Combat NLP (neurolinvistic programming) technology, methods of exposure and manipulating people. Definition of neurolynguistic programming

NLP today is one of the most popular directions of existing applied psychology. The scope of its use is very extensive: psychotherapy, medicine, marketing, political and pedagogy, business, advertising.

Unlike most other practically-oriented psychological disciplines, NLP provides operational changes, solving problems as a separate person and society as a whole. In this case, everything is carried out in unconditional effective environmental mode.

Introduction to neurolinguistic programming

It is worth starting with the fact that NLP is a kind of art, the science of perfection, the result of studying the achievements of outstanding people at various positive points is that completely everyone can master such communicative skills. It is necessary to have only a desire to increase their professional

Neyrolynguistic programming: what is it?

There are a variety of perfect models built by NLP in the field of communication, education, business, therapy. Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is a specific model of structuring by separately taken by the people of its unique life experience. It can be said that it is only one of the many ways of awareness, the organization of the most complex, but unique system of communication and human thoughts.

NLP: the history of the emergence

It appeared in the early 1970s, it became the result of the cooperation of D. Greenman (at that time an assistant professor of linguistics at the University of California in Santa Cruz) and R. Bandler (there is a student of psychology), which was very passionate about psychotherapy. Together they investigated the activities of 3 great psychotherapists: V. Satir (family therapist, it was taken for such cases that other specialists considered hopeless), F. Pearlza (Novator psychotherapy, founder of Gestalt-therapy School), M. Erikson (world famous hypnotherapist) .

Grinder and Bandler disclosed the patterns used by the above psychotherapists (templates), they were decrypted, subsequently built a fairly elegant model that can be applied both in and in personal change, and within the framework of accelerated learning, and even to get more vitality.

Richard and John in those days lived near Baypson (English anthropologist). He was the author of works on the theory of systems and communications. His scientific interests were very extensive: cybernetics, psychotherapy, biology, anthropology. It is known for many of its 2nd communication theory in schizophrenia. Bapson's contribution to NLP is unusually large.

NLP evolved in two complementary directions: as the process of identifying patterns of skill in any spheres of human life and as a fairly effective way of communication and thinking, which is practiced by outstanding people.

In 1977, in America, Grinder and Bandler held a series of successful public seminars. This art quickly applies, confirming this is statistical data that today approximately 100 thousand people were trained in one form or another.

The origin of the names of the science

Neyrolynguistic programming: What is it, based on the meaning of this word? Under the word "Neuro" means the fundamental idea that human behavior originates in such neurological processes as vision, the perception of taste and smell, touch, listening, feeling. The mind and body form inseparable unity is a human being.

The "linguistic" component of the name demonstrates the application of a language in order to streamline its thoughts, its behavior for the possibility of communicating with the rest of people.

"Programming" implies the indication of the methods of organizing their actions, ideas in order to obtain the desired result.

Basics of NLP: Maps, Filters, Frames

All people use sense organs in order to perceive the surrounding world, studying it, transformation. The world is an endless diversity of sensory manifestations, however, people can only perceive his meager part. Received information is subsequently filtered by unique experience, language, values, assumptions, culture, beliefs, interests. Each person lives in a certain unique reality, which is built from purely personal sensory impressions, individual experience. His actions are based on what he perceives - on the personal model of the world.

The world around us is so big, rich that people are forced to simplify it in order to comprehend. A good example of this is the creation of geographical maps. They are selective: carry information and at the same time misses it, but still perform an incomparable assistant in the process of studying the territory. From the fact that a person knows where it seeks to get, it depends on what kind of card he is.

People are equipped with numerous natural, necessary, useful filters. Language - Filter, Map of Thoughts concrete personHis experiences, which is separated from the real world.

The basics of neurolynguistic programming are a behavioral framework. This is an understanding of human actions. So, the first frame is a focus on the result, and not on a specific problem. This means that the subject is looking for, what to strive for, then comes with suitable solutions, and subsequently applies them to achieve the goal. The focus on the problem is most often called the "prosecution framework." It lies in a deep analysis of the existing reasons for the impossibility of achieving the desired result.

The next frame (second) is to ask exactly the question "How?", Not "Why?". It will lead the subject to the awareness of the structure of the problem.

The essence of the third frame is feedback instead of failure. There is no such thing as a failure, there are only results. The first is the method of describing the second. Feedback restrains the goal in

Consideration of the possibility, and not necessity - the fourth frame. It follows the possible actions, and not on the existing circumstances that limit the person.

NLP also welcomes curiosity, surprise instead of pretending. At first glance, this is enough simple ideaBut it has very deep consequences.

Another useful idea is the possibility of creating internal resourceswho need a person to achieve the goal. Success will be achieved rather faith in the correctness of actions rather than the assumption of the opposite. This is nothing more than neurolinguistic programming. What it is, has already become clear, therefore it is worth moving to the consideration of its methods and techniques.

NLP methods

These are the main theoretical, practical aspects of the use of neurolynguistic programming. These include:

  • anchorage;
  • submodalistic editing;
  • methods of wagging;
  • work with obsessive, problematic, phobic conditions.

These are the main methods of neurolynguistic programming.

Changing the perception of an event

This is one of the exercises to apply the simplest neurolynguistic programming technique. For example, jealousy. It proceeds in 3 consistently passing stages: visualization (presentation of the scene of treason), then auditation (presentation of sound support scene treason) and at the end - a kinesthetic perception (the emergence of a negative sense of betrayal).

The essence of this technique is a violation of one of the stages. In this example, this may be a belief in the embossing scene of treason at the first stage, on the second - representing it under the maintenance of funny music, which leads to a change in the perception of the whole picture in general in the third stage (becomes funny). This is how neurolynguistic programming is operated. Examples can be given the most diverse: imaginary illness, photographic memory strength, etc.

Pedagogy as an area of \u200b\u200buse of NLP

As mentioned earlier, there are a large number of areas where neurolinguistic programming is applied. Training can also pass using methods, NLP technician.

Scientists argue that by means of neurolynguistic programming, a substantial part of the school material can be mastered much faster, more efficiently without the formation of school phobias, mainly due to the development of student abilities. With all this, this process is very fascinating. This refers to any pedagogical activity.

The school owns its own unique culture, which is formed from several subcultures having its own non-verbal communication patterns.

Due to the fact that school educational levels are differentiated, each of them breeds its own patterns of learning styles. These levels are grouped in the category:

1. Primary school. At the age of 6, children leave the walls of a kindergarten and enroll in the 1st grade as the so-called kinesthetic creation. Teachers know that children perceive the real world by touching, smelling, taste, etc. In primary school, a typical practice is passing through procedures - kinesthetic training.

2. High school. Starting from the 3rd class, adjustments are made to the learning process: the transition from the kinesthetic perception to the audit. Children who are difficult to adapt to this transition, remain to be happy or translated into special classes.

3. High school students. Another transition from an audual perception to visual is carried out. The flow of school material becomes more symbolic, abstract, graphic.

These are the basics of neurolynguistic programming.

Corridor and conveyor

The first concept is a place where the development of the lagging modality of the student is going on. A different way, the corridor is aimed at the process, and the conveyor is for maintenance.

When focusing on the last teacher should apply neurolynguistic programming: training through multi-sensor techniques in order to provide the possibility of choosing each individual student familiar to it. However, as a rule, the "conveyor" teacher builds a training process in the first modality, while the "corridor" teacher will need to choose an individual approach to each student (corridor). So the ability to establish suitable style Learning is the basis of success.

Application of NLP in sects

There are also areas of life where neurolinguistic programming acts as a lever of negative manipulation. Examples can be brought different. Most often it sects.

Alexander Kapelov (sectogen) believes that in due time, the classified methods of neurolynguistic programming are quite often used in of different kind Religious groups, for example, in the sect of Ron Hubbard. They are very effective for fast and efficient adept zombies (allow personipulated personality). The effects of psychotechnic in sects are issued for the condescension of grace.

It was described in the article that it is neurolynguistic programming (what it is, what methods and techniques it uses), as well as examples of its practical application.

You probably noticed that recently the proposals for the development of various personal growth technologies and self-development flashed at each step. One of these includes neurolynguistic programming. But the question arises: how good is it or harmful to its use?

With the development of technologies and expanding access to the World Wide Web, the majority of the population of the Earth got the opportunity to look at a different life, rather than their own: through social networks, YouTube, Instagram. And, looking at the photos of celebrities and rich people, many people began to ask themselves questions: "What am I worse?", "What can I do to own the same?", "What qualities does this person exceed me?". And this is only one of the examples of exciting modern man those who are closely related to the personal perception of their place in the world.

It is no secret that dissatisfaction with itself or what is happening around the events often leads to the development of depression, immersion in melancholy or even the development of personality disorders.

Here, psychological science comes to help people, including such directions as Gestalt Psychology, humanistic psychology, transactional analysis and others. However, in addition to generally accepted scientific schools, there are many of those who enjoy bad glory due to the fact that, instead of a positive result, their use can lead to deposits. One of these and belongs to neurolynguistic programming, or NLP. We will talk about it today and talk.

What is NLP?

Neurolinguistic programming, if you rely on the words of his creator Richard Bandler, this is "position and methodology". Despite this, both supporters and opponents of NLP call him a practical direction in psychotherapy, however, their opinions disagree when it comes to the effectiveness of the NLP practitioner.

The NLP is based on a whole range of various scientific and pseudoscience, including psychotherapy, gestaltpsichology, hypnosis, programming and linguistics.

The main goal of NLP is to help a person become better.

Of course, here you can argue and say that the main goal of NLP is to earn, but we will discuss this issue at the end. It is based on a model that allows everyone and able to reproduce the patterns (schemes, models, ideas) of skills based on subjective experience. successful people. Simply put, if the famous billionaire sits, throwing left foot On the right, you need to do the same. This is the easiest andous example, but it reflects the content of NLP: want to become better - focus on those who are better.

The creators of NLP argued that our brain is able to act on the principle of a computer that can be programmed to a certain model of behavior and life.

History NLP

Without historical references and descriptions of personalities that were based on the creation of NLP, it is impossible to understand its essence and the reasons for his criticism. For the first time, NLP sprouts originated due to the joint work of three personalities: Richard Bandler, John Greenman and Frank Pewselik. Given the fact that the latter is mentioned extremely rarely and reluctant, it is not included in the NLP founders. It is believed that it is the Bandler, who engaged in programming, and Grinder, a psychologist and linguist, developed the first theoretical model of the "language programming" of a person.

Richard Bandler

Nowadays, Richard Bandler is an extremely discussion personality.

But in the distant 1972, he was an interested student who had dedicated himself, in his free time from programming and mathematics, the study of Gestalt Psychology, which was practiced in intense group seminars. It was during the hot discussions that the theoretical basis of NLP was born. Bendler, despite the fact that he was still a student, actually led the group and was the "model" of the Greenman, to which he had to rely on. That is, Greender had to imitate Bendler's behavior. In this yet, the concept created by the second, the first introduced a linguistic content.

The figure of Richard Bandler is extremely contradictory: he was rude, after arriving, quarreling with his colleagues, took Cocaine and even tried to prove through the court that intellectual rights to NLP belong to him, but lost. Today, he is one of the thousands of personal development coaches who tell people that it is necessary to work for productive work, but not to be sad - you do not need to be sad. But the theory itself, with all this, is worthy of discussion.

Essence of NLP

It should be noted that the names of the first books released on NLP indicate their focus: "The structure of magic. Volume 1-2 "(1975, 1976)," Milton Erickson hypnotic technician templates. Volume 1-2 "(1975, 1977). They were not deeply scientific, as is not the same NLP theory itself today.

According to the creators, the books were intended for "simple" people. And this is their feature.

Neyrolynguistic programming is not part of psychology or psychotherapy, this is a technique, meeting of the Soviets, practical recommendations And, as already mentioned above, position. NLP is not afraid of critics, on the contrary, welcomes it. And the main factor in the success of their practices, its representatives call empirical methods, that is, experience and its results. To successfully learn this technique, you need to be prepared for experiments, since NLP does not give the answer itself, but only a number of recommendations for your own search.

Let's wonder in more detail the main postulates of NLP.

Postulate 1. Each person has a representative system

We receive information about the world thanks to the senses that are called representative systems. The data obtained are transmitted to the Central nervous systemwhere they are processed in the form of data that serve as the basis for developing behavior.

Thus, you can determine which of them you are and other people. For example, if a person in his speech focuses on the words "I look at this question as well," he uses the visual system if "I feel the same as you" - kinesthetic. Similar pointers are predicati, or specific language keys in human speech, which can also be called linguistic markers.

Thanks to the definition of a representative model of a person, it is possible to carry out 3 types of actions that will help us enter with it into rapport (trust relationships). First, it is accessionIn which you agree your model with a model of another person, that is, you use linguistic patterns and vocabulary to imitate the interlocutor model. For example, if a person tells you: "I see that you did not eat porridge," you can answer: "Yes, it really looks like this." Or, the second version of the action, say: "Yes, I hear your argument and agree with him" and disconnect.

The third option is called cooling And implies the maximum imitation of human behavior. If the joining assumes that you share a representative system of a person as a whole, then for quizgalizing you need to act exactly like it. That is, if your interlocutor hoses behind the ear, you must (after a certain time, of course, so that he does not think that you tease) do the same.

The main tool for determining the representative system is sensory sharpness, or human ability to notice external behavioral signs and interpret them.

It is achieved simply - through daily training, which are in observations of breathing, a change in the color of the face, muscular tone, the position of the lower lip and the voices tone. In the process to "join" to a person, you need to calibrate your behavior, depending on the patterns of your interlocutor's behavior.

Why do you need it?People who think and behave equally, with a greater probability attract each other.

Postulate 2. "Map" is not a "territory"

There are two levels of reality perception: internal and external. We construct reality at the internal level (internal representation) by receiving these sense authorities with their subsequent processing. However, our internal interpretation of the event is not its real reflection. Therefore, "Map", which is created within us is not a "territory" existing outside.

Postulate 3. The behavior of a person corresponds to his "map"

The perception of reality, and consequently, our actions depends directly from our inner "card". They consist of our beliefs, values, so they are positioned as our "thoughts". Thus, NLP practices argue that the change of "card" contributes to the formation of a new model. If you say easier, then objective reality There is, this is not a matrix, but we still perceive it wrong. So why not program perception by more practical thoughts?

Postulate 4. Consciousness and body directly affect each other's condition

The placebo effect clearly demonstrates the fact that the presence of beliefs can lead to a change in the physical condition. And if the mind can cure the body, then the reverse process is possible. That is, if we feel moral pain in the heart, there will be a threat to the formation of real illness, according to the practices of NLP.

Postulate 5. Need to respect the model of the world, or "map", other people

Subjective perception really is and will cause a considerable number of disputes related, as a rule, with an attempt to convince a person or with a misunderstanding of why he thinks so, and not otherwise. For a professional NLP, an important basis for interaction with people is the possibility of the existence of their "card" and respect for it. Moreover, when trying to influence the "card" may occur, and, most likely, a protective response will arise, which will cross the effort to install the rapport.

Postulate 6. Personality and behavior - not the same

The moral values \u200b\u200bof the individual are not determined by the actions that may depend on a certain context. It should be expected that the behavior of a person in the same situations, but when exposed to different factors, may differ. Thus, behavior does not determine the person himself.

Postulate 7. The main result of communication is not a consecration of thought, but a reaction

In connection with the subjective perception provided by one person, information can be interpreted by another completely different way. Communication is not a monologue, and the reaction of your interlocutor determines the effectiveness of your ability to convey the thought. If a person does not respond to the manner you need, then it should be changed not his model of perception, but your model of behavior and communication.

Postulate 8. Loosity does not exist, there is a feedback

One of the main postulates of NLP is that there are no lesions. If in the process of communication you could not convey the thought, then it should be feedbackThat is, the ability to analyze your mistakes and fix them. The NLP practices often lead as an example of the word Thomas Edison, who spent more than 10,000 unsuccessful experiments and said that he did not tolerate defeat, and discovered 100,000 options for how to do. As a rule, failure is perceived as a reason to retreat, while it should give the opportunity to adapt its behavior.

Critica NLP

Before talking about criticism of NLP, you need to consider two points. First, like any other science, psychology is open with new ideas and experience, because without it is impossible to develop. But psychologists like her representatives are another matter. It's no secret that it is easier to criticize than to build your own scientific theoryIn this connection, in science, there are cases where the Hirsch index, or the scientific quotation index and the main indicator of the success of the scientist, is created exclusively thanks to critical work.

And, secondly, NLP is the theoretical basis that each can take advantage. Like one of his two creators, Richard Bendler, NLP supporters can acquire a bad reputation due to the wrong or mercenary use of knowledge gained. For example, the same coaches of personal development, calling NLP a unique way to make simple man Successful billionaire.

In general, you can allocate three main positions:

  1. Supporters - those who fully share the ideas of NLP.
  2. Opponents - those who believe that the theoretical base of the NLP is seriously undermined and can harm not only the person himself, but also to the people around him. They, as a rule, choose the main purpose of criticism of the pathos and unscientific language, which are described by NLP. Neurolinguistic programming promises a lot, which is why the requirements for the results are overestimated.
  3. Realists have the most non-conflict position from those presented. Realists simultaneously see the pros and cons of NLP. They allocate weak efficiency, the underdevelopment of the theory, overestimated promises of the creators and supporters of the NLP, but note the scientific validity of the first works on NLP and the ability to achieve a positive result from the use of certain techniques.

What can be said essentially?

In this article, we did not discuss specific methods of "achieving happiness" and turning ourselves in a "successful businessman", let the coaches of personal development are engaged in this. We disassembled some of the postulates of the NLP so that every reader can determinewhether to agree with these theses.

NLP gathered a huge number of criticism around himself, although he never tried to get a star from heaven. A person who understands the postulates of NLP and shares them, will not join the disputes, because he made his own choice.

It is an idea about perception and choosing a red thread passes through the entire concept: if you do not want to understand, do not do it if you want - do.

The very essence of NLP is to approve that we cannot completely recreate reality within ourselves, but it makes it possible to decide what we see it. From here, by the way, the ubiquitous distribution of personal training on the basis of NLP, the creators of which do not have a profile education and are interested in making a profit.

Of course, too much a strong passion for other people's practices can lead to instability of your inner state, but NLP teaches a person to be successful and at the same time respect the perception of the world by other people. Full adequate postulates, is it not true? This is how the concept of the NLP is sees the author of the article. What you see, depends on you yourself.

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Did you notice that some people seek phenomenal success, while others, while in exactly the same conditions, remain caught up and all their efforts do not bring the expected result? Most likely, yes, noticed. Here is another example: Communicating with someone, at some point you understand that you begin to do what is beneficial to your interlocutor, as if being under hypnosis. All this is the result of the use of NLP technician, often unconsciously. Talk about it more.

Neyrolynguistic programming - what is it?

Already from the very name it becomes clear that this direction is associated with the influence of phrases and verbal forms per person in order to "configure" listening to "his own".

Sounds mysteriously - it is. Even today, many homework minds do not want to recognize the teachings of NLP, causing the effect of only hypnosis techniques. As a result, there are disputes among readers and interested in this direction, which all the same, such NLP is a hypnosis or a peculiarly constructed speech form, with which information is coming to the interlocutor.

NLP is one of the directions of practical psychology, which combines psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and some hypnosis techniques. In other words, NLP collects techniques and methods that people who have achieved success, systematize them and makes publicly available to the public.

NLP today is becoming an increasingly popular direction. However, the view is that NLP is one of the ways to manipulate is erroneous. It, on the contrary, helps to build productive communication with the opponent, convincingly and sure to speak, to competently build speech, understand the needs and needs of other people, etc.

NLP methods

NLP takes into account the signals of our body, which we serve, admiring and rejoicing something or upset. There are a lot of such motor and other reactions in humans: the movement of hands and legs, eyes, sighs, nervous manifestations, verbal reactions.

By systematizing the accumulated data, the NLP practitioner in the conversation begins to imperceptibly submit certain signs. These signals The body of the interlocutor perceives at the subconscious level, not realizing that he enters into effect. As a result, at the right moment of negotiations, a person can strengthen or weaken the meaning and influence of the said. This is the easiest example and explanation that allows us to understand what NLP is.

Accentuing subconsciously any action or thought, the NLP practitioners can and consciously for the interlocutor to make any accent. For example, at the right moment, pat on the shoulder of a person or laughing, thereby even more clinging a person in the desired behavior.

The manifestation of our emotions to many reactions is the same: we smile when we are fun and funny, we are crying when something is upset, etc. Therefore, applying the body language with respect to the "subject" one can cause it the necessary reaction, which means to change the mood and thought. This is a powerful tool for influencing a person.

Scope of application

NLP apply in many areas of our life:

  • when raising children (sometimes unconsciously);
  • in psychotherapy;
  • in management;
  • when communicating with people and the opposite sex;
  • in oratorical and acting art;
  • in jurisprudence and business;

In addition, NLP is fixed to personal development:

  • a man will recognize himself, analyzes;
  • develops the flexibility of thinking and versatile behavior (in order to master this technique, a person must imperdly think and objectively, and, not based on his emotions and subjective judgments);
  • learns competently and consistently to build their speech;
  • learn to interact and choose the faithful style of behavior with others.

NLP calls for observing the surrounding and removing feedback, parallel to the new result. Neyrolynguistic programming is a powerful tool for a modern person, but with the same probability, this tool can be used in order to deceive people than often and fraudsters are used.

NLP is a system that can be mastered. But, it is not so easy, you will need time, practice, experience, failure, work on mistakes, correction of your knowledge.

Training techniques is more directed to practical use and expansion of skills and knowledge mainly during activity. Therefore, as a rule, this direction is recommended to study at trainings.

How to learn the NLP method

To some extent, we all apply NLP methods: I wanted to buy a new car, presented how it's great and as convenient, received a positive charge of emotions and began to work on themselves, to achieve this goal. The result is a new car in your garage. These are simple examples that are meaningful to granted, NLP in relation to itself. Neurolinguistic programming professionals own the minds of the masses. And this is so (even the purchase of goods of a certain species is the result of working on creating a brand and methods of its promotion of NLP practice).

Based on the principles of neurolynguistic programming, any person is able to master all the techniques of this method (self-hypanos, model of the correct placement of goals, etc.). But it is better to get acquainted with a standard psychology course in order to have ideas about various terms and methods that are used in this area.

  • The first thing to learn is the Skills of NLP and the use of them in practice.
  • Second, consider and analyze NLP techniques.
  • And the latter is to study the skills of oratory skills, some foundations of interaction with the public, the psychology of communication. Basically, this is taught at special courses and trainings dedicated to this topic.

For half a century, I watched from a close distance, as the domestic "elite" broke out and spread out. As a result, she passed and betrayed her country and infected his people with anchion and worship before the West. Treason at the top caused confusion at the bottom. People our pathologized. And the system of self-peculibium unheard of world history arose.

I think, for dozens and hundreds of years, there are enough work to historians and philosophers - to comprehend what happened to us and happens. And recently appeared big Material Dr. Philological Sciences Tatiana Mironova "Teletrans: Electoral technologies turn Russia in the madhouse" (). Many conclusions and considerations of this article are confirmed by my observations.

We say Tatiana Mironov, already tired of the abundance of unhealthy persons in the subway, nervous breakdowns of close, hysterical attacks on the part of colleagues, and most importantly, from very far from common sense of the arguments of these most colleagues and neighbors. The recklessness on the verge of madness is typical today the consciousness of many of our compatriots. As if about us, the Orthodox Providant was told that the times would come when the whole world would be crazy, and those who would save a sound reason will announce madmen.

The feeling of the universal epidemic of madness is not an illusion, it is the actual condition of many people that can be called the Socious Socophrenia of the Company. Violation of the ability to think is manifested in the naive simplified perception of the world of things and events. Moreover, the patient can persist the ability to analyze the facts and make their own conclusions, but the connection of events and judgments about him is random, for example, the weather will be said that "it rains, because the weather forecasters promised bad weather." Mentally unhealthy person is not critical in his reflections. The noncriticality of the sick mind gives reasoning the type "Luzhkov with Putin raised a pension for six percent, well done, about people care!". Schizophrenic and speaks without speech mistakes, and suggestions builds outwardly correct, but all this is just an empty mental gum.

Changing personality - psychiatric diagnosis. A person with a change in person does not recognize the "hierarchy of the motives of his behavior": when he was given to choose between a cup of coffee and a visit to the sick mother, he will choose coffee and find his choice of weighty excuses, like the fact that Mother de about him little and poorly cared. The patient with a diagnosis of identity change is formed by pathological needs, often speaking in the form of obsessive ideas. He can strive to make big and expensive purchases or excessively there is a lot, or an obsessively pester to women. The patient is not able to control their actions, it is easy to infect a new "mania". Here the squall fell on us from the screen propaganda of beer and makes millions of boys and girls schizophrenically fascinally walking along the streets with beer bottles in their hands, to the tight applied to them with an intense thirst. And if you ask why they are so many and concernedly drink beer, the answer will serve a schizophrenic, stimulated in their heads through the screen - "In order not to give yourself to dry."

Violation of thinking, a change in personality is not all the symptoms that bring the viewer with schizophrenic. Schizophrenic was characteristic of hallucinations - the vision, to which the patient refers to both reality, he, in fact, lives in parallel reality of the world. According to the assurances of psychiatrists, these hallucinations are so life-like, their images are so bright and sensual that he is impossible to convince the patient that in front of him only the fruit of his inflamed imagination. But the hallucination of the schizophrenic is similar to its psychological nature with a living screen picture, which our viewer is observed on TV. Sensuality and accuracy of images, the brightness of the impressions are experiencing both. That is how the schizophrenic disease is developing, - from the loss of logic into consciousness to bright, convincing hallucinations, is produced by schizophrenic, hallucinational thinking in television and radio listeners imposed by them by special receptions of information.

The main goal of information technology developers - manipulate the masses to be guaranteed to have the power obtained on universal, direct, equal and secret elections, which in the XIX century smart people of Russia called "four-stroke", very accurately comparing with a wagon, which in ancient Rome commanded slaves . With the help of a suggestion technology, a sensible person is converted to the "Human Voting Man", in the trace element of the human biomass, which, obedient external pulses, acts as a voting machine. Manipulation by people received the scientist name of neurolynguistic programming (NLP).

The definition says: "NLP is a speech impact of a person per person in order to create new behavioral and action programs from the last new programs." We also convince us that NLP is a total "process of accelerated learning and reappection, getting rid of unwanted stereotypes of behavior, creating new behaviors." But in all these formulas it is clearly pronounced that someone strangers for the individual makes it a new behavior program, relieves it from the "stereotypes", unwanted to this third-party person! As if the carrier of neurolynguistic technologies, one owns the true knowledge of the world and confesses the domineering approach to the rest: "A person is a text that can be edited."

It is in the consciousness of the personality, someone interferes with someone, calling our mind and soul "wrong text", ready one to erase from memory, another change to the opposite, to check as a nice thing that you before the depths of the soul disgusting. Neurolinguistic programming techniques proclaim the idea of \u200b\u200benslaving our souls: "A man, communicating with the other, is present for its last territory, which he forms according to his own map." At the captured by an aggressive stranger "territory" carried out "Movement to the reaction contrary to the opposite to the reflex behavior of the body, because it is ridiculous to instill something that the body is already seeking to fulfill."

We give, says Tatiana Mironova, a honest definition of neurolinguistic programming, opened today in elective playing, on political ristalies.

Neyrolynguistic programming is a psychological seizure of the soul, violence against a person who can feel an aggressive invasion (and then in response to a sharp dismissed to the rapist - "Do not go into the soul!"), And may not feel. In the latter and the devilish art of technologists of neurolynguistic programming, which, already openly and brazedly joined, call themselves "priests-linguists" so that the victim of their violence does not feel the impact so that mental changes occur in a person imperceptibly for him.

Neyrolynguistic programming is someone else's intervention in the subconscious of a person to manage them imperceptibly for him. The fact that political technologists, these "linguistic priests" are called the subconscious, Christians refer to the depth of the human soul, and any invasion of it is very accurately defined as temptation and temptation.

The invasion of the subconscious is carried out primarily by hypnotic trance. The hypnotic trance is a special state of a person when it is capable of easier to perceive and assimilate the suggestion, someone else's program, the command from the outside. This technology is open to the Erickson psychiatrist at the end of the XIX century and has long been applied to therapeutic purposes, but the rapid development of television allowed the political technologists to apply it to healthy people. Introduction to the television trance completely coincides with the introduction technology into the medical hypnotic trans.

A person must be in a convenient position for him, for example, lie on the sofa or relaxed to sit in the chair after the working day. Its attention should be focused on any subject, and such a subject is just a television screen - a bright stain with constantly changing paints, by itself an attractive look. A person should not think about anything and not have any concerns at that moment - it is in such a state that the viewer is descended to his sofa, renovated from the service and home fuss. This is the starting point of the television trance, in everything similar to a professional hypnotic trance.

Then the technologists "split" consciousness and subconscious client, that is, turn off the mind, convincing the person to do nothing. In the state of light dorms or meditation of the viewer, a chain of quickly alternating images, on which it is impossible to concentrate: Consciousness turns off by itself.

The depth of such a trance may be different. Well, if a person is told children, ask to check the lessons or read the book, wonderful when the wife will not be grit, irritated by the fact that the husband does not look like her series, just fine, if the phone suddenly spawns or breaks the milk in the kitchen. The hypnotic trance does not like such "suddenly", it is kept by an external fuss, and then the soul of man remains low-injected. But if all this is not and you focused on a flickering screen, then your soul is in someone else's and very dangerous power. It was then that the unimpeded "formation of human behavior programs, its targets occurs.

The simplest operations of the hypnotic trance attachment - joining the source of suggestion, submission to this source, fixing in a state of hypnotic trance with a disconnected consciousness, but open subconscious, management by suggesting new programs for your life experience - such is the alphabet of neurolinguistic programming. And let these methods were treated with mentally ill, but neurolynguistic programming apply to people healthy, who, having received a dose of suggestion, and begin to behave like psychopaths.

With a disconnected consciousness, as it were, in a half, a person does not filter information and teams entering him, they freely penetrate the subconscious and are crossing conscious. As a result, the motives of their actions, the victim of the hypnotic trance cannot even explain to himself, only the one who recorded it on the "subcortex" knows about it.

You can watch the election of a "favorite candidate" during any elections when confused, concerned, several depressed people come to the polling station, scattered a bulletin, long and straighten up in a long list, as if we were going to remember, and then put A tick against some kind of unknown surname himself. Specialists in elective technologies, advertising their services, boast that, "according to different estimates, through the impact on the subconscious of voters, you can attract from 2-3 to 10-15 percent of the votes from the number of votes." However, more pessimistic estimates give a figure of 35 percent of all voters that took advantage of their right to choose. It was such a figure that American consultants were called after the victory of Yeltsin in 1996, when they talked about the effectiveness of their electoral technologies.

Approximately the same number gave a survey of the population after the presidential elections in June 1996 (Kommersant-Daily, 1996, August 29): "For 32% of those who voted for B. Lucina, his victory was indifferent, and only 67% were satisfied with it. " The team impetus to vote for Yeltsin was strong, but short-term, and in September 1996 the level of confidence in the very elected president amounted to, according to VTsIOM, only 12%.

What are the information "lays" for "hacking" of our souls? Imaging into the subconscious, neurolinguistic programming specialists overcome special "filters" of the souls that focusing incoming information. These "filters" keep the mind from gross damage, trying to prevent the mind to permeate. The subconsciousness can turn off the memory, saving from the "bustle" of information, knowingly unnecessary to its owner.

And if you are firmly convinced that you will not go to vote, as the elections are a mixture of frauds and profanities, all candidate names from all corners and pillars will slide past your memory.

The subconscious works as a "filter", not perceiving by discarding unwanted for a person. And when the old Communist is trying to explain that the Communist Party, which he was devoted to all his life, stained himself with the repression and destruction of Orthodox priests, he "will cause his hearing."

The human subconsciousness in favor of the owner is able to justify everything, explain everything, to forgive everyone. Having received the suggestion to love the president as a father's father, the person "at the level of the subconscious" is accepted to justify, to spawn it, clean from all crimes, sins and mistakes: surroundings, assistants, subordinates, aliens from Mars, solar activity, but not president. And whatever happens, be sure - the justification of his beloved president always exists.

The most steady of psychological barriers to the subconscious, saving a person from the informational invasion of the soul, - His convictions, in the terminology of political technologists - "Barrier of myths". For hacking this barrier, political technologists have developed particularly cunning "babies". So, we are convinced of the believer of the Orthodox, can move to go to vote the Orthodox priest and only for the Orthodox than the PR, which is very actively used, producing the agitation of the flavored people, rich in the regions and convincing "by the will of God." For the same reason, the Parachics love to "serve" their candidates in landscapes with churches and crosses. Subconscious of the believer without resistance takes a similar signal: "His Orthodox!".

A strong barrier on the path of alien invasion of the subconscious is the frequency of professional knowledge. For example, people who professionally engaged in a word - writers, journalists, philologists, artists, psychologists, politicians, only laugh at cheap elected blackmailing "Vote, and then lose," they will not believe the actor, with the delight of the assured that the book of Yeltsin "President's Notes" - As "war and the world" of the thick, the same scale, the brightness of thought, artistic skill.

A serious obstacle to the penetration of strangers to the subconscious is and the so-called interpersonal barrier, the wave of hostility, which shifts in the shower when you hear about the hated life of the life of people. Was it possible to place a voter to Yeltsin, who gathered into power for a new term, destroying the country, a folk ownership, which unleashed civil war? But this apparent insurmountable reinforcement barrier managed to hack political technologies. They did not come up with Yeltsin a new "image", but, as if forgotten about his ward, they began to change the "image" of his rivals-communists. Renamed them in "red-brown", inspired that with the "red-brown" in Russia there will be hunger and civil war, and thereby changed the attitude of the population. Having accumulated a great experience of hacking subconscious, political technologists Soon and the hated name of the people of Chubais will be adopted to perceive with a benevolent good nature: not a rag, hard, volitional, managed to clean up the energy sector, will bring him in Russia.

Each person has his own, sometimes very personal barriers of the subconscious of beliefs, knowledge, beliefs and they are worshiped from other people's unattended invasions into their soul, therefore, during such mass campaigns, as elections, soul mate should simultaneously find "keys" for millions of people . Are there such universal "lays"? Yes, they are. All television and radio channels are strictly controlled or power, or their owners, and the information comes to the viewer and the listener in the "packaging" of the commentary or with the "tag" of their assessment by the journalist. Military chronicle from Chechnya in 1995-1996 could not contain no reporter reasoning, but, telling about the opposing parties, the television journalists of Russian soldiers were called "federals", and Chechen bandits are "field commander", and the viewer intuitively sympathized with partisan commanders heroically felt incomprehensible "federals".

Litezakon freedom of information has naive citizens that the media in a democratic society show what the most viewers want to see that this is a "people's order." But does the violence, sex, hypocrisy, meanness, sex, hypocrisy, caress to see the people? Yes, if any cosmic alien, knowing anything about our civilization, would judge it only on those films that came to the screens in recent years, he would have made a firm conviction that Russia is a country of murderers, prostitutes and drug addicts. But we are seriously convinced that we are exactly what they show us, we will inspire that we are aggressive and evil by nature and television objectively, it is still a mirror reflecting our face and our nature.

We are convinced that the "black box" in the corner of the room is our friend, our window into the world, our eye, following the most interesting in the world. It bribes us to trust the screen as your own eyes, which is coupled with the gates of our subconscious with the help of a television trance and makes the viewer to the obedient toy in the hands of political technologists.

The "splitting" of consciousness can be achieved by the helicastic ways. On the screen, a picturesque cloth "Privale Hunters" in the textbooks, known to all since childhood ", at which, in pleasure, our view, I intuitively referring to the images of childhood and school years, and suddenly the image begins to come to life, the hunters get up, the dogs are jumping, and the viewer, Naturally, he shudders, on a moment it believes that he is all "might" and that he goes crazy. This instant loss of the feeling of reality herself breaks through consciousness and introduces a person to a hypnotic trance.

When the dose of information fell to the subconscious of the TV truck, the viewer immediately remove from the state of half fees. Most often, this happens with a series of bright outbreaks, which react the eye and the brain, as if awakening from the showlong. The awakened consciousness is again affected by an even more enhanced dose of information, which penetrates the human mind and memory in a state of postgipnotic suggestion, very favorable when managing a person from the outside. Such is the scheme of active impact on the human subconscious by technical techniques of telecommunications.

And now imagine that all these techniques beat in the same point, they pursue the same goal: to force the people to vote for the candidate by the authorities, as a good rule, the election Duma block. Having received a superclosure of such suggestion, a person, all the protective barriers of the subconscious of which are hacked, all the filters of the soul are destroyed, simply falls like a mania of love and devotion, becomes not his own, in it clearly appear symptoms of mental personality change.

Manipulation and TV.

In the pre-election period, all television genres serve as election, and their impact on viewers are especially aggressive. The number of victims of information technologies increases many times, some fall into depression, the number of suicides is growing, people become unfortunately angry, suffer with fear or, on the contrary, face apathy. And this is not surprising, because in us, without demand, even without our knowledge, lay information, launch command impulses, produce sympathies and antipathy, which are not characteristic of us by nature, which cause a painful feeling of a split personality, destroy the psyche ,.

Consider how divergent "bookmarks" of information in our subconscious are made. The "25th Frame" video window is not visible to the eye, but is well captured by the subconscious. A classic example of its use in the pop-root advertising during the rental of films in the US is always accompanied by false assurances that now such a naiguous manipulation of people is simply impossible, because the "25th frame" is prohibited as a criminal unimpedient entry into the subconsciousness, while the installation is allegedly easy to detect And, they say, advertisers and teletechnologists are afraid of trouble. Such assurances only put our attention to what we get from the screen. It is almost impossible to identify the "25th frame" on television, for this requires a special computer program that appeared in Russia only in 2002 and showing the overload of "25-person sides" of all TV shows on all channels. When this computer program on someone's oversight began to advertise, the Ministry of Printing and Information of Russia has discouted that the "25th frame" is now used in almost every television broadcast and in each advertisement.

What is specifically implemented in our subconscious through the "25th frame" - the indomitable desire to drink Pepsi, obsessive the idea of \u200b\u200bworshiping Buddha or Krishna, and maybe Manya to love Zhirinovsky to silently - we are unknown. It is possible, for example, to make the crowd of dried fans beat the showcases and waitles the cars on the streets, having transferred them through the "25th frame" on the huge street television screens the signal of the Evil. And then, in response to a provoked slaughter, it is urgent to accept the law on countering extremist activities in the Duma, punishing the repressions of all disadvantageous authorities.

There are other ways to get into our souls and brains, throw in our sockets "Fat Eggs". This is the so-called "convolution" of information in an easily absorbed image and "sweep" of it in the consciousness of the viewer in the form of a solid belief. In 1996, on the eve of the next presidential election, the court director Eldar Ryazanov removed a documentary about how Gosbeshnu had a guest. It was requested to be easily in the kitchen, the fussy Naina flashed on the screen with a cabbage pie, something inseparable revenge the president, but the film became the main event ... a chair, which, how accidentally sank Ryazanov, and no matter how inappropriately broke his pants. What a wonderful winning scene! The viewer is sorrifying: Yeltsin is sticking out of chairs from the chairs! A simple, modest person, just like we, sinful! Nail and torn Pants Ryazanov - this is an image in which there was a minimal information that Yeltsin de Ne thief and the villain, who adsted the great state, and modest, simple, our, property. And "your" bad can not be!

The technology "convolution of information" was put on a wide foot in the transmission of "without a tie" on the NTV, where we were regularly represented by "domesticated" politicians - in the kitchens and dachas, with wives and children, dogs and cats, entities with camels came across. What they just did not get out with an idiotic-sincere face under approving punch leading. Chernomyrdin Batzal Prime Minister (it is impossible to name the game!) Two tribe - Three Harmoshka Snacks, Saratov Governor Ayatskov demonstrated the art of riding camel, Secretary of the Security Council, Puffy, squeezed and laughed with Iron Duvetius, Prime Minister Kiriyenko with teenage enthusiasm Japanese kitchen knife imaginary enemy. The playback of full idiots was made by these people for one thing - to show the voter that they are their simple, available, such as everything. The man in the middle and his faithful, like Chernomyrdin lives, and like Chernomyrdin visited, he sat next to his chair, she listened to his chrypatoy, he loved his wife, noticed, where he was worth the shelves, on what the Bread Salt's Prime Ministers are eating. And if you had a person in the house, he becomes her own, native completely, almost that brother. And she sings no better drunk neighbor, and Baba is still the thicker of my face, and the dog is a peeling, such and in our yard run. Well, how is your own! And for his, familiar, native, for Nyurku, Harmoshka and PSA - how not to vote here, the hand itself opens the bulletin ...

So, through the fleeting image, as if an unknown detail, seemed to be incremented in the soul of man thoughtful information and spreads, filling the consciousness with a convinced opinion - about the modest and honest worker Yeltsin, about the property of the man of Chernomyrdine, about the respectable family man Zhirinovsky ... in elected Campaigns this technology is considered the most important. If the policy is shown by sweating in serious physical work, let's say, rubs firewood in the country, it means that we want to convince us that hardworking our future chosen one, economic. If a policy is shifting, which strokes a horse or a dog and treplet for the ears of the cat, alert: you want to convince that he is a kind and responsive person. Cat, dog and horse very often do not have a hero of the slightest relationship.

The tricky Margaret Thatcher for the sake of the image walked in front of the camera on the beach a completely unfamiliar dog. Pre-election Padel Mr. Putin, if it were not for his own, could also hire from some kind of dog club, and it was the poodles that are stupid, good-natured creatures, throwing in the nose of all the oncoming and transverse and defeating viters. To demonstrate in the role of Putin's favorite of bloodthirsty bull terrier, teletechnologists would hardly be decided.

Show the candidate who has an exotic bearded toad or a miniature home crocodile - there are such family pets from some originals, - the piring officers will generally refuse, as will not be offered to a "client" to walk along the beach with a black Karakum tarantula on the shoulder or with a pair of purebred white rats on elegant Golden twisted chain.

Especially critical about idyllic reports about politicians surrounded by children - both their own and strangers. A small daughter climbed into the dad in his arms and pressed against him a ruddy cheek. In the soul of the viewer Honey and Patok - this man will not make an evil anyone, because he loves children so much! He will take care of our children no worse than relatives! And how many of such idyllic pictures from the "Children's album" passed political technologies for a gullible voter: here you and visit the "client" children's house With gifts, and his visit to the children's hospital with medicines. The disadvantaged children, westing, with a touching expectation of sincere eyes, are so cynical in the soul of voters deputies and presidents. That's where the permanent story of the election news: the president's wife with a relaxed smile strokes on the head of the orphans of the orphanage, Luzhkov will bring honey to the children's shelter and solemnly conducts public tea drinking there, Putin almost every day happens in schools in schools, self-grade personally explaining their election program ...

For common mind, this is a larger leader's time. People with so important positions burdened by a bunch of public affairs are engaged in essential trifles. It is funny to the mayor to work with a distributor of honey, and to the president to teach the second-graders of the Constitution, but from the point of view of elective technologies - wise steps - the voter drops a stunning tear and to the very round of election day will be unequivocated to remember - our chosen one is uncommon, exclusively, a wonderful good person!

Notice, not all parties to the lives of their adorable leaders see voters in these "electoral pastorals". No one ever showed how some candidate with appetite absorbs a black caviar, and even a simple pork chop either of them on the screen would not mind well. And why? Yes, because it is intuitively not at the Nutrition by the inhabitant, which, attending the incoming, will certainly decide: "Oh, and voracious! Such a power cannot be bored! ".

Similarly, none of the prachics advises their "clients" to show themselves with a washing, combing, dressed (but in the bath, by the pair, many have managed from the TV screen - after all, this is a handy information about the Russianness and human health). But washable, let's say, under the shower, armed with washcloth and soap Candidate will certainly give the viewer a reason to think: "Look, chibically dirty, if the need is in public." And since the subconsciousness of the metaphor does not accept, then the image of the dirty in all respects of man will consolidate for the "client" forever.

An important technology of suggestion, the penetration of our brains and souls are copyrighted programs for political topics. Their impact is based on the special role of the monologue. Questions, answers, disputes, objections, that is, the familiar dialogue in our everyday makes it possible to analyze everyone, doubt, think. The monologue - when one says, and others only listen to him - in ordinary life it is possible when Senior says - the head, teacher, leader, parent, owner, in a word, the authority, which is not taken to be not interrupted, which will be better not to object to It is more expensive to argue.

But the monologue from the TV screen in copyrights creates a situation when we, viewers, cannot argue nor Svanidze, nor Poznor, nor the shuster, verifying from the screen. We are only forced to listen to them, as if they were our father's fathers or teachers, chiefs or hosts. Thanks to the Telmonologist, the majority of the audience, contrary to their own will, the habit is produced, even the need to agree with what the "talking head" is broadcasting from the screen. The words of the "talking head" from the screen always seem weighty and more significant next words nearby, whether they are an effluent smartly Posner and Schusterov. After all, you can argue with a smart neighbor, you can even give it to your ear, so that it is not smart, and with the on-screen head, even if you don't argue in the world, you will not argue in your ear. Here is the psychological cause of the height of the on-screen pedestal, creating a cult from any vehicle.

Magnifying telecommunicative, deputy, president, banker, vaguely multiplies the volume of the brains and the significance of the words of anyone who skillfully invisible. Recall how the speech of the patient and Drunk Yeltsin was served from the screen of His President of Russia: cut-out details, faults and stupidity, spoken by them "not in themselves". And these edited monologues were issued for the throne words, which, imagine many of the soul! And how to condemn it, if he says, and you are silent, you are subconsciously in the role of a strict father who guessed his son. But did the father choose, can the Father be judged? This is how the magic lens of the television screens from the flavory-tanking pugs makes a significant trumpet elephant, from Liliputa - Gullover.

The bad obedience of the "talking head", of course, not all. It is noted that these the most "heads" effectively affect people of rather high intelligence, which they say "are easily trained", because they are extended by life and work to adopt experience from any authority. But on many people, by nature, their uncomplicable and non-dangling, as well as on incomprehensive, not loving learning and listen to smart speeches, convincing monologues of the "talking heads" do not act. Such failures and as a child, the mother's father do not read, at work will be reserved by the authorities, they have trough on trifles. The trap for not ready to participate in the spell "sessions" of "talking heads" is another virtuoso technology of suggestion, spent in the television techniques "Talk Show".

The talk show is a dialogue - the lead or leading asks the guest or guests invited to transfer. The viewer who observing a conversation on the screen is the third, contemplating action party. It seems that the collision of opinions, hot spores, harsh objections make observing free to choose, with whom to agree and whom to support the soul and heart first, and then head. The debate and insurrection will probably catch the controversial opinion in the shower.

But freedom of choice of one of two or several opinions is also illusory here, and that is why. You probably paid attention to that the spectators are necessarily present in the talk show, the surrounding companions surrounding the rings. This audience is mostly youth (scored from students) or female (where such a number of idle housewives is mined, unknown). Here with this audience, with her opinion, her feelings, her impression and merges the soul, heart and head of the viewer. Psychologists found that a third of mankind certainly wants to be, like everyone, keep up with others, singing with a common chorus.

On solidarity in opinions, on the automatic accession of the viewer to the audience of the current show and the calculation of the programming political stations is built. After all, the opinion of the audience of the talk show is absolutely manageable. For example, on the transfer of Posner "Times" there is a unlawful agreement with the audience in the stands, surrounding talk shows: next to the video operator is a soufler who has been picked up from time to time, and this man frowns, perturbed, frightened. And most importantly, the first begins to applaud in the places necessary on the scenario. And the stands behind him and frown, and indignantly protest, and laugh, splashing with their hands, and above all the applause, giving the necessary manipulators to the necessary manipulators in the arena. And we, we, with our sofas at TV, are not in their will, but exclusively on the dictate of the souflera talk show, frown and indignant, giggling and applaud.

My colleague, being invited to the "times" to Posnor, noticed the shuffler's manipulation. After making sure that the stands are thrown into his hands on the sound of his first cotton, he began to clap in the "Nourishing Hour" and "carried" the tribunes behind him, they were excluded applauded the words, in response to which, according to Posner's plan, should have stamped their feet. Confuez in the "Times" program was complete, and the result of manipulating the audience is almost zero.

Note that the talk show on television is presented in the widest assortment, covering all social groups of not loving thinking and learn people in which the logic of the fact does not work. This is mostly a woman (and they are very conscientious voters), in the absence of a television days, the days of the days would spend the houses on the benches, overpowing the neighbors, the birth, the authorities and all the oncoming transverse, but there, on benches, it is impossible to manage their opinions, and for elections These people would be lost. But to manage them, sprinkled in one collective soul with the tribunes of the talk show, is very convenient. And the political technologists skillfully manage, playing on the curiosity of the viewers to the "dirty themes" of perverted love, marital treasures, to the secrets of black magic and slander witchcraft, to Kabbalah and fortune telling, and there is no longer life dirt, to which stupid female curiosity pecks, overpaying shame, disgust , caution and disgust. Only the transfer of "wait for me", which is searching for running husbands hiding from the alimony, and the prodigal sons who forgot about their parents, so says the viewer to the screen that the crying of native children does not die away from the flickering blue lens of its enchanted look.

This almost manic attachment to a talk show makes poor women obedient herds of her favorite shepherd - the leading transfer. And this manipulator in the cherished hour pronounces the cherished word, according to which hundreds of thousands of his fans perform the entrusted to them from leading as the main task of their lives.

Another suggestion technology is the art series, causing the population to the screens every day so that the old and small forget about sleep and drink, they will not wait to find out who wins whom the gangster disassembly will be released whether Rosa-Maria-Isabella marry For Don Diabolis, whose son is the child of Lucia ... Ten years ago, the TV shows have already served a thin service: they raised the special type of the viewer-teleman, having escaped most of the population of the country, including not sentimental men, regularly sit down from the TV, get out with a TV, Do not depart from the TV, think the TV. From the life of most people began to leave other sources of information - books and newspapers with whom a person feels much more free in judgments.

On this role "Slave Jesura" and "Rich, which cry", and ended. Today, they decorate the loneliness of pensioners who, instead of prayer and the upbringing of grandchildren, the natural state of the old man, who survived the time of passion and thinking about the salvation of the soul, are in the narcotic pollone, the philantal of the virtual passions of Mexican soap operas. The location of the "Tropicans" and all sorts of "slaves" now passed the domestic series about "Our Life". Their task, having attached to themselves the adult population of the country, slowly re-educate it in accordance with the tasks set by the authorities. Black and white heroes of the series program the viewer, imposing new ideas about life, insistently form our new sympathies and antipathy.

For example, the series "Code of honor", shown in early 2003 on NTV, is one of the national sympathies and antipathy in the eve of the elections of December 2003. In several films, each series each showed former special forces, honest and bold, the soul is reworking for the power, among them five Russians and two Jews. The enemies with whom the Russian commanders are fighting are Chechens who are going to blow up a nuclear power plant, this is a Russian selling general who sells chemical weapons with Arabs, this is a gangster-Estonian, which controls the Kaliningrad port. But who are friends and loyal assistants? It is easy to guess: Jew Aaron, the former Soviet intelligence man who escaped once abroad and now growing in Russia, the brave Jewish girl agent Mossad, saving the price of his life Russia from the Chechen atomic explosion ...

The following films of this series will continue a list of national antipathy sympathies, without a doubt, in the same direction. Caucasians, Estonians, Arabs will obviously confront the special forces, and the Jews will remain loyal companions on arms, and in the glory of Russia. And so unobtrusively, not in the forehead, and urgent, through the plot, through the image of a good old Aaron and brave heroine-Mossadovka, through the brave lieutenant Seeds who fell by the death of brave, the audience forms a feeling, yes, while only a sense of deep sympathy for any Aaron , Which will then offer himself to deputies, in the governors, mayor and presidents. And all our indignation of the troubles of the Fatherland We are an extension on the heads deftly defended by us the culprits of our troubles - Caucasians, Arabs, Estonians ...

Why do Russians defenseless before NLP

For amazing noncriticality / \u003d insubstitution / current Russians pay attention to many analysts. Here is the leading program "Observer" Andrei Egorshin in a conversation with Dmitry Furman touched this topic - "What should be done with our compatriots, so that they woke up and came to themselves, they began to think healthy." Dmitry Furman answered that in the coming years it is better not to hope. However, he made that the following Russian generations may behave more than more and want to live in human.

I prepared a note about neurolynguistic programming (NLP), which described the most effective techniques The impact on Russians in order to suppress their will and dignity, demoralize them and turn them into cattle. But why so easily deceive the Russians, lead them to suicide? Maybe the mentality is such a weak, unstable, subject to every spiritual contrassion? No, all people and all nations in their God-human essence are the same.

So, there are some historically transient reasons for the current Russian misfortune. The anti-state Russian intelligentsia immediately comes to mind - as it is called, "spiritual AIDS of the nation." Largely on its conscience - revolution 1905, 1917 and 1991. But similar to our intelligentsia arose in other countries, and not only in the peripherals, but even in Western. For example, an influential protesting American intelligentsia was very active in the 1960s and 1970s and, too, did not even let his country under Sun, until Reagan's reforms eliminated the intelligentsia in our Russian understanding and did not replace its "new average layers" of post-industrialism, "class of intellectuals " Then the question arises - why, in what historical circumstances does the intelligentsia arise?

In order not to go into the debris of the forerunning historical specifics, please contact the basis. Safrew - Can no man think independently if he is financially subassemble. Material dependence on the state, firm, the employer korets the depths of the human essence, is postponed in the feeder, jammed subjectivity. Yes, "induced subjectivity" is possible, excited by complexes (monkey), sustained impacts, formal rights. But normal genuine subjectness creates only on the basis of economic self-sufficiency, which is possible on a basis or private, or equity, or alternative property, but in no case - state.

When the Russian man is economically self-sufficient, that is, for rent with his property can provide himself with a living minimum, and if this self-sufficient property is not under the daisy sword of the state arbitrariness, as in the current political and consciously desixted Russia, then he behaves like a normal person , not as the inhabitant of a madman. Alas, the overwhelming majority of the current Russians do not have economic self-sufficiency and are not able to contain themselves, depend on the state or from the owner, and the owners themselves, right up to the richest of them (Khodorkovsky), also feel in suspended state.

I note that in other poor countries, people are also extremely subject to NLP. The case is not in the national ethnic mentality, but in socio-economic conditions of life, in poverty. If Russia ever succeeds in committing a breakthrough to post-industrialism, then the Russians will behave no less expensive and pragmatic than Europeans, Malaysians, Indians, new Chinese, Japanese, Australians. But the vicious circle of "poverty-authoritarianism-escalability-slavery" to break the bottom is very unlikely, and the Russian "Top" is so sidewged, which became the most important trauma of the Russian people.

The content of the article

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP),direction in theoretical and primarily practical psychology, differing from similar psychotherapeutic methods - psychoanalysis, group psychotherapy, gestalttepics - orientation on the effectiveness of therapeutic intervention. According to one of the versions, NLP arose as theoretical generalization characteristic features The practices of famous psychotherapists, which seems to be an inexperienced viewer as magic. Hence the name of one of the books R. Bendler and J.Greder - The structure of magic. From the point of view of psychology as science, the theoretical innovation of NLP is to change the focus of the researcher's attention and, as a result, psychotherapist: Instead of the deviations of the mental state, NLP recommends the focus on the norm, and not just on the norm, which, strictly speaking, does not exist, but On samples of successful human behavior in crisis situations. According to the founders of the NLP, only after examining how a person is managed not to go crazy, it is possible to develop methods for improving the state of people with those or other mental disabilities. Another important feature of NLP is the relationship of NLP provisions with language and knowledge about the features of the functioning of the language system. NLP's founding fathers are considered primarily to Richard Bandler, John Greenman, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, David Gordon and Michael Sparks.

NLP as a psychotherapeutic method.

NLP proceeds from the fact that the functioning of human thinking to a certain extent reminds the work of the computer, but not in the sense of the trivial computer metaphor, on which modern cognitive psychology has grown (CP. Conduct an analogy between the memory of the computer and the human memory, the computer processor and the cognitive system), and In the sense that human thinking is programmable. The whole question is to correctly formulate the program and make it an affordable consciousness and subconscious of a person. Hence the concept of modeling: therapist (and wider - communicator) is trying to identify best wayWith which a person performs a certain task, and is trying to make it affordable - for this person or another person. The method of verification of the resulting model lies not in reasoning about whether it is correct whether it corresponds to reality, but that the model successfully performs its functions. According to NLP, in the psyche, it is generally difficult to talk about the correctness or on the conformity of the reality of any experience. At best, it can only be said that some experience refers to a shared reality, i.e. To the aggregate more or less non-governmental ideas about the world around.

The modeling process passes several stages. At the first stage, there is a collection of information about current condition The client and the desired condition - in fact, about the most essence of the impact. At subsequent stages, the essence of the desired state is consistently specified. In the second stage, the rappur is established - such a state between the communicator and the client, in which there is a maximum mutual confidence between them. The achievement of a rapport is the most important task of NLP. Rapport is achieved on a conscious or unconscious level when the communicator joins the representatives of the client, reflecting them in their verbal and non-verbal behavior. Under the representative system (PC) in NLP means a way of representing and understanding its experience in cooperation with the outside world. This may be a visual PC (the experience seems to be a sequence of visual images), an audual PC (experience is comprehended as a sequence of sounds of different types), a kinesthetic PC (experience is represented as tactile sensations) and an olfactory-flavoring RS (experience is perceived by a person as a sequence of odors and taste sensations. ). Reflecting the client's reaction in each of these systems, adjusting to them, the communicator can achieve a rapport with it. The reflection can be verbal (the communicator repeats certain features of the verbal behavior of the client) and non-verbal. In the latter case, the communicator is adjusted for important elements of non-verbal behavior, indicating the leading (most important for the subject) of the PC - under the rate of breathing, gestures, eye movement, etc. The achievement of a rapport can be a rather long procedure, but in some cases it is achieved very quickly - it all depends on the skill of the communicator and the complexity of this case.

After reaching the Rapport, the communicator must establish that in reality the client wishes. In other words, what should be a well-formulated modeling result, which should not contradict one or another sides of the client's personality and cannot harm its nearest surroundings (hence the concept of modeling environmental friendliness).

Exploring the representative systems of a person for the subsequent achievement of a rapport, communicator, except for non-verbal aspects of the client's behavior (in particular, eye, gestures, breathing) must special attention Reliable behavior. To do this, the NLP has developed the so-called meta-model of the language. The meta model is based on the assumption that the language is like many forms of social experience - acts as a filter that distorts the experience or at least structures it. The meta model draws the attention of the communicator to those properties of the language system, which most often distort perception. As will be shown below, in a substantial plan, the meta model represents some summary of the results from the grammatical theory, the theory of speech impact and pragmalinguistics, adjusted under the goals of psychotherapeutic practice; The ideas of "general semantics" were also determined on the formation of NLP. Explicit clarification, the identification of the injured distortion is a significant part of the psychotherapeutic procedure. In other words, the meta-model of the language is not the model of the language at all and is not a model of individual subsystems, but a communicator's behavior model with respect to the natural language used in the process of communicating with the client.

After the "well-formulated result" is installed, the choice of therapeutic intervention methods and the translation of the client to the desired state with the help of the selected technician complex. One of these techniques is anchoring. Anchor is any incentive that allows a person to transfer its previous experience at present and survive the same psychological state (both positively and adversely painted). For example, some melody can cause associations related to past experience in humans, or a randomly found thing will remind some kind of childhood event, etc. In the artistic literature, the procedure of anchoring, as a rule, attracts the attention of writers with installation on "psychologism". (Wed. A characteristic example of Nabokova: "She was visiting, he fired in the dark, again pressed the button. The light was slightly calmed down. She again looked at the drawing, thought, decided that, as he's no way to keep him dangerous, and, Running a piece of paper on the nurses, threw them through the grille in the elevator well, and for some reason, it reminded her early childhood. - V.Nabokov. Pinhole camera.)

Almost arbitrary anchor and at the same time its effectiveness when calling a mental state is widely used in NLP as an influence tool. The incentive anchor can be installed during the therapeutic procedure verbally (for example, by the pronouncement of some words, verbal sequences, a change in the voice of the voice), non-verbally (invisible arm, shoulder, knee; change the position of the body of the communicator, etc.), as well as a combination of verbal and non-verbal elements . It is understood that the installation of anchor is possible only when maintaining a steady rapport, otherwise the connection between the anchor and the experience will not arise.

Anchorage should be based on the identification of resources of this individual to solve the problem situation. Resource awareness, understanding that the problem can be solved is achieved through the expansion of the model of the human world. The role of the communicator at this stage is reduced to reveal in the client's experience, what can be considered as a resource. The NLP to search for a resource uses both techniques that assume conscious participation of the client and its immersion in trance and work with the subconscious. The latter in many cases is significantly more efficient. Further, the positive and negative experience of man argues. Consistent - B. different combinations - The use of an anchors and, thus, mental states allows the communicator to eliminate unwanted connections, form new and as a result of programming a person to the behavior of them, defined in NLP as "well-defined result". Anchorage, anchor themselves, the sequence of their application is actually similar to the algorithms of the computer program, the exception that, unlike computer language programming languages, in NLP, with the therapeutic procedure, operators (anchors) are defined for each client individually.

Among NLP methods, there are techniques that enable the communicator to work not over one client's problem, and above the complex of similar problems, as well as on such complex situations, when some type of behavior in itself is not a psychological problem, but it becomes it in a certain context. For example, fear is a very useful and necessary feeling, but it turns into a painful state, in mania, if the fear of anything is not justified or applies to all others. One such technician is reframing. The essence of the reframing is to change the behavior of the client caused by some incentive or complex of similar incentives, limiting this behavior only by those situations when this behavior is really necessary.

In general, it should be noted that the main books on the NLP (first of all those written by the founders of this direction) themselves are a brilliant example of the use of NLP impact techniques on the reader. Here you can find an anchorage technique, for example, with the help of interesting (usually funny) examples from practice, as well as reasoning, leading to the "expansion of positive experience" reader, and reframing in the form of relevant instructions - both explicit and hidden instructions.

Linguistic aspect of NLP.

Interpretation and use of knowledge about the language in NLP are engaged in non-professional linguists (with all the consequences that arise from here). Therefore, the description of the Linguistic component of the NLP within the framework of the linguistic paradigm actually requires a certain correction of those linguistic categories, the appeal to which is used in the original works of representatives of this direction.

The main linguistic postulate of NLP can be formulated as a hypothesis of the inadequacy of the language as a means of reflection of the reality and human experience. Words are only artificial labels for experience, and the language itself is a filter that allows the cognitive system to cut off all the excess of experience in order for the system to be overloaded and adequately functioned. However, this useful feature leads to the fact that human consciousness ignores the important parts of its experience, which leads to the formation of a substantially depleted list of alternatives in solving problem situations. The meta-model of the language allows you to identify the most typical cases of distortion and correct them by enriching the positive human experience.

The second postulate is directed in the opposite direction from reality - it determines the nature of the link between the language and the psyche. It is a postulate about the iconicness or isomorphic of the language, on the one hand, and mental and / or mental processes - on the other. According to this postulate, language forms regularly reflect the features of the thinking and mental state of a person. Paying attention to the specifics of the speech of the client, the communicator is able to identify its leading representative system, as well as establish areas of omitting important experience. In other words, language and speech are considered as the most important sources of human mental state information. The opposite is true: although the excessive use of a single linguistic agent is unlikely to lead to illness, nevertheless, the complex of the corresponding language expressions allows you to call the required mental state. That is why with the help of a language in general the therapeutic effects are possible.

An important consequence of the Iconicity postulate is the principle of psychological distinction of the surface and deep statement structures. Interpreting this opposition in the spirit of transformersalism (sometimes in the sense of generating grammar, and sometimes in the sense of generating semantics), NLP proponents are attributed to the surface structure of the reflection function, and the depth - subconscious. The deep structure contains actants of those variables that should be explicitly fill in to identify the actual, real client problem and create an idea of \u200b\u200ba "well-defined result" modeling.

Language phenomena in theory and practice of NLP.

Consider briefly specific language structures, which are used at different stages of neuro-linguistic programming, in various NLP techniques. In fact, these language phenomena and form a meta-model of a language that underlies NLP.


The metaphor is one of the tools of NLP. The famous book of D.Gardon is not accidentally called Therapeutic metaphors. However, this category in NLP in different ways is interpreted. In the closest to linguistic understanding of the metaphor used in the meta-model of the language. As mentioned above, this is not a language model as such, but a model of the behavior of a psychotherapist, the communicator, when he collects information about the client or establishes rapport with it. At this stage, the communicator must determine which representative system, i.e. The way of understanding the experience is most developed by the client and, therefore, most often they are used. If you appeal to the cognitive linguistics tools, it can be said that the representative system is the structures of knowledge, frames, in terms of which a person comprehends his experience and structures it, gives it a meaning. At the surface level, at the level of speech behavior, these frames can be represented by metaphors, more precisely - metaphorical models.

As already noted, four types of representative systems are distinguished in NLP: 1) a visual RS, which allows you to structure and comprehend the experience as a sequence of visual images, "pictures" arising in human consciousness; 2) Audial PC, in which experience is structured as a sequence of sounds of various types, music, noise, etc.; 3) Kinesthetic PC, which allows to understand the experience as a change of body sensations, and, finally, the olfactory-tasteful RS , Restaling experience as a sequence of odors and taste sensations. One of the PC is the primary, the most important thing. It should identify the communicator at the client information collection stage. In this case, both verbal and non-verbal behavior of the client are analyzed. The non-verbal component is a study of access keys that turn out to move eye. For each type of PC, they are completely specific. In the study of verbal behavior to identify the RS, a metaphor used by the client is of great importance. In NLP, these expressions are often called "procedural words". In fact, we are talking about metaphorical models laid in portable meanings of words and in the original customer metaphorics. For example, the visual PC is established by such expressions as I i seethat he does not understand me; I vague I understand that something is wrong here; To me it seemsthat everything is against me; This picture So stands in front of me.

Audial PC is manifested in metaphorical models, the source of which is the area of \u200b\u200bsound, as well as in the detailed comparisons with the same source. For example, This simple, but clear thought is simply stunula me; Memories of that summer remained like round non-stroke sounds above the surface of the river at dawn[K. Pouustovsky]. The kinesthetic PC is set by the values \u200b\u200bof words, which are based on metaphors with a source - the area of \u200b\u200bsensations: I selfthat you are right / wrong; I nachopal in his memoirs something necessary, but I can not grasp ; Mom was always sukh and did not notice me that I did for her. Obligating-flavoring PC is found in type statements My childhood always causes me gorky memories; I i'll try focus, but not sure that it will succeed; Something you today sour ; Father's face did not go sour mine. The identification of the primary PC allows both to establish a client rapport, adjusting to the verbal reactions to its primary PC, and expand the client selection space by releasing the understanding of the experience in other types of PC.

Surface VS. Deep structure.

One of the main ideas of the transformation model of the language lies in the fact that the same deep structure can be realized on the surface by various surface structures, while the deep view is the basic structure in the early versions of TPG - it turns out to be poorer, simpler than superficial. Such variation of NLP supporters is not very interested. In fact, there is no transformation grammar in the spirit of N. Homesky, but the generating semantics, which works not so much with the syntax as with the semantics of the statement. From the point of view of NLP, a complete, quite rich presentation of the problem situation is always built on the deep level, but on the surface level, as a result of a number of alternative elections, as a result of various transformations is impoverished. For example, offer John bought a car In the deep structure contains information about who was bought by a car for what amount and when. In other words, at the deep level there is always a model of the control of the verb with mandatory and optional valences, which describe the appropriate situation in more detail. Deletion, the reduction of the surface shape occurs, as a rule, unconsciously. In the process of therapeutic impact, the communicator must restore all important deep elements on the surface level - missed valence and primarily filling their actants.

From this point of view, some transformation, which regularly "roll" richer maintenance regularly represent considerable interest (see the concept of "annulting" transformation under the verbalization of meaning) for NLP. These include, for example, the conversion of omit in dialogs Client: Well, I, in general, is not sure.Therapist: Not sure what? Client: What should I talk about it. Therapist: What about« it is"? In the first conspix of the client, the entire component that implements the mandatory valence of the verb is eliminated, and in the second - syntactically component is, but it is replaced with anaphoric pronoun, but the anaphor is not disclosed. These cases are described in NLP as statements with missing reference indices. It is assumed that in the deep structure, reference indexes are always there and the therapist should in the process of surveying the client explicate these indices, restoring lowered antecedents and omitted components. It should be borne in mind that the reference structure is understood in the NLP very expansion and includes the communicative and cognitive contexts of utterance of the statement, human senses regarding the problems discussed and ideas about how other participants in communication perceive what is happening.


A similar phenomenon of coagulation is observed at nominalization. As you know, type designs The rejection of the agreement led to failure to negotiate In the deep structure, the propositional forms of the type "someone refused the agreement". Nominalization - in the terminology of NLP - the client's experience is impoverished, because not only translate into the implicit form of some important aspects Situations, but also represent some controlled processes in the form of uncontrolled events already committed. So when the client says My abilities do not find any recognitionthen he is in captivity "Magic of the Word" because he understands the word confession As an occupied event. In this case, the client's attention should be paid to the procedural nature of the situation, on its controllability, as well as the existence of valencies in the verb to admit or expressions find a confession With the help of type questions Who you do not find a confession? or Can you imagine the situation that you found recognition[in colleagues or smb. yet]?

Modal operators.

Typical language manifestation of depletion of their experience and, as a result, the narrowing of the selection space - the use of structures with modal words like Need P., Follows P., I have to P., I need to do p. The meta model of the language in NLP attributes to these structures the deep structure "modal operator P.Otherwise Q.". The psychotherapist must force the client to go beyond the redistribution of his limited experience, focusing on the alternative Q.: What happens if you don't do p?; What would happen if you abandon P? For example, to the customer's replica You can not love two women at the same time Psychotherapist can answer What prevents you from doing it? or What happens if you love two women at the same time?; Why it is impossible to simultaneously love two women? Remove alternative Q. Expand the conscious customer's experience and will help solve the problem.

Expressions with Quantitor Universality.

Distortion of experience, its improper interpretation may be associated not only with omission, elimination, but also with unreasonable "completion", "enrichment" of ideas about reality. A typical source of distortion of this type is illegal generalization, generalization. In the natural language of the expression Always P. interpreted either in the "weakened" quantifier sense "usually P./Most often P./Usually P."Or in a" strong "logical sense (something like" for any time of time from the selected time interval, P "). It is clear that the statements with the Quantitor of universality in a weak sense can always be questioned from the point of view of a logical value actually. This is It is very important for the psychotherapeutic procedure, since generalized statements of the client, as a rule, belong to its negative experience and represent the interpretation of its emotions, impressions of reality, and not the actual knowledge. So, the statement I've never been in Paris It is quite verifiable, since it reflects the real experience of the subject ("knowledge of acquaintance" - in the terms of Russell). However, customer type statements No body understands me It is the result of "naive, natural output" and reflects the catastrophic perception of reality. To reduce the significance of the negative experience of the client and focusing on the positive experience, the psychotherapist questioned the statement of the client from the point of view of a logical understanding: You are really sure that no one understands you?; Really there was no case when you at least someone understood?


Awareness of reality with the need to entail the establishment between the events of causal relations. Since the essence of NLP is to rethink the experience, establishing new links between phenomena and feelings / cognitive states, work with causal structures is an effective tool for influencing the addressee. Communicative discussion technique for causing connections suggests that the psychotherapist draws attention to the absence of the necessary link between events that are put into causal dependence. For example, the client's statement My wife is angry with his behavior Hides the causal dependence of the type "My wife does something in order for I angry." Here it is necessary to find out, on the basis of which the client decided that his wife deliberately angry him, whether it was impossible to explain the behavior of his wife something else, whether the behavior of his wife always causes an error of anger and so on. Similar machinery is used for statements with more explicit causes of type I want to become different, but my parents interfere with me, I needed to leave home, but my wife was sick. In all these cases, the purpose of the communicator is to cast doubt on the existence of the necessary link between the cause and consequence. This can be done by identifying cases when there was no connection ( Is it always going?), By paying attention to the fact that the situation could arise inadvertently ( Is your wife specifically wanted to pour you out?), Having tried to turn the causal connection ( If your wife was not sick, you would have left?).

Hidden response.

It is important for NLP that any statement of a person makes sense only within its own model of the world. The misunderstanding of this is another source of delusions that limit the choice of alternatives when making decisions in problem situations. In these cases, it is useful to explicate the deep formative, which, according to the performative analysis, is presented in the deep structure of any speech act. For example, the transformation of statements Bad to annoy your own own problems in shape with explicit formative I argue that it is bad to annoy your own own problems Immediately reduces the scope of approval applicability, limiting its model of the world's most speaking. In fact, this is equivalent to the removal of unlawful generalization.

Meta-model language.

The natural language model in NLP is a set of instructions by which the communicator controls the communication process, and also identifies those parts of the discourse, which indicate the characteristics of the client's thinking (detection of the primary representative system) and limit its positive experience. The phenomena discussed above and form parts of the meta-model, which is first used to collect information about the client, and then for verbal exposure. We note, however, that often these stages are not opposed to time and occur simultaneously.

The significance of the NLP practice for the theory of language.

Linguistic postulates of NLP with certainty indicate the existence of isomorphism between the language / speech phenomena, such as the metaphor, consequence, deep and surface structure, and the processes of thinking. In the theoretical linguistics, hypotheses were repeatedly expressed about the existence of such a relationship, but practical evidence was impossible. The experience of the successful use of principles and discursive strategies of NLP is extremely important in this sense. It is also a significant interest of the hypothesis about the psychological significance of virtually any variation of language forms, at least at the lexical level. In particular, the unconscious variation of metaphorical models is the most important source information about the ways of understanding the world by man.


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