Correction technologies in DW are related. Master class on "Correctional technologies in working with children with violation

Causes of children's road traffic injuries

    Insufficient adult supervision for the behavior of children.

    Inability to observe.


If the entrance of the house is possible to move, immediately pay attention to the child, there is no approaching transport. If the entrance has vehicles or trees are growing, suspend your movement and look around - there is no danger.

When driving on the sidewalk

  • Stick in the right side.
  • Adult must be on the side of the carriageway.
  • If the sidewalk is located next to the road, parents must keep the child by the hand.
  • Teach the child, going on the sidewalk, carefully observe the departure of the cars from the courtyard.
  • Do not teach children to go out on the roadway, strollers and sledges are only on the sidewalk.

Taking advantage of moving road

  • Stay, inspect the driving part.
  • Develop an observation in the child for expensive.
  • Stress your movements: turn the head for the inspection of the road. Stop for inspection of the road, stop for car pass.
  • Teach the child to peer into the distance, distinguish the approaching machines.
  • Do not stand with a child on the edge of the sidewalk.
  • Pay attention to the child to the vehicle that is ready for turning, tell us about the signals of the rotation signs in the machines.
  • Show how the vehicle stops at the transition, as it moves by inertia.

When moving the roadway

  • Go the road only on a pedestrian crossing or at the crossroads.
  • Go only on a green traffic light signal, even if there are no cars.
  • Going to the roadway, stop talking.
  • Do not hurry, do not run, go through the road measured.
  • Do not move the street at an angle, explain to the child that you can see the road so worse.
  • Do not go to the roadway with the child because of transport or bushes, without examining the street.
  • Do not hurry to go through the road, if on the other side you saw friends, the right bus, teach a child that it is dangerous.
  • When switching to an unregulated crossroad, learn the child carefully follow the start of traffic.
  • Explain to the child that even on the road, where there are few cars, it is necessary to go carefully, since the car can go from the yard, from the alley.

When landing and disembarking from transport

  • Get out the first, ahead of the child, otherwise the child may fall, run on the roadway.
  • Come to the landing to the door only after a complete stop.
  • Do not sit in transport at the last moment (can pinch the doors).
  • Teach the child to be attentive in the stop zone - this dangerous place (Bad road overview, passengers can push the child to the road).

When waiting for transport

  • Stand only on the landing site, on the sidewalk or sidelines.
  • Skill of switching to the street: Going to the road, stop, inspect the street in both directions.
  • Skill of calm, confident behavior on the street: leaving home, do not be late, go out in advance so that with a calm walking to have a reserve of time.
  • Switching skill to self-control: The ability to monitor your behavior is formed daily under the guidance of parents.
  • Hazardize skill: The child must see with his own eyes, that for different objects on the street often hides the danger.

It is important that parents be an example for children in compliance with the rules road

  • Do not rush, go through the road measured step.
  • Going to the driving part of the road, stop talking - the child should get used to the way that you need to concentrate when moving the road.
  • Do not go through the road to a red or yellow traffic light signal.
  • Go through the road only in places marked by the "Pedestrian Transition" road sign.
  • From the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxis leave the first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run on the roadway.
  • Attract the child to participate in your observations on the situation on the road: Show it those cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.
  • Do not go out with the child because of the car, bushes, without inspection of the road, is a typical error, and it is impossible to allow her children to repeat it.
  • Do not allow children to play near the roads and on the roadway of the street.

Rules of safe behavior on the road

1.1. General rules for the behavior of road participants

Road Members (Driver, Pedestrian and Passenger) We must:

Know and comply with these requirements of traffic rules, traffic light, signs and markup signals, as well as carry out regulators;

Remember that in our country the rightmost movement of vehicles has been established.

Road participants forbidden:

Damage or pollute road coating;

Shoot, block, damage, easily install road signs, traffic lights and others technical means Motion organization;

Leave on the road items creating interference for

1.2. Pedestrian safety on the road

Pedestrians should move in sidewalks or pedestrian tracks, and in their absence - on the side of the road, a bicycle path or one row along the edge of the carriageway.

Outside settlements when moving along the edge of the roadway, pedestrians must go towards vehicles.

If the pedestrian leads a bike, a motorcycle or moped, it should follow the movement of vehicles.

When following the street, the pedestrian should try to bypass the side of the departures from garages, from parking lots and other similar places so as not to get under a traveling car.

Pedestrian should not stop in close proximity to the passing car.

1.3. Pedestrian movement in strong ice

Before leaving the house, you should prepare shoes to increase stability when walking into the ice (grate the sole of sandpaper, glue the insulating tape to the sole to increase the shoe clutch with the road); From the house it is recommended to go out with a margin of time so as not to rush on the way.

When walking, step on the whole sole, relaxing the legs in the knees, be ready for a fall. It is desirable that the hands are free from bags and other items.

When falling, straining the muscles of the hands and legs, when taping the Earth, ride on the side. Remember! The most dangerous fall -
This is a drop on the straight back and relaxed straight hands.

1.4. Road traffic

It is necessary to cross the roadway in pedestrian transitions. The safest transition is underground or overhead. If they are lacking, it is possible to cross the roadway at the crossroads along the sidewalk or ookolin.In places where the movement is adjustable, it is necessary to guide the controller signals or a pedestrian traffic light or transport lighting.
In the absence of a transition or crossroads in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway on areas with a separation strip where the road is well visible in both directions. On unregulated pedestrian crossings, you can go to the roadway, making sure that the transition is safe. To do this, you must carefully look at the left, then right to make sure there are no cars nearby.

You can not run on the road.

Before moving the road, it is necessary to slow down the step and assess the situation; Even when moving the road to the green traffic light, it is necessary to look around.

You should not cross the driving part of the road before a slowly walking machine, as you can not notice another car behind it, which is more speed.

It is impossible to go to the roadway due to the standing vehicle or another obstacle that limits the visibility of the carriageway of the road, without making sure the absence of approaching vehicles.

Pedestrians who did not have time to complete the transition should stop on the line separating the transport streams of opposite directions. You can continue the transition, only making sure the safety of further movement and taking into account the signal of the traffic light or a regulator.

When vehicle approaches with a blue flashing light and a sound signal, even with a green traffic light signal, it is necessary to refrain from the transition of the roadway and give way to these vehicles.

1.5. Passenger safety

You can expect a bus, trolleybus and tram only on the landing site (on the sidewalks, on the side of the road).

The landing in the vehicle is starting only with its full stop, observing the order and without interfering with other passengers.

When landing in a tram, if the tramways are located in the middle of the streets and you need to cross the roadway, you need to look at both sides and, making sure that the way is free, go to stopping the tram.

Entering the vehicle salon, you need to pay attention to where the spare and emergency exits are located.

In the absence of free seats, you can stand in the center of the passage, keeping your hand for handrail or for a special device.

It is impossible to stand at the entrance door, and even more so rely on it, as it can open at any time.

Move on the salon in public transport is recommended only when it is complete.

1.6. Security measures in case of fire on the bus, trolleybus, tram

Immediately report on the fire to the driver and passengers, demand to stop transport and open the doors.

When blocking the doors for evacuation from the vehicle salon, use emergency hatches in the roof and outputs through the side windows (if necessary, you can knock down the glass with your feet).

When evacuating, do not allow panic and perform the directions of the driver.

In any vehicle there are materials that are distinguished by poisonous gases during burning, so it is necessary to leave the interior quickly, but without panic, closing the mouth and nose with a handkerchief or sleeve.

Remember! In trolleybus and tram, metal parts may be under voltage, so, leaving the interior, it is better not to touch them.

Selecting from the cabin, you need to move away from the vehicle, to provide all the victims.

  1.7. Rules of safe driving bicycle and moped

The bike and moped belong to vehicles. Driving a bicycle when driving on the roads is allowed to persons not under the age of 14, a mopder is not younger than 16 years.

Bicycle and moped drivers should move only at the extreme right roadway of the road into one row as you can right.

Movement is allowed by road, if it does not create interference with pedestrians.

Drivers bike and moped are prohibited:

Ride without holding the steering wheel;

Transportation of passengers, except for the child under the age of up to7 years old on an additional seat, equipped with reliable steps;

Carry the cargo that performs more than 0.5 m
in length or width for bike dimensions or interferes with it

Move along the roadway in the presence of a bicycle path.

Moving on a bike or moped, you can perform a left twist or turn only on the roads having one band for movement in this direction and not having a tram movement.

1.8. Requirements for technical condition and bicycle equipment

Bicycles must have good brakes and a beep, i.e. match technical requirements Plant manufacturer.

When driving on the roads in the dark, bicycles must be equipped with external lighting devices: ahead - headlight white color, Rear - with a lantern or red-factor of red, from the side of the sides - a reflector of orange or red.

The safety of the child on the road is definitely an important and urgent topic. Every day in news reports you can see a message about accidents involving children. Parents with itself early age Must tell, acquaint their children with the rules that need to be observed on the roads. And to do it systematically. How to convey this information to the child, let's talk in the article.

Why are accidents occur?

Unfortunately, statistics says that the majority of accidents on the roads in which children are defendants, they occur due to their parents. And it is not surprising, because in our country adults are busy with others more important, in their opinion, problems: how best to dress the baby to the garden and school, what gadget to give him, in which section write? Undoubtedly, these issues are important, but not as child safety on the road.

If you give figures of accidents, they will simply stunning. 40% of kids die under the wheels of cars in their own yard, and 10% in an accident, in which their drunk parents participate. Every year the figures are inexorably growing. Children's mortality on the road makes you think about whether parents are correct to bring their children?

The number of accidents involving children increase in winter. It would seem what is logic? The answer is really simple, the kids with the advent of the first snow crawling the slides in unsuccessful places, next to the motorways. On the descent, the sleigh fly on the road, as a result of which accidents occur.

It is worth noting that children have little a sense of fear. They seem to them that they are fast, yurt, dexterous, will have time to run the way. Also, children under 10 can not estimate the real distance left to a moving machine. For many, the guys are quite familiar to travel to the roadway on their bike or play close to the road with active transport movement.

Such a topic as the safety of children on the streets and roads should be studied by each parent and reported in detail to the child.

When to start talking with children about safety on the road?

Many parents mistakenly believe that the guys should get acquainted only when they go to school. But this is not the case. Psychologists have proven that the main children's instincts, the behavior manner is generated at an early age. Parents for a child are a benchmark and an example to imitate. Therefore, from their behavior will depend on whether the child will be able to follow the rules of the road. Try to be an example for him, always voicate, repeat the canons of behavior on the road, and then your baby will be in complete safety.

Learning playing

Many are interested in where to draw information to parents about the safety of children on the roads? If you do not know how to properly present the information little child, you can refer to the educator of the preschool. In all gardens, lessons are required, on which teachers are available to compensate for children road rules.

Classes are held in the form of the game. Bright, musical posters are used. Riddles are set to securing the material. The quatrains of the traffic light, sidewalk and others are learning.

As homework Children offer to draw a drawing on the topic: "Children and Road." And here the participation of parents is already important. This is the perfect case to speak again, consolidate the material studied with the child. Joint creativity brings closer.

In September, considerable schools are required cool hours On the theme "Children of the Moscow region - safety on the roads!". The guests are present by DPS employees who tell in detail about the situations on the roads.

Parents, this information for you!

Safety on the roads is extremely important. The life of your Chad's life depends on correct decisions. Therefore, it is clear to convey to it to it and above all, not to violate the rules:

    Be particularly attentive, moving the road with the baby. At the same time, do not let his hands.

    You are an example for a child. Never let yourself a motorway. Remember, seeing it once, he will imitate you.

    Talk to children. Game shape is the best for learning. Learn the verse about the traffic light and turning the road, tell him to your chad.

    Do not save. Child safety on the road - above all. Good car seat - source of additional safety for the baby.

    The yard is a dangerous place. Lightd out on the street, children do not look around and do not expect trouble. Explain to the child the correct behavior manner.

    The baby cannot remember the main in this case will help a poster hung in a prominent place. You can buy it in any bookstore.

    Remember, the situation does not always depend on the driver. There are so-called dead zones. The driver, being in them, does not physically see the child.

    Never leave children alone in the motor transport.

    Child - passenger

    If parents have a car, must be observed certain rules When transporting children:

      From birth and up to twelve years, the child must be in the car only in a special chair. Make sure that it corresponds to the age and weight of the baby.

      Explain to the baby rules for exiting vehicles: it is possible to do it only on the right side, which is closer to the sidewalk.

      Never put a child to the front seat. As statistics shows, this is the most traumatic zone at an accident.

      During the movement of the car, do not allow children to get up from the seating. With a sharp braking, the child can fly through the chairs and hit the glass.

      And a separate advice for parents: never sit down driving down, especially if children are in the car. Remember, the road is a place where maximum attention is necessary, even the slightest hill may be fatally dangerous.

      Children and railway tracks

      Do not forget that children are too curious. In addition to the correct behavior on the roads, they need to be tamed with how to behave on the railway canvase:

      • it follows only in a special place specially equipped for this;

        if a locomotive is seen ahead, never move paths;

        pay attention to special traffic lights;

      Safety is also important. Without observing it, you can forever stay crippled or die. Most an important ruleYou need to convey to the child - do not play on the railway, because it is not a place for entertainment.

      No need to demand too much

      The safety of the child on the road is definitely an important topic for conversation. But it is impossible to demand from the child knowledge of the rules of the road at an early age. Psychologists approve the following:

      Briefly about the main thing

      Once again, I want to remind the rules to know both an adult and a child:

        You can only move the road on the green light of the traffic light.

        Carefully look at the beginning to the left, and reaching the middle of the road - to the right.

        There is a pedestrian or underground transition, use only them.

        If you need to go on the road, move only towards the machines.

        Do not play the motorway or in close proximity to it.

      Cook baby adult life Need to advance. Remember: safety rules on the road for children have been drawn up for a long time. In any educational literature, they are the same. The kid from an early age should know that the road can only be crossing the green light, along a pedestrian or underground transition. Do not be lazy, repeat these dogmas with children constantly, and then you will not be scared to let them go for a walk or to school.

Correctional technologies: musical exposure technologies - in various forms of physical culture and recreation work; either individual classes 2-4 times a month depending on the goals set. Used as auxiliary means as part of other technologies; to remove the voltage, increase emotional attitude etc. Art-therapy - sessions 10-12 classes for 30-35 minutes starting with middle group. The program has a diagnostic toolkit and involves conducting training protocols. Balaxy therapy - 2-4 lessons per month for 30 minutes. From older. Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developing work. A fairy tale can tell an adult, or it can be a group told, where the narrator is not one person, a group of children, and the rest of the children repeat the necessary movements for the storytellers. Technology impact color - as a special occupation 2-4 times a month, depending on the tasks. Correctly selected interior colors in the group remove the voltage and increase the emotional attitude of the child. Psychodstastics - 1-2 times a week from older to 25-30 minutes. Directed to the development and correction of various sides of the psyche of the child.

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Preschool education

"Innovations of preschool education" is a magical astronomy. Pre-school education - traditions and innovation. Innovation. Project work plan. Workers learning programs. Innovative project for kindergarten. Stages of project implementation. The name of the project. Project method in DOU. Innovation in Dow.

"Pre-school education" - assessment of the results of the implementation of the model of the municipal system preschool education. Preschool Education of the Belogorsky Area: problems, tasks and ways of development. Education card municipal Education Belogorsky district. Improving professional competence of personnel. Ensuring the continuity of pre-school and general secondary education.

"Planning in kindergarten" - planning educational activities. Perspective plan for a year. Thematic planning. Plants. We live in Russia. Determines the content of the work. The plan includes 3 blocks. Principal changes in preschool education. Calendar plan In the system of planning the educational process of DOU.

"Technology training for preschoolers" - work forms. Training technologies healthy image Life. Cognitive research activities. Classification of children's games. Correctional technologies. Classification of projects. Research training. Game features. Harding events. Gaming technology. A special kind of human activity.

"Financing of pre-school education" - meetings. Parental fee for leaving and care for children. The average size of the parent fee. Listen and care for children. The composition of expenses. The average monthly fee. Financing of pre-school education. Subvention. Founder. Amount of children. Private educational organizations. Costs. Parental payment compensation.

Modern educational technologies in Dow

Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education are aimed at implementing state standards preschool education.

A fundamentally important part in the pedagogical technology is the position of the child in the educational and educational process, attitude to the child from adults. Adult in communicating with children adheres to the situation: "Not near, not above him, and together!". It is all possible to promote the formation of a child as a person.

Technology- This is a combination of techniques used in any business, skill, art (explanatory dictionary).

Pedagogical technology- this is a combination of psychological and pedagogical plants, which determine the special set and layout of forms, methods, methods, learning techniques, educational tools; It is an organizational and methodological instrumental of the pedagogical process (B.T.Likhachev).

Basic requirements (criteria) Pedagogical technology:

· Conceptuality

· Systems

· Handling

· Efficiency

· Reproducibility

Conceptual - Support for a specific scientific concept, including philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical substantiation of the achievement of educational purposes.

Systemability - Technology must have all signs of the system:

The logic of the process

Interconnection of its parts,


Handling -the possibility of diagnostic goaling, planning, designing the learning process, phased diagnosis, varying funds and methods to correct the results.

Efficiency - Modern pedagogical technologies existing in specific conditions should be effective in results and optimal costs, to ensure the achievement of a certain standard of learning.

Reproducibility -the possibility of applying (repetition, reproduction) of educational technology in educational institutions, i.e. The technology as a pedagogical tool must be guaranteed to be effective in the hands of any teacher using it, regardless of its experience, experience, age and personal features.

Structure of educational technology

The structure of the educational technology consists of three pieces:

· Conceptual part is a scientific base of technology, i.e. Psychological and pedagogical ideas that are laid in its foundation.

· The procedural part is a set of forms and methods learning activities Children, methods and forms of work in the teacher, the activities of the teacher to manage the process of mastering the material, diagnostics of the learning process.

Thus, obviously:if a certain system claims to technologies, it must comply with all the requirements listed above.

The interaction of all entities of an open educational space (children, employees, parents) is supported on the basis of modern educational technologies.

Among modern educational technologies can be attributed:

· Heating technology;

· Project Technology

· Research technology

· Information and communication technologies;

· Personal-oriented technologies;

· Portfolio technology of preschooler and educator

· Game technology

· TRIZ technology, etc.

· Health-saving technologies

Purposehealth-saving technologies is to ensure the child the ability to preserve health, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills, skills on a healthy lifestyle.

Health-saving pedagogical technologies include all aspects of the impact of the teacher on the child's health at different levels - information, psychological, bioenergetic.

In modern conditions, human development is impossible without building a system for the formation of its health. The choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies depends:

· From the type of preschool institution,

· From the duration of children in him,

· From the program on which teachers work,

· Concrete dOU condition,

· Professional competence of the teacher,

· Children's health indicators.

Allocate (in relation to DW) the following classification of health-saving technologies:

1. medico-prophylactic (ensuring the preservation and increase in the health of children under the guidance of medical personnel in accordance with medical requirements and norms, using medical facilities - technology for organizing preschoolers' health monitoring, children's nutrition control, preventive measures, health-saving medium in DOU);

2. physical and wellness (aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child's health - technology for the development of physical qualities, hardening, respiratory gymnastics, etc.);

3. ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of a child (ensuring the mental and social health of the child and aimed at ensuring the emotional comfort and positive psychological health of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in children's garden and family; psychological and pedagogical technologies for the development of the child in the pedagogical process of DOU);

4. health Saving and Healthcare Pedagogues (aimed at the development of educational health culture, including professional health culture, on the development of a healthy lifestyle; conservation and stimulation of health (technology of using mobile and sports games, gymnastics (for eye, respiratory, etc.), rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses , relaxation);

5. educational (education culture of preschoolers, personal-oriented education and training);

6. learning a healthy lifestyle (technologies for the use of physical education, communicative games, system of classes from the series "Lessons of football", problem-gaming (game-playing, game, gaming), self-massage); Correctional (art therapy, musical impact technology, talentherapy, psychogymannastics, etc.)

7. To the number of health-saving pedagogical technologies should be attributed pedagogical technology of the active sensory-developing medium, under which it is understood by si s.dark aggregate and procedure for the functioning of all personal instrumental and methodological agents used to achieve pedagogical purposes.

2. Project Technology

Purpose: Development and enrichment of socio-personal experience through the inclusion of children in the scope of interpersonal interaction.

Teachers who actively use project technology in the upbringing and training of preschoolers, unanimously note that life-organized life in kindergarten allows you to better learn pupils, penetrate the inner world of the child.

Classification of training projects:

· "Game" - children's classes, participation in group activities (games, folk dances, dramatization, of different kind entertainment);

· "Excursion", aimed at studying the problems associated with the surrounding nature and social life;

· "Narrative", In developing which children learn to transfer their impressions and feelings in oral, written, vocal artistic (painting), musical (game on the piano) forms;

· "Constructive", aimed at creating a specific useful product: Paddling a birdhouse, a clumb device.

Types of projects:

1. by dominant method:

2. Research,

3. Information,

4. Creative,

5. Games,

6. Adventure,

7. Practical oriented.

1. by the nature of the content:

8. Include a child and his family,

9. Child and nature,

10. Child and man-made world,

11. Child, society and its cultural values.

1. by the nature of the participation of the child in the project:

12. Customer,

13. Expert,

14. Artist,

15. Member from the origin of the idea before receiving the result.

1. by the nature of the contacts:

16. Exercised within one age group,

17. In contact with another age group,

18. inside DOU,

19. In contact with the family,

20. Culture institutions,

21. Public organizations (open project).

1. by number of participants:

22. Individual,

23. Paired,

24. Group,

25. Frontal.

1. by duration:

26. Short-term,

27. Medium duration,

28. Long-term.

3. Research Technology

Objective of research activities in kindergarten- To form at preschoolers the main key competencies, the ability to research the type of thinking.

It should be noted that application project technologies It cannot exist without the use of TRIZ-technology (technology solving inventive tasks). Therefore, when organizing work on a creative project, students are offered problem problemwhich can be solved, something exploring or conducting experiments.

Methods and techniques of the Organization of Experimental Research


Heuristic conversations;

Setting and solving problems of a problem;


Modeling (creation of models about changes in inanimate nature);

Fixing results: observations, experiments, experiments, work activities;

- "dive" in paints, sounds, odors and images of nature;

Using an artistic word;

Didactic games, gaming training and creatively developing


Labor orders, actions.

1. Experiments (experimentation)

o condition and conversion of the substance.

o Movement of air, water.

o properties of soil and minerals.

o Conditions of the life of plants.

2. Collectibles (classification)

3. Types of plants.

4. Types of animals.

5. Types of building structures.

6. Types of transport.

7. Types of professions.

1. Journey around the map

Side of light.

Terrain reliefs.

Natural landscapes and their inhabitants.

Parts of light, their natural and cultural "tags" - symbols.

0. Journey through the "River of Time"

The past and present of mankind (historical time) in the "label" of material civilization (for example, Egypt - pyramids).


4. Information and Communication Technologies

The world in which develops modern childIt is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. This makes qualitatively new requirements for pre-school education as the first link of continuous education: education using modern information technologies (computer, interactive board, tablet, etc.).

Company informatization puts before teachers - preschoolers tasks:

· to keep up with the times,

· Become for the child the conductor into the world of new technologies,

· Mentor in choosing computer programs,

· To form the basics of information culture of his personality,

· Increase professional levels of teachers and competence of parents.

The solution of these tasks is not possible without updating and revising all the directions of the kindergarten in the context of informatization.

Requirements to computer Programs Dow:

· Research

· Easy for independent classes Children

· Development of a wide range of skills and ideas

· Age compliance

· Integrand.

Classification of programs:

· Development of imagination, thinking, memory

· Speaker Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bDictionaries

· Simplest graphics editors

· Travel games

· Training reading, mathematics

· Use multimedia presentations

Computer advantages:

· Consider information on the computer screen in gaming form causes great interest in children;

· Carries a figurative type of information, understandable to preschoolers;

· Movement, sound, animation for a long time attracts the attention of the child;

· It has an incentive of the cognitive activity of children;

· Provides the ability to individualize learning;

· In the process of its activities at the computer, the preschooler acquires self-confidence;

· Allows modeling life situationsthat can not be seen in everyday life.

Errors when using information and communication technologies:

· Insufficient teaching training

· Improper definition of the didactic role and ICT location in classes

· Freeness, Accuming ICT

· Overloading to demonstration.

ICT in the work of a modern teacher:

1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for design stands, groups, cabinets (scanning, Internet, printer, presentation).

2. Selection of additional cognitive material for classes, familiarity with scenarios of holidays and other events.

3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodic, developing other teachers of Russia and abroad.

4. Registration of group documentation, reports. The computer will allow not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to dial once the scheme and in the future only to make the necessary changes.

5. Creating presentations in the ROWER POINT program to improve efficiency educational activities With children and pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parental meetings.

1. Personal - Oriented Technology

Personality-oriented technologies put in the center of the entire pre-school education system Personality of a child, provision comfortable conditions In the family and pre-school institution, conflictial and safe conditions of its development, the implementation of existing natural potentials.

Personality-oriented technology is implemented in a developing environment that meets the requirements of the content of new educational programs.

Attempts to create the conditions for personal-oriented interactions with children in the developing space, allowing the child to show their own activity, most fully realize itself.

However, today's situation in preschool institutions It does not always allow to say that teachers have completely begun to implement the ideas of personal-oriented technologies, it is the provision of opportunities for children for self-realization in the game, the regime of life is overloaded by various occupations, a little time remains on the game.

As part of personal-oriented technologies, independent areas are allocated:

· human-personal technology, distinguished by their humanistic essence of the psychological-therapeutic focus on assisting a child with weakened health, during the adaptation period to the pre-school institutions.

This technology It is well implemented in new pre-school institutions where there are rooms of psychological unloading - this soft furniture, many plants adorning the room, toys that contribute to individual games, equipment for individual exercises. Musical and Physical Cultural Halls, Cabinets of Foundation (after illness), premises for the environmental development of preschooler and productive activities, where children can choose their interest. All this contributes to comprehensive respect and love for the child, faith in creative forces, there is no coercion. As a rule, in such preschool institutions, children are calm, discusses, not conflict.

· Technology cooperationimplements the principle of democratization of pre-school education, equality in the relationship of a teacher with a child, partnership in the system of relationship "adult - child". Pedagogue and children create environmental conditions, make benefits, toys, holiday gifts. Together determine a variety of creative activities (games, work, concerts, holidays, entertainment).

Pedagogical technologies based on humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations with procedural orientation, priority of personal relationships, individual approach, democratic management and bright humanistic content of the content. Such an approach has new educational programs "Rainbow", "from childhood - in adolescence", "Childhood", "from birth to school".

The essence of the technological educational process is constructed on the basis of the specified source settings: social order (parents, society) educational landmarks, goals and content of education. These source settings should specify modern approaches to the assessment of the achievements of preschoolers, as well as create conditions for individual and differentiated tasks.

Detection of the pace of development allows the educator to support each child at its level of development.

Thus, the specifics of the technological approach is to ensure that the educational process should guarantee the achievement of the goals. In accordance with this, the technological approach to learning is allocated:

· Setting goals and their maximum clarification (upbringing and training with a focus on achieving the result;

· preparation methodical manuals (demonstration and distribution) in accordance with the training objectives and objectives;

· Assessment of the actual development of the preschooler, the correction of deviations aimed at achieving the goals;

· Final assessment of the result - the level of development of the preschooler.

Personality-oriented technologies are opposed to an authoritarian, dismantled and dewriter approach to the child in traditional technology - The atmosphere of love, care, cooperation, create conditions for the work of the personality.

6. Technology portfolio of preschooler

Portfolio- This is a piggy bank of the personal achievements of the child in a variety of species Activities, his success, positive emotions, the opportunity to once again survive the pleasant moments of their lives, this is a kind of route of the child's development.

There are a number of portfolio functions:

· Diagnostic (fixes changes and growth for a certain period of time),

The process of creating a portfolio is a kind of pedagogical technology. Portfolio variants are a lot. The content of the sections is filled gradually, in accordance with the possibilities and achievements of the preschooler. I. Rudenko

Section 1 "Let's get acquainted." The section is placed a photo of the child, its surname and name, group number are indicated; You can enter the heading "I love ..." ("I like ...", "I love when ..."), in which the answers of the child will be recorded.

Section 2 "I Rasta!" The section includes anthropometric data (in artistic graphic execution): "Here I am what!", "As I Rasta", "I grew up", "I am big".

Section 3 "Portrait of my child." The section placed the compositions of parents about their baby.

Section 4 "I dream ...". The section records the statements of the child himself on the proposal to continue the phrases: "I dream of ...", "I would like to be ...", "I'm waiting for ...", "I see myself ...", " I want to see myself ... "," My favorite things ... "; Answers to questions: "Who and what I will be when growing up?", "What do I think about thinking about?".

Section 5 "That's what I can". The section placed samples of child's creativity (drawings, stories, homemade books).

Section 6 "My Achievements". The section records certificates, diplomas (from various organizations: kindergarten, media conducting contests).

Section 7 "Advise me ...". The section provides recommendations to the parents as an educator and all specialists working with the child.

Section 8 "Ask, parents!". In the section, parents formulate their questions to Dow specialists.

L. Orlova offers this version of the portfolio, the content of which first will be interesting to parents, the portfolio can be filled both in kindergarten and at home and can be represented as a mini-presentation at the birthday of the child. The author proposes the following portfolio structure. The title list contains information about the child (surname, name, patronymic, date of birth), records the start date and date of the end of the portfolio, the image of the child's palm at the time of starting portfolio and the image of the palm at the end of the portfolio.

Section 1 "Get to know me"contains the liners "admire me" where the portraits of the child made in consistently for different years In the days of his birth, and "about me", where information about the time and place of the child's birth, about the meaning of the child name, about the date of the celebration of his name, a small story of parents, why was this name, from where the name went, information about the famous Tests and famous namesakes personal information child (zodiac sign, horoscopes, talismans, etc.).

Section 2 "I Rasta"includes Inserts "Growth Dynamics", where information about the growth of the child from the first year of life is given, and "my achievements for the year," where the child grew up, which he learned over the past year, for example, to count to five, tumbling, etc.

Section 3 "My Family."The content of this section includes brief stories about family members (except personal data, you can mention a profession, character traits, favorite classes, features of a joint pastime with family members).

Section 4 "What I can - I will help"contains the photos of the child on which it is depicted homework.

Section 5 "World around us."This section includes small creative works of a child on excursions, educational walks.

Section 6 "Inspiration of winter (spring, summer, autumn)".The section hosts children's work (drawings, fairy tales, poems, photos from Matrennikov, records of poems that the child told on the matinee, etc.)

V. Dmitrieva, E. Egorova also propose a certain portfolio structure:

Section 1 "Parent Information",in which there is a rubric "Let's get acquainted", which includes information about the child, its achievements that the parents themselves noted.

Section 2 "Information of Pedagogues"contains information on the observations of teachers for the child during his stay in kindergarten in four key areas: social contacts, communicative activities, independent use of various sources of information and activity as such.

Section 3 "Child Information about yourself"contains information received from the child himself (drawings, games that the child came up with, stories about themselves, about friends, awards, diplomas, diplomas).

L. I. Adamenko offers the following portfolio structure:

"What baby is good" block,which contains information about personal qualitiesah a child and includes: an essay of parents about the child; Reflections of educators about the child; Answers a child to questions in the process of informal conversation "tell about yourself"; Answers friends, other children to tell about the child; self-esteem of the child (the results of the dough "Lestenka"); psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child; "Basket of wishes", in the contents of which are gratitude to the child - for kindness, generosity, a good deed; Thanksgiving letters to parents - for the education of the child;

Block "What child skillful"contains information that the child knows how to know, and includes: parents' answers to questionnaires; Reviews of educators about the child; Stories of children about the child; Teachers' stories to which the child goes on the circles and sections; assessment of the participation of the child in stocks; Characteristics of the psychologist of the cognitive interests of the child; Diplomas for nominations - for curiousness, skills, initiative, independence;

block "What a successful child"contains information about the creative abilities of the child and includes: feedback from parents about the child; A child's story about his successes; creative works (drawings, poems, projects); diplomas; Illustrations of success and others.

Thus, the portfolio (folder of personal achievements of the child) allows an individual approach to each child and is awarded when the kindergarten is out of the kindergarten as a gift to the most child and his family

7. Technology "Pedagog Portfolio"

Modern education needs a new type of teacher:

· Creatively thinking

· Welfing modern technologies education

· Takers of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis,

· In the ways of independent designing the pedagogical process in the context of specific practical activities,

· The ability to predict your end result.

Each teacher must have a suggestion dossier, which reflects all the joyful, interesting and worthy of what is happening in the life of the teacher. This dossier can be a teacher's portfolio.

The portfolio allows us to take into account the results achieved by the teacher in a variety of activities (educational, educational, creative, social, communicative), and is an alternative form of assessing the professionalism and performance of the teacher's work.

To create an integrated portfolio, it is advisable to enter the following sections:

Section 1 "General Pedagogue Information"

· This section allows you to judge the process of individual personal development of the teacher (surname, name, patronymic, year of birth);

· Education (which and when graduated from, obtained specialty and qualifications in diploma);

· Labor and pedagogical experience, work experience in this educational institution;

· Improving the qualifications (the name of the structure where courses are listened, year, month, courses issues);

· Copies of documents confirming the availability of scientists and honorary titles and degrees;

· The most significant government awards, letters, thankful letters;

· Diplomas of various contests;

· Other documents at the discretion of the teacher.

Section 2 "Pedagogical Results" .

The content of this section forms an idea of \u200b\u200bthe dynamics of the results of the teacher's activities for a certain period. The section may include:

· Materials with the results of the development of the program implemented;

· Materials characterizing the level of development of ideas and skills of children, level of development of personal qualities;

· comparative analysis The activities of the teacher in the three years on the basis of the results of pedagogical diagnosis, the results of participation of students in various competitions and the Olympiads;

· Analysis of the learning results of pupils in the first grade, etc.

Section 3 "Scientific and Methodical Activity"

· Materials that describe technologies used by the teacher in activities with children, justify their choice;

· Materials characterizing work in a methodological association, creative group;

· Materials confirming participation in professional and creative pedagogical competitions;

· In the weeks of pedmastersmanship;

· In the conduct of seminars, " round tables", Master classes;

· Creative reports, abstracts, reports, articles and other documents.

Section 4 "Subjectual Educational Environment"

Contains information about the organization of the subject-developing environment in groups and cabinets:

· Plans for the organization of the subject and developmental environment;

· Sketches, photos, etc.

Section 5 "Work with parents"

Contains information about working with parents of pupils (work plans; event scenarios, etc.).

Thus, the portfolio will allow the teacher himself to analyze and present significant professional results, achievements, will ensure monitoring its professional growth.

8. Gaming technology

It is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and combined with a general content, a plot, a character. It includes sequentially:

· Games and exercises that form the ability to allocate basic, characteristic features of objects, compare, compare them;

· Groups of games for generalization of items according to certain features;

· Groups of games, in the process of which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real phenomena from unreal;

· Groups of games raising the ability to own themselves, the speed of the reaction to the word, phonmematic hearing, smelting, etc.

Drawing up game technologies from individual games and elements - the care of every tutor.

Training in the form of the game may have to be interesting, entertaining, but not entertaining. To implement this approach, it is necessary that educational technologies developed to teach preschoolers contained a clearly designated and step-by-step system described. gaming tasks and various games in order to, using this system, the teacher could be confident that as a result he will receive a guaranteed level of assimilation by a child of a particular substantive content. Of course, this level of achievements of the child should be diagnosed, and the technology used by the teacher should provide this diagnosis with the corresponding materials.

In activities with the help of game technologies, children develop mental processes.

Gaming technologies are closely connected with all sides of the educational and educational work of kindergarten and solving its main tasks. Single modern educational programs offer to use folk game As a means of pedagogical correction of the behavior of children.

9. TRIZ technology

TRIZ (the theory of solutions of inventive tasks), which was created by a scientist-inventor TS Altshuller.

The educator uses non-traditional forms of work that make a child in the position of the thinking person. An adapted TRIZ-technology adapted to the preschool age will bring up and teach a child under the motto "Creativity in everything!" Preschool age is unique, because it will be formed by the child, this will be both his life, which is why it is important not to miss this period to disclose the creative potential of each child.

The purpose of using this technology in kindergarten is development, on the one hand, such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, systemicity, dialecticity; on the other - search activity, desire for novelty; Speech and creative imagination.

The main task of using TRIZ - technology in preschool age is to instill the joy of creative discoveries.

The main criterion in working with children is cycling and simplicity in the supply of material and in the wording complex, it would seem that the situation. It is not necessary to force the introduction of TRIZ without understanding by children of basic provisions on the simplest examples. Fairy tales, gaming, household situations - this is the environment through which the child will learn to apply Tryzan decisions that arise problems. As the contradictions find, he himself will strive for the ideal resultusing numerous resources.

Only the elements of TRIZ (toolkit) can be used in operation, if the teacher has not mastered TRIZ-technology enough.

Developed a scheme using the method of detecting contradictions:

· The first stage is to determine the positive and negative properties of the quality of a subject or phenomenon that do not cause persistent associations in children.

· The second stage is determining the positive and negative properties of the subject or phenomenon as a whole.

· Only after the child understands what adults want from him, one should move to the consideration of items and phenomena causing persistent associations.

Often, the teacher already holds Tryzan classes, not even suspecting it. After all, it is precisely that the relationship of thinking and the ability to go to the end in solving the task is the essence of creative pedagogy.

Conclusion: Technological approach, that is, new pedagogical technologies guarantee the achievements of the preschooler and will continue to guarantee their successful schooling.

Each teacher is a creator technology, even if dealing with borrowing. Creating technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who learned to work at the technological level will always be a cognitive process in its developing condition. Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted.

Natalia Filippova
Correctional technologies in working with children preschool age.

IN working with preschool children distinguish between several species correctional technologies:

1. Articulating gymnastics

2. Technologies musical impact;

3. Balaxy therapy;

4. logo;

5. Color therapy;

6. Art therapy.

1. Articulating gymnastics. Articulating gymnastics - exercises for training the organs of the articulation (lips, language, the lower jaw necessary for the correct sound, help faster "Put" Proper sound testing, overcome the already established violations of sound suspension. FROM childrenhaving sound-proof defects is engaged in speech therapist.

2. Technology musical influence. Music has a strong psychological impact on children. It affects the state nervous system (Soothes, relaxes or, on the contrary, it excites, excites, causes various emotional states (from peacefulness, peace and harmony to concern, depression or aggression). In this regard, it is important to pay attention to what music we and our children are listening to.

When using music, I remember the peculiarities of the impact of the character of the melody, rhythm and volume on the mental state of children. I use as auxiliary as part of others technology, To remove the voltage, enhance the emotional attitude. Widely using music to accompany educational activities preschool children(in the exercise on amusement, design, familiarization with the outside world, etc.) calm music, causing the feelings of joy, peace, love, can harmonize emotional condition Little listener, as well as develop a concentration of attention. I also use music before bed to help with difficulty falling asleep children calm down and relax. When children fall into bed, turn on calm, quiet, melodic, soft music and ask them to close the eyes and present themselves in the forest, on the seashore, in the garden or in any other place, which causes positive emotions. I draw the attention of children on how relaxing and resting each part of their body.

3. Fairy-therapy - used for psychotherapeutic and educational work. A fairy tale can tell adult, or it can be a group told. In Ov work We use copyright fairy tales more often, since they have a lot of personal instructive. Fairy tales not only read, but also discuss with children. Children love very much "Personify" They, beat. To do this, use a puppet theater, role-playing gamesin which children are reincarnated in different fabulous heroes. Children also compose fairy tales themselves, because invented a fairy tale by a child, which opens the essence of the problem, the basis of fabricotherapy. Through a fairy tale, you can learn about such experiences of the children who really do not realize themselves, or shy to discuss them with adults

4. Logritic. Luggage includes such forms workwho contribute speech Development, correction of speech defects: FFN, ONR, Stuttering, Alalia, and others concomitant defects: underdevelopment of a number of psychomotor functions, total motor awkwardness, insufficient mobility and coordination of the movements of the fingers, problems with orientation in space, defects of arbitrary hearing attention, emotional instability. Methods of logo can be in an affordable and interesting form to develop in children common speech skills: pace, breathing, rhythm; develop articulation, facial expressions; regulate the processes of excitation and braking; form coordination of movements, orientation in space; expand the dictionary of children; work out grammatical topics; exercise in the automation of sounds; Develop a phonderatic perception.

Chief Principle work on logo - activation of at the same time all species memory: auditory, visual, motor. The inalienable goal of logo is education in children of musical and aesthetic ideas, the development of their musical abilities and deposits; And also - ideas about the aesthetic beauty of native speech.

5. Color therapy. Color therapy is a way adjustments psycho-emotional state of the child with certain colors. Due to such a simple technique, the effects of a certain color on the child, it is possible to achieve significant results in the treatment of apathy, irritability, excessive activity and even starting children's aggression. Color therapy for children involves first of all the definition of the beloved color of each child, and then filling this color as possible larger spacewhich surrounds it. Usually, children call their favorite flowers red, green or yellow - this indicates that the child is normally developing, it is interesting for him to be all new, bright and unusual, it is dynamic and does not stop in his world research for a minute. But the favorite white or black color may say that the child is slightly closed and it is quite comfortable in solitude. Children in kindergarten constantly feel the impact of a closed space, so in their work We use color therapy exercises that allow you to remove tensions in children, stabilize their mood. Color therapy is aimed at returning a child to the happy world of childhood and joy. With the help of the didactic technique "Multicolored pages" We diagnose the emotional attitude of the child to the appropriate informative fragment of his day in kindergarten. Choosing a pencil color to paint your behalf to a certain extent characterizes the self-esteem of the child. The game "Colored Fairies" Promotes the development of color perception and color, auditory and visual attention. Holding "Multicolored weeks" allows you to expand the ideas of children about different colors. Very well reduce emotional-mental and bodily voltage, and also create a positive attitude such games like "Dry rain", "Rug of moods", "Light rainbow" other. And all together it allows us to improve communicative skills in children.

6. Artherapy. Art-Laterapia is one of the vast regions of modern psychological science and is a method for providing psychological assistance using creative classes. (drawing, modeling, games, etc.). As part of art therapy, whole psychological directions are also allocated depending on the main type of creative classes: Isotherapy (Picturesque therapy, Phototherapy (creative photos of photography, sand therapy. Classes with preschool children should not be limited to the usual set of visual funds (Paper, Brushes, Paints) and traditional ways their use. The child is more willing to turn on in a process other than what he is used to. Little children with pleasure are included in the creation of images an unusual way, for example, with dry leaves or threads.

Arsenal image creation methods wide: Obvatuch, drawing with bulk products or dried leaves, drawing with fingers and palms, pulverizer, etc. Little fantasy, and on the sand, glued to paper, flourish flowers, the fireworks from small pieces of paper will fly into the air, the blots will turn into butterflies, paint stains - In unprecedented animals. The guys will feel their success, because they will be able to defeat evil monsters, burn their fears, reconcile toys.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the readiness of children to one form or another joint activity. In order for both the process and the result of children's collective activities, it should be started with a simpler shared-individual form. work, gradually moving to more complex.