The orchid does not bloom after transplantation. Description of appearance

The orchid belongs to perennial herbaceous plants, the family of which includes about 30,000 species. Under natural conditions, it does not grow in the ground, but is fixed on trees. Orchids were added to greenhouses and botanical gardens in the mid-18th century. The flowers of this plant fascinate with their beauty and variety of forms. But attempts to grow them at home often lead to the fact that only the roots and leaves of the plant develop intensively. To find out why the orchid does not bloom, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of its breeding.

Why the orchid does not bloom at home

The natural habitat for orchids is in tropical climates. If the conditions of keeping the plant are very different from natural, you can wait for flowering for a long time. The main reasons for the lack of colors are:

  • Flaw mineral substances. Orchids usually grow in small pots where the soil is quickly depleted. Periodically, the plant needs to be fed. Mineral fertilizers should contain less nitrogen, it ensures the growth of the green mass, and potassium, magnesium, phosphorus are required for the formation of peduncle buds. First, the soil is watered abundantly with water so as not to burn the roots. Dry fertilizers are used to make water solution weak concentration, an overabundance of minerals is also detrimental to the orchid.
  • Improper watering. The orchid has rather wide leaves, from which moisture evaporates quickly. During the period of active growth, it is necessary to water the plant quite often, about 2 - 3 times a week. V winter period on the contrary, the soil should not be too wet. Water for irrigation should be soft. Better to use boiled or filtered water at room temperature. If the roots are wet, condensation drops are visible, there is no need to water the plant. Excess moisture contributes to the formation of foci of rot on the roots.
  • Violation of temperature and lighting... Orchids are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. The difference between daytime and nighttime should not exceed 4 ° C. In the warm season, the optimum air temperature is 18 - 25 ° C, in winter - at least 15 ° C. Lighting should be sufficient, but it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight in order not to cause burns on the leaves.
  • Unsuitable soil mixture. The soil for the orchid should provide a minimum of moisture around the root and free air circulation. For this reason, plants are never planted in garden land... The pot is filled with a substrate consisting of moss, peat, coarse sand. It is better to purchase a ready-made soil mixture designed specifically for growing orchids.
  • Behold at the root: features of the location of the root system in a pot. The orchid takes out strong, sturdy roots covered with spongy tissue. In nature, they allow you to gain a foothold on tree trunks. At home, a pot helps to keep the plant upright. It must be made of transparent material to allow access sunlight... There must be holes on the bottom for water drainage, and on the walls for air ventilation. The roots should be loose in the pot, often sticking out. Transparent plastic pots are best for orchids. Through it you can clearly see how the root system develops. When transplanting a plant, such a container can be easily cut so as not to damage the roots during extraction.

How to make an orchid bloom: the most effective techniques

V rainforest orchids grow under cover of dense foliage, for them there is no concept of changing the seasons. The most unpretentious species is the phalaenopsis. It can bloom continuously for 11 months. But it is not always possible to achieve such a result at home. If a favorable climate is created, but the orchid does not bloom for 2 years, you can use some effective ways for forcing a peduncle.

  • A sharp drop in temperature. During the day, the plant should be in a warm room, and at night you can open a window or balcony to lower the temperature to 16 - 18 ° C. V summer period a garden is perfect for this. The result is the acceleration of photosynthesis and the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which is used for flowering.
  • Arid desert conditions... It is necessary to increase the intervals between waterings. In summer it can be 4 days, in winter up to a week. The roots of the plant must be dry. With the correct application of this method, the lower leaves will soften slightly.
  • Hot shower. Before starting the procedure, the bathroom is filled with steam, turning on boiling water. The plant is placed in a bath and poured over for 15 minutes warm water, the temperature of which is about 35 ° C. At this point, there is an abundant absorption of moisture through the roots and an intense release through the leaves. After about a week, the orchid should release flower stalks.
  • Improved lighting. For different types orchids require different light intensities. If the plant is not blooming, there may not be enough light. It is required to rearrange the pot to a more illuminated place or purchase a special fluorescent lamp.
  • Peduncle pruning. Each peduncle contains several buds that are dormant. To achieve flowering, the arrow is cut approximately above the third bud.
  • Transfer. The lack of flowering can be caused by soil depletion. This is noticeable in the leaves of the orchid. If the growing leaves are smaller in size than the old ones, or are deformed, then the plant must be transplanted into new soil.

Some types of orchids release a peduncle only after reaching the age of three. If the plant has 5 - 8 shoots, then it is mature enough and ready for flowering. Only healthy orchids can be made to bloom. Weakened and diseased plants should gain strength to release the flower branch.

The orchid has released a peduncle: what to do next

From the moment the orchid shot the arrow, it will take about 2 months until the first flowers open. During this period, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the unblown buds to bloom.

A small container of water can be placed next to the pot for additional humidification. If the heating is working at home, the plant can be sprayed with warm water. Watering is done as usual, as the soil dries out.

In the cold season, additional light is needed for the peduncle. For supplementary lighting, you can use a phytolamp. It does not dry the air and provides a large number of bright light. Daylight hours during this period should be at least 12 hours.

The orchid does not like movement and reacts to them by slowing down its growth. When you need to rearrange the pot, it is placed with the same side to the light as it was previously.

Before the first flower appears, you can feed the plant with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, which have a beneficial effect on the formation of flower buds. Once the orchid has bloomed, fertilization is no longer necessary.

How to care for an orchid after flowering

The period when plants bloom lasts from 5 to 12 months. After the flowers have dried, do not cut off the peduncle immediately. Make sure the orchid has stopped blooming. The arrow is carefully examined to determine further actions. If there is a green tip, additional buds may appear.

If the peduncle turns yellow and begins to dry, the flowering is over. But the plant keeps getting from the flower branch nutrients... Therefore, the arrow is cut off after complete drying.

The cut is usually done, leaving 3 lower buds, the stump should be at least 2 cm. V summer time a young shoot may appear on a flower branch - a baby. With its help, the plant is propagated. To do this, the baby is left on the stem for about 6 months, until the roots and 2 leaves grow. Phalaenopsis can develop 2 - 3 offspring on each peduncle.

Otherwise, caring for the plant after flowering does not differ much from other periods. For the rest period, you can reduce the amount of feeding up to 1 time per month. If the soil dries quickly after watering, and roots stick out from the bottom hole of the pot, the orchid must be transplanted. The period immediately after flowering is most suitable for this procedure.

Before transplanting, the plant is watered abundantly, carefully removed from the pot. Do not unfold the roots. Blackened and dried out processes are removed. The soil mixture can be pre-calcined on fire to destroy pests. To make drainage, a layer of crushed granite is laid on the bottom of the pot. In the new soil, the orchid is placed at the same level as before. No watering is needed after transplanting. Spraying can be done.

The dormant period lasts 3 - 6 months, then new flower stalks appear, and the plant blooms again.

Create favorable conditions for orchid flowering is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Surrounding her with care and attention, you can admire the wonderful exotic flowers almost all year round.

Orchids have become a beautiful addition not only in ordinary apartments, but also in restaurants, cafes, hotels. Tall peduncles with flowers different forms and colors create an atmosphere of luxury. Blooming flowers are kept open for up to twelve weeks, and when good care at home, the orchid blooms twice a year. The main thing is to know the reasons why the orchid does not bloom and how to make the beauty bloom by stimulation.

How long can an orchid bloom at home

The most popular orchids can rightfully be considered Phalaenopsis and, less popular orchids are Pafiopedilum. But there are a lot of species and hybrids of orchids; they all differ from each other in shape, size, color of flowers, shape of leaves and flowering period, as well as the presence or absence of odor.

Orchids can delight with their flowering up to twelve weeks.

Orchid bloom begins at the end of the growing season. A peduncle appears, which grows upward about 1 cm per day, then it branches and picks up buds. After about 4-6 weeks, the nondescript twig is covered with beautiful flowers that stay on the plant for up to three months. After little rest a second vegetative period begins again. A flower arrow reappears on an orchid, or new buds on an old one. If your orchid does not bloom at least once a year, then you are doing something wrong.

Photo gallery: the most common varieties of orchids

Phalaenopsis orchid is one of the most unpretentious and widespread orchids in indoor floriculture Dendrobium blooms very beautifully, but is less common than Phalaenopsis The Cymbidium orchid has long thin leaves. Paphiopedilum flowers are bowl-shaped

How to care for a beautiful orchid during flowering

The orchid is native to the tropics. She is experiencing droughts and high fever with an abundance of moisture. After the rains, the plant begins to powerfully grow leaves, roots, accumulate strength, and only then bloom. For an orchid, indicators such as proper lighting, humidity, temperature are very important.

Choosing the right lighting for flower growth

Each type of orchid is different. As for the Phalaenopsis orchid, it prefers bright diffused light without direct sunlight. The sill of the east window will be a great place for her.

Phalaenopsis loves bright light without direct sunlight.

On the south or west window, the orchid must be separated with a tulle curtain. The duration of daylight hours is also important, which should be at least 12 hours.

How moisture and watering affect the roots and growth of orchid arrows

Watering orchids is carried out by immersing the pot in a bucket of water or a deep pan. The roots and soil should be allowed to saturate for about 30 minutes and excess water should be drained. It is useful to spray the upper part of the substrate with a spray bottle. During the rest period, orchids are watered less often - only after the roots of the plant change their green color to grayish. In dry climates, it is important to maintain high humidity around the orchids; this can be achieved by placing the pot on a pallet of damp expanded clay. In this case, it is very important that the pan is wide and the evaporation area is large.

A humid atmosphere must be maintained around orchids

Choosing the right temperature for the growth and flowering of the orchid

It is believed that temperature fluctuations can stimulate orchid flowering. It is enough that the daytime temperature differs from the nighttime by 3-5 degrees. It is quite possible to do this on the window. Optimum temperature for orchid growth in summer 25-30 degrees, in winter you can keep plants at 18 degrees.

Table: lighting, temperature and watering have a large impact on the growth and flowering of different varieties of orchids

Orchid varietyLocation and lightingDay temperatureWatering frequency
The plant can be installed on western and eastern windowsills.18-25 ºCTypical humidity is 30–40%. Watering is carried out after the soil is completely dry.
Suitable for flowers good lighting but no direct sunlight in the afternoon.15-25 ºCThe optimum humidity is 25–30%. An increase in humidity gives rise to new shoots.
The plant needs a lot fresh air and light. For a minimum of four hours a day, the flower can be exposed to the open sun. Bright but soft autumn sun is the best "helper" for flowering.Withstands temperatures 35-38 ° CDuring the period of active growth, it requires abundant watering. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
Dislikes bright sunlight. Burns appear on the leaves from touching direct sunlight.
Flowers will take root on the northern windows, but the east direction is also suitable.
18-25 ° CNeeds abundant and frequent watering. Excess water must necessarily flow out through the drainage holes of the pot.

Why top dressing helps to stimulate the growth of flower stalks

Like other plants, the orchid needs mineral and organic fertilizers, but in much smaller quantities. Usually, feeding begins at the beginning of the growing season of the orchid. It is not difficult to define it: new roots and leaves appear. It was at this time that the orchid was intensively watered and fed. But if the proportion of nitrogen in the top dressing is high, then the orchid will only grow leaves, so it is important to use special means for fertilizing orchids. As soon as you find a peduncle that has appeared, stop feeding, they can provoke the buds and peduncles to dry out. To determine if an orchid has a peduncle or root, pay attention to the color. Peduncle, as a rule, Green colour and grows upward, and the root has a dark tip and is directed downward.

Orchid root can be distinguished from peduncle by color: dark color at the root tip, it grows down

What are the ways to achieve the appearance of new peduncles in orchids

So, your Phalaenopsis bought in bloom has already bloomed six months ago and it's time for it to bloom again. Before stimulating the plant to bloom, check if your orchid is healthy? Only after a careful examination for the presence or absence of rot and other signs of disease can the methods below be used.

Small young plants that have not reached two or three years of age also may not bloom.

Rate the plant, how many young leaves have grown recently? How many roots have appeared, whether they are in active growth or "frozen". Young roots differ from old ones tender green... If Phalaenopsis has not been growing for a long time, then he simply “fell asleep”.

The reason for the appearance of the orchid peduncle: stress

If the orchid grows beautifully for several months, releases new leaves and roots, but there is no peduncle, it is necessary to create a stressful situation.

  1. Place the orchid in a bright place with 14-16 hours of daylight.
  2. In winter, use artificial lighting with lamps to lengthen the daylight hours.
  3. Take care of high humidity using pallets with wet moss or expanded clay.
  4. Feed the plant special means, tablets or paste.

For the appearance of arrows, it is most preferable to change the irrigation scheme and create a dry season - water much less often, with the substrate completely drying out in 2-3 days. This regime must be maintained until the first rudiments of a flower arrow appear. If the air humidity is high, the orchid can have a completely dry season without watering for 3-4 weeks.

Late spring or early autumn you can take the orchid out onto the balcony so that it is kept at 20-23 ° C during the day and 10-13 ° C at night. Such sharp drop temperature stimulates flowering very well. V winter time the temperature difference can be done on the windowsill. However, if the battery is very hot, then it is better to separate the window with foil foam rubber at night so that the warmth of the room does not transfer to the window sill, and to remove it in the morning. But still the natural temperature drop by outdoors preferable.

Video: how to make an orchid bloom again

There are special pills and ointments to stimulate flowering. The most commonly used tablets are succinic acid and cytokinin paste.

For additional stimulation of orchid flowering, fertilizing preparations are used - "Bud", "Ovary", "Blossom".

Succinic acid as a means of stimulating the appearance of a peduncle

Succinic acid strengthens, stimulates and supports plants. After the roots, leaves begin to actively grow, flower buds awaken.

How to use succinic acid correctly:

  1. Dilute 1 tablet in 0.5 liters of water (if in bulk - then on the tip of a knife).
  2. Pour water into a spray bottle and spray on leaves, aerial roots, root collar.
  3. Water the soil with the rest of the solution or soak the orchid in it for 6-8 hours.

Spraying does not replace feeding, therefore, after stimulation, the orchid must continue to be fed with complex fertilizers. Succinic acid is best used every three weeks for new shoots to grow.

Using Cytokinin Paste to Re-Bloom

It is a hormonal preparation based on cytokinin. Thanks to him, dormant buds awaken on the plant, cells begin to actively divide. The paste gives 100% appearance of orchid babies. Cytokinin should be used during the warm season, or provide the orchid with conditions comparable to summer conditions (bright light and warmth).

Application of the miracle paste:

  1. The paste is smeared with buds on an already existing peduncle. As a rule, the lowest or highest kidney is chosen.
  2. Gently remove the top dry scales with tweezers or a knife, under which a small green bud is found. It is necessary to try not to damage both the bud itself and the peduncle.
  3. The cytokinin paste is squeezed onto the tip of a toothpick and transferred to the kidney. Pea paste - up to 2 mm. For better penetration of the paste, you can slightly scratch the kidney with a sterile needle with gentle and smooth movements.
  4. Spread the paste over the entire surface of the kidney.

In a week, either a new peduncle or a baby will appear from this bud. Do not overuse stimulation paste. It is enough to process 2-3 buds (more can be done on a powerful plant), since the orchid will then have to grow this baby or peduncle.

Indications for the use of cytokinin paste:

  • deplorable or critical condition of the plant;
  • to awaken a flower from a long winter "hibernation";
  • uneven plant development.

Do not use cytokinin paste to stimulate flowering in the following cases:

  • damage to the orchid by disease or pests;
  • the orchid is already blooming profusely and the awakening of extra buds weakens the plant;
  • no need to awaken more than three buds with the paste;
  • do not smear the roots and leaves of the orchid;
  • do not use on young orchids and transplanted babies.

Video: applying cytokinin ointment to an orchid bud

The orchid stopped blooming: problems and solutions

If properly cared for, an orchid will bloom for a very long time.

Description of the problemCauseSolution
Only large leaves and roots grow on an orchid.Vegetation period, excessive nitrogen feedingAfter winter, the plant grows green mass and the orchid will bloom only at the end of the growing season. Water the flower with fertilizers with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus.
Orchid does not bloom after transplantThe plant restores strength, grows rootsFor better survival rate after transplantation, pour "Epin" or succinic acid- this will strengthen the orchid and help awaken dormant buds.
The orchid has shot an arrow, but does not bloomIndividual feature of the orchidAn orchid can pick up buds, but not open them until three months. Try fertilizing with half-diluted fertilizer.
The orchid does not bloom for over a yearImproper careLack of light, regular frequent watering, the same day and night temperatures lead to the fact that the orchid grows, but does not bloom. Stress the plant:
  1. Place in bright light (no direct light).
  2. Water every 10–12 days after the soil is completely dry for 1–2 months.
  3. Give the orchid a difference in night and day temperatures of at least 5-7 degrees.
Orchids are dropping buds
  1. Bought in the winter and the flowers froze during transportation.
  2. Fed the orchid mineral fertilizers when the flowers began to bloom.
  3. The buds have dried up from excess direct sunlight or lack of lighting.
  4. Decay of roots.
  5. Peduncle fracture.
  1. Take care of the correct packaging: wrap the plant in several layers of paper and cellophane.
  2. Take a feeding break.
  3. Adjust sunlight intake.
  4. Cut the peduncle and put it in water, the orchid must be treated with special preparations.
  5. You need to cut the peduncle and place it in the water.

Orchid(Phalaenopsis) is distinguished by its capricious character and it happens that the plant refuses to throw out the peduncle. Beauty lies in long blooming, so you want to speed up the process of flower formation. How to do it?

Why isn't the orchid blooming?

The lack of flowering in orchids is due to several reasons:

  • the plant is young - it forms a peduncle 2 years after transplantation;
  • if the pot is on the north side of the house, the plant will have excellent rich greenery, but flowers will not form due to lack of light;
  • inappropriate temperature conditions: in order for the plant to throw out the peduncle, it is necessary that there be a fluctuation in temperature at night (13-24 ° C) and during the day (18-27 ° C);
  • the orchid does not bloom well if the fertilizing is incorrectly applied or the plant lacks nutrients;
  • the soil should not contain fresh bark, sawdust, and even more fresh manure - with this composition of the soil, the orchid does not lay flower stalks;
  • the orchid stops blooming if it is watered incorrectly (lack of moisture is just as harmful as overflow).

How to make an orchid bloom at home?

By purchasing blooming orchid, you are sure that she will constantly delight with her flowers. However, what is the disappointment when the plant grows leaves, but the peduncle does not appear. Moreover, the plant may not form a peduncle for almost a year. To make an orchid bloom, you need to create optimal conditions or eliminate negative factors.

Each variety requires a certain amount of light and daylight hours. To prolong it, fluorescent lamps are hung over the plant. If the pot with the orchid is on the south window, you need to make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the flower. Light shading is enough to create diffused light.

One of effective ways flowering stimulation is drought stimulation. This method gives excellent results for all types of orchids that are not demanding on the dormant period.

Plant flower buds are laid several times a year. But they wake up only if they were created for this optimal conditions... The drought method is to dramatically increase the intervals between waterings. That is, if watering was carried out every 4 days, it should be postponed to the eighth day. It is important to strictly withstand the period of drought, not making a shower for the plant and not spraying. When a peduncle grows on the plant, watering is carried out as usual.

As for the temperature regime, it is individual for each type of orchid. To be sure of the readings, it is best to use a room thermometer. You can stimulate flowering using such a technique as temperature drops. This method works for any orchid.

When the temperature outside at night is at + 16 ° C, it is recommended to take the orchid to the balcony. V glazed loggia the flower pot is placed as close to the open window as possible. In good weather, the orchid is left in the open air around the clock, only during the day it is shaded to protect it from the sun's rays. You can take out the orchid only at night, and bring it into the house in the morning. After a couple of weeks of such overnight stays, he will definitely throw out the flower arrow.

This method of stimulation is suitable in the spring. Trying to get an orchid to bloom in the fall or summer through temperature fluctuations may not always be the desired effect. In summer, the temperature fluctuates slightly at night and during the day, while in autumn, daylight hours are reduced.

Like any plant, the orchid has a shoot.... So the shoot on which flower buds form and develop is called a flowering shoot, flowering arrow, or simply a flower stalk.

You can find out more about what a peduncle is in an orchid, how it appears, and also see a photo of a plant, but we talked about how the flower-bearing arrow differs from the root of a flower.

Importance for the flower

Rather, it is not as important to the plant itself as to its owner. After all, it is thanks to the flowering arrow that the orchid begins to bloom. And the flowering period, exactly like the rest and rest period, is an integral part for the plant. life cycle... Therefore, if you have not watched the flowering of your beauty for a long time, it's time to think about whether you are taking care of her correctly, in particular, her peduncle.

We list the main reasons that interfere with this process:

Why does it come out but not grow?

First of all, such a process speaks of insufficient lighting. The amount of light drops sharply with the onset of autumn, so you need to worry about artificial assistance. An orchid, in particular a peduncle, reacts very sharply to a decrease in the amount of light. V best case height flowering arrow stops, at worst - it dries up completely.

ATTENTION: Also, the reason may lie in the lack of nutrients. The plant may simply not have enough fertilizer. Take care of the complete nutrition of the orchid every two weeks, but not more often, so as not to burn root system.

How to make the arrow release - step by step instructions

If a new peduncle does not appear on the plant within six months after the last flowering, you should not worry about it. But if more than six months have passed, and there are still no escapes, it is worth starting to act here:

What to do to get multiple shoots at the same time?

There are no new rules for this. Just follow all of the above recommendations. But the main condition is that the plant has enough strength to provide flower arrows with all the necessary substances.

ADVICE: If your beauty is still too young, you should not seek to throw out several peduncles at once - this can deprive her of all her strength. Therefore, it is better to reduce watering, but start spraying the phalaenopsis leaf plates more often.

The flower arrow can grow in a very unusual way - it can even bend into a pig's tail. But more often than not, you shouldn't worry about it. All living beings are very intelligent and have high level survival. That's why the orchid itself directs the peduncle upward to extend its life.

But it happens that the shoot stubbornly grows down. Then the whole responsibility rests with the grower. You need to start acting while the flower arrow is still young and malleable for any mechanical damage. To do this, you need to tie up a young shoot with wire and attach it to a holding stick.

The second option for changing the direction of growth of the flower arrow is to adjust the angle of incidence of light on the plant. Lighting should be set so that the peduncle stretches upward towards the sun. It may also happen that no maneuvers will help, and the process will continue its growth downward. If you find yourself in a similar situation, humble yourself and put the orchid pot in such a place so that you can freely grow in the opposite direction. Yes, this is strange and unusual, but it can be.

Your beloved beauty orchid is in bloom - that’s wonderful. So that in the future there are no problems, read our materials about, and, and also learn how to grow it on a flowering shoot.


In this article, we have described the basic principles of the orchid. So that you do not have problems with this process, try to adhere to these recommendations as much as possible. This will help you achieve the longest, most frequent flowering period possible. It is important to remember here: everything should be in moderation, such as fertilization, and soil moisture.

Finally, we want to remind you that the orchid is a plant that loves stability. Therefore, if you have chosen for it any one specific place and position for lighting, then try to make sure that the position you have chosen is constant and does not change. Because this kind of stress is not going to benefit your pet at home or office.

Quite often, you can hear the story of how a donated or purchased orchid begins to wither after just a few weeks. In such a situation, all that remains is to wait next year, because the plant can bloom again, but expectations are in vain.

An orchid is a demanding flower and it is not surprising that it begins to wither as soon as it gets into the home. In order to maximize the flowering period and prevent the plant from simply dying, you first need to understand the causes of wilting and try to solve them by creating favorable conditions.

Why the orchid does not bloom

There are times when a flower stops blooming, at the same time continues to increase its green mass... As a result, you can get a live orchid, but with an unpresentable look. There may be several reasons for such a development of the root system and green mass:

  • lack of light;
  • bad light;
  • resting regime is violated;
  • improper watering;
  • sudden changes in temperature.

Lack of lighting

A small amount of lighting is one of the main reasons that the flower at home begins to fade. Some orchid species, such as Phalaenopsis and Pafiopedilum, can tolerate a lack of light, but all other varieties, even in partial shade, begin to die.

Most often, creating artificial lighting or placing the pot in place with big amount sunlight solves blooming problems. Excess sunlight in some cases, it harms the orchid, so you should monitor it for the first weeks and find the optimal middle the required amount ultraviolet radiation.

You can determine the abundance of sunlight by the foliage. If it is light green in color, then there is enough sunlight for the flowering and growth of the green mass. Yellow indicates a large amount of ultraviolet light a, and in this case it is better to reduce its concentration by setting the pot in partial shade. Leaves with a bright green color indicate a lack of sunlight.

Root system diseases

The root system for any plant is the center of vitality. If the plant begins to wilt, it means that a disease of the root system may be one of the reasons. NS There can be a lot of problems with roots, but it is even more difficult to identify and overcome the disease in a timely manner. After the roots begin to rot, the orchid continues to bloom for some time.

Problems can begin at any time and for various reasons, but improper watering is most often to blame. If you constantly pour a flower, then this almost always leads to the fact that plant roots begin to rot and stop developing... Another way to identify orchid disease is to take a close look at all the leaves. If they begin to decrease in size over time, then rotting of the roots is to blame.

Root decay can be avoided by permanent plant transplantation. Firstly, it is simply useful for the orchid, since it will not linger in the old substrate, and secondly, it will be possible to visually determine the state of the root system.

Flowering period

Not always diseases or improper care can cause poor flowering of the plant. In some cases, the owners simply do not know the flowering period of the orchid. This the flower has its own mode, and this is due to the unique climatic conditions in their homeland.

For example, you can take phalaenopsis, which, like all other plants, begins to grow actively in the summer. Phalaenopsis peduncle at the same time comes only at the end of autumn, and flowering begins in early or mid-spring.

Each type of orchid is distinguished by its mode of active growth, flowering and rest. Therefore, it is recommended that before buying a flower, find out these nuances in more detail from flower growers.

How much and when does the orchid bloom

Many beginner growers or just amateurs indoor plants in vain do they sound the alarm when the orchid does not bloom. To get rid of the excitement it is important to know the biological rhythm of this plant and rely on it during the care period. For example, if a flower was just planted, then the first flowers can be expected only after 2 years. The period for excitement usually comes when a young orchid has already released 6 leaves.

The whole process of plant growth can be divided into several stages.

  1. The orchid, after planting in the ground, begins its development instantly, but it takes at least 6 months to strengthen the root system.
  2. Further, leaves, aerial roots and a flower stem begin to develop. The development of these parts of the orchid indicates normal growth.
  3. As soon as the first leaves begin to form, you need to closely monitor the flower. During this period, not only the green mass is formed, but also the buds of the peduncle are born. Further flowering will depend on the quality and health of the buds.

Care during the formation of peduncle buds mainly consists in correct feeding plants. Common substances are suitable as fertilizer for orchids. Mostly types of orchids such as phalaenopsis requires a large amount of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus but as little nitrogen as possible. That is why potash fertilizers are perfect.

Many are worried about another question, namely the timing of the flowering of the phalaenopsis. No one will tell the exact answer, because each variety and even each the flower has its own individual mode, which adapts to the conditions of the terrain. More specifically, factors such as temperature fluctuations, the amount of sunlight and watering can significantly alter flowering times.

In most cases, a mature plant blooms once a year, while the flowering period does not exceed 2-3 months. Although there are varieties of orchids, where is it begins to bloom in the summer, and the end of flowering occurs in early spring. Some varieties bloom 2-3 times a year. You can determine the exact mode of your orchid in one year, the main thing is to remember or write down all the changes that occur to the flower.

If an orchid simply refuses to bloom for a year or two years, then this is clearly a deviation from the norm, and the reason for this phenomenon should be found.

How to make an orchid bloom

There are at least two ways that you can help stimulate the plant to bloom. As a rule, this is the creation of favorable, but extreme conditions for the orchid. Of the methods of stimulation, there are:

  • temperature changes;
  • drought.

As an example, we will take the most common phalaenopsis variety, which copes well with such extreme conditions. It is only important to remember that such measures can only be used after the plant has gained enough strength and rested from the past flowering. It is impossible to force the plant to bloom immediately, after the previous flowering, it is impossible, since due to a lack of strength, it can simply die from artificially created extreme conditions.

Using temperature differences to stimulate flowering

It is possible to stimulate the flowering of phalaenopsis with the help of temperature changes, but not in any season of the year, but only in spring when the air temperature at night warms up to 16 degrees. At that time the orchid is installed on the street or on a non-glazed balcony... In the daytime, the flower is kept at home at room temperature... You can leave the plant outside, but, most importantly, avoid direct sunlight.

Temperature fluctuations cause the onset of day and night. With this option, the orchid receives a large amount of carbon dioxide, which stimulates the flowering and growth of the green mass.

It only takes 2 weeks for the stimulation with temperature changes to help the orchid bloom. A similar the procedure can be carried out in summer, but here the temperature drops are not so sharp, which means that the procedure itself stretches for 3-4 weeks.

Using drought to stimulate flowering

Forcing an orchid to experience dry conditions is only possible when the flower is in a period of active growth. Actually stimulation in this case just shifts the flowering time a little. Negative consequences can occur only if the air temperature is above 30 degrees.

The essence of the technique is to water the plant as little as possible. If earlier you had to do watering as soon as the soil became dry, then in case of stimulation you need to wait 3-4 days and only then water the flower.

This method should not be used too often, as drought negatively affects the amount of green mass and the root system.


The orchid can beautify any decor in the house, but this flower requires care and attention. To stimulate flowering, watering and creating a temperature regime should be taken into account all the rules and recommendations. You should not forget about the orchid, because in this case it can easily die within a few weeks.