Tasya full full. Taiful name

Want to know what awaits a girl with such a rare and mysterious name, what unites people wearing it? Today, the topic of our article Taisiya: the meaning of the name, the nature and fate, which expects a girl in the future. Let's start, as in other articles from the history of its origin ...

Surprisingly, the name of Taisiya has Greech-Egyptian roots.

History name

Translated from the ancient Greek "Taisiya" means "dedicated to Iside".

Isis was one of the most revered goddesses Ancient Egypt, personification of femininity and motherhood. Her name is translated as "fertile."

Description of personality

This woman does not know how to make compromises, it is pretty categorical in his judgments and estimates, well dismantled in people, so at the first acquaintance quite quickly makes up his opinion about a person and then rarely changes it. If she did not like her, further communication with him is unlikely to continue.

To the strengths of the character of Taiii can be attributed:

  • Independence;
  • Independence;
  • Originality;
  • Honesty;
  • Perseverance;
  • Ability to understand people;

Friends and loved ones can always count on the advice and participation of Taisi

In relations with people, it is reasonable and balanced, since it is not openly demonstrating emotions in her character, she is secretive in nature. However, if the girl declines or something contradicts its principles, it can easily chase and express frank its point of view.

In general, it is characterized by such a behavior that it can be silent for a long time, to save the resentment or indignation, and then overnight, throw them out to frighten them, filming such a storm of emotions to the object of his claims.

With friends, she is honest and frank. She prefers to express his opinion, even if he knows that it can not like it. The girl does not like to gossip, talk "from empty to empty."

In all in life prefers to seek herself. Many things are achieved only by hard work and the desire to achieve a goal by all means. On the way she is found a lot of difficulties and problems, but it rarely complains. Even close friends and relatives do not always know what is happening now in the girl's life or what she has in the soul.

Taisiya prefers to report his successes and already results achievedthan sharing problems.

Friends of the girl are not so much, as she deliberately limits the circle of people close to her. By nature, it is hidden and not located to frankly share their thoughts, only with close friends can afford to be herself, and that is not often.

The taisius is also enough, not everyone is ready to accept her uncompromising, sometimes categorical, habit to tell the truth in the eye.


The girl lives a bright and rich life, such as she herself for herself defined.

He loves travel, engaged in sports, gladly walks in hiking and loves seasonal activity. In winter, she rides skiing, in the summer - she is engaged in windsurfing.

Work and business

In student years, she is a lot and successfully learn, leads active public life. It can easily become an old-fashioned group or even flow, as honest, responsible, principled, knows how to stand up for itself and the team.

It will be best to realize themselves in business, it is her element. It can be called a classic business woman - the one that will lead the company, the team to success. With equal success, a woman can become director of personnel, finance, sales, marketing.

In cases and projects, stubborn and patient, she persistently goes to his goal, despite the difficulties and obstacles. Rather, they make her move forward even more actively. The girl can stand at himself, not particularly relying on support from.

Taiiya has all the possibilities and abilities to build a dizzying career. She has excellent organizational qualities, the ability to understand people, responsibility, perseverance, work on the result.

In this case, it is not important what profession it will choose, and the fact that in any of them it can achieve a high result. If everything is developing according to plan, then in the future, Taii has every chance of becoming a company director, it is absolutely on the shoulder.

Family and marriage

With all his male features of characters, Taisiya in the soul is romantic and is waiting for great love. Do not know how to reveal myself and open your feelings, it is waiting for her chosen that he will be able to understand and feel it, to penetrate the thoughts and soul. Only such a person, she is ready to meet and tie life with him.

Therefore, married is late enough and only when he likes himself and loved. As a rule, at this time she has already implemented a personality who has achieved great career success. At this stage, she can slightly relax, pay more time to his beloved person and family.

Applying to the marriage and birth of children consciously, Taisiya becomes an excellent wife and a wonderful mother. As a business woman, she pays a lot of time to the farm, but knows how to organize well and establish life. Her houses are always clean and cozy, she gladly take guests.

Children she raises in the atmosphere of mutual respect and independence. Already from an early age, he brings up personalities in them, which can and should take their decisions and respond to their actions.

What girl will be?

She is inquisitive, asks many questions, very independent.

Little Tasya grows independent, independent. Since childhood, she gets used to responding herself for his actions, and becoming a little older - decisions takes only herself, without asking opinions around.

The words "I myself" parents and close to hear from the very early age.

At a young age is distinguished by mischievous, tranquility, a tendency to pranks and leprosy. It is difficult to keep in place, it constantly comes up with some new games and entertainment, and not always innocent. The girl has enough friends who are ready to follow her and with pleasure to repeat all the practices.

In relation to parents behaves like a loving daughter, even in difficult periods tries not to quarrel with them. You can always talk to her seriously and negotiate, explain your point of view. What can not be allowed to communicate with her, so it's screams, then the girl closes, goes into herself, and next time to call it on a frank conversation will be very and very difficult.

With adults, she keeps good, but carefully. Before trusting unfamiliar man, even if a friend's friend is enjoyable in communication, the girl looks very closely to him. Despite his curiosity and mischief, she feels well and choose who she is comfortable to communicate with.

Friends, on the contrary, just adore Taisia. It's never boring with her, and she is ready to invent as many interesting and diverse games! Children are looking forward to the release of the girl into the courtyard, in line by offering her company. In adolescence, it will remain as bright, energetic and extraordinary.


In school, a lot of friends, but a lot and ill-wishers, especially among the female half. Not everyone agrees to recognize leadership for her and admire her talents. It is generally studied, well, but come up, then falls due to mood drops.

Periodically, teachers, neighbors, parents of friends from the courtyard, educators in her children's garden. But it is impossible for her to be angry for a long time, the girl does not do it with evil, but simply because she has such a living and non-unfortunate character.


Taisiya grows a healthy child, rarely sick in childhood, only periodically cold illness. If you start harding from the very early age, there will be no problems with health in the girl.

The female name Taisiya has Greek roots. He is considered to be dedicated to Iside - the goddess of fertility, but at the same time translate as a "wise", "late". The name Taisiya is found in the world under different sounding: Tais, TPP, Taisa, Thais. It came to us from Byzantium, because in Christianity, martyr and blissful with this name were very revered. Currently it is not very popular, but it occurs everywhere.

Characteristic of the name Taisiya

The name Taisiya gives his owner of a multi-layer and very interesting temper. Calm, judicial, soft Taisiya can show itself to the next second to show itself completely from an unexpected side, becoming emotional, bright, relaxed, a bit dead. Its energy is usually hidden under the observation observation - and this is noticeable in it even in childhood. Little Taisiya is usually so cute, smiling and independent child, which cannot but be a favorite of all others. It is important for parents not to break it, as she is able to show all its impulsiveness, determination, freedomitivity, which will complicate the process of its upbringing. But most often adult Taisiya returns the external charming and softness, behind which it intriguing hides mobility, riskiness and cat curiosity. In the communication of Taisia, nothing specially stand out. She is sociable, diplomatic, does not like to chop off the shoulder. Her friends have quite a lot.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Taisiya will suit the girl born under zodiacal sign Virgin, that is, from August 24 to September 23. Modest, diligent and loyal virgin is largely similar to the owner of this name, which under its influence will retain its practicality, insight, sociability, the desire to be needed, but at the same time it will become more workable, skeptical and vulnerable.

Pros and Cons name Taisiya

What positive and negative sides can be noted in solving the name of the child with the name of Taisia? Pluses are in the gentle sound of this name, its rarity and brightness. It is perfectly combined with Russian names and patronymic forces, has many cuts and dimensional forms, for example, Tais, Tasya, Tasya, Taya, Tayuna, Tayus, Tausush, Tasyut, Thai, Taska, Tayachonok. And if you remember the nature of Taisi, it is also different many positive qualitieswhich in general make this name good option In order to call so a child.


Tairi's health is strong. It will, of course, will be sick in childhood, but, in general, to the older years, you will retain a bivalveness, mobility, good physical form, stamina. The only thing that can disturb Taisia \u200b\u200bis nervous system. The owner of this name should be preserved from stress, as it is hard to endure failures and can worry about them so that it will affect her dream, appetite and heart work.

Love and family relationships

In family relations, Taisiya seeks to be chapter, although it would be much happier to be with a stronger man: soft enough to endure her impulsive outbreaks, but very hard to put it in time. Taisia \u200b\u200bis difficult to call a good mistress, although it is trying very hard and everything seems to be not bad. In the raising of children, she is soft and affectionate, but the desire to command wakes up her and here. The owner of this name is rarely bred.

Professional sphere

In the professional sphere of Taisii is close to activities where she could show their organizational abilities and communicate with people. For example, it will be a good music teacher, choreographer, organizer of mass events, manager, manager, restaurant or shop, publisher, stewardess, psychologist.

Name day

The female name Taisiya is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. It gives the girl with a decisive and uncompromising character, gives the ability to solve all the problems with its own forces.

Origin of name

The name Taisiya takes his roots in Ancient GreeceThe phrase "Ta ISIOS" is translated from ancient Greek, as "dedicated to Iside." Isis (Isis) was an Egyptian goddess, which was considered the ideal of femininity and motherhood. In addition, there are other interpretations of this name: "Wise", "late", "fertile".

The goddess Isis was considered the ancient Egyptian ideal of femininity and motherhood

Forms name

Taisiya's abbreviation: Taya, Thais, Tasya, Tusya, Asya.

Taya - the most common abbreviated form of the name of Taisiya

Reductantly-ladies: Toyuna, Tainchka, Tasha, Taisinka, Taisa, Tuska, Tastenka.

Related names: Taisa, Tais.

There is such a name taya
Somewhere in our town.
Like candy, it melts
I have in my language.
It is the fall of golden,
Well, tomorrow is a day off.
Come out more, Taya,
Get acquainted with me.
I will chat with you
And I spend the house.
Your feelings will experience
I'll tell you about your love ...
Ah Taisiya, Ah Taya,
Where are you walking with whom.
And my hopes are melting,
Like a snowflake on hand.


Church name: Taisiya.

Name transliteration, according to the latest rules: Taisiia.

In the passport name Taisiya will be written as Taisiia

For patrimonies, successfully combined with the name Taisiya: Andreevna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Mikhailovna, Nikolaevna, Romanovna, Stanislavovna, Timurovna, Yuryevna.

Table: Name Taisiya in foreign languages

Dates name and holy patrons

In girls with the name Taisiya, there are three saints patroness:

Dates named:

  • April, 4;
  • May, 23rd;
  • October 21.

Characteristic and influence of the name

Taisiya has an energetic and stubborn character, thanks to which it easily achieves the goals. The girl does not accept monotonous and boring life, prone to visiting risky and adventurous events. Active life prevents Tae to focus on important things. A woman has many friends, but also many enemies. The girl is not prone to a lie, deception, never falls to the gossip. All his claims expresses. Taii is good mental abilities, it stretches to new knowledge.

Taisiya does not represent his life without risk and adventurism

With age, the woman acquires secrecy and prudence. It can explode due to trifles, too demanding to loved ones. Petty, gloating and insidiousness is unusual for this girl. In Taisiya, there is a lot of energy and perseverance, it has a good imagination and a sense of humor.

You - Taisa, Taisiya, Taya
In this name, quiet mystery,
As if the salns are melting,
And the spring gardens bloom.
In the unsolved name of this
Warm wind jeaches about summer
And the dew is golden
Star Nambou over the name Tia.
In this behalf, gentle something,
Maybe white snowflakes flights,
Maybe a delicate flush gun
Maybe the call of the Emerald Valley
In this name - strong something,
Then autumn oak gilding
And empty eyebrows of unprofitable
Whether the river is the rapidness of the mountain.

Tereshchenko Nataliahttp://chto-takoe-lyubov.net/lyubovnyye-stikhi/stikhi-po-imenam/9822.

Taya was used to count only on herself, she is self-confident, friendly, but can, if necessary, to show aggression. Difficulties The girl is not frightened, she knows how to find a way out of any existing situation.

Taisiya got used to count only on herself

Negative Women's Quality with the name Taisiya is arrogant. It is difficult to approach her, she got used to communicating with the surrounding hassle, rarely monitors his statements. People can be offended by such rectinence and inaccessibility of the girl.

The main negative trait of the character of Taii is its arrogance

Fate Tai lies completely in her hands, the chief creator of his own happiness is she herself. The girl needs to work on himself, try to tamper his impulsive gusts, follow the "language", otherwise it risks to remain alone for life.

As the name of Taisia \u200b\u200baffects the character of the child

IN two-year-old Taya acquires mobility, curiosity and independence. My favorite phrase becomes "I myself". The child is interested in everything surrounding him, he asks many questions. Taisiya is nothing and no one is afraid, loves animals, knows how to take care of them. The refusal of the parents to his request perceives calmly, understands the words "you can" and "it is impossible."

Little Taya - very independent girl

In childhood, Taya is moving and emotional childShe does not like to depend on anyone, often shalit, which gives parents a lot of trouble. With unauthorized people, the girl behaves wary, but after acquaintance shows goodwill and sociability. Taisiy's friends are mostly boys, she is bored and uninteresting with girls.

Taisiya is friends mainly with boys, knows how to invent new adventure games

Tia is prone to dreaminess, often immersed in the fictional worlds. Girl knows how to invent your own adventure games that are interested in all surrounding it, children. For jokes, the girl reacts adequately, and for the resentment the resentment can be hard to revenge. The main mines of the character of a small tairia are selfishness, overestimated self-esteem and arrogance.

Taisia \u200b\u200bis inquisitive, judgment,
Good-natured, contact and smart,
Independent and confidential
She is fantasy.


Learn the girl is easy, but because of a non-permanent nature, Taya may never become an excellent. She has good memory and thinking that helps to receive high marks. The greatest interest cause humanitarian disciplines.

Taisia \u200b\u200bdoes not arise difficulties with school material, lovely humanitarian disciplines are

Adult, the girl acquires perseverance, energy, adventurism. Yunu Tai is a good sense of humor, she is good to others, loves to communicate and has confidence in herself. The girl is not subject to apathy and depression, is not afraid of difficulties, knows how to stand up for itself, showing physical strength and enviable will. Taisiya's problems perceives as a test that can help hand up. The girl is not prone to tricks and deception, will never be friends with hypocritical and envious guys.

Young Taisiya has a dedication, good willpower and self-confidence

Taya is trying not to show his emotions around others, there is tranquility, reasonableness and equilibrium. Depending on the circumstances, it is capable of becoming soft and affectionate or rigid and wayward. In communication, the girl is open and straightforward, can make fun of the shortcomings of comrades, as a result of which she appears haters. But Taisia \u200b\u200bfrustrates this little, it is able to quickly make new acquaintances, indispensable people for the girl do not exist.

Talents and hobby

The girl named Taisiya loves watching television series. Also, its passion is fashion. She can choose the outfits clock and pick accessories to them. Growing indoor plants And collecting soft toys or porcelain statuettes can be another hobby tai.

Taisiya is fond of fashion, before leaving for a long time it picks clothes and accessories for himself

Honey free time Trying to spend in a fun friendly company. In the elderly, a woman likes to reread favorite children's books, to acquaint them with their grandchildren.

Profession, Career and Money

Taisiya will be a good employee in any selected activity, it has such positive qualities as an assertiveness, activity and ambitiousness. The girl easily overcomes the career steps, even being in retirement or on maternity leave, a woman tries not to sit without a business and tries to work.

Often Taisia \u200b\u200bimplements himself in the profession related to art

Taisius carriers can often be found in art-related activities. They are suitable for the profession of a musician, artist, artist, sculptor, film director. Also success is crowned with a broker's career or a tourist agent. A subtle mental organization contributes to the construction of a good career in the field of medicine. A woman has good organizational abilities, but it's not worth becoming a manager. Taya becomes ulcer and arrogant.

So rarely meet the name "Taya",
And we hear it so often:
And the bird flock flies,
Snow falls to the ground, Taya,
And the leaf is spinning, fluttering, -
I hear the name it is Taya.

Topinchina Zinaidahttp://chto-takoe-lyubov.net/lyubovnyye-stikhi/stikhi-po-imenam/9822.

Taisiya can easily pull a large amount of money for entertainment

For money, the girl relates to easily, can spend all earned finances on entertainment and travel. It does not bother to buy fashionable things, her wardrobe is always filled with stylish new clothes. Azart makes a woman risk its savings, but it often remains in his own. In adulthood, financial stability comes to Taisiya, she spends the main part of the money to create a cozy and comfortable stay.


There is a risk that the child can be born with a brain's edema, then at the breast age he will have to move the operation. In early childhood, Taiy is subject to frequent colds, but if parents be carefully referring to the girl's health, it will not often be sick. At a later age of serious health problems, the girl will not be.

In childhood, Taisia \u200b\u200bis susceptible to colds


The girl has an attractive appearance and liberty in communicating with the opposite sex. In romantic relationship, she looks more like a man for her an important factor It is sexual compatibility with a partner. Taisiya is always in a romantic connection, regardless of its age. It is attracted by sincere, tender and endless men.

In relations, the nature of Taisi is more like a male

Taya - sensual, relaxed and passionate woman. It has great requirements for the chosen one. After a midwife spent, the girl does not show any caress, nor tenderness towards a man.

You are a goddess, Taisia,
And the goddess is given
Enjoy and beacious
And magic wine
Know friends worship
See the envy of enemies
And carry no doubt:
Cross of tired gods
Be happy, Taisia,
Be loved everywhere
Such is your mission,
Be a similar star
And shine in this harbor
At sunrise and sunset
To happy swimming
The world was sincerely glad.

Manevich Romanhttp://chto-takoe-lyubov.net/lyubovnyye-stikhi/stikhi-po-imenam/9822.

Marriage and family

Taisiya chooses a spouse who has a volitional character, nobility, honesty, reliability. He should also be a secured person, a physically strong man. The girl likes high and slender young people.

Taisiya marries a secured, reliable, attractive man

In the family, Taya will be the leader, to abandon this role, it will be forced only deep respect and strong love To the spouse. Children loves the woman, becomes good mom for them. Education prefers to engage in independently, trying to the versatile to develop his son or daughter.

Taisiya's own children's education prefers to engage in independently

Taisiya does not like mess and dirt in the house, but she does not like it. But to cook the girl loves and knows how. Often takes guests.

From delight quietly,
I repeat the name Taya
And, the excitement is not tai
I say "Taisiya".


Taisiya loves to cook

Table: Hang compatibility

Male namePercentage of compatibilityThe nature of the relationship
Alexander98% Each of this couple knows what he wants, both are trying to make efforts to build an even relationship. Taisiya likes the character of her chosen one, she is interested in this mysterious, unpredictable and wounded man. And he, in turn, appreciates its difficult character. Loves love to spend time together, they are interested in talking to each other, philosophizing and even just be silent. The marriage's conclusion will not bring any difficulties with a pair, their family life is filled with love and tenderness. Each appreciates the personal space of another and with understanding refers to the desire to be alone.
Alexei79% The novel of this couple tying very rapidly. Alexey is interesting to this artistic and charming girl, he wants to conquer her heart. To achieve this, a man performs romantic deeds, beautifully and unusually cares for the beloved. Sometimes a young man doubts the feelings of the partner, as their relationship is developing too quickly. IN family life Alexey helps Taiiy by the economy, wants to be not only her lover, but also a friend. Taya does not try to shift all financial problems to her husband and herself can earn, but wants her husband to surpassed her in the amount of earnings.
Andrew93% Couples may have perfect relationship. There is no struggle for leadership, everyone performs their duties. Partners of healthy evaluate themselves, do not believe that they are ideal, actively work on themselves and relationships. Family life is simple and established. Andrei provides a family, and Taisia \u200b\u200bcares for the house and raises children. So that the rutin and monotony did not destroy the happy marriage, the spouses should sometimes change their duties.
Dmitriy95% Thoughtful and sensitive Taisiya needs a reliable and strong partner. This is how Dmitry is for it. He is clever, causing, knows how to communicate with women. To legitimize the relationship, the lovers are not solved immediately, as a rule, this happens a few years of living together. The spouses are never bored together, they try to change their lives for the better, help each other in self-realization. Children will make this union even stronger and happy.
Evgeny97% Taisiya and Eugene are able to build harmonious relations. Partners complement each other well, becoming one whole. The straightness and society of Taiii helps her take the first step, which is able to appreciate Eugene. A man cannot resist this girl, so they are tied a rapid novel. Their family life is successful. The wife always supports her husband in all his endeavors, and he inspires her to be feminine and tender. Joint travels will split their union for many years.
Konstantin24% Taisiya and Konstantin are completely different to each other. A woman has a volitional and assertive character that scares and alarming a calm and power man. The chosen one seems to be a slightly accuracy and misinterpretation, so she quickly loses interest to him and disappears from his field of his vision. Marriage in this situation is possible only in one case: if a woman has a mercantile benefit, the presence of a man will make Taisia \u200b\u200bpiss and faithful, but on very short termAfter which the spouses will start quarrel and scandal, and eventually finished relationships.
Nikolai78% This pair gets to create strong relationships. The main binding thread is the intimate attachment of partners to each other. The sensuality and passion of Taiii fascinate a man, he wishes at any cost to get this woman, and its sociability and decisiveness helps in this. If the lovers do not break out after a short period, when one of them can get carried away by a stranger, then their passion will turn into love. The married life of this pair is filled with emotionality and brightness, husband and wife are becoming one whole. But the spouses do not give a little time to spiritual development, which provokes a quarrel in a pair. To eliminate disagreements, Nicholas and Taisii need to find a joint hobby.
Oleg96% This union can be called perfect. Before meeting with Taisia, a man behind the shoulders only one-day novels, but after acquaintance with this girl he changed, he wants to build a serious relationship with his chosen. A woman is comfortable next to this man, she feels free, the only and beloved. Family life is planned to this pair in advance and develops on a written scenario. There will be no unexpected surprises and unacceptments so that marriage becomes still harmonious, the spouses should be brought to the joint life of more diversity and glow of passions.
Pavel42% Taya and Paul are not the perfect pair. The girl does not see in a man reliability and stability, it seems to her that he is too inconstant to become her chosen one. Paul is also not admired by the character of a woman, he does not like her whims and nervous breakdowns. Most often, this union is destroyed after a short time. So that the novel ended the wedding, the partner should learn to work on himself and less acute to respond to the shortcomings of each other. After the marriage of marriage, Taisia \u200b\u200bboasts all homemade hassle on the spouse than a man is very unhappy, as a result of which scandals arise. This can be avoided only when the financial income of men will fully satisfy the spouse.
Sergey97% Taisiya and Sergey have harmonious and strong relationships. Partners complement each other well, becoming one whole. Confident and decisive girl first takes steps to rapprochement, and a man cannot resist such a woman. They are tied a rapid and rapid novel. In relations reign mutual respect and trust. The wedding does not worsen in a couple, Taya will always support his chosen one, and Sergey inspires the spouse to keep femininity and attractiveness. For interest in each other is not a UGAS, a man and a woman should be joying.

Table: Compliance for Taisiya name

Interpretation of letters of letters in the name

The letters from which the name of the person consists, impose a mark on its character:

  1. Letter T. Girl has good intuition, has many talents, sensitive to the world around. A person, in whose behalf there is a letter "T", tries to find the meaning of life.
  2. The letter A. Man seeks to constantly be in motion, achieve physical and spiritual comfort.
  3. Letter I. Personality has sensitivity, kindness and spirituality.
  4. Letter S. Woman tries to achieve material and mental stability, looking for his own life path, realistic looks at the world around.
  5. Letter I. This letter in the name develops a sense of self-esteem in man, a desire to get respect and love around.

Tia, Taya, years fly, sorry, but fly,
We have not been twenty years old.
Taya, Taya, how to be, I do not know, I, alas, I do not know
I can not find the answer.

Zavkin Valeryhttp://chto-takoe-lyubov.net/lyubovnyye-stikhi/stikhi-po-imenam/9822.

According to the interpretation of letters of letters in the name, Taisia \u200b\u200bis a talented, sensitive, and spiritual person who seeks to mental stability and the search for the meaning of life

Characteristic named in accordance with the time of the year in which the man was born

Winter gives Taisia \u200b\u200bwith love of risk and adrenaline. The girl is always active, trying to become independent. She has a good power force, unpredictable. A woman always demands return, believes that any good deed should be sailed in the same way. The family got used to take over all the difficulties and difficulties.

Winter Taisiya tries to lead active, risky life

Spring Taisius is open, sincere and romantic. She dreams of a prince on a white horse, a successful life and a happy old age in a circle of loved ones. The girl is used to living in the fictional world, a collision with reality gives her hard - a woman is experiencing difficulties in building a personal life and search for work.

Spring Taisiya is used to living in a fictional, romantic world

Taisiya, born in summer, has a patient, practical, reasonable, consistent. She lives on a clear plan, has good intuition. From the side, the girl seems cheerful and witty, but in the depths of the soul, it is touchy and vulnerable. If a man does not be offended by Taisia, she will be faithful, reliable and appeal to his wife for him.

Summer Taisiya has a patient and consistent character

Autumn Taya tries to seek their goals by any ways, she does not occupy perseverance and perseverance. The girl is often addressed for advice, listen to her opinion, in society it is respected. The woman was accustomed to the position of the leader, so chooses men who will not try to take a major role in relationships.

Autumn Taisiya seeks its goals by any ways

Table: Horoscope named

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAries sign gives taisia \u200b\u200bhardworking, purposefulness, ambitiousness and confidence in their own capabilities. The girl loves to dream, trying to embody dreams to life. Career I. professional activities There will always be more important for the girl than the construction of family idyll.
calfTaisius-Taurus relies too much on emotions in his judgments, she lacks restraint and wisdom. The girl often makes mistakes that regrets. With personal life, problems do not feel, the woman is easy to charm any man, sometimes it is too frivolous and affordable.
TwinsTaisiya, which appeared on the light under the twin sign, has a powerful energetic, which sometimes interferes in the conquest of career vertices. In family life, the girl also experiences difficulties, she likes to be independent and independent, constantly be in motion, to change something in his life. Twin Taisius rarely experiences true loveBut if it happens, the woman changes its unknown character in favor of the chosen one.
CancerA woman has reasonable, practicality, sociability and eloquence. The taisia-cancer is easy to convince others, she is able to impose their own opinions to people, but at the same time they love it anyway and appreciate. The girl has contradictory character, it can be cheerful, and serious, but always knows the measure in the manifestation of these qualities.
a lionThe girl loves when she worship and obey, she likes to hear compliments in his address, even the flattering. The very same Taisiya-Lion does not know how to praise others. To get the role of leader in the team, a woman will not stop neither before, can go to betrayal and deception. Because of this nature, it is not popular with the opposite sex.
VirgoThe knowledge mark of the Virgin creates a fundamental, knowledgeable girl's price, which has creative nature, looking for an ideal in all spheres of his life, trying to adhere to its own principles, sometimes to the detriment of its goals.
LibraTaisius-scales since childhood is interesting and charming, and with age such qualities as frivolity and naivety are purchased. The girl was used to trusting people than those enjoyed. She has to spend a lot of time alone, but a woman does not love him and trying to find a person with whom it will be possible to feel open and liberated.
ScorpioTaisiya, born under the sign of Scorpio, is afraid of betrayal, lies and bowling, does not trust and hides their true emotions from others. She says little, knows how to store secrets. Girl wants passionate of real loveIt has an excellent character for creating a happy and strong family.
SagittariusThe woman leads an active life, tries not to sit still, puts the tasks for himself and solves them. If necessary, always comes to help close, but can not achieve the same from others. For people, it may seem that Taisiya-Sagittarius is too fun and non-surgery, but in fact a lot of fundamentality and prudence in the girl.
CapricornTaisiya-Capricorn is an emotional, hot-tempered, sometimes aggressive person. The girl has a changeable mood, she easily changes the fun on aggression, which often pushes from her around. But people respect the woman for her ability to recognize the mistakes committed.
AquariusAquarius sign gives Taisia \u200b\u200bsincerity, sociability, respectfulness and brightness. The girl is looking for a man who will share her views and interests. It will work out good wife And caring mom.
FishThe girl has a sensitive and emotional character, always relies on a sound reason, and not on intuitive thinking. Taia fish is very hard to find a life satellite, as it does not know how to pay attention to important qualities in man and build plans for the future.

Photo gallery: famous personality named Taisiya

Taisiya Litvinenko - Soviet and Ukrainian actress theater and cinema, director-director of the theater, theater teacher, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR Taisiya Vilkova - Russian Actress Taisiya Povaliy - Soviet and Ukrainian singer, performing songs in Russian and Ukrainian languages \u200b\u200bTaisiya Shipilova - Russian model, actress Taisiya Rumyantseva - Russian model Taisiya Nedzvetskaya - Master of Tarology, practicing neurotransigngu specialist

Taisiya has a decisive and uncompromising character. She does not go easy paths, all solutions take on their own. At first glance, the girl seems serious and balanced, but sometimes she can give will to emotions. Subdued your nature reason, Taya will be able to become happy, get a family, get good work And surround yourself with good and devoted friends.

The origin of the name of Taisiya

The meaning of Taisiya
Amazing, striking, like a maritime goddess. "Wise", "Late" (Greek) Calm, good-natured girl, to everyone goes to his hands. Seriously studies unfamiliar people, long look at them. It is easy to upbringing, obedient and compliant. Among the peers are not particularly highlighted. Able to get along with everyone, contact with other children. Without tears parting with toys, can give a friend anything from it belonging. It is well studying at school, judgmental and inquisitive. Eagerly helps the eldest, actively participates in class life. Loves animals, can sometimes turn an apartment in the zoo: she has birds, and fish, and a cat with a dog. In the family, she is not alone - usually grows with the younger sister, it becomes early, raising her. Located to a disease of pharyngitis, a weak nervous system. Friends with boys, among her friends there are more. "Winter" Taisiya has a sharp mind. Brave; I know how to stand not only for myself, so weaker it is stretching towards it. It is impossible to deceive it, it thinks over everything for several moves forward. It is endowed with good memory, very attentive, capable of noticing and memorizing the smallest details of what is happening for a long time. Spring Taisius is romantic and somewhat sentimental. Already in a mature age, a fairy tale beloved in childhood is capable, collecting beautiful dolls, plush toys, long storing them. With the mother, the relationship is very difficult, to the father - spiritually closer. "Autumn" is a born teacher. Loves to teach, advise, sometimes, truth, too annoying. He loves to mess with children, obviously, because they are patiently listening to her. It is here that she can take advantage of his excellent memory and love for fairy tales. Taisiya knows the set interesting stories, excitingly artistically tells them. "Summer" Taisia \u200b\u200bnot only remembers fairy tales and stories, she herself writes them: she has great fantasy, the gift of imagination. She knows how to imitate the voices of acquaintances, it seems to transmit their gesticulation, gait, manner of behavior. Her humor sparkling, for each replica she has in the reserve of a joke. Loves noisy companies, cannot live without communication, a pleasant environment where you can demonstrate your abilities. Taisiya is very musical, maybe in this area become an excellent teacher. She is a direct man, does not tolerate a lie, he doesn't know how to lie. Do not like to complain about fate, although life does not indulge. Specively quenching conflicts, does not like the poverty, wovers. Constantly replenishes his knowledge, willingly share them with their neighbors. Taisi has many fans, but it is not in a hurry, trying to achieve something at first, to express themselves as a person. In the family life, Taisiya is usually happy, only "winter" can be married twice. Taisiya loves to cook, happy to spend time in the kitchen. Very hospitable. Loves sweets, but tries to limit yourself. Neat and overly clean.

Name Day: May 10 (23), October 8 (21) Name Day: April 4 (March 22) - Martyr Taisiya. 23 (10) May - Righteous Taisiya. 21 (8) October - Rev. Taisiya.

Numerology named after Taisiya
The number of souls: 2.
For the owners of the number 2, the insecurity in their forces, constant anxiety, faith in signs and even fatalism. "Two", as a rule, possess a very subtle mental organization, they are better not to disturb and do not disturb the trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, go away from problems. However, "Two" excellent team players. Any joint actions, in the working team or in the family are given to them easily and reveal all their most strengths. "Two" patient, but need reliable surroundings. The owners of the number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.

Number of hidden spirit: 8

Body number: 3

Planet: Moon.
Elements: Water, cold, dampness.
Zodiac: Cancer.
Color: white, silver, blond, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, Marcazit, Beryl, White Coral.
Plants: Lilia, Waterwear, Cabbage, Vasilek, Melon, Cucumber, Air, Pansies.
Beasts: Owl, Gus, Duck, Crab, Toad, Lan.

Name Taisiya as phrase
T solid
And Az (I, I, myself, myself)
With a word
And and (association, combine, union, unity, one, together, "together with")
I (ya \u003d a) az

Interpretation of the value of the letters named Taisiya
T - intuitive, sensitive, creative personality, a truth seeker, not always commensurate desires and opportunities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not infinite and should not be postponed for tomorrow what can be done today is to act, using every minute effectively.
A - the symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement, thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
FROM - common sense, striving for solid position and material security; In irritation - authority and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own way in life.
And - fine spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Externally, a person shows practicality as a screen for concealing a romantic soft nature.
I am feeling own dignity, the desire to achieve respect and the love of the environment and the ability to receive them.

I really like the name. Girls tanks, moms, girlfriends of Takeda, that hiding is the gentle name-hardness of the spirit, purposefulness or affection, obedience, femininity? Anatate for the name write different ... Is Taisii really have difficulties in communicating with mothers? I read in the "astrology named after" Paul Globa, that the first syllable "that" precisely and gives rise to this tension. What are all the same Taiii?

Forms named Taisiya

Brief form of the name of Taisia. Taisa, taja, Tasya, Taya, Tayun, Tayuta, Tayuha, Tayuha, Tayusha, Tusyu, Asya, Tasy, Taasyushka, Tasyuta. Synonyms named Taisiya: Taisa.

Name Taisiya in different languages

Consider writing and sounding a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write hieroglyphs): 大佐 (dàzuǒ). Yiddish: טאַיסאַ (T'ays'a). Ukrainian: Treatment. Serbian: Taison. English: Taisa (TAISA).

The origin of the name of Taisiya

The name of Taisia \u200b\u200btranslated from the Greek means "dedicated to Iside". The Egyptian goddess Isis (Isis) was for the Egyptian ideal feminine and motherhood. Therefore, the name Taisiya is also sometimes translated as "fertile". Affectionate appeal Tia is also used to the name of Tyan (mystery).

Character name to Taisiya

Determining and uncompromising Taisiya in life is not looking for light paths and trotted paths. Running from the ordinary and serm of everyday life, Taisiya is capable of risk. Independent and independent, a woman named Taisia \u200b\u200bhas a secretive character. She will hide her long true feelings, and externally will seem balanced and modest. However, time will come, and Taisiya will release its impulsiveness together with the storm of emotions. Straighty, Taisiya hates a lie, does not like to gossip and has the ability to calm the quarrels. In life, I only hoped for yourself and your strength.

Taiiya has every chance to build a dizzying career. An excellent organizational abilities, developed intuition, good memory, attentiveness, thirst for new knowledge make it an excellent employee. Taisiya has excellent musical abilities, so it can become a music teacher. Taisiya can realize his ability to share knowledge through pedagogical and educational work. The organizational abilities of Taiius allow it to try himself in administrative work.

Taisiya's mystery

Little Taya is growing very calm and good baby. She is able to give all her toys, never contradicts adults, curious and perfectly learns.

With age, there is a difficult character of Tai, it is hidden enough, and you will not always understand that in fact she thinks at one or another. She is a very strong person, likes to seek everything in life on their own. Its life is dynamic, not deprived of risk, as Taisia \u200b\u200bdoes not tolerate boredom and tries to live brightly and brilliantly. In this case, its character may not understand anyone.

IN love relationship Taisiya is never in a hurry, she wants to test his chosen one, see it from different sides before connecting his life with him. In marriage Taisiya, as a rule, is happy.

The feeling of independence needs her all life, she always strives to be self, has excellent organizational abilities.
In the life of Taii, many friends, but not less enemies.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color: Golden
Planet: Venus
A rock-mascot: opal
Plant: Mak.
Animal: horse-iNotor
Maintenance damn: decisive, striving for bright life, contradictory, independent and independent

Additional feature name Taisiya

Vibration: 97,000 heating / s
Self-realization(character): 98%
Psychic: Very often, Taisiya lives past, very tied to people and events, it prevents her to enjoy the present
Health: Not very strong, since childhood Taisiya suffers from colds, low immunity

Energy named Taisiya

Taisiya's energy is difficult to name simple, there is enough mobility, emotionality, but most importantly - there is a certain hidden spring, some kind of purely cat trick, allowing TACE at the same time home and affectionate and at the same time always ready to release claws. As a rule, a woman with this name has a very independent, but rather secretive character. She, undoubtedly, proud, but innate caution declares her not to advertise his spiritual qualities, so that with all his pride of Taisiya prefers to hold rather modestly and balanced. So far, it will not release impulsiveness to her inherent in her.

Like a cat, which can tolerate for hours, waiting for a convenient moment, and only the movement of the tail gives her excitement, and Taisiya can keep himself in his hands, that's not the tail of it, and therefore it is quite difficult to guess her true thoughts. However, such a predisposition still does not speak about the cunning of Taiiya, most often it simply concerns her diplomaticity, and the Tasya itself can perceive this its quality as long-suffering.

Sometimes she herself begins to seem like that she forgives a lot to people, moreover, even adapts to them, but when the bowl of her patience is overflowed, all the accumulated emotions and resentment overnight come out to freedom! So it turns out that there is no long-suffering, but only an ordinary secretion, because instead of silently to endure it would be possible to try to allow a misunderstanding in a relaxing atmosphere. On the other hand, such a character greatly facilitates her career, and before a certain moment and family relationships. She is energetic, knows how to be persistent, is not devoid of imagination and sense of humor. She would not yet postpone the solution to problems for later, do not save the resentment, and immediately come to any compromise, then life would have been much more happily.

Secrets of communication with Taisia

Taisia \u200b\u200bcan not be attributed to those women who have something on the mind, and in the language. At least, be careful with its apparent patience and serenity. God knows that she actually thinks about you; The most important thing is more important with her pride and with its witness to its address.

Name of Taisiya in history

"Tais Athens" is the name of the famous Roman Ivan Efremova, in which real historical events are bizarrely intertwined with legends and copyright. Nevertheless, Tais itself really existed - she was one of the most famous hetera of his time. In the book of Efremova there is an episode where the daughter of the hetera is recognized by the mother in the fact that she would have ever wanted to go after her footsteps; She is proud of the worship that men surround her mother, admired glances with which she escorted on the street. After hearing the daughter, Tais answered her:
"I want you to understand: to be a hetera is to constantly be the first." The hetera must have not only perfect beauty, she is not enough to study the art of love and seduction. It should be endowed with nature with the mind and the ability to conduct a conversation on a par with a man. In addition, she must succeed in several sports, and in some one - even exceeding men.

Thais itself has all these qualities: she walked perfectly, danced, was a good hide and could stand up for himself. As for men, the leaders of the highest class, which was Tais, chose only those lovers who felt a heart attraction, who did not agree to spend time with a man unworthy.

Characteristic of the name of Taisia \u200b\u200baccording to B. Chigira

Translated - "Isis owned" (Isis - Egyptian goddess of fertility). Taisiya calm, good-natured girl, to everyone goes on his hands. Seriously studies unfamiliar people, long look at them. It is easy to upbringing, obedient and compliant. Among the peers are not particularly highlighted. Able to get along with everyone, contact with other children.

Without tears parting with toys, can give a friend anything from it belonging. It is well studying at school, judgmental and inquisitive. Eagerly helps the eldest, actively participates in class life. Loves animals, can sometimes turn an apartment in the zoo: she has birds, and fish, and a cat with a dog. In the family, she is not alone - usually grows with the younger sister, it becomes early, raising her.

Located to a disease of pharyngitis, a weak nervous system. Friends with boys, among her friends there are more. Taisiya is very musical, maybe in this area become an excellent teacher. She is a direct man, does not tolerate a lie, he doesn't know how to lie. Do not like to complain about fate, although life does not indulge. Specively quenching conflicts, does not like the poverty, wovers. Constantly replenishes his knowledge, willingly share them with their neighbors. Taisi has many fans, but it is not in a hurry, trying to achieve something at first, to express themselves as a person. In the family life, Taisia \u200b\u200bis usually happy, only "winter" can be married twice. Taisiya loves to cook, happy to spend time in the kitchen.

Very hospitable. Loves sweets, but tries to limit yourself. Neat and overly clean. Winter Taisiya has a sharp mind. Brave; I know how to stand not only for myself, so weaker it is stretching towards it. It is impossible to deceive it, it thinks over everything for several moves forward. It is endowed with good memory, very attentive, capable of noticing and memorizing the smallest details of what is happening for a long time. Spring Taisia \u200b\u200bis romantic and somewhat sentimental. Already in a mature age, a fairy tale beloved in childhood is capable, collecting beautiful dolls, plush toys, long storing them. With the mother, the relationship is very difficult, to the father - spiritually closer.

Autumn - inborn teacher. Loves to teach, advise, sometimes, truth, too annoying. He loves to mess with children, obviously, because they are patiently listening to her. It is here that she can take advantage of his excellent memory and love for fairy tales.

Taisiya knows many interesting stories, which artistically tells them. Summer Taisius not only remembers fairy tales and stories, she herself writes them: she has great fantasy, the gift of imagination. She knows how to imitate the voices of acquaintances, it seems to transmit their gesticulation, gait, manner of behavior. Her humor sparkling, for each replica she has in the reserve of a joke.

Loves noisy companies, cannot live without communication, a pleasant environment where you can demonstrate your abilities.

Positive features name

Taisiya has an amazing gift to combine an easy attitude towards life with business practical aspirations. She has a sense of self-esteem, it is a few, honest.

Negative features name

Sometimes Taisiya is proud and impregnable. Its independent view can reduce the number of her fans.

Choice of profession by name

Among the representatives of this name, there are many people of art, especially artists, sculptors and film directors. A subtle mental organization usually foreshadows a successful career in occult sciences, medicine and especially in neurology and psychiatry. Whatever Taisiya chose, she always prefers to live in solitude, far from a noisy fuss, from secular entertainment.

Influence on business

Taisiya is unaffectionative, but also she in the end in a mature age is looking for comfort and is ready to spend inconceivable amounts for the creation of a homely coziness. Material well-being comes to Taisia \u200b\u200bwith a delay.

Impact name on health

Since childhood, Taisiya may suffer from protracted colds, diseases of the lungs, pneumonia, weak immunity to hepatitis.

Psychology named

Taisiya shows an amazing property - not only to be attached to former friends and employees, but also testing nostalgia in their lost past. Such strong attachment usually prevents it from living a full-fledged emotional life in the present. Next to her should have a person who will help her learn to appreciate the present moment.

Famous people named Taisiya

Taisiya Egypt (((V century) Christian Holy)
Taisiya Egyptian Fivaidskaya ((End of the III century - 340) Christian Holy IV century, repentant of the harlot, who lived in the Egyptian monastery)
Taisiya Litvinenko (Soviet and Ukrainian actress Theater and Cinema, Director-Director, Theater Pedagogue, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1988))
Tais (famous Athenian hetera, who used the favor of Alexander Macedonsky, subsequently the second wife of the Egyptian king Ptolemya I Sothera. According to the ancient sources (Plutar, Diodor, Sicilian, Quint Kurzi Ruf), Tais initiated arson of the Palace of Xerxes in the conquered by Alexander Persepolis (330 BC. e.). According to Plutarch, the purpose of Thais was the revenge of Persia for burning Athens in the summer of 480 BC. E. Quint Kurdie Ruf claimed that Tais and Alexander burned the palace, "Being Homel." In the pre-revolutionary editions it appears in writing Faida.)
Taisiya Povaliy (Maiden's Familia - Garyavets; Honored Artist of Ukraine (1996), People's Artist of Ukraine (1997))
Taisiya Osintseva ((1923 - 2008) Soviet and Russian neurologist, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Honorary Academician of the Izhevsk State Medical Academy)
Taisiya Burtseva (Isichenko) ((1924-1997) Opera singer (dramatic soprano), teacher, public figure, well-deserved artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1956))
Taisiya Kalinchenko ((Row.1949) often write and pronounce inaccurate - Kalinichenko; Soviet and Russian singer, actress, vocal teacher, associate professor of the Department of Music Education of the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art; Honored Artist of Russia)
Taisiya Shvetsova ((Row.1937) artist)
Taisiya Aleksandrov ((1909-1992) Mathematics teacher high School No. 11, the city of Yoshkar-Ola. Name Alexandrova T.I. Wears Lyceum №11 of the city of Yoshkar-Ola. In October 2009, the 100th anniversary of the birthday of the teacher, in the courtyard of the Lyceum, a solemn laying of a stone was held at the place of the future monument. The hero of socialist labor with the presentation of the gold medal "Sickle and Hammer", was awarded two orders of Lenin (1960, 1968), the Order of the "Hall Sign", medals, awarded the ranks of the "Honored Teacher of the School of Massar" and "Honored Teacher of the RSFSR School".)
Taisiya Vilkova (Russian actress)
Taisiya Afonina ((1913-1994) Russian Soviet artist, painter, schedule, member of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists, representative of the Leningrad School of Painting)
Taisiya Baryshnikova (1916-1989) Soviet volleyball player and volleyball coach, USSR national team player (1949), European champion 1949, Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored Coach of the USSR)