Nelson Mandela political activity. Winnie Mandela: National Hero, Schemers and Criminal

From Clint Isovd to Barack Obama, from the Pope Francis to Mikhail Gorbachev - they were admired. And today, on the birthday of Nelson Mandela, the site collected several quotes and facts from the biography of this amazing person, politics, freedom fighter.

1. A person who has changed the world grew up in a small African village and was the only one of his family members who received education. His father died when Nelson was only 9 years old. Later he was adopted by Regent Jongintab.

"Education is the most powerful weaponsWith which you can change the world. "

Class of a methodological college in Fort Befort. One of the early famous pictures of Nelson Mandela, 1937 - 1938

2. Nelson Mandela's policies improved and retained millions of lives. During his presidency, 3 million people got access to the telephone line, power lines and drinking water, 1.5 million children were educated. 500 clinics and 750 thousand houses that gave a roof over the head of 3 million citizens were built.

"One of the highest achievements for a person is to fulfill its duty, not paying attention to the consequences."

3. In 1944, Nelson Mandela headed the African National Congress (ANC) in his struggle for the freedom of the African population and the equality of races. But in 1962, on charges of states, he was sentenced to life imprisonment and put in Johannesburg jail, where the future of South Africa held 27 years of his life.

Nelson Mandela: "I am grateful to those 27 years, which spent in prison, because it gave me the opportunity to focus. Since I was released, I lost this opportunity. "

"Never fall is not the greatest merit in life. The main thing is to rise every time. "

Nelson Mandela, 1960

4. During imprisonment, Nelson Mandela managed to graduate from London University with a bachelor's degree of legal sciences. Later, his candidacy was nominated to the post of honorary rector. In February 1985, President South Africa Peter Bota offered Mandela liberation in exchange for a "unconditional refusal of violence as political weapons." The revolutionary responded to the offer with an ultimative refusal, saying that only free people have the right to negotiate, but not prisoners.

"It's not so difficult to change society - it is difficult to change yourself."

27 years old Nelson Mandela spent in prison, 18 of them - in a single chamber

"No one is born with hatred for another person because of the color of the skin, origin or religion. People learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, you need to try to teach their love, because love is much closer to the human heart ".

Nelson Mandela votes in the 1994 elections

6. Mandela was a real masking master. A wrestler for freedom of black was 17 months wanted. During this time, he managed to pretend to be a worker, a cook, and when he was arrested, he was in the role of the driver.

"Difficulties and adversity destroy some people, but create others".

The prison number of Mandela "46664" - a symbolic number to combat HIV

7. Nelson Mandela starred in the film Spike Lee "Malcolm X" 1992. He played the elderly Malcolm, but flatly refused to pronounce the main phrase of the African American fighter for the rights of blacks, and the director had to trim the key monologue in the film.

"Light head and light heart always make up a formidable combination. And when you add a sharp tongue or pencil to this, it turns out something rattled ".

8. After the 54-year-old son Nelson Mandela McGahoe died from AIDS, the political leader called on the African public to treat this disease as a "ordinary" disease and stop the persecution of HIV-infected.

"We must use the time wisely and remember: the right thing can be started at any minute".

Nelson Mandela: "Freedom can not be partial"

9. African Madiba Silk Shirts became popular all over the world thanks to Nelson Mandela. The shirts were named after the name of the clan policy and created by the designer deer Buirski.

"If you have a dream, nothing hurts you to realize it in life until you get out".

Children sing songs-congratulations Nelson Mandela, July 18, 2013

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On these days, the whole world press recalls Nelson Mandela and the difficult path that he had to go. One of the most courageous fighters for human rights was the first in the history of the Black President South Africa and led the state from 1994 to 1999, and he spent 27 years in the jail for his active activities against the apartheid regime. The man of an incredible charm, he still became a legend during his lifetime.

Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 near Uttaths in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. At birth, he was given the name of the movie, which literally means "the branches of the trees", and translated from the local - "confusion, a disturbance of calm."

Nelson Mandela, 1961. (Photo AFP | Getty Images):

When he studied at school, African children were gave English names to make teachers easier to pronounce them. In those days it was a tradition among Africans. So Mandela began to call Nelson (in honor of the British Admiral).

Not far from Johannesburg, October 1990. (Photo Alexander Joe | AFP | Getty Images):

Later, he continued his studies at the College of the University of Fort Hare, where he received the Master of Arts Diploma. At that time it was the only higher educational institution in the country in which they had the right to learn Blacklock. True, in 1940, Nelson Mandela was excluded from college for participating in the student strike. During the training, he was fond of running and boxing.

Nelson Mandela after speaking from the balcony, June 16, 1990. (Photo AP Photo | Rob Croese):

In 1943, Mandela was influenced by radical and African ideas and for the first time took part in the mass protest. In the 1950s, he was already one of the most active fighters against apartheid in South Africa, he often arrested the police.

That's just one of the arrests. Nelson Mandela leaves at the police van, Johannesburg, South Africa, December 31, 1956. (Photo AP Photo):

Apartheid (africa. Apartheid) - "Return, separateness." Separate accommodation for representatives of different races or cultures, oppression of people on racial sign or skin color.

US President Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela at the ceremony in honor of two leaders in Philadelphia, July 4, 1993. (Photo AP Photo | Greg Gibson):

By 1960, Mandela became the leader of the African National Congress (ANC). In 1961, the organization decided to move to an armed struggle against apartheid. Three years later, in June 1964, Nelson Maddela was arrested by South Africa and sentenced to life imprisonment.

In this car, eight people sentenced to life imprisonment for their political detensia. Among them and Nelson Mandela. The car leaves the Pretoria Justice Palace, June 16, 1964. (Photo AFP | Getty Images):

African women rally in South AfricaAugust 16, 1962. They demand to free Nelson Mandela from prison. (Photo AP Photo | Dennis Lee Royle):

Rally in the London Guide Park for the liberation of Nelson Mandela, July 17, 1988. (Photo AP Photo | GILL ALLEN):

The second wife of Nelson Winnie Mandela is studying congratulations on the 70th anniversary of a fighter with an apartheid who sits in prison. Johannesburg, July 18, 1988. (Photo Walter Dhladhla | AFP | Getty Images):

He spent in prison as many as 27 years. During his conclusion, Nelson Mandela acquired world fame.

February 11, 1994. Nelson Mandela looks out of the window of his former prison chamber. (Photo Reuters | Patrick de Noirmont):

He spoiled his eyesight on the vessels in the quarries. He was not allowed temporarily from prison even on the funeral of the mother and son. In 1985, he rejected the proposal of President South Africa Peter bots about the refusal of political struggle in exchange for freedom.

President of South Africa Nelson Mandela and US President Bill Clinton in Camera number 5 on Robben Island, where Mandela served 18 years old, March 27, 1998. (Photo Reuters):

During the crisis of the apartheid system, in 1990 Nelson Mandela was released from prison aged 72 years.

Nelson Mandela's released enters the Soweto football stadium in South Africa to say. He came to listen to 120,000 people, February 13, 1990. (Photo AP Photo | Udo Weitz):

Coming out to Freedom Mandel did not take revenge on his abusers for 27 years of take-off life, although he headed the Armed Wing of the African National Congress. Once on the will, he chose the path of the world.

Irish musician Bob Geldoph and Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, July 15, 1991. (Photo AP Photo | John Parkin):

In 1993, he was awarded Nobel Prize The world for efforts to put an end to apartheid. (Photo Gerard Julien | AFP | Getty Images):

In 1994, the first nationwide elections with the participation of the African majority were held in South Africa, and Nelson Mandela became the first in the history of the Black President South Africa.

The rally of supporters of the future president in Durban, April 24, 1994. (Photo Reuters):

Nelson Mandelands throws his bulletin to the election urn in the presidential election, April 27, 1994. (Photo Reuters):

Helicopters at the inauguration ceremony of the first black president of Nelson Mandela Country in Pretoria, South Africa, May 10, 1994. (Photo AP Photo):

The ceremony of leading the oath of the president, May 10, 1994. (Photo AP Photo | David Brauchli):

Speech by the first black president of South Africa for bulletproof glass at the inauguration ceremony, May 10, 1994. (Photo Reuters | Juda Ngweenya):

In 1996, Nelson's dream was accomplished: under his leadership, a new South African Constitution was developed and adopted, which guaranteed all South Africans equal rights independently of the color of the skin, gender, religious beliefs.

For the power, Nelson Mandela did not keep himself and in the 1999 elections did not put his candidacy for the new post of President South Africa.

President of South Africa Nelson Mandela and Queen of Great Britain Queen Elizabeth II ride in a carriage to the Buckingham Palace during Mandela's state visit to the United Kingdom, July 9, 1996. (Photo Reuters):

"Nelson Mandela is a peaceful liberator of a confused South Africa" \u200b\u200b(The New York Times).

President of the South Africa on the second day of the Mandela State Visit in the UK, London, July 10, 1996. (Photo Reuters | Dan Chung):

For many years after he left the presidential post, Nelson Mandela's life was as contrasting as the whole South Africa. He lived on two houses: then in one of the most prestigious regions of Johannesburg, then in the poor village, where his ancestors lived. So now in the country in the same way: businessmen and bankers - on the one hand, the beggar of the peasants - on the other.

President of South Africa Nelson Mandela and Pope John Paul II listen to the State Anthem at Johannesburg International Airport during the first official visit of the Pope, September 16, 1995. (Photo Reuters):

President of South Africa Nelson Mandela and the first US Lady Hillary Clinton with his daughter (left) at a meeting in Cape Town, March 20, 1997. (Photo AP Photo | DOUG MILLS):

IN last years Due to illness, Nelson Mandela appeared on the public extremely rarely. But each of his birthday, the country continued to celebrate with a scope.

President South Africa Nelson Mandel welcomes the Cuban leader Fidel Castro in Durban, on September 2, 1998. (Photo Odd Andersen | AFP | Getty Images):

In early June 2013, Nelson Mandela fell into the hospital with a relapse of a pulmonary infection.

Little imitator near the hospital, July 14, 2013. (Photo Christopher Furlong | Getty Images):

Former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela and Michael Jackson in San City, South Africa, September 4, 1999. (Photo ADIL BRADLOW | AFP | Getty Images):

"The name of N.Mandel is inextricably linked by a whole epoch in the latest history of Africa" \u200b\u200b(V. Putin).

"Yes I a common person"(Nelson Mandela)

Former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela posing with grandchildren in his home in South Africa, July 18, 2008. (Photo AP Photo | Themba Hadebe):

Former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela is waving a crowd on a football stadium during the closing ceremony of the World Cup in Johannesburg, July 11, 2010. (Photo Reuters | Michael Kooren):

Nelson Mandela celebrates his 94th birthday with his family, South Africa, July 18, 2012. (Photo AP Photo | Schalk Van Zuydam):

On the night of December 6, 2013, Ex-President South Africa Nelson Mandela died at the age of 95. (Photo Reuters | babu):

Charming global leader with impeccable reputation.

Winnie met Nelson in 1957. By this time, his name was known in South Africa. The position of the dark population in the country was deplorable, and the ideas of the struggle against apartheid found more and more sympathizing. The skin color was caused by daily humiliations - at work, on the street, in the store or in the hospital. It was possible to study the Africans only in several universities, they were prescribed on the bus to sit on specially designated places. In stores - stand in a separate queue. If the African came to the "toilet for whites", immediately flared the scandal. " Ambulance"Before the departure clarified the color of the patient's skin: in some cases, it was necessary to wait for the brigade for 6-7 hours. Intimate proximity between representatives of different races had the status of a criminal offense. It is worth mentioning and, perhaps, the most amazing legislative norm: Africans were deprived of South Africa.

Nelson Mandela to the moment of dating from Winnie headed the youth wing of the African National Congress - the oldest organization that represented the interests of the indigenous population. Future spouses rallied politics: in his youth Winnie joined the organization of the left sense and with heat was engaged social activities. A talented student was offered a grant for study in the United States, but she chose to stay in his homeland and settled by a social worker in the hospital.

Nelson divorced the first wife when she hit the religion

The wedding took place a year after the acquaintance, in 1958. For Nelson, it was a second marriage. The first one gave a crack when Wife Evelin entered the Society of Jehovah's Witnesses. All his time, she devoted to the "recruitment" of new supporters, the victim of religious agitation was the husband. As politician recognized, it was this who broke the boat of family happiness. Unlike Evelin, Winnie after the wedding quickly "politicized" and joined the ranks of the women's League of the African National Congress. Anything about honeymoon There was no speech: in the midst of the Court of Mandela. Politics accused of preparing the state version. In the morning he went to a court session, and in the evening she was engaged in legal practice. True, after charges in state treason, the clients did not rush to Mandela. And if you came, then the consultation was received with a practically gift - the firm specialized in the help of blacksm, in which, as a rule, there was no extra charge. So the money from the future president of South Africa was not a penny - the family existed on a modest earnings of Winnie as a social worker.

In 1958, parliamentary elections were held in South Africa. Africans, who in the country there were about 13 million, did not have election law. Mandela for days and nights organized manifestations, and his wife helped him in every way. At about this moment, politician was finally established in the idea of \u200b\u200ban armed struggle. "We had no alternative to violent resistance. We have already used all non-violent weapons, which was in our arsenal - speech, marches, strikes, - and all to no avail. All our attempts the government met iron hand"," Mandela writes in the book "Long Way to Freedom." Winnie at that moment was engaged in legal aspects of the situation of women in South Africa. The position of her husband was separated entirely and completely.

At the beginning of the 60s, the politicians initiated the explosions of government facilities and combined tens of thousands of radically tuned Africans around him. In 1962, he was arrested, and two years later sentenced to life imprisonment.

Rally in South Africa, August 1962

Winnie was in a difficult position. On the one hand, all the black population of the country expected the continuation of Nelson's business from it. On the other hand, it was obvious that she risks in a large one. The government strengthened the policy of racial discrimination, for the slightest hint of political activities, the African could go to prison. The African National Congress was found illegal. The idea of \u200b\u200bequal rights of the "White" and "black" population caused so violent resistance from the current government that even international sanctions did not help change the situation. And yet Winnie took the risk. She continued her husband's legal activity, helping the blacks in the protection of their rights in the courts, did not miss any rally and promoted the struggle against apartheid. Mandela turned out several times under house arrest; was accused of preparing a terrorist act and a year and a half was sitting in prison, where she was tortured; After multidimious protests of the 1976 protest, when several hundred students were killed, she was skeiled in the town of Brandfort for 7 years. The possibilities of campaigning in this God forgotten place, of course, were limited. But Winnie did not give up.

The icon that distributed among the indigenous population

It is curious to trace how the tonality of her speeches changed over time. At first, the wife of odious policy was clearly carefully carefully and did not affect acute issues. Her performances concerned mainly the situation of dark-skinned women, educational opportunities for children, maximum - catastrophic incidence of AIDS in the country. But over time, Mandela realized that nothing serious was threatened with her. Her rhetoric has become much more aggressive. What is one speech on April 13, 1986! Then she approved the practice entitled "Necklace". For an innocent word - a sophisticated murder, the execution, which Africans were subjected to white-skinned residents of South Africa. Among the passers, they chose the victim and took into the slums. The neck was put on the tire, inside which was gasoline. Next, it was allocated. In his scandalous speech, Winnie said: "With the help of our necklies, we must free this country." The politician skillfully manipulated the sentiments of Africans, which were outraged by violent relocation in the early 80s. Nevertheless, this ill-fated performance caused serious damage to her reputation.

Winnie visited her husband in prison and at the same time he twisted the novel with a young lawyer

Starting since 1988, events unfold rapidly. Under the guise of the Winieu Football Club gathered around him a gang of bodyguards. Right in the house of Mandela, they killed a 14-year-old teenager Stompreti. The "mother of the nation" came up with Alibi, however, was accused of abducting the settlement and attack him. One member of the gang argued that Winnie herself had fallen with an unfortunate blow to a knife, but she managed to get dry out of the water. The court softened the sentence for lack of evidence, and instead of 6 years of imprisonment, Mandela discharged a fine. The degree of popularity of Winnie was rapidly, despite the scandal. Moreover, even white-skinned activists appeared in her support - they believed that Mandela was substituted by the government.

A member of the "Football Club" said that Winnie defeated blows with a knife

However, it is not known how career would be a career of our heroine, if in the 1990s it was not liberated Nelson. He began to actively "promote his wife (however, until he learned that she was twisted with a young lawyer). In 1993, the "mother of the nation" elected the head of the women's League of the African National Congress.

Literally a few days after Mandela became president, he appointed a deputy head of art, culture, science and technology. But here it was not without a scandal: in the first month of work, she paid 40% of the amount to its bodyguards, which 39 ministers and their deputies spent. In addition, Winnie presented a huge mansion as a gift. The donator, as it turned out, was engaged in smuggling diamonds. Mandela was charged with corruption, and after 11 months she left her post.

Infinite court cases and the divorce with Nelson did not break Winnie. In 1999 she was elected to parliament, but in 2003 she again appeared before the court. She was charged with 60 episodes of fraud and 25 theft. Together with its financial consultant Winnie "saw" the budget of the African National Congress. By the way, after these charges, Nelson stopped publicly advocated to support the ex-wife. Winnie was forced to leave politics. True, she managed to avoid prison - the court left in force only the sentence on one episode of fraud (3.5 years).

Mandela "saw" the budget of the ANC with its consultant

In 2007, Mandela was again elected by a member of the Executive Committee of the African National Congress. This is amazing, but the fact. Neither the scandalous story with the murder nor the accusations in the treasures could not dispel the charm of this political figure for Africans. Winnie is still a legend woman in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela, whose biography will be presented below, is considered one of the greatest people of Africa, which almost since childhood has put a clear goal and all his life sought it. As a result, he succeeded and did exactly what he wanted, despite great amount Obstacles on his way.


Father Nelson had four wives. All the same, they brought him 13 children, one of which was Nelson himself. Its real name sounds like Hollylal, which is translated from the local language indicates the "disrupting branch of the tree", or simply "squad". It was Holylala who was the first in the family who went to go to school, where, actually, and received a more well-known name - Nelson. At that time there was a similar tradition when children of local tribes received European names. As Mandela himself recalled, on the first day, when all students came to school and did not know anything at all, their teacher gave each name. Why Hollylala got exactly such a nickname as Nelson, he never learned.

As soon as the future president turned nine years old, his father died, who was the village of Village. The role of the guardian on itself takes Regent Jongintab. Nelson Mandela loved to learn and dedicated quite a lot of this lesson. As a result, for a year earlier, the certificate received a certificate of junior secondary education and continued his studies. In 1939, Holylala enters the unique University of the country in which it was possible to obtain formation to the dark-skinned population. He never finished learning, and due to the fact that the regent planned to marry him forcibly, ran away from home. For some time he worked in the mine, then he was fired from there, was able to contact the guardian and even more or less to establish relationships. After that, Nelson is arranged to work in a legal office. During work in absentia, with the help of Jongintab, he receives the degree of bachelor of the humanities and continues his studies, which for various reasons was never completed.


Since 1943, Nelson Mandela is participating in various non-violent promotions that impede the actions of the government. Since 1944, it becomes a member of the African National Congress (ANC) and takes part in the creation of a youth league, which can be considered a more radical direction of the Congress. Since 1948, when it became clear that the new government is not going to do anything against the existence of an apartheid policy, it begins to more actively take part in the political life of the country. Already in 1955, the Congress of the People was organized, where Nelson Mandell was actively involved and so far. It was then that the Charter of Freedom was adopted, which became the main document ANC. Interestingly, the future president fought not so much for the right of the black population, as for the equality of white and black in the country, actively performed both against the existing policies of the superiority of whites and against radical organizations that sought to drive out of the country of all celers. In 1961, Nelson Mandell becomes the leader of the armed resistance to the authorities. Different sabotage are being taken, partisan shares and much more. Initially, it was planned that during such shares no one should suffer, but in fact it was not always possible. Resistance lasted not long, and the leader himself considered him just the last measure, when all other attempts to change the situation were simply useless. In 1962 he was arrested.


The trial has lasts until 1964. In this situation, Nelson Mandela than is known to the majority? His speeches during this process. He and his arrested comrades were convicted and sentenced to death, but for various reasons, the punishment was changed to life imprisonment. The conditions for the conclusion of blacks, especially political, were terrible. They worked more than the others, and got food and water is much smaller. So for many years, until 1982, there was Nelson Mandela. The prison in which he was serving the sentence, was located on the island called Robben. In 1982, his and the rest of the "old" leaders are transferred to another place of conclusion, so that (supposedly) do not give them the opportunity to communicate with the "young" generation without consonation with the Government of activists. There he was located until 1988, when once again he was transferred lately for his "rendered" - prison "Victor-Wester".


Personal life

For his long and difficult life, Nelson was married three times. He had four children from the first wife, one of whom was died in infant age, and another child died in a car accident, and Mandela at that moment was in prison, and he was not allowed to be at the funeral of his own son. From the second marriage he has two daughters, and there were no third children. In total, at the time of death there were 17 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Despite the difficult, complete dangers of life, a long prison sentence, an armed struggle, as well as the fact that most of his forces took away the struggle for their own ideals and values, he paid a lot of time and his family.


After his resignation from the post of President Nelson Mandell (photo below) continued active activities. Calling to a more active fight against AIDS, was a member of the organization, the purpose of which was to stop all armed conflicts in the world, supported Gaddafi as an excellent leader, who had done a lot for his country, was an honorary member of 50 different universities.


Fame he received not only due to its activities, but also with his speeches and phrases. Nelson Mandela's quotes are quite famous, especially some of them. He talked about that there is no point in anger, as it is equivalent to drinking poison and hope that he will kill your enemies. According to him, the time released by man should be used as reasonably as possible and effectively, and most importantly - remember that any right thing can be started at any per minute. When he was told about the all-saying, he stated: "I can't forget, I can forgive." About his work for the benefit of freedom of all people, he responded in the key that the process of this is infinite: "When you choose one farm - you see many others who are just waiting for you while you conquer them." From his point of view, freedom is not the process of permissiveness, but the life that a person lives, respects others, and only so you can achieve real freedom. There are many other, no less famous phrases and sayings of this great person.

Death and testament

Died famous man In December 2013, in the presence of relatives, aged 95 years. According to his testament, a part of his inheritance will go to the family, part will go to the ank, only on the condition that the money will be used to continue establishing peace on the planet and similar actions. Another part is designed to closest employees and comrades. The rest will depart at the disposal of four educational institutions. From 1984 to 2012, he became the owner of many different awards awarded to him different countriesAnd his name is devoted to many elements, ranging from attractions and ending with postage stamps, banknotes and many others.

Nelson Mandela is the first black President of South Africa from May 10, 1994 to June 14, 1999, one of the most famous activists in the struggle for human rights during the existence of apartheid, for which 27 years was in prison, the Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize of 1993. Born on July 18, 1918 in the Republic of South Africa.

At the age of nine, Mandela lost his father who died from tuberculosis. In his youth Nelson Mandela visited the Methodist primary school, located near the Palace of Regent. At the age of sixteen, according to the tradition, he passed the initiation ceremony. Subsequently, he studied at the Institute of Clarkbery Institute, in which two years instead of the last three received a certificate of junior secondary education.

Nelson Mandela family

Nelson Mandela's father was the head of the village of Mvezo, but after cooling relations with the colonial authorities, he was shifted from his office and moved along with his family to Kunu. Nevertheless, the place in the secret council is preserved. After his death, this place was inherited by Nelson Mandela, so in 1937 he moved to Fort Beaufort, where he entered one of the Methodist colleges, which was completed by the majority of representatives of the ruling dynasty. After enrollment in 1939, the University of Fort Hayrangl Nelson Maddela began to study at the Bachelor of Humanities.

The formation of Nelson Mandela

Soon, after leaving the university, Nelson Mandela was notified by his regent about the upcoming wedding. It was very upset and in 1941, along with his cousin Nelson Mandela runs to Johannesburg, where it is arranged to work a guard on one of the gold mining mines. Later, Nelson Mandela thanks to the help of his friend Walter Sisulu will arrange a clerk-senior in one of law firms. While working, he will be able to receive in absentia the bachelor's degree of the Humanities in South Africa University, after which he begins to study the right at the University of Withersland, where he will learn until 1948, but will not receive a lawyer's diploma.

Political activity Nelson Mandela

At the same time, Nelson Mandela falls under the influence of liberal, radical and African ideas. In 1943, he first took part in a mass event - protests against increasing buses in buses, and also began to attend the meetings of young intellectuals held on the initiative of the leader of the African National Congress (ANC). In 1944, Nelson Mandela becomes a member of the ANC and, together with his like-minded people, took part in the creation of the youth league. In 1948, Mandela became the National Secretary of the Youth League ANK, in 1949 - a member of the National Council of the ANC, in 1950 - the National President of the Youth League Ank. In 1952, Mandela became one of the organizers of the disobedience campaign conducted on the initiative of the ANC.

Conclusion Nelson Mandela

In December 1956, Nelson Mandela and another 150 people were arrested on charges of state treason. The main point of the prosecution was the commitment of communism and the preparation of the violent overthrow of power, but later they were all justified. In 1961, Nelson Mandela headed the armed wing of ANK. On August 5, 1962, Nelson Mandela, was arrested and imprisoned in Johannesburg prison. He was charged with the organization of workers' strike in 1961 and the illegal crossing of the state border. Nelson Mandela was sentenced to five years in prison. After a series of arrests of mandela associates in 1964, a preventive measure was changed to life imprisonment.

While in prison, Nelson Mandela was trained in the University of London under the external training program and later received a bachelor's degree of legal sciences. In February 1990, after signing by the President of South Africa, Frederick de Clerk Declaration of the legalization of ANC, Nelson Mandela was released, this event, broadcast live around the world. After the liberation, Nelson Mandela returned to the post of leader Ank.

President Mandela

In April 1994, 62% of votes receives 62% of the vote at the parliamentary elections. In May 1994, Nelson Mandela is officially becoming president of South Africa. During his presidency (1994-1999), Nelson Mandela achieved international recognition for his contribution to the achievement of national and international reconciliation and took a number of important socio-economic reforms that pursued the goal of overcoming social and economic inequality in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela today

At 80, Nelson Mandela married the widow of the president of Mozambique Samora Machela. Today it is the only woman in the world that was the first lady of the two countries.

In 2009, the feature film "Unprofitable" was removed - the biographical drama of the director of Clint Isovda, based on the episode from Nelson Mandela. The role of Nelson Mandela played the famous actor Morgan Freimen.

Quotes Nelson Mandela

If you have a dream, nothing hurts you to realize it in life until you get out.

Our world is the world of great hopes and prospects. But on the other hand, this is the world of suffering, diseases and hunger.

Each of us should be asked: Did I do everything on me to provide a stable peace and prosperity in my city, in my country?

We must use the time wisely and remember: the right thing can be started at any moment.

One of the main signs of happiness and harmony is the complete lack of need for someone to prove something.

When you wish high mountain, you have a huge set of mountains, which is still to climb.

To be free, it means not just to throw off the shackles, but to live, respecting and injecting the freedom of others.

The amazing beauty of African music is that it sounds joyful, even if he tells you sad story. You can be poor, you can live in a house built out of boxes, you can just lose your job, but music always leaves hope.

I am grateful to those 27 years, which I spent in prison, because it gave me the opportunity to focus. Since I went out to freedom, I lost this opportunity.

No one is born with hatred for another person because of the color of the skin, origin or religion. People learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, you need to try to teach their love, because love is much closer to the human heart.

Never fall - not the biggest merit in life. The main thing is to rise every time.

I firmly learned that the courage is not the lack of fear, but the victory over it. A courageous person is not the one who does not experience fear, but the one who fights him.

Many things seem impracticable until they do.

Nelson Mandela awards

  • Order Mapungube in Platinum (1 degree; South Africa, 2002)
  • Order of Friendship (Russia, 1995)
  • Order Playa Chiron (Cuba, 1984)
  • Friendship Star (GDR, 1984)
  • Winner of the Nobel Prize of Peace (1993)
  • Order Merit (United Kingdom, 1995)
  • Cavalier of the Big Cross of the National Order of Mali (Mali, 1996)
  • Chain Order Neil (Egypt, 1997)
  • Gold Medal Congress USA (1997)
  • Compance of Canada Order (1998)
  • Cavalier of the Big Cross Order of St. Olaf (Norway, 1998)
  • Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise I degree (Ukraine, July 3, 1998)
  • Honorary companion Order of Australia (1999)
  • Cavalier of the Big Cross Order of the Golden Lion Orange House (Netherlands, 1999)
  • Honorary Citizen Canada (2000)
  • Presidential Medal of Freedom (USA, 2002)
  • Balm-Cavalier of the Big Cross of the Order of St. John Jerusalem (United Kingdom)
  • Elephant Order Cavalier (Denmark)
  • Order Bharat Ratna (India)
  • Order "Stara Planina" (Bulgaria)
  • Order of the Aztec Eagle (Mexico, 2010)
  • Medal of the Golden Jubilee Queen Elizabeth II (Canada)
  • International Leninist Prize of Peace (1990)
  • International Prize Manha (Republic of Korea) 2012