Talismans Feng Shui - the magic of the right location of things. Meaning of money toads on Feng Shui

Each fenturine Fenal Shui This is a talisman, which is a kind of activator of a zone that attracts a certain type of energy. For example, some talisman contributes to the acquisition of wealth, the second attraction of success, the third health promotion, the fourth appearance mutual love... We can say that talismans are such peculiar magnets attracting favorable energy streams into your living space, harmonize them, generating a certain magnetic field, which is designed to increase the welfare of the owner and strengthen its position. However, you should not turn your apartment in the Museum of Talismans. But competently selected and properly arranged figurines of Feng Shui, may really work wonders!

Picking up the talismans, buy exactly those figures that you can do like appearanceand symbolism and value.

Never buy a talisman if you don't like it.

The Dragon

One of the most revered symbols in the East is the dragon, it is a creature sacred, it embodies complete harmony, nobility, courage, strength, greatness and wisdom. In China Dragon holding a pearl in paws It was considered the symbol of the emperor, his heavenly patron. The most powerful element of Feng Shui with a pronounced energy Yang, the dragon patronate the strong half of humanity, contributes to career growth, helps to achieve financial success, protects from competitors, unscrupulous partners, and in general from bad people.

The dragon statuette is recommended to put east, better if the figure stands on the pedestal, stand, or a small elevation, but not higher than the level of the host's eye, otherwise the dragon will dominate. Since the dragon is exclusively a Yaansky animal, creating an active energy, we do not recommend storing it in your bedroom, as the bedroom should have to rest, and the Yansk energy flows are not suitable for this.

Do not be afraid of the dragon, read it and believe that this is the guard guarding you from troubles and enemies, in this case the dragon will benefit.


A variety of fish both together and separately - a very common mascot in Feng Shui. Goldfish is a symbol of success in financial affairs, so the zone of wealth in the southeast will be very successful placement. Fis statines are also well suited to activate the territory of the element of water - the north - the career growth zones, new opportunities and undertakings.

It is best to purchase a carp statuette or archers. Carp or Sacred Fish "Tai" Symbolizes good luck and spiritual achievements. Placing it in the zone of wealth in the southeast contributes to the accumulation of capital and material well-being. Two carp personify the harmony of relations between spouses, and nine carp enrichment and prosperity. Carp is also a symbol of purposefulness, resistance, because the carp with perseverance overcomes the flow and river thresholds, reaching the mouth of the river.

However, the most successful way to activate the wealth zone is the acquisition of fish under the mysterious name Aerovana She is "Dragon Fish." In nature, this is quite rare and very expensive fish, the cost of some of her species can be tens of thousands of dollars. In Feng Shui, it symbolizes huge, simply - the fabulous wealth. It is characterized by fascinating grace, amazing beauty coloring and proud look.

"Dragon Fish" is considered a strongest magnet for wealth, which always works. The only feature is that different people Wereware gives the different value of material goods. It is also worth noting that in order to activate the richness zone in your house, just one thing is enough. If you wish to have several of them, then only the odd number of these beautiful fish should be purchased, otherwise they will create friction between you and your friends, and quarrels may begin because of money.


In China, and in other times around the world, the dog is a symbol of loyalty and devotion. And the arrival of an unfamiliar dog, foreshadows well-being in the future. Some people believe that if the unfamiliar dog has left to live in their home, then this is a good omen for the family and the harbinger of the coming welfare. Puppy - symbolizes update, energy, joy and growth. The dog statuette can be located in the office on the desktop, as a symbol of good luck in the career, business. People born in the year of the dog, this mascot will be doubly favorable.

Special popularity was gained, if you can express the combined talismans. For example, a dog holding a coin of happiness in his paws - protects the owner from evil forces, and introduces material well-beingOther popular talismans have a similar meaning - a dog with a gold chuck or a chest. Mighty Talisman is a dog holding octagon Ba-Gua. In the center of the octagon, Yin-Yang is depicted this ancient symbol in Chinese philosophy, denotes the harmony of two opposites Yin and Yang. Yang - White (Day) - Male Sign, Yin - Black (Night) - female sign. Eight tigers are magic Obereg - protecting evil spirits.
Such an amulet is able to protect the room from the negative and harmonize the space.

It is recommended to put a statuette of the dog in a prominent place, then the dog will know that her arrival is glad and waited. In return, the dog will become a true friend and helper. She will protect your profits, will help to accomplish the conceived, and will protect you throughout the time.


Magic King Bird Fenha Huang or Phoenix, patron of all feathered creatures. This bird has such a strong energy that is capable of reviving from fire and ashes, ascend over the most terrible circumstances. Figurine Fenix. It effectively activates the energy of success, fame and prosperity. The figure of the magic bird is recommended to put in the south, as it symbolizes the warmth of summer, the sun and the fire. IN Feng Shui Phoenix brings happiness, the ability to change the unfavorable outcome of the circumstances and win, get unexpected support, wisdom, beauty and prosperity. The fiery bird contributes to the development of your creative deposits and helps come true desires. Phoenix requires free space, so that it is free to climb the sky to look out for danger and learn about the news.


The talisman of heavenly protection and support - turtle, is also a symbol of wisdom, longevity and hard movement forward. In Feng Shui black turtle It brings good luck to your owner and helps in matters, stably and smoothly increasing the income and standard of living. Turtle support is particularly important for the owner of the house and the head of the family. The one who has a turtle behind his back is safe, as his rear is protected from attacks. Turtle is a symbol of hard work, which will be rewarded. Statuette with three turtles lying on each other, denotes the well-being of three generations, this talisman is especially good for families who live under one roof with their parents.

Turtle - This is the keeper of the North, by the way, that is why they advise to place the working office in the north of the dwelling. It is best to purchase a turtle made of metal, or with a metal tint - bronze, golden or silver, because in the circle the generation of the metal elements creates an element of water. The turtle is also a great black color. However, note that the bedroom for water talismans is a forbidden territory. Water standing symbols in the bedroom destroy the romantic atmosphere.


Rooster is an intermediary, a watchman who comes in contact between heaven and earth and being a conductor solar energy, because of what it is still rated by the bird of the Sun. So, in Japan, the roosch is associated with the first light beam and hope for the best, and more successful life. In China, the rooster is emphasized with five virtues in himself. It is protection for weak and oppressed. The ability to protect your house from evil forces makes it an excellent watchman, and the ability to fairly distribute food between the inhabitants of the yard, feeding the weaker, says his good heart. Fearlessness, kindness and wisdom are forced to treat him with great reverence.

Pethuha statuette You can accommodate at the entrance or in the wealth sector in the south-east. Also, the rooster perfectly activates the zone of glory in the south, there it contributes to those who need not just a good reputation, and fame in certain circles and even glory. However, few know that the rooster is an excellent talisman from infidelity. It is believed that the figure of the rooster can suppress the dismantiness of sexual life, debauchery and infidelity. If you fear that someone can try to lead your partner from you, then in this case the rooster statuette needs to be put on the entrance or opposite the main entrance. If you believe that your companion itself is prone to treason, then put a rooster in his closet. Optimally, to place two figures of the roosters - on the right and left side.


The most popular deity in Feng Shui is a fat man named Hotey, It symbolizes happiness, fun and well-being. Wanti predetermines the fate of people and helps in the exercise of desires. There is such a belief that if you make a desire and rub the belly of Wayat 300 times, then it is necessary to be fulfilled, the main thing is not to be mistaken in the calculations.

Woody Character has a real story - it was a monk who lived in China in the 10th century, he wandered around the villages with a large canvas bag and rosary, and where he had stopped everywhere, happiness came, joy, happiness, well-being and luck. And when he was asked about what was in the bag, Where answered: "I have the whole world there!"

Wowy statuette considered a universal talisman, so it can be put in almost any sector. If Wayy is depicted with coins, a chest or a bag of gold, it should be accommodated in the wealth sector in the south-east, if Hayy is made with Stryy Schuha, then this is a health and longevity talisman - the ego place in the eastern sector that is responsible for The health of the whole family, laughing wanting to children, will bring you a long-awaited offspring - such a statuette should be removed in the southwestern part of your home - the zone of love and relationships. Wow with the pearl symbolizes wisdom, with a fan - protects against bad energy, holding a rod zhui - a symbol of high position in society.


In China, they believe that the elephant is attracting happiness and good luck with his trunk. This is a symbol of stability, stability, wisdom, prudence, longevity, royal majesty and disadvantaged power. IN Feng Shui The elephant brings its owners peace, wealth, stability and rich "harvest", and also protects against all hazards and risks. According to ancient Myanmar legend, the ruler of which is an elephant with a raised trunk will achieve success in managing the country. Therefore, such an elephant will be an excellent gift for managers, chiefs and chapters of families.

Elephant statuette advise to put on the windowsill, a trunk directed towards a favorable star, then he will delay good luck from the street through the window.

To attract wealth and prosperity, the figure of an elephant with a raised trunk put in the south-east. The elephant personifies an intolerable force and power, so it is also used in the North-West sector of patronage and help. Among other things, the elephant contributes to a reduction in extra material waste, its stability and stability can affect the waste of the owners of the house, having happened to spend their dust to spend money on unnecessary, empty things.

Elephant with lowered trunk Patronizing the female floor, he gives motherhood. Therefore, women, in vain trying to have children, should pay attention to this figure. As a rule, such elephants are depicted next to the offspring - one or even several elevating.


Magic three-wave toad with a coin in the mouth, symbolizes wealth, immortality and monetary success, it is considered the keeper of the house and well-being. There is a legend, according to which, in distant antiquity, when another Buddha went on the ground, and Feng Shui Only originated, the three-wave toad lived, she was a very greedy and malicious creature with a bad character, but the Buddha did not like it, and then he captured her, and obliged to help people, to gain riches as a retention. Since then, the toad pays for its excessive greed, sprinkling gold coins. She appeared in the evening at the threshold of the house, and the next day the owners significantly increased income.

Typically, a statuette of a three-year-old toad is put in the southeast or northern sectors, you can put in one tob in the southeast sector of each room, it will increase cash. Also, the figure of the toad can be placed in a composition with moving water (fountain, waterfall) - it will increase your monetary success even more, it is believed that the toad needs to be put back to the entrance door, so that it seems that it is injected in your home. You can not put the toad so that it looks out the window, or face to the entrance door. In China, this mascot is very common, it is widely used in business, and at home.


A horse figurine is a classic symbol for a zone of glory. It is believed that the horse brings success in his career, business, helps to restore a spoiled reputation and strengthen the image.

If in life you often encounter complex competition at work or in business, then placing the horse statuette on the desktop will be able to attract good luck and success. Especially effective horse, rattled up. Feng Shui Recommends businessmen and enterprising people to have in their office at least one such statuette as the victory, perseverance, endurance, courage, strength, respect and non-relaxing optimism.

Place where it should be statuette horse - It is the southern or southwest sector of your working office, but the horse should not be referred to the window or door.


In Feng Shui, the bull symbolizes a long, stable, stable and fruitful life, and also indicates hard work, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal. With this talisman, you can activate the prosperity and wealth zone in your home so that the income is stable and constant.

In some countries bull is considered to be sacred animalswhich brings wealth, prosperity, abundance, success and happiness. Bull more successful talisman rather than cow, its muscular structure is designed for those who want to achieve wealth and abundance. Figurine Bull will be an excellent gift for the headas well as for novice entrepreneurs.

Each animal, be something elephant, sheep, bull, rhino or horse reflects its definite frequency. That is why images of animals in painting or sculpture affect our soul, bringing peace, inner harmony and healing.

To attract wealth, the bull statuette should be put in the southeast corner, your living room. Having placed, a bull action figure in the north, you give push to your career growth and overcome the obstacles at work. Bull will protect against competitors' bad intentions, and increase your business profits.

Ducks Mandarinka

A pair of mandaroon ducks - symbolize tenderness, love, good luck, eternal loyalty and happiness in marriage, they are used to enhance the area of \u200b\u200bpartnerships.

The imperial duck or the duck of the tangerinka received his nickname because of unusually beautiful, sucping and superiority over other species. On Feng Shui any pair symbol is very favorable for married relationsBut these birds are special, they choose a couple of once for life and can even die if they have to die. If you want to meet a person with whom you will live a long and happy life, dividing love and joy, then you should activate the "Angle of Love" by any paired symbol. Clarket Mandarinka - One of the most common talismans "Parity".

The statuette of the ducks is best to put in the love zone - in the southwest. This talisman will bring well-being in your home, prosperity, good luck and will contribute to the normalization or strengthening of marital relations. Also, the image of a pair of ducks can be placed in the bedroom. If the bed is in your bedroom in the partnership area, then let two pillows be on it. To activate your romantic space, a pair of swans or pigeons are also suitable, or crystal lotus - Double happiness symbol.


Eagle personifies - knowledge, wisdom, freedom and power, this is one of the best mascots for the Slava Sector. Thanks to her torn eyes, the eagle has a good review, or otherwise expressing, has a big horizon, he is able to see what is usually unable to see, and evaluate the surrounding environment. Eagle can rise to heights and achieve a holistic look at the world. Based on this, Feng Shui Recommends, having in your office an image of an eagle managers, businessmen, and those who wish to achieve success in work or business. This powerful bird helps to look more perceptively on things, and makes it possible from other heights to estimate the weight of one or another endeavor.

If you have big ambitions, or ambitious plans, and you need the strongest activation of the southern zone, then there should be a statuette of an eagle there. It will strengthen your good reputation and bring success in affairs and glory.

Pi Yao

Mythical creature with a mord of a lion straw, dogs, one horn, hooves, tail and small wings called Pi Yao - It is considered a very powerful talisman protecting the house from adverse energies and evil people. Itself does not bore any harm. According to Feng Shui, the figurines of these magical animals are located in locations where flows pass negative energy Shaqi, that is, opposite acute corners, towers, peaks, cemeteries, and certainly face out. Pi Yao creatures are loyal, very faithful and devoted to their masters, and besides protecting the house from unfavorable energy, also help to gain wealth and increase revenues.

For the Chinese, as well as Drakoocherpach, PI Yao is one of the few creatures that are able to doubt the Terrible Prince Jupiter (Tai-Sui).

So, according to legend, Pi Yao is immensely large appetite, it will undoubtedly suit those who do business. The statuette should be located below the level of the host's eye, and refrain from its stay in the bedroom. If you travel a lot, in departures, or often leave your home unattended, then you need to have a PI Yao at the entrance door or in the hallway.

In the East, it is very loved by this figure and mostly put one, but a couple of Jao.
So that the power of the talisman does not have dried up, it is necessary to call around him once a week around him a bell (or hang the bell nearby) or once a month burning about Pi Yao Large candle.


An animal with a dragon head and a turtle body, is a powerful combination of these two creatures. Drakoocherpach, stands on guard of your home, and protects it from problems and failures. It embodies wisdom and ambitionIs a symbol of peace, calm and longevity. This almost universal talisman contributes to career growth, a good position in society, attracting wealth, strong health and mental equilibrium.

The Chinese believe that any of the items symbolizing wisdom and knowledge be it a book, a manuscript, a printing machine, a fountain pen, a pencil, or even a computer located in close proximity to Drakonocherpah - increase its power twice.

For a career - a statuette put in the north, for successful study, it should be located in the northeast, to attract wealth it is located in the south-east, and for health in the family, in the east.

Feneturists Fenetur Shui.Fenchui symbols of wealth.

Fenshui is the art of life in harmony with the environment of the environment, in any case, so taught the ancient wise men, philosophers. The teachings of Fengsui has a six-year history of its existence, and during this time it took off on top of popularity, and fell into the bunch of oblivion, but always returned, because the teaching of Fenzui was built on the monitoring of the life proceedings in the man.

Each fenal shui statuette is a talisman, which is a kind of activator of the zone that attracts a certain type of energy. For example, some talisman contributes to the acquisition of wealth, the second attraction of success, the third health promotion, the fourth appearance of mutual love ... It can be said that talismans are such peculiar magnets that attract the favorable energy streams into your living space, harmonize them by generating a certain magnetic field which is designed to increase the welfare of the owner and strengthen its position. However, you should not turn your apartment in the Museum of Talismans. But competently selected and properly arranged figurines of Feng Shui, may really work wonders!

Selecting the talismans, acquire exactly those figures that fall to you like, both in appearance and symbolism and value.

Never buy a talisman if you don't like it.

The Dragon

One of the most revered symbols in the East is the dragon, it is a creature sacred, it embodies complete harmony, nobility, courage, strength, greatness and wisdom. In China, the dragon holds the pearl in his paws was considered a symbol of the emperor, his heavenly patron. The most powerful element of Feng Shui with a pronounced energy Yang, the dragon patronate the strong half of humanity, contributes to career growth, helps to achieve financial success, protects from competitors, unscrupulous partners, and in general from bad people.

The dragon statuette is recommended to put east, better if the figure stands on the pedestal, stand, or a small elevation, but not higher than the level of the host's eye, otherwise the dragon will dominate. Since the dragon is exclusively a Yaansky animal, creating an active energy, we do not recommend storing it in your bedroom, as the bedroom should have to rest, and the Yansk energy flows are not suitable for this.

Do not be afraid of the dragon, read it and believe that this is the guard guarding you from troubles and enemies, in this case the dragon will benefit.


A variety of fish both together and separately - a very common mascot in Feng Shui. Goldfish is a symbol of success in financial affairs, so the zone of wealth in the southeast will be very successful placement. Fis statines are also well suited to activate the territory of the element of water - the north - the career growth zones, new opportunities and undertakings.

It is best to purchase a carp statuette or archers. Carp or Sacred Fish "Thai" symbolizes good luck and spiritual achievements. Placing it in the zone of wealth in the southeast contributes to the accumulation of capital and material well-being. Two carp personify the harmony of relations between spouses, and nine carp enrichment and prosperity. Carp is also a symbol of purposefulness, resistance, because the carp with perseverance overcomes the flow and river thresholds, reaching the mouth of the river.

However, the most successful way to activate the zone of wealth is the acquisition of the fish under the mysterious name of the alternation, it is "Fish-dragon". In nature, this is quite rare and very expensive fish, the cost of some of her species can be tens of thousands of dollars. In Feng Shui, it symbolizes huge, simply - the fabulous wealth. It is characterized by fascinating grace, amazing beauty coloring and proud look.

"Dragon Fish" is considered a strongest magnet for wealth, which always works. The only feature is that different people of the revival gives the different magnitude of the material benefits. It is also worth noting that in order to activate the richness zone in your house, just one thing is enough. If you wish to have several of them, then only the odd number of these beautiful fish should be purchased, otherwise they will create friction between you and your friends, and quarrels may begin because of money.


In China, and in other times around the world, the dog is a symbol of loyalty and devotion. And the arrival of an unfamiliar dog, foreshadows well-being in the future. Some people believe that if the unfamiliar dog has left to live in their home, then this is a good omen for the family and the harbinger of the coming welfare. Puppy - symbolizes update, energy, joy and growth. The dog statuette can be located in the office on the desktop, as a symbol of good luck in the career, business. People born in the year of the dog, this mascot will be doubly favorable.

Special popularity was gained, if you can express the combined talismans. For example, a dog holding a coin of happiness in his paws - protects the owner from evil forces, and puts material well-being, and other popular talismans have a similar meaning - a dog with a fan of gold or a chest. Mighty Talisman is a dog holding The octagon of Ba-Gua. In the center of the octagon, Yin-Yang is depicted this ancient symbol in Chinese philosophy, denotes the harmony of two opposites Yin and Yang. Yang - White (Day) - Male Sign, Yin - Black (Night) - Female Sign. Eight tigers are a magic charm - protecting evil spirits.
Such an amulet is able to protect the room from the negative and harmonize the space.

It is recommended to put a statuette of the dog in a prominent place, then the dog will know that her arrival is glad and waited. In return, the dog will become a true friend and helper. She will protect your profits, will help to accomplish the conceived, and will protect you throughout the time.


Magic King Bird Fenha Huang or Phoenix, patron of all feathered creatures. This bird has such a strong energy that is capable of reviving from fire and ashes, ascend over the most terrible circumstances. The figurine of the Phoenix very effectively activates the energy of success, fame and prosperity. The figure of the magic bird is recommended to put in the south, as it symbolizes the warmth of summer, the sun and the fire. Feng-Shui Phoenix introduces happiness, the ability to change the unfavorable outcome of the circumstances and win, get unexpected support, wisdom, beauty and prosperity. The fiery bird contributes to the development of your creative deposits and helps come true desires. Phoenix requires free space, so that it is free to climb the sky to look out for danger and learn about the news.


The talisman of heavenly protection and support - turtle, is also a symbol of wisdom, longevity and hard movement forward. In Feng Shui, a black turtle brings good luck to his owner and helps in matters, stably and smoothly increasing the income and standard of living. Turtle support is particularly important for the owner of the house and the head of the family. The one who has a turtle behind his back is safe, as his rear is protected from attacks. Turtle is a symbol of hard work, which will be rewarded. Figurine with three turtles lying on each other, denotes the well-being of three generations, this talisman is especially good for families who live under one roof with their parents.

The turtle is the keeper of the North, by the way, that is why they advise to place the working office in the north of the dwelling. It is best to purchase a turtle made of metal, or with a metal tint - bronze, golden or silver, because in the circle the generation of the metal elements creates an element of water. The turtle is also a great black color. However, note that the bedroom for water talismans is a forbidden territory. Water standing symbols in the bedroom destroy the romantic atmosphere.


Rooster is an intermediary, a watchman, which carries out the contact between the sky and the earth and is a solar energy conductor, which is why it is still numbered by the bird of the Sun. So, in Japan, the roosch is associated with the first light beam and hope for the best, and more successful life. In China, the rooster is emphasized with five virtues in himself. It is protection for weak and oppressed. The ability to protect your house from evil forces makes it an excellent watchman, and the ability to fairly distribute food between the inhabitants of the yard, feeding the weaker, says his good heart. Fearlessness, kindness and wisdom are forced to treat him with great reverence.

Petuha statuette can be placed at the entrance or in the wealth sector in the south-east. Also, the rooster perfectly activates the zone of glory in the south, there it contributes to those who need not just a good reputation, and fame in certain circles and even glory. However, few know that the rooster is an excellent talisman from infidelity. It is believed that the figure of the rooster can suppress the dismantiness of sexual life, debauchery and infidelity. If you fear that someone can try to lead your partner from you, then in this case the rooster statuette needs to be put on the entrance or opposite the main entrance. If you believe that your companion itself is prone to treason, then put a rooster in his closet. Optimally, to place two figures of the roosters - on the right and left side.


The most popular deity in Feng Shui is a fat man named Wanti, he symbolizes happiness, fun and well-being. Wanti predetermines the fate of people and helps in the exercise of desires. There is such a belief that if you make a desire and rub the belly of Wayat 300 times, then it is necessary to be fulfilled, the main thing is not to be mistaken in the calculations.

Woody Character has a real story - it was a monk who lived in China in the 10th century, he wandered around the villages with a large canvas bag and rosary, and where he had stopped everywhere, happiness came, joy, happiness, well-being and luck. And when he was asked about what was in the bag, Where answered: "I have the whole world there!"

Wowy statuette considered a universal talisman, so it can be put in almost any sector. If Wayy is depicted with coins, a chest or a bag of gold, it should be accommodated in the wealth sector in the south-east, if Hayy is made with Stryy Schuha, then this is a health and longevity talisman - the ego place in the eastern sector that is responsible for The health of the whole family, laughing wanting to children, will bring you a long-awaited offspring - such a statuette should be removed in the southwestern part of your home - the zone of love and relationships. Wow with the pearl symbolizes wisdom, with a fan - protects against bad energy, holding a rod zhui - a symbol of high position in society.


In China, they believe that the elephant is attracting happiness and good luck with his trunk. This is a symbol of stability, stability, wisdom, prudence, longevity, royal majesty and disadvantaged power. In Feng Shui, an elephant brings its owners peace, prospect, stability and rich "harvest", and also protects against all hazards and risks. According to ancient Myanmar legend, the ruler of which is an elephant with a raised trunk will achieve success in managing the country. Therefore, such an elephant will be an excellent gift for managers, chiefs and chapters of families.

Elephant statuette advise to put on the windowsill, a trunk directed towards a favorable star, then he will delay good luck from the street through the window.

To attract wealth and prosperity, the figure of an elephant with a raised trunk put in the south-east. The elephant personifies an intolerable force and power, so it is also used in the North-West sector of patronage and help. Among other things, the elephant contributes to a reduction in extra material waste, its stability and stability can affect the waste of the owners of the house, having happened to spend their dust to spend money on unnecessary, empty things.

An elephant with a lowered trunk patronizes the female floor, he gives motherhood. Therefore, women, in vain trying to have children, should pay attention to this figure. As a rule, such elephants are depicted next to the offspring - one or even several elevating.


The magic three-wap toad with a coin in the mouth symbolizes wealth, immortality and monetary success, it is considered the keeper of the house and well-being. There is a legend, according to which, in distant antiquity, when another Buddha went on the ground, and the Feng Shui was only born, the three-wave toad lived, she was a very greedy and malicious creature with a bad character, but the buddha did not like it, and then he was captivated by her , and obliged to help people as a disclaimer, gain wealth. Since then, the toad pays for its excessive greed, sprinkling gold coins. She appeared in the evening at the threshold of the house, and the next day the owners significantly increased income.

Typically, a statuette of a three-year-old toad is put in the southeast or northern sectors, you can put in one tob in the southeast sector of each room, it will increase cash. Also, the figure of the toad can be placed in a composition with moving water (fountain, waterfall) - it will increase your monetary success even more, it is believed that the toad needs to be put back to the entrance door, so that it seems that it is injected in your home. You can not put the toad so that it looks out the window, or face to the entrance door. In China, this mascot is very common, it is widely used in business, and at home.


A horse figurine is a classic symbol for a zone of glory. It is believed that the horse brings success in his career, business, helps to restore a spoiled reputation and strengthen the image.

If in life you often encounter complex competition at work or in business, then placing the horse statuette on the desktop will be able to attract good luck and success. Especially effective horse, rattled up. Feng Shui recommends businessmen and enterprising people to have in their office at least one such statuette as the Mascot of Victory, perseverance, endurance, courage, strength, respect and non-relaxing optimism.

The place where the story statuette should be - it is the southern or southwest sector of your working office, but the horse should not be referred to the window or door.


In Feng Shui, the bull symbolizes a long, stable, stable and fruitful life, and also indicates hard work, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal. With this talisman, you can activate the prosperity and wealth zone in your home so that the income is stable and constant.

In some countries, the bull is considered to be a sacred animal, which brings wealth, prosperity, abundance, success and happiness. Bull more successful talisman rather than cow, its muscular structure is designed for those who want to achieve wealth and abundance. Figurine Bull will be an excellent gift for the headas well as for novice entrepreneurs.

Each animal, be something elephant, sheep, bull, rhino or horse reflects its definite frequency. That is why images of animals in painting or sculpture affect our soul, bringing peace, inner harmony and healing.

To attract wealth, the bull statuette should be put in the southeast corner, your living room. Having placed, a bull action figure in the north, you give push to your career growth and overcome the obstacles at work. Bull will protect against competitors' bad intentions, and increase your business profits.

Ducks Mandarinka

A pair of mandaroon ducks - symbolize tenderness, love, good luck, eternal loyalty and happiness in marriage, they are used to enhance the area of \u200b\u200bpartnerships.

The imperial duck or the duck of the tangerinka received his nickname because of unusually beautiful, sucping and superiority over other species. On Feng Shui any pair symbol is very favorable for married relationsBut these birds are special, they choose a couple of once for life and can even die if they have to die. If you want to meet a person with whom you will live a long and happy life, sharing love and joy, then you should activate the "Angle of Love" with any paired symbol. Clarification of Mandarins is one of the most common mascots "Parity".

The statuette of the ducks is best to put in the love zone - in the southwest. This talisman will bring well-being in your home, prosperity, good luck and will contribute to the normalization or strengthening of marital relations. Also, the image of a pair of ducks can be placed in the bedroom. If the bed is in your bedroom in the partnership area, then let two pillows be on it. To activate your romantic space, a pair of swans or pigeons are also suitable, or a crystal lotus - a symbol of double happiness.


Eagle personifies - knowledge, wisdom, freedom and power, this is one of the best mascots for the Slava Sector. Thanks to her torn eyes, the eagle has a good review, or otherwise expressing, has a big horizon, he is able to see what is usually unable to see, and evaluate the surrounding environment. Eagle can rise to heights and achieve a holistic look at the world. Based on this, Feng Shui recommends, have an image of an eagle in his office to managers, businessmen, as well as those who wish to achieve success in work or business. This powerful bird helps to look more perceptively on things, and makes it possible from other heights to estimate the weight of one or another endeavor.

If you have big ambitions, or ambitious plans, and you need the strongest activation of the southern zone, then there should be a statuette of an eagle there. It will strengthen your good reputation and bring success in affairs and glory.

Pi Yao

The mythical creature with the face of the lion, the dogs, one horn, hooves, tail and small wings called Pi Yao - is considered a very powerful talisman to protect the house from adverse energies and evil people. Itself does not bore any harm. According to Feng Shui, the figurines of these magical animals are located in places where the threads of the negative energy of Shaqi are passing, that is, opposite the sharp corners, towers, peaks, cemeteries, and certainly face. Pi Yao creatures are loyal, very faithful and devoted to their masters, and besides protecting the house from unfavorable energy, also help to gain wealth and increase revenues.

For the Chinese, as well as Drakonocherpach, PI Yao is one of the few creatures that can doubt the Terrible Prince Jupiter (Tai-Sui).

So, according to legend, Pi Yao is immensely large appetite, it will undoubtedly suit those who do business. The statuette should be located below the level of the host's eye, and refrain from its stay in the bedroom. If you travel a lot, in departures, or often leave your home unattended, then you need to have a PI Yao at the entrance door or in the hallway.

In the East, it is very loved by this figure and mostly put one, but a couple of Jao.
So that the power of the talisman does not have dried up, it is necessary to call around him once a week around him a bell (or hang the bell nearby) or once a month burning about Pi Yao Large candle.


An animal with a dragon head and a turtle body, is a powerful combination of these two creatures. Drakoocherpach, stands on guard of your home, and protects it from problems and failures. She embodies wisdom and ambition, is a symbol of peace, calm and longevity. This almost universal talisman contributes to career growth, a good position in society, attracting wealth, strong health and mental equilibrium.

The Chinese believe that any of the items symbolizing wisdom and knowledge be it a book, a manuscript, a printing machine, a fountain pen, a pencil, or even a computer located in close proximity to Drakonocherpah - increase its power twice.

For a career - a statuette put in the north, for successful study, it should be located in the northeast, to attract wealth it is located in the south-east, and for health in the family, in the east.


Talismans Feng Shui

Items, figures, artistic or stylized images of gods, animals, elements can serve as a variety of goals. All Talismans on Feng Shui work only according to clear rules, the main thing of which sounds like this: everything has its place. In addition, it is very important to choose the right figure, activate and follow it. If the talisman broke or crashed, it should be replaced and replaced by the activation procedure. Let's deal with how talismans and where you need to put.

Sectors or Zones on Feng Shui

Our housing, according to the science of Feng Shui, can be divided into nine zones, drawing a real or imaginary. It will greatly contribute to how to distribute certain talismans. Each such sector is in a strictly defined place according to the side of the world and meets only its goals. To activate these zones, Feng Shui Talismans should be used.

One of important rules: If the toilet is in the selected sector, it is better to hang in it for dispersion of negative energy Sha, but not other talismans!

Sector of Knowledge or Wisdom

talisman Snake

Located in the northeastern part of the house. Traditionally, communicates with the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom. It can be perfectly activated by crystals. If you put such a talisman for sunlight, to play all the face, it is the most the best way. Especially good if the reflected "fireflies" is crumbling. This can be achieved if you play with a crystal on a sunny day by selecting the desired angle. Also faithful will place the snake statuette or its image - the famous oriental symbol of wisdom, which will help it easier to circumvent the desired knowledge.

Career Sector

Talisman Sailboat

It is located in the northern part of the house. Being near the knowledge zone, he receives feeding from it, but at the same time is a self-sufficient sector. The activation of the zone occurs with the help of water and metal. It is recommended to place the figure or image of the sailboat at this angle. He symbolizes the arriving luck since the times when Chinese merchants brought money and goods from behind the sea. In the same sector, you can put a turtle as a symbol of protection, wisdom and wealth. Glass goldfish designates success in financial affairs. A fountain attracting good luck in business is suitable.

Travel Sector or Assistants

Talisman Drakoocherpach

Located in the northwest. It is also considered that he is responsible for useful links with friends, colleagues and partners. Reflects the male half of humanity. Metal and earth are used to activate. Ideally put in this sector Ganesh's figure as the great patron of business people and the eliminator of obstacles. In addition, he is a wonderful defender from life adversity. It is possible to use a draconicerpa statuette - a business advocate and a house or a figure of Guan Guna - God of war, which eventually began to perform protective functions, or Guan Yin - a female deity, which will guard the beautiful half of the house.

Sector of creativity

Elephant mascot

It is located in the West. Also applies to children. Responsible for the development, well-being and creative principle in man. If you consider yourself to creative people, it will work easier in this area. An elephant reflecting the stimulation of imagination and perseverance in achieving the talismans is perfect. It is necessary to put it on the window sill trunk in the window, and if the house is inside, it means that luck is already in it. In this sector, you can put an angel figure. Despite the fact that it is a Christian symbol, in Feng Shui, it is also used. Well, if there is in the sector of creativity live plant grenade. You can replace it with a similar pattern / photo.

Love and Marriage Sector

Talisman couple Dolphins

Is in the southwest and responsible for love relationship, marriage, family bonds. Earth and fire is used to activate. The area is concentrated by a huge potential for improving love, sexy and social relationship. By tradition, pair mascots are placed in it. Among them in the first place the figure of birds. You can use a candlestick into two candles, a couple of dolphins, two vases.

Slava sector

Talisman Phoenix

It is located strictly in the south in the fire zone, and affects your glory, success in the personal and social sphere. Helps people to succeed in the goals and recognition in society. Fire and wood is used to activate. It is best to put a big coin here as. It is just an ideal mascot for this place. But the fan is also great as a symbol of protection, saturating the room positive energy. It suffices to hang it in the right direction - and energy will flow into a certain room. By tradition, you can put the figure or image of the Phoenix in this sector as ideal for the element of the fire bird. She can attract good luck to the house and provides him with protection.

Wealth Sector

Talisman Dike and Ebisu

His place in the south-east. Responsible for prosperity and material well-being. Activated with wood and water. Many great talismans Feng Shui are suitable for this zone. Among them, in the first place of wanting is the god of fun and prosperity. If he holds the bag, the ingot of gold or coins is best. Dike, which refers to one of the seven great deities and personifies happiness, wealth and prosperity. This deity is often depicted in a pair with another God Ebisu, balancing material wealth with spiritual wealth.

Family sector

Talisman 3 Turtles

It is in the East and is associated with family well-being. Activation uses wood or water. The family in this sector covers close, relatives. For this sector as a symbol of kindness, power and power is not better than the talisman than the dragon. He guards the house, expels evil spirits. But you need to choose it so that the figure looks benevolently. And even better, if the dragon holds the pearl in the teeth. The symbol of family unity is another talisman - three turtles standing on each other. The biggest represents the chapter of the family.

Also for this sector will suit the Heron - it focuses perseverance and support, it is able to help strengthen and survive in any hopeless situation.


Peaches for health zone

He connects the rest of the sectors together, which is a health zone. The best talisman serves a large dining table. It can be placed on it ... Peaches (even fresh) as in Chinese understanding. If the center is the living room, you can put peaches on coffee table. It is also useful to place various funny little thing in the center of the house, which are able to cause laughter, because it has healing power.

Each sector has its value. Connected together with the center, they represent the great power of creation and creative forces, giving households, protection, wisdom, prosperity and real happiness in life.

Talismans on the horoscope for the 2012 Black Dragon

AMULES by zodiac signs

In addition to the fact that in our house there may be talismans under certain zones, each of us has their own characters according to the signs of the zodiac, which should be paid to the current year.


Scales - objective assessment of qualities;

Opening seashell - push of personal development, expansion of the horizon;

Almaz - strengthening positive qualities.


Apple - symbolizes the production of fruit of labor;

Turtle - support from the authorities.


Chrysolit - advocates sympathy in business relationships;

Dolphin - promotes social life;

Aquamarine - helps to look for new friends.


Fish - strengthens his career, partnerships and gives forces to create new ones;

Pearl - improves relations with households and neighbors;

Lask or Fox - gives energy for various contacts and strengthening relationships.


Eagle - organizes a personal space, strengthens the reputation, helps in foreign trips;

Mountain crystal - strengthens family relationships, helps travel, rest;

Agat - perfectly contributes to visiting various mysterious countries in the world.


Dragon is an excellent support for financial transactions;

Snowdrop - gives an understanding of new perspectives;

Firefly - illuminates the path of new development opportunities.


Elephant - strengthens business relations, favors the conclusion of contracts;

Pair swans - give a reliable and faithful partner in marriage;

Emerald - is responsible for creating an image, behavior in society, helps to impress.


Lightning - speeds up everything you want to get;

Seagull - favors health promotion;

Ruby - improves self-esteem, identifies advantages and positive ambitions.


Lira - helps in the disclosure of creative potential;

Sapphire - supports romantic relationships, incites the flame of love;

Avenant - for active wonderful rest.


Pigeon - contributes to the acquisition of psychological comfort;

Stork - supports the family, helps when buying an apartment or at home;

Walnut (fruit) - balances internal stability.


Topaz - helps to improve the qualifications, get new knowledge;

Ladybug - establishes relations with loved ones;

Lizard - helps stereotypes.


Turquoise - well replenishes the inner stock of energy;

Peach - favors money;

Red coral - gives activity, strength, and also executes wishes.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that talismans, even placed in the right sectors, will not work without your faith in them. Remember: Faith works wonders!

Short and very simple advice For those who decided to take the first step in the study of Feng Shui. They are easily executable, but very effective.

Feng Shui indoors in the wrong form

If the apartment has the wrong shape, or in the house there are rooms with incorrect formswhere the corners look inside, then on Feng Shui, it is considered unfavorable at once for two reasons. First, sharp corners are directed to the inhabitant of the room, they exude "poisoned arrows" of Sha-Qi. Secondly, because of such a "incomplete" form, the house does not reach the energy. This affects the fact that in some of the areas of life living in this room will lack. To eliminate these signs of poor hairdry shui, hang opposite the adverse angle of the crystal or protect it with a screen. High green plant is also suitable. So you will protect yourself from a poison boom. A mirror hanging on the wall visually complements the form, make it more correct and partially eliminate the second drawback.

Double Bed and Feng Shui Love

Double bed helps to attract love. If you suffer loneliness and dream of finding a loving satellite of life that would screens up your existence, then put a wide double bed. Place it in your room so as to ensure that you are infinitive access from both sides. Hang two night lamps - from their own side and adjacent, wait and use different methods Feng Shui to attract love.

Crashing sewage and hairdry shui

If in your home drainage system Suddenly clogs the garbage, it will extremely adversely affect Feng Shui. Crawled sewage Creates obstacles in the harmonious circulation of Qi energy, and it prevents life projects to be implemented! In addition, the flow of favorable energy in the body will also be violated, which is not the best way to affect the health of all households. Therefore, clean sewer systems As soon as possible, do not postpone the case in a long box.

Bear destructive flying stars 5

Each year, follow the unfavorable flying star - yellow five. It symbolizes failures, illness, accidents. Avoid to be in the zone where she arrives, do not bother her. In 2012, the yellow five came to the southeast and distribute this year its decent effect on the southeast part of all premises. This applies to both residential buildings and office buildings, shops and shopping centers.

Feng Shui and view from windows

If you choose new apartment or home, pay attention to the windows. If one of them overlooks the hospital or the courthouse, it is unfavorable. Choose such an apartment that the view from each window is beautiful. But do not think that than more Size Windows - the better. From too large windows, all the energy of Qi is simply poured into the street. The size of the windows should be in harmony with the size of the front door.

Help children when analyzing Feng Shui

Little children very thinly feel Feng Shui Real Estate - use their help! If you are inspecting for the purchase of a house or a land plot, then take a child with you. With the unfavorable energy of the object, the kid will immediately begin to show signs of nervousness, and may even cry. So if he is in a new place, Zakapriznichnikal, became naughty, then Feng Shui inspected by your real estate is not too favorable. But if the child smiles, laughs, then this is a wonderful sign. Trust the opinion of the little man!

Observe the three rules in the bedroom

When arranging the bedroom there are three basic rules that should be followed so that your marriage union has not collapsed. Do not put the mirror in your bedroom in such a way that the sleeping pair is reflected in them. The bedroom does not place with large water bodies. Of course, a simple decline with water does not count, but the aquarium is quite another matter. Do not use two separate mattresses on a double bed. It extremely negatively affects the hairdry shui with a married bedroom and on family life.

During the disease, use wind music

Very often people get sick when in the room where they live, an unfavorable flying star is a black twice. Her negative influence Can cause various diseases even with a relatively healthy person. Complete the impact of this star disease with the help of metal wind music. Hang this tool Feng Shui with six or seven metal tubes into a sick room. Even if the black twice did not affect this zone in the house, the wind music with air bells still protects against painful energy and attracts favorable qi to the room. But do not forget about the usual treatment!

Carry a compass

A simple compass can provide tangible help when conducting business negotiations. If you have to do this by the nature of these activities, then use personal favorable directions on Feng Shui. Carry a small compass with you - it will allow to use very effective method - To sit at important meetings with this calculation to look at the face in one of its favorable areas. Do not part with the compass and always pay attention to which side you are sitting to accidentally not be in the most unfavorable direction of full collapse!

Happy Feng Shui

Figure 8, according to Feng Shui - this is the most successful number in the near future. It will ensure success in any affairs. To improve your luck, use the number 8 always when there is an opportunity for this. The effect of the happy eight will last until the onset of February 2024. And then the time will come for a happy nine.

Do not activate love at work

Various symbols and methods of Feng Shui for love are well used at home, but not at its workplace. Therefore, do not keep various clarification-mandarins and other pair characters in the office. Here they can lead only a service novel associated with troubles and provoke scandals. In addition, they will distract from affairs, which will not be better affected on labor efficiency. If you use Feng Shui characters in the workplace, then only those that contribute to the successes to work and career growth. For example, dragonpackers.

Choose a direction during a date

There is a Feng Shui "Love" favorable direction called Nian-Yan. It depends on the personal number of GUA, brings good luck in love and harmony in family relationship. During the love meeting, see the face in this wonderful direction. It will contribute to the fact that your romantic date will soon go to the present bright feeling for life!

Mirror and Feng Shui Trade

The energy of qi is not only the energy of life, but also wealth. It helps to flourish trade, and therefore double the quantity! Hang next to your cash register mirror so that it is reflected in it. Then the volume of your sales will also increase twice! And if you place a Feng Shui Symbol next to the device - for example, Chinese coins or a three-year frog and they will also be reflected, it will even more help to be your trading successful.

Feng Shui in accounting documents

So that Feng Shui helped you to keep accounting, use various characters. Attach Chinese coins of prosperity or other Feng Shui characters, bringing success to important financial documents, thick folders with invoice, accounting books. One of best charactersFortunefully bringing is the mythical animals of draconicerpackers. This will entail an increase in sales and will contribute to more organized accounting.

Dress on Feng Shui

Use color in clothes according to five elements of a hairdry shui. To gain confidence, wear red clothes. Red in Feng Shui is the element of the fire, means an assertive bright personality. This is more favorable if your activity is related to trade and you need to persuade people to buy something. To smooth out unnecessary hot temper, use the element of water - in Feng Shui it is black and dark blue colors. White color - metal elements will add credit and increase influence. For important business meetings, wear white clothes. This will help show your professional side in the best possible way.

Images of predators and a hairdry shui

Do not hang at home and in the workplace aggressive pictures where wild predatory animals are depicted, grinding teeth. If their mouths are open too wide, then they will first beat all the nearest energy of qi, and then "eat" and you. Feng Shui paintings with the image of blooming fields and calm rivers will bring you much more benefit, use them better in your interior.

Make a symbolic money wallet

To attract money, create symbolic cats. Choose a wallet with multiple compartments for this, it will symbolize that ways to do incomes, several. In each compartment, put on a cash banknote and let them always lie there. Your symbolic money wallet should never be empty - it shows that you always have the necessary money for expenses. Keep it in the drawer of your desktop.

Subscribe to stroke up

Subscribe "ascending stroke of the pen." When the signature goes confidently clearly up, permeated by the energy Yang, then from the point of view of Feng Shui it symbolizes prosperity and success. The longer the stroke will be, the better. Downward signature, on the contrary, implies decline. Especially if it is tilted on the left side. If your stroke is such, then you need to change it. Work out a new signature and exercise in "painting" until it gains an appropriate look up!

Pumpkin Gorel as a symbol of abundance

Pumpkin Gorryanka in Feng Shui has a special property. Unlike a three-pall frog or sailing ship wealth, it is not an activator to attract money wealth. But she symbolizes the abundance of food in the house, helps in the birth of children, protects against disease. Use this wonderful Feng Shui symbol and it will definitely attract such a good luck.

Feng Shui Flowers

Flowers emit the Yang energy growth, contribute to development and improve hair dry shui very much. A bouquet of flowers is especially favorable in the eastern, southeast and southern areas of the house. But as soon as they begin to fade, throw them away right away. Water also change it to always be clean. Fading flowers in dirty water acquire already yin energy decline. It is impossible to stood in residential rooms, especially the bedroom.

Observe the Yin-Yang Balance in the House

One of the main principles when creating a favorable Feng Shui is to stick to the yin-yang balance in the interior. That is, the rooms should not stand an excessive noise or vote to be too quiet. It should not be too dark, or too bright. And there should be no empty rooms in the house. Otherwise, the energy of Qi will simply be struck, deterrent and will not bring you a good Feng Shui to the house.

Do not use a bat

Avoid drinking from a cup or take food from a plate that have cracks. Even if they are carefully and neatly glued. Feng Shui Bit dishes are absolutely not favorable. When filtered edges or cracks appear ruthlessly throw out such dishes. If you can enjoy tea or coffee in a broken cup, it is better to give up. Otherwise, you risk attaching bad luck.

Don't give sharp objects

On Feng Shui, it is not recommended to give pointed items, especially between the beloved. It will greatly worsen the energy of romantic relationships. Such gifts as kitchen knives are absolutely not acceptable from the point of view of Feng Shui. If your favorite person presented to you such a gift, then give him a small one monetary check Or a coin, that you symbolize as if you "bought" the thing, and did not receive it as a gift.

Do not point your finger

Never direct the knife, fork or any sharp object. Even forefinger. Not only is in many cultures, this is considered a sign of bad tone, it is also very bad and a fen-shui. There may be a hostility between you and this person, which is very not surprising - after all, you act such an action to the "poisonous arrow" of Sha-Qi.

Use love symbols

Use various love characters in the bedroom. One of the most effective signs of Feng Shui are clarification-mandarins. They have a special property - they attract a special energy of Qi, which will fill your family life with its beneficial force. Love characters do not have to be eastern, they can be both familiar to you. For example, use pictures with the image of paired animals or birds.

Feng Shui and passing exams

To attract good luck on the exam, get the support of the flying star of the green four. In 2013, she flew to the southeast. So get ready for the subject sitting in the southeast sector. During the surrender, try to sit face in favorable directions for the GUA - success or stability.

Deep sleep

If you sleep badly at night and do not get enough sleep, then pay attention to what Feng Shui surrounds you. Make sure that you sleep in a favorable direction for your GUA. If, during sleep, your head looks in the negative side, then it is better than Pernagrat. If you sleep under the hanging beam, then change the dream place is simply necessary! It will not hurt to explore its bedroom for sharp corners. For better sleep need to energy qi sunlight Ipt your pillows, blanket and mattress. Therefore, take them in the afternoon for a few hours in the sun.

Get rid of old things

Old and scattered things in disorder create a bad hairdry shui. The energy of qi around them is stored, and the new due to this can not normally flow and fill your life with new features. Therefore, highlight the time to bring order in your home. Show decisiveness when cleaning and mercilessly get rid of old things - do not consider each item and do not prevent the former memories. Most likely, they will never need you anyway.

Observe the balance of five elements

Make the interior of your apartment so that all five major elements are present in it - wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Tree is green shades and high forms. Fire - red and triangular shapes. Earth - brown, beige colors. Metal is something round silver or golden tones. And water is dark blue and wavy forms. Five elements will create a harmonious energy balance in your home.

Keep the front door in sight

Place a bed in your home, kitchen stove, work table in such a way as to see the front door to the room. If it is located behind the back, it will prevent both full rest and work. Behind the back should be something solid, stable, giving support.

Let you surround the magnificent Feng Shui! Useful spending time on the site

Watching the direction of wind and water energy, the ancient Chinese noticed that nature independently creates places filled with high or low energy levels. They learned how to use the hidden forces of nature for the benefit of a person.

Knowledge helped the Chinese, especially worst, settle in the territories, which gave them the opportunity to safely get comfortable and safely live in harmony with the world around. They considered the impersonation of stability and peace of the mountain, vitality and protection against natural Disasters Given the trees growing nearby, located nearby water bodies also added to people of energy.

Translated "Hairdryer" means "wind", and "Tui" - "water" - from here and the name of this philosophy appeared. Feng Shui, like an ancient science, assumes an equal exchange of energies between man and nature. The Chinese have learned to enjoy the vital energy that they called "qi", without destroying it, merging into harmony with the world of nature.

Philosophy Ancient China It claims that the two opposite poles "Yin" and "Yang" in their definite combination give birth to harmony on Earth. Equilibrium of five elements: water, fire, earth, metal and wood - serves to ensure harmonious equilibrium in the environment.

Life on Feng Shui

Today's life is very different from the one that existed the Millennium back, but many people, first of all, the Chinese themselves, believe that "qi" has a very strong impact on human life. That is why, creating a comfortable environment around him, they try to settle in accordance with the laws of the Ancient Chinese philosophy.

According to Feng Shui, a strong source of energy are well-established gardens, surrounding man landscapes of nature, leisurely flowing water and lowered from the height of the waterfalls.

Straight lines and corners facing houses for which evil spirits can enter. Therefore, it is not recommended to place at home at intersections when front door Located on the direct way to continue the road. The source of negative energy becomes located at an angle neighboring houses or their roofs. Live track from gates to the entrance, long home corridors also open the way evil spirits.

Feng Shui has a means that create a negative energy barrier: hiding the road fences, live swelling, curved tracks to the entrance door. The replacement can serve as a special small round mirror of Bagua, which reflects the evil forces from the house. (Using such a mirror are connected interesting storieswho occurred with people, the following Feng Shui philosophy).

To restore impaired life equilibrium and harmony, other means are used except for the Bagua mirror. Plants, in abundance growing in the garden, trees planted behind at home (especially evergreen), interfere with penetrating the sources of negative energy, hide everything unwanted for humans. It is necessary to closely monitor the state of the plants, to remove patients and drying in time. Plants in the house not only decorate the interior, but also raise vital energy.

The beneficial effect has a clean water, as well as pools and ponds of oval shape. Abundance positive energy, soulful holiday gives rise to a combination of plants and water.

The creation of harmonious equilibrium is lamps and lights. They are needed if the house is not in the center of the land plot, as well as on the sides of narrow tracks, which slow down the movement useful for humans.

For a person, wind music should sound, created by air flows and wooden, metal or ceramic pendants pleasant for hearing sounds. The best place For them - in front of the door, but most importantly - the music of the wind is important and heard, and see. A relatively beneficial power is brought to the house with different sound sources: the murmur of water, the rustle of the breeze.

Inside the housing, it is necessary to properly organize the course of positive energy. In the house must be the order - the litterness "pollutes" the thoughts and feelings of living in it. It is necessary to get rid of unnecessary things - they make the life of a man stagnant, tightly tied to the departed.

The location of the items should be correct. There will be no harmony and peace in the house if there are photos and paintings there, which depict the scenes of the catastrophe, hostilities.

Decorating the dwelling items on Feng Shui enclose a certain meaning: they may be related to materials personifying certain elements (wood, metal, water, fire or land). In order for the subject to influence favorably and did not weaken the energy of standing nearby, it must be placed on a suitable place.