Republic of Maldives. Maldives on world map

Mira, first you need to find India on it. It is not difficult - the peninsula on which this state is located is located in the south of Asia and has the shape of a triangle. From the southernmost point of this exotic country, you must mentally draw a line to the southwest. It is there that a large group of atolls is located - coral islands, which are called the Maldives.

Atolls are a closed or broken ring formed by the mouth of an extinct volcano, that is, in the middle of such an "island" there is a lagoon filled with sea water.

The distance to India is about 700 km, it is worth noting that the atolls are located on a rather large area, so the southernmost ones are 1,000 km away. The Maldives are washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean and, due to their proximity to the equator, have a unique climate with an almost constant temperature throughout the year and only two distinct seasons - dry and rainy.

Due to their volcanic origin, the islands have a low altitude (only about two meters) and a rather sparse fauna - only a few species of mammals live here. But underwater world very diverse.

State of the Maldives

All atolls located in this part of the Indian Ocean are united in the state of the Republic of Maldives. It is worth noting that its history began in 1965, when Britain, under whose protectorate the islands were, generously granted them independence, however, not just like that, but after fierce uprisings of the population against the rule of the empire.

However, much remains of the English, including the name, it is a distorted word in Hindi: "" - a palace and "diva" - an island. The capital of the state of the Republic of Maldives is the city of Male, which, by the way, is the only settlement that has such a status.

Maldives are Muslims, or rather Sunnis. In the 12th century, a Muslim preacher landed on the islands, who founded a dynasty that ruled until the arrival of the Portuguese, Dutch, and subsequently the British.

How to get to the Maldives

Travel on Maldives will require from the tourist not only the investment of time and money, but also patience, because a direct flight from Moscow to the capital of the state of Male lasts more than 8 hours. If a non-stop flight is unavailable for any reason, you will have to plan a route with a connection at an intermediate airport, usually Colombo in Sri Lanka, Abu Dhabi in the UAE or Dubai in Saudi Arabia... In any case, it should be borne in mind that from Male to the desired island will have to be reached by water transport or by seaplane.


Tours and tours

about country

In the Indian Ocean south-west of Ceylon, almost at the very equator, there is a coral archipelago - Maldives... It consists of twenty-six coral atolls, most of which are uninhabited. They have never been part of the mainland. It's just that myriads of tiny polyps built their limestone houses on top of each other - as a result, islands were formed.

The Maldives are most popular with newlyweds - such a combination of privacy, comfort, luxury and primacy does not exist at the same time, perhaps anywhere else in the world. This is one of the few places where a miracle is possible: a complete detachment from the present, immersion in a space woven of blue skies, snow-colored sand and emerald water of extraordinary transparency.

Nature and geography

The island state of the Maldives is located in South Asia, southwest of Sri Lanka, in the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean. The Maldives archipelago has about 2000 islands forming 26 atolls and only 202 of them are inhabited. The closest neighbors - India and Sri Lanka are located at a distance of 600 and 700 km north and south of the archipelago.

The capital of the Maldives - Male - is located on the island of Male. Time is 2 hours ahead of Moscow time, and from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October - by 1 hour.

Maldives climate

The Maldives has a warm tropical climate with an even temperature throughout the year (air temperature 25-30 C, water temperature 24-27 C). The optimal travel season is from October to May.

Average monthly air temperature in the capital:

Attractions Maldives

are widely known for their resorts, each of which is a unique world surrounded by the purest golden sands. This is a place "at the end of the world", where there is no noise of cities and European civilization, where only exotic nature and endless expanses of the ocean.

Numerous underwater coral caves stretch throughout the Maldives archipelago, and lush tropical vegetation creates the pristine and unique beauty of the islands.

The Maldives is a discovery for diving enthusiasts. Numerous coral caves are interesting places for underwater research. Coral reefs protect coastal waters from predatory fish, so diving enthusiasts need not fear for their lives.

Attractions in the Maldives include the National Museum, Sultan Park, Singapore Bazaar, Islamic Center and 20 picturesque mosques in the capital.

Maldivian cuisine and its features

Local cuisine typically includes rice, fish curries made with coconut milk, and limes, chili and small onions. Roshi, a local bread, is usually eaten with mas huni, a fish cocktail flavored with coconut, onions, chili and lime.

Of the local snacks, fihunu mas - fish baked with chili paste, keemia - fried fish rolls, kulhi borkihaa - the most delicate fish pie are very popular. Among the sweets, bondi - white coconut sticks - are very tasty.

Population, language, religion

The population of the Maldives is mainly composed of Maldivians and Indians.

State language - Dhivehi, belongs to the Indo-Iranian group. English widespread in the capital Male and in resorts.

The population professes Sunni Islam.

Customs regulations, visa, currency, embassies

Tourist visa for 30 days is affixed free of charge upon arrival at the airport.
Israel passport holders are not allowed into the country... When departing from Hulhule Airport, there will be an airport tax of USD 10 per person.

Stay mode... There are no restrictions on movement. To visit one of the islands where the indigenous people live, you need to obtain a special permit.

On Maldives there is no Russian embassy. You can contact the Russian Embassy in Sri Lanka, Colombo. Tel. (94-1) 57-35-55, 57-49-59 (around the clock).

Currency... The official currency is the Maldivian rufiyaa. One rufiyaa contains 100 lari. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2 rufiyaa and coins of 50, 25, 10, 5, 2 and 1 lari.

Customs regulations... When passing through customs at the airport of Male, you must present all your belongings for inspection, including hand luggage. Prohibited import alcoholic beverages, drugs, any pornographic material, recorded video tapes, spearfishing weapons.

Upon departure from Male, by presenting the relevant receipt, you can get back alcoholic drinks, selected at customs at the entrance.

Travel tips

Holidays and non-working days... January 1st - New Year, January 8-10 - Eid al Fitr (End of fasting Ramadan), March 15-18 - Eid al Kebir (Day of Sacrifice), April 6 - Islamic New Year, June 4-5 - National holiday, June 15 - Mulud (Birthday Prophet), July 26-27 - Independence Day, November 11-12 - Republic Day, September 1 - Khuravi Day, October 28 - Martyrs Day, November 3 - Victory Day.

Souvenirs... Shark jaws, handicrafts, light summer clothes, coconut oil, shells, etc. are brought from the Maldives as souvenirs.

Transport... Any Maldives can be crossed in 1.5 - 2 hours. The Maldives is dominated by aquatic species Transport: local taxi - wooden boat "doni" with a flat roof.

Bicycles and motorcycles are the most popular types of land transportation. Taxis work to get around Male. The price of one trip in any direction is 10 rufiyaa. Car rental is available in Male and other large islands.

clothing... Any light clothing of your choice is acceptable. Even in deluxe hotels, most restaurants do not require evening wear. Regular beachwear is recommended for the beach. It should be remembered that nudism and topless are prohibited in the Maldives (with the exception of Kuramati Island, where topless is allowed). When visiting the fishing villages and the capital of Male, tourists should wear modest clothing, respecting Muslim traditions.

Rules of behavior... Despite the fact that Islam practiced in the Maldives is milder than in most Arab countries, the following should not be forgotten:

  • underwater hunting and unauthorized fishing are prohibited
  • it is forbidden to get corals, shells, sea stars, etc. from the sea.
  • swimming in the nude is prohibited on all islands in the archipelago.

The Maldives is a coral archipelago located in the Indian Ocean 640 kilometers southwest of Ceylon, almost at the equator, 99.669% of the Maldives is sea. The Maldives landmass (i.e. 0.331% of the country's territory) consists of 19 coral atolls, uniting 1,196 islands. The population of 200 thousand people lives on 202 islands, the rest 994 are uninhabited, on 88 islands there are tourist resorts.

The length of the Maldives archipelago from north to south is 820 km, from east to west - 120 km. The total area of ​​the Maldives, together with land and sea, is about 90 thousand square kilometers.

The name "Maldives" comes from the Hindu words "mahal" (palace) and "diva" (island).

The Maldives consists of two rows of atolls. These atolls are the result of thousands of years of coral growth. Each year, coral colonies grow 1-4 cm and finally come to the surface of the body of water. Inner part the coral dies and after some (rather long) time the lagoon begins to form. This is always beneficial to the ocean because erosion turns corals into the delicate white sand that Maldivian beaches are famous for. After a few more years (possibly several hundred), a new islet is formed.

The Maldives is considered one of the safest holiday destinations in the world. The tranquility and beauty of the islands is unique. White beaches and gorgeous lagoons with crystal clean water... All over the world, according to experts, there are only two excellent places for diving: the Red Sea and the Maldives. That's why every resort here has diving schools that issue international certificates at the end of the course.

Maldives climate

Since the Maldives is located almost at the equator, the climate here is tropical. The temperature is around 28-30 ° C all year round.

Thus, there are no cold winters here, and you can enjoy such pleasant weather all year round. The weather here is determined by the southwest monsoon (April - September) and the northeast monsoon (December - April).

The northeastern monsoon brings a hot and dry period.

The southwest monsoon can bring intermittent rains high humidity and the restless sea. However, it is the least hot during this period.

The average daily maximum is 28-30.4oС.
The average night minimum is 25.4oС.
Water temperature - 24-27oС all year round.

Visa for Maldives

The Maldives is a visa-free country.

A tourist visa is stamped in the passport upon arrival free of charge and is valid for 30 days from the date of entry into the country. Israel passport holders are not allowed into the country.

When passing through customs control at the airport of Male, you must remember that in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Maldives

1. Import of any narcotic substances, including psychotropic
2. Importation of pornographic materials recorded for viewing video cassettes with films, etc. Only sealed cassettes are allowed.
3. Import of anti-Islamic literature.
4. Import of military paraphernalia.
5. Import of any pork products.
6. Import of alcohol
7. Import of animals
8. Import of gunpowder / explosives / firearms / piercing, cutting objects and weapons for spearfishing

In accordance with the laws of the Republic of Maldives and hotel policies

1. Break, tear live and dead corals in the ocean and near the coast, damage shells and raise them to the surface. All these actions are prohibited by law! Fines are charged for violation!
2. Catch fish near the islands. For this purpose, the hotels organize fishing for both common and large non-commercial fish.
3. Spearfishing is strictly prohibited.
4. Throw empty cans, bottles made of tin, glass and plastic and other garbage on the islands - use the trash cans provided for this.
4. It is forbidden to visit the capital of Male and the islands where local residents live in beachwear. It is recommended to wear items that cover your shoulders and knees.
5. Nudism and topless (Topless) is prohibited by law! Fines are charged for violation!


Maldives currency

The Maldivian currency is the rufiyaa and laari.

1 Maldivian rufiyaa is equal to 100 laari.

1 US dollar is approximately equal to 12 rufiyaa.

In the Maldives, there are banknotes of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 rufiyaa and coins of 2 and 1 rufiyaa, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 laari.

However, US dollars and major credit cards (American Express, Visa, Master Card, Diners Club and Euro Card) are almost universally accepted.

Therefore, it is not at all necessary to exchange dollars for local currency upon arrival.

Capital of the Maldives - Male

Male is the smallest capital in the world (2.5 km long, 1 km wide). Its main attraction is the Great Friday Mosque, decorated with a golden dome. The Islamic Center is located on its territory. This largest mosque in the Maldives can accommodate more than 5,000 people at the same time.

There is an old mosque nearby " Good friday"with a unique minaret, graves national heroes and members of ruling families.

Other attractions of the capital include the Presidential Palace, the National Museum, located in Sultan's Park, and the burials of legendary Maldivian saints. It is also interesting to visit the colorful local markets - fruit, vegetable and handicraft - places where residents of many Maldives bring goods.

There is practically no entertainment in the capital. No nightclubs, no concert halls, no theaters. The main entertainment is a walk along the picturesque streets of the town, along the seaport, along the embankment or in the park.

Nearby is the Hulule International Airport - an airstrip right in the ocean and a small terminal building. Until the last moment, you are sure that the plane is landing directly into the water. After leaving the plane, you will find yourself right at the pier, where the famous Maldivian "dhonis" are already waiting for you, ready to take you to the capital or to any other island.

Interactive map of the Republic of Maldives. On this map, you can change the scale, and you can also switch to a satellite view. By holding down the left mouse button on the image, you can drag the map in the desired direction, and using + and - you can adjust the scale.

Maldives on world map

Maldives on world map, the islands are located in the Indian Ocean. How the Republic of Maldives is located in relation to other countries and continents.

The Maldives are coral islands, these islands are called atolls. So the Maldives has 26 such atolls, and there are 1192 coral islands in total, only they are too small. Administratively, the government divided the country into 20 atolls. The Maldives is an independent country with its own president, constitution and its own rules of entry and behavior.

An atoll is a coral island that looks like a solid or broken ring that surrounds the lagoon. More precisely, the atoll is a rise on the ocean floor, crowned with a coral superstructure, forming a reef with a group of islets separated by straits.

Maldives map with the largest atolls:

These atolls are located south of India, 700 kilometers from the island of Sri Lanka. The height of all the islands does not exceed 2.5 meters. The weather is always warm, not lower than 17 degrees and not higher than 32 degrees. These are ideal conditions for receiving tourists looking for a beach holiday.

Map of Male - the capital of the Republic of Maldives. The picture is clickable; to view the full image, click on the map.

Some of the five-star resorts near Male or the airport:

  • Taj Exotica is just 10 minutes from the airport.
  • One & Only Reethi Rah is about an hour's drive from the airport.
  • Jumeirah Vittaveli - About 20 minutes from the airport.
  • Velassaru Maldives - About 15 minutes from the airport.
  • Sheraton Fullmoon Resort - about 15 minutes.
  • Kurumba Maldives - 5 minutes.

Some of the four-star resorts near the airport:

  • Meeru Island Resort - Approx. 30 minutes.
  • Paradise Island Resort - about 15 minutes.
  • Bandos Island Resort - about 15 minutes.

These are just a few hotels that can be quickly named. Discover more resorts using the map.

Atoll Map

Map of the main tourist atolls of the Maldives. On the map you will find the location of airports, the names of resorts, etc. The map is long, since the country itself is located in length from north to south, so you can open the map by pressing the left mouse button and scroll with the mouse wheel. The document will open in pdf format and there you can change the scale.

Distance between Maldives and other countries

  • Distance between Maldives and Sri Lanka from closest point: 717 km
  • Distance between Maldives and India from nearest point: 430 km
  • Distance between Maldives and Seychelles from closest point: 1950 km
  • Distance between Maldives and Malaysia from closest point: 2,970 km
  • Distance between Maldives and Thailand from closest point: 2,750 km
  • Distance between Maldives and Japan from closest point: 5800 km
  • Distance between Maldives and Hong Kong with closest point: 4760 km
  • Distance between Maldives and Germany from closest point: 7200 km

- an island state in the south of Asia, in the northern part of the Indian Ocean. There are over 2000 small islands. The maritime boundaries lie in the Indian Ocean.

The name of the country comes from the Sanskrit dwipa - "island".

Official name: Maldives

Capital: Male

The area of ​​the land: 298 sq. km

Total population: 395 K people

Administrative division: The country is divided into 20 island groups.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: President elected for a term of 5 years.

Population composition: 99% are Maldivians (ethnogenesis is not completely clear), as well as Arabs and people from the African continent.

Official language: Maldivian (Dhivehi). English is widely spoken in the capital Male and in the resorts.

Religion: Almost the entire population is Sunni Muslim.

Internet domain: .mv

Mains voltage: ~ 230 V, 50 Hz

Country dialing code: +960


Tropical marine. The temperature throughout the year on average does not drop below +25 C, even at night. average temperature is about +28 C all year round (daytime maximum - about +32 C, night minimum - +25 C). The amount of precipitation is about 2500 mm. per year, and most often in the form of short rains in the evening and at night. The water temperature is also constant - about + 24-27 C all year round.

The best weather conditions are observed during the Iruvai period (November-December to March-April, the northeast monsoon season), when the sea is calm and the weather is sunny and dry. From May to October, during the "hulhangu" season (April to October), the weather is less predictable - the southwest monsoon can bring intermittent rains, high humidity and choppy seas (although it is the least hot during this period). Storms and waves are most likely in June and December.


The island state of Maldives is 700 km away. southwest of Sri Lanka, in the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean. Two practically parallel chains of islands, bordered by coral reefs, and lying at a relatively small distance from each other, stretch for 820 km. from North to South. There are 1196 islands in total, forming 26 atolls, of which only 199 are inhabited and about 100 are open to the public. The total area of ​​the country is about 90 thousand square meters. km., land - only 298 sq. km.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

Forests cover no more than 3% of the islands' area. On many islands, coconut palms grow, which do not suffer from soil salinity, banana groves and a dense shrub cover, in some places mangroves, and in the depths of the islands there are banyan trees, pandanus and various thorny plants.

Animal world

The coastal waters are abundant in fish. There are sea turtles, which have been intensively exterminated by the population for a long time. Their meat and fat were used for food, and their shells were used for various crafts. Currently, turtles are on the verge of extinction and are protected by law. Since 1996, a program for the protection of environment"A Million Trees". Within its framework, nurseries have been created in which seedlings are grown for further landings on the islands of the archipelago.

The traditional activities of the Maldivians are collecting cowrie shells and growing a coconut tree that produces copra, vegetable oil and palm leaves. Crops such as rice, taro, millet, corn, sweet potatoes, and cassava are also cultivated. Of the industrial sectors, fish processing is developed.


The Maldives are widely known for their atoll resorts, each of which is its own unique world, surrounded by pristine coral beaches and an indescribable blue sea. This is a "place at the end of the world", where there is no noise of cities and annoying signs of civilization, where only exotic nature and endless expanses of the ocean.

Numerous underwater coral reefs and caves stretch across the Maldives archipelago, lush tropical vegetation emphasizes the pristine and unique beauty of the islands, and the ancient culture of the local people creates a unique environment for a secluded getaway.

Banks and currency

Maldives rupees (rufiyaa). One rupee is equal to 100 lari. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2 rupees. And also coins of 50, 25, 10, 5, 2 and 1 lari. USD and major credit cards are widely accepted, so it is not necessary to exchange USD for local currency upon arrival.

In Male, banks and exchange offices are concentrated on Marine Drive. They are open from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm, Sunday through Thursday (as in many other Muslim countries, Friday and Saturday are weekends in the Maldives). On departure, the remaining rupees are allowed to be exchanged back for dollars. Currency exchange can be carried out not only at the bank, but also in a number of large stores, which have a special sign next to the signs of international tourist cards.

Useful information for tourists

It is forbidden to drink alcohol in public places (outside the resort area). It is recommended to drink bottled water and soft drinks. Local water, although it is purified quite thoroughly (often it is desalinated sea ​​water), but because of high temperature quickly deteriorates.

Traditional Islamic norms of behavior are strong in the country, but without the slightest sign of bigotry. The restrictions are the same as in Oman. Photography is prohibited in mosques. The guards of the mosque usually insist on escorting the tourist, hoping to take a fee, but in fact, you can inspect the mosque on your own. Swimming in the nude is prohibited on all islands in the archipelago, with the exception of Kuramati Island. You can bargain in markets and private shops, but the amount of the "discount" is usually small.

Spearfishing and unauthorized fishing are prohibited (all types of sea fishing are freely organized in hotels), it is strictly forbidden to lift corals (both live and dead), shells and others from the bottom of the sea marine life... Heavy fines are charged for violation. The country has one of the largest markets in the region selling shells, corals and various exotic marine animals, so you can always buy these souvenirs without breaking local laws.

Officially, tips are not accepted, but unofficially, if the service really deserves it, it is customary to leave a small amount to the personally serving employee ($ 10 per week to the hotel employee or 5% to the waiter). Some resorts include payment for services in the bill (usually 10%), in which case the tip is not necessary. In the case of renting a boat or motorboat, the amount should be negotiated in advance.