
- Virgo. Union is good. Virgo is a wonderful mistress and mother, very worried, takes on all the concerns, it is in a buzz, but sometimes he likes to say anything, from which her eyes will long be red from tears. But it happens infrequently, but, mostly, this union is prosperous and durable.
- Libra. He is tied to her. But in sexual terms between them, there is little in common, and the marriage gradually becomes for both the only punishment. She quickly bored "Black humor" of a partner and his self-suicide nature. He will not receive the desired coziness and rest in the house.
- Scorpio. Good union, it is necessary only to scorpions different typesto live in the world. In general, if they "will not eat" each other, they will live in the "normal" voltage. Oddly enough, but the more scorpions walk on the side, the stronger their marriage becomes.
- Sagittarius. This is the case when two different people complement each other. However, sometimes it happens that the breakdown occurs in the relationship. And then she seeks to leave somewhere in the distance, and he starts a secret connection.
- Capricorn. Optimal for Scorpio Union. In such a marriage, people with a steady psyche come, and on mature reflection. The union keeps on mutual respect and compromise. She will acquire peace and confidence in this marriage.
- Aquarius. This union is quite common. Although he is hard and small for both. From the side of such a marriage seems to be reckless, and their friends constantly say it to the wedding. But in vain. Their first pulls to each other uncontrollably, then conflicts, violent reconciliation and new. Both are tired, it breaks up, sharply and even grossly tears with him. Marriage breaks down his fault.
- Fish. For him, the union is good in all respects. He thoroughly hunting her by virtue of a huge physical attraction. Their sexual compatibility is preserved forever. For her, this union is dangerous because it focuses on her like a vampire. And, nevertheless, they can form a very good union. She is a wonderful mother, deft, skillful mistress. He makes everything you need in the house. And although small trouble pursue them, but the house will be reigned, a good atmosphere. After all, love is so different.

Sagittarius (23.11-21.12)

IS HE Sagittarius
In love goes across, not embarrassed by anything. Feelings are flared quickly. Drinking, loses his head, forgets everything ...

- Aries. Union is durable. A wonderful friendship is possible between partners, which, however, often goes into love because of the sexual attractiveness of these signs. Love will be a link that fastens the union.
- calf. Rare Union. It is difficult to imagine that she tolerate him: one day will explode and break the connection. However, in adulthood, he can beat his head with a young chick, while she is sweet, charming and stretches to partners older than themselves. But the charm is quite quickly running. And if only the Sagittarius changes the lifestyle, his life with a taurus can take place. Otherwise, the break is inevitable.
- Twins. Romantic cohabitation in which idealists find each other. She sees to him bright and interesting, he is serious and positive. In sexual terms they never get tired of each other, their duality is mutually bated.
- Cancer. Union is not bad. She attracts it soft, spoil. However, she will have lovers on the side and, nevertheless, cling to the Sagittarius. Sagittarius will also deceive it. On mutual deception, this marriage can be held for many years, but then he will still fall apart, unless it is to strengthen the community of mutual interests, mercantyl bonds, business relationships.
- a lion. Union with good psychological compatibility of partners. But more often are happy lovers than spouses. Sagittarius and lioness are emotionally similar and they are easy to be together. Married each other respected.
- Virgo. Major Union for Sagittarius. Virgo wants "the husband knew his place," performed homework. For Sagittarius, the house is not so significant as for the Virgin. Sexual relations are bad, partners quickly bored each other.
- Libra. A good lubricency in which his dream of a harmonious woman is fulfilled, but he will be boring. However, the spouses can give way to each other, their marriage is characterized by harmony, balance, there is no hysterical and explosion of passion.
- Scorpio. Union that does not bring anything good, because partners cannot find a common language. They will remain disappointed in each other, the union is short-lived. Peaceful Relations at first turn them into jubilant enemies. And that is especially unpleasant, mother Scorpio, as a rule, adjusts children against the father. But the Sagittarius Father's feelings are very weak. For him, a woman is important.
- Sagittarius. A good union of two avid hunters. Everyone sees a partner through. The marriage is on mature reflection and often by calculation. Love in it a lot, but there are mutual respect, and understanding. In addition, the novels on the side and her husband, and the wife does not hurt them so much. If the husband can create material well-being For her, the marriage can hold for many years, otherwise, or a husband, or a wife, finding a more suitable partner, not paying attention to feelings and bitterness with whom some part of life live, without looking back, leave forever.
- Capricorn. Union is not bad, there may be great love between partners, although they are different people and usually change each other (she is in retaliation). In a collaboration, he loses, for she subordinates him, without leaving him exclusively from a sense of duty.
- Aquarius. Perspective, noble alliance. Keeps the novelty of relationships. Partners are very suitable for each other by emotional heat. Sexuality of the Union is not very successful. She does not need such an active partner. His assertion is annoying it. It is frightened out of the whole showing. The Sagittarius is aimed at the show, on an external impression.
- Fish. Union is small, heavy, rare. At first, he will seem to her the best, most magnificent, and only later it will amaze his powerfulness. He is not able to understand the overflow of her soul. They live in different and

Universal dates for starters family relationships does not exist. Although scientists and persistently try to bring this formula. All women are inherent fortunewriting and analysts regarding their own destiny. Remember how in childhood with girlfriends juggled numbers: "I will marry at 18 years old!" "And I am in 118!" Is something changed now? The state of real "readiness" is influenced by hundreds of factors: from the most obvious (partner, financial situation) to ... Zodiac sign! Character features that are inherent in different representatives can give excellent tip. Take at least you, Capricorn. You are so good and responsible, which is happily and easily married very young.

Important! In astrology there is a theory that a person is not desirable to marry up to 29 years. Such is the full cycle of the movement of Saturn, responsible for building our personality. The return of the planet after 29-30 years determines the beginning of the new phase, which is worth using to implement itself and create a family. In essence, you have time to 58 years.


You can't call the patient representatives of this sign. Any expectation is annoying. Aries are forever hurry, so instantly make decisions, seeking to quickly satisfy your own whims. As they say, "live the moment." Usually they get married early, just a few months after the start of the relationship. Stars strongly recommend: "Turn!" Thoughtfully answer the question: does such a marriage and comfort will bring such a marriage in the long run? Perhaps now you are managed by a momentary passion.


In contrast with impulsive and impatient auto, the calf looks more stable and the slow partner. In the entire horoscopic circle, representatives of this particular sign are stronger than others believe in love before the coffin and are ready to note with the spouse a diamond wedding. To find the narrowed, suitable for their criteria, calves are ready: a) often change, "sort out" men; b) not to hurry and wait for suggestions as much as you need. The best age for a serious relationship is intuitive. But usually it happens +/- in 30 years.


The peculiarity of the twins - they know how to immortalize the partner, but even better they have to love and adore themselves in relations themselves. They despise boredom. And if you are paired with a person who cannot satisfy all their numerous emotional needs - it becomes a disaster for two. Gemini will not instantly break the union, but they can get into themselves, immersed in work or creativity. For this reason, they are either married several times, or do it after 36 years, when they decide to coach and lead a more settling lifestyle.

Cracks idealize the idea of \u200b\u200bmarriage, so you dream about early marriage. Why not? Do it! - Advanced astrologists. But this traction for traditional family values \u200b\u200band safe life, "like in a shell", can manifest itself in another status: cancer it is very difficult to leave the parent house, which significantly slows down the creation of its own cozy focus. Therefore, the advice from astrologers: try to live separately. Even with such a situation, no one cancels the care of relatives and warm communication with them. And the wedding will play in 23-25!

If the royal turns with Lvom, he quickly comes to thoughts on official relations. These passionate lovers are also one of the most reliable spouses who seriously intend to live together with the chosen one "long and happily". On the other hand, finding a person who would answer the highest standards and requirements of the lion, not so simple. This means that they are most often married, late: "On the stars" - in 38-41.


One of the bright damns of the Virgin is working ethics. Therefore, in most cases, they will rather prefer to focus on career ambitions and push personal life into the background. It is absolutely normal! Interestingly, at the same time a partner suitable for serious intentions, Virgin meets in a very young age. Therefore, their marriage depends largely on whether the second half will wait until you "sign all contracts"? An excellent moment to bore the Union - 21-24 years and 27-29 years.


Born under the sign of the scales impresses the idea itself to marry with the mark "20+", even if they are not fully confident in their own choice. So who needs it? Do not hurry! Pretty all "weighing"! You hardly know yourself, not to mention the roommate. Therefore, the divorce in the case of young scales (those who played the wedding in 19-22) is often inevitable. Successful and truly happy becomes the second, and then the third registered union.


The main emotional extremal zodiacal dozen. It is actively and passionately "turns on" into relationships, and then in the same way as if by clicking the fingers, "turns off", losing even the minimum interest in the lover. The global reason is the problem of confidence, which makes it difficult for scorpions. The result is several short-term marriages. But if you look at this line at a different angle, it turns out that to build healthy relations Scorpions are capable at any age.


One of the most freedom-loving signs. It is not by chance that Sagittarov is called "zodiac wanderers." In addition, such people tend to postpone the adoption of serious decisions for an indefinite period. For this reason, such women usually come out late - at 35 years and older. At this age, they are ready to fully focus on their love. But if there is a partner next to them, which shares their goals, is ready to conduct a nomadic lifestyle, to break off and travel a lot - the idyllic alliance may develop before.


Capricorn, as a rule, marry up to 25 years old and early become their parents. And all thanks to valuable ability to easily take responsibility and plan time. It is important for them that those surrounding admire their family. In addition, the most comfortable capping feels at home, and their devotion to the family helps to overcome any obstacles. Another reason for an early marriage: Having built a reliable foundation, these workaholics are entirely devoted to their career, do not distract themselves to the realization in personal life. But if the natural workshop "captures" them in his youth, then the cherished "yes, I agree!" They will be pronounced only for 40 years.


Like Sagittarius, Aquarius craves freedoms. This is one of those signs that can never play a wedding and at the same time be absolutely happy. They like to feel unique and original, so in any respect, openly and without bumps, they will put themselves in the first place. It is not wonderful that if aquarius and are decided to marry - then usually in 40-45 years. At the same time, they are acutely feeling safety. And if they do not find due support from parents and friends, looking for patronage in marriage.


Pisces have a phenomenal inner world. And although this is a wonderful feature of the person, the eternal "flyers in the clouds", fantasies and dreaminess on the personal front can complicate everything. If you do not find a person who fully approves your tendency to creative oblivion and will not push, then it will be a connection for life. It seems that the search for a relative soul will take a fairly long time, but in fact, this sacral choice is usually going in youth when the feelings overshadow the mind. If you want advice, it is best to marry up to 27 years. Intuition will not let you down!

Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage. Full list For all signs of the zodiac.
Learn how much you come to each other by the sign of the zodiac. Each woman dreams of finding such a man with whom it would be possible to create a solid and happy family. And sometimes it seems to us that here it is, the chosen one who was waiting for all his life, but in time we understand what was mistaken.

Compatibility of zodiac signs.

It is not necessary to part with a man if he does not fit on the horoscope. It is enough just to find out what kind of marriage with this man may have problems, and be ready for them.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage by year - Great thing! With the right approach, it helps to bypass many sharp corners in the relationship. We want this? Of course! So let's ask the stars as you behave with my spouse - a representative of this or that sign of the zodiac. So…

Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage.

1. Woman Aries

With a man-autumn, she strives for dominance, which will create tension. For a normal marriage, his wife should be compliant. Marriage with a man-taurus is also complicated - Taurus Pragmatic, and it annoys.

A union can be very good with twins. Both tirelessness are inquisitive, active and capable of complementing each other. Communication with a man-cancer promises the initially powerful sexual attraction, and then - quarrels due to the smallest detail. Regular storms can lead to the collapse of the Union.

With my husband, Lv's marriage will become prosperous if you constantly praise his sexuality and potency.

Spouse-Virgo - also a very suitable party. It is only necessary to forgive him the restraint and inability to behave too relaxed. But with the weights, with their inclination to idealize everything, it will be quite difficult to get along, - the ideal of her husband will have to fit.

Spouse Scorpio is so independent that if he does not provide freedom, it can lead to serious disagreements.

The Union of Aries-Sagittarius promises to be quite good if you treat conflicts with humor. Aries with Capricorn will also catch a lot, it is worthwhile to awaken in their restrained husband a strong libido.

You need to be very tactful with my husband, and then the connection with him will be great. The Union of Aries - Fish is extremely successful in all respects;

2. Woman Taurus

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. The Russian Taurus is successful only when the wife does not cool the enthusiasm of her husband and forgives him rare treason. Taurus's tie with Taurus ambiguous - Men-Taurus loves to do with women.

If the wife does not give this importance, the connection will become strong and pleasant. With a twin husband, marriage is folded.

The twins are dual and changeable, and the Taurus prone to constant is difficult to adapt all the time under their half. With cancer, the Taurus may be a prosperous marriage if the physical side will satisfy both.

Musha Lion's wife-tolets will have to constantly cheat. Otherwise, the marriage will quickly fall apart. With a male-Virgin special problems will not arise, if you do not pay attention to the Puritanism of the spouse. Good marriage and spouse-scales that will try to satisfy his wife in everything.

With husband-scorpion, the connection promises to be violent, and it will be needed for it. Male-Sagittarius is a good option for the Union, if you do not try to put it on a short leash. With her husband-Capricorn, marriage is unresolved, but stable under the condition that the calf curls his stubbornness.

Life with a man-aquatic is problematic due to the difference in temperaments. With the husband, the fish will be difficult to cope if it is not tactfully helping him in the embodiment of fantasies;

3. Twin Woman

Good perspectives at the Union of twins with a fan. They are not bored together. But with a man-taurus, almost complete incompatibility in everything. Tales - jealous owners. They will limit the freedom of the twins that will not be injured.

Communication of twins with twins is unstable due to the impulsivity of both. The connection of twins with cancer is not very successful.

Cancer trusting and will perceive the twin seriously. It is worth it to understand that the twin plays, and the marriage will fall apart. But the marriage of twins with a male-lion is just the perfect option! The Lion husband will respond to all the rests of his wife with admiration and will not let her do in anything.

Gemini with the Virgin is unlikely to create a happy union. Men-virgin are not adventure and tend to criticize the unpredictability of twins. With my husband - the scales marriage promises to be very happy. Both spouses are not jealous, not owners, both have appropriate temperaments and love to experiment.

But with jealous scorpion, twins will have to be tight. Passion will cool quickly, and relationships can become hostile.

With a husband, the marriage marriage is not bad if the spouses do not prevent overgrowth requirements. With Capricorn, creating a strong alliance is not easy if you do not take into account its conservatism.

With the husband, aquatic twin will be good. The main feature of his character is the unpredictability of fantasies that twins love so much. But with a male fish, the relationship is unstable due to the atmosphere of suspicion and distrust;

4. Cancer Cancer

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. With a man-autumn Communication complicated. Cancer - owner, Aries loves freedom and adventure. Cancer jealousy can destroy marriage. With the Taurus, the marriage is successful - the Taurus is able to understand the mood of cancer and smooth out the problems arising because of him.

With a twin husband, a good union is possible if Cancer can curb his jealousy. Spouse-cancer is too similar to his wife. The marriage is unlikely to be happy if the partners do not become more friendly.

Cancer and Lion - Communication is successful, provided that the lion will dominate, and cancer is constantly admired. A good marriage of cancer and a virgin, perfectly understanding and complementing each other. With the weights of the cancer, it is difficult to focus due to inconstancy of scales. Union will be risky. But Scorpio is able to make his wife happy with his passionism and the need to protect.

Communication with Sagittarius may be stable if they allow him to satisfy his wishes of the wanders. With Capricorn Cancer Find a common language is difficult, - Capricorn has too many alien cancer of interests. Union will be unstable.

Aquarius is too fussy, prone to adventure and little comply with the needs of cancer. Good partnership to create difficult to create. Cancer and fish - the union is beautiful. They great fit each other in everything;

5. Woman Lion

Lero is very suitable for the marriage of Aries - he has the same eccentric and passionate nature. But the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in marriage Leo Taurus is doubtful because both too stubborn. With twins, the lion will be excellent relationships, if the twins are cared and allow lion to dominate in the Union.

The forecast of the lion's communication with cancer is favorable when the cancer loves Lion very much and worships him. The man-lion is able to make his lioness happy. They both are extremely romantic and swap. With her husband, the Virgin Lero will have to be shattered.

Virgin conservatives and they do not like the royal authority and extravagancy of Lviv.

With the weights of the lions can perfectly blame if they learn to control their mood and admire with their partner. With scorpion will be not easy due to the tendency of scorpion to proper quality. Emergency husband is an excellent option for lion. He is devoted and able to inspire his wife.

Practical Capricorn will be a good batch only under the condition that the lion will give way to some of its requirements and will become less extravagant. Marriage of Aquarius and Leo is generally undesirable.

Analyst Aquarius undermines the confidence of a lion in its own power. Unfortunate lion with fish. They simply do not understand each other;

6. Woman Virgo

Aries - an inappropriate party due to the difference in the interests of temperaments. You will be happy with Taurus Virgo, since in almost all areas of life they are fully compatible.

With the twins, the Union is successful only in a stable question. In the rest of the freedom-loving twins annoy the masses. The magnificent will be the connection of the Virgin with Cancer. Virgo wants to patronize, cancer is inclined to dependence.

With Lev Virgo, hardly comes to mutual understanding. Virgo Pragmatic, and Lev Expansive and does not make critics. With a Men-Virgin Union is possible, but it is unlikely to be bright and joyful due to the restraint of both.

With weights, the connection is not easy. With allowing frequentness of the scales and is intolerable to this, the virgin is not enough. With a scorpion husband, the Union will be prosperous if Deva will allow him to wake his sexuality.

Sagittarius for the Virgin - a notable candidate for husbands. He will not make the calculation of the Virgin and in life, and in sex. The marriage of Virgin and Capricorn will be strong and successful. They both practical, restrained and have many points of contact. With aquiet, Virgin is better not to contact.

Virgo - Puritanka, Aquarius - Sadrod. With fishes, the Union is also complicated - Deva in love is kept, and for fish love - the main thing in life;

7. Woman scales

With autonomy tense. Aries tireless, and the scales are eager for peace. With the Taurus, marriage is unlikely to be successful. Scales are romantic, Taurus owner and materialist. With twins, partnership is perfect. Both are passionate, romantic and freedom-loving.

Marriage with cancer is complicated. Scales are impulsive and non-permanent, cancer pragmatic and econthomen.

With Lvom, the union is warm if the scales are inferior to the powerful lion. Mercantyl dictators of the Virgin are unlikely to make a happy wife-scales. With her husband-scales, she wonders well if both are more practical about life.

Leaders scorpions for weights are too jealous. Communication can be stormy, passionate, but explosive. With Square, the scales are happy if it is forgiving his desire for independence.

The Alliance with the spouse-Capricorn spouse, because the Capricorn workahol is annoying the laziness of the scales, and the scales do not endure the practicality of Capricorn. Union with water is successful.

Aquarius perfectly complements his wife and in everyday life, and in bed. It will not need to live with fish weights. None of them wants to take responsibility for the family on themselves;

8. Scorpio Woman

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With an oily relationship uneven due to selfishness and ambitiousness of both. With the Taurus of Scorpion can only combine bed. Otherwise, they are unlikely to come to mutual understanding.

Twin for scorpion - constant voltage. Twins are too changeable, scorpions are persistent and stubborn. Wonderful union they can create cancer. With it - almost complete compatibility and in the Snsual relationship, and in characters.

With Lv's scorpion, it is better not to contact. They are both very quick-tempered, and constant scandals are inevitable. With the Virgin Scorpions threatens incompatibility in the sexual sphere. If not, the Union will succeed.

Folded scorpion marriage with weights. Scales of lazy and sensitive, scorpion actors and jealous. Unfortunately and scorpion union and scorpion due to almost complete similarity of heavy characters.

Scorpio and Sagittarius also leaves much to be desired. Sagittarius is too freedom, Scorpio - the owner. With Capricorn, Scorpio will easily find a common language, and the marriage will be harmonious.

With a water union fail. Scorpio will not be able to adopt its sociability and impracticality. Good scorpion marriage with fish. They will be happy to obey Scorpio;

9. Sagittarius woman

With having a lot of common interests with him. Marriage will be excellent. With Taurus for good relationships It will be necessary for self-discipline. Taurus is a practical Domosted, Sagittarius.

Twins are too mobile and unpredictable. Serious relationship is problematic. Unfortunately and a union of scorpion with cancer. Cancer loves stability and safety, the Sagittarius adventure and craves adventures.

Lion for Sagittarius - perfect partner. They have a lot in common, which allows you to perfectly understand each other.

With the virgin connection is continuing. Pedantic Virns do not endure the recklessness of Streltsov. But the husband's husband's practicality is suitable and even liked.

Union with weights are promising and will become long and happy. Scorpions wife-Sagittarius will be annoying with its independence all the time.

Marriage between them is not easy. Communication Sagittarius - Sagittarius is unpredictable due to the similarity of natur. The Sagittar Union with Capricorn is unreliable. Sagittarius impulsive and undisposed, Capricorn is careful and attached.

Sagittarius with Aquarius will perfectly understand each other, as they have similar characters. Good family Sagittarius with fish is doubtful. Fish are inactive and shy, Sagittarius are energetic and sociable;

10. Capricorn Woman

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With another, she will compete in everything. The marriage will be successful if both the battles like.

With Taurus Relationships with Tell Fine because of the similarity life values. Gemini and Capricorn - opposites.

The Union is unlikely to last long. Capricorn's connection with cancer can be also a briefly - they are too different. Lion for Capricorn is also an unimportant partner. Both are too independent.

A strong union will succeed in Capricorn with the Virgin. Both are conservative, dependent, practical and neat. With weights, the connection is not easy.

Scales are selfish and are not able to satisfy the needs of the Capricors. Capricorn and Scorpio marriage are successful. Capricorn is able to adopt the tendency of scorpion to domination.

A union with Sagittarius is complicated due to the conservatism of Capricorn and the extravagance of Sagittarius. Capricorn connection with Capricorn is satisfactory. Both hardworking and economical.

With an alarm, the marriage is successful if friendly relationships are installed between the spouses. Capricorn's bond with gorgeous fish. They perfectly complement each other;

11. Woman Aquarius

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With another, if it becomes the leader, the Union is excellent. With the Taurus in Aquarius, constant clashes are both uncompromising and have a strong will. Marriage Aquarius with twins is promising and successful.

Gemini willingly succumb to Waterwords and share their interests. Union with cancer is problematic due to the excessive emotionality of cancer. With the lion relationship complex.

Lion is more interested in physical side, Aquarius is spiritual. With a virgin good marriage is possible only if there are common interests.

With the weights, the connection will be happy. Aquarius and scales have similar aspirations. Scorpio marriage is undesirable. He is very jealous and can become aggressive, with which it is difficult to put up with an alarm.

Beautiful partnership in Aquarius with Square. Both are not jealous, love to fantasize and be in society.

With Capricorn Union contradictory. Capricorn is the owner, it is difficult for him to make society society. Reliable will be a marriage of Aquarius with water - they have a lot of common interests. With fishes in Aquarius, communication is continuing due to the difference in order;

12. Fish woman

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With a happy happy, if it does not attach the values \u200b\u200bof its sharpness. With the Taurus, the marriage is successful when he pays his wife a lot of attention. Fish and twins will walk away if both are less egocentric.

Fish and cancer when the role of cancer - good couple. The union of fish and lion will be difficult. Fish is hidden and sentimental, which annoys the unrestrained lion.

The relationship of fish and the virgin is not easy. Virgin is practical and picky that wounds overly sensitive fish.

Not too favorable union of fish with weights. Fishes are needed leading, the scales are not like to be leaders. In this respect, the fish will satisfy scorpions. They love to dominate the family.

Union with Sagittarius is undesirable. Slispid fish burden an independent and active shooter. With strong and power Capricorn fish will feel protected.

The relationship between them is reliable and strong. Independent Aquarius Such support can not be able to fish, therefore marriage is problematic. Pare of fish - fish, in the absence of a leader, threatens emotional exhaustion and indifference.