The ammonia for filtering plants: how to spray and water the ammonious alcohol tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and other cultures in the garden and the garden. Amoymer in the garden: features of application and reviews how to spray the ammonia alcohol

Now they began to actively use the ammonia alcohol for the garden and the garden, and it is quite convenient. After all, most people necessarily include the ammonia on the list of necessary drugs available at hand. Giving a smelly to the loss of consciousness to a person, moistened in this "fragrant" agent, can instantly bring it into a sense. Yes, it turns out that the ammonious alcohol, which is part of the country aid kit, helps to solve many problems that occur in the summer during the active period country rest And during the care of landings in the garden and garden.

7 ways how to use ammonary alcohol for home, garden and garden

An aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide (the people speak simply "Salmonary") - a rather highly smelling agent and country Life He found a lot of applications, bring some of them. That's certain, "Seven troubles is one answer."

  • 1st way. Getting rid of red ants. Often in the house are becoming small ants. These omnipresent insects are distributed in the kitchen both in apartments and in country possessions. To extend to the ants forever, you will need to dilute in ½ liters cold water half of the ammonia bottle (50 ml), moisten a sponge in the resulting solution and thoroughly wipe all kitchen furniture Inside and outside, work surfaces, floor, not forgetting to push even bulky items. After applying the means, the room requires good ventilation.
  • 2nd way. Fighting the fault in the garden and garden. These voracious pestswhich have more than 2,000 varieties, are able to cause serious damage to landings and deprive the gathering of most of the crop. Tlimi can settle in the garden (the pest strikes the apple tree, a cherry, currant bushes, roses, etc.) and in the garden (most often the insect is distributed in cucumber landings in greenhouse and on open Groceries, as well as on the cabbage, dill, zucchini and pumpkin). To lime the tool, you should add 30 ml of the ammonia and 40 g of grated soap in the water bucket of water / washing powder / Tools for washing dishes or cheap shampoo. The resulting solution adheres well to leaves, stems and branches and destroys literally in a tall colony hours.
  • 3rd way. Protection of beds from the onion and carrot flies. The larvae of these pests that feed on the roots are able to deprive the gathering of hopes in a short time abundant yield Luke and carrots. At the first signs of the appearance on the beds of carrot or onion flies, the soil spill abundantly the next composition: 15 ml of ammonia on a standard bucket of water. After a few hours, the insecticide penetration is carried out to penetrate the soil. By the way, the nitrogen compounds of the ammonia are a wonderful root and extraordinary feeding of green plantings.
  • 4th way. Destruction of the Medveda. The pest is powered by the roots of cultivated plants, causing landings irreparable damage. If you have a bear in the garden, you should pour the soil in a solar solution in a time manner (1 tbsp. Spoon on the water bucket). Under each plant, it is necessary to pour about ½ liters of a sharp smelling fluid.
  • 5th way. Effective protection against bloodsowing insects. In the summer, mosquitoes and midges deliver dachesome many troubles, having a daytime work on a plot and relaxing after the work of righteous rest. To protect yourself from the annoying buzzing of bloodsuckers, you should dilute in a fleece with a pulverizer clean water and ammonia alcohol in equal proportion and then spray open areas Skin. The procedure is repeated every half an hour. The same composition relieves unpleasant itching from already received bites. By the way, you can still plant all sorts of herbs in the garden from mosquitoes (see).
  • 6th way. Fast stem. It may happen that during a plenty of feast with kebabs and hot drinks, one of the guests came up. In order for a person to quickly lead to a normal state, it gives a glass of boiled or mineral water with several drops of ammonia alcohol.
  • 7th way Cooking a homemade means for washing windows, we have already described separately, so we will not repeat.

It should be noted that the ammonia is completely decomposed in nature, without harming not plants nor living organisms. Naturally, if you do not exceed the dosage recommended in the recipes. The ammonia alcohol for the garden and the garden can be a "chopping stick", if you take into service with these simple tips, and you can quickly enjoy dual holidayHaving enjoyed harmony with the world around!

The use of ammonic alcohol in gardening is used for fruit-berry trees, floral and vegetable crops. With the help of a solution of ammonia, feeding, replacing nitrogen mineral fertilizers and eliminate the soil and overhead vegetable insects of pests.

Properties of ammonic alcohol

Naming alcohol or ammonia - a nitrate colorless 10% mixture of ammonia gas hydrate and water. The use of ammonia alcohol is known in medicine, thanks to its consumer, a sharp smell, which is used for inhalation during pre-corrupt and fainting states.

It is contraindicated to use the ammonia alcohol for various purposes to people suffering from epilepsy.

The properties of the substance are used in domestic purposes and when removing cockroaches. The use of ammonia alcohol in the country and garden requires caution. Ammonia gas is much easier and can break out when the bottle is discovered in a concentrated form, especially from the container, which was warm. Therefore, one should not bring an open bottle with summer alcohol To face, his pairs can be dangerous. Use the solution only in a diluted form, applying for a cloth or cotton.

With the use of ammonic alcohol in gardening, it is possible to prevent soil watering, increase its quality. A nitrogen compound that falls into the soil with ammonia, in vivo, it is possible only from processing humus or manure for several years.

Work with mortar should open air. If you get into the skin in a concentrated form, it may cause a burn. It is recommended for the preparation of the solution to use gloves and respirators.

Application of ammonic alcohol in horticulture

A 10% ammonia solution is a concentrated means containing nitrogen in a form that is easily accessible to plants. Required plants for development, they are obtained from the soil, including when making mineral fertilizerwhich are digested longer in comparison with the beneficial properties of ammonia alcohol.

Nitric feeding is necessary for all cultures. But most of all such cultures are needed in nitrogen as:

  • cabbage,
  • potatoes,
  • tomato,
  • cucumber,
  • beet,
  • apple tree,
  • strawberry

The lack of nitrogen is expressed in:

  • changes in green color of the vegetative mass of plants on a pale green or yellow, due to the delay in the formation of chlorophyll and violations of the photosynthesis process;
  • slowdown the growth of plants;
  • appearance of fruits small size or irregular shape.

When filtering plants, the effect of applying comes immediately. Available nitrogen shape is quickly perceived by the plant. It should take into account the high concentration of the substance and the need for garden and flower crops in fertilizer. The overaction of trace elements in the cultivation of plants is also harmful as a disadvantage. Therefore, the soil treatment with ammonia is carried out in limited quantities and only if necessary for plants.

Signs of nitrogen overabr:

  • plants increase a lot of green mass, the stems are thickened, a slowing down of the transition to the phase of flowering and the formation of fruits occurs;
  • vegetative plants mass differs in dark green or emerald color;
  • the resistance of plants for diseases and pests is reduced;
  • the quality of the fruits in which nitrates are accumulated.

For the balance of trace elements, after the use of ammonia as fertilizers, potassium and phosphorus contribute to the soil.

The solution evaporates quickly and washed out of the soil, so its use is possible up to 4-5 times prior to improving the state of the plant, with a break in one week.

Treatment of seeds

Seed treatment with ammonic alcohol is carried out for sowing material With a dense shell. Pre-destruction of the seed cucumber shell, zucchini and pumpkins, contributes to their faster germination.

For pre-sowing seed treatment with ammonic alcohol, they are laid in the tank and dripped for each seed with a solution of pipettes.

Treatment of seedlings

You can use the ammonia alcohol in gardening for seedlings of flowers and vegetables. When the young seedlings dries or yellowing foliage, the stems look thin and fragile, or seedlings stop in growth, nitrogen feeding is required. Watering and spraying are carried out once a week before improving the seedlings. Already a few days after spraying, the seedlings are noticeably gaining strength and acquire healthy, green color. The seedlings are carried out under the root, for which it is necessary to pour the ammonia alcohol from the watering can without a sprayer.

Fertilize the seedlings of the ammonia solution during its height at home and during the transfer period open sad. In the greenhouse, watering spend a few days after the transplant, when the seedlings are rooted.


Pretches of seedlings of tomatoes by ammonic alcohol are produced 2 weeks after the dive. A mixture of water and 10% ammonia is prepared in a ratio of 15 ml on 5 liters of water. Water with solid soil. Depending on the size planting tankThe amount of prepared solution is taken, focusing on the amount that is used in the usual watering. It should not be seeded by ammonic water and apply it only a few times for the growing season.

The use of ammonic alcohol for plants will help to prepare the soil for transplanting seedlings. The day before the tomato landing in open soil, in the prepared wells poured 250 g of the solution, which is prepared at the rate of: 40 ml of ammonia alcohol on 10 liters of water. This method, among other things, will make it possible to neutralize the place of landing from insect pests living in the soil.


With sufficient amount of nitrogen, the cucumbers grow smooth and in large quantities. Fucking the ammonia alcohol cucumbers are carried out both at the stage of seedlings and in the greenhouse. Seedlings are beginning to water the ammonia as necessary after the appearance of 4-5 of these leaves. In the greenhouse, the solution is watered no more than 1 time per week by diameter priority Circle. The solution is prepared as for other vegetable crops at the rate of 1 tbsp. l on 5 liters of water. For each bush poured about 300 ml of the solution, depending on how the plant reacts.

On nitrogen feeders, withdrawing the onions of Exibyshn, which is grown through seedlings.


Use of ammonic alcohol for pepper seedlings in open ground:

  • on the diameter of planting pepper make an earthen roller;
  • the soil is preliminarily watered with ordinary water;
  • for processing, choose a cloudy day;
  • prepare a solution at the rate of 3 tbsp. l ammiam on the water bucket;
  • 250-300 ml of the prepared solution is poured under each bush.

For room flowers

Effectively use of ammonic alcohol from midges in colors. For spraying plants, ½ tbsp. L 10% ammonia in 1 liter of water. In order for the solution longer on the leaves, the ammonia and water mixture add a household soap or a few drops of hair shampoo. Spray flowers and windowsills from the spray gun 1 time per week, after 2-3 midge applications disappear.

The use of ammonic alcohol for room colors should be carried out in the period before the appearance of buds, and geranium can be processed regularly.

Flowers at home are growing in constant soil, which is depleted as plants grow. Indoor flowers with a lack of nitrogen begin to wake, respond to weak, small blossoms and yellow leaves. The harmless and safe dosage of the ammonia for domestic flowers can be used at the rate of 1 tbsp. l on 3 liters of water.

The prepared solution is not stored. For processing, each time the freshly prepared mixture is used. The solution, in addition to fertilizer disinfects the soil, but not to burn the roots of the plants, the soil is watered soil before applying.

Use the ammonia composition for room colors no more than 1 time per month.

The use of ammonic alcohol in the garden is especially suitable for bulbous colors. Responsive for nitrogen feeds with ammonia lily, Clematis.

From pest

The use of ammonia from pests in contrast to chemical insecticides can be carried out at any stage of vegetation. Spraying is possible during flowering, formation of stocking and formation of fruits. Water solution with ammonic alcohol is safe for the surrounding nature, garden and garden crops. The peculiarity of the ammonia is that it does not accumulate in the soil and quickly evaporates.

The use of ammonic alcohol against the Medveda helps save both seeds and plant seedlings. The insect does not smell ammonia and crawls to the surface of the soil. Apply the ammonia to spray or watering the soil, including before planting. The solution that is prepared at the rate of: 10 ml of alcohol on 10 liters of water, is used at half a liter under each spore bush.

Safety of the hole by ammonia when planting potatoes allows you to neutralize the Colorado beetle.

The ammonia alcohol adversely affects carrot and onion flies. To get rid of the insect ridges, or lay a cloth moistened with an imminent solution of ammonia. After applying the means of the soil loose.

For spraying trees and plants from the thunder in the solution of ammonia and water, a soap part is added, so that the fluid sticks to the surface of the leaves and stems. The solution is mixed in the ratio:

  • 2 tbsp. l 10% ammonia solution;
  • 10 liters of water
  • 2 tbsp. L liquid soap.

Spraying spend on a cloudy, windless day. The tool with ammonia will destroy within a few hours not only to the TRU, but also pending the larvae.

To get rid of moles and ants, wetted the unrequited ammonia wool are put in the places of their appearance, which allows you to drive into the pests from the site.

The use of ammonic alcohol in the struggle for the harvest is available and efficient to gilders. Observation of plants, timely fertilizer and getting rid of pests will allow obtaining high quality harvest.

Ammonia alcohol - familiar to all therapeutic substance that is aqueous solution ammonia (10%) with a very sharp odor. In medicine, it is used to derive from fainting, calling vomiting, in the treatment of myositis, neuralgia, etc. however experienced dacnis know that the ammonia alcohol has wide application and in the garden.

Did you know? The properties of the ammonic alcohol first opened the Egyptian priests. It was they who were made from the manure of camels "Nuschadir" - transparent crystals.

What is useful to agriculture ammonia alcohol

Ammonia, gas without color and with a strong specific smell, connecting with water, forms a new substance - ammonia alcohol. This is truly universal fertilizerSuitable for feeding most slood and garden crops. Characteristic feature - Instant for pets and people. Also used to protect against many common pests.

Ammonia alcohol as fertilizer

Nitrogen source - beneficial properties of ammonia solution

In addition to medical properties, the ammonia alcohol has a whole range of other characteristics, thanks to which he found wide use in gloomy, where he acts good fertilizer For plants. Most often, it is used as a wonderful source of easily durable nitrogen - the main component of the organizer of plants, chlorophyll and lipoids. After all, despite the sufficient amount of substance in the air (78%), plants can be absorbed by it only from the soil, in the bound form.

Nitrogen fertilizers are brought to activate the growth of branches and foliage, and thanks to them the plant has a saturated, bright green color. It is advisable to begin feeding garden crops when they sign about nitrogen shortage with pale color (chlorophyll formation is broken). At ammonia, as a source of nitrogen, the onions, garlic, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers react perfectly. Also thanks lush blossom for making fertilizers of lily, geranium, clematis, hydrangea.

How to fertilize plants by ammonic alcohol

The ammonia alcohol can become an excellent assistant in the struggle for the harvest.

Surely react to the making of this Tomato medication. But only here it is necessary to gradually increase the amount of fertilizer so as not to reconcile the plants. The maximum permissible concentration of the solution is 1 t. Spoon of ammonia per liter of water. This liquid is watered and ground under the bushes.

The ammonia alcohol is a real Laca for onions. First of all, the substance contributes to the rapid and magnificent growth of foliage, therefore, the periodic watering of the onion with a solution of ammonia alcohol (1 tsp for 1 liter of water) will help the formation of strong green feathers.

In order to get large fruits, it is also conducted by a fantastic onion by ammonic alcohol.For this, 1 tbsp. A spoon of drugs is added to the water bucket, after which the mixture was watered once every 7 days.

At the beginning of the formation of fruits, it is advisable to feed the ammonia and cucumbers, therefore, once a week, an appropriate solution is introduced into the soil under the culture (2 tbsp. A ammonia spoon on 10 liters of water).

Supporting garlic with ammonia alcohol will significantly increase the yield of this culture. The plant twice the season is watered with a mixture of a medicinal substance per 1 tbsp. Spoon on 10 liters of water.

Important! Ammonia prophylactic feeders are carried out no more than 1 time in 6-7 days, starting with weakly concentrated solutions. Next, the dose can be increased if necessary.

How to protect the garden and the garden from the pest

What pests will be able to protect the ammonia alcohol

Plant treatment with ammonic alcohol will help get rid of such pests as:

50 ml of ammonic alcohol from Tly is bred in a bucket of water. There is also an odor with a smell on the grater on the grater, after which the resulting liquid is gently mixed. She spray plants.

Did you know? The soap is needed that the mixture adhered to the surface of the foliage.

The ammonia alcohol against the tli will not only help get rid of the insect, but also is a good dressing for the plant.

The struggle with the bear with the help of ammonia alcohol is that a solution of substance (10 ml per 1 bucket of water) watered cabbage, tomato seedlings (under root). One such processing in the beginning of the season is enough to completely get rid of the pest.

The sharp smell of "amazing" will also help in the fight against the onion and carrot flies (5 ml of drugs are bred in a bucket of water and water soil under plants). To protect tomatoes from a wire, 10 ml of ammonia alcohol is dissolved in 10 liters of water, and then the floor of the mixture is poured under each plant.

It does not endure the smell of ammonia and a hidden voice, and therefore 25 ml of therapeutic fluid divorced in 10 liters of water will help to cope with it. The resulting mixture is watered.

Important! Onions and garlic from the hidden chobs are treated in this way once a week, at the beginning of summer.

Very weak solution of ammonic alcohol (1-2 ml on 5 liters of water) can also be used for irrigation indoor plantsWhat will help get rid of small midges. In addition, the ammonia alcohol is an excellent agent and ants, and all that you are required - to pour an anthill with a mixture of ammonia (100 ml) and boiled water (1 l).

You can process the plants themselves. For this, 1 tbsp. The spoon of the substance is dissolved in 8 liters of cooled boiling water. It is possible to brew half an hour, and then the liquid spray the leaves and branches of plants from ants.

Almost all farmers with experience honed their individual agrotechnical techniques in the care of the garden and garden. Some become adherents to the use of chemical fertilizers and feeding for plants, while others, on the contrary, are trying to move away from the methods of standard agriculture by natural soil reduction. But this is the topic for our next article, and now we will look at the time-tested component, namely the ammonious alcohol, the use of which in the garden and garden, according to many farmers more than justified.

So it or not, you can check on personal experience! In turn, we will try to maximize the topic about the use of a substance called the ammonia alcohol, and its use as fertilizer for plants, or in the form of insecticide from pests in the garden and garden.

Summer alcohol and ammonia is the same or not?

Let's a little refreshing memory and remember school chemistry. Ammonia (NH3) is a colorless gas with a very sharp smell, which is similar to the smell of urine. In combination with water, a new substance is formed - ammonia alcohol (NH4OH), which is then widely used as a component of fertilizers in gardening practices and not only.

You probably already understood that the ammonia alcohol is derived from ammoniaTherefore, when buying a drug in the store, you can ask the seller to sell you ammonia, ammonia or ammonia alcohol. All three names can be used in the homing of gardeners and not fear to be misunderstood.

Buy the ammonia can be in any pharmacy or a specialized store. Release form - glass, plastic bottle With light liquid inside. Most often on the label is written " Ammonia, mortar 10%"Either" Ammonia«.

Summer: benefits and harm to agriculture

What functions performs ammonary alcohol in the field of cultivation of the Earth? Let's talk logically. Again because school program It is known that for good growth and favorable development, all the plants without exception are needed by nitrogen. Despite the fact that in the air contains 78% of free nitrogen, plants are able to absorb this component from the soil only in the composition chemical compounds. therefore the use of ammonia in horticulture, health guarantee, growth and development of flowers and cultivated plants.

Besides summer alcohol is used for spraying plants: garden crops, shrubs, colors and trees as a struggle with harmful insects. Lukovaya fly, ants, Medveda, Tlla, hidden windover do not tolerate a sharp ammonia and leave the loved habitats.

The advantage of the ammonic alcohol is that it does not penetrate the vegetable fabrics of fruit and vegetablesBut the fruits processed before use still need to be washed.

What is useful to amazing alcohol in the garden and garden

Benefit from the application of the ammonia is much larger than possible harm. Basically, ammonia solution for garden, garden and home plants is:

  • excellent feeding;
  • prevents chlorosis (disease expressed by the loss of green color, discoloration, gradual diefing of foliage);
  • it is an effective biocide capable of preventing pest attacks in the garden and garden;
  • components of the substance accelerate crop maturation.

Out of saturation with nitrogen can lead to the death of the plant or its burns in the case of spraying the above-ground part.

How to breed the ammonia alcohol for watering and spraying plants: Table

For the preparation of the solution, the ammonia alcohol is used 10%. When using ammonia water (ammonia 25%), the substance rate must be reduced by 2.5 times.

Falker of plants by ammonic alcohol: recipes proven time

Naming alcohol for flowers and cultivated plants can be used as feeding or other words of soil fertilizer. It is possible to produce soil in the period of seedling (software, 1 liter in each well), during the growing plant.

Ammonia solution Application for cabbage

Cabbage treatment by ammonic alcohol - effective method Recove it from snails, caterpillars, cruciferous fleece, cabbage flies and slugs.

To spray the leaves, a solution No. 2 is used (see the table above), for watering under the root, the solution number 1. Water not more than 1 time per week. Spraying is often one-time, as needed can be repeated again.

Summer alcohol as fertilizer for seedlings tomato and other grained crops

For the formation of strong bushes and the formation of large fruits to tomatoes, nitrogenable feeding is needed. The ammonia solution is able to give a powerful charge of nitrogen to tomatoes. It can be made, as when landing seedlings of tomatoes at the rate of 0.5 liters in the well, and if necessary, you can water the tomatoes under the root 1 time per week. For these purposes, use a solution number 1 (see Table).

Undercalinking onion and garlic ammonia alcohol

If you find that the leaves of the bow or garlic are yellow and twisted, then, most likely the plant flashes about the presence of nitrogenous fasting. In this case, it is worth helping the culture of nitrogen-containing fertilizer. For this prepare 1% solution of amazing and produce watering plants no more than 1 time in 7 days. The culture treatment is carried out by a concentrated composition described below.

Ammonic feeding for cucumbers or how to revive the leaves

Probably, in his practice, you have repeatedly observed a picture of the late yellowing of cucumber leaves, followed by their drying. This phenomenon speaks of the loss of the lion's harvest, so you need to fight it already at the first symptoms in the form of a light loss of color.

After the Escape reached 10-15 cm, it is possible to begin to feed the culture of a weak (1%) solution of the ammonia 1 time per week. At the time of formation of the barriers, more frequent feeding concentrated solution (№2 See Table above).

If you have noticed a clear loss of color on the cucumber top of an adult plant, then it is better to produce a one-time irrigation of cucumbers concentrated solution for emergency processing (Solution No. 4 in the table).

Important Do not use the ammonia alcohol in the garden and garden together with other nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Oversupply this substance Can cause great harm to harvest!

Fighting insect pests with the help of ammonic alcohol: is it effective?

On the perennial experience The farmers have repeatedly used ammonious alcohol to destroy malicious insects. This agricultural engineering is used to this day.

  • Drosophila (Fruit fly, frequent guest on indoor plants) - single watering with a solution with a solution of 1% solution (1 ml per 1 liter of water).
  • Medveda - Recommended 1 time per week producing soils under the seedlock of cabbage with 1% solution of ammonic alcohol. You can also water the soil during the seedling landing, at the rate of 0.5 liters of the solution into each well.
  • Carrot and leek fly - 25 ml of 10% ammonia per 10 liters of water. One-time irrigation into the aisle.
  • Wire At the pasture - 25 ml of 10% amazing on a 10-liter water bucket. Watering at 0.5 liters in the well when disembarking seedlings.
  • Weevil or hidden voice - 10% pharmacy bubble (25 ml) on the bucket. Two watering soil. The first processing of the soil in the period when the plants will be allowed arrows, the second, after 2 weeks.
  • Aphid - To get rid of thephids, you need to prepare a solution from the ammonic alcohol and economic Soap For spraying gardening crops. To do this, 50 ml of 10% ammonia and 50 mg of household soap for "stickiness" of the composition is added to 10 liters of water (soap is better to grate and dissolve in warm water). The solution is stirred and you can immediately begin processing plants.

For getting maximum effect In the fight against pests water and spray plants correctly, namely:

  1. Do not allow the composition of the seedlings in order not to burn young leaves, so it is necessary to water the plants.
  2. Adult plants also need to be watering under the root of watering, having large holes. In the case of the use of leaks of the giving moro, a large share of the substance will be disappeared in the process of irrigation, and this agricultural measure may not be unjustified.
  3. After cooking, watering and spraying should be done immediately.
  4. By general rules Processing the plants with a solution of ammonia alcohol needed into dry windless weather, in the morning or after sunset.
  5. It is recommended not more often than 1 time per week to produce soil with 1% solution of ammonic alcohol.
  6. Spraying garden crops and garden flowers Ammonia solution also provides extra-corner subordinate Plants.


Summer alcohol - universal subchart, acceptable to most garden and garden crops, as well as for indoor plants. Compared to other nitrogen fertilizers, it is harmless to humans and pets. Performing the role of feeding, simultaneously ensures the protection of plants from pests.

IMPORTANT Do not forget to observe security measures when processing the garden.

Many of us are familiar with the ammonic alcohol from a medical point of view. But not everyone guess that this drug can also be used in the garden. Recently, such an application becomes very popular, since its effectiveness is confirmed in practice. Many daches begin to be interested, how to properly use this drug to not harm plants, but, on the contrary, to have a useful impact on them.

Use of application

In order to handle cabbage, it is necessary to take ten liters of water and 80-100 milliliters of ammonia alcohol. The resulting solution to spray plants should be once a few days. But if the slugs have already wound up, then the solution can be watered directly from the watering can be on the kochan. Pests should soon leave your bed.

Advantages and disadvantages of using ammonia alcohol

Ammonia has become already truly universal garden fertilizer, and the benefits of its use does not cause any doubt. Unlike other nitrogen-containing fertilizers, it is completely harmless both for humans and pets. At the same time, the amazing is overnight as a fertilizer and a means of combating pests.

However, it has this drug and negative sides. Let's say during the oversaturation they may have problems with increasing plants. In this regard, it is not recommended to conduct feeding more often than once a week. If ammonia is used for treatment, then low concentration solutions should be prepared, and over time, it is gradually increased. Otherwise, instead of the expected miracle, you can get the opposite effect, and your garden culture Does not give you the joy that you have been waiting for her.