How to carry out planners: basic rules and non-standard ideas. Morning Planer with Alexander Illarionov

In Russia, it is not customary to be collected in the team on working challenges. This is due to the fact that everyone is in a hurry to make their affairs at work, and not to sit at meetings and caring obvious topics.

But what if such meetings are useful for everyone, will they pass efficiently and quickly?

Then it is stupid to refuse them. Therefore, we introduce such an event as a "tablet" in your company, on the basics of ready-made templates.

Maybe we should not?

Have you ever tried to carry out planners with employees? If so, then you are confident at the end of the event with such statements as "again talked about anything."

It is a classic situation and is connected with ignorance of how to carry out plates, and not with what, it is generally bad and inefficient.

And in order to immediately arrange all the points, let's fix the concept itself what is a tablet.

And pay attention, I take it not from my head, but from any dictionary by type: Ozhegov, Efremov, Dahl, Tikhonov or Kuznetsov. All of them give, plus-minus, the same description.

Tanket - A short meeting to evaluate and determine the progress of the tasks.

Keyword - short meeting. This is exactly what is distinguished by the schedule from the meeting.

And since everything in the world is relatively, we will define the maximum limit how much such a meeting lasts is 60 minutes. Everything else is not a tablet, but as we said, meeting.

Types of planar

Planque planker Mint. At first glance, they are all the same, but in the reality of their structure and the purpose of carrying out among themselves. Therefore, you need to know their types and use exactly those that need your team.

Time spending

We can split all the plates for three times: daily, weekly and monthly.

Usually, the company has only one of these options, everyone else is considered unnecessary. Although they all carry different tasks and are carried out in different plan.

  1. Daily tablet. Need in case of active activities or employee motivation. Its duration does not exceed 15 minutes, everything is short and in the case.
  2. Weekly tablet. We use in order to sum up the last week and build plans for the future. The duration of such a meeting is up to 30 minutes.
  3. Monthly tablet. Mandatory event to assess the results obtained for the month of work, which has developed from all days and weeks. Duration up to 1 hour.

Often the monthly plant stretches up to 2-3 hours. In this case, according to the rules of the Russian language, this is already a meeting.

But since it is more important to us as an actual name, but a real purpose, we can admit such a meeting to 3 hours. The main thing is that all this is in the case.

It is also necessary to consider that there are not systemic meetings to solve urgent or urgent questions.

Such planners are called - unscheduled. Going, conducted and end pretty quickly. But they are and not to run away from them.

Strange situation...

It would be wonderful if everything, or at least many, companies worked as a joke above.

But, alas, such a scheme is almost never found. Therefore, go further to the topics of the tablet.

Topic of the meeting

In addition to the fact that the plates are divided into temporary intervals, they are still divided into themes.

Although for the majority, the tablet is the tasks per week and summarize to achieve a sales plan. Such a format is also there, but everything is gradually.

  1. Distribution of tasks. The goal and the result of such a meeting is the ears of the workforced employees in the near future.
  2. One question. Most often these are unscheduled meetings, the topic for which is separate questions on the agenda.
  3. . We often practice short collections with a small part of the team to generate ideas on the topic.
  4. Information. That is the scene, to which we are all so accustomed, voicing the actual situation at the moment.
  5. Motivational. People need to be charged, especially if they have very stressful work. Through such meetings, you will have the opportunity to do this. Because it is excellent.
  6. Tutorial. Small knowledge in a short period of time. It will not bother and will be useful, especially if you do it often.

In the conditions of realities, our planners look like a snowball from different topics. It's not bad. The main thing is that everything managed to pay sufficient attention.

The strategy "Hop to Europe" will not lead to anything good, since the fish eat, and the frying pan does not wash - it will not work. It is a myth.

Components of successful plates

Before we turn to specific templates of the planner, let's determine the main points of such a meeting.

Because it is important not just that, but also to hold. All gradually colleagues are not hurry.

  • Reason meeting. With this we figured out, each meeting should have a reason. And everyone should know about him;
  • People. Who will participate in the planner you need to know in advance and notify the participants about it;
  • Location. Conference room, office or corridor - decide for yourself. Sure it is not difficult;
  • Time spending. It is necessary for a specific time, it is also preferably the same thing to work out;
  • Regulations of the meeting. You and employees should know the bottom and the timing of this meeting;
  • Additional materials. Flipchart, paper, handles and other attributes must be prepared before meeting;
  • Curator. Typically, the leading planner is a boss or one of the managers, but this may well be an employee;
  • Secretary. A person who will record all the results of the planner, the so-called protocol, for further distribution.

If you consider these components, the effectiveness of the planner will be significantly higher because you can properly prepare for it and you will know exactly what to speak on the planner.

Part of the list are obvious things. But you think about how each items can be improved relative to the situation now.

For example, what people besides sales managers can still be called to meet. Or can make part of the plates who hold the staff themselves.

And one more very weighty plus for those who still doubt, look in the video below.

Plan for Implementation

I do not really like templates and samples, as they do not take into account individual characteristics Each company.

But every business is specific (I hear it constantly from managers).

But if you are not a man from a timid, then with ease you can remake this sample to the plan of the planner for your company.

Weekly plank
Time: every Monday at 09.00
Duration: up to 30 minutes

  1. Summing up the week;
    1.1 Sale of the company;
    1.2 Sales of the department / shift;
    1.3 Sales of each manager;
    1.3.1 KPI;
    1.3.2 Sales and potential transactions;
    1.3.3 Main indicators (conversion, etc.);
    1.3.4 Salary at the moment of time;
    1.4 approximation to weekly;
    1.5 approximation to the monthly sales plan;
    1.6 Results (intermediate);
  2. Problems for the week;
    2.1 why not sold (sales fell);
    2.2 ways to solve these problems;
  3. Plans for the week;
    3.1 ideas of employees;
    3.2 ;
    3.3 tasks and objectives;
  4. Mini training.

This is a plan how to hold a plan for the sales department once a week. monthly option It will look more large, and the plan of the daily planner will look more modest.

And, of course, the results will be supplied either for the month or per day. But already on the basis of this, you can form your plan regardless of what you have - retail, wholesale or services.

Lovers of chips or important nuances

Any action can be done better. Therefore, when we are asked to appreciate the effectiveness of the plates, we can closed eyes to say that there are moments for improvement.

Many of them or a little, and most importantly impressive they or not, this is another question. But you can find them right. And here is your list of the most popular improvements from our practice.

Plateka in Skype. If employees cannot meet in life, this is not a reason to cancel the meeting. Spend it in Skype. You can also connect across Skype those who could not come, and to hold the planner at the same time offline and online.

Only positive. Try to talk about such meetings about everything from "How to improve" and "what was done well", then your meetings will bear more motivational and positive.

Bonuses for presence. By default, you can fine for the lack of or delaying on the planner, and you can give a premium to those who did not miss and one.

Lailed standing. Those who are late, not only get a reprimand and a lot of contemptuous views, but also the entire planor is carried out standing on the legs. Fun? You definitely, and not very late.

Miscaling. Determine each block a specific amount of time, and if you go out for it, then just break the conversation. First it will be bad, then learn to be more efficient.

Snack to the planner.Pour coffee and fool the cookies only to the planner. After starting the mode - "who did not have time, he was late."

Gift active.The most active can be encouraged. You can highlight each planner for those who participate a lot and give a mini-gift for it. Trifle, but nice.

Factory outcome. When the "Secretary of the Meeting" will like the result, it must be defined to everyone or, even better, put it in the most prominent place for better assimilation.

Briefly about the main thing

In all my team, 90% of people are team players, so we love small meetings before fanaticism.

Since we have a relatively young team (up to 35 years old), we are very difficult to hold a tablet, because everyone strives to laugh and talk "for life." We could carry out a plan for 3-4 hours. But it was so before.

Now we are a team that really realizes the power, the process of the tablet and what they need.

We have internal rules (no phones, talking in the language of decisions, no negative, etc.), we have ready-made regulations, there are responsible persons (every time new) and much more. All this helps us to be more efficient.

When we come to the company on, the tablet is one of the first tools that we introduce.

And every time we see how "the cart is barely moving." But everything goes. And the main rule is not only the quality of the planner, but also its regularity.

Therefore, here you can use a bit changed famous phrase - "Having tried several times, eat now." Successful introduction. There will be questions, write in the comments.

The glider is a derivative of the English Plan, a short workshop dedicated to the implementation of the planned plan. By typology, all the planes can be divided into categories in three criteria - species, temporary and quantitative.

According to the species criterion, all planners are divided into reporting (short meetings on which managers report on the progress of the relevant tasks), discussion (briefings on the possible change in the selected way of achieving one goal) and motivational (meetings on which tasks are distributed and roles are determined In the process of working on the question, task).

According to the temporary criterion of the planer, it can be a daily, weekly, monthly process.

According to the quantitative criterion of the planer, it can be both massive (for all employees) and closed (for a separate initiative group, managers, board of directors of the company.)

Why make a planer?

If you organize this process as a good tradition before the start of the working day, it will help discipline the team (reduce the number of morning desets), more clearly outlines the goals and objectives before employees (after all, as is known, the rational plan on the day is much more efficient than the plan for the half year) , It will provide an opportunity to see the real results of the work more clearly (if the reporting of the team before the head and leader before the team will become mandatory elements of the planenna). In addition to the above-mentioned advantages, a well-held morning meeting can give strength to employees, increase labor productivity, stimulate to efficient operation during the day. This psychological aspect is definitely playing important role In establishing a positive relationship between the employee and the employer, and also contributes to the cohesion of the collective.

Why many people consider the planer with the remnant of the past?

First, the very emergence of this process, most people relate to those times when they did not hear about the phone, but what the Internet and multimedia technologies were not guessed at all. It turns out that the only way to meet live and discuss important working moments were just the same planers. For the lack of operational means of communication, the QUESTION accumulated, and the time such an action took a lot (on average three to four hours). On this occasion, one famous American economist has somehow noticed: "If there is a glider in your company, then you are on the right track. It remains only to dismiss all those who go there, and leave all those who work at this time. "

Secondly, most office workers Negatively refer to the gliders just because it is paid to about 20% of the time, and according to many of them, the chef's speech lasts on average half of the time drawn by this process.

Thirdly, if the planenoks in the firm are held daily, then in a short time it will definitely turn into a kind of formality. After all, most tasks that the successful businessman puts are long-term, and the daily report in two sentences will sound like this: "Everything is fine, we work on it." The need for a daily planning pops ups usually at the moment when the company begins to perform a new strategic task in critical deadlines or during the crisis. At such moments, it is really necessary to constantly monitor the situation, follow the slightest changes.


Anyone, even the shortest planner, should have its own regulations. He one way or another helps much more productively work outward questions, make the process more dynamic and efficient. In the rules of good tone to make the regulations for employees in evening time In order for them to think about all the affected questions and make a constructive, meaningful offer. Among other things, it is worth considering that by the time of the morning meeting, each employee must have a copy of the regulations on his hands. It is important to impose responsibility on a certain person who would follow during the time (if the speaker comes out of the temporary limitation described in the Regulations, this delays the process of holding a meeting and, as a result, negatively affects the mood of the collective).

Conduct or not to conduct? That is the question

The planers, of course, an important process, at least in the context of timely goaling and motivation of employees, but it was time to go beyond the ordinary understanding of this term. Perhaps not so fundamentally collect every day the whole team in the stuffy office, but to master the conference technology in Skype. It is also important to take into account the aspect that the structural planter should last no more than 15-20 minutes. Reporting on the activities of each department can be adopted and discuss with managers during the day, and morning time Defend solely arrange forces, defining tasks and priorities.

In any case, each entrepreneur chooses its management concept, however, to a little more weigly realize whether short meetings are necessary for your working staff, it is necessary to weigh everything for and against:

Disciplines the team;

The possibility of morning motivation of employees;

Clear setting of goals and objectives;

The ability to show creative and pursue a planer in unconventional style;

Printing planers tire and reduce employee performance;

Unregulated planes are usually ineffective.

Today, our colleague from SalesupConsult, Dmitry County, will tell how to carry out a planker new level. All tips are based on personal experience Management company. The purpose of this article is to create a system from meetings. effective management, not the time absorber.

On its projects on building management and development departments, we introduce 3 major types of meetings

  • Daily (Planer)
  • Weekly (on Mondays)
  • Monthly (first environment of the month)

So, colleagues managers and owners of companies.

Planner - basic daily tasks:

1. Summing up the previous day;

2. Development on PDCA specific actions for "alignment" fact / plan;

3. Planning the main tasks for today;

4. Motivation and energy charge per day.

1. After the meeting - immediately "into battle"! Therefore, all tea-coffee-smoke - before the meeting;

2. All participating in the meeting come to work 10-15-20 minutes before the meeting started to prepare and the mioneers described in paragraph 1.

The daily meeting should last no more than 30 minutes. It must be informative and take place in a good pace. During the meeting, employees should:
Discuss the results of work for the previous day (indicators - intermediate + outcome), work with reporting activity, sales funnel (incision of employees, sales channels).

  • Put plans for the current day.
  • Decide on operational issues.
  • Emergency news of the company.

4 Rules of Daily Meetings

1. Frequency. Everyday.

Just and how else. Conducting meetings with this frequency you start forming a completely clear system in the division. Planning and reporting.

Your employees should be prepared to join the results of the working day perfectly clearly. Properly spent plane - a great tool for this.

2. Regulation.

Regulations are one of the elements to help raise efficiency in everything.

The glider is what the regulations are exactly accurate.

In this case, the Regulation describes and provides 2 main introductory:

  • content - Questions that are discussed are subject to regulations with themes and Priority (so that you, as a manager, did not take aside the unchecked discussions and reasoning)
  • timing - every question is basicly discussed certain times with each. If necessary for someone more time - then personally after the planer, when everyone else is already "sold."

Employees will always be ready for the Planerke, as described by the Regulations.

They clearly know what questions will be discussed. Over time, they will even know the questions that the leader will ask them and will be preventively having answers and on them).

The effectiveness of the meetings rises very high.

Business performance is tremendous.

3. Temp, he rhythm.

All run with one rhythm.

Sometimes we carry out experiments on projects and turn on dynamic music. The results are interesting. People speak faster and structuring their thoughts. The only minus .... The sky start to singing ... We are looking for rhythmic music without words. We will hold 10-15 meetings with music and without changing the results and share with you.

Meeting rate is important. Dynamics and structure are important. Especially at the beginning at the end of the meeting. At the beginning, sets up at the rate of the meeting, and at the end of the working pace.

This pace is asked you as a manager. And support it. As soon as you understand that the dynamics is lost, - turn on issues, sleep, corrective temp.

In some way, your employees are accustomed to the fact that you are currently current at meetings.

4. Figures, plans and reports.

All indicators are pronounced in binding to numbers. It concerns both plans and reports. "We spent slightly less meetings than planned", "Accounts receivable slightly more than we expected", "all planned negotiations have failed" ...

Do you still drink such nonsense with morning coffee? Finish.

Finish drinking coffee on glider. You have 30 minutes on effective workdefining the result, and not to stir sugar, serban coffee and attempts to wake up at the meeting.

Allow someone to be not competent at work.

Alexander Friedman once gave an excellent definition of the result in Russian - this is the lack of result and a handsome story about why it did not work

According to the main tasks scheduled for execution on the previous day - the report - executed / not fulfilled. Not completed - system error or not. At the same time, it is considered to be considered as well as the setting of the task - SMART.

5. Motivation

At the end of the planer you must "ignite" all.

Able to "win" should sit down for workplace Or leave to the meeting to the client.

You manage them. Install this condition in them.

What is a planer? Any answer is a short production meeting on current issues. But these are not only plans and terms. This communication inside the collective, the development of new methods, the ability to shake people and instill enthusiasm in them. Some managers hold non-standard meetings: games, cases, contests ... We want to raise the curtains of secrets and show you the latest news of the inner "kitchen" Kirov.

Alexander Illarionov, Director of the Munich Restaurant:

Planerman actually is very an important stagewhere a lot of different processes occur.

Planners with departments managers are held weekly, to build a work plan for the current week. The meeting lasts no more than 1 hour. Five minutes are individually passing as any questions are received, or some of the solutions that have arisen that they do not tolerate deposits.

Planners with staff workers (administrators, bartenders, waiters,) and kitchen representatives (chef, su-chef) are held daily 15 minutes before the restaurant opening.

On such fellow, we usually voice what new stocks we have to take place in the restaurant, tell about the upcoming events passing in the restaurant, disassemble the previous day, praise or swearing employees for perfect actions, voicing the positions that are not available today for sale for one reason or another .

Also discussed innovations in the kitchen, special. Offers from the chef, on Baru. Such planes last no more than 10 minutes.

We meet with colleagues very often, talk, because communication is a very important process, to maintain the moral mood of the spirit, thus, colleagues understand the significance of their work in our structure, thereby feel more comfortable and manifesting the initiative. That is, if I ask you to develop and implement any project, I try not to interfere with the work, but to discuss in fact.

Motivation of employees is very important. There is material, but there is an intangible. The material is carried out for the implementation of any actions, for the manifestation of the initiative, upgrading our restaurant. Well, the intangible is praise. We allocate distinguished at the meeting so that everyone felt that he was appreciated here, they love and he need this organization.

More you need to talk, communicate with people and configure the right track. Often, people need to give will with emotions, throw them out, and it is important to hear each employee to hear and try to create a favorable atmosphere for him. We still conduct various trainings for managers for cohesion and work team, about responsibility, how to properly delegate their powers, as the manager is not the person who has to do something with his own hands, but this is the one who should organize the workflow.

Restaurant "Munich":

How often do you spend the planers? Daily.

Who collect on the planer? Hall workers, kitchens and managers.

How much time spend on the glider? With personnel from 10 to 15 minutes, and with leaders a maximum of an hour.

How important is the planer for you and your team? The planeman actually is a very important stage at which the process of interaction between each employee with the leader occurs.

Have you had examples of unsuccessful planets? Of course, there were, but in any case, each planeman ends with something good, from which the correct conclusions can be reached.

Organize and spend the glider as efficiently as possible.

Find a solution to the problem announced for discussion or ask the direction of movement of the situation in the constructive channel.

It is interesting to spend the planer that the participants had no time to yawning and they did not have a feeling of wasted time spent.

Action plan

1. To get acquainted with the proposed method of organizing a planer.

2. Prepare yourself, prepare necessary materials and invite participants.

3. To hold a planer.

4. Take out the results of the planer and familiarize them with all the participants.

How to organize a planer

FirstWhat is required for the planers is a question or the topic of the planer. What kind of work task you want to solve? What a positive effect for the organization will be the result of the planer. Familiarize the Planerney Participants with this question in advance. Thus, you will save time during a planner, and the participants in the discussion may come already having interesting ideas on your question.

Second - These are the people who will participate in the glider. Specialists of which profile and leaders of what level, or which linear employees you need to find the answer to the question.

Third - Planner location. It is important that it was a separate room or even special meetings for meetings. Where everyone will be enough space, outsiders (not participating in the planner employees) will not be able to disturb you and will not call phones.

Fourth - The time of the planer. It is desirable that it is convenient for all participants or constant. For example, daily planners are held every day at 9.30. In any case, choosing the time of the planner, you will have to navigate the most important participants. And appoint it in advance, for several hours, and more correctly - days.

Fifth - Planner Regulations. It is important not only to start a planer in time, but also to finish it on time. Determine the procedure for discussing issues and the time allocated to each participant in advance. Limit it, it will make reports compressed and most informative. For example, one speech is not more than 10 minutes.

Sixth - Screw materials. Required minimum These are handles for all participants and paper. Take care of it yourself, in advance so that you do not have to spend time discussion on finding something and what to write. You still need: flip chart, projector, screen, laptop, printer. All equipment must be prepared and testing its performance in advance.

Seventh - The lead planner or secretary who will fix the process and the results of the discussion of your question.

Planner formats

1. Summing up, information plan.

Such planes can be held weekly at the beginning of the week for the heads of all divisions of your organization.

What are such planners need for?


Usually held at the beginning of each working day. The format is obvious - the head issues a subordinate task for the day. The time is also not worth stretching - everyone received tasks and went to perform it.

3. Planke-meeting to discuss the question.

You formulate your question in advance that you have formulated life itself and current situation on your market. Voiced the goal of the planer, send this information to the participants. Ask them to prepare (if necessary) by this issue. Define the Regulations and Secretary of the Planering Meeting. Results of the Plannel send all participants. Time to hold such a planer no more than two hours. But there are situations where time is required more. In this case, it will schedule organized breaks for 15-20 minutes for tea and just a vacation. (Tea and sweet also prepare in advance!)

4. Creative plane.

Requests for work in coaching
1) development of the resource of creativity for growth (self-development, professional growth, business development)
2) decision internal conflicts, overcoming crises using creativity resource