Poems for the little ones about the Victory Day. Short poems on Victory Day (May 9)

All guests of the holiday - parents, grandparents, sit at the tables located in the assembly hall of the kindergarten. On the tables - Easter, Easter eggs, sweets, tea. The main participants in the script for Easter kindergarten holiday - children preparatory group at this time they are preparing for the performance.
Light background music sounds. The presenter of the holiday - the educator - enters the hall.

EDUCATOR: Seconds pass, minutes pass, winter months pass week after week. And again comes the bright holiday of Christ's Sunday - Easter, the time that gives hope for a bright and good future for us and for our children. She comes again to congratulate everyone on the spring holiday, so that all hearts will open to Christ and be filled with grace.

All living things rejoice in the warmth of spring. Children are also happy, because today is a wonderful day for the pupils of our kindergarten. Our Easter script in kindergarten is designed so that children have the opportunity to congratulate their most beloved parents, grandparents, relatives and close children on the holiday. Let's welcome them with warm applause!
The music of the "spring waltz" sounds, the participants of the Easter script in kindergarten - children enter the hall in pairs, dancing the waltz.

GIRL 1: We haven't said goodbye to winter yet,
And it is already warm.
And dear Easter holiday -
As always, it came to us in the spring.

BOY 1: Goes, and again
The rain washed the forest in the morning -
With their clouds, pulling an eyebrow
He accidentally woke up a rainbow in the sky.

GIRL 2: Today in the bright hall
We brought the pasochki.
Poems and songs and smiles
We will dedicate to our parents.

GIRL: Desire of mothers of the planet
There is only one thing for everyone:
So that all children in the world
Goodness and happiness have protected

BOY 2: With heartfelt words, happy Easter.
Congratulations to fathers and mothers!
Congratulations on the spring,
With a clear destiny!

The song "I love bright Easter, I will give presents to everyone" sounds

GIRL 3: Easter is bright, pretty, good
Warmth and sunshine brings us.
- a handsome man, well, very much alike
On our kind, lovely mothers.

BOY 3: Congratulations, congratulations
All relatives and dear ones.
We all know today
Easter is the best day for them.

GIRL 4: We know we'll grow up, time will pass
And the sun's ray in the sky will sparkle
Easter is bright and dear
Both adults and children - he loves and waits for everyone.

Riddles from the Sun

TRAINER: Easter walks with an easy gait, enchants everyone with its light. Everything on earth comes to life under the warm spring sun.

The phonogram "Easter has come to kindergarten" sounds, a girl dressed in a suit of the Sun enters.

SUN: I am the spring sun,
I look through the window.
I warm up with rays
Happiness and health
I wish you all a happy holiday.

Children-rays run up to the Sun

BEAM 1: The main thing is the sun on the earth,
BEAM 2: We are his perky rays.
BEAM 3: If the sun rejoices -
BEAM 4: So the beams are dancing
Dance of "rays." A girl dressed in a suit of the Sun stands in the center of the hall. yellow flowers... There are yellow ribbons hidden inside the wreath, they are attached to the wreath. Children - rays take out these ribbons, dance a round dance "Merry rays".

EDUCATOR: What a fine fellow you are, dear rays. And you, Sunny, gave such a radiant mood to all our guests.

SUN: And I also want to play a little with the guys and ask them riddles.

Everything is green around:
Pasture and forest and home
Streams rush to the river
Swallows make nests,
Yves magpie news, -
She flew around everyone
Notifying that she had come ... (Spring)

BEAM 1: Sunny, and I also know the spring riddle.

Only yesterday the rascal is the wind
The message brought us from the spring,
And today strange flowers
Sprouted through the drifts ... (SNOWDROPS)

BEAM 2: Three Brothers Walking the World
From winter to summer
The first one goes - the ice is melting,
The second will pass - everything blooms everywhere,
The third will pass - and by itself
The earth will be covered with silk grass! (Spring months)

BEAM 3: From the green, from the edge,
What May sewed in the spring
White bells are ringing
And what are their names - guess ... (LANDS)
Inseparable three brothers.
Have you met with them?

TRAINER: Wonderful riddles were prepared for us by the Sun and the Rays.

SUN: And also, an interesting fairy tale. It will be told to us by my friends - forest animals.

Scene "Let's meet Easter"
The soundtrack "Dance of the Bunnies" sounds. Two boys come out, participants in the script for the Easter holiday in kindergarten, dressed in costumes of hares. One catches up to the other, roll over, play.

BUNNY 1: Oh, I'm tired, I can't take it anymore!
BUNNY 2: Of course, we ran through the floor of the forest - they played hide and seek. Oblique, let's sit on a tree stump.
BUNNY1: Right, it's time to rest. Oh, and I got bored with frosts and blizzards.
BUNNY 2: That's right, I'm tired of this winter - there is nothing to eat in the forest, it's cold, hungry wolves are running around. By the way, isn't it time for us to change our fur coats to gray ones?
BUNNY 1: Exactly, only Easter coat can be changed for hares, and we never met her.
BUNNY 2: So, let's meet.
BUNNY1: And where to look for her?
BUNNY 2: Oh, come on, we'll ask Titmouse!
Together: Si-nich-ka!
The soundtrack "Titmouse" sounds.
BLUE: Hello, hares. Called me?
BUNNY 1: Titmouse, you fly everywhere, you notice everything.
BUNNY 2: Tell me, have you met Easter?
BLUE: There is still snow in my forest, but the first trickle informed me that it was already close.
BUNNY 1: Okay, let's go meet her.
Blue: Maybe Cloud knows where to find her.
BUNNY 1: Hey, Spring cloud, come quickly, where Easter is bright - tell us all!
Cheerful music sounds. "Cloud" enters

Tuchka: Why are you making noise, forest dwellers, what do you want from me?
BUNNY 1: We want to meet Spring.
BLUE: Can't you see her from above?
CLOUD: I see. Over there, beyond the tall oak trees, beyond the blue seas.
BUNNY 1: So why isn't it coming to us?
Blue: Yes, we are all tired of waiting for her!
CLUE: She can't come so quickly - she needs to scatter flowers, plant all the herbs, water them well so that they grow and please all of us.

Magpie flies in.
BLUE: Oh, look, an old friend. Probably brought some news again.
FORTY: But what about, without news? I can't live without news. And in the forest such things are happening - something strange and fabulous.
BUNNY 1: don't chirp like that, Soroka. Tell me.
FORTY: So, Bright Easter sent its decree to the forest: all forest plants - to wake up
Both snowdrops and grass are a thick ant,
And the forest dandelion, and the lily of the valley.
To all forest flowers - to get up from a winter dream,
To delight the inhabitants of the forest with bright petals.

FORTY: I am flying and I look at this beauty.
Blue: I will fly with you too. (fly out)
BUNNY 1: We jumped and we'll take a look.
BUNNY 2: Jump! Cloud, are you with us?
Tuchka: No, I'm going to my mother's. After all, today is a holiday and I want to congratulate her. (Flies away)

(Bunnies sing a song about friendship, continue to wander. The lights are turned off. Hares are hiding behind a tree stump)
BUNNY 1: Oh, how scary here, it's dark. I sense someone is running.
Shapoklyak runs in to the music.

SHAPOKLYAK: Oh, what beautiful children are here.
All meek, welcoming.
They congratulate their mothers as if the artists are performing.
And me, Shapoklyak, no one remembered in any way,
No greetings to me, no honor. So let me be bad again.
I know how to commit various mischiefs and I will teach you, children.
(draws attention to bunnies)

SHAPOKLYAK: Oh, what is this? (scared)

BUNNY 2: And this is us, bunnies. Why are you shouting like that? We thought it was a wolf and hid

SHAPOKLYAK: Ha. I am scarier than a wolf. And I'll tell you "right now": Oo-oo-oo (scares hares)

BUNNY 1: ha, would not know you, would have thought that some kind of horror story. Better, come with us to celebrate the bright Easter.

SHAPOKLYAK: well, let it not scare you - I will try to scare mothers and grandmothers. Lariska, forward: at the top of the voice squeals and food. (Scares) Ouch. Lariska, they survived - no one is afraid of us anymore. Well, what does this mean? Nobody respects us.

BUNNY 2: Your grievances, grandma, are in vain. Here, in our forest, everyone is attentive and polite.

SHAPOKLYAK: Yeah. Just like that and polite. I do not believe.
BUNNY 2: (takes out a bunch of flowers)
Grandmother Shapoklyak, we congratulate you on Easter.

BUNNY 1: And we always wish to be kind!
BUNNY 2: Take a big spring greetings from us-
Snowdrops white bouquet!
BUNNY 1: Let all the grandmothers rejoice at this hour - the forest animals congratulate all of you on the holiday!
Several animals run in to the music - a fox cub, a bear cub, a wolf cub. They read poetry for grandmothers.

FOX: Native grandmothers - we are your grandchildren,
We are glad to celebrate the holiday with you.
BEAR: Good grandmothers, all children love you; we send greetings to our grandmothers.
VOLCHENOK: I congratulate my grandmother on the great holiday of Saint Easter, warm spring smiles, years I wish to live.

The song "Native granny"

SHAPOKLYAK: That's it, I'm taking my words back. Excuse me.
BUNNY 1: Excuse me? (Children answer).
SHAPOKLYAK: Bunny, what did you tell me? To meet spring? Okay, I agree. Went.
(move on. We saw a flower lawn. Come up to flowers)
BUNNY 1: Oh, what a good job here.
SHAPOKLYAK: The flowers are beautiful: there are red and blue ones. I'll pick them up - tomorrow I'll hand them over to my dear.
FLOWER 1: No, don't tear us - we are alive, although the flowers are small.
FLOWER 2: Don't ruin us, we want to live.
FLOWER 3: Better do this: take out paints and pencils and stand in front of them. You will paint us, and we will dance.

Dance of "Flowers"

BUNNY 1: Where is Easter? It should be here.
SHAPOKLYAK: I hear someone is coming.

FLOWER 1: It is she who walks with an easy gait, enchants everyone with her beauty!

FLOWER 2: Let us greet Easter, holy and bright, glorify it all together, greet it with friendly applause.

To the sound of music, the main character of the Easter script in kindergarten walks in - a beautiful Easter dressed in a folk costume. In her hands is a basket with painted eggs, she distributes them to all the guests of the holiday and to children, participants in the Easter script in kindergarten.

HOLY EASTER: Happy Easter, saint, I am glad to greet you!
The sun has warmed the earth, the flowers are in full bloom.
Snowdrops bloom like a fairy tale - so, forest dwellers rejoice! Today I want to congratulate everyone on the brightest holiday of spring. And I sincerely wish you to be always beautiful. And now, I invite everyone to the spring round dance!
Round dance with Easter
Easter addresses Bunny

EASTER: Why are you, Bunny, sad?
And still you have not amused yourself?

BUNNY: I don't know what to do - I want to please my mother.
She has a lot of things, what to give her for the holiday?

EASTER: Do you want your gift to be sweet to mom?
Well, sing a song to her - congratulate your mother on the holiday!

Educator: And the main gift for your parents is for their children to be healthy, cheerful and happy. So that children's laughter sounded everywhere, so that children grow up in love and peace. Happy holiday to all, Christ is Risen! Truly resurrected!

Closing song "We wish you both happiness and love"

Everyone loves to paint eggs for Easter, especially children, and therefore we share the idea with you,


One of the children reads a verse:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has turned green,
Christ is truly risen!
Spring has come - it's time for miracles
The spring murmurs - Christ is risen!
There are no lighter words in the world -
"Truly Christ is risen!"

Dear Guys! Today we celebrate the day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ. Easter is considered the main Christian holiday, the reason for which was the saving suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Guys, do you know what the word "Easter" means? The word comes from the Hebrew - "passing".

The week before Easter is called passionate. Maundy Thursday is a reminder of the last communion. On Friday, Christ was crucified on the cross, his body was placed in a cave. On Great Saturday, the Holy Fire descended on the Holy Sepulcher, marking the Resurrection of Christ. On the third day, at night, Jesus Christ came to life. The Angel of the Lord commanded to tell about this to all the disciples.

In the old days, on Easter, people organized festivities, games, danced in round dances, and made rounds of courtyards, which resembled Christmas carols.

They also played hide and seek on Easter. Some of the adults went out into the garden in the morning with gifts and hid them. The children woke up and ran to look. Do you want to play? Gifts are hidden in the room. Who will find more? Let's start!

Bells were ringing throughout the village, because on holidays everyone could call them. Children loved to hum a song:
The sun, the bucket,
Look out the window!
Sunny, roll
Red, dress up!

A swing was installed on the square. The guys rocked the girls until they called the name of their fiancé. At this time, swinging choruses were sung:
On holy week
Have fun with the swing
First you swing
Then you get married.

On the day of Easter, it was supposed to treat everyone with eggs and greet them with the words "Christ is Risen!" The people believed that during 40 days from Easter to Ascension, Christ himself descends to earth and walks through the cities. People were handing out food to the poor, because one of them could be Jesus himself.

The egg is considered a symbol of new life, rebirth. According to legend, Saint Mary Magdalene presented the first Easter egg to the Roman emperor, the egg turned bright red, confirming the good news. Red is the color of the blood of Christ.

Also on Easter it is customary to "beat with eggs", to hit the opponent's egg with a blunt or sharp end of a boiled painted egg. The winner is the one whose egg is not cracked. Let's play?

Many traditions of celebrating Easter have been preserved in our time. On Maundy Thursday, people clean up their apartments, paint eggs, good friday houses are filled with the smell of baking cakes and curd beads. The holiday itself begins with a solemn service. But the tradition of painting eggs for Easter in Russia has long roots. There are several ways to color (show with an example):

Krashenki - used in the old days natural dyes: onion husks, plant juices, vegetables. Food colors are used today.

Speckling - first boiled egg paint and then apply drops of hot wax. After that, the egg is placed in a paint of a different color. As soon as the paint dries, the egg is dipped in hot water... In it, the wax melts, an original pattern is formed.

Easter eggs are a whole work of folk art. Their painting uses images of plants and animals, geometric figures.

We will now paint the Easter eggs too. (Leaves with painted eggs are distributed. The child must color them, you can draw a pattern on them or make an applique.)

Easter fun was playing with colored eggs. Let's play with you too. (You can choose some games, and if the children are not very tired, then play it all)

"Egg rolling". For skiing, I have prepared a special "red" slide, which we will place on the floor. You will take turns throwing colored eggs, and the one whose egg rolls on will win. If the launched egg touches the already laid eggs below, the player will take them too.

"Bowling in Russian". Prizes (sweets, chocolates, kinder surprises, small toys) are placed along the perimeter of the table. Your task is to knock out the thing that you like with your egg. We will ride in turn. Everyone will receive the prize that he knocks out. The game will continue until you have knocked out all the prizes.

Roll the egg. Two or more players are playing. You need to spin your Easter egg at the same time. Whoever has the egg spinning longer will win. The winner will take the losers' eggs.

Rolling eggs towards each other. Another Easter egg game. Play on smooth floor or table. Two players stand opposite each other and roll eggs towards each other. One says: "Christ is risen!", The other answers him: "Indeed he is risen!" The eggs should collide with each other. Whoever breaks the egg loses and gives it to the winner.

So, Easter is a time of joy, a holiday of victory over death, sorrow and sorrow. I wish you to keep a bright and joyful mood for a long time, may your soul be filled with love, kindness and hope.

Now let's have a tea party!

A cheerful script for the Easter holiday.


On Christ Sunday
All the people are having fun.

May the holiday be bright today
She will soon enter every house.
Everyone will say "Christ is Risen!"
Better at heart
Everyone will be cheerful on the holiday!
Make way for the sun and spring!

The great Easter holiday is celebrated every year by millions of people around the world. Everyone goes to visit each other, and exchange bright and beautiful eggs, delicious Easter cakes, treat everyone with traditional Easter dishes.

There are special games that were played in the old days on Easter and Easter week by boys and girls, children and adults. Let us remember them and have fun from the bottom of our hearts.

Competition 1. "Rolling Easter Eggs"

The presenter brings together two teams of five people. Each of them is given one colored Easter egg. A chair is placed at a distance of 4-5 meters from each team.

Each participant must carefully, without breaking the egg, roll it with his hands to the chair, walk around the chair and, returning back, pass the egg to the next member of the team. The team, all of whose members roll the egg first, wins.

Competition 2. "Decorate an Easter Egg"

There are two people involved, each of whom is given one balloon and sets of Easter stickers. In a minute they have to decorate their ball - "egg" with stickers. The one who sticks them more than the opponent wins.

Competition 3. "Easter Gifts"

Various small souvenir gifts are placed on the floor. Everyone is involved. The host gives the participant an Easter egg. You need to roll it on the floor, knocking down any gift - this is the prize.


On Easter, it was customary to sing merry songs and lead round dances. Now we will try to restore this tradition.

Competition 4. "Merry Round Dance"

All guests stand in a large circle, in the center of which is the host with a basket of Easter eggs. He is blindfolded. Any cheerful folk music sounds. The round dance moves clockwise, and the leader spins in place counterclockwise.

The music is suddenly turned off. The leader and the round dance stops. Opposite to whom the presenter stopped, he must complete any simple task that the presenter offers, and for this he receives an Easter egg.


During the Easter holiday in Russia, bells rang in all churches. Now we are going to make a real Easter bell.

Competition 5. "Easter Bell"

Several people participate in the game. Everyone chooses a leaflet proposed by the host with the name of the song, for example, "Evening Bell", "Bell", "Walking along the Don" or any other melodic Russian folk songs.

It is necessary not to sing the chosen song, but to depict the bell ringing, saying instead of the words "Bom-bom-bom" or "Ding-ding-ding". The one who fulfills the motive more accurately and makes it interesting and fun wins.


Had a lot of fun
And a little tired.
It's time for us to rest
And eat Easter meals.
Eat Easter, stretch out
Help yourself to pies
There are colored eggs
There are so many of them to be counted.
Happy Easter, congratulations
And I wish everyone health.
I want to congratulate everyone
And say: "Christ is Risen!"

Scenario extracurricular activities"Easter is the holiday of the bright resurrection of Christ"


Introduction junior schoolchildren to the origins of Russian culture,
fostering love for the culture of their people, their traditions, customs, rituals.
Preliminary preparation: for the holiday, children draw Easter cakes, paint eggs, learn poetry. The class is designed for a Russian hut: samovar, embroidery, homespun paths, etc. On the table are colored eggs, Easter cakes, cookies in the form of birds. At the stand there are children's drawings. Phonogram with recording of bell ringing.

Children and their parents take part in the holiday.

Holiday progress

Host: Easter is a holiday of the bright resurrection of Christ, which is celebrated with joy and triumph.

Children in Russian costumes come out.

1st child.

There are many rituals in Russia.
And today is God's holiday:
Easter is God's resurrection,
His second birthday.

2nd child.

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,
From all the churches the people are knocking down.
Dawn is already looking from heaven ...

3rd child.

The snow cover has already been removed from the fields,
And hands are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest is greener ...

Children: Christ is Risen! Christ is risen!

4th child.

Here is the earth waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming, full of miracles!

Children: Christ is Risen! Christ is risen!

Host: Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the most important holiday in the Christian calendar. You, of course, are familiar with the custom of exchanging colored eggs for Easter and three times of christianity. Someone hands you an egg and says: "Christ is Risen!", And you answer: "Indeed he is Risen!" You exchange eggs and kiss three times. At the same time, people forgive each other for all insults, misunderstandings, and maybe anger. How could it be otherwise, after all, this is the joyous day of the Resurrection. Let us take Christ as well.

Children swap eggs and kiss three times

Host: And now, dear parents and children, try to answer the following questions.

What was Easter called in Russia? (Great is the day, King's day, Christ's day, Bright Resurrection)

What is the last week before Easter called? (Passionate or Great, dedicated to the suffering of Jesus Christ)

How did the tradition of dyeing eggs come about? (After the ascension, Jesus told his disciples to go around the world and preach his doctrine to the people. Mary went to preach the teachings of Christ. She came to Rome, to the imperial palace. In those distant times, everyone who came to the emperor always brought some kind of gift: the rich - jewels, and the poor - what they could. Mary had nothing with her but faith in Christ. She handed the emperor a simple egg and immediately spoke loudly the main message: “Christ is risen!” The emperor was surprised and said: “How can you believe that someone can rise from the dead? It’s hard to believe, as well as the fact that this white egg can turn red! ” While he was saying these words, the egg began to change its color: it turned pink, darkened and, finally, became bright red. This is how the first Easter egg was presented.)

What did you do during the great week to take away sins from your soul? (We were engaged in charity work).

Presenter: For Easter, there was also “the walking of volochechniks.” People gathered in a crowd from all over the village and walked from house to house, stopped in front of the windows and sang songs. The songs contained Easter greetings, spells for the future harvest, offspring of livestock and demands for gifts: eggs, pies, wine, etc. We sang in order to beg for something from the owner of the house: eggs, bacon, money, milk, white bread. the stingy owner could have sounded very unpleasant words:

Whoever does not give us an egg, a sheep will die,
If he doesn't give a piece of bacon, the heifers will die,
We were not given lard - the cow fell.

Host: Let's remember the Easter signs.

Children are given 6 cards, of which they need to collect 3 signs.

If it rains - ... (it will be rainy spring)

On Easter, the sky is clear and the sun is playing - ... (for a good harvest and red summer.)

On Easter, you cannot throw and pour out the window - ... (Christ walks under the windows)

5th child: Did you know that eggs painted in one color were called dyes; if spots, stripes, specks of a different color were indicated on the general colored background, it was speckling. There were also Easter eggs - eggs, hand-painted with plot or ornamental patterns.

Host: At the exhibition of eggs, choose the ones that you think are dyes, specks and pysankas.

Host: And now we will choose the most unusual, beautiful eggs from those that you brought from home.

6th child: Village craftsmen prepared wooden Easter eggs for Easter. Chocolate and sugar eggs were sold in pastry shops. Well-known jewelry firms created works of art from porcelain and crystal, gold and silver, from colored and transparent glass, from bone and stone ...

7th child: They could have been the most different sizes- from large ones, in which you can hide various surprises (for example, Faberge Easter eggs), to small eggs - they were pinned to clothes or worn on a chain. These miniature jewelry were given to girls for several years in a row: next Easter, a new one was added to the old gift, and so gradually a whole necklace of colorful holiday eggs hung on a chain was obtained.

Lead: B Great post all sorts of games and amusements were prohibited, and from Easter, cheerful entertainments for young people began. Festivities were held at outdoors... Many spring games and fun in Russia were associated with holidays. So from Easter they began to swing on a swing, festivities opened with fun games, round dances, game round dances, round dance songs. One of the widespread and beloved Easter pastimes was dyed skating. For this, special trays with a groove were made. The players sat down opposite each other at a certain distance and, on command, rolled eggs into trays. If a rolled egg hits another player's egg and breaks it, then broken egg the player took it for himself. These games can still be played today.

Egg Roll Game

On command, the children spin their dyes at the same time. Whose egg spins longer is the winner, he takes the loser's egg.

Host: Now let's play the game "Beats"

Game "Bitki"

The players shout: "One, two, three! My egg, get stronger! Ready for battle!" Players hit with dyes with either side, usually a sharp one, whose egg breaks or cracks, that is the loser.

Host: And there was also a game where dyed girls were rolling down a hill. Whose egg rolled farther is the winner. He took the colors of the others for himself. And now we will play the game "Roll the egg with your nose"

The game "Roll the egg with your nose"

Participants must roll the egg with their nose to the designated place along the paper path. Whoever is faster won.

Host: On Easter, in addition to dyes and cakes, buns and gingerbreads that looked like birds were baked, they were popularly called "larks" because on that day larks really flew in from the south.

There was also a rite of “letting the birds go free.” In the morning, parents and children bought birds from the catchers and immediately released them. And the catchers themselves did the same. A.S. Pushkin wrote about this custom:

In a foreign land I sacredly observe
Native custom of antiquity:
I release the bird into the wild
With a bright holiday of spring.

Host: Let us imagine that we have birds in our hands, and we release them.

Children in chorus:

Tap dance aunts,
Red-breasted bullfinches,
Fine fellows,
Sparrow thieves!
Fly at will
You will live on freedom,
Bring the spring to us as soon as possible.

Host: I would like to remember this beautiful tradition: in the first Easter week, everyone could practice the bell ringing.

Listening to the Bell Ringing Recording

Host: Here's another custom that should be pondered over. In all the days of Bright Week following Easter, it was necessary to do charity work (to distribute clothes, money, food to the poor, sick people, those who are in prison). Perhaps even now, in our time, it is especially necessary to visit the sick, the elderly, the poor, who need to be treated to Easter cakes, to dispel their loneliness. Let this merciful custom be observed now.

8th child:

Day Christ Sunday,
Come again soon!
Goodbye Easter holiday!
May God give you all love!

The script for the Easter holiday.

Easter in Sunday school

Christ is Risen! - the sun is playing,
Christ is Risen! - the foliage rustles,
Christ is Risen! - proclaims loudly
Sacred words from the pulpit, father.
They have the joy of life, the denial of death,
Our hope, faith and love,
They have a single voice Orthodox Church,
And it sounds all over Russia again.
Christ is Risen! - Happy Easter,
Christ is Risen! - the heart sings a song,
Christ is Risen! - even children know:
Christ is Risen and calls us to the Kingdom of God!


Joy from earth to heaven:
He is resurrected! Truly resurrected!
He is risen ... And this is the Resurrection
Grants us eternal salvation!

In the morning at dawn, Jesus was resurrected,
Glorify, children, the Lord of heaven!
There is no Christ in the tomb, the seal is broken,
And the birds chirp - how can we be silent ?!
The conqueror of death brought us joy.
Praise God, children, Jesus Christ lives!


Where are you going?

We are going to the church for the Easter service!

And did you want to hustle around the churches on Sunday afternoon?

So, after all, Sunday is called Sunday because the Savior was resurrected on that day. Easter is the biggest event, the great Resurrection. If you don't go to church that day, then you miss the most important thing!

Come and we, Vanya, I love to light candles in the Church. Their lights are so warm, sincere. When I light a candle, I am always happy and sad. I even sigh.

This is because a candle is a small sacrifice.

And the big sacrifice is what? When do you give a lot of money?

And the great sacrifice is the one that the Lord brought for all the sins of the world.

And what did He bring?

Himself. He died a painful death on the Cross.

He walked resignedly on the thorny road,
He greeted death and shame with joy;
Mouth, broadcasting the doctrine of strict truth,
They did not utter reproach to the mocking crowd.

He walked resignedly and, crucified on the cross,
He bequeathed freedom and love to the peoples;
For this sinful world, vice embraced by darkness,
His holy Blood was poured out for his neighbor.

And again there are three crosses before my eyes ...
Here is the execution and the cry of the crowd and the executioners
And the Romans laughter and whistles whistle
And the hands of the pierced Christ ...

Those hands that healed recently
Which children were blessed
And they gave bread to hungry people,
Today they were pierced and crucified.

"Calvary" Larisa Zuikova

Is it worth being God if you are killed?

It is you who reason like human beings, but a person usually loves himself more than others.

Here you are baptized. Wear crosses. What for?

I have a golden cross, beautiful.

And my grandmother makes me. Says, I will completely fight off my hands without a cross.

And our Lord carried His cross across the whole city on his shoulders, and my Saint Simon helped him. And your Saint John the Theologian and your Saint Mary Magdalene stood at the Cross and mourned Christ.

And your saint, Nastya, what did you do?

My saint became famous later, but my name in translation from Greek means "resurrected".

Perhaps we will go with you.

Only, with candles, we will definitely go around the temple!

Of course let's go! And in the morning, if you do not fall asleep, you will see how the sun plays, rejoices in the Resurrection!

The sun woke up early, its ray wanders through the meadow.
We, leaving the temple, kiss each other three times.

We remember the Lord's commandment again on Easter:
Consent, peace and affection, and love for our loved ones.



Granddaughter, little brother, rather cry,
Roll up your sleeves higher -
We will make Easter cake.

If only he came out!

If only he came out!

Every business - study, work
Is it a spiritual abuse, an external battle
We, trusting in God's bounties,
How do we start?

A humble prayer!

That's right, guys! Let's ask God
Angelic help to our aid!
Our labors for a meal of love.

Lord our God, bless!

Although this white torment is pure,
Still, sift it through a sieve, granddaughter!

There are many here, grandmother, different impurities,
Small lumps, specks are hidden.

Confession to us from sins and temptations
Cleans thoughts like a good sieve.
A sinner who is repentant to God is dearer,
Let creation fall to the Creator.
Let us liken our heart to oil,
Covering everything with deep humility.

Butter and eggs, raisins, cardamom -
We will generously put it in the cake without fear ...

But he will never rise
If there is no good leaven in it!
Our thoughts are an empty chimera
If love is not accompanied by faith.

The dough is made with intelligence and dexterity,

Let's finish with a hot oven

Here is our cake for festive dish -

Happy Easter to you, kind people!


What is it?

What do you want I argue that it's Vanya calling!

I don’t understand how he got to the bell tower?

According to an old Russian custom, during the whole Easter week, any kind Christian could go to the bell tower and ring the bells in honor of a big holiday.

But he doesn't know how.

SEMYON The heart will tell you. Look how joyfully and loudly it comes out.

Christ is Risen! And the singing pours in a rolling wave from the heavens.
Gone are the sorrowful excitement ... Holy night - Christ is Risen!
It is still dark, but a ray of the east has gilded the dormant forest ...
Streams are streaming ... Truly Christ is Risen!
About this wondrous phenomenon - the holy Miracle of miracles:
Hell was destroyed by the Cross and the Light of Sunday: Christ is Risen!
As soon as the preponderance of the Light was accomplished over the sinful darkness -
Once again, a wave swept through: VERIFY IS RISEN!


Easter celebration script.

Characters: Masha, Sasha, Aunt Lena, Two women, an angel.

Sasha walks around the screen, depicting the thought process. Come out Masha.

M: hello
S: hello
M: why are you so brooding?
S: yes so ... you now know what day it is?
M: well, like Sunday (uncertain). Of course! Today is Easter. Yesterday my mother and I baked cakes and painted eggs.
S: we also painted eggs at home, and today my grandmother came to visit us and said: "Christ is risen!" What is it for?
M: I also heard that everyone congratulated each other this way
S: Do you know who Christ is and why he was resurrected?
M: well, to be honest, I don’t know
S: here I am too. Who should I ask?

Aunt Lena appears

M: look, aunt Lena is coming. Let's ask her
S: come on
M: aunt Lena, hello
S: hello
TL: hello Masha, hello Sasha
S: Do you know that today is Easter?
TL: Well, of course I know. And you?
M: (confused) but we are not ...
S: TL, tell us
M: please (pleading)
TL: good, good. You know, Jesus Christ lived on earth a long time ago. He was kind, did good deeds, taught people the right things but most importantly, He was the Son of God.
S: God?
TL: Yes, He was the son of God, He came to earth to save people from their sins. Many became His disciples, others began to envy Him, and then they killed Him.
M: really killed?
TL: yes, they crucified Him on the cross ...

Masha closes her eyes with her hands and yells

TL: This is a terrible story, but it is thanks to His sacrifice that all people have salvation from their sins. But don't worry, Jesus' story didn't end there.
M: what happened next?
TL: would you like to see everything with your own eyes?
S: still!
M: of course!
TL: I have an idea. You know, once upon a time a wise old woman gave me a magic wand, when I touch someone, he can be transported to the time where he wants
S: great!
TL: so, hold hands, now I will touch you with a magic wand and you will fly in time and see the story of Jesus with your own eyes.
M: we are ready
TL: one, two, three ...

Noise, children disappear, then TL leaves, but then children reappear

S: oh, where are we?
M: hurray, it worked, we are probably now in the vulgar
S: quieter, do you hear someone coming?

At the bottom of the stage, two women in Jewish clothing appear. They are talking

1st: how strange it is - Jesus died, and all we have left is His grave
2nd: and now we will sometimes go there
1st: Maria, who will open the grave for us now?
2nd: I don’t know, but we’ll come up with something. And here we come ...
1st: stop!
2nd: what happened?
1st: look, the coffin is open

An angel appears.

A: what are you looking for alive among the dead? Jesus is not here, He is resurrected.

1st: resurrected ?!
2nd: exactly, he told us about it
1st: let's go tell His disciples and Peter about it

Run away

S: did you see it? So it turns out that Jesus was resurrected!
M: He's alive
S: I wonder what happened next? Did the students believe this news?
M: I think we need to go back
S: okay, when we get back, we'll ask Aunt Lena what happened next
S: give your hand

Noise again, Sasha and Masha disappear, TL appears, then Sasha and Masha reappear

TL: How are you?
M: so it turns out, He is risen!
S: This is why this holiday is called Sunday.
M: what happened next?
S: yes, tell us
TL: This is how you can read the continuation of Jesus' story yourself.
S: yes, but where?
TL: in the Bible, in the New Testament
M: I have a Bible at home, large and with pictures ...
S: great, then bring her here

Together we celebrate Easter,

And with a bow we invite

Everyone who likes to have fun

And laugh and frolic!

1 child:

All the snowstorms flew away

The cold has escaped

The sun is shining stronger

No snow, no ice

The birds are singing loudly

Everyone welcomes Spring-Red!

2 child:

Drops are dripping loudly

The distance outside the windows is bright.

The birds sang merrily

Easter has come to visit us!

Children listen to the Easter song.

Veda: Easter is holy religious holiday, and it is always celebrated on Sunday. On Easter, people always visit: they exchange painted eggs, greet each other with the words: "Christ is risen!" and they answer: "He is truly risen!" On this day, bells are ringing solemnly and festively in churches. This ringing is called the Easter Annunciation.

Easter chime sounds (backing track)

The bells are ringing everywhere

From all the churches the people are knocking down,

Dawn is already looking from heaven,

- Christ is risen!

All: Christ is risen.

3 child:

To the hum of Easter prayers

And to the ringing of bells

Spring flies to us from distant ones,

From the noonday edges.

4 child:

Dozing bell

Woke up the fields

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

The game "Lark" is being held

(Counting: We begin to count: "One-two-three-four-five!" Gambolled in silence, Hid the song in the grass. The one who finds the song will be happy for a whole year! " .)

The people are having fun -

Easter at the gate!

Hold hands together

Become a circle rather

Let everyone sing merrily

And the round dance will start spinning!

Children sing the song "We want the birds to sing"

Veda (holding a pussy willow):

The willow, the willow is beautiful!

She has flowers - fluffy lumps,

In the spring it blooms

Easter is calling to us!

5 child:

Blacker every day

Stitches and stitches

And on willows in silver

The earrings are glowing.

6 child:

The willow is all fluffy

Spread out around

Fragrant spring again

She blew a wing.

Veda: The willow is one of the first trees to bloom beautifully in spring. It was considered curative. People chewed and swallowed palm buds so as not to get sick. And they could whip each other - so that there was more health!

- Wave a little twig,

Beat somebody!

Willow from across the sea

Give, willow, health!

The child takes the willow and hurts all the children, and the presenter says:

The willow is holy! The willow is holy!

Willow - whip -

Beats to tears.

I am not hitting, the willow beats.

Be healthy like water

Be as rich as the earth!

Be healthy children for the whole year! Be as cheerful as spring! Be rich like the earth! Grow like a willow!

Easter is a bright, good holiday,

A holiday of happiness, beauty,

He brings us all hope

So that we become kinder.

Children read the poem "Easter morning", V. Kuzmenkova

7 child:

The sun rose over the forest

The forest lit up brightly

All the foliage rustled:

8 child:

Birds chirp merrily

Soared in a flock to heaven.

The breeze carried their song:

"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"

9 child:

Ginger cat on a blanket

He quietly climbed up to me

And purrs in my ear:

"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"

Ved: Guys, let's call Sunny to us!

- Sunny, sweetheart, come out from behind the river, (open your palms)

Let's count the rays: one, two, three ... (bend fingers)

The bright rays will not cover the clouds. (Cross your arms in front of you)

Sunshine, sunshine, come out from behind the river, (open your palms)

Sunshine, sunshine, let's sit on the porch, (put your hands in a "shelf")

We've all been waiting for you for a long time, shine your ray! (claps)

Sunny, get up, throw the rays. (gradually raise and lower your hands down)

A child comes out - the sun.

Hello, Sunny is a bell!

Where have you been?

Tell me, what have you seen?

10 child - Sunny:

I jumped along the Christmas trees,

Walked across the sky for a long time.

Illuminated the forest and meadow,

Warmed everything around.

From the heights of heaven rolled down

It rolled over to you for Easter.

I love your songs

Sing about Spring Red!

Children perform a round dance "Vesnushka - Spring"

How much light and warmth

Spring gives us red:

The grass rustles in the field

The bird flies across the sky

And in the ravine, a brook spills,

Its ringing song is filled with.

The game "Stream"

(Children stand in columns along the streams, clasp each other by the belt, sing the chant "Brook."

Vedas: On Easter, they bake butter cakes in their homes, cook Easter cottage cheese, paint eggs ...

And now you will go to the group and try to decorate the white testicles.

Symbols of painting Easter eggs:

Pine: Longevity

Star: moral purity, philanthropy.

Cockscomb: protection from evil spirits.

Oak leaf: harmony.

Sun: a symbol of the harvest.

Magpie paws: symbol of the forty saints.

For preschoolers

Easter script "People are having fun - Easter at the gate" for children of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten

Children enter the hall performing the Kalinka dance to Russian folk music.

1st presenter.

Spring came,

Spring is red

And she calls everyone to walk!

The clear sun rises

Calls everyone to the street!

Children form a circle, the game "Burn, burn clearly" is carried out.

2nd presenter.

The people are having fun -

Easter at the gate!

1st presenter... Easter is a holy church holiday, and it appeared immediately after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

2nd leading... The Easter holiday lasts a whole week. On these days, people do good deeds to remove sin from human souls. Easter is the holy days of kindness and consolation. People forgive each other offenses, go to the graves of the dead to honor them with a kind word.

Musical director performs "In a difficult moment of life", muses. P. Bulakhova, to the words of M. Lermontov's poem "Prayer".

1st presenter. These days people are doing good for birds and animals. The birds are released from their cages.

2nd leading... These days people greet each other with the words: "Christ is risen!" And they answer: "Truly he has risen!"

Sounds "Requiem" by Mozart. A child comes out, dressed as an angel.


I am an angel, a messenger of God,

I flew to you for a holiday too!

I want to glorify Christ

And congratulate everyone on Easter!

"Angel" performs a rhythmic composition to the music of D. Last, then gives an Easter wreath.

Bells are ringing.

1st presenter.

The bells are ringing everywhere

From all the churches the people are knocking down!

Dawn is already looking from heaven.

Christ is risen!

Everything... Christ is risen!

Organ music sounds. Children recite poetry.

1st child.

To the hum of Easter prayers

And to the ringing of bells

Spring flies to us from distant ones,

From the noonday edges!

2nd child.

Dozing bell

Woke up the fields

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

3rd child.

Quiet valley

Dispels sleep

And beyond the blue forest

The ringing stops!

The children's orchestra performs on bells and triangles the song "Evening Bell", a Russian folk melody.

2nd presenter.

The earth is waking up

Dress up the fields

Spring is coming, full of miracles.

Christ is risen!

Everything. Christ is risen!

The melody of the Ukrainian folk song "Vesnyanka" sounds, the children get into a round dance and sing: "Oh, the water is running in a stream ...".

1st presenter... During Easter, people dressed up, played easter games, sang, went to visit. Where are we going?

1st child... To Uncle Miron!

The hostess and the owner come out, bow.

2nd child.

Hostess, our father,

Meet the uninvited guests!


In honor of Easter at the gate

Start a round dance!

A group of children performs a round dance song by Vermenich "Spring is Coming".

2nd leading... Where else are we going?

3rd child.

To Nikolai's house!

Nikolay, Nikolay,

Don't sit at home

Have fun!

The owner and mistress of Nikolaev's yard comes out, bowing.


And my girly laughter

They will sing funny ditties!

A group of girls performs ditties.

1st presenter... Where else are we going?

Guys. To Ivanov's yard!


Please, dear guests,

I was waiting for you

Let's dance in a good hour!

The dance "Kazachok" is performed by a group of children.

2nd presenter. And still want where to go?


Let's go to Lyubashka,

Cheerful and cute!


We meet you at the gate,

Let's start dancing!

A group of girls performs "Dance with Handkerchiefs" to Russian folk music "On Mount Kalina".

1st presenter.(holds willow twigs in his hands).

We meet everyone with willow on Easter,

We kindly invite you to visit!

Come in soon

Sing more fun!

The song is played to music by R. Glier, words by A. Blok "Verbochki".

2nd presenter.

The willow, the willow is beautiful,

Come in the spring, the sun is clear!

Bring warmth

Backwater fun!

Children perform any dance.

1st presenter.

Let's meet Easter well,

Fun and light:

Cheese, butter and egg

Yes with a ruddy cake,

A good treat

Song, dance and fun!

A girl dressed in a suit of the Sun comes out to Russian music.

The sun.

The sun laughs tenderly

Today they sing merrily

I warm the earth

Happy Easter to all, I congratulate you!

Children perform the song "Sun" by R. Pauls.

The sun.

I bring you painted eggs -

Difficult, golden!

Who will take the egg faster

Tom will get it!

The game is being played.

2nd leading... And it was also considered earlier according to Russian custom: whoever breaks the egg first is the lucky one! Who will try their luck?

The game is being played.

1st presenter.

And here are three more eggs,

He will win!

The game is being played.

2nd presenter.

That's how much fun we have

At this Easter hour!

Easter cakes and colored eggs are brought out on a tray. They sing to the tune of the song "Let's go to the garden along the viburnum":

We all go for Easter,

We all go, we all go

We carry cakes in our hands,

We carry, we carry!


Butter cakes,

Accept quickly

Appetizing, good,

Eat more fun!

1st presenter.

Open your mouth wider

Take a piece!

2nd presenter.

Carols were carols

I ran up under the window,

What grandma baked

I gave it to all of you!

Don't pinch, don't break

And for the whole come on!

1st presenter.

Ay, tari, tari, tari,

They brought you testicles:

Yellow, red,

Eggs are all different!

Eat your eggs

Remember our Easter!

Children are treated to, Russian folk music sounds.

Easter script for the middle group.

Target : to acquaint pupils with the tradition of celebrating Easter; to expand the understanding of folk culture; to draw the attention of modern children to the history and culture of the Russian people; cultivate love for folk traditions.

Tasks :

Formation of artistic and aesthetic taste;

Development creativity every child;

Activation of creative imagination and imagination.

To enrich the experience of creative family education of parents, introducing them with children to the folk traditions of celebrating Easter, introducing them to customs, games, songs, fairy tales, small genres of folklore.

Introduction to the origins of the cultural traditions of the Russian people.

Preliminary work:

Hosting Russian folk games;

Learning songs, dances, ditties

Acquaintance with the traditions of Orthodoxy in music lessons;

Equipment and materials:a music center, phonograms for the characters 'release, handkerchiefs for each girl, a basket with dummies for Little Red Riding Hood, elements of characters' costumes, 10 small balls, willow twigs according to the number of children, a basket for the game.

The course of the holiday.

Leading. Hello dear guys! Small and large! Hello, guests, you are welcome! We are opening Easter, we are starting the holiday!

The desired spring has come

Winter has gone to gray distances.

The earth rose from sleep

And the blue distance is clear

And sorrow does not torment us

The song "Spring has come to us" is being performed

What joy, everything comes to life!

All awakening from sleep

And a cheerful sparrow chirps,
And with the spring Easter is coming to us

All nature sings
All nature sings

Spring has come to us, spring has come to us
The sun is shining, all the children are happy.
Spring has come to us, spring has come to us
All awakening from sleep

A stream comes to life and rings,
And a cheerful sparrow chirps,
And with the spring, Easter brings us joy
And with the spring Easter is coming to us

All nature sings
All nature sings

Spring has come to us, spring has come to us
How much light, warmed by the sun,
Spring has come to us, spring has come to us
The whole earth is singing to God.

And the stream is ringing and the nightingale is singing!
All people joyfully greet Easter
Bells ringing is heard everywhere.
Easter bells are heard everywhere.

Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong,
Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong.

So Easter has come to us -

The holiday is sweet for me!

How much joy brought

And he took away the sorrows.

Over meadows and fields

The sun is shining over us

Long awaited spring

Easter brought us.

And the sun is shining from heaven

A ray of spring greetings

A green forest rustles in the distance,

And the hymn sounds: "Christ is Risen!"

Children: Truly Risen!

The sun is pouring down from the sky

Dancing and laughing

And rejoices and sings

Spring calls to visit us.

The day is getting longer

A stream runs with him

The sun is laughing

The song is pouring loudly!

The birds sang joyfully

Spring is coming again!

Before Easter in a week

Verbushka blooms first!

For a long time, there is a belief that a blossoming tree full of strength can convey health, strength, beauty to everyone who touches it. And the willow, especially the earrings, the blossoming buds were considered healing, endowed with special power. Therefore, there was a custom to drive livestock out to the first grazing in spring with willow branches. V Palm Sunday grandmothers baked pussy willow cones in loaves and fed them to the cattle so that they would not get sick. Little children were playfully lashed with willow twigs, saying: "As the willow grows, so will you grow." And those who were older, were lashed harder, but not painfully, saying: "We whip the willow, beat without tears" or "We beat them to be healthy." Let me give you guys health, strength and beauty with these twigs.

Game "Willow-pussy-willow"

(Children stretch their arms forward, and the leader holdshand with willow twigs.)

Round dance with willows.

Audio recording "Bell ringing".

Presenter: Spring is coming, and with it the brightest and most beloved holiday comes to our house - the Easter of Christ. On this day, all believers celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Bells are ringing from everywhere, glorifying the Savior.

Housewives bake butter cakes, make cottage cheese Easter, paint eggs, and then go to church to consecrate them.

1. Loud laughter is heard everywhere,

The birds chirp loudly

That the holiday has come

For every child!

2. It smelled like butter roll

At our doorstep.

I'll treat myself to cottage cheese Easter,

I'll try a little.

3. I'll take a brush, gouache

And I'll do my best

I will paint the eggs in different colors,

That Easter would shine.

4.Drops drip loudly

Near our window.

The birds sang merrily.

Easter has come to visit us.

The song "If the sun has risen"

1. If the sun has risen,

So the morning has come to us

The forest woke up from a dream

This means that spring has come to us.


Spring breeze blows

Warm outside.

And fun and joyful

And the soul is light.

2. Primrose in the meadow

Sends his radiant greetings

A lark from heaven

He sings to us: "Christ is risen."

Chorus: the same.

3. And the domes sparkle,

And the bells are ringing

Treats on the table

A bright holiday on Earth.

Chorus: the same.

Educator: On the joyous Easter day of Christ

For all adults and children

About Little Red Riding Hood Again

We will tell you in a new way.

Little Red Riding Hood with a basket comes out to the music.

Little Red Riding Hood: What a day today! Grace!

And not a single cloud can be seen

There is joy in my heart. The sun is playing.

And even the breeze helps me.

There are six Easter eggs in the basket.

Kulich and cheese, of course, are also there.

Goes backstage.

The Gray Wolf comes out to the music.

Gray Wolf: Here I am! How hungry and angry I am!

And I didn't find a poppy dewdrop

Already in the evening my stomach let me down.

I got up - it was not yet dawn,

And I don’t understand why nature is happy?

Hurry to fill your stomach - that's what you need

And ... here comes the Red Hat.

S. Wolf goes backstage. At this time Little Red Riding Hood comes out,

The wolf follows her:

Gray Wolf: There's also a basket, what's in it?

It is desirable that it was tastier.

Could you buy me something?

I'm hungry, well, just a wild beast!

I will not harm you, believe me!

Little Red Riding Hood shares with the wolf.

Certainly cute!

After all, giving is more useful for the soul,

Than to take.

"The wolf takes the testicle, thanks Little Red Riding Hood."

A chick flies out.

Little Red Riding Hood: Look, look here soon!

Who are you? Are you a chick? Dropped out of the nest?

Do you want to eat, open your mouth?

We'll feed you, that's what it is, and that's it.

Eat, dear, but look, don't whine.

After all, you are eating Easter cake.

Chick: Thank you, I'm not crying!

A tear has dried.

And the eyes were filled with joy.

Take me on a good journey.

Celebrate Easter of the day with you!

Educator: The basket is empty, it has become easier

There is little food left in it.

But so much kindness has been added

That the first flowers have blossomed.

Dance of flowers.

First flower: We saw: the rabbits are hungry.

Second flower: More starlings flew these days

From distant lands. They were very tired

And their hunger, probably, also sharpens them.

The third flower: And here's another kitten got lost

And he appeared on this path.

"Kitten" comes out to the music

Kitten: I feel bad to be alone without my mother,

Probably no one needs me.

Little Red Riding Hood: Here, Kitten, take some cheese

Eat, satisfy your hunger!

Kitten: Thank you. Now with friends, satisfying and not scary.

I am not alone, and this is very important.

Educator: Thank you, Little Red Riding Hood for your kindness.

You have not forgotten anyone, you have regretted everyone and treated them.

We showed you a fairy tale, a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a good lesson for all of us.

Presenter: Everyone is rejoicing and rejoicing, glorifying Christ. Easter was also celebrated as a holiday of spring. The sun was beginning to warm up like spring, the first flowers were blooming, the first grasses were turning green. Work began in the fields. To grow good harvest, I had to ask the sun about it. The village children chanted and sang.

Child 1.

Sunshine sun,

Look out the window

Don't bite far

Pieki us across the river.

Child 2.

How hot the rolls are across the river,

Butter porridge, sugar pancakes.

Child 3.

Bucket sun, look out the window

Where are your kids? Sitting on a bake

The cakes are being rolled, they are waiting for you.

Child 4.

Sun, sun, pour out in the window

Give the oats growth so that they grow up to heaven,

Mother rye to stand up like a wall all over.

The song "Early at Dawn" is being performed.

Leading. Easter is celebrated, always on Sunday. And it lasts a whole week (Bright week). There is no Easter without Easter cake and painted eggs. I know the Easter egg game.

It is quite possible for anyone. You take an egg, put it in a spoon And run a little with it.

The game "Run with an egg." (Children of 2 teams play, prepare 2 eggs, 2 spoons, 4 cubes).

Come out to play, roll red eggs.

Leading (explains the rules of the game). With the ball, you need to knock down the eggs laid out in a row along one line. The broken eggs are collected by the team.

Leading. On Easter, red girls and good fellows gathered in the street to sing, dance, and dance in round dances.


Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra, the girls are coming from the yard

Sing songs, dance, amuse everyone around,

Girls come out with handkerchiefs.


Make way, honest people, do not dust the path,

Good fellows go for a walk a little.

Boys come out with rattles and whistles. Girls and boys walk around the hall to the music, sit opposite each other on the benches.

Boys. White girls, where have you been?

Girls. We milked the cows yesterday, washed ourselves with milk.


Listen, girls,

I will sing out of place:

A pig grazes on an oak tree

A bear is steaming in the bath.


And I'm smart, I'm smart -

Our whole street knows about it:

Rooster and chicken

Cat and cat,

My brother Ermoshka,

Yes I am a little,


I'll harness the cat into a droshky,

And the kitten in the tarantass.

I'll take my girlfriend

Show off to all the neighbors.


I have roosters on my sundress.

I myself am not a clubfoot, clubfoot suitors.


How the square dance will play -

All dancers are attracted.

Everyone's a good fellow -

To your sample.

The dance "Chamomile" is being performed.

Leading. On Easter I sit on the blockade, I look at the people, I always remember everything, but I collect it in a piggy bank. Here is my piggy bank. And in it the recipe is written down in some riddles, guys, and will you help me guess?

The color is white, inside is the yolk.

Chickens carry it,

Tell us your name. (Egg.)

There is no me - and there will be trouble!

Every chef respects

And adds to taste. (Salt.)

Yes, little guys. (Milk.)

And pancakes and pancakes.

Into cakes, pies and buns

They have to put me down. (Flour.)

The fruit is beautiful and tanned.

Squirrels love to gnaw it,

Hide for the winter in a hollow. (Nut.)

They laid it in the sun.

She was exhausted from the heat,

And what has become? (Raisin.)

Leading. So which of these products can be prepared?

Leading. And I also know a lot of games.

The game "Rainbow Basket" Puzzle is running

Children are divided into two teams. Cut out figures are placed in front of each team. Figures are pieces of eggs. The task of the team is to collect the rainbow basket as quickly as possible.

The game " Get into the nest "A basket is placed at a distance from the players. Children throw eggs (small balls) inward. Several attempts are made. The one who hits the most wins.

Leading. And finally, the spring must be glorified so that it is kind, generous and friendly. Let's sing a perky song about spring.

Children sing the song "Oh, the water is running in a stream."

Leading. And what an Easter without treats! And Easter cakes, and Easter, and pies, and cheesecakes, and cheese, and cottage cheese, and sausage, and colored eggs - all the best was put on the table.

Easter is the brightest holiday

The best and the biggest!

Long-awaited and desired

The kindest and dearest!

Exchange eggs with each other, give each other health, cleanliness, like an Easter egg.