How to clean the melchive tablespoons. How to clean Melchior spoons and forks at home

Melchior spoons, forks and knives look aesthetic and presentable. But on their surface often arise dark spots, products fad. Do not give up the acquisition and use of such cutlery, because there are quite a few ways to clean melchioric spoons At home.

Pros and cons Melchior

"Silver poor people" is so popular called Melchior, a nickel and copper alloy. Outwardly, it really resembles a noble metal, and the price of products is lower below. For this reason, the advantages of Melchior will take its accessibility. Others positive traits Alloy:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • strength;
  • durability.

In addition, melchive products do not rust. But need to be hardened. Otherwise, after a short time, the metal will lose the original shine, black spots will appear on it.

Why Melchior Cherneette

Copper, which is part of the alloy, is easily oxidized. This is often due to improper storage, for example, when contacting products with chlorine, abrasive substances.

Attention! Wash cutlery from copper-nickel alloy in dishwasher undesirable. Otherwise, you have to break your head over what to clean the melchior spoons.

First on the metal there are spots of brownish color, which gradually darken and become black.

How and what can be cleaned by Melchior spoons at home

Put in order independently dishes from Melchior help special means and folk methods.

Chemical method cleaning

Cleaning the melchior from black is due to the chemical reaction. All options listed below are tested by time, are safe.

Mechanical cleaning method

There will be patience.

Important! Too much melchive products are not recommended, in order not to damage the surface.

  • When contacting S. chemicals Take care of the protection of the hands, putting the dense rubber gloves: black oxide is poorly removed from the skin.
  • After any method of cleaning the melchive surface, it is necessary to carefully wipe. In the recesses and on engraving it is difficult to do it. Put the product on the towel, moisture gradually absorbed.
  • Store products from Melchior, which do not use regularly, you need correctly. To protect alloy from contact with air, each spoon, plug, knife separately wrap into polyethylene or foil, clean the box with a tightly closing lid. Of course, the devices must be clean and dry.
  • Before cleaning Melchior spoons from the fall, rinse them with ordinary soap to remove the fatty film from food.
  • The method using the ammonic alcohol is not suitable for products decorated with a stone: alcohol can harm their structure and dissolve the fastening adhesive base.
  • Clean and wipe the Melchior preferably suede, which greatly polishes the product.
  • Do not wash and do not rinse the copper-nickel alloy with hot water.

Return to the former attractiveness can be valuable in the jewelry workshop. But is it worth spending money for specialist services, if you now know a lot simple waysthan to clean Melchive appliances. Correct and clean the products from the alloy, and you will use it for a long time.

The popularity of the use of melchior cutlery came to us from Soviet Union. But, unfortunately, products from Melchior are not released from the middle of the last century, they were replaced with similar alloys. Real Melchior devices are transmitted from generation to generation along with secrets for proper storage and care. In those days, the feeding of unclean spoons and forks to the table was always considered a bad tone. Therefore, if your favorite spoons darkened, you need to immediately give them presentable appearance. It is quite simple to clean Melchior spoons, and many really useful folk recipes come to the rescue.

What is Melchior and why does he darken?
Melchior is an alloy of various metals: red copper, nickel, zinc and silver. In the future, ready-made devices and dishes are covered with silver. If with the time of the silver layer sweeps, then such a dishes can be reopened, and it will be like new. Products from Melchior have property to darken, which is caused high humidity Premises where it is stored.

Melchior spoons and forks take food much more pleasant than steel and aluminum. Yes, and guests can be pleasantly surprised, laying up beautiful silverware on the table. In addition, you can feel like a real aristocrat, a member of the spoon with a flag from Melchior.

Methods of cleaning melchior spoons
It is necessary to clean the melchive spoons very carefully, without using abrasive tools. The methods of cleaning spoons from the plaque are not reading, and they all came from the people:

  1. Sodo-salt solution, for the preparation of which you need:
    • pan;
    • foil;
    • water;
    • salt and soda 2 tbsp.
    Foil is put on the bottom of the pan and melchior spoons are put on it, poured with a small amount of water (to cover the spoons) and fall asleep into the pan soda and salt. The saucepan is made to heat up on the stove, about 15 minutes, before the dissolution of salt and soda. Spoons during this time will get initial shine. After the procedure, they need to rinse flowing water And wipe it dry.
  2. Pastache:
    • pasta;
    • water.
    Boil water and pour pasta. Boil them, stirring with melchior spoons or lower them for a time in the decoction, without getting pasta. Spoons are quickly cleaned from the darkening, but the pasta should be thrown away. Spoons with black in this way it is better not to clean.
  3. Ammonia.
    What just does not clean ammoniaThey can even clean Melchior spoons. For this, the spoon is lowered into the ammonia alcohol, then rinsed and wipe dry.
  4. Decoration from the shell of raw eggs:
    • shell 2 eggs;
    • 1 liter of water.
    Shell is poured with water and bring to a boil. Melchior spoons are put into the resulting decoction for 2 minutes, after which they are rinsed and wipe dry.
  5. Decoration of garlic husk.

    If you use the devices from Melchior, then do not throw a garlic husk. She can also clean Melchior spoons. From how much swelling is strong, the amount of husk depends. It must be poured with water and bring to a boil. Put in the decoction of a spoon and boil until they look. After the procedure, they are also rinsed and wipe.

  6. Toothpaste or dental powder.
    In this way, it is necessary to clean the melchive spoons very carefully, since mechanical friction can disrupt the silver coating. However, people use this way, it means it is effective.
  7. Potatoes.
    Dammed spoons can be lowered for several hours into the water, where peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes. Or boil potatoes, and put appliances in the resulting broth. You can also put spoons in the grated potato cleaner, only crude. The method of using potatoes in the people is called the most soft and safe.
  8. Special Funds, Silver Cleaning Services
    You can go to the store and purchase a special tool for cleaning such products. Fortunately, today to find them is not a problem. And you can attribute darkened spoons to the master, which is engaged in cleaning silver products. In addition, even some jewelry stores practice such a service as cleaning gold and silver.
How to store cutlery from Melchior?
If it is properly to store Melchior spoons and other devices, you can avoid such trouble as their blaracing:
  • it is not a spoon from the melchior to store together with the usual, it is better to use special boxes for storage;
  • store products should be wrapped in paper, food film or foil; Paper will take excess moisture, film and foil will prevent air interaction with the product;
  • after using melchior spoons, they should be washed and rinsed in soda solution, as well as wipe on a soft towel dry.
If you clean the melchior spoons correctly, they will also sparkle too bright for many more decades.

Cutlery - important detail Perfect serving. Sparkling plug, spoons and knives excite appetite and raise the mood. That is why it is so important to know how to clean Melchior spoons at home, forks and other dishes and appliances.

In the cleaning of both the preventive and forced need all products from Melchior, regardless of the care, the term of use, manufacturer and other factors. It will be possible to achieve the desired effect, if you follow the recommendations below using the funds and methods of both homemade and industrial.

Melchior darkening: Major Causes

Dark plaque - the main problem of melchior products. It is impossible to get rid of it with a simple wash, albeit with the use of soap solution, and all because it is not just dirt. Rock on Melchior has a name - patina. The reason for its appearance is not forced dirt, and the chemical reactions in which the metal comes.

The process of oxidation is natural and inevitable, especially if the air (it is contacting it that the Melchior contacts it) contains an increased amount of moisture.

If it is not possible to clean the melchior spoons and forks from darkens in a timely manner, then over time the situation will deteriorate. In addition to the dark plaque, ugly green-colored divorces will appear. Instruments and dishes requiring cleaning, not only look not aesthetically. They can not be used due to direct risk to health.

As for the harm of the Melchior alloys for a person, in principle, everything is not so scary here. At the heart of the composition of copper - its here more than 75%. In addition to copper in Melchior, the alloy includes nickel, it is only 20% here. It is nickel that causes allergic reactions in people who are prone to them. That's just the amount in which it is contained in the Melchior Alloy, is not critical even for allergy. The remaining impurities included in the composition (5% -10%) do not represent any threat.

So that the Melchior with the gilded or in pure form did not damage the health, you need to care for it with regular cleaning. How to do it? Below useful recommendations.

Homemade care products: what to choose

Printing agents for cleaning products from Melchior are chosen for several reasons. First, most of them are available. Secondly, recipes based on them are safe. Thirdly, the effect of their use is really there, and tangible and persistent.

To understand how to clean Melchior, it is necessary to determine their character. Usually surfaces are covered with dark color. In second place in popularity - divorces similar to the traces of dried liquid. Less often, there are emerging traces of dirt and a row of grayish green.

In the fight against stains and a raid formed as a result of storage of products in dampness, the problem of the problem will be the usual table vinegar. They are wetted with a napkin from the microfiber and wipe the surface.

Dark spots and raid on the instruments, as a result of negligent operation for a long time, you can try to clean and with the help of food soda. For this, soda is applied to a sponge for washing dishes and process the surface without fear of damaging upper layer. As an alternative to soda, small sea \u200b\u200bsalt. In no case, using soda or salt to clean the Melchior, you can not choose hard brushes that can irrevocably spoil the metal.

A well-known way to clean Melchior - using food foil. It is neatly decomposed at the bottom of the tank. In the dishes lay out products, fall asleep soda and boiling water. A few minutes will be enough to ensure that the alloy joins the reaction with soda and raid from its surface began to move away. Once the devices and dishes are cleaned, they are rinsed and wipe dry.

To clean the melchive cutlery without foil, a solution of soda is suitable with salt adding. The main thing is to maintain the temperature of the water for at least half an hour. Such a solution is quite effective for conventional products from Melchior, but not suitable for processing dishes and devices with the addition of gilding or surfaces with black. Also, as in the previous cases, products after processing are rinsed and thoroughly wipe.

An unusual way to return the products from Melchior novelty to use against the raid and spots of garlic husks. The effect will achieve, if you boil the devices together with garlic husk for a few minutes. The saturation of the solution will depend on the number of instrument cleaning. The more products and the stronger they are contaminated, the more the husks need to be decorating.

There are already legends about the power of carbonated drinks in the fight against dirt.

And really "Cola", "Fantas" and other sodes are suitable for cleaning Melchior products. To brush the forced dishes or devices from the blackness, it is enough to rinse them with carbonated drinks with subsequent washing and polishing.

Alternative methods for "grandmother" recipes

To clean the Melchioric dishes at home from undergraduate means often use balances egg shell. The mixture formed from 3-4 eggs will be enough to prepare a paste.

Before use, the shell is finely tolver before the formation of powder is poured with water and put on fire, bringing to a boil. Melchive products are placed in decoction and "cook" for 5-15 minutes depending on the degree of pollution. After cleaning, dishes wipe dry.

Famous remedy for the care of precious and semi-precious metals - toothpaste. It can be used to clean the melchior devices of dishes in combination with cotton disks. The process will take time, effort, patience and accuracy. Especially difficult will have to clean products with complex design and openwork weave.

One of the outstanding methods for cleaning the Melchior Alloy - with the help of potato beam. Prepare it from potatoes in the peel. The products of Melchior are immersed in boiling decoction and give to get bored for a minimum half an hour. It is possible to boil the products without fear of damage until the tracks of plates and dirt will not be faded from the surface, after which they are rinsed and wipe.

It is possible to replace the paste with a dental powder, if it is pre-diluted in a small amount of water to the formation of a soft mass. For processing small details Use cotton wands moistened in a paste of powder or toothpaste.

Chemistry in the fight against dirt and plaque on Melchior

It is not always possible to achieve the desired result with the help of foil, egg shell and even vinegar with soda. In particularly launched cases, it is necessary to resort to "heavy artillery" based on chemical compounds.

One of the existing means is a solution of sodium thiosulfate, which is just to buy in a pharmacy. No less effective will be a solution based on thiosulfate divided in water from account 10 ml per 30 ml.

Before processing, products are washed in heat soap solution. Clean the surfaces are still warm with a cotton disk.

Proven way to return the gloss and gloss to instruments - electrolysis. We are talking about a galvanic cleaning method, which gives 100% result, but is associated with certain difficulties. For electrolysis, a working current source will be required.

You can build a device for such cleaning with your own hands at home. For this operate according to the following scheme:

  • glass container is filled with water;
  • place the products from Melchior there;
  • additionally put in dishes any item from metal.
  • the product requires a minus, to a metal auxiliary - plus.

Treatment time is adjusted depending on the voltage. The higher it will, the faster the melchior surface will be pure again. For example, at a voltage of 24 V, the products spoke with the purity of only one minute.

Industrial methods and means - what will fit

When "home recipes" do not inspire confidence or do not give the expected effect, it is worth trying special, designed to care for melchive surfaces drugs. With their help, clean the cutlery from dirt will be faster and better, but exclusively subject to the manufacturer's instructions. The most famous means:

  • Gel "Sif";
  • Emulsion "Amethyst";
  • Pasta "Pass".

Fast-shaped agents for cleaning kitchen surfaces made of stainless steel without abrasive particles. For delicate processing of products handmade Or jewelry use jewelry pastes that are not able to damage their surface.

As a more practical and affordable alternative to silver appliances, Melchior products are out of competition. Sets from spoons, forks and knives from this metal look solid and elegant, but only when they are shining purity, do not have plates and divorces. Save devices shiny and neat simply, if you regularly take care of them.

Rule number one for Melchior appliances - proper storage Exceptionally in dry form. Spoons, forks and knives should be saved in a clean and dry place in the neighborhood with the same Melchior products. Additionally, you can use foil or paper to protect appliances from wet air.

It is equally important to clean the melchior spoons from the darkening with the subsequent rinsing with warm water. In no case cannot leave the devices to dry in the dryer. After processing, it will be right to delicately dry up a soft towel and polish the flannel.

Instruments and dishes for special occasions are recommended to regularly polish and save in special cases, separately from daily sets. The relevant will be polished every 2-3 weeks. The easiest way to use for this special polishing paste. More affordable I. cheap analog - Cretaceous powder mixed with economic soap, grated on the grater. Paste, cooked with your own hands, process products, washed and dried.

Decorations and kitchen utensils from Melchior are distinguished by affordable and durability, but quite quickly subjected to oxidation and black. That is why it is important to know how to clean Melchior, and how to care for him.

What is Melchior, his pros and cons

Melchior is an alloy based on three components: nickel, copper and zinc. Sometimes some other components, such as manganese or iron include it. Melchior can be distinguished by characteristicresembling silver. This feature is obliged to his second natural name - "Silver Poor".

Just in case! How and what to clean the silver we wrote.

Products out this material Have a lot of advantages:

  • Low cost;
  • Presentable appearance;
  • Strength;
  • Long service life;
  • Rust resistance;
  • Low thermal conductivity.

But there are two big minuses:

  • Regular care;
  • Fast glitter loss and black appearance.

Now, consider how to clean Melchior so that he acquires the last gloss.

Naming alcohol or soda

This is the easiest way to clean.

You will need:

  • Warm water - 1 liter;
  • Soda - 50 g or ammonia alcohol - 50 ml.

Melchior cleaning at home:

  1. Dissolve food soda in warm water in any deep dishes;
  2. Make cutlery in soda solution;
  3. Next, we rinse thoroughly in cold water And wipe dry.

The ammonia alcohol serves as a good substitute for soda. These well-known means are perfectly cleaned with knives, forks, spoons of small contamination. Damstic objects from Melchior, treated in this way, will get a soft shine.

Decoration from egg shell for darkened products

Thus effective method It is even possible to eliminate all the solar stains and clean the Melchior forks, knives, spoons without any problems and effort.

Need to use:

  • Boiled water - 1 liter;
  • Celebration salt - tablespoon;
  • Shell of two chicken eggs.

How to Clean Melchior Devices with Eggs:

  1. Shell grinding to powdered state;
  2. Pour water into a shallow flat container and put on the flame;
  3. After the water boils, we sweep the shell and salt into it;
  4. Lower in hot water appliances and boil 2 minutes;
  5. Then we get them, rinse under running water and wipe the soft tissue napkin.

Removing dotted food foil

You will need:

  • Litere of water;
  • Food foil;
  • Salt salt - 3 big spoons.

Stages of work:

  1. Fall the bottom of the saucepan of food foil and put on it all cutlery from Melchior;
  2. Capacity Fill with water in such a way that our products are completely closed, then add salt;
  3. We put the saucepan on fire and bring fluid to a boil, boil 3 minutes.

In the process of boiling occurs chemical reaction, which is the result of the foil darkening. And cutlery, on the contrary, brighten. If you cannot clear the products from the Melchior from black because of complex spots from the first time it will not work, the procedure must be repeated.

Polishing chalk

It is possible to polish the table objects before the brilliance, and remove small pollution from them.

Polishing procedure:

  1. Chalk grinding into powder;
  2. Pour a bit of a driver to getting a viscous cashem;
  3. We take a soft cloth (without a villion) and apply a mixture on it, with which polishing the products.

If you do not have a chalk, it is remarkably a non-abrasive toothpaste with silicon oxide in its composition. It is applied to a wet woven disk, and it can be cleaned with melchive spoons, forks and knives.

Cleaning devices with gilding

For gorgeous items with a deposition of gold there are several simple methods Remove contamination. Consider how in this case grind Melchior:

  • Wash a piece of wool in a turpidar or wine vinegar (or a napkin in alcohol) and wipe the gilt. But it is impossible to rub too much - such products do not tolerate mechanical exposure, because the gilding can be quickly stealing;
  • We rub the flannel rag alloy with egg protein applied to it.

Just in case! How and what to clean the gold we wrote.

What to do so that on the nickor tables the objects does not appear black

How to caring for Melchior to provide products excellent appearance:

  • I wipe the knives, forks and spoons from Melchior is always only dry;
  • Products store in zip bags having a comfortable castle that will greatly save the contents of moisture and dust;
  • Cutlery objects need to be regularly wiped with flannel soft tissue, coarse wool or use a special napkin for silver cleaning;
  • It also works well for storing the appliances wooden box that closes tightly. Inside it is necessary to put a piece of chalk, which will protect the product from oxidation.

These methods have great efficiency and not at all time-consuming.

Cleaning Melchiorova utensils

Cookware from Melchior is cleared by the same methods and means described above. But what to do, if at the counterans, wine glasses, jugs, cups of complex patterns? In addition to the sponge to remove the dark layer of patina, two brushes or brushes will be required. One is an average rigidity consisting of piping threads, for rubbing darkens in complex patterns, the other is with a soft natural pile, to remove water from small gaps.

How to clean jewelry from Melchior with stones

Corals, pearls and turquoise are considered the most gentle and naughty in care. They do not tolerate foam, hot and soap water, alcohol, and vinegar can completely dissolve pearls. For such products, only one agent is suitable - it is salt.

  1. We produce a salt-strong solution without water heating.
  2. We put your decorations from Melchior to well salt water and take out after 2 hours, carefully rinse and wipe dry.
  3. And if after such a procedure to cover turquoise with a small brush with a small layer of animal fat, then it will greatly retain your original look.

Amber, moonstone, opal, malachite does not like moisture, but wonderfully wash in soapy water, into which an alcohol ammonium solution is added. Then they are quickly rinsed and rubbed a hygroscopic and soft cloth. For the Melchior Alloy will not hurt and ammonia alcohol.

Special products for cleaning objects from Melchior

To care for such products, buy household chemicals can be in any store of household goods.

  • Be sure to read the instructions and composition when buying. The most dangerous substances for tender coating are abrasive particles and chlorine;
  • Most Popular chemicals - Emulsion "Amethyst", Pasta "Pass", Sif gel. You can apply Fairy gel, which gives a good effect in caring for products consisting of precious metals;
  • According to external signs, the coating of melchior devices is almost the same as in expensive products. In specialized points you can buy a means for jewelry, which will also help support the beauty of serving items.

Serving items for prevention are washed in such a solution: on a small spoon, the shampoo, peroxide and ammonia are added to a glass with warm water. From this table items will glisten and shine. If you remove them for storage, be sure to wrap the paper.

Video: Method of cleaning Melchior in 2 minutes

In the attic of the grandmother's house, I found a set of melchior cutlery. For those who do not know, Melchior - alloy from copper, silver, nickel and zinc.

He durable and was very popular in Soviet times, since each table set of it was a real work of art.

That's just opening the box, I saw the darkened forks and knives. So today we will understand how to clean the melchior spoons and forks.

Why darkest

To correct the consequences, you need to know the reason. Why does Melchior darken? You can select the following points:

  • incorrect care, lack of proper cleaning;
  • excessive humidity, from which the Melchior is covered with dark spots and divorces.

We clean to brilliance

You can, of course, run into the department household chemicals And buy special cleansing products there, but now I know how to clean the melchior spoons at home.

  • You need to take 50 grams of ordinary food soda and dissolve it in a liter of warm water. To wash the cutlery and rinse in cold water.
And now attention! In no case, do not leave the melchive dishes to dry in wet. From this stain and divorces will appear again. Soft, absorbent moisture with a towel, wipe the spoon and forks, only then they can be removed.
  • Not bad copes with dark spots and divorces of ammonia alcohol. It is necessary to dissolve a small amount of this means in warm water and wash the instruments with a solution. After that, rinse in running water and wipe dry with a towel.

  • Do not everyone know how to clean the melchive spoons with a decoction of the eggshell. This method used my grandmother. She took shell from two eggs, crushed her, poured a liter of water and put on fire. After the water began to boil, the grandmother lowered the Melchior cutlery on the bottom and the pair of boiling was boiled. Then washed with water and wiped dry.
  • With small contaminants, take the usual chalk, grind it and wipe it cutlery with a suede cloth.
For those who need to pump biceps, I propose an easy way to clean the Melchior. We take tooth powder or paste, applied to a wet woven disk and three until it takes.
  • This method is also for strong hands (by the way, you can attract a husband, referring to a fresh manicure). Several tablespoons of food soda need to be filled into a small bowl with warm water. Now the rough side of the sponge three cutlery.
  • You can boil cutlery with garlic husk. Remember: the longer boils, the more intense will be cleaning.

How to clean the Melchior spoons in Foil, I already found out from my mother.

Bottom aluminum pot Ship out the usual light foil, put all cutlery on it and fill with water so that it completely covered them. Now pour two tablespoons of soda and put on fire. Boil 10-15 minutes and slip cold water. Your devices will sparkle again!

And if you have a very chic set of cutlery with gold spraying, then you know how to clean the melchive spoons with gilding, you just need.

Slide with gilding dust and wipe with a piece of cotton wool moistened in wine vinegar or turpentar. You can also grasp the Melchior devices with the gilded egg protein, applied to the flannel rag.


So, what can and can not be done with melchior dotable appliances:

  • Water with soda can be replaced by a potato decoction, which spoons poured onto the foil.
  • Wipe the stains on the instruments of the cloth, in advance moistened in the warm vinegar, and then rinse under water.
  • To simply refresh the devices, rinse them in soapy water. To do this, take 50 grams of soap per liter of water.
  • Store Melchior devices in food film without air access. So they retain their appearance longer.
  • If the contamination is minor, it will be enough to wipe the melchior devices with a rag moistened in alcohol or vodka.
  • You can not wash such things in the dishwasher.
  • It is impossible to use substances containing chlorine when cleaning.
  • You can use special means for cleaning jewelry.
  • Remember, Melchior devices should be wiped dry.