How to clean Melchior? - From black at home. How to clean the melchior spoons yourself at home

Melchior can be called cheap silver. Silver-white metal and externally similar to silver, but it is much cheaper. Melchive cutlery were popular in Soviet times, but are now found in many homes. One problem - Melchior quickly darkens and have to look for ways to clean it.

What kind of metal Melchior and why he darkens

Despite the similarity, the Melchior has nothing to do with silver. This is an alloy of copper with nickel, sometimes with the addition of other metals (iron, manganese, zinc). Rodinitis it with silver only color and high resistance to corrosion.

Silver-white metal externally similar to silver

Daily care for Melchior does not differ from the care of other devices, with the exception of one point: after washing the product, it is necessary to wipe dry.

From moisture on devices is formed dark raids

After all, it is under the influence of moisture "the metal is oxidized and dark raids appear on its surface, so familiar to the owners of melchior appliances.

How to clean the dark raids and other pollution

The problem is not new, they know about it and manufacturers household chemicals. You can find funds for cleaning precious and non-ferrous metals or jewelry. They can easily help return the spokes and forks the original purity.

Professional tool will help to get rid of darkening and other contaminants without any problems.

But you should not rush to the store for special meansClear Melchior will help what is in every kitchen. After use, objects can be washed with any means for dishes or soap solution. If there are no gilding or other devices decorative coatingThe task is simplified.

Important! It is forbidden to wash melchive objects in the dishwasher.

To remove dark raids, it is allowed to use soft abrasive tools, Melchior Silver Melchior and they will not damage him.

Powder for cleaning dishes

Peumoxol, Peumolux and other similar means will easily get rid of spoons and forks from any contamination. Apply one of them on a wet sponge or cloth and sweete the device.

Powder for cleaning dishes Cleans and Melchior

Important! Melchior cleaning agent should not contain chlorine.

Thustenance chalk, soda, small salt, toothpaste

They are used instead of special powders as soft cleaning products. Apply one of the funds to the device and sweeten with a cloth or cotton disk. From soda or salt can be cooked with a cleaner with the addition of water or moisturize a cloth for cleaning.

Gallery of soft reforming means for cleaning Melchior

The minus of this and the previous methods is that if items with a convex pattern, the blackness from the recesses cannot be removed completely. .

In the deepening drawing black remove more difficult

In this case, another method will help, it will not require physical effort and will allow multiple instruments at once.

Boil with foil in soda solution

Tip! Do not use aluminum dishes, from soda mortar she will darken.

To enhance the effect into the solution, you can add 40 grams of salts.

Video instructions for rapid deliverance from Melchior

Such processing will help remove darkens, even if the spans lay no use for more than one year. But for products with gilding it is not recommended.

Boiling with garlic husks

The decoction will help cope with the most strong darkens.

Egg shell

According to the reviews of the hosts, less effective method. It is suitable for easy darkening with a slight limitation period.

  1. Grind the shell from two raw Yaitz And pour it with 1 liter of water. Add 1 st. Salt.
  2. Bring water to a boil, wait 10 minutes, then lower the devices in it.
  3. Boil before reaching the result.

Variation of this method is boiling spoons and forks in the water remaining from the boards of eggs.

These devices are used to clean the most different items. Water flooded in the bath, the objects that require cleaning are descended and the power button is pressed.

Under the action of ultrasound, the dirt is knocked out on the surface of the items.

Further works ultrasound that knocks out pollution from the surface. The danger is that together with the bell, it can knock out metal particles. It will not have a significant impact on Melchior, and the gilding will suffer, it is better to use for such products in another way.

With fresh darkening, apple or wine vinegar will help, the solution of ammonic alcohol, for more serious contaminants they are useless.

Vinegar, ammonia alcohol

Divide 1-2 tablespoons of the means in 1 cup of water. Moisten a soft cloth and wipe the melchior products. Rinse with clean water.

Products with gilding require a more careful relationship. After all, the layer of spraying is very thin and it is easy to damage. For such subjects, abrasive agents cannot be used, even soft.

Do not pour water from the potatoes left after cooking. Lower the Melchior objects with gilding and hold for 15-20 minutes. Water should be hot. After processing, rinse with clean water.

Potato decoction can be used for products with gilding

Egg white

In order not to damage the gilding, use the protein of a raw egg. Apply it on the napkin and wipe the spoons and forks.

Comparison of different methods of cleaning Melchior Products - Video

The more sparing method, the less its effectiveness. If you failed to extract black by home methods, take a professional tool.

How to avoid melchior darkening

In order not to suffer a question, how to get rid of black on melchive appliances, observe the simple rules.

  • after washing, plunge the products into the soda solution (50 grams of soda per 1 liter of water), it will fight against the blackening;
  • do not leave the devices wet, be sure to wipe dry. Water is the main cause of darkening;
  • store melchioric spoons and forks separately from the rest;
  • if devices are rarely used, wrap each paper, and then film. It protects them from water and air, and therefore darkens.

Efficiency and safety in different ways is different. Choose those that you will arrange you, whether it is a chemical or folk. The main thing - this problem has a solution.

Solving the question of how to clean Melchior spoons at home, relevant to many consumers. Someone stops its choice on dining devices made from of stainless steel and distinguished practicality and functionality.

And someone continues to keep loyal to such an expensive metal like silver, not wanting to refuse to buy and apply kitchen accessories from this material.

Information on how to clean Melchior at home is relevant for the third category of users - for those who are enough for comfort and comfort in the kitchen and at the table of Melchior, externally similar to noble silver.

However, there is melchior spoons and a disadvantage that relates them to a noble metal: they also black and oxidize.

Knowing how to correctly clean the Melchior from black at home, you can easily serve the table with them, use with taste and pleasure. This issue, as well as the reasons for the blaracing of Melchior Products, our article is dedicated.

A significant part of this metal is copper, characterized by the ease of metal oxidation.

The nickel is not present in the composition of the alloy is not able to prevent the launch of this inevitable process. It also almost does not affect the fraction of the percentage of iron and manganese, which are part of the Melchior.

The task associated with how to clean the Melchior at home, occurs when the spots appear on the surface of the Melchior. This happens, as a rule, in a wet environment, and at first these stains have a brownish tint.

With long-term laying of metal cleaning, oxide begins to acquire a specific shade - a bluish-black, resembling the color of the Wing Voronov.

The removal of the oxide film does not represent much work only if the surface is smooth. In the presence of embossed patterns on the product, cleaning is significantly complicated.

About cleaning methods

Melchior cutlery can be cleaned one of many ways. It is possible, not curving a custody, to purchase a composition intended for cleaning silver and melchior products in a conventional economic store.

It can be sold in the form of a paste or gel. Nice results gives a napkin impregnated with special chemical compositionwhich can also be found on sale.

However, whatever the option is selected, it is necessary to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the instructions, protect your hands with special gloves and only after that proceed to cleaning. The feasibility of using gloves is related to the fact that they perfectly protect their hands from dark oxide.

If we clean the usual dish, it is necessary to exercise additional caution: there is a risk that abrasive particles can leave scratches.

Folk recipes will always come to the rescue

Many hostesses successfully cope with the problem, not spending finance for the purchase of some special means. To maintain the rules of cleanliness and well maintenance home utensils enough:

  • salts;
  • soda;
  • soda;
  • sodium thiosulfate.

You can cope with this household task using fine salts as follows. A little wet salt is taken to the tampon, and spoons are wiped. If this is not too durable layer, then it will be possible to cope with the problem quickly. Similar effect differs soda.

For cleaning Melchior, sodium thiosulfate will be enough, which is available for purchase in a pharmacy without presenting a recipe. After cleaning with a solution of this product, the spoon should be washed in clean water And wipe it dry.

It will also be a soda, which is flooded with appliances from Melchior. Lowering for a while in this fluid, they must be washed with water - and then they can begin to delight their glitter and purity.

What kind of drink is preferable? "Fantas" and "Cola", colorless "sprite" or something else, more familiar to the consumer himself.

Melchior spoons are perfectly clean and at boiling in water, in which the eggs were welded before.

Accuracy of execution - the key to success

Studying folk recipes or choosing one of the modern chemicals For cleaning, it is important to remember about one simple rule.

It is necessary first of all to familiarize yourself with the process theoretically. And embarking on its implementation, it is necessary to clearly observe each step from the entire action algorithm.

How to clean cutlery from Melchior to restore their coating? Conventional washing will not remove the dark plaque and divorces. I know methods and means that effectively remove pollution on this alloy.

Features alloy: why darkens

Beautiful "white copper" was created two thousand years ago. Melchior is an ancient alloy of red copper and nickel, technologically improved by interspersed by manganese and iron. Now it is enriched with zinc, sometimes silver.

The composition of the alloy determines the properties of the metal, which must be considered when cleaning:

  • it is possible hot treatment (Melchior alloys - solid solutions);
  • resistance to soda, but not to abrasive substances;
  • mechanical and corrosion strength;
  • fast cleaning;
  • perfect polishing.

Causes of surface darkening

Dark raid on Melchior Products (Patina) arises due to metal oxidation in wet air. This happens regardless of whether you use the devices or not. But with the active operation of the devices from the melchior, the divorces are added. This oxidation raid is harmful to health.

Methods of recovery of devices

Consider how to clean Melchior spoons at home. This procedure is similar to conventional silver care:

  • soakin clean warm water;
  • washing with a soft sponge with elimination;
  • cleaning Melchior At home, armored means or special preparations.

Special cleaning products

Jewelry stores sell special cleansing wet wipes, pasta for silver and melchior. Although spoons and plugs with an intricate patterned decor are easier to clean with a special liquid, and not paste. It will penetrate all the design curls and return the shine even where it is not to get a brush.

If you want to use professional means - Purchase and follow the recommendations: Instructions on the package usually tells about the rules of cleaning, and brilliant result guarantees the manufacturer.

Fans of home inexpensive techniques will be useful - folk ways.

Effective folk methods

Time-tested and personally, folk versions, how to clean Melchior spoons at home, most of their inexpensive and completely uncomplicated.

4 ways to get rid of a dark fly

Illustration Cleaning recipes

Method 1. Sodium sulfate
  1. Drug is driving warm water (1:3).
  2. Mixed tampon process products.
  3. After a couple of minutes, the shine is already noticeable: the solution reacts with a dark patina.
  4. Next, melchive cutlery rinse with soap water, then running.
  5. Wipet cotton wipes.

Method 2. Summer Alcohol
  1. Rubber gloves protect the skin - work carefully, (can be without a sponge).
  2. A weak solution of ammonia and warm water will eliminate the patina - just rinse them the devices.
  3. Remove the Valley traces under running water.
  4. Then wipe the devices with flannel napkin or soft cotton towel.

Method 3. Toothpaste

The paste simplifies the cleaning of the Melchior. Do not use whitening (with abrasive particles):

  1. Pasta will squeeze on the tampon.
  2. Polish the surface of the spoon, knife.
  3. Rock pasta.
Method 4. Small salt

Salt will help clean Melchior spoons with a slightly noticeable dark rode:

  1. Divide 50 g in 1 liters of warm water. Unwanted scratches will appear only from dry salt.
  2. Put the rubber gloves - they will protect their hands from irritation.
  3. Soak the appliances and leave half an hour.
  4. Wash the spoon in this water with a sponge.
  5. Sighten these products with cold water.


Effective patina and simple remedy - small-crystalline sodium bicarbonate (food soda).

Recipe 1. Food Soda + Salt:

  • In a liter of water, dissolve on a spoonful of food soda and salt.
  • This solution is pouring into an enameled pelvis or a glass baggage, at the bottom of which is a culinary foil.
  • Top on the foil fold spoons, knives, forks.
  • Different hot solution to cover the devices.
  • Then 15 minutes grate the pelvis on a very weak fire (or bakingbed in the oven).
  • After cooling the devices simply remove from the solution. They will gline like new, and Patina and divorces will disappear.
  • Now the flannel neatly polish them.

Gold plated Melchior devices can not be cleaned with soda salt. This tool will destroy beautiful gilt.

In the photo - cleaning soda. For gold-plated devices from Melchior, this way cannot be applied - the metal will spoil the metal

Recipe 2. Powder:

This method is considered more time-consuming - mechanical cleaning of soda powder (wet, and not dissolved). Nevertheless, it is better to supplement such an option with soaking, because the embossed release does not succumb to cleaning. But if you want to leave a patina on the keys (handles) as a manifestation of noble antiquity, then this method will fit.

Traditional folk methods

For owners of Melchior Products, we offer the following home recipes, which use conventional sweater ingredients in the kitchen. A simple instruction of their application attracts its availability.

  1. Potatoes. The simplest melchior cleaning agent is hot water where potatoes were cooked. In the washed after cooking potatoes, the liquid should be folded, knives, forks and leave these devices there overnight. In the morning they will not have patinas.

  1. A piece of chalk. Slightly darkened surface will punish ordinary chalk. It must be crowned into the smallest powder and graze spoons. However, not confused particles can scratch the surface. Therefore, before cleaning with chalk, you should make sure there is no lack of grains.

  1. Eggshell. Shell 5 eggs need finely crowded. This powder is pouring water to boil, put the devices in boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, and after cooling to wipe the towel.

Prefer wet cleaning in liquid without time consuming and dangerous for the melchioric surface of wipes by abrasives.

  1. Infusion of garlic husk - Verified old method for cleansing Melchior appliances. It is necessary to boil the water with the husks of garlic (the calculation is a spoon of raw materials by 0.5 liters), then put the table objects from the Melchior there. The longer the time will be carried out in it, the cleaner will become.


Now you can choose the appropriate method of cleaning the melchior and choose the optimal means. All of the above methods are effective and verified. For clarity - video in this article. All questions that have appeared in the comments, and if there is our own method - share with us!

How to clean the melchior spoons and forks from black

Literally half a century ago, Melchior cutlery were popular and attended almost every home. Today they are stored in many in the cabinets. Spoons and forks of this material are beautiful, but the trouble is that they quickly get dark, which is why the presentable species will deteriorate. To clean the Melchior from black at home, you will need ammonia, foil, dental powder, soda and other healthy items.

How to clean the melchior grease devices

Damnant under the influence of the Melchior time is not difficult to clarify. However, the devices are much more often not just dark, but also dirty, with the residues of fat and dust on carved patterns Handles. In this case, you must first wash the fat and dirt, and then engage in the clarification of the metal.

Do not attempt to lighten the metal, without removing the contamination from the corners of the pattern or engraving on the handles. On the clarified surface, dark grooves will be stronger to rush into the eyes.

First heavy dirt It is necessary to soften so that it is easier to come out. Clean better:

  1. Boil so much water in a saucepan so that it can cover all the devices.
  2. Add detergent for dishes or any other liquid cleaning agent. Lower all items in need of cleaning into the container.
  3. Leave the Melchior in the solution for several hours, from time to time. As you cool, water can be heated on fire, as in hot water Fat dissolves much better.
  4. Clean the rigid toothbrush. Increased fat will easily go away, and bristles brushes will help to scold the smallest deepening.

When fat from the groove is removed, you can begin to clarify the melchior. Although, perhaps after the previous procedure, the instruments will already acquire an attractive look, and will not need further processing. But for perfectionists and lovers, we all before the ideal, we prepared the following selection of cleaning methods.

Removal of black plaque from Melchior

The method works in the most running cases. Similarly, silver products can be cleaned. It will take foil, salt, soda and saucepan.

Your devices have again become like new!

Do not forget to wipe the melchive spoons and forks after each washing, since the metal darkening often occurs through moisture.

Cleaning Melchior Tableware Abrasives

Like any metal, Melchior is well polished. It's not about emery paper or rigid iron brush. On the contrary, such adaptations will only spoil your products to dishes, leaving them unsightly scratches. But light abrasives, such as chalk, soda or tooth powder - what you need!

Cleaning solutions

With a thick and moral layer of black, we recommend using a method with foil and boiling, but if the darkening is not strong, you can use further recommendations.

Small darkens will easily dissolve, if you lower spoons and forks for 30-40 minutes in any of the following solutions:

  • Ammonia. Mix porch with slightly hot water. Lower the devices after handle with a sponge.
  • Wine or dining vinegar. Prepare a solution at the rate of 2 tablespoons per liter of warm water. After soaking, the devices are also brushed or a cloth, and then rinsed under the crane.
  • Medical alcohol. Soak devices in pure alcohol, or connect it with water (2 to 1, alcohol most). After cleaning, do not forget to rinse the dishes under the crane.

These methods are good for periodic planned cleaning, when the metal is just starting to darken and it is necessary to refresh it.

Finally, the last two ways to clean Melchior from black at home.

Boil with shells from eggs:

Boiling S. lemon Acid:

  1. 100 grams of citric acid are in line in 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil, throw a piece of copper wire into the saucepan.
  2. Lower the products in boiling water and continue to boil all together for another 20 minutes. The intensity of fire is average.
  3. Rinse Melchior B. running water And swallow the towel.
    After treatment with citric acid, black will leave, and the molar fat, poured into the grooves.

So that the melchive products shone purity and did not require intensive cleaning, they should be careful for them:

  • Do not use for cleaning melchior spoons, forks, cup holders and jewelry chlorine bleach and any detergents With chlorine in the composition.
  • Keep the product, wrapped them in foil - so they darke it much slower.
  • Wipe the items dry after washing, keep in a dry place.

Here is perhaps all care tips. If you doubt any of the cleaning methods, try it first on one subject, or refer to the specialists.


Melchive cutlery will not retain their original shiny look - this is no secret. And yet they are not losing popularity, because they look no longer worse than silver. Until they darken, of course. Each hostess has its own secrets to bring such spoons and fork in order. I have my own "Gentlemansky set" of such skills appeared after mom in the servant found a set of cutlery from Melchior in a beautiful velvet box. To resist and not to scope was above my modest forces. When my acquisition lost its "face", I thought about how to clean the melchive spoons, it's good that the set of advice at Mom was also found. And these ways from the mother's "chest" will share with you, everything is already, by the way, tested for yourself - everyone works without damage to spoons.

In this article:

Toothproof, paste and food soda: Three - not lazy

Let's start with the simplest - clean the melchive appliances can be with a dental powder or ordinary toothpaste. On your cotton disk toothpaste Or the powder, if you took up the powder - the cotton disk is better to wet, then it will not hide, and selflessly three to the brilliance under the musical accompaniment of the beloved series.

Another way to train hands is a strong solution of food soda. In a small bowl, we pour some water, throw several spoons of soda, and this solution clean the sponge sponge spoons. Well, and about forks with knives, of course, do not forget.

Methods for lazy

When I was finally tired of rubbing, and the melchive appliances in my kitchen again acquired such a kind that a hundred years were lacquered in the earth, the mother shared the remnants of his "baggage", after overwhelming me lazy. As if it was impossible to tell everything at once, and not to giggle in a rag, while I leave on spoons of shreds of nerves and manicure. So, there is, as it turned out, ways to clean the melchive cutlery completely without effort.

First method

We pour a liter of water into the saucepan, add one tablespoon of the table salt into it and the ground shell of two raw eggs. After the water boils, put a melchior in a saucepan and boil a minute-two. Everything shines, no worse than silver. While your spoons are cooking, you can safely engage in other things.

Second way

Another "tired" way to clean Melchior: the bottom of the pans we drag the foil, we put all our spoons for it so that the water covers them completely. Add two tablespoons of soda to the water and put on fire. When the water boils, you will all see themselves - your cutlery will be blighted right in front. It is necessary to boil so much for ten minutes to fifteen minutes, and then slip the cool water.

That's the whole secret, thus you can clean the melchive cutlery, not even straining. Instead of water with soda on foil with spoons, potato decoction can be pouring. Boil may have a little longer, somewhere around half an hour, but the result will be the same great.

I hope that something from the above is useful to you. The main thing is not to share the secrets with her husband, then a cup of coffee with a cake, drunk after working with a friend, can always be covered with the phrase: "I am all the evening a spoon-fork dryel, tired - horror!".